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File: 120 KB, 850x602, 1600128235371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26391860 No.26391860 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26391881

I want Watson to peg me!

>> No.26391891
File: 507 KB, 474x696, BASEDGIRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26391920
Quoted by: >>26392079


Looks really good

>> No.26391921

I wonder when we get that trpg stream collab Ina wants to do.

>> No.26391931

Why is no one subbing the new girls

>> No.26391967

Never judge a chuuba based on their debut

>> No.26391978
File: 25 KB, 534x248, lalalala lullaby coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for taking so long on this but there were other things I needed to do as well and I wanted to get it just right.
Please don't use it at the same time as the lap pillow coupon, that is a dangerous combination.

>> No.26391980

some bitch making a video about shark

>> No.26391983
File: 154 KB, 556x247, 1588197787594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love watson so much, if i spent a few hundred on her would she love me back? how do I show her my love for her.... on another note when new jp gens come out do you guys also waifufag this much?

>> No.26391986
Quoted by: >>26392146

Give them time! It's been 4 days.

>> No.26391993
Quoted by: >>26392146

I doubt it's going to happen any time soon. Ina herself has never even played TRPGs before, despite wanting too.

>> No.26391994
Quoted by: >>26392058

>lap pillow coupon

>> No.26392002
Quoted by: >>26392082

I smile when I see people calling Watson British after a 2 hour stream of a clear American accent

>> No.26392016
File: 511 KB, 1080x1699, 2233513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cooker of Chaos. The Duchess of Degenelacy. The Empress of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Groumalus of Glory. The Headmistress of HoloEN. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lady of Loquaciousness. The Mistress of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Princess of Passion. The Queen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultana of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.



>> No.26392014

Nice coupon, anon!

No and no.

>> No.26392020
File: 1.22 MB, 748x1060, 1571435940073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392134

I love my Reaper Mom.

>> No.26392029
Quoted by: >>26392080

I save every cute coupon I see.

Bros I'm gostlinging hard. Watching Superliminal and she's so cute and smart.

>> No.26392036


>> No.26392058
File: 16 KB, 900x400, 1600187216158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole this one

>> No.26392059

Who'd even be DM?

>> No.26392065

wtf happened? most anon hated her after her debut, literally everyone sold their coins

>> No.26392066

>if i spent a few hundred on her would she love me back
You already know the answer to this question. Not knocking on throwing a few superchats at a vtuber you support though.

>> No.26392068

Slept through Mori's stream, is she RP'ing the reaper role less now or is it still going strong?

>> No.26392070

Thank you, I do intend to use it with the lap pillow coupon, what are the risks of such combination?

>> No.26392072
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, 1600126302626.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392074
File: 698 KB, 1448x2048, 1599475234548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26392076

What I love about her is that it's like I can have someone that looks like a loli as a wife, but is not 14 years old

>> No.26392078
File: 346 KB, 1200x1697, 1593240882069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one Mori stream a day

I'm never gonna make it bros

>> No.26392079

why does mori get 3 pictures but the rest only 1?
that's pretty rude to the other girls if a popular holo like captain shows preference like that

>> No.26392080

I keep getting timezoned out of her streams

>> No.26392081
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1599788930566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna catch up watson's streams, please wish me luck. I feel an ever increasing hole in my heart. maybe it wouldve been better if they never came out at all.

>> No.26392082

She sounds like she's from the midwest too. The most American of accents.

>> No.26392083

Watch her later streams.

>> No.26392084
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394196


>> No.26392086
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1600082883036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the benefit of using a mechanical keyboard

>> No.26392087


>> No.26392089

NIce writeup, is she an indie?

>> No.26392090

Is there a coupon book somewhere?
You know, just so I have them all easily accessable once her stream starts to put in the machine?

>> No.26392094
File: 480 KB, 960x540, o3ae9gpu4ul51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please take care of yourself, anon. Your favorite Vtuber wants you to wash yourself, eat healthy, exercise and sleep well. They don't mind if you watch in archive so try not to base your schedule around five people. That's difficult! Take care of yourself!

>> No.26392096
Quoted by: >>26394008

clack sounds are cool

>> No.26392099

money doesn't get you vtuber love, it's memes that what get them to love you
also becoming a very funny/entertaining male vtuber who says [insert vtuber here] is what inspired them, works surprisingly well

>> No.26392097

Wait until she releases the songs and next week will be better deadbeat bud.

>> No.26392103

she's the best girl

>> No.26392104

Anon what I'm saying is if the Japanese consider lolicon pedophilia wouldn't a lolituber be pandering to pedos. If a Japanese company considers lolicon=pedophilia wouldn't they be pandering to pedophiles by pandering to lolicons.

I don't even think there is a problem with pandering to them I'm just posing the question. Since I knew someone would say lolicons aren't considered pedos in Japan I linked of video of Japanese people saying that lolicon is pedophilia.

>> No.26392105

whats the next stream

>> No.26392106


>> No.26392107

i love watson so much man....

>> No.26392109
File: 212 KB, 251x368, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for helping with the investigation!!
4 hours before SUPERLIMINAL part2 stream!!
8 hours before Answering Marshmallow questions!!

>> No.26392110
File: 148 KB, 398x379, 1597819500237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura hasn't announced stream yet

>> No.26392111
Quoted by: >>26392227

I want holo EN to play vermintide!

>> No.26392115

Its Marine. She's thirsty for Mori's design.

>> No.26392116
Quoted by: >>26392179

A sad bone that you can't deal with.

>> No.26392119

i want to overdose on lamyflu

>> No.26392121


>> No.26392124
File: 774 KB, 949x766, AAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry watson i cant do it, i hope youll still love me

>> No.26392126

It feels nice

>> No.26392128

She mixes it into talking about her actual life, but it's in a clever way

>> No.26392129

All of this was a mistake.
But I still like HoloEN members!

>> No.26392130
Quoted by: >>26392563

Mori or Watson. But I kinda feel heavy DM vibes from Mori and I want Watson to play a cute character.

>> No.26392133
File: 31 KB, 1024x994, 1600112329907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this music will forever remind me of watson

>> No.26392134

Daily reminder that gender-confused tomboy rapper is purely for depraved group sexual.

Also, Shark is special so please be patient with her. She has no sense of direction and got kicked out of Atlantis for accidentally causing untold destruxtion, but she's our pettanko and we love her nonetheless.

>> No.26392135


>> No.26392138

They have a nice tactile feel to them.

>> No.26392140

Tactile response

>> No.26392143

Its ok, the shark leaves it late

>> No.26392142

I'm pretty sure she can't become Queen of HololiveEN unless we vote for her.

FPS streams made people do a 180.
Superliminal stream turned us all into REAL HUMAN BEANS

>> No.26392145

Pls andastd. Index and middle finger are tired from Muse Dash. No longer able to tweet for while.

>> No.26392146

I have a feeling if they do a trpg thing, a old man henderson thing will happen.

>> No.26392147

Jap subbing?

Can one of you fags tell me what reps are?

>> No.26392150

>Mori prefers Asian guys
Can't stop winning.

>> No.26392151

>3 Moris
Nice bait.

>> No.26392155

Especially good for rhythm games

>> No.26392156
File: 560 KB, 957x973, 1600093813816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to make you remember the laws, it isn't squid, is octopus or tako if you are lazy.

Goslingposting is only allowed when someone is streaming

Don't post about 3DPD e-whores

Don't bring /pol/shit here

All holos are cute and perfect

>> No.26392157
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, 1600176595480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oshi streams prime burger time
>im a burger
it doesn't get much better than this bros...

>> No.26392158

lyger didn't donate much, but for all his creepiness he put in a shitload of work on translation and clipping and became a mod.

aka do your reps

>> No.26392160
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1596559858484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Matuli is not the main suspect.

>> No.26392161

The music was too good during the stream...

>> No.26392162

Sub what their streams are mostly English. Unless you mean jp subs then you need to wait a bit and use niconico.

>> No.26392163
File: 1.17 MB, 1293x728, 12357942123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392262

Thanks anon, I now have a reason to wake up tomorrow

>> No.26392164
Quoted by: >>26394008

Click clack click clack

>> No.26392165
File: 8 KB, 392x120, 1589710584707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392169

>"sleep is for the weak"
she's still going to be hungover right now, old chum

>> No.26392170

Annoying your neighbors

>> No.26392172

Because she's actually a good streamer and cringe outside of video games

>> No.26392173

Slight improvement. Pity points. Also she's a faggot who lurks these threads. Guaranteed simps.

>> No.26392177
Quoted by: >>26392241

reminder that none of the ENs would have made it far as they are now, were it not for her efforts and care

>> No.26392176

She always announces late

>> No.26392178

>tfw dreamt about the gosling constellation

>> No.26392179

I'm used to that, enough to take the risk.

>> No.26392182

No i want a calm, chatty date with Mori sipping wine while discussing hobbies. Maybe hold hands after.

>> No.26392183

Been rewatching the Muse Dash stream and occasionally refreshing this thread and Twitter while I wait for an announcement. Been like this for hours, haven't even eaten today. What is happening to me?

>> No.26392188
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 20200914_090952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depraved group sexual
>depraved group sex


>> No.26392189

All the people who have to ask this aren’t paying attention

>> No.26392193

Counterfeit coupons are not allowed, or do you want to experience another Watson concoction?
Uncontrollable crying, diabetes, or in extreme cases a heart attack.

>> No.26392194

feels good man

>> No.26392197

>being a streamlet who missed the fastest most meteoric rising redemption arc ever
It's been days anon, you have no excuse for still being this out of touch.

>> No.26392199

it's more sensitive, which means the key press is registered even if you don't push all the way down.
also the inputs are per key, which means you can press as many keys as you want simultaneously and it will register all.

>> No.26392203

they can be tactile or really smooth, they mainly just feel nice

>> No.26392206


>> No.26392205

who would win? watamecop or watsoncop

>> No.26392207

her debut literally wasn't words

>> No.26392208
File: 859 KB, 3000x3000, 1600096236762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392354

Hangovers are hell, mate

>> No.26392209
File: 1.48 MB, 2500x2500, 3a9213e3-3937-431d-8237-b042d2d8f467_1.41d94af26626fb243af2ffd86d3be81c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clicky-feeling to it feels a lot nicer. But I guess it also helps if you upgrade from something like a very budget keyboard and mouse combo like this hunk of shit or some cheap laptops, it feels a lot nicer to type/game with.

>> No.26392216

Once you go mechkey, you will never go back.
Can pretty much customize to your liking if you are really into building your own mechkey.

>> No.26392218
File: 7 KB, 959x97, 1600183362936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26392220
Quoted by: >>26392265

they are the most popular kind but is game streaming the kind of streams you like the most? I only like playing not watching others play, fortunately my favorites Ina and Mori will likely have a lot of non-gaming content

>> No.26392221

Reps are something you need to do

>> No.26392224

Better feedback

>> No.26392227

>Gura playing the dwarf zerker
I need this in my life.

>> No.26392229
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, Eh4hi08U4AAtTRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post squid

>> No.26392231
File: 150 KB, 909x1067, Eh1tnomU0AEsxUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat, anon. Gura wouldn't want you to be hungry.

>> No.26392237

I'm struggling to keep up with the lore because timezones and shit, where did the coupon thing come from exactly? Amelia talked about it, so it must be big.

>> No.26392236

She always announces late, dont worry she'll deliver.

>> No.26392240

The Valorant stream happened where Amelia awakened her inner Ayame and /hlgg/ imploded with gosling

>> No.26392241
File: 283 KB, 446x474, fjb0dq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392243

And dont forget, roommateposting is illegal slander, your ip will be handed off, and you will go to jail

>> No.26392247
File: 990 KB, 2894x4093, 20200915_112618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum inside Mori, put a baby in her and get married, then have vainilla sex every day until she takes my life.

>> No.26392245

Two of those were Rushia, she gave her big tits in the first one for the 'Rushia boing boing' joke. None of the NPCs in the game were buying the first Rushia picture but the Calli picture was almost instantly sold when she finished it so she made another Rushia pic. NPCs still didn't buy it.

>> No.26392251

What's the best kind of mechanical keyboard for typing?

>> No.26392253

for fuck sake

>> No.26392255

I like Watson and I'm liking Shark now. Mori too every time I watch her. I also now have the need to hear Ina's mhumuh everyday.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

>> No.26392257

holoen is a fucking psyop

>> No.26392260
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1600055400992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't really want to huff her sweaty death musk, do you deadbeats?

>> No.26392261
File: 737 KB, 980x905, 1600062995557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess spaniards enjoy spamming these threads instead

>> No.26392262
File: 186 KB, 308x299, 1600039139862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well, anon.

>> No.26392264
Quoted by: >>26393090

Still going. Told an anecdote where she turned up an hour early on a bus to "reaping lessons" from death where it was pretty clearly based on singing or animation lessons or something she did irl.

>> No.26392265 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 800x559, 1589697456120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392306

No, my favorite genre is shmup, but it's super boring to watch. Maybe they'll play Touhou someday but that's it.
Actually, I enjoy watching streams of games I never played more.

>> No.26392268

It was something from her debut and the collab.

>> No.26392273
File: 143 KB, 893x900, 1584404520533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love mori

>> No.26392274

She won't respect you, and I can't stand to watch my fellow faggots get spat on by a thot. Never forget to ASSERT DOMINANCE, newfriend.

>> No.26392278

Stop sexualizing Mori.. she's seiso..

>> No.26392279

>Uncontrollable crying
Might be a pain to deal with
>in extreme cases a heart attack
That means that I get an amazing time with Watson AND to meet Mori.

>> No.26392281
Quoted by: >>26392370

As in excercise.

Source: dude trust me

>> No.26392282

Gura was really conscious about her Maneater video, huh. As soon as she got her first full combo in muse dash she commented on how things were going better than her last stream.

>> No.26392286


Hey Mori, since you lurk here, mind clearing up which of these two relationships attract you the most? its very important.

>> No.26392289

There's such a thing as a non-mechanical keyboard?
The only keyboards I have used in my life are a model m and a unicomp

>> No.26392290
Quoted by: >>26392451

>Tako has a rabbit called Burrito
I feel we were set up.

>> No.26392291

stop asking about the jap subs





man JOPs are obsessing over gura

>> No.26392292

Based. Were still gonna call her squid though because it's a meme by now, even if we know its factually incorrect. I personally think tako is cutest though.

>> No.26392294

How come none of your virtual waifus goslingpost? Seems like they don't even care about you or your jokes

>> No.26392296

Come on, meidos. You will delete this early thread, right? Anytime now.

>> No.26392300
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1599990404364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the ashes, chicken will rise again and again.

>> No.26392305

Haha yeah that would be disgusting YES OF COURSE I WANT TO

>> No.26392306

same, I love playing shmups and grinding but no way I can watch people grind the same part again and again. I never play FPS's so watson's apex stream was actually really fun

>> No.26392308

Can you newfags slow down a little? Christ. You don't need to "gosling" every time the post timer runs out

>> No.26392310
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392721

Where can I find more subs of these two, especially when when they collab? I'm diamonds everytime watch them.

>> No.26392313
Quoted by: >>26392342

How cringe, keep the gosling posting here

>> No.26392314
Quoted by: >>26392352


>> No.26392316
Quoted by: >>26392587

Doubt. Judging by my interactions with Spanish people in online games you fucks are just as bad.

>> No.26392317
File: 332 KB, 538x377, 1597682595307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watame have contact in very dark places.

>> No.26392318

>do you want to experience another Watson concoction?
Yes, up the bumhole please

>> No.26392320
File: 520 KB, 1000x1000, 1595275759272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man JOPs are obsessing over gura
And not only them. She's my favorite dork

>> No.26392321

I was also obsessed when I first found the JP. You'll normalize soon, try to take care of yourself in the meantime.

>> No.26392323

I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land

>> No.26392325
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26392324

>not watson subs

I hate japan more and more everyday

>> No.26392330 [SPOILER] 
File: 298 KB, 744x1052, 1600192815339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392333


>> No.26392334
Quoted by: >>26392351

Yes, Mori is sexo

>> No.26392338
File: 213 KB, 1200x900, Amelia_stargazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have produced another masterpiece for you my friends!

>> No.26392342

Found it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be5nbNmJwC8

>> No.26392343
Quoted by: >>26392393

Is it gay if I want her to stimulate my prostate with her tentacles while I lick her underage-like body?

>> No.26392346

Mainly because they are actually responsive to your input

>> No.26392347
Quoted by: >>26392439

They all seem to be pretty good about correcting their mistakes.

>> No.26392345
File: 56 KB, 409x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch her, what is this

>> No.26392351
Quoted by: >>26392387

no that's aloe

>> No.26392352

lmao, I love this girl.

>> No.26392354
File: 600 KB, 2735x2735, 1600016089139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an different version of that image if you don't have it

>> No.26392355

does anyone have a clip of mori telling deadbeats to jerk it?

>> No.26392356

Oh wow that's cute.

>> No.26392360

That one thigh high and one bare leg in her design does things to my dick that are beyond human comprehension.

>> No.26392361
File: 287 KB, 413x587, 1589424473220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fubuki the final boss of Hololive?

>> No.26392363

In the last 3 weeks all I did was watching streams
I literally only left my screen to shit and get something to eat

>> No.26392364

>forcing her to stay sober for 9 and a half months
You sick fuck.

>> No.26392366

Go back to your general pedro

>> No.26392367

she had a terrible stream with maneater and she wanted to show she is determined to show the audience her skills, everyone creamed themselves

>> No.26392370

So in general? When people say stream reps do they just mean streams? Also what is it by itself?

>> No.26392372
Quoted by: >>26392441

PR flag colors

>> No.26392380
File: 970 KB, 1920x1080, star gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392384


>> No.26392386


>> No.26392387
File: 22 KB, 495x288, Screenshot_20200915_113609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392388

you need to endure, she needs to finish and release her songs and then we can get pegged more than one time per day

>> No.26392392
File: 183 KB, 1116x2048, Eh9mSaOU8AAgMVv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this shark

>> No.26392393
Quoted by: >>26392423

No it's very, very straight, and your post gave me a very not homo boner.

>> No.26392394
File: 59 KB, 1083x370, 1587253048843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN has been growing nicely the past 3 days.

>> No.26392396

Sweatband for apex predator sweaty gaming time.

>> No.26392397


>> No.26392399

Just woke up, did chicken redeem herself yet

>> No.26392400
Quoted by: >>26392461

I need to work on this not becoming an addiction. I will go offline and from then on only watch occasionally, not all at once.

>> No.26392401
File: 268 KB, 1468x1348, Eh7VXowVoAAgYIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tactical blindfold

>> No.26392402
Quoted by: >>26392438

It's a sweatband, are you a third worlder or something?

>> No.26392406
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, EhesZPeUwAAh-Nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' seiso

>> No.26392411

Uoooooh Erotic!

>> No.26392413
File: 309 KB, 600x525, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at watsons sweet smiling face while she talks in the most lovely way. I feel a tear welling up in my eyes

>> No.26392414

He's not wrong

>> No.26392415

I can't even tell if she's playing it up or she's seriously holding herself to some crazy standards
It felt like she was playing on the "haha see guys I am good at videogames I swear" line a little too much for it to just be a joke

>> No.26392416
Quoted by: >>26392447

tweet it to watson's art tag

>> No.26392419

I just want to see her happy. That's all.

>> No.26392421


>> No.26392422
File: 5 KB, 245x92, She loves me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me anon, she loves me.
Had to type that shit up real fast after the stream, if anyone was gonna be the education poster I wanted it to be one with actual decent info and it has to be done quick before she goes comment reading.
If she actually follows my advice next stream I'll be extremely happy. Doubt more then 5% of the people who read it will make it, but in watsons case its career related and her fellow streamers have made it so I hope she will push through.

>> No.26392423

Thanks anon, and have a good boner

>> No.26392430

sweaty shark sweat band!

>> No.26392432

Anonchama, that's not the face doing the sitting.

>> No.26392433

shark is too freaking strong

>> No.26392435

Always has been.

>> No.26392434


HODL for now, wait for karaoke

>> No.26392438

even third worlders know what sweatbands are

>> No.26392439
Quoted by: >>26392525

I'm so proud of them, it's been only 3 days and all of the EN girls are improving so quickly

>> No.26392440
Quoted by: >>26392550

I haven't watched the superliminal stream yet, is this edit?

>> No.26392441

It's the colours of dozens of flags. Hell it's literally the dutch flag.

>> No.26392442

nooo dont eat the shark!

>> No.26392443

Gura just isn't slowing down

>> No.26392444
Quoted by: >>26394195

>Ignoring chicken
That's mean, bro. No extra fries for you.

>> No.26392447

Don't, she'll get in trouble for the tree heart.
You don't want her to get in trouble, do you?

>> No.26392448
File: 878 KB, 846x1200, 84390748_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina really brings out the S tendencies holy shit
She's practically asking for it

>> No.26392451

From how it sounded to me on the stream, she came up with the name on the spot. Most likely the first thing to pop into her head

>> No.26392453

Is breeding Watson all day long allowed?

>> No.26392458
File: 383 KB, 530x637, 1600135639756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392598

>watching Superliminal stream archive
I swear if i hear Watson say the word "bigger" one more time i am gonna explode.

>> No.26392460

Is Amelia actually good at Apex? Might pick her up.

>> No.26392461
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 1572688244675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392524

Good luck with that, I was supposed to go on holidays with friends but I didn't go just to watch HoloEN no stop.
I wouldn't have fun anyway, they're a bunch of normalfaggots.

>> No.26392462


>> No.26392465

Why don't you guys put editions or any info in the OP?

>> No.26392466
Quoted by: >>26392538

> ywn greet her when she comes home after a hard day of reaping
> ywn sink your head into her cantaloupes and take a big whiff of the beads of sweat still nestled between, and look up to see her disgust, as your head are cushioned by that tender softness

>> No.26392469

She's from the Netherlands.

>> No.26392471

>ywn be a cute anime girl nibbling on gura's face
I think... I think I need to start a Gosling folder.....

>> No.26392476
Quoted by: >>26394195

That's a bit harsh.

>> No.26392477

>put a baby in her
Not sure about that one.

>> No.26392481
Quoted by: >>26394195


>> No.26392482

Why would she get in trouble for that

>> No.26392483
Quoted by: >>26392517

Now that you say it she's the first girl where I can imagine myself as the S

>> No.26392484

Were Amelia and Mori the hardest worker pre debut? Mori composed a new album in 1 week and Amelia edited everyone's video. What the fuck did the rest do?

>> No.26392486

They didn't sub this clip yet? This is one of the best right behind ride on time. I love how pathetic and whiny she sounds when coming out of the closet as a rhythm gamer. I hope Gura gets bullied more in the future

>> No.26392488

Jerking to Mori as per instructions

>> No.26392494
Quoted by: >>26392833

Easily better than most holos with the way she plays. If she's not running on 2 hours of sleep next time we'll see some great stuff.

>> No.26392495

H.P. Lovecraft x Niggerman

>> No.26392496

Are we forgetting someone

>> No.26392499
Quoted by: >>26392556

ultra brainlet who was too scared to ask, what's up with the echo when they sing, why does it make it better

>> No.26392501

I'm afraid this will attract god awful fans

>> No.26392502
File: 122 KB, 204x225, 1598100261180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel before Haatons and their Queen.

>> No.26392508

she is learning
she didnt repeat herself in japanse all the time and is pretty cute.

>> No.26392510

How come
>t. barracuda
when someone insults her didn't become a meme?

>> No.26392512
Quoted by: >>26392708

I want to lovingly hurt the squid

>> No.26392514

Extra Stage Boss.

>> No.26392517
Quoted by: >>26392573

Imagine her small moans as you slap her ass and squeeze her tiny fucking tits with force.

>> No.26392519

Chicken did good today, no bully.

>> No.26392520

>coming out of the closet as a rhythm gamer
Most of the games on her favorite games list were rhythm games so it's not like she was in the closet to begin with.

>> No.26392523


>> No.26392524

I hope you'll come around to your friends, anon. If they invite you they definitely care about you. Treasure them the way the girls treasure each other. With a bit of banter and a lot of genuine emotion.

>> No.26392525

They lurk here and do their performance improvement reps. Holo en isn't just for show.

>> No.26392533

Goedendag, ik kom uit Nederland!

>> No.26392537

Squid did most of their art, Chicken probably helped with japanese shit and Gura was their amanekanatachi

>> No.26392534

how the fuck does gura have a 50k lead over mori, a larger lead than mori over kiara

>> No.26392538
File: 248 KB, 1765x1200, 1600055563756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392542
File: 2.32 MB, 1936x1080, 1600037267697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually embarrassing, at least it's not as bad as the actual Re*ditors linking these threads on the hololive subreddit or when they started talking about them in Mori's comment section...

>> No.26392543

feels bad that I won't have any real impact on Watson like this.

>> No.26392544

>t. barracuda
that's funny, I'll use it from now on

>> No.26392545

She's good at FPS in general. Should be expected since she's CSGO player.

>> No.26392549

Watching anime and playing mobage with Ina as aftercare after a rough session!

>> No.26392550

No the stars alligned perfectly into the visage of hollywood superstar Ryan Gosling.

>> No.26392554
File: 162 KB, 828x1792, 1593567195725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watsonfags remind me a lot of okayufags.

Hope you don't end up the same.

>> No.26392556

>Never been to a concert

>> No.26392561

Ina did the art for most of the channel and the official art from the debut video, also the ending card for her channel.

>> No.26392563 [DELETED] 

Mori's roommate did a bunch of tabletop RPGs before and used to have a big passion for storytelling. Storyboards and music playlists and everything. Not linking the soundcloud, though she did leave a voice acting clip on there. https://vocaroo.com/1oxhEa5r7lNP

>> No.26392564

The Muse Dash stream was really fun

>> No.26392566
Quoted by: >>26392626

Let's assign Kiara the Towa role so the robot site people will flock towards her. Since I don't believe we can really gatekeep anyone, directing the flow of the river is the next best thing.

>> No.26392567
Quoted by: >>26393060

What did you write?

>> No.26392573

Anon my dick is not ready

>> No.26392574
File: 203 KB, 390x292, 1592070875564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this retard is so quick to adapt, she instantly saw the chance with holoEN and is already working her path to their audience, one of the smartest and most stupid holos there is

>> No.26392577
File: 132 KB, 837x1181, 1600176593210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392632

“All it comes down to is this: I feel like shit but look great.”

>> No.26392581

Gura became a livestreamer.

>> No.26392583

She did better, managed to contain her fangirling power level and stopped doing egregious amounts of japanese. Just played a pretty boring game. I believe in her.

>> No.26392585
Quoted by: >>26392652

What's wrong with okayufags?

>> No.26392587
Quoted by: >>26392631

online games are a big deal. don't you fucking dare pick techies on my ranked

>> No.26392586

>barely speaks English
>barely speak Japanese
>barely keeps her sanity
Stream which is just random groaning and moaning when?

>> No.26392589

Anonchama... Your real life reps...

>> No.26392592

you got me interested sir

>> No.26392593

carried by deisgn alone.

>> No.26392595

Good idea, I'll send her a "tribute"

>> No.26392596

does anyone have this clip but with the sad music'

>> No.26392598
Quoted by: >>26392962

>'I've got to get on top'
Never got old.

>> No.26392600

Okayufags are fine though...

>> No.26392605

Now that I think about it, Okayu was actually the one I watched the most. I didn't consider her my oshi or gave her my member or supacha though because of the language barrier.

>> No.26392612

Not after her last stream, no.

>> No.26392613

You guys didn't care for her when she was an indie, why gosling so hard now that she's joined HoloEN?

>> No.26392614

I'm speculating on Chickencoin in the hope it will rocket during karoke but the 12hour time change makes me nervous. Might sell.

>> No.26392618
File: 427 KB, 827x729, 1595158636825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. I've used them before and it just feels kinda shitty. People really like the feel and response of them, but it's honestly very unnoticeable to me. And it especially doesn't matter to me when a shitty 10 dollar insignia keyboard gets the job done.

For me, using a mechanical and tricked out keyboard is the equivalent to using one of those fucking Gamecube Madcatz controllers. Everything just feels wrong to me.

>> No.26392622
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, 1598860514825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the answer.

>> No.26392625

Brand good

>> No.26392626

she's already the towa of the gen basically

>> No.26392629

It's MY feelings
I wish I had the copypasta

>> No.26392630
Quoted by: >>26392898


>> No.26392631


>> No.26392632
Quoted by: >>26393717

HOW is it possible that i'm holding myself from jacking off everytime i see Mori? She probably would look in disgust over me (and that's okay) but i want her to be happy and "try to be cute" still.

>> No.26392637

>watching watson is actually making me wanting to start exercising and stop jerking off so much

>> No.26392639

Reporting this to Cover, you're gonna go to jail and everyone here will agree with me

>> No.26392643

>Stream which is just random groaning and moaning when?
I can only get so erect

>> No.26392645

Ina is a professional artist and did a bunch of art.

Idk what chicken did but shes really cheerful and supportive and sweet so I cant bully her.

Shark just needed to show up because shes a little cunny sex goddess.

>> No.26392647

Why are chickenkeks like this

>> No.26392648

Because she got the exposure she needed to be noticed by us?
there might be other great indies that would shine if given the right enviroment but life is hard

>> No.26392649

We'll be fine, everyone in EN seems to be lusting of Mori, not Watson.

>> No.26392652
Quoted by: >>26392689

Some went too far down the rabbit hole...

>> No.26392654
File: 191 KB, 2000x1835, Eh99aoXU8AI9h2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know nor care who these girls were before. I only live in the now.

>> No.26392656
File: 83 KB, 183x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Queen of HololiveEN
strange women stream'en broken english on the internet is no basis for a system of government

>> No.26392659

The greatest trick the Haachaama ever pulled was convincing the world that Haato didn't exist.

>> No.26392661
File: 22 KB, 157x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you bad at games anon?
Have you done your /fit/reps today anon?
Did you get proper sleep today before streams anon?

>> No.26392664
Quoted by: >>26392997

I didn't even know she existed when she was indie

>> No.26392665

Didn't know about her. Joke about it all you want, but I don't have time to go out and search for indies I might like.

>> No.26392671
Quoted by: >>26392997

I never watched her when she was an indie

>> No.26392672

>yellow colored voice
There must be a meme in their somewhere. What jokes can we make about this?

>> No.26392674

Do you think any HoloEN will eventually collab with any of HoloJP? If so what combo are you expecting?

>> No.26392675
File: 17 KB, 1290x164, Ididmypart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392758

did you do your report reps today anons? The use of hololive members images for political/moral/controversial stances is agaisnt cover corp rules.

>> No.26392676

I have a censored version with a sneakier watermark don't worry.

>> No.26392678

It was very cute but I want her to be happy.
I've seen people using it a few times today

>> No.26392681

i like okayu but goddamn i hate those stupid shorts

>> No.26392685

Mori and the Shark*

>> No.26392687
Quoted by: >>26392792

But you do have time to watch the streams and archives and post here?

>> No.26392688
Quoted by: >>26392875

I would bully every Goslingposter and niggermanposter that does it on any other site.

>> No.26392689
Quoted by: >>26392752

That explains nothing, thanks

>> No.26392690
Quoted by: >>26392846

more than any other holo I feel like haachama knows and does much more than she lets on

yesterday after amelia ended her learning stream she said she was watching, but didn't comment because whenever she does the chat degenerates into "haaachama!?"s and she didn't want to derail things

>> No.26392693

That was literally her ASMR stream a couple days ago.

>> No.26392694
File: 1.43 MB, 606x752, 1600093154750.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392697
File: 336 KB, 651x601, 1597102644814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about the design and branding, but she seems different from her original streams

>> No.26392698

I'm not bad, just average, thought I haven't played videogames for a month already
yes I did
no I'm planning on pulling an all-nighter to catch all the streams today

>> No.26392700


>> No.26392699

>bad at games
I'm not
I'm already thin 0 muscles but whatever
>proper sleep
Sleep is for weak

>> No.26392707

Cute pits

>> No.26392708
Quoted by: >>26392760

>Slowly. Gently. This is how a life is taken.

>> No.26392709

Worse than we have already? Look around you!

>> No.26392721

You'll have a faster time learning japanese than seeing those holos getting subbed

>> No.26392720

>cutest design
>lolicon bait
>can sing like an angel
>its HER
>rhythm game MLG pro assfucker
I think Watson and Ina deserve to be higher but Gura is still great

>> No.26392723

Capcom. Please lift it. Let her play RE. I beg you.

>> No.26392724

He's not wrong

>> No.26392726


>> No.26392729
File: 401 KB, 1001x1055, 1594542552732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392751

one of you fucks has to have the unedited of this

>> No.26392730

It's okay Raul, i will only grief pedro.

>> No.26392734
Quoted by: >>26392848

If anything she is the most lewd one after liking a reply like that >>26392694

>> No.26392736

>she replied to this on twitter and called it Amelia Saxton Hale Watson
I'm gosling again just remembering

>> No.26392737
File: 9 KB, 431x107, 1600078171543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392866

Watson's Japanese is better than Haachama kusa.

>> No.26392745
Quoted by: >>26392814

Do your lurking reps you nigger faggot

>> No.26392746
File: 207 KB, 850x1182, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_curcumin__sample-d74c9e0d53ccb0c6f8bd4bad09dba29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even mind chicken antics that much but her design triggers my autism so much.
>not one but two stupid hats
>tomato sauce theme color
>sword and shield hold at an awkward stance
>dude chicken lmao
What the fuck is huke thinking? I would like her 5 times more if she got a better design.

>> No.26392750
Quoted by: >>26392997

I don't watch stuff on twitch.

>> No.26392751
File: 157 KB, 1001x1055, 1576832661266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to put your wife there anon?

>> No.26392752

Someone sent her a cum tribute

>> No.26392758

I really hope you guys didn't report that slut, it'll give her more drama to fuck with holos

>> No.26392760

As much as I love Wayne June, I want an Ina voicepack for Darkest Dungeons.

>> No.26392767

Marine and Ina is all but confirmed

>> No.26392769

you're goddamn right

>> No.26392771
File: 54 KB, 842x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26392775

coco + gura
Watson + watame
Kiria + Subaru
Mori + anyone
ina + marine

>> No.26392777

Can people explain to me why her design is apparently so good?

I like it the least

>> No.26392776


>> No.26392780
Quoted by: >>26392930

Has lost his mojo a long time age.

>> No.26392784
Quoted by: >>26392997

Indies have it hard bro.

>> No.26392787
File: 415 KB, 2048x1448, 1584535206669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394121

I wish I was Mori's slave.

>> No.26392791

Tactile for gaming and for art work shortcuts.
Thinkpad keyboard+clit for document typing. mechanical is just shitty for typing honestly

>> No.26392792

I watch the streams if I have down-time on the job or after I get home. I don't watch archives and open up /hlgg/ for a few minutes when bored or while I'm watching a stream. Most people are like me anon.

>> No.26392795

yeah i really dislike her design myself. it's weird because chicken is an insane fan of his and obsessed with steins;gate (hence parttime warrior) and huke is in love with his daughter but... the design is still...

>> No.26392794
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 20200914_024620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. thats me.. it helped help my gosling for a few hours. Now I feel empty

>> No.26392796
Quoted by: >>26392997

I had no clue she existed. I watched what little of her old stuff remains and I'm sure I would have watched her.

Also, her design fits her perfectly.

>> No.26392797

Given how her /pol/-pandering content is still up, this is a war she does not want to engage with.

>> No.26392803

They mean rapes anon.
Go outside and stream some rapes.

>> No.26392808

Drawn like what you posted she's great (I have low standard), but her model is shitty

>> No.26392810

>dismas dies to a swine skiver

>> No.26392809


>> No.26392811
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1600142984092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i did my /fit/reps. i went too hard on cardio today because i was seriously thinking to myself "do it for gura" and had to go speedwalk to the locker room and puke

>> No.26392814

I literally don't understand why people ask these questions, I came here like 3 months ago and got the context for everything by lurking for a week. Is everyone just fucking underage or something?

>> No.26392817

I fucking love goslingposting but it stays here

>> No.26392819

Mods are a must.

>> No.26392821
Quoted by: >>26394008

clickety clack

>> No.26392825
Quoted by: >>26392898

Never know, right after the announcement, somehow i just look at the design and thought It's Her. No regret though.

>> No.26392826
Quoted by: >>26392852

She uses this thread as a source for "doxing", claiming she knows who Shark is.
Goddamnit, narrative-posters!

>> No.26392828

The way she was practically wetting herself in excitement when she got beat up by cat during the CoC stream... hnnnng god...

>> No.26392829

based waifufag

>> No.26392833

They were low-level games. Even Towa could look good in those.

>> No.26392839
File: 688 KB, 286x310, 1450829361964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395468

Coming from someone who first buyed a Mechanical Keyboard to play rhythm games, most of what other people say sounds like they never used a keyboard or have never had to change back to a normal one.

The main thing with a mechanical keyboard is how much easier and smooth it is to type. I sometimes have to clean my only mech keyboard and use an old membrane one I have, and it's the worst thing ever since I'm very used to type a lot for programming purposes now.

The main takeaway is that if you get one, you will want to have one forever, it's nowhere near the level of smoothness you get from a membrane one. In fact, I'd say membranes are more "responsive", because they are much harder to type, but in my mech keyboard I can just lightly press a key and it types.

>> No.26392841

We all know what "NM" means, but she might not, so you're basically just giving her a grenade with the pin pulled out and saying "Good luck". Pretty fucked up if you ask me, leave those memes in these threads.

>> No.26392842
File: 63 KB, 550x255, free you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392843

Apparently according to the poll most people here are 26-30, same age range as the vtubers themselves.

Some people are just lazy and dumb.

>> No.26392845

What is this about?
some shit tl finally broke the camel's back?

>> No.26392846
File: 346 KB, 794x449, 1212312136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she does the crazy act but never crossed the line or made another holo uncomfortable, she's a girl with a heart of gold and a genious entertainer for her age that works her ass off

>> No.26392848

Her roommate had some coomer moments, but nothing too crazy.

>> No.26392849
Quoted by: >>26392974

Nobody fucking lurks anymore and its all our fault

>> No.26392851

she'd wipe the floor with happy set

>> No.26392852
Quoted by: >>26392976

She's a fool then because it isn't her.

>> No.26392856

Same, been here since the holoEN debut.
You can easily get the meaning of everything with common sense and 3 days of lurking

>> No.26392860

Anon I'm going to be honest, I never bough that bs of ignore the antis they just want attention, they will get tired, no they don't get tired. Cover knows better than we do if its worth ignoring it or not, they can just ignore any report, I just show them what's going on, and that can help them too to analyze possible market problems or incidents.

>> No.26392863
Quoted by: >>26392917

i'm satisfied with holoEN, i hated yagoo for the aloe incident but now i kneel

>> No.26392865

Tomorrow I'm going to lift even harder for Amelia

>> No.26392866

That's obviously an exageration.

>> No.26392869
Quoted by: >>26392997

Because a lot of people don't use twitch, so there was no way of them ever encountering her?

>> No.26392870

Because I've almost entirely stopped playing vidya after finding hololive, unironically
Not yet

>> No.26392872

So with the popularity of HoloEN, are we going to get an EN Gen 2?

>> No.26392875
Quoted by: >>26393062

>on any other site
I, for one, would love to see it.

>> No.26392876

Based for dedication, take care of yourself though

>> No.26392886
Quoted by: >>26393377

I don't see it on the list. Did she unlike it?

>> No.26392887

That's the spirit!

>> No.26392888

What's her indie channel

>> No.26392889

>bad at games
Fighting games/melee is hard man when all your friends got more exp, finding time to grind during uni is getting harder too.
>/fit/ reps
did some yesterday might hit the gym again for leg day
Wanted to sleep early for a test but ended up watching shark BTFO for an hour, 5 and a half hours of sleep
Gonna see if i can get back and start doing grammar reps.

>> No.26392894

>I hope Gura gets bullied more in the future
it makes my dick so fucking hard but makes my heart hurt at the same time, I don't know if I want it or not

>> No.26392895

Please no. Cover need more employees first.

>> No.26392897

>Is everyone just fucking underage or something?
Yes. most people here are under 25 including me

>> No.26392898

her initial lead was pretty much on design alone. she has reddemed tough with a nice personality and entertaining talk.
She was the holo with most views on their debut becasue of loli shark is an untapped market on vtubing.

>> No.26392900

lurk moar

>> No.26392901
File: 47 KB, 400x469, 1600141635773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393020

cute and funny

>> No.26392903
Quoted by: >>26393020

Like, what if we made a girl with shark teeth roleplay as an actual shark?? And she wears a shark hoodie? And she has a cute voice and can sing? Genius!

>> No.26392907

She needs a dark navy/black luftwaffe uniform for obvious reasons (nazi air force) with a Gold armband sporting the Blue hololive logo. Also one single imperial hat worn at an angle. If someone could just tell huke to get this shit done, no more sauced up chicken for us.

>> No.26392909
File: 116 KB, 226x303, Screenshot_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna change my life starting today and start water fasting and going on walks for ina.

>> No.26392912


>> No.26392913
File: 541 KB, 1420x762, ITs HER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to make my case. It's cannot not be her

>> No.26392917
File: 520 KB, 486x856, 1585213665588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm grad you riked it.

>> No.26392922

Took me like 3 days to learn most of the slang

>> No.26392926
Quoted by: >>26393107

Does it count as bad when I needed 55h to finish DS3

>> No.26392927

Don't skip the leg day

>> No.26392928
Quoted by: >>26392945

the double hat kill it for me and the overuse of red in her design is shit too, they should at least do a change of clothes for her that aren't red.

>> No.26392929

mexican here
That's a lie los españoles are always guilty.

>> No.26392930

I like everything he's done with Altera in FGO, but yeah Kiara so far is a big miss for me.

>> No.26392933

I hate to bring this up... but do you think should Watson continue to bring up the upcoming streams after she finishes her stream? It's definitely with good intentions and all but I'm not so sure if it's a good idea after the incident yesterday with the Haato/Watame collab.

>> No.26392935
File: 64 KB, 456x640, 172dee9f826d04180df0e03162704b92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never considered huke good when it comes to character design

>> No.26392936

Good for you squidbro

>> No.26392938
File: 416 KB, 537x557, 1571425801546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros its so hard to watch amelia, I feel like im holding back tears.

>> No.26392940
Quoted by: >>26392970

I'm curious if we'll get Gen 6 before EN2. Maybe they'll expand ID?

>> No.26392944
File: 12 KB, 535x85, unknown-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a translation of Rushia clip about her not ending her superchat reading for EN debuts and it made it seem like she was bullied into it, but it was mistranslation city and have shit thrown into it.

>> No.26392947
File: 2.50 MB, 3150x3543, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_inlb__bb1555815aa3913dca3a5f4af38ea803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26392945

She either needs a dark green dress or a sparkly gold one.

>> No.26392949


>> No.26392951

Waachama, ask your management please.

>> No.26392952
File: 777 KB, 684x670, ET1btp9U0AIyw2I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26392985

Anyone know when comfy hours are around here?

>> No.26392955
File: 9 KB, 250x262, 1599707184456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393123

I don't even like rap and I can't get enough Mori's songs The end of the last one especially

>> No.26392957


>> No.26392958
File: 186 KB, 454x432, 1600143910197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393310

>another subliminal stream
Oh man, can't wait for the ASCII threads

>> No.26392962
File: 545 KB, 749x900, 1599790841038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and releasing all extinguishers that are under pressure.
What a hard stream to watch in some sense.
I love it.

>> No.26392968

They should invest into better l2d tracking

>> No.26392970
Quoted by: >>26394417

>Expand ID
now that their "they can speak english" gimmick is gone, ID is fucking dead.

>> No.26392972

no, the chickencucks have convinced themselves she has though

>> No.26392971

She makes my heart feel weird!

>> No.26392973
File: 182 KB, 336x498, 1579099677744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but with Mori.. i hope she streams some more next week after her songs are out.

>> No.26392974
Quoted by: >>26393130

deadbeats lurking now

>> No.26392975

>man JOPs are obsessing over gura

>> No.26392976

Here is your fuck (you)

>> No.26392977


>> No.26392979

Literally untrue. Don't pretend you know how the law works.

>> No.26392985

Just after the holos have streamed.

>> No.26392991
Quoted by: >>26393026

Bully all ""4channers"" outside 4channel

>> No.26392992
File: 236 KB, 1463x1786, Eh3F5HBUYAIFFUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26392994

>after the incident yesterday
What fucking incident, I just woke up

>> No.26392996

You're giving me the motivation anon

>> No.26392997

Makes me glad that she auditioned for Hololive and even more glad that they accepted her. Imagine if she failed the audition...

>> No.26393000

>clip watchers have to deal with this level of shit translations
holy fuck, if anything's a motivation to learn jp, that's not having to rely on someone else's translations

>> No.26393002

>Teamates are all weepy lonely fags
>Deadbeats are all depraved coomers

You couldn't have planned the names better if you tried

>> No.26393003

go on. you are wrong but go on.

>> No.26393007


>> No.26393008 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 474x669, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393043

>wake up
>check archives and schedules
>Korone kneeled to holoEN


In all seriousness I'm glad she finally has the courage to try something like this. It's always cute to see her embrace her EN viewers.

I wish the fucking Spics would fuck off already tho. I hate having been born in this shithole.

>> No.26393012
Quoted by: >>26393031

Are japs truly translating the EN streams/ clips and subbing them into nihonese?
It looks like the tables have reversed...

>> No.26393013
File: 37 KB, 625x527, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393014
File: 758 KB, 2400x3000, Eh9xAcsWkAUnyt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina! Ina!

>> No.26393016

bros.. can i have your 1gb folder of holo images

>> No.26393017

Wow based. How long until she goes back to this attitude

>> No.26393020

I guess the design is good in simplicity. Her eyes are just a bit too far apart or something. And the teeth are too small.
t. pikamee

>> No.26393023
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, 1599963378865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not our fault that Mori is perfect futa material...

>> No.26393024

>footprints leading directly to her
so she's the culprit all along

>> No.26393026

Just ignore them or call them communists for sharing everything even the bad stuff. That'll piss'em off.

>> No.26393027
Quoted by: >>26393189

>im not
>i just started doing cardio, im trying out c25k but im stuck on w1d1, should i keep doing w1d1 until i can complete it fully?
>yes i always get 7-8

>> No.26393030

I'm not.
Haven't done them in like a year sadly.
Hah. No.

>> No.26393031


>> No.26393033
File: 137 KB, 826x1443, 1600057742628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be the first holo to fart on stream mori..

>> No.26393037

Live in 3 hours

>> No.26393038

She's good

>> No.26393043


>> No.26393048
File: 124 KB, 1180x1115, 1577495924255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw done blowing a load to Mori

HoloENs I've fap to:
Mori x9
Ina x3

HoloENs I haven't fap to and never will:
Kiara (too ugly)

>> No.26393049

Maybe for DD2

>> No.26393052

that split my heart in two. Im never clicking on anything like that ever again

>> No.26393054
File: 29 KB, 400x533, 6de[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393386

>releasing all extinguishers that are under pressure

>> No.26393057

I support Mori but not like the coomers in these threads.

>> No.26393060
Quoted by: >>26394054

Its the top post on her recent learning video
I just tried to push out the basic /djt/ beginner stuff but without attracting retarded faggots to the threads, plus in additional comments some things I've learned about language learning and why duo is shit.

>> No.26393061

In our defense we tried to get the names "Watsimps" or "Teabags" but she didn't like those

>> No.26393062

No, because it would ruin it for everyone here if brought to enough attention as the next thing that internet hacker 4chan is doing.
Call someone nigger all i want i don't give a crap. But Niggermanposting on reddit or 9gag would infuriate me.

>> No.26393065

I like her sassiness.

>> No.26393070

Like clockwork

>> No.26393072
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 1568685510278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her colors are ugly but she's hot af

>> No.26393074
File: 321 KB, 220x220, 754J8ER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would yo do this...

>> No.26393076
File: 106 KB, 1278x716, 1595906649968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393201

We'll have to wait for the inevitable second model, hopefully it'll be Subaru tier

>> No.26393079

Good girl Watson is too good

>> No.26393082

She sounds so much like her I'm scared. Was she still pure in her previous life?

>> No.26393085

Amelia will be the first to start selling bottled farts.

>> No.26393086

This is the entire thing!

>It's her
>It's not her
>There's no way it's her!
>It can't be her
>Why would it be her
>She sounds like her
>It's her

It just loops and loops again.

>> No.26393087
File: 3.62 MB, 2048x1302, 1600055060087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't practice enough, but I have 1ccs in Touhou so that means I've accomplished something a lot of people can't.
Not today, but I did them last night and the day before. I will work on it some more today as well.
No, I didn't. I need to go nap now to make sure I'm not tired later. That way, I can do shitty ass "work from home" while watching cute anime girls on the internet.

>> No.26393088
File: 127 KB, 800x600, 1578340289209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you understand this image you're a true watson amelia fan.

>> No.26393089

because they're not fun anymore
yes, deadlift day today. was pretty good
6 hours, just enough to get by

>> No.26393090
Quoted by: >>26394501

>implying she's not taking actual scythe swinging lessons for her 3D debut.

>> No.26393092

>deadbeat jerking it just like mori told him to
keep up the good work

>> No.26393093
File: 426 KB, 621x715, 1600108117160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past hour I was reminded why I dont harbor warm feelings towards western women or the content they make.
I require THAT clip of Watson being cute to wash it all away.

>> No.26393096

She's so cute

>> No.26393098

>HP x NM friends over

>> No.26393099
Quoted by: >>26393246

Care to explain how posting obviously identifying information like how to find pictures of roommates isn't doxxing?

>> No.26393101
Quoted by: >>26393144

Gosling posters are the biggest pieces of cancer in this thread, fuck off.

>> No.26393102

That was shit, she's trying to minimize the amount of Twitch culture in her stream

>> No.26393105

Basically all the EOPs went to their collab after she let them know about it during the end of her stream and the chat became a total shitfest.

>> No.26393107

Did you get through the DLC?

>> No.26393108
File: 527 KB, 1515x1000, Ehj_65iXsAA9ij6.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacultbro, her needing a teddy bear for scary game was one of the cutest things I have ever seen

>> No.26393112
File: 2.10 MB, 1300x2000, 1568793241324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He walked along the path below the hanging flags, and at the end of the passage was -- Anon sucked in a surprised breath.

She was a world-class beauty.

She’s beautiful… she’s incredibly beautiful...

She had an immaculate beauty to her. Her incalculably expensive black dress lacked so much as a blemish or a stain.

Her compassionate smile was enough to make her a woman who might have been mistaken for an angel. However, the reality was not so, given the mass of dark purple tentacles sprouting from her back.

>> No.26393114
Quoted by: >>26393170

>want Mori to step on me
>want to spank Ina
What is happening to me

>> No.26393117

i want a shark singing stream

>> No.26393118
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, 1570807094096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and go back to /v/.

>> No.26393121


>> No.26393123

Haha it's ļ̷̨̡̡̡̧̧̡̢̨̨̢̨̧̡̧̛̦̬̠͔̟̜̰̻̱͈̖̫̼͎͉̳̻̘͍̹̰̞̩̫̫̯̟͈̱͎̝͚͖͕͓͕̥̩̺͍̗̥͖̦̻͉͖̹̦̼̥̝͈̥͍̥̜͉͇̗̱͇̰͎͙̼͕̮̬͖̟͓̟̝̟͔̤̟̘̻̻̍̐̽́̈̍̑͂͂̀͋̇̽́͒͛͐́̇̍̀̆̌͒̄̓̆́̆̔̎̆͐̂̄͒̃̈́̚͘͜͜͜͜͝ư̵̧̢̧̧̧̨̡̨̡̧͚̬͕̭̭̗͓̦̙̣̱͇̺̩̫̯͈͓̳̫͈̰̭͈̱͉͚̯͙͉̙̣̖̦͔̝͚̝̱̬̱͇͎̫̮͈̝̦͈̳̻͚͇̪͎̳͙͓͎̹̤̱͓͚̥̜̭͇̭͙͈͎̦̫͙͖͍̫̩͎͎̱̥͔̫͉̼͇̯̭̹̩̰̦̤͈̝͔̫͉̪̹̮̳̣̬̖̼͎͇̟̩͙̪͔͔͗̃́́̔́̆͌̆͗̉̾͐͒̐̓̊̓̔̂͋̃̓͋̈́̽̀̈̏̀̿̊͐̓̓́̓̿͌͆̉͒̈̒̀̾̐̆̾̐̈́́̋̓̀̓͂̔̑̾̃̋͛̏͑̈̊̊̽̿͑̀͒͒̈́̌̐́̀̉͐̒͛̇̀̉͛̉̉͑̿̓̎͆̀̕̚͘̚͘̕̕̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅl̵̡̧̧̡̧̡̧̧̡̧̖̬̫͔͕̩̜̠̤̙͍͓̹͚̗̝̪̮̩͍̳̦̰̺͙̙̼̱͓̫̪͖͖̪̯̠̰̩͎̼̫̱͇̱̫̮̣̰̟̝̗̞͍̩̤͕̼͉̞̻̮̝̜̭̩̹̜͙̺̣͎͙͉͚̜̳̟͇̬̹̗̤̦̹̺͎̻̬͖̟̩̻̦̘̞̱̥͈̼̰̼͗͐͜͜͜͜͠ͅͅͅư̵̧̨̢̢̨̛̛͖͚̝̤͈̦̣̘̮̗͉̞̱͖̣̘̩̟̝̟̫̘̯͕̻̥̤̤̳͍̠͔͖̪͕̦̰̫͎̼͔̩͙̥̼̬̣͖̹̝̤̟̜̼̬̜͇̖͇͎̤̬̥̭͇͈̳͇̮̦͔̠̬͙̤͈̘̯͍͎̈́̑̎̆̂̉͗̇̂͋̈́͂̀̏̎̎̊͗͛̆̌̔̑͊̐̈́̓̿̃̈́͆͛̇̄͐͛̃̉̓͗̈́̎̍̐̽͋͆̃̎̎̓͆̊̍̒͂͂̈́͛̃̈́͑͛̀̿̍̄̕̕̚̕͝͠͠͝͝͝͝

>> No.26393127
Quoted by: >>26393236

What were the scythe swinging lessons?

>> No.26393128

Huke did Dr Pepper and now Chicken.
I hate it on picture but love it on stream somehow.

>> No.26393130

Nice one

>> No.26393131
File: 348 KB, 1001x1055, bed gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393135

more for us why do you even care?

>> No.26393137
Quoted by: >>26393203

Almost assuredly.

>> No.26393140

It's sweet, but she should drop it. It can cause unnecessary problems for her.

>> No.26393144

I liked them at first but this is too much

>> No.26393145
Quoted by: >>26393281

>Fapped 12 times in three days
That's some stamina

>> No.26393146
Quoted by: >>26393424

I wonder if we'll get situations like this but for Japanese-subbed clips of EN

>> No.26393149


She is western anon we all played ourselves

>> No.26393151

Roommate posting needs to end.

>> No.26393156

Based as fuck. Shield hero sucks cock.

>> No.26393157
Quoted by: >>26393221

Her hair coloring should be fine. Just what the fuck is going on with her sword and shield. Atleast it's something that could change in the future.

>> No.26393159
Quoted by: >>26393208


>> No.26393161

hey dumb squid
play VTMB!

>> No.26393165

Thank god someone who finally understands..

>> No.26393166
Quoted by: >>26393242

God I fucking love her she's so cute

>> No.26393168
File: 3.83 MB, 4750x4750, 1600077602404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another subliminal stream

>> No.26393170
Quoted by: >>26393418

The best part is she'll thank you for it

>> No.26393172
File: 1.27 MB, 720x1264, 1599912199110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be a crime to post

>> No.26393177


>> No.26393178

Do Kiara fans even have a name?

>> No.26393181

I've already been 16:8 fasting every day. Thinking about stepping up my game and adding some walking and yoga.

>> No.26393183
File: 814 KB, 829x855, tummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393335

>not fapping to that tummy
>not fapping to that thigh squish
>not fapping to how it stretches and squishes as she moves
gay ass nigga

>> No.26393187
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, 1600019113068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an announcement to make

I'm a complete femdom fag, I fap to it every day with ERP every other day, a complete degenerate. I like saying mommy and being smothered and dominated by mommies. Kiara called Mori mama in the stream but she doesn't give me those feelings at all. There's nothing or this type inside herm Even miko is more of a mama than her. She's 100% the mean futa/pegging domme that will keep you as a pet. Everyone's instincts are on point

Thanks for listening

>> No.26393189
Quoted by: >>26393346

I've had much better success with None to Run, personally. Eventually you realize it's more of a mental barrier than a physical one, and that's when it gets interesting.

>> No.26393192

I'm not, I am good

>> No.26393202


>> No.26393201

Subaru new 3d outfit when?

>> No.26393203


ValkyrieAurora plz

>> No.26393204

Awh, I'd have loved to watch her when she was still streaming not in character. What a shame. I'm ecstatic about her success though, she works SO hard.

>> No.26393205

where can i find more?

>> No.26393206

This is the cycle of indies.

>> No.26393207

We should FaceApp Gosling into a chink to include over 5ch brothers.

>> No.26393208

>yfw you will never be her BF making silly faces while she debuts to make her laugh

>> No.26393210

>he doesn't know nanora

>> No.26393211
Quoted by: >>26393270

Anyone have a link to SHAAARKs debut stream thread?

>> No.26393212

Based degenerate

>> No.26393213
File: 142 KB, 258x301, 1599972979213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts are all so wholesome. I hope all you guys stay dedicated and make it.

>> No.26393221

If she's really a tokusatsu hero her future outfits will be even more garish and cluttered.

>> No.26393223

Not flat enough

>> No.26393226

Were Chaama and Sheep disgruntled or have EOPs subsided after awhile?

>> No.26393230
Quoted by: >>26393321

Amelia told her chat about haachama streaming and many of the retards started acting like twitchfags and spamming haachama's chat with that shitty stream raid mentality

>> No.26393236

Dancing lessons for her 3D.

>> No.26393238

Based, fucking cancer, thinking they are welcome here.

>> No.26393239
Quoted by: >>26393269

>another one like this

>> No.26393242
File: 646 KB, 800x846, 1600108307619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's the good stuff.

>> No.26393244

I don't care, didn't for more than ten years now. The older you get, the less it matters.
I'm a Yuro, so I sleep through most of the streams anyway. Thank god Mori streams in more EU-friendly timeslots.

>> No.26393245

Gura tricked me into buying Maneater because she was so bad at it
It's an okay game, I'm like 60% done in 4 hours, the upgrade system is gutter trash and it's weird how you go from fighting alligators to low level barracudas as you progress to the second and third areas

>> No.26393246
Quoted by: >>26393533

Saying, "Their roommate is X if you pay attention to the this and this." would not hold up in any court ever unless your country is some backwater hellhole.

You can get people for stalking or harassment, but only if they're using the dox information in a harmful manner. Warning people that someone did X or Y in the past using information that is publicly available online, is NOT illegal.

Don't spam Cover's report section with stupid bullshit, because then they wont be able to actually react when people are posting addresses and threats. (Which is the only thing they can go after you for.)

>> No.26393250
File: 129 KB, 1741x755, 1600045415264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393797

I wonder how Gura would be at this

>> No.26393253

I want to suck her greasy fried-chicken flavored fingers clean.

>> No.26393254
File: 401 KB, 1001x1055, 1577914929279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393257

There is literally 0% chance it isnt her if you've paid enough attention.

>> No.26393258
File: 276 KB, 1891x1936, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can sui-chan even compete?

>> No.26393259

Nice plushie

>> No.26393260
Quoted by: >>26393375

We might honestly get Holostars EN first. There's a huge male talent pool they could pull from.

>> No.26393261

I kind of want her to hold it off until she gets the superchats for maximum effect

>> No.26393262


>> No.26393265

Because her live2d is cute.

>> No.26393266

I hope Burrito becomes hokage one day.

>> No.26393269


>> No.26393270

Search for “ride on time” and you should be able to find it

>> No.26393281
File: 2.78 MB, 4000x3914, OGEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393338


>> No.26393280

At least Suisei still has singing right...

>> No.26393292

I think the culture of sending people over to other stream is kind of different to the Japanese. You should send them to other EN members, just not the main branch.

>> No.26393297
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1600153757648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly believe it's a good idea to break with that holo standard, she just needs to make sure to tell her audience to be respectful and to not go full retard on the other holo's chat

>> No.26393296

Aren't they basically the same but eat different types of tacos?

>> No.26393303

I swear some of these people behave like they've never even used 4chan before

>> No.26393305
File: 69 KB, 253x287, 1600113267902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393310
File: 11 KB, 474x474, 1599939872038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslingfrens, get ready.

>> No.26393313

because i hate twitch

>> No.26393314

Basrd Chama didn't give a fuck and talked for a bit about the ENs, it was mostly the chat seething.

>> No.26393316

Watching Garu was legit exciting, I'm gonna get muse dash

>> No.26393317
File: 25 KB, 1080x586, 1597518429006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393318
Quoted by: >>26393724

I feel like she has one too many colors or something.
Maybe the navy parts of her clothes and purple on her toys should have been a spicy orange.

>> No.26393319

I often have my pillow or a plush with me when I know things are going to get emotional. I'm glad she does too

>> No.26393320
Quoted by: >>26393372

Brazil will tell you they are Spain. Spain will tell you Brazil it not Spain.

>> No.26393321

The only people that got mad were the people in haachama unused to a fast scrolling chat. Haachama had to step in and tell them to calm down, Haachama- asking others to calm down.

>> No.26393327
Quoted by: >>26393362

This is a clear management issue. It's an EN/JP culture clash.

>> No.26393331
Quoted by: >>26393499

Haachama gave no fucks, she talked a bit about the holoENs and keep going as usual

>> No.26393334
Quoted by: >>26393525

this is false
the only south americans that have internet are the rich ones with good education, the annoying SOPs are literal spaniards or spantards as i like to call them

>> No.26393335

Yabai personality though, his senses aren't lying

>> No.26393336
File: 319 KB, 592x698, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Amelia is for making sweet, adorable love with while holding her hands in the missionary position, then hugging her tightly as you cum inside her and you profess your love to her over and over as you go soft inside her

>> No.26393338

what the hell? I fapped 4 times a day and my balls were starting to ache

>> No.26393339

It's interesting that so many people feel the say way about Watson as I do. It almost hurts to listen to her voice.

>> No.26393346
Quoted by: >>26393444

oh ok, ill look into it!
do you think just cardio like c25k or n2r and diet is enough to lose belly fat and go from 220 to 170?

>> No.26393352

we eat pig feet and ears in feijoada

>> No.26393353
File: 563 KB, 569x802, bane?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the roasties fear. They know they can only get away with being shit because they have no competition. They fear men having a Platonic ideal to measure women against and 2d girls provide that. God speed and don't settle.

>> No.26393355

She went from horrible debut to slightly below average, and cute girl make pp big so of course she attracts a lot of the anons that don't have sex
basically she panders to the simp market

>> No.26393356

Twitch a big shit

>> No.26393357

Amelia please

>> No.26393360
File: 881 KB, 806x975, She's here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm not too late

>> No.26393362

Yeah stream raids and boosting other streamers like this is common custom in western streaming, but in Japan it's see as rude.

>> No.26393365
File: 78 KB, 500x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder whos behind the Gura anti posting....

>> No.26393366

and then she wants to go again but you still haven't recovered so she brings out the drugs

>> No.26393368

I'm not sure. It went fine this time because Haachama's based as fuck and knows how to handle that sort of situation. But if it was another holo I'm not sure if it'd be OK.

>> No.26393371
Quoted by: >>26393512

Garu wins in Muse Dash.
Sui wins in Tetris.
Everyone has their talent.

>> No.26393372

>they do live in the same península

>> No.26393375

As long as they get their own thread and I dont have to see pics of some cancerous american guy’s anime avatar

>> No.26393376
Quoted by: >>26393421

>water fasting
does it really work? i thought body went starvation mode and made you fatter

>> No.26393377
Quoted by: >>26393405

Yep. Like an hour or two after that was posted she unliked and untweeted the image
Really pushes the narrative shes in these threads, or at least someone is and is relaying the thread posts

>> No.26393378
File: 97 KB, 657x967, 1599965134376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393379

I'm still mildly upset that she didn't go with #Holmies desu. What was the reason for that again?

>> No.26393380

Never know about her.
Having goslingbros going all over her feels like a moral boost somehow.

>> No.26393383

Just need to do your fapping reps

>> No.26393386

Why is sminem drinking fire extinguishers. Shouldn't he be stopping sheep on inclining to much with her stocks?

>> No.26393391

No exposure.
No funded L2D.
No one watches vtubers on Twitch.

Indie vtubers are like small fish in the ocean, not every one of them will be able to eat their way up to get noticed by people.

Not everyone can have an anime protagonist claim to fame story like Suichan

>> No.26393392
Quoted by: >>26393419


>> No.26393393

This is good. I like this.

>> No.26393395

She'll be fine....as long as the shark doesn't learn how to t-spin.

>> No.26393396

People get so up in their own feelings that they project what they feel on the livers. At this point they're professionals at what they do, they're not going to get asspained about that. Haachama is the perfect example, she took a few minutes of time to acknowledge them, and went back to Minecraft, it was completely fine.

>> No.26393403

Yes!! I love Amelia!

>> No.26393405
Quoted by: >>26393597

or maybe her manager is keeping her on a leash now.

>> No.26393406
Quoted by: >>26393705

Why are you talking about shark?

>> No.26393408

brittany is that you?

>> No.26393409
File: 368 KB, 380x298, wIrQJ8P.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys been doxing hololive girls? I seriously hope you guys aren't this rude.

>> No.26393418

>making Ina count the spanks and thank you for them afterwards
Oh yes please

>> No.26393419


>> No.26393420
File: 250 KB, 276x469, 1600045865081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first goslingpost that got to me. Fuck.

>> No.26393421

No it really works, it works super fast. I did it for about 5 days and went on just casual walks as well and lost about 15 pounds, and I was actually able to see the results

>> No.26393424

someone already posted a poorly translated EN->JP clip yesterday

>> No.26393425
File: 304 KB, 313x416, sui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel shark...

>> No.26393426


>> No.26393431

Remember when the Jirenfag got revealed to be a filthy brony?
I remember.

>> No.26393429

batman shooter. its fucking dumb but I get why she made the decision

>> No.26393435
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1600185390536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish people would stop the dumb comparing to 3d women bullshit or feeling smug about following a vtuber and how perfect they are. seriously stop the embarrassing cope you are a complete degenerate who's sucked in by pararelatoinships and hormone manipulations by image and sounds on the screen there is nothing good about this just shut up and enjoy. remnds me of weedtards that talk about how enlightened they get or whatever

>> No.26393438

HoloEN supachas are gonna blow Coco out of the water

>> No.26393439

how many times do we have to teach this lesson, barracuda?

>> No.26393444
Quoted by: >>26393593

Definitely, though keep in mind it's all calories-in vs calories-out! Also, read the link in the sticky in /fit/, it's genuinely some of the best advice for fitness on the internet.

>> No.26393447
Quoted by: >>26393525

Bullshit, there is no way i would confuse the spaniards slang in the chat, they have the worse spanish version
They don't even speak the same language

>> No.26393448
Quoted by: >>26393663

My dick fucking cramped the last time I tried this

>> No.26393454

>that 12% difference in Brain Power

>> No.26393455
Quoted by: >>26393500

please stream

>> No.26393457

Fuck I'm horny I need to coom to amelia

>> No.26393462

We need a website that archive these threads when there is a stream and show the posts at the correct timestamp...
When I miss a stream I also miss out on the live reaction of everyone and I hate it.

>> No.26393465

>Muse dash is £3
>DLC is £26

>> No.26393468
File: 1.66 MB, 498x398, 1600180455176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura loves Borderlands, she's perfect

>> No.26393473

This but with Mori

>> No.26393477

Association with glorifying a mass shooter. Although given she's the fps chuba, it's akshually thematically fitting for them to co-opt the term.

>> No.26393478

exposed, good post broracuda

>> No.26393479

So we're calling gura antis as barracudas, got it

>> No.26393481
Quoted by: >>26396210

Irrelevant Venti cunt attempt to become relevant by targeting your shark girl by calling you guys predators and porn addicts

>> No.26393482

Where's the NSFW version of this? forgot to save it

>> No.26393485

i think it depends on who she's passing them to. Like Haachama and Coco would 100% be fine with handling them, and I'd assume the bigger streamers like Pekora/Korone/Fubuki would probably be fine with it too. The ones who have smaller, cozier streams like Flare/Rushia probably wouldn't appreciate it as much.

That being said, it was Haachama both nights, so maybe it's planned?

>> No.26393488

The stream personalities don't seem that similar. I prefer Amelia. I don't know what happens when she changes into a slutty gremlin.

>> No.26393491

I wonder
I get the idea that HoloEn has a lot of newfags
I wonder if they'll send money
they do type "simp" a lot

>> No.26393492

Just think, theirs probably some golden goose that didn't make it, so we got chicken instead. or yagoo is saving her for gen2

>> No.26393494


Songs you want Gura to cover.

>> No.26393498

It's a shame Mori will never be able to sing DD songs on stream, it would be great to hear her performing it.

>> No.26393499

Based Chaama putting filthy haton impostors in their place.

>> No.26393500

She needs to draw to fund her gacha addiction please understand

>> No.26393501
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1600148858032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393706

Morimori-chan is "kawaii" as f-word!

>> No.26393502

talking about mori's disgusting fucking pits is a founding pillar of /hlgg/

>> No.26393505

damn, suisei BTFO

>> No.26393507

How can you even get horny so often after cumming? And all you shoot out after a certain point is transparent sackwater

>> No.26393508

I'm very reluctant to watch anyone not under Hololive or some other idol agency because there's no guarantee they won't start talking about how many dicks they've sucked IRL, see h*shikawa or m*a, and they also don't play characters like Holos do.

>> No.26393509
File: 279 KB, 458x452, 1600090602818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never experience this


>> No.26393512


>> No.26393513
Quoted by: >>26393695


>> No.26393515
File: 684 KB, 708x1000, Eh-b7WiUMAArkGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393546

>> No.26393517

that aside, based taste

>> No.26393518

what site is this?

>> No.26393520
Quoted by: >>26393641

Probably best only to promote within your EN group.

>> No.26393522

Kind of looking forward to her streaming it, I'm not even that big a fan of the game but it fits so well

>> No.26393525

>the only south americans that have internet are the rich ones with good education
this was true 15 years ago. now everyone has access to the internet unless you live in buttfuck nowhere
spaniards don't say things like "che" as far as I know. and there was a mexican youtuber (I think) that made a twitter post basically asking for people to spam hololives to say obscene crap.

>> No.26393528
Quoted by: >>26393930

>she just needs to make sure to tell her audience to be respectful and to not go full retard on the other holo's chat
A crowd that size is going to default to acting like a Twitch raid no matter what. Its like how she warned chat not to backseat or she wouldnt look at chat, and then she stopped looking at chat even before she got to a puzzle, she rightly expects nothing from them

>> No.26393530

>99% accuracy
The absolute autismo

>> No.26393533

Great explanation, and its even cited, thanks anon. Hopefully the doomposter antis will fuck off now

>> No.26393535
Quoted by: >>26393552

>total of dlc being more expensive than the base game
First time?

>> No.26393536

Hell yeah man I just wanna snap a leash and collar onto her and take her for a walk around the neighborhood where she only wears her lingerie.

>> No.26393537

Would have worked better if she was named Holmes instead of his partner Watson.

>> No.26393540

This, anyone who didn't read them needs to lurk moar.

>> No.26393541

I hope it's Borderlands 2

>> No.26393542

Now THIS is the kind of organic meme that makes the maneater stream worth it all.

>> No.26393544

she scrubbed her twitch before her debut so you actually can't anymore out side of the stream highlights she uploaded on youtube and the clips posted here

>> No.26393545

It's developed by some chink company with a Japanese name.

>> No.26393546
Quoted by: >>26394045

I love those little wing things

>> No.26393550

No, Amelia will drug and spit on you while she bounces on your dick.

>> No.26393551


>> No.26393552
Quoted by: >>26393604


>> No.26393553
File: 2.74 MB, 1038x5424, july.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it, Nips spent too much. But it would be nice.

>> No.26393559

No way

>> No.26393565
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1599922271583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393675

>he doesn't marine the game

>> No.26393566

Cheap to get as much exposure as possible, with a huge bulk of songs locked behind DLC

>> No.26393572
Quoted by: >>26393703

Because that ever stopped someone. It's good practice in, well, practice. But people are uncivilized cunts anyway.

>> No.26393575

What do you think the 5 EN girls get up to in their private discord?
What do you think they talk about?

>> No.26393583

Just a little bit

>> No.26393584
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 9a675c807fcced24458e57e9cc48cf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Cuddling with Amelia on a big soft couch, caressing her hair and sipping delicious tea while comfy piano music plays in the background
B) Going on a long, peaceful walk on the beach with Amelia, watching the sun setting on the horizon and then gazing at the stars together while holding her hand
C) Frolicking in a countryside field with Amelia, rolling around the grassy cushion of flowers and enjoying the sound of her laughter under the warm summer sky


>> No.26393585
File: 772 KB, 616x926, 9ho57d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393593

thanks anon, i'm feeling much more motivated now
i'd go back to the gym but with the whole rona thing im not comfortable so i'll just have to do cardio for now

>> No.26393594

I know that Gosling posting is a meme, but you guys won't actually akaspa when they have donations on, right?

>> No.26393595

That's the way monetization will go from now on for a lot of things. The first try is free/cheap, and then for a more complete experience, you have to really open the wallet.

>> No.26393597
Quoted by: >>26393884

is it even that bad though? haato is showing much worse stuff on stream

>> No.26393601
Quoted by: >>26393620

they talk about boys and sex

>> No.26393602
File: 711 KB, 1083x429, gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think im ready bros....

>> No.26393603
File: 241 KB, 1400x1094, Eh-feekXkAIqJ0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood simping till Mori read my comment. She's my wife now. Deal with it.

>> No.26393604

I envy you

>> No.26393606

Ina already said that Shark sings for them. Probably just talking about projects or streams.

>> No.26393608

The latest Miku game was similar
>"Base" game was free
>Two DLC packs for 25 each

>> No.26393609

Don't care, holobitch. We're impervious to teasing here.

>> No.26393612


>> No.26393613

How does she do it?

>> No.26393616

It's a shame there's no art of her exposing her disgusting smelly unwashed pits...

>> No.26393617
Quoted by: >>26393656

what spanish slang words?

>> No.26393620
Quoted by: >>26393817

Ina is pure.

>> No.26393627

>Watson and the Holmies
No no anon, it'd be perfect

>> No.26393628
Quoted by: >>26393662

About how much they hate Ryan Gosling

>> No.26393630

I want to watch Kiara go up in flames and fertilize her remains.

>> No.26393635
File: 146 KB, 305x298, 1599944822654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393637

i used to donate when i watched twitch streamers and i supa'd haachama during that skype stream. idk about aka but i'll probably member at minimum.

>> No.26393638
File: 445 KB, 530x637, 1591623184488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there will be a finisher or at least more in the next one. I'll hold out until then.

>> No.26393641

I would say drop it to hey support muh coworkers and that's it.
Promoting one GEN only would be kinda rude, and maybe seen as not acknowledging others existence or something.

>> No.26393642

The gosling shit is getting annoying. Save it for when she's streaming.

>> No.26393643

She knows how to sell herself

>> No.26393646
Quoted by: >>26393888

>They're characters! It's like wrestling!
Biggest signals of a blatent newfag. Learn japanese and realize why this shit is popular. I would've thought amelia already taught you this

>> No.26393648
File: 350 KB, 591x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a homely neet, A.....

>> No.26393649
File: 353 KB, 957x702, EhzTpYVU4AAr0rV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiromoot, my pic...

>> No.26393653

Which holoEN is the most excited about making it? I say it has to be Mori, she sounds so happy and hyped about it all, like it was a life dream come true.

>> No.26393655

A no contest

>> No.26393656

There was one saying "petemos el chat"
talking about filling Korone's chat with Spanish to "teach her" spanish.

>> No.26393660

Stupid Sr. Pelo

>> No.26393662

>Ina hates niggerman posting
>Watson hates Gosling posting

These are superior narratives.

>> No.26393663

Man I never realized I was so abnormal, I think I fap 4-8 times a day every single day and have without missing a day for so many years I cant remember the last time I didn't fap.

AND I have a girlfriend I have sex with too.

>> No.26393664
File: 286 KB, 393x385, 1600102325203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they actually think gaijin will donate to the holoENs
the only one who will be making literally any money is gura since she's a JOP favourite right now

>> No.26393666

The read your posts aloud and laugh at them

>> No.26393667

I thought it was boring when all the other tubers played, seems slow and weird. When she played it was like something else though, immediately bought it and having good fun.

>> No.26393674

We got any good clips of JP girls saying their opinions on the EN vtubers?

>> No.26393675

It's a trap
Now that's based

>> No.26393677


>> No.26393679



>> No.26393687
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1571466503963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant that anyone that uses that word should fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.26393692
File: 2.92 MB, 828x382, 1599999612071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393718

getting spit roasted by Mori's cock and Ina's tentacle

>> No.26393690
File: 522 KB, 824x550, watson1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, as much as I love Ame, I refuse to donate to her simply out of the fact that she can easily get the money from someone else and I really need to save the money for myself since I'm moving to Japan next year

>> No.26393694
File: 128 KB, 534x248, 1599950857497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone sent Wame a marshmallow asking who her favourite actor is.

I 100% believe she would say Ryan Gosling if she actually browsed here.

>> No.26393695
File: 2.18 MB, 1182x1448, ameliounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26393702
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1599948124018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26393703
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1600142962068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394037

JP holos never really tried to ge the message to the english audience (except for Choco that one time) and it's mostly fans telling each other to read the rules, new viewers want to learn about chuba culture and getting the message to them this way might be a good precedent.

>> No.26393704
Quoted by: >>26393743

They DEFINITELY will. You have no idea how much EOP cucks want to be Japanese and copy their culture and ideals, hell, you see it in these threads. They'll be showered in donations.

>> No.26393705

its both of them, with the nuance being that shark has the advantage of attracting you-know-whos
which also explains the difference of average viewers on their streams

>> No.26393707
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, Eh7VQtfU8AEI-Wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't be stopped

>> No.26393706


>> No.26393712

Tomboy, chicken and Watson were all super hyped. Squid and shark don't really show it, but they're much smoother operators if they were.

>> No.26393713

why do non-JP like towa so much

>> No.26393714
File: 2.28 MB, 404x347, 1600042646462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes fucking perfect, how
literally the exact same place i dropped that pile of trash

>> No.26393717

>HOW is it possible that i'm holding myself from jacking off everytime i see Mori?
She's still the personification of death so your unconscious fear holds you back.

>> No.26393718


>> No.26393721

>today's classes cancelled
God is watching me, anons. I'm going to make it for amelia's next stream, holy shit thank you my lord, I'll never forget your kindness

>> No.26393724
File: 83 KB, 426x426, galaxy brain bird technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, still not quite right. Orange does make her toys look like Chozo technology though.

>> No.26393728

If I have the cash to spare, sure, but not due to any gosling feelings or anything. It's like paying for a game or movie your really like. I want to support them and support Cover for bringing them to us.

>> No.26393730


>> No.26393733

>Mori likes smellposting but pretends not to

>> No.26393738

it's a rhythm game thing

>> No.26393740

Welcome to modern vidya.

>> No.26393743

Korone just farmed under a thousand USD in 40 minutes of a spontaneous English-only stream

>> No.26393746

We would have been the holmies to her watson but it's fine. I like the new name almost as much

>> No.26393755
Quoted by: >>26393795

>Ryan Gosling actually lurks here

>> No.26393760
Quoted by: >>26393780

imagine how many cuties exist in the vtuber world that we will never know about

>> No.26393762

I don't even know what's in the dlc except for more exp, very unclear.

Bought the base game and am having lots of fun.

>> No.26393765

just look at ur average top 3% streamer and how much they make on twitch and that should be how much they will earn, maybe more depending on japs

>> No.26393769

>euros don't donate to holoJP
>euros won't donate to holoEN
burgers will carry this one. euros are too red pilled to give money away

>> No.26393771

Just woke up. How was Mori’s stream?

>> No.26393772

B then A

>> No.26393774

tell the redditors not to do the "raid" shit and see if they stop, if not probably best to stop doing it to JP streamers unless they give you the okay

>> No.26393777
File: 134 KB, 764x764, 1472906946400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393803

Aside from Amelia being there, I have recurring dreams about A, so A

>> No.26393778

Im falling for Calli gapmoe so hard

>> No.26393780

Yagoo will find them for us

>> No.26393783

Ina read and doesn't reply much since she seems shy but always enjoys being here

>> No.26393785
File: 836 KB, 808x890, 1598100568964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap Kenzokusl, i kneel.

>> No.26393787
Quoted by: >>26393935

Chicken by far but not necessarily a good thing. She definitely puts effort but anons said her earlier stream today kind of addressed things so will watch after work.

>> No.26393792

I asked her if she's secretly distributing her own counterfeits.

>> No.26393795

Realtalk senpaitachi. The gosling posting is such a tryhard copy-paste "hurr durr do I fit in yet guys" meme that it should really be retired. It's had its heydey, but it's time to come up with some fresh new oc.

>> No.26393797
Quoted by: >>26393851

>red screen: the game
They better make color "correction" an optional toggle desu

>> No.26393799

Good. She's becoming less nervous each stream and it is certified cringekino.

>> No.26393801

Judging by how she did at maneater tho... I pray she saves these types of games for later.

>> No.26393802

Not rich enough to do that. I treat it as paying Patreon the same way I support some web novel authors and artists. Membership if they stream regularly and long enough to be significant entertainment, like Korone back before the permissions arc.

>> No.26393803

Dropped my fucking numbers

>> No.26393806

Not much cringe, but she was pretty chill. I honestly miss the cringekino though, but I also like this newer Mori

>> No.26393807
File: 81 KB, 398x414, 1600129629882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy. She told the story about how today's song was almost late and talked about future games she wants to play, all while drinking extremely expensive 450 yen wine

>> No.26393809

>euros are too red pilled to give money away
Also earn way less that burgers

>> No.26393813
Quoted by: >>26393954

I see fat bearded guys on twitch with 3k viewers driving around in sports cars. HoloEN won’t have a problem I think.

>> No.26393815

I'm not so sure that the western culture is willing to simp as much as the nips are.

>> No.26393817
Quoted by: >>26393874


>> No.26393818

Licensing music is expensive. The steam version is a good deal because you just pay that once and get all future DLC too. In the mobile version you have to buy each song pack individually and it costs way more to have all of them.

>> No.26393820

I haven't cared about anything other than the HoloENs for the past three days what the fuck is happening to me

>> No.26393823

They talk about sex and laugh about how many sexless idiots are going to throw money at them

>> No.26393824
Quoted by: >>26393947


>> No.26393825
Quoted by: >>26393876

> AKA I'm mad it's not something "exclusive" of a few anymore

>> No.26393826

b followed by a

>> No.26393827
File: 727 KB, 1000x912, 58i97vj9bny41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Coco choose Amelia from all the others?

>> No.26393829
File: 484 KB, 639x639, 1599881201297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A because her hair must smell amazing and be comfiest material known to man.

>> No.26393831
Quoted by: >>26393879

>Ame gaming at 11pm
>Ame Q&A at 3am
>Kaira karaoke at 6am

My sleep....

>> No.26393834
Quoted by: >>26393895

Hope you're mentally prepared to loneliness and alienation on a different level bruv

>> No.26393836

I want to thank that one anon that posted The Vision Bleak for reminding me about this band.

>> No.26393838
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>> No.26393841
File: 18 KB, 278x290, 1599991317236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394290

>He doubts it
JOPs wallets are fucking shaking at this moment

>> No.26393842

>2 upcoming Watson streams
>might miss both of them since they're too early in the morning for me

>> No.26393843
Quoted by: >>26393868

I am Ryan Gosling.

>> No.26393844

I like Mori but it's pretty cringe when she leans into the whole Reaper thing. Listening to her talk about how she's been alive forever or how she likes killing people is pretty embarrassing and while I'm sure making money alleviates that feel a little bit, I'd still feel ashamed.

>> No.26393851

The game has a saturation option

>> No.26393854

I will in ARS

>> No.26393856
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1423112487886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How much would you pay to watch a one hour movie? The average national price of a movie ticket is around 10 dollars. If you have EVER considered a movie worth paying that amount of money, make sure you pay for membership to your favorite HoloEN girl. They put out several hours of content sometimes multiple times a day, and membership is only FIVE DOLLARS for the whole goddamn month.

If you can't pay 5 dollars to your absolute favorite for providing you with hours and hours of entertainment once a month, leave this thread, and stop watching them. Go mow literally 1(one) lawn a fucking month for 5 dollars so you can support them.

>> No.26393866

Kit-kats are too good...

>> No.26393867

She held up well. Also turns out she's such a poorfag she rides a bus to gym/classes.

>> No.26393868

We all are.

>> No.26393874
Quoted by: >>26393971

>Imagine dicking down Ina whilst she screams that she "never wanted this" and that "I'm going to kill you" until she eventually quietens down into just taking it and moaning like the submissive hikki she is.

>> No.26393876

No, it's just so overused that it's lost all meaning. The meme's been run into the ground.

>> No.26393878

The cringe is part of it though

>> No.26393879

Chumlet said it right: Sleep is for the weak.
You sleep you lose.

>> No.26393884

Haato started becoming a degenerate much later though.

>> No.26393885

To fuck over Kaine.
>Screw you sis, they already have a drugged up blonde chick

>> No.26393886

I still have my baby "blankie"

>> No.26393887

The larp is cute with Kiara but otherwise she could spend more time talking with chat

>> No.26393888

Signs of someone who doesn't understand wrestling. The appeal is similar, even if both are supposed to be playing characters.

>> No.26393889
File: 42 KB, 567x894, Eh7eXRUXgAAIfdK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393914

>almost 3
>Gura has been on Twitter for several hours
>still no schedule
I'm dying... chumbuds...

>> No.26393890
File: 30 KB, 132x205, Some say nigger, some say oopsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacult bros, how do you do it? Many of you seem into self motivation, but based around Ina
I'm a /fit/ fag myself but lapsed, and have been stuck for a couple months telling myself I'll do something.
How do you make your daily chuber watching invigorate you with willpower and motivation?

>> No.26393895
Quoted by: >>26394129

already deal with that, bonus is that i know a good amount of japanese, like n2 or close to n1 maybe so it wont be a huge language barrier thing, it'll just be dealing with being a tall white blonde guy in japan

>> No.26393897
File: 637 KB, 460x579, 234213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26393948

Of course, I present the superior Ryan

>> No.26393912

Please, stop posting old Amelia's clips. I can't stand the fact that I wasn't there supporting her and chatting regularly.

>> No.26393914

I'm chumming

>> No.26393915

I understand why everything is there, she said she likes rps so the sword and shield and classic rpg hero pose.
The outfit itself resembles a restaurant waitress with the phoenix colors and chef hat on top of that.

I think she needed to look more like a harpy or something and less like an OL.

>> No.26393916
File: 51 KB, 500x358, roofkoreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394181

>>Ina hates niggerman posting
She's roof korean 100% so she probably thinks it's funny even if she'll never admit it.

>> No.26393920

Originally "Che" was an Argentinian thing but you hear it everywhere on the South now and yes it was a Mexican that said that "Sr. Pelo" was the instigator of this mess

But saying that the spaniards have no hand on this is a lie a saw at least one of them using words like "peteamos" in the chat, that gets you bullied here on the south

>> No.26393922
Quoted by: >>26394004

The chuuni RP is the best part though at least when English is a foreign language to you so the cringe isn't nearly as strong as it could've been otherwise

>> No.26393924

You guys dont get around the internet much. You should have seen the kinds of donations the hazbin hotel team would pull in from their drawing streams with the voice actors. Hololives will decimate those numbers.

>> No.26393929
Quoted by: >>26393996

She should've been in a dark black navy uniform
But then again that might contrast her overwhelmingly positive attitude

>> No.26393930

If they wanna get bigger and attract various audiences, they have to get use to people who don't know this or that and have moderators helping out. Even Twitch-jap indies love and praise when some twitch-celeb barfs 1-5k people into their stream.

The more oddball types are sometimes the spics and hues who just have no filter and do outlandish stuff period.

>> No.26393933

We have come full square haven't we

>> No.26393935

I will watch bird again only after she does a complete 180. I don't actively hate her, but even if I ignore the JOP pandering and rabbit lust, I still find her super boring and generic genki

>> No.26393937
Quoted by: >>26394027

Mori already has my membership and im one of those assholes that doesn't pay on principle

>> No.26393941

I'm already member'd to Risu. Will member to all the HoloENs when I can.

>> No.26393943
File: 1.23 MB, 1238x799, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394035


>> No.26393945

How new are you? They all lean into the kayfabe, especially early on, to avoid bringing up unnecessary personal information as well as for fun.

>> No.26393947


>> No.26393948

His new upcoming biographical film #FreeBloop was an absolute masterpiece. It's time for gura to pop the bubble.

>> No.26393949
File: 95 KB, 280x290, 1600052196108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep is for weak*

>> No.26393954

They rent or lease anything expensive looking. Pretty common tactic among influencers and Internet personalities.

>> No.26393957
Quoted by: >>26393994

This kind of pietist moralfaggotry is what keeps people from donating, fuck off

>> No.26393960

calling all Gura antis Barracudas from now on got it

>> No.26393964 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26394023

roasties are SEETHING

>> No.26393972
File: 359 KB, 2048x1652, Eh8n8-uVkAA2anu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394061

i love ina

>> No.26393970

Someone explain to me the smellposting and Mori's pits thing, I missed it.

>> No.26393971

I didn't know I was into this anon.
>Later in the days she gently pokes at you while looking upset, asking for more

>> No.26393976

When you see someone do something they enjoy it becomes infectious.
You just gotta rediscover what made you enjoy it in the first place.

>> No.26393981
File: 1006 KB, 2400x2000, Eh-MBJBVgAEA5RW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just does.

>> No.26393982
Quoted by: >>26394030

This is the only correct way to go about it. You are not buying a woman, you are not donating to a poor starving homeless girl.
You are paying for a service, deciding on the appropriate value of what you receive and what you are willing to give.
Don't be a dumb simp, be a gracious capitalist.

>> No.26393983

I considered it so many times before but now I'm determined. Day one shark member.

>> No.26393985

Is Mori ever gonna do a gaming stream?
What game would you like to see me play?

>> No.26393988
File: 164 KB, 1024x786, (gasoline).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are next streams for Ina and Gura?
Their twitters are silent on the matter.

>> No.26393989

Yeah, it's for the weak, because you feel weak when you lack sleep
sleeping reps are very important

>> No.26393993
Quoted by: >>26394063

If the PS5 ends up being $399 tomorrow I'm akasupaing the shit out of Watson the first stream I'm able to.

>> No.26393994

Little NEETy can't afford five dollars? Go get a job you lazy leech.

>> No.26393996
Quoted by: >>26394135

Youjo senki had a genki nazi girl. The mlp fandom had a genki nazi OP. Phoenix can be a genki nazi too.

>> No.26393999

Think about it as something to do between streams, using the time to do something that you feel is productive makes the reward of the stream much better.

>> No.26394002
File: 26 KB, 128x128, EhyoFh_VgAA_BzX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394004

Nah, I never liked Coco talking about how she was a dragon or Pekora talking about Pekoland. Marine is the best, she just went full "fuck it" and said "I'm a girl cosplaying as a pirate".

>> No.26394006

Glad she's starting one hour earlier. Means I can catch the entire Superliminal stream.

>> No.26394008

Fuck youj, briwn all the way.

>> No.26394009

Is this the most rational man in all of /hlg/?

>> No.26394015
File: 68 KB, 581x571, 1598270008307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JOP 5chanon asks if HoloEN is just like Shroud, a Canadian streamer who's famous with JP for being a quiet and chill.

>"Watson is fun"
>"Octopus is pretty good"
>"Mori is cool"
>"Shark is cute"

>replying to the 2nd 5chanon
>"You are one person short"


>> No.26394017

people kept asking if you wil still watch holojp now that holoEN is out, most said no.
Haaachama is still irreplaceable though, there's noone like her, hope YAGOO finds someone for future gEN

>> No.26394019

Play what you like and can Mori, don't worry about your poor computer, eventually you will get a better one. And the wine as well.

>> No.26394023

You fucking nigger

>> No.26394027

This is me with ina and amelia I never understood why people would do this until now

>> No.26394030

Same thing

>> No.26394031
Quoted by: >>26394309

Of fuck meidos DELET.

>> No.26394032
File: 454 KB, 764x806, 1600123867416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394106

Roughly how long do you guys think it'd take before the ENs become monetised? I wanna give Amelia my membership

>> No.26394035
File: 19 KB, 500x411, acceptingdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hear the disdain she has for her fans.
It's kind of depressing to be aware that all these vtubers absolutely despise their fans.

>> No.26394037
Quoted by: >>26394153

It's not a matter of not knowing the rules, it's an inevitability of ten thousand people entering a stream. If one in a hundred succumbs to the urge to assert their presence in chat you have a hundred lines of spam right there. And that's an ideal scenario that assumes they all know and want to follow those rules, notwithstanding ESLs and people making it worse by trying to police chat and contributing to spam

>> No.26394040
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600079279003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394041

>I like Mori but it's pretty cringe
It's great I know

>> No.26394043

It's part of the fun and she melds it with her casual persona really well (underworld bus rides). It's pretty tame as far as roleplaying goes and doesn't come across as forced to me at all.

>> No.26394044

She's everything I wanted to be, so she's proof that I can make it

>> No.26394045

Me too. It's like she decided to mix in a little bit of what angels are actually supposed to look like, on top of the eldritch thing

>> No.26394046

>How much would you pay to watch a one hour movie?
>paying for entertainment

>> No.26394047

I just redownloaded obs, i have to change my settings dont judge me

>> No.26394052

She spent half of the last stream talking about games she wants to play and she's just waiting for permissions

>> No.26394053

Mori please play ringfit and describe how sweaty it makes you

>> No.26394054
Quoted by: >>26394323

>explaining anything to retards
You should've just let them stick to their duolongo
>I've learned stuff
What did you learn; I can't read that thread it's full of mouth breathers.

>> No.26394058

Queen sees queen

>> No.26394061
Quoted by: >>26394228

>Has one of the lowest viewer numbers of the group but one of the highest numbers of fanart
Is it just the character design or are her art streams that good at motivating people?

>> No.26394063

399$ for a digital version. And yes, do it.

>> No.26394062

Aren't you playing mad father tommorow?

>> No.26394066
Quoted by: >>26394139

I know I'm a piece of shit for having a fetish for rape, but I can't control my boner.

>> No.26394069
Quoted by: >>26394130

Super Seducer for cringe kino

>> No.26394073


>> No.26394079

Hiphopmania, obviously.

>> No.26394081

>Listening to her talk about how she likes killing people is pretty embarrassing
Try hot.

>> No.26394082
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1600062433956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394142


>> No.26394083
Quoted by: >>26394176

>haha look at me i make 4chan posts on 5ch and the screencap them

>> No.26394085

I think I speak for everyone here when I say we'd like to see you play with yourself.

>> No.26394088

This is a really unhealthy mindset anon, you cant change the past, but what you can do is keep supporting her from now on. Don't let what could have been distract you from all the fun you can have now and in the future

>> No.26394090

>not having mpv

>> No.26394097


>> No.26394100

Honestly I think everyone will be better of if bird becomes honorary JP

>> No.26394102

That wasn't targetted at the people watching though

>> No.26394106

Fifth gen was monetized almost immediately if i remember correctly, but they were also announced much earlier due to their debuts.
Hard to tell, i give them 2 weeks.

>> No.26394112
Quoted by: >>26394136

People will donate if they want to donate, badgering people to pay up is pathetic

>> No.26394114
Quoted by: >>26394171


>> No.26394113

I'd be happy with Mori playing a fromsoft game like she said or anything that is fun for her so we can all have a good time.

>> No.26394115

I love it. It gives her a great feel

>> No.26394117

I'm subbed to Mori and Amelia, yes.

>> No.26394118

Play with the chicken's thighs.

>> No.26394120

stop bullying the birb pls

>> No.26394121
Quoted by: >>26394169

> "Hey, wake up." Your eyes shoot open as a sharp pain at your waist jolts you awake. You see her still dressed in that nightgown that can barely hold her assets in place. You try to reach down to the spot where she kicked you, but the tug of the chains hold your arms in place.

> "I need to get to work," she towers over you, crossing over with one leg. "But you need to get me off first." She pulls your loincloth aside, and stares at your member. The tension makes it difficult for you to respond. "Ugh, do I have to do everything for you?" She sighs, as she lowers herself onto all fours, and hovers her bosom above your head. You inadvertently take a whiff: the smell of lilies. You're not quite sure if that's the shampoo, or the way that Reapers naturally come. The tip of her breasts hover over your face, not quite touching as you feel your breath reflected. Even from here, the thought of the comforts that these mammaries would provide, as your head nestled between them, spark some heat in your body. The soft, smooth and firm sensations would definitely-

> "Hmph, that'll do." You stifle a whimper of disappointment, as the tender breasts pull away from you. She squats over your groin, pulling her stance wide. She grabs your member roughly, and positions it over her entrance. You don't have long to snap out of your trance before she lowers herself onto you. You gasp as she buries herself into you, her tender rump slamming onto your thighs. With her head lulled, she picks up the pace, as you feel the slickness of her walls coat your member.

> You want to reach out for a nice grasp of her chest, to the flesh that is bobbing up and down her frame as she thrusts. The chains jingle, and your arms are cuffed, as she shifts her head down and glares at you. "Don't even think about it." She throws your arm back on the mattress, as she tries to regain her focus.

> You feel that familiar feeling rise up, with her breath becoming equally as ragged. You feel her cavity tense up around your appendage, a satisifed moan leaving her lips. The gyration comes to a stop. But, you weren't done yet. She lifts herself back up, as you feel your third leg sliding out, still firm. "That wasn't too bad. She walks around the room, wiping off the fluid between her legs with a tissue. "I might even bring an extra snack back from the demons tonight for your performance." You want to protest over the gloop that the demons peddle as food, but the cloth holds your jaw in place. She walks up to the door, and before turning the corner, she passes another glance at you. "Keep it up and I might think about loosening the grips over your disgusting, mortal shell." She passes into the corridor, leaving you with but your loincloth still pushed to the side, and your erection still unsatiated. You try eagerly to reach for it, but the chains foil you yet again.

>> No.26394122
Quoted by: >>26394470

>More 'I say Mori in the first line and me in second line' posting
Is this a new form of falseflagging?

>> No.26394123
Quoted by: >>26394230

I am rock fucking hard for a Mori Bloodborne stream desu senpai

>> No.26394125


>> No.26394129
Quoted by: >>26394202

Good to hear. So is your plan becoming a JET or something like that?

>> No.26394130

That would be glorious

>> No.26394132

Yea she didn't care at all, it was 3-4 chat nazis who were self appointed rule 4 police who were trying to shout down all the people who came flooding in from the other stream. The chat police caused the biggest disturbance and they couldn't calm down.

>I warned you! I am going to start reporting you for rule 4 violation. I SAID STOP"

He went on an on as if he was talking to just a handful of repeat offenders, but it was about 6000 that arrived in under a minute. For every person her "warned" 100 others arrived moments later.

>> No.26394135
Quoted by: >>26394271

See, now you're making me wish we got a genki nazi Phoenix that likes friend chicken and rabbits

>> No.26394136

>it's pathetic to tell people to pay for things they enjoy

The only thing pathetic here is you.

>> No.26394137

>tfw Chicken spends the first five minutes of her stream explaining how Phoenixes procreate.

Anons, is the chicken... based?

>> No.26394139

I don't really care anymore about what arouses me. I know I wouldn't hurt someone IRL and that's really all that matters

>> No.26394140
File: 138 KB, 1277x772, 1600038652348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently watching Watson's Superliminal playthrough...
Bros... Watson's soft voice... the ingame music... her cute antics...
It hurts.

>> No.26394142

why can't you post a screenshot from Drive or The Notebook once in a while

>> No.26394143

marine's larp is the 'girl' part, not the 'pirate' part tho

>> No.26394144

Because she's just a normal girl.

>> No.26394148
Quoted by: >>26394378

when will Mori drop her current character rap and put out fire like
>Day-to-day “life is pain” hashtag “aesthetic”
>I feel bad for sad boys, they’re all so fuckin’ pathetic
>Zombified inside the hungry eyes of SNS お姫様
>Cheaply made musician disguise, you best believe it’s drama
>Something that I can’t swing, “boy&girlロマンシング”
>Autotune the shit outta your voice because you CAN’T sing
>Cashing in on pity till the paychecks come, I’m sorry
>We don’t call that HIP-HOP in the country it was born from
>“But maybe you don’t know their story!!”
>Sorry, I don’t need to
>音楽とイメージがBUSINESS, and the fans will bleed to be like you
>It’s true that I can lament, I can bitch, I can whine
>It’s just the people I’m critiquin’ won’t own up and that’s fine.
>Ya see It’s not like I’m belligerent for justice to drop
>But if you’re in the shit for image, why not just stick to pop?
>Don’t care to witness careless villainy out in plain sight, I’m glad
>That you can make some money off what’s killin’ me in real life.

>> No.26394149

>he only pays for necessities
Peak wageslave behavior

>> No.26394152
File: 84 KB, 1202x709, moriborne doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope they can get through to Sony/Miyazaki

InaMori Bloodborne is my dream collab stream

>> No.26394153

Live chats were a mistake.

Making a woman pleasure and entertain you even though she disgusts you is the ultimate chad move. It's like you've never read a doujin in your life, newfriend.

>> No.26394155

I hope it gets more subtle so that the reaper jokes aren't coming out every 2 minutes.

>> No.26394159

Alright, fair enough
nevermind, got em good

>> No.26394161
Quoted by: >>26394257

She's only 28! There's still time!

>> No.26394166
File: 106 KB, 724x717, thinking animu girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys Ina claims to be a perfectly normal human (outside of the tentacles) but she was kinda suspicious during the CoC stream

>> No.26394167
File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, 1555981007609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394346


>> No.26394169

immediately went flaccid, no one fucking calls it that

>> No.26394171

Feels more appropriate for Ina in terms of theme but I know that Mori likes FROM stuff.

>> No.26394173
Quoted by: >>26394215

pekora is really ridiculous because she's a fucking 4-ears

>> No.26394176

cope harder friedtard

>> No.26394181

Roof Korean is best Korean

>> No.26394182

Be prepared for part 2 in three hours when the thread explodes to Gosling posting and runs into the image limit almost instantly, then we have to resort to posting ascii art.

>> No.26394185

hum hum

>> No.26394187

which holoEN is most likely to be a drainer

>> No.26394190

I'm going to start watching too

>> No.26394191

She just has some fetishes

>> No.26394194

I'd rather see her do a music production stream.

>> No.26394195
Quoted by: >>26394851

He was talking about HoloEN not HoloEN/JP
Sell your chickencoin while you can

>> No.26394196

Arteta, the trophies and HoloEN are the highlights of 2020.

>> No.26394201

Cute doodle.

>> No.26394202

Teacher at an International School
I'm already in an education program, so I can join those schools that require an actual license to teach
Better pay, benefits, etc than a JET, plus you're an actual teacher

>> No.26394204

>Pander to JOPs
>End up being unappealing to both sides
Big brain move

>> No.26394213 [DELETED] 
File: 690 KB, 1665x398, ___10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething land whales: Part one
Brace for impact, anons.

>> No.26394215

Since when is more holes a bad thing?

>> No.26394218
File: 388 KB, 580x553, 1600142998087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upbeat rap

>> No.26394219

So is amelia's autism shtick just an act or did she sperg out in her indie shit as well?
cause thats the most endearing part about her...

>> No.26394221
File: 19 KB, 309x282, 1577766064415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26394222

>Thought EN would be cringe as fuck
>I fucking love Amelia
I kneel to my queen

>> No.26394223
File: 393 KB, 398x607, 1595704494322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394227
File: 25 KB, 431x174, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394336

Cabanya kneels...

>> No.26394228

She had a consistent 33k watching CoC yesterday, she's not the lowest

>> No.26394225

amilea mi amore

>> No.26394230
File: 6 KB, 151x88, 5kde60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394340

>clearing fetid/rotted/cursed chalices with Mori!

>> No.26394236

Do not support sleep deprivation

>> No.26394235

Will we ever get a dj holo?
I know there are one or two indies

>> No.26394237

Good luck anon!

>> No.26394240
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, 1600017604411.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the very small shreds of inspiration she gives me to force myself to just start and do my reps. I write down things I need to do each evening for the next day. Avoid distractions, just sit down and do your tasks or reps, there's not much else to it. The first 15minutes are always the hardest for me, but once you get past that, you just continue working. Personally whenever I relapse I start small. I make sure to be productive for 1 hour a day for a week. Productive meaning working out, 3d, drawing or some other one thing. Then you bump it up. Sometimes I just put on my chuubas archive that i've seen to hear her and work on my tasks.

I also think in a lot of cases it's an issue of self doubt, especially if it's art related or something. Mostly because people look up to artists they like and feel bad that they're not as good.
Make sure to only focus on comparing yourself to yourself in the past. Become the best version of yourself, instead of a copy of the people you like. Each day focus on becoming that much better than who you were in the past, by doing something in the present, to become happy and the best version of yourself in the future.

>> No.26394242

Who's the artist for Mori? Her design is top tier semen demon

>> No.26394244
Quoted by: >>26394561

Who cares.

>> No.26394247

When you have to add structure to your life in order to accomdate vtubers, it's easy to add structure elsewhere. If someone you like starts streaming at 12pm til 2pm then you go for a run between 2pm and 3pm. Or run between 11am and 12pm.

>> No.26394251
Quoted by: >>26395051

Don't forget the piss dream

>> No.26394253
File: 590 KB, 1032x931, fill in the blank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, I'm sorry I doubted you and sold during debut. Superliminal forced my knees through the crust of the Earth. Please accept these clips and let me wash away just a little bit of my guilt.
45 more clips here: https://github.com/abayochocoball/naked_dogeza/blob/master/amelia_clips_superliminal.csv
Will update with next superliminal stream.

>> No.26394254 [DELETED] 

you HoloEN faggots and that SJW roastie kiara killed hololive

>> No.26394257
Quoted by: >>26394391

>women is the horniest after 32
Marine doesn't even get her final form.

>> No.26394258

I will tell you what I'll do. I'll watch their streams and tune that bullshit out. It's my head and I can choose what goes inside in!

>> No.26394260
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stop listening to mori's deadbeat kinda reminds me of aesop rock

>> No.26394263

Doesn't sound like a bad idea

>> No.26394265

considering the type of person she is, it's easier to assume she just doesn't give a fuck

>> No.26394266

This is so retarded and I can't wrap my head around the reasoning

>> No.26394271
Quoted by: >>26394382

That's why I meme it. Tomato fast food girl outfit is a poor design choice, and straying away from the German meme language only lessens her appeal.

Japan has a weeb boner for nazis and portions of the west like the cool aesthetic if nothing else. It's not about literal genocide. It's about cool bird in cool outfit doing fun things and memeing it up in German.

Instant appeal boost if huke ever got the memo and gave her a 2d_v2

>> No.26394274
File: 42 KB, 532x251, 1600137725563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put on Watson's Apex and reps streams i missed while cooking

>> No.26394278 [DELETED] 

The shark will be cancelled

>> No.26394279

Hopefull Mori will Rap Super shooter when she gets better at japanese.


>> No.26394281

reminder to report the whore video

>> No.26394285


>> No.26394286

C then A

>> No.26394288
File: 55 KB, 564x873, 1599958166296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394290
File: 54 KB, 1172x614, fucking google frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394293

Based Squidbro. We're all going to make it

>> No.26394294

God I love this fish like you wouldn't believe

>> No.26394297

Grass is always greener on the other side. You might be one of the twitchfags left there unable to cope with the transition instead.

>> No.26394298

>did she sperg out in her indie shit as well?
she's always been kind of gremlin-y like artia

>> No.26394300

The one who kills it is that fucking faggot that brings attention to them for views.
I hope he is a burger and lives in state where joggers are running rampant.

>> No.26394302

I would dedicate my soul towards contributing to Amelia's public repo

>> No.26394305

>everyone's afraid EN will be a tumblr cringe division
>actually fantastic
>next fear is twitter mob throwing their usual cancel shitfit
>it's actually a /pol/ reject doing it
my expectations have been subverted.

>> No.26394306
Quoted by: >>26394361

Anon please.... my penis....

>> No.26394308

You should be able to feel it if you are autistic like her anon.

>> No.26394309

You can delete it too. The post is not that old.

>> No.26394310


>> No.26394316
Quoted by: >>26394366

I'd actually be interesting in seeing (You) play some roguelikes, Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Crypt of the Necrodancer, and the like.

>> No.26394315
Quoted by: >>26394338

i love ame bros, I wana hold her and protect her

>> No.26394317

That would be neat

>> No.26394319

based good work

>> No.26394323

Pretty much just explained why Japanese is different and much more difficult to learn then European languages for an EN speaker, using stuff out of a book called Fluent Forever. Books good at explaining some shit, most of all grammar and why the fuck its so hard to learn.
Didn't add much more desu, thought I added more but that was just stuff I thought of editing in, I ain't gonna waste time doing that tho. Amelia already read it so she has learned what she needs to know, everyone else who needs extra handholding isn't gonna make it anyway.

>> No.26394326

Perfect synergy.

>> No.26394329
Quoted by: >>26394518

Will Calli keep spitting out these songs/videos consistently? How does she manage to do that and stream at the same time?

She also said she goes to school at the same time. Holy fuck.

>> No.26394332

Stop posting your trash here you dumb slut

>> No.26394335

Euros donate a shitload, especially if you count the UK.

>> No.26394336

>Shark attempts Soran Bushi
That might actually work.

>> No.26394338


>> No.26394340
Quoted by: >>26394437

>Mori speedrunning Gehrman so she can NG+ with the scythe

>> No.26394343


>> No.26394345

If she had a very low amount of viewers, then they're all very likely on a private discord channel right now with her.

>> No.26394346
File: 50 KB, 820x783, _dank-thonking-emoji-mr-robot-logo-gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394565

Do you hate Mori that much that you want her banned?

>> No.26394347

Play old 4ch flash games mori

>> No.26394348

So should I watch Amelia's debut and Valorant/Apex or just skip to her Superliminal stream since everyone raves about it.

>> No.26394349

sorry anon, it's an act, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy watching it. this is what it means to gosling

>> No.26394351

anyone streaming rn?

>> No.26394352
Quoted by: >>26394369

Kiara seems to have lost 1k subs after her stream?

>> No.26394355
File: 411 KB, 692x692, 1600128085370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394368

I don't know if I can do that again bros...

>> No.26394358

Blasphemous is excellent as a metroidvania and it recently got some new QoL and NG+ features. I feel like she would enjoy it and it would be fun for the audience.
Also KYS roleplayer.

>> No.26394361

She feels like the kind of people that's really introverted and not really honest about her feelings, refusing to ask directly for sex but being upset when she doesn't get any is something she would do

>> No.26394360


>> No.26394366
Quoted by: >>26394481

What about Hades? Would be fitting theme wise.

>> No.26394368
File: 1.53 MB, 498x331, GSLS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you bro

>> No.26394369


I don't know, could another anon confirm?

>> No.26394370

Two angels

>> No.26394371

oh its the hwndu /pol/ chick that dated another mentally ill poltard. is this a cope to become relevant again?

>> No.26394376

Watch all streams in sequence.

>> No.26394378
Quoted by: >>26394539

Please tell me you didn't copy those from her twitter.

>> No.26394379

She gets better everyday
How does she do it bros

>> No.26394380

I just woke up how are Reaper coins and Chicken coins doing today?

>> No.26394381


>> No.26394382

It's kind of unfortunate. The black/gray Nazi outfit would've looked great with her fiery hair and the contrast with the dark and muted colors and her genki high energy personality would've been great
Instead we got a sentai fast food girl because I guess? It just stands out and kind of messes up the whole aesthetic of the Gen

>> No.26394386

she said she's definitely going to do a karaoke stream

>> No.26394390
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1596186853211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394467

>next fear is twitter mob throwing their usual cancel shitfit
>it's actually a /pol/ reject doing it
How does /pol/ manage to have the worst posters of the entire site? It happens way too often to be just a sad coincidence

>> No.26394391

How does a Pirate/Wizard dualclass work? Are they just waterbenders?

>> No.26394398

One day coco had a vision on how to dominate the vtubing lands and she told yagoo about it.

Gonna expect the coco kaine manager annoucement soon, from her $9,000 bed she will rule

>> No.26394401
Quoted by: >>26394890

>>Ina hates niggerman posting
Actually, is she even aware of Niggermanposting?

>> No.26394404
Quoted by: >>26394455

Reaper up up up
Chicken still in freefall

>> No.26394407

watch from the beginning to see the cringe and understand why everyone should apologize to her

>> No.26394408

Based, good luck out there anon

>> No.26394410
Quoted by: >>26394698

watch the valorant stream and also read the thread while you're at it

>> No.26394412
Quoted by: >>26394455

Reapercoins are soaring, the kusotori is gradually growing.

>> No.26394414

Good point. Imagine being a regular viewer and twitch sub, and then nothing for months, she's just gone.

>> No.26394415

Which of the holoEN do you want to see a japanese only stream similar to Korone?

>> No.26394417


>> No.26394419

unironically made me kneel when i heard she was involved, hope it stays like that for gen 2.

>> No.26394421 [DELETED] 

Flexing on Astel, huh.

>> No.26394428

I need the ride on time webm, i don't want to use the youtube clips

>> No.26394431

Ram Ranch

>> No.26394434

Is BUY/SELL the only "proof" that Mori used 4chan? Cause Reddit uses that meme too.

>> No.26394437
File: 5 KB, 151x71, o33oct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394472

>Mori going into /bbg/ if it is even still a thing for chalice glyphs!

>> No.26394438


Does Watson realize how powerful this tweet is?

>> No.26394441

Moron. She was talking to a god-damned sign in the game she was playing.

>> No.26394443

Mork lure.

>> No.26394444
Quoted by: >>26394527

Why should anyone care about the opinions of some e-thot who looks like a skyrim high elf?

>> No.26394446

Oh gross, Venti is moving her grift over to vtubers? Is pandering to simpering civnat right wingers not paying the bills?

>> No.26394448
File: 203 KB, 750x1214, What Angels REALLY look like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394498


>> No.26394456

Debut is a must.
Valorant was decent and her shoutcast is fun. Valorant is awfully boring though. Worth it for the contrast with debut.
Apex was better, she plays aggressive and keep things exciting.
I think you should watch both.

>> No.26394455
Quoted by: >>26394486

Mixed messages here.

>> No.26394460

and since there's still some space left over here

should I have Ina doing Kos Parasite poses or be carrying a smol celestial ayyymissary?

>> No.26394462
File: 83 KB, 1249x802, Eh8GFYLU8AEWKVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395854


>> No.26394467
Quoted by: >>26394861

Because /pol/ isn't one person. Lots of different political beliefs there, as well as whores like her who try to be relevant by pandering until she stops getting the attention she desires.

>> No.26394468


I will keep posting this until you get it.

>> No.26394470


>> No.26394472

Oh yeah, the "modified" chalices actually let you grab a Burial Blade way before finishing the game, she could be RP as fuck with some effort.

>> No.26394476

Turns out the horshoe was real after all and centrism is based???

>> No.26394481

Shit yeah, Hades is perfect.

>> No.26394484

please make a compilation of every fire extinguisher and fire alarm

>> No.26394485

When are we getting a Vtuber board and when are the meidos gonna do their job and ban all of these fucking crossboarders

>> No.26394486
Quoted by: >>26394534

I suggest holding onto your Chickencoin, she has a karaoke stream at 6am bst, buy or sell during that.

>> No.26394489

If I recall correctly, in one of the streams she said she used to post on a "certain site during the fun good old days" but refused to outright say the name

>> No.26394490
File: 253 KB, 824x2000, a76e26ae382e06b768b604f1df0f40a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara should play Ar Tonelico.

>> No.26394492
Quoted by: >>26394525

we need a super cut of her hiccups

>> No.26394493
Quoted by: >>26394588

>next fear is twitter mob throwing their usual cancel shitfit
They can't do shit because EN is the part of the Japanese company.

>> No.26394494

Is Shark the most powerful Muse Dasher in Hololive?

>> No.26394497

Cover can technically strike her video because she's using shark image and live without their authorization. It would be really fun.

>> No.26394498

I bet they don't look like humans at all

>> No.26394500

Mori should play Code Vein and just make herself in the game.

>> No.26394501

Anon-chama... Look up how to actually use a scythe. Using one properly to cut grass with good posture and keeping you from hurting yourself is super lame looking.

>> No.26394503
Quoted by: >>26394659

this IS pandering to them, lately they seem to be on a war against "big pedo" or something

>> No.26394505

Not gonna lie, this gives me Saya vibes which makes me love her even more

>> No.26394508

I hope everyone watches until the end.

>> No.26394511


>> No.26394512

Chicken is making some eroi noises when she losing at vidya games

>> No.26394516
Quoted by: >>26394616

Wait, is that an actual EN cover of eazy breezy or just a sample?

>> No.26394517
File: 120 KB, 650x525, 1599973611080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394797

whats she gonna say to her original viewers?

>> No.26394518

She said that the music videos will slow down after the first EP, with approx. one new track per month. Still, music production is no joke on top of her streaming and real life duties.

>> No.26394519

Not lurking your hollowliveshit you fags just to learn your stupid slang.

>> No.26394520

In order.

>> No.26394525

Some anon posted one earlier, check the previous thread

>> No.26394527

It's the tourists thinking we care about that trash

>> No.26394528

She almost seems.....experienced.

>> No.26394531
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post current holo related wallpapers.

>> No.26394530

God I fucking hate concern troll """"content creators"""". First thing I see in the top video is a tweet from a literally who breadtuber who has no pull or power to dictate how hololive works, and that's supposed to be some warning of ill portents. Can these fags get a real fucking job please?

>> No.26394532

Fucking based Tentacultist, thanks for the reply
I'll try harder to do what you and the other anons said. I just wish the HoloENs had actual schedules so I could organise around that better, especially my guerilla loving Watson

>> No.26394534

I already sold all my Chickencoin was debating whether I should invest in it.

>> No.26394537
File: 38 KB, 426x341, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she cries for her papa

>> No.26394539

lyrics from one of her roommate's songs

>> No.26394541

Please give sex onegai

>> No.26394543
File: 123 KB, 1500x417, Screenshot_20200915_062333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came here like 3 months ago and got the context for everything by lurking for a week
Most people came here in the last couple days

>> No.26394545
File: 496 KB, 737x544, 1568647686237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw nobody told (((mori))) to post tits or gtfo

>> No.26394546

if she asks for suggestions, someone please mention this to her, I think it'd be something she'd enjoy

>> No.26394547
Quoted by: >>26394570

>what is fair use

>> No.26394548

>getting completely shit on in the comments
Lol yeah nah I don't think this is going to gain any traction.

>> No.26394549

the goslingposters need to be cured, breaking free of gosling is the only way to truly enjoy amelia's streams

>> No.26394550

She can be both a nazi and a rider, as some riders are known to be quite stylishly cosplaying I. E. Build had beardo during his cloaked edgelord phase.



The rider trinkets can stay. They're not the problem.

>> No.26394551

I love that she's able to understand the "feel" of her character. I'll maybe use it as a wallpaper but parting with my current one would hurt a bit

>> No.26394558


>> No.26394561 [DELETED] 

You, when An*ta S*rkeesian would find vtubing.

>> No.26394565
Quoted by: >>26394778

No, I want Capcom to stop being retarded already (foolish, I know).

>> No.26394569

Based, hit the leech where it hurts

>> No.26394568 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1104x705, you need a personality first pokimane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394806


>> No.26394570

a meme because the way YT handles copyright is a joke

>> No.26394571

How can Marine compete?

>> No.26394574
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1600182702031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna feel my 5 foot scythe inside you
What did she mean by this

>> No.26394580
File: 208 KB, 1010x900, 1600171031442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about chikken

>> No.26394581
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, watsonpanties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, what the fuck am I doing with my life?


>> No.26394585

Why don't you do it next stream bro?

>> No.26394588

That chills me out a bit. Yagoo was the answer

>> No.26394589

Is this a fucking Overlord quote?

>> No.26394593
Quoted by: >>26394648

my favorite part of this is "what the fuck is a bossu"

>> No.26394596
Quoted by: >>26394653

futa cock

>> No.26394597

We're all just having fun, bro.

>> No.26394598

I know that Artia, i just to delude myself the same way i delude myself with a pillow

>> No.26394599
File: 4 KB, 637x64, fuckme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394668

Well, so much for my plans.

>> No.26394600

Death Coming.
Gotta get those reaps in.

>> No.26394602

>shitfaced Matuli really liked those Fateshit memes

>> No.26394605
Quoted by: >>26394699

I really like orange and phoenix. Her chara design is not bad, it's the model. Also the KFC memes are a bit annoying, I want sentai jokes

>> No.26394608


>> No.26394609

I wouldn't ask /our/ cute dork to do something so degrading anon.

>> No.26394610
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Dolphin internet defense force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394636

Do you think Gura gets lured into the dolphin rape caves?

>> No.26394611

Nice, was waiting for this

>> No.26394613

>Best girl doesn't get a route until the second game

>> No.26394616
Quoted by: >>26394804

It's a Japanese remix of the full song, she does her parts on camera though if you plan on searching it out.

>> No.26394618
File: 242 KB, 550x463, 7y1e4hps7kb51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394753

Can the mods just ban the retards trying to shill those drama youtube videos here? We don't give a shit about it

>> No.26394620
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1600184603960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ask Ina how she got such a dumb name like Ninomae Ina'nis

>> No.26394623

And give her the justification to cry about it? Just ignore everything and anything like this.

>> No.26394624

She meant to make me fantasize about her massive girlcock.

>> No.26394625
File: 50 KB, 1280x529, 46565342535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waachama could have the most heated gamer moment and no one would care as long as she did her cute airhead laugh afterwards.

>> No.26394626

The chicken game stream was cool and restricting herself from calling Pekora's name was a good idea
high hopes for her utawaku
I believe in this bird

>> No.26394627

This is wonderful, you should show it to her.

>> No.26394636
File: 496 KB, 899x619, Eh7tDMMXkAEjFVK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she gets lured to the octopus rape caves

>> No.26394638

Mind if I add this to the repo?

>> No.26394640
File: 44 KB, 550x430, +_7422a9f1a7f2ff321eba4d9f56492971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394684

>watching an Amelia hiccup compilation
m-my knees

>> No.26394639
File: 108 KB, 842x720, 1564519091286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.26394641

Ninomae is cute, Ina is cute, Ina'nis is a bit weird.

>> No.26394642
File: 32 KB, 101x138, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viola's "Miss" Judgement won't interrupt a combo?
>That's cheating, get outta here.

>> No.26394643

what the fuck were Huke thinking

>> No.26394646
Quoted by: >>26394772

>plays ar tonelico 2
>nonstop shitting on Luca
I'd watch it

>> No.26394648
File: 152 KB, 434x434, 1599509958670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394649

JOPs loved her personality too even if they didn't understand what she was saying

>> No.26394653

Mori hatefucks Kiara on the daily confirmed

>> No.26394658

Ring fit for extra moaning
Or Diablo 2

>> No.26394659
Quoted by: >>26394944

I guess she's piggybacking on the Cuties drama. How pathetic. At the end of the day only a brainlet thinks the ideological war is between right and left. It's between the rampant authoritarianism on both sides.

>> No.26394660

iinamae poona'nis

>> No.26394661


>> No.26394662

Jesus christ
thank you

>> No.26394664
File: 46 KB, 212x196, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394694

Ninomae In Anus!

>> No.26394666

I hope Amelia will make eye contact with me again today.

>> No.26394668

I'll happily accept pull requests or even just dumps in the issues page.

>> No.26394669
Quoted by: >>26394820

"You're mom's a faggot! Ehehe sorry about that guys things got a little toasty there."


>> No.26394671
File: 473 KB, 734x503, 1600129388824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something good actually comes from this shithole

>> No.26394673

What was that extension that splits the youtube chat so it's easier to see other vtuber comments?

>> No.26394674

Forgive me Anons! I don't even Gosling post. I just wanted my comment in the thread. Ive achieved my 10 seconds of fame and now I can die happy.

>> No.26394675
File: 29 KB, 800x473, 1485784045753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great.

>> No.26394683

Ina Ina Ina, you know like Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

>> No.26394684

Don't kneel yet anon, we've only 3 hours to go until her stream.

>> No.26394688

Is there a hiccup compilation yet?

>> No.26394690
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600125146201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394915

>why's it not getting bigger

>> No.26394691

>no dog barking
immersion ruined

>> No.26394694
Quoted by: >>26394712

I wish her tentacles were in my anus!

>> No.26394699
Quoted by: >>26394737

>We could've got sentai and mecha jokes
>Instead it's the KFC dream

>> No.26394698

I can't believe how hard anon called it

>> No.26394700

>Gosling posters in the comments

>> No.26394701
File: 185 KB, 416x578, 1584002937768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394704

really good anon, could be amazing once we have more sound.

>> No.26394705

Please someone explain me why Coco is supposedly seething at this meme?

>> No.26394711

And people keep saying Mori has the most degenerates fan

>> No.26394713

>new ip trying to start shit

not very subtle retardchama

>> No.26394712

She dislikes cucumbers, eggplants, and bananas, anon. She's too p/u/re for us.

>> No.26394717


>> No.26394718


>> No.26394720

Gura undoubtedly will get her akasupa loansharks, but Reaper will also grab two or three saudi oil prince from the east, screenshot this.

>> No.26394723

what the fuck I dont want to hear my daughter like this

>> No.26394727

Her cheerfulness is infectious and she's a very fun element added to another girls stream in a collab. I think she'll just need a bit of time to find her footing doing solo streams.

>> No.26394730

There actually is.
You'll have to deal with it being on plebbit though.

>> No.26394731

When the MMD models release things are gonna get good.

>> No.26394732
File: 242 KB, 452x410, uYw0Lp0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon

>> No.26394733
Quoted by: >>26394872


>> No.26394734
File: 804 KB, 1280x720, 1569193001101.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394735

So many gosling edits and not a single one tweeted to her.

>> No.26394739
Quoted by: >>26394767

Watsonbros and Squidbros making most of the OC in these threads
step it up Morifags

>> No.26394737

At least Ina talked about Yuuki Yuuna a bit which fills a the void

Kinda wish I was born a girl then

>> No.26394743

Going to sleep bros
pls post wallpapers of the other HoloEN's if they exist

>> No.26394744


That is a definite contender for the member name.

>> No.26394747

This, sometimes when my afternoons or nights are filled with entertaiment, giving money feels just right as thanks.

>> No.26394753

I'm scared of this cancel culture, what if shark end up being Aloe II?

>> No.26394757
File: 2.02 MB, 304x550, 1584110787984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394758

I want Ame to mention Ryan Gosling so /hlgg/ will go to shit for 10 minutes

>> No.26394762

Didnt end it with a "i love you"
Thank god you didnt because that would be murder

>> No.26394763

Her current grift is tradfags and her current theme is an entirely misplaced war on MAPs/pedos

>> No.26394765

Parappa the rapper :}

>> No.26394766
File: 367 KB, 378x517, 1600063061832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that banging sound

>> No.26394767

>expecting Ms to take initiative

>> No.26394769

2 hours 40 minutes until Amelia Watson...

>> No.26394772
File: 2.96 MB, 1844x2108, __luca_truelywaath_ar_tonelico_and_1_more_drawn_by_nagi_ryou__1a61a05e4e8fccfba0be0619601e327b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully

>> No.26394773

Ina hates penis. - She does not like them!
Ina penis - She absorbs the hate and moves in closer!
Inapenis - She is close to the penis she hates. What will she do next?!
Ina'nis . She cuts the penis with a ', destroying it completely and using the remains as a trophy to ward off all other phallic shaped objects! Now everyone will know that Ina really hates penis!

>> No.26394774

I promised so,and do i must fullfil that promise, i hear Ame saying bigger, and so did became muh dick. Abayo Chocoballs see ya next thread.

>> No.26394776
File: 205 KB, 1272x870, Dhgx8zRW4AAW2Vs.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26394778

Blame Niji. Capcom went full bootlicker mode.

>> No.26394779

I'd love that.

>> No.26394780

Why did suddenly a second door appear in my room when I read that? Let me che

>> No.26394781
Quoted by: >>26394936

It's pure kuso Google Translate Japanese

>> No.26394782
Quoted by: >>26394832

Even her own faggots aren't on board with it, its fine

>> No.26394787

This has to be the Membership name
Chumbuddies for the fans
Loandhsarks for the members
Barracuda's for the anti's

>> No.26394790
Quoted by: >>26394832

shark was big before this, she'll probably just ride the meme wave and come up on top

>> No.26394792


>> No.26394794
Quoted by: >>26394936

she already told them to stop using google translate for memes

>> No.26394797

"This will probably be my last stream here, other commitments, had a great time, love all of you, etc, etc" Contract might forbid her from outright saying she's changing identity.

>> No.26394798

Good. Excellent. Subarashii.

>> No.26394799


>> No.26394800

Isnt coco is the highest overseas money magnet? So Towa having the biggest proportion of EOP isn't a meme then?

>> No.26394803

By playing into the fact everyone ships them.

>> No.26394804

's cool, I needed something to prevent me from simping too much anyway. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.26394806 [DELETED] 

Honestly I'm sympathetic to normies using vtuber personas, I truly am. Female streamers are expected to be hot, so they need to apply makeup and make their hair not look like shit just to stream a video game, it's pretty dumb. An anime avatar takes that issue away, and provides an even playing field for the uggos, who usually have a better personality than the thots. But if they're just going to get a 3D render of what they look like normally, fuck off and get back to the drawing board. This sucks.

>> No.26394808

Who is this no body

>> No.26394809
Quoted by: >>26394908

What is that anon Welsh?

>> No.26394811
Quoted by: >>26394859

What does watson's vagina smell like

>> No.26394815
File: 46 KB, 750x734, 1558041116925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394816


>> No.26394817
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1598904692304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394820

When will she loosen up and just bee herself again? Is Hololive really strict with how EN conducts themselves?

>> No.26394822

Aloe left (supposedly) because of stalking, calls to her home and because she couldn't deal with the stress.

I don't think Cover will graduate Gura just because of what some random western bitch says.

>> No.26394821
Quoted by: >>26394952

Amelia fans are really split in term of degenerates

>> No.26394823

gonna play this on endless loop until the next stream

>> No.26394825

I really fucking hope Cover got it's shit together and will stand up to the twitter faggot brigade if they try to start something.

>> No.26394826

/hlgg/ will go to shit permanently if that happens

>> No.26394831
File: 92 KB, 1238x797, 1600125098294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That wink

>> No.26394832

I hope anons, but still...

>> No.26394833


>> No.26394839

>same time as Watson's stream

>> No.26394841

Nominae Insani? I dunno, it doesn't make much sense to me either.

>> No.26394842
File: 985 KB, 1988x1851, Eh8Vb4UVkAEn9sS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395208

If Shark is smart, she has to make the karaoke stream a Friday/Saturday at prime hour, and if that matches some milestone (like 300-400-500k subscribers for example), she will destroy all the records. like 100k viewers, 50k+ subscribers in a single stream

She needs to hide her best card until the very best moment.

>> No.26394845

Boudica went into battle with these same drummers didn't she?

>> No.26394846

She's making me go into drawing again

>> No.26394850
Quoted by: >>26394936

Kek i thought it was something offensive about her.
Frog is funny tho.

>> No.26394851
Quoted by: >>26395462

This is the dumbest shit to criticize Kiara for. It doesnt even affect the stream much and you god damn hoes cant stop bitching and moaning about how she has the AUDACITY to speak in japanese sometimes.

>> No.26394852

just stream with a mic and be entertaining

>> No.26394854



Life is pain!

>> No.26394855

What the fuck

>> No.26394859

Raging clues.

>> No.26394860
File: 175 KB, 237x364, 1600039204908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watson showing up on karaoke streams chanting 'YOU'RE NOT SINGING ANYMORE!'

>> No.26394861
Quoted by: >>26395972

Nah you're all faggots with daddy issues working at gas stations blaming jews for not being billionaires with bitches all over you.

>> No.26394862
File: 132 KB, 976x737, 1596803962865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says cutesy innuendos throughout the entire stream
>Actually subliminal messages designed to make degenerate content

>> No.26394863
File: 12 KB, 304x304, 1598904829761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first time her voice gave me a boner. anon please.. shes pure.

>> No.26394864
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1592453251119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else been inspired by the talent of the girls? I want to better myself in regards to honing my interests that'll benefial for me long term, like video editing and programming. Hearing how Watson animated the bloop screen for Shark and all the successful things they've done, it makes me want to try harder.

>> No.26394871

Teach what?

>> No.26394872
File: 3 KB, 191x201, 1600125215620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394873

Anon, your SAN check...

>> No.26394874

Ina is lesbian for sure, I know it
I may be ugly mentally ill long term NEET, but as a genuine vagina-haver at least there's a chance....

>> No.26394876
File: 167 KB, 850x777, ____a84b2680194cfd84f894c01999808cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26394996

She won't. She already wanted to draw with Ina.
You know that less skillful artists can learn from more skillful.
It's not that Marine is a bad artist.

>> No.26394878

>Linking publicly available information to other publicly available information.
Unless you leak personal info from private conversations, it's not illegal.

>> No.26394883

I don't care if it's reddit I love that fucking frog

>> No.26394885


>> No.26394887

I plan on subbing to Ina and SC at least once for Calli to thank her for the free songs.

>> No.26394890

Prolly, if not by lurking herself then via Mori or Amelia

>> No.26394891
Quoted by: >>26394990

Metal Gear Rising Revengence
fits her character perfectly

>> No.26394893

Someone sent her a marshmallow about 2049, so we'll see.

>> No.26394896
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 20200913_212226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same time as Amelia

>> No.26394905

Weapons grade. Fuck you anon.

>> No.26394907

She'll never love you, and she'll think you're a man.

>> No.26394908

Too many vowels to be welsh.
Also, all our sheep remain unmolested.

>> No.26394912

Fuck it, I can watch and listen to two streams, god gave me two eyes and two ears why not use them

>> No.26394915


>> No.26394925
File: 129 KB, 722x720, ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394926
File: 24 KB, 534x248, 1600096889316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay. Teamates will watch Watson, Tentacultists will watch Ina. They will either use jetri and have both on, or will watch the archive later of the other. I hope everyone enjoys the streams of their favorite and has an amazing time.

>> No.26394927
Quoted by: >>26395081

I've said it and I'll say it again, Ina is everything I always wanted to be. Good at drawing, roommate good at something I want to be good at, cute.

>> No.26394928


>> No.26394930

She knew exactly what she was doing when she made those slurping noises

>> No.26394932


>> No.26394933

>Female streamers are expected to be hot
No? Anyway, all they're doing is hopping on the latest bandwagon because that's just what normal people do.

>> No.26394936

meant for

>> No.26394944

I'm sorry. When was Gura ever fucking twerking?
Or stealing her uncles phone, taking a picture of her pussy, and posting it?

>> No.26394945
Quoted by: >>26394973

>3pm PDT
Wait, doesn't that overlap with Amelia's?

>> No.26394946

You guys have multi-monitor set ups at least, right?

>> No.26394950
Quoted by: >>26395534


>> No.26394951

>Need to be at work at 7.30am tomorrow

>> No.26394952

Given her roommates stream, she wouldn't be surprised with what kind of stuff her fans create in their spare time.

>> No.26394953
File: 124 KB, 297x327, robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia fucks robots

>> No.26394954

Persona3? maybe a series?

>> No.26394959
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1598904563890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goslingposters and SAVE ME NIGGERCAT at the same time
rip /hlgg/ and rip /jp/

>> No.26394962
File: 71 KB, 941x660, 1582759041215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you whore

>> No.26394963

Is tako mad that Watson surpassed her?

>> No.26394964


>> No.26394965
Quoted by: >>26395000


>> No.26394970
Quoted by: >>26394978

I think amelia's mic sounds kinda weird towards the end of her superliminal stream
Like there's background static or some weird noise canceling effect that didn't take effect before
Is it just me?

>> No.26394971
File: 96 KB, 204x222, 1599959585960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26394973
Quoted by: >>26395019

It does, seems weird tho because until now they really respected the times

>> No.26394974

Same here anon, I've more motivated to code rep and art rep than I've ever been thanks to Amelia. It's been years since I lost interest in drawing but I wanna try to get good enough at art to make fanart of Amelia that won't absolutely embarass me. I really understand why people feel like they've been saved by their idols now

>> No.26394975

>Overlapping with Amelia


>> No.26394976

At least drawing stream is prime for background, but still.

>> No.26394977
Quoted by: >>26395025

Did any of the EN holos put a dent on the JP holos view counts?

>> No.26394978

I heard it too

>> No.26394981

it might be possible...

>> No.26394983
File: 374 KB, 548x821, R.GLovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395045

Just use this! Multi-purpose gosling-craft!

>> No.26394986

Top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.26394988
Quoted by: >>26395059

She posted 8AM JST, that's one hour after watson

>> No.26394989

I should do my Hollow Knight reps before Calli plays it... but I really don't feel like continuing

>> No.26394990

>Kojima tweets in Aki's streams

>> No.26394993

what's the problem? just watch ina draw while listening to watson answering questions

>> No.26394996
Quoted by: >>26395040

I am worried about the sea captain corrupting our tentacle monster.

>> No.26394997

I pay my membership, proud Lunaito, and drop 5 euros to any member that entertains me enough in the month every end of month

>> No.26394998

fuck ina

>> No.26394999

watch both anon, god gave you two eyes for a reason

>> No.26395000 [SPOILER] 
File: 877 KB, 1427x1414, 1600197961859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395001
File: 19 KB, 612x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395003
File: 310 KB, 592x660, 1600026554578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395079

When I was making it I envisioned her getting fucked in a back alley on a trash can. Don't judge me.

>> No.26395004

>3:00 pm PDT is 07:00 JST
Well, which one is it?

>> No.26395006


I think the "Ina'nis" part is inspired by the weird names Lovecraft used for his creatures. Sort of like how you'd spell out "Yog-Sothoth" or something like that. But hers is cutesy because, well, her design. I dunno, it's best to ask her directly for that I guess.

>> No.26395009

She's a hard M and you don't sound like a S, sorry

>> No.26395010
Quoted by: >>26395059



>> No.26395013
Quoted by: >>26395059


>> No.26395014

Definitely Chicken. She had major problems containing it. I don't know about Mori. How much was she into vtubers? Or any kind of streaming? She seems relieved that she didn't end up as a flop.

>> No.26395017

Covid quarantine has made me pack on some pounds, so as embarrassing as it may be, I have been looking to get more active to be less of a sad sack of shit in the past couple of days. Restarted my JP reps as well.

>> No.26395019


>> No.26395020


I can't the fucking banging kills me, sounds like resident evil gameplay in the back

>> No.26395018

She corrected it. Was a typo.

>> No.26395022


>> No.26395023

oh thank god,

>> No.26395025

No, they're holding their usual numbers.
Haachama got raided by Watson after she ended, she didn't mind too much though.
Korone got fucking boosted by that EN stream though.

>> No.26395027

actually a typo or did her manager contact her

>> No.26395028

Thank Ancient Ones

>> No.26395029
Quoted by: >>26395109

I think Ina thinks that the UK is currently in GMT, it isn't, we're still in BST.

>> No.26395031
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1600124743484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisis averted.

Only one hour for Amelia's stream though? That sucks.

>> No.26395032
File: 23 KB, 437x431, 1600019730421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is...is that a ...No..It can't be..is that a BRITISH DETECTIVE???

>> No.26395035


>> No.26395038
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1600111146727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all is good with the world

>> No.26395039

crisis averted

>> No.26395040

Marine wanted a tentacle doujin or art about herself.

>> No.26395042
File: 7 KB, 201x251, niggerman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395045

What has science done?

>> No.26395051

Shit, I thought this was a joke, but then I got to it in the archive. Bold move from Chicken to spill that much spaghetti so early on

>> No.26395050

Nah was a typo, her JST time was correct, her PDT time was wrong.
Ame is at the end of her game, she probably doesnt have much longer to go at all.

>> No.26395054
File: 106 KB, 800x997, 1600013315003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Canadian

>> No.26395059
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 1599951891748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even she knew such event couldn't be contained by the internet

>> No.26395060

She posted the time right in japanese

>> No.26395062
Quoted by: >>26395639

Anon please, all the goslingposters would die if Amelia did another 2 hour stream

>> No.26395063

>Hez hodling ze squidcoin?
>Initiate the typo matrix
>"He is selling"
>Poomp eit

>> No.26395064
File: 109 KB, 472x444, 1599956013120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395115


>> No.26395069


>> No.26395074

Amelia is gonna fucking see this and go even further during today's stream, calling it now

>> No.26395075

They're nice friends after all

>> No.26395079
Quoted by: >>26395135

Nigga that's just unappealing, not to mention unsanitary.

>> No.26395081

What is the roommate good at?

>> No.26395082
File: 179 KB, 938x1621, wp5120664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has Amelia being streaming at least two times per day?
Is she that butthurt over not being the top and wants to jew our viewers that much.
While a stream of constant content is nice, too much will just tire not only Amefags, but ENtards too.
EN's success rides high in the lack of engaging content that JP has been having right now, tiring out the people too much will gimp out the honeymoon phase earlier that what one wants and it's all because of Amelia streaming too much.

>> No.26395084


Might do another skeb soon. Any ideas?

>> No.26395089
Quoted by: >>26395128

Please stop gosling posting. You're digging yourself deeper into a hole you don't want to be in.
Do yourself a favor try to find what needs improvement in your life and work on it. Gosling is not the solution

>> No.26395091
File: 333 KB, 1353x1080, Hololive EN Gen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't wait for Crimson Heart to arrive in Holo EN 2nd gen. Gonna be great having a bogan Holo. I hope she says "cricky" and "maybe the Dingo ate your baby"

>> No.26395092

They can't keep this up forever. What are they going to do when they have no choice but to overlap? For that matter, what will YOU do, anon?

>> No.26395101
Quoted by: >>26395167

probably just getting confused by daylight saving

>> No.26395102

>tweet deleted
Ina's panicking

>> No.26395108

She's probably the least busy outside of Hololive. You've seen how active she is in other girls' chats.

>> No.26395109

What makes you think that?

>> No.26395111

Kiara licking pekora's armpit

>> No.26395115

Nino is a kind and courteous octopus who didn't mean to imply she was co-opting her nakama's moment. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug. Warps your sense of time.

>> No.26395117

Holy fucking BASED

>> No.26395118

Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?

>> No.26395119
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1575273351115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395121
File: 211 KB, 580x548, gosling2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why has Amelia being streaming at least two times per day?

>> No.26395122

Ina being stepped on

>> No.26395123

armchair marketer over here, shut up retard

>> No.26395125

Like Ina

>> No.26395126

Honestly. LET IT DIE.
Not even just for the gameplay, that soundtrack is something that needs to be experienced.

>> No.26395127

Ina... In the Mouth of Madness watch along onegai...

>> No.26395128
File: 481 KB, 443x443, 1600195290933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Amelia needs me bro...

>> No.26395130
File: 481 KB, 640x759, 1583262832793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, I'll try to be subtle

>> No.26395134

She's nearly done with superluminal. If she went on for another 20-30 min yesterday the game would be over.

>> No.26395136

I recognize this pasta, it is from a twitch whore, also I paid my membersheep every month

>> No.26395135
File: 30 KB, 364x336, watsonwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help what I like.

>> No.26395139

Anon, they're streaming because it's their job. They most likely need to show proper performance right at the start, as managment suggests. Use up the head-start they got.
Amelia doing two isn't so special.

>> No.26395140

Do we have a gyaru vtuber yet?

>> No.26395142
Quoted by: >>26395233

>She's panicking?
>Crash her twitter and have drama-leeches repost it.

>> No.26395147


>> No.26395148

They will never need to overlap.

But, you can open multiple tabs on a browser so I'm fine if they end up overlapping with marathon streams.

>> No.26395149
Quoted by: >>26395297

Anon this is unfathomably autistic
I love it
But she didn't do it on purpose

>> No.26395150

>tfw there will be overlapping in the future and you will be forced to pick one or the other unless you multistream
It's Hololive JP all over again soon...

>> No.26395155
Quoted by: >>26395216

I want to fuck Haato Black

>> No.26395157

She's such a dork

>> No.26395159

>Ina hates big phallic foods like bananas, eggplants, and cucumbers
>But likes pickles
Just lesbian or shotacon?

>> No.26395163

Hey Mori Calliope fans, you should check out Hamilton , very similar rap style. It's like weeb rap for history nerds.

>> No.26395165

I know we're not supposed to really give attention to shit like this, but I just realized HololiveEN is gonna be more of a huge target for the twitter cultists of america and general western sjw culture because the language barrier isn't there (like how some of the JP girls joke about shotacon but nobody cares because they don't know japanese) so there's an immediate danger that they will be stalked by these cultists fucks and eventually the raging mobs will try to cancel them for one mistake. The "mistake" is of course saying something that hurts the cultists feelings in one way or another.

Twitter is such a fucking mistake, I'm surprised it isn't legally classified by the justice system as a website for literal cultists, which they fucking are and you know it. Here's hoping nothing happens.

>> No.26395167
Quoted by: >>26395307

She lives in Canada, and if she's needing to convert from JST that means she doesn't live in PDT, eg. the west coast.
Ina's in Toronto, bros.

>> No.26395170

I don't like that something sound off about that

>> No.26395173

The panic in that tweet is adorable

>> No.26395174
File: 158 KB, 723x666, 1600174734215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have both streams open, but mute one while watching my favorite. I'd still give the other a viewer boost and then watch her archive. It would be the same as if i'm there, because i'll watch it later anyways.

>> No.26395175

Bait aside, Amelia is the only EN that was a proper streamer before joining Holo. She more used to the constant stream schedule that's expected on twitch. She's going to be used to streaming more often and for longer periods of time than the other holos.

>> No.26395177

Amelia should do more streams without her coat

>> No.26395176

2 hours and 30 minutes left

>> No.26395179

>it's 02:00 AM in my timezone
Way better than fucking 04:00 as CoC stream...

>> No.26395183


>> No.26395184

I'd be down for an unga bunga stream of her just grogging nonsense

>> No.26395187

fuck off mori

>> No.26395189

>make tweet with wrong time
>reply with right time
>delete original tweet
>make new one with right time
>reply is still attached
>delete the new tweet
Ina wtf are you doing

>> No.26395190

Ah. Now I need to hear Mori sing along to Come and Get It.

>> No.26395191

I need Ina to step on me...

>> No.26395194

Only for special occasions though.

>> No.26395200
File: 120 KB, 1242x808, 1599951986869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395202
Quoted by: >>26395255

Anon, pickles are just old cucumbers aged in vinegar.

>> No.26395203
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1599879600284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let it Die
Good taste anon.

>> No.26395208

>stream a Friday/Saturday at prime hour
She'd be piss drunk at that hour wouldn't she?

>> No.26395215
File: 499 KB, 700x873, 1600010051559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395354

>tiring out this early


>> No.26395216

Wouldn't she be Club Black? Or Spade Black?

>> No.26395218
Quoted by: >>26395251


>> No.26395219
Quoted by: >>26395501

>doesn't like virile fresh cucumbers
>wants soggy shriveled up pickles
idk you tell me

>> No.26395222

keep it up, Watson. Just remind everyone about rule number 4 before and after you direct them.

>> No.26395226

Why are the HoloEN streams so fucking short? Is it because they’re nit monetized yet or what

>> No.26395227
File: 38 KB, 359x383, 1595045517778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said I wasn't going to jack off today what the fuck have you done

>> No.26395228

You're actually a retard.

>> No.26395229

Oh my god please be a shotacon that would be unfathomably hot, holy fuck.

>> No.26395233

No, she just doesn't want to confuse anyone over the stream time.

>> No.26395235

beeg beeg brain time

>> No.26395236

Are JOPs losing their shit over how thick s*nz*wa is yet?

>> No.26395237
File: 349 KB, 281x281, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395448

>Love is so valuable, you can't just give it to everyone
Bros... I'm just looking for someone to give it to...

>> No.26395239
File: 643 KB, 1097x1080, 1582246232939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok we might have gone too far here

>> No.26395241

unlike the other girl she doesnt have any other career going on. So she has more time to stream

>> No.26395245

I've heard Hamilton recommended by so many complete and utter faggots I fucking hate everything to do with it despite never having watched even a minute of it.

>> No.26395251
Quoted by: >>26395275


>> No.26395254
Quoted by: >>26395290

anyone have a link to ina's lodestone?

>> No.26395255

Literally took me 20 years to realize this even though the word for pickles is basically "little cucumber" in my spic language

>> No.26395256

She wants the opposite

>> No.26395259

Clearly you are not autistic enough to be a Paradox-fag

>> No.26395264

Most early streams are 45min-2hrs

>> No.26395266

Canceling is only dangerous if you work for a cucked western company that will take away your job, and Cover ain't that. Add to it the fact half of them don't even live in the west, and they're basically immune to this bullshit. All we have to do is pay less attention to it.

>> No.26395272

Being Korean, her parents are probably ultra-conservative churchgoers.
Why do you think she has so many hobbies and calls herself a hermit?

>> No.26395274

Suda is based as fuck so there shouldn't be any problems with permissions either.

>> No.26395277
File: 15 KB, 240x383, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C, B, A, in that order

>> No.26395275

>Exactly 1 min apart

This is just exbarrassing anon.

>> No.26395276

I think the EN girls know better than to openly talk about being into loli/shota the way the JP girls do BECAUSE the language barrier isnt there.

>> No.26395281
File: 133 KB, 828x1792, 1600034737875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been pushing let it die to her every chance I get, glad I'm not alone

>> No.26395282

I can barely keep up with them, wtf.

>> No.26395284

are you a cute girl?

>> No.26395285

>literally everyone sold their coins
Speak for yourself

>> No.26395286
Quoted by: >>26395438

They should be monetized by like tomorrow right?

>> No.26395288

She's the one they hired for streamer chops, you goddamn retard. Next you're going to complain about Mori not doing games so far.

>> No.26395289

Eh when you try to cancel an internet celebrity you put yourself up against their massive fanbase and the bigger army will usually win

>> No.26395290
Quoted by: >>26395319

Are you going to switch servers and stalk her ingame?
if so, no

>> No.26395292


>> No.26395297
Quoted by: >>26395359

>But she didn't do it on purpose
How do you know that?

>> No.26395298

Nobody actually cares if chat gets spammed, do they?
Directing ~30k viewers to a stream that makes money based on how many viewers it has is like the absolute best thing you can do as a colleague.

>> No.26395299

The EN teamwork is pretty impressive, huh? They've all helped each other set up elements of their streams, don't stream at the same time and pass on viewers to each other when they're done.

>> No.26395301

Hololive limits how long new members can stream.

>> No.26395303

You retards are just ironically gosling posting right?

>> No.26395307

I get the feeling Civia is there too.

>> No.26395308

Two hours isn't short and early streams were usually like this.

>> No.26395315

Just think, if Aloe were still here Gen 5 could have been similar.

>> No.26395319

Not him, but I'm genuinely curious in her glamour taste

>> No.26395322
Quoted by: >>26395395

Shotacon, that way I can imagine mommy Ina violating me in kid form.

>> No.26395324
File: 258 KB, 762x800, ゴズリング15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395327

She doesn't seem to understand quality over quantity and she's all over the place. She's got the twitch thot mentality, not the curated YouTube content mentality. It's not about length, it's about girth.

Before changing up content she should try changing up her style. Cutesy wutesy didn't work. Plain girl didn't work. She hasn't tried arrogant chuuni ojou detective with slightly deeper vocalization yet.

Maybe being the group's smug megumin would work better for her. There's currently no grandiose smug girl archetype in the group, only tsundere, genki, comfy, and airhead.

>> No.26395330

of course

>> No.26395332
File: 25 KB, 600x592, 1599948039661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395334

>250k subs

Shark incline theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9QTSyLwd4w

>> No.26395337

The keys on a mechanical keyboard actuate (connect a circuit) before they bottom out (depressing as far as possible and stopping against a hard surface), so if you are typing on them with that in mind you avoid bottoming out (bottoming out puts strain on your fingers). With other types of keyboard switches you have to bottom out to actuate keys.

>> No.26395338

literally pull up ANY of her roomate's videos and play it while she talks on stream. Its like two lovely violins playing the same note. IT IS HER.

>> No.26395339

Sorry the only rap I listen to is old Coolio and 今夜はブギー・バック.

>> No.26395344

It's the tactile response. I haven't had hand cramps since I switched to all MX Greens a few years ago. Used to get them constantly.

>> No.26395345
File: 401 KB, 439x513, 1598346743580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you faggots goslingposting under every single fucking post in this thread???? Like 13 yo redditors catching onto new meme and ruining it instantly by overusing it, oh wait that's what's happening

>> No.26395347

she wants the clit

>> No.26395350

The real anime sequel
I'll pretend the previous show didn't exist

>> No.26395354
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Mikoto357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should use better guns.

>> No.26395355

hell no I'm not rich enough to pay for what I can get for free

>> No.26395356

>clair chattering

>> No.26395358

Some of them most definitely are not.

>> No.26395359

All of it is innocent but out of context
Maybe the slurping, and that's a record-breaking reach

>> No.26395360


>> No.26395361

>It's not about length, it's about girth.
Thanks anon, it makes me feel better

>> No.26395362


>> No.26395366

Of course haha...

>> No.26395367

But the hat stays on.

>> No.26395374

Its fun to joke around, but dont act like those emotions arent partially based in fact.

>> No.26395375

So Twitch style raids?

>> No.26395378

Inb4 vtubergate

>> No.26395380


>> No.26395383
Quoted by: >>26395543

lesbian into tomboy lolis

>> No.26395387

Everything is a target for these faggots, it'll be fine

>> No.26395389


>> No.26395390

would be amazing to see and hear i love the OST and if mori likes fromsouls games she would love let it die


>> No.26395392

I don't know how she does it, but every minute on every one of her streams has been gold

>> No.26395393

This is the only type of Goslingposting that I use

>> No.26395394
Quoted by: >>26395414

Will Watson reach 200k during subliminal, or the Q&A stream?

>> No.26395396
File: 251 KB, 1071x750, Eh9ugTcVkAgXnhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houshou Marine drew the EN Hololive gen 1!!

>> No.26395395

Fucking this

>> No.26395398


Don't worry anon, Twitter gets it's power from the stupid companies that will fire a 30 year employee over a few angry minors tweets. Cover is jp, jps don't fucking care plus the holoEN girls have a huge amount of fans to tell the sjws to fuck off.

>> No.26395400
Quoted by: >>26395590

just gonna be /pol/ and the SJWs seething about degeneracy/pedophilia like they always have with anime, what matters is whether or not cover kneels and given what they've let matsuri say on streams with no reprimand they're fine

western holo core fanbase doesn't give a shit about loli being taboo, a "look how fucking flat she is, goddamn that's hot" gochiusa edit with ina got over 1k updoots on r*ddit

>> No.26395402

some do some don't

>> No.26395407


>> No.26395409

I mean my goslingposting 99% of the time

>> No.26395411

They're obviously going to get 'cancelled' at some point in the future (it wont be over mentioning shotacon though, if I had to guess it would be to not "using their platform to shine a light on the issues" when some nigger gets shot). The only question is if Cover will tell them to fuck off when they do or if they'll listen to western PR "experts" advise.

>> No.26395413

it's getting really fucking annoying. Especially since those same people aren't going to drop a dime on supporting her despite forcing me to read all this bullshit.

>> No.26395414

probably the Q&A

>> No.26395415

She wanted to be dominated by a woman in yesterday's stream and extensively talked about boing boing in her draw stream.

>> No.26395418
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I not only have all the streams of HoloEN up, but I also open them on all of my devices. I use mobile data on my phone, I have multiple laptops with all of them connected to neighbors wifi. Even my fridge is playing multiple streams. I'm on good terms with multiple old people in my neighborhood and I make sure to turn on jetri on each of their machine. It slows their PCs to a crawl,so they invite me again to fix it. I use that chance to update the streams and refresh. Those 50k views on Shark? All me and people like me who do the same.

Just so that i'm not view botting, I later play all the archives with sound on as I sleep, so that i'm not a leech and actually enjoy the streams in my dreams to save time.

>> No.26395419

This is the dumbest post I've ever read

>> No.26395423

Fake! Real Ina has a fat ass.

>> No.26395424

Just because it's possible she's reading these threads: you're wrong, she's been doing great and should continue doing what she's doing.

>> No.26395426
File: 125 KB, 1380x1089, Eh67TFUVgAAmOy-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if your shark daughter wanted to skip school to play video games? would you let her do it? or would you deal with her temper tantrum after your refusal?

>> No.26395427

Anon shes a smash hit ever since her first stream after the debut, what are you on about

>> No.26395429

All of her streams have been high quality and fun though?
Maybe she just likes streaming?
I really doubt she's competing and just enjoys having fun. Don't be do cynical

>> No.26395430
File: 25 KB, 428x424, lonely and horny on the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395434


>> No.26395438
Quoted by: >>26395488

Probably by the start of next week, and not all of them at once. The process is slower since they're english content creators (meaning the algorithm will turn up more positives). Shark and Mori are both fucked, because rhythm game streams spam false positives and youtube is slow as fuck to resolve those cases, and Mori's music is basically the opposite of what youtube likes.

>> No.26395439

Here's your (You), now skedaddle.

>> No.26395443

It was always semi-ironic.

>> No.26395445

>reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.26395448
File: 436 KB, 1536x2048, f2e5c746ea41ce7d50440d4f4ddb606b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395809

>Love is so valuable, you can't just give it to everyone
>Love is so valuable
Things that don't exist cannot have any value.

>> No.26395449

Two of these things are not like the others.

>> No.26395451

I think it'll be like Uzaki-chan stuff, 100 twitter fags complaining and a million others calling them retards for it, a "drama" where more people call cancelretards out.

>> No.26395452
File: 176 KB, 640x479, youreyesfeelheavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once Mori gets her permission to play P3, my life will be complete.

>> No.26395455
Quoted by: >>26395523

Amelia streaming twice because she is a liivestreaming addict you retard. She also prioritizes games before appearance if you watched her Apex.

Also stop bullying the bird, unless you're plannng to do naked dogeza in a few weeks.

>> No.26395458

What'd you expect? honestly

>> No.26395460

You complete retard were you even here during her Gosling time? It was the best time this shithole experienced in a year.

>> No.26395462

If anything it's her main redeeming trait.

>> No.26395463


>> No.26395464

>(it wont be over mentioning shotacon though, if I had to guess it would be to not "using their platform to shine a light on the issues" when some nigger gets shot).
It doesn't mean anything. Most of the JS world knelt for BLM, Svelte didn't and nobody gives a shit. People doomposting like you is what is giving them power. Nobody but you and a bunch of mentally ill people care about that shit

>> No.26395466

Speak for yourself. While a daily 2-3 hour stream would be nicer (instead of two hour-long ones), her current style is enjoyable as it is.

>> No.26395468

>most of what other people say sounds like they never used a keyboard or have never had to change back to a normal one.
Every time I spill a drink into mine I have to switch back for a day or two. I imagine most of the other posters have similar experiences.
>I sometimes have to clean my only mech keyboard and use an old membrane one I have, and it's the worst thing ever
Very true.

>> No.26395472

Reminder that Ina is 5'9 and has a height complex wishing she was shorter
source: twitter

>> No.26395477 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 640x873, 1600198797077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395479


>> No.26395476
Quoted by: >>26395616

Has Ina mentioned Passpartout yet?

>> No.26395486

Cover is going to keep them silent when those issues arise. People get cancelled over saying the wrong thing and it's more likely they'll get a script to read off of rather than just telling them to reply and adress whatever is thrown against them.

>> No.26395488

Interesting, thank you

>> No.26395490
Quoted by: >>26395605

>anon who was writing the amelia fapfic disappeared

fuck... the beginning was so good too..

>> No.26395493
Quoted by: >>26395681

>chicken, gura, rushia, rushia, rushia, ina, amelia
What did she mean by this?

>> No.26395496

>The Artist
>The Muscian
>The Tech Support
>The Gay for Senpai Phoenix
>The Shark With No Ears
Together they make: the Troll slayers

>> No.26395499

Shit this is fucking hot, thank you.

>> No.26395501

Cucumbers get all nasty and slimy though when you don't eat them in time, plus you have to slice them and skin them.
Pickles last forever and you can eat them out of the jar. So much more convenient.

>> No.26395505
File: 198 KB, 360x450, nihonjinkeemstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can post about japanese KEEMSTAR
>cant post about american KEEMSTAR copycats

>> No.26395508

You type faster on them, they're better for your finger and hand joints and they last much longer than digital keyboards.
As someone who used to write for a living (before the fucking pandemic), the difference is basically night and day. Digital keyboards give you carpal tunnel lightning fast.

>> No.26395511
Quoted by: >>26395562

They'll consult Coco and she'll advise that they tell the cancel brigade to fuck off and that'll be the end of it.

>> No.26395512
File: 121 KB, 472x444, EhdKUG5XkAAoHFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395917

>tfw 5'4
>i can get ina to carry me around the house
Fuck yeah bros

>> No.26395513

Is Atlus okay with people streaming an entire game? I remember they only allowed the first chapter of P5 back then

>> No.26395514

She's drawn her character before. If that's all you want to know it's not hard to find.

>> No.26395516


I think you just ruined her for me. I bet she's thin too.

Ah well

>> No.26395517

Based ENholo chad

>> No.26395521


>> No.26395523

Chicken is fun as fuck no idea why retards are bullying her.

>> No.26395524

She would go to the fish school and eat it up!

>> No.26395526


>> No.26395527

>taller than me

>> No.26395533
File: 161 KB, 557x446, 1583069937254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how would you deal with her temper tantrums
the belt comes off, and it's not to hit her with the belt

>> No.26395534

yeah that's never happening, not with Falcon's Eye even

>> No.26395536
File: 216 KB, 538x750, 1600198657971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it! Thanks senpai!

>> No.26395538

She's the exact same height as me. We can complex about our height together and get a house with everything 10% bigger to feel that we're smaller

>> No.26395543
File: 43 KB, 466x466, 1594335228661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395554

>a whooping 10cm taller than me
how do I cope

>> No.26395553

>says dumb shit
>apologizes 5 minutes later because of unreliable sources
I'll just stick with /ournarratives/

>> No.26395555
Quoted by: >>26395568

I have a coworker who likes it when the price of bitcoin drops, because he can buy more of them.

>> No.26395559

I have the same hat..

>> No.26395562


>> No.26395563
File: 113 KB, 260x260, bluemiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395564
Quoted by: >>26395648

I tried asking what her favorite Ryan Gosling movie was, but the thing wouldn't send or something so I dropped it.

>> No.26395565

I replayed P3 this year and the game is so much more depressing on second playthrough since almost all social links involve characters making promises for the future with MC.

>> No.26395566
Quoted by: >>26395594

That's not mori, anon.

>> No.26395567



>> No.26395568

I like it because drugs get cheaper

>> No.26395572


>> No.26395578

Good, i want a tall girl to DOMINATE me

>> No.26395580

They will ignore it. Everybody learned how retarded twitter cancel culture is. Look at the recent Mandalorian actress drama. Everybody fucking hates those cunts now.

>> No.26395583

Pretty good bait post. I'd suggest ignoring obvious shit like this next time, but we've been full-on invaded by /v/-tards who can't help themselves.

>> No.26395585


>> No.26395586

This is my current wallpaper, yes.

>> No.26395588
File: 20 KB, 300x562, ano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395589
File: 35 KB, 1200x500, 1600019862894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will never be able to tease Ina'nis
>Wont be able to just lose control and pin her down on the floor
>Holding her slim body against yourself, feeling the warmth and her deep erratic breathing as she turns bright red
>Will never start kissing her neck, moving to kissing the tip of her ears and going down to her collarbone, as you feel electricity jolt through her body from the arousal
>Feeling her squirm, but only as a way to arouse you more, locking her hands in place ever tighter
>Playing around her body with your fingers, going down her chest, feeling her warm tummy, as your fingers go lower and lower
>Will never feel her shaking and barely able to catch her gasps as you gently run over her private area with your fingers and move away to the inner part of her thighs, teasing her non stop
>Will never feel how soft her legs are, as you grab them and knead them with your fingers gently, moving back up and only brushing against her private parts, as she ever so slightly moves her hips up to meet your fingers, but you purposefully continuing your path back upon her warm stomach, denying and teasing her
>Wont be able to live in a world where you then progress to move back up to her flat chest, as it moves up her down, feeling the rapid heart beat underneath as you caress the exposed and erect nipple and massaging the barely existing soft flat breast.
>You're don't exist in the universe, where you will be able to ask her whats wrong with a big grin on your face, as she tries to avert her eyes, but being unable to hide her true feelings with how hot her body got and how soaked her underwear becomes
>Will never be surprised by the sudden change in her breathing and the feeling of something grabbing you from behind with a strong jolt, pulling you away from her
>Multiple appendages wrapping around you slowly, lifting you up and lowering you down on the floor, as Ina stands up and straddles over you, looking at you from above with multiple tentacles sprouting from her back and reaching towards you
>Will never feel as they grip around you, your arms being held tightly, your legs locked in place, wrapping around your neck. Not too tight to be a discomfort,but tight enough to hold you down.
>As they wriggle and caress your whole body, while watching Ina slowly sway her hips as she lowers down to lay on top of you
>Will never experience the sensation of the tentacles slowly undoing your pants and locating your engorged member, wrapping themselves around it and starting to vibrate slowly with a rhythmic pulsation, as the other tentacles slowly and gently exploring the various crevices of your body
>Will never feel her completely relax on your body, her resting her head on one of her hands, caressing your chest with her slender finger up and down, looking you straight in the eyes with the biggest smug smile imaginable
>"Now it's my turn to play with you, anon"

>> No.26395590

Cover is new to the Western market and might not know that, though. These cancel-culture people are experts at making a handful of bored twitter users look like an organized protest. You're correct that Cover has absolutely nothing to lose by ignoring them, but if they're not savvy to these tactics then they may cave out of fear of backlash.

>> No.26395592

>Reverse trap lala

>> No.26395593


>> No.26395594

Yeah, I realized after posting. The breasts tricked me.

>> No.26395595

Narukami doesn't start shit. He just give narratives after it happened.

>> No.26395596

squid i know you are lurking here, MARRY ME

>> No.26395597


>> No.26395602

She's fucking cool as hell.

>> No.26395601

>tfw i'm like 90% sure I used to raid with her
fucking weird ass feeling man

>> No.26395605

He died of Gosling

>> No.26395607
File: 622 KB, 600x751, Bez_nazwy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26395707

>Amelia's stream starts 1 hour before I'm charted to get out of work
The faggots I have to wait on better hurry up I will not keep my wife waiting!

>> No.26395609
File: 876 KB, 871x1988, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395611

MikoP is this what you were waiting for?

>> No.26395615
File: 192 KB, 700x534, 1577426253610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is has to be the most autistic thing I ever seen/heard in my fucking life

>> No.26395616
Quoted by: >>26395730

She at least tweeted Marine's post about it, you could ask her during her upcoming drawstream

>> No.26395619

man that's a shame, almost all glams on lalas look really garbage compared to human sized races

>> No.26395622

I saved it, please never stop posting anon

>> No.26395625
File: 2.67 MB, 1181x10000, 1594988118693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 186
>I never find the woman who is taller than me

>> No.26395626

kanata and her little sister

>> No.26395629

I mean, if she is geniunely enjoying it I don't see a problem, and her streams are mostly 1 hour, so 1 or 2 a day doesn't make a difference really
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? her post-debut streams have all been great
>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.26395631

I want to be her girlfriend and be princess carried

>> No.26395635
Quoted by: >>26395668

How so fast

>> No.26395639

I'm still laughing at how goslingposting literally threw down the shackles of the image limit towards the end.

>> No.26395640
Quoted by: >>26395717

>streaming for low viewers for a long time
>suddenly having streams of tens of thousands
>fans almost universally love her
>acknowledged by vtubers with large fanbases
gee I wonder why

>> No.26395642

>chicken streaming karaoke at 2am in my country

>> No.26395645


>> No.26395648

Did you have adblock on or something? I had it off for Firefox and it seemed to do fine.

>> No.26395650

I can maybe understand doing that with a new game because of spoilers, but for games that have been out for years and years? The story is an open secret at this point, what's there to hide?

>> No.26395651

No I want more with coat than without because it'll make seeing her puppies more special.

>> No.26395656

She's finally going to free America.

>> No.26395657

Thanks to Ina I no longer feel ashamed of being a man. I don't know how she does it, but I love her

>> No.26395661
Quoted by: >>26395720

They're still pretty butthurt about it. Mori actually got a hard no on any Persona games.

>> No.26395663

Holy shit I can't believe Miko was doing AEATT while she was in the hospital!

>> No.26395667

Same height as me. I'm getting mixed feelings about this

>> No.26395668
Quoted by: >>26395686

Was easy to draw and I thought the idea was funny. I hope you like it.

>> No.26395669

Amelia dai dai daisuki!

>> No.26395671
Quoted by: >>26395692

Comes back with perfect english

>> No.26395673

>picture has "Rushia is boing boing" written right on it
>ribbons and frills
>no tiara
Anonchama, your reps.

>> No.26395675

shark utawaku onegai

>> No.26395676


>> No.26395677

It's happening rn with the thot of a while ago who talked about gura, she's got ratio in all her media, our twitter mobs are stronger anons.

>> No.26395678
File: 426 KB, 528x528, 1582578811092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26395681

Well rushia was streaming during their debut, so she must have been a member of the group

>> No.26395682


>> No.26395686

I really do. Well done, it was a pleasure to look at.

>> No.26395688

What's Ina going to do during Granblue GW?

>> No.26395689

>one second after being posted
I'm proud of your faith to your holo, anon. I'm sure she is too!

>> No.26395691

I market bought amelicoins during her debut, feels like life went on easy mode.

>> No.26395692

Fucking magical.

>Barely speaks coherent Japanese
>Elite English
>Suddenly fluent in both

>> No.26395698

>She's not just Hokusai, but she's Medusa as well.
You can't be my entire list of grailed servants Ina, that's not fair!

>> No.26395699
Quoted by: >>26395733

JRPGs drive away viewers. No one actually wants to watch them.

>> No.26395701


>> No.26395702

>reverse trap lala
that's adorable

>> No.26395706

haha... o-of course anon

>> No.26395707

>with the fish people
Lovecraft *was* a fishman. He was 1/8th Welsh.

>> No.26395708

It's a sad reality we live in bro

>> No.26395709


>> No.26395710


>> No.26395712

I really wish Mori would stop with the fake tone/voice as well as the kusobaba act

>> No.26395713

It's too cute, sharkbros....

>> No.26395715
Quoted by: >>26395799

>back then
They STILL only allow the first chapter, anon. Atlus is still serving DMCA's to this day to random weeb streamers that just wanted to play P5 for their audience.

Long story short, someone in a position of power at the company has a personal dislike of streaming and so that's just their company policy now.

>> No.26395717

One can only imagine the power of the high shes riding

>> No.26395718


>> No.26395719
Quoted by: >>26395731

Can you guys also use Ryan Reynolds to switch it up a bit?

>> No.26395720


>> No.26395721

>all of you investing on holocoins
>meanwhile im here investing on goslings/niggermans

>> No.26395723

I hate you lmao

>> No.26395725

I don't think it fake?

>> No.26395730

I might well do if no one else does. Marine made that game look easy, she got the hardest ending first try because of her skills. Watching Korone struggle was cute though.

>> No.26395732

gen 5 did a couple of these relay streams to begin with too, I think? It probably would've kept going if it weren't for the whole aloe situation, but maybe that's the new hololive approach?

watson also has tried passing her viewers to haachama the last two nights

>> No.26395731

Give me an angry or sad looking Ryan then.

>> No.26395733
Quoted by: >>26395885

Persona 3 is fairly well liked, I can see lots of people sticking to a stream of it.

>> No.26395738
Quoted by: >>26395771

i legit think i'm in the same position as you
>only girls taller than me i've known were kind of ugly and not my type
>reading this image you posted made me realize i have a huge thing for girls taller than me

>> No.26395740

this is a wonderful post

>> No.26395743

>not investing in her/not-her

>> No.26395745

What the fuck i didn't know koreans could get that tall

>> No.26395746

Good luck on the stream today, Watson.

>> No.26395747

Get out of here barracuda.

>> No.26395750
Quoted by: >>26395776

So, 500k by the end of the month. Right?

>> No.26395751


>> No.26395752

tf are you on anon, I love her style after debut, I hope she doesn't changes it and gets comfy with it

>> No.26395753
Quoted by: >>26395773

17 centimetres smaller than me? I like her even more.

>> No.26395755



>> No.26395760

>Schrodinger's dox

>> No.26395761

>not realising gosling is a dead end market once the buyers all pass away in front of amelias "love you" loop

Sure, enjoy poverty friend

>> No.26395770

I don't

>> No.26395769

goslings are suffering form hyper inflation. niggercoins are always a risky investment as well

>> No.26395771

>when it turns out Forest is only 167cm tall
Every goddamn time.

>> No.26395773
Quoted by: >>26395798

I like you tallanon

>> No.26395774
Quoted by: >>26395811

>crying gura

sharks and pirates are natural enemies

>> No.26395776


>> No.26395777

This one is worthless because its confirmed her unless you are two digit IQ

>> No.26395783

I want to strip Mori naked! I want to have her stand in the middle of the room, fully nude, while I turn up the volume on the massive entertainment system and have her broadcasts play full blast on every screen and every speaker. I want her to cringe in shame! I want her face to redden with embarrassment and also lust as I run my hands over her naked body! I want to tease her every time she says something cutesy or "in character" on the screen and watch her eyes well up with tears! Then I want to eat her out until she's cum multiple times! Till drool comes out of her mouth and sweat runs from every pore! Then I want to ravish her, record it and play her whimpers back to her so she gets even more embarrassed!

>> No.26395784


>> No.26395785

barracuda i'm really getting tired of your shit

>> No.26395788

>fake tone/voice
>kusobaba act
Yeah, she's totally acting her autism and cringe haha...

>> No.26395790

>Squid begs for it, Reaper won't admit she likes it, Detective spanks you

>> No.26395792

Why is Gosling such a funny fucking word

>> No.26395795
Quoted by: >>26395834

amelia here

shut the fuck up you absolute mongs

>> No.26395797


>> No.26395798

Thank you probably smaller but still basedanon.

>> No.26395799

People do Persona 4 streams all the time, so it appears to be reserved for P5. Some idiot CEO doesn't realize streaming a game is a boon for generating new interest, Japanese businessmen are still so behind the times.

>> No.26395800

>Korone does an ENG ONLY stream to cash in on the popularity of global
I still love you doggo

>> No.26395801

>Mori having to talk around Permissions during her last stream
Why were people even asking about it, it's like they weren't around for the Permission arc and Holocaust to know about how Cover is about it now.

>> No.26395803

Jesus dude, you'll kill her.

>> No.26395805

So what's Amelia's Twitch channel again?

>> No.26395808
Quoted by: >>26395904

it's not her ffs

>> No.26395809

Its alright bro I have faith we'll make it one day

>> No.26395811
Quoted by: >>26395868

Gura wants to visit her ship though. Too bad the cosplayer will never have one.

>> No.26395812

Gosling, ironically, is a fucking successful actor chad who wins the heart of every woman he lays his eyes on anon

>> No.26395813

They're not roommates.

>> No.26395815
Quoted by: >>26395948



>> No.26395816

I'm the same height as Ina. I had a friend that I hanged out with, who was 196cm (~6'5"). I can understand that Ina doesn't like being tall, being smaller than someone is a really great feeling

>> No.26395818

I played with her roommate a lot back in ARR. Haven't really talked to her in a few years but it's still a bit weird watching Ina sometimes when her roommate's little quirks comes through.
I really like Ina though, she's super cute and funny and I'm sure over time I will just start identifying all those little things with Ina instead.

>> No.26395819
Quoted by: >>26395852


>> No.26395821
Quoted by: >>26396190

She's Canadian. And probably got white genes too.

>> No.26395823


>> No.26395824

Jesus Christ last 10 minutes of Kiara's egg stream were literally audio porn.

>> No.26395826


>> No.26395827

Back to the future?

>> No.26395831

If you want to find out if the shark is HER spam the okie dokie boomer song during karaoke

>> No.26395832

>chicken licks it like a drumstick
>shark bites it off

These are your greentext prompts for the day.

>> No.26395834

Please ma'am, may I 'ave s'more?

>> No.26395837

It sound like some sort of a Latvian verb or something
>Ey, I'm gosling here!

>> No.26395838


>> No.26395840
Quoted by: >>26395865

If she ever does Utawaku with banjo accompaniment she's going to win forever

>> No.26395846

>it's like they weren't around for the Permission arc
I wonder why

>> No.26395850

This just means we're bad at finding talent. We should be encouraging people to find and share new girls, but I'm afraid they'd be accused of shilling.

>> No.26395851
Quoted by: >>26395894

>HololiveEN is gonna be more of a huge target for the twitter cultists of america
I mean, it already kind of is. You already have twitter and youtube dramaniggers trying to start shit because
>1. They consider it """"content""""
>2. They know they can get hatewatchers from the same hololive en audience they're trying to shit on
When you're dealing with someone who has no standards and considers all attention to be good attention, the only winning move is to ignore it. Denying these kinds of people dopamine is the only way they'll ever learn.

>> No.26395852

Tried /search/ing and couldn't find it

>> No.26395854
Quoted by: >>26395884

Would you let Kiara incinerate you and herself in a moment of passion so that a baby phoenix could rise from your intermixed ashes?

>> No.26395855

I smiled.

>> No.26395863

She's thinking about it, so be patient.

>> No.26395865

drunk utawaku with her banjo... I might die

>> No.26395864

Normally it would be safe to assume that a streamer on their debut has prepared at least something and gotten permissions ahead of time so it's entirely reasonable to ask what she's got planned for streaming.
Instead she's behind on her prepwork.

>> No.26395866

No but there's nothing wrong with supporting your oshi... I love gen2 holo, no.

>> No.26395867

that reminds me I installed it again on Steam and haven't played in awhile

>> No.26395868

why is shark crying?

>> No.26395869

Calli is kindergarten teacher levels of loving and supportive. She will tell you that you're doing a great job every 10 seconds.

>> No.26395873

TF2 is shit and I'm tired of pretending its not

>> No.26395872

Because they weren't here. Most of HoloEN fans are newcomers. Those threads should give you the hint already

>> No.26395876

Its like almost all the global anons are new

>> No.26395875

Google Rui Hachimura. He's Japanese kokujin with the 203 cm.

>> No.26395877

You can do it. Become the Lyger.

>> No.26395878

do your reps

>> No.26395879


>> No.26395884
Quoted by: >>26395954

But anon you aren't a phoenix are you? You'd just die, in shame and regret.

>> No.26395883

>inb4 someone asks shark to sing oki doki boomer

>> No.26395885

They're just not as fun to watch as they are to play and they take multiple streams to finish so if you miss one you are already lost. That's why games that you can 'get' at first glance like minecraft or apex are a lot more appealing.

>> No.26395888 [DELETED] 

I want to mock Mori while she's not wearing anything! I want to ask her about her character! Have her explain the setting of a Reaper! I want to ask if she thinks she's too old to have Chunni delusions! Then I want to ask how old she is! Old as time itself? Deathless cause she's immortal? I want to smirk as she shamefully answers the questions in character as tears run down her face! Then I want her to repeat the answers only louder this time because I couldn't hear them since she was talking so quietly! I want her to squirm and look away trying to conceal her blushing face as she explains her character's background to me! I want to bully Mori!

>> No.26395890

So is Mori an M that fails at being an S or an S larping as an M?

>> No.26395892
Quoted by: >>26395919


>> No.26395894

This is what most of the youtube "economy" runs on, its fucking shameful

>> No.26395896
Quoted by: >>26395919

Thingken of barracuda

>> No.26395897

use warosu

>> No.26395898
Quoted by: >>26395919

>he didn't saw when Gura got bullied so hard by /hlgg/, she got depressed on stream and started apologizing for her low energy and the choice of game

>> No.26395900

Do you happen to know if she's actually gay?

>> No.26395902

>twitter cultists gonna cancel HoloEN you guys!!!
>it's actually some /pol/tard landwhale trying to protect the anime children
nice nice nice

>> No.26395904

>outing themselves as 2 digit IQ

>> No.26395906 [DELETED] 


>> No.26395908

She's neither. Probably just a normal sub.

>> No.26395914

I wish Ina would stream more.

>> No.26395916
Quoted by: >>26395960

shark utawaku would hit 5ch as hard as amelia's superliminal hit here

>> No.26395917
Quoted by: >>26395949

5'2 here, please carry me while she's carrying you

>> No.26395918

She really likes RP, she also did that on most songs with her older characters, doubt she will completely drop it, maybe just tone it down.

But yeah I think a deeper voice would be better and more natural.

>> No.26395919

wtf i thought that was just a narrative

>> No.26395920

Make it a collab

>> No.26395922
Quoted by: >>26395973

I really want her to be the city pop singing chuuba

>> No.26395926

Thanks anon... thanks.

>> No.26395930


>> No.26395931

How are you guys determining roommates? It's only been a few days.

>> No.26395933

you don't really ask the sexual orientation of the people you raid with anon

>> No.26395934

Oh yes, absolutely.

>> No.26395936


>> No.26395937


>> No.26395938

There is absolutely zero chance of Cover giving in to these mobs for loli or lewds, they would fucking have to throw out over half of their talents if they did. And cancel culture only works if they can target the money, which is in this case aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Youtube and Twitter aren't going to delete their channels either.

>> No.26395939


She's an M for sure, just telling done time to completely fall into the roll

>> No.26395940

Tourists spam Goslings to "have fun", completely missing the point of goslingposting

>> No.26395941

Watching her debut was really weird when it clicked who she was

>> No.26395943
Quoted by: >>26395979

they were all found out day 1, don't underestimate weaponized autism

>> No.26395944


>> No.26395945

How long until Amelia completely loses it and fully unleashes her autism?

>> No.26395946


>> No.26395948
Quoted by: >>26396101

I want to mock Mori while she's not wearing anything! I want to ask her about her character! Have her explain the setting of a Reaper! I want to ask if she thinks she's too old to have Chunni delusions! Then I want to ask how old she is! Old as time itself? Deathless cause she's immortal? I want to smirk as she shamefully answers the questions in character as tears run down her face! Then I want her to repeat the answers only louder this time because I couldn't hear them since she was talking so quietly! I want her to squirm and look away trying to conceal her blushing face with one hand and her naked body with the other as she explains her character's background to me! I want to bully Mori!

>> No.26395949

Probably could but I fear for Ina's life

>> No.26395950

based and cute

>> No.26395955

Ina's birthday is May 20th! It's a long way away so don't forget.
Side note, Ina's roommate's birthday is on September 21st. Don't get them confused, but I'm sure she'd appreciate a happy birthday as well.

>> No.26395954

Bold of you to assume I planned on surviving the process.

>> No.26395956

Ninomae = This is read out loud as にのまえ (Ninomae) meaning, “the one before two.”

Inanis comes from Inane: empty, void, hollow
vain, worthless, foolish, inane

The void before two?

>> No.26395958

If you were watching Ina's stream yesterday, then you missed out on the superchat war in Aki's stream were JOPS and EOPs tried to show who loved her more by raining her in red supas. She made like 4k in an hour while the EOPs shamed the JOPs for not loving Aki enough.

>> No.26395959

Based and cringepilled

>> No.26395960

maybe, if its a drunk HER tier utawaku they might not like it as much as we do

>> No.26395963

we had them all figured out (except kiara?) before debut, keep up

>> No.26395964


Some are very obvious.

>> No.26395967

Every time people talk about old memories of MMORPGs I feel like I missed something really important but these ones hit the hardest. It's a weird feeling

>> No.26395968
Quoted by: >>26396206

183cm SEA here, cousins are similar height
parents are tiny though

>> No.26395970

You don't?
I always ask "what way do you guys swing" before pulling

>> No.26395972

That shows you don't know a thing about /pol/

>> No.26395973

I liked her Maneater stream. I liked city pop shark. There's a reason she asserted dominance over the rest of the pack.

>> No.26395974

M that fails at being an S, definitely. S is her aesthetic, M is her heart.

>> No.26395975

will it become a stress outlet for her when she's not working?

>> No.26395977

I mean

>> No.26395978

Want me to say something unsettling to you all, /hlgg/?
HoloEN is just the Vinesauce team but Anime Girls, and I like them for that.

>> No.26395979

Right, give me a hint. Who were they previously?

>> No.26395980

this would be a good one

>> No.26395983

Community servers make it less shit!

>> No.26395984
Quoted by: >>26396054

Status quo always wins in cases like this, and EN already rooted itself deep in with 200k subs on each channel. Think about it from a canceler's perspective: you have one goal and that's a tangible one - to shut down the channel. You can do that by turning potential new members away with moralfaggotry, but this doesn't work with the weebs who are the main audience since they live for this stuff. You can also try to do that by changing the minds of the audience, but this doesn't work because its clearly an attack on their holo and perceived community. You can potentially turn away corporate collabs, but you can't convincingly prove the absence of something like that was due to your efforts, so you have nothing to show. You can potentially turn away normies, but it'll probably take years to show any result since Cover hangs on to even the lowest performing channels, partly because they're still a Japanese company and resistant to change. These people don't know what kind of hell they're walking into. It might actually end up growing the holos by giving them more exposure.

>> No.26395988

Love ya Watson

>> No.26395991

I ask "why are you gay?" to everyone I play with

>> No.26395993

Our girl was down in the depths of twitch poverty, doing whatever she could to get subs. Glad she made it.

>> No.26395992

Fuck off.

>> No.26395994
Quoted by: >>26396072

>The void before two?
It kind of feels like a math joke

>> No.26395997

Check the archives anon.

And use your brain for once.

>> No.26396000


>> No.26396003
Quoted by: >>26396022


>meanwhile, shark...

>> No.26396009

If she doesn't mind shorter then it's okay, my brother married a 5'10 and he's slightly shorter at 5'8
If she likes noticeably taller then she has a little problem, but NA and EU have a decent amount of tall dudes
>tfw slightly taller
kinda hot

>> No.26396012

What are you even talking about?
She's currently great, and every single minute of stream after her debut has been amazing.

>> No.26396013

With how many people on XIV put their sexuality in their search info it's more hard to not know.

>> No.26396015

>"i need to prove myself in this game where i have over 500 hours!"
>"i lets try this game ive been recommended!"

>> No.26396022

i hate that fucking shark

>> No.26396023

I like Joel and not-Joel so it's cool.

>> No.26396025

Why is Ina such a thirsty lesbo...

>> No.26396027

Is Vinesause as good as holoEN?

>> No.26396029

Third delivery time.


>> No.26396030

Will this count?

>> No.26396031

Soft S that switches to hard M when the ancient ones take over, and then totally forgets about it afterwards.

>> No.26396033
Quoted by: >>26396066

It is the domain of madness to try and create One from Zero.

>> No.26396034

A name that can be used as verb/gerund because it ends in -ing

>> No.26396035

stinky NEET lesbo contain yourself please

>> No.26396037

>Start playing in March
>Really like it and get addicted (Medic and Scout)
>Stop playing
>Haven't played it again since.

>> No.26396040
Quoted by: >>26396144

kek i just realized she has killed chicken multiple times

>> No.26396041
Quoted by: >>26396107

It sounds like Gooseling.

>> No.26396042

People figured them out before the debuts though. Except Kiara.

>> No.26396048


>> No.26396049 [DELETED] 


>> No.26396052

On behalf of all deadbeats here, thank you
time to jerk it left and right

>> No.26396053

Is she tank?

>> No.26396054

I just want to see the japs' reaction when they realize their new girls are being targeted.

>> No.26396056

I can't stand watching any other western streamers aside from Vinny, so you're onto something.

>> No.26396057

hell yeah fat cock

>> No.26396064

How does it feel to have a cardboard menace living rent free in your head instead of not giving a fuck like an actual adult?

>> No.26396065

It's not her

>> No.26396066

S(0). It's that easy

>> No.26396067

It's great, I hope she gets to live out all her fantasies in hololive that she could never have in meatspace.

>> No.26396071


>> No.26396072

I think it's a "divide by zero" joke.

>> No.26396074

As taller guy, I wish there was a way to inform her that for me it's awesome. Maybe a bit rare, but even more precious, with most girls even looking at them up close isn't good for my spine. And she wouldn't look as tall next to taller person.
Even if she is M, I don't thinking teasing people about their complexes is good.

>> No.26396075

I can finally jerk it to Mori's 15 inch scythe!

>> No.26396077

Sugoi dekai...

>> No.26396079
Quoted by: >>26396095

It's probably a pun like Joe's name but I still don't get what the pun is meant to mean

>> No.26396081
Quoted by: >>26396173


>> No.26396084

jesus fuck I was not prepared for that

>> No.26396087

>JADF delivers both versions

Thank you truly.

>> No.26396088

shark's design is genius

>> No.26396089

I mean I'm not sure how much is kayfabe but I feel like the character is supposed to be S but the person is actually M

>> No.26396090



>> No.26396091


>> No.26396092
Quoted by: >>26396348

unironically to obig

>> No.26396095

Joe? Who's Joe?

>> No.26396100

>Not hairy

>> No.26396101

moments before disaster

>> No.26396102

2 hours until Amelia, I don't know if I can make it.

>> No.26396104

Nope, 2000 subs would be 2000 members. Maybe 3000 if we're going by pure profit and consider Cover's cut.

>> No.26396105


>> No.26396107

Because it is. A gosling is a baby goose.

>> No.26396108

I'm glad she doesn't have to resort to doing this anymore! Day 1 member here!

>> No.26396111

Newfag here, I've been lurking several hours a day since EN launched
I have no knowledge of vtubers or hololive from before that, and I rightly expect to get hammered for asking this but somebody has gotta take the bullet
By "roommate", the vtubers and you guys mean their former internet persona, or irl identity or some such, yeah?

>> No.26396114


>> No.26396117

i love it thank you

>> No.26396118

I mean she's a huge feetfag. She should collab with Haachama someday.

>> No.26396119

>Every single one of the 20,000 watchers arent dedicated Holo watchers

>> No.26396120
Quoted by: >>26396147

Does she even play video games?

>> No.26396122
Quoted by: >>26396178

When did 4chan get so thin skinned?
She's got some good points and its kinda nice to see global seethe so much over trivial shit

>> No.26396125

Self depreciating first born in her family maybe?

>> No.26396126
Quoted by: >>26396151

Is this going to be the new "Coco's cocock" ritual posting?

>> No.26396127

God I can't wait until they get books at Comiket.

>> No.26396132

Lord forgive me but I actually don't.... enjoy Mori's songs at all.
What's my punishment?

>> No.26396133

Watch Twitch archives

>> No.26396134

I swear I watched some anime with this ninomae pun shit

>> No.26396135

Just do the association of the word, anon.
it's one of the ones you mentioned

>> No.26396136

Fucking Tentacultists, the only OC posters
Keep doing what you do guys

>> No.26396137

Live in 115 minutes

>> No.26396139

>please doxxpost for me anon
fuck off

>> No.26396141

imagine actually healing the straights

>> No.26396144

Chicken only has two hats though. Seems inauthentic to TF2.

>> No.26396145

If she ever does a karaoke stream after the flak she got during her debut, I hope she sings this. Or anyone else on HoloEN at least.

>> No.26396146
Quoted by: >>26396225

Rap isn't for everyone, my dude. Just like what you like.

>> No.26396147
Quoted by: >>26396318

She spent like 20 minutes today talking about games she wants to play, but she's waiting on permissions and also doing this EP

>> No.26396148
Quoted by: >>26396186

I don;t think you can get much better than her bros
that's it man, i'll see you buys on the other side

>> No.26396149

There's a Niji clown tuber called Joe Rikiichi, written ジョー・力一
In this case Ninomae is 一

>> No.26396151

I can see it
t. one of the original futa Coco poster
I'm more into Ina though

>> No.26396152

Kill yourself

>> No.26396154

get back to lurking newfagchama

>> No.26396161

Watson is the most sexual of the girls

>> No.26396162


>> No.26396165
Quoted by: >>26396225

She's said it on stream. Its okay if you don't like rap.

>> No.26396169

I mean its safe to say they have the same permissions as the other branches right? Like they can play Nintendo and whatever

>> No.26396172

noun: roommate

a person occupying the same room as another.

>> No.26396173
Quoted by: >>26396205

Bots, all snipers or heavies with that name flooded casual, making normal gameplay impossible.

>Step outside
>Get headshot
>Hide behind cover

It was fucking torture. You couldn't ban them because there were multiple bots all voting for each other, and they spammed chat so people couldn't coordinate. It became better when Valve made it so that only people who paid could chat but the bots kept coming.

I just gave up. Comp is probably fun but I have no money.

>> No.26396174
Quoted by: >>26396246

>whenever shark and chicken do a collab karaoke stream
Link this.


>> No.26396175

Shark's video is already at 400k holy shit. This will have million+ in a week.

>> No.26396177


>> No.26396178
Quoted by: >>26396308

Why are tourists so obvious

>> No.26396181
Quoted by: >>26396240

Don't namedrop or link.

>> No.26396182

>Watsons twitch profile suggests a streamer I already watch
actual best EN girl fuck dude

>> No.26396186

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.26396187
Quoted by: >>26396243

God, she was licking her feet for money. Good lord, Yagoo literally took her off the streets.

>> No.26396188
Quoted by: >>26396225

Not everybody likes rap. It's just the way it is.

>> No.26396190

not with that fob accent. koreans are also relatively taller than their neighbors and it's reflected in the younger generations that haven't lived through war and abject poverty.

>> No.26396194

Joi in 2049 called K a "good Joe".

>> No.26396196

she probably meant subs on twitch

>> No.26396198

>amelia's roommate was a twitch streamer
no wonder I caught glimpses of baiting and banter in her chat amongst all the holosimps

>> No.26396203

Feel like this is the Ninomae thats the different way of reading Ichi, so it is more something like "The First Void"

>> No.26396205


>> No.26396206

You sure your dad is your real dad?

>> No.26396207

Ina's pretty overt, just one the other side.

>> No.26396210

She isn't wrong tho

>> No.26396217

B a s e d

>> No.26396219


>> No.26396220

Bro, I only have one phallic appendage and I'm struggling.
Poor girl must be suffering.

>> No.26396221

Hopefully I can finish my workout before stream so I can R&R with Amelia.

>> No.26396222

Thanks, but I'm a bush pilot, anon.

>> No.26396223

This might be bullshit but I read that ninomae is some weird archaic (kinda chuuni) way of writing one, so "Void One" is more accurate and sounds less retarded

>> No.26396225

That's the issue. I LOVE rap

>> No.26396226
Quoted by: >>26396249

It's her jacketless model, i swear

>> No.26396228

I have fears for this one..


>> No.26396229

Listen to Kiara's moans.

>> No.26396233

Phoneposting for Mori!
Can't do sleep reps because I'm thinking of Mori!
My life has been taken over by Mori!

>> No.26396238 [DELETED] 


>> No.26396243
Quoted by: >>26396277

You really could make a manga out of Hololive. Like I think Polka herself was working a parttime job before.

>> No.26396240

everybody already knows this anon

>> No.26396246

>Almost 1m subs
>Over 1m views on all videos
Why did she join holo again?

>> No.26396249

it's so fucking sexy and then some anon pointed out her pointy nipples AHHHHHH

>> No.26396250

Fears of what?

>> No.26396251

Check the kanji. Ninomae is a round about way to spell "One". It's probably a reference to the Lovecraftian covention of calling stuff "[adjective] One".

>> No.26396252


>> No.26396255
Quoted by: >>26396282

No one cares.

>> No.26396260


>> No.26396262
Quoted by: >>26396386

>4am Germanfagtime
Noo, why

>> No.26396264

Some shit tl pushed a narrative instead of translating

>> No.26396265

>I have fears for this one..
Why? Its probably just going to be the usually Holo style Q+A

>> No.26396266
Quoted by: >>26396297

It's still both rude and against the rules.
Just don't.

>> No.26396268

None of her content made money. She's in it for them dorrars.

>> No.26396270


>> No.26396272

thats a big pimpernelly

>> No.26396274

This post genuinely made me cringe a little... Mori???

>> No.26396275

That just means you don't like her rap, simple as
considering her previous works, she might sing stuff that's not rap, look out for it, maybe you'll like it more
if that doesn't happen, that probably means you... dislike her singing in general?

>> No.26396277

wasn't polka a pretty successful vtuber before hololive? her management company was just total shit or something

>> No.26396276

All the gosling posting

>> No.26396278

ad money on youtube isn't quite the same as akasupas

>> No.26396279

>on the other site
she knows

>> No.26396280
Quoted by: >>26396315

this and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRYFKcMa_Ek are the obvious 2 picks

>> No.26396282

Context. Faggot.

>> No.26396283

A-Chan... She's just like us...

>> No.26396284
Quoted by: >>26396306

Hm Hm

>> No.26396286
Quoted by: >>26396382

If I make a recommendation to her and then say 'The game is a foot, Watson!' will that make her more inclined to play it?

>> No.26396287
Quoted by: >>26396424

Fear of what chat will ask her

>> No.26396290

Singing stream on the weekend. To the moon baby.

>> No.26396292

How many superchats do you see in her videos?

>> No.26396294

She will finally be able to shoot guns in real life like she wanted....

I just hope she doesn't bring her baby to the shooting range...

>> No.26396295

These have been posted like 12 times already. You aren't showing anything new.

>> No.26396296


aw bud

>> No.26396297

Do you know not realize where you are right now?

>> No.26396303

>that... other site
She knows

>> No.26396305

I'm glad amelia doesn't have to resort to that kind of humiliation on twitch anymore, holy fuck

>> No.26396306
Quoted by: >>26396338

Kani kani kani

>> No.26396308
Quoted by: >>26396323

seethe has been used for a while now in hlg and hlgg
getting so easily offended really shows whose new

>> No.26396310

>plump-looking balls

>> No.26396312

Any bets on how long it'll take for Watson to drop her higher-pitched voice and just default back to her normal voice?

>> No.26396315

She sang a tiny bit of maneater at the beginning of her maneater stream so it's a real possibility
looking forward to it
honestly, EN girls singing English songs for karaoke opened up so many possibilities that wouldn't have been feasible with holoJP

>> No.26396318
Quoted by: >>26396343

why do they need permissions? they are americans

>> No.26396323

>seethe has been used for a while now in hlg and hlgg
Yes, because of tourists

>> No.26396324

We get a fresh batch of tourists every day.

>> No.26396326

Whenever she gets drunk.

>> No.26396327

she's probably a degenerate and likes joking around about that stuff

>> No.26396328

since designs weren't advertised during auditions, it's pretty much guaranteed the girls had a hand in their designs and names

>> No.26396329


>> No.26396330

Holy shit she knows!!! She's one of us!! One of us one of us one of us oh no no no no bros!!

>> No.26396331

Maybe you're an "oldhead" as it were, or you're a fan of the new "wave" of rap and just find her bars "whack"?

>> No.26396338

>Ina is a Rust poster on /dpt/
Best girl

>> No.26396340

>immediately increases her exposure by 100fold
What a fucking career leap.

>> No.26396342

If she ever gets drunk on stream

>> No.26396343

employees of a japanese corporation

>> No.26396345

>One day Amelia inexpicably shows up with a Kappa tattoo on her model.

>> No.26396348 [DELETED] 

Can you do a pregnant version? Pretty please?

>> No.26396349

It's so forced, but people will try to cope hard to believe that some 2d avatar milions of miles away actually cares for them and not their money

>> No.26396354
Quoted by: >>26396431

She was successful, but I think it was said it wasn't until she was in Hololive that she actually made money.

>> No.26396357
Quoted by: >>26396365

Because it's fun? Getting to be a part of something and make collab content with other streamers.

>> No.26396358

reported to cover desu

>> No.26396361

>it's like they weren't around for the Permission arc
Because they weren't

>> No.26396363


>> No.26396365

This, I'd really like to do something like Hololive with friends

>> No.26396372

She was talking to an object in the game, what kind of fucked up mental gymnastics are you even doing, retard

>> No.26396374

how did we get into the Marine sexuality timeloop but with Ina instead?
I don't know where the exact source of her roommate's self-introduction, but based on old twitter posts she doesn't completely hate bananas because she mentioned that she had banana-related products before. Also if she dislikes phallic things that much, she would also have a dislike towards sausages as well. I wouldn't deny the possibility of preferences though

>> No.26396377
Quoted by: >>26396408

read the replies to that post, dipshit

>> No.26396380

She's just going to pick out the basic shit bro

>> No.26396381

Can you do a pregnant version? Pretty please?

>> No.26396382

Probably. She showed the wall of feet at some point during the drag session in her debut.

>> No.26396386


>> No.26396387


>> No.26396391
Quoted by: >>26396428

Yes, but not enough to go fulltime.

>> No.26396394

Maybe she only dislikes curved "swords"?

>> No.26396396
Quoted by: >>26396425

/u/fags can be annoying and constantly seeking validation
t. /u/fag but doesn't push it

>> No.26396397
Quoted by: >>26396409

Aloe love!

>> No.26396398

Yeah, tf2 in it's current state is unplayable for streamers and players

>> No.26396403


>> No.26396408

cope harder

>> No.26396409
Quoted by: >>26396417

Ame love!

>> No.26396410

Why the fuck is there such a big gap without holoEN streams during euro afternoon?

>> No.26396415

Some people really do move on, and do not feel being at the "top". Some just love to climb back up. Why do you think people want Prestige Mode back in COD?

>> No.26396417


>> No.26396424

It all goes through her manager first so I doubt it will be anything dumb.

>> No.26396425
Quoted by: >>26396445

>/u/fags can be annoying and constantly seeking validation
I'm sure at least 90% of the entire internet knows this

>> No.26396426
Quoted by: >>26396491

she was literally saying it to an object in the game you retard

>> No.26396428
Quoted by: >>26396458

Odahime got holo'd, but I still think her content's kind of generic. For the lolsorandumb streamer you'd think she'd be a bit livelier. I think her best work was actually behind her.

>> No.26396429

You just don't like cringe, it's okay.

>> No.26396431

Weren't people saying that Polka's first superchat enabled stream made more money than Nobuhime's entire career?

>> No.26396434

Anon, some lesbians use stuff like dildos and other sex toys too, the talk about phalic stuff is people joking. What foods you like or dislike have nothing to do with your sexuality.

>> No.26396436

Why the fuck do you care?

>> No.26396439

New Game+

>> No.26396443

Anything on Gura's next stream yet?

>> No.26396445

Maybe he's in the 10% which is why he doesn't understand why people push Ina lesbian so much

>> No.26396446

Kiara really got the short end of the stick in terms of character designs. I know her tryhard JOP-pandering is part of the reason why she's getting less subs/views but I really think she got screwed over by her design as well. It just looks so bad compared to the rest of holoEN.

>> No.26396447

>anons laughed at bird for sub20k viewers
>meanwhile Choco has been streaming for the past four hours with sub3k
I'm happy for the ENs, I really am, but...
Please someone save Choco. Anyone. Please.

>> No.26396449
Quoted by: >>26396485

Kiara lives in Japan not yrop

We need something to fill the dead hours otherwise it's going to be constant doxxposting and hornyposting...

>> No.26396450
Quoted by: >>26396475

I attempted an upscale.
please dont hate me if it is shit :(, I included the source if someone can do better.

4k: https://files.catbox.moe/m84p8o.jpg
8k: https://files.catbox.moe/gidfnt.jpg
Source: https://files.catbox.moe/62x2j7.jpg
All credit goes to Ina

>> No.26396451

>The first 15minutes are always the hardest for me, but once you get past that, you just continue working
I relate to this so much.
Let's do our best squidbro

>> No.26396452

Mori and the chicken are in Japan and the rest in the Burgerland. Europe is in the deadzone.

>> No.26396453

so how long was watson a twitch streamer for? Just a few months?

>> No.26396455
Quoted by: >>26396483

>dislikes phallic shapes
Her design is an octopus.

>> No.26396458

I think she'll start doing more wacky stuff once she has Beef PC and no collab restrictions

>> No.26396460

Because half of the ENs like in japan and go to bed after jp primetime, Ina has a dayjob and Watson is an insomniac. Their airtime is basically split right now between JP and NA primetimes.

>> No.26396463

Yup. Yagoo really saved her.

>> No.26396471
Quoted by: >>26396495

imagine your roommate is forced to embarrass themselves on streams to entertain maybe 1000 followers to make ends meet
then the next day you're a famous idol with 200k adoring fans
how do you cope with that??? I couldn't.

>> No.26396475

Maybe try with a bit less noise? What are you using?

>> No.26396477

I know Polkahime really pulled in numbers during her monetization stream, but her send off as Nobu was also pretty strong. Not saying I don't believe that, but I would be interested in seeing the numbers.

>> No.26396483

>New narrative
>Ina hates her own design which is why she never uses the tentacles.

>> No.26396485

Hopefully the EN members will figure out a sweet spot soon

>> No.26396491

>Like anything else she says sounds any less forced
cope harder

>> No.26396492

Do this again and I fill the fucking report to ~~Stasi~~ Cover.

>> No.26396495

Hours long victory masturbation sessions while reading fans lewdposting.
