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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 599 KB, 707x754, 1599798974879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26373150 No.26373150 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26373153
File: 88 KB, 768x1024, Eh6zwPAUcAIcxCZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.26373157
File: 51 KB, 507x680, 1589199134680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373183

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26373162

I was too late to reply to the last thread, but animemaru is a satire site, there are no Hololive GPUs.

>> No.26373164
File: 80 KB, 797x451, dozo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure to take your meds before posting in this thread

>> No.26373165
File: 112 KB, 1503x1081, かなたそ12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373240

I love Kanatan!

>> No.26373171

for now

>> No.26373172
File: 610 KB, 1128x946, 1599474056186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 second early

>> No.26373173


>> No.26373174
File: 33 KB, 645x532, Nanorafit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373504


>> No.26373175
File: 820 KB, 3277x4096, 1593461510666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!

>> No.26373177
File: 978 KB, 1275x721, 1595159521163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373504

Luna 5 minutes into the stream

>> No.26373180

cant fucking believe ill never get my haachama rtx 3080

>> No.26373182
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373504

My sweaty baby princess is dying!

>> No.26373183

Elementary school*

>> No.26373185

Yet anon. With their growth anything is possible.

>> No.26373188
Quoted by: >>26373210

I think if there will ever be any it's gonna be from ASUS.

>> No.26373189
File: 2.32 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373318


>> No.26373197
Quoted by: >>26373323

More merch when? I want that fucking Mio hoodie.

>> No.26373198
File: 55 KB, 564x873, 1581361997903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373202
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26373207

teehee bitch

>> No.26373210
File: 268 KB, 420x347, 1599572733804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373263

I heard Gigabyte is the best

>> No.26373216
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373459

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.26373215

I'm confused, what is a back and front sticker? They all look the same to me

>> No.26373220


>> No.26373223

luna boing

>> No.26373224

I'm actually more disappointed that Abe-san doesn't actually have a huge mecha army...

>> No.26373225
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1571564446936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa too!

>> No.26373229


>> No.26373238

Mio... big collab... onegai...

>> No.26373240
File: 981 KB, 1630x2491, 1593529374916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is she, I miss her...

>> No.26373242

release your song today already

>> No.26373243
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 1599991708916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373296

Submit to Watson

>> No.26373247
File: 368 KB, 2048x1328, Eh8eRqFVgAEIA-C[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you ask your maid to make you breakfast
>get instant ramen
what do

>> No.26373249
File: 5 KB, 379x37, 1590332324134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

izuru being based once again

>> No.26373250
File: 79 KB, 233x169, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Towa

>> No.26373253
File: 38 KB, 683x545, IMG_20200915_121424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373256
File: 1.60 MB, 2894x4093, 1599484102937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26373263

I was just saying it's ASUS because they already worked with Hololive before, but it's a free real estate anyone can make a deal, yes.

>> No.26373264


>> No.26373265

I'm watching Izuru and his fans really did warrant the callout. Somebody said "i gotta go, bye everyne" for some reason, and everyone else stratred saying "bye" in response. Just a wall of literally unrelated commens, Izuru had to remind them again to stop with this shit.

>> No.26373266

spank her ass

>> No.26373269

command her to piss in it.

>> No.26373270

Love and hate are 2 sides of the same coin anon, we should fuck

>> No.26373272
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, AAF7FF7D-BA7F-4607-8EEA-04E08094144F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.26373276
File: 139 KB, 645x690, IMG_20200910_214739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing an english stream is a heresy you say? Oh Roberu you naive faggot. You merely adopted the english. I was born in it, moulded by it. I didnt see 日本語 until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but INCOMPREHENSIBLE. The english betrays you, because they belong to me.

>> No.26373281
File: 123 KB, 913x1315, IMG_20200628_032335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 47 Thread #8

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.26373288

how much do you love her?

>> No.26373293

Ina speaks fluent Korean, but I don't think it'll still be that easy to get things started. I'm fairly certain Japanese otaku culture has nowhere near as strong of a hold there compared to their homegrown animations and manhwa. That's before getting into how overwhelming the real live idol industry is in comparison, nothing else in Korea can even compete in the entertainment sector. I don't believe Cover can use the same approach they have so far and hope to do well, they'd have to design an entirely new marketing approach just for the KR market.

>> No.26373294

Why did eekum bokum take off so much

>> No.26373296

I tried but my cc details didn't get accepted

>> No.26373297
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, Lamyyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better yet, take a break.

>> No.26373299

>[Eng]: gaijin go home

>> No.26373302

How long until his own viewers sperg out and became antis?

>> No.26373303

I toss her on the bed and eat her out instead.

>> No.26373305
File: 139 KB, 1200x868, Eh7D6zKWkAEiy8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373527


>> No.26373307

What a fucking chad.

>> No.26373314

Mating press and deep kissing

>> No.26373316

Is ring fit really this tiring?

>> No.26373317

What if Izuru is now attracting fans that are into neglect play... Izuru...

>> No.26373318

armpits MADE to be licked

>> No.26373319

Didn't it already happen?

>> No.26373321

I'm thinking that he is not a fan of the new audience that he is getting.

>> No.26373323

I might get the Mio wolf shirt and Roboco mug.

>> No.26373325


>> No.26373326
Quoted by: >>26376757

His viewers love him making fun of those retards from what I can tell

>> No.26373329

Here's that clip I tried to upload and fucked up last thread. As I said quick and dirty cause I just wanted to test it out

>> No.26373330
Quoted by: >>26373353

KanaTowa 3d never ever...

>> No.26373331
Quoted by: >>26373425

imagine mori voicing those situation voice packs where she has to be tsundere with you on a date

>> No.26373332

is luna obese? how can someone's stamina be so low without being ridiculously fat. I guess thats why matsuri rejected her.

>> No.26373333

For someone as fit as Luna yes.

>> No.26373335

thank you lamy for protecting us from the antis

>> No.26373336
File: 635 KB, 701x1000, Eh3Yc5wVoAE8d0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dye her hair

>> No.26373337

Yes, also this is the Luna Sex ASMR stream!

>> No.26373340

Hayai baby princess!

>> No.26373348
Quoted by: >>26373372

Why would she wife Fubuki then?

>> No.26373349
Quoted by: >>26374211


>> No.26373351

If you're a baby yes

>> No.26373352
File: 747 KB, 1920x1080, 20190408 【祝3D化】湊あくあ3Dお披露目生放送【#湊あくあ3D】 (BacoqH2e86U) - 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!
her 3d debut https://mega.nz/folder/XdIxnA6K#qOh6oxkMyaY-9Np9NnzC-Q

>> No.26373353

I'll never forgive the sheep.

>> No.26373354
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, my love for you is like a truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373356

she's normal weight
there's gotta be something wrong with her

>> No.26373361

there is absolutely nothing even remotely erotic about this. stop it. shame on you.

>> No.26373365

Probably on the other extreme. Thin and unfit hikki.

>> No.26373366

I thought that already happened?

>> No.26373369
File: 144 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373370
Quoted by: >>26374211

melposter, give another image please!

>> No.26373372

is fubuki fat too?

>> No.26373373

Is luna okay?

>> No.26373375
Quoted by: >>26373461

>bye everyone
>not even bye izuru
really grinds my gears

>> No.26373376
File: 364 KB, 602x717, okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.26373377
Quoted by: >>26373465


>> No.26373378

>jp better

>> No.26373379

Watch lunas 3d debut to see what 35 years of sedentary otaku lifestyle gets you.

>> No.26373381

I want a 3D Luna RingFit stream

>> No.26373385

The English vtuber market is still very unsaturated.
Cover better release EN gen 2 soon or Ichikara, western corporations will enter the game.

>> No.26373388

>never participate shitpost
>always shows up and support right before Luna stream
I just noticed this was Luknights always this based?

>> No.26373389

>Lamy will never force feed you pills while you're tied up in a straitjacket

>> No.26373390

Imagine being spanish and hearing what others think of the spanish community thanks to mexicans

>> No.26373391
Quoted by: >>26373482

Shien... please stop showing off your autistic collection of fish. It's making me feel like buying this game.

>> No.26373392

I already came 3 times I'm sorry

>> No.26373393
File: 1.90 MB, 1413x2000, EcNAX-yU4AAfLRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kanata's booth was only this small before she got a bigger one and I can't stop imagining the smell

>> No.26373394
File: 17 KB, 425x199, 2020-09-15 05_19_29-【Minecraft】ホロ鯖ガンギマリ化・・・!?【ホロライブ_赤井はあと】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373410

WATAME-LON pixel art!!!

>> No.26373395

I will murder every single Towafag with my bare hands

>> No.26373396
Quoted by: >>26373402

I'm not turned on by her but I did feel some movement.

>> No.26373397

>Dead oshi

>> No.26373398

>twitch stream love
That explains all you fags I guess

>> No.26373399

blocks my path with her greatness, dont forget utawaku in an hour and a half

>> No.26373400
Quoted by: >>26373735

Still the best ritual post in this thread.

>> No.26373402
Quoted by: >>26373420

>I'm not turned on by her
low test

>> No.26373403

>cover might twitch stream

>> No.26373404

I can't believe Bossu is fishing because it reminds him of someone!

>> No.26373405
File: 328 KB, 638x597, korowink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373430

hey babe

>> No.26373406

>keep girls retards

>> No.26373408
Quoted by: >>26373517

I guess we will have to wait and see. One thing I trust Cover with is picking talents and being successful.

>> No.26373409
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, naaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb baby gets tired from playing the piano and singing.

>> No.26373410

did she fuck up the spelling on the desc but no the title?

>> No.26373413
File: 254 KB, 1246x1723, nna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Luna!

>> No.26373411

will Luna be alive after this?

>> No.26373417
File: 340 KB, 1500x1395, IMG_20200915_022202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 15 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive and that's she's doing ok


>> No.26373418

I'll aggressively eat her barbed porridge I guess.

>> No.26373420

Her voice is too cute I just can't

>> No.26373421


>> No.26373422
File: 100 KB, 960x506, ne1zdqggo7n51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh, bro?

>> No.26373423

>fat retard viewers

>> No.26373424

>Luna is dead

>> No.26373425

Every third line better be her audible pain after saying a cliche out loud

>> No.26373426

>Coco left Moona
It's been 66 minutes.

>> No.26373427


>> No.26373429
File: 663 KB, 848x1200, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_fumihiko_pixiv2658856__ede55f098b7605360a817ebbcec29bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did she fit inside wih that fat ass?
Not to mention all the equipments...

>> No.26373430
File: 2.09 MB, 766x1006, 1590776234592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bend over doggy

>> No.26373431
File: 29 KB, 158x207, 1413503289054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k viewers for our boing boing princess.
I am happy for her. Considering she was getting bullied by antis during last stream overlapping even though it was approved by management.

>> No.26373433

My baby princess died...

>> No.26373432

Ever since I discovered Ai-Mai Chocolate there hasn't been a single day where I haven't listened to it at least once
This song single handedly converted me to a wata-mate, it's too powerful

>> No.26373438
File: 20 KB, 324x324, 1591716160715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded numbers dick pekora

>> No.26373437
File: 113 KB, 658x742, 1597091212206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think is Miko's favorite HoloEN?

>> No.26373440

This, remember she's a baby before you get turned on.

>> No.26373447

maybe she doesn't eat properly.

>> No.26373450

Luna's deep breaths kinda reminds me of sex.

>> No.26373451
Quoted by: >>26373480

i have never seen the defense move work. how does this game work?

>> No.26373452

she's skinny and frail

>> No.26373453


>> No.26373454

I feel bad for her PC.

>> No.26373457
File: 41 KB, 210x251, golden yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is training hard for the Vtuber Olympics

>> No.26373459
File: 75 KB, 618x1288, 1580348774352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean MASScucks will plague these threads forever, and I'll keep reminding them of their cringe.

>> No.26373460

>Banned holo en

>> No.26373461

They behave like they're posting in a discord chatroom separate from the streamer's chat.

>> No.26373462

big hope haachama

>> No.26373464

>dick pekora
I agree

>> No.26373465


>> No.26373469

Probably Watson

>> No.26373470

>Amelia fat retard

>> No.26373473


>> No.26373474

it's just supposed to lower damage, not stop it entirely

>> No.26373475

Mori or the chicken but the latter just keeps embarrassing herself

>> No.26373479


>> No.26373480

Never played it, but I think it reduces damage

>> No.26373482

>he didn't catch em all already
never gonna make it

>> No.26373486
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, aki-butt-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki butt
I'm glad she had such a great stream last night

>> No.26373487
Quoted by: >>26373556

There are a few Western companies already but only one has any foot hold. Nijisanji lacks the branding power Hololive has over here even if they can find the talent. Hololive can only really fail to itself as far as the West is concerned.

>> No.26373488
Quoted by: >>26373655

I'm not surprised her health would deteriorate if she had to be stuck in one of these cubicles for hours at a time...

>> No.26373489
Quoted by: >>26373628

That's fucking claustrophobic, how did she even fit her pc + everything else

>> No.26373491

Holy fuck, Cover, what are you doing letting your employees work for you like this

>> No.26373494

Unironically Miko's favorite HoloEN might be Chicken, since she loves blonde girls. Or Reaper.

>> No.26373495

I don't think Cover has anything to worry about there, especially from Ichikara. They still need to build out better support for their talents.

>> No.26373497
File: 2.01 MB, 1600x900, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia cries some crocodile tears over the fact she was called out for being a selfish cunt
>The Reddit crowd decides to white knight and "cheer her up" by donating a few thousand dollars
I know redditors are autistic but can they really not tell that she's playing a character?

>> No.26373500


>> No.26373501

Aloe love...

>> No.26373504
File: 1.75 MB, 900x900, luna on skate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374742

Our baby is going to be as fit as real gojira at this rate bros.

>> No.26373505

>Using this shit even 5 years ago.
Goddamn polka

>> No.26373507
Quoted by: >>26373541

Reposting since last thread died soon, anyone remember which channel has the big teetee collab with NoeFure and Crossick?

>> No.26373513


>> No.26373515

That's her PC before she upgraded 5 years ago (that she's been using ever since)

>> No.26373516

wait they seriously donated a few thousand?

>> No.26373517

I trust their talent picking skill but I'm not convinced that marketing them as "Japanese Vtubers, but Korean!" will work like it did for CN or EN where otaku culture had a far stronger foothold. Might be better to market them as an entirely Korean product with Korean hobbies and Korean tastes.

>> No.26373519

they live through clips and don't understand the full picture.

>> No.26373520
File: 337 KB, 505x677, 1599825519204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's finally free...
Aloe Love

>> No.26373523

she probably just has some breathing disorder. potentially explains her nasal voice

>> No.26373524
Quoted by: >>26373612

>izuru telling the dumb fucking "byebye" "I'm leaving" comments that he doesn't care and to just do it
this guy is cooler than I thought

>> No.26373526

Polka.. the joke really is on her.

>> No.26373527
Quoted by: >>26373611

shion feet...
Imagine the smell...

>> No.26373529

Luna is making it really easy to make me cum

>> No.26373534

Luna's roommate has to be either overweight or anorexic

>> No.26373535

Collab onegai..
>jp better
yes. fuck holoEN

>> No.26373536

Definitely Watson, she's head over heels over Blonde chara. Mori for tsundere

>> No.26373541


>> No.26373544

She really wasn't. Don't believe shitty translated clips trying to promote drama.

>> No.26373545

A true poltato pc. BEEF PC when?

>> No.26373546

I wonder if it was the first time they watched Rushia?

>> No.26373547
File: 2.85 MB, 1429x2000, 1599922590095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373651

say ahh

>> No.26373550

she's making the jumps now!

>> No.26373548

Her current PC is decent though

>> No.26373549

bless you anon, thank you

>> No.26373551

>You wake up to a post with 100 replies, linking to a tweet from Cover Corp
>It's a link to an official statement.
>The title reads "Regarding our talent, Sakura Miko"
>You click on the article
>In the middle of the page is just a single line
>"She's cute!"
How would you react?

>> No.26373555
Quoted by: >>26373581

Imagine if luna was doing this with a vibrator in her the whole time

>> No.26373556
Quoted by: >>26373775

>few Western companies
What are they?
I though all EN vtubers are indies

>> No.26373557
Quoted by: >>26374448

That’s not the PC Polka is using right now. The one she's useing hd an I7, gtx960 abd 32 gb of ram.

>> No.26373558

Her RFA streams are very fun to watch and see her power through the higher difficulties compared to the others.

>> No.26373560
Quoted by: >>26373646

I suspect skinny unhealthy who doesn't eat properly.
t.poorfag who doesn't eat much and gets tired easily

>> No.26373563
File: 3.52 MB, 1286x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy lion

>> No.26373564


>> No.26373569
File: 791 KB, 907x1286, 1m3573c738051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are watching our favorite menhera play mario kart, right hlg?

>> No.26373570

She wasn't bullied. If you actually read the chat you can see people telling her "Isn't it fine?" or "No don't end the stream...". The channel that """"translated""""" that clip is notorious for being shit

>> No.26373572

Barge into Cover Corp and thank YAGOO

>> No.26373573
File: 347 KB, 665x857, 1599212517688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a friendly reminder that everything will be daijoubokay.

>> No.26373574


>> No.26373575

Maybe 5 years ago.

>> No.26373577

>Windows Vista

>> No.26373578

No it isn't, especially for streaming standards

>> No.26373581

that's really fuckin lewd man please don't

>> No.26373583

>That many ads for an hour video

>> No.26373584

As expected of mikochi

>> No.26373585
Quoted by: >>26373633

>Haato caught up to Matsuri again
But I think Matsuri will get away again somehow...

>> No.26373588
Quoted by: >>26373642

No I'm watching Luna

>> No.26373590

It's interesting to see which EN Aki loses viewers to. There was no drop when she went head to head against Shark, which I guess makes sense because there's not a lot of overlap between people who like loli and people who love drunk wine aunts , but she did have a 400 to 600 viewers to Ina during her CoC stream, though obviously the drop didn't really amount to much since she got the supa storm.

>> No.26373591

My baby princess is DYING!

>> No.26373592
Quoted by: >>26373704

If they do that then it's going to fail, it won't be "Hololive" in the eyes of their fans.

>> No.26373593
File: 896 KB, 2480x3508, EhvTKGhUMAEQqdH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new hotness

>> No.26373595

You're just saying that because that's what ANOTHER translator told you

>> No.26373597
File: 915 KB, 1061x1500, 1595239214736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373639

We're supposedly getting Watame Ring Fit soon...

>> No.26373598

Yeah... maybe just barely for basic office work

>> No.26373602

Wrong! She is cumming!

>> No.26373606

considering how much of a shitshow holo5 is.. maybe it was a good thing?

>> No.26373611
File: 195 KB, 1536x2048, EhIz-vwUMAEPMWH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373665

Shion is a good girl who cares for hygiene, she doesn't smell

>> No.26373612

i love him calling those out because i fucking hate those types of comments unless it's like a 10 viewer stream where the streamer can actually afford to have conversations with every viewer

>> No.26373614

I'll be listening to the noises Luna is making later on as well

>> No.26373615

KR is not a big enough market to care about the moment though.
They should focus on HoloEN gen 2 and HoloES

>> No.26373619

I shouldn't be this hard

>> No.26373626

Luna Skyward Sword is probably one of the best hololive playthroughs of all time

>> No.26373628

It can probably fit a small setup but it's still pretty tight, I have no idea how she survived in here for months

>> No.26373629
File: 788 KB, 2769x4096, 1578285577309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373676

imagine forcing Towa to raise her arm and sniff the fuck out of her armpits

>> No.26373630
File: 67 KB, 500x663, EOfVwEqU4AE20Wh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti, don't cry...

>> No.26373631
Quoted by: >>26373912

I think it's pretty obvious that EN invited a lot of new viewers in, especially worldwide. All the girls have much to benefit from it
Hololive might be entering another incline

>> No.26373632

I knew it, the rumors are true...

>> No.26373633
Quoted by: >>26373649

is this the ultimate sub rivalry in hololive?

>> No.26373634
File: 169 KB, 800x420, 1600105734801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26373637
File: 222 KB, 383x510, ibub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373685

when you see the hundredth "helpful english translator" announce in chat that they're going to be late for class

>> No.26373638

do you think luna play tony hawk offstream with the real music?

>> No.26373639
Quoted by: >>26373692

Sheep, angel and debiru 3D RFA please.

>> No.26373640

Finally someone that can rival Shion yo

>> No.26373642
File: 163 KB, 320x423, 1598872176814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna sucks watch Rushia.

>> No.26373643
File: 1.49 MB, 1914x1079, 1598199395548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically Miko's favorite HoloEN might be Chicken, since she loves blonde girls

>> No.26373644


>> No.26373646
Quoted by: >>26373711

If you really wanna know she eats jagariko + one meal per day.

>> No.26373648

Aloe's roommate hasn't made any new tweet in 24 hours. Is she ok?

>> No.26373649

the Festival fears the Haachamachama.

>> No.26373650

How strong will Luna be after this

>> No.26373651

this image does terrible things to me.

>> No.26373654

Watching Luna but with the video off!

>> No.26373655
File: 26 KB, 320x320, v5PbXpifDdf3-QPamrewDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373679

It's okay now since she's moved to a bigger one, with an actual aircon this time.

>> No.26373657


>> No.26373659

Wrong, she's getting >>>/fit/

>> No.26373660
File: 239 KB, 2048x1663, 1580131987953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373661


>> No.26373664

You know what I mean.

>> No.26373665

Her 40 second toilet speedrun says otherwise

>> No.26373667

As much as I hate towafags, I wish Towa retain her overseas viewership. Her weird streaming schedule clashes a lot with theirs.

>> No.26373670
File: 190 KB, 1200x1239, EhcKmkoUYAA3b4B@mitch_1911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was worried when HololiveEN came out that it would hurt her viewer wise, but thanfully she's built up a dedicated following now.

>> No.26373669
File: 42 KB, 960x720, 1562174220906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373671
Quoted by: >>26373912

You don't know that she's losing viewers to that particular person, it could be down for any reason
and most people keep multiple tabs open I think

>> No.26373674


>> No.26373676
File: 556 KB, 779x1897, 1599899999887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373760


>> No.26373679

I mean it's better than nothing or going back to her old one I guess...

>> No.26373680
Quoted by: >>26373747

You Iberians are okay, just not your former colonies.

>> No.26373682
File: 618 KB, 861x484, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco butt

>> No.26373685

he's calling them english kids now, hopefully that makes them embarrassed enough to fuck off who am I kidding, some of them probably get off to his scolding

>> No.26373689


>> No.26373691

Of course many were supporting her.
Still doesn't change the fact that eop autists were clearly bothering her.

>> No.26373692

Imagine the smell!

>> No.26373702
Quoted by: >>26373768

i'm so glad there are translators in Luna's chat!

>> No.26373704
Quoted by: >>26373806

The current Korean fanbase is minuscule in the first place, you're not going to get any traction by pushing the Japanese angle. At any rate I really don't think a direct assault on Korea is going to work, you'd have to change too much about the popular culture there. They'd just end up HoloID tier at best.

>> No.26373705

why is an EN with gen 5?

>> No.26373710

Choco and Aki making passionate LOVE!

>> No.26373711

>If you really wanna know she eats jagariko + one meal per day.
plus 50 takoyaki

>> No.26373713

Yes but people here doesn't read and just rely on translations now
>inb4 now

>> No.26373714
Quoted by: >>26373818

>not pink rushia
Maybe later.

>> No.26373715

I can't wait for the Aki/Mori wine tasting stream

>> No.26373716

Is there an Asacoco archive?

>> No.26373717
File: 477 KB, 590x591, 1600037857817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck were they thinking? how is this okay?
Honestly fuck Katakana and FUCK KANJI

>> No.26373718

[EN] Erotic panting

>> No.26373720

Thanks for reminding me, just opened a stream.

>> No.26373725

>moving together with Luna's 'washoi's
>pausing as she catches her breath
heavenly lunaitos

>> No.26373727

But that's hiragana

>> No.26373728
File: 349 KB, 620x807, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373843


>> No.26373730

Sit on my face or else

>> No.26373732
Quoted by: >>26373766

you can't even learn hiragana

>> No.26373735
File: 378 KB, 1000x1000, kitya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this

>> No.26373736
Quoted by: >>26373812

>take lamyflu
>gen 5 are actually gen 4 without Aloe
>Haato never went to Australia, Haachama is just a nickname the other girls call her
>Mio never got arrested for Youtube crimes
>Miko never got sick
>all the privated/deleted videos are on a new site holoarchives.tv
>Holo CN, ID, EN, and Holostars don't exist
>the last big announcement from Cover was the acquisition of AZKi as the newest member of gen 4
in my restless dreams...

>> No.26373738

Watsonchaama... your reps...

>> No.26373742


>> No.26373743

Rushia herself played her part to guilt trip her viewers. She said things like feeling really sad being told the same thing again and again ( regarding overlapping stream ) and kept saying komarimashita. She knows her audience really well it's terrifying.

>> No.26373745


>> No.26373747
Quoted by: >>26376876

>Being this jealous of the lands of the sacred golden tacos

>> No.26373749

not gonna make it...

>> No.26373756

Taco play modded Morrowind onegai...

>> No.26373757

Nigga hiragana is easy baby shit. Katakana is where it starts to get retarded

>> No.26373760

best character design in all of hololive

>> No.26373766

I don't even know english, how many redflags?

>> No.26373768

[EN] *Luna fart*

>> No.26373770

Luna please....don't die

>> No.26373772
Quoted by: >>26373787

I saw the stream for myself. It's overblown.

>> No.26373775
Quoted by: >>26373811

It's largely indie and even the brands are mostly unprofessional. There's one doing decently but going into it is more off topic than I'm comfortable with. The one that's alive isn't notable except that it's a hololive knock off Idol vtuber company that just has a better head for marketing than most.
The short of the English scene though is that it's largely made up of different circles with varying degrees of professionalism and is constantly on fire with drama. People do succeed though and hololive EN will probably pick up some talent out of it in the future since there are girls bigger than Watson once was.

>> No.26373778
Quoted by: >>26373816

Aloe Maji Tenshi

>> No.26373780

Is that heart rate normal?

>> No.26373781

My baby princess...

>> No.26373782

aren't people concerned about what will happen to Luna after this stream? I mean, she will become too powerful, how will anyone physically stop her?

>> No.26373784


>> No.26373787

Rushia is still a cunt

>> No.26373788

>Watame retweeted a video with a male dancer in it

>> No.26373790
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1594223734348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373808

>Heart rate too high to be measured

>> No.26373792

She can’t be measured.

>> No.26373798

Man if Miko can like Coco that much imagine her liking any HoloEN members

>> No.26373800
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1597803340691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373830


>> No.26373801

Move on as she has too

>> No.26373802
File: 253 KB, 1280x1807, 1592049560871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



   |  /

What did haachama mean by this?

>> No.26373804
Quoted by: >>26373822

Luna can take it! Send her your energy!

>> No.26373806
Quoted by: >>26373927

My assumption was that Japanese media was popular is Korea so they would more accepting of their subculture also.

>> No.26373807

I miss it so much. ;_;

>> No.26373808

It happens to me a lot

>> No.26373811

>constantly on fire with drama
not like our professional Hololivers, no sir

>> No.26373812
File: 59 KB, 588x337, yoshi yoshi it's time for your meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373813
File: 417 KB, 992x1122, 20200530_175312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is seriously the best. If you hate her youre just being a contrarian.

>> No.26373814


>> No.26373816

And you fags keep causing trouble for her.

>> No.26373818
Quoted by: >>26373888

green russia is better you pleb

>> No.26373822
Quoted by: >>26373857

I already came lunaito...

>> No.26373823

She just cant move on...

>> No.26373824

I wouldn't go so far as to call her that but I really admire the way she manages to keep hold of her fanbase, she elevates it into true art.

>> No.26373825
Quoted by: >>26373895


>> No.26373830

The dancer is a "Nippon Ichi Software staff" too...

>> No.26373833


>> No.26373834
File: 1.50 MB, 2508x3541, EhOcbTcU4AAA7wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373835

It really is amazing how many people are so socially retarded they can't tell a persons character, even when they're acting. Guys if you take everyone at face value in life you're going to have a rough time.

>> No.26373836
Quoted by: >>26373877

Will Aki bring non holo Matsuri along still?

>> No.26373842
Quoted by: >>26373904

Now that there are like 40 girls should I quit my job? I don't have time to watch them all. I can survive on rice diet and $50 simping per month.

>> No.26373843

we're literally the same

>> No.26373846
Quoted by: >>26373921

Whenever she streams she is always my priority to watch. Especially RFA. I don't even watch it in a particularly lewd manner I just enjoy seeing her better herself in an area where she very clearly struggles.

>> No.26373856


>> No.26373857

Do your reps. For Luna

>> No.26373860
Quoted by: >>26373950

Milking her chat the way she does is kinda ghoulish though...

>> No.26373862


>> No.26373865

Why are sheepfags so obsessed with mukkun?

>> No.26373867
File: 69 KB, 180x201, 1587875995133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Luna sound like she's dying?

>> No.26373869
Quoted by: >>26374668

I legit still have a Vista PC like that. If I dare guess, it's probably similar to hers in specs too. Still works like a charm, as much as it can manage anyway. Can't use Steam anymore but that's where GOG steps in.

>> No.26373872
Quoted by: >>26373932

there's no way her tits are that big

>> No.26373877

Hopefully, she is always great to watch

>> No.26373878

When will Luna start showing improvment? Not that I'm not enjoying this

>> No.26373885
Quoted by: >>26373938

Even a literal baby excercises more than me.. nasakeneh....

>> No.26373888
Quoted by: >>26373963

>preferring the shorter haired version of anything

>> No.26373893

You can read the chat yourself.

>> No.26373895
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1592766215619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26373962


>> No.26373896
Quoted by: >>26373914

anon, we're all dying

>> No.26373899

Stop shitposting, Waachama

>> No.26373902

I run Win7 (much better specs though).

>> No.26373903

I am starting to forget Mikoti and falling in love with Luna more and more........

>> No.26373904

also clone yourself since schedules will overlap

>> No.26373907
Quoted by: >>26373914

you are dying right now

>> No.26373911

Rushia isn't a cunt at face value, she's a cunt when you see beneath her act, which isn't very difficult

>> No.26373912

I largely agree. I thought all the doomposting from 5ch about who's gonna bleed viewers because of EN was unfounded hysteria and so far it seems to be working out that way.
she seemed to hold strong when she went head to head with Watson today.
yeah, it's not a particularly scientific observation, those 400 of so viewers could easily have been lost for countless reasons but it's all we can really do to gauge audience overlap and retention at this early of a point.
I hope they can do something like this as soon as the collab moratorium ends

>> No.26373914


>> No.26373920
Quoted by: >>26373982

At this point Aloe post should be banned for being off topic, all they are doing is stalking someone who wants to be left alone. The fuckers caused her to come out just to make sure that they weren't getting scammed.

>> No.26373921

Based Lunaito. Always entertaining and feels good to watch someone work on themselves and see improvement.

>> No.26373925

Exercise, anon. It literally breaks your muscles to build stronger muscles.

>> No.26373927
Quoted by: >>26374066

It's actually not as popular as it is in the US, believe it or not. In fact I'd say at the moment Korean entertainment is more popular in Japan than the other way around. Sure, Korean webtoons and webcomics are massively popular but they're ultimately Korean even if inspired by Japanese styles. A Korean Vtuber posing as a Japanese otaku would have a much harder time making it compared to a Korean Vtuber posing as a Korean entertainment fan.

>> No.26373928

Haachama Cooking is just played up for laughs and Haachama is actually capable of cooking delicious gourmet food.

>> No.26373930

I really like Luna's bgm

>> No.26373932
File: 186 KB, 1002x1200, 09af877de73f961911d4e302d52b33d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

papa will make it so

>> No.26373938

Time to do your reps anon.

>> No.26373939
Quoted by: >>26373981

Hololive now feels like the third season of a harem anime when there's too many girls to keep track of and you end up forgetting about the good ones from the start of the show

>> No.26373942

makes sense considering luna is just a walmart brand miko. youre just searching for a replacement.

>> No.26373946

They probably think holos are using real voice too.
Too many retards caught onto holohype

>> No.26373947

She at least has a lot to improve so I guess she might soon be able to finish the stretches without ending up out of breath.

>> No.26373948

Im proud of Luna to have raised the difficulty of the game

>> No.26373950

Well it's her job and she's made close to a million $US doing it so really she's no different than any other titty streamer. It's a shame to throw so much cash at Rushia when there are other Holos who are more genuine and need the help.

>> No.26373954

Kenzokus are cultists just like membersheep

>> No.26373956

What's the context?

>> No.26373962
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1598631847440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26373963

i bet you want boing boing russia too
i'm done talking to you.

>> No.26373964
Quoted by: >>26374105

what's it at now? 2 out of 30?

>> No.26373968
Quoted by: >>26374004

I love how sinister she looks at times. It combined with her warm personality reminds me why I love villainess characters.

>> No.26373973

Her design is literally my least favorite in the entire Hololive but her personality and mannerism is genuinely entertaining. She definitely is one of the best streamer out there.

>> No.26373976

I kneel Towafags. I hate Towa but her Error cover made me think she has best singing voice.

>> No.26373978

Did Gawr seriously got 56k live viewers? Isn't that a record for a single non-debut stream?

>> No.26373981

This feels like that episode where the prota gets too cocky with his skills and then it comes the western interchange student who is far above his level and then the prota gets depressed.

>> No.26373982
Quoted by: >>26375117

They complained about antis stalking her then stalk her themselves, and send gifts to anyone claiming to be her. literal mental illness.

>> No.26373983

Roboco... don't play Spellbreak... your aiming will get worse...

>> No.26373991
Quoted by: >>26374039

>Her design is literally my least favorite in the entire Hololive
nigga u gay

>> No.26373994

She started this routine just a few days ago. Reps don't show results until a few weeks of routine.

>> No.26373999

She had 10k viewers in Minecraft last night after the Mori-Shark collab ended. Once honeymoon period ends, she'll still have a dedicated following.

>> No.26374001
Quoted by: >>26374039

I appreciate she never breaks character even though it must be hard because I imagine playing it is just as painful as listening to it

>> No.26374004
File: 28 KB, 288x296, it was like she was looking at walking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374053

Yeah Lamy angry/scornful screens are great

>> No.26374005

Even Choco can't salvage her cooking...

>> No.26374007

Wasn't it rented too? So if you rent a soundproof booth in Japan now you might get one that smells of angel sweat.

>> No.26374017

I'm not a MASS or the doxxposter though

>> No.26374018

I've been away. Why are people so hot on Luna lately? Last time I watched her she was in the middle of her Haachama observation phase.

>> No.26374023
Quoted by: >>26374054

Coco got 60k+

>> No.26374028
File: 728 KB, 784x1117, 1599947511248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her so much...

>> No.26374030

20k to go!
At least she's noticing it this time

>> No.26374031


>> No.26374032

Izuru is homostar's xenophobic chadpeko

>> No.26374034
File: 113 KB, 863x604, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374036

she's doing workout streams and it gets very heavy

>> No.26374037

Are you an idiot trying to stir shit up? That's an ad for NIS's new game for crying out loud. You'd know that she's a big fan of NIS if you watched her instead of making narratives every day.

>> No.26374039

I dislike the pink princess aesthetics. It's just personal preference honestly. Most of my favorite holos came from the design that I particularly indifferent or dislike anyway.
It might be her fetish honestly.

>> No.26374047

her piano streams woke some turds up

>> No.26374050
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1600163360052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has our oversea brothers in nipland seen this image yet?

>> No.26374053

Man, her Live2D is so good... and she's so good at using it. Like, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in hololive as good as using it as Lamy, she's easily Korone/Watame/Fubuki tier.

>> No.26374054

Should have expected it. Thanks.

>> No.26374055
Quoted by: >>26374398

someone said "i have to leave, bye everyone" so a bunch of people replied bye to them
izuru said it was cute, but go do that in a discord or something

>> No.26374056

guerilla minecraft watch this architect!

>> No.26374058
Quoted by: >>26374149

But..who was camera?

>> No.26374060

Fubuki saving the shitters Shion and Marine hit 64k

>> No.26374063

What the fuck? This was at 2.5M 3 days ago?

>> No.26374064

It's 3 seconds.

What you should like more is Mori's debut single reaching 600K already in two days

>> No.26374066

With the way you are making it sound then I can see it being a difficult market for them to enter.

>> No.26374067
Quoted by: >>26374095

Will she run away from her totsumachi like last time?

>> No.26374069


>> No.26374070

Is Banjo Kazooie a really popular game? I wasn't a consoletard as a kid

>> No.26374073

why are we still here? just to suffer?

>> No.26374075
File: 34 KB, 679x360, EVPjlaPU0AEsKHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autist is back!

>> No.26374076

She better not build on Towa's waterpark.

>> No.26374077

Towa, do something...

>> No.26374080
File: 7 KB, 336x71, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post chat kino

>> No.26374089

I'm sure cover wants to push out gen 5 and EN 3Ds (how will they do it for gura, watson and ina?) as fast as possible so they can use it, but when do you think they're coming?
I think noel got hers the fastest in about 3 months or so

>> No.26374091
File: 81 KB, 476x664, hololive luna marshmallow neckbrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good Luna

>> No.26374092

back to brazil

>> No.26374095
Quoted by: >>26374132

She's planning on planning something big for 500k

>> No.26374099

It is with hipsters.

>> No.26374101
File: 336 KB, 709x415, 1583544478311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374635


>> No.26374104

Thanks, Luna

>> No.26374105

>>26373964 >>26373948
In another three ̶m̶o̶n̶t̶h̶s̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ decades, Luna will finally make it to difficulty setting ̶3̶0̶ ̶2̶0̶ ̶1̶0̶ 5.

>> No.26374107
File: 56 KB, 344x489, korosan....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374111

Name checks out

>> No.26374112

>that one "COME TO BRASIL" poster

>> No.26374114

your oshi grabs her bulge and looks at you suggestively, what do you do?

>> No.26374115

Come watch Sora will be a guest for SEGA


>> No.26374117

I cant believe Moona upset towa so much she had to take the rest of the week off.

>> No.26374119

autism kino this early

>> No.26374120

>spend all day watching EN and Aki at the same time
>watch Haachama play Minecraft
>catch up on Indogs playing Minecraft
>watch Luna working out
>try to catch up on other non-Holo streams
>now I have to watch this
when will it end

>> No.26374123
File: 98 KB, 765x1000, 1588952664621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374139

Will Coco finally restore some dignity to 4th gen in Fall Guys or will the suffering continue?

>> No.26374126

I wonder how her shits are seeing as how she still eats the food. I tried that spicy Korean noodles and it wasn't pleasant coming out.

>> No.26374128
Quoted by: >>26374168

Do you want the shitpost opinion or the serious opinion?

>> No.26374129

pls come to saudi arabia my queen

>> No.26374130
File: 61 KB, 526x701, 1599138398303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374132
Quoted by: >>26374160

Hopefully it's a 3D stream with AZKi

>> No.26374137
File: 133 KB, 290x284, watame2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you watamates pls don't go, I miss you

>> No.26374139
Quoted by: >>26374169

Watame won twice, though?

>> No.26374141

They might have to rent a studio for those 3. Seeing how big of a success the ENs are, a 3d debut is very likely and I hope it happens

>> No.26374140

Anyone watching this Matsuri kino later?

>> No.26374142
File: 5 KB, 284x43, kanata_121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374143

I thought Moona's fans were the Architects.

>> No.26374148
File: 2.47 MB, 1853x2800, 70828960a356c7492fff40b3a9dd74ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute, funny and also "cute and funny". She's really been coming into her own after a rough start and being hung out to dry by the rest of her gen.

>> No.26374149


>> No.26374152


>> No.26374160

Hopefully it's a sololive (true)

>> No.26374161

Adding on, Pekora got 60000 on her MGS stream.

>> No.26374166
File: 587 KB, 1286x2000, kanatastainedglas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374249

Jesus Christ Lord Almighty, please grant us Salvation...

>> No.26374168

serious, there's 2 gen 5s that I believe are seriously held back by their 3D right now and I'm sure mori's 3D usage will be excellent as well

>> No.26374169

Yeah, but the rest of the 4th gen have been doing really badly. PPT's Damascus Road was extra painful.

>> No.26374171

Probably the best designed 3D platformer of that era. Took what Mario 64 did and made it better.

>> No.26374172
Quoted by: >>26374198

unironically ngmi anon

>> No.26374173

I wish they streamed on twitch so they can utilize the language ban feature

>> No.26374175

She worked really hard and never gave up and people started noticing her talent.

>> No.26374183
File: 313 KB, 481x471, 1574670550393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikkun, back to Matsuri for more subscribers huh? You're that afraid huh?

>> No.26374184

has she slept since her 8 hour apex stream?

>> No.26374185

Her streams are actually fun now, she finally found her character

>> No.26374187
Quoted by: >>26374205

Can't believe Activision posts here..

>> No.26374189


>> No.26374192

She needs to return to save those MASS retards from a scammer even though she might not even want to be online. Really good person imo.

>> No.26374195


>> No.26374196
Quoted by: >>26374243

Do you think Kiara is a true Nousagi and enjoys seeing Pekora suffer?

>> No.26374197

Sora... please get Sega permissions for everyone...

>> No.26374199

That's not healthy anon
Just watch clips for some time

>> No.26374198
Quoted by: >>26374250


>> No.26374200

Why did she destroy her career for the homos? Did Rikka's ojii-san cock really taste that good?

>> No.26374204

what does ppt stand for again?

>> No.26374205

Why did they even pick luna to promote tony hawk

>> No.26374209
File: 43 KB, 344x289, Annotation 2020-06-12 031019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP Subarubro being wholesome. But I bet most people don't remember this.

>> No.26374211
File: 118 KB, 621x571, 8D713E26-04DA-456C-8729-3B20C6FE6A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not ??

>> No.26374215

we'd never get singing streams if they switched to twitch.

>> No.26374221

Are there people actually mad at the video doing good? Besides the people it will bring in, it's animated well and it couples well with Korone's commentary.

>> No.26374224
File: 161 KB, 811x1200, EhuOqu_U4AAYukK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo! Yoru ni Kakeru! 1 million views!

>> No.26374225

It would a real shame if English was banned,

>> No.26374226

That's a cute JOPbro

>> No.26374227
File: 743 KB, 707x1000, kanatanhotglue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

penis polisher tenshi

>> No.26374228
Quoted by: >>26374521

thank you!

>> No.26374229

Learn to prioritize or perish

>> No.26374231

Not mad. Just scared of the kind of audience this attracts

>> No.26374233
Quoted by: >>26374246

Powerful Potion Trader

>> No.26374240


>> No.26374243

A true nousagi only enjoys seeing Pekora having a good time. Joke suffering so she has an excuse to make cute noises is fine but true suffering is bad.

>> No.26374244
Quoted by: >>26374521

why, why not?

>> No.26374246


>> No.26374247
File: 751 KB, 2000x984, Victim_Girls 1301834161372577792_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374249
Quoted by: >>26374647

Do you think any of the Hololive girls are Christian?? Marine said she went to a Catholic girls school

>> No.26374250
Quoted by: >>26374299

go back please

>> No.26374255
File: 35 KB, 540x540, FB_IMG_1577036457350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374257
File: 43 KB, 1096x393, NARRATIVES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374278

how do I even compete to the level of google translate when it comes to narrative making?

>> No.26374260

More normalfags will check out hololive diluting the amount of jp hikkineets who fawn over japan.

>> No.26374261
File: 7 KB, 354x56, 1583453657490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love this bitch

>> No.26374262
Quoted by: >>26374288

>this guy could translate to English during his first year of high school
What's your excuse, /hlg/?

>> No.26374263

Gen 5 3Ds are being in preparation, I believe Lamy accidentally hinted at it in her member stream just now. We'll likely see all of gen 5 complete their 3D debuts before the Xmas season.

>> No.26374266
Quoted by: >>26374323

That was in June, stop acting like 3-4 month old events are oldfag territory

>> No.26374268


>> No.26374271
File: 91 KB, 497x631, Coco ESL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374642


>> No.26374277

>Shien Tsundere for OOOs
IIt's fun listening to a Tokufag.

>> No.26374278
File: 30 KB, 606x324, 1599977208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is operating on another level

>> No.26374279

People doomposting about both HoloEN and HoloJP lately, but I feel like Hololive is really inclining at a whole. There are too many good stream to watch this week

>> No.26374287

God I want Coco to eat me

>> No.26374288

english is easy though
EOPs will seethe if you say that though

>> No.26374290

Haha Imagine Coco eating you with that long, slender, flexible tongue of hers...

>> No.26374296

>HoloEN debuted
>obnoxious Pekofags suddenly disappeared
Well, as expected

>> No.26374299


>> No.26374307

Pretty sure everyone else told Activision to fuck off. Luna was the only one who wanted the paid gig

>> No.26374310

t. haachama

>> No.26374314

She played a bit before she got the promo and someone at Activision's Japanese marketing must've seen the potential. It's so hilariously far from her image that it somehow works.

>> No.26374315

What's keeping them from actually organizing Among Us though?

>> No.26374321

They are probably shitposting in the other thread.

>> No.26374323
Quoted by: >>26374371

Pretty sure half of the posters here don't even know from which stream is this

>> No.26374324
File: 611 KB, 944x530, Princess luna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start jackhammering Luna
>She faints after 3 thrusts
Finally, someone who can't call me a quickshot!

>> No.26374325
File: 443 KB, 1258x783, 1599950193985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco starting to use more English for some reason...

>> No.26374328
File: 10 KB, 190x190, 1598447990663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooga booga no roommateposting allowed
>watch for the character, not for the roommate
>hurr durr idolfags are the worst
>enter rusher
Are there unironic Rushia watchers in /hlg/?

>> No.26374329

Shien reminiscing about OOO!

>> No.26374332

fuck among us

>> No.26374337

Having to play classical music as her BGM due copyright also helps

>> No.26374338


>> No.26374339

No Japanese version maybe

>> No.26374343

I can't believe the pekofag falseflagger was Kiara all along...

>> No.26374341

i don't think it's in japanese yet

>> No.26374346
Quoted by: >>26374382

Yup ive seen somewhere that Lamy is probably who will benefit the most since she has skill on flower arrangement and (?)a master of calligraphy

>> No.26374349
File: 266 KB, 341x402, 1575274389183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k to her goal.
peace peace.

>> No.26374351
Quoted by: >>26374388

God I wish Coco would eat me.
HoloEN+Coco+Haachama Among Us when?

>> No.26374354
Quoted by: >>26374387

Moona forgot to start the stream... She's just building and talking to herself...

>> No.26374359

Perfectly Phit Tenga

>> No.26374360

Akibros, you know what to do

>> No.26374365

He came back earlier to shitpost about JP being shit compared to EN (around Sharks stream ) and then suddenly survey posting came back. We'll probably have more cases like that. I just hope people ignore him next time.

>> No.26374369

Sora is invited as a guest

>> No.26374370
File: 628 KB, 2508x3541, EbWyHyMUYAIFMr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374386

Oshiochama, not again...

>> No.26374371
Quoted by: >>26374392

btw who is Miko?

>> No.26374374

You really should give this song a listen right now, its pretty good

>> No.26374375

Eat me pls

>> No.26374377

Tony Hawk bump

>> No.26374380


>> No.26374382
Quoted by: >>26374431

Damn Gen 5 has so many ojousamas

>> No.26374383

Such power

>> No.26374387

she is pissing herself ...

>> No.26374388
Quoted by: >>26374451

She won't understand shit

>> No.26374386
Quoted by: >>26374493

Coverchama is too kind...

>> No.26374391
File: 651 KB, 849x1200, 1591732356903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using my wife for your low quality shitpost

>> No.26374392

Some Niji I think

>> No.26374393
Quoted by: >>26375203

She is fine. The only reason she revived her twitter was because people retarded enough to get scammed by her imposter.

Just hope she will release a new song someday

>> No.26374395
Quoted by: >>26374421

>900k already
what the FUCK

>> No.26374396

midget needs to go

>> No.26374398

thanks for the good laugh anon i really needed that right now

>> No.26374400


>> No.26374401

Aki needs a western man

>> No.26374403

The people who say those things are towafags/aloefags though.

>> No.26374407
File: 58 KB, 446x505, るる教.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374460

Watching the difference develop since February was a bizzare experience. Were the subs worth it?

>> No.26374412

Powerful Punch Tenshi.

>> No.26374415

so where's Mio? I thought she came back after the month break

>> No.26374416
File: 328 KB, 511x656, 3jskaju59ek51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dildo sashimi alert

>> No.26374417

I don't watch Lamy. Which streams did these med pills came from?

>> No.26374421
Quoted by: >>26374439

Its really good

>> No.26374423

I want Moona's clean BGM.

>> No.26374425


>> No.26374427

Eat my dick Coco

>> No.26374430
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1596964108671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the gradual introduction of English into more and more Holo streams spreads to the entirety of Japan, eventually phasing out the language once and for all?

>> No.26374431

Not counting Aloe, you have two rich girls (Lamy, Nene) and two working class girls (Botan, Polka). Botan worked her way up comfortably in her past jobs while Polka's still slumming it though.

>> No.26374435
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1600138286400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374438
File: 2.01 MB, 809x1199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374437
Quoted by: >>26374477

why'd she have to go...

>> No.26374439
Quoted by: >>26374575

I find it funny, She originally joined just to play games but she's got one of the nicest voices for music.

>> No.26374444

How many times is Moona going to replay this intro?

>> No.26374445

I really don't know how akifags put up with this stuff lmao, are you guys part of the cuck gang now too?

>> No.26374446

they're fake sharkposters now
probably shitting up the other thread now

>> No.26374447

Coco that was extremely cringe
She's acting weird, is she nervous she's going to lose viewers to EN?

>> No.26374448

> gtx960

>> No.26374450
File: 18 KB, 525x241, asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374529


and the one that Roboco overslept and the chat was acting like she was playing Apex

>> No.26374451

That's what would make it fun.

>> No.26374454

Come and watch my autistic wife

>> No.26374455

Hmm... I might actually go for it.

>> No.26374457
Quoted by: >>26374520

the way coco says daddy... god help me...

>> No.26374460

Isn't the cancer concentrated primarily during pre-stream chat anyway? If it all goes away during the chat itself then that's fine.

>> No.26374461

She's already Cocoping hard since ever since gen5 debuted

>> No.26374462

she's too busy pissing herself

>> No.26374463

she is shitting herself anon wait warmly ...

>> No.26374464

Still taking a dump, gomenasorry.

>> No.26374467
Quoted by: >>26374506

She's using more English than normal for sure

>> No.26374470

she ded

>> No.26374473

Coco your fallguys reps...

>> No.26374474
File: 212 KB, 970x975, EhxaV1OU4AEGZ4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ano saaaaaa

>> No.26374477
File: 536 KB, 720x543, She knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374527


She's alive as her old profile iirc. Support her as an indie.

>> No.26374481


>> No.26374483

Do your /fit/ reps bros and mommy will acknowledge you.

>> No.26374488

Coco ran out of things to stream, she's in a bad place

>> No.26374489

Thats a really cute intro.

>> No.26374491
Quoted by: >>26374543


>> No.26374493
File: 213 KB, 1790x1650, Ebg8yE1UYAIPims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374545

I don't think she even regrets it, just like the last time with bluray. If she's big enough fan to order it without even thinking she'll get samples it's worth it for her.

>> No.26374494
File: 42 KB, 810x316, 1576345446323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a chad

>> No.26374496

Minatoaqua tits!! almost at 800k views

>> No.26374498
File: 19 KB, 407x253, EVERYDAYUNTILYOULIKEIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Pekofags are literally the worst
thank you for reading

>> No.26374502


>> No.26374505
File: 133 KB, 300x300, EhTznEVUcAIrxzB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374533

Her shit must be really big because of all of those burgers she munched.

>> No.26374506

it's 6 am EST, kind of early to start pandering to EN viewers.

>> No.26374507

this is just sad coco
just be yourself

>> No.26374514


>> No.26374519
Quoted by: >>26374569

It would be ironic if she was nervous from HoloEN given that she was the biggest person pushing for it during the auditions.

>> No.26374520


>> No.26374521
File: 99 KB, 564x718, CC0C81BF-435B-4D43-B722-12057004E6C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375046

No problem !! I am glad to help !!!
What ???

>> No.26374522
File: 73 KB, 112x112, 1600060248549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374556

People here are hypocrites. Sunglasses guy mindbroke /hlg/

>> No.26374524


>> No.26374526
Quoted by: >>26374585

I already miss Towa.

>> No.26374525

I kneel to this man.

>> No.26374527

has she said anything about being an indie, or are you talking about that eerie, depressing video she released on her original sexposting twitter?

>> No.26374529

coco is savvy businesswoman, she's phasing out her japanese and once en viewers hit critical mass, she'll speak full en

>> No.26374530

Are JSLs angry that all the Holos are now saying gomenasorry and yamete kudastop?

>> No.26374531

Tell me about Fubuki, what's with her and corn?

>> No.26374532
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1599897017080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool guy is cool

>> No.26374533

imagine the smelle

>> No.26374538


>> No.26374539

You probably should make a shark version of that, after what happened today

>> No.26374543
Quoted by: >>26374588

it went viral on twitter and youtube, what do you expect.
why are you even browsing kym.

>> No.26374544

Absolutely based

>> No.26374545
Quoted by: >>26374607

Seeing her love for her daughters is really endearing.Oshio family collab please

>> No.26374546
File: 1.44 MB, 897x1024, Izuru shogonate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanade "Sakoku" Izuru does it again!

>> No.26374547

Coco your EN reading reps...

>> No.26374548

Izuru the great EOP slayer.

>> No.26374549

Almost as many people read your post as there are people who watch the homosharts.

>> No.26374551
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1598855722683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly she is trying way too hard right now. This is a lot worse than what she was before.

>> No.26374552

I can listen to it all day

>> No.26374553
File: 126 KB, 1038x952, EhfeXZnU4AAqfa-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holo has the most sex irl

>> No.26374554

Such a stylish hoodie....

>> No.26374555
File: 65 KB, 221x190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autist has had her first hit of Minecraft. Its fucking over.

>> No.26374556

Every other holo is a whore except my oshi who camwhored herself all the time and is probably fucking dudes right now.

>> No.26374557

Should get a bunch of people together to talk about what a cuck he is in his chat

>> No.26374559

>she's copying chicken singing to Mori
this is sad levels of desperation.

>> No.26374560

Who is the mommy of 4th gen and 3rd gen?

>> No.26374561
Quoted by: >>26374608

lord... where art thou mercy... please...

>> No.26374563

she really wants those million subs. REALLY REALLY wants them.

>> No.26374565

Someone call one of the /fit/izens that can calculate heights by just looking at an image.

>> No.26374568

>I'm rulebook in my stream
I know he doesn't mean to write this but this is pretty cool chuuni line

>> No.26374569

>given that she was the biggest person pushing for it during the auditions.
citation needed

>> No.26374570

Bad Towa...

>> No.26374575

And it's good that she's using it. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing holos who dislike their voice being overwhelmingly loved for it.

>> No.26374579
File: 265 KB, 1080x1708, 1597241582938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino redditor En-chan btfo-ing EOPs

>> No.26374581

Astel should teach him some eigo, kek

>> No.26374582

I hope she shows up soon.

>> No.26374584


I doubt this works for the girls chats though since they are too big

>> No.26374585
File: 223 KB, 1270x2048, 1586482941763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream on friday...

>> No.26374586
Quoted by: >>26374695

I bit the bullet on the towafags cover and it was actually amazing so lets see if you guys can surprise me twice.

>> No.26374588

Saw it on google search first page

>> No.26374589
Quoted by: >>26374602

anon her first hit was yesterday ...

>> No.26374591
File: 59 KB, 182x169, 1597409543443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Athlon 64 x2 6k+
>4 Gb DDR2

>> No.26374592

she's sick

>> No.26374593
Quoted by: >>26374641

Hit the gym and get your own NICE BODY.

>> No.26374595

She got her first hit yesterday morning actually. She just sat around silently building while everyone else were fucking around

>> No.26374601

>just be yourself
she did that and she got her show cancelled

>> No.26374602

i know nigga

>> No.26374604
File: 695 KB, 1067x1641, Screenshot_20200915-061326_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374699

Aki is lusting on twitter!

>> No.26374605

Yametekudastop pls, you will summon him/her again.

>> No.26374606

Please stream more Aqua.. I need your autism in my life

>> No.26374607

Maybe one day...

>> No.26374608


>> No.26374612

perfect tummy

>> No.26374613
File: 366 KB, 816x264, 1590124478884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gens 5s starting to stream at the same time now
Please no more new gens, we've reached critical mass with schedules now.

>> No.26374614
File: 372 KB, 699x900, 1572025742062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374629

bros the moona intro is kinda cute

>> No.26374615
File: 30 KB, 461x461, 1590750332676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374652


>> No.26374617
File: 2.52 MB, 3000x1800, pptよしよし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter can be my mommy anytime she wants to.

>> No.26374619
Quoted by: >>26374676

whats up? I'm watching Rushia

>> No.26374620

How does Kiara feel about being the least popular Holo in her generation?
I bet she thought she was going to be a huge star LMFAO. Get fucked, bitch

>> No.26374621

glad she's feeling better

>> No.26374622

She tweeted that she gonna makes some new song

>> No.26374628
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599916207533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374681

if Coco gets a Fall Guys win before me Im gonna legit kill myself this isnt a joke

>> No.26374629

I can't stop listening to her intro.

>> No.26374632

I subscribed.

>> No.26374633

Noel and Watame that's a stretch

>> No.26374635
File: 347 KB, 818x1056, eekum_bokum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that is right about this meme, it's that it is not forced to anyone unlike Fubuki who was trying to spread her own meme before or Haachama who was forcing herself to be a clown. This Eekum Bokum meme however just pops up and spread so fast in a natural way.

Korone never plan for this to happen but the internet did like it should be.

>> No.26374634

>oh fuck Mooona live
>streaming started 13 minutes
>intro still playing
What she is doing?

>> No.26374638


press F for Aloe

>> No.26374639
File: 2.63 MB, 662x778, 1599509243427.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374640
Quoted by: >>26374739

Unless this is someone else and i got seriously baited with my hopes.

>> No.26374641
Quoted by: >>26375693

I am but that has nothing to do with fawning over a woman who shamelessly asks for topless pics from guys on the internet. I used to sympathize with akifags but they really have horrible taste.

>> No.26374642

wtf I could have been flirting with holos in the waiting room this whole time?

>> No.26374645
Quoted by: >>26374839

Next week offcollab again, say bye-bye to Aqua stream.

>> No.26374647
Quoted by: >>26374684

Probably Suisei, her mom is a Catholic and Suisei likes pretty churches.

>> No.26374650


>> No.26374652
Quoted by: >>26374696

She's taking a giant dump isnt it ...

>> No.26374654


>> No.26374655
Quoted by: >>26374775

she has a stream scheduled in about 4 hours

>> No.26374658


>> No.26374659
File: 154 KB, 600x330, 1591790534058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374660


>> No.26374661
Quoted by: >>26374806

Why don't they just do what Civia does and disable the waiting room chat? It's so stupid lol. Don't talk in the chat

>> No.26374663


>> No.26374664


>> No.26374665

i dont think ive ever heard these noises from coco before

>> No.26374667


>> No.26374666

Roughly speaking it looks like an average sized mop.

>> No.26374668

>Still works like a charm
why do you lie

>> No.26374669
File: 55 KB, 180x155, 1596641351238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the thread calmed down now?

>> No.26374670
File: 182 KB, 513x331, cococrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374712

Coco fucking stop this acting already...

>> No.26374673


>> No.26374675
File: 44 KB, 512x512, 8Z6WfJMMenHI-_port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Coco got FUCKED

>> No.26374676

more english than usual, talking faster than normal, reused the rick roll joke that Chicken did on Mori

>> No.26374679

Watching the show is reminding me just how many otaku brands are being made

Each one trying their best to stand out....

>> No.26374678

can we add Coco to choking hazard tier yet?

>> No.26374681

Mori it's okay dragon can't even jump right

>> No.26374684

She, Anemachi, and her mom celebrates Christmas too, but her dad is Buddhist iirc

>> No.26374687

I like how Toko's pretty supportive of Suisei these days. てぇてぇ

>> No.26374691

She was waiting Iofi to guerilla with her

>> No.26374694

I like her but she's extremely unwatchable recently. She really wants that 1 million subs since all she can do is just count big numbers.

>> No.26374695

Take a 2 for 1 combo

>> No.26374696
File: 52 KB, 203x191, 1599069037277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374697


>> No.26374698

Please describe your shit Moona.

>> No.26374699

damn i hope she gets to tap that.

>> No.26374701

moona finally finished shitting

>> No.26374702
File: 15 KB, 342x129, 1595140396726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ticks all the boxes

>> No.26374703
Quoted by: >>26374771

This is the first time I hear Coco crying

>> No.26374708

Isn't she married?

>> No.26374709
File: 215 KB, 952x720, moona fang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off cunt shes eating

>> No.26374712
Quoted by: >>26374746

She's always like this during Fall Guys.

>> No.26374713

>glass is motteru!

>> No.26374715

I want that hoodie.

>> No.26374722

So either I haven't been to her streams that much or Coco is starting to speak English a little more than usual on her normal game streams after HoloEN? I have respect for her picks for HoloEN but man she's really cashing in on the english hype right now.

>> No.26374723
File: 141 KB, 1305x653, firefox_l3cpbHuh1v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was just waiting Iofi to log with her

>> No.26374724

at this point it has to be /jp/ shitposters right?

>> No.26374725
File: 140 KB, 320x320, 1591529087040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is playing Minecraft, hopefully she doesn't blow up Moona's house

>> No.26374728
Quoted by: >>26374856

Jesus that might be the worst superchat I've seen

>> No.26374729

no it's missing the 50 ARS donation

>> No.26374730

Damn, Polka's also planning her membership stream at 22:00. Tough luck, gonna have to do the muted tab thing.

>> No.26374731

>seesaws are my favorite stage
ah, I see coco has never started in the back before

>> No.26374735

I love Coco!!

>> No.26374741
File: 3.34 MB, 5804x4077, 1574046677468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baqua in the server
I wonder what she's building now.

>> No.26374737




>> No.26374739

nah that is what i was talking about, that is was uploaded by her recently. i don't think that is her account though, might be a fake
she uploaded that after reactivating her twitter account beacause someone was posing as her with the same twitter @ cashing out on her suicidal fans via an amazon wishlist

>> No.26374742
File: 885 KB, 479x2186, nnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374743
File: 205 KB, 1116x1550, EcKy7jRVAAApGFn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't a believer in Kanatamama until this https://files.catbox.moe/3v1g1h.webm
She's so gentle

>> No.26374744

God fucking dammit
I hate them so fucking much

>> No.26374746

No she isn't. This kind of sperging in English is new.

>> No.26374748
File: 2.32 MB, 1153x1153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an example of normal mother and daughter interactions?

>> No.26374749

the narrative machine is starting up again

>> No.26374750

>oh no i only have time to draw polka
>so anyway im gonna draw holoen
i hate this fucking bitch

>> No.26374754
Quoted by: >>26374788

I cant believe she has 11k viewers. hololive is insane

>> No.26374755

>Aqua blows up Moona's house and blames it on Shion

>> No.26374756

this is yab

>> No.26374757

What is Aqua and Moona autism collide?

>> No.26374759
File: 73 KB, 234x234, 11027bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homofags get 10 yous
>unironic aloecucks
>jannie deletes meanie words
How could Pekochads leave us???

>> No.26374760


>> No.26374764
File: 54 KB, 546x750, EhMxw2jUwAIY50C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374792

Your daughter is really cute I hope she is having fun now, heiminbro

>> No.26374771

She knows it's over for her, she can't compete with the EN group

>> No.26374773


checks out

>> No.26374775

I know, but I need daily streams.

>> No.26374776
File: 21 KB, 414x174, baqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autist spotted, TNT explosions when

>> No.26374778
File: 597 KB, 1200x1583, ___010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm rulebook in my stream

>> No.26374777

She's Japanese, anon.

>> No.26374779

How the fuck do people still get filtered by See Saw?

>> No.26374780

Do the JP holos keep away from the Indos? Do they make them live in Minecraft favelas?

>> No.26374782

If that happens, KINO

>> No.26374784

Risu prefers Craftopia btw

>> No.26374785

I don't think it's possible for her to hit 1M by this year unless she can pull out Korone-tier meme clips from her dragon ass on demand.

>> No.26374788

Again, they started with only 13 viewers three years ago

On NicoNico

>> No.26374792

...so who's the top in this relationship?

>> No.26374793

probably worried on her recent low stream views

>> No.26374796
Quoted by: >>26375209

She's been playing a lot lately but not streaming, it's weird

>> No.26374799

IDs too afraid to live close to JP.

>> No.26374800
File: 1.40 MB, 1720x1187, Fall Gays S1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374801

Should have been ARS

>> No.26374803
Quoted by: >>26374833

minari liked her tweet, that's the only proof you should need

>> No.26374805

Oh, i thought that was her post after that shit.

>> No.26374806
Quoted by: >>26374852


>> No.26374808
Quoted by: >>26374877

That's unironically pretty sad
Coco sounds like she's got some issues

>> No.26374809

Did you missed yesterday?

>> No.26374810

god damn are Moonas tiddies even more pronounced in this outfit? Im cooming my brains out.

>> No.26374813

That's AZKi

>> No.26374815

>twitch kiddie

That was Kiara. She is busy with work to shitpost in /hlg/.

>> No.26374816
File: 783 KB, 2887x4096, Eh8Pax-U8AEQE0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa has a surprise for us.

>> No.26374817


>> No.26374818

They're going to make nanking look like child's play

>> No.26374820

why doesn't Bossu do regular singing streams?
it seems like he's wasting his potential

>> No.26374822
File: 514 KB, 765x907, 1599919772049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn

>> No.26374823

oh shit, moonas hungry....

>> No.26374824

>aqua's using romaji
At least Iofi's there, so they can communicate.

>> No.26374825
Quoted by: >>26374866

The IDs were granted a prime spot to build their house. It's right in front of Haachama Cooking.

>> No.26374827

>i'm hungry

>> No.26374830

Good girl aqua playing mc with moona

>> No.26374828 [SPOILER] 
File: 543 KB, 608x476, 1600165325478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374831

>I think im hungy
Wow Moona i never would have guessed

>> No.26374832


>> No.26374833

i did not look in to it at all lol, i just noticed the text uploaded with the singing is different than what it was originally

>> No.26374835

Aqua should help Towa built Pekora-killer trap.She would be thrilled to do it.

>> No.26374836

>Full hunger bar
>I think I'm hungry

>> No.26374837
File: 836 KB, 2605x3684, 84204851_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is the bottom in all relationships

>> No.26374838

Subaru still hasn't said anything since her nose recent tweet?

>> No.26374839
Quoted by: >>26375607

With who?

>> No.26374842


>> No.26374846

I enjoy his random singing outbursts

>> No.26374847

Sora SEGA permissions please!!!!!

>> No.26374848

>no anti shit
>coco starts streaming
>holoen pigs come back from their containment thread and post about every english word she says
every single day

>> No.26374849

Watch as she draws all holo EN today

>> No.26374851
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, Eh6Gmy4UcAEo-es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374852
Quoted by: >>26374872

Are you serious? So they want people to send them money, but they're not allowed to talk. That's classy.

>> No.26374856
File: 30 KB, 802x214, 1590412922459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374857
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, moonafood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moona fatposting is literally the peak of comedy

>> No.26374858

appealing more to foreigners was the first point in her 1 mil subs strategy stream

>> No.26374860


>> No.26374862

I tune out for a bit to focus on working and I get yanked back by Shien singing Secret Base reenacting AnoHana. Bossu please.

>> No.26374864
Quoted by: >>26374888


>> No.26374866

It's now haachama cooking and Watame.

>> No.26374867

At least she has an army of simps who will hand her cash for translating shitty memes.

>> No.26374868
Quoted by: >>26374984

what does the suischedule say about her streaming today?

>> No.26374869

Too busy playing otome games
I honestly don't know he used to do them more often

>> No.26374871

The cake kills me.

>> No.26374872

It's for when the supachatters want to drop something but can't make it to the stream.

>> No.26374873

he looks like 148-155cm

>> No.26374874
File: 866 KB, 1280x720, Eh8lHL8UcAIkc0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374895

Why didn't anyone tell me that Okayu will have an utawaku in ~40 minutes?

>> No.26374877
Quoted by: >>26374908

I don't understand why she is panicking so much. She has a pretty solid fanbase and will do well even with HoloEN, yet she is going quantity over quality in her recent content and now trying to sperg out in English.

>> No.26374878
Quoted by: >>26374930

Based she's an honorary american.

>> No.26374879

Aqua is treating her kouhais well

>> No.26374880

She usually speaks more English when there are more English comments in the chat.

>> No.26374881

Is it lower than normal? I don't normally wake up this early since I'm PST so I can't really tell.

>> No.26374882

Aqua minecraft stream please.

>> No.26374883
File: 208 KB, 1453x786, firefox_jJukSr5fGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And AGAIN Risu is absolutely nowhere to be found

>> No.26374884

Aqua, stop flexing your wealth.

>> No.26374885
Quoted by: >>26374907

what are those cakes? some kinda Lemon cake?

>> No.26374888


>> No.26374889


>> No.26374891

She already has shark on the thumbnail weirdly enough.

>> No.26374892

Aqua just glassed Moona...
>thenk you

>> No.26374894

Imagine Aqua x Moona collab

>> No.26374895

thanks for reminder good anon

>> No.26374896

I still want to believe redditdolu is Mamamachi.

>> No.26374898
File: 1.12 MB, 336x306, 1597764849282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really want Watame to collab more with the Tenshi, I love her interactions so much...

>> No.26374901
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x2281, Eh8eJyEUYAASFAp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26374900


>> No.26374902
File: 63 KB, 440x241, moobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374935


>> No.26374903

>wake up
>moona stream MC

>> No.26374905

The block party filter

>> No.26374907

Cheese cakes.

>> No.26374908
Quoted by: >>26374932

>I don't understand why she is panicking so much
Because she doesn't actually have any content to do. She's not fun playing games, she's bad at singing, she has no content after they cancelled asacoco

>> No.26374910

It's higher than normal. She has 13k viewers. She's doing okay and this is her normal behavior whenever she plays games.

>> No.26374912

Wtf this bitch eats more than me.

>> No.26374913
File: 1.12 MB, 1107x1263, 1597630330348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374970

>autist supporting another autist
sasuga aqua

>> No.26374914

Where's the salad

>> No.26374916

Aqua best senpai

>> No.26374919

does aqua even follow the IDs on twitter? i know she hasn't followed the ENs yet

>> No.26374923

still doing chores probably

>> No.26374925

Move on, fuckers. She's no more.

>> No.26374928

mori moona autism-off when

>> No.26374929

I saw 2 of her streams below 4k the entire time

>> No.26374930


>> No.26374933

>likes rap
Watame & Calli collab when?

>> No.26374932

She could literally do Fall Guys streams normally without this English sperging and it would be fine.

>> No.26374935

Thank you mama.

>> No.26374936

I want more Watame with everyone. She's so sweet and fun.

>> No.26374938

I mean that literally what she planning too?

>> No.26374941

You don't even get noticed by the popular holo unless you give aka supachat and they usually just say some shit like "Thanks you", or "Don't overdo it"

>> No.26374944

This has to be satire. I refuse to believe someone like this actually exists.

>> No.26374945

She followed Iofi after sololive.

>> No.26374947

i just think she's cute but i'm not invested in her and i don't donate

>> No.26374948

Dont bully polka her computer can barely run as it is.

>> No.26374951

Coco? more like CHOCO....wait

>> No.26374953

She doesn't even follow gen 4 on youtube yet.

>> No.26374957

I look at my past self and see dislike for Moona. This puzzles me, I love her.

>> No.26374958

Aqua making it rain.

>> No.26374959

>recent low stream views
50k reddit shit

>> No.26374961

after 50k shark stream today anyone would be panic

>> No.26374962

Risu is still waiting for Korone to contact her for that collab

>> No.26374966

>she just followed Moona now

>> No.26374970
Quoted by: >>26374980

If aqua lost her hair and tits no one would watch her.

>> No.26374971
File: 31 KB, 582x219, QL7kDEmwIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375006

She just did.

>> No.26374972
File: 149 KB, 1360x697, powerful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26374988

what is this powerful image ...

>> No.26374974

Bros this is comfy, and Iofi's cute for letting moona take the spotlight this time and just supporting her

>> No.26374976
File: 858 KB, 2000x2000, 1600056660624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa seems to really love the shark, how good is her Japanese?

>> No.26374977
File: 123 KB, 1500x417, Screenshot_20200915_062333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26374978
Quoted by: >>26375036

This stream is like the culmination of reasons I rarely watch Coco anymore after Asacoco ended.

>> No.26374980

>if Aqua wasn't female no one would watch her

>> No.26374982

Are ya winning son?
More like ARE YA WINNING K... wait

>> No.26374984

Her recent schedule ended at the 14th and hasn't said anything besides she'll be busy this week with a lot of recordings.

>> No.26374986

me if the chat wasn't so obnoxious

>> No.26374988

The glassing of the Moon by Shipmaster Aqua

>> No.26374989
File: 184 KB, 587x452, nenemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me chuckle

>> No.26374992
Quoted by: >>26375045

Has Aqua even played Minecraft on stream recently? I saw her in Marine and Rushia's stream. What is she doing?

>> No.26374994

Singing collab onegai.

>> No.26374995
File: 195 KB, 459x367, 29473hf330d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've sworn that it was just around 100 videos yesterday.

>> No.26374996

Sora is up!

>> No.26374997

Sora has appeared

>> No.26374998
File: 84 KB, 1022x731, 3C9A6BEB-59E7-4A51-9FCB-0DC851047A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these in-English "Are you winning son" chat spammers in Coco's stream

>> No.26375003

Towa is a native

>> No.26375004

God I wonder what sex with Mikochi sounds like.

>> No.26375006
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1593035075689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375127

Aqua is breaking out of her shell

>> No.26375008

MC today

>> No.26375009

>Those huge spikes in /b/ for Oct 2019 and Apr 2020

>> No.26375010
File: 3.96 MB, 1334x750, 74F8CD1A-1D49-4B48-BBD5-0057A89BD4FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375014

Simple, funny and very short spreads in the internet.

>> No.26375015
Quoted by: >>26375068

The worst, tied with Watson.

>> No.26375018
Quoted by: >>26375239

don't get her pregnant again
she's still recovering

>> No.26375019

Miko was in the chat

>> No.26375020

Coco is a shitty game streamer and she knows it

>> No.26375022

Holy shit, this image. Fukkin saved

>> No.26375024
File: 88 KB, 333x291, 1598965079365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never thought this day would come but i kneel to a homostar

>> No.26375026

Sora literally on TV!

>> No.26375027
File: 455 KB, 895x487, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375028
File: 297 KB, 1080x1200, aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375029
Quoted by: >>26375189

>drop in /b/
Are they all moving here? The fuck?

>> No.26375031
Quoted by: >>26375055

oh god it's not even /v/

>> No.26375033

>That dog dude in the background

>> No.26375034

She's playing it safe

>> No.26375036

I used to tolerate her, but this is just unbearable.

>> No.26375037

God Japanese TV is a mindfuck

>> No.26375038
Quoted by: >>26375076

Alright, link his channel so I can sub.

>> No.26375040

Making use of Japaenglish already

>> No.26375041

What was on oct 19, jan 20 and apr 20?

>> No.26375044

apologize to /v/

>> No.26375045

Well I jinxed it>>26374992

>> No.26375046
Quoted by: >>26376047

give me one reason to submit. ONE

>> No.26375047
File: 21 KB, 234x288, 1583082531774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are just slapping random audio on it and hoping it sticks so it's not surprising it's spreading like wildfire.

>> No.26375048

At least the /b/ dip was before september. Looks like it could actually be summer ending with the middle of august.

>> No.26375049
Quoted by: >>26375108

what the fuck is aqua doing

>> No.26375053

is this the Aloe replacement>

>> No.26375055


>> No.26375059
File: 1.43 MB, 1363x764, 1592662706059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she was scheming these last two days

>> No.26375066
Quoted by: >>26375101

Japanese television is so fucking awful
It's like youtube

>> No.26375068
File: 757 KB, 1772x1772, 1600145753487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she will just have to keep learning English to play around with the new cute little girl.

>> No.26375073

russia has similar viewers to coco
is this normal?

>> No.26375074


>> No.26375075

Let's say she says pogchamp. Then what? Is that really worth 10 dollars?

>> No.26375076

>link his channel
it's right fucking there
in english

>> No.26375083

She could stream normally without that awful nails on chalkboard Japanese accent she makes too. It's Coco. She's a retard.

>> No.26375085

It's worth 10 dollars to make /jp/ mad

>> No.26375089

I'm back from a three day ban that I got for completely arbitrary reasons. It was pretty infuriating not being able to comment on any of the excitement going on.

Maybe I only think this because I don't like seeing Marine usurped as the top art dog, but I'm kinda annoyed that rather than diversifying talents, Cover seem to just hire people that are better at the established skills of the previous generations. But then I guess they're kinda limited on what sorts of skills they can demonstrate.
>dancing in 3D
>playing games
>making short meme videos

Jesus Christ, I think I would vomit.

>> No.26375095

Reddit karma whoring.

>> No.26375096

Read her stream title

>> No.26375097
File: 358 KB, 1438x893, 1600052199784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375100

Moona stream is surprisingly good, just chill BGM and autistic building, with occasional words. Reminds me a little of Watame's minecraft streams, but with more autism and piss poor english

>> No.26375103

Thats her own fault, though. She made the title that one time.

>> No.26375101

You watch too much AAA shit.

>> No.26375105

I guess that's why she was crying earlier, it's actually kind of relieving.

>> No.26375108


>> No.26375109

April is definitely the start of lockdowns

>> No.26375110

Tell me what we should SupaChat to Coco to prove you are better than these feral reddit sea-ghouls in her chat.

>> No.26375111
File: 250 KB, 1843x1461, EhURaAhUwAErBXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next YAKUZA game will have Sora and Miko in it

>> No.26375114
Quoted by: >>26375158

did she came up with it on her own? never seen that before

>> No.26375115

God I wish this fatso sat on my face

>> No.26375117
Quoted by: >>26375157

source ?

>> No.26375118

jesus christ, i just want clothed paizuri from moona

>> No.26375123
Quoted by: >>26375151


>> No.26375125

why not Coco since she actually worked for Sega Yakuza in marketing

>> No.26375127

She seen the the same autism she has

>> No.26375128

SIT ON MY FACE COCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.26375130
Quoted by: >>26375168

What is wrong with the universe constantly shitting on Subaru?

>> No.26375131

fuck, Nene is so cute.
I may have to start watching her streams

>> No.26375132

Anyone know the BGM for Snack Usada?

>> No.26375134


>> No.26375135

dont show rbc

>> No.26375136
Quoted by: >>26375153

You realize that Hololive isn't an RPG party and they don't need a diverse range of skills, they just need people who are good at being entertaining?

>> No.26375140
File: 293 KB, 1448x2048, Eg4AkusUYAAF8qM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375141

What do you mean? They finally hired their first stalker. That's a new talent

>> No.26375142

This isn't taking it easy anymore.

>> No.26375143
Quoted by: >>26375241

Yeah bro I agree Marine is nothing without being "the best artist in hololive".

>> No.26375144
File: 117 KB, 833x1235, EhwcQ-HVgAEV8ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you drink NANORA SWEAT?

>> No.26375145
File: 138 KB, 1200x810, Eh6OjuPU4AA4qbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't scare me, you stupid duck. I voted for 10/4 so there's more time to prepare.
>for completely arbitrary reasons

>> No.26375150

tell me about aqua
why she say saaa all the time?

>> No.26375151

no English.

>> No.26375153

let the man seethe, he was banned for a raeson

>> No.26375157

see >>26373459
>file deleted

>> No.26375158
Quoted by: >>26375195

iirc she found a list when searching on guguru

>> No.26375161

no fuck it
she cultivated this brain dead fanbase side in hololive for too long leave her be

>> No.26375162

Dear Coco your screams are as irritating as your mindless gachikoi, I hope you both eat bees

>> No.26375165

I'd lick it directly from the source.

>> No.26375166

Maybe she should aim to be more like Pikamee, where she often speaks first in Japanese and then repeats herself in English. I feel like that's gotta be kinda exhausting, though.

>> No.26375167

Moona at 2,5k, is she inclining?
This is really relaxing, she's barely talking

>> No.26375168

She's too bright needs to balance it out a bit

>> No.26375170


>> No.26375171

>Sega collaboration/promotion
Does Cover even have Permission from Sega yet for stuff?

>> No.26375176

Sora and Mikochi!

>> No.26375177
File: 388 KB, 960x720, 1600067083313.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26375179
Quoted by: >>26375260

Ever since Miko and Mio left, Pekora has been working extra hard and streaming more than usual.
She deserves a vacation with her boyfriend

>> No.26375180

did all of hololive collectively abandoned ARK all at the same time?

>> No.26375182

Mikochi in an arcade game!

>> No.26375185

Coco raised these simps and she deserves them. Giving money won't change anything.

>> No.26375184
Quoted by: >>26375219

the baqua boost is real

>> No.26375186

I like Moona's arab princess outfit

>> No.26375189

mods tried to enforce banning porns on /b/

>> No.26375190

minecraft buff
its building she's really focused when doing this kind of stuff

>> No.26375192
File: 70 KB, 720x720, coco (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375193
Quoted by: >>26375328

Go on, link the post you were banned for. Let's see how arbitrary it really was.

>> No.26375195

okay gugulu

>> No.26375197

>moona is eating again
jesus christ

>> No.26375203
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>> No.26375205
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>> No.26375209

What kind of person doesn't enjoy a box game?

>> No.26375213

somebody have the clip of aqua glassing moona

>> No.26375214

she's always eating
she was even eating during her last drawing stream

>> No.26375215

Coco already showed all the content in the game, there's nothing to do anymore.
It's funny how everyone was upgrading for it, and we're getting Minecraft resurgence instead.

>> No.26375216

Moona could try Factorio or Satisfactory honestly

>> No.26375218
File: 63 KB, 536x426, 2020-09-15_05h39_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375335


>> No.26375219

Aqua following Moona shows up for people who follow her, right? And since Moona is streaming right now curious people might ckeck her out

>> No.26375220
Quoted by: >>26375423

January was the ww3 iran bs.

>> No.26375221

I knew I missed something must-see after Roberu x TMSK in the schedule

>> No.26375224

Yes, I have very fond memories of playing it as a kid.

>> No.26375226
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>> No.26375229

we can only hope

>> No.26375228

Oh shit is moona gonna be collabing with Aqua tonight? I'm losing my mind

>> No.26375233


>> No.26375234

>Im gonna eat
tell us something we dont know for once, moona

>> No.26375235
Quoted by: >>26375265

>thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is wrong with aqua

>> No.26375236
File: 234 KB, 505x677, mattetene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375256


>> No.26375237

>I'm gonna eat
>Let's spend a hot night together
My architect fantasies...

>> No.26375239


>> No.26375238

ARK is an actual shit game

>> No.26375241

>Marine is nothing without being "the best artist in hololive".
Is that what I said? I saw the discussions earlier, lotta people seemingly forgetting that she's easily one of the most talkative and charismatic Holos. But that wasn't what I was talking about.

My issue with it is I feel that when their skills/specialties overlap, they might start getting competitive. That can be positive, but it can also be cruel.

>> No.26375243

I don't think I've ever watched her before, but I put it on about 15 mins ago since I noticed her views were higher than usual.
The bgm is nice a chill, so it was relaxing until she starting busting out food and whatever just now.

>> No.26375247

>open Moona's stream
>the very first thing I hear is "I'm gonna eat"

>> No.26375249
Quoted by: >>26375302

Simply not happening

>> No.26375251


>> No.26375252

They are planning one more raid in Extinction, but other than that there's not much to do anymore. Kanata exploring the seas was fun but she hasn't had the time to play recently.

>> No.26375256


>> No.26375260

It can't be easy for pekora, she still has stuff to do in the afternoon like recordings and she still makes an effort to stream literally everyday
I think they realized they hit the apex with that last huge collab and without mikoti around it was a good time to kill ark

>> No.26375263

It's not like you can do much with it that hasn't been done before

>> No.26375265

excited with hyper-autism

>> No.26375266
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, Eh8vSPxU0AAeCJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My motherwife is so cute

>> No.26375268

I wonder if she'll ever come back to Hololive...

>> No.26375270
Quoted by: >>26375303

What kind of reaction would there be if the Miko pregnant narrative was actually true?

>> No.26375272
Quoted by: >>26375344

Moona gonna do area15 with the rest of ID

>> No.26375274
File: 87 KB, 596x680, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh moona

>> No.26375276

Wait until second gen EN comes out.

>> No.26375280

>2 Hololive threads are faster than a whole fucking board now.
Nice containment threads.

>> No.26375282

I never knew I needed MoonAqua

>> No.26375284
Quoted by: >>26375329

>Coco playing on PS4 to dodge cheaters


>> No.26375285


>> No.26375288


>> No.26375290

No bully...

>> No.26375292
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1597676549004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375312


>> No.26375297


>> No.26375302

man can dream, anon

>> No.26375303

Her friendly idolfag gachiokois hunt her down and stab her to death.

>> No.26375309
Quoted by: >>26377229

Seeing Aqua and Moona try to communicate i'ts quite the view.

>> No.26375310


>> No.26375312

minato akua is monky

>> No.26375314

Moona's going to do her reps soon, what's your excuse?

>> No.26375317
Quoted by: >>26375387

I hope moona goes full autism on minecraft

>> No.26375315

I would clean her sweaty royal cunny and asshole bro

>> No.26375320


>> No.26375326

Moona... Risu...

>> No.26375328

No one even replied to my post, lmao. This was around the time I saw a lot of people complaining about a schizo meido.

>> No.26375329

She is playing on PC with a PS4 controller.

>> No.26375336

I can't believe Coco is gonna have to go back to Atlanta and work as a stripper again.

>> No.26375335

>Oscar's yabei
>Big Bird's failed gen collab where only "Snuffleupagus" called in
Good times

>> No.26375339


>> No.26375341
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1600155787334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there "I'll stop streaming when x" streams where they actually play for >1 hour?

>> No.26375344
Quoted by: >>26375376

I thought that was done only on weekend

>> No.26375345

What was the point on putting all those trees?

>> No.26375350
File: 40 KB, 500x527, 1599929653006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375427

15 mins till Coco's viewer count DIES

>> No.26375352

Hey, they're playing the song. If only Miko was also there

>> No.26375354
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, 1599684549781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376768

>moona doing reps
Thats it.
Give me all the rundown to start repping, if Moona can make it i can too

>> No.26375355 [DELETED] 


>> No.26375356

All right, fair enough, I can't see how that deserves a ban.

>> No.26375360

Haachama tried....

>> No.26375361
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Eh80HLBVkAERDco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375364

There are plenty.

>> No.26375365
Quoted by: >>26375399

>separate category for foreign holos in vtuber ranking sites
good. their numbers and audience rech are incomparable

>> No.26375371

Damn, wish I had kept that picture of some SOP asking Watson to marry him.

>> No.26375376

its every 15th of the month

>> No.26375383
File: 2 KB, 233x31, OWO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375387

she already is, put down a bunch of torches then moved all of them because they weren't symetrical, now she's doing the same with sapplings

>> No.26375397

How new?

>> No.26375399
File: 946 KB, 795x597, 6nX17z8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijis on 5ch were just mad about pic related being thrown around constantly today, so hands were forced.

>> No.26375406

Nobody gives a shit about their auxiliary skills. They don't sub to the best artist, they sub to who's fun to watch

>> No.26375409

i get how you feel. i was once banned for posting about the Hololive collab with Love Live

>> No.26375411

>What shovel do
moona minecraft reps ...

>> No.26375418


>> No.26375422
Quoted by: >>26375714

Hoshimati 'I won't end stream until I get 1st place in VIP' Suisei

>> No.26375423

What does that have to do with /a/ and /b/?

>> No.26375425
File: 555 KB, 1424x795, 1583624611436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get used to JP channels translating clips of the ENs

>> No.26375427
Quoted by: >>26375533

>implying Marine won't get the most

>> No.26375429

Poor Lamy, Towa and Matsuri.

>> No.26375432

>One of them using the exact same Kurisu pfp that I use
Fuck that genuinely fucked with me for a moment.

>> No.26375433


>> No.26375435
Quoted by: >>26375458


>> No.26375441

Will Cabaya win Fall Gays now that she has proper air flow?

>> No.26375446

For whatever reason, HoloEN has caused an intense amount of tribalist shitposting between Nijifags and Holofags there. Like, even more than usual.

>> No.26375447

time for Coco to Choko.

>> No.26375449


>> No.26375450
File: 87 KB, 276x315, MarineKneel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very first tweet is a single letter 'a'
>knows that people will meme the fuck out of it because humans are easily entertained
>plays a meme game related to her character's backstory (shark playing as a shark) and sucks at it
>puts on a show about being sad, that it's not "her type of game," knowing that it'll garner sympathy and people wanting to 'protect' her and in turn, make the video even more viral
>jumps back with a rhythm game, her forte skill, shows off, wows people, and spreads her influence even further, gaining over 50k subs in one day
Is the retarded shark actually a genius instead who masterminded this all out from the very beginning, before she even debuted?

>> No.26375455

Why is it always the nijifags fault?

>> No.26375458

I'm stupid, are they mad because EN is doing top tier streamer number?

>> No.26375459
Quoted by: >>26375714

Suisei's I will not stop streaming until I get 1st place in VIP lobby, come and snipe me stream

>> No.26375462

There was a period where any mention of roommates, no matter how vague, got an instant 3 day. I also got one around that time.

>> No.26375467
File: 442 KB, 400x362, Eh373WEU0AUFxq2_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26375468


>> No.26375471


>> No.26375475

The redemption arc.....ALOE LOVE

>> No.26375479

Yes, I have been saying that since she started tweeting.

>> No.26375480


Whats Watame going to play on PS4?

>> No.26375484
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1595401376503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona's autism is a blessing

>> No.26375485

I think nene is the best singer in hololive, but that won't stop me from watching marine, flare, noel, suisei, okayu etc.'s utawakus
Ina is the best artist in holo but I'll still watch marine, suisei, flare's oekakis
Marine is the best speaker in holo but that doesn't mean I won't tune in for holo zatsudans like nene, kanata etc. where they have good stories to tell
It's not an arms race, if it hasn't been for the past 6 generations it won't be now

>> No.26375486

it's crazy to see. Makes me happy though

>> No.26375492


>> No.26375502
Quoted by: >>26375714

Kanata "play until I win at Fall Guys" that went until she had to stop or would've streamed over the EN debuts. Never forget when she faceplanted the crown because she didn't know she had to fucking grab it.

>> No.26375504

Sora is a good mentor for Mikochi.

>> No.26375505
File: 309 KB, 495x495, 1599154935117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375579


>> No.26375506

Tribalism and numberfagging

>> No.26375509

It's like if you're a fan of a team in sports and another team is doing better with a strategy that your team decided to pass up and they are both at the same regional division.

>> No.26375513
Quoted by: >>26375648

its really a foreign invasion of their subculture though, international vtubers should be measured using another scale

>> No.26375514
Quoted by: >>26375660

JSLchads can someone translate or at least give an idea what this says?

>> No.26375523
Quoted by: >>26375590


>> No.26375526
Quoted by: >>26375590

sheep of tsushima

>> No.26375528


>> No.26375527

Those are good numbers for a Towa guerrilla APEX morning stream though, the numbers were only rising too.

>> No.26375532

do the tubers control the face emote on their own?
or is it all picked up by software

>> No.26375533

Last time they were both on together, they actually both had 30k. Mori and Marine are too strong.

>> No.26375536

i see 3 onions

>> No.26375540

She's probably dumb but is getting lucky.

>> No.26375546
Quoted by: >>26375606

Remember the HoloEN vs HoloJP numberfagging earlier?
5ch must be experiencing that more intensely but between Holo and Niji

>> No.26375549

any holos when they have to use the toilet:
>Call of Nature

kek. i love moona now.

>> No.26375548
Quoted by: >>26377620

The former, except when they're in 3D where it's controlled by staff.

>> No.26375550
File: 12 KB, 193x177, 1583889719074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's Ghost of Tsushima so we get more cute hats

>> No.26375554

Just Dance

>> No.26375558

anon meds pls

>> No.26375565
Quoted by: >>26375613

What the fuck is this difficulty for an arcade game?

>> No.26375567

Its controlled by their boyfriend

>> No.26375568

I hate the fact that Aloe would have been the most succesful gen5 almost for sure out of sheer passion for singing and music

>> No.26375569

She sounded like she was going to cry and pee herself

>> No.26375574

This needs to be posted every thread

>> No.26375575

with hat

>> No.26375579
File: 1005 KB, 1280x720, 1597485964887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375630


>> No.26375582


>> No.26375583

They're real anime girls, anon.

>> No.26375588
Quoted by: >>26375627

Watame taking a lot of breaks lately, hopefully she'll soon return to the 5+ hour streams

>> No.26375590

One of the HoloENs was talking about Tsushima, I hope they are able to play it.

>> No.26375592

Good. Fuck that game.

>> No.26375593

There's bunch of retarded tribalists here too, lmao. Open any global thread and all you get between constant gosling and /biz/shittery is numberfaggotry.

>> No.26375601

Even this thread was mad earlier

>> No.26375607

maybe with Okayu

>> No.26375606

Plus the fact that HoloEN are untouchables by antis due to them not being japanese. It's extremely frustrating to them.

>> No.26375609
Quoted by: >>26375631

What the fuck
Are those muslim chants in the background of Moona's stream
Is it haram to stream during prayer time

>> No.26375613

Welcome to real rhythm games.

>> No.26375612
File: 83 KB, 627x627, 1599923643816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's up!

>> No.26375614

>It's not an arms race, if it hasn't been for the past 6 generations it won't be now
I know it's not been an arms race, but with the number of Holos increasing, and the schedule getting so crowded, I'm not so sure it'll last. I feel like Hololive is at max capacity now, with each additional gen they're competing more and more for attention. If they add gen 6 in half a year it'll be insane.

>> No.26375616

Do you think the Holos masturbate to the attention they get from men
Imagine how the new EN ones feel suddenly having an army of guys who want to die for you

>> No.26375620

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCES6G3nv5k Okayu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWN0XiZKjRc Marine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj_V8MsAlM4 Mori
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3-PGSrbR7A Miyabi, Aruran and Lenri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js0BaNK3vcE Aruran POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-xai25z8W4 Roberu and Tomoshika

>> No.26375622
Quoted by: >>26375730

why did no one tell me nene was this cute

>> No.26375624

Where's the one about Yagoo's vision of anyone becoming a vtuber or whatever.

>> No.26375627

Need to spend more time with Mukkun

>> No.26375628

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCES6G3nv5k Okayu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-xai25z8W4 Roberu/Tomoshika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWN0XiZKjRc Marine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js0BaNK3vcE Aruran/Miyabi/Lenri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3-PGSrbR7A Miyabi POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj_V8MsAlM4 Mori

Mori enable embed for Holotools you fucking dummy.

>> No.26375630
File: 803 KB, 1199x1278, 1598027753203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375631

its too fucking loud thats it

>> No.26375635

those numbers seem to be normal for Matsuri. she usually sees around 3k unless it's a zatsudan or utawaku.

>> No.26375639
File: 30 KB, 554x230, AF29B2B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26375640
Quoted by: >>26375655

5 more minutes you dumb deadbeat

>> No.26375642

I want Mori to crush my skull under her feet

>> No.26375645

is she the EN Rushia? her charm is really strong that it's even working on me

>> No.26375647

Aki legitimately sounds thirsty as fuck. She definitely wants to get fucked all the time and probably masturbates non-stop.

>> No.26375648

Hololive wanted to try out tapping into internationally, no one invaded.
If anything they're heroes like nintendo because japan takes in a bunch of raw materials and food and doesn't export much except culture. The koreans and chinese are kicking their ass in tech.

>> No.26375652
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, COOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375655

You deafbeat, it's the song that's going to be in the review you're talking about

>> No.26375656
File: 6 KB, 317x46, 1598796658333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375678


>> No.26375660
Quoted by: >>26375706

I can't read shit but I know it's an overly sensitive heimin.

>> No.26375662

We should join hands and mock nijifaggot together instead of doing a cold war.
Thread will be 103.5% better.

>> No.26375670


>> No.26375673
File: 159 KB, 700x987, 1578889635767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375676

>take a nap
>wake up right as okayu's about to sing anisongs
fuck yea

>> No.26375678

towa sama

>> No.26375681

Someone notices Moona's passion in architecture?

>> No.26375683


>> No.26375685

I need /g/ friends to make me a script that automatically opens every new stream when a holo starts streaming so that I always give them support even if I'm not physically in front of my computer.

>> No.26375687
Quoted by: >>26375896

more like EN not-quite-Okayu

>> No.26375693
Quoted by: >>26375814

If you want a woman without a sex drive that's your own problem

>> No.26375694

I can't believe Mori is the one that killed Aloe

>> No.26375695

Moona's autism knows no bounds.

>> No.26375700

What's a DAW?

>> No.26375703

>Wanna feel my 5-foot scythe inside you
lewd, but yes please.

>> No.26375706

Yeah, I got that much but I can't read the entire thing.

>> No.26375708

The song is about crying even though nothing will change. If you check Saisaki's lyrics especially that part from her tweet it sounded like she's just singing the shit she just got through so she'll just keep doing what she always do. Probably being indie singer

>> No.26375709

Look at her go!

>> No.26375711
File: 502 KB, 756x712, vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zion yo...

>> No.26375713

Watson has 100% masturbated to thoughts like that by now. She seems pretty lewd.

>> No.26375714

Those are different, they expect those streams to take long so the reward for doing a difficult task is stopping the stream.
即終了 are about avoiding being bad and trying to keep the stream going as long as possible, here stopping the stream is the punishment.
He's asking af any of the girls have managed to do something like "end the stream if I get under 7th in Mario Kart" for a long time.

>> No.26375715
Quoted by: >>26375769

Hololive needs a gyaru

>> No.26375724

why is she so edgy
I don't have a problem with rap
but that EDGE is too much for me

>> No.26375725

Eh, the first song was way better.

>> No.26375730

We've been telling you for AN ENTIRE GOD DAMN MONTH

>> No.26375732

Moona literally inclining to the Moon.

>> No.26375738

Breaking news here : A lot of neet girls are like (you) and masturbate before being productive for the day or before going to sleep.

>> No.26375741
Quoted by: >>26375916

Watch my son expand his harem


>> No.26375744
Quoted by: >>26375896

Her autism is probably genuine

>> No.26375743

This is just straight shitty rap now

>> No.26375747

another banger

>> No.26375748

Chubau... Why does this happen to you...

>> No.26375749
Quoted by: >>26375775

She's play as god of death / grim reaper character what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.26375754

getting truer with her name

>> No.26375760


>> No.26375761


>> No.26375766

Why is the Coco/Moona collab not available?

>> No.26375768


>> No.26375769
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1594475415948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375807

Pure gyaru for the gap moe.

>> No.26375772

She has sex with her husband every day.

>> No.26375773

I kinda expected her personality to be like the no-nonsense class president character she showed as chat mod in the earlier streams.

>> No.26375775

Manny Caravella

>> No.26375776
File: 324 KB, 557x557, 1599934694062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbeats jerk it now

>> No.26375778
Quoted by: >>26376008

Needs more japanese. Full english isn't cutting it for me.

>> No.26375779

Fucking squirrel magic, even our thread has taken to her more now.

>> No.26375780
Quoted by: >>26375835

>coco saying TSUUUU when playing the soccer game

>> No.26375787

either her manager or coco's command
too cringe

>> No.26375796

Lets go back to talking about moona please

>> No.26375804
Quoted by: >>26375829

Bro her character is a cringey edgelord tsundere.

>> No.26375807
Quoted by: >>26375833

If you put Nene in a gyaru outfit nothing else would need to be changed

>> No.26375812
Quoted by: >>26376109


>> No.26375813


>> No.26375814
Quoted by: >>26375846

Do you also ask random women for topless selfies over the internet since apparently that's normal for anyone with a sex drive? inb4 you're Indian.

>> No.26375819

She's a great goalkeeper, unlike a certain comet.

>> No.26375822

Nijisanji english "haha funny moments" official wants you.

>> No.26375824
File: 126 KB, 842x845, 1579976293460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't love the moon?

>> No.26375827

Coco come go Brazil

>> No.26375828

time for autistic digging

>> No.26375829

Why'd they make her like that

>> No.26375830

Coco's going to Brazil!

>> No.26375833


>> No.26375835

>Leeching on Tsunaldo
The absolute state of the dragon

>> No.26375838

Risu took it down after all the 66minutes posts

>> No.26375843
File: 89 KB, 773x1200, Eh3gfkBUwAAanJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375902

The cat is about to sing get in here

>> No.26375844

>Coco lost 3k

>> No.26375846

Aki didn't ask that dude for his shirtless pic

>> No.26375848

I'm closing Mori's stream

>> No.26375851

I hope the Fall Guys fad hasn't completely died down by the time Miko returns.

>> No.26375858

Why aren't you playing minecraft with them ?

>> No.26375862
File: 967 KB, 758x548, womb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375863

They learnt about her history with this site

>> No.26375864


>> No.26375865

Her BGM sounds bittersweet which fits her lacking popularity.

>> No.26375867

Watch Okayu NOW

>> No.26375875

Sora will be there for her.

>> No.26375876
Quoted by: >>26375931

Cause it's kinda funny and interesting. She's doing it pretty well so far.

Maybe the cheating situation will be solved by the time she returns. Then she can experience peak Fall Guys.

>> No.26375879

I love Mori's voice when she's forcing it to go higher.

>> No.26375882


>> No.26375890
File: 88 KB, 152x325, 1569912926773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376022

nobody cares, go back to your fag discord

>> No.26375894
File: 2.78 MB, 1014x1080, 1597108391182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376003

Edge is good.

>> No.26375895

woah who made that?

>> No.26375896

if you watch her past life videos, she actually really vulgar and offensive. completely different from how she's acting now.

>> No.26375899

White women can't write good bars.
t. listened to hip-hop for 20 years

>> No.26375900

can someone explain the fucking brazil joke

>> No.26375902

Can't I'm watching my autistic burger loving wife build a pool.

>> No.26375903

We'll have a new bean game by then.

>> No.26375904

>450yen wine

>> No.26375912
File: 19 KB, 360x355, 47tpikdy3v251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori show feet and I will forever shill for you in this hell hole

>> No.26375916


>> No.26375917
File: 337 KB, 480x480, 1587190473376.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26375931

>She's doing it pretty well so far
If their goal was second hand embarrassment then they knocked it out of the park

>> No.26375932
Quoted by: >>26375984

the incel wants to be mad about whores
just let him be

>> No.26375947

This. I don't know why people treat holos like console wars

>> No.26375949
File: 1.23 MB, 759x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26375967

do both bro

>> No.26375957

I'm watching Moona and using Okayu as BGM.

>> No.26375966

does anyone have a gif of angry Okayu.

>> No.26375967

why are there cocks in the corner

>> No.26375981
Quoted by: >>26375994

come to brazil and ull find out

>> No.26375984
Quoted by: >>26376084

It's funny to watch them get jealous

>> No.26375989
File: 98 KB, 720x1104, Eh4u9sHVoAAIF2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376032

>Mori answering the mixing program question asked here
Hi Mori!

>> No.26375991

sencho is drawing

>> No.26375993


>> No.26375994
Quoted by: >>26376035

but I don't want to go to brazil

>> No.26375995
File: 209 KB, 657x258, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26375996
Quoted by: >>26376024

Guys... I'm so jealous of Tomoshika...

>> No.26376001

Sorry Mori, but this one is shit.

>> No.26376003

Twappi... your water park...

>> No.26376004
File: 243 KB, 1990x990, 1575032018423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376006
File: 171 KB, 560x346, 1599694176197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376008

agree. But it's probably hard th write bars in a language you don't know intimately.

>> No.26376010
Quoted by: >>26376053


>> No.26376011
File: 172 KB, 506x334, OKFM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376014

brazil is good place, everyone should come
people nice, food nice
you should come too, is great

>> No.26376016

>Tomoshika was Roberu fan
Roberu just can't stop winning

>> No.26376022
Quoted by: >>26376069

>hating the autistic link anon
Stop, you're trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.26376024

You want to join Roberu's harem too?

>> No.26376029


>> No.26376032
File: 94 KB, 600x600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376142

>has released 3 (THREE) original songs already
are other girls even trying?

>> No.26376033

They're talking about the time she admitted to buying his voice packs during the winter project collab

>> No.26376035


>> No.26376040
Quoted by: >>26376073


>> No.26376047
File: 118 KB, 540x574, 15CA34D4-1B1F-4141-B609-40FADE20B21E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel loves and supports you ! Love and support Mel !!!

>> No.26376051


>> No.26376053

thank you thank you

>> No.26376054
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1599958396937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376235

Calling out doxxers in 4chan.
Based Mori.

>> No.26376060
Quoted by: >>26376112

Senchou drawing chicken!

>> No.26376061

>moona staring at the wall for a good minute before digging it out and placing the stairs
I could feel the autism working, how am i being charmed by this autist

>> No.26376064

Probably like this.

>> No.26376066

All VOMS are.

>> No.26376069
Quoted by: >>26376116

>saying anon when its clearly at least 2 people
take your meds

>> No.26376070
File: 181 KB, 699x605, 1599558626261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei... your stream...

>> No.26376071
Quoted by: >>26376106

Bros I can't decide whether to watch Moona or Okayun..

>> No.26376073

I can't wait until Pekora interacts with Moona

>> No.26376076

There's still Season 2 coming soon, I hope other holo would play it again

>> No.26376079

I can hear it, especially the

>> No.26376084

The first thing I do when I find a chuba's roommate's twitter is check who they follow, hoping to find something lewd

>> No.26376086

Anything if it means being close to him...

>> No.26376088

Marine started streaming.

>> No.26376093

Reminds me of those Ragnarok Online monster sprites

>> No.26376102

I can't believe I'm gosling for Mori

>> No.26376104

All the VOMS are fun, i'm glad our son collabs with them often.

>> No.26376106
Quoted by: >>26376164

What's stopping you to watch both?

>> No.26376108
Quoted by: >>26376287

Cover did look into a Korean branch are one point in time to follow suit after Nijisanji: https://twitter.com/hololive_Kr
NijiKR is generally regarded as a failure. out of 11 channels (4 more are on the way), 8 of them are are under 10k with the lowest being ~1.5k subs. hilariously, the biggest channel by a large margin (~50k) is a channel that's Japanese only and the second largest (~20k) is a channel that's Japanese a pretty significant chunk of the time. chuubas like Siu who can speak Japanese (or English) but do their primary delivery in Korean struggle.
funny story also. when they first opened the branch they absorbed an existing Korean vtuber agency to try and get a leg up in the market... only to see their investment go to waste when the two biggest channels decided to graduate less than a month later. four of those that were left graduated a month or so back (three for military service, one for personal reasons) and were all under 2k subs.
not to doubt Cover but they would need to make a serious invest that's at least on par with what they did for EN if they want to make it there.

>> No.26376109


>> No.26376110

sorry Mori, didnt feel this one

>> No.26376112

It's cuter than she deserves.

>> No.26376116
Quoted by: >>26376136


>> No.26376117
Quoted by: >>26376162

she's such a goblin

>> No.26376118

Moona is going for round 2 on the food this is not a drill

>> No.26376121

>I want to eat, eat for real

>> No.26376132

This hurts my eyes to look at.

>> No.26376133
Quoted by: >>26376203

>Moona eating again
Kek is this real?

>> No.26376136
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1580489088398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376189

>different link orders
>10 second apart
>one person
you're a fucking moron

>> No.26376137


>> No.26376139

this is why there is a separation between latino and spanish internet which is baffling for the english speaking internet until you see shit like this.

>> No.26376140


>> No.26376138


>> No.26376142
Quoted by: >>26376217

Imo, i think she had some stuff prepared pre debute and needed to just finish them propper.
Making multiple songs of the quality she did within a span of less than a week, from scratch, is highly unlikely.

>> No.26376145
Quoted by: >>26376701

The contrast between his EOPs and Astel's are like night and day. Poor bastard.

>> No.26376146

Moona you fat fuck..

>> No.26376149

Same so I can laugh when even the most based vtuber cant save the shitty fat fuck's career

>> No.26376151


>> No.26376153

>mori streams
>falseflaggers are back

>> No.26376159

She's probably playing tetris alone.

>> No.26376162
File: 229 KB, 1280x1144, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

portable senchou!

>> No.26376163

the reason Moona eats twice as much is because she thinks twice as much as other people

>> No.26376164
Quoted by: >>26376381

shit internet

>> No.26376168
Quoted by: >>26376242

>drawing pekora behind
no... marine... you'll enable her stalker tendencies...

>> No.26376169
File: 356 KB, 432x444, 1599788238182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376242

>drawing pekora in the kiara pic
Kiara already known for being a pekora stalker...

>> No.26376171
Quoted by: >>26376258

I'm still on the clock and can't watch but how did Moona interact with Aqua? Isn't Aqua a huge xenophobic?

>> No.26376172

I'm watching Rushia for like 15 minutes. The chat is almost all Japanese and so far no yandere moments. Can't believe EN that actually fixed that necromancer.

>> No.26376175

First one is better idk

>> No.26376176 [DELETED] 


Answer them, /hlg/.

>> No.26376186

Moona's autism is genuine comedy.

>> No.26376189
Quoted by: >>26376239


>> No.26376190
Quoted by: >>26376242

>drawing Pekora behind her future murderer

>> No.26376195

>I wish we had translators

>> No.26376199

Serious answer: it's both

>> No.26376203

Yes. She even said she forgot to eat

>> No.26376205
Quoted by: >>26376273

>call to ivansion (raid)

>> No.26376211

>yo fuck this smoke

>> No.26376212


>> No.26376213

Why does the chicken have two hats?

>> No.26376217

Being someone who can do their own mixing, lyrics, animation and art is also an extremely underappreciated feature. Everything can be done in her own time

>> No.26376224

I fucking kneel.

>> No.26376226
File: 300 KB, 512x288, sanae's wonderful advice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376232
Quoted by: >>26376279

She asked for cosplays of a shirtless character. Are you being dense on purpose?

>> No.26376235

what did she say?

>> No.26376237

It sucks because she looks better with 0 hats.

>> No.26376239
File: 316 KB, 415x420, 1581957672630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376307

I accept your concession

>> No.26376242
Quoted by: >>26376266

Did it take you that long to realize who that was in the back?

>> No.26376244

One is an accessory, the other covers the hole in her head.

>> No.26376248

bros... Moona is eating again........

>> No.26376252

Why did they hire a rapfag.

>> No.26376258

Aqua's spoiling her kouhais with so many items.

>> No.26376260
Quoted by: >>26376341

Tomoshika is Nakao Azuma right?

>> No.26376264
Quoted by: >>26376327

When are the Bushiroad streams?

>> No.26376267
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1589858846572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont need to, FPBP

>> No.26376266
Quoted by: >>26376598

No I took some time choosing which of my ogey collection to post with it after I typed it out.

>> No.26376271
Quoted by: >>26376310

>starts eating on stream again
>"im sorry for being like this, it cant be helped"

wtf i love Moona now?!! is she always like this?

>> No.26376273
Quoted by: >>26376329

Does it count if it's within the site?

>> No.26376276

Has Coco on yet?

>> No.26376278
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1599720312207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing it's youtube

>> No.26376279

oh, I didn't realize

>> No.26376285
File: 366 KB, 1676x2178, Eh86k4BVoAAzz0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educated prostitutes

>> No.26376287

>not to doubt Cover but they would need to make a serious invest that's at least on par with what they did for EN if they want to make it there.
Imo, it should be at least ID (though i'd say Gen5 for confidence) tier for them to even try. EN is a freaking big ass opening step to compare to if you look at it now and i doubt they can reach the same heights again in any way beside ENstars.

>> No.26376293

what fucking kind of martial arts is this rapper dork doing
>having to take the bus

>> No.26376296
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1592818862980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homos are so uninteresting people use their streams as a chatroom

>> No.26376307


>> No.26376309

el basado

>> No.26376310
Quoted by: >>26376423

Autistic or fat?
Trick question

>> No.26376317


>> No.26376322

go back

>> No.26376326


>> No.26376327

On saturday

>> No.26376329
Quoted by: >>26376577

You have to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.26376332

>Roberu flexing his worldwide audience

>> No.26376341

Kiyohiko Azuma

>> No.26376342
Quoted by: >>26376407

What does this have to do with your post???

>> No.26376343
File: 148 KB, 900x640, Eh2Z7vEU4AA7Dta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even her final form.

>> No.26376348
Quoted by: >>26376407


>> No.26376351

>Coco starts losing viewers as Mori's viewership starts increasing

>> No.26376366

sencho gachikoi

>> No.26376375
Quoted by: >>26376502


>> No.26376376

I love this cat.

>> No.26376377

I love the music in the game Marine is playing.

>> No.26376378

Kiara TF2 stream when?

>> No.26376380


>> No.26376381
Quoted by: >>26376437

Just close the chat

>> No.26376382

She took a massive hit as soon as Marine started too.

>> No.26376385

Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS

>> No.26376387
Quoted by: >>26376469

How many did she lose already?

>> No.26376391
File: 1.51 MB, 2836x2478, 1596473722584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376429

Shion yo

>> No.26376395
Quoted by: >>26376430

>Marine wants a kouhai who wants to fuck her brains out like Kiara and Pekora

>> No.26376400

Marine doing another collab with hayase sou?
It's been a while hasn't it?

>> No.26376406

was sencho always this popular or is she inclining?

>> No.26376407
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1581241400785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376569

y-yabai peko

>> No.26376415

Rent free

>> No.26376418
Quoted by: >>26376452

please watch okayu sing

>> No.26376419
Quoted by: >>26376472

twitch kiddo get out

>> No.26376421

Why did cat put her mic behind her model?

>> No.26376423


>> No.26376430

brb joining HoloEN

>> No.26376429

I want to sex sion yo...

>> No.26376437

10Mbps can't handle 2 streams at once

>> No.26376447


>> No.26376450
File: 158 KB, 250x281, 1599918292153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people telling moona to go to resource server
just let moona have her mine

>> No.26376453
File: 47 KB, 586x852, EZCB4JiUwAQuhla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she actually celebrated her 480k subs this time.

>> No.26376452

but i already am

>> No.26376455
File: 694 KB, 1285x387, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly surprising.

>> No.26376459

For me not really it was just a funny observation

>> No.26376466
Quoted by: >>26376523

Fuck off with your tribal warfare

>> No.26376468

Moona has some nice BGM.

>> No.26376469
Quoted by: >>26376500


>> No.26376471
File: 1.55 MB, 1277x717, 1593307378065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376472
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1576183070507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically had that on my clipboard to brag to twitch kiddies about jumping ship

>> No.26376474

>was sencho always this popular

>> No.26376477
File: 358 KB, 1280x720, Eep8Ak9UMAMc6wQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376482

Don't reply retards

>> No.26376488
Quoted by: >>26376552


>> No.26376491
File: 87 KB, 208x188, 1597683272128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekofags are twitch users,

>> No.26376492

Marine is playing a game that plays to her strengths.

>> No.26376496

Are you new or have you always been this inattentive?

>> No.26376498


>> No.26376499
Quoted by: >>26376702

Coco is old and busted.

>> No.26376500

Last that I saw she was doing 13k

So Mori is slowing down?

>> No.26376502

Kuku is the winning daughter-in-law anon. VOMS might try, but all roads lead back to Kuku.

>> No.26376505

>That early morning peko voice
kek marine

>> No.26376508

Translating it is a pain but here you go anon. A transcript

>> No.26376515

stop replying to obvious numberfagging falseflaggers.

>> No.26376518


>> No.26376519

>Marine still blowing Mori out of the water
How does she do it? I thought she was one of the less popular girls.

>> No.26376523


>> No.26376524

Funny how Kanata is the only one who gets pants.

>> No.26376525
File: 32 KB, 161x204, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26376534
Quoted by: >>26376557

>nousagis are actually twitchfags
That explains it all...

>> No.26376544
File: 4 KB, 302x38, the korone experience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korosan plays some great games and she's a funny dog, but god almighty, her chat has become worse than hell.

>> No.26376546

Mori slowed down, Marine is still going
Not surprising

>> No.26376552

I don't think VNs generally make for good streaming content bro. That said of the bunch Ace Attorney is the best bet if it weren't for capcom permissions.

>> No.26376554

>I thought she was one of the less popular girls
how new

>> No.26376557



>> No.26376560

Not even surprised.

>> No.26376562

Towa smoka!?

>> No.26376563
Quoted by: >>26376652

I don't know how you could possibly think that.

>> No.26376564

She's tied with Pekora for most consistently high viewer numbers.

>> No.26376565
Quoted by: >>26376608

the JOP's only like the chicken

>> No.26376566

mori just streams terrible hours for burgers

>> No.26376569
File: 514 KB, 635x403, 1596645937119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do that in all chats. Suisei had to tell them to fuck off to freechat at one point.

>> No.26376570

JOPs getting filtered by zatsudans, + jp heavyhitters are streaming now. The viewership should start to stabilise as people get bored of them.

>> No.26376574
File: 34 KB, 442x525, 1562015340684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't feel bad about twitch streamers when they get 100 viewer.
>feel bad when your holo gets less than 5k viewer
Is this what they call love?

>> No.26376575

>3rd Gen
>Not popular

>> No.26376576

Why doesn't suisei give a fuk abt the chicken when she loves famichiki so much?

>> No.26376577

I wouldn't post if i weren't, i'd ask my mom to post for me.

>> No.26376578

Just watch streams and lurk more. That is how I blended on June

>> No.26376579
Quoted by: >>26376665

how retarded are people here becoming?

>> No.26376581

Is death-sensei her manager?

>> No.26376590

My wife!

>> No.26376594

>I thought she was one of the less popular girls.

>> No.26376596
File: 135 KB, 1258x1061, aa099e710777e21ce8a2f12970b4cc6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nobody cares about the streams but I just want to say that Okayu singing is happiness.

>> No.26376598
File: 66 KB, 763x758, 1599734667229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your ogey collection fellow nousagi

>> No.26376600

It's what they call mental illness

>> No.26376602
Quoted by: >>26376713

Anon, look at the fucking time. Mori's numbers are pretty fucking good considering.

>> No.26376603

Nice cock

>> No.26376605


>> No.26376608

I mean the narrative that Kiara fangirling over Pekora is bad and scary.

>> No.26376613
File: 250 KB, 368x409, 1598861102925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys give me translation channels to avoid? I'm making a list of translators for my friends that recently got into hololive and I already got those that I recommend. Feel free to correct me if you think some of these are bad. also feel free to recommend if there are better ones
>lyger for festival
>jin for chonker
>BoR for queen
>Steven for who?
>Neko Mikuri for ogey
>inAccurateSubs for rrat
>PekoSubs (because MGS)
>yoyuu for joke very very hard
>shiroemon for jōzuna joke da ne
>soju for the whore
>Des P. for most subs least spacha
>onceinabluemoon for sheep
>KuroShii for sheep
>prinny for towaryhard and recently nenechi
>haachama moments for haachama (salvagable?)
>zestyable for divorcee dog
>aburage115 for comet (salvagable? I appreciate all comet clips and I see him improving but what do you think?)
>plaff for comet
>ねえええCABI for comet
>黄衣の王Hastur for comet although from what I've heard, he's in HLM now (?)
>vtube tengoku (self proclaimed professional translator but I'll take his word for it)
>helio translations (dead?)
>cnouki for ARK
>anungmation for homos (dead?)
>bush ge for homos
>kawazoi for CN
>fox cho to discover indies for the lazy
>kaiser subs
I know Sushi, Bird-kun, BestScenes Vtuber, OtakMori and Ritore should be avoided.

>> No.26376615

Suisei doesn't care about any of her kouhais not called Kanata.

>> No.26376617
Quoted by: >>26376648

Sure. Still not gonna let you live this down.

>> No.26376625
Quoted by: >>26376791

i wanted to die earlier but soul instantly healed

>> No.26376626

She's singing one of my favorite songs!!!

>> No.26376628
File: 948 KB, 1655x1264, 1591238368354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real comfy

>> No.26376636


>> No.26376635

I don't care for numbers, I am proud of my holo because of what she has done.

>> No.26376642

just watch whatever you fucking nerd jesus imagine compiling this fucking list

>> No.26376645

Isn't 10k a usual number for Coco after asacoco went hiatus? Why there always "muh coco is finished" doomposting?

>> No.26376648
Quoted by: >>26376698

ok schizo

>> No.26376652

Not enough clips?

>> No.26376659
File: 84 KB, 885x1214, jfNUOol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought she was one of the less popular girls.
What a stupid!

>> No.26376661

I don't think she wants to eat a co-worker.

>> No.26376664

>Less popular
Marine literally had the highest average viewers last month, 26k. Just barely beating out pekora by a hundred.

>> No.26376665


>> No.26376667


>> No.26376668

mentally ill fan complains for no reason

>> No.26376669

Fully agree. So much fun. Hope this one doesn't get taken down like her last anisong stream.

>> No.26376673

I love Okayu

>> No.26376680

>This is the game for me
Oh moona, you just gained a regular

>> No.26376682

There are plenty.

>> No.26376686

We never should have had those stickies.
Thank you meidos!

>> No.26376688

it's a copypasta from a week ago

>> No.26376689
Quoted by: >>26376742

Powerful bait. You got me.

>> No.26376695

>these replies
what's with the dislike for mori's new rap?

>> No.26376698

It's okay pekofag. I understand how embarassing in must be to be outed while shitposting.

>> No.26376700

Not even, you just have to tune into one of her streams to see her viewership. It's more like he only watches clips instead of streams.

>> No.26376701

>basically the important stuff from the end of Astel's twitcast: EN or JP is okay! Difficult sentences are okay too! But we also don't want the JP fans to be drowned out, so let's try to make way as well!

>> No.26376702

Soft pussy with thicc cock

>> No.26376704

Japan really called Okayu's voice not pleasant? The hell is wrong with them, she has voice of an angel.

>> No.26376709
File: 1.13 MB, 1066x609, rabbit chicken and expired milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376710

AEK is dead
now bring Artia to minecraft

>> No.26376711

>1,631 watching now
Holy shit, look at our Moon go!

>> No.26376712
File: 3.06 MB, 1500x2370, 876b6c656aa0d20359746fef552eb0fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26376713

But we're still at the first week boost. I thought it would at least take about a week before the slowdown.

>> No.26376715

Moona is coming home lads. It took 4 months, but she's here

>> No.26376719

Singing streams are always fun. Noel had a really good one yesterday.

>> No.26376722

Watching Moona play Minecraft is like watching your kid take his first steps

>> No.26376725

>i love minecraft, this is the right game for me

holy shit bros, is she self aware?

>> No.26376735

Pecor confided in Marine that a gaijin is stalking her. Marine is poking fun at her.

>> No.26376739

I want someone to introduce Moona to Rollercoaster Tycon, Zoo Tycon or Cities Skylines so her autism can truly shine

>> No.26376741

Cheeky, hiding Flare!

>> No.26376742
File: 173 KB, 560x346, 1596400329391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konpeko konpeko

>> No.26376747

How was the HaaWata minecraft collab? Was it too gay?

>> No.26376748

>Deadbeats LURKING now

>> No.26376754

>Still no pirate holo
what gives?

>> No.26376755

>only 200 more viewers than a literal son and a literal who

>> No.26376757 [DELETED] 

But I think coco is around 6-7k?

>> No.26376764

Didnt expect Okayu to sing LION. Good shit.

>> No.26376765
File: 943 KB, 1646x778, happyreaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I thought it was good

>> No.26376767

Marine has the mature slut niche under her thumb, she's untouchable.

>> No.26376768

Download Anki, if you want kanji recognition perk, do rrtk, if not, do core 2-6k. You will need grammar so read Tae Kim. After or mid Core, you can start mining sentences to expand vocab.

>> No.26376774
Quoted by: >>26376808

Haha what a twitch user. Schizo Nousagi confirm for fat kid.

>> No.26376771
Quoted by: >>26376825

she had 2k before

>> No.26376778

Haachama kissed her model a few times at the end but other than that it was pretty friendly and a good stream

>> No.26376779

Mongoloidchama detected

>> No.26376783

she could've just watched the stream

>> No.26376786

Very. lots of fake kissing and stuff. Just the thing for /u/.

>> No.26376787
Quoted by: >>26376825

She was higher early on when there were less streams and when Aqua showed up

>> No.26376788
Quoted by: >>26376992

Collab is on Sunday, Watame joined for the last 6 minutes or so.

>> No.26376790


>> No.26376791

necromancer okayu

>> No.26376792
Quoted by: >>26376906

Nips prefers cute and moe voice like Peko and Miko

>> No.26376795

Imagine if yostar put Marine into azurlane and made this the wedding skin. All that profit you could've made..

>> No.26376798
Quoted by: >>26376825

it peak on 2,6k where the rest go ...

>> No.26376802


>> No.26376808

take your meds

>> No.26376807

But she drew Pekora as happy instead of scared. It's clear that they talked about it and Pekora was positive about it, which is why Marine was comfortable drawing it just now. Narrativefag antis btfo.

>> No.26376809


>> No.26376812

motteke sailor fuku time

>> No.26376815
File: 198 KB, 333x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376962

Kicky Ricky's Tricky Rick's Kicks

>> No.26376814

I honestly liked it, the lyrics are better than her first one imo.

>> No.26376816

>both had fun
>lots of kissing
>got married
>Haachama killed their child

>> No.26376818
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1590924347195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lucky star
Take me back fat cat...

>> No.26376820

She's not my oshi, but I really love hearing Okayu's singing, it has a great healing effect.

>> No.26376821


>> No.26376822

Japs have a distaste for deep sexy voices. Faggots, i say.

>> No.26376825
Quoted by: >>26376927

Well shit, I thought she used to do way worse

>> No.26376827
File: 193 KB, 403x474, inadisappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26376848

Delete your post before you get 20 replies for posting something this retarded

>> No.26376828

Just tune in to Moona's stream. Is she building a swimming pool?

>> No.26376832

cool kids.

>> No.26376845

But the contrarian faggots love Mori

>> No.26376848

yeah haha what a disaster that would be haha

>> No.26376851

It fucking hurts. Now the nips blame it on us.

>> No.26376849

>still no HololiveSomalia
Come on Yagoo, untapped market.

>> No.26376855

please send me the Kanata, Coco, and Watame in early Jojo artstyle!!!!!

>> No.26376856
File: 30 KB, 600x453, 1600165104323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me reply fag get the fuck out and maybe fill up your womb folders

>> No.26376860


>> No.26376862
Quoted by: >>26377058

This thread doesn't suck her dick just because she's a jaded 4chan shitposter unlike the other one

>> No.26376864

Ask and you shall receive

>> No.26376866


>> No.26376868

>Still no crab Holo
what gives?

>> No.26376870

She a gaijin so the regular jap standards don't apply just like with them putting up with Coco's annoying as fuck voice

>> No.26376869
File: 30 KB, 429x152, 1600169285646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo Nousagi is fucking Aussie. Poor him.

>> No.26376877

I still believe Okayu is one of the best singers in Holo.
Thanks reupload friends for letting me replay the privated covers

>> No.26376876

Spics on the internet are fucking cancer
t. spic

>> No.26376879

She's not as deep. Plus they can't understand her so it sounds vaguelly different.

>> No.26376890
File: 565 KB, 1234x1859, 1599167043039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm i'm nene
please call me nenechi
what are you from?

>> No.26376895
File: 353 KB, 1451x2048, 1596016704425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe two generations debuted while shes been gone please come back miko

>> No.26376893

Towa... your water trap...

>> No.26376896

>Me and my girls
I thought Watson was the leader...

>> No.26376897
Quoted by: >>26376959

>Mori less than Marine
>Way less than Shark
What a fucking blunder. Worst EN.

>> No.26376898

Ooookie Doookie~!

>> No.26376901

moot is right.

>> No.26376903

Aqua is going outside her comfort zone!

>> No.26376904
Quoted by: >>26376953

Moot was right

>> No.26376906

Peko can't sing as good as Okayu does though

>> No.26376907

Oki doki

>> No.26376908

Even Senchou knows it's HER.

>> No.26376909

Its because they cant understand her
the situation is reversed now with EN

>> No.26376914

That's a really cute shark

>> No.26376919
Quoted by: >>26376974

Gave some great Haachama kisses

>> No.26376921
Quoted by: >>26376993

but they like Ina

>> No.26376924



>> No.26376927
Quoted by: >>26377076

she is, she average viewers is around 700

>> No.26376928

is this the power of single japanese business men wanting wife?

>> No.26376934

yes she want comfy modern house

>> No.26376937


>> No.26376940

>peko has over 600k subs
>convince yourself that all nousagi are 1 person
I dont think even meds can save you at this point

>> No.26376943

Thanks anon, I appreciate it.

>> No.26376942

てぇてぇ as fuck.

>> No.26376944

I liked this one more than the last

>> No.26376947
Quoted by: >>26376972

princess aqua visiting the colonies

>> No.26376953

Always has been

>> No.26376954
File: 153 KB, 848x1200, a16a2b1ff0cbf0bf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's bring marine along for a azur lane stream as a joke

>> No.26376959
Quoted by: >>26377082

Nice deflection cocofag, how does it feel to be kneeling to reddit and still losing?

>> No.26376962

The designer must have been tripping hard when he made this abomination. It's even worse that it got accepted.

>> No.26376963

is moona depressed? that BGM and her looking down all the time gives off suicide vibes

>> No.26376968


>> No.26376971
Quoted by: >>26377029

>Mori's gaijin accent when speaking japanese
My fucking dick

>> No.26376973

her return stream will be legendary

>> No.26376972
Quoted by: >>26377036

Aqua's the one living in the literal mudhut on the server though

>> No.26376974

The haachama bgm makes this unintentionally funny

>> No.26376975

She knows.

>> No.26376976

Sorry moot.

>> No.26376986

Geez he's really handling all of this horribly.
His intentions are good, fuck chatroom poster fuckwits, but he needs to get proper help with the translation.
All this will do is make the shitposters shitpost harder and potentially push away some legit fans.

>> No.26376989

aqua... your autism reps...

>> No.26376992

There's also double date on saturday, didn't mention who the other 2 will be though.

>> No.26376993

She's not deep at all. She's super soft.

>> No.26376996
Quoted by: >>26377091

Why is the HoloEN manager so incompetent? Make Mori put a premier timer on her damned song.

>> No.26376999

Are you trying to bait the SEAniggers

>> No.26377003

god fucking dammit, i bet he's the perthfag as well

>> No.26377005
Quoted by: >>26377059

That BGM is cheerful though.

>> No.26377010

I like all the girls that people say have "annoying" voices. Is something wrong with my ears?

>> No.26377015

Honestly who the fuck cares what nips think about voices, they love drugged up Mickey Mouse

>> No.26377022
File: 200 KB, 343x392, 1591816152396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26377024
File: 157 KB, 512x512, haachama3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26377026

So do I anon
So do I.

>> No.26377029

So i'm not the only one who thinks it's hot as fuck?

>> No.26377033

yamete kudastop

>> No.26377034

I really love the HoloID and HoloJP interactions

>> No.26377036

She has a castle on the sky.

>> No.26377040

every time i see this thumbnail for a second i think she's a lamia

>> No.26377042

i dont know how she position herself but she is focused
the BGM is well it give melancholy feeling to it

>> No.26377043
Quoted by: >>26377214

Did I just hear that right?
>Marine asks what "okie dokie means"
>chat says it's a cute way of saying OK
>Marine is all "I see I see!" seemingly entertained by the fact that's something that exists
>then someone in the chat tells her that's wrong

>> No.26377046
Quoted by: >>26377119

Do Nips like Mori?

>> No.26377047

holy shit is she gonna be on at the same time as aqua again?

>> No.26377050
Quoted by: >>26377354

What? Who's gonna have another collab? Watame of Haachama?

>> No.26377051

Wait, are you implying that Senchou is doxxposting?

>> No.26377052

Your ears have a terminal disease called "Based"

>> No.26377058

what's even more interesting is that the other thread had 4 anons posting her song but it didn't get more than 5 replies, honestly weird.

>> No.26377059
Quoted by: >>26377145

Not him but I also find her BGM slightly sad. It has a bittersweet feeling, as if Moona is happy but something sad happened before.

>> No.26377060

Yeah, I was wondering about that too.

>> No.26377062

Mukkun and the aussie stalker.

>> No.26377063

so Aqua and Korone collab when?

>> No.26377065
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, 1599916584433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26377102

>Reaper has good taste in vidya

>> No.26377067

I'm a weeb. I want more mix with Japanese of course

>> No.26377069

You're overdoing it man.

>> No.26377076

For anyone saying that number is bad: most of NijID average like 100-200 viewers.

>> No.26377078

Can't watch Marine's art game stream right now, how has she been talking about the EN designs?

>> No.26377082

Holy shit anon
Holy shit

>> No.26377088
File: 321 KB, 2048x2048, 1591600035761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of her

>> No.26377089

>Mori needs permissions
so EN is not an exception, at least castlevania is coming up

>> No.26377091

never underestimate the incompetence of cover

>> No.26377093

hare hare yukai time

>> No.26377099
Quoted by: >>26377137

>Likes the only good Castlevania
She's based.

>> No.26377101
Quoted by: >>26377173

Moona, weebspeak is fine, at least til you understand some of the words Aqua typed.

>> No.26377102

Too bad Konami is Konami

>> No.26377105

Now do one with this

>> No.26377115

I'm a foreigner, so my Japanese is not very good. There is something I want to say to Nene-chan since her first video.
I'm really looking forward to Nene-chan's greetings on Twitter or YouTube every morning.
I really practice holding Nene-chan's hand and flirting with her on Valentine's Day to show her how much I love her with all my heart.
I really want to tell you that every love song I practice is rehearsed before I meet Nene-chan. Even if I don't have any singing skills, I just want to tell her in a warm voice that I love her, Nene-chan.
I really want to sleep with Nene-chan in my arms every day. I let Ne-chan sleep on my chest, and the first thing I see when I wake up in bed is Ne-chan's sleeping face lying in my arms. When I see that face, a good morning begins.
I really want to say something to Nenechan. Every time I tell my friends, I want to stay with Ne-chan forever. I want to propose on a beach with a nice view that I like to ensure that I belong to Nene-chan from now on and that Nene-chan is the only one in this life.

>> No.26377116

The feud continues

>> No.26377119

The nips like all of them, pretty much.

>> No.26377128

Mori's gonna singlehandedly get us those Konami permissions
She's so hyped about Symphony of the Night

>> No.26377129

It's the patrician choice.

>> No.26377137

Dawn, Aria and Portrait of Ruin are all good too

>> No.26377143
Quoted by: >>26377171

>hasn't become a boat
>hasn't been brutally raped in an asanagi doujin
Poor marine, all her dreams go unfulfilled

>> No.26377145
Quoted by: >>26377375

You sound like narrativefag. You should write something about that.

>> No.26377148
Quoted by: >>26377247

Twasha was liking blueprints and working prototypes on twitter, kenzoku now have an R&D department.

>> No.26377149

i love that cat

>> No.26377155
Quoted by: >>26377220

someone tell hachama to get off 4chan

>> No.26377156
File: 770 KB, 2000x1927, 1600053528943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry it was just too easy.

>> No.26377157


>> No.26377158

Cthulhu part 2 when?

>> No.26377159

>lots of pekora minecraft lately

>> No.26377162
Quoted by: >>26377213

is Moon okay?

>> No.26377163


>> No.26377168
File: 188 KB, 336x306, 1589378930243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much chad energy

>> No.26377171
Quoted by: >>26377240

What about her tentacle dream?

>> No.26377172

>shiroemon for jōzuna joke da ne
His English isn't that good and he doesn't make translated clips anymore.

>> No.26377173

she wanna do hiragana reps
i think she learning conversational with lofi

>> No.26377176

If mori brings back pekora's MGS archives I will kneel until my knees break

>> No.26377177

What games will the other chuubas play if we get Konami permissions?

>> No.26377179

It's too bad Mori won't ever be able to play Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia since they'll never be allowed to play DS games ever again.

>> No.26377189

Did some creeper blows up near her house?

>> No.26377192


>> No.26377206

>Based Mori acquiring those permissions
HoloEN ain't so bad

>> No.26377207
Quoted by: >>26377256

Watame MGR onegai

>> No.26377210
File: 387 KB, 1908x1080, Meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 person is a representative of the whole fanbase.
Are you the same faggot earlier that keeps forcing bullshit that 35ps are reddit shitposters?
Time to take your daily dosage.

>> No.26377212

please... sing something that isnt the same shit everyone does every fucking stream
i swear flare is the only one who actually mixes it up sometimes

>> No.26377213

>is Moon okay?

>> No.26377214
Quoted by: >>26377389

But isn't that what it means or did the chat bring up the boomer meme or something?

>> No.26377215
Quoted by: >>26377291

Read the name of her stream
Dumb dumb

>> No.26377216

Moona getting jumpscared
Iofi left, she was just there to make sure Moona doesn't spill her spaghetti. Like a parent dropping off a kid at kindergarten, once she saw that she's immersed into playing she felt safe to leave her alone

>> No.26377220

That's Kiara, someone said her roommate is in AUS now

>> No.26377226

so fucking cringe

>> No.26377227
File: 1.36 MB, 1360x762, Untitled413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you have a chance!
5 years...

>> No.26377228

Cursed haachama

>> No.26377229
File: 284 KB, 1366x768, 1582226828850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26377285

Always fun seeing them interact with main branch

>> No.26377230

Even so, I want Mori-sama to deride me in her cool voice while grinding her boots into my ass till it hurts so much it feels like my eyes are gonna fall out
Then get drunk on the feeling of stopping at the last moment like, will she spit on my face from above or not
I want her to slowly cut my throat apart with a scythe
I want to breathe my last as she says, you're warui

>> No.26377238

Stay strong 35p, we're all waiting for her.

>> No.26377240
Quoted by: >>26377276

She'll need to wait for the ina collab.

>> No.26377247


>> No.26377248
File: 476 KB, 1200x675, Ee0tw3JUEAArR5h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26377281


>> No.26377250
File: 99 KB, 237x295, 1600051708025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like a parent dropping off a kid at kindergarten, once she saw that she's immersed into playing she felt safe to leave her alone
Actually true

>> No.26377256

I hope she screams rules of nature

>> No.26377258


>> No.26377259

Yes, it's called having your own taste

>> No.26377262

>that mori giggle
hold me up boys

>> No.26377263

Marine doing her eigo reps, cute

>> No.26377265

korone will probably play some old obscure games

>> No.26377271
File: 65 KB, 310x271, 1596202332170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26377273

hopefully more Goemon and Castlevania games

>> No.26377275

You've got to get to know her at least first which is next to impossible with how shut-in she is

>> No.26377274

rumao rumao

>> No.26377276

Wonder which one of them will drop more spaghetti

>> No.26377279

maybe she sees the benefits of branching out due to holoen debute?

>> No.26377281
File: 194 KB, 1200x850, EgEfXzzUcAkznhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OkaPeko collabs were a blessing

>> No.26377284
Quoted by: >>26377351

Rap is the shittiest music genre and only monkeys like it.

>> No.26377285

post the one where iofi is sitting on watame's lap and she's making a creepy face

>> No.26377286

Chances for what? to be a girl?

>> No.26377291
Quoted by: >>26377774

Are you retarded? Nobody is forcing her to play minecraft, she's choosing to do so herself a lot lately.

>> No.26377292

>c is for cuck

>> No.26377293
File: 205 KB, 800x1322, EhzCE5bVgAIW956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine gets so much good fucking art, there's like a flood of it every day..
>but I thought she was one of the less popular girls

>> No.26377297

She loves Minecraft.

>> No.26377300

Any MGR streams onegai. I want to hear the JP dub...

>> No.26377301
Quoted by: >>26377347

I can't believe we're finally back to Minecraft timeloop

>> No.26377303

we don't deserve lofi...

>> No.26377304
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1594458468601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26377564

God, I hate how the art gets minimized so quickly.
Can't take a good high res screenshot in time.

>> No.26377313
File: 1.37 MB, 2856x4072, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26377316

Doing my drawing reps while listening to Okayu. Feel great

>> No.26377323

She knew all along.

>> No.26377324

>Maybe I'll do Doom Eternal

>> No.26377329

>God Knows time

>> No.26377333

This is it, be prepared for the long awaited AQUAPEKO COLLAB.

>> No.26377338
Quoted by: >>26377404

Real question
Tribalist - newfags or /vyt/

>> No.26377339

>Mori plays Doom Eternal before the dog god

>> No.26377342
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, 1572288623616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26377398


>> No.26377347

I'm looking forward to seeing gen 5 on holoserver and I hope HoloEN joins in as well!

>> No.26377349
Quoted by: >>26377442

Sencho about to draw BOING BOING Rushia

>> No.26377351
Quoted by: >>26377420


>> No.26377354
Quoted by: >>26377710

Watame and Haachama having collab with other 2 people on Saturday night, it was worded pretty strangely, so I have no idea what it supposed to be, apart from Haachama mentioning double date.

>> No.26377357

if i was the bassist i wouldn't refuse sex with okayu!

>> No.26377362


>> No.26377363

I love Nene so much

>> No.26377369
Quoted by: >>26377417

Mori if you're lurking please use permissions

>> No.26377375

I'm not, I'm just saying that's what the BGM sound like. If it was in anime it'd play in a timeskip near the end after the MC's bro died and MC is speaking to his dead friend, telling him about how everyone else is doing after the timeskip and thanking him for being his best friend in life.

>> No.26377381

Is it National English Week at Cover Corp or something? They're all pandering to english audiences

>> No.26377382
Quoted by: >>26377434

Why do you post like this?

>> No.26377389

It is what it means, I don't know what was up with that guy. My stream froze for a moment and then it seemed like she understood that it does in fact mean OK.

>> No.26377391
Quoted by: >>26377474

Mori... the FromSoft permission...

>> No.26377398


>> No.26377404

crossboarders and newshits from r*ddit trying to fit in

>> No.26377407


>> No.26377408

>Bloodborne Coop
Yes fucking please

>> No.26377409


>> No.26377412

>bloodborne coop with Ina
Sounds mad comfy
Those Fromsoft permissions can't come soon enough

>> No.26377411

>she's attempting to communicate to peko

>> No.26377415

>bloodborne favorite game of all time
I really like her

>> No.26377417

Mori enable jetri embed you fucking jew

>> No.26377418

>usadapekora joined the server

>> No.26377421

oh shit she's greeting pekora, here we go bros

>> No.26377420

Sorry I forgot the quote marks.

>> No.26377423


>> No.26377426

>mori is going to get fromsoft permissions back
sorry bros but im a deadbeat now

>> No.26377431

okay okay sencho was always popular. But was she as popular as she is now? Was she even more popular? Less popular?

>> No.26377432

Gen 0 Sora
Gen 1 Aki
Gen 2 Choco
Gen 3 Marine
Gen 4 Towa
Gen 5 A*oe
Gamers M*o
ID 66 minutes
EN Your favourite
CN and homostars all of them

>> No.26377433


>> No.26377434

they started appearing around 4th gen 3D, it's a mystery

>> No.26377435

>Mori's tastes

>> No.26377436

>Mori is a Marisafag
Holy mother of based.

>> No.26377438

which 2hu would mori fuk?

>> No.26377440

Look like those people show up. Abayo

>> No.26377442

Can you please stop newfag.

>> No.26377447

The first time you say it, you are not repeating...

>> No.26377448

>persona 3 chad
Based taste

>> No.26377450


>> No.26377458

Successful marketing
Increasing in viewer pool

>> No.26377460

usadapekora: konpeko~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26377465
Quoted by: >>26377490

>oh there's a sheep
>there's a cow guys (in indonesian)


>> No.26377469

Persona 3, how could the JPs even compete

>> No.26377470

>persona 3

>> No.26377473

just subbed to moona out of pity, have I made a mistake?

>> No.26377474
Quoted by: >>26377586

aren't the permissions about supacha though?
They don't have monetization anyways.

>> No.26377479

>gen 0
>not azki
>or even fucking roboco
What is this shit list

>> No.26377480

Translation please

>> No.26377482

that was fast

>> No.26377484
Quoted by: >>26377548

>Persona 3

>> No.26377485


>> No.26377488

>"I didn't know Persona 2 fans existed"
The slayer...

>> No.26377490

Well, which was it?

>> No.26377494

>she made the p2 fans don't exist joke
Based department?

>> No.26377497


>> No.26377500

Azki so unpopular you forgot about her

>> No.26377501

I'l just grinning like a retard and repeating moona's name to myself..

>> No.26377510

No Moona stop! Watame! Subaru!

Also Moona messaged Pekeora

>> No.26377512

you retards do realize that Kiara's obsessiveness with Pekora is intentionally played up, right?
That's why Pekora has been in her chat a couple of times. They talked about this internally and thought "wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if one of the ENs is an obsessive fangirl? lmao fans would love it XD"
stop falling for everything. I bet you think Wrestling and Reality TV is real too

>> No.26377513

>Pekora talking to Moona

>> No.26377516

Goslingposting completely lost its meaning huh

>> No.26377517

>HoloEN still needs permissions
what the fuck

>> No.26377515

no she's going everywhere

>> No.26377532

Pretty sure RBC is the less popular gen 0

>> No.26377533

/v/ please tell me more about what mori wants to play
please im listening too okayu

>> No.26377535

>least popular
You looking for a fucking fight?

>> No.26377539


>> No.26377541
Quoted by: >>26377629

Based on her 2 minecraft streams, I think moona can seriously incline if she gets comfortable with talking english/basic japanese

>> No.26377544

>your oshi
>your mother's maiden name

>> No.26377548

Just let it happen

>> No.26377559

Come on fatlus give us those permissiions

>> No.26377561

cover is small japanese indie company please understand thank you

>> No.26377563

aki overtook mel and nice bait not picking flare for gen 3

>> No.26377564

Don't worry anon.
>wait for the stream to be over
>screencap the final drawings
>compile them into one convenient image
guaranteed (you)s

>> No.26377566

How come no one was able to dox what kind of illness she has?
Why is she even out this long?

>> No.26377568

are you retarded or are you just pretending

>> No.26377569

no, it's real

>> No.26377571

>5 fucking stickies
ya think

>> No.26377572

It's Sony, with Watame setting up PS4 I wonder if they got their permissions.

>> No.26377573
Quoted by: >>26377606


>> No.26377574

wait, those arent real?!

>> No.26377575

NSA being rather overt with this one

>> No.26377577

Who doesn't love the moon?

>> No.26377580
Quoted by: >>26377903

I was only going along with Mori being a lurker narrative but holy shit her taste is /ourgirl/ tier

>> No.26377581

I'll kneel 2 hours a day to Mori

>> No.26377586

Jap suicidal weaponized autism

>> No.26377592

I came here in May
Am I considered an oldfag yet?

>> No.26377593

She's a menhera type and acts like a ticking time bomb. Humoring her doesn't mean everything is going to some sort of plan

>> No.26377594

They're still under Cover you retard. You think because they're EN they're their own company or something?

>> No.26377596

>Hollow knight
Watch out Towa

>> No.26377597
Quoted by: >>26377622

>Tales of the Abyss is Roberu's favorite Tales

>> No.26377600

>Hollow Knight

>> No.26377602
Quoted by: >>26377637

What is Moona saying to Peko? Not watching her

>> No.26377604
Quoted by: >>26377668

don't make fun of persona 2 fans.... we don't exist...

>> No.26377605

Why wouldn't they? They are under the same company, they have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

>> No.26377606

That was Towa's game...

>> No.26377607

Oh no...

>> No.26377614

korone... where are you...

>> No.26377619

Rushia boing boing

>> No.26377620

i thought that they had a VR controller that they could cycle through emotes with? i think i saw it on a youtube video about VR avatar technology that was most likely close to what hololive uses

>> No.26377622

But which one of the girls would he fug?

>> No.26377621

It's still a Japanese company, regardless of where they are.

>> No.26377627

I have a close range jumping game I could give Amelia permission for, if you know what I mean.

>> No.26377628

Its not as good as the first one, so obviously its immediately shit without any steps inbetween.

>> No.26377629
Quoted by: >>26377663

moon already speaks english

>> No.26377631

Towa... please finish hollow knight...

>> No.26377632

Towa really wants to play it still, I will love Mori too if she gets this.

>> No.26377633

Anon show him the tweets.

>> No.26377637

Just a greeting.

>> No.26377643

>moona almost reaching 2k viewers during peak hours
is this the power of EN boost....

>> No.26377645
Quoted by: >>26377699

wrong, that's Azki
>Gen 1
wrong again, that's Mel
>Gen 2
>Gen 3
did you forget Flare?
>Gen 4
at this point it's Luna or Towa
>Gen 5
All except Botan

>> No.26377647


>> No.26377649

Indeed, true goslingposting got me into watching Blade runner. Now it's your usual purple site emote.

>> No.26377652
Quoted by: >>26377683

What am I looking at here

>> No.26377656


>> No.26377657
Quoted by: >>26377719

Why does Mori keep calling Japan the underworld? Is she racist?

>> No.26377660

So towa hates hollow knight right? If mori said its ok to stream

>> No.26377663
Quoted by: >>26377704

>moona eating AGAIN
she barely speaks up with others around

>> No.26377668

I do exist !! ( ;∀;)

>> No.26377676

>narrativefag forced to change his narrative from "SHE HATES IT" to "IT'S FAKE ANYWAY"
Based Marine.

>> No.26377677
Quoted by: >>26377828

I bet you think 9/11 is an inside job too

>> No.26377680


>> No.26377682

Sorairo days lets go!

>> No.26377683

She followed all CNs, IDs and ENs just now.

>> No.26377691

>Usadapekora left the game

>> No.26377692

MoonaPeko interactions were great.
Also, Risu stream coming up, not even Minecraft. wew.
She gonna miss out on the incline train.

>> No.26377696

Marine... That's not mori... that's just rushia with breasts...

>> No.26377699

>did you forget Flare?
Even I forget she exists anon.

>> No.26377697

>usada pekora left the game
peko having none of this shit

>> No.26377698

I don't mean to break your your whole "all of it is " kayfabe fantasies, but if she was genuinely a fan of pekora she wouldn't be doing this shit, she just found a smart way to leech by finding the dumbest one

>> No.26377704

that's autism, not language ability

>> No.26377707
Quoted by: >>26377786

Towa manager can't read HK website about monetisation.

>> No.26377709
Quoted by: >>26377837

so what?

>> No.26377710

any guesses on who it might be?

>> No.26377712

Look at this brainlet, he thinks the reality of it matters

>> No.26377716
Quoted by: >>26377756

>Tuning to Moona after Mori ended and the first thing I hear is her eating
Yup, just as I expected

>> No.26377719

The underworld = 4ch obviously, it's why we can never leave

>> No.26377720
Quoted by: >>26377807

Gura by senchou resized

>> No.26377730

Hearing Moona eat is such a blessing bros.

>> No.26377733

Okayu, stop making me feel old...

>> No.26377740

Civia must be over the moon right now.
And it was all thanks to an obsessed burgerfan.

>> No.26377742

>My mother has no maiden name. In fact no one in my family has a family name

>> No.26377743
Quoted by: >>26377801

The reason why mori isn't pulling much absurd numbers like the other three because she disables embeds and people can't use tools

>> No.26377745

I can't handle all these narratives.

>> No.26377748

I'm enjoying this 00s anime stream a lot

>> No.26377750

Noefure maybe? Both have been playing minecraft recently

>> No.26377752
Quoted by: >>26377819

>nice to meet you!

>> No.26377754

She went out of her way to talk about it recently, she loves hollow knight.

>> No.26377756

it's her second food break this stream

>> No.26377766

What the hell was that destroyed house that moona just passed by!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.26377774

When did I say she was being forced?
Where are the narratives coming from?
She wants to revive the Holoserver is what is typed there. Where did you get forced from?
Anon are you ok?

>> No.26377786

one of the best parts about an actual english branch is them being able to read permissions.

>> No.26377788

Iofi is too strong

>> No.26377795

Aquachama... You still don't have the Gen 4 and Gen 5 girls' channels in your "featured channels"...

>> No.26377797

She likes Pekora, but she's clearly overreacting for the sake of leeching
Her earliest mention of Pekora on twitter was from July 1st, months after she auditioned for HoloEN

>> No.26377798

Mori's smile is threatening my wallet. What should I do?

>> No.26377801

More like because this is her fourth stream, her numbers is starting to stabilize.

>> No.26377804

Moona its been 66 secound I think we should stop here peko

>> No.26377806
Quoted by: >>26377865

Okayu singing REDLINE DAY when?

>> No.26377807
Quoted by: >>26377960

/r/ the Kiara one

>> No.26377808
Quoted by: >>26377842

Aqua retweets boobies a lot!!!!!!! I thought she hates boobs?!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26377810

All I know is that I watched her debut and was enjoying it until she started freaking about out Pekora and I had to turn it off.

>> No.26377811

what is the 103.5 meme? i forgot...
seriously going to make a notepad with maymays from this board so i stop feeling retarded every time i forget one and then see a post referencing it

>> No.26377817
Quoted by: >>26377863

Im falling inlove with Okayu ;_;

>> No.26377818

Holy shit, did Moon and Pekora really talk?

>> No.26377819

Yes, because it was cute, especially with the whole HoloEN stuff and Kiara too.
Now we just need Pekora to trick Moona in to blowing up her own house to finish it off.

>> No.26377826

Iofi was the winner of all the Holobowls all along

>> No.26377828
Quoted by: >>26377859

is this sarcasm? operation northwoods was planned since the 70s.

>> No.26377830

It's Minecraft boost.

>> No.26377831
Quoted by: >>26377909

Haha yeah you just forgot haha

>> No.26377836

do we still hate risu? it's been a while

>> No.26377837

Civia is an onion fangirl.

>> No.26377842

Damn that would be so sad if she hated it

>> No.26377845
Quoted by: >>26377909


>> No.26377846


>> No.26377847

Iofi is too fucking strong, I kneel...

>> No.26377854

fuck off CCP

>> No.26377855

Why are nips so fucking terrible at english even though they study it at school?

>> No.26377859
Quoted by: >>26378053

as expected

>> No.26377861

Actually no, I wouldn't be surprised if it was gen 5 considering how they were keeping it a secret. Double date part was used as a joke by Haachama, so it can be anyone.

>> No.26377863

You certificated Gosling card will arrive in 2 weeks.

>> No.26377865

Id be so happy

>> No.26377871

haha just look it up on the archives you faggot

>> No.26377872

Okayu always tell everyone all the secrets but nobody notices until it's too late.

>> No.26377874

no spoonfeeding newfag

>> No.26377879

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K2ZjMPz5HA Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFlcivRc0P4 Matsuri/Rikka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-avzdhVg4K0 Risu

>> No.26377889

Will she finally update her subscription list?

>> No.26377888
Quoted by: >>26377932

Holy shit this cosplay in related.

>> No.26377894

management forced her to do it
just like how management forced pekora to write in Kiara's chat

>> No.26377896

Yes, the fucking tourists saw goslingposting and in order to fit in, they spammed Gosling everywhere. No stream? Just a Gosling pic because why not

>> No.26377900

>follows moona
>realises she hasn't followed the non JP
>goes on a following spree

>> No.26377903

All of them lurk.
If not outright this thread, then overlapping threads like /vg/ generals.

>> No.26377906

Her english reps are working

>> No.26377909

i came here after coco's 3d debut :( still pretty new, but mostly just braindead

>> No.26377916

nice try asshole
go back

>> No.26377917
Quoted by: >>26378129

>marine panic eigo

>> No.26377921

Lamy retweeted this
Is this holo reitaisai?

>> No.26377922

They study English to pass tests not to actually use it.

>> No.26377923

sousei no aquarion time

>> No.26377925

Iofi and Sora, they're basically already fucking

>> No.26377926
Quoted by: >>26377966

>N2 Chad Iofi
honestly though i think they just want to help the ID branch..theyre too good of a senpai

>> No.26377932
Quoted by: >>26378024

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.26377935

>2 songs left
What the fuck how has it been an hour already?

>> No.26377936

Stop pretending newfag

>> No.26377937


>> No.26377940

Most don't really pay attention in english class.

>> No.26377948

Did Marine just actually fucking screw up and draw Rushia instead of Mori?

>> No.26377949

Hololive is now partnered with Cygames.

>> No.26377954

when is Roberu's collab with Kuku again?

>> No.26377957
Quoted by: >>26378007

Nah you're overthinking this, Cover saw IN declining because of EN so they gave them Minecraft boost.

>> No.26377959

>Pekora Minecraft
>Aqua is also going to stream Minecraft
Will they finally meet!?

>> No.26377958

>ninomae sensei
Senchou... Your kayfabe...

>> No.26377960

didn't catch that one on stream, just joined. I'll do others though.

>> No.26377963

then you definitely should know

>> No.26377964

Minecraft boost for the EOPs
Ark boost for the Ark ojisans

wait out a few streams before it stabilizes like usual

>> No.26377966

I think the biggest thing is that Iofi isn't afraid to ask, which helps a lot.

>> No.26377969

ok since you're being honest
________________________________________________________LURK MORE FAGGOT__________________________________________

>> No.26377972

Minecraft boost. Anyone who plays it gets very right numbers for some reason, though it's probably from nostalgia.

>> No.26377978

This post proves that Coco 3D is indeed the main cause of the massive newfags influx

>> No.26377982

she was never drawing mori from the start. she's drawing Mori next

>> No.26377985

You need to take english 6-8 hours a week during primary school to actually learn it.

>> No.26377988

It's just like any second language class in school. Completely useless.

>> No.26377990

Learning language at school is useless unless you put effort yourself.

>> No.26377992
Quoted by: >>26378018

>Gen 0 AssKI
>Gen 1 Aki
>Gen 2 Choco
>Gen 3 Fulare
>Gen 4 Towa
>Gen 5 A*oe
>Gamers M*o
>ID 66 minutes
>EN Your favourite
>CN and homostars all of them
>4chan (you)

Corrected list.

>> No.26377996

She said she's never drawn pink Rushia so she's doing a "boing boing" version.

>> No.26377999
Quoted by: >>26378044

what is going on in this image?

>> No.26378001
Quoted by: >>26378039

Ina's a better artist than her, it's tradition to call them sensei.

>> No.26378004

Nijisanji = 2434
103.5 = ichizero migo; miko's fanbase is called 35ps so this is a meme to refer to a group of mikofags, like how a dozen refers to 12 items, except it's 10 mikofags

>> No.26378007

the Sorabowl was won before the EN debut though

>> No.26378009

okay okay i get it, i'll go ctrl f the archives for the next hour of my life

>> No.26378013

>Sousei no Aquarion

>> No.26378014

now that's the problem

>> No.26378016

How the fuck do you not know if you've been here since Coco's 3D debut?

>> No.26378018

I'd kiss AZKi's ass.


>> No.26378020

Never doubt that orange woman bad.

>> No.26378024

Boing boing

>> No.26378028

Hololive should poach Lulu from niji and add her to Gen5. That's the only way they can be saved from towa tier irrelevancy.

>> No.26378031 [DELETED] 

can't blame her to be honest
after she showed her art it's not hard to not kneel towards her

>> No.26378034

Slabs each other in front of Yagoo!!!

>> No.26378036


>> No.26378039

Oh really? This is the first time I've heard of it
Thanks anon

>> No.26378044


>> No.26378053

The NSA also spies on everyone too through PRISM, all the big tech companies are surveillance companies funded by darpa to harvest data on everyone.
The real world's probably too much for you so stick to holos.

>> No.26378054

Their English teachers are bums who moved to Japan looking for pussy.

>> No.26378055


>> No.26378058

So not only you are a newfag, you don't even know how archives work

>> No.26378059

Peko will end the stream as she comes on.

>> No.26378065

is that a male?

>> No.26378069

Botan and Lamy?, the collab ban its lifted tomorrow for everyone, and it's in due time for Gen 5 to makes its pilgrimage to the minecraft server
That and botan was pretty clear that her first collab would involve watame

>> No.26378075
Quoted by: >>26378104

Apparently Kizuna Ai mentioned Lamy on her radio show

>> No.26378086

They don't use it everyday.

Meanwhile we flips study them too since pre-school and english is pretty much the reading language everywhere and it's used most in business. We don't speak it casually though unless you're a rich kid.

>> No.26378098

>Moona almost 2k viewers and almost at 100k subs
The incline!

>> No.26378100

Pro artists are called sensei in jap.
>is it considered doxx if literally everyone knows?

>> No.26378101

Please tell me you are just baiting, I beg you

>> No.26378104

which AI? there's like four of that dumb bitch now.

>> No.26378114

Please be KanaSui. It's been so long.

>> No.26378115

anonchama, please just stop and leave this place...
trust me, it's better for both you and me...

>> No.26378116

Marine is such a good girl...

>> No.26378120

This was a great thread, good job anons

>> No.26378121

that cat sure can sing

>> No.26378119

I'm gonna fucking force them to interact

>> No.26378122

Moona is running around the server unsupervised

>> No.26378123
Quoted by: >>26378143

Are we finally going to reach the climax of the peko/aqua bitter rivalry?

>> No.26378126


>> No.26378129

When Marine starts panicking it always seems genuine, the other day she was replying to a comment from Taiwan and she started talking about Taiwan and Hong Kong and then suddenly started freaking out like she was causing an international incident or something, or at least that's how it seemed to me, being too much of an N5 to keep up.

>> No.26378132
Quoted by: >>26378153

>retards in Mori's chat got her excited saying senchou is drawing her
>she's actually just drawing pink rushia

>> No.26378136

Weren't they converging?

>> No.26378138

>"wait, what is that? is that a squid?"
>"yeah i think thats a squid"

Moona... this is too much for me

>> No.26378139

Peko, Aqua, Moon

Uhh are you sure this is okay?

>> No.26378141
Quoted by: >>26378162

well /hlg/ it's been 2000 posts, should we end it here?

>> No.26378143

I hope so. This thread would explode.

>> No.26378148

>Another stream of Matsuri asking Ricchan to grope, grab and molest her
Bros... I can't...

>> No.26378153

She's drawing her now to be fair.

>> No.26378154

stop regurgitating this shit you stupid newfaggot

>> No.26378157

>selling anime art on the streets
kek this game

>> No.26378162

it's up to ME

>> No.26378169

Probably the one that does the radio show

>> No.26378170

Sit on my face Ayame

>> No.26378172


>> No.26378175


>> No.26378177


>> No.26378180

Towa's stinky pussy...

>> No.26378181



