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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 147 KB, 221x292, 1599356931060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26175566 No.26175566 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26175666
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26175970

Coco's cocock...

>> No.26175939


>> No.26175941


>> No.26175942
File: 25 KB, 363x331, matsuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this menhera.

>> No.26175944
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599240714691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26175943

bossu thread

>> No.26175945
File: 187 KB, 545x300, 28a228fbd0e018900906765b13a30dbf97e636bb-545x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck meido?

>> No.26175947

Sasuga Bossu thread!

>> No.26175948


>> No.26175949

is it this fucking one?

>> No.26175951


>> No.26175952

Based meidos <3

>> No.26175953
Quoted by: >>26176017

>He actually checked the post numbers to see if it was made early or not.

>> No.26175955
Quoted by: >>26176027

>holostar op
Meidos, please delete this faggot thread too.

>> No.26175956
File: 20 KB, 269x269, ZgcZkiU8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread fuck the whores.

>> No.26175957

>autistic skunk thread
Let this one stay

>> No.26175958
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26175959


>> No.26175961
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.26175962
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, F5A60B0A-FFEF-415B-862F-D6B88F40D1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.26175963
File: 171 KB, 1200x1100, EhpPGuoU8AAvtcP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start over I guess

>> No.26175964
File: 329 KB, 1200x957, 1595853609650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26175965
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26175966
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1599158027052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26175982

____ __ _ _____

>> No.26175967
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.26175968

No homos in the OP hyper please

>> No.26175970
File: 644 KB, 1053x1030, Ehqp1rRXkAIcjCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26175997

Cocaine thighs

>> No.26175971


>> No.26175973

Of course they pick the Homo that actually looks like a guy

>> No.26175974

Imagine a world where the meidos aren't fucking autistic and let us keep the threads with 200+ replies and multiple ongoing conversations instead of deleting it because the other one was made earlier

>> No.26175975
Quoted by: >>26176022

>Luna is killing herself playing RFA
>Hey I can jerk it to this.
>She's still killing herself.

Will I win the Reddit upbotes with this? Also fuck off you autistic meido.

>> No.26175977
File: 305 KB, 377x845, 1597512053578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26175978


>> No.26175979
File: 92 KB, 296x220, 1596623386192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Shienfag meido

>> No.26175980
Quoted by: >>26176133

I'll submit if you get rid of the holostarfags who are ruining the threads.

>> No.26175981
Quoted by: >>26176133

I'm watching her archives now. She has a cute singing voice, surprised she isn't more popular.

>> No.26175982

Towa is a whore?

>> No.26175983
File: 385 KB, 436x477, 041A5355-517B-474C-B3AC-6CC6A9F7EE83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed bossu’s sneeze

>> No.26175984
Quoted by: >>26176009


>> No.26175986


>> No.26175987

sure bud

>> No.26175988
File: 153 KB, 411x440, 1592212550769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176011

Do it all over again ritualfaggots lmao

>> No.26175990

You can't expect competency from them.

>> No.26175992
File: 1.27 MB, 1057x847, 1599352750668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i have the following
>Snuff (me on the receiving end)
>Corruption (me on the receiving end)
>ryona (me on the receiving end)
>mind control (me on the receiving end)
>mind break (me on the receiving end)
>twinnification/getting turned into a clone
>identity death/ego death (me on the receiving end)
>getting choked (me on the receiving end)
>older women
>transformation (me on the receiving end)
>gender bender
>most of all; yandere
9 times out of 10 its hard for me to get hard or anything if the woman isnt yandere, even harder if none of the other things i listed are present if for whatever reason yandere isnt there

>> No.26175991

Shpx gur qhzc shpxvat zrvqb jul jbhyq ur ahxr n guernq jvgu 100+ ercyvrf

>> No.26175993
File: 393 KB, 1474x2000, Ea4e77ZUMAE6BQr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!?

>> No.26175994
File: 23 KB, 761x212, wegwgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176460

Luna... your piano reps...

>> No.26175995

>Bossu's thread wins
Meidos fans of Holostars confirmed.

>> No.26175996
Quoted by: >>26176445

Imagine a world where you spergs don't make early threads. Don't you think it is quite easy to just wait until a thread 404's before making a new one?

>> No.26175997

God I want to squeeze.

>> No.26175998
File: 254 KB, 380x385, 1597394698092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
And I'm ready for the 12 hours sitting.

>> No.26175999
Quoted by: >>26176029

inb4 why was it deleted

>> No.26176000
File: 141 KB, 1200x933, D7AE1E05-4CA4-43D0-8948-B9C988F54DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176045

Sora and AZKi later!

Most likely it’s gonna be about IdolFest next month

>> No.26176001
File: 659 KB, 2450x3204, 1599841557454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176019

I love my daughter's!

>> No.26176003
File: 188 KB, 393x385, 1599759439580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176127

I want to rape watame

>> No.26176002

How will nousagi recover?

>> No.26176004
Quoted by: >>26176445

And then one faggot will make early thread, then other faggot will make even earlier thread and then other will try to outdo him.

>> No.26176006
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1599473481497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176008

>pantsu tenshi hasn't slept for 11 hours
>she's lost every game
>game stops matching her to keep her from losing
>she's still waiting to play again

Is she gonna be ok bros?

>> No.26176009


>> No.26176010
File: 282 KB, 400x365, 1599507290571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the meido a homofag?

>> No.26176011
File: 22 KB, 394x386, luna78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.26176013
File: 10 KB, 534x248, 1526662823924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176034

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26176015 [DELETED] 

Hololive and vtubers are worse than celebrity culture.

You all are worse than Kim Kardashian fans.

>> No.26176016

I hope you contacted your lawyer before making this post.

>> No.26176018
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1700, 9c59510c88e91d6a62f27d1ee67d9ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my leader

>> No.26176017
File: 27 KB, 538x530, koron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure they just do eeny-meeny-miney-moe.
You can't game the OP preference if there is no preference.

>> No.26176019
Quoted by: >>26176049


>> No.26176021
File: 154 KB, 850x1044, 1598334840655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Hawkeye for making Shuba Shuba feel ashamed of being naked in her apartment.

>> No.26176022

if you make the third line the same as the second it'd have more of a punchline

>> No.26176023
Quoted by: >>26176043

>keeping the homothread

>> No.26176024
File: 835 KB, 2896x4096, 1599784696351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176061


>> No.26176026

Towa is a cutie.

>> No.26176027

Everyone knew the last thread was early (and there was even a second early thread), it is entirely your fault for not creating one with your oshi.

>> No.26176028
Quoted by: >>26176051

You should quit porn.

>> No.26176029

why was it checked

>> No.26176031
File: 865 KB, 801x1362, chaEeVTEpqVoAE7hKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming!

>> No.26176030
File: 49 KB, 344x648, 1599434014853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive and vtubers are worse than celebrity culture.

>You all are worse than Kim Kardashian fans.

>> No.26176032


>> No.26176034
File: 128 KB, 534x248, 1599855414879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176037

Nice so we're still better than touhou

>> No.26176041
Quoted by: >>26176731

donate to polka

>> No.26176044
File: 2.93 MB, 2894x4093, Ayamewife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176067

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.26176043

>killing the ritual posters
Based, good sacrifice

>> No.26176045

I wish she would actually collab with the other Holos more.
No, that weird Minecraft appearance doesn't count.

>> No.26176047

for the guy in the other thread asking about the "no english" image, Izuru made a tweet asking people not to do live translations because it's making it hard for him to read the chat. https://twitter.com/kanadeizuru/status/1304243006581563393 some people got really mad at this and apparently the homo discord blew up or something.

>> No.26176049


>> No.26176051

most of this shit existed before i got into porn though.

>> No.26176052

I believe in the kenzoku.
This time they have done their reps.

>> No.26176053

keep the tie, take off everything else

>> No.26176057
File: 91 KB, 679x255, 1599145173538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176058

Ever since Yagoo's threat I feel like a lot of the fun has been sucked out of being a Hololive fan. I don't want to post anything because who knows what the fuck they're going to think about it or believe is defamatory or whatever. They need to do something about the antis literally making death threats against the holos but I've never seen a company be openly hostile and threatening towards their fanbase like this. If it's just 5 ch that's one thing but we don't know yet what's going to happen.

>> No.26176060

I need to see them pitties first

>> No.26176061

Im so happy to be a Yuki-min, I can finally support my mommy.

>> No.26176062
Quoted by: >>26176089

Fucking this detective

>> No.26176064

Go back

>> No.26176067

She is very loyal to her boyfriend!

>> No.26176069
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive and Hololive Global... is this board big enough for both of us?

>> No.26176070
Quoted by: >>26176086

Obligatory pasta, where it is?

>> No.26176071

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.26176079
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, EhpMp9tXcAET3Og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.26176080
File: 72 KB, 768x768, Eghha_7U0AAW3SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176147

I know that's plastic love...

>> No.26176081
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 124123423546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa more like whora lmao

>> No.26176083 [DELETED] 

re-posting this
discussing the same event in two separate threads is retarded so choose


>> No.26176084
Quoted by: >>26176095

Is the only way for you to have fun shitting on other people or something

>> No.26176085
File: 1.45 MB, 2000x2000, EhoxqyIUMAALQQG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe Amor!

>> No.26176086 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 800x600, 1599869877050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176087

What's the point of Global? There's only 5 English Holos.

>> No.26176088
File: 116 KB, 850x601, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_hoshara__sample-606538816634e7812e382b6160a1a19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine snuggling with Tsunomaki

>> No.26176090
File: 349 KB, 1408x2048, 1303703302681456640_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*labored breathing*
*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
*tarzan yell*
*labored breathing*
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*ice rattling*
*labored breathing*
*page flip*
*gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp*
oh yes
*canon in d major*

>> No.26176089

with no survivors

>> No.26176091
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, watson smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty big. No room for splitfags though.

>> No.26176092
File: 249 KB, 496x593, 0a377fc12d6886982e90613764e10019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176130

Based shark.

>> No.26176093
File: 372 KB, 1428x2048, 687446133448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ménage à trois. Imagine.

>> No.26176094

I can't believe this anon snuck in a coded message saying "ayame has the AIDS virus", I hope yagoo shuts your ass down

>> No.26176095

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.26176097


>> No.26176099

>I don't want to post anything because who knows what the fuck they're going to think about it or believe is defamatory or whatever
what the fuck were you posting where that was even remotely a worry?

>> No.26176101

I want to smell her chair after 12 hours of sitting

>> No.26176104

Literally just fucking post about streams and events this isn't rocket science.

>> No.26176105
Quoted by: >>26176322

i want to kiss shien's neck!

>> No.26176106

I think if you are this stupid then you deserve it

>> No.26176107
Quoted by: >>26176143

This thread is a travesty.

>> No.26176108
Quoted by: >>26179130

Just preface all of your shitflinging with "5ch says".
>5ch says Towa is a whore.

Nobody threatens the messenger.

>> No.26176111
Quoted by: >>26176128

God i'm actually putting so much hope into at least ONE of the holoENs being decent. And i still think i'm going to end up dissapointed

>> No.26176112

why is luna so mean

>> No.26176113

I love Luna.

>> No.26176114
Quoted by: >>26176124

not holo

>> No.26176115

stop being a bitch they're not going to chase after some dumb jokes
have you considered just watching your favorite holo and having fun?

>> No.26176116

These threads are getting worse since the new meido took power...

>> No.26176119
File: 113 KB, 850x1200, __kurokami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_fuji_dorokai__sample-f5a3f47e1121bea022f62113f6c88a05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you

>> No.26176120
File: 166 KB, 389x496, 1599279482312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176175

>Make a sticky during the debuts
>go back to normal after

That's all there is to it. It's so fucking simple how has this been a debate point for weeks

>> No.26176123
File: 21 KB, 391x527, 1599240545748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176124

Gen 5 will always be 5 people...

>> No.26176125
Quoted by: >>26176161

for now

>> No.26176126
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, EhYntiwVkAAIgU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lunaito

>> No.26176127
Quoted by: >>26176167

I reported you to cover anon, I hope YAGOO gets your ass in court

>> No.26176128
Quoted by: >>26176148

Just be realistic dumbo

>> No.26176129

Minna, towafags.

>> No.26176130

Holy fuck

>> No.26176131
File: 441 KB, 825x1000, 1575862961246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176132
Quoted by: >>26176168

nene's voice control is so awesome

>> No.26176133
Quoted by: >>26176187

How ?
Yes !! What a shame.
Here. https://twitter.com/sakie52/status/1304484591919493120

>> No.26176134
File: 3.87 MB, 3000x3000, Eho80lQUcAE_vah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176135

I fucking hate spaghetti. You got a problem with that EEEEHHHH!?

>> No.26176136

the duck is too pure

>> No.26176137

Here's a (You). Enjoy it during this drought, retard.

>> No.26176138

Virtual Youtuber board

>> No.26176140
Quoted by: >>26176173

you're a sociopath and you deserve to be silenced

>> No.26176141
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Kanade_Izuru_-_Alt_Outfit_%283%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saviour of homostars.

>> No.26176143
File: 281 KB, 588x321, 1599379398465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Anon!

>> No.26176146

Very cool Jackal

>> No.26176147 [SPOILER] 
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1599870016378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176149

berry cool jackal

>> No.26176148
Quoted by: >>26176195

but i want to believe....

>> No.26176151


>> No.26176153

And what you gonna do about it faggot

>> No.26176155

i loved it when she bullied subaru in 7days to die

>> No.26176156
File: 596 KB, 605x600, 1599362351936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the sheep as much as I hate homos!

>> No.26176157


>> No.26176159
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 6648614668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176161
Quoted by: >>26176184


>> No.26176165

He'll be graduated by May.

>> No.26176166
File: 292 KB, 900x713, 1593043052460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176167

Like i said before i will beat yagoo and become the new CEO
first thing i will do is ban all eops and migrate them to HoloEN

>> No.26176168
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1598147880416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chat is 99% green
Nenechi is too powerful

>> No.26176170
Quoted by: >>26176220

>white supremacy
>uses a japanese woman as an op
sasuga, idiots

>> No.26176171

It's also a gulag for ID and CN

>> No.26176172
Quoted by: >>26176182


>> No.26176174

Lmao bossu
>oh red supahchat?

>> No.26176173

>don't want to be arrested for shitposting on a mongolian tapestryboard

>> No.26176175
Quoted by: >>26176190

>Make a sticky during the debuts
You want more happeningfags to appear or what?

>> No.26176177

why are her legs so muscular

>> No.26176178

>He's not watching Bossu while posting in the Bossu thread
couldn't be me

>> No.26176180
File: 1.26 MB, 2450x1451, 1596520153125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176247

yfw you will never have a son with Anemachi and let auntie Comet turn him into Hololive's shota toy

>> No.26176181

Because I would cum buckets if she could break the unbreakable idol.

>> No.26176182
Quoted by: >>26177895


>> No.26176183

I'm fucking breathless

>> No.26176184
Quoted by: >>26176208

She'll be back in three months once insurance pays out and she relocates somewhere safer out in the countryside.

>> No.26176187

Based. I already submitted after her return but I knew I'd get a nice pic of pits.

>> No.26176188


>> No.26176189


>> No.26176190 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26176227

Yes. Fuck /jp/niggers

>> No.26176191

just don't make death threats retard

>> No.26176192
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, aki-butt-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki bütt

>> No.26176193


>> No.26176195


>> No.26176196

this is post ring fit training

>> No.26176198

If you are worried you did some serious shit and I hope you get fucked

>> No.26176199


>> No.26176200

I don't like this separation.
Why the fuck do we have "global" holo thread?
What is so '/jp/' about that?
Just why are the mods allowing this?
These EOPs and SEAfags ruining the board...

>> No.26176201

Lunachads, I kneel to your artfags.

>> No.26176203


>> No.26176206


>> No.26176207
File: 2.86 MB, 3840x2160, meru-pitu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176208


>> No.26176209


>> No.26176210
Quoted by: >>26179023

Did Polka already liked this?

>> No.26176211

Did the sheepfags die?

>> No.26176212

She does 4 squats every couple of days.

>> No.26176214

So that's how she gets her overseas viewers...

>> No.26176215

i'm glad they did it if it means people like you are getting filtered

>> No.26176216

just post nice things then lmao

>> No.26176217

Strong start twasha

>> No.26176218
File: 170 KB, 269x573, beepbeep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this nigga doing?

>> No.26176219
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1599433868561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176220
Quoted by: >>26176254

That's what the fetish is about. Making girls from other races fall in love with white men.

>> No.26176223

How does Towa keep dying to the ring so often.

>> No.26176224

Towa loves Bob...

>> No.26176225


>> No.26176226

Penis onegai

>> No.26176227

kys then

>> No.26176228
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Rebirth - 20 (BSNTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_01.48_[2020.08.29_09.00.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176340

Who will be the next Holo to shill for Bushi?

>> No.26176229

Bob... had a hard life...

>> No.26176231
File: 903 KB, 1920x1080, 1590743081015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176310

>> No.26176232

I wish I was Bob.

>> No.26176233


>> No.26176234

If your fun is derived from harrassing others, you're a socipath
or maybe just a bully
and you obviously aren't going to get arrested for anything you say on 4chan

>> No.26176235

Bobbu put up a good fight.

>> No.26176236


>> No.26176237


>> No.26176238

RIP Bob.

>> No.26176239
Quoted by: >>26176336


>> No.26176240

playing mario kart

>> No.26176242

Crashing his kart with no survivors.

>> No.26176243

holy fuck I'm laughing, the thumbnail makes it

>> No.26176244

I love you Bob...

>> No.26176247

I just want to but a baby in her so she stops talking to her stuffed animals

>> No.26176248

why are you worried? if you are worried you didn't just shitpost

>> No.26176251

4chab has never been a democracy.
I also don't want to hear or read anything about HoloEN, CN, ID or Esp.

Not Japanese, fuck off out of this board.

>> No.26176250

Aloe... love...

>> No.26176252
File: 310 KB, 1462x1135, marine_exhibitionist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That day, I also forgot to bring my towel
>Or more like, I decided not to bring a towel with me!
>So I didn't bring one!
>So when I went to get a towel (NAKED)
>I glanced at my window
>and on that window I saw...
God damn it Subaru, you had me at half-chub.

>> No.26176253

He also streamed during the start of the last Sora 3D stream

>> No.26176254


>> No.26176257

No one watches the homos anyway.

>> No.26176259


>> No.26176260

still hard to believe we lost sex

>> No.26176263

Crashing this debut

>> No.26176264

Being a chad.

>> No.26176265
Quoted by: >>26176319

Funny that these kinds of posters had no problems with ID until just recently


>> No.26176266
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, AKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys ready for more KINO Uber eats?

>> No.26176267
File: 9 KB, 330x88, 1593717987796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176268

Bob is such a fucking chad

>> No.26176269

Bobbu kenzoku...

>> No.26176272
File: 2.19 MB, 1800x2500, __tokoyami_towa_and_bibi_hololive_drawn_by_len_cordova__3a87d2eb95b80b65dea10d771f5a2b9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176274

Bobbu, I kneel

>> No.26176276

the two worst HoloEn anyway

>> No.26176275
File: 622 KB, 600x706, risu delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176426

Tough shit faggot.

>> No.26176277
File: 544 KB, 2280x1018, 3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Cover is managed by hacks.

>> No.26176279
File: 39 KB, 128x128, 1597121406540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176349


>> No.26176280

Nna. - Colorised 1908

>> No.26176281
Quoted by: >>26176297

Are you me?

>> No.26176282


>> No.26176285
Quoted by: >>26176314

>If your fun is derived from harrassing others, you're a socipath

just a normal human being, we're all like this, some people just supress it better

>> No.26176286

>I don't care if everyone says I'm wrong, I CONTROL THIS BOARD

Actually take some meds bro holy shit

>> No.26176288
File: 227 KB, 1051x1287, 1587541557630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura was made for cuddles and kisses

>> No.26176289
File: 82 KB, 1467x827, EhOIykmUwAAbtDc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say the N-word

>> No.26176291
File: 2.09 MB, 2508x3541, 05B37BD6-5357-4533-B4CA-A7F086D96BBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176333

>bossu was an exchange student(?) in New Zealand

>> No.26176290

>Ks*n does offline streaming events for Mildom
She really never left her NicoNico past life did she

>> No.26176293
Quoted by: >>26176324

I hope someone from here gets in.

>> No.26176297
File: 892 KB, 617x685, file (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176298

lmao fucking shien is doing it again

>> No.26176300
File: 955 KB, 3343x3241, cc91c9c27ed58ce83399e2968a184d54f24b75be1117dd4fefa3a66c5eda35db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176674

I really like Amane Kanata!
I really like when she wants to win at a video game and tries to get better!

>> No.26176299


>> No.26176302
File: 523 KB, 1515x1333, b063c776bbe7a6633063a1828a6d56e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine manhandling her tiny body...

>> No.26176303


>> No.26176304

No one cares about the homos

>> No.26176305

>top left corner
sasuga senzawa

>> No.26176306
File: 172 KB, 343x349, 1599637775625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa family known for not doing their apex reps

>> No.26176308
Quoted by: >>26176341

Shuba soon

>> No.26176307

and cumflation

>> No.26176310

You weren't supposed to point that out...

>> No.26176311
File: 313 KB, 478x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take this shark to the countryside!

>> No.26176313


>> No.26176314
Quoted by: >>26176326

>just a normal human being, we're all like this
no we aren't, you're trying to normalize your socipathic behaviour

>> No.26176316


>> No.26176317
Quoted by: >>26176331

the split is stupid

>> No.26176319

They're always here, became more vocal because EN give them ammo.

>> No.26176320
File: 6 KB, 185x128, 2020-09-11 182737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kneel bob

now i want to see the reaction.

>> No.26176321

>senzawa is the only person that references this extremely popular meme
Come on now

>> No.26176322
Quoted by: >>26177371

what about Miyabi?

>> No.26176323
File: 887 KB, 1000x1406, 1599245383957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176324
Quoted by: >>26176332

I missed the window to add Towa on Origin. Wonder if she will check it later.

>> No.26176325
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1590416662018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176326

It's just life anon, everyone feels a little happy when they see others suffer, because we're not them.

>> No.26176328

Why is she trying to blow up a balloon?

>> No.26176329

It has nothing to do with harassment. The harassment is the actual thing that needs to be dealt with. The statement from Cover is completely wide open though it doesn't just say they're going to sue people who made death threats. Every single person on here who has roommate posted or replied to a roommate poster or even said something that they aren't going to understand because they're Japanese and don't speak English very well is at risk.

>> No.26176331

At least the retarded janitor stopped deleting stuff.

>> No.26176332

She'll add some more people midway.

>> No.26176333
Quoted by: >>26176378

Did he say that in the stream?

>> No.26176335
File: 1.19 MB, 1274x925, 1599870483105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Executing Towa by firing squad!

>> No.26176336
Quoted by: >>26176357

Better range, but weaker control, she's all over the place. Nene is like a pro, she hits this shit perfectly, she just needs a stronger voice.

>> No.26176338



>> No.26176339

Dumb inaka midget.

>> No.26176340

>he doesn't know

>> No.26176341

Will she be using her regular voice? I wish that asmr stream with choco went on for another hour.

>> No.26176343
File: 96 KB, 288x302, 1599683170027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176344


>> No.26176346

They're too busy sueing people for silly iceberg narrative posting.

>> No.26176349
File: 36 KB, 112x112, gentle pet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176348

Absolutely based

>> No.26176350
File: 16 KB, 314x177, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single person on here who has roommate posted or replied to a roommate poster or even said something that they aren't going to understand because they're Japanese and don't speak English very well is at risk.

>> No.26176351

I like how Towa uses some English when playing with the international kenzoku.

>> No.26176356


I hope the fans ruin the life of every single anti faggot.

When Cover sue them in court, they will be named. And then, it's game over.

>> No.26176357

Nene? Who gives a fuck about Nene?

>> No.26176359
File: 305 KB, 615x827, 1599445948234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176444

Twapi is extra cute today

>> No.26176361
Quoted by: >>26176424

If she's not Senzawa, I'll track both of you.

>> No.26176362

>You really think that

>> No.26176364
Quoted by: >>26176588

I do...

>> No.26176365

I hate SEAniggers but this one is pretty based.

>> No.26176367
File: 205 KB, 655x800, 1599420851577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176370
Quoted by: >>26176389

>everyone feels a little happy when they see others suffer
no they don't

>> No.26176371
File: 385 KB, 590x791, f066rwcqv5k51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch told me Aloe is coming back this month...

>> No.26176373

Anybody waiting on the new 3080?

>> No.26176372

I want to play Luna video game where she is the final boss and her royal guard is Ultra Instinct Tony Hawk and SSJ God Blue Begeta

>> No.26176374
File: 77 KB, 399x500, 1597806605097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176376

Are people actually retarded enough to believe Cover is competent enough to do anything of relevance legally?

>> No.26176377
Quoted by: >>26176395

Are you really going to imply that she isn't senzawa? If so, please say in a screenshottable post the following: Gura is NOT senzawa, retards. Screenshot this post.

>> No.26176378

Yeah he was talking about his experiences in “home stay” a bit

>> No.26176379
File: 396 KB, 1880x2210, 1599000478774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176437

Holos and their manager actually manually review the video before re-upping it according to Roboco. That's why it's taking so long.

>> No.26176380
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1599855367510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlg/ is one person, and that person is me
Seems like you should be the one taking your meds peko.

>> No.26176381
Quoted by: >>26176425

Trying to decide between FE and AIB

>> No.26176382

what the fuck are you even doing...

>> No.26176383

nenechi! aru ok?

>> No.26176385
File: 299 KB, 646x573, 1598740151906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176588

The pride of gen5

>> No.26176386

Noel is gonna spend the next two hours fighting against a Lynel..

>> No.26176387
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1592880739121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single person on here who has roommate posted or replied to a roommate poster or even said something that they aren't going to understand because they're Japanese and don't speak English very well is at risk.

>> No.26176388
Quoted by: >>26176450

i love how the guy replied with another 50 saying that he is his favorite youtuber
Bossu's reaction was adorable

>> No.26176390
File: 574 KB, 1890x1417, 1598408698726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me the true is miko coming back?

>> No.26176389

It's okay to deny it anon, when you get older you'll realize what I mean. It's just a normal reaction when you see others being in pain. You're happy that you're not them.

>> No.26176395


>> No.26176400
File: 179 KB, 428x391, 1598037910303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe don't tell people to kill themselves and accuse them of being prostitutes?
If this is so hard for you then maybe you should seek psychiatric help and explain why you're a sociopath who can't help but try to ruin other people's lives "for fun"

I didn't realize talking about literally streams of cute girls was such a daunting task

>> No.26176402

why is she crying?

>> No.26176404

Just throw a "YAGOO best girl!!!111!" ironic meme and they stay happy

>> No.26176405

We may never know...

>> No.26176406


>> No.26176408
Quoted by: >>26176588

She is the only good one in 5th gen.

>> No.26176410
Quoted by: >>26176542

>he doesn't care about the protagonist of gen 5

>> No.26176411
Quoted by: >>26176446

Famili cluching just to impress Towa.

>> No.26176412
File: 174 KB, 996x996, 1599823261458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this little bun so much

>> No.26176413

i am 100% convinced he does this on purpose

>> No.26176414

Or you can feel empathy if you aren't a disgusting misanthrope governed by anger and jealousy

>> No.26176416
File: 389 KB, 890x783, EhkyEDXWsAABa-T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176417
Quoted by: >>26176565

senzawa has more than any holo on youtube and she doesn't upload jackshit from what I can see
where does this narrative come from

>> No.26176419
File: 374 KB, 1280x720, 1598093143791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176420

It's gonna be fine, just be yourself!

>> No.26176421
File: 665 KB, 1104x795, 1587191555838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176452

does she eat ass?

>> No.26176423

Well here it comes boy the lynel endurance stream

>> No.26176424

So we have narratives for Gawr, Mori, and Watson.
Any guesses for chicken and squid yet?

>> No.26176425

I'm waiting to hear how the noise is on the FE. Worried about the fact it's half blower.

I'm actually kind of disappointed this is fake

>> No.26176426
Quoted by: >>26176496

No anon, tough shit for you, meidos enabled the split. It's only time till their enforce it.
Literally doing the same thing he is doing.

>> No.26176427

But I want Ayame to be as miserable as I am

>> No.26176428

It probably isn't but it would be pretty funny if people called it months ago just cause she tweeted at risu

>> No.26176429
File: 154 KB, 621x928, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the ENs seem fine to me except chicken

Do the ENs have managers? She should get a quick chat from hers

>> No.26176432
Quoted by: >>26176519

Watching Towa. I'm sorry.

>> No.26176433

my bossu feet posting is going to get me sued by cover!

>> No.26176435

This isn't reddit anon, you don't need to psychoanalyze randoms

>> No.26176437

Marine also said that one of her PekoMari collabs had higher priority at her request.

>> No.26176438

Don't worry, Crunchyroll is backing them up.

>> No.26176440
File: 72 KB, 222x264, 1597242765745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying dumb shit on a place no one cares about
>ruining lives
Stop being retarded anon. People who actually harass roommates are the problem

>> No.26176443
File: 67 KB, 684x540, 1598876174559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176494

Aloe is never coming back

>> No.26176444
File: 261 KB, 2462x1384, 1595156222352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176445


>> No.26176446
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 1595981527641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176461

Everyone has done their reps this time.

>> No.26176448

Empathy is a jewish invention

>> No.26176450

This stream was a rollercoaster for real
I love how the japs from time to time translate eop comments to Shien

>> No.26176452

yes she is the rimming prostate massager of holoen

>> No.26176453

Fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.26176454

>Every single person on here who has roommate posted or replied to a roommate poster or even said something that they aren't going to understand because they're Japanese and don't speak English very well is at risk
You're fucking dumb, I've had youtube recomend me roommate videos with hundreds of thousands of views. You think Cover is gonna track everyone who watched or interacted with those and send them to a working camp. Just don't make death threats, start harrasement campaign or purposefully spread harmful information. No one is gonna care if you say something like "haha Aqua is dumb", but if you go around trying to convince people she's a criminal or a whore or something then you might be in trouble. Just don't be a cunt.

>> No.26176455

Incredibly based.

>> No.26176456
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1599583460165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we actually being raided by redditors?
This is getting depressing peko

>> No.26176457

They have. It was one of the jobs request Cover made months ago.
Chicken is just cringe.

>> No.26176460

She's already done 2 piano streams since then.

>> No.26176461

>Everyone has done their reps
except roboco

>> No.26176466
File: 87 KB, 336x350, 1593955505192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe autism powered vehicle

>> No.26176469
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1598904751035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except chicken
I hate chicken so much, she's trying way too hard to be lol so randumb

>> No.26176471

Ok, seriously though, what the hell is uber eats?

>> No.26176472
File: 999 KB, 1222x965, 1599870916587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176548

Discovering the horrors of war with Towa!

>> No.26176473

I forgot all about her after she spent 2 weeks in the hospital.

>> No.26176474

I'm waiting to see how the FE are and EVGA cards. Never buying Asus again after I had to RMA my 1080 ti.

>> No.26176475
Quoted by: >>26176535


yes, the anti faggots attacked an employee and their brand, and the antis deserve to suffer.

let's see what happens when they are named in court. boy, it would be a shame if people ruined their life!

>> No.26176476

wtf i love cover now

>> No.26176477
File: 414 KB, 1823x2370, 1585980012922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl confirmed

>> No.26176478

It's not a raid nousagi. They're always here

>> No.26176479


>> No.26176480

The only people that kept posting on this board past 2015 are from there.

>> No.26176481 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 554x640, 1599871020805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176482
File: 125 KB, 654x788, 1596655396509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176497


>> No.26176483

Noel is streaming and you faggots are talking about holostars.

>> No.26176484
Quoted by: >>26176506

I can totally empathize with wanting to see other people fail or suffer. I guess I'm with good company, shame that you're alone.

>> No.26176485
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593839509780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176591


>> No.26176486

Akai Haato card will burn Australia again

>> No.26176487

theyve been here for months newfag

>> No.26176488

I do.

>> No.26176490
File: 668 KB, 1536x2048, 1599446752972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better artist than korone and civia mama

>> No.26176492
Quoted by: >>26176501

damn those kenzokus really doing their apex reps

>> No.26176494
File: 213 KB, 325x555, 1598901032427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176496
File: 502 KB, 499x573, risu smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176526

>t-t-t-they're going to enforce the split any day now
Seethe and cope. I'm posting hololives in the hololive thread until they make a new board. Kill yourself splitfag.

>> No.26176497

different filesizes, if that's what you're wondering

>> No.26176499

Is he right anons, holoEN should do the purity play to?

>> No.26176500

Towa you useless fuck

>> No.26176501
Quoted by: >>26176573

unlike Towa

>> No.26176502 [DELETED] 

>Youtube recommends me a video by Noel's roommate
>it has 2.8 million views

>> No.26176504

Towa getting carried

>> No.26176506
Quoted by: >>26176646

>I guess I'm with good company
You aren't
They'll just as easily laugh at you when you suffer, you'll always be alone, pretending that everyone else is a sociopath like you doesn't change that

>> No.26176507

Does this thread have a theme for it's descent into madness?

>> No.26176508


>> No.26176510

Noel getting destroyed by a Lynel!

>> No.26176512

You know those types of girls that just blurt out random shit to be funny? She's going to be one of those. I can already tell.

>> No.26176515
Quoted by: >>26176602

How older? I will be 32 in two months, never been like that ever since I stopped browsing /v/ a decade ago.

>> No.26176517
Quoted by: >>26176588

I don't

>> No.26176519

Message Towa, nigga.

>> No.26176520
File: 55 KB, 538x550, 123122132133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa don't hit her please

>> No.26176521
Quoted by: >>26176534

>rimming prostate massager
please don't tempt me

>> No.26176522
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1595722188830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176526
File: 292 KB, 800x800, 1595341686215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED nutter

>> No.26176527

Fucking hell she really went head on against it

>> No.26176528

based, holostar should be leave alone without any english influence, just let jap fujos grown their own cult if they want.

>> No.26176529

>western women
I am laughing uncontrollably as type those whom quotes.

>> No.26176530

Holy shit Danchou has a million health items, did she grind them off-stream or what?

>> No.26176531
Quoted by: >>26176559

I feel we need to put "spork" in the bingo card for her debut.

>> No.26176533
File: 2.72 MB, 540x304, 1571295960937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love shark now

>> No.26176534
Quoted by: >>26176556

whatever you're going to do, do it
take that little shark tongue

>> No.26176535

>antis get taken to court
>they manage to prove beyond a doubt that Towa is in fact a whore

>> No.26176536

of course

>> No.26176542

>KILLED aloe

>> No.26176545

Some people aren't sadistic to any degree. Not my case though.

>> No.26176546
File: 284 KB, 1440x1200, IMG_20200901_231233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 11 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I will always remember her


>> No.26176548
File: 90 KB, 1200x611, 1597398328862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The friends we lost along the way...

>> No.26176549


>> No.26176550
File: 116 KB, 534x248, 1599855196336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Watson suck my dick to calm you down

>> No.26176552

>get hit
>open menu
>eat a billion thing
>full life

God how overrated that game is. Ruined the franchise.

>> No.26176555

Nose... no...

>> No.26176556

I wish I never went down the road of prostate massage, there's no way back now.

>> No.26176559
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, aklg260xkbm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro where the fuck are the EN debut bingo cards hook me up

>> No.26176560

antiheroes and flawed protagonists are kino

>> No.26176561
Quoted by: >>26176586


once they are named publicly their life is over.

and that's the perfect outcome for an anti.

>> No.26176563

Was part of her character arc, she'll grow because of it.

>> No.26176565

What the fuck do subs matter in any of this?
There's other vtubers with silly numbers of subs and not even remotely close to a schedule, a video or anything for long periods.
Subs are LITERALLY WORTHLESS. Stop thinking it means shit. Some of the homos make more in superchats than most indies COMBINED.
Think about that. Crushing isn't it?

>> No.26176567

Why do most Japanese video games have a system where you can completely pause the game and use a million fucking healing items completely trivializing the difficulty

>> No.26176568
Quoted by: >>26176633


>> No.26176571
File: 43 KB, 527x497, 6807D6BC-87BE-4D63-9E4F-A103B84334DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that crazy rabbit.

>> No.26176572

I miss her so much

>> No.26176573

Towa's been getting pretty good since her last Endurance.
She's still an overaggressive idiot, but that can't be helped.

>> No.26176574


>> No.26176575

She picks up everything that's in her reach and she really likes cooking in the game

>> No.26176576


>> No.26176579
Quoted by: >>26176654

>any 3d zelda game in the history of the franchise

I know the game makes you seethe /v/ but as usual your board knows nothing about videogames

>> No.26176580

>blue eyes
the most boring combination, as plain as vanilla ice cream...

>> No.26176582

A raid implies they will leave afterwards. This is an invasion.

>> No.26176583
File: 3.25 MB, 1462x1144, f201dd6557a6840a4a51bb41a128482d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176586

It's cute you think this.

>> No.26176587

I know what you mean but you need to review what you are posting, if you feel a huge to defame some vtuber just because some retard keeps saying "THE DOG IS PURE XDD", then you're fucked and will never have fun again, indeed.

>> No.26176588


>> No.26176591
Quoted by: >>26176610

I don't even remember what size her eyes were originally anymore...

>> No.26176593

Why does noel have so much food? Did she have a botw cooking stream?

>> No.26176594

To make you spend more hours playing the game grinding health items and money to buy them, to extend the game duration for casuals.

>> No.26176596
File: 327 KB, 531x486, 1597500094606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> most Japanese video games
Untrue. Also it's apparently okay when dragon's dogma does it cause everyone loved that shit

>> No.26176597

http://poal.me/x4buyx (embed)
http://poal.me/vdsw7w (embed)
Choose /hlg/

>> No.26176598
File: 1.14 MB, 964x871, 11-082003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, which gake is that?

>> No.26176599
Quoted by: >>26176621

Because they're about enjoyment and not artificial difficulty

>> No.26176601

Fuck off Matsuri

>> No.26176602

you have to be at least 21-years-old to comprehend his pain, please understand

>> No.26176604

very /v/ of you, now please go back

>> No.26176606
Quoted by: >>26176624


>anti named in court

>fans get their name

>fans ruin anti's life as they tried to ruin others

it's great.

>> No.26176608

imagine how soft those little thighs are

>> No.26176609

It really is kinda shit
I dunno how so many people can be fine with shit in this game...

>> No.26176611


>> No.26176610
File: 104 KB, 408x453, 1598904967888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176675


>> No.26176613
Quoted by: >>26176641


>> No.26176612


>> No.26176614


>> No.26176615
Quoted by: >>26176696

literally no different from opening the pause menu in OoT/MM selecting a potion or whatever shit in your empty bottle, unpausing the game, drinking the potion which stops everything from moving in general

>> No.26176616
File: 145 KB, 300x439, 1595524551694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176617
File: 3.40 MB, 1334x750, B96B678F-7C92-4FF7-B924-0214FD9834E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176650

Shouldn’t Towa be learning English given her fanbase?

>> No.26176618


>> No.26176619

bro why are EN debuting so early in the morning!!

>> No.26176621

What if I enjoy a challenge instead of Press A to Win?

>> No.26176622
File: 35 KB, 640x640, EbndtkvU8AU27mO1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176623

Kenzoku tsuyooooooo

>> No.26176624

>Anti gets called a nigger on twitter a bunch of times
>Continues to live life as usual

>> No.26176625
File: 622 KB, 800x800, 9F54BE50-8205-4F72-9147-2D3E7A041322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176626

Already champion! Kenzoku have been doing their reps.

>> No.26176627
File: 500 KB, 557x720, 1599588039578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame was right all along

>> No.26176628

The family came through!!!

>> No.26176629

How long before one of them streams Digimon World 1?

>> No.26176630
Quoted by: >>26176664

Towa getting CARRIED

>> No.26176631

Family they did it!

>> No.26176633


>> No.26176632

0 kills 0 assists Champion

>> No.26176636
File: 1.24 MB, 480x480, Towraith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176637


>> No.26176638
Quoted by: >>26176721


nah, you have no idea how obsessed some Japs are over their idols.

>> No.26176640

>style transitioned perfectly into 3D
I can't

>> No.26176641


>> No.26176642
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, __himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_kanzaki_hiro__d2fc979c84760a6ceaf030578b344c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176643


>> No.26176644


>> No.26176645

Predict which holoEN will be used most as reaction images here.
I say Watson

>> No.26176646

Trying to have emotions for (fictional) people you never met or will ever meet is more pathetic and insular.

>> No.26176647


>> No.26176648

Fuck stop being good at apex I want to play when I get home!

>> No.26176651

>actually laughed at a "brrrrr" meme
i'd hate myself if it wasn't a bossu meme

>> No.26176650
Quoted by: >>26176685

Towa is learning English!

>> No.26176653

I have been away for a few months, is there a news on the tree rat's cover video yet?

>> No.26176654

I never said it needed to be hard though.
It's just one thing out of the shit ton of thing that botw does wrong.
Open world game are a huge meme and botw is no different, it literally has the same flaws as all the other ow but it gets a pass because it's ok when nintendo does it apparently.

>> No.26176655
Quoted by: >>26176693

Then play one of the games with "challenge" aka just memorizing boss fights and pressing the dodge button.

>> No.26176656

Not in Japan.

>> No.26176658

Because the first too are weebs who moved to Japan

>> No.26176659
File: 1.04 MB, 1249x699, 1586587774623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzoku did their reps this time

>> No.26176661

Then you just don't use healing items.

>> No.26176662

I was just speaking under the assumption that they already exist, I've not really been paying too much attention to the buxx around HoloEN so far, I have little faith that they're worth watching.

>> No.26176664
File: 215 KB, 1180x1200, 1591240183726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the towa way

>> No.26176665
Quoted by: >>26176708

Normal people don't need to "try" to have emotions, it comes naturally

>> No.26176666
Quoted by: >>26178156


>> No.26176668

Gonna order a custom controller for Noel that doesn't let you click in the sticks because holy fuck.

>> No.26176669

They could be working in the permissions as we speak, but don't expect it for at least another 4 months.

>> No.26176670
File: 21 KB, 400x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20,000 copper?
What MMORPG is this currency from?

>> No.26176671

i'm doing my dbd reps to impress temma. one day i'll join holostars en to date him!

>> No.26176674
File: 770 KB, 1637x1158, Ed1J8PsUcAAnToa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the game literally refusing to let her play stopped her. Honestly I couldn't have asked for more, I spent the whole day watching Kanatan, that alone is a miracle. She obviously wanted to play again and she was reading the chat a lot. I just hope she is sleeping right now and not trying to find a match still. I love this Tenshi so much.

>> No.26176673

Dude, he got you. Just take the L

>> No.26176675


>> No.26176676

can't wait for them to fuck up their sleeping schedules and stream during jp primetime anyway...

>> No.26176677
Quoted by: >>26176720

That's suppose to be rare? I always had maximum items.

>> No.26176678

Those mechanics aren't obligatory you can skip them is you don't like them

>> No.26176680

as delicious too

>> No.26176681
File: 162 KB, 381x409, 1597559575972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176714

Carrying Towa!

>> No.26176682

Noel is still crouching instead of running huh

>> No.26176683

So what, pizza dad was fighting Higgs during Towa's 3D.

>> No.26176685

not fast enough... shes gonna lose all her appeal once EN debuts

>> No.26176687
Quoted by: >>26176748

To become a holo, do I have to first have a Live2D model, or just a streaming background?

Also, do you think they'd take a Belgian?

I'm sure they don't mind what we did to Africa.

>> No.26176691

i guess all the girls get at least one

>> No.26176692
File: 159 KB, 303x275, 1599667892160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best combination

>> No.26176693

So the only games that exist in your shitty no-challenge JRPGs and Dark Souls?

>> No.26176696


>> No.26176697

20,000 and still yellow, i...feel pity

>> No.26176698

Croatian pekos

>> No.26176701

drug moni

>> No.26176702

Colombian Pesos

>> No.26176703

>not donating in iron

>> No.26176704

Does anyone have a full version of that Christmas picture?

>> No.26176705

It's literally your average Zelda game.

>> No.26176706


>> No.26176707


>> No.26176708
Quoted by: >>26176775

To be fair there's also the case of lonely men feeling emotional for these women because they haven't experienced real love. It's a desperation more than anything.

>> No.26176709

>You really think they would just do that

>> No.26176711


>> No.26176713


>> No.26176714

Sio your wife is becoming menhera again

>> No.26176715

Why doesn't Noel play the superior PC version?

>> No.26176716

Unironically this

>> No.26176720
Quoted by: >>26176806

The amount of cooked food she has is fine, but even I wouldn't be autistic enough to pick up 150+ apples. That's more than just picking up ones you find laying around.

>> No.26176721
Quoted by: >>26176728

Just what antis deserve to get unleashed on them.

>> No.26176724
Quoted by: >>26176788

are you the thread schyzo?

>> No.26176725

I like blondes and vanilla, even vanilla doujins, something is wrong with me

>> No.26176726

>just don't collect the healing items
>just don't use the heal feature

>> No.26176727
File: 2.79 MB, 4096x4073, Ehpe2yTUYAA-H73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as there are no blacks in hololive ill be happy

>> No.26176728


yep, live by the sword, die by the sword. I hope they are worse than they were to aloe.

>> No.26176729
Quoted by: >>26176762

how many hours will this towa stream last? i say 4 hours

>> No.26176730
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1599775713185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176731

Is that Hatsune Miku?

>> No.26176732
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1597858072820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown hair and green eyes is the real winner

>> No.26176733

Pablo Escobar Pesos

>> No.26176735

Because you haven’t lurked enough before posting

>> No.26176737

Then play a fighting game instead of Zelda.

>> No.26176738

Why do you want to see her jailed?

>> No.26176739
File: 3.27 MB, 1800x2341, 1574553605788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roughly 35kg
Imagine how fun would it be to manhandle her tiny body.
I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.

>> No.26176740

worth about 571 Yen ...

>> No.26176741


>> No.26176743

$5.39 worth of Columbian Pesos

>> No.26176744
Quoted by: >>26176755

Sakura Miko died and hololive is still searching for someone with a similar voice to replace her.

>> No.26176747


>> No.26176748

In case you're serious, the Live2D/phone/app is provided by Cover. You need to have streaming experience

>> No.26176750
File: 153 KB, 283x423, 1588331405293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176779

>OhaSuba with Choco
This is just a gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.26176751

for me, it's pale skin + raven black hair + green eyes

>> No.26176752

I don't think nintendo will allow that

>> No.26176753

Aloe please come back...

>> No.26176754
Quoted by: >>26176861

I thought this was the hololive thread, not the linkin park general, where do all you edgy kids come from

>> No.26176755


>> No.26176756

Yeah >>26176642
Kuroboshi and Rurudo too

>> No.26176758
File: 94 KB, 416x430, FF4DB7DA-C4C3-4CD3-9B2C-292138210F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176759

Join the party, Nose...

>> No.26176760

You won't get hired in Japan if you have a history like that.

>> No.26176762

I would kneel if they could get 25 kills an hour and 3 champions.

>> No.26176764
Quoted by: >>26176816


>> No.26176767
File: 665 KB, 931x1265, 1599871739869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Committing atrocities with Towa!

>> No.26176769

Boss gone, what watch?

>> No.26176770
Quoted by: >>26178151

Gen 6 for sure r-right...?

>> No.26176771
Quoted by: >>26176796

How many Venezuela money is a red SC?

>> No.26176772

pikamee is fat

>> No.26176773
Quoted by: >>26177601

Why are the holoEN designs so soulless? The shark is the only good one.

>> No.26176774

isnt that the main character from that shitty harry potter fanfiction

>> No.26176775
Quoted by: >>26176792

And then there's a stupid appeal to empathy for people on the internet.

>> No.26176776

I've away for a week, where threads too fast that you had to separate JP from global?

>> No.26176777

noel has cooked more food in botw then me and i have finished it twice

>> No.26176779
File: 451 KB, 508x550, 1593380275020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy it was great

>> No.26176780


>> No.26176781


>> No.26176782

Korone has streamed it if you didn't know. It's up on the archive if you want to watch it.

>> No.26176783
Quoted by: >>26176826


La laion!???

>> No.26176784

A colombianiki

>> No.26176785
File: 919 KB, 1057x1500, 2020-05-16_EYIgeGmUYAEi-AR_@fuka_hire_-_フカヒレ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176830

Her drawings of other Holos are so nice they piss me off.

>> No.26176786

No, actually. This thread hasn't really slowed at all after the split, it seems to be more of a pre-emptive thing with holoEN around the corner

>> No.26176788


>> No.26176790
Quoted by: >>26176811

To be honest, you need a high IQ to understand My Inmortal

>> No.26176791

Tokoyami "nanjing deserved it" Towa

>> No.26176792

>being on the internet automatically means you're a sociopath
this isn't /pol/

>> No.26176793
File: 12 KB, 217x201, 1597331609464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame minecraft streams are comfy!

>> No.26176794


>> No.26176796

Isn't YouTube banned in venezuela?

>> No.26176797


>> No.26176798

I'd hate to be an anti in the near future in Japan, antis that stand out will be stalked by anti-antis as soon as they're exposed. Real fanatics will always be more dangerous than the ones just don't like something and are seething in their room alone.

The spotlight on them is getting brighter and brighter as the incidents continue to pile up, and it only takes one guy to decide he'd prefer to take a fall over letting his oshi get poisoned or stabbed while she goes out shopping.

>> No.26176800 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 747x517, 1599871968214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176802
File: 168 KB, 1155x1768, 1595184625181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176943

The only person Towa could hurt would be herself.

>> No.26176803
File: 9 KB, 198x255, chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176838

mogu mogu mogu

>> No.26176804

yaay danchou

>> No.26176806
Quoted by: >>26176835

??? I always had the maximum amount of apples on me. My link's diet consisted almost entirely on apple pies.
200 was the maximum per type of item right? I forgot.

>> No.26176808
File: 9 KB, 378x310, indogslmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176908

it's not that bad

>> No.26176809
File: 618 KB, 1152x2048, EfMNlrEU8AAx97I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176818


>> No.26176810

Danchou actually did it

>> No.26176812
File: 591 KB, 1972x1972, IMG_20200911_175240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176827

Cute and fat sheep

>> No.26176811
Quoted by: >>26176821

Wasn’t my immortal the bleach one?

>> No.26176813
Quoted by: >>26176819

Towa's English...

>> No.26176816
File: 999 KB, 850x1202, 1596407343422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176833

flare isnt black...

>> No.26176817

Yeah, and tomorrow will be worse. I expect bans as people won't respect the split and there will be dedicated people calling the jannies to clean the mess.

>> No.26176818

I like Okayu but this song is pretty boring.

>> No.26176819


>> No.26176821

No idea if there's a beach one with that name, but the infamous shitty HP one was named like that

>> No.26176823

Noel is gonna be crouching against Ganon.

>> No.26176822


>> No.26176824
File: 75 KB, 680x481, EgahDhTUMAU8ZfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/92pRbco8wdM Morning Subaru
https://youtu.be/4ia6LsUbaZc Morning Rikka

>> No.26176825

Maringo has been avenged, kinda

>> No.26176826

That's pretty hilarious.

>> No.26176827

fuwa fuwa

>> No.26176828

Just wait until burguers start complaining about no multicultural vtubers

>> No.26176829

I can back up that it's her but I don't wanna get banned again if I posted a picture of who's following who.

>> No.26176830
Quoted by: >>26177019


>> No.26176831

What is he's saying is that it's not normal to develop feelings for someone in the way reddit and part of this thread does. Nothing to do with being a sociopath. It's just a lack of emotional intelligence, probably caused by lack of real life interaction.

>> No.26176833

>Noel got to lick up enough sweat off of this to get a headache

>> No.26176835
Quoted by: >>26176924

I guess it's different playstyles. I always ate food with yellow hearts and had the lowest max red health and maxed my stamina with all my orbs. That's why I usually didn't pick up smaller health items you can't cook to give yellow health.

>> No.26176836
File: 29 KB, 395x336, 1599664224036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26176837

>reading senzawa's twitter
>she seems cute
>she might be shark
>but also maybe not
>she links her twitch in a tweet in june for a stream
>curious about her stream persona so i check it
>everything looks like it was purged
>no vods
>no clips
>even tried to go to a third party site to find something from her twitch streams and couldn't turn up anything

>> No.26176838
File: 739 KB, 1476x1329, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never once felt this great unbearable urge to shag a sheep. Until i met this one.

>> No.26176839
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.26176840
Quoted by: >>26176864

I'll repeat myself again: you're confusing fictional personas and anonymous comments on a Japanese image board as real people.

>> No.26176842

>a 4chan thread is riddled with white supremacists
why am i not surprised

>> No.26176843

Rikka looks really excited

>> No.26176845
File: 442 KB, 2756x2067, 1591426296709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176925

sopa de sheep

>> No.26176846
File: 85 KB, 228x192, 1544174607253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176849
File: 3.27 MB, 2300x3221, 1599461664885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176859

Name something with more SOUL

>> No.26176848
Quoted by: >>26176873

Doesn't twitch automatically delete vods after 6 months?

>> No.26176854

I can’t take the homo relay

>> No.26176856
File: 333 KB, 1312x2048, IMG_20200910_230744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo would you like to beat up first?

>> No.26176858


>> No.26176859


>> No.26176860

Indeed, why not go back?

>> No.26176861
Quoted by: >>26177753

4chan(nel) is known by the masses as the cool edgy secret club.

>> No.26176864
Quoted by: >>26177085

vtubers and anonymous posters are real human beings

>> No.26176866
Quoted by: >>26176879

Twitch automatically deletes stuff after a certain amount of time, big reason why it's a joke of a website.

>> No.26176868

Not really.

>> No.26176869


Who is this singer? Are you sure she's in hololive?

>> No.26176871

what if I'm black?

>> No.26176872
Quoted by: >>26176893


In that order

>> No.26176873

Her last stream was June 23rd of this year. That was less than 3 months ago. Also if there were any clips they would have a MUCH longer shelf life...

>> No.26176875
Quoted by: >>26176885


>> No.26176876
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1597592668335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer Subaru's voice or Towa's bros?

>> No.26176877

im already black

>> No.26176878

>isnt that the main character from that shitty harry potter fanfiction
uhh i dont get it

>> No.26176879

twitch isn't youtube, it's a live streaming platform

>> No.26176882
Quoted by: >>26176885


>> No.26176883
Quoted by: >>26176892


>> No.26176885


>> No.26176886

Shuba shuba shuba

>> No.26176888
Quoted by: >>26177927

Her voice its pretty nice, after watching nyanners im pretty scared her voice makes me cringe

>> No.26176890
File: 99 KB, 827x1488, 1599352547031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176892

That's from Haato, Haato graduated

>> No.26176893

do NOT beat up my retarded daughter

>> No.26176894
Quoted by: >>26177127

you cant delete someones clips of you, its a big problem right now, actually. i

>> No.26176896

not me

>> No.26176897

Im black and im fine with it.

>> No.26176900


>> No.26176901

>Aqua at 669k
>Peko at 670k

Congrats on top 3 Pekora.

>> No.26176902

this bitch definitely has herpes

>> No.26176903
Quoted by: >>26176921

Nah, White Hair + Pale Skin + Red or Purple eyes is the true patrician's choice

>> No.26176904

I prefer pekora's heavenly voice peko

>> No.26176905

All of Artia's VODs from over 2 months ago are gone too anon.

>> No.26176908

damn, even worse than ars

>> No.26176913
File: 51 KB, 1024x683, 1598920803784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stream

>> No.26176914
File: 306 KB, 1200x1076, 1598905092061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176938

Aqua got fucking slapped in front of Yagoo

>> No.26176915
File: 295 KB, 379x428, 1599498569182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176922

>> No.26176916

>talking with participants
>wholesome chat

>> No.26176918


>> No.26176921
Quoted by: >>26176944

>White Hair
so you like grannies?

>> No.26176922
Quoted by: >>26176934

Towa is

>> No.26176924

I have said this before during a Noel stream.
I played the entire game with 3 hearts, I didn't need to make an easy as fuck game even easier, I only reached 10 hearts after I found the master sword, and then I spoke with the demon statue to remove all my health again.

Because of my low health, food that only heals you one or two hearts at a time were good enough. So apple pies and apples was what I ate the most. The rest was just filler for the times I fought those centaurs.

So yeah, you're right. It depends on your playstyle I guess. I found the game had a defense stat, so I just increased my defense instead of my hearts.

>> No.26176925
Quoted by: >>26176935

uma delicia

>> No.26176926



>> No.26176930
Quoted by: >>26176995

As a spic, I'm glad I'm a honorary white in 4chan's eyes and in crime statistics.

>> No.26176934


>> No.26176935
Quoted by: >>26176976

HoloBR when?

>> No.26176938
Quoted by: >>26176957

She's taking a break because of sololive if she streamed as much as pekor she'd have more subs.

>> No.26176939


>> No.26176940

Hey guys I'll need an n word pass soon enough can I get it?

>> No.26176942


>> No.26176943
File: 613 KB, 1110x412, TowaUpdate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176961


>> No.26176944
File: 47 KB, 426x510, 1584997725935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176945

you're okay with sharing a thread with a bunch of people that would hate you if they saw you? are you that self-loathing?

>> No.26176946
File: 777 KB, 573x713, 1593787844522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176952

this thread is ass

>> No.26176948
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, 1597658697614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176949

Subaru, I do like Towa streams but her mumbling makes it rather hard to figure out what she's saying

>> No.26176950
File: 44 KB, 653x691, 1588633005239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for Duck! And Sensei!

>> No.26176952
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1570349580966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176951
File: 139 KB, 565x600, 1599422941471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176953


>> No.26176955
File: 65 KB, 710x710, gawr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176957
Quoted by: >>26176974

>if she had more subs she would have more subs

>> No.26176958


>> No.26176959

it's ok I hate myself too

>> No.26176960
Quoted by: >>26177096

I would hate you if I saw you too. Are you that self loathing?

>> No.26176961

Where are the CN cuties?

>> No.26176964
File: 744 KB, 1500x1329, EheEvRMUYAAjJ6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26176962
Quoted by: >>26177096

yes, because we all have common interests in these threads: chuubas and shitposting

>> No.26176963

Go back.

>> No.26176969
Quoted by: >>26177014

Guess she's still a chink after all.

>> No.26176968

Subaru is one of my favorite voices in Hololive. I don't really care for Towa's.

>> No.26176971

Subaru are you day drinking!?

>> No.26176973


>> No.26176974
File: 14 KB, 366x283, 1598918581795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26176984

>Nousagger ""intellect""

>> No.26176975

Which Holos masturbate at least 3 times a day?

>> No.26176976

hopefully never

>> No.26176979
Quoted by: >>26176983


>> No.26176981
Quoted by: >>26177012

Everyone is inclining...
Hololive finally nurturing their talents and getting them sponsorships and events
If only you toughed it out, Aloe...

>> No.26176982
Quoted by: >>26177009

imagine the shark blowjobs

>> No.26176983

is a whore!

>> No.26176984
File: 177 KB, 278x365, peko int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you implying?

>> No.26176986
Quoted by: >>26177096

Why would I care? I'm not that fragile.

>> No.26176987
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, 1597952712428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177037

Which hololives are you going to drop to make time to watch the new holoEN?

>> No.26176988

Marine and Haato

>> No.26176990
File: 425 KB, 2048x1463, EheYxpFU8AE_lv6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to spend one week on an abandoned insane asylum(10% chance the ghosts are real) for 10,000$ which holo do you take with you and why?
>her cuteness would help me not go insane and I have pretty good survival chance since I am a pretty strong boi.

>> No.26176992


>> No.26176994
Quoted by: >>26177096

I rather someone be upfront with their hate than be fake about it. Also we all hate each other here.

>> No.26176995

wtf are you saying anon?

>> No.26176996

>ChocoXSabu post-sex stream

>> No.26176997
File: 78 KB, 433x486, 1596949578441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know the answer

>> No.26176998

Choco Subaru ASMR part 2

>> No.26177000


>> No.26177001
File: 977 KB, 3250x2048, 1589384376608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn wake up next to Subaru

>> No.26177002

Ok holofags, I come from /vtuber/ and I'm an oldfag from the kizuna ai age, name me a good hololive singer.

Because the only decent until now is azki, I think, you guys meme everyone as the second coming of Apollo

>> No.26177006

rushia because im literally as retarded and mentally ill as her

>> No.26177007

>name me a good hololive singer.

>> No.26177009
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1596502951424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the shark rimjobs

>> No.26177010


>> No.26177011


>> No.26177012

You can say the same about Suzaku. He tapped out right before homos started picking up speed.

>> No.26177015


>> No.26177014

Meant for

>> No.26177016

In any survival situation the answer is Aki

>> No.26177017

Towa ... won?

>> No.26177018

Kenzokus>!? 1st hour champon?

>> No.26177019
File: 1.03 MB, 1057x1500, 2020-05-17_EYJfOvQUwAcQiI5_@fuka_hire_-_フカヒレ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the talent on display

>> No.26177020
File: 683 KB, 623x643, 1595765024228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177021

fuck off faggot

>> No.26177022
Quoted by: >>26177060

Haachama, Marine, Coco, Noel and Lamy. I'm pretty certain about this list.

>> No.26177023


>> No.26177024

Simple as.

>> No.26177025

Who are these guys and what did they do to the kenzoku

>> No.26177027


>> No.26177028

0 Kill champions.

>> No.26177029
Quoted by: >>26177048

Not a holo

>> No.26177030
File: 513 KB, 720x900, Towa31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177031

Towa just can't stop winning. She's unironically the best apex player in Hololive.

>> No.26177032


>> No.26177033


>> No.26177034


>> No.26177036
File: 1.32 MB, 1527x829, 1587808724902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177037

Okayu, Korone, mel, Choco

>> No.26177039


>> No.26177040

Towa is really good at this game.

>> No.26177042

Noel, Choco, Coco

>> No.26177043

Holy kek,win because of the ring

>> No.26177044
Quoted by: >>26177417

>she probably runs slower than me

>> No.26177045

Back to back 0 kill champion

>> No.26177047

Don't listen to any faggot here. Go to Suisei. That is all. No Coco is horrible.

>> No.26177048
File: 258 KB, 427x367, 23113413412321343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177058


>> No.26177049
File: 88 KB, 1093x919, EhIND7ZU8AIf-_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>champion with zero kills twice in a row
Only Towa.

>> No.26177050
Quoted by: >>26177107

uh bro that's dangerous, you could get hemorrhoids

>> No.26177051
Quoted by: >>26177096

chubbas>everything else

>> No.26177052
File: 462 KB, 2048x1536, 1596024218207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177053
File: 751 KB, 657x661, 1599265631564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177069


>> No.26177057

they only stream for an hour on debut anyway

>> No.26177058

I'm sorry, Aloev... I'm so, so sorry...

>> No.26177059
File: 116 KB, 735x1000, EWIEwcVXQAAgWjD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177090


>> No.26177060

I forgot Mel. She definitely masturbates a lot.

>> No.26177061
Quoted by: >>26177086

Marine, haachama, rushia

>> No.26177063

Why should I tell you? If you cared that much you would listen to all of them and form your own opinion.

Fuck off.

>> No.26177062
Quoted by: >>26177107

Ever heard of the cookie cutter shark? That's the experience you'll be having.

>> No.26177064

Just don't die, easy win

>> No.26177067


>> No.26177068
Quoted by: >>26177087

lmao how offended they are for this shitpost, this place is unironically filled to the brim with faggots lately

>> No.26177069
Quoted by: >>26177119

I really want to punch luna in the face

>> No.26177070


>> No.26177071

Devil's Luck

>> No.26177073
Quoted by: >>26177093

You're welcome.


>> No.26177075

I like Suisei's singing

>> No.26177076
Quoted by: >>26177104

We need a proper anti thread

I start:

Towa is allegedly a whore

>> No.26177079

the family wasnt bad they were simply pacifists

>> No.26177080

Bison Dollars

>> No.26177081

Bros is Towa HACKING?

>> No.26177082
File: 41 KB, 659x759, 1598116989300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill everyone but twap
>commit suicide
S tier snipers

>> No.26177084

Subaru has definitely been drinking

>> No.26177085
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26178086

here we go again

>> No.26177086
Quoted by: >>26177446

Rushia has a lot of pent up anger, I don't think she masturbates enough.

>> No.26177087
Quoted by: >>26178936

Coco brought reddit here, sadly.

>> No.26177088
Quoted by: >>26177122

why doesn't subau use the retarded duck voice during irl collabs?

>> No.26177089

Towa, you need kills...

>> No.26177090
File: 26 KB, 104x102, 132123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177093


>> No.26177095


>> No.26177096 [DELETED] 

i don't post here. i only came here today because i thought maybe there was a slim chance this thread was different and it wasn't
needless to say all of you >>26176962
should do some serious self-inspection if you tolerate the toxic atmosphere without at least trying to fight it
i hope you realize this would be a much more amazing place to discuss what you love if you remove all the hateful garbage from the discourse
that is all

>> No.26177098

She's hacking my heart!

>> No.26177100
File: 1.71 MB, 1500x2121, 1597875994972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hacking my heart and my wallet, alright.

>> No.26177101


>> No.26177102

not everyone is obsessed with race

>> No.26177103

Check out Noel. She's fantastic.

>> No.26177104

Did you do that on purpose or are you from Reddit?

>> No.26177107
File: 526 KB, 846x920, 1569083437071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust she will be gentle. Literally nothing can go wrong.

>> No.26177106

>chat full of TMT
you guys said you dont say that anymore

>> No.26177111

Guys it isn't fair... How do we stop the /v/ jannies from deleting our threads? That's our board! We own it! Fuck them!!!

>> No.26177112

Tourist, go back.

>> No.26177114

this but ironically

>> No.26177115

>Hololive Fantasy
What theme is 4th gen again?

>> No.26177116
Quoted by: >>26177142

Does Towa hear her teammates in kenzoku games?

>> No.26177117

fuck off faggot

>> No.26177118

her aim is on point

>> No.26177119
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x718, 1598983331998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177145

Try it faggot

>> No.26177120

Go back faggot.

>> No.26177122

She has to inhabit a human body during offcollabs and leave her duck body behind.

>> No.26177123

Holoreddit + Luna

>> No.26177125

Take the L anon

>> No.26177126

Yo Yo

>> No.26177127
Quoted by: >>26177337

You absolutely CAN delete clips that someone else made for your channel.
>You can delete clips created of your channel by finding the clip you want to remove and deleting it. The option is in the settings (cog icon) when you hover on the player or you can find it in the 3 vertical dots icon.

>> No.26177130

lmao imagine watching idols for their singing ability

>> No.26177131

HoloCoco because the other 4th gens are irrelevant

>> No.26177132


>> No.26177133

towa pacifist run

>> No.26177134


>> No.26177135

Fairy tales

>> No.26177136

Dorks and tards

>> No.26177137

does noel know runes are in the game?

>> No.26177139

Holoshut the fuck up, you piece of shit, no one care about theme in gen, tell me what is the fucking theme of gen 0, 1,2, gamers and 5, ID and CN?

>> No.26177140

Please kill yourself.

>> No.26177142

No. They can hear her tho. That's why when she ask, they respond in the ingame chat.

>> No.26177143

No nigger, I don't care. Fuck off.
If you're are that fragile get an internship in an asylum where you belong.

I would not trade a single anon here from one of you.

>> No.26177145
File: 978 KB, 1275x721, 1595159521163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177167


>> No.26177146
Quoted by: >>26177651

Is Uimama a honorary holo?

>> No.26177148


>> No.26177147

without a doubt Astel

>> No.26177150

Once the Japanese viewers started using it too, there was no stopping it.

>> No.26177152


>> No.26177154

Isn't 20000 yen also yellow?

>> No.26177155


>> No.26177156

Come on now, you can figure that one out.

>> No.26177157
Quoted by: >>26177211


fuck off, faggot


>> No.26177158

fuck off retard

>> No.26177160
File: 259 KB, 395x407, 1599599269249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's self-introspection you fucking Falseflagging shitposter. God people here are stupid for falling for this.

>> No.26177161


>> No.26177162
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, Ehevoz3VgAAlobE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find pretty funny how people make thumbnails for Sora

>> No.26177163

*tips both hats at you*

>> No.26177165
Quoted by: >>26177183

why is he the saviour?

>> No.26177167
File: 59 KB, 428x391, 1597447110891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she keep falling off the chair?

>> No.26177168

Noel... your brain reps...

>> No.26177169


>> No.26177171

so it was supposed to be a fight of luna and sheep vs towa and coco, the tenshi would be the mediator

naruhodo ne

>> No.26177172

Is subaru okay

>> No.26177174

This is likely bait but you are still extremely gay. Downvoted and unsubscribed.

>> No.26177175
File: 254 KB, 1246x1723, nna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177199

Lovin' Luna

>> No.26177177
Quoted by: >>26177195

>what is the fucking theme of gen...gamers
>a dog, a cat, and a korone
No idea man

>> No.26177179

sora mama is always cute

>> No.26177180

she was scared

>> No.26177181


>> No.26177182
Quoted by: >>26177223

Towa eating chips when...

>> No.26177183

He became the EOP slayer, much less english in chat now for Holostars.

>> No.26177185

predict the next gen's theme

>> No.26177186

New Sora is so cute.

>> No.26177187


>> No.26177188

Gen 2 is the fetish gen

>> No.26177189


>> No.26177190


>> No.26177191

Calm down towa...

>> No.26177192


>> No.26177194

Danchou... onegai...

>> No.26177195

>>what is the fucking theme of gen...gamers
they own gaming chairs

>> No.26177196
File: 15 KB, 366x411, 1599849521063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177197


>> No.26177198

angery tower is cute

>> No.26177199
File: 734 KB, 2880x1620, 1596928719731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177208

simple as

>> No.26177200

EOPs using it encouraged JOPs to use it so now it'll never go away

>> No.26177202

how the fuck does noel beat a lynel but not figure out how to click a block

>> No.26177203

Is any holo actually good at playing a instrument? I know about Luna piano skills, but she is a newbie at that, aki can play the guitar but she is a newbie too, omaru can play the otomatone but is the same as the rest.

I don't care about the homos, I know Izuru and Rikka cand play the acoustic guitar

>> No.26177205

Towa's being a menhera again lads...

>> No.26177206

6yo can figure this out...

>> No.26177207

Suisei and Noel.

>> No.26177208


>> No.26177211

this retarded actually came from there?

>> No.26177212


post some holo bangers

>> No.26177213

This place is levels above any competetive sport/esports reddit in terms of "behaving" because the most vocal weebs are fragile sissies like this, it's so tiresome. Go back to your hugbox

>> No.26177216

Guess the servers are shitting themselves?

>> No.26177217

I can't believe EA ban Towa for cheating....

>> No.26177219

Is Noel the dumbest fucking creature that is capable of speech?

>> No.26177221


>> No.26177222

Rikka do you have permission...

>> No.26177223


>> No.26177225

Are you retarded?

>> No.26177227
File: 398 KB, 1500x2000, EhdaYgiXkAA7Yyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, Towa already won twice? I was watching a stoner play a deadbeat dad's FG damn.

>> No.26177226

It is time.

>> No.26177228

you can't start with the best one that's not fair

>> No.26177230

Danchou... finally...

>> No.26177231
Quoted by: >>26177241

That would be me.

>> No.26177232 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 847x1200, Ehm2uVnXcAEpj0R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be niggress
>get avatar as an albino reaver cultist
>get japs to simp

They're getting smarter.

>> No.26177233

is no one watching subaru and choco sensei round 2?

>> No.26177235

I love Yunomi

>> No.26177238
Quoted by: >>26177392

Kenzoku have stepped up their game.

>> No.26177239
File: 333 KB, 600x917, 1593531821451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177392

She won twice, with zero kills...

>> No.26177241

Holy based

>> No.26177242

No, that's you.

>> No.26177244

I couldn't sleep so I am, writing down timestamps so I can clip tomorrow if I'm not too tired.

>> No.26177245
File: 2.72 MB, 862x944, 1593234652386.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no art of Nene beating the shit out of Towa

>> No.26177246
Quoted by: >>26177392

Funny enough, both times she got champion were with 0 kills.

>> No.26177248

I came back to the thread just to say: Danchou...

>> No.26177249
Quoted by: >>26177392

Carried by teammates the first time with 0 kills
Carried by kenzokus from other teams, her own team with 0 kills

>> No.26177252
File: 98 KB, 563x742, 1599399746658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Noel's appeal?

>> No.26177253 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177277

As someone who played BotW as his first Zelda game and had played less than 20 games in his life before this game, Noel's experience with Ruta is pretty realistic. I completely forgot about the ice breaking mechanic because I was never incentivized to break ice before this fight, only create ice blocks.

>> No.26177255
Quoted by: >>26177289

Too similar to Kaoru.

>> No.26177256

She figured it out!!

>> No.26177259

She's a white girl who lives in Nihongo according to speculators and one of the best musicians Hololive has ever hired

>> No.26177261

Are you from argentina?

>> No.26177262
File: 472 KB, 2706x1932, Eg2-LIhWsAELD_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26177263

I only just noticed it was happening, missed 15 mins of it

>> No.26177265

She's learning...

>> No.26177266

Noel got it!

>> No.26177270

She's got some big appeal.

>> No.26177271

She figured it out... finally...

>> No.26177272

Rushia boing boing?

>> No.26177273


>> No.26177274

I love Towa's antennae

>> No.26177276


>> No.26177277 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177295

Not her brain that's for fucking sure.
Nah you're just a retard.

>> No.26177279

It's cropped out of that image.

>> No.26177280

There are two big reasons.

>> No.26177281

We gotta win against the /v/ jannies bros.... They can't keep getting away with it.........

>> No.26177283

i bet with some effort, nene could be better than towa in apex within a month

>> No.26177284


>> No.26177287

Danchou > Noel

>> No.26177286
Quoted by: >>26177313

>Towa gets on a winning stream
>Her computer fucking implodes
Why is she like this...

>> No.26177289

whos that lmao

>> No.26177290
File: 132 KB, 905x867, 5DA14BB0-502A-4DCA-95B2-2D5C707159C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177291

This just reminded me of something funny. Typically I don't give a shit about blondes in general but I really do like almost all Hololive blondes.

>> No.26177292
File: 44 KB, 512x512, bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177293 [DELETED] 

Her roommate is fucking hot, many great faps.

>> No.26177295 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177326

Not really. He is right.

>> No.26177296
Quoted by: >>26177312

The absolute state of this Endurance stream.

>> No.26177298
File: 294 KB, 339x344, homowife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ponkotsu personality.

>> No.26177299
File: 435 KB, 1500x2000, 1593620519990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177430


>> No.26177304
File: 203 KB, 1000x1100, westernvtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177305
File: 11 KB, 294x294, 1584299132035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177307

i like choco sensei's mel impression

>> No.26177311


I don't know you tell me

>> No.26177312

It's always something in Towa's streams. That's why I love her.

>> No.26177313
File: 243 KB, 1512x1212, 1592344487997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is bullied by fate itself.

>> No.26177314


>> No.26177316


>> No.26177318

Towautists need to be stopped.

>> No.26177319

Melco-sensei... I'm gonna coom

>> No.26177320

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, anon.

>> No.26177321

wtf is happening on Subaru's stream?

>> No.26177324

>Choco did a great Mel
>Subaru ruined it in seconds

>> No.26177326 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177349

I had never played a Zelda game before either and I could figure it out mainly cause of the ANIMATED HAMMER ICON that shows up when you break ice.

>> No.26177327
File: 458 KB, 500x1102, Mao_Matsukai_homepage-ofz9vhi4u5ha9eszge00d08s2x3mkddakr38m3y6fg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't be like that anon, I need a brown loli vtuber who isn't a Niji__

>> No.26177330


>> No.26177332


>> No.26177334
File: 263 KB, 1500x1060, 1588944692301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe SubaChoco is one of the girliest duos in Hololive. We've been robbed of this for so long.

>> No.26177336
Quoted by: >>26178228

Her voice is nice to listen to.

>> No.26177337

then why are people crying about it? damn they need to read about their own site then

>> No.26177338


>> No.26177339


>> No.26177340


>> No.26177341

at least danchou has infinite healing

>> No.26177342

not a relaxing chat that's for sure

>> No.26177343
Quoted by: >>26177391

brown is fine though he said black

>> No.26177344

what a cutie ngl

>> No.26177346
File: 34 KB, 527x497, stump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177379

He said he never played a videogame before, not just a Zelda game. His experience is the same as the one my sister had.

I can tell you're /v/ermin due to your behavior.

>> No.26177348

Still listening to this on repeat almost every day

>> No.26177352


>> No.26177353


>> No.26177354

Color doesn't exist online.

You can be a chocoball all you want and it doesn't mean shit because your post is still blue and your name is Anonymous.

>> No.26177355
Quoted by: >>26177361

Is this Noel's first boss?

>> No.26177357

dick teasing

>> No.26177358
Quoted by: >>26177375

you posted my favorite

>> No.26177359

Thank god Subaru's voice filters EOPs so hard

>> No.26177361
Quoted by: >>26177399

it's her first divine beast

>> No.26177363
Quoted by: >>26177375


>> No.26177364
File: 1.06 MB, 2329x3508, IMG_20200912_042922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 44 Thread #4

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.26177366


>> No.26177367

There's the opposite

>> No.26177368

I've been listening so closely I forgot this thread existed for some time. This is too good.

>> No.26177369

I actually support smaller N****. Don't tell hlg

>> No.26177370

Sora's been playing piano for a while.

>> No.26177371
Quoted by: >>26177474

late reply but him too. i'll kiss all of their necks! i'm an equal opportunist homo

>> No.26177375

suisei bots baka

>> No.26177376
Quoted by: >>26178755

How butthurt is the person who made this

>> No.26177379 [DELETED] 

And I can tell you're a retard because you lack basic reading comprehension. He said he had played less than 20 games before, (if he's not lying) in which case BOTW would hardly be his first game. Nevertheless, you don't need a "gaming background" to fucking play BOTW it's literally designed for children, which means he, you, your sister and Noel are all fucking stupid as hell. Hate to break it to you but you were bound to find out eventually.

>> No.26177381

Gen 4 is the Cult Generation

Coco - The Pied Piper
Kanata - First among the Poor.
Watame - Sheep Flock
Luna - Luna's Knights
Towa - Towa

>> No.26177383
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, EhoxoQXU4AYdrE5@Opouer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177384

>that one video she mounts her ASMR mic and removes her panties later
Good God
Good god

>> No.26177385 [DELETED] 

God I hate white people so much.

>> No.26177388

Unironically this

>> No.26177389


>> No.26177391

i wonder how would that look

>> No.26177392

Nice to know Kenzoku has done their APEX reps.

That second one sounds hilarious, I'll check the archive later.

>> No.26177394
Quoted by: >>26177407

Is Towa a debiru or tenshi?

>> No.26177393

She made another one with that outfit, but with an extra womb tattoo this time

>> No.26177396
File: 1001 KB, 1248x944, 1599874096373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undergoing sexual exploitation with Towa!

>> No.26177397

don't hate yourself too much

>> No.26177399

She's going to have so much trouble with the desert one.

>> No.26177400

So why are Choco and Subaru using their real voices right now?

>> No.26177402

Was Rushia in a metalcore band or something like that? I mean any normal untrained person would probably obliterated their vocal cords by screaming like that

>> No.26177403
Quoted by: >>26177432

does anyone have that OC from here, the one with ripped holos?

>> No.26177404
File: 134 KB, 360x344, ゴズリング94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have are negative thoughts anons....

>> No.26177405

God if she couldn't figure out how to break ice, the actual Divine Beast puzzles are going to destroy her.

>> No.26177407

She's just a cute chuuni.

>> No.26177408

I miss this

>> No.26177410 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177441

Go back.

>> No.26177411

Careful anon... any negative thoughts... could be expensive

>> No.26177413

what a title

>> No.26177416

How many hours is Noel going to spend in this dungeon?

>> No.26177417


>> No.26177419

Literally all the time
It's a morning zatsudan she always does that

>> No.26177421


>> No.26177424
Quoted by: >>26177626

You have to go back.

>> No.26177423


>> No.26177425

Who does luna get along with the most? I've been watching some clips and she has great chemistry with marine, but then who doesn't. Luna gave her call-in virginity to marine though.

>> No.26177426

I miss vulvarape

>> No.26177427


>> No.26177429
Quoted by: >>26177466

>Nevertheless, you don't need a "gaming background" to fucking play BOTW
Yet he and my sister share the same experience.
Again, you should try to get away from that board, it's frying your brain.

>> No.26177430
File: 2.86 MB, 942x1080, towa hips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177467


>> No.26177431

Just like the piped Piper
Led rrats through the streets

>> No.26177432
File: 194 KB, 1280x859, 6c91ab16-71da-4daa-9c82-780a79a41943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.26177433


>> No.26177435

Fuck off /vpol/

>> No.26177437

Why do good things don't last?

>> No.26177439

>wan piss

>> No.26177440

yes this is it

>> No.26177441 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177501

Are you attracted to your sister? Are your parents siblings? Might explain why you and her are both so fucking stupid. Also not from /v/ but nice try at deflection. :^)

>> No.26177442

I need Mikochi.

>> No.26177443
Quoted by: >>26178732

Where's the inappropriate political shilling box?

>> No.26177444
Quoted by: >>26177469


>> No.26177446

imagine, rushia is actually a coomer that can't get enough but is able to keep the demon sated just enough to not ruin her career

>> No.26177447

how many views does Rikka usually get ?

>> No.26177448

This is what Subaru sounds like when she wakes up and that's how Choco talks in general

>> No.26177450
File: 180 KB, 540x540, 20200911_213154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177449

That Miko is buffed!

>> No.26177454


>> No.26177455

Did you miss the Luna/Matsuri arc?

>> No.26177456
File: 584 KB, 776x716, 1590156444850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have transcended gosling, my soul has been purified. All I feel is pure joy of hearing Subaru.

>> No.26177457

Thats a big mikochi

>> No.26177458


>> No.26177459

amazon miko...

>> No.26177462
File: 797 KB, 813x1000, 1598911175511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could've been...

>> No.26177463

I will mark her with my urine, anally

>> No.26177466
Quoted by: >>26177522

Yeah cause all three of you are fucking stupid as shit. The game has sold over 20 million copies, which means at least that many people have played it, not counting pirates or people who bought used, or people who played at a friend's house. And they all managed to figure it out somehow.

>> No.26177467
File: 547 KB, 2705x2100, 1595698368033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect hips.

>> No.26177468

the pink rushia looks like asanagi's artstyle

>> No.26177469
Quoted by: >>26177491


>> No.26177470
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1599855089792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26177471

300 ish, maybe more if he's singing.

>> No.26177472

This is right, 5 cults at once

>> No.26177473
Quoted by: >>26177492


>> No.26177474
Quoted by: >>26177720

no pick one

>> No.26177477

Not many

>> No.26177478

Around these numbers

>> No.26177479

Elite gains.

>> No.26177481

why would someone draw this

>> No.26177485

Varies wildly. His singing stream somethings go 500+

>> No.26177486

not sure what you get from seething this hard at someone playing videogames, but you do you i guess

>> No.26177488

Why did such a good song have to be for fucking Valvrave

>> No.26177491


>> No.26177492
Quoted by: >>26177524

Bro you can't say that here, reddit is watching

>> No.26177496


>> No.26177498

>People act like the Holo Global Thread will b e used

>> No.26177500
Quoted by: >>26177553

if senzawa is actually voicing her i'm changing my position to pro-split

>> No.26177501 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177529

You're not fooling anyone m8. You stick out like a sore thumb here and in the other non gaming boards.

>> No.26177505
File: 123 KB, 830x960, 1599791812414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177509 [SPOILER] 
File: 556 KB, 779x1897, 1599874557715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177532

Because we needed it.

>> No.26177510

semen demon
the demon is subaru

>> No.26177517

because it's hot af

>> No.26177518


>> No.26177519

she is extremely weak to horror

>> No.26177522

>And all managed to figure it out
Did they? Switch has achievements now that you can track the progress of other players?

>> No.26177524
File: 694 KB, 2480x3508, 1569070797164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177548


>> No.26177525
File: 49 KB, 990x341, RGBYAGOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Botan actually did it. RGB YAGOO stamps

>> No.26177526
Quoted by: >>26177531

D-did Choco and Subaru wancha?

>> No.26177528

Because fuck you, that’s why.

>> No.26177529 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26177588

Just don't have any kids. Especially not with your retard sister. Although honestly, you'll probably choke on your own tongue and die before you manage to continue your incestuous family tumbleweed.

>> No.26177530

It's faster than most threads on this board and holo EN haven't even debuted yet.

>> No.26177531


>> No.26177532

Oh Jesus

>> No.26177533

because armpits are cute and sexy anon

>> No.26177534


>> No.26177535
File: 978 KB, 1181x1181, 1599067697049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177575

>> No.26177537

>Still private

>> No.26177538

If Towa doesn't want to be called a whote then maybe she should stop dressing like one

>> No.26177539

Valrape was kino. I watched the entire anime just for one scene. That's how good it was.

>> No.26177541

Miko puts the um in cum

>> No.26177542

It was fun

>> No.26177544
File: 237 KB, 2249x1266, 1590672388584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177545
File: 520 KB, 4096x515, 20200911_213821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177546


>> No.26177548


>> No.26177550 [DELETED] 
File: 659 KB, 1578x2323, 1599105699366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177549

Botan and Polka asked him to have Yagoo photos and emojis and he did it.

>> No.26177552
File: 821 KB, 676x1000, 1599824733031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to be sexually dominated by subaru or towa

>> No.26177553
Quoted by: >>26177569

Ok boomer

>> No.26177554
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, スバルのお子さまランチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish choco sensei would make me lunch

>> No.26177555
Quoted by: >>26177612

>No weed leaf
a shame, at least she has some mushrooms

>> No.26177557

Yagoo pride

>> No.26177558
File: 28 KB, 116x116, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my youtube search of hololive eng to find out subbed clips is not cluttered with HoloEN

>> No.26177560

Korone what did you do

>> No.26177562


>> No.26177566


>> No.26177567

fucking kek

>> No.26177569

begone tiktok wench

>> No.26177570

Why are all the smols also best girls?

>> No.26177572

I just realized all of 5th gen has membership. That was fast it's only been a month.

>> No.26177571

I hope you get banned for this.

>> No.26177574


>> No.26177573


>> No.26177575

I can't wait for Nene's collabs. This is gonna be so much fun. Subaru will 100% parody her mannerism.

>> No.26177576
File: 138 KB, 2120x1840, EhoCau0UwAAuwGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to pick up the shark and have her ride on my shoulders

>> No.26177577


>> No.26177578
Quoted by: >>26177592

Damn, Subaru sounds really different here...

>> No.26177580

Of course you're a fucking piss drinking German.

>> No.26177581

shion...easy on the burgers...

>> No.26177582

it's retarded to discuss the same event in seperate threads

>> No.26177584

Hot damn

>> No.26177585

I don't get it what are the requirements for membership, gen 5 has only been around for a month, but roberu doesn't have his yet

>> No.26177586

please cease this

>> No.26177587
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 1593199250198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is english at 4am? Makes no sense

>> No.26177588

My sister already has two kids.
Me and my wife aren't ready for one yet, we move constantly.
Sorry if that upsets you.

>> No.26177589

Valvrave was the best thing since Code Geass. Good fucking times.

>> No.26177592
Quoted by: >>26177634

At this point it's literally her usual stream voice though
Might feel a bit weird because of the current mic setup

>> No.26177593


>> No.26177591
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1593690288437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177614

It was Choco's payment for not appearing on Subaru's totsu so she tried her very best.

>> No.26177595

Amane Kenta...

>> No.26177597
Quoted by: >>26178278

For those that are interested in these vtubers in particular, for when the OhaSuba stream ends
They talk about all of gen 2 (Aqua in particular) and their debuts at 15 minutes and bring it up for about 4 more minutes
They mention the Ark collab at 14 minutes, 32 minutes
Gariben event at 23 minutes
Luna at 28 minutes
Mio at 34 minutes
and Subaru talks about the birthday present Choco made for her at 35 minutes
That's about it so far for other vtubers they've mentioned so far

>> No.26177601

You mean the VOMS reject created because EOPs love Pikamee?

>> No.26177602
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1597779857274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Japanese cooking, look how low effort that food is, the only effort there is in the decoration to make a unappealing food look ok, Is just low skill food, Omurice, just scrambled egg over rice with tomato sauce with piece of chicken, a fried shrimp, a shit meatball, spaghetti and lettuce.

I fucking hate it

>> No.26177603
Quoted by: >>26177622

No its not. Get out of here squirrelfag
No one misses you.

>> No.26177604
File: 374 KB, 1460x2048, EhjG2ewVgAA2Fvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored

>> No.26177605
Quoted by: >>26177613

Testing the waters for JOPs. You think english is going to filter them out ?

>> No.26177607
File: 148 KB, 1100x800, fe682dee42ddb191f58e847b7becd699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177631


>> No.26177608


>> No.26177612
File: 20 KB, 1080x121, weedstamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a leaf stamp

>> No.26177613


>> No.26177614
Quoted by: >>26177665

She tried so hard making it that she passed out afterwards and missed the phone call

>> No.26177615

cope risu

>> No.26177618

I want to launch Aqua like a lawn dart.

>> No.26177619

Valvrave was the last time /a/ was fun

>> No.26177621
File: 295 KB, 688x828, 20200530_174928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you like sushi

>> No.26177622
File: 53 KB, 768x768, risu delet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going anywhere. Deal with it, schizo.

>> No.26177623
Quoted by: >>26177646

>Omurice, just scrambled egg over rice with tomato sauce with piece of chicken, a fried shrimp, a shit meatball, spaghetti and lettuce.
Sounds fucking delicious and healthy(which is the most important part to me)

>> No.26177624
File: 146 KB, 300x300, AZKi_Sunglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi now owns this thread.

>> No.26177625


>> No.26177626
Quoted by: >>26177658

You don't belong here.

>> No.26177627

Something to look out for on Pekora's twitter feed whenever she's next active...

People on Twitter are freaking out about some thing they've implemented where if you like a tweet with a Dragon Quest hashtag ( #ドラクエウォーク) a little slime pops out of the heart when you click on it.
video of it: https://twitter.com/jaertc1/status/1304593042133843968
a not uncommon reaction: https://twitter.com/sanrioteez/status/1304591282321289217
>idk what this is but its adorable
how did they get Twitter to do this? it's a genius marketing strategy, it's a Japanese hashtag but it's trending worldwide because of this

>> No.26177628

Wait until HoloEN debut tomorrow

>> No.26177629

Why is Nene the only one who doesn't have the rest of Gen 5 as member emotes?

>> No.26177630
Quoted by: >>26178610

It's literally a kid's packed lunch, why the fuck are you expecting a gourmet meal. This is bait isn't it?

>> No.26177631
File: 253 KB, 1200x1600, kson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26179052


>> No.26177633
Quoted by: >>26177714

Okay fess up which one of you faggots is this

>> No.26177634
Quoted by: >>26177656

She sounds pretty deep and 'gritty' but yeah, I think it's because of the recording setup.
Having said that, I'd imagine that her natural voice would be similar to what we're hearing right now.

>> No.26177637
File: 38 KB, 369x369, F5A8AC4F-FB02-4F8F-9C03-3D990747471B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoe can you hate this lil fella

>> No.26177638

Why does this quacker sound so lewd

>> No.26177642
File: 171 KB, 360x450, Spade_Echo_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she like the one Holo never talked about? The other CN girls are at least mentioned by at this point in sure most of the thread forgot she exists.

>> No.26177643

it's faster than vyt and nijisanji thread combined, they should delete those threads instead if they want to make space for more "which 2hu wud u fuggg" threads

>> No.26177646

That shit literally take less than 20 minutes to do it all, and is all premade food, not a single thing in that plate is made from scratch or have any seasoning.

>> No.26177647

Does that mean Polka wants to sit on her fans?

>> No.26177648
Quoted by: >>26177688

en already has more subs than homos...

>> No.26177649

Stop eating egg burgers shion!

>> No.26177650
File: 964 KB, 835x900, 1599875106615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe is a good girl

>> No.26177651

Yes. They all call her Ui mama if that's evidence enough for you.

>> No.26177652
Quoted by: >>26177679

Nene was the one who made those emotes

>> No.26177655
Quoted by: >>26177705

Towa showing off her dumb 500 dollar axe!

>> No.26177656

It feels like her usual excited voice for me, just sounding a bit deeper thanks to being far from the mic and echo

>> No.26177658
Quoted by: >>26177682

He is right, and you will soon find out how right he is.

>> No.26177660

Her design looks kind of iffy.

>> No.26177661

wait this is fucking awesome holy shit

>> No.26177664
Quoted by: >>26177726

She looks very hentai ecchi!

>> No.26177665

Even though there wasn't any persistent narrative born of that stream I'm still really glad they're on such good terms to this day.

>> No.26177670

Voice is a massive filter.
I kind of like it for reasons I cannot explain

>> No.26177671

Name something more hot

>> No.26177672

I still miss her

>> No.26177674
File: 1.65 MB, 1479x832, 1589260695697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26177675
File: 942 KB, 900x1200, 74231842374320325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177727

Shion yo

>> No.26177676

We did but once you know more about her you'd know why.

>> No.26177679


>> No.26177684
File: 2.29 MB, 1536x2304, 78395023_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm horny

>> No.26177680

Because Bilibili is a shit website.

>> No.26177682

Are you lost?

>> No.26177685
Quoted by: >>26177713

Do Japs think Choco sounds as sexy as us disgusting gaijin do

>> No.26177686

Stay in your containment thread.

>> No.26177687 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 779x778, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe is a SLUT

>> No.26177688

Chicken still is under Rikka...

>> No.26177693

Twitter did something similar (heart->rainbow flag/BLM) with certain tags in June-ish. I guess after that demo Twitter offered marketing campaign for companies.

>> No.26177696
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.26177698
File: 494 KB, 884x530, spade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright.

>> No.26177700

Give me one reason HoloEN's can't do fake accents if HoloJP's can sound like babies or ducks.

>> No.26177702

>your holo
>which 2hu wud u fuggg

>> No.26177703
File: 162 KB, 2048x1224, 1589506386869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im an oldfag look at me hurr durr durr

>> No.26177704
Quoted by: >>26177731

>That shit literally take less than 20 minutes to do it all
I didn't know I should care about how many minutes it takes to cook food.
Do you go to the cinema for the popcorn too?

>> No.26177705
Quoted by: >>26177734

She is really proud of it.

>> No.26177707
File: 566 KB, 553x625, 1596029548744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177715

>Choco loves Subaru's opening

>> No.26177710
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 1599187285600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like her.. she gets mentioned sometimes..

>> No.26177712

Because I'm an EOP and I would notice.

>> No.26177713


>> No.26177714

>Coco x Kanata
Welp, mystery solved.

>> No.26177715
Quoted by: >>26177750

Anon that was the superchat reading screen

>> No.26177716

oh danchou

>> No.26177717
Quoted by: >>26177732

americans are really bad at foreign accents

>> No.26177718

Man, Sora's proportions are quite similar but she looks so different

>> No.26177720
Quoted by: >>26177881

you cant make me...

>> No.26177721
File: 43 KB, 161x223, 1533617866390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that man?

>> No.26177723

Nene said gokisei has 5 members.

>> No.26177725
File: 2.86 MB, 4328x6000, 80942281_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177738

Abayo chocoball

>> No.26177726

Made for rape https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84308202

>> No.26177727
File: 1.04 MB, 906x1306, 2A35829C-E638-4381-A4F9-07E6AB3E4EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion, yo yo.

>> No.26177728

Because westerners don't have any talent.

>> No.26177729


>> No.26177730


>> No.26177731
File: 43 KB, 268x422, 1598401709120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you go to the cinema for the popcorn too?
Now amerifats talking about, food, don't you have to eat some fastfood you fucking pig?

>> No.26177732

I'm not sure if Subaru is professionally trained in duck.

>> No.26177734
File: 635 KB, 2048x1783, 1591032650249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177742

As expected of the childlike debiru.

>> No.26177736
Quoted by: >>26177878

American Sora is FUCKING PISSED

>> No.26177738
File: 284 KB, 1424x2048, _965af49d8840280df26b5e1d309d7491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177741

DraQueWalk? DraQueWoke? What?

>> No.26177742

It's what makes her cute.

>> No.26177746
Quoted by: >>26177768

Who are the most popular CNs for the China crowd? Does anyone even stream on Bilibili? Most recent I can remember was the FBK stream.

>> No.26177747
File: 792 KB, 800x1131, Egwnsh4UwAEFxip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love aloe

>> No.26177749
Quoted by: >>26178206

Koe******** dude is a Watsonfag.

>> No.26177750

She talked about opening before and then Subaru started bragging.

>> No.26177753

Well it used to like 15 years ago, now it's known to the masses and not so edgy at all as a result. Fuck moot.

>> No.26177754

if they can do it well and maintain it sure. some people weren't too happy when risu dropped hers for example

>> No.26177755

I'm not American, I thought you were the American. Only an American would diss healthy food.

>> No.26177756
Quoted by: >>26177775

Why do people only ever use Flare as reaction images and never talk about her actual merits as a streamer

>> No.26177758

I don't know any 2hu characters

>> No.26177762
Quoted by: >>26177792

She has more narratives than any other holo combined.

>> No.26177763
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1599875548709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male Aloe

>> No.26177765


>> No.26177766
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1595734973005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't had a kill for an hour

>> No.26177768

Spade Echo is the most popular HoloCN, most popular HoloJP is either Aqua or Suisei.

>> No.26177770

Statistically it is likely atleast one of the ENs are morbidly obese.

>> No.26177771
Quoted by: >>26177803

Would it be a torture for Polka's soul if I commission holofive image every single day?

>> No.26177772
File: 133 KB, 720x807, 20200912_115243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177785

If you Google towa is a whore this is what you get

>> No.26177773

Towa ojisan...

>> No.26177774

What the hell was that voice towa

>> No.26177775

People that shitpost don't care about the holos only the reactions. You expect him to know anything about Flare?

>> No.26177776


>> No.26177777

Walk, it's some Pokemon Go-esque mobile game.

>> No.26177778

ayame, flandre

>> No.26177780
File: 420 KB, 1532x2048, Ehn1uvHVgAEltav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26177782

Different shaders, also they made her thighs a little bit plumper. Her face and hair upgrade are the greatest parts of this update though.

>> No.26177783
Quoted by: >>26177805

Dragon Quest Walk, it's a DQ version of PokeGO

>> No.26177784
Quoted by: >>26178447

Reaper and Chicken going all in. It's also theorized that Reaper lives in japan.

>> No.26177785


>> No.26177788

i really love her model upgrade. It's functionally the same design just modernized a lot

>> No.26177789


>> No.26177790
Quoted by: >>26178418

No, but most of the ones who failed the audition are.

>> No.26177791

>her thighs got fatter

>> No.26177792
Quoted by: >>26177807

Red pill me on Spade

>> No.26177794


>> No.26177795

You should learn how to read statistics before spewing them.

>> No.26177796


>> No.26177798
File: 199 KB, 1311x2048, 20200911_123322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on Botan?

>> No.26177799
Quoted by: >>26177813

Everytime Subaru laughs
It hurts more and more everytime

>> No.26177802

Are you guys ready for Azur Lane announcements tomorrow?

>> No.26177803
Quoted by: >>26177965

Only until Aloe's comeback. So yes.

>> No.26177804 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 1220x772, lel3kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26177805
Quoted by: >>26177848

and then korone was never found again

>> No.26177807

Go back to /pol

>> No.26177808

Oh and cheeseburgers and pizzas are just so much better and way more involved huh amerifat?
Leave /jp/ and never return

>> No.26177810

This is not the Botan I know

>> No.26177811

I literally started playing a week ago because of it.

>> No.26177813
File: 1.56 MB, 1414x2000, 1598327109220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that anon?

>> No.26177815

o mah gah

>> No.26177816

Deep sexy face

>> No.26177820

I like the real Botan, I accept no loli substitutes

>> No.26177821

>it's a flip hating on a flip
of course, yeah.

>> No.26177822


>> No.26177823
File: 305 KB, 1998x1567, 1599142718312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177825


>> No.26177826


>> No.26177829


>> No.26177830
File: 114 KB, 927x833, EhZzfRnU4AQei4K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177867

Sora also got a lot of new expressions

>> No.26177831


>> No.26177832
Quoted by: >>26177868

Be honest, how long do you think it will take her to beat Bowletta
It feels like the start of the 2nd phase will fuck her over for a while

>> No.26177833

What about Miko? She even streamed it once..

>> No.26177834

They've woken up a bit and are getting raucous now.

>> No.26177835

3 Champions in less than 2 hours.
Kenzoku is strong.

>> No.26177836

Towa with another 0 personal kill win ...

>> No.26177838

Carried again....Toi...

>> No.26177839


>> No.26177841


I rabin it!

>> No.26177842 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 565x88, dg333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177888

>> No.26177843

>skin indentation update

>> No.26177844

i really like when she says "okok"

>> No.26177845
File: 1.42 MB, 1517x837, 1587931998229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third no kill champion.

>> No.26177846

>Scrolling through the replies to Gura's debut stream tweet
>Find a couple gems from a nip
>Both tweets from same user
>Not going to link it
Would a nip really go out of their way to anti gaijin chuubas? Also do they really believe that this pack of ironic weebs would recognize ANY of their otaku seiyus if they posted anything in their chat? Pretty naive, nips...

>> No.26177847

3 time champion!
0 kills!

>> No.26177848
Quoted by: >>26177883

It's been out for a year at this point, why else do you think Korone disappears during the day?

>> No.26177849

watame reisen

>> No.26177851


>> No.26177853

Starving Argie retard.

>> No.26177854

Voice for 1000 yen special normal 100 yen

>> No.26177855
File: 383 KB, 1157x1046, 1599773385243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzoku, you're all right

>> No.26177856
File: 97 KB, 1919x945, EhZtuHgVgAEJslC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177909

>> No.26177858

Ah shit, that's tomorrow too? When? Where?

>> No.26177859

>a job opportunity in japan, you get free lesson by a japanese teacher
>it is on elderly care
would you take it jaypee?

>> No.26177860
Quoted by: >>26177910

I want the streams back...
Why did nobody archive anything?

>> No.26177861
File: 302 KB, 1068x601, ENTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did my Apex reps, how did ya know?

>> No.26177862
File: 732 KB, 1500x1500, Ed1lyncU8AAwT2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177863
File: 363 KB, 1448x2048, C923E123-7BF2-47DC-BCC4-EDEA1491D1A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26177865

>180 damage
does she even aim at enemies when she shoots?

>> No.26177867
Quoted by: >>26177890


>> No.26177868
Quoted by: >>26177923

Okayu's good at stocking on items and pulling through in a pinch, plus she should have mastered the bro moves by the time she gets there. I say first try probably, but no more than 3 for sure, even if Bowletta's as hard as I remember.

>> No.26177869

>kenzoku doing their reps
now if they could just stop spamming tmt

>> No.26177870

For various reasons, I need the Watame Stonks pic, and I need it now.

>> No.26177873

nyaa! ニャー

>> No.26177874

How the fuck are Japanese men not fucking their amazing women...

>> No.26177875
Quoted by: >>26177908

>DoA collab announced months ago
>still nothing
>Hololive gets a stealth announcement before it
The Hololive event might be in 2-3 weeks time since next week is the JP server 3rd anniversary, they're pumping out a bunch of lewd skins and a Sakura Empire event.

>> No.26177878

good meme

>> No.26177879

Hata no Kokoro

>> No.26177881

Miyabi will be sad to know you have eyes for someone else

>> No.26177880


>> No.26177883

That explains a lot.

>> No.26177884

>closed grip
>knees forward
>above parallel
>1pl8 lmao

>> No.26177887

Do you have high patient?

>> No.26177888

>brb noel I gotta do my chores
>im back

>> No.26177889

Kenzoku princess carrying Towa this stream.

>> No.26177890
File: 122 KB, 699x1019, EhZzcIVUYAAGnMi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26177924


>> No.26177893

We'd rather hang out with our bros, play vidya, and obey bros before hoes

t. nip

>> No.26177894


Chuchu chuchu chu!

>> No.26177895


>> No.26177897

They're, your favourite holo has a boyfriend

>> No.26177896

>elderly care
Get close enough to one of them so that they would introduce their cute granddaughter to you.

>> No.26177899

Tiny penises

>> No.26177905


>> No.26177906


>> No.26177907

that thing in sdm's basement

>> No.26177908

It's probably bullshit but I heard it might just be a rerun of the original Holo event with senchou added.

>> No.26177909


>> No.26177910
Quoted by: >>26177963

>Why did nobody archive anything?
go back to where you came from

>> No.26177912
Quoted by: >>26177921

They lust after white men.

>> No.26177913

I really don't think HoloID is "failing" and even if they are it wouldn't be because of collabing with the homos. Either way they wouldn't go out of their way to anti EN, they're probably just doing it because they're anti-Hololive in general

>> No.26177916

salarymen plus low t

>> No.26177915

Whores will be whores not matter where they're from Anon

>> No.26177917

> amazing women
anon, I....

>> No.26177918

Too busy working themselves to the grave

>> No.26177919

Takeshi-san needs to spend 12 hours in work to revitalize glorious Japanese economy.

>> No.26177920


The west yo avoid becoming like Japan is importing foreigners to raise the natality of the nation. The world is fucked because no one is having children. No one is having children because both parents need to work in order to survive.

>> No.26177921

theres nothing wrong with that, white men are the superior male

>> No.26177923
Quoted by: >>26177989

Items and bro moves don't matter for the start of 2nd phase tho, it's all dodging and a single miss means one of the bros dies since they start at 1hp

>> No.26177924


>> No.26177925

JOPs are going to be in for a rude wakeup call if they think the IDs were bad for only collabing with dudes

>> No.26177926

I didn't appreciate how much they'd changed, I honestly just thought they replaced the head, looks like they actually rebuilt her from scratch.

>> No.26177927

Nyanners is nice past the voice, she makes jokes. A few are even good

>> No.26177929
Quoted by: >>26177948

miyabi is always my number 1! i cant make him sad

>> No.26177930
Quoted by: >>26177982

Too much work
Work is exhausting
Exhaustion leads to lack of want to socialize
Lack of socialization leads to decline of japanese population

>> No.26177932

Tomararenai Okayu!

>> No.26177933

Japanese men were made for bbc

>> No.26177938

Towa just leveled up her armor from 0 to purple

>> No.26177940

Is Towa aware that she's trying to get 100 kills or did she forget?

>> No.26177941

they are but with condoms on
why is this such a big meme that japs don't have kids but no one ever mentions south korea which is worse off

>> No.26177944


>> No.26177946

I wouldn't really put it past them since that's how event reruns usually are in AL. Senchou instantly spotting Kent's areolae is still the highlight of her AL shill streams for me.

>> No.26177948
Quoted by: >>26178047

What's the appeal of Miyabi bros

>> No.26177949

their dicks are too small, they can't satisfy them

>> No.26177950

Towa shooting black people out of habit!

>> No.26177952
File: 145 KB, 1180x656, ewcghgre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26177955

Who cares about South Korea?

>> No.26177954

Japan is a real country, while South Korea is a temporarily occupied by capitalist dictators warzone.

>> No.26177956

>this narrative again
look at at some statistics
western countries on average don't fuck more than japan. Heck, eastern euro countries do even worse in that department, yet no one seems to care about that.

>> No.26177957
Quoted by: >>26178039

I quit playing it a year ago because the game itself is extremely boring and I can just look at the art online

>> No.26177960

Because they're the worst Korea.

>> No.26177961

Towa just wants to spend more timer with the kenzoku.

>> No.26177963

Where do you think I came from Anon?

>> No.26177964


Until she drops the mic

>> No.26177965
Quoted by: >>26178380

I didn't expect her to be the one who got hit the most. During Lamy's stream she said it's been lonely after Aloe's gone.

>> No.26177966

>your favorite chuuba
>a chuuba you would rape without remorse

>> No.26177967

wait a minute... that shirt...

>> No.26177972
Quoted by: >>26177975

Towa strong!

>> No.26177973

Because no one knows anything about South Korea, it's an irrelevant nation that produces nothing of value.
Japan has been known for the decline in population since the late 90s.

>> No.26177975

She can dance.

>> No.26177977

Roberu because he works hard
Kira because he hardly works

>> No.26177978

Nobody cares about Worst Korea aside from Gook shills and teenage girls.

>> No.26177979
File: 942 KB, 1187x1500, 1763888168ed90c0b4fe97d829c61525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think with all the hours Roboco puts in, she'd be better at video games.

>> No.26177980

Towa finally get kills!

>> No.26177981

Porker and shion

>> No.26177982

This Japan population decline thing need to stop, they breed more than the fucking Spain.
Tokyo is too crowded already

>> No.26177983
File: 668 KB, 1920x950, 1599343012173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26178124

>> No.26177984



>> No.26177986
Quoted by: >>26178009


>> No.26177988


>> No.26177989

That's true. I could see her flubbing the first try hard.

>> No.26177990

Sio can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.26177991

damn it feels good to know im more smarter than all you guys peko

>> No.26177993


At least her buun buun can't be stopped

>> No.26177995

>plastic people can't breed
no shit dude, I can't mash barbie dolls together to get more

>> No.26177996

because you would lose your shit if they did and harass her until they quit?

>> No.26177998

It's time
Kill Pekora
Marry Towa
Fuck Marine.

>> No.26177999

rape is cringe
please consider consensual sex

>> No.26178000
Quoted by: >>26178023

She wants the Hikakin audience

>> No.26178001

>botan doesn't have an aloe stamp
She's gone bros....

>> No.26178003

Sio when are you coming out from hiding.

>> No.26178004


>> No.26178005

They worship corporate culture and are unironical cucks.

>> No.26178006

They're busy jerking off to cartoons
and thats a good thing

>> No.26178007


>> No.26178008
Quoted by: >>26178021

I don't hear beds being discussed in real life this much, why are the Holos disccussing beds so much

>> No.26178009
Quoted by: >>26178030

>she finally got a kill after an hour
Towa-sama... I... I kneel...

>> No.26178011
Quoted by: >>26178027

Do you think JOPs will stay up the whole night just to catch the debut of HoloEN?

>> No.26178012


Buuns are as blessed as her laughter.

>> No.26178013

Fuck Marine
Marry Marine

>> No.26178014
Quoted by: >>26178038

>implying japan is relevant

>> No.26178015

JOP homoantis is as retarded as their counterpart in this thread.

>> No.26178016

Pronebone reps with Sio!

>> No.26178018

OK they're wrapping up now.
I'll make clips of when Choco and Subaru brought up other holos and other vtubers sometime later in the day

Also Subaru's debut anniversary is soon and she says she has an announcement?

>> No.26178017

Kill sora
Marry aki
Fuck marine

>> No.26178019


>> No.26178020

Kill Pekora
Marry Watame or Luna
Fuck Marine or Aloe

>> No.26178021

Women are obsessed with beds

>> No.26178023
Quoted by: >>26178057

Well they do follow each other on twitter. She even bought the same mic stand he uses.

>> No.26178024

No, but have you seen ACTUAL average japanese women? I'm a webcam av fag but still...

>> No.26178025

Fuck Kpop.

>> No.26178026

The fuck did subaru just announce for her anniversary?

>> No.26178027

Last I read on 5ch, yes. A lot of them want to watch.

>> No.26178028

subaru the world isn't ready to know about him yet

>> No.26178029
Quoted by: >>26178068

Oh I spoke too soon. Subaru has a meet and greet coming up

>> No.26178030

she wrecked the entire team

>> No.26178031

Fuck Towa.
Marry Towa.

>> No.26178032
Quoted by: >>26178055

That's rude. I wish to kill none of them.
Probably Fuck Marine
Marry A-chan

>> No.26178034

are they really going to debut all the same day...

>> No.26178035

Kill T*wa
Marry Pekora
Fuck Pekora

>> No.26178037

Anons who are talking about Subaru's real voice, I just want to remind you that this is exactly how Subaru was talking from day one before her duck character came to be. Only back then she did more -ssu things instead of duck things. Her voice has matured and became deeper since 2018, and she isn't nearly as stiff using it now, but this is just her and always has been. She has built so much on top of this but this base still remains. I'm glad to hear it again.

>> No.26178038

Yes, your shit country is worthless.
This is a pretty retarded post considering you're in the Japanese board.

>> No.26178039

This. Even nips nicknamed it a skinshop, not a game.

>> No.26178041

In pretty much all cultures its the women deciding who does and does not get to fuck them, you do the math.

>> No.26178042

Marry them all
Kill them all
Fuck them all
in that order

>> No.26178044

Her marriage to Maimoto.

>> No.26178046


>> No.26178047
Quoted by: >>26178067

hes cute and his fuwafuwa way of speaking makes me gay

>> No.26178048

Kill Mio (what does she even do?)
Marry Miko
Fuck Marine

>> No.26178049
Quoted by: >>26178163

She has an event comping up where you can talk to her

>> No.26178052

>open gacha stream
7k viewers
>actual gameplay stream
4k viewers
really makes you think

>> No.26178053


>> No.26178054

Kill Towa and Aloe
Marry Polka
Fuck Shion

>> No.26178055

Clearly you haven't met a nousagi.

>> No.26178056

why are coombrains like this?

>> No.26178057

Wtf I hate Okayu now

>> No.26178058

Sio your fat ass is going to imprint itself on towa's couch is you continue to hide

>> No.26178060

If Subaru has an announcement to make you know it'll be that her alternate outfit has been made in 3D

>> No.26178061

I leave for an hour and come back to Towa already having her three champions. Did she finally do her reps?

>> No.26178062

Kill cabaya
Marry Suisei
Fuck Towa

>> No.26178066

actual gameplay has over 10k

>> No.26178067

and on a more serious note, i like how passionate he gets about his favorite games. like his resident evil remake playthrough was fun since i could listen to him nerd out about the series

>> No.26178068


>> No.26178069

how do you know her ass is fat?

>> No.26178070
Quoted by: >>26178140

her pacifist reps yes

>> No.26178072
Quoted by: >>26178140

0 kills in all of them.
Pitiful damage.
She got carried... Hard

>> No.26178074

>7am est
>9am est
so are mori and takanashi euro's because that seems kinda early

>> No.26178075

did Kanana even get a crown

>> No.26178077
Quoted by: >>26178140

Kenzoku did their reps.

>> No.26178078

Family is getting too powerful

>> No.26178079

Choco and Subaru are going out despite it pissing it down

>> No.26178081

theyre japs

>> No.26178082

As been said before they are based in japan.

>> No.26178085

where's the gacha stream?

>> No.26178086

too new to be this retarded

>> No.26178088

Fuck nah. For the past 4 hours Fall Guys has apparently just had her on the Finding Players screen. Though maybe she went to bed at some point.

>> No.26178089

No, 12 hours 0 crowns and 1 very boring yabee

>> No.26178092


>> No.26178093

Nope. And it's her fault for being shit with camera control and the game in general.

>> No.26178097

>two 500s
S-Sugoi kenzoku...

>> No.26178098

Fuck. I hate her new outfit

>> No.26178099
Quoted by: >>26178216

Mori is a Burgerlander in Nippon

>> No.26178102

based on what?

>> No.26178103

>Favorite Holo
>Would you bottom for her if she had a dick?

>> No.26178107

What the fuck is a "The Subtitle Team of Usada Pekora Official"? Does she really has a team?

>> No.26178108

She couldn't get a crown even if 59 of the other players were heimin.

>> No.26178110

imagine being crushed between korone's korothighs

>> No.26178112

discord autists

>> No.26178113

Kill Towa
Marry Miko
Fuck Pecor

>> No.26178114 [DELETED] 

They would never give nigger a white character, at least I'm pretty sure Coco would warn them about it.
Actually there is a trend in mainstream Western comic sphere, particularily Marvel where creator must be the same race and gender as the character so e.g. Ms Marvel Kamala Khan is a muslim Pakistani and her creator is a... muslim Pakistani "progressive" etc. Whites voicing non-white characters are cancelled as we speak but it might also work the other way round with new progressive segregation.

>> No.26178116


>> No.26178120

they're teaching you chuuba the s word

>> No.26178121

Japan. Learn to read.

>> No.26178123


>> No.26178124

What site is this?

>> No.26178125

>Gentle top Korone

>> No.26178129


>> No.26178131
Quoted by: >>26178167

What the fuck? I've only heard of one guy stepping down himself. Are you sure about what you are saying?

>> No.26178132
Quoted by: >>26178148

think the other 3ds will get an update on their anniversaries?

>> No.26178137


>> No.26178138
Quoted by: >>26178725

Japan laughed at that shit and replied with should an elf voice an elf?
If you think Japan has western standards you're way out of tough with reality.
Cover also doesn't give a single fuck about the Twitter mob, for now.

>> No.26178140

Kenzoku actually got good?!

>> No.26178143

What is the word for overseas fans and why do they not sat gaijin instead?

>> No.26178148
Quoted by: >>26178175

>the 3ds is 20 years old
what the fuck

>> No.26178149
Quoted by: >>26178365

Just because "official" is in that sentence it doesn't mean anything about it is official.

>> No.26178150

Kenzoku are actually good now.

>> No.26178151

She doesn't need it.

>> No.26178155

Also Marine, because she would like to be manhandled the same way as on Asanagi's works.

>> No.26178156

Translate, babies

>> No.26178158

Kill Rushia
Marry Watame
Fuck Haachama
Ignore Matsuri

>> No.26178159

took two rounds of us shitting on them but they're doing good i kneel

>> No.26178160

Imagine Korone moaning like this as she reaches climax inside you

>> No.26178161


>> No.26178162

gaijin is a slur or as close to one as japanese has

>> No.26178163

>ywn talk to Subaru personally

>> No.26178167
Quoted by: >>26178217

There was that big hoohah about Laura Bailey voicing the niggress in Uncharted 4 a couple of years back. I imagine it'd be so much worse today.

>> No.26178168
Quoted by: >>26178186

kaigai niki, means overseas bros. Gaijin is a rude term

>> No.26178171

god I want to be that couch so badly

>> No.26178172


>> No.26178173

Kill (You)
Marry Marine
Fuck Marine

>> No.26178174

east coast da best coast

>> No.26178175

no it isnt shut the fuck up please

>> No.26178176

tranny, out

>> No.26178177
Quoted by: >>26178204

Gross, she is an old granny

>> No.26178178
Quoted by: >>26178194

are you ready for when they regularly start calling their western gashikois "simps" instead. Coco pretty much already did this

>> No.26178179
Quoted by: >>26178210

Will any of the EN girls get a 3D model?

>> No.26178181

Gonna need some clips of holos dropping their spaghetti

>> No.26178184

Very cute, all of them!

>> No.26178186

What's so rude about calling them a smelly unwashed foreigner?

>> No.26178190

What irks me is they are teaching them the bastardized definition.

>> No.26178194

hopefully they don't mind being called e-thots in response

>> No.26178196
Quoted by: >>26178295

>They would never give nigger a white character
Worked for God of War. It's fine in voice acting as long as it's going in one particular direction

>> No.26178197

Kill Coco
Marry Ayame
Fuck Rushia

>> No.26178201


>> No.26178202

Kaigai niki. There was some PC shit happened about gaijin some years ago but it's still being used in tv broadcasts from time to time.

>> No.26178204

Remember the words of Benjie Franklin anon, grannies are absolute freaks in the sack

>> No.26178205

Kill Coco
Marry Nene
Fuck Rushia

>> No.26178206

Imagine watching that trash. He probably jerked his micropenis to that full nelson fanart that Watson got.

>> No.26178207
Quoted by: >>26178225

I'd gladly take the Pecock.

>> No.26178209
Quoted by: >>26178230


>> No.26178210

Most likely they will get new costumes than 3D.

>> No.26178211

kill towa
marry twasha
fuck twapp

>> No.26178212

I would ask nothing more from it.

>> No.26178213

based lunaito

>> No.26178216

No way Mori is in Japan. She went to a recording studio at midnight JST.

>> No.26178217

Well I don't doubt that there are people like this.

>> No.26178225

Would she be an aggressive dom?

>> No.26178227

Thats pretty normal for anyone in the music industry.

>> No.26178228

I think it's kind of grating. Unpleasant.

>> No.26178230


>> No.26178231

It makes their women go in heat.

>> No.26178232


>> No.26178233

What if they're just shitposting on twitter to confuse us and hide their timezones.

>> No.26178234

Based necrophiliac kenzoku

>> No.26178235

That's not unusual if you're an actual musician or singer

>> No.26178236

Is there a clip of Towa getting this axe? She's showing it off enough that she must have freaked.

>> No.26178237

gen4 costumes when...

>> No.26178241

The lack of futa korone hentai is very disappointing to me now that I'm imaging this

>> No.26178243

Musicians regularly go to the studio until 5-6am when working.

>> No.26178245
Quoted by: >>26178267

i've been re-watching as many clips of Subaru's 3D sessions as I can find, her body language is really great - either she's in character 100% of the time or the character was written around her own real life personality

>> No.26178249

Marine was also recording until pretty late some days ago.

>> No.26178250
Quoted by: >>26178364

This made me laugh
I don’t watch Shien or any holostars honestly but there’s something funny about this dude

>> No.26178251

She is a slut then, so what?

>> No.26178255


>> No.26178257

I held out on judging the chicken for so long. This is it. Im out

>> No.26178259

Danchou finaly

>> No.26178263

Killing all t*waniggers!

>> No.26178267

They're not "written", anon...

>> No.26178268
Quoted by: >>26178291


>> No.26178271

You can just watch the last stream and skip briefly before she starts playing apex.

>> No.26178270

She loves her axe.

>> No.26178274

The truth can hurt anon

>> No.26178276

Danchou, please...

>> No.26178277

December just like gen 3

>> No.26178278

Thanks anon

>> No.26178283

Hololive girls are so shallow compared to Niji ones

>> No.26178291
Quoted by: >>26178305

>really happy when people eat her homecooked food
>talks to stuffed animals even when there are other people in the room
This menhera oneesan feels like marriage material.

>> No.26178292

Towa will never stop choking under pressure.

>> No.26178293

I love Rushia.

>> No.26178295


>> No.26178296

So any explanation on why Luna Super Metroid video disappeared?

>> No.26178300

I want gen 5 costumes already, Polka without all the clown shit and Nenechi with a cuter outfit would be nice.

>> No.26178301

Lol yeah all the epic niji girls like mea and their whacky ironic humor lol i really love mea all she does is talk about disgusting shit and her period blood loool

>> No.26178303

8 and half more hours frens!

>> No.26178304


>> No.26178305

tfw no anemachi gf
why even live brotha

>> No.26178306


>> No.26178307

Aki watching Towa!

>> No.26178308

It was too based.


>> No.26178310

Toaw with kills...

>> No.26178311

she complemented kagai niki, can't let that happen

>> No.26178315


>> No.26178316


>> No.26178317

What a guy holy shit

>> No.26178318


>> No.26178321

I love shallow bitches

>> No.26178323
Quoted by: >>26178343

>Youtube randomly recommending me old ass anime songs
Is this thanks to Korone's karaoke stream

>> No.26178325

Danchou vs waterblight ganon

>> No.26178327

kanatan is already awake again and ready for another 10 hours of fall gays

>> No.26178328 [DELETED] 

HololiveJP is just as Cringy as HololiveEN, y'all just don't know the language enough to recognize it.

>> No.26178330

Late food delivery triggered senchou to throw her phone and crack its case.

>> No.26178332
Quoted by: >>26178387

The only one I follow is that Freesia girl. She's #1 in singing skill.

>> No.26178337


>> No.26178339

go open any nyanners video and that's your answer.

>> No.26178341


>> No.26178343

This is pretty amazing. I wish I was recommended this stuff all the time

>> No.26178345


>> No.26178347

No, elderly japs are racist as fuck and would hate my guts.

>> No.26178348

Oh boy here it comes

>> No.26178349

3 hours of sleep per 12 hours of Fall Gays...

>> No.26178354
Quoted by: >>26178438


You're right, her laughs are truly a blessing

>> No.26178357

I'm brown Anon, old people are sure to hate my guts

>> No.26178358
Quoted by: >>26178373

Danchou no not right before the boss

>> No.26178363

That's why I just watch pikamee so I can watch her be awkward in both languages at once. I'm just here to shitpost

>> No.26178364
Quoted by: >>26178394

He has subtle unhinged vibes going on

>> No.26178365

Is it legal to do this?

>> No.26178372 [DELETED] 

>donates blue superchat
>hey guys look at me I'm such a simp lolololol

>> No.26178373
Quoted by: >>26178381

What is she doing exactly?

>> No.26178374

was the new Modern Warfare that Botan was playing worth buying? I mean, 60 fucking dollars to Activision... and the new one's coming out meaning it'll lose all its playerbase like FIFA.

>> No.26178376

What could possibly be cringe about a cosplay pirate, a princess baby, or a cartoon rabbit?

>> No.26178377

Based, i don't even watch vtubers i just shit talks them here based on what others say about them

>> No.26178379

...what's with this kid?

>> No.26178380
Quoted by: >>26178811

They do keep in contact behind the scene, right? I would be sad if they aren't able to do that or Aloe is the one who cut off the connection because of her mental condition...

>> No.26178381
Quoted by: >>26178389

she just fixed audio. First thought she ends the streamss

>> No.26178387


>> No.26178389

Thanks anon.

>> No.26178390

Just play the ftp battle royale.

>> No.26178391

Towa please, I want to sleep tonight!

>> No.26178392

depends on the country, the protected terms depend on where you live

where I live, only recently did "Made in (My Country)" actually become a protected term , before then it was 100% legal to have a 100% foreign product described as being made here

>> No.26178394


>> No.26178399

I hope (you) will report each and every one of this uncultured people as drug dealers so mob justice can be served.

>> No.26178402

I like it when she reads an English comment out and then starts laughing like she gets the joke even though she clearly had no idea what the fuck she just read. Autistic shark is cute.

>> No.26178406

Cover could get them to change their name because it makes it seems like they are employed by Cover.

>> No.26178409


>> No.26178414

if her countinues streaming during the the chicken's debut, add it in the Bossu's list

>> No.26178417
Quoted by: >>26178443

If you mean MW2019, yeah it's the best the series has been in a very long time and took a lot of steps in the right direction.

>> No.26178418

trannies are rarely fat

>> No.26178429

how many ancheese have you snitched on so far fellow hololive true fans

>> No.26178434

This guy is playing with Towa, I expect great things from Chodarii

>> No.26178438

thanks for clips okayubros.

>> No.26178441

Muffin Shien..

>> No.26178443
Quoted by: >>26178454

That said, I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it. 60 dollars is too much for a video game. If you really want to give it a go, you could try the free to play battle royale thing, but that's very different from the normal game. Still very good in its own right, just plays very different.

>> No.26178447

Mori has a fat ass. Bigger than marines

>> No.26178450

wait i was joking she actually is going for round 2

>> No.26178452
Quoted by: >>26178470


I always have many, many more.

>> No.26178453

people who freak out over little things are the worse
I once had a girlfriend that when we drove, would always yell at traffic even when she wasn't driving, so I broke up with her as she was fucking annoying.

>> No.26178454
Quoted by: >>26178564

I was looking on isthereanydeal but it seems like it's rarely for sale below 55 USD.

>> No.26178455

Now Towa is letting the kenzoku down...

>> No.26178457

You can get the crown PPT, I believe in you!

>> No.26178458


>> No.26178459


>> No.26178461

Okayu clips give me life

>> No.26178468


he's just trying to help the girls

>> No.26178470
Quoted by: >>26178494

great minds think alike, I like your clip choice


>> No.26178471

predator in towa...

>> No.26178475
Quoted by: >>26178490

Even Kenzokus are dorks.

>> No.26178484

Will the Heimin finally be able to carry Cabaya to the crown?

>> No.26178485

>Best pre-stream bgm
>Best stream bgm
>Best superchat bgm
>Best ED
Tanukichi no bouken
Marine's new ED

>> No.26178486

Do you fucking know how to cook? Even a kids meal like this can take a considerable amount of effort. Choco is skilled, it looks like something out of a bento cookbook.


>> No.26178488

Wait so PP played for 10 hours straight, went to sleep for like 5 hours and is starting back up again?

>> No.26178489

She sounds based.

>> No.26178490

It can't be helped.

>> No.26178493

What does that make Luna, then?

>> No.26178494
Quoted by: >>26178523


Catbros are all cultured.

>> No.26178501

Good for Towa that she's counting team kills rather than personal kills.

>> No.26178502

>If you could fuck 1 Holo that wasn't part of your top 3 who would it be?

>> No.26178504

I kneel to the nanora, holy shit

>> No.26178506

Danchou vs waterblight for real now

>> No.26178507

What a pussy
She's supposed to be good at the game

>> No.26178510

Mori is a white girl living in Japan, bird is a German that speaks Japanese

>> No.26178511

She does have to be finished before the NND stream with Roboco.

>> No.26178513

Noel got to the boss quicker than I thought she would.

>> No.26178514


>> No.26178515

now what am I suppose do, I have to wake up for the full day of funposting ahead, but I also have to watch my beloved Kanatan

>> No.26178516

I've gotta agree with you there, she's not one of my favourites but she's begging for a rough dicking.

>> No.26178517
Quoted by: >>26178540


>> No.26178518

It's patently obvious that they're all massive dorks, that's part of what makes them interesting.

>> No.26178522
Quoted by: >>26178576


>> No.26178523


The cat is too strong

>> No.26178525

Maybe it's just a matter of two cultures having different levels of acceptance across the same set of mannerisms? A western girl acting cute can be perceived as immature and a nip girl speaking her mind with blunt honesty can be lynched. The issue isn't so much the behavior itself but rather believing it can be directly translated/imitated across the board and not come off as outlandishly out of place. Just as you don't refer to your friends as Mr. or Miss. (especially in school), saying shit like "gomenasorry" or whatever the fuck, instead of being natural, can be interpreted as "cringe".

>> No.26178526


>> No.26178527

Do you fucking know how to cook any of this? Or any Japanese food? You know they don’t just fry the egg but mix it with other shit right? You’re a moron.

>> No.26178529


>> No.26178535

Did she really deleted the stream because of the discord thingy? She could have just cut the beginning of the video...

>> No.26178540

not even a shitpost, but who's rikka?

>> No.26178542


>> No.26178546


>> No.26178547

Coco definitely.

>> No.26178548

Indonesian squirrel I think.

>> No.26178550

Why would anyone play this shit with keyboard? Plug a fucking controller, dumb tenshi.

>> No.26178552


>> No.26178554

How long has she been going?

>> No.26178555
Quoted by: >>26178570

>not in top 3

>> No.26178558
Quoted by: >>26178581

I need Flare... quick...

>> No.26178562

>Chodarii: 5kills, 1301 dmg
Sasuga top 0.6% Wraith player

>> No.26178563


>> No.26178564

It's Activision, so expect the price to stay that way for a long time. Fucking hell, even the original CoD still costs way more than it should be.

>> No.26178567
Quoted by: >>26178604

An old man who will be dethroned by our son.

>> No.26178570
Quoted by: >>26178614

She's my fourth!

>> No.26178571


>> No.26178572

I want to fuck Sora in front of my wife Suisei

>> No.26178573

Coco, I mean her personality is shit but she must be pure sex

>> No.26178574

Noel is painful to watch

>> No.26178576
Quoted by: >>26178596

What the fuck dude, Nene is daughter tier, she's a sweet little princess.

>> No.26178579

Kanata looks like a lesbian bros...

>> No.26178580
Quoted by: >>26178588

Good to know that even if a streamer says they're turning the chat off to avoid backseating and spoilers you still get backseaters spamming.

>> No.26178581

She has the movie thing latter today , but i think that requires a VPN and NND premium

>> No.26178585

Allhomo minecraft collab

>> No.26178586
Quoted by: >>26178606

Holy shit how did Noel ever beat dark souls

>> No.26178587

Always has.

>> No.26178588


>> No.26178590

>looks like

>> No.26178591

Oga, Temma Fall Guys

Haachama Minecraft

Aki Death Stranding

Kanata Fall Guys

>> No.26178593

I want to eat shion out.

>> No.26178594

anon...your /vyt/ reps...

>> No.26178595 [DELETED] 

Korone's roommate is really lucky to have a mama who is so talented.

>> No.26178596

I dont think you understand my mother-daughter fantasy with Lamy and nene

>> No.26178604

Fuck you Roberufag


>> No.26178606

by banging her head at it

>> No.26178607

Kanata *is a lebsian
Even her real life mom knows

>> No.26178610

>This is bait isn't it?
gee i wonder

>> No.26178614


>> No.26178616

So what is the AZKI and Sora stream going to be about?

For those who don't know the norm
重大発表 = good news, for example Aqua announcing her sololive was a 重大発表
大切なお知らせ = bad news, or at least life changing announcement
Many vtuber announced their retirement with that kind of stream, Aoi going solo recently was also a 大切なお知らせ stream

AZKI and Sora are doing a 大切なお知らせ stream so it's going to be big
Being optimistic about it, it could be AZKI joining Hololive for real, otherwise...

>> No.26178617

Her mom agrees with you

>> No.26178625

I want to make Korone wear her jacket properly!

>> No.26178626


>> No.26178627
Quoted by: >>26178662

She does fit the part of being the male of the relationship. No wonder everyone wants a taste of her.

>> No.26178631
Quoted by: >>26178645

Wtf is wrong with cumbrains

>> No.26178633

Post you're best peko clips

>> No.26178636


>> No.26178642

>AZKI joining Hololive for real
Don't get my hopes up bro...

>> No.26178643

I unironically heard a touhou graze pop from that spear toss.

>> No.26178645

obviously they only have cum in their brain

>> No.26178651

youtube is a big gay and the stream needs to process before you can edit it, I believe
this makes it take fucking forever if its a 12 hour stream

>> No.26178652

Not until you take back what you said about Luna

>> No.26178656

Temma...Oga's crown onegai...he just want to abandon this kusoge...

>> No.26178657

>posting the faggots

>> No.26178659

you mean 重大告知?

>> No.26178660

Seeing as she always kneels to literally nothing, it's not surprising

>> No.26178661


>> No.26178662

She's childishly innocent which drives older womens maternal instincts wild.

>> No.26178667


>> No.26178668


>> No.26178669


>> No.26178673

Meant for >>26178616

>> No.26178674

once more into the breach with ppt!

>> No.26178679
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama now!

>> No.26178681

AZKi is hyping it and well, I don't expect Cover losing her but also I don't expect them buying the rights of her.
I just hope is a duet concert with Sora.

>> No.26178682

Honorable knight captain waits for her opponent to get up after being knocked down.

>> No.26178683
Quoted by: >>26178695

comfy haachama strean is starting

>> No.26178689

Aki is the lewdest of Holo

>> No.26178690
Quoted by: >>26178719


>> No.26178691
Quoted by: >>26178706


Look at the pic

I love not being able to post image in a image board

>> No.26178693

It's chama time

>> No.26178695


>> No.26178698
Quoted by: >>26178710


This boss is easy... please..

>> No.26178703

chama chama chama

>> No.26178704
Quoted by: >>26178740

Those words almost mean nothing once you realize it's a personal label. Aqua accidentally used it like she was going to do something big, but it was big for herself. And before that she just dropped her sololive on a whim like it wasn't an important thing then she learned that it was an important thing to the fans. Ayame also did a 重大発表 and it wasn't all that big.

>> No.26178706

Youtube title says

>> No.26178707

If they're japs that speak english I'm moderately excited. If they're westerners not at all.

>> No.26178708

Towa's looking a bit stiff.

>> No.26178710

She's still struggling with basic controls.

>> No.26178715
Quoted by: >>26178760

AZKi has surely been witnessing what Hololive does for your numbers and maybe she's realizing it would be beneficial to actually join it for real. Hololive is inclining so fast and she's getting left behind to some degree.

>> No.26178718


>> No.26178720

I wonder if Kanata would do better if someone gave her a controller.

>> No.26178719

why does roboco sound like shes about to cry all the time

>> No.26178721

Towa-sama your blinking reps...

>> No.26178724
File: 361 KB, 688x500, 1540145572721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26178754

>> No.26178725

This twitter mob didn't seem to notice Vtubers so far but when they do there will be angry articles in the media since this fags all follow each other and coordinate to create narratives on a scale that puts 5ch to shame I doubt Cover is prepared to deal with this kind of pressure. Also since Holo EN most likely hired white people in US they are not protected by minority status or "it's their culture" defence. But the biggest thing is "idol culture" thing, because Western media already criticize it and now it get's exported to burgerland, wait till Vice learns about it.

>> No.26178730

>video title

She's doing it on purpose just to throw >>26178616 off

>> No.26178732
Quoted by: >>26179092

There has been no vtuber politically shilling, AFAIK

>> No.26178735

thanks goes to danchous food obsession

>> No.26178736

Aki live!

>> No.26178737


>> No.26178740

They do, it's part of the vtuber culture at this point
I mean I don't expect people here to know that obviously but these words definitely have meaning for the japanese audiences and the vtubers know that

>> No.26178741
Quoted by: >>26178808

I really don't want to see /ourgirl/ get cancelled, but it feels inevitable.

>> No.26178742

Where do there types of posters come from?

>> No.26178743

AZKi's fringe is really ugly.

>> No.26178745
Quoted by: >>26178771


>> No.26178748


>> No.26178749


>> No.26178752


>> No.26178754
Quoted by: >>26178778

are you lost?
generic anime girls belong in

>> No.26178755

I actually made it way before HoloEN or even Nyanners.

>> No.26178756
Quoted by: >>26178795

PPT back from the death just to lose in a slime climb as usual.

>> No.26178757


>> No.26178759


>> No.26178760

Absolutely fuck all would change if she changed her label.

>> No.26178762
Quoted by: >>26178934


>> No.26178767

End your life now

>> No.26178770

I HATE haachama! I wish she would die and that haato will return!

>> No.26178771
Quoted by: >>26178837

Got fucked by low ammo again. I don't get her hard-on for Bolt, if she swapped weapons she could win.

>> No.26178776
Quoted by: >>26178828

>kanata is already back for more fall guys


>> No.26178777

And what if she change label AND get a new look

>> No.26178778
Quoted by: >>26178825

Notice all the people in this video? Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.26178779
Quoted by: >>26178839

It's too late, Haato is long gone.

>> No.26178780
Quoted by: >>26178794

This is going to be a long PPT stream

>> No.26178783

less than 8 hours boys
the end is near

>> No.26178785
Quoted by: >>26178822

Will EOPs ever learn to do something as simple as google translating stream title?

>> No.26178787

Melonpan will carry her like always.

>> No.26178790
Quoted by: >>26178800

Nyaharoooo Cherry blossomCherry blossomCherry blossom
I didn't like it yesterday (ー ̀ω ー ́ก) Sparkles

>> No.26178792


>> No.26178794

pls go all the way through the debuts

>> No.26178795

she said she saw Slime Climb more than her parents' faces.

>> No.26178798

Nene is so sweet.

>> No.26178799

>Cabbage and Ogre FGs
Save these two from naked dogeza.

>> No.26178800
Quoted by: >>26178810

>I didn't like it yesterday (ー ̀ω ー ́ก) Sparkles
She miscarried

>> No.26178805

What's better Watame's puking statues or Haachama's meme statues?

>> No.26178808


>> No.26178810

Today's #Miko Diary Sleepy face
It ’s too sleepy today, so it ’s no good ……… There are days like that.Sleeping faceSleeping faceSleeping face

I'm glad I made the meat and potatoes deliciously! !! Tomorrow also eatPotatoPotatoPotato

>> No.26178811

You need ouija board for that, lol

>> No.26178812

I meant if she starts cultivating popularity in the same way Suisei is, the title itself obviously means nothing, but AZKi is only doing marginally better than she was years ago when contrasted to the growth of the Holo brand.

>> No.26178822

Clicking on the holo mackerel # 5

>> No.26178824

wait a second
we are the chickens?

>> No.26178825

What's that anime girl doing with Gen 5? Is it some sort of crossover event like Azur Lane?

>> No.26178826

Towa because I want to see her disgusted as I "penetrate" her with my 1cm schlong

>> No.26178828

the biggest ganbattenshi
she'll eventually win by sheer luck if nothing else

>> No.26178829

>Be kanata
>admit she's been curious about dating girls through her idol obsession
>Boyish appearance roommate
>Mom smells lesbian pollen on her
>Moves in with her above average gaijin best friend

Is being PPT suffering?

>> No.26178831


>> No.26178834

>3 hours
>over half way

>> No.26178835

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but Botan already has more total video views than Miko does since most of her videos are still on lock down.

>> No.26178836
Quoted by: >>26178856

>nene smitten by the cock
i TOLD you guys

>> No.26178837

Towa loev SMGs, they're her best weapons. I used to say this back when she'd always use the Peacekeeper and Wingman and would die horribly, and at some point she seemed to come to the realization that she really does best with high rof automatics.

>> No.26178839

Implying you 3 day old newfags even know what haato was like before.

>> No.26178846

Another mangaka I folllow that likes Holo.

>> No.26178847

She said she doesn't want to date Coco because Coco is disgusting.

>> No.26178848

it all started with that burger fag ugh

>> No.26178854

She's messaged them a lot, nene really has a kind heart considering she'll likely never meet any of these people

>> No.26178856

Can't beat the cock.

>> No.26178858
Quoted by: >>26178880

Just how many forms Nene has by now?

>> No.26178860

She does it to get rid of people like you.

>> No.26178861

PPT's really that desperate to get a win huh

>> No.26178862


Imagine fucking marine

>> No.26178863

Very respectful of Noel to not bring up mipha's thong during the cutscenes

>> No.26178864

>Towa using an ultimate accelerant at 96% charge
Why is she like this

>> No.26178866

I don't play Minecraft, is Haachama's watame factory auto-gathering?

>> No.26178871

i just want to add her on myspace that's all

>> No.26178872


>> No.26178875

who will get a crown first, Kanata or Oga?
place your bets anon
neither of them will get one is also an option

>> No.26178876


>> No.26178877

yet another slimbclime

>> No.26178878

Cute but dumb!

>> No.26178879
Quoted by: >>26178967

Take your meds

>> No.26178880

She's trying to make up for Aloe's absence by having 1000 forms like she did.

>> No.26178881

Coco is the most anti-gay holo in all of hololive Kanata's life definitely is unaffected by her

Hell when Aqua came to holohouse (First time Coco saw her irl) she said "Is this your girlfriend?" To kanata

>> No.26178882

Please dont abuse your keyboard PPT...

>> No.26178883
Quoted by: >>26178918

Call Marine, she's crying.

>> No.26178885


>> No.26178889

I can’t believe everyone is inclining

>> No.26178891
Quoted by: >>26178900

Melon pan...

>> No.26178892

I want to lick the sweat off Miko's armpits

>> No.26178895

Don't Bully Me, Pekora

>> No.26178897

If I had to choose between the two, I would bet Oga, at least he'll be able to make it to the final round easier with Temma's help.

>> No.26178899

Okinawa Brown Holo when?

>> No.26178900

Was that the meidocafe guy?

>> No.26178902

Coco is one of the most normal person real life. She just has an American mindset

>> No.26178906

Victim Girls Pekora

>> No.26178910

this but with ayame

>> No.26178909



>> No.26178912

>watching the holos on an ipad
Why do people do this exactly?

>> No.26178913
Quoted by: >>26178922

Jesus looking at the (you) 70% of the people here must be reddit or smth

>> No.26178914

>Oga with Temma
He's fucked.

>> No.26178917

I somewhat remember this, she was already upset and the late delivery was just the boiling point.

>> No.26178918

NTR'd by usada again...

>> No.26178922
Quoted by: >>26178986

>or smth
and you must be from facebook

>> No.26178923

haachama minecraft streams unironically chill af

>> No.26178926

temma will steal the crown himself

>> No.26178928

I don't get why japs attack Holo because (China) but not Niji and their 40+ Chinese vtubers

>> No.26178929

this but with mio

>> No.26178931

this but with kanata

>> No.26178934
Quoted by: >>26178962


Actually I came from another imageshithole where certain schizo was posting roommate pictures for some reason and I'm still right 4shitters.

>> No.26178936

I will take reddit over you antis faggot anytime.

>> No.26178938


>> No.26178942
Quoted by: >>26178952

Maybe you should volunteer your name to confirm your theory anon.

>> No.26178946

it should be used at 100%?
t.never played apex

>> No.26178947


>> No.26178949


>> No.26178952
Quoted by: >>26178956

Diego Smargiassi
Towa is a whore.

>> No.26178954

it gives you like a 40% charge so you are wasting it

>> No.26178955
Quoted by: >>26178982


>> No.26178956

reported to cover

>> No.26178960


>> No.26178962

Go back

>> No.26178965

idol business still manages to be less shitty than its burger equivalent. hell a decent amount of media industries in burgerland are waaaaay worse than the non burger versions

>> No.26178967
Quoted by: >>26178992

Lurk 10 years newfag.

>> No.26178968

You are mistaken if you think antis operate off logic.

>> No.26178969
Quoted by: >>26178996

>338 IPs
>Thread is this slow
Fuck you faggots

>> No.26178970


>> No.26178971


>> No.26178973

It gives you 35% of your charge and takes a few seconds to use (long enough that you would naturally gain like 5% depending on your character) So using it at 96% means she completely wasted it, as in the time it took to use the item she would have just naturally gained enough to use her ultimate anyway. The better use would have been to use it right after using her ultimate to instantly put her 40% of the way to the next one.

>> No.26178974


>> No.26178976


>> No.26178977


>> No.26178981


>> No.26178982

1m - 35% vs 50k?

>> No.26178984
Quoted by: >>26178990


>> No.26178986

Twitter not faceberg

>> No.26178987

Miko had quintuplets. Don't tell anyone.

>> No.26178988

Aqua. Ever since I first listened to her that I got curious about how loud she must be in bed.

>> No.26178989


>> No.26178990


>> No.26178992
Quoted by: >>26179012

Already done it. I've been here since before this shitty board existed.

>> No.26178993

Can you imagine being a deaf lesbian...

>> No.26178994

>Kill Peko Sheep Korone Miko
>Marry Coco
>Fuck Towa

>> No.26178996

>The apocalypse about to start in 7 hours
Enjoy the slowness because it won't come back later

>> No.26179000
Quoted by: >>26179227


>> No.26179003

holo also has merch.

>> No.26179006

I always knew Miko was a breeding machine

>> No.26179007


>> No.26179009

I'm gonna report you as slander to Cover.

>> No.26179012

Sure you did. And I'm moot.

>> No.26179016

Definitely Mio

>> No.26179017

Pls come back the new guy hates us so much

>> No.26179018

Your favorite imageboard?
Can you post images on it?

>> No.26179022

I can't believe my oshi is so fertile!

>> No.26179023

She hasn't liked anything much since after the relay streams

>> No.26179024


>> No.26179026

Chilling in the trenches with the bois while you wait for Aki's Uber Eats service to arrive.

>> No.26179027


>> No.26179032

They should be more worried about how Disney tends to break in their girls.

>> No.26179034

Why is she wearing glasses is she is deaf

>> No.26179036

Have you looked at their twitters? Their humor consists of stale redd*t memes and forced fake impersonations of what EOPs think hololivers are funny for. They say pog, and one of them likes rapping in japanglish. Don't give them any views.

>> No.26179037
Quoted by: >>26179050

What happened to Cabaya?

>> No.26179038

God, I want to be Kanata.

>> No.26179039


>> No.26179045

This board wasn't made until 08. And I definitely remember raiding habbo with /b/ in 07. Sorry kiddo.

>> No.26179050

8:31 PMKanata Ch. 天音かなた
8:31 PMKanata Ch. 天音かなた
steram again

>> No.26179052

Fuck. This is so hot

>> No.26179053

Why did Kanata quit? I was watching with the sound off.

>> No.26179054
Quoted by: >>26179165

>Hell when Aqua came to holohouse (First time Coco saw her irl) she said "Is this your girlfriend?" To kanata
I find Coco's solo streams boring as fuck but it's because of stuff like this that I just can't dislike her.

>> No.26179055


>> No.26179060

>watching FBK's old Ace Combat 7 streams
>let's unlock the Tomcat
>it's everyone's favourite Tomcat!
>Tomcat is cute
You're pretty good, Fox.

>> No.26179061

>Watame and haachama minecraft at the same time
What I'm supposed to do now?

>> No.26179065

Just like her ears...

>> No.26179066
Quoted by: >>26179081

Wasn't it that Kanata introduced her as her girlfriend to Coco as a joke?

>> No.26179067
Quoted by: >>26179084

What about JSL westerners? I don't mind Iofi when she collabs with the JP holos.

>> No.26179071
Quoted by: >>26179086

How do you fucking EOP fags keep getting stories twisted like this? Coco only asked Kanata who she was. Kanata was the one who replied Aqua was her girlfriend.

>> No.26179072

Why do you guys watch Towa when she barely says anything to entertain the chat

>> No.26179078

oga with the winning goal

>> No.26179080


>> No.26179081

Canata this isn't going to help your mother's impression of you being a lesbian...

>> No.26179084

literally anything but amerimutts

>> No.26179085

towafags are mutants, you look at the chat and they're all just saying the same thing repeated infinitely

>> No.26179086

Translated clips, you're asking a question you know the answer to

>> No.26179088

Did Kanata private her first Fall Guys stream or is it just processing?

>> No.26179089

this but with marine

>> No.26179090


>> No.26179092

Not yet, thats where holoen comes in

>> No.26179093
Quoted by: >>26179129


>> No.26179096
Quoted by: >>26179115

Coco is not gay, Kanata has more chance with Suisei.

>> No.26179100


>> No.26179102

this but with pekora

>> No.26179104

Every day I wonder how Japan even supports YouTube culture considering how fucking much they hate actual technological progress

I mean the fuckers use Fax machines instead of email so that some ojisan can stamp a paper to look like he deserves to be employeed

>> No.26179105

They will look for any excuse to justify their hatred.

>> No.26179106


>> No.26179108

yeah they're all mutants, just like most of the JOPs in other streams

>> No.26179109

Aki is the only one who'd try to get through this section using her fists instead of her guns.

>> No.26179115

has tenshi inseminated her harem yet?

>> No.26179118

Privated because she leaked her discord convos in it.

>> No.26179128

every single human alive is a contrarian
more news at 5

>> No.26179129

the stars should just do a big collab like with Aruran and get him his crown

>> No.26179130

5ch says I'm going to kill Coco in Minecraft

>> No.26179132

ANOTHER FALL GUYS STREAM? What the fuck Kanata it's been less than 10 hours

>> No.26179135

I am behind, what was YAGOO's 'threat'?

>> No.26179137

Aki...your aim...

>> No.26179139

>when she barely says anything to entertain the chat
Have you seen her chat? This is a good thing.

>> No.26179141

Towa's slow.

>> No.26179142

Did you not see the 5ch assassination by management convo?

>> No.26179144

Does anyone have the haachama holding her corpse image?

>> No.26179145

Kanata Ch. Kanata Amane... good luck...

>> No.26179149


>> No.26179152

>openly hostile and threatening towards their fanbase
Takes your meds, faggot.

>> No.26179155

Bullyhunters nippon version.

>> No.26179156

She has turned into an endurance chuuba

>> No.26179159
Quoted by: >>26179169

Is PPT trying to get a single win before season 2 starts or something? Why the Fallguys grinding

>> No.26179160

>Work with Japanese company
>They demand faxes for receipts
>e-fax because who the fuck owns a fax machine
>they get upset that it wasn't a fax-to-fax even though there is literally no difference


>> No.26179162

Hololive Global
Hololive Premium
Hololive Rabbit
Hololive Dragon

>> No.26179164
Quoted by: >>26179196

Kanata accidentally leaked a screenshot of her Discord, specifically a convo with her manager. The convo was mostly nothing that interesting (Mostly about future merch) but one line stood out, something along the lines of "The 5ch thing is being taken care of" kind of implying they were going after antis. Naturally 5ch flipped out

>> No.26179165

Coco's every collab streams are gold tier too.

>> No.26179167

If I report enough slanderous accounts to Cover will Aqua make me a mod in her chat?

>> No.26179168

Could be worse, she could be a short tongue lesbian, now that's sad

>> No.26179169

She wants to get a win to flex it to other Holos

>> No.26179170

PPT needs money for her surgery you morons.

>> No.26179174


>> No.26179175

She'll make you her boyfriend.

>> No.26179176

Japanese also use IE and yahoo, sugoi desune

>> No.26179179


Japanese are actual fucking retards with a "just do the thing we always did, because". Their nation would thrive so much if they put people with common sense in charge, though I guess that's true for any country on the planet.

>> No.26179180

God's already punishing her for her aversions go easy on her anon.

>> No.26179182

Yagoo will treat you to some cheese nan and let you join his elusive tabble tennis club

>> No.26179189

You better watch out, they could come knocking at any time and the next thing you know you're 'kawaii desu~' rigged up to a iphone facial tacker playing minecraft/apex/ark/craftopia/fallguys/flavoroftheweak bullshit pleasing old men for money. See you in idol hell buddy

>> No.26179191
Quoted by: >>26179201

if it aint broke dont fix it

>> No.26179193

Based Kanata, spreading fear among the antis.

>> No.26179196
Quoted by: >>26179210

10/10 narrative

>> No.26179198

I don't know how Coco got a win before PPT when PPT seems to be better than her in this game, the fuck?

>> No.26179200


Hope it comes back up after deleting that part

>> No.26179201

It's broke

>> No.26179206

>it's a punishment game stream

>> No.26179209

Japan is the world's 4th largest economy, the ones who surpass them is the worlds most powerful military and the worlds most populated country. They're already thriving

>> No.26179211

Fallguys is a lot of luck with some skill involved.

>> No.26179210

It's actually true. It's the reason why her previous Fall Guys stream is privated

>> No.26179213

Does Coco play on PS4 or PC?

>> No.26179212

Onsen with Haachama!

>> No.26179214
Quoted by: >>26179226

Fall Guys is more on luck than skill desu

>> No.26179217

Haachama's brain melting bgm!

>> No.26179219
Quoted by: >>26179225


>> No.26179223

Do they even use credit cards there?

>> No.26179224

Are Yagoo and co really salarymen, or is every salaried employee considered a "salaryman" despite the industry?

>> No.26179225

It begins

>> No.26179226

>implying luck isn't a skill

>> No.26179227


>> No.26179230


>> No.26179231


>> No.26179232


>> No.26179234

