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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 480 KB, 2048x2043, 241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26039556 No.26039556 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>26039563


>> No.26039557
File: 103 KB, 700x618, EhO4iJrUMAI7cTt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.26039558
File: 231 KB, 849x1200, 1580349925879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039559
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinayuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039560
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26041237

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26039561
File: 691 KB, 835x1200, ELxonynUUAAeUrU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039562
File: 25 KB, 363x331, matsuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this menhera.

>> No.26039563

I want sex

>> No.26039565
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them ever

>> No.26039566
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599240714691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040764


>> No.26039567
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.26039568
File: 276 KB, 900x1295, Coco Kaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaine.

>> No.26039569


>> No.26039571
File: 300 KB, 379x454, queenofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039598

Pekora is the eternal queen of hlg, homos and chocoballs get the FUCK out

>> No.26039573
File: 2.22 MB, 592x1280, 1591791307862.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039574
File: 723 KB, 1000x1120, 1598372104180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039579
File: 141 KB, 237x217, 1599418924173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039591

Smug Aloe taking an image spot

>> No.26039581
File: 974 KB, 2432x3437, 3a2da7321cf3ecf6016238e88afc7228fc93baf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039580
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.26039583
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039582
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 1592370776527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039585
File: 712 KB, 2419x3495, EhQuSwPXkAAhZNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.26039590
File: 825 KB, 2894x4093, EgHUl_JUMAA0Njc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039650

I love Matuli!

>> No.26039591
File: 792 KB, 1437x805, TheHornyGrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039594
File: 318 KB, 400x447, 1599419128456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039645

>Coco goes to her room after a long ARK collab
>her body is producing extra testosterone as she comes down from all the excitement
>hears moaning coming from her room
>thinks someone's trying to steal her new mattress
>enters to Kanata's butt raised in the air and the sheep's legs spread apart
>they don't notice her in the doorway
>stands there mesmerized by the sight before finally noticing her hand under her skirt
>slowly makes her way over
>Coco makes her way over and begins to pleasure Kanata
>her small frame shakes in pleasure as she can tell Coco is hornier than usual
>dragon continues eating out Kanata making long tongue stroke across her tiny slit before putting two fingers in
>noticing this small angel is putty in her hands, Coco gives her a light spanking and tells her to cum as hard as she can
>Kanata cant help herself as her moans intensify into almost screams of pleasure
>afraid of what the neighbors would think, Watame sits up and locks lips with her until she finally releases all over Coco's fingers
>Watame just smiles and giggles at her before releasing her
>Coco stands up and licks her hand then says "why don't we give her the Holohouse welcome?"
>Kanata smiles and helps the sheep off the bed telling her to stand up and enjoy herself
>Coco stares intensely in her eyes before locking lips
>then uses one hand to massage Watame's breast while using the other to gently stroke her from the waist down
>Kanata decides to see why everyone speaks so highly of them and begins making her way up the sheep's arm with gentle kisses before raising it and licking her armpit running her tongue along the crease
>Coco, lips still locked with the sheep, opens one eye to see Watame's rolling back in her head
>she smiles and taps Kanata on the head to give her the signal that Watame is primed and ready
>both girls then get on their knees
>Coco goes for the front while Kanata goes for the back
>Watame now being attacked on both ends can barely keep her balance never having felt this kind of pleasure before
>balances herself by running her hands through both the girls' hair before even she cant take anymore
>Watame tries her best to get the words out but is in too much pleasure to do "I'm...I think..."
>Coco looks up to see Watame in intense pleasure, her cheeks red as fire as she tries to keep from making too much noise
>Kanata smiles as she tongue spears the sheep's other hole, massaging her buttcheeks and stretching them open as she does making Watame even weaker as it seems her knees are about to buckle from the experience
>Coco knows what this means as she begins licking Watame and fingering herself more aggressively
>the sights the sounds and smells all clash as Watame's moans grow louder before she finally grips Coco and Kanata's hair and closes her eyes as she cums harder than she ever has before
>blindsighted by this act, Coco's hand begins fingering even faster as she cums as well
>finally all 3 of them fall over in pleasure, breathing heavily
>Kanata suggests they all take a shower together like old times
>they share stories of PPTrio and past streams before Watame asks if it'd be all right if she could stay the night
>Kanata doesn't give her time to answer as she leads her back into Coco's room and jumps on the bed then pats either side of her encouraging both girls to get in as well
>Watame gladly lays down before Coco sighs and follows suit
>soon find themselves drifting off to sleep before Coco hearings a small crinkling followed by a crunching
>"Watame what are you doing?"
>she doesn't reply as the crunches turn quieter
>"if you're gonna eat chips in bed at least share"

>> No.26039595
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039596
Quoted by: >>26040301

I wish I could draw this well.

>> No.26039597

why is shion so good at this?

>> No.26039598
File: 56 KB, 704x596, 1596775416841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Pekora became the Alex Jones of Hololive.

>> No.26039599

Mio stream onegai...

>> No.26039602
File: 20 KB, 269x269, ZgcZkiU8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039610

43 minutes until this thread of whores is saved by pizzadad.

>> No.26039603

I will make Towa another sister.

>> No.26039607 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 3700x1768, 1599432452858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039615

>no holo that's actual perflat yet
why even live

>> No.26039608 [DELETED] 

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>> No.26039609
File: 528 KB, 1937x2500, 1597713710915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039667

thanks i didnt know i needed this i can sleep easy tonight

>> No.26039610
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1598649660569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're falseflagging is so obvious it's almost funny.
No wait, it is funny.

>> No.26039611
File: 120 KB, 362x437, 1598850380426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tamaki then tries to push onto Coco that she's an idol so that kind of thing is bad for her(classic cunt, shut the fuck up)
Why are the confirmed whore vtubers always such huge cunts to everyone, their fans included?

>> No.26039613
File: 132 KB, 475x475, 1598929287227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one bad thing about Towa.
Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.26039614

Goddamn, all those ritual posts

>> No.26039615

that bodyshot anatomy

>> No.26039616
File: 558 KB, 1869x3108, 1591227154717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Botan. Every day I would wake her up by coming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck insider her. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would be to have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Botan as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 12 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of milk per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. She would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.

>> No.26039619
File: 75 KB, 225x460, BH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put this on.

>> No.26039620

I love this menhera stripper.

>> No.26039622
File: 213 KB, 1790x1650, Ebg8yE1UYAIPims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let things work out well this week, for once.

>> No.26039624

her self-confidence

>> No.26039625

>Bringing up narratives from the last thread

Kill yourself

>> No.26039626


>> No.26039628
File: 174 KB, 844x1200, EXvoQFQWoAIWhVH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minato Aqua
-Is a bitch who constantly berates and bullies her fans to the point of tears
-Hates her EOP audience (racist?) and talks shit about them with scathing sarcasm ("ha ha onion joke so clever")
-Thinks she's more intelligent than her audience and is just playing up the retard role, but is actually an arrogant retard suffering from Dunning-Kruger
-Sucks ass at games but pretends to be a real "gamer girl".
-Is scared shitless by Botan's arrival.
-Refuses to add Gen 5 to her channel for this reason.
-Never bathes
-Never collabs with her coworkers but readily collabs and flirts with people from rival companies, especially male streamers
-Korone and Pekora, two of the most wholesome streamers with large child audiences, hate her
-Friends with Kaguya Mea and Shiina Yuika, well-known to be walking STD biohazards even among vtubers
-Is very friend of Sasaki Saku. The whore that bullied Luna in her days in Nijisanji and made her leave
-Tried to ruin wholesome OkaKoro by stealing Okayu away from Korone
-Manipulated Okayu and forbade her from collabing with Pekora until recently.
-Talked shit to Okayu about her cat live on stream, then turned around and bought one herself.
-Literally whored out Marine as an apology for canceling a stream
-Completely and rudely dismissed Artia when all she wanted was her acknowledgment, tearing into her art and shitting all over her
-Provoked Sasaki into actually, physically IRL slapping her after a series of incendiary comments
-Stalked Lize and Rion on a train IRL, watched them silently and sent them creepy messages that made them feel unsafe and uncomfortable while doing so
-Fat midget (144kg, 44.5cm)
-Drug addict (does "Red Bull" constantly, "Red Bull" contains an addictive and potent psychoactive drug)
-Actually, genuinely slaps Hololive staff in the knees when she gets upset (physical assault is not cool)
-Is a terrible team player who abandons her teammates immediately in APEX and always blames them for her losses
-Killed Hanako
-Ruined the ARK server by destroying the Holotribe, basically killing the Ark fad and leaving Aki and Choco to fade into obscurity.
-Tried to ruin the Minecraft server by destroying everyone's hard work with TNT griefing until Sora put a stop to it.
-Completely disregarded Shion in their recent ARK collab and insulted her appearance, named a monkey "Shion" and started pretending like it was the real thing
-Disregarded her loyal fans to suck and SLRRRP a pro player's dick in Smash live on stream.
-Cried about it and hid behind Coco as a criticism shield.
-Constantly makes false promises with her fans and lies to their faces (remember when she said she was going to play more Skyrim?)
-Completely ghosted a loyal fan on social media for daring to approach her
-Mooches off of her mom who she still lives with and forces her to cook meals. She even intentionally tried to poison her family with food once when she was forced to try to cook, so now they don't let her.
-Extremely inconsiderate, caused property damage to her neighbor's residence
-Horrible, loud, obnoxious screeching also blew up their eardrums
-Likes Re:Zero and SAO
-Favorite anime is Yosuga no Sora (she has an older, MALE brother)
-Completely ignored Watame on her birthday and refused to even acknowledge her as a person
-Clickbaited people to buy tickets for her SoloLIVE* (fake: *not even) concert by pretending to have amnesia
-Made Shion cry live on stream and then proceeded to mock and bully her for crying
-Saw that Marine was giving Shion attention so she got jealous and coerced Shion into doing a bunch of collabs
-Punched Okayu's water cooler in a fit of autistic rage. Bought one herself and named it Kirito.
-Didn't want to commute into work anymore so she decided to be a giant mooch and become an unwanted guest at Shion's house for several days.

>> No.26039630
File: 274 KB, 1612x2288, 42j9tzi0fgl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039643

>> No.26039632
File: 1.12 MB, 280x540, suisei wave.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039680

>> No.26039633
File: 27 KB, 215x361, sheeps_bedroom_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a whore.

>> No.26039634
Quoted by: >>26039681


>> No.26039636
File: 354 KB, 658x500, aloegone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, Aloe has almost completely faded away!
She can only be saved by typing the 's' word in this thread!

>> No.26039637
Quoted by: >>26039725

EOPs hate Tamaki because everyone likes her for speaking the truth

>> No.26039639
File: 41 KB, 659x759, EfMJAJpUEAAvzKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Aqua

>> No.26039640
File: 60 KB, 771x785, 1599353913022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039674

I can't go on any longer. She betrayed me. Us. It's all over for me, but maybe you can continue. Maybe you can find that one, just for you. Maybe...

>> No.26039641
File: 289 KB, 476x580, 1598036256281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ritualposts are getting out of hand

>> No.26039643
Quoted by: >>26039655


>> No.26039644

Reminds me of this gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8_8x0A4pLI

>> No.26039645

I post this too, but we need cooldown of at least 6-10 threads else everyone allready saw this

>> No.26039647 [SPOILER] 
File: 1015 KB, 1057x759, 1599432608341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039673

We finally got it bros!

>> No.26039649
File: 1.23 MB, 5500x2000, hlg plotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did things go to shit?

>> No.26039650

Matuli says the M word!

>> No.26039653


>> No.26039655
File: 34 KB, 360x360, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039657


>> No.26039658
File: 980 KB, 1581x2527, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_lims_neko2lims__9edbe4145ba9eabb67cf6d0b7615b21a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 39 Thread #3

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.26039659
File: 424 KB, 1173x1080, 1594788204134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice so we're doing 3 essay rituals now...

>> No.26039660

super hyper ultra nenechi's sweaty armpits

>> No.26039662


>> No.26039664
File: 287 KB, 403x419, 1598951791951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 6 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I will always remember her


>> No.26039665

Are you guys excited for the announcement scheduled for 10:00 JST?

>> No.26039667
Quoted by: >>26040301

This looks so cute, imagine being able to draw this.

>> No.26039670

kanata/coco/suisei posters are the worst posters in these threads
even worse than towafags

>> No.26039671 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 565x600, 1599432691306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039696

ⁿⁱⁿᵍᵉⁿˢᵃᵐᵃᵗᵃᶜʰⁱ ˢᵘᵖᵃᶜʰᵃ ᵒⁿᵉᵍᵃⁱ

>> No.26039673


>> No.26039674
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1599352699719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039685


>> No.26039676
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, basedaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you listing all of my oshi's best features?

>> No.26039678
File: 453 KB, 650x950, 7xlbidbnfgl51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039679


>> No.26039680
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, suiseiguitar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039681
File: 43 KB, 359x522, cleitintv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039695


>> No.26039682
File: 1.17 MB, 1919x1079, 【#かなわたライブ】1st 3D LIVE!サイリウムの準備はいいか??【天音かなた&角巻わため_ホロライブ4期生】5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love seeing her smile

>> No.26039683

eh? sekusu?

>> No.26039684

stop talking about aloe. she's not a holo.

>> No.26039685

wtf I love Ayame now

>> No.26039686

_____ sashimi

>> No.26039687

>Temma playing FE 3 Houses
Wtf no one told me the homos were this based? Why can't any of the girls get into srpgs...

>> No.26039688

How many more days will we suffer before she returns...

>> No.26039690
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1597152425407.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not my wife.

>> No.26039694


>> No.26039695

alguém português?

>> No.26039696

ojou aishite!

>> No.26039697
File: 228 KB, 480x480, 1572502214771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you watch a deep voice Holo?

>> No.26039700
File: 748 KB, 1981x1080, sz0rgs1rqll51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039701
File: 29 KB, 318x416, 1592197212691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances Aloe was watching that big ARK collab?

It's not fucking fair

>> No.26039702

he's gonna theorycraft the best gameplay pairings with no regard to actual character chemistry isn't he?

>> No.26039703
File: 725 KB, 860x1214, 1598890851217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now accepting applications for the official Nene fanclub. Will you join?

>> No.26039704
File: 2.26 MB, 2508x3541, 1599303462620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039705

algum br?

>> No.26039706

I already watch them

>> No.26039707

I hope he goes full tryhard.

>> No.26039708

What the fuck is this?

>> No.26039709
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1596369514639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039712

only if they have a deep sexy face too

>> No.26039714
File: 1.27 MB, 1067x1291, tiredofhomos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% because theres a chance she already killed herself

>> No.26039715

I would. I'd watch Risu and Moona more if they used their deeper voices by default, for example.

>> No.26039716
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x2300, Ecu_0boU4AEEsMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039718
File: 162 KB, 1068x601, giganenechi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039719

why is Flare so ugly?

>> No.26039722

Jason Schreier please leave.

>> No.26039724

At least they're passionate about their holos, the worst are holostarfags since they don't even care about the holostars the same way people care about the hololives, yet despite this they'll go and fill the thread with mentions of their shitty vtubers
>inb4 Astelbro
He was a faggot and the worst kind of poster, you could tell how fake he was everytime he complimented a holo, or his false niceties, all so he could make holostar posters seem well-mannered and wholesome. I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly insulted holos too. Not to mention how underhanded his compliments tended to be, like you could tell he's looking down on the hololives and thinks the holostars are better.

>> No.26039725

She lied and got banished from the VA industry

>> No.26039726

i want to impregnate luna

>> No.26039727
File: 1.11 MB, 1108x1500, 1596613966076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger burger burger

>> No.26039728
File: 421 KB, 1080x837, 1599250193405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039758


>> No.26039729
File: 97 KB, 960x540, jgqcn4qbhll51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039730
File: 178 KB, 1920x795, 1599378980741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039731
File: 93 KB, 225x223, 1598319051068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio finally out of YouTube jail
>wholesome welcome back tweets on twitter
>first live was apology stream
>takes a dayoff
Ruined the hype.

>> No.26039733

when asacoco 1.0 ended

>> No.26039734
File: 918 KB, 2892x4096, 1599319560453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm just waiting for her membership to open.

>> No.26039736
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1590562672086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who even cares about what some random prostitute is doing at any given time?

>> No.26039737
File: 1.27 MB, 1557x3499, 83451489_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039739

Between FBK and Moona, who's the bigger burger queen?

>> No.26039740
Quoted by: >>26039846

I legit lose my shit every time this guy posts

>> No.26039741

Sometimes boring, sometimes has a self-sabotaging miasma surrounding her. Prefer her old voice.

>> No.26039743
Quoted by: >>26039846

You forgot your Pekora image

>> No.26039744
File: 115 KB, 375x382, racistmatsuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to /v/eddit to leave

>> No.26039745

M.A.S.S found her again on Twitcast. A new one, created September 1st.
These people are insane. They're mentally ill stalkers.

>> No.26039746

I love Aki and her singing!

>> No.26039748
File: 101 KB, 1024x692, EhJc4RbU4AIR-O2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senchou, hand over Shion

>> No.26039750
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, 1593617665619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039751
File: 867 KB, 2900x4027, 1302118735596023808_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039753

she's probably getting railed and doesn't give a shit about vtubers at all anymore

>> No.26039755
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1597683395539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039761



>> No.26039757
Quoted by: >>26039775

Reminder to go watch Korone's APEX stream

>> No.26039758

DAMN, matsuri rejected THAT?

>> No.26039759
File: 106 KB, 1412x1247, 3xkmuljdqll51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039792

>> No.26039760
Quoted by: >>26040214

Will you be my wife?

>> No.26039761
File: 1.02 MB, 1919x1079, 【#かなわたライブ】1st 3D LIVE!サイリウムの準備はいいか??【天音かなた&角巻わため_ホロライブ4期生】3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039762
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I fucking hate this bitch?
always has been
always has been

>> No.26039764

Towa has a deep sexy voice

>> No.26039765
File: 342 KB, 638x356, 1597673870899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, Dildo-chan should never be allowed another moment of peace in her life

>> No.26039767

the one who get burger at 4 am

>> No.26039768
File: 246 KB, 1024x1024, 8778684674868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039789


>> No.26039769
File: 234 KB, 600x600, 1599311473952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039781

>> No.26039773
File: 3.17 MB, 4000x1846, Medraresteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Holo's favourite food,
and how well you want your steak cooked.

>Pineapple pizza
>Medium rare

>> No.26039772

I'm going to let you in on a little secret bros, Noel's utawakus are my favourites

>> No.26039775
Quoted by: >>26039787

I don't watch redditubers

>> No.26039776

I left like two days ago but last I checked they had a rule against stalking her and were planning to let her go.

>> No.26039777
File: 91 KB, 679x255, 1599145173538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039778
File: 113 KB, 903x1085, 1599353629126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039779

Can we excommunicate this guy already? This is about to be round 345345 of this one person starting the same argument every fucking thread lmao

>> No.26039780
File: 218 KB, 1080x1622, Screenshot_20200906_195847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sugoi, Aloebros...

>> No.26039781


>> No.26039784
File: 2.93 MB, 2894x4093, Ayamewife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.26039785

Tamaki wasn't trying to "push" anything. Hololive's fanbase is well-known filled with purityfags in Japan.

>> No.26039787
Quoted by: >>26039797

Every vtuber is reddit retardchama

>> No.26039788
File: 680 KB, 1143x775, 1599300541069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039789

I want to marry this retarded baby!

>> No.26039790
File: 49 KB, 160x158, 1584289154457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039792

clap clap NEXT MEME

>> No.26039793
File: 424 KB, 1062x825, tablesturnedeveningrobert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039804

I like Roberu though

>> No.26039794


>> No.26039795

Splitkun works hard on the weekends.

>> No.26039796
File: 508 KB, 800x800, 1599246247761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039797
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1599000949883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039822


>> No.26039800
File: 243 KB, 1501x2048, EhOt5ZZUcAAwfB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.26039802
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, 1599181660756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes super cute!

>> No.26039803

look at him go!

>> No.26039804
File: 798 KB, 1037x988, robwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039806


>> No.26039807

She couldn't even go a week without being a vtuber lol. Attention whore woman are really something else.

>> No.26039810
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1589597340844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasnt Miko supposed to be released from the hospital?

>> No.26039811
File: 85 KB, 303x383, 1596424984604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same time as Roberu's Xenoblade
fuuuuuuuuuck. sorry Temma...

>> No.26039812

Man, why are you fags always talking about dicks in this thread? Just nonstop dick talk that always derails this thread into garbage. Dicks dicks dicks. It's like a coordinated effort to push dick propaganda. No matter how much you bring up dicks, nobody here is going to fall for your bullshit and start sucking big juicy dicks. Fuck off fags.

>> No.26039813

It’s the same dude that replies to himself all thread long every thread, can’t really do anything about it

>> No.26039814

Penis onegai

>> No.26039815
File: 884 KB, 760x698, EdmnrqPWAAw_adV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039816


hopefully this works and holos keep playing after this releases. i still enjoy the fall guys streams.

>> No.26039817

i bet she gives the warmest hugs in hololive

>> No.26039818
Quoted by: >>26039831

Do you have the one in which she is doing to a vocaloid cover and switches to her anemori voice?

>> No.26039819
File: 2.22 MB, 253x210, kanawata ufo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039821
File: 627 KB, 800x1417, 3wxwlxtpwll51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039822
File: 79 KB, 268x260, Luna3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039823
Quoted by: >>26039857

Yet you are there stalking her via those cucks.

>> No.26039826


>> No.26039830
File: 9 KB, 228x91, 1599361348979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039853


>> No.26039831
Quoted by: >>26039837


>> No.26039832

Describe the best Hololive related tacpatch

>> No.26039833

PPT in Adidas shorts!

>> No.26039835

I love Aloe

>> No.26039837


>> No.26039838

risu ...

>> No.26039839
Quoted by: >>26039854

Yes, today. We're probably going to hear more about this from her later today.

>> No.26039844
File: 330 KB, 936x646, peKO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039879

I've never given Coco a view and I never will

>> No.26039845
File: 1.54 MB, 1919x1079, 【#かなわたライブ】1st 3D LIVE!サイリウムの準備はいいか??【天音かなた&角巻わため_ホロライブ4期生】6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hospital inducing sex

>> No.26039846
File: 173 KB, 700x700, averagepekoraposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039878

take your meds homoschizos, I'm the poster you're thinking of, not him.

>> No.26039847
File: 3 KB, 300x37, trollposts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to >>>/b/ onegai

>> No.26039848


>> No.26039849

I see living with Coco has been paying off for Kanata

>> No.26039850

> big juicy dicks
Anon..is there something you need to share?

>> No.26039852
File: 18 KB, 386x328, 1599267216534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Rushia

>> No.26039853

Can we sacrifice Coco to get Aloe back please?

>> No.26039854
File: 123 KB, 395x472, 1598078187349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039919

I hope the baby is ok

>> No.26039855
File: 304 KB, 1637x2120, 1599398914391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040662

Konpeko konpeko, Minna genki ja nai wa.

>> No.26039856

How many players can Craftopia hold? Could they have had all Gen5 in the same game?

>> No.26039857
Quoted by: >>26039874

It's public already if you step one foot outside of /jp/, brainlet.
Kill yourself.

>> No.26039858
File: 2.05 MB, 2732x3270, mfgz62ppxll51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26039860

Yagoo should become the E-chan of Holostars.

>> No.26039862

Wtf I love aqua now?

>> No.26039864
File: 435 KB, 561x420, 1596028491465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039869

Kanata sure knows how to work those hips and legs, why the hell is this little angel suddenly so sexy

>> No.26039865


>> No.26039866

Nobody cares

>> No.26039867
Quoted by: >>26040241

Aruran in 30 minutes


>> No.26039869

lessons from coco

>> No.26039870

I'm addicted to this

>> No.26039871

>tenshifags all abandoned thread during the 3D to actually watch it and left the bait all hanging dry without (you)s

>> No.26039872

You care

>> No.26039873

Should I order a Flare pizza?

>> No.26039874

I don't visit reddit and discord schizo.

>> No.26039877

A Hololiver forgot to mute her mic for two minutes after she closes her stream
What do you hear?
What is her excuse?

>> No.26039878
File: 123 KB, 830x960, 1585801176670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039890


>> No.26039879
File: 1.31 MB, 996x1446, 0e8c1e1b80f778e5847d28c140b8d007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039906

This but with the holostars

>> No.26039882
Quoted by: >>26040035

Korone smoking
no excuse

>> No.26039883

I would absolutely love any stream with Yagoo.

>> No.26039884

>-Favorite anime is Yosuga no Sora (she has an older, MALE brother)
Based as fuck.

>> No.26039886

I wonder if the Holos have Christmas parties at Cover HQ

>> No.26039887
File: 103 KB, 1100x550, 5e0e63c3855cc216217dde08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039940


>> No.26039888
Quoted by: >>26039901

Has she said anything or just an empty account?

>> No.26039890

The homostomping duo

>> No.26039891

>my wife
But she's happily married to me anon

>> No.26039892

Where's Kira guys? Why hasn't he stream in over 4 weeks?

>> No.26039893
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1598904925562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>232 posts
>116 images

>> No.26039894

haha onion ha ha

>> No.26039898

So what is it? I'm not going to their discord

>> No.26039901
Quoted by: >>26039933

it doesnt exist

>> No.26039902
File: 2.98 MB, 2150x3036, 1598199596505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039921


>> No.26039903

Describe Kanata's fashion sense using the word "heavenly".

>> No.26039904

I was sick of Aloefags since the debut day but now I only want to wrap my fingers around their pencil necks and crush their windpipe.

>> No.26039905
Quoted by: >>26039928


>> No.26039906
File: 222 KB, 1500x1500, 1599404803661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I just want to smell Shion, I don't even need to touch her.

>> No.26039907
File: 596 KB, 605x600, 1599021842073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a rough day
>remember that it wasn't a dream and that the whore actually got fired
>all my worries fade away

>> No.26039908

this has to be on purpose right, no one is this much of walking stereotype

>> No.26039910

Kira was Aloe

>> No.26039911

fucking pekorafags

>> No.26039916
File: 95 KB, 800x688, pekofire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are rookie numbers
post more PEKO

>> No.26039917
Quoted by: >>26039970

No one cares, he's irrelevant.

>> No.26039918
File: 220 KB, 367x376, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three Houses arguing AND holostar falseflagging at the same time

>> No.26039919
File: 18 KB, 400x400, IMG_20200907_060756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope too

>> No.26039921
File: 384 KB, 947x831, zbu333t0xhl51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039922

This but Lunafags

>> No.26039923

sucking dick no doubt

>> No.26039925

How much is Hiro getting in add & capcha revenue?

>> No.26039927

Loud stretching, humming some anison and talking to her bunnies
No excuse, just embarrassment once she notices a wave of superchats

>> No.26039928
File: 231 KB, 465x241, 1585443105000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039942


>> No.26039929
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1598284646701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, my name is Nobody, and I do indeed care

>> No.26039931
File: 1.27 MB, 1057x847, 1599352750668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my wife, say something nice about her

>> No.26039932

ayame kicking her cat
she was just petting it

>> No.26039933

Wait so the MASS faggots are lying or is that anon lying?

>> No.26039935
Quoted by: >>26039958



>> No.26039936

Why didn't Mio stream yesterday?

>> No.26039938
Quoted by: >>26039954

If Temma picks BE im unsubbing and closing the stream.

>> No.26039939

your wife is a horse

>> No.26039940
File: 68 KB, 900x571, 1598520984716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Luna could land that 900, she might have gotten hooked...

>> No.26039941
File: 3.76 MB, 640x480, 1570923421398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit the more I watch this dumb sheep the more I like her. Help me before it's too late

>> No.26039942

Fuck yeah I love high Luna

>> No.26039944
File: 176 KB, 827x2000, EaTwN_iUYAAzj3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavenly adorable

>> No.26039945
Quoted by: >>26040742

Have any Holos played that Friday the 13th Game where there's 4 campers and one Jason? Might be a fun collab idea.

>> No.26039946
File: 303 KB, 680x680, 1599243281397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it

>> No.26039947

She toes the CCP line and I find that hilarious.

>> No.26039948
Quoted by: >>26039964

She's getting her revenge next week.

>> No.26039949
File: 133 KB, 291x297, aquantr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha onion haha funny onion joke haha onion meido ha ha ha ha very funny ha ha gaijin funny onion joke *slurp* you so is funny gaijin ha ha ha ha gaijin asshole you so funny call me onion ha ha ha ha
Jesus aqua that was a little bit overboard

>> No.26039950
File: 953 KB, 1000x1412, 1596542057871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has an older, MALE brother
ah yes as opposed to a female brother

>> No.26039951
File: 62 KB, 593x680, EfieibGWoAAC536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26039953
File: 362 KB, 2048x2048, Moona.Hoshinova.full.2909987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wisest holo

>> No.26039955
File: 165 KB, 498x480, 1599399160315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039954

it would be in character for him to pick the Blue Lions, but who knows.

>> No.26039957
Quoted by: >>26039980

HoloEn announcement, onegai...

>> No.26039958

I didn't expect this. I'm looking forward to his smug autism

>> No.26039959
Quoted by: >>26040068

Watame flexing her apex skills to HPS

>> No.26039961

She said she was my wife!

>> No.26039960
File: 2.55 MB, 390x444, 1594525883612.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late, anon. Surrender to your destiny.

>> No.26039962
Quoted by: >>26039997

why do you have a picture of birdkun saved

>> No.26039964
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1591130230069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039979


>> No.26039965
Quoted by: >>26040147

> VA
Tamaki is a manga artist.

>> No.26039966

imagine the heavenly smell of her dasai hikki clothing when she hasn't showered or changed in 3 days

>> No.26039967


>> No.26039968

I love Three Houses so much
But why the fuck did it have to be a fucking Holostar?
I would even watch Aki play 3H
Why a fucking male?
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.26039969

Why does he keep posting FE Temma youtube link over and over?

>> No.26039970


>> No.26039971
File: 154 KB, 852x480, 1599263357303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26039972

nah give in bro, you landed one of the good ones, stress and drama free, long streaming hours, good relationships with her collegues, Female and JP, appreciate winning the oshi lottery

>> No.26039973

Humming or singing incomprehensible songs that she made with onomatopoeias, or shouting at her nagging sister.
She'll just giggle and kill the stream.

>> No.26039974

She doesn't love you, Artia

>> No.26039975
File: 338 KB, 900x745, 1576330443353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26039983

>> No.26039976
File: 21 KB, 850x1202, 1599433913253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040076


>> No.26039979

Yup pt 2 sponsored stream on the full game not just the demo.

>> No.26039980

I got a feeling that HoloEN will be announced today.

>> No.26039984
File: 3.16 MB, 1920x1080, 【#桐生ココ】あさココLIVEニュース!4月3日【#ココここ】 - yqJxK9dDNy0 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040120

>> No.26039983
File: 129 KB, 1491x1066, 1592273983563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a view!

>> No.26039985

current philosopher looking this cute?

>> No.26039986

What's with the obsession with armpits here?

>> No.26039988
File: 3.80 MB, 1888x2044, Coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040004

Like it or not meme review is the new asacoco

>> No.26039987
File: 34 KB, 679x360, 1598520975841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040046


>> No.26039989
Quoted by: >>26040028

You're thinking of Nene

>> No.26039990

Who knows, maybe it will start a trend where someone else will start it tomorrow, like how Peko and Roberu are both playing through Xenoblade.

>> No.26039991
File: 66 KB, 851x475, PekoraINSTANTLYDESTROYSanotherhomostardiscordfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but homoleeches

>> No.26039992

whats up with the birdkun/miko had a child meme

>> No.26039993

/jp/ culture

>> No.26039996

I need them in my face now.

>> No.26039997
Quoted by: >>26040016

I intend to falseflag as him

>> No.26040001
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 22fb9980af6b04e64f0bffa8e4f2dae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040002
Quoted by: >>26040259

So why the fuck didn't rushia welcome back mio? What's her issue with wolf mommy?

>> No.26040003
File: 366 KB, 950x647, 1581728472961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunny cunny

>> No.26040004
File: 663 KB, 685x624, 1599338694362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040018

It's not though

>> No.26040005
File: 49 KB, 344x648, EhRJAd2VkAE4OvC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo! You can't just call me an onion!

>> No.26040006

even tough Aloefags are stupid, creepy, stalkers, mentally ill and a bunch of cucks, at least they killed all the Towafags

>> No.26040008
File: 611 KB, 900x820, 1583390284309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040024

I haven't been here all day so I don't know if this has been posted already but I'm sure you guys will like it https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84196790

>> No.26040007

It's 2020, shitlord

>> No.26040009
Quoted by: >>26040073

>I love Three Houses
>Why a fucking male?
I thought that game was big among homos and women

>> No.26040010


>> No.26040011
Quoted by: >>26040053

Give it some time, maybe someone else picks it up, Noel picked up BOTW and Pekora Xenoblade so Nintendo longplays are back in the menu

>> No.26040013
File: 1.16 MB, 939x2033, Ayamearmpits6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're attractive and I want to lick them

>> No.26040016

Fair enough

>> No.26040017
File: 797 KB, 813x1000, 1598911175511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me sacrifice Coco to get Aloe back.

>> No.26040018

Someone post Aloe version?

>> No.26040021
Quoted by: >>26040049

So is this faggot just going to spam Moona every thread from now on?

>> No.26040022

wasted opportunity to do the same thing with neko

>> No.26040024
File: 209 KB, 1026x1063, 1593784845966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040025
Quoted by: >>26040054

Aqua needs to stop growing she's getting too fat!

>> No.26040026
Quoted by: >>26040148

It's already too late...

>> No.26040027
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should this post be bannable?

I think it should.

>> No.26040028

Nene wasn't banished she's just unpopular

>> No.26040030
Quoted by: >>26040093

Idiot actually believed /hlg/ narratives.

>> No.26040033


>> No.26040035
Quoted by: >>26040051

korone doesn't smoke

>> No.26040038

but pekora is a children's idol

>> No.26040039
Quoted by: >>26040071

So 4th gen is officially the reddit gen now ?

>> No.26040040
File: 3.19 MB, 276x204, 1591600394119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /v/ to leave

>> No.26040041
File: 12 KB, 368x103, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040042
Quoted by: >>26040066

3H is a fujobait game with art by a literal otomege artist. All the Holos are gay. It doesn't work.

>> No.26040044
Quoted by: >>26040266

FOTM fetish

>> No.26040045

Pekora just keeps winning, her Xenoblade play through is going to have some fantastic thumbnails just like her Death stranding one

>> No.26040046

risu stop talking shit to your co worker

>> No.26040049
Quoted by: >>26040080

He's been spamming her since she debuted anon

>> No.26040051
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1594218976907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040052
File: 1.16 MB, 1919x1079, 【#かなわたライブ】1st 3D LIVE!サイリウムの準備はいいか??【天音かなた&角巻わため_ホロライブ4期生】4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040053
File: 292 KB, 800x800, 1592430295344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040083

>Pekora Xenoblade
pekora will at most play xenoblade 1 more time for 2 hours and never touch it again

>> No.26040054
File: 1.35 MB, 1055x1796, 6af9e2e77e7b424f06b7ad3b09378c40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040056
Quoted by: >>26040081

No, but avatarposting is.

>> No.26040059
File: 302 KB, 490x486, 1571453566891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this?

>> No.26040060

kek, I actually laughed

>> No.26040061

Haato....your anatomy reps....

>> No.26040062

I have to agree with you on this one

>> No.26040065
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1598231837172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040066

That sounds like something Marine would love, but she's not the type to do play long games, specially not now, so never going to happen

>> No.26040067

Hikosan is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.26040068
Quoted by: >>26040451

Isn't it risky to schedule that clip just 1 hour after Sora's anniversary? If she doesn't end on the clock it will look like she's streaming while Sora is still going.

>> No.26040069


would you guys say this video represents vtubers/hololive well???

>> No.26040070

What we need is 3 concurrent playthoughs happening at the same time with each one doing a different house I'd say 4, but I feel like no holo will be willing to explore to get the shit route

>> No.26040071
Quoted by: >>26040124

All of them except luna because she was obviously forced to do that reddit shilling by coco.

>> No.26040072

>her fans are her knights
Dont Knights ride horses?

>> No.26040073

Well that anon seems to love it so maybe that theory does hold water

>> No.26040074

Nousagi are the strongest race.

>> No.26040075
File: 145 KB, 1180x656, ewcghgre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040076

>file size
Warn me next time, I'm on my 56k modem.

>> No.26040077


>> No.26040078
File: 1.14 MB, 664x812, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26040080

No he hasn't it's only ramped up recently because faggots keep trying to force the shitty architect meme and the "moona is /our girl/!" angle.

>> No.26040081
File: 636 KB, 966x818, 1597038364382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040083
Quoted by: >>26040108

Didn't she spend like 50 hours on DQV? It's not like she's Aqua.

>> No.26040087
Quoted by: >>26040117

post art

>> No.26040090
Quoted by: >>26040155

she could have been lighting a candle or something too anon

>> No.26040091

Blame the holos for being too safe with their picks. Somebody has to make the first step before others follow through.

>> No.26040093

lmao did he make a video on it or something?

>> No.26040094


>> No.26040096
File: 557 KB, 2896x4096, EhGw84xVgAATyxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040133

>> No.26040098

I'd say there's a good chance of Noel picking it up after BOTW for knight autism, but at her current pace she's not finishing that this year if ever

>> No.26040099

Post your artwork.

>> No.26040102
Quoted by: >>26042390

when Miko released her video saying that she was going to the hospital, he released a "translation" in like half an hour with "I don't want to be negative but this can only mean one thing..." written in the description, the rest is pretty obvious. good thing he got called out on twitter and he won't "translate" anything about Miko ever again

>> No.26040103
File: 171 KB, 330x206, 1599011410003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a meme post but it always jingles my jolly's knowing out there that are actually this autistic. I've seen them out in the wild even.

>> No.26040107
File: 238 KB, 1000x1666, 1599150859418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040153

>> No.26040108
File: 114 KB, 777x960, 1592501131259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040764

>It's not like she's Aqua.
she couldnt even recently finish SM64 let alone a 100+ hour jrpg

>> No.26040109
File: 6 KB, 434x49, 1594730490820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040111

After Hikosan drew everyone that played through Death Stranding, I wonder if they'll do it for any other holos that are picking up Xenoblade, their willingness to draw Aruran when DS happened makes me hope for a cool Roberu drawing... plus I like seeing all the holos in the same style with a similar theme like the ARK set.

>> No.26040112

>coco is reviewing reddit again
>but reddit isn't funny
>but reddit isn't funny

>> No.26040113
Quoted by: >>26040155

there is a million and one things that make a clicking sound. and that is way to big of a sound to be a lighter

>> No.26040116

Just woke up, when's Miko?

>> No.26040117
File: 243 KB, 889x1433, 20200906_162010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040118
Quoted by: >>26040155

How does this confirm anything?

>> No.26040120
Quoted by: >>26040136


>> No.26040124

As long as luna is free from the cococancer i'm good.

>> No.26040127
File: 9 KB, 567x74, dwg23w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040152


>> No.26040128

dog god last boss in some indie platform game when

>> No.26040131

I wish I didn't hate ARK to see what she sees in it.

>> No.26040133
File: 687 KB, 4093x2302, Eg4UJr4UMAA9Pdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itsudemo couple!

>> No.26040134
File: 1.09 MB, 1104x1558, c911dfa5c394693b9478ed5e7f03239905c6ea3a7a7f2b76cb7fe3172b8f0fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040145

jacket-less tenshi ONEGAI

>> No.26040135

Name one good thing about Aloe, aloefags

>> No.26040136
File: 35 KB, 463x453, IMG-0211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine doing something like this now, no wonder it's on break.

>> No.26040137
File: 281 KB, 1242x1492, 30A494E2-DD9B-47B0-9A13-155964CA7F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a salary man just sent an akasupa to Nene before he went to work
This is how you support your oshi

>> No.26040138

She cute.

>> No.26040140

She's not Coco

>> No.26040141
File: 128 KB, 800x800, based kanata watame singing stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040142

This is a lie. I have a script that scrapes twitcast ever 15 minutes for list of live channels and 5 minutes from each live feed of users I haven't black listed yet. Since August 29, no one sounding like her has shown up.

>> No.26040143

towa ppt live...

>> No.26040144


>> No.26040145
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x2048, EOUmix6UEAEr8Lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040173

You'll get your NY kimono and that's it.

>> No.26040148
File: 1008 KB, 2700x1800, 1587607706376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, her laugh tugs at my heartstrings so goddamn hard. I think I need a break

>> No.26040147
Quoted by: >>26040182

It's getting off topic so I will just said that she got an cheap anime adaptation in witch she sang and voiced a character, her anime flopped. After a while, in frustration she said a few bad things witch made her incest manga get axed and her roles as a low tier VA got cancelled.

>> No.26040149

basado, nene membership when?

>> No.26040152
File: 150 KB, 306x399, 1595420447233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040174

Has God forsaken us ?

>> No.26040153

What does groping Nene's hairbuns feel like?

>> No.26040154

this is why korone will always be my favorite

>> No.26040155
File: 207 KB, 427x381, 1595457090651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040172

lurk moar

>> No.26040159
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1592049504727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you could just subscribe, watch their videos, and maybe even like them like a normal person

>> No.26040160
Quoted by: >>26040167

Is Aqua called onion because her pussy smell like onions?

>> No.26040161

Bags of sand.

>> No.26040162
Quoted by: >>26040186

nenefags are mentally ill

>> No.26040163
Quoted by: >>26040604

Aqua visiting her virtual boyfriend (me)

>> No.26040165
Quoted by: >>26040179

>Aloecuck posting for a week now
>Towacuck posting mysteriously dies down concurrently
Really makes you think

>> No.26040166

this made me wonder why Korone doesn't have an intro like most of the other girls

>> No.26040167

Komugi probably smells nice

>> No.26040169

What the FUCK happened to her face? Whose jaw is that

>> No.26040168


>> No.26040170

Horses don't exist in China.

>> No.26040172
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1598665310416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody knows the korone smoking meme retard. its not some m-muh sekrit club initiation requirement. its just another narrative founded on a two second clip.

>> No.26040173

I wish I could draw this well.

>> No.26040174
File: 22 KB, 349x168, 1589299487793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have

>> No.26040175
File: 184 KB, 1500x1500, 1599154170458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her buns are magical!

>> No.26040177
File: 1.19 MB, 3982x3528, Eg-8AqtUYAEJOZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.26040179
File: 183 KB, 1200x1339, EhP8Hz9UwAA23lG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, missing Towa.

>> No.26040182

>incest manga
Futaba-san? It got axed?

>> No.26040183
File: 1.78 MB, 334x250, 15441561154156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

armpits, feet, scat and dicks, are all zoomers fetiches since they grew up taking boomers pedobear friends posting serious

>> No.26040184

Oni horns.

>> No.26040186

at least they're happy aru

>> No.26040185

Serious question, language barrier aside is ny*****s better at singing then everyone on the holo roster?

>> No.26040188

Can i become a pekoCHAD or is it a skill you are born with?

>> No.26040189


>> No.26040190

Moona is objectively bigger.

>> No.26040191
File: 348 KB, 1384x979, 387731333847438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna demands more hardcore ecchi fan art!

>> No.26040192

Moona literally has the best design in all of Hololive

>> No.26040193
File: 8 KB, 277x39, 1595577491229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it fags

>> No.26040194

Going purely by voice, which holo is your favorite?

>> No.26040195
File: 82 KB, 240x240, pb.BUyKndXx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040196
File: 466 KB, 513x544, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK is 2 in 1 so I guess she wins by default.

>> No.26040197


>> No.26040200


>> No.26040201

I love Towa.

>> No.26040202
File: 804 KB, 1080x1600, 84132523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040205

do people actually like nene wtf

>> No.26040204

to know that one would have to watch her first

>> No.26040206


>> No.26040209
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, B58C7452-824A-4C92-852F-6437B4362A8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saviour of Sora...


>> No.26040210

Aloe Love

>> No.26040211


>> No.26040212


>> No.26040213
Quoted by: >>26040225

i don't think she actually cares about anything other than streaming games. she doesn't even bother to make a video description to copy paste every stream

>> No.26040214

no but you can be my wife

>> No.26040215

Why wouldn't they? She played Mahjong.

>> No.26040216

Singing voice? Speaking voice? Voice acting? ASMR? Laugh? Be specific, nigger.

>> No.26040217
Quoted by: >>26040230

What is your educational vtuber of choice

>> No.26040218
Quoted by: >>26040226

Shions bratty voice makes me feel things

>> No.26040219


>> No.26040220


Okayu's schedule's up. Tuesday looks like a 3 death Mario Brothers limitation stream. Wednesday is a break.

>> No.26040222
Quoted by: >>26040584

>A loyal hard working man with 14 work days living paycheck to paycheck spending more than he can afford on some girl that plays games and chats a few hours a week and makes more than he does

>> No.26040223
File: 166 KB, 1000x808, EbrmVBrUYAEd2Vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040245

Oshio drawing live with Kanata made me doubt I know anything about drawing at all. Ironically she said she has no idea what she's doing as she was confidently laying perfect lines one after the other.

>> No.26040224

>Lamy mornings
>Nene lunch times
The best ritual streams

>> No.26040225

how new?

>> No.26040226
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1680, 1599408385435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040227

i want to spank that cute little kusogaki butt into submission

>> No.26040228
File: 989 KB, 4093x2894, Ef3zmdUU0AAhBh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040230

>baiting out the sex ed vtuber
Dude just post her yourself

>> No.26040231
File: 717 KB, 800x1130, 1591068984541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.26040232
Quoted by: >>26040268

She used to have one of those cluttered image stream loading screens like other holos. She definitely doesn't care enough to commission a fancy intro and outro screen though.

>> No.26040233

Kanata and Subaru

>> No.26040234
File: 840 KB, 1200x1600, 1594107258466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040249

>Tuesday looks like a 3 death Mario Brothers limitation stream
so its going to end in 20 minutes

>> No.26040235
File: 543 KB, 900x900, EUbRy1EU0AADuTo.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu's all I need. Mio's a good runner-up though.

>> No.26040237

Sora Iofi てえてえ

>> No.26040238

Bags of hair

>> No.26040240
Quoted by: >>26040263

Nene's my favorite, she has this natural positive energy about her. Makes me forget everything.

>> No.26040241

It's time.

>> No.26040242
Quoted by: >>26040258

Pizzadad starting


>> No.26040243

Why not? She manages to be funny by pure accident

>> No.26040245
Quoted by: >>26040264

Kanata new outfit when

>> No.26040246
Quoted by: >>26040427


>> No.26040247
Quoted by: >>26040270

Nene is the best gokisei.

>> No.26040248
File: 496 KB, 1240x2123, 2358923859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040265


>> No.26040249
File: 146 KB, 1158x1638, EhQS3UaVkAA9zrV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, unless she's been practicing. Wonder if she's got a surprise stream/collab planned that day, or if she just wants an easy day before her day off.

>> No.26040250
File: 40 KB, 467x407, 1596047213208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep posting your homo shit i'm not gonna click on any of those links, i'd rather watch paint dry.


>> No.26040252

She's kinda cute. She's not exactly Rushia/Lamy/Ayame tier but she has some charm.

>> No.26040253

holy based

>> No.26040254


>> No.26040255
File: 672 KB, 792x1200, Normal korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040289

My name is Inugami Korone. I'm 90 years old (dog years). My house is in the Eastern section of Shinjuku, where all the other yakuzas are, and I am married to a cat.

I work as a talent for Hololive Production's 'idol' project, and I try to stream every day for 8 hours. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink off stream. I'm in bed when I end my stream, but I make sure to get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a good inu, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up.

I'm trying to explain that I'm an inu who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose time to stream at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness.

Although, if I were to fight, I wouldn't lose to anyone.

>> No.26040258

He's picking up guitar? Nice

>> No.26040259

Nearly half the girls didn't welcome back Mio. Is she that hated?

>> No.26040260

People fucking love retarded daughters.

>> No.26040262

nene is a cute braindead barbarian

>> No.26040263

I fucking hate it, you can tell that she's genuinely gone through life without having ever experience hardships.

>> No.26040264
File: 95 KB, 1026x722, tenshistyles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After she finishes all four of these

>> No.26040265

I can't describe how attractive her model is.

>> No.26040266

I'm trying to get us over to GTS for the month but it's slow going yet.

>> No.26040268

the cluttered imagebombs are honestly kind of messy.
i like the direction fubuki went though with the advertisement rotation on the TV in her new loading screen, makes it a lot more aesthetic

>> No.26040269

She is the cause of the HOLOcaust

>> No.26040270
Quoted by: >>26040285


>> No.26040272
File: 454 KB, 590x635, mpvshot0016.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nene, you faggot.

>> No.26040273
File: 59 KB, 886x633, 1586380116387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based

>> No.26040275
Quoted by: >>26040292


>> No.26040276
Quoted by: >>26040288

>5th gen collab ban gets released
you ready for the return of asacoco?
just fucking with you, they're gonna be on reddit meme review

>> No.26040277
Quoted by: >>26040346

The pillar of Hololive.
The pillar of HololiveID?

>> No.26040278

I just scoured the entire discord and there is absolutely no mention of this. Stop falseflagging, and go back to your containment.

>> No.26040280
Quoted by: >>26040317

Why was Aloe such a coward that she ran away from her fans and her critics?

>> No.26040281
Quoted by: >>26040600

wait until she experiences my cock

>> No.26040282

There's plenty of positive people that's been through shit.

>> No.26040285
File: 1.16 MB, 2388x1668, 1597631776406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing but honest truth.

>> No.26040288


>> No.26040289
File: 227 KB, 706x1000, EeZPvRQVAAA5FAn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040290

hell, there's even one right in hololive

>> No.26040291
Quoted by: >>26040342

Could the average Watame/Peko fag beat the average Holostars fag in a fist fight?

>> No.26040292

This, I just love Marine's voice, I always have it in the background when I'm gaming and stuff.

>> No.26040293

Choco though she cant sing for shit

>> No.26040295

she's going to politely giggle at the word "panik" and theres not a fucking thing in this world you can do to stop it

>> No.26040296
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, robertxeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you leady?

>> No.26040298
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1596793361075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040299

Yeah just like Subaru right

>> No.26040300

Which holo cuts themselves accidentally when they cook?

>> No.26040301

Hey fag, are you gonna whine under every fucking drawing, or are you gonna do your drawing reps and surpass them?

>> No.26040302

She kissed me yesterday
She's my wife now

>> No.26040305

Subaru has gone through hell and she's still a very nice person, Kanata is just about the kindest person in hololive yet her life goes to shit every other week

Not everyone who goes through hardships grows bitter

>> No.26040307
Quoted by: >>26040319

That's different, Subaru's positive, but not in a clueless ingenue way. Nene on the other hand just comes off as blissful.

>> No.26040308
Quoted by: >>26040336

She's a bundle of joy, ready to cleave and smite.

>> No.26040309
File: 896 KB, 1351x955, 687464168648468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Papa is Hiro motherfucking Kanzaki.
>Barely anyone draws her.
Why are people like this? It's not fair. Is she too high IQ for smooth brains to understand?

>> No.26040311
File: 1.18 MB, 468x440, 1592864304886.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040314

Which Holo loves their job the most?
Which is just doing it for the money and otherwise hates it the most?

>> No.26040315

Doesn't this bitch become a robot

>> No.26040316

no one cares

>> No.26040317

It's not that she ran away from her fans, it's that she ran towards SEX

>> No.26040318


>> No.26040319

They're playing a role, you can't really tell what they've experienced by their acting.

>> No.26040322

>got kissed by civia and rushia yesterday
I won bros

>> No.26040323

her model is already perfect. fan artists are too intimidated

>> No.26040324

botan is just what you described, and yet she's by far the most stable of gen 5 and remains calm and upbeat
maybe using your own unresolved problems as the basis for analysis isn't a great idea

>> No.26040328
Quoted by: >>26040361

my oshi
your oshi

>> No.26040329

>Pizzadad is late
what's going on here?

>> No.26040330

At least her papa loves her very much

>> No.26040332

People like retarded holos that scream like Aqua/Rushia/Pekora.

>> No.26040333

>Hiro Kanzaki
Literally who? Is he a mangaka? I only know Oda, Kubo, Seo, Miura, and Togashi off the top of my head.

>> No.26040334

Your favorite

>> No.26040335

But I already do. Same for nijis

>> No.26040336
File: 448 KB, 1428x2048, 1599057982412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warlike Nene is the best

>> No.26040340
Quoted by: >>26040351

Hopefully he died.

>> No.26040341


>> No.26040342
File: 88 KB, 152x325, pekoenter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040348

Nousagi here, I could take 3 before I even eat breakfast

>> No.26040344

Watame seems to enjoy her job.

>> No.26040346
Quoted by: >>26040359

Given the other options (Risu and Moona), might as well go with it

>> No.26040347

Aruran okiteeee

>> No.26040348

3 cocks maybe lmao

>> No.26040349
Quoted by: >>26040365

He overslept.

>> No.26040351
Quoted by: >>26040380

Hopefully you sucked a dick you anti fuck

>> No.26040352
File: 1.10 MB, 1684x1191, 1597094053834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040354

The holostars
Every girl

>> No.26040355

Hopefully dead

>> No.26040357

cute pantsu

>> No.26040358
File: 98 KB, 700x622, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040359

but both of them cant really connect with the JP
atleast they're having fun

>> No.26040360
File: 99 KB, 237x295, Luna78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511


>> No.26040361

What if your oshi is my oshi?

>> No.26040362
Quoted by: >>26040394

Sheep seems like she'd smell bad. Not the sniffposter kind, like garbage cheese.

>> No.26040363
File: 707 KB, 2719x3583, Eg98CMmU4AEkZGw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is if I would ever stop. The answer is no.

>> No.26040364


>> No.26040365
Quoted by: >>26040639

does he usually do that?
haven't watched him before but this guitar stream looked too interesting to miss out.

>> No.26040369

Very cute drawing, the artist is extremely talented.

>> No.26040370

The last guy has the right idea.

>> No.26040371
Quoted by: >>26040396

guys we're not even at 1000 posts yet
save the images onegai...

>> No.26040372
File: 293 KB, 413x449, 1588116239677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511


>> No.26040376
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1599353538616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040386

>na ni fa
real high iq there buddy

>> No.26040377
File: 92 KB, 296x220, BD4F04A8-F85B-4D1A-A193-7C634269B82B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040429


>> No.26040379

No, I'm not attracted to trannies or fat people

>> No.26040380
File: 428 KB, 500x600, ogey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040410

>noooo you have to like my literal who off-topic faggot
You don't belong here so should expect this response, idiot.

>> No.26040382
File: 1.75 MB, 900x900, Efhzu_NUYAAOwM-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, Nanora is actually fucking sick at this shit.

>> No.26040383
File: 668 KB, 1920x950, 1599343012173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040384
File: 352 KB, 944x2043, 8832572375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040395


>> No.26040386


>> No.26040387
Quoted by: >>26040443

Post more Cocock smut!

>> No.26040388
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1596140514530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

oh shit obliterated

>> No.26040389

Everyone else

>> No.26040390


>> No.26040392
Quoted by: >>26040511


>> No.26040394
File: 422 KB, 1375x1971, EhJ5F-3UcAADQrF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040395

Aren't cats meant to be cute?

>> No.26040396
File: 102 KB, 733x1000, EZbAQETUEAU3H3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think our record is like 800 posts at image limit

>> No.26040398

godspeed, aloeschizo.

>> No.26040401
File: 856 KB, 1508x1368, 1598079514541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511


>> No.26040400


>> No.26040402

Haachama just made a members only-post detaling how she's making a Haaton cover of We Will Rock You. It has a place for you to send your recording and a karaoke version for you to sing along to. So yeah it's probably going to be extremely blessed garbage so look out for that.

>> No.26040403

Well, looks like he's not waking up in time, when's the next stream that ends dead hours?

>> No.26040404
Quoted by: >>26040449


>> No.26040408

I've just been informed that Aruran was last seen having a slice of Flare's pizza.

>> No.26040410

Gonna post this on Reddit

>> No.26040411
File: 1.42 MB, 1282x1903, EevN7SGUcAEF0Q2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040493

Now listen here you cheeky cunt

>> No.26040412

Record is ~600 posts.

>> No.26040414
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1594346509635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

Uhmmm pekofags?

>> No.26040415

pretty sure we managed to do it under 700 before, but that was intentional

>> No.26040417

way too perfect, artist get intimidated

>> No.26040419
Quoted by: >>26040511

There's no coming back from this one.

>> No.26040421
File: 120 KB, 241x224, 1596293060429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

anon you just fucking killed him stop

>> No.26040422

Knowing Haachama, it will probably be a beautiful trainwreck

>> No.26040423
File: 20 KB, 318x416, tiredpedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040454

yeah ok we get it you can stop samefagging now

>> No.26040425
Quoted by: >>26040511

It's over, this is a holostars general now.

>> No.26040426

he drew for oreimo and eromanga-sensei

>> No.26040427
File: 251 KB, 644x892, ookami_mio_hololive_drawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040428

me on the left

>> No.26040429
File: 277 KB, 624x546, 1597495907414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040490


>> No.26040432

Lammy is a multimillionaire who bought a spot in gen 5 because she wanted to be a vtuber.

>> No.26040433


>> No.26040435
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1593483551743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

got em!

>> No.26040436
File: 306 KB, 1200x1076, 1598563251917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice reddit gottem, have fun in hell homo

>> No.26040439
File: 240 KB, 329x534, 1596917055283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040440

ok you won anon

>> No.26040441
File: 926 KB, 2892x4096, EfjSizDVoAcZoO-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040442
File: 64 KB, 192x214, 1596141166189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

damn son

>> No.26040443
File: 579 KB, 632x679, Cocock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it boss

>> No.26040444
File: 709 KB, 702x659, 1594702035988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

fucking hell

>> No.26040446
File: 104 KB, 408x453, okko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040468


>> No.26040449
Quoted by: >>26040467

Where is she going?

>> No.26040450


>> No.26040451

just because its schdueled doesn't mean she has to start at that time. considering Sora's status among the JPs no one is going to throw a fit about sitting at "waiting for..."

>> No.26040452
Quoted by: >>26040470

Why is Artia's voice so weird compared to other English speaking holos like Civia or Risu? She sounds like she's ugly or fat.

>> No.26040454
File: 727 KB, 1200x800, 1599337930920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them cocks ain't gonna suck themselves peko, time to get on it

>> No.26040456

I would believe this if her papa was someone mega famous like Miyazaki or something.

>> No.26040457
File: 403 KB, 988x1755, 1599335612908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040458
File: 829 KB, 2967x4096, 1599070485044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars deserve the rope.

>> No.26040460 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Oreimo S2 - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.53_[2013.04.06_20.56.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Luna's sister.

>> No.26040461
File: 74 KB, 207x267, 1597531636968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040511

how can he ever recover from this?

>> No.26040462
File: 413 KB, 1857x1429, 1599264900951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040463
File: 100 KB, 954x540, EgGC-IWUEA0z2ca.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

>> No.26040465

>Fuck up and make everyone not be able to stream capcom games anymore
She deserves everything.

>> No.26040467

going to live with shion in "virtual" tokyo for a while to do work in the studio

>> No.26040468

More like analihilated.

>> No.26040470

she's both of those so it makes sense. If i met her in real life I'd beat the shit out of her. I hate artia.

>> No.26040471
Quoted by: >>26040483

Not funny, not hololive
end yourself parasite

>> No.26040474
File: 355 KB, 1646x1503, EhNxslAVgAE4tBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't mean they can't also be sexy.

>> No.26040475

Imagine sitting in a discord and mass replying to a post on a mongolian weaving forum. Jesus christ.

>> No.26040478

Jesus, Civia settle down.

>> No.26040480
File: 1.33 MB, 1440x2876, Screenshot_20200906-164634(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040530

The absolute state of this general

>> No.26040482

Take your meds

>> No.26040483

fucking SEETHING lmao

>> No.26040484

I still want my bread

>> No.26040485
File: 785 KB, 2080x3097, 1595584871682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040486 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040487


>> No.26040488
Quoted by: >>26040499

Drawing reps, etc.

>> No.26040489
Quoted by: >>26040519

>mongolian weaving
That's some next level shit

>> No.26040490
File: 3.33 MB, 498x498, 18B0F704-EEDB-45F6-8B06-4272CDBE2ADB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040491

You're not projecting are you, anon?

>> No.26040492
File: 55 KB, 180x155, 1596641351238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizzadad already too lazy to do his guitar reps
never gonna make it

>> No.26040493

Sorry but Okayu is completely unappealing in any way.

>> No.26040495
File: 482 KB, 660x858, 1598667300881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040499
Quoted by: >>26040514

It's not that simple.

>> No.26040500
File: 1.20 MB, 850x1300, Okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy cat feet

>> No.26040501

Which Holo hates gaijin?

>> No.26040502

Drawing is a talent, if you aren't a good artist by 15 why even try
hard work my dick some people are just built different and better

>> No.26040504
Quoted by: >>26040537

Are these dango or anal beads?

>> No.26040505
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1596388948661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please enough. he's already dead

>> No.26040506
File: 1.25 MB, 1919x1079, 【#かなわたライブ】1st 3D LIVE!サイリウムの準備はいいか??【天音かなた&角巻わため_ホロライブ4期生】2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost reaching image limit
how do i control myself? I just want to flood this thread with images of my oshi~

>> No.26040508

She's relatively wealthy and has a nice collection of gaming consoles.

>> No.26040509
File: 802 KB, 2932x4096, Eg65C1zU8AA5zuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay that you're wrong anon. I still appreciate you for trying.

>> No.26040510
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1597861516722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funposting hours

>> No.26040511
File: 101 KB, 265x164, eternal(friend)ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was weak as fuck, stop samefagging and fuck off

>> No.26040512

Panties that are meant to be seen!

>> No.26040514
Quoted by: >>26040558

>draw, and get better
>don't draw, and don't get better
Yes, it is.

>> No.26040516
Quoted by: >>26040547

i went over to luna's house she played the godzilla theme for 3 hours and told me to listen silently then she told me to fuck off and i left

>> No.26040517


>> No.26040519

Holy fuck, how are you this new? Where do you people even come from?

>> No.26040521

superchat aqua and call her an onion. there's your answer.

>> No.26040523


>> No.26040525

and here comes the party pooper

>> No.26040526
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1599251295800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040552

don't stop posting images

we're almost there

>> No.26040527
File: 50 KB, 800x900, 1599407603963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give us a week without drama

>> No.26040528

Sorry anon but you just confirmed this narrative for everyone in this thread. Stop raiding us and fuck off

>> No.26040529
File: 107 KB, 230x230, 1596543991792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

>> No.26040530 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040532

It's a bunch of retards in discord as well

>> No.26040533
File: 162 KB, 1257x851, 1597749767211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino livestream

>> No.26040534
File: 16 KB, 253x152, 1593926354983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yubi! Yubi!

>> No.26040535
File: 241 KB, 1448x2048, EhJnOQMU0AUxaLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040564

I still don't understand what about these panties is "okay to see", they're pretty eroi. Is it just because they're not shown in full an just teased?

>> No.26040537
File: 65 KB, 950x697, Eg6usC6UcAA8SlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your mind out of the gutter, anon. It's clearly just the springy thing she hates from Fall Guys.

>> No.26040539
File: 271 KB, 2475x1446, ENTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040540
Quoted by: >>26040560

>closeup of her stupid mini crown
for what purpose?

>> No.26040541

All me.

>> No.26040544
File: 147 KB, 221x292, E1E81B58-80AE-48F8-936B-12A6938A1477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s time to Shien

>> No.26040542

holostar shills are reddit rejects

>> No.26040545

her voice is sex

>> No.26040547

Uhhh heckin based nanora

>> No.26040548
File: 212 KB, 320x320, 1599378176109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's mad

>> No.26040550
File: 44 KB, 423x373, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040551
File: 345 KB, 470x558, 1573977311701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope pekofag

>> No.26040552
File: 109 KB, 920x716, EhJljriVgAIh1gX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040553
Quoted by: >>26040586

you missed the basket anonchama, that's what i was calling attention too, you made it sound like we are weaving actual human beings

>> No.26040554
File: 9 KB, 321x50, 1590435138488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040555
File: 258 KB, 900x808, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040576

What a whore

>> No.26040556
Quoted by: >>26040658

her voice is way too deep. that's the opposite of sexy

>> No.26040557
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 1595992101211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok anon? you seem troubled

>> No.26040558

>draw, draw, draw
>spend years drawing yet never manage to be as good as I want to be
It doesn't matter how long I spend if I can't get it to click in my head. Plus you need good hand-eye coordination.

>> No.26040559

This thread is so shit during burger hours.

>> No.26040562
File: 185 KB, 417x489, 1596116791317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my refrigerators

>> No.26040560

she'd be naked without her crown

>> No.26040561

Anon, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.26040563

mommy in 8

>> No.26040564
Quoted by: >>26040622

Subaru is a lowkey freak why do you think she moved out?

>> No.26040566


>> No.26040567
File: 664 KB, 1985x1999, 1598373613152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040568
File: 3.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1594346571357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, which Russhia is best and why is it green?

>> No.26040570
File: 543 KB, 608x476, ru77.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040571
File: 8 KB, 228x195, 1599281722812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Subaru so much it hurts

>> No.26040572

Pekora was right. Pekofags are truly the worst.

>> No.26040573
File: 53 KB, 457x497, 1593747264983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forget the depressed FBK image

>> No.26040574
File: 27 KB, 240x532, 1599233854167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040576
File: 66 KB, 600x600, EhQV7K0VoAAzYsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26040578
File: 191 KB, 1000x1333, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_mikan_chipstar182__347af2286e52c18e7f0dd2a4375f2d3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040658

Dangerously sexy. Good thing she's still too shy to weaponize it fully.

>> No.26040582

welcome to membersheep!

>> No.26040583
File: 902 KB, 850x601, queen of gen4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040646

>> No.26040584

That's basically why there are so many antis in Japan. The idol fans who donated most of their hard earned salary to their oshi would kill once they felt betrayed.

>> No.26040586

He's probably ESL and has no idea what weaving even means

>> No.26040588

HoloEN is coming

>> No.26040589
File: 188 KB, 850x1063, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_mogmog__sample-c6a0186b33fe41ba18dd17b8508bf726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late Tenshi

>> No.26040590
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, Lovely Unicorn&#039;s First Debut 45-43 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based American Chink

>> No.26040592

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.26040593 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040598
File: 593 KB, 1889x1889, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get suckin'

>> No.26040600

thats a hardship alright

>> No.26040602
File: 108 KB, 248x255, 1596631613894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over anon. just take the L

>> No.26040603
File: 232 KB, 975x1425, 1599378060903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect the oni idol

>> No.26040604
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1591464664600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Aqua go by herself or does her mom accompany her when she's going away from home.
>Shion wakes up
>She overlept a bit but it's ok, there's till time before Aqua arrives
>She finds a message on her phone, it's from Aqua
>"Hey we'll be there a bit earlier, see you in a bit"
>A bit earlier? Well it's fine, Shion has been looking forward to having friends over ever since she moved out
>She managed to get some booze, it's gonna be great. Just the two of them playing games and talking all night long
>Some 10 minutes later a doorbell is heard, and a text pops up on her screen
>"We're here, open up"
>Shion's apartment is a mess and she's barely put on any clothes
>But who cares, Aqua is here! It's gonna be great! Shion was dying of boredom since she was just lying sick for the last couple of days
>She grabs some liquor and a couple of beers from the fridge and runs towards the door
>Still in her underwear, she opens the door in a flash and yells
>Aqua is standing at the door, and there's a woman beside her.
>After a brief pause, Aqua laughs and says:
>"Shion what are you doing, haha you're always messing around. Mom is gonna make us some food now since I'm hungry"
>Aqua runs past Shion completely ignoring her
>"Where's your PC I wanna play apex"
>Shion is still standing with her mouth wide open, shocked, staring at her Aqua's mother who looks at her with a forced smile
>"Nice to meet you", she says while slowly walking past Shion
>While Shion still is still struggling to process the evnt that just transpired Aqua is heard from inside, complaining about Shion's keyboard
>"5 days", she mutters while retreating back into her apatment

>> No.26040605

Sora looks so happy on twitter. I can't wait for her anniversary stream

>> No.26040606
File: 56 KB, 662x633, 1599234652332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26040607

The thread it's gonna go to shit so fast without images this early

>> No.26040608
Quoted by: >>26040638

Is she west coast like the ice gremlin?

>> No.26040609
File: 887 KB, 1200x849, 84088417_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye images

>> No.26040611

What does groping Watame's buns feel like?

>> No.26040613
File: 85 KB, 287x287, 1596172116222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040627

Anyone who spammed images and leaves when we reach the image limit should unironically off himself

>> No.26040616 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, pekoraugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord raid hours
I will NEVER watch an irrelevant homo streamer.
homostars will NEVER be relevant
you will NEVER recieve a paycheck or even recognition for your endless shilling
I will NEVER click a single homostar link
Kill yourselves out of /jp/

>> No.26040618

why does she look like a my little pony character

>> No.26040619

Pizzadad actually starting for real this time


>> No.26040621

>kanata gives you the most teetee moment of all time
>instead of playing along or reciprocating you just say "hazukashi" in the most autistic voice possible

>> No.26040622

Not even a week into living alone she already doesn't bother dressing herself up and just goes with shirt+panties like Kanata. At least Subaru still showers (and doesn't bother to even properly wear a robe after it).

>> No.26040624


>> No.26040625

>HoloEN this week
>Expect no drama
hahahahahhahahh just the fact there will be 2 disgusting male will already shit this thread with the homofags already baiting for more attention.

>> No.26040627

now the real 4channel experience begins

>> No.26040628

Damn, China department was holding this behind Artia!?

>> No.26040629

I miss posting images...

>> No.26040631

It's shit all the time, turdworlder.

>> No.26040632


>> No.26040633

>revealing member only posts

>> No.26040635

To be fair, "love you onion" sounds a bit sarcastic. I definitely wouldn't take that as a genuine love confession

>> No.26040636
Quoted by: >>26040735

Cool? You act like there are cover employees in this thread lmfao

>> No.26040637 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 455x372, 1599241363457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040692


>> No.26040638
Quoted by: >>26040686

She posts using EST so I would guess east coast

>> No.26040639

Nah, very rarely. Yesterday he was streaming for 8 hours and was making thumbnails for his streams too. So for this one he sorta had it coming lmao. Gotta get good sleep!

>> No.26040640


>> No.26040642

>can post sugois

>> No.26040643

>image board
>can't post images
>can't post images

>> No.26040644

>You will never eat Kumiko's tendies.

>> No.26040646

Towa isn't part of the orange woman's harem, yet.

>> No.26040650

Based as fuck.

>> No.26040651
Quoted by: >>26040674

This is getting out of control

>> No.26040654


>> No.26040657


>> No.26040658

>too deep
Wrong its perfectly mature
I hope for that day to come.

>> No.26040659

>goverment is the one doing all the shits people hate
>shits on a vtuber that's not even in china and is probably forced or coerced to shill
why do people do this?

>> No.26040660

Noel or Watame

>> No.26040661


>> No.26040662

Anon, your reps...

>> No.26040663 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040664

This is why I like nousagis

>> No.26040665

why is aqua like this

>> No.26040666

Stay seething faggot.

>> No.26040668

>last image is a pekoCHAD

>> No.26040669
Quoted by: >>26040701

I want to make it crystal clear that every kiss given by Civia was directed at me, her husband.
Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.26040670


>> No.26040673

Fake simp milking whore.

>> No.26040674

Always has been

>> No.26040675

take pleasure in the fact that you will get to see live how the girls far out do the guys in subs despite being part of the same group and debuting at the same time

>> No.26040676


>> No.26040678

Nousagis should be publicly executed

>> No.26040680

I don't give a fuck brother. Information should be public.

>> No.26040686
Quoted by: >>26040695

But aren't she and Artia actual roomates with each other?

And I don't mean like"roomates" I mean they actually live with each other

>> No.26040687

Based Kusagi

>> No.26040688

>but hillary won the popular vote!

>> No.26040689

That made it cute though, after being nervous about performing with Kanata to the point of her voice shaking on stage she surely wasn't ready to get hugged like this. Felt like this wasn't rehearsed and Watame was taken by surprise, definitely top-tier てぇてぇ

>> No.26040690


>> No.26040691

she's made pro ccp comments before. Anon's posted some of the screenshots of them yesterday. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she was also a nazi and stalin apologist.

>> No.26040692


>> No.26040694

>tfw cannot watch Aloe use her God Finger

>> No.26040695

No artia is based in Western time zone living with a friend

>> No.26040696


>> No.26040697
File: 46 KB, 426x412, asacoco overdose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can fly
you can fly
motto motto

>> No.26040698

How much it would cost for me to single-handedly steal her away from the chinks? How many $500 akasupas per stream?

>> No.26040699


>> No.26040701

This one was mine.

>> No.26040703


>> No.26040706


>> No.26040707

based sheep poster

>> No.26040708

based fuck trannystars and their shills

>> No.26040710
Quoted by: >>26040733

>less than 800 posts in
>already hit image limit

>> No.26040713

I approve of this, homostars are shit.

>> No.26040714
Quoted by: >>26040776


>> No.26040715

Flare did it better...

>> No.26040716

thats it
im going to sleep until sora's anniversary i dont care what happens before that dont wake me up

>> No.26040717
Quoted by: >>26040736

Shion isn't old enough to buy liquor

>> No.26040720
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_karatakewari__b4171acb3e9c784f474367a4758e3f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040739

Quit deleting images just so you can have your stupid last say.

>> No.26040721

>your oshi
>do you care that the image limit is hit so soon?

>> No.26040722

Based elf royalty

>> No.26040723

When will Watame do a 3D duet with Flare? They both really fucking love that song.


>> No.26040724

It's time for healing~

>> No.26040729
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1598896797013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26040749

>> No.26040730
Quoted by: >>26040757

>lamy streaming
>Cubs losing
This going to be a great sunday night

>> No.26040731


>> No.26040732

Tanks foa watchin pleaase subreeib
Follow aswan twirrel

>> No.26040733

have you seen how beautiful Watame is? i simply couldn't help myself. I get lost in those eyes

>> No.26040735
Quoted by: >>26040789

I unironically believe that at least Ms Shartia vists these threads every now and then to boost her ego and reply to those who disagree with her with shitposts

>> No.26040736

coco bought it for her shut up

>> No.26040738

All you retards STFU and go watch Sensei.

>> No.26040739


>> No.26040741
Quoted by: >>26040769

>there will be 2 males

>> No.26040742

That game died because of issues with the licenses for Jason. Dbd is better anyway.

>> No.26040743

>he's this mad

>> No.26040744

Based as fuck. I'm getting tired of their endless shilling.

>> No.26040745

Yes, I wish it was even sooner

>> No.26040746


>> No.26040748


>> No.26040749
Quoted by: >>26040754

I will find you and smash your skull into the pavement...

>> No.26040750

nice dead link

>> No.26040751

trannycord seething right now

>> No.26040754

Why are Roberufags so violent?

>> No.26040755

Oh no! NND fags are doing something against Hololive again

>> No.26040757

Not for long, shitbird

>> No.26040758

Imagine not believing that the CCP is controlled by an adhd ridden anime girl living in california.

>> No.26040759

peko's tummy is good to lightly slap
please write this down I will not repeat myself

>> No.26040760
Quoted by: >>26040773

>got so ass blasted has to reply to himself more than the anon that btfo him
Kinda cringe desu

>> No.26040761
Quoted by: >>26040777

honestly the holoEN men will be the only ones worth watching, if any are. western women are a lost cause.

>> No.26040762

Imagine the fucking smell.

>> No.26040764

Cute feet!

Nice legs!


>> No.26040767

Yes, but not enough to scroll up and see why it we hit it so fast.

>> No.26040769

I'd unironically rather have a dude than nyanners.

>> No.26040770
Quoted by: >>26040800

burger hours ladies and gentlemen

>> No.26040772

kek, good one anon.

>> No.26040773 [DELETED] 

cope harder

>> No.26040775

impotent rage, it's like edgelords torturing animals because they got beat up in school

>> No.26040776

god the way pekora rolls her R's makes me hard

>> No.26040777

they're going to be a bunch or ironic weebs that will try for force themselves on the JP girls, ihope you are ready to have try to cancel idol culture when pekora doesn't want to collab with them

>> No.26040780
Quoted by: >>26040868

She would never get accepted anyway so that's moot.

>> No.26040781

ppトリオbros won


>> No.26040783
Quoted by: >>26040798

It's pretty funny how it all banished the moment she started throwing wet kisses,

>> No.26040784

kinda, but I got a lot of (you)s so its fine

>> No.26040786


>> No.26040787

The CCP is actually not a dictatorship. They prefer censorship rather than actual shilling. It's the US government that promotes shilling (such as the wide variety of twitter/pol/reddit bots) but is generally more lenient.

>> No.26040788

>Nyanners in videos/clips
That's ok. Kinda funny.
>Nyanners streaming or anything outside of a video
I want to throw a brick at her. Holy shit those streams are brain numbing.

>> No.26040789

artia has said she browses this thread before on stream.

>> No.26040790 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040794

listen im as not excited for EN as you are, its just comparing western streamers, men are better than twitch thots. I have no doubt they'll be ironic weebs and not be worth watching either way.

>> No.26040795

Tell me your social security, credit card, pin number, address, email and phone number then. Information should be public after all.

>> No.26040796
Quoted by: >>26040804

God i fucking hate burger hours

>> No.26040798
Quoted by: >>26040812

Timestamp please

>> No.26040800

Does it even matter what hours it is anymore? All hours are shit

>> No.26040802

>logical extreme

>> No.26040804

seethe harder not my fault you live in a third world country

>> No.26040805
Quoted by: >>26040827

>american hours
>thread is utter shit
every time

>> No.26040809

pekobros rule this thread

>> No.26040812

she did it throughout the stream

>> No.26040813

Pls tell that to FBI and CIA pls

>> No.26040814

Does pekora laugh the same way IRL as she does on stream? People must think she is weird as hell if she does.

>> No.26040815
Quoted by: >>26040843


>> No.26040817

I want a Lamy mousepad
I want a Lamy pillow

>> No.26040818
Quoted by: >>26040837

Does Luna actually sound like that in real life? People just think she is weird as hell if she does.

>> No.26040819

/jp/ archives
peko laugh real
wow you found your answer

>> No.26040821
Quoted by: >>26040887

Don't back down now. Information should be free. Nothing should be kept a secret. I bet you're the exact kind of cunt who would leak out the fact that people are planning a surprise birthday party for someone because MUH INFERMESYEN FREEDUMS, which is pretty much what Haachama is trying to do here.

>> No.26040823

nice to see my intuition was right when I spotted one of her posts. Her being assmad about badmouthing chinks was like music to my ears.

>> No.26040824

>you're favorite holo
>do you fucking hate surveyposting

>> No.26040825


>> No.26040827

I don't know the pekora split schizo getting btfoed so hard he started same fagging more than usual and, "here's how we can still win pekobro" posting was pretty entertaining.

>> No.26040829

Choco ARK... Home...

>> No.26040830

yes and she says peko too, thats how she thought of the name

>> No.26040835

no because i can get my images back and can make that one suiseifag mad

>> No.26040836
Quoted by: >>26040861


>> No.26040837
Quoted by: >>26040848

>implying luna goes outside

>> No.26040838

>No because it helps get to the next thread faster after image limit

>> No.26040839

Yes but I still reply and I don't know why. No one fucking reads these you know?

>> No.26040840

Ayame. I love her laugh.

>> No.26040841

Damn this thread has died and we're still not even 900 posts, without images, really feels like darkness 2.0

>> No.26040842

Girl which reminded of the Bow Wan
Forever I hatred posting of the surveillance

>> No.26040843

Reminder to start putting money on the side to buy her merch. holiday time is near and watame plans to have merch for her 500k celebration and 1 year anniversary.

>> No.26040844

No, they're like ritual posts but without images

>> No.26040848

She truly is one of us

>> No.26040849


>> No.26040850 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040851
Quoted by: >>26040872

yes, and I have yet seen a proper collection of data and results in the surveyposting

>> No.26040853

No, it doesn't take up an image or even that much posting space

>> No.26040857

I hope artia sees all the hate posts I made about her because she's a bitch.
>The CCP is actually not a dictatorship
you can't make this shit up.

>> No.26040859

no they drown out the retards with slightly smarter retards

>> No.26040860

Sure thing, Chang

>> No.26040861

I fucking love REDALiCE


>> No.26040863

No, thread moves faster

>> No.26040864
Quoted by: >>26040881

Ah soRRi soRRi

>> No.26040867

Sometimes, when I'm watching an archived stream of western games, I'll occasionally pause and google translate some of the posts to see how JOPs feel about the game. It's nice seeing some of their reactions.

>> No.26040868
Quoted by: >>26040890


>> No.26040870


>> No.26040871

peko showed me her toes one time

>> No.26040872
Quoted by: >>26040888

All the surveys are done by the CCP and are used to make a psychological profile of every anon so we are easier to control.

>> No.26040873

Weak bait, but here's a pity (You), shonenfag

>> No.26040875

Didn't ask retard

>> No.26040877

I want to make sweet passionate love to Watame

>> No.26040878
Quoted by: >>26040899

Is this true?

>> No.26040881 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040882

>shitposting immediately dies down after images are gone
And then you wonder why people want to finish off threads so badly. Maybe text-only really is the way to go, filters 90% of spamming retards who can only surveypost now.

>> No.26040883

How about now?

>> No.26040884

bros the aloe mega was deleted...

>> No.26040886

That's pretty gay, Holostars thread is two blocks down.

>> No.26040887

Fuck this noise here stuff from Reddit sheep

>> No.26040888

some fucking bugman is trying his best to figure out how to weaponize a couple hundred autists with armpit fetishes
godspeed, chang

>> No.26040890

He's the infamous hacker known as the four chan

>> No.26040891

I'd rather watch Gen 5 play Ragnarok Online than Craftopia.

>> No.26040893

I want Pekora to play Limbo or Inside.

>> No.26040894

Sometimes, I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin!

>> No.26040895

I've been doing this for almost a decade now with NND. Probably how I managed to learn Japanese more than anything else.

>> No.26040898


>> No.26040899

It's all true...

>> No.26040900
Quoted by: >>26040942

What the fuck Lamy is a DUDE

>> No.26040901 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040902

What I like about homos is that they answer every post I do on their chat.

>> No.26040903


>> No.26040904

lamy manny

>> No.26040910
Quoted by: >>26040924

Glad Peko jumped on Craftopia immediately so Korone could see it's shit and play Apex for 8 hours instead.

>> No.26040911

are we back to memberposting!?
let's goooooooo

>> No.26040912

If this is the member exclusive content you guys get from Watame I genuinely feel sorry for you.

>> No.26040913

Should we agree to talk about HololiveEN only when they are streaming? I don't want to have the jp girls streaming and people here still talking about hololiveEN when they are not even streaming.

>> No.26040915
Quoted by: >>26040932

Sometimes, when I'm watching Watame I'll go 'Oh!' and realize I was actually watching Ui.

>> No.26040917

>watching lamy while the absolute clown fiesta that is NALCS is happening
A great start to a monday morning

>> No.26040918

Would you rather
>Make Lamy a mom
>Have Lamy be your mom

>> No.26040919

Don't worry that was just Lamy's 9th concurrent boyfriend on the mic

>> No.26040920

>the green screen is still there

>> No.26040923

> Lamy received warning from YouTube that her monetization could be cancelled due to erotic contents

>> No.26040924
Quoted by: >>26040935

Korone is just delaying so she can Craftopia with SMOK

>> No.26040925

Ayunda Lamy

>> No.26040926

>Jiminy Joard
>can't Joard Jimmy's

>> No.26040927


>> No.26040928

Wait, do people really watch gen5?

>> No.26040929

I'll talk about them regardless of if they're streaming or not, just like the IDfags.

>> No.26040930


>> No.26040931

Sure, as long as you agree to only talk about HololiveJP when they're streaming. Equivalent exchange and all.

>> No.26040932

Hello based department?

>> No.26040935

Don't get my hopes up like that, anon.

>> No.26040937


>> No.26040938


>> No.26040939

remove them from the thread this is /jp/

>> No.26040940


>> No.26040941
Quoted by: >>26040957

do you like small indies?

>> No.26040942

>Larry is a dude
Always has been

>> No.26040943
Quoted by: >>26040989

they're the best thing to happen in a long time

>> No.26040944
Quoted by: >>26040956

No, they are watching kakage draw Lamy

>> No.26040945
Quoted by: >>26040954

Morning m8s, what did i miss?

>> No.26040946
Quoted by: >>26040967

When will lamy play RFA

>> No.26040947

Who's this "splitfag" that people keep talking about anyway?
There's plenty of people here that dislike homos. What makes them into one specific individual?
Sounds like a made up person to me.

>> No.26040949

English or JP?

>> No.26040950

Also remove the CNs and IDs.
This is /jp/

>> No.26040951

No going to happen people talk about the ID/stars all day despite their low numbers, just learn how to share

>> No.26040952 [DELETED] 


>> No.26040953

I hope they are just weebs that hide their powerlevel most of the time like a lot of western streamers are

>> No.26040954

People being insecure about their sexuality until image limit was reached.

>> No.26040955

>Lamy is getting more comfortable with her voice trolling
I knew I was right when I choose Lamy as my go to gen 5...

>> No.26040956


>> No.26040957

Some of them, I avoid women, shallow bitches. Men are better

>> No.26040958

wait is it Larny or Lamy

>> No.26040959
Quoted by: >>26040980

Why are you talking like Ragnarok is bad, one of the best MMO ever made.

>> No.26040960

if holoEN isnt trash its going to force a thread split 100%

>> No.26040961

I watch Lamy or gen5 group collabs but otherwise no. Lamy >>> Botan >>>>> Polka > Nene

>> No.26040962

Non JP holos should be banned

>> No.26040965

What’s youtubes boner for vtubers? What about all those ass shaking half naked 3dpd’s?

>> No.26040966
Quoted by: >>26040983

it is, just a thing homofags use to dismiss any negative talk about them

>> No.26040967

when the cabaret money starts drying up

>> No.26040968


>> No.26040970

Remove the thread from /jp/ and get a new board, 2hufags are gay.

>> No.26040971

Let's talk about Risu

>> No.26040972


>> No.26040973
Quoted by: >>26041042

aslong as theyre cute girls I literally dont give a single shit. Only homos need to go. I'd rather have niji split undone and have the homos out

>> No.26040974

La Laion

>> No.26040975

i find it really hard to watch polka without the overwhelming urge to want to bend her legs over her head and fuck her washing over me

>> No.26040976


>> No.26040978

what did she even do other than moan a lot

>> No.26040979


>> No.26040980

Current Ragnarok is bad, though. It stopped being good when renewal was introduced.

>> No.26040981

>non JP
Pick 1(one) and only one.

>> No.26040982

what erotic content?

>> No.26040983

Splitfag schizo having schizo conversations with himself again

>> No.26040984

Remove all sweaty neckbeard users of the board, including (you), since only grorious nips can be otaku and gaijins are only filthy weebs.

>> No.26040985

Nice try, Risu

>> No.26040986
Quoted by: >>26041001

already hit image limit? jesus...

>> No.26040988
Quoted by: >>26041020


>> No.26040989

No, that's gen 4. Gen 5 is shit

>> No.26040990


>> No.26040991

I think /hlg/ need their own board

>> No.26040993

so you dont like coco then right?

>> No.26040996

you do?

>> No.26040997

but the risunners

>> No.26040998

Based, fuck Coco and Suisei

>> No.26041001
Quoted by: >>26041071


>> No.26041002

Lamy, please, don't draw Aloe.

>> No.26041004

yes anon everyone else is crazy not you, time for your smiley pills

>> No.26041007
Quoted by: >>26041023

Coco is the worst thing to happen to hololive so yes. Shes trash.

>> No.26041009

This is the only thing that will actually happen. This thread will not split again, it will only become its own board.

>> No.26041010

risu duet with moona plox?
she gonna pay the cost

>> No.26041011
Quoted by: >>26041015

>can't post images
thanks pekotards

>> No.26041012

No we need another vidya genera board!

>> No.26041013

Explain this, narrativefags.

>> No.26041014

She's gonna do it.

>> No.26041015


>> No.26041016

See, that's how they do it, must be getting insecure that if EN is a thing they will get kicked out of the thread

>> No.26041017

>STILL seething

>> No.26041019

>cant post homos
well played pekofags

>> No.26041020



>> No.26041022

She's drawing herself

>> No.26041023

>not pekora

>> No.26041025
Quoted by: >>26041055

no, hololive is a japanese virtual idol company

>> No.26041026

I'd rather talk about Moona, sorry

>> No.26041027

Mikoji is a cute boy!

>> No.26041028

Mikoti has a very cute penis

>> No.26041030

I think it's me, I live rent free in their heads and dont change filenames. Could be wrong though. I regularly come into threads and see homoschizos talking about how 'that one splitfag is back' lol

>> No.26041031

Does Lamy have the burgs she gets way too excited about shit she is doing herself

>> No.26041032

>not korone

>> No.26041033

>35Ps made 1635 origami cranes for Miko and they want to send them to her
>they're still continuing until she returns
I wish my fanbase did something like this, most of them only make shitty edits and roleplay

>> No.26041035

What the fuck why can't I post pictures?

>> No.26041036

Old habit, Miko is a MTF

>> No.26041038


>> No.26041040


>> No.26041039

If Lamy could do her drawing reps offscreen and get better with each oekaki sessions, you can too anons! Never give up!

>> No.26041042
Quoted by: >>26041078

Do tell me anon, what about homos makes you seethe so hard

>> No.26041043

Pekora is perhaps the best thing to happen to hololive and to hlg

>> No.26041044 [DELETED] 

>Peko peko peko
>Peko peko pe

>> No.26041047

Which kind of drugs is k*** on
She just started yet another new channel/character

>> No.26041049

Her mgs stream attracted all the vtards and they never left

>> No.26041051 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26041060


>> No.26041052

Because people were busy being insecure about their sexuality.

>> No.26041053

The thread during a good portion of the day is normal, Holostars aren't really brought up much outside of a few posts, but then at random, even when there is maybe one or two posts about holostars will go "UGH STOP SPAMMING THEM, I HATE IT SPLIT SPLIT SPLIT" and it derails the rest of the thread. That's what people mean when they refer to the splitfag schizo. Even a couple threads ago when people were talking about the Coco Tamaki thing, the dude randomly started complaining about holostars when nobody was talking about them.

>> No.26041055
Quoted by: >>26041108

Then why can't I start 15 threads about different hololivers like 2hu characters? Face it, we need a new board.

>> No.26041056



>> No.26041058


>> No.26041057

>my fanbase

>> No.26041060


>> No.26041061

>tfw useless in real life and can't make cranes for Mikochi.
Should I just seek a satanist priest and sacrifice my life span m8s?

>> No.26041062

choco ark, comfy hours are here.

>> No.26041066

>my fanbase

>> No.26041067

Because meidos refuse to admit that vtubers have outgrown /jp/

>> No.26041068
Quoted by: >>26041125

Boring narrative: Her elite english mixed up the words

True narrative: Miko's packing a magnum dong under her hakama

>> No.26041069
Quoted by: >>26041705

>She just started yet another new channel/character
I don't see anything.

>> No.26041070
Quoted by: >>26041705


>> No.26041071


>> No.26041073


>> No.26041075
Quoted by: >>26041705

actual workaholic

>> No.26041074
Quoted by: >>26041085

I hate /hlg/

>> No.26041076
Quoted by: >>26041705

What? Why?

>> No.26041078

I'll just pretend you asked 'what do you dislike' and didnt forget to leave your /v/speak filter running.
The answer is: They're in my hlg and not girls, they take up massive amounts of space relative to their fanbases and spam their shitty r/anime ntr memes and cringey our son xD bullshit and circlejerk eachothers posts as if they were upvoting.
Also how could anyone not dislike them after they blatantly raided this thread?

>> No.26041079

Pekora killed hololive

>> No.26041082

ok peko

>> No.26041085

we know risu

>> No.26041086
Quoted by: >>26041095

Haato is better than Haachama

>> No.26041089

we should just ignore it at this point and let him samefag until he gets bored

>> No.26041088
Quoted by: >>26041705

Kaine Ch?

>> No.26041091

Risu, the best I can do is make shitposts, and I'm already out of ideas after the inuyashiki one.

>> No.26041094

please take your meds

>> No.26041095

good thing shes streaming later

>> No.26041097
Quoted by: >>26041705

that's not her

>> No.26041098

mofu mofu

>> No.26041099

Ironically, bringing them up so only makes people talk about the homos more

>> No.26041100

>My fanbase
Oh shit the tree rrat is here

>> No.26041102
Quoted by: >>26041705


>> No.26041103

Torakku Meika

>> No.26041106

Choco back to sub 2k views in Ark...

>> No.26041108
Quoted by: >>26041143

>Then why can't I start 15 threads about different hololivers
Why would you want that.
>we need a new board
Nope, no /jp/ means /v/ and reddit get more comfortable and general knowledge of nip culture and language goes down. Not that it was high to begin with, but people are still encouraged to learn. Without /jp/ HoloEN will be considered an equal and not a side branch

>> No.26041109

fucking rat

>> No.26041110

Ooooh, goodbye!
Goodbye human!
Goodbye people!

>> No.26041111
Quoted by: >>26041154

>my hlg
holy shit get over yourself, plus they really aren't posted that much, ironically, posting about them only increases whenever some dude starts complaining about the one post someone made about them in the thread.

>> No.26041113 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26041133


>> No.26041114
Quoted by: >>26041154

I don't see why them not being girls has anything to do with anything, you could say this is the hololive thread and not the cover thread at least.

>> No.26041115

You are a danger to yourself and others, seek help immediately

>> No.26041116
Quoted by: >>26041149


>> No.26041117

Marine loves Peko!

>> No.26041118
Quoted by: >>26041150

Anon if you haven't picked it up yet, most of the thread just ignores them, do as such
nothing ever comes from replaying to them, same shit as the peko poster who reply ogey, they will just call you splitshizo and continue to spam, leave them be there's nothing that can be done against them

>> No.26041119

there's her problem

>> No.26041124

Time to bump every thread on the board to push this one off

>> No.26041125

more like cockama

>> No.26041128

What is it about peko that upsets holostar fans so much?

>> No.26041129

what's even going on with Miko now? i heard she was at her grandparents and/or sick? it's been so long. how is this possible?

>> No.26041130

reminder that there are actual women that lurk here
how does that make you feel?

>> No.26041132


>> No.26041133


>> No.26041134

You don't have the balls faggot

>> No.26041135

It isn't the first time someone tried to do that

>> No.26041136

Finally. I missed it.

>> No.26041137
Quoted by: >>26041705

>She just started yet another new channel/character

>> No.26041138

Anon is a faggot regardless.

>> No.26041139

they fear the numbers and the pure energy that is pekoposters

>> No.26041140

risu sex onegai

>> No.26041142


>> No.26041143
Quoted by: >>26041204

Yeah I don't give a shit about japanese culture. I just want to talk about vtubers without retarded 2hu fags trying to gatekeep it.

>> No.26041144


>> No.26041147

Disgusted, this should be a male only space.

>> No.26041148

A bit sad that you are so passionate about a bunch on nobodies on a thread that's very clearly dedicated to the girls, i won't tell you to go make a thread for them, since a Hololive thread shouldn't exist to being with but god i you bunch manage to be more annoying by the day, take your manwhore to the dead niji thread or something

>> No.26041149

I can't believe they trapped her that TV, we have to save her...

>> No.26041150
Quoted by: >>26041222

>nothing that can be done against them
No, we can make the thread unbearable for homoshits so they stop discussing them

>> No.26041152

Tell me the true, is miko dead?

>> No.26041153
Quoted by: >>26041194

Miko, Peko, and Polka

>> No.26041154
Quoted by: >>26041192

>nooo we only post this much because we arent wanted
Is this supposed to be a compelling argument? You just sound like a petulant child
People come to this thread for idol girls, not fags. They're off-topic.
>b-b-but they have the holopro brand
Doesn't matter, they're off topic.
Straight and faggot interests don't belong in the same thread, this is obvious to everyone but homos like to pretend its not so they can continue to leech attention from the holos people actually care about

>> No.26041155

dont care

>> No.26041156

It was a different time

>> No.26041158

For the life of me I can't understand why she's so obsessed with that game.

>> No.26041157

She's pretty cool

>> No.26041160

they're not cute so it doesn't matter

>> No.26041161

I want to rape risu

>> No.26041162
Quoted by: >>26041343


>> No.26041163
Quoted by: >>26041705

Give context fag.
Or are you the leakerchad?

>> No.26041166

>blatantly raided this thread?
what is this paranoia, you literally sound like some conspiracy theorist, answer me this anon. if Holostar fans really were obsessed with getting their chuubas more popular, why the fuck would they go into THIS thread of all places? Why would they spam in a thread that gets at best the same 200-300 people, what could they possibly gain by advertising to such a small group of people? take off your tinfoil for a split second and think like a rational human being.

>> No.26041167
Quoted by: >>26041190

don't lie idiot
females don't exist

>> No.26041170

Just narrativefags at their job.

>> No.26041171


>> No.26041173

4chan loves the moon!

>> No.26041175

neck yourself

>> No.26041176
Quoted by: >>26041211

Am I supposed to give a shit? None of you are even humans as far as I care, just rectangles with text and numbers to whom I throw out random thoughs while watching chuubas. Same goes for me of course

>> No.26041177

I like this!!! I like this a lot!!!!!

>> No.26041178

It's funny how most of the poster here now are probably too new to remember the femanon who posted tits with a timestamp several months ago

>> No.26041179

Last night's gen 5 Craftopia boss fight from all PoVs.
Nice game you got there devs.

>> No.26041180

ok peko

>> No.26041181

This isn't a sausages fest anymore

>> No.26041183

yes risu we are

>> No.26041184

trannies aren't women.

>> No.26041187

I don't think anyone besides r*dditors actually do.

>> No.26041188

No femanon has posted tits here so it's all just a lie.

>> No.26041189
Quoted by: >>26041205

Anyone have the clip of this? It always makes me smile.

>> No.26041190
Quoted by: >>26041219

If you wear a skirt..

>> No.26041191


>> No.26041192
Quoted by: >>26041216

If you really think they are off topic just bring it to the meidos. Simple as that

>> No.26041194

Good taste

>> No.26041196

Can we just stay on-topic and talk about how much we love Risu like we always do?

>> No.26041197

One day, arguing about splitting will be banned and the quality of the thread will increase dramatically. Until then, welcome to the endless 8.

>> No.26041198
Quoted by: >>26041242

just drop it, the raid was completely transparent. It's not hard to post a 4chan link in a discord server you fucking dunce it doesn't require a grand conspiracy

>> No.26041199

So did anyone actually watch the movie with Subaru, she hasn't tweeted anything after her stream announcement, did something happen?

>> No.26041200

She likes being dino mom.

>> No.26041203

i mean it clearly says its in early access and that multiplayer in particular is fucked

>> No.26041204

You can always try reddit, they don't know or care either. They also share your retarded idea that gatekeeping is bad

>> No.26041205
Quoted by: >>26041230


>> No.26041206

so sheepfags are reddit now?

>> No.26041207

don't take him seriously. just ignore the schizo

>> No.26041209
Quoted by: >>26041284

I fucking love the long pause, you really know Moona has no idea what the fuck 4chan is

>> No.26041210

Is Miko the only person Pekora's fine with letting touch her?

>> No.26041211

>None of you are even humans as far as I care
Lmao nice

>> No.26041212

it seems way too ambitious. hopefully they can pull it off.

>> No.26041213

I love Lamy!

>> No.26041215

We won't fall for your tricks squirrel

>> No.26041216

he doesn't want to because he's already been proven wrong since every attempt at a split thread gets deleted. /jp/ doesn't need another vtuber thread, especially not a fucking holostars thread of all the possible vtuber groups.

>> No.26041218

Always have been

>> No.26041219

You're a Scotsman

>> No.26041220
Quoted by: >>26041281

>Okayu getting taught about BL in 6th grade from an older oneesan
>Asks how they can love each other if it takes a girl to make a baby
>"Okayu-chan, boys have butts, you know."

Between her older S friend, gamer family, and this, Okayu never really had a chance to be normal, did she?

>> No.26041221

At what point does replying ironically to the splitfag becomes an actual mental illness? you could just not reply, you know.

>> No.26041222
Quoted by: >>26041289

Anon, they get off to the attention, that's the entire point as to why them spam so much, if you really want to make a change, go fuck up the chat of the stars not here.

you know the thing "all publicity is good publicity" that's how they work, dismissing any criticism as splitshizo and then moving on, until a mod makes a clear point as to where the stars belong thing that will never happen this will continue to be the norm

we have been over this with them, and even in the hypothetical of a vtuber board being created, they still insist on remaining part of the main thread, it's never about having a place to discuss their streams, just ignore them it's a bit sad that nothing can be done, but that's just how things are

>> No.26041223

Good stream Risu, I love your voice acting!

>> No.26041224
Quoted by: >>26041267

if they just wanted to discuss them why don't they get their own general? why come to the fastest general on the site to discuss barely related shit if you're not here to shill?

>> No.26041225

Always have been

>> No.26041227

he's mad he got BTFOd and now he's trying to cope.

>> No.26041230

Thenk you, thenk you!

>> No.26041231

You can start by making a proper Cover video dumb tree rat.

>> No.26041232

Hungry. Make me a sandwich.

>> No.26041233

Okay risu, everytime i think about you my dick get hard
sex please

>> No.26041235
Quoted by: >>26041257

Someone post sad Towa eating potato chips

>> No.26041237


>> No.26041238

my face after seeing this thread

>> No.26041239

She loves spinos. That's about it.

>> No.26041240

I hope they don't make posts as shit as yours.

>> No.26041241

>We'll never get SoraMiko collabs again

>> No.26041242
Quoted by: >>26041278

anon, you are literally creating some conspiracy theory that someone was organizing some raid with discordfags when it's 5 people who post about them normally and like 20 people who only post them when some idiot makes the stupid mistake of complaining about those 5 people instead of ignoring it like a normal person.

>> No.26041243

but korone is my oshi

>> No.26041245

>meido is a retard who hates hlg
>therefore ur proven wrong!!!

>> No.26041246

I love Risu!

>> No.26041247

based, i bet towa love this song

>> No.26041248

The most iconic voice from Hololive, of course

>> No.26041249

/jp/ should be nothing but vtuber threads until they give us our own board.

>> No.26041253

they need to post tits or gtfo

>> No.26041255

cool face dude

>> No.26041256

Proud nutter coming in.

>> No.26041258

I'm going to be honest /hlg/ I fucking hate artia

>> No.26041257


>> No.26041259

who else waiting for lamy to crack up laughing

>> No.26041261


>> No.26041262

i want to eat her

>> No.26041263

There’s literally no hololive discussion in this thread, just fags metaposting.

>> No.26041264

Roberu morning stream in 15 minutes


>> No.26041265
Quoted by: >>26041314

It's kinda funny how we've finally come full circle back to the Peko/Homo war. It's like the timeloop never left

>> No.26041267

99% of homos do want their own thread, and post in the new thread, its just 1 or 2 schizos and the meidos who don't. Almost all of the threads that are made when meidos asleep are on topic and successful

>> No.26041268
Quoted by: >>26041295

>our own board
just go make a subreddit and fuck off already

>> No.26041269

That's a reasonable thing. Twitch humor isn't exactly a charm point for anybody older than 16.

>> No.26041270

I honestly don't know why I find this so fucking funny

>> No.26041271

if only they would eat chips together...

>> No.26041272

The stars will always be a part of this thread no matter what, not even on a dedicated vtuber board, please accept this and stop fighting you are all literally powerless to make any significant change

>> No.26041273
Quoted by: >>26041320

I love Miko so fucking much I hope she is doing Ok :(

>> No.26041274

I'll only love you risu when you name your members nutters

>> No.26041275

i like being on /jp/, its comfy. just get rid of the redditors and other tourists and this thread will be good again.

>> No.26041276

Sorry Risu, but Civia is now my official English-speaking holowife. I don't need you anymore.

>> No.26041277
Quoted by: >>26041310

Lamy pls focus on ur oppai

>> No.26041278

>anon you are literally [headcannon]
posting a link in a discord doesnt require organization or planning you stupid fucking troglodyte

>> No.26041279
Quoted by: >>26041384

Towa has a really cute singing voice.

>> No.26041280

excuse you we love moona here

>> No.26041281
Quoted by: >>26041294

can't wait for korone to teach her how to make love between two girls

>> No.26041282
Quoted by: >>26041303

I skipped my reps, gomen...

>> No.26041284

yeah its for the better if she's not lurking here

>> No.26041286

I fucking hate twitch but I'm glad they're such a good schizo containment site

>> No.26041287
Quoted by: >>26041602

The Flare members only stream is as comfy as something can possibly be, i love her so fucking much bros, i just want to hear her talk about what she likes for hours on end while making occasional dumb voices

noel is so fucking lucky

>> No.26041288

except no, people complain about those split threads too, even regular non-vtuber /jp/ posters are like "fuck off just make an idol board already..." the only time it was actually on topic was when THIS thread was moving at a rate where we were getting archived in 30 minutes because Aloe graduated and this place became a nonstop anti thread full of nijifags and /vyt/fags shitposting.

>> No.26041289

Again replying to yourself schizo give it a rest already

>> No.26041291

Are you watching Choco? please watch Choco

>> No.26041293

>Morning zatsudan into xenoblade
I love this week already.

>> No.26041294
Quoted by: >>26041345

Judging by their old talks, she tried but failed. Okayu's on the Mari/Flare ship anyway when it comes to her favorite hololive yuri pairing.

>> No.26041295
Quoted by: >>26041340

Ah yes, I need to respect the culture of the board that only exists because autists kept spamming Touhou on /a/.

>> No.26041298
Quoted by: >>26041317

>even when there is maybe one or two posts about holostars will go "UGH STOP SPAMMING THEM, I HATE IT SPLIT SPLIT SPLIT" and it derails the rest of the thread.


One single individual alone doing it.

>> No.26041299

No one cares.

>> No.26041301
Quoted by: >>26041315

Risu is my least favorite indo sorry.

>> No.26041303


>> No.26041304
Quoted by: >>26041336

>99% of homos do want their own thread, and post in the new thread, its just 1 or 2 schizos and the meidos who don't. Almost all of the threads that are made when meidos asleep are on topic and successful
No they don't we already went over this, if a split where to happen it would be
>hololive and holostars

>> No.26041308

No, but they usually suck, questions are stupid and answer options are retarded.

>> No.26041310

dont worry anon im doing enough of that for her

>> No.26041312

But she's the worst member of the worst branch.

>> No.26041314

Can’t teach new tricks to an old dog, like an abusive relationship

>> No.26041315

Why anon ...

>> No.26041316

Nobody csres

>> No.26041318
Quoted by: >>26041396


>> No.26041319
Quoted by: >>26041331

Hype for holoEN

>> No.26041317
Quoted by: >>26041363

but the split from /vyt/ was actually necessary for hololive, holostars being split from here is not

>> No.26041320
Quoted by: >>26041342

Soon fellow 35P, I predict she'll be back within 2 weeks. I hope...

>> No.26041321

Yeah, it's comfy as usual.

>> No.26041322

I am but it needs more shuuuu

>> No.26041323

Anything surprising ?

>> No.26041324


>> No.26041325

If I'm not mistaken, by the end of the year there will be at least 3 holos with 1 mil subs and most of them will have over 500k

>> No.26041326
Quoted by: >>26041358

see >>26040616

>> No.26041327
Quoted by: >>26041357

who loves it when pekora goes "usadapekora"? me

>> No.26041328
Quoted by: >>26041347

Risu please post you're tits no one would know it's you

>> No.26041331


>> No.26041332
Quoted by: >>26041443

Ayunda is better Risu is too childish

>> No.26041333

Cute sneeze!

>> No.26041335

Lamy's sneezes...

>> No.26041336
Quoted by: >>26041353

nice headcannon retardchama now go play outside or something

>> No.26041337

cute sneeze

>> No.26041338

lamy sneezed. retweet the clip of it onegai

>> No.26041340
Quoted by: >>26041377

Yup, you do. If you don't like it you're free to bitch about it on reddit

>> No.26041342

>2 weeks
hoo boi it's gonna be rough, I'm going to need to start lifting or something

>> No.26041344

I don't get what's wrong with Homostar posting ITT anyway. Shit barely registers to me since I don't watch m*n. It's literally the same shit I feel when I see HoloCN posting: nothing. Like, why do you care lmao just walk away from the screen.

>> No.26041343

I hope Korosan and Torre are fun together too!

>> No.26041345

when did they talk about that? or do you just mean the tacit rejections okayu gives korone when she starts getting overly affectionate sometimes

>> No.26041346
Quoted by: >>26041469

Why does lamy sneeze so much

>> No.26041347

Risu please post Moona's tits

>> No.26041348
Quoted by: >>26041387


This is your future

>> No.26041349

>make 80 dollars

>> No.26041350

another 2 to the weekly sneeze compilation

>> No.26041351

Pekora and Korone inclined hard
What set Pekora’s off?

>> No.26041353

Do i need to go fetch our talk in the archives about how most the thread agrees that the stars should remain here?

>> No.26041354

>supa rain
life just isn't fair man

>> No.26041355

This is Moonatown, watch your mouth around here, squirrel.

>> No.26041358


>> No.26041357

no, me

>> No.26041359

Great, I hope you're all ready when hololive go full mainstream

>> No.26041361

>My fanbase
Hey risu. Or Artia. I know both of you lurk here.

>> No.26041362

I want Aqua to crush my head under her 142kg ass!

>> No.26041363

>was actually necessary for hololive,
if it was, nobody would link indie chuubas and N* here

>> No.26041364
Quoted by: >>26041405

Don't bother anon. Just stop replying

>> No.26041368

why are homoposters such homos?

>> No.26041370

As bad as this falseflagging between pekora and homos is, at least it's still better than last week's threads. Keep it up!

>> No.26041371

Same here, the only thing that's a bit bothersome is when someone's talking about the girls and they reply with the stars, outside of that harmless shit

>> No.26041372

Where can I meet a 4chan browsing artia gf?

>> No.26041373


>> No.26041374

Imagine getting showered in money every time you sneeze.

>> No.26041376

my headcanon is splitkun is tsun for the homos and doesnt know how to handle that concept so he spergs out instead and actively promotes them in this way

>> No.26041377
Quoted by: >>26041422

I'd rather bump your reclined franchise off the board.

>> No.26041378

I don't get it either, most of the time it's harmless, and then one dude will randomly go "NOT HOLOLIVE FUCK OFF" and the thread gets derailed because that dude couldn't just ignore it. I don't know what I should've expected from a thread that's pretty much 90% falseflaggers and/or antis at this point.

>> No.26041379
Quoted by: >>26041405

Take your meds holy shit

>> No.26041380
Quoted by: >>26041395

Why are Lamy's armpits so meaty?

>> No.26041382


>> No.26041383
Quoted by: >>26041393

Name a better collab
Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.26041384

It's more cool, but she's getting better at the high notes.

>> No.26041385

the wide shen chart clearly shows that homos are legal (except feet)

>> No.26041387

unironically better as I see no annoying homoshills

>> No.26041389

Based optimist anon

>> No.26041388

Can't wait for Mikoti to return, this thread has suffered for the worse in the absence of the majority's oshi

>> No.26041391
Quoted by: >>26041411

>a single generation doesnt even last 1 year before a new one is made
what the fuck is gonna happen in like 2022 when the cast is way too big

>> No.26041392
Quoted by: >>26041432


>> No.26041393

This was pretty funny

>> No.26041395

why are you focusing on her armpits of all things?

>> No.26041396

Thank you.

>> No.26041397
Quoted by: >>26041448

If EN is really happening next week, it's only downhill from here.

>> No.26041398
Quoted by: >>26041481

I wish I could enjoy Gen 5 but the obvious completely killed it for me, haven't watched anything since Polka's Shadow Corridor stream.

>> No.26041399
Quoted by: >>26041427

And the homoposters can't ignore that guy either...

>> No.26041401
Quoted by: >>26041465

Because armpits are fucking hot

>> No.26041403

And furry ears sadly

>> No.26041404


Peko's eldritch abomination of a voice is somehow the most memorable one to me, so that.

>> No.26041405


>> No.26041406

Sure risu. Even though i almost never watch you...sorry...

>> No.26041407

I'm honeslty not sure. I don't follow her that much, but unlike Korone where you can point to specific events like doom64 for example, Pekora is just continually going up. Korone is still considered the face of hololive in the west as far as I can tell, but Pekora is growing just as fast. I think BK boosted Korone again, but for a couple of months Pekora was even catching up

>> No.26041409

Someone should update the Shien pasta with his collab with his sister and Animare. Shit was great.

>> No.26041410
Quoted by: >>26041705

Anon are you from the future or are you a insider

>> No.26041411

>A pattern exists therefore it must continue to exist.

>> No.26041413


>> No.26041414

>isn't an armpitchad

go away faggot

>> No.26041415

>post off-topic
>get corrected by CHAD nousagi
>n-no this cant be happening its all the pekoCHAD's fault!!!
not how it works retard, talk shit get hit

>> No.26041416

I just wish they didn't bring up the stars in talk that's clearly only about the girls, like when discussing the best fall guys player between okayu and FBK they couldn't stop bringing tenmma up despite no one talking about the stars

outside of that, it's so minor that it's harmless

>> No.26041417

1st gen: Mel
2nd gen: Choco
3rd gen: Noel
4th gen: Coco
5th gen: Lamy
Guess what I just listed

>> No.26041418
Quoted by: >>26041451

Wow now they HAVE to bring Aloe back even if it's against her will, we did it MASS

>> No.26041420

he is a connoisseur and a man of fine taste is why

>> No.26041421

Sluuuuuuurp mmm!

>> No.26041422
Quoted by: >>26041462

ok reddit

>> No.26041426

the worst of each gen

>> No.26041427

It’s not homoposters though, just anons killig time on /hlg/

>> No.26041429

Biggest tits of their gen?

>> No.26041430


>> No.26041431
Quoted by: >>26041453

i miss her bros...

>> No.26041432


>> No.26041433

Sweaty tits?

>> No.26041434

Pekora's growth is probably the most natural of them all. No million view meme clips, no EOP pandering, just pure inclining by being good at what she does. At most you could say that she got noticed by Sugita who shilled her in public a few times.

>> No.26041435

I only find the NTR Roberu poster annoying, since the joke is so overplayed at this point, though I can't even tell whether he's a falseflagger or not.

>> No.26041437

The peko laugh EOP meme and her playing metal gear and dragon quest in the same month

>> No.26041438

worst of the gen except every 5th one is best

>> No.26041439
Quoted by: >>26041459

Roberu morning stream starting


>> No.26041441

Because they're obnoxious as fuck, even if you ignore holostarposters, they'll randomly try to insert themselves into the conversation or twist it to being about the holostars. For example, a couple days ago people were talking about Aqua having beat Jump King and wondering if Pekora would ever pick it up since she commented when Miko played, and suddenly some fuck brought up Shien out of nowhere, then Kira. Or when people were talking about the hololives and their respective success in Fall Guys, a faggot kept mentioning Temma and trying to insert him into the discussion. When talking about singing someone will mention Rikka, when talking about Apex, someone will mention Astel. They can't read the conversation and try so hard to make the holostars seem relevant, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.26041442

He's hitting 40k soon!

>> No.26041443

She's the reason people stop liking her.

>> No.26041445
Quoted by: >>26041482

>CHAD nousagi
???? >>26040348

>> No.26041446

smallest cocks in each gen

>> No.26041447
Quoted by: >>26041530

lamy is so good at ending at the 60 minute mark.

>> No.26041448

It’s been 5 days since that interview, I’m starting to wonder when they’re actually going to announce it

>> No.26041449

I can't imagine an adult typing this

>> No.26041451

The just want Cover to protect their talent from antis and leave the door open for Aloe to come back if she wants to.

>> No.26041452

Those are falseflaggers too though

>> No.26041453

R301 for life

>> No.26041454

the whores

>> No.26041455

The worst of each gen except gen5 because all of them are equally bad

>> No.26041456

Why do Japanese streamers tend to have the current time shown somewhere on their overlay? Is it a cultural thing?

>> No.26041458


>> No.26041459

*tumbleweed passes*

>> No.26041460
Quoted by: >>26041516

MGS3 and Sugita boosted Pekora, among other things.

>> No.26041461

I love Lamy so much bros

>> No.26041462
Quoted by: >>26041553

Wait, I thought I was /v/?

>> No.26041463


>> No.26041464

I love Towapex.

>> No.26041465

dude there's literally nothing hot about armpits

>> No.26041466

Pekora also streams a lot and is just really talented at being an entertainer. Simple as that.

>> No.26041467
Quoted by: >>26041550

best roommate content of each gen

>> No.26041468

Would Lamy be permitted in muslim countries?

>> No.26041470
Quoted by: >>26041526

can you imagine someone talking about relevant holos when a discussion is going on? horrifying.

>> No.26041469

>once a week
>so much

>> No.26041472

that was her decision to leave but sure lets force her to work with under cover again

>> No.26041474

Korone's maintained 100k a month since May it seems like. I think Pekora started hitting it right after in June.

>> No.26041473

Nice 200 words essay amigo

>> No.26041475

so they know when to fuck off

>> No.26041477

the ones with the most fertile and breeding pressable wombs

>> No.26041478


>> No.26041480


>> No.26041481

Agreed, it's horrible that they're obviously making use of Aloe to boost themselves after she was fired, I wish Aloe were here instead of these 4.

>> No.26041482


>> No.26041484
Quoted by: >>26041733

unironically "ogey, rrat"

>> No.26041486


>> No.26041487

>Falseflaggers falseflagging falseflaggers
What the fuck man.

>> No.26041488

To make it easier to count to 66

>> No.26041489

Use this strength for your essays anon not shitposting

>> No.26041490
Quoted by: >>26041525

Pekofags are this delusional

>> No.26041493

Allah permits it.

>> No.26041494

You didn't just say that...

>> No.26041495

Who's the next bogeyman after holostars are removed?

>> No.26041498


>> No.26041500
Quoted by: >>26041514

what's the last narrative?

>> No.26041501

if you watch men you are gay simple as that

>> No.26041502

the OG bogeyman.

>> No.26041504

Bro the smell...

>> No.26041505
Quoted by: >>26041522

it's all falseflaggers, all the actual hololive fans left months ago.

>> No.26041507
Quoted by: >>26041555

Anon...most of my eop friends like her for her iconic laugh and they're fucking clip watchers...

>> No.26041508

With most Anniversaries and the big birthday season behind us
tell me anon are you planing something for their next big day? personally i'm planning on sending a letter to Flare for 300k, and something on Noel's birthday

>> No.26041510

I actually like it when they do this, it makes it really easy to find the source time of a clip in the original archive if I want to continue watching it.

>> No.26041511

Towa again probably.

>> No.26041512

Then ignore it? Don't be so invested lmao you sound like the Aloecuck redditors who take shit too seriously when this thread is shitposting/falseflagging/antiposting central. At this point I'm absolutely positive people post Homoshit because it gets you so boothybothered and they get kicks out of watching you seethe,

>> No.26041513


>> No.26041514

i fucked ur mom lole

>> No.26041515

Falseflagception. How deep can we go

>> No.26041516
Quoted by: >>26041626

But that was months ago and she's still accelerating unlike Korone who was starting to slow down until bk, Coco who got overtaken since asacoco died or Aqua who doesn't have strong eop support

>> No.26041517

No one. Thread would be perfect

>> No.26041519

being the best streamer who streams regularly (sorry aqua)
Also not being a homo loser

>> No.26041520

Are you falseflagging me bro?

>> No.26041521

Whichever EN is the most obnoxious

>> No.26041522
Quoted by: >>26041534

What the fuck am I one too?

>> No.26041525

No he's actually right, her incline is from sugita noticing her you massive newfag, whether sugita is a balding dried up old shit is a different story though

>> No.26041526

If someone is asking for info on holos, you can assume by default they don't mean Holostars, or CN, or ID.

>> No.26041528

I need a list of holos who have cute もぐもぐ animation

>> No.26041530

She must have a scrip of sorts

>> No.26041531


>> No.26041532

Dunno, but it reminds me of TV shows.

>> No.26041534


>> No.26041535


>> No.26041536

Which Holos would get beheaded in a caliphate?

>> No.26041538
Quoted by: >>26041576

How come Sugita hasn’t contacted Pekor yet?

>> No.26041539

subaru is seriously starting to grow on me. i've always liked her but she's probably going to crack into my top 3 soon.

>> No.26041541

flaseflags within falseflags is all that awaits us

>> No.26041542

The EN men, since they will be part of the first Mixed gender gen they won't be able to call for a split

>> No.26041545

Kakage's daughter when she's actually revived and debuts

>> No.26041547

First they came for the nijis
and I said nothing because I like hololive
then they came for the holostars
and I said nothing because I like hololive
Then they stopped coming for people because all the problems were solved
The thread is still shit but less so

>> No.26041546
Quoted by: >>26041565

Literally all of them (and that's a good thing)

>> No.26041550

really? i haven't looked into her 前世 much

>> No.26041551
Quoted by: >>26041606

Waiting for Towa to announce the stream!
Hoping for no bad news!
Hoping for more collabs!

>> No.26041552

I don't want to see a bunch of homoerotic posts and they take up replies and images, so ignoring/filtering doesn't completely work.

>> No.26041553
Quoted by: >>26041588

ok reddit

>> No.26041555
Quoted by: >>26041614

What does that have to do with anything? There are EOPs who watch Roboco, does that mean she's popular and EOP pandering too?

In fact that just reinforces the point that people like her for being herself, not because she played some popular games.

>> No.26041556
Quoted by: >>26041574

Surely they can overtake Kizuna Ai by next year, right?

>> No.26041557
Quoted by: >>26041591

wtf bros lamy is sucking a dick

>> No.26041558

>anything that shows homoshills in a bad light is falseflagging
the state

>> No.26041559

No, not the images, those images could've gone to ritualposts!

>> No.26041560
Quoted by: >>26041594

she is cute af and she always lurks the comments of translated clips

>> No.26041561
Quoted by: >>26041583

All but Iofi

>> No.26041563


>> No.26041565

>and that's a good thing
the fact that they piss of muzzies or that they'd get killed?
risu you need to calm down

>> No.26041566

Top 3 holos are Polka, Pekora, and Korone don't quote me this is an OBJECTIVE list.

>> No.26041567

She hates you

>> No.26041569

please understand that the 5 homofags in this thread need their boogeyman since they are very sensitive

>> No.26041570

I don't want to see the hordes of newfags shitting this thread up either but I can still compartmentalize their dogshit posts away so that I ain't seething 24/7 or every time I see a single post of theirs. I don't get why that is so hard anyway, are you /literally/ autistic or high functioning perchance?

>> No.26041572

Do people really enjoy watching Lamy eat while muted

>> No.26041571

Who is the Patra Suou of Hololive?

>> No.26041573
Quoted by: >>26041589

>still no futa holo

>> No.26041574

AI Games maybe. Main account is too far to catch unless they pull something new out of their hat.

>> No.26041575

This cope is getting really sad, isn't it?

>> No.26041576

Too embarrassed to talk to his oshi

>> No.26041577

towa and korone

>> No.26041578

kind of insane given how many holos weren't even at 100k until March or April of this year.

>> No.26041581

Another example was an armpit tier list and a holostar poster just had to reply with something like "Boys, what about the stars? Which one is the hairiest?" Just make your own post with that question.

>> No.26041583
Quoted by: >>26041592

she's a fujo. she would be the first.

>> No.26041584


>> No.26041585
Quoted by: >>26041596

Imagine spending 200 years in a recurring thread bitching into the abyss about one thing.

>> No.26041586

delete this

>> No.26041587
Quoted by: >>26041732

Anon..if you see a male and your first thoughts are homo thoughts i have some news for you..

>> No.26041588
Quoted by: >>26041621

I've been on this site longer than you have.

>> No.26041589
Quoted by: >>26041704

Flare is right there bro

>> No.26041591

Can't believe Lamy muted to suck her boyfriend off while the Live2D was still rolling...

>> No.26041592


>> No.26041593

>AFACOCO rough summary
>"Hello motherfucker!" (MC sweating)
>Coco bragging about being #1 on superchat, being top idol at hololive, and flexing her new $9000 bed.
>Recalled about the time she was high on sleeping pills ("Is it okay to say this on official event?" MC sweating, looked at producer nervously)
>About Coco everyday's life: Coco doesn't like planning ahead. Long term plan is just not her style. She just do whatever she likes coz she's a dragon.
>Unexpectedly asked MC (Reiko-san) if she was forced to work there against her will after Reiko-san said, unlike Coco, human have it hard in serious/sad tone (Producer sweating, denied it on chat)
>About Holohouse: She said the project only works because they don't really care about each other, in a good way. They're getting along just fine, but they're mostly just do their own business to avoid unnecesary conflict/drama. When she was asked by MC to choose one among other Hololivers who she would like to invite to Holohouse as well, she answered Watame because PPTrio. No brainer coz they're already friends.
>About Reddit: She said she's there to keep redditor from saying something stupid. She's watching you, not looking for memes.
>About fanart: Coco said to keep them coming, both normal and lewd ones. "Even the ones showing my nipples..." (Producer probably like 'fuck it, she can say whatever she wants at this point')
>Said some line on Indonesian language as a fanservice to SEA audience. Awkward moment because Reiko-san doesn't actually speak Indonesian lol (she's from Singapore, I think), needed to ask the chat if Coco's pronounciation was right.
friend sent me this dunno where it came from

>> No.26041594
Quoted by: >>26041638

this translator is kind of shit

>> No.26041595

why do streamers have the same BGM I got tired of Hachama's on the last stream and Lamy's is getting there

>> No.26041596

go back to hornyposting kira fag

>> No.26041598


>> No.26041600

yes? she's acting cute and doing zoom shenanigans she doesnt do regularly.

>> No.26041601

most people are trying to move on and talk about other stuff, maybe if you just let go and let the thread continue normally you won't see so many posts about this shit

>> No.26041602

yeah bro it was a blessing of a stream

>> No.26041603

why is this allowed?

>> No.26041605
Quoted by: >>26041637


>> No.26041608

Duckbros... this hurts...

>> No.26041606

TowaAquaLunaRushia Diablo 3 soon

>> No.26041607

She was just beating her meat again

>> No.26041609

I miss aqua's apex streams

>> No.26041611

what the duck

>> No.26041612

jesus christs lamys old avatar had some fat fucking thighs and small chest. muh..

>> No.26041614

She still benefited from the insane growth of hololive becoming more mainstream but I do agree that she carries her own weight when it comes to raw entertainment value

>> No.26041615

I still don't get why you can't just ignore it to save yourself the butthurt. I mean, calling them faggots everytime they post would probably be better for your psyche than grandstanding and whining every single thread passive aggressively (probably not as good for the thread though, but you shit it up regardless).

>> No.26041617

Lamy's boyfriend here. Shit was so cash.

>> No.26041619

>girl x gets posted
>hey guys whats next for girl x Im looking forward to girl x stream tonight
>same 3 npc algorithm replied OUR SON IS WINNING XD IM SO PROUD OF OUR SON XD my winning son is winning xD
>wtf why does everyone hate us?
If you stayed in your lane this would still happen but less often

>> No.26041621

ok reddit

>> No.26041622

Gas homostars. No homostars discussion allowed. Gas homostars.
I'm serious not falseflagging.

>> No.26041624

only a few hundred more posts left...

>> No.26041625

So burned out businessmen know when to get their beauty sleep

>> No.26041626

Pekora gets 20k minimum in almost every stream (might be every stream now), at this point people are spreading her by word of mouth or the youtube algorithm is shilling her.

>> No.26041627
File: 240 KB, 653x563, HAACHAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26041628
Quoted by: >>26041648

Take your meds

>> No.26041629

I cant understand what she is saying

>> No.26041634

I’ve never seen the winning son here though

>> No.26041635

Choco’s yawns and stretches...

>> No.26041636

why are you acting so obsessed right now? seriously just move on.

>> No.26041637

>Subaru played FF6 and I never knew this
I should just kill myself.

>> No.26041638

always has been

>> No.26041640
Quoted by: >>26041667

I don't agree with your post, but the one thing i do find sad is that they only talk about roberu for the most part, feel a bit shitty for the rest who only get used to falseflag

>> No.26041641
Quoted by: >>26041660


>> No.26041642

Yeah cause she's my wife you moron

>> No.26041644


>> No.26041645

you missed so much

>> No.26041647

>falseflagging as a homostar anti
Why are homos like this

>> No.26041648

Can't even deny it can you? Homos are obnoxious and theres a reason we're in this time loop. Blaming it on the backlash is asinine

>> No.26041650

Which holo masturbates?

>> No.26041652

Imagine if we got rid of pekofags and homofags

>> No.26041653


>> No.26041655
Quoted by: >>26041711

Face of homostars...

>> No.26041656

>won't be your friend unless you're a niji
wtf bros...

>> No.26041657

>Rubaro is planning Ringfit when gets 3D
boys it's coming

>> No.26041658

Based peko

>> No.26041659
Quoted by: >>26041695

Probably. You missed one of her best series. Understandable if you came after the holocaust though.

>> No.26041660
Quoted by: >>26041681

how long do I have left to live after watching this

>> No.26041662

God bless the Chinese archive, because it really looks like the bakatare 3D will be lost forever

>> No.26041663
Quoted by: >>26041699

I pity your crippling autism. LITERALLY just ignore it or don't be so invested in the shitposting of the worst thread in the whole of a fucking khmer mudcake making forum.

>> No.26041664

Marine, Senchou and Houshou

>> No.26041666

just for this I'm going to post this dox I found of her!

>> No.26041667

Well he is the most popular one after all

>> No.26041669

>the boys are better than the girls at apex
>hahaha your favorite holos are whore

>> No.26041670
Quoted by: >>26041688

Which Holo FUCKS?

>> No.26041672

Aqua just RT'd something about Azur Lane's 3rd anniversary.

>> No.26041675


>> No.26041676

imagine listening to this thing moan in a sexual manner

>> No.26041678

>Hello internet and welcome to behind the meme where we take a look at the meaning and origin of your favorite memes!
>Today we take a look at: ____

>> No.26041681

You're already dead, anon.

>> No.26041682

What actually happens
>girl x gets posted
>hey guys whats next for girl x Im looking forward to girl x stream tonight.
>wtf why does everyone hate me?

>> No.26041683

All of them except Towa

>> No.26041686

Shien with electrocution

>> No.26041688

Not Marine, not Senchou and not Houshou

>> No.26041689
Quoted by: >>26041717

All of them.
A better question is which ones do it while streaming.

>> No.26041690
Quoted by: >>26041718

do you seriously think the ntr edits are from homofags and not shitposters looking to rile people up?

>> No.26041691

This is gonna ruffle some feathers

>> No.26041693
Quoted by: >>26041703

When can I member gen 5

>> No.26041695

I watched her Detroit: Become Human series a few days before the holocaust and never finished it.

>> No.26041699
Quoted by: >>26041758

>nooo dont call us out just ignore it let us do whatever we want with no backlash
I don't take orders from homos, subhuman

>> No.26041700


>> No.26041701

For Pekora, I think most people find Pekora's clips to be some of the most hilarious of the bunch. One moment, she a trashtalking asshole who can do no wrong, and the next she's frantically pleading to the Gods not to lose as she's struggling to survive. That perfect mixture of smug personality and punishing karma (coupled with the occasional successes) make for quality entertainment.

Also, her laugh and tics are memorable.

>> No.26041702

Holy fuck, is this real, satan?

>> No.26041704

Stop with this futa Flare meme...

>> No.26041705

I'm talking about this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP9mYUYrsIBMNLDamEAmXYw

>> No.26041703

After they announce gen 6

>> No.26041709

the god finger...

>> No.26041711

Is this mus|ko?

>> No.26041714

I always wondered, during the stream when their face expressions change, do they change them manually with streamdeck shortcuts or it changes automatically depending on their real face expressions/voice tone?

>> No.26041715
Quoted by: >>26041803

Prepare for the homocaust when I got accepted as a new meido.

>> No.26041716

Thank you for posting this satan, I forgot to save it a few months ago when the anon first posted it

>> No.26041717
Quoted by: >>26041725

I wouldnt be surprised if some of them are just masturbating while someone else plays ring fit during those streams with some of the noises they make..

>> No.26041718

>b-b-b-but when we shit up the thread its just muh false flag conspiracy
every time
fucking clockwork

>> No.26041719

oh shit

>> No.26041720

holy shit

>> No.26041723

Anon she even has a dedicated male persona, is time to face the truth

>> No.26041724


>> No.26041725

Can't wait for KanaTowa ringfit!

>> No.26041726

They manually change it

>> No.26041727
Quoted by: >>26041755

Literally what is wrong about NTRoberu? It's just a shitty meme like "Are you winning son?". Why are you triggered by shit like that anyway, it's as innocuous as Aloe suicide posting: shit only riles people up that want to get riled up.

>> No.26041729

>no dot at the end of Ch
nice account you got anon

>> No.26041731


>> No.26041730
Quoted by: >>26041820

All the elves have penises anon

>> No.26041732

Obviously referring to literal homoerotic posts not just a male poster talking about a male vtuber.

>> No.26041733

you do know it's a /hlg/ thing only right?

>> No.26041734


>> No.26041735

>Joined September 7
I can make a channel and link it here too

>> No.26041736


>> No.26041737

s-should I subscribe?

>> No.26041740

>not Kaine Ch.

Nice fake.

>> No.26041741

All the different expressions are manual

>> No.26041742

Oh I see
You must also think the Pekofags and Sheepfags are 100% genuine huh?

>> No.26041743

Hol’ up that’s an illegal activity anon

>> No.26041744

Is everyone fucking retarded today or something?

>> No.26041745

You're the only one complaining though. You sure the problem ain't on your end instead of ours?

>> No.26041746

It could be you, you fucking retard. It's literally nothing.

>> No.26041747

can we stop replying to schizo lamy mama is on and choco is with her spinos

>> No.26041748

Wait holy fucking shit

>> No.26041750
Quoted by: >>26041763


>> No.26041753


>> No.26041752


>> No.26041754

i am genuine
all homostars should be sent to /trash/ peko

>> No.26041755
Quoted by: >>26041789

Are you a retard? Putting the whole fact that it's not funny and a shit meme aside for a moment the point is that they constantly insert themselves into actually hololive discussion because their thirst for attention is unquenchable

>> No.26041756
Quoted by: >>26041782

>ark choco
No one cares

>> No.26041757

This is so true. Pekora only was differente from her current self when she debuted, trying to show a cute, shy rabbit doing cute things. Even though that's part of her personality, she's clearly more complex not only as a character, but as a person. Her roommate is a girl who struggles with social anxiety, a sheltered brat who has lived in her room for way too much time.That's her environment, and she's lucky to have iconic traits like her nasal voice and laughter. She's one in a million entertainer, I only can expect a sharp inclining from her in the next months

>> No.26041758

Well you sure can't get them out of your head.

>> No.26041760

isn't that everyday here?

>> No.26041759

Roberu is streaming too anon

>> No.26041761

I can't get WataKana chocolate box out of my head

>> No.26041763

Okay fair enough, but I feel everyone is EXTRA retarded today.

>> No.26041764

I am going to purify Coco Kaine!

>> No.26041766
Quoted by: >>26041772

>made 9/6/2020
>No period after "Ch"


>> No.26041767

manual, that's why that clip of roberu changing to a frown the second matsuri moves next to him is so funny

>> No.26041768

Are you ok?

>> No.26041769

>Joined September 2020
Fake as fuck. They would've created the channel months ago.

>> No.26041771

everybody masturbates

>> No.26041772

Some rando using a familiar name to get free subs for their channel.

>> No.26041773


>> No.26041774

I unironically like the eyeless roberto edits..

>> No.26041775

I am a nousagi and I am genuine, every time I see an insinuation I'm a false flagger its wrong and it happens a lot. I have no reason to think any other false flag claims are on the mark since you people are so bad at spotting them

>> No.26041776


>> No.26041777

I hope you post nice shits, anon

>> No.26041779
Quoted by: >>26041793

Its harder to find holo that NOT masturbates

>> No.26041780

Anon, you can still get doxxed for posting something like this

>> No.26041781

I’m never coming back to this shithole, abayo

>> No.26041782

you have to go back

>> No.26041784

>anon makes a channel on youtube
>posts it here and pretends he stumbled across it
Every time

>> No.26041785

The more you talk about homos, the more they are winning. Sooner or later this thread will be filled with conversations about homos and not the girls anymore

>> No.26041789
Quoted by: >>26041851

Then why the fuck are you giving them attention then you absolute mongoloid? How long have you even been on this site holy shit.

>> No.26041790


>> No.26041791

>anon creates a youtube account
>anons subscribe to it
What's next?
>anon doxes their accounts

>> No.26041792

See you for HoloEN

>> No.26041793


>> No.26041794

Every thread
wtf why do you hate homos
>valid reasons
wtf just ignore them
you are all the same person

>> No.26041796

k-on butt smell chart but for holos when

>> No.26041798

goodbye anon

>> No.26041800


>> No.26041801

At the end the winnings were the sons we made along the way

>> No.26041802
Quoted by: >>26041819

your meds, please take them

>> No.26041803
Quoted by: >>26041955

So are you gonna sleep everytime theres homopostings just like any other meidos?

>> No.26041804

But most of the girls are homos.

>> No.26041806
Quoted by: >>26041867


>> No.26041807 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26041846

Odds: Pekora inclines and becomes worldwide
Evens: Kanata arrested on possession of heroin
Dubs: /hlg/ closes down due to scandal

>> No.26041808

>he added the dot
kek, what an attention whore nigger faggot

>> No.26041809

Good night see you tomorrow anon

>> No.26041810
Quoted by: >>26041818

all me. and the post theyre arguing with? also all me

>> No.26041811

What's the appeal of Matsuri?

>> No.26041814

>literally in this thread we have proof that when someone complains about something, it gets posted more with the image limit being hit immediately since someone complained about images
>anon still doesn't get that by complaining about holostars posts instead of ignoring them is why so many posts are made

>> No.26041815

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.26041819

just ignore him. he clearly has some sort of mental illness

>> No.26041818

I kneel.

>> No.26041820
Quoted by: >>26041824

lamy does NOT have a penis shut the fuck up

>> No.26041821



>> No.26041823

She's pretty cute when she isn't going full menhera.

>> No.26041824

haha penis mommy pee pee
big pee pee mommy lamy

>> No.26041825

Cute roommate

>> No.26041827

I want to have hot sweaty sex with Lamy's armpit!

>> No.26041828

that mouth on her tummy

>> No.26041829
Quoted by: >>26041862

He's doing it on purpose so more people get tired of homotalk

>> No.26041830

She is pretty sweet

>> No.26041832

menhera if you like that shes also pretty comfy on twitchcasts or sleepy minecraft

>> No.26041833

I think reddit would be more your speed then, you've been trying to force a split for the better part of a year and it still hasn't happened. At this point all you're achieving is impotently seething that the rest of this shithole doesn't see a problem in what you do. What's ironic is all of your whining is what's making a positive feedback loop that encourages bored anons to fuck with you and get you even more bootypained.

>> No.26041834

Tired Fubuki anon...

>> No.26041835
Quoted by: >>26041852

So given that they're apparently months away, what would you like to see from the rest of Gen 3's new costumes?, for me it's
Tavern maid Noel
Not even trying with Flare, whatever she likes so that she actually uses it
JK Marine
Rider Pekora

>> No.26041839

Bros is Flare going to black Lamy...

>> No.26041838

Sugoi...no imageboard..

>> No.26041841
Quoted by: >>26041925

I fucking love Artia!

>> No.26041840

didn't this guy get told to go to the IRC months ago if he wanted a split so bad? The fact he's back here sperging instead says a lot about how he really feels

>> No.26041842
Quoted by: >>26041933

She's been REALLY cute these last few weeks, more so than usual. Her audience have noticed it too and asked her if something happened but she has no answers and didn't notice anything herself.

>> No.26041846
Quoted by: >>26041874

I hope pekora dies and killed herself because of pressure and stress for all the attention she got

>> No.26041845

he is samefaging with the same strategy

>> No.26041847

>thighs look like a pork leg
do people really find this attractive?

>> No.26041848

How can I learn to draw?

>> No.26041849

She is cute when she isnt full menhera mode or screaming like a banshee

>> No.26041850


>> No.26041851
Quoted by: >>26041897

Unironically probably longer than you have been alive
If you weren't a fucking idiot you'd realize that feeding them attention causes them to become more obnoxious which causes people to hate them more in a cycle that ends in the thread split.
If you ignore the cancer it will just sit there forever until it kills the thread

>> No.26041852

Hair down, Casual-wear pekora
Maybe a comfy sweater too.

>> No.26041853

>it's fucking nothing

>> No.26041854
Quoted by: >>26041865

No but seriously, risu should post her tits

>> No.26041857
Quoted by: >>26041891

>Kyushu has no power
>SK doomed

Is this the end for hololives on the islands and Korean Vtubers?

>> No.26041858

Only if she can defeat Botan

>> No.26041859
Quoted by: >>26041961

Do your reps

>> No.26041862

the best thing to do is ignore him completely and let him samefag and argue with himself all he wants

>> No.26041865

I'd rather she post Moona's tits...

>> No.26041866

I cant believe /hlg/ are loving the homos. The amount of conversations about homos in this thread are like safe haven for us homofags. We will talk more about our passion towards the homos in this thread. I love you guys

>> No.26041867

never ever

>> No.26041869

Imagine making a post this long with nothing but babbling and bothering to click send, I cachinnate

>> No.26041870

Meidos, onegai...

>> No.26041871

That Frejya nigger got banned last week in the "let's learn English" Vtuber chat for not reading the rules.

>> No.26041872

Her twitcast are pretty comfy, kinda wish other holos did it too

>> No.26041874

As long as she can comfortably live the hikki life in her room I doubt she'll even care about how big she gets.

>> No.26041875

I've started playing Azur Lane of all things just because of the rumors of a second HL collab. At least the game plays itself.

>> No.26041876

But that's her daughter anon

>> No.26041879

The year is 2030 homostars still can't break 100K subs.

>> No.26041881
Quoted by: >>26041905

Lamy more like lame because she's boring as fuck

>> No.26041882
Quoted by: >>26041898

Go to /ic/ and read the sticky

>> No.26041883

Repeated duels to death in front of the saloon

>> No.26041884

Will I have much fun with craftopia as the holos if I buy it?

>> No.26041885
Quoted by: >>26041896

i am a girl from thailand

>> No.26041886

i barely even come here anymore and it's been unironically way better for my mood to not have to sift through threads filled with 90% idiotic shitposting. take a long break from this place and just watch the holos and you'll feel much better. trust me.

>> No.26041887

No problem bro
I'm hyped for my boy Temma's Fire Emblem run. I hope he picks Blue Lions for Dimitri kino

>> No.26041889

maybe if you have friends or something.

>> No.26041891

Do any holos live there?

>> No.26041892

You don't have friends so no.

>> No.26041894


>> No.26041895

Only if you play it with friends

>> No.26041896

Ladyboys aren't girls

>> No.26041897

Yeah but you're literally the only retard who gets butthurt about the Homos ITT. Most people literally don't care but you alone have been forcing the issue because you alone are so personally affronted by it. Nobody thinks the Homostar posting is the biggest reason for thread decline because most people don't give a single shit about them, you'll find more people of the opinion that it's redditor newfags or MASStard refugees that are shitting up the thread.

>> No.26041898
Quoted by: >>26041927

Too much text, I want to draw not read a fucking novel

>> No.26041900
Quoted by: >>26042004

Matsuri&Rikka cover, if you didn’t like the daddy do one you’ll like this maybe

>> No.26041902

>> No.26041905

haha trueeee only hyperactive holos cool! stan coco!

>> No.26041908
Quoted by: >>26041959

the game looks boring if you play it alone since it has no direction or whatsoever

>> No.26041909

I'd wait until more content is out for it.

>> No.26041910

hololive girls play among us when...

>> No.26041913

Didn't ask
not hololive

>> No.26041914


>> No.26041916


>> No.26041917


>> No.26041919

Send the stars back to /vyt/ this is the live thread

>> No.26041920

Make a better fake next time.

>> No.26041924

When is a GOOD stream coming on?

>> No.26041925

I'm going to kick artia's shins in

>> No.26041926


>> No.26041927

If you want to really make good art you will need to learn the theory behind it. Maybe you can try watching tutorials on youtube. Goodluck bro

>> No.26041928
Quoted by: >>26041951

no. they're having fun because they're playing with friends. you don't have friends, anon.

try a singleplayer open world crafting game like kenshi instead

>> No.26041929

Aloe? Is it you? Kaoru?

>> No.26041930

Are homos the ultimate filter because you actually need to understand japanese to like them?

>> No.26041931

your mom bouncing on my cock faggot

>> No.26041932

>video unavailable

>> No.26041933

She got a boyfriend!

>> No.26041934


>> No.26041935

>Yeah but you're literally the only retard who gets butthurt about the Homos ITT
You realize I can see the posters who aren't me, don't you? To me this schizobabble is laughable.

>> No.26041937

lamy mama

>> No.26041939

No... this can't be real...

>> No.26041940

No, even if you play with friends it's very unfinished. I'd suggest holding off until there's more content and bugs are fixed (they probably won't be since it's a jap game), right now it's a clear streamer bait, the usual "we have just enough content for 2-3 streams to hook people".

>> No.26041942

>Doing handjob while reading supacha

>> No.26041943

wtf it's dolphin porn

>> No.26041944


>> No.26041945

Why this cult is recommended to me?

>> No.26041948

I've been watching Choco for an hour now, and I still have no clue what Ark is about.

She takes good care of her dinos though, which is cute.

>> No.26041949

Haachama minecraft in like 4 hours, Noel utawaku latter today if you're into that

>> No.26041950
Quoted by: >>26041971

>Are homos the ultimate filter because you actually need to suck cock to like them?

>> No.26041951

Holos playing Kenshi when? I want to see them get eviscerated by a beak thing.

>> No.26041953

Rushia archive of last night

>> No.26041954
Quoted by: >>26041962

Someone post a cute nene clip

>> No.26041955
Quoted by: >>26041979

No because homopostings are off-topic.

>> No.26041956

It's all thanks to you split-kun

>> No.26041957

holos liked by females

holos disliked by females

>> No.26041958
Quoted by: >>26042037

just ignore him. he wants the attention that he's willing to samefag all the time

>> No.26041959

People solo in minecraft/terraria/etc you know.

>> No.26041960

Be weary of early access crafting games in general. There's a good chance that this can be abandoned very quickly.

>> No.26041961

That anon's tricking you. Grinding like that will kill your interest and your imagination gains, plus the creator draws like shit.
May I suggest the book "Fun With a Pencil" by Andrew Loomis, instead. You can find it online free.

>> No.26041962


>> No.26041963

Shion yo apex

>> No.26041964

Choco while doing work, pretty chill she's a good dino mom

>> No.26041965

Got a good stream for you right here *unzips dick*

You don't need to understand Jap to like Oga, because he plays good games and has a rich molasses voice

>> No.26041966

Is Lamy really a jojofag
Doesn't fit her image at all

>> No.26041967


>> No.26041969


>> No.26041971
Quoted by: >>26042010

Did you have male friends ever? Did you suck their dicks?

>> No.26041973


>> No.26041974

Genuinely impressed, you’re right.

>> No.26041975


>> No.26041977

Lamy's sneezes...

>> No.26041978

Women hate innocent virgins like Ayame, aqua, or Rushia. They are scared of them.

>> No.26041979

no it ain't

>> No.26041980


>> No.26041981

>superchat flood

>> No.26041982

Moshi moshi, basado depatmento desu wa?

>> No.26041986
Quoted by: >>26042006


>> No.26041987

why does she sneeze so much??

>> No.26041988

I mean, there's no chance he doesn't go AM since it's super in character for him. Why even entertain the thought?

>> No.26041989

shion apex while i play

>> No.26041990

>holos liked by females
Missing Suisei who has the biggest female fanbase in all of hololive by a wide margin, and dyke magnets Flare and Towa

>> No.26041992


>> No.26041993

What holo is least likely to end up divorcing you for all your money?

>> No.26041994

About to watch Coco review shit memes. I'm just here for the sheep.

>> No.26041995

wtf women have pretty good taste outside the Coco thing

>> No.26041996


>> No.26041997


>> No.26041999
Quoted by: >>26042054

Risu beause she's the only one poorer than me

>> No.26042000

Never watched Tenma, but how autistic is he about optimization?

>> No.26042002

She's a snow elf so she's always cold.

>> No.26042003

supachato trick

>> No.26042004
Quoted by: >>26042102


I really liked this one from those two. They complimented each other really well in it

>> No.26042005

Miko but only cause she'll probably be dead first

>> No.26042006

Thanks for the report!!!, will time stamp and review onces the archive is up

>> No.26042008

Do I have problems? I love Choco but hate Lamy.

>> No.26042009
Quoted by: >>26042064

Women also love Kanata

>> No.26042010
Quoted by: >>26042036

You suck your male friends dick? that's probably why you enjoy watch holostars.

>> No.26042014


>> No.26042016

>caring what women think
This is a new low even for this thread

>> No.26042017


>> No.26042020

bitches love flare

>> No.26042022

this is like the 5th time that happened anon

>> No.26042025


>> No.26042026

Lamy hates cold. You have to giver her hug every 30 minute to warm her.

>> No.26042030

a lazy one who wouldn't go through the trouble like aqua or pekor

>> No.26042031

>did you eat breakfast
>superchats start rolling in telling him to eat
i think my son is doing it on purpose

>> No.26042032
Quoted by: >>26042061

>holos liked by females
>no suisei

>> No.26042034

luna's wiifit stream from last night

>> No.26042035
Quoted by: >>26042065

Why do Choco streams feel like you hired a high class escort and all she did was play vidya

>> No.26042036

your mum suk my dik while I watch holostars LMAO

>> No.26042037

I'm fucking with him because he seems to encourage it. I've no horse in this race personally, heck I don't even care if the split happens, it's just amusing to see people so butthurt over trivial shit on this site that you can feel how asspained they are irl. I don't know how people like that can even stand this site let alone stay for so long.

>> No.26042038

Flare makes panties moist

>> No.26042042


>> No.26042041


>> No.26042044
Quoted by: >>26042077

this but with ur mom

>> No.26042045
Quoted by: >>26042066

It might have been cringy as fuck, but the kenzoku worldwide thing did show that towa has a considerable female following

>> No.26042047

I want to become a snowman already...

>> No.26042048

So long-e Bowser

>> No.26042049 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26042073

Why do the hoes hate Okayun?

>> No.26042053

Wouldn't you want your son to grow up to be a big, healthy man? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all

>> No.26042054
Quoted by: >>26042076

Risu is too nice to do that. She'll divorce you because you keep cheating on her, but she will never get over you and always keep your picture on her wall.

>> No.26042056

>No Towa

Today I will remind them of what Towa sounds like when she wakes up


>> No.26042057

Don't care

>> No.26042058
Quoted by: >>26042089

What the fuck is Roberu doing

>> No.26042060

They hate popular girls that are distinctly more feminine than them. For this reason there's absolutely no way girls like Noel.

>> No.26042061
Quoted by: >>26042142

Literally who gives a fuck about suisei, well, except when I want to piss in her ass

>> No.26042059
Quoted by: >>26042130

females can smell fake from other females
its like a natural instinct

>> No.26042062


>> No.26042063
Quoted by: >>26042088

But I love Rushia

>> No.26042064

Doesn't she have a lot of female antis?

>> No.26042065

Youtube jumped her in the middle of the night and permanently crippled her.

>> No.26042066


>> No.26042068

Towa surprisingly attracts a lot of females.

>> No.26042069

They're all richer than me lel

>> No.26042070
Quoted by: >>26042130

Aqua is too autistic and not in the good way and Ayame is fake, at least for me

>> No.26042071
Quoted by: >>26042095

right now he's doing impressions of every emoji he gets sent too

>> No.26042073


>> No.26042075

What money?

>> No.26042076

Risu would surely make a good wife

>> No.26042077


>> No.26042078

>female hates all pretty holos

>> No.26042081


>> No.26042085

go back i'd rather have split kun

>> No.26042086


>> No.26042088


>> No.26042089
Quoted by: >>26042115

he's mimicking any emoji that gets sent in the superchat.

>> No.26042090

That's hot as fuck

>> No.26042095

He should make an entire stream of him doing nothing but sound effects

>> No.26042099


>> No.26042100

My wife Polka is so cute
t. Carlo

>> No.26042101

At leas for Aqua, girl can tell when someone's pretending to be dumb on purpose to please men and they hate it

>> No.26042102

Oh yeah just finished listening to that one, I do like Matsuri’s voice its very recognizable, and RIkka is great here

>> No.26042103
Quoted by: >>26042110

>big knight with boobs who's shtick is eating meat
not very feminine.

>> No.26042105

2434 relay

>> No.26042106
Quoted by: >>26042123

source: my ass

>> No.26042107

My husband Towa...

>> No.26042109
Quoted by: >>26042167

Trannies don't count as female.

>> No.26042110
Quoted by: >>26042140

There's nothing more feminine than absolutely massive honkers.

>> No.26042111
Quoted by: >>26042128

Which holos haven't said the funny F word yet? Don't think I've heard Okayu or Flare say it.

>> No.26042112

they hate it because it works for the girls but not them

>> No.26042114

>For this reason there's absolutely no way girls like Noel.
Noel get's past it because she shows her shitty side a lot, and when she goes out of character it's obvious that she's not like that at all she really is just another shitty weirdo

>> No.26042115

I need a stream dedicated to this schtick

>> No.26042119
Quoted by: >>26042132

Practice drawing lines and circles every day as a warmup to build line confidence, VERY important
Study your fundies like anatomy and perspective, try to comprehend it, don't slack off, it's gonna save you more time than you "waste" trying to understand it
Study your favorite artwork, study characters and styles you like. Copy what you see. Don't trace it but try to imitate it. Trace it if you're lost but it's a very bad lazy habit
Get TONS of reference for what you're drawing so you can copy it. Study the references, redline them, understand them. If you have a pose in mind try to get a reference for it for example.
Draw a lot and draw consistently. Even if it's just half an hour a day. It DOES count, it trains your hand and keeps you in shape. Do your fundies reps, do your imagination reps, do challeges like 10 expressions or whatever you want, just draw.
Challenge yourself always, don't be afraid to fail, you WILL and it will look ugly and you'll want to kill yourself and never ever draw again. It's normal to feel this way. Literally everyone does at some point. Draw more once your blood is done boiling with helplessness.

>> No.26042121

My gf really loves Watame, Pekora, Coco and Suisei

>> No.26042123

i mean, it's a pretty accurate list.

>> No.26042124

>liked by females

>> No.26042125

>roberu playing XB.


>> No.26042126

do people really believe aqua is pretending to be dumb?

>> No.26042127

Which Holo would give you a downsie child?

>> No.26042128
Quoted by: >>26042139

No but Okayu said shu-pin

>> No.26042129

actual reddit tier. Homosexuals can't bant so I don't blame you.

>> No.26042130

because they're jelaous of their feminine charms
pure femcels

>> No.26042132

Kamina please

>> No.26042133

I'm a girl and the only holo I can't stand is Coco because she's too intimidating

>> No.26042135

Polka was super cute getting all tilted by the snipers and cheaters.

>> No.26042136

I feel like most older woman would like aqua considering she acts like a child kind of like marine does, woman around her age probably do dislike her because they're jealous of her talent of course.

>> No.26042138

dude likes RPGs, he probably would've done a Tales playthrough by now if not for permissions.

>> No.26042139


>> No.26042140

But I’m not even a lesbo and that asmr mic motorboating got me hot

>> No.26042142

Me, when I'm drinking the piss out of her ass.

>> No.26042143

Welcome to last night slowpokechama. Robel really keeping the PekoRobel war going on.

>> No.26042144

Aloe will never use her God Finger on me...

>> No.26042145

>uuuuuuugh what do you mean you don't want the girls to get forced to collab with the homosharts

>> No.26042147

Towerr only attract flips and sea region. Females only think oh who is this trannies she/he sounds retarded.

>> No.26042148
Quoted by: >>26042217


>> No.26042149

get out and don't come back

>> No.26042150


>> No.26042151

>girl can tell when someone's pretending to be dumb on purpose to please men
I have some bad news for anyone who can't tell she is exaggerating being that retarded

>> No.26042152

god i love this baka so much

>> No.26042153

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26042154

Anyone saw Shion play Apex again after a long time? She's fuck miles better than Roboco. Why didn't she join the tournament?

How was the 5th gen collab? I heard Nene was a standout.

Also I saw the translated video of Polka's PC barely able to play the be game. I thought she was joking about how low spec her PC was. I didn't expect it to be that bad.

>> No.26042156


>> No.26042157
Quoted by: >>26042220

Putting on a skirt doesn’t make you a girl anon

>> No.26042158

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.26042159

How are Atlus permissions? Aren't they aleady covered considering Cover got Sega's?

>> No.26042160
Quoted by: >>26042170

I'm so tired of this...

>> No.26042162
Quoted by: >>26042173

Aqua female anti face

>> No.26042163

Jesus christ roberu that scared the shit out of me

>> No.26042165

Trannies aren't girls

>> No.26042166

The absolute chaotic state of /hlg/ everytime homos are mentioned. I love it.

>> No.26042167

Please do not bully Sio.

>> No.26042169

You are retard if you think Shion is better.

>> No.26042170


>> No.26042171

Nene is the "first to rush, first to die" kinda character, she was great and warlike.

>> No.26042172

thank you for your service nousagiCHAD

>> No.26042173


>> No.26042174

Yes aqua is an AUTISTIC role model.
Yes aqua is not faking it
No amount of falseflagging will change

>> No.26042180

Your favorite holo
Her reaction to you cumming on her face

>> No.26042181

The way she completely loses it in the fall guys webm always gets me

>> No.26042182

People let homoposting fly most of the time since nobody watches them. Thread only shits itself whenever resident schizo goes on another one of his tirades.

>> No.26042183

The avatar looks braindead too so it’s a perfect fit

>> No.26042184
Quoted by: >>26042193

Are you dreaming? Cover don't have Sega permission.

>> No.26042185


>> No.26042186
Quoted by: >>26042271

It helps move the threads during dead hours and no images

>> No.26042187


>> No.26042188

I think I'm falling for Flare...

>> No.26042189

>Why didn't she join the tournament?
she was moving at the time or getting ready to move iirc

>> No.26042191

Apparently there's a rumor going around that Pekora and Roberu are dating/hooking up IRL

>> No.26042193

Maybe I am, my bad.
SMT never then I guess.

>> No.26042194
Quoted by: >>26042235

Anon they don't have SEGA permissions, for some fucking reason Marine is an official ambassador for a game of theirs but they still can't play sega games

i don't even niji has them, to play persona they need to play without monetization

>> No.26042195


>> No.26042196

Asks for extra payment

>> No.26042197

shion has pretty kuso aim, not like roboco is all that better really.
I mean, Ayame and Aqua are miles better than other holos on a technical and skill level, but it all depends how they work as a team. Aqua obviously can't work well in a team and Matsuri didn't seem to gel that well.
Shion should have been in place of Matsuri imo in the tourny, she and Ayame work well together.

>> No.26042198
Quoted by: >>26042238

How many views did Lamy get this morning?

>> No.26042199

nobody asked, noel

>> No.26042200

Can’t you be more creative anon

>> No.26042203

Pekora's mom would never allow her daughter to see a man

>> No.26042206

crazy how less than a week ago Roberu was at 33k subs celebrating hitting 30k and now he's already at 40k, pretty crazy jump in the last week.

>> No.26042207


>> No.26042209

te amo cebolla

>> No.26042211

what would our thread look like if schizo got the meido spot?

>> No.26042212

I accept credit

>> No.26042213
Quoted by: >>26042236

You have to say "5ch said" to get retards to believe that

>> No.26042214

Do female antis actually exist?

>> No.26042216

ha ha ha funny ntr joke ha ha ha ha SLUUUUUUUUURP

>> No.26042217
Quoted by: >>26042300

I want to hear morning Towa every day.

>> No.26042220

I recognize this post...

>> No.26042222
Quoted by: >>26042262

I hate it. At this point the timeloop happens every single day since the schizo became a lot more active than before

>> No.26042223

same meta posting and complaining except it would be over powertrippig meidos instead of anything else.

>> No.26042224
Quoted by: >>26042331

>portrayed as old
>voice not typically found as cute
>confused here as online women hate huge boobs
>design and voice not typically considered sexual
>young and hit all typical points men find cute, sexual, and feminine in women
Pretty accurate as the former don't pose much competition for male attention. Would like a recount on Noel, however.

>> No.26042225

bad taste

>> No.26042227


>> No.26042228

Do females actually exist?

>> No.26042229


>> No.26042231

Just because they always play the same games?

>> No.26042232

Aqua is the femcel killer

>> No.26042234

I'm gonna have to filter this homo too so I don't have to read this kind of retarded shit all the time.

>> No.26042235

They at least have capcom, though I don't see any of them playing capcom games anyway, maybe it's to be ready for Monster Hunter Switch, shit will be huge in japan and holos will be stomped if they don't stream it.

>> No.26042236
Quoted by: >>26042249

5ch said that Coco is a manipulative whore with a massive ego problem

>> No.26042238

10k. Seems like she’s already stabilized.

>> No.26042237

Yes, once internet bitterness get's to you it doesn't matter the gender you become a fuck up that only get's off to other misery

>> No.26042239

>He doesn't remember the melody incident

>> No.26042240

Apparently there's a rumor going around that Anon and [his waifu] are dating/hooking up IRL

>> No.26042242


>> No.26042243
Quoted by: >>26042273

As in women who hate other women, dude you have no idea. Women are fucking vicious towards each other when they're competing for male attention

>> No.26042247

Talks about it on twitcast

>> No.26042246

/hlg/ memery has a lot to do with that surprisingly enough. I don't know how they'll ever incline as much as the women though since female idolfags are already a cornered market in the west thanks to gookpop.

>> No.26042249

That's a widely accepted fact anonchama

>> No.26042250
Quoted by: >>26042266

I heard rumors that Marine might play Rimworld Soon is this true?

>> No.26042252

On the plus side, Polka got a ton of funds during her Craftopia stream. I hope her and Botan can get together and make something great.

>> No.26042253

Please hit post limit already, cursed thread.

>> No.26042255
Quoted by: >>26042309

No they don't Capcom are a bunch of faggots

>> No.26042256

I think aqua does play up how dumb she is because her character is like a clumsy maid and you can tell when she intentionally loses batsu games and what not but I think she is honestly a pretty strange girl that is the type to have fun by herself more so than with others, girls don't like her cause she's an easy bully target.

>> No.26042257

it's true but we're waiting for marriage

>> No.26042259
Quoted by: >>26042278


>> No.26042260
Quoted by: >>26042309


>> No.26042261

Fujos are pretty rabid.

>> No.26042262

actually I wonder how his posting activity would change with the introduction of ids.

>> No.26042263

2000 ritual posts

>> No.26042264

At least make up a plausible rumor.

>> No.26042265
Quoted by: >>26042292

I have no clue how Nene can drink so much without feeling sick.

>> No.26042266

read her twitter retard

>> No.26042268
Quoted by: >>26042309

Anon Capcom almost killed Mio

>> No.26042269
Quoted by: >>26042290


i love memes

>> No.26042270

Please don't leak that!

>> No.26042271
Quoted by: >>26042286

I'm gonna make this a tradition in this thread. Everytime the images reach its limit, I'm gonna sperg out on the homos

>> No.26042272

It's true.

>> No.26042273
Quoted by: >>26042307

When was the last time you spoke with a woman that wasn’t your mom?

>> No.26042275

Yep, it's true. Haha I was planning on it being a secret a little longer but I wanted to share the news with everyone as soon as possible

>> No.26042277

Have you ever heard of a site called twitter and a country called the US?

>> No.26042278


>> No.26042283
Quoted by: >>26042301

>your favorite holo
>your chest/waist/hips measures

>> No.26042286

thank you for your service

>> No.26042285

>female idolfags are already a cornered market in the west thanks to gookpop
it's probably for the best, I don't don't homos to get stabbed

>> No.26042288
Quoted by: >>26042309

Capcom is the reason why the holocaust happened anon.

>> No.26042289

When are we going to get a holo that plays a total war game?

>> No.26042290

Funny enough to be in a Coco video.

>> No.26042291

>the year is 2021
>hlg still lives on in /jp/
>60% of the posts are holoEN related
>everyime the threads archives, 10 new threads are made, just to try to get their favorite in OP
>the OP has links to r/holilive, pastebins and FAQs

>> No.26042292

She did her water reps

>> No.26042295

It's hard to say, I mean, these girls only had this crazy incline in the last 4 months(half of hololive wasn't even at 100k at the start of this year). It's hard to really say what the trends are going to look like.

>> No.26042298

Botan laughing her ass of at Nene and Polka's cluelessness in playing games was fucking hilarious.

>> No.26042300

It's hot as fuck.

>> No.26042301
Quoted by: >>26042352

you already asked this yesterday

>> No.26042302

Bro you weren’t supposed to reveal that I’m getting married to Choco

>> No.26042303

Nene has a pretty good chance at gathering a sizable female following, just like suisei did, specially since she comes of as a genuine retard unlike aqua

>> No.26042304


>> No.26042305
Quoted by: >>26042354

Bros... I just want to buy a new computer for Polka...

>> No.26042306


>> No.26042307
Quoted by: >>26042323

Yesterday, now what faggot

>> No.26042309

Sorry it was about Niji having capcom permissions now.

>> No.26042310

>he wasn't here for when everyone told the generalfaggot to fuck off

>> No.26042312

Hopefully the 3D propels him even higher and it spills over to the rest of the starts
He said He's thinking of playing Ringfit for it so it is actually coming soon

>> No.26042313


>> No.26042315

just give us IDs please

>> No.26042317
Quoted by: >>26042328

what's the account? is it true?

>> No.26042318

>your favorite holo
>your dick size

>> No.26042319
Quoted by: >>26042337

I'm actually jealous. She'll be able to get a 30 series for sure.

>> No.26042322

Would you date Botan even after knowing how much of an old hag she is

>> No.26042323
Quoted by: >>26042357

Your grandma doesn’t count

>> No.26042326

36 inches soft

>> No.26042327

A bit over 15 cm

>> No.26042328
Quoted by: >>26042341

Let the girl alone christ.

>> No.26042329
Quoted by: >>26042355

It's true. All of you bros are invited to our wedding.

>> No.26042330

Does Jun know his GF is a slut?

>> No.26042331

>Would like a recount on Noel
The tits are a filter, but Noel is the type of girl that women get along with, also the being afraid of men thing might give her a boost

>> No.26042332

Fucking this

>> No.26042334
Quoted by: >>26042360

She made over a month's salary in her first monetization stream, money shouldn't be an issue at this point.

>> No.26042335

7 inches

>> No.26042336

9 cm

>> No.26042337

Wonder if they'll hold out for Tis.

>> No.26042338

pretty sure last week he mentioned he was brainstorming stuff for it too, I feel like he'll probably announce it during his birthday stream, or he'll get it the week before his birthday stream so he can do a 3D birthday stream.

>> No.26042339

yes, I want a 3090

>> No.26042341

I just want to hear her sing

>> No.26042343

She probably has debts to pay

>> No.26042344

Don't have one

>> No.26042346

>3 inches

>> No.26042347

18, 20 on good days

>> No.26042349
Quoted by: >>26042363

Choco sounds so sleepy, she’s going to take the biggest nap after this stream

>> No.26042350

post boobies

>> No.26042352

I want to ask again so I can fap while imagine anon's body!

>> No.26042353

A second gen is coming for them anon

>> No.26042354

You can only buy her a third of one. The rest of the computer goes to youtube and manager-kun.

>> No.26042355

I will go if there is an open bar.

>> No.26042356

6 inches.

>> No.26042357

Does you mom count? What you want a recording of me talking to another woman to validate the universal truth that women hate each other?

>> No.26042359

Only if she aged like wine

>> No.26042358


>> No.26042360

she still has to wait until the month-end before she gets her check from youtube

>> No.26042363

Sleeping for two days with Sensei!

>> No.26042365

Have this

>> No.26042366

don’t have one

>> No.26042368

good morning /hlg/
*kisses you*

>> No.26042370


>> No.26042371

I think what's more amazing is how they call Matsuri, FBK, and other holos sluts, yet feel like holostars belong in these threads. If you don't like the hololives what the fuck are you even doing here? Homofags say shit like "keep that slut away from my son!" "My son is too good for these whores". Remember when Roberu got the prompt, "Confess to Matsuri" and decided to cut his stream short? They started doomposting about how Matusri's fans could end up attacking Roberu and somehow twisted the blame onto Festival, a few of them were even wishing death on her. Or how about every time that one clip of Matsuri, FBK, Rikka and Roberu gets posted and holostarfags insult Matsuri. They got upset over Fubuki collabing with Oga, they made fun of her and called her Roberu's cumpet. Back When Kaoru's graduation was announced and Narukami was spinning his webs of lies, they went after Rushia and Miko, calling them sluts and saying it's their fault. It's all there in the fucking archives, each and every time holostarfags decided to attack the hololives. Don't even try to pass it off as falseflags when they're the ones constantly claiming that the holostars are pure and how they don't want them to get corrupted, yet despite this they'll still get upset over the idea that people don't want the girls to collab with the holostars. This is what holostarfags are like.

>> No.26042373

Civia, please.

>> No.26042374
Quoted by: >>26042384


>> No.26042375


>> No.26042376
Quoted by: >>26042383

I want Kanata to pin me down with her gorilla grip and rape me to death!

>> No.26042377

sexual harassment

>> No.26042378

*slaps you*
don't kiss me ever again you disgusting degenerate

>> No.26042379

what did you do anons

>> No.26042380

>Roberu's Ring Fit moans
He'll incline hard after that

>> No.26042381
Quoted by: >>26042387

hey alright

>> No.26042382

I wish I had one.

>> No.26042383

Calm down Coco

>> No.26042384


>> No.26042385


>> No.26042387

shut the fuck up stoner

>> No.26042388
Quoted by: >>26042399


>> No.26042389

I love you too, Civia.

>> No.26042390

Really? lmao

>> No.26042391

Bro I am not reading that.

>> No.26042393


>> No.26042395


>> No.26042396

"The mere mention of a male makes him shit himself"

>> No.26042397


>> No.26042398


>> No.26042400


>> No.26042399


>> No.26042401

You don't have to make me blush anon

>> No.26042403

