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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 304x299, EVVKfnrU8AITEey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26030532 No.26030532 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26030533
File: 338 KB, 1080x2280, Eg9RUlXWoAEETE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.26030536
File: 304 KB, 1637x2120, EhOugiPUMAIA9sX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030584


>> No.26030537
File: 536 KB, 632x679, 1595482490863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.26030538

Moona your autism is showing...

>> No.26030539
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 60FB5F37-DAFC-4826-8C6C-FCEA9B13B46B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.26030541
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.26030540
File: 900 KB, 707x1000, 1598027748658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26030543
File: 92 KB, 1307x941, かなたそ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.26030545
Quoted by: >>26030559


>> No.26030546

i cant believe moona is playing as a nigger

>> No.26030547
File: 272 KB, 1399x2048, Eg9e-lkUwAAqjc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030560

I love Towa.

>> No.26030550

Man those are some tiny ass areolas

>> No.26030549
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT... Skyrim

>> No.26030552
File: 169 KB, 295x321, brrrazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for reddit posts being linked.
reddit screencaps being posted.
twitter screencaps from literal randoms.
Discord screenshots.
Non-vtuber youtube videos.
Random youtube comments.
being posted in this thread

>> No.26030553
File: 35 KB, 1200x500, 1594882055162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030578

>these moona noises
i dont like what she's doing to me

>> No.26030554


>> No.26030556
File: 507 KB, 669x1200, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love okayun!

>> No.26030557

Moona is my a bit slow yet very adorable daughter

>> No.26030558
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, 1598945235195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why put disgusting indog at op?

>> No.26030559


>> No.26030560
Quoted by: >>26030637

No you don't

>> No.26030561
File: 942 KB, 900x1200, 74231842374320325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.26030562
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.26030563
File: 54 KB, 232x287, 159425_457692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030564
File: 2.77 MB, 474x480, lamy6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030593

Yoshi Yoshi

>> No.26030565
File: 232 KB, 975x1425, EhLBV8tVoAENXqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030567

twas a joke, she did several sao openings

>> No.26030568
Quoted by: >>26030657

I love and I miss Towa.

>> No.26030569

I WILL have sex with Risu

>> No.26030570
File: 846 KB, 2893x4092, ShesBeautyShesGrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Moona is in Hydaelyn!

>> No.26030571

Moona your autism.. it's leaking, and it's adorable

>> No.26030572
File: 200 KB, 1050x1400, EdRt9W5UwAQscBq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting ready for the lonely days without Kanyatan...

>> No.26030573
File: 515 KB, 798x451, 1599326878220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26030574
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, suisei air guitar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030648

>> No.26030575
File: 76 KB, 619x438, 1599395182386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Win!

>> No.26030576
File: 20 KB, 269x269, ZgcZkiU8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching the fat burger loving whore and watch pizzadad.

>> No.26030577
File: 2.77 MB, 350x398, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26030578
Quoted by: >>26030599

Goslingbro, work on your rep. This is way too soon for chair clattering phase.

>> No.26030579
Quoted by: >>26031041

Beautiful skunk voice
Aruran dances to it
Kaoru I miss you

>> No.26030581

You know if you guys didn't all rush to spam images of your oshi at the beginning of every thread maybe we wouldn't hit the image limit with hundreds of posts left to go

>> No.26030582
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.26030584
File: 286 KB, 1920x1079, 1571623010722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030670

Looks like we aren't getting a second stream today, I just hope she won't feel too bad about it, especially so because it has happened three times in a row now.

>> No.26030585
File: 80 KB, 304x338, nijisanji_killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030586
File: 286 KB, 1600x900, 53acb66c863d6685f185e11fb1586424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030587

Aqua please be more confident in your English.

>> No.26030588
File: 132 KB, 1199x673, Ef8hLZOUMAAVpyZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Idol Aqua!

>> No.26030589
File: 548 KB, 1240x1754, Eg9vTIdWoAA4ZV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030657

TowASMR onegai... Your sistermommaid already did it earlier...

>> No.26030590
File: 248 KB, 1392x593, Screenshot_20200906-160728_rif is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair, bros...

>> No.26030591
File: 948 KB, 1655x1264, 1591238368354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030634

Why the fuck are there 3 retards asking her to speak English or Spanish

>> No.26030592
Quoted by: >>26030644

holy shit Moona!! your autism....

>> No.26030593
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1598446883188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030594
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030744

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26030595
Quoted by: >>26030662

You can't reason with mentally ill attention whores, anon.

>> No.26030596


>> No.26030597
File: 3.85 MB, 2894x4093, 1598602935824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030632

Autist's armpit!

>> No.26030599

sorry, but being filtered by okayu at the same time is messing with my gosling levels

>> No.26030601

More like... Saku my dick!

>> No.26030603
Quoted by: >>26030629

Which Data Center did she pick?

>> No.26030602
Quoted by: >>26030667

This is a pro-Risu general

>> No.26030604
File: 321 KB, 2048x2048, 1591600035761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is an idol

>> No.26030606

fuck off, this burger like the homo too

>> No.26030608

Sheep is actually learning english better than Haachama and Korone

>> No.26030609
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1688, bbf285204f0d4f54cd13a32638623cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26030610

Fucking hell man you'll summon the schizo

>> No.26030612
File: 380 KB, 1426x2048, EeKr6tcU8AAcL0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030839

Miko is my wifu!

>> No.26030616

Watame lets the redditors sniff her stinky pits? Brb bros.

>> No.26030615
File: 1.02 MB, 1427x962, hit haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit your Haachama

>> No.26030617

People already do all of this though

>> No.26030618

She really missed the god finger, huh?

>> No.26030619
Quoted by: >>26030639

>This Okayu talk
Fucking kek

>> No.26030620
File: 724 KB, 800x1200, 84172724_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn experience GOD FINGERS

>> No.26030621
Quoted by: >>26030681

Will she end in time for the gokisei collab?

>> No.26030622
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1599388452844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying this isn't a normal meal?

>> No.26030623

The clown is exiled

>> No.26030624

Please stop using Roberu for your degenerate gaslighting thank you

>> No.26030626
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599374487532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030628

Combined, Niji win...

>> No.26030629

elemental; kujata

>> No.26030630

How is Mio's niji sister? She looks pretty cute.

>> No.26030632
File: 839 KB, 676x1000, Harampits5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030633
File: 165 KB, 498x480, lunaito captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention, all Lunaito. Our princess will exercising again in an hour and a half.

>> No.26030634

It's fine she will say me no speak english and ignore them.

>> No.26030637
File: 379 KB, 1451x2048, EhOSv5XUMAAIL27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do though.

>> No.26030638
Quoted by: >>26030820


>> No.26030639

Holy shit man. That's a BL story for ya.

>> No.26030640
Quoted by: >>26030708

>MioSuba house and barn complete copy
Just how autistic is that server

>> No.26030641

Don't you fucking dare to use my son to shitpost.

>> No.26030643
Quoted by: >>26030661


>> No.26030644

What, what did she do?!

>> No.26030645
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593394916874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fucking lie and you know it, without ritualposts we'd hit image limit at 1300 instead of 1100 or 1200, makes no difference.

If anything kills images, it's these edits because they are too damn funny

>> No.26030647


>> No.26030648
File: 221 KB, 160x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork and her missing skirt!

>> No.26030649
File: 92 KB, 540x571, 1599310769665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you are getting out of line.

>> No.26030650
File: 145 KB, 828x1727, EdfQZNmUMAAkZZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>52kg, formerly 48kg
>take cares of her body
>lives on the third floor of holohouseid
>can brings 19 litre gallon of water to her room by herself
No, she's fit.

>> No.26030651
Quoted by: >>26030727

but shes not streaming

>> No.26030652
File: 303 KB, 680x680, average lunaito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030705

Apologies for the typo, I meant "will be".

>> No.26030653
File: 1.35 MB, 1055x1796, aquas_milkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Aqua's bobs really that big?

>> No.26030655

>Luna Ringfit in a few hours
Please no. Not again!

>> No.26030657


It's going to be the best, she will be so embarrassed.

>> No.26030658

my last two digits show the chance for us to have Saku 2.0!

>> No.26030659

That's a light snack, you limp-wristed europoor.

>> No.26030661

Sora made that mistake in her thumbnail too until someone pointed it out then she corrected it.

>> No.26030662
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1598803218930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rituals never get (you)'s
>Attention whores

>> No.26030663

>comment: Moona

>> No.26030665
Quoted by: >>26030683

You only think it's a lie because you do the same thing and you want to absolve yourself from the crime of being a spamming pekofag

>> No.26030666

>no chubby holo

>> No.26030667

We know risu

>> No.26030668
File: 313 KB, 1240x2123, EhPBZ__UYAE5TKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030669
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, civia-interactive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /b/?

>> No.26030670
File: 805 KB, 1000x1514, EY3jINzU4AAR5ej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030856

I hope she starts to feel better, I can see where she's coming from though, considering she's becoming a bigger face in the chuuba scene as a whole and having to go to the studio more often i'm sure it's pretty tiring.
Well at least we're still getting our long weekend games
She always pushes herself too hard though, I think it's just something to do with keeping promises, Back when she did that apology stream for being late I don't think anyone really minded but her, and it's most likely still the same.
I still love her for it though.

>> No.26030672

What's boys love?

>> No.26030673

Please don't pull your dick out when Luna starts streaming later

>> No.26030675
Quoted by: >>26030695

American really are fat pieces of shit. Bet you want to die every time you take a shit

>> No.26030676

>not picking Azeyma

>> No.26030677

No way fag

>> No.26030678
File: 1.03 MB, 1448x2048, 83105977_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030939

I miss her already...

>> No.26030680

They grow every day

>> No.26030681

if she somehow makes the switch in less than 15 minute. i'm recording her live and another 5 gen (probably botan or lamy), because their is no way she doesn't fuck up.

>> No.26030682

Context on the 66 minutes thing?

>> No.26030683
File: 35 KB, 463x453, IMG-0211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming up with a new ritualpost soon, gonna be hard having 2 ritual posts at the start of every thread but it's okay, i have 5 in total.

>> No.26030684

Me x Roberu

>> No.26030685

that's my secret anon, my dick's always out

>> No.26030686

eat bread

>> No.26030687

Great skeleton queen i-i kneel

>> No.26030689

Don't say that about my Niji wife please

>> No.26030690
File: 1.50 MB, 2508x3541, EhOcbTcU4AAA7wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small chest

>> No.26030691

I'm sorry but the title of knight belongs to civia now

>> No.26030692

You know I always thought luna was an unfappable chuuba, but her 3D and ringfit is really starting to make me question it

>> No.26030694

Fuck her in front of Artia.

>> No.26030695
Quoted by: >>26030723

? No that's just more food loser.

>> No.26030696
Quoted by: >>26030799

end yourself you worthless avatarfaggot.

>> No.26030697
File: 1.11 MB, 955x1351, d5a5e946c51ec6690e52a7bcc7d76ec5 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch her exercising tonight! and hopefully not dying

>> No.26030698

The rapist of hololive...

>> No.26030699
File: 359 KB, 882x714, EhE2Y6wU4AIeXK_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.26030701

Lurk more

>> No.26030702


>> No.26030704
File: 327 KB, 466x444, 1599243724876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop me

>> No.26030705

Its okay Lunachad no one blames you for typos since you have mastered 6 other languages

>> No.26030706
Quoted by: >>26030736

I hate you so much it's unbelievable

>> No.26030708
Quoted by: >>26030813

Nishinari server is a completely filled with Ark-ojisan.I think Subaru said she wanted to visit it too to gather some idea about building she want to build in Ark.

>> No.26030710

>moona going tham
i don't know why i expected better.

>> No.26030711
File: 143 KB, 512x512, 1591679816477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030712

3rd anniversary tomorrow, are you leady?

>> No.26030713
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1591112521091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google > "4chan /jp/ archive" > search "66 minutes"

Wow it was real fucking hard uh

>> No.26030714
Quoted by: >>26030725

luna is NOT for lewd she is a 0yo baby PRINCESS m*sturbating is FORBIDDEN

>> No.26030715
File: 207 KB, 427x381, 1595457090651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 5
you should get more it makes all these faggots mad

>> No.26030719
Quoted by: >>26030728

>This world is currently full

>> No.26030718

She's in boys!

>> No.26030720


>> No.26030721

Don't worry. I'm not into babies.

>> No.26030722
Quoted by: >>26030742


>> No.26030723

Shut the fuck up you lying lard

>> No.26030724

Now she's a true sandnigger

>> No.26030725
Quoted by: >>26030754

But she is a sexy princess

>> No.26030726
File: 750 KB, 2696x4096, IMG_20200831_162331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 6 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I will always remember her


>> No.26030727
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 5E0F9B52-AFF7-4A08-87DC-C215C6E17798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030745

So what ??

>> No.26030728

Alive game

>> No.26030731

that first try and the sound after it is so fucking cute, i love okayu

>> No.26030733

>65 images posted
Pekofags deserve the rope

>> No.26030735
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x1440, EhOyVpVVoAAaws9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031356

Another one bites the dust

>> No.26030736
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1597525877433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also brought up the plague that is
>Can't post Images
I feed off your hate, you make me stronger.

>> No.26030737
Quoted by: >>26031165

Come on Coco, stream during Sora's anniversary. I fucking dare you.

>> No.26030738

I'm Leady!

>> No.26030739

>That's a light snack
please be ironic

>> No.26030740
Quoted by: >>26030762

Time for long ass intro

>> No.26030742

is is gluten free?

>> No.26030743

She's eating my banana!

>> No.26030744
File: 133 KB, 1172x1080, EhJQKBPUcAcbxwO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030792


>> No.26030745
Quoted by: >>26030779

then i cant submit

>> No.26030746

Melposter... her new outfit...

>> No.26030748
File: 114 KB, 1921x1074, D-oVnqlVAAE5vT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course!

>> No.26030749
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ulxfDFtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Hydaelyn's chosen warrior, say something nice!

>> No.26030751


>> No.26030753
File: 132 KB, 475x475, 1598929287227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to do your daily Towa rep

>> No.26030754

CUTE princess not sexy luna is for headpats ONLY

>> No.26030755
Quoted by: >>26030786

Craptopia is gay (just like the rest of the gen 5)

>> No.26030756

>whorefags still exist

>> No.26030758
File: 243 KB, 1501x2048, EhOt5ZZUcAAwfB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030817

Power Palm Tenshi

>> No.26030759

Moona only took half a hour for cc
im very impressed with her

>> No.26030760

Nothing, /hlg/ just have autism.

>> No.26030762

never watching a skippable cutscene
always alttab during an unskippable
lvl80 with no idea what the plot is because fuck reading mountains of MMORPG text

>> No.26030763
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 1599362157629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030818

You heard him, he wants more images

>> No.26030764
File: 77 KB, 803x593, firefox_wbCaZXPtNa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4700+ people already!

>> No.26030766

my schedule is clear and I'm ready to lift alongside our princess exercising

>> No.26030768


>> No.26030769
Quoted by: >>26030829

A month ago someone would have lost their fucking shit if you posted this. Maybe some things have got better.

>> No.26030770
File: 364 KB, 1000x866, 20200903_111632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting an image just so that we hit the limit sooner.

>> No.26030771

Another opportunity to hear sleepy Omarun

>> No.26030772
File: 465 KB, 2048x1904, EhMG3kAU8AA6AJv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030774

Coco Moona collab my friend.

>> No.26030776

just awkward situation on CocoMoona collab

>> No.26030777

First come, first served.

>> No.26030778

She's just awkward and autistic as the WoL

>> No.26030779
File: 280 KB, 946x2048, E014118F-5DE1-4940-B2C3-623EBFC4D4F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030798

No, you can !
What about it ? I like it !!

>> No.26030781

>Kimiiro Signal
That brought back good memories
>Saekano S1 was 5 years ago

>> No.26030782
File: 194 KB, 1125x1814, minatoaqua 1129678707881177090_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.26030783

>We beat the bully
I've got a bad feeling about this

>> No.26030784
File: 154 KB, 852x480, F1F3F876-C79B-4853-AB73-4685D65249E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bro

>> No.26030785

You're an amazing goal keeper

>> No.26030786

>gay gen 5
muh dick

>> No.26030787

>don't pull out.. dick... luna..
got it

>> No.26030788


>> No.26030790

Wonder how many of these people would actually watch her regularly if by some miracle she does come back.

>> No.26030792
File: 307 KB, 842x718, 1595098914706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031707

I miss her so much

>> No.26030793

>God fingers
>Sex toys reviewer
>Good at singing
The more I learn about her the more I realize how fucking powerful and full of potential she was. Based Aloe Love

>> No.26030794
Quoted by: >>26030825

Moona was never the same since...

>> No.26030795

It's not going to happen.

>> No.26030797
Quoted by: >>26030805

Pretty fucking weak. Story after ARR is pretty good.

>> No.26030798
Quoted by: >>26030827

how can i submit if shes not streaming?

>> No.26030799
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1599251295800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a thing here, /v/ermin

>> No.26030802
File: 2.87 MB, 3000x4000, 1598091583928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you onion

>> No.26030801

>ポルカ起きとるか? spam

>> No.26030804

Eorzea is in good hands.

>> No.26030805

ARR is necessary for HW kino

>> No.26030806


>> No.26030808
File: 62 KB, 720x950, 1576325733653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26030809
File: 98 KB, 563x742, 1598457138934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest the image limit is probably the only reason we haven't devolved into avatarfagging and reaction posts

>> No.26030810

Never change moona

>> No.26030811

Ul'dah is such a shithole. FUCK lalafell and FUCK mhniggers

>> No.26030812

You're not missing anything.

>> No.26030813

I hope she does, they honestly all should like with Chinese Minecraft server, some of the Nishinari builds are pretty crazy.

>> No.26030814
File: 1.39 MB, 1721x1149, Fall Gays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that this fotmshit is finally dead

>> No.26030815

It's not going to change. Fuck off.

>> No.26030816

what's going on with the arm, it's got three joints

>> No.26030817
Quoted by: >>26030848

But coco is the wife beater.

>> No.26030818

At least get new and better material I've seen this picture a million times

>> No.26030820

anon your particle reps

>> No.26030823
Quoted by: >>26030835

Moonafags, is she always going this ballistic with voice acting?

>> No.26030824
File: 464 KB, 669x519, 1594553667143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avatar or signature use

>> No.26030825
Quoted by: >>26030878

But she still loves Coco...

>> No.26030827
File: 117 KB, 568x583, 7446CE1D-50B6-4E38-A084-6E35D855C931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030842

Subscribe to her if you have not already and try to watch her every stream !!!

>> No.26030828

>risu's dub sounds good
>moona's dub sounds autistic

>> No.26030829
Quoted by: >>26030901

I don't consider it spoonfeding personally, i'd rather give them the tools and stop them from asking questions.

>> No.26030830


>> No.26030831

at least you didn't roll lala

>> No.26030832

I wouldn't say that, S2 is just around the corner.

>> No.26030833

Cute outfit, cute nails!

>> No.26030834

okay risu

>> No.26030835

Moona is pretty autistic, yeah

>> No.26030836


>> No.26030837

Peko should be 2+ wins. She won 1 offstream, and 1 onstream.

>> No.26030838
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1592844665918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame sings better than Aqua desu

>> No.26030839

Me on the left

>> No.26030840

...until season 2 starts. And it's still their go-to game when they don't know what to play.

>> No.26030841
Quoted by: >>26030858


>> No.26030842
Quoted by: >>26030891

i did but i cant submit if shes not streaming

>> No.26030843

they grow but at the cost of her height

>> No.26030844

Remember Mio?
Me neither

>> No.26030845

based, i will always regret starting as a glad because i played pally in WoW

>> No.26030846
File: 174 KB, 900x632, 1581203575031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030848
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 1599308467272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco already bowed out of the Tenshibowl, check her AfaCoco or w/e it was called. And after yesterday's incident, it's no wonder. Coco won't be beating anything except her cocock for a while.

>> No.26030849

FBK really is a gamer huh...

>> No.26030850
Quoted by: >>26030863

Aqua has 5 wins.

>> No.26030851
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1596157119005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get the rundown on this? Sounds pretty funny.

>> No.26030852


>> No.26030854

She's streaming tomorrow!

>> No.26030853


>> No.26030855

Not gonna lie, I want to rip Civia's horn off.

>> No.26030856
File: 984 KB, 1766x1112, 1597571015213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031106

It must be rough having to deal with situations like these because her fans are pretty much always supportive whenever she doesn't stream or misses something she has planned but she knows as well as you and me that anybody who is genuinely upset about it won't show it in public, so with that it all comes down to how she chooses to view it, since she can't just assume that the tweets she gets is the full picture, and as we know she feels guilty about it every time, for better or worse.

Considering she has been working late even during the weekend I can only assume that she has taken on multiple projects at a time and is probably pretty swamped with work right now, which makes me worry because of her little health talk after the Craftopia stream.
If she keeps worrying about streaming while juggling multiple projects at a time then she is going to burn herself out fast and nobody wants that.

>> No.26030858
File: 118 KB, 827x1101, EbuzbbyU0AEhTis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030867

>Don't post hololive images on this imageboard thread about hololive

>> No.26030859

What's with all these crappy streams. Where are the good streams

>> No.26030860
Quoted by: >>26030950

Update choking hazard with Polka there.

>> No.26030861
File: 188 KB, 848x1199, EhM4t_GUMAEILSE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030863

>off stream wins
opinion discarded

>> No.26030864

i want to use her horn for broth

>> No.26030865
File: 325 KB, 1447x2047, 1592487107049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic Future with Aqua

>> No.26030866
Quoted by: >>26030886

>choked during live event
kek no

>> No.26030867
Quoted by: >>26030881

Exactly. Stop it.

>> No.26030868

What city did Moona choose?

>> No.26030869
File: 668 KB, 705x1000, 1589318923972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not a high bar

>> No.26030870
Quoted by: >>26030921

Luna RFA soon!


>> No.26030871
File: 139 KB, 565x600, 1599231892114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030873
Quoted by: >>26030900

Gokisei collab in 15 minutes, be patient

>> No.26030874

fuck off Risu you dumb tree rat

>> No.26030875

why is spade echo with her 8 wins one stream not in here?

>> No.26030876
File: 1.27 MB, 1057x847, 1599352750668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032503


>> No.26030877 [DELETED] 

ban test

>> No.26030878

Moona ...
please break this curse

>> No.26030879
Quoted by: >>26030911

Thaum, so Ul'dah

>> No.26030880

>tune into moona
>45 minutes in
>is only now watching the intro cutscenes

>> No.26030881
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1598065284901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030912


>> No.26030882
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan looks so happy in this thumbnail

>> No.26030885

I wanna draw more Twappits

>> No.26030886

Leech was dragging her down

>> No.26030889

Ul'dah, she started as the thing before BLM

>> No.26030890
File: 261 KB, 1410x2000, EgmXM2tUwAAXhXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030942

Bros... I can't believe she's back...

>> No.26030891
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, 9D453985-D3E7-41D6-A90C-120472C1B0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030959

Well then hopefully she will stream tomorrow !!

>> No.26030893


>> No.26030895

AKA cheating

>> No.26030896

>moona's dub sounds autistic
thats the best part

>> No.26030898

I too would be happy if I had a Lamy gf

>> No.26030899

I want to gently kiss her horn while holding hands

>> No.26030900

He said he wanted a good stream.

>> No.26030901
Quoted by: >>26030955

I mean a while back there were some spergs demanding to be spoonfed and whenever someone told them to check the archives or google they would explode. It was usually about roommate shit with people too dumb to google 中の人 and it's actually what spawned the retard that makes roommate threads on /b/.

>> No.26030905

When she's not choking maybe lmao
Aqua's singing today is still very nice and cute

>> No.26030904

literally who?

>> No.26030906
File: 3.92 MB, 2000x2196, hkh1p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do, I want to lick and bully her armpits.

>> No.26030907
Quoted by: >>26031145

I hope Pekora playing Xenoblade 1 leads to her playing 2 So she can roll Dahlia

>> No.26030908

30 min for making her character is pretty good tho what more do you want?

>> No.26030909

Movie watching with moona

>> No.26030910

Just yesterday I saw streams for it. I'm pretty sure Fubuki is enjoying it too.

>> No.26030911

Unbased and unsubscribed. Fuck lalajews and fuck ala mhiggers

>> No.26030912
Quoted by: >>26030928

It contributes nothing and leads to bitching down the line, more than I'm doing right now. You aren't even posting coomworthy images but generic smug reaction images like an /a/utist.

>> No.26030913

>tfw FF14 is filled with too much bad memories for me to return too
Feels bad bros...

>> No.26030915
File: 109 KB, 1061x597, 20200823_201714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here even play FFXIV? What did you think of 5.3?

>> No.26030919
File: 8 KB, 326x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your translation bro

>> No.26030921
Quoted by: >>26030933

He said he wanted a good stream.

>> No.26030923



>> No.26030924

I'm sorry, but the 3d stream destroyed her reputation. It was mediocre.

>> No.26030925

god her 3D was the cutest thing I loved it

>> No.26030927

She always does
pls post progress later

>> No.26030928
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1597861516722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030954

You're not making any sense anon

>> No.26030929
Quoted by: >>26030990

Did you play pre ARR or something?

>> No.26030932
File: 331 KB, 764x805, 1590799555521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26030951


>> No.26030935
File: 1.37 MB, 1906x1694, 20804451275f36787e0ee5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried. Games or movies never make me cry but I cried like 3 times.

>> No.26030933
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1599000949883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fucking kill you

>> No.26030936

The MSQ was good

>> No.26030937
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1573211666226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26030939
File: 222 KB, 900x900, EbaV9TnUcAASfLP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031154

At least there's the VR live to look forward to this month, and the 3D with Towa if it happens. But I really do miss her already.

>> No.26030942
File: 1.60 MB, 2891x4096, 1597019222752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still sick, anon...

>> No.26030941

Does anyone have the clip of Artia saying she likes dudes?

>> No.26030944

just change servers and start fresh

>> No.26030946

Yeah, No

>> No.26030947
File: 512 KB, 771x1710, 1599082320252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to take off the jacket.

>> No.26030948
Quoted by: >>26030972

Moona can stream FFXIV because her manager can read English and doesn't need to beg and wait a written permission from the company.

>> No.26030949


>> No.26030950

Polka is Ayame tier horrible at Fall Gays and only reach the finals when the stars somehow aligned for her then immediately spaghetti herself

>> No.26030951
File: 28 KB, 350x365, 1591672916366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco ARK
>not crappy

>> No.26030953
Quoted by: >>26030970

damn i took a piss, what was this about madoka?

>> No.26030954

I'm making perfect sense. Literal baby Luna is not at all fappable. Waste of an image post.

>> No.26030955

I don’t even get the obsession with roommates they’re all boring as fuck

>> No.26030956
File: 24 KB, 519x235, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Dog beat the Fox before the end of the year?
Will Peko break the million in 2020?
What the fuck is going with Aqua?

>> No.26030957

Japanese streaming license or you get copyright striked by capcom.
They barely managed to get some oks from big companies and they pretty much have none from indie companies. Despite some companies having them public on the site, like square.
So the girls are not allowed to play anything since they might get striked

The ID manager of moona just linked the square site with the general approval shit for streamers

>> No.26030959

I want missionary and hand holding with mel poster! pillow talk about mel post coitus!

>> No.26030960

Based fucking sheepnigger

>> No.26030961

people like you are fucking cancer.

>> No.26030965
Quoted by: >>26030979

Hey fuck off, Jin is based and is one of the okay translators around.

>> No.26030968
File: 114 KB, 748x984, 1598219116252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gets embarrassed over mmorpgs

>> No.26030970

It was about spending money on gacha.

>> No.26030972

But SquareEnix is Japanese company surely they must have the same policy in Japanese.

>> No.26030973

>Onion stagnating

>> No.26030975

Minato Aqua is a monky

>> No.26030977

Ah fuck I was looking forward to it.

>> No.26030978
Quoted by: >>26030999

Why did she do it bros

>> No.26030980

Aqua, please play some games

>> No.26030979

He actually puts in work with his translations but he can't live translate for shit and shouldn't try to desu

>> No.26030983

>What the fuck is going with Aqua?
Is the only one in the top 5 that doesn't try to appeal to EOPs

>> No.26030984

>What the fuck is going with Aqua?
She has to take daily trains from the boonies to Tokyo for recordings or something so she cannot stream.

>> No.26030987
File: 3.66 MB, 1378x949, 1585380550643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona welcoming party kek.

>> No.26030988
Quoted by: >>26031069

I'd have said no, but then eekum bokum happened. Can't be sure there won't be another boost like that in the near future.

>> No.26030989

Based mikoposter

>> No.26030990

I unironically miss 1.0, not even bullshitting you, yes the UI was trash and the quest limit and lack of content was abysmal but the crafting system was deep (except cooking was useless), required multiple classes and people working together so it made it more social, plus the fact that nobody knew the recipes and there where no guides made it extremely interesting, i remember being the only guy who knew how to craft a certain peace of armor in the entire server and god it felt good overcharging for it, it felt like a sandbox MMO in a way, XIV is objectively better now but it's also generic

>> No.26030991

Now that Civia is on youtube I no longer have to work on my reps, suck it JSLs and JOps

>> No.26030994

no way polka can handle multiplayer coop with her pc..

>> No.26030995

he's only doing it to shut the faggots up in chat bitching about no translations, he wasnt translating for the first 15 minutes

>> No.26030999

you mean why NND antis decided to photoshop this shit to slender her? I wonder...

>> No.26031000
File: 200 KB, 480x360, 410u0Tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031002
Quoted by: >>26031026

i-is there an uncensored version?
A full video?

>> No.26031003

>has been debunked so many times already

>> No.26031005


>> No.26031006

NIce larp

>> No.26031007
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1589418344380.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031175

It's been a long time since the last one, I can't wait

>> No.26031011
Quoted by: >>26031078

She'll get gil donations instead of supacha
even if it's worthless in that game

>> No.26031012

The people most interested in posting them here are too stupid to use google/archives. They're very new to the internet.

>> No.26031014


>> No.26031015
Quoted by: >>26031091

>Not knowing that you can't see players until after you talk to the potato

>> No.26031016
File: 1021 KB, 1279x719, ___78978975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031017

streisand effect especially since vtuber is all about hiding the roommate's identity

>> No.26031018

>not doing your chinese reps to impress her

>> No.26031019

>Okayu likes MariFlare the most out of holoyuri pairings


>> No.26031020


>> No.26031021


>> No.26031023
File: 51 KB, 1024x683, 1598920803784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.2k viewers is pretty good for Moona, is it not?

>> No.26031024

The ending was kino, they could have ended the game there and I’d be satisfied with the story. Can’t help but feel it’s all downhill from here though, Zenos is boring as fuck.

>> No.26031026
File: 67 KB, 316x331, 1595263973598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A full video?

>> No.26031027

>Okayu likes Marine x Flare over Noel x Flare
Uhm based?

>> No.26031030

I hope the newfags wont fall for this shit

>> No.26031031

He's better than most of the N5 translators that most girls get also he's consistent but he really shouldn't translate line per line and should just give context on whatever is being talked about.

>> No.26031032
Quoted by: >>26031195

Pekora doesn't really try to appeal to EOPs.

>> No.26031033

That shit is photoshopped asf...

>> No.26031034

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBP0nyTtVqg Rushia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__2o9Z94VNY Lamy, Nene, Botan and Polka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbtVmbTN_IY Nene POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV2TBWcbM38 Botan POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiRk34DILsM Polka POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9CGQMm1NUg Iofi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbGqUk-k-as Oga

>> No.26031035


>> No.26031036

That's really good actually

>> No.26031037


>> No.26031038
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1597941103694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031048

better than any homoKEK lmao

>> No.26031039

>m-muh EOP
Aqua just become lazier and lazier after her """""training"""""""

>> No.26031041

post the cute temma cover where everyone cheered on him

>> No.26031043
Quoted by: >>26031175

Tomorrow is a day off for me so it's good. She had two nice long streams the last two days so she deserves a night off.

>> No.26031044

They were in her very first stream of it.

>> No.26031045
Quoted by: >>26031060

I miss old Aqua who streams 100+ hours/month.

>> No.26031047

>8 wins one stream
Holy shit how?

>> No.26031048
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1582474770605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based peko peko peko

>> No.26031049

Yesterday muse stream only got 400 viewers on average. Granted, there were fuckton of streams yesterday. Moona's average views is probably around 800.

>> No.26031050


>> No.26031051

>What the fuck is going with Aqua?
Doesn't pander to eop. She briefly tried interacting with them, around the time she played Jump King and that one off Skyrim stream

>> No.26031053
Quoted by: >>26031067

What server is she on?

>> No.26031054

make sure to tell her she needs to run meters if she's going to try and deeps

>> No.26031056
Quoted by: >>26031201

I... I don't have it... I don't think any anon clipped it

>> No.26031057

>thinks it would be marine top and flare bottom
she's about to make me fap when i dont want to

>> No.26031060
Quoted by: >>26031116

She will be back.

>> No.26031061

Aloefags are pathetic, almost as much as she was

>> No.26031064
File: 620 KB, 1449x946, a1d301789fb0b5bf9093fa7c89d7aa04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031085

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.26031067
Quoted by: >>26031095


>> No.26031069

Fubuki can make some random noises and slow that down though. If she start spamming them we know why.

>> No.26031074

Where is Mio...

>> No.26031075

It's gonna be all downhill from here I feel, SHB was extremely good because it was also self contained, being a different shard and all. Unfortunately we are stuck with Zenos for now, but to be honest the Weapons storyline is pretty good so far, so who knows? Still gonna look forward to how Eden ends.

>> No.26031077

Baqua... actually pulled off a Maaya Sakamoto song...

>> No.26031078

it's pretty worthless unless you buy a house or only buy mats instead of gathering

>> No.26031079
File: 1.32 MB, 2268x1596, Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 6.27.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Aloe is not off topic.

>> No.26031080

All me

>> No.26031081

usually she get 600 sometime less
she dont really care about number

>> No.26031082

The Jews did FF14 Remake

>> No.26031085

ojou... your cat...

>> No.26031088

Yes, but like Artia her best streams are on bilibili

>> No.26031089


Do you like community captions?

>> No.26031090
File: 788 KB, 1861x3541, EhOvJFOU8AIRu4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031091
File: 3.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1573219455684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they moved.

>> No.26031093

it is, im happy for her.

>> No.26031094
Quoted by: >>26031210

>m-muh EOP
It's true, are you gonna say Korone's explosive growth isn't caused by them

>> No.26031095

Nice, now I can bully her.

>> No.26031096

Every single holo and homo had kojima pro in it

>> No.26031097

people need to take a step back from obsessing over Aloe, myself included.

>> No.26031098
File: 632 KB, 1200x1200, 80371976_p8_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031101
Quoted by: >>26031115

Okayu can't stand to pee anymore.

>> No.26031100

wtf i love the jews now?

>> No.26031106
File: 2.69 MB, 2514x1533, EdDwvFkUwAEAfd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032071

>burnt out
I didn't even consider that, I doubt it'll happen but I don't count it out completely, I do think she should take a serious break at some point. Then again she did say she'll get kind of lonely without the streams..
she seriously loves the nousagi way too much.
Dumb usagi.

>> No.26031107
Quoted by: >>26031125

Reminder that HoloCN, HoloID, Holostars, Gens 4 and 5 are off-topic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1opHUrw8rvnsadT-iGp7Cg/channels

>> No.26031110

Inb4 her PC explodes due to all the players

>> No.26031111

Platina is such a good song, good thing that Aqua is giving it justice.
That reminds me, I should listen again to Towa's acoustic version.

>> No.26031112

bros whose perspective do I watch???

>> No.26031115

The fate of somebody who owns a water cooler.

>> No.26031116

She'll be at Shion's place for a while, so probably not soon.

>> No.26031117
File: 71 KB, 200x200, 1599010149938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031118

>ironworks pleb
he better just be a level 50 who hasnt glammed that trash yet

>> No.26031119

i wanna breed

>> No.26031120

Also all me

>> No.26031121

What's becoming lazier and lazier is this thread's shitposting.

>> No.26031122

all of them

>> No.26031123

wtf i hate ff14 now

>> No.26031124

>Genocide PoV

>> No.26031125
Quoted by: >>26031138

Why are you posting an offtopic channel

>> No.26031126

Polka... mobile game...

>> No.26031127

for me, it's the retard of hololive herself

>> No.26031129

I'm watching Botan and Nenecchi

>> No.26031131

Nene for the perfect caveman experience

>> No.26031132

How does youtube chat work anyways?

Sometimes I can see my message in their stream and sometimes I can't, am I getting filtered?

>> No.26031133

I went with Botan and have the others open but muted the last time, will do it like that again.

>> No.26031134
Quoted by: >>26031176

Trying to find my oshi, which Holo would be into getting disfigured, maimed, or tortured?

>> No.26031137

Ur mom

>> No.26031138
Quoted by: >>26031167

why isnt sora on her featured page?

>> No.26031140

Botan and Nenechi for the pro gameplay and inevitable fuckups

>> No.26031142

Botan for crafting weapons
Lamy for Animal Crossing
Nene aru for genocide POV

>> No.26031143
File: 18 KB, 386x328, 1599267216534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Rushia

>> No.26031144

>am I getting filtered?

>> No.26031145

I'm surprised 2 isn't Hololive's JRPG of choice given how many Gacha addicts are in the squad

>> No.26031146
Quoted by: >>26031217

Seeing that Hololive's official channel still has Aloe, this gives me hope.

>> No.26031147

>three holos will reach 1m subs before the end of the year
Fucking nice
I wonder if Coco and Marine could join the 1m club too by the mid of next year

>> No.26031148

>The whole 5th gen playing the same game

>> No.26031150

Nene looks like THAT!?

>> No.26031152
Quoted by: >>26031273

Perhaps Aqua is happy with her current numbers.
Some people are very complacent and don't like change very much

>> No.26031153

I'm going with Botan because she sounds like shit over discord while the others don't.

>> No.26031154
File: 212 KB, 900x600, EcLOA1gU8AAodp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031299

>can't watch the VR because no VR and it's NND
>Towa is Towa, would be nice if we get the 3D at all
Not getting my hopes up

>> No.26031155

narratives on aloe's god finger?

>> No.26031156
File: 515 KB, 798x451, EhPIVUVWkAASy7U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031157


>> No.26031158

there a filter at the top, it doesn't show everything by default

>> No.26031159

The mad one

>> No.26031160

is pizzadad teaching english?

>> No.26031162
Quoted by: >>26031327



>> No.26031164

yt chat in stream is a litte late

>> No.26031165
Quoted by: >>26031187

The holo who would be streaming during Sora's 3 year would be the BIGGEST dick move ever

>> No.26031167

They hate each other

>> No.26031169

Should I play FFXIV? I heard that it's free to play up to the content of the first expansion or something, right? How time-consuming is it?

>> No.26031175

Yeah same. I like how she's always having fun while singing.

Fair, she's also pretty busy lately.

All of them.

>> No.26031176

Don't make me post her anon...
I bet newfags don't even know who I'm talking about

>> No.26031178
Quoted by: >>26031207

So is it fair to assume we're never getting another wagahaiko in Hololive since the dumb whore got herself shadowrealmed and the speech pattern would remind people about her?

>> No.26031179

Nobupolka... what's with that getup...

>> No.26031180

not as bad as you would think if you play healer or tank for the dungeon queues

>> No.26031182

>mid of next year
They are growing at 85k per month and need 400k subs

>> No.26031185
File: 263 KB, 451x282, 1596290459546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031260

why does polka look like a poorfag

>> No.26031186
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, 1503304415578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031187


>> No.26031189


>> No.26031190
File: 1.51 MB, 1410x835, 1599054834165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will any of them play AA2 or Koikatsu

>> No.26031191

Green Rushia is live.

>> No.26031193


>> No.26031194


>> No.26031195

Pekora throws them a bone ever so often and is just a better entertainer than Aqua overall.

>> No.26031198

>I heard that it's free to play up to the content of the first expansion or something, right?
It's up to 60lvl now and 2nd expansion.
>How time-consuming is it?
150-200 hours until endgame.

>> No.26031200

She still hasn't recovered from her 3 week break. She needs to up those stream hours to get back on track

>> No.26031201
Quoted by: >>26031211

I went and did it myself. Thankfully people left timestamps in the comments

>> No.26031204
Quoted by: >>26031228

nenechi... your live2d...

>> No.26031205
Quoted by: >>26033259

>How time-consuming is it?
If you're catching up on story it's like playing 3-4 single player Final Fantasy back to back, so it'll take a while
to stay on top of endgame stuff it's on the lower end of effort, it's pretty chill

>> No.26031207

that's ok, well get watakushi instead desuwa
is there an uchi in hololive

>> No.26031208
File: 384 KB, 1536x2048, EhPFpJaUcAA8oQP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031210

Other channel getting boost is not an excuse for Aqua channel to just stagnate.Her viewership just drop sharply after her month long break followed by less and less stream over time.Aqua is just not consistent anymore.

>> No.26031211

Good stuff, anon. Bookmarked and saved.

>> No.26031212

I want to go to this timeline

>> No.26031213

He's...a special case...

>> No.26031217 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 360x450, 1599401073741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep up your hope anon
there is still a hope in this rotten world
hope will prevail

>> No.26031219


>> No.26031223
File: 887 KB, 1200x849, 1599019549404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, hopefully you remembered to change the sheets!

>> No.26031224

SEX with Rushia!

>> No.26031225
File: 406 KB, 2048x1536, EhPFpJaU4AEXKx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031226

Wait until the ARR MSQ pruning if you actually want to start

>> No.26031227

Coco most likely since she is an EOP gateway.
Marine filters them too hard, although she will gain a lot of JOPs. No idea where the JOP ceiling is, especially since she heavily appeals to game/anime/otaku market (which should be easily big enough)

>> No.26031228
File: 366 KB, 1056x1699, EfRJWBkU8AE7zth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031281

Today No

>> No.26031230
File: 2.32 MB, 3378x1662, polka your stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031263

Polka....your stream...

>> No.26031232

Realistically no one. But my bet is on Mikochi or Korone

>> No.26031233


>> No.26031234

>today nenes 2D is no
such a cute dumpling

>> No.26031235

Lamy powerlevelled hard

>> No.26031236

Nenechi is not so super today...

>> No.26031238

It's so cute watching gen 5 play together.

>> No.26031239

What flavor of ice cream do you like?

>> No.26031241

I see a lot of anons talking about gen5 streams. That's fine but I just can't find time for them since I'm already too invested in previous gens

>> No.26031242
Quoted by: >>26031255

Shinove will tard wrangle him this time I hope

>> No.26031243
Quoted by: >>26031286

I think gen 5 overdone their preps...

>> No.26031244

For me? It's sideboobchama

>> No.26031245


>> No.26031246
File: 111 KB, 600x518, 8e43ee618c554cebaea6976922c01b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031257


>> No.26031247
Quoted by: >>26031978

The Quest pruning already happened. And they even give you tickets to port back to the waking sands.

>> No.26031251

Aloe herself isn't offtopic, Aloefags bringing up roommate shit every second post rightfully gets deleted and banned though. Kind of hard to keep on-topic when she streamed so little so all you have left is people coping and wishing she'd return (doubtful)

>> No.26031253
File: 885 KB, 676x1000, Pitschama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031254

hey alright

>> No.26031255

you can't contain the skunk

>> No.26031257

Inverted nipples

>> No.26031258

I'm not sure why Nene and Polka don't have L2D up.

>> No.26031259
File: 439 KB, 402x578, 1593405909288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how happy she is

>> No.26031260

all is right with this party.
(Polka didnt have as much time on the game)

>> No.26031261

Also does pear icecream really exist?

>> No.26031262


>> No.26031263

>only lamy still has aloe on her overlay

>> No.26031267
File: 210 KB, 319x297, 切れない!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn drink with your holo due to timezones.

>> No.26031269

>Everyone's overleveled
They went a bit hard off stream

>> No.26031270

Strawberry. Seems like a lot of the onigiryaa like choco mint.

>> No.26031271

Botan is sliding....

>> No.26031272
File: 350 KB, 1106x573, postem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031401

>> No.26031273

>Some people are very complacent and don't like change very much
Except that being complacent does not equal no changes. If the environment changes (which it massively does at the moment for vtubers) then your situation changes as well. Usually for the worse if you stagnate.

>> No.26031274

More people are watching Nene than nobuclown kek.

>> No.26031275

It's beer, isn't it?

>> No.26031277
Quoted by: >>26031296

super nenechi is commiting murder...

>> No.26031278

Polka's screen setup is pretty cute

>> No.26031279

She hasn't gotten drunk on stream in a long, long time anyway...

>> No.26031280

Also if you give it a shot, know that combat isn't as mind-numbingly boring as at the start forever. My class didn't start getting interesting skills until like level 35-40

>> No.26031282
File: 137 KB, 1200x675, C94519C7-159D-411B-B0AB-5C0ADFE1A758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031313

I want to see the old Soras

>> No.26031281
File: 895 KB, 676x1000, Nenepits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031283

probably lagged too much for them

>> No.26031284

Send an e-mail to Yagoo explaining the situation, show him the numbers and I'm sure he'll demand he works harder.

>> No.26031286
Quoted by: >>26031310

I think it's a good thing if they gonna tackle the dungeon today.

>> No.26031285

Polka's pc can't handle it.

>> No.26031289


>> No.26031292

Kanata played it,
And I think Korone wanted to play it but was a retard to set it up

>> No.26031293

I just want you guys to know that posting in these threads is actually really fun... only when you're drunk though

>> No.26031291
Quoted by: >>26031309

>implying I drink today after 2 bottles from Coco's review

>> No.26031295

>polka silently destroying the npcs

>> No.26031296

wouldn't be her first time

>> No.26031297

You have to approach FFXIV as a Final Fantasy game first and a MMO second. ARR is "weak" because it has to setup everything but even then it's still good especially now that they trimmed the fat.

>> No.26031299
File: 770 KB, 1772x1181, Een9FA_U0AAfSId.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can watch through the phone app as well. It will be similar to the VR experience without the VR. The unfortunate part is that only the NicoNico one has an archive, the rest you have to watch real-time. KanaTowa is already confirmed so it's only a matter of time really.

>> No.26031300

>only botan has full graphics enabled

>> No.26031302
File: 349 KB, 453x453, okayu3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another smug okayu for my collection

>> No.26031303

is nene's live2d broken?

>> No.26031304

Isn't Nene's PC strong? why can't she run her 2d?

>> No.26031305

That little banner at the bottom of Polka's stream said her computer is a weak piece of shit

>> No.26031307

I can't believe they fucking burned to death

>> No.26031309

Yeah but Coco wasn't drinking during the whole ordeal too.

>> No.26031310
Quoted by: >>26031326

The dungeon is easy as fuck and barely function properly.
Pekora just went there naked with a machete at level 6 and cleared it.

>> No.26031313

Showing Sora through the ages while singing would be kino

>> No.26031314

The time is perfect for me except why the fuck do they have to do it on Sundays.

>> No.26031315


>> No.26031316
Quoted by: >>26031342

why are they shilling this kusoge

>> No.26031322
Quoted by: >>26031355

>welcome party

>> No.26031320

It's the first gen everyone here is seeing from the start, please understand.

>> No.26031321


>> No.26031323

Why is Iofi drawing again?

>> No.26031325


>> No.26031326
Quoted by: >>26031416

Are there multiple dungeons?

>> No.26031327
File: 357 KB, 960x720, 1586139883779.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Bad Anon! How do you think Lamy would feel if she saw your post?

>> No.26031328

It's really long if you plan to queue solo or as a DPS.
You're unfortunately stuck with some of the most braindead players in an mmo I think i've ever experienced.

>> No.26031329


>> No.26031332

She likes to draw

>> No.26031333

I like how youtube shows me 1 of the 5 people that im subbed to and are currently streaming...

>> No.26031334
Quoted by: >>26031344

>getting the whole eye rape effects party
one of us! one of us!

>> No.26031341

Whats with polka's game, why are they all sliding around.

>> No.26031342

Playing sandbox games together helps bonding, see Gen 4 and ARK.

>> No.26031343

>Polka keeps setting herself on fire and burn the other Gen 5s
based troll clown

>> No.26031344

needs a white mage spamming the fuck out of holy

>> No.26031345

>Moona's little army
They're going to blow up her PC

>> No.26031346
Quoted by: >>26031379

>pyramid is still unbuilt on Botan's screen
I wonder what's up with that

>> No.26031348
Quoted by: >>26031584


>> No.26031349

it's Dead2D today

>> No.26031351
Quoted by: >>26031368

>he's getting the same ammount of subs as usual. Others are just getting more, and you can corelate their increased growth with hololive's increasing popularity outside of Japan. After a certain point you just reach a growth limit without interacting with different audiences. Koronre's been at 100K for months now and you could hardly say she's stagnating

>> No.26031353

>open Nene’s ad
>get Gems Company ad
>it’s a pretty good performance

Shame the designs are generic, but it made me wish all the Holos are good singers

>> No.26031354

Now I'm imagining her cute blush and confused face as she goes "my toes? w-why?" I bet she wouldn't even realise it was a sexual thing!

>> No.26031355


>> No.26031356

Weird, I always pictured Polka to be the Olivia of the group.

>> No.26031357

Ah yes good old particles vomit.

>> No.26031358

She's doing her reps. Did you?

>> No.26031359
Quoted by: >>26031376

おまるandoねねare like the schoolkids who mess around in the back, not paying attention to the teacher while botan and lamy are the まじめ students who actually do

>> No.26031360

Panikposting is officially over?

>> No.26031362

Thanks PPT.

>> No.26031363

This is her face after stealing YOUR ice cream.

>> No.26031364

thats her power
other than being able to communicate

>> No.26031365
File: 105 KB, 200x254, 1599010417725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with holos and playing absolute dogshit like craftopia and ark?

>> No.26031368
Quoted by: >>26031405

>8-9k subs per week
>same ammount of subs as usual

>> No.26031369

why are the others sliding around on Polka's stream

>> No.26031370

It's one of the most casual MMOs in existence, but in a good way. It's extremely easy to catch up to the current tier of equipment so you can take breaks whenever you want without feeling like you're being left behind like in a lot of other MMOs that make you feel like you need to do your dailies every day and never take a day off. You can easily just play it for the story content then stop after you finish the latest expansion then jump back in whenever there are new patches or the next expansion comes along.

>> No.26031371

Jesus, Moona has an entire town welcoming her. She's getting popular bros.

>> No.26031372

With how much people was waiting for Moona, I bet at least 100 players will be show up when a HoloJP joins.

>> No.26031373


>> No.26031374

Finally Polka is here

>> No.26031375

Moon didn't think this far ahead

>> No.26031376

It's a great dynamic

>> No.26031378
Quoted by: >>26031403

I can't remember, Lamy drew the drawings of them on her and Polka's overlays, right?

>> No.26031379

They lack 3 pillars

>> No.26031383
File: 611 KB, 757x665, 1595410847058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people replying to me about FFXIV
How do you guys manage to have time playing MMO, browsing 4chan AND watching Vtubers?

>> No.26031386

she's streaming from a gameboy advance

>> No.26031388

We have images now, we're kalmposting now.

>> No.26031389

>Moona accepted the invitation
Oh no

>> No.26031392

Potato PC

>> No.26031394
File: 217 KB, 1280x1000, EcMbMC5U8AALRgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have money for the ticket or a phone that can run the app so this one is completely lost for me.

>> No.26031396

Polka's pc can't handle it pls andastd

>> No.26031398

how about you stop blogging you utter cretin.

>> No.26031399
Quoted by: >>26031418

>like 20 people following Moona around
Holy shit my sides

>> No.26031401

what are you hiding?

>> No.26031403


>> No.26031404


>> No.26031405

60k montly has been her quota since april iirc

>> No.26031406

If I had another screen I would multitask but I don't.

>> No.26031407

I don't play FFXIV but I assume people just have chuubas to watch on their second monitors as they grind.

>> No.26031408
File: 72 KB, 633x590, 1598892061993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031421

>Polka and Nene no L2D

>> No.26031409
Quoted by: >>26031428

>Panikposting is officially over?
>Panikposting is officially over
>Panikposting is officially over
Am I doing it right?

>> No.26031410
File: 471 KB, 960x720, 1598978830461.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031459

post the updated version

>> No.26031412

>watching Vtubers
People still think that this community is watching streams?

>> No.26031413
Quoted by: >>26031431

Omarun! Omarun!

>> No.26031415

Used to play before I got into chuubas, Nothing to do all day wasn't a joke.

>> No.26031416

iirc Pekora went to 3 and two of them is just ""puzzle"" dungeon that barely involve puzzle and only one is the one with any enemy/boss.

>> No.26031418

I hope she gets a faggot ass blue mage fucking up her FATEs

>> No.26031419

i only do my dungeon and reputation dailies which only takes about 3 hours

>> No.26031420

>lamy just slaughtering bears
what a timeskip does to a lass

>> No.26031421

Polka's pov is hilarious

>> No.26031423


>> No.26031424
File: 151 KB, 1366x768, THE KANATA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031425

Now, how will our favorite autistic Moon get out of this one?

>> No.26031427
File: 635 KB, 2048x1783, 1591032650249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am dreaming of KanaTowa.

>> No.26031428
File: 117 KB, 720x978, 1599375219133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031430

>playing MMO, browsing 4chan AND watching Vtubers?
I'm not playing right now
I have a monitor with 4chins and a picture-in-picture stream

>> No.26031431

Hai Omaru desu

>> No.26031432
Quoted by: >>26031451

which chuuba has puked on a wall thinking it was a bathroom door

>> No.26031434

ffxiv isnt that time consuming once you finish the story.

>> No.26031435
Quoted by: >>26031445

why is there a fucking pyramid by the shore

>> No.26031436

Nene mentioned her PC was having a struggle. Polka still not been paid yet so she can get a better PC.

>> No.26031437

Multiplayer still sucks.

>> No.26031439

If I had another screen I'd be playing it while watching

>> No.26031440

unlike you shes acutally doing her reps instead of crying why she sucks at her hobbies

>> No.26031441

haato please play with the musclemen

>> No.26031442

I'm at endgame and don't have much to do, just crafting to be still poor as dirt

>> No.26031443

I have the stream running in the background as I play

>> No.26031444

put the "women love me, fish fear me" hat on polka

>> No.26031445

Why not?

>> No.26031451

Why would you puke on a bathroom door

>> No.26031452
Quoted by: >>26031488

>all of them just talking about advanced shit while Polka fishing

>> No.26031456

>Botan, Lamy, and Nene having somewhat the same screen overlay
>And then there's Polka's minimalist look

>> No.26031459

Oh it got finished? Nice! Thanks Anon.

>> No.26031460
File: 1.22 MB, 1456x809, 1599051936315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't these femoids understand that if they really want to rake in viewers and supacha all they they have to do is play autistic map painting simulators?

>> No.26031463

Uh guys? If any of you are following Moona here than back off. She's mine.

>> No.26031464

Why is Polka really into ageplay with Lamy?

>> No.26031468

Moona told Coco she bet she could do pushups for 66 straight minutes but Moona lasted like three minutes tops before clearly being about to die and Coco was awkwardly trying to tell her it's okay Moona, you don't have to impress me to get Moona to stop.

>> No.26031469
File: 426 KB, 720x978, 1588039407989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe please rate my meme

>> No.26031473

miko tried to do that but the anti's took away her bully...

>> No.26031474

damn what a cutie
who is that?

>> No.26031475

anything to suck them fat frostbags

>> No.26031477

It's kind of a dead period right now anyway, XIV is made with wagies in mind, the producer himself said that he doesn't want to force you to play everyday because of burnout, he also wants you to play other games and then come back when content drops.

>> No.26031478

Is that you again Victorianon?

>> No.26031481

Fuck you, she's with me.

>> No.26031480

Why aren't you?

>> No.26031482

This is significantly more fun than all the solo streams I've seen of this game.

>> No.26031483

She really wants to suck on those tits

>> No.26031485

I didnt know this kusoge is high on PC requirement

>> No.26031486
Quoted by: >>26031520

Seeing the others sliding around on Polka's POV is fucking hilarious.

>> No.26031488

>How it feels to finally join your friends in an RPG

>> No.26031490

Big PPTenshi. Next meme

>> No.26031492

always been, that's why the big ARK collab was so fun yesterday

>> No.26031493

Sorry man. I'm a moonlover now.

>> No.26031494

>that bard playing night of nights

>> No.26031498
File: 40 KB, 459x614, panik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031497

This and Watame drum are the only Holo songs I like enough to listen to regularly.

>> No.26031500

Lamy is the most yabai

>> No.26031501
Quoted by: >>26031531

I got my version
>All the holos post in reddit
>atleast we have Risu
>Atleast we have risu

>> No.26031506

Gen 5 are really selling this game hard for me

>> No.26031507
File: 14 KB, 487x407, 1595913100230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad.

>> No.26031509
File: 2.37 MB, 2762x2065, EhAg9wuU8AArXIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incest on stream!

>> No.26031510

>everyone else just sliding around aside from herself
Polka POV is objectively the best one

>> No.26031512

Understood, sir. *nods respectfully in your direction while tipping my katana*

>> No.26031514


>> No.26031515

Have you seen those tits?

>> No.26031517

Polka is literally poor

>> No.26031518

It's just poorly optimized

>> No.26031519

Imagine if Pekor playing ff14...

>> No.26031520

Polka's pov is honestly the best despite being the worst

>> No.26031523

is Craftopia any good?

>> No.26031524
File: 383 KB, 392x390, 1599361995237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031525

Holy kek this Towa room in the Nishinari server

>> No.26031526
Quoted by: >>26031548

the fact that this is the one that made me laugh shows you cant take /v/ out of the anon

>> No.26031528
Quoted by: >>26031549

these are so unfunny it's sad that you waste time on it.

>> No.26031530
Quoted by: >>26031554

Who's that, some indie?

>> No.26031531

would work better with the gru meme

>> No.26031534

these are even worse to watch than to play

>> No.26031535

wtf polka has clothes now

>> No.26031538

More Haachama minecraft tomorrow

>> No.26031542
Quoted by: >>26031563

Everyone sliding on Omaru's POV is pretty fucking funny

>> No.26031544
Quoted by: >>26031623

She's really into Lamy, she said she's like a light novel heroine

>> No.26031545

>Botan is the only one that doesn't have people sliding around
As expected of the PC Lion

>> No.26031546


>> No.26031547

Minecraft is kino

>> No.26031548
File: 279 KB, 458x452, 29-000625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe go back?

>> No.26031549

spotted the rodent

>> No.26031550
File: 244 KB, 1364x721, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on

>> No.26031552

I kind of want to play craftopia after watching gen 5 play it the past few days

>> No.26031553

With others? Sure

>> No.26031554

It's GoldFingaa.

>> No.26031557
Quoted by: >>26031587

Holy shit Towa cultists are scary

>> No.26031560

me x shien

>> No.26031561

I want to visit haachama theme park!

>> No.26031562

Nene pro gliding moves

>> No.26031563

Both nene and polka POV has them all sliding kek

>> No.26031565

>Sliding simulator
Wow...great game...

>> No.26031566

Asset flipped early access garbage. No.

>> No.26031567


>> No.26031568
Quoted by: >>26031606

Wait, people really are watching gen5?

>> No.26031569

They're prepping so hard for the dungeon, checking supplies and stuff...

>> No.26031570
Quoted by: >>26031608

holothread server when

>> No.26031571
File: 84 KB, 947x537, 15165161651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine not watch Coco's ARK stream

>> No.26031572

Please stop wasting images with your unfunny crap.

>> No.26031573
File: 237 KB, 481x683, CoolingBreezyKing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats goin on in here

>> No.26031575

Aka: Draconic japanese copyright laws

>> No.26031576
Quoted by: >>26031624

Why though? You don't have any friends to play it with.

>> No.26031578
File: 2.70 MB, 3000x3000, EhPNTJNVkAIkEFJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031579


>> No.26031580
Quoted by: >>26031622

thats how they get you

>> No.26031581

been here for 5 months and havent looked back >implying using a retarded peko face isint /v/ as fuck

>> No.26031582

>Polka has the least viewers in gen 5
Oh no no

>> No.26031583
Quoted by: >>26031655

more games should rip off the BOTW artstyle desu, it's actually good

>> No.26031584
Quoted by: >>26031618

She gave us a lick of her icecream

>> No.26031585

Modern Towart...

>> No.26031587
Quoted by: >>26031639

So even JP kenzokus are cultists...

>> No.26031589

Same reason you would play mmos with friends
being open world allows u to mess around on top of that
every game is dogshit if you cannot appreciate whats good about it
their personality also gets maximized in games like these

>> No.26031591




>> No.26031592

Do you have friends?

>> No.26031593

What, ARK isn't jank enough for the holos anymore and they now have to play some even buggier survival crafting simulator?

>> No.26031594

Haachama also wants to make a listeners only minecraft server?

>> No.26031595

This thread is vpol, he's home

>> No.26031597
Quoted by: >>26031645

What are the chances that holos play genshin impact?

>> No.26031599

Why is this kusoge so poorly optimized? Why are they even playing this poorly optimized kusoge?

>> No.26031602
File: 252 KB, 1429x2000, 1599217045136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031601


>> No.26031603

Aqua butter-fly!

>> No.26031604
Quoted by: >>26031632

dammit why is botan's laugh so cute? old hags aren't supposed to be cute...

>> No.26031605
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1597804389617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031606

Worse, they watch Nene, of all the shit gen 5 girls they go for towa 2.0

>> No.26031607

what the fuck is wrong with Polka's game

>> No.26031608

it's P2P only and you HAVE to use hamachi for it to even work because joining through steam just times it out after 20 seconds

>> No.26031609

The ID manager is fucking up unless Square's general approval applies to corporate streamers as well as indie ones.

>> No.26031611

Final boss of Towa's friendship arc

>> No.26031612

>that jump height
I'm dying

>> No.26031614

>those jumps
Holy shit lmao.

>> No.26031615
Quoted by: >>26031665


>> No.26031616
Quoted by: >>26031678

theres like 20 people crowding moona now, you'd think she could just ask for items in chat and they would comply

>> No.26031617

>Look at Nene's sword!Its the strongest one
>...I can't see anything

>> No.26031618
Quoted by: >>26031660

I'm glad we divided the indirect kiss up so we could all get a bit.

>> No.26031620


>> No.26031621
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.26031622

Is it sponsored?

>> No.26031623
Quoted by: >>26031672

what exactly is a light novel heroine like

>> No.26031624

Yeah that's true

>> No.26031625


>> No.26031626

Poorly optimized kusoge is Hololive's bread and butter

>> No.26031627

Polka's pov is killing me LMAO

>> No.26031629

>ah sugoooooooooiiiii
do japanese really?

>> No.26031630

>hardcore gearing up to beat the dungeon the stupid rabbit beat with her fists

>> No.26031632

Old hags are the cutest anon.

>> No.26031633

Still my favorite jp phrase to hear

>> No.26031634
Quoted by: >>26031650

Why is everyone skating...

>> No.26031635
Quoted by: >>26031673

Purease andastand. It came out yesterday

>> No.26031636

What the fuck Polka's stream it's like 10 secs behind the rest of Gen5s

>> No.26031638

Haachama 2b2t!?

>> No.26031639
File: 595 KB, 1024x576, 1592364076409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a family.

>> No.26031640

This game looks like the devs just bought all the assets that have similar aesthetic and put everything into the game.

>> No.26031642

why the fuck are they playing this buggy shit

>> No.26031643

can you kill each other in this game?

>> No.26031645

probably fubuki

>> No.26031644

I'd rather watch Coco play 7dtd than ark

>> No.26031646
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 【クラフトピア_craftopia】5期生で(今度こそ)共同生活はじめました【雪花ラミィ_ホロライブ】 21-16 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamychama your bitrate...

>> No.26031649

>Polka's stream keeps crashing

>> No.26031650

polka bad PC, read the sentence at the bottom of her stream

>> No.26031651

No idea, it's ugly as fuck too

>> No.26031652

What's a real MMO that gen 5 can play together?

>> No.26031653
Quoted by: >>26031712

>towa 2.0
But she doesn't have a boyfriend and a bad voice...

>> No.26031654

But we're watching Polkacci

>> No.26031655

BOTW artstyle is very strong when it's not 480p15fps on switch...

>> No.26031656

i love the way Lamy says kuma

>> No.26031657
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1589161834412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is too cute bros...

>> No.26031658
File: 621 KB, 498x498, 2324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me...

>> No.26031661

3 week break during the lowest point of hololive, then multiple breaks in the last 2 months because of her sololive. And after her sololive, her streaming schedule still looks like she's still preparing for a sololive

>> No.26031660

That's still a bit gay. But we're all gay for the cat, so whatever

>> No.26031662
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1599157546987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031663

I'd like to see holos play a proper coop dungeon crawler, would be fun

>> No.26031665

Rabu yuu onion

>> No.26031668

>not being a sea chad

>> No.26031669


>> No.26031672

Most shitty light novels have a blue haired big tits heroine

>> No.26031673

ARK has been out for years

>> No.26031675

Not yet

>> No.26031678

Moona is a good girl, they'll give her any item she wants, but she won't ask for it.

>> No.26031680

This just makes me want to watch gen5 play a dungeon crawler together

>> No.26031683

>tfw my PC is shit enough that playing at 720p with 25FPS is giving me the true BOTW experience
just need to remake kakariko village now and perfect

>> No.26031684
File: 195 KB, 499x536, 1599241472063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032381


>> No.26031685

>nene just slaughtering everything
That's my premium nenechi!

>> No.26031688

Please stop hating on Nintendo Coco, you're gonna start a new permission arc.

>> No.26031689

Sex dungeon...

>> No.26031690


>> No.26031691

>Coco play 7dtd [FUNNY MOMENTS]

>> No.26031692
File: 52 KB, 561x498, 1589732712386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a job where the company dont get you the tools to do your job
wow what a competent company

>> No.26031693

>secret wall

>> No.26031697

We don't have a 3D model of her new outfit so we can't make stuff with it.


>> No.26031699

Embrace the NEET lifestyle and you can drink whenever!

>> No.26031700
Quoted by: >>26031734

Nene confirmed protag of Gen5

>> No.26031701
Quoted by: >>26031722

That last bit of Okayu will be clipped. 100%

>> No.26031702
File: 279 KB, 1256x2048, 1594498361257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031742

I love Flare!

>> No.26031703
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1594458468601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031730

Where did the "I will hug /hlg/" flareposter go?

>> No.26031704

Ragnarok Online private server.

>> No.26031705
Quoted by: >>26031786

They also have to pay for their own covers and songs.

>> No.26031706
Quoted by: >>26031759

I haven't played it in over a year, or whenever tiered weapons and that talent system came out. Any major patches since?

>> No.26031707


>> No.26031708


>> No.26031710
Quoted by: >>26031778

This is like the constant story of Towa. I'm old enough to remember when the narrative here is Towa wasn't serious about being in Hololive because she never streamed and when she streamed it was for like an hour. Now that narrative has shifted to Ayame.

>> No.26031712

Towa and Nene are both cute daughter material.

>> No.26031711
Quoted by: >>26031876

What are Flare's memberships streams about?

>> No.26031714

DUMB essex!

>> No.26031715

Dungeon sex?

>> No.26031720
File: 3.80 MB, 2935x4175, 1597553015065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031781

Aqua is so cute, I just want to console her and hold her in my hand while she cries about her reclining and losing to Pekora

>> No.26031718
File: 103 KB, 320x295, Sweating Clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being proud of your toaster
You guys just don't get it.

>> No.26031721 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 885x475, 1584279420086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UH OH bros we some more reddit meme reviews to compete

>> No.26031722
Quoted by: >>26031743

Huh? I zoned out for a second. Looking forward to it.

>> No.26031723


>> No.26031725

your taste is shit if you cant already see the appeal of Gen5

>> No.26031727 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 364x38, gvqg b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.26031728

What the fuck is Rushia doing?

>> No.26031729

Essex chuuba!

>> No.26031730
File: 488 KB, 526x538, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Died, that's his last message

>> No.26031734

Nene's POV is the only one to watch when they're doing any sort of fighting, she's soloing everything

>> No.26031735 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1591688132660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031736

I thought they closed that place down!

>> No.26031738

Nene is warlike!

>> No.26031739


>> No.26031742

Marine wife!

>> No.26031743

She talked about the
推しは推せる時に推せ mentality.

>> No.26031745
Quoted by: >>26031765

>Nene is that guy who charges head on
>Botan is the calm one
>Lamy is the one that takes care of everyone else
>Polka is the one who always lag behind distracted by random shit

>> No.26031746

Polkas pov really is the most relatable

>> No.26031747 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26031769

What was #1?

>> No.26031750
File: 2.05 MB, 1366x768, 1592817555974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we only have 4 for gen 5 because having 5 breaks my fucking autism

>> No.26031752

wtf does しけん and しょぼ mean? I'm guessing shiken means lame?

>> No.26031753
File: 444 KB, 618x666, 1597995566979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and om3tcwpilled

>> No.26031754

mommy rushia...

>> No.26031755

observe aqua spreading her pussy

>> No.26031757
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, 1597539744793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you just say you bastard

>> No.26031758

what the FUCK is this Towabros??

>> No.26031759

Nothing major has happened to the game although I feel it'd the zombie hordes on every 7th day is far more interesting than watching the girls just endlessly fuck around fly8ng in their mounts in ark

>> No.26031761
Quoted by: >>26031831

Son, I've played many games on my toaster for decades before I finally upgraded
I'm proud of how long my toaster held out before the weight was too much to bear

>> No.26031762 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 405x374, 1590356304093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031801

just wait until KoroPeko rears its ugly head
not even a niji 3d can top those numbers

>> No.26031763

Remember to thank Nene and Antichads!

>> No.26031764
Quoted by: >>26031824

Lamy's really enjoying this, it's like she's playing a game properly with friends for the first time

>> No.26031765

now put it in a tier list and you will be featured in the meme review

>> No.26031767

>only polka has a japanese name

>> No.26031769 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 845x186, 1582415103104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pewdipeie meme review of course, just barely though, we need some more wojaks in there

>> No.26031771
File: 162 KB, 1068x601, 1599319072652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031809

>Who am I watching? Take a guess bro

>> No.26031772

retard Nene...

>> No.26031773


>> No.26031774


>> No.26031775


>> No.26031776

The truth!

>> No.26031778

These days, besides when Towa is dying or her family is dying or when she's just being a menhera she streams quite a lot, she was in the top five or so streamers time-wise recently.
But to be quite honest with you I think everyone loves their job here.

>> No.26031779


>> No.26031780

Oh that. Yeah I honestly got lost as she went further into it, though it was intentionally confusing I'm guessing.

>> No.26031781

>cries about her reclining and losing to Pekora
I don't think Aqua gives a shit. If she did she would crash over at Shion and stream with her

>> No.26031782 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 1634x516, 1597631578914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031783

>Nene going after the boss with no hesitation or strategy

>> No.26031784

Nene you fucking idiot

>> No.26031785


>> No.26031786

I don't know how expensive it is to produce covers / original songs but it's really insane Cover can't cop their streamers good computers. We know from ID that Cover gives them iphones that the streamers even have to pay them back for, which I think is scummy enough since Cover is going to make a million times back on the investment. You're going to make more money if your streamers aren't constantly having the recurring tech issues the holos have.

>> No.26031787

>botan is the only one smart enough to hide behind a pillar

>> No.26031788

i want to play games released after 2007

>> No.26031790

Polka wheres the animations lol.

>> No.26031792

>the game has sync issues

>> No.26031793

This absolute fucking retarded chink Nene...

>> No.26031791

FFXIV would be the most likely candidate, new PSO might also be possible if Sega stop cucking holos from streaming their games. They have competent Tank and Healer roles that dps can shit the bed and be fine

>> No.26031794


>> No.26031795

Wait what's that stun lock, don't think it happened to the rabbit lmao

>> No.26031796

4 is the perfect number for multiplayer games.

>> No.26031797


>> No.26031798
File: 316 KB, 1598x1672, EhIzOD3UMAEmsF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene rushing head on toward the boss
Aqua 2.0

>> No.26031799

Nene tanking

>> No.26031800

But anon Noel also like FlareMari for that NTR flavor.

>> No.26031801 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1592203154049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to leech off Pekora

>> No.26031802

Nene drawing aggro for the rest

>> No.26031803

What kind of person just sprints directly at a boss and starts hitting it?

>> No.26031805

that thing did NOT like nene

>> No.26031806

Holy shit this thing has a knack for Nene bullying

>> No.26031808
Quoted by: >>26031834

>guess when you can guess mentality
how many reps do i need to do or is this actually right since both deepL and google had the same shit

>> No.26031809


>> No.26031810

>Charges in
>Gets completely obliterated
My fucking sides

>> No.26031811
File: 110 KB, 348x298, __minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_hot_kakigoori__cc541241fd5642cf6b1b23592953c592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031956


>> No.26031813

i just tuned in

why the FUCK are they sliding around like that?

>> No.26031814

>Boss focus on Nenechi because it knows she's the most dangerous

>> No.26031815

Supernenechi your bwain..

>> No.26031817

It'd be so fun to see Gen 5 do some dungeons in an MMO.

>> No.26031818
File: 265 KB, 438x450, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch Moona
>retards constantly follow and spam annoying abilities
Sugoi MMO stream

>> No.26031819

>the boss attack animations don't even show up for Polka

>> No.26031821

Poor nenechi

>> No.26031823 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1597653747222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031918

Why is there not a single niji in the top 10?

>> No.26031824

I love it but it's also pretty sad.

>> No.26031825
File: 531 KB, 602x464, 1585063308263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to find Moona

>> No.26031826

polka and nene has low graphics, watch botan or lamy if you hate the sliding

>> No.26031828
Quoted by: >>26031870

Moona sounds like she's starting to get pissed off

>> No.26031830

>Botan just sniping from afar

>> No.26031831

I rever my old pal more than I do some of my family members, but fuck it if I'm not having a blast wit hthe new Dooms

>> No.26031832
Quoted by: >>26031875

Polka has a shitty rig if you can't read the sentence on the bottom of her stream. Lamy and Botan can run it fine while Nene has L2D disabled.

>> No.26031833

Polka is just fighting a spinning statue

>> No.26031834
Quoted by: >>26031877

推し in this context is your "oshi" so the one you like the most. So "Support your oshi while you can"

>> No.26031835
Quoted by: >>26031880

It's a good lesson, someone ought to tell her to minimize player effects

>> No.26031837

Based Holy spammers.

>> No.26031836
Quoted by: >>26031965

Simping is all well and good but we're getting shit on in viewer numbers bros, this can't stand, we're supposed to be the most popular company

>> No.26031838

nene is like that friend that goes
during boss fights

>> No.26031839

The boss is just permanently aggro'd on Nene

>> No.26031844 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26031866

>The one with more subs is the leech

>> No.26031846

Nenechi is getting blasted into oblivion.

>> No.26031848

What the fuck is even going on in the game anymore?

>> No.26031849

>full tunnel vision on nene

>> No.26031850 [DELETED] 

B-but muh merch...

>> No.26031851


>> No.26031852
File: 384 KB, 1100x1300, EhOVT1sVgAAkUSF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu has good taste. Seme Marine and uke Flare too.

>> No.26031853 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 194x194, pekosmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26031892

just wait until the toxic spics migrate over to peko

>> No.26031855

Polka's POV is magical

>> No.26031854


>> No.26031856


>> No.26031857


>> No.26031858

I'm dying.

>> No.26031859


>> No.26031860

No... Nene...

>> No.26031861

>boss dead
>still lasers nene down

>> No.26031863


>> No.26031862


>> No.26031864

>Boss died
>still snipes Nenechi

>> No.26031866 [DELETED] 

Yes, the one with FBK-tier meme subs and 15k viewers is the leech.

>> No.26031867

Holy shit Super Nenechi is fucking dead

>> No.26031868


>> No.26031869

rip nenechi i cry evrytim

>> No.26031870
Quoted by: >>26031947

usually she goes silent if she's coping

>> No.26031871


>> No.26031873 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 567x421, 1594829484934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of new to vtubing in general, what's with $103.50?

>> No.26031872

Nene is the source of endless comedy in gen 5, she's too fucking funny

>> No.26031874 [DELETED] 

I always forgot how crazy Flare's gachikois are

>> No.26031875

oh fuck i didn't even bother reading that, that makes sense

>> No.26031876

Most times she is just talking about fun stuff from other holos to movies she has watched recently. She did a small Dark Souls playthrough a few months back but I don't think she ever beat it

>> No.26031877
Quoted by: >>26031921

>Support your oshi while you can
why does this give me a presence that is yabai

>> No.26031878

I don't think I've laugh this hard this week. God bless Nene.

>> No.26031880
File: 145 KB, 466x195, 1582128159229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031884
File: 668 KB, 1920x950, 1599343012173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031886

Nene: Unwilling Tank
Botan: Ranged DPS
Lamy: Support
Polka: That one player with 9000 ping

>> No.26031887

I will never forgive civia for not letting me eat the croissant

>> No.26031888 [DELETED] 

Lurk 100 years before posting

>> No.26031889 [DELETED] 

>losing to a dead person

>> No.26031890

This game is fucking awful holy shit.

>> No.26031892 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 284x284, 06-045649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031893 [DELETED] 

check the archives

>> No.26031896

Aqua replacing Korone

>> No.26031897

The game literally refused to continue until Nene died

>> No.26031898
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, 1599015984084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure can't wait to see this dumb fucking baby die from a light jog again

>> No.26031899

just like my standard parties then

>> No.26031900


>> No.26031902

nene tank hahahaha

>> No.26031903
File: 15 KB, 589x340, peko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early access game

>> No.26031905

did the game break?

>> No.26031909

>Boss stand there spinning
>red light floating
>everyone floating around
>boss death lag
>Nene death lag
>"Ah this here is the early access stream"


>> No.26031911
Quoted by: >>26031969

How was Pekor's xb stream?

>> No.26031912 [DELETED] 


>> No.26031913

Skeletons don't even dare to touch Nene

>> No.26031914

Polka should never change her PC

>> No.26031915 [DELETED] 

Total amount of SCs in a big niji collab.

>> No.26031917

Please, someone superchat to her saying that you can change skill visibility in the settings...

>> No.26031918 [DELETED] 


>> No.26031919

>where the company dont get you the tools to do your job
This is not an NJSJ thread.

>> No.26031920 [DELETED] 

0.01% after Google's cut, Apple's cut, Cover's cut and Japanese goverenment cut. Reddit dragon probably has to pay yakuza fees too. Everyone except Rushia and Pekora must be starving...

>> No.26031921

it's actually closer to "Support your oshi when you can" as in don't fucking burn your money if you can't afford it

>> No.26031922
File: 484 KB, 600x544, nenesamus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26031923

>boss started targeting her again

>> No.26031924


>> No.26031925

This boss fucking HATES Nenechi

>> No.26031926

This is comedy

>> No.26031927


>> No.26031928
Quoted by: >>26031962

fucking rabbit soloed this boss, wtf neporabo

>> No.26031929

seeing polka grab the bars like that reminds me of the kids in my school who would grab onto the bars of the canteen and swing them like monkeys

>> No.26031930

The game is probably bound by lighting and draw calls. What the fuck are devs doing cutting animation playback from players and bosses on low settings?

>> No.26031932

this fucking game

>> No.26031933

>spawn in
>Boss instantly targets her
I am fucking dying

>> No.26031934

She is still drawing aggro lol.

>> No.26031935

Nene still get sniped fucking kek

>> No.26031936

she deserves better than xiv

>> No.26031938

>boss came back from hell just to laser nene
the hate is eternal

>> No.26031939

What the fuck is that boss' problem

>> No.26031940
File: 45 KB, 624x451, 1599104049062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene enters the room
>Boss immediately starts blasting her
It hates her so much

>> No.26031942

Holy shit the boss has a grudge even when dead

>> No.26031943
Quoted by: >>26031975

Nene’s ability to make unintentional comedy is winning me over

>> No.26031944


>> No.26031945
Quoted by: >>26031972

GeN 5 DoNt PlAy GaMeS

>> No.26031946

This fucking stream

>> No.26031947
Quoted by: >>26032048

She's fine now but a few minutes ago people were constantly following her around and spamming skills. She said "pls stop spamming skill" with a small sigh. Amazingly, people actually listened and stopped doing that.

>> No.26031949

looking forward to the fanart of the golemCHADS bullying Nene

>> No.26031953

feels like home

>> No.26031954
Quoted by: >>26031973

Is this gen 5 general?

>> No.26031956

anons arent kidding when they say fans take after the chuuba...

>> No.26031957
Quoted by: >>26032123

I sure hope she makes it a members only server.
Minecraft, unlike ARK, will attract some real shitty players.

>> No.26031958

>Client-side boss

>> No.26031960
Quoted by: >>26031981

how the fuck have they glitched the game this hard

>> No.26031962

It's bugged out with multiple players. No way can rabbit solo something constantly stunlocking her, this didn't happen in her playthrough.

>> No.26031963

I’m not the splittag but god i REALLY want a gen 5 split i literally couldn’t give less of a fuck about them, would unironically watch one of those homos with 200 viewers instead of these fake bitches

>> No.26031964
File: 342 KB, 502x492, 1594385902816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is too stream unfriendly. Leveling takes years.

>> No.26031966
File: 379 KB, 2048x2952, 1598079825205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still have sex with your oshi if they were a white woman?

>> No.26031967
File: 674 KB, 2802x4096, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_sangan_35p__324fc2da3a8943e4a914a080948e2e4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 38 Thread #10

I love Mikochi!

>> No.26031965
Quoted by: >>26032012


>> No.26031968
Quoted by: >>26031996

Wait does jetri not let you play multiple videos at the same time anymore? What the fuck?

>> No.26031969

she hated it and people here tried to defend the game

>> No.26031972

Not good ones

>> No.26031973

It was ARK general yesterday everyone get their turn

>> No.26031974

If what coco ad says it's true, they just get a iphone for their live2d

>> No.26031975

Nene has a monopoly on retarded daughter energy in Gen 5.

>> No.26031976

gemu hard to make please andastd

>> No.26031977
File: 146 KB, 1897x1080, THENIJISANJIKILLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of get the sense Aqua made a shitload of money from sololive and just doesnt give a shit anymore

>> No.26031978

I ran through the MSQ like 6 or 7 times. The quest pruning has done nothing since they force the garbage Crystal Tower quest line on you.

>> No.26031981

it's botan's character's face

>> No.26031985

Aloe: That degenerate who got banned for posting sexual content in the general chat

>> No.26031984

>Ragnarok Online
Do you know how long it takes to level in that game?

>> No.26031986
File: 192 KB, 1181x1748, EeQGFMLU8AILPbV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26031991

Lamy give Nenechi that huge fuckoff sword onegai

>> No.26031992

Aren't anime girls white?

>> No.26031994


>> No.26031995


>> No.26031996
Quoted by: >>26032085

youtube cockblocking, check the archives there's a script fix

>> No.26031997

I hope she's just busy recording some stuffs and she will be back to do a regular stream after her schedule loosens up

>> No.26031999
File: 229 KB, 371x357, 1597579578038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032093


>> No.26031998


>> No.26032001

It's about the journey and since it's a private server they'd be able to adjust rates.

>> No.26032000


>> No.26032002
File: 421 KB, 1080x837, 1599229182130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032003

>private server

>> No.26032004 [DELETED] 


>> No.26032005

The black spats in that outfit were so distracting because the color contrasted too much with the bright colors of the rest of the outfit. They should have at least made them white spats.

>> No.26032006

Maplestory 2 if it's still alive

>> No.26032008

Then the feeling is mutual.

>> No.26032009

what do they even do with the 50% of supachats?

>> No.26032011 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 1325x228, 1598885924364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say, aaaaaah.

>> No.26032012

Yes, we the hololive number crew are losing in the numbers, we can't allow this

>> No.26032013

>they're making fun of botan's face


>> No.26032015

>can't see any effects due to her settings

>> No.26032016
Quoted by: >>26032035

Smoll company (legit 7 people are working on this game) Early Acess release 1.0 prease understand
thats one of the reasons craftopia arc came too soon, game is barely above an alpha stage

>> No.26032018

Damn Matsuri rejected THAT?

>> No.26032021


>> No.26032022
Quoted by: >>26032042

Why are people butthurt about gen 5 stream talk when there's nothing else going on besides SC reading and Rushia?

>> No.26032023

They're making of botan's ogre face....

>> No.26032024

what the fuck polka

>> No.26032025
File: 110 KB, 953x539, 1651561561651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032034

Minecraft in ARK

>> No.26032026

gen 5 should play monster hunter with each other

>> No.26032030
File: 57 KB, 1000x567, 1598160262206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I never wanted a girl received her money more than Polka. I feel real bad for her. She deserves a better PC. My poor clown...

>> No.26032031

Good one.

>> No.26032032
File: 142 KB, 398x443, 1594037114045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're aware how terrible this game is, right? They're just playing it for shits and giggles, right?

I still wouldn't mind if it replaced ARK

>> No.26032033


>> No.26032034
File: 281 KB, 500x500, 1597472423681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon tails as horns

>> No.26032035
Quoted by: >>26032059

The game being completely busted is probably the best part tho.

>> No.26032036
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1599099381970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032037

Goddamn this stream has been even better than their first one

>> No.26032038
File: 407 KB, 576x576, ps3XXZzWBcbf-QPU16voDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032041

must fill princess tummy with semen

>> No.26032042

They are the usual retards, just carry on.

>> No.26032043

Capcom permissions first

>> No.26032044
File: 125 KB, 1054x519, firefox_F2wItvt64H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using two trapped dino tails for Coco horns

>> No.26032048

thank you anon, my net suck ass so please keep watching her on my behalf

>> No.26032050


>> No.26032052


>> No.26032053

can you build a house in this game

>> No.26032054

don't let sensei see this

>> No.26032056
File: 312 KB, 729x401, 1598424166942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.26032058
File: 109 KB, 279x384, __Baqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032059

Not really, single player sure but not for multiplayer

>> No.26032061
File: 40 KB, 417x300, 1596500961288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032062

Wherever I go I must rapee Coco

>> No.26032065

you can build a pyramid
surely you can build a house

>> No.26032066

coco really loves ARK so much huh

>> No.26032067
File: 308 KB, 459x466, 1595734882220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032068

Is she building all that on top of the dino they caught yesterday (Titano?)

>> No.26032069

>play crapcom
>all of gen 5 goes on one month hiatus
good one anon

>> No.26032070

Polka's POV is reminding me of the days when I played with friends on my old toaster
Botan, please give your ringleader a new rig...

>> No.26032071
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x1430, 1568080539578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy she has a lot of work to do since that makes her happy but a lot of work coupled with the feeling of; "I have to stream or my fans will be disappointed" is a very destructive feeling I reckon.
She really does love us a lot and I love her for that but I can't help but worry all the same.
I'd welcome her to take a longer break if it meant she could finish up her projects, dumb bunny...

>> No.26032073


>> No.26032074

W-Why does Towa sound like a guy here...

>> No.26032075

So far you can make platforms like Fortnite

>> No.26032077

they should have an enormous collab with every hololive member except towa

>> No.26032079

Modern ART

>> No.26032080
Quoted by: >>26032114

sns healer
HH brother

>> No.26032081

Holy fuck, combined gen 5 streams total to 60k+ viewers

>> No.26032082

Gen 5 actually made this kusoge looks fun to play...

>> No.26032083

Lamy made a huge one in her singleplayer stream

>> No.26032084

did you not know what happened to Mio?

>> No.26032085

Ah found it. Thanks anon

>> No.26032086

I like Gen 5's dynamic so far, they're cute together. Wonder how different it would be with *l** not being dead

>> No.26032088

No this is the holo fans server, not the girls'

>> No.26032092

It's a community server

>> No.26032093

Omaru Khayyam.

>> No.26032095

You can just feel Choco's rage

>> No.26032096

They already did that back in the ragnarok days because Towa took her vacation for lying about talking to men

>> No.26032097
Quoted by: >>26032106

i keep confusing botan's voice for polka's

>> No.26032098
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1598997971874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032109


>> No.26032099

Lamy made one solo, so did Roboco

>> No.26032101

based image

>> No.26032102

You will never be Marine's gynecologist.

>> No.26032103


>> No.26032104
Quoted by: >>26032365

melposter what happened with her cooking collab?

>> No.26032105

hime sama forgive me the devil guides my hand this ring fit stream i cannot help it

>> No.26032106



>> No.26032109


>> No.26032111

my screen literally has no place if aloe joined this stream

>> No.26032114
Quoted by: >>26032131


>> No.26032116

3 brats instead of 2

>> No.26032117

Can they receive gifts like wishlist stuff or something? I bought some low-end indies like $20-50 stuff if they seemed like they have potential but suffered from being luddites and/or poorfags.

>> No.26032118

Iofi, your SAI reps...

>> No.26032121

We can go deeper and sexier.

>> No.26032122
Quoted by: >>26032133

Just tuned in on the collab, why is everyone gliding instead of walking?

>> No.26032123

Like a lot of her ideas she'll probably just end up not following though with the server idea and drop it after a few days. Hope I'm wrong though, could be fun to mess about in minecraft with Haatons for a bit

>> No.26032124

Sub channel ARK has been cancelled

>> No.26032125

Omarun omarun omarun!

>> No.26032127

Shion APEX today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFvXO-5Ggzk

>> No.26032128

American dragon showing Nature Whore who rules this planet

>> No.26032129
File: 355 KB, 1646x1503, EhNxslAVgAE4tBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032150

Great zatsudan from Okayu as always. Some real fun stories. When will parents learn to keep their kids away from fujoshi?

>> No.26032131

more like the suicided friend

>> No.26032132

Less games to play because most games are 4 people coop.

>> No.26032133
Quoted by: >>26032165

nene and polka are poor

>> No.26032134
Quoted by: >>26032175

I feel bad for thinking they are probably better off without her since some of them really like Aloe, but... they are better off without her, the quartet dynamic is pretty good between chaotic, cute, sweet and veteran

>> No.26032136
Quoted by: >>26032148

Choco saw the abomination Coco made

>> No.26032137

Ritualistic immolation for Coco!

>> No.26032138

lamy mama...

>> No.26032139
Quoted by: >>26032180

Korone and Towa should collab already!
They keep giving hints and teasing me.

>> No.26032141
Quoted by: >>26032156

>Sub channel ARK
Why is she still using that?

>> No.26032144
File: 728 KB, 974x730, 306f2edcccb654600afafcd3f6c82510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032186

>> No.26032146

polka bought the deluxe edition

>> No.26032148

EOPchama it's a community server, Coco didn't make any of it.

>> No.26032149

>Coco will never peg you

>> No.26032150
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1590583356552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great stories that i still cant understand any of without jin in chat

>> No.26032151
File: 1.09 MB, 1282x712, 1595762059912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032234

edm-producing kyonyuu loli holo when bros?

>> No.26032154

what did she mean by this

>> No.26032156

Obviously she gets to have two differenct channels for memberships but she's explained before that
>Main channel is for stuff she considers "work" streams
>sub channel is for stuff she would do in her own time, but will stream anyway

>> No.26032158

Botan really is the mom of gen 5, holy shit.

>> No.26032161

Do more reps friendo

>> No.26032162

>suddenly everyone is moving

>> No.26032163

this jank fucking game

>> No.26032165

So it was just quality settings. Thanks

>> No.26032170


>> No.26032169

skeleton aloe...

>> No.26032171

Wow animations got fixed for everyone

>> No.26032172

It takes a looooong time, man. The more time you put in, the faster it happens though. Just don't burn out either.

>> No.26032174

Botan might've pushed them to play League of legends at some point if it was 5 (She watches LCK)

>> No.26032175

At last I truly see...
You were right all along....

>> No.26032176

Noooooooo Omaru and Nene's sliding simulators...

>> No.26032178

I love Nene so much

>> No.26032180
File: 1.01 MB, 1396x787, cursedimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a WatameXTowa collab. It's been missing for far too long considering they are friends and from the same gen.

>> No.26032186

Creepy abs

>> No.26032187

>map is gone

sasuga devs hahahaha

>> No.26032188
Quoted by: >>26032209

She's studying Norse mythology obviously
that's kidna hot

>> No.26032190


>> No.26032193

Yes,but the house design is pre-built for you so you can't really be creative with it.
It just a blueprint and you insert the required material in it.

>> No.26032194

Now the map disappeared....

>> No.26032195

>map resetted
nice game

>> No.26032196

Friendly reminder that the holohouse is hetrerophobic by excluding males from entering and letting us fuck watame and ppt

>> No.26032197

Botan is the father

>> No.26032199
File: 1.32 MB, 1728x960, 1566653544269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a better game series for a circus

>> No.26032200
File: 168 KB, 1366x768, membersheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032214

The cult is here too

>> No.26032201
File: 497 KB, 2500x1921, EcWvd2GU4AAUQni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame and Towa 3D.

>> No.26032203

>polka killing NPCs

>> No.26032204

Huh, so Matsuri and Sora already did a cover


>> No.26032205

sugoi Japanese devs..

>> No.26032207

The last collab they did together was during the gen 4 debut right?

>> No.26032208

>Let's go back to the dungeon again
Oh no no no, Nenechi is gonna get sniped by boss again

>> No.26032209

>that's kidna hot
norse mythology I hope and not diarrhea

>> No.26032210

those are some floppy microphones

>> No.26032211

>slaughtering npcs

>> No.26032212
File: 140 KB, 362x326, 1597499328000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka snapped

>> No.26032213

Lamy is the mother
Botan is the father

>> No.26032214
File: 38 KB, 316x159, 705DEB1D-AE5D-4F89-B44D-1F799EBB29A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032217
File: 351 KB, 1200x850, EZ1cs72UEAAOwvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032221

why dont they just restart whoever's hosting it

>> No.26032222

inb4 Watame invites her to her Fever next and it happens before KanaTowa 3D

>> No.26032223

gamedev is rough

>> No.26032224
Quoted by: >>26032300

I would enjoy and watch this mess if they do play it

>> No.26032227
Quoted by: >>26032298

didnt nene buy a gayming laptop? did she rightfully send it back or is it worse than i thought it would be?

>> No.26032231
File: 2.30 MB, 1783x936, Aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Aloe is also here...

>> No.26032232

>gen 5 having fun together


>> No.26032234

Need tummy.

They did a bit more than that, but their last one was briefly during Towa's 3D and announcement streams.

>> No.26032240

>sheep noises

>> No.26032241

They did an Apex collab before their 1 month restriction got lifted, but the last time they appeared together was Towa's 3D announcement I think.

>> No.26032242

Fake fun

>> No.26032243

Why are the Japanese so stagnant when it comes to cultural and media innovations? Specifically when it comes to video games it seems like they're behind by at almost a decade compared to the west.

>> No.26032244
Quoted by: >>26032286

The family play is relative to their actual age right? As in Botan > Lamy > Polka > Nene

>> No.26032245

I sure hope the devs for Craftopia never gave out free keys for streamers to show it off, this is rather embarrassing.

>> No.26032247

Hahahah they mentioned watame again

>> No.26032250
File: 192 KB, 1365x705, asacoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright that's pretty clever

>> No.26032252
Quoted by: >>26032768

so is miko sick or are the other rumours true? like is that her naked?

>> No.26032253
Quoted by: >>26032266

nice potato quality

>> No.26032254

all 4 of them

>> No.26032255
File: 1.12 MB, 498x278, 1596030284877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032329

>cultural and media innovations

>> No.26032257

Language and culture

>> No.26032259
File: 26 KB, 514x346, Aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032301


>> No.26032260

>using magic to kill sheep bugs them out and they freeze
N-nice game...

>> No.26032263
File: 658 KB, 4000x4000, 1590954557385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will wait forever if I have to.

>> No.26032264
File: 3.27 MB, 2480x3508, 1598852138027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032323

i wonder if aloe is watching the stream right now

>> No.26032265
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, EhNjVNiU8AEP9CJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032312

Who poisoned Shionyo

>> No.26032266

Please andastand I also have another 4 streams in the other tab

>> No.26032267

She is. She's hacking from beyond the virtual grave.

>> No.26032268


>> No.26032270

Meanwhile everyone and their mother copied Sekiro

>> No.26032271


>> No.26032274

I mean the game got released on september 4 as early access

>> No.26032276
Quoted by: >>26032304

>video games

>> No.26032277
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1586530153303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene uses some weak magic

>> No.26032278

Please don't....

>> No.26032280

>A decade behind
You mean not putting woke politics in video game?

>> No.26032282
File: 461 KB, 446x469, 1592907689811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is a wyvern?!

>> No.26032283
File: 262 KB, 868x1228, EgrQJ_fUMAA9EaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032284
Quoted by: >>26032320

I want to believe they still keep in touch off stream and they're helping her out with her mental state.

>> No.26032285
File: 567 KB, 1120x1216, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032306

Please watch Polka!
Boost her stream numbers!

>> No.26032286
Quoted by: >>26032439

polka is definitely older than lamy

>> No.26032287
Quoted by: >>26032332

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFvXO-5Ggzk shion apex!

>> No.26032288
Quoted by: >>26032318

They value conformity, staying inside the mold and obeying to older collegues, which kills creativity except for a few weirdos

>> No.26032289

Food coma with Choco!

>> No.26032292
Quoted by: >>26032362

I haven't been watching the streams before this, how do the servers etc in this game work? Similar to ARK/Minecraft?

>> No.26032294
File: 1.55 MB, 1494x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I don't think I'll be able to join Moona, but I'm going to start doing my reps just in case that it catches on.

>> No.26032295
File: 102 KB, 240x240, manoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032296
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1598904925562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032378

Call me when a western game has a good boss fight

>> No.26032298

the graphic card is crappy, comp only have 8gb ram.

>> No.26032300

Maybe we should just try to ask....

>> No.26032301
File: 25 KB, 514x346, 1597399109898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032356

Why did she have to waver?
She made her co-workers sad.

>> No.26032304

I honestly can tell if these people are trolling

>> No.26032305
File: 60 KB, 385x800, A48F0A19-6DA3-4BA3-9630-E55DB7566F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts about Rushia:
> She hates her job
> She hates receiving feedback from her fans
> She hates her fans so much that she has sued some of her fans

>> No.26032306

No. She's a failure.

>> No.26032307

What was GOTY again?

>> No.26032308
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, ChocoSenseiSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post this since she's going to sleep
Sleeping with the wife!

>> No.26032309

What's up with Cover's obsession with having to monetize EVERY SINGLE STREAM that isn't some once in a blue moon serious apology stream? This is the real problem with the whole permissions bullshit. Nijisanji doesn't have permissions for a lot of games (e.g. Dark Souls) but they let their livers stream them anyway and just cut off the monetization so that they can get superchats in their next stream, and the company is still standing despite having "free" streams. But for Cover every stream has to make bank for some reason.

>> No.26032310

How did nene ever consider polka as a big sister
She's more like a fellow retard

>> No.26032312

I did with my Oji spunk

>> No.26032314
File: 186 KB, 322x323, 1598566227353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy is replacing Rushia

>> No.26032315

Craftopia devs paid money to Cover to shill their shit, right?

It's kinda working, I want to buy it now...

>> No.26032316

Lamy keeeek

>> No.26032318
File: 1.92 MB, 4096x2896, Ef2mcXdUEAIZQ2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032355

But most japan games are so nonconformist they never make it oversea where they are banned or censored

>> No.26032319

You can do it Anon. Also I pray that you are right and this game will catch on. I'm tired of watching kusoges.

>> No.26032320

They have to kick her out of discord and she'll have to delete her account. If they don't exchange their LINEs or phone number beforehand... haha...

>> No.26032322

Are you trolling? Even normalfags disparage western kusoge and are super hyped about shit like Elden Ring

>> No.26032323
File: 45 KB, 507x323, 1591729990832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game actually has a feature that lets players play as enemies. Nene is drawing agro because Aloe is mad about the dox

>> No.26032324

dont do it
everyone just crowds around her and it seems like she's going to be carried through everything

>> No.26032325

About the lawyering, the cat and he dog did the same thing

>> No.26032326

3 more minutes
hime, ganbare!!!

>> No.26032327

Cover is far too reliant on superchat income compared to Nijisanji
They need to diversify their revenue if they want to match up to Nijisanji, though to be fair Nijisanji does have way more money to play with comparatively

>> No.26032328
File: 432 KB, 1265x1574, 1597599308751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nioh 2

>> No.26032329

The west going to shit doesn't absolve the japs from making games that are objectively worse than vanilla skyrim

>> No.26032330

Check the archives

>> No.26032331


>> No.26032332

Welcome back shion yo! Goodbye!

>> No.26032333

Mommy Lamy putting her foot down

>> No.26032334

fucking nene

>> No.26032335

Mommy Lamy please spank me....

>> No.26032336
Quoted by: >>26032351

they dont even give a shit about their talents so what do you think?
seriously fuck YAGOO

>> No.26032337

Aloe should be there

>> No.26032338


>> No.26032339
Quoted by: >>26032354

>Coco scolding the secluded painter for giving the Hololive flattiest big chests and tries to unlock his cage where he's hiding from her wrath

>> No.26032340

Lamy is based

>> No.26032341

fellow retarded big sister

>> No.26032343

Remind me again who made Demon Souls/Dark Souls?

>> No.26032344

I don't think they have budget for it. But yeah bought the game after Peko and 5th gen stream yesterday.

>> No.26032345

people still watch those dumb games so they feel encouraged

>> No.26032346
Quoted by: >>26032385

Polka and nene with the dynamics

>> No.26032347

>Nenechi and Polka tries to kill MC while Lamy is stopping them while Botan is laughing
I like this gen5 stream

>> No.26032348
Quoted by: >>26032361

Lamy forbidding the others from killing a non hostile NPC but Nene decides to murder anyway

>> No.26032350

Are all idols psychopathic?

>> No.26032351
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, YAGOOntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yagoo?
i already got you covered bro

>> No.26032352

Shit you're right, they need more brown people and KWEENZ in their video games.

>> No.26032353

This dungeon reminds me of that cunny souls

>> No.26032354


>> No.26032355

aren't most of those fringe indie stuff?

>> No.26032356
Quoted by: >>26032492

The harassment might be a lot harsher than we realize. They might threaten her families and stuffs.

>> No.26032358
Quoted by: >>26032373

Luna in 2 minutes. You will watch her right?

>> No.26032357

Antis would just say they have no permissions to stream the game it literally doesn't make a difference

>> No.26032359

>378 / 472

>> No.26032360

Maybe they gave them free copies for the Holos to use, paying it would be too much for a game that's EA.

>> No.26032361

Nene is warlike!

>> No.26032362

Looking at how shit this is, probably p2p

>> No.26032363
Quoted by: >>26032447

it was 10 years ago

>> No.26032364

>fortnite building in dungeons

>> No.26032365
File: 68 KB, 481x719, 47381DA1-D1C8-454E-B76C-689B0410816A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032380

As I said before I am not really sure if it even exists because I had a headache that day and she might have just read a comment suggesting that it is the announcement she wanted to make (it was during her Live2D announcement stream if I remember correctly) ! So please do not wait for it I do not want to disappoint anybody. (´;Д;`)

>> No.26032368

Unity assets you mean?

>> No.26032369

retardation is usually genetic

>> No.26032370

Good bait, here's (You)

>> No.26032371
Quoted by: >>26032516

It's making me want to buy it too in ARS

>> No.26032373

I'm ready. Might do some reps to get fit with her.

>> No.26032375
Quoted by: >>26032447

>Demon Souls

>> No.26032376

>shilling games by devs who don't want to give you permission
sasuga nijicucks

>> No.26032378

Call me when a nip company besides FromSoft makes a good game

>> No.26032379
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, 1590776362979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Specifically when it comes to video games it seems like they're behind by at almost a decade compared to the west.
That's why their games are still good

>> No.26032380
File: 964 KB, 588x1079, ガオガオ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032452

Please post your cutest Mel

>> No.26032381

i havent heard that name since 2012...

>> No.26032382


>> No.26032383

Unity store assets.

>> No.26032384

Those wooden platforms do not fit the dungoen's style at all, what the fuck? Did the devs use the assets from unity store?

>> No.26032385
File: 246 KB, 372x315, 1596614222027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon who said Rekkles! I mean Haachama in the previous last 2 weeks,
I hope you get 3-0d

>> No.26032388


>> No.26032390

>tfw no drunk Rushia gf

>> No.26032392


>> No.26032391
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1591671740664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032442

Here's your last (you) now go play Assassin's Creed clone 467

>> No.26032394
File: 38 KB, 375x426, kuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032421

>> No.26032396

I mean it might happen if Kanata's health doesn't get better. She already has the VR thing coming this month so they might not want to risk exerting her too much.

>> No.26032397

S-Sugoi dungeon...

>> No.26032398

hey /v/ you have around 500 missed calls

>> No.26032401
File: 141 KB, 954x531, 15119641841984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032404

was that the entire dungeon?

>> No.26032405
File: 230 KB, 854x480, mikoback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, Miko's back already

>> No.26032406

>everyone just crowds around her
This is the main reason why I can see it not catching on. The annoying fucks mostly left Moona alone after she (kindly) told them to fuck off, but I can't see that same happening to the JP holos. They're simply too big and some dedicated autist is going to be bugging them on 24/7.

>> No.26032407
File: 4.00 MB, 1525x1072, mikorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032408
Quoted by: >>26032498

The fuck are you on about? Japan is superior to the west in regard to entire cultural mediums like comics and animation, they're super influential overachievers when it comes to the vidya industry as well. They have the second biggest and second most diverse/experimental music industry/scene in the entire world only behind the States. All they had to do was trade Kurosawa's generation and the entire country's acting skills.

>> No.26032412
File: 403 KB, 988x1755, 1599335612908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Shion daughterfu

>> No.26032413


>> No.26032415

im proud my toaster lasted until i could afford a new one
>as soon as the new one arrived the toaster started failing even harder than usual
you did well my toaster....

>> No.26032416

well she is older

>> No.26032418

Luna's Ring Fit.

>> No.26032419

lunaitos get in here

>> No.26032420
Quoted by: >>26032433

>magic is weak trash compared to physical
why does this happen so often?

>> No.26032421

all these "virus" faggots are the worst of the EOPs

>> No.26032423
File: 337 KB, 571x591, 1593063744298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032424
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1597476701335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032426

nene is awfully quiet

>> No.26032427


>> No.26032429

Are there any classes in craftopia?

>> No.26032430


>> No.26032431
Quoted by: >>26032443

rushia is breast feeding her baby right now

>> No.26032432


>> No.26032433
Quoted by: >>26032469

Hard to balance.

>> No.26032434
File: 993 KB, 646x848, 1599306803621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032599

>coco redditors ready to screencap for karma

>> No.26032435
File: 487 KB, 2500x3000, 104bd02905821a77454882296b7b02bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032487

>Shion's APEX
holy shit it's been forever

>> No.26032436

There was nothing to kill

>> No.26032437
File: 994 KB, 661x871, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032456

Ui mama collab confirmed

>> No.26032438

Wouldn't it be funny if Miko dies today a few minutes after Coco's stream ends?

>> No.26032439

Huh, thought Polka was in her late 20's while Lamy was in her early 30's

>> No.26032440

didn't meant to quote gomenasorry...

>> No.26032441

She must be getting tired since it's past her bedtime

>> No.26032442

Go play your latest asset flip JRPG with retarded story

>> No.26032443

Haha with what breasts?

>> No.26032445

The soulsborne series are the exception. I get that we're on /jp/ and everyone here will try to defend the japanese to their dying breath but look you can't say what they're putiing put for the vast majority when it comes to film/music/games doesn't feel like it's behind by 5-8 years.

>> No.26032446

El macaco.

>> No.26032447

Point being? You have games coming out this year still following the same formula. Hell, the same thing happened with FF-clone RPGs and FE-clone SRPGs

>> No.26032448

>private server
Hosting a private server is illegal dude

>> No.26032449
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 1589516471207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032465

>> No.26032450

Doog Eternal

>> No.26032451

>Luna already out of breath


>> No.26032452
File: 108 KB, 523x787, E9874274-242A-4206-9816-D6523FE76232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032459

It is too hard to choose. Maybe this one ??

>> No.26032453
File: 919 KB, 840x980, 1598982727940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick is ready

>> No.26032455
Quoted by: >>26032548

Oga more like Cutega

>> No.26032456

Will they sex?

>> No.26032459

Good taste
I really like Mel's New Years outfit with the glasses

>> No.26032460
File: 165 KB, 362x397, 1598203844154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here fellow Lunaito

>> No.26032461
Quoted by: >>26032512

Tomorrow kurokami is doing a reverse birthday countdown, as in, counting down until her birthday is over

>> No.26032462

its gonna end 3-2 anon..

>> No.26032463

Nishinari review is way more funnier than reddit review,yet this place still obssesed with the latter for some reason

>> No.26032464

I genuinely don't feel anything like that Anon.

>> No.26032465
Quoted by: >>26032490

why has Flare fanart been getting progressively whiter

>> No.26032467
File: 391 KB, 1451x1080, 20200903_174336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikobiii is baaackakakK!k! sohabbI!!!

>> No.26032468


>> No.26032469

Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be unbalanced on the strong side rather than weaker? How do devs rationalize that magic which costs resources is weaker than melee that can be spammed forever?

>> No.26032470
Quoted by: >>26032477

Giving Himesama my energy.

>> No.26032472

>That duck

>> No.26032474


>> No.26032475
Quoted by: >>26032495

No you fucking faggot you need to watch more movies, listen to more music, and play more vidya. What the fuck are you watching/listening to/playing anyway? Shitty romcom anime and their live action adaptations? Conveyor belt J-Pop? RPGmaker kusoge? You sound exactly like the same sort of born in the wrong generation retard who calls modern music shit when they don't even listen to more than a handful of genres.

>> No.26032476


>> No.26032477

Giving Himesama my dick!

>> No.26032479

Ui-mama is only for (Me).

>> No.26032483

imagine 5kisei playing magicka, jesus the havoc

>> No.26032485
File: 274 KB, 1332x1864, 7fe2882255f8ad179e28e7e4f9f16ba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26032486
File: 196 KB, 1365x725, shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KanaWataSuba collab (and Mio too)

>> No.26032487
File: 222 KB, 1500x1500, EhOH8W4UYAAfziY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shion streaming from the toilet
That's not idol like at all

>> No.26032488

She gave her all during the dungeon fight

>> No.26032490
File: 2.34 MB, 1590x2823, 1598025956511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry her armpit picture still has the healthy tan we all know and love!

>> No.26032491


>> No.26032492
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x719, Civia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thing I absolutely don't fucking understand about Cover. You just literally need to hire a security company to work at you discretion. It is a cost of the business in anywhere else you work with the public, why wouldn't it be with vtubers?
It is an utterly retarded situation because no jap would have the courage or hability to do anything with a bodyguard nearby.

>> No.26032494
Quoted by: >>26032523

Anyone watching meme reviews of any kind don't belong here.

>> No.26032495

>RPGmaker kusoge
hey rpgmaker games are pretty avantgarde, they can experiment freely with stuff
but the downside is maybe like 10 people play them

>> No.26032497

Nene comes to life when it's time for violence.

>> No.26032498

>The Japanese are superior
Look at this shit and honestly tell me they're in the slightest bit superior

>> No.26032501
File: 69 KB, 224x256, 1598929962419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, already dead

>> No.26032503

her horn looks like a tiny dick
i want to suck it

>> No.26032506

There's nothing to kill. Her bloodlust has been sated

>> No.26032510

Party of 5...

>> No.26032511

im one of those 10 peoeple
i have played every nukige to ever grace nyaasi

>> No.26032513
File: 271 KB, 1227x690, rusher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032512

What will she sing

>> No.26032515

luna please... the game hasn't even start yet...

>> No.26032516
Quoted by: >>26032711

You can wait a bit, probably you can get it with less than 1USD if you use ARS
I'm not joking a few days ago Argentinians on steam got vegas pro 18 (+100USD) only paying 0,50 USD in ARS

>> No.26032518

My baby princess is exercising at midnight...

>> No.26032520
File: 22 KB, 747x491, 5476347437843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ids nodd her i tdings 35b...
Izza trek =)(((((((
Weiz bein zamzooled

>> No.26032521
File: 99 KB, 827x1488, 1599352547031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032558


>> No.26032522

>no jap would have the courage or hability to do anything with a bodyguard nearby

I wouldn't be too sure, looking at the suicide rates over there.

>> No.26032523

but Fantano...

>> No.26032524
File: 2.11 MB, 1400x2000, 80726a17d392ddee15cb5c5c1273ac42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again himesama begins to struggle in the warmup...

>> No.26032525

what is the appeal of rushia

>> No.26032526

>Already winded

>> No.26032527
Quoted by: >>26032540

You will never lay beneath the stars and look at the moon with Nene...

>> No.26032530
File: 477 KB, 1250x1000, EhO1VATUcAE5Ua9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032531
Quoted by: >>26032550

Being a cuck

>> No.26032532

ultimately we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. From the looks of it, Cover really wanted to keep Aloe but their PR statement really put her in the further danger by incrementing all the blame to her instead of protecting her.

>> No.26032534

Nene, your climbing reps...

>> No.26032535

do you not realize they been most of their stuff for TGS Online?

>> No.26032536

How are you already exhausted after stretching? Luna HOW?

>> No.26032539

Freeing up your bank account.

>> No.26032540

Well, get into a timezone that has the stars out at the same time as Japan and all you have to do is lay on the ground outside, look up and hope she's looking too

>> No.26032542

Cute sweet loli who turns out to be an extreme menhera if you watch her very long.

>> No.26032544

girlfriend simulator

>> No.26032546

loud noises

>> No.26032547
Quoted by: >>26032612

Aloe isn't a public figure whose face is known by everyone, she was doxxed by a small group of people who decided to stalk her and her family. Giving her a bodyguard who follows her everywhere would attract unwanted attention and potentially threaten her privacy even more.

>> No.26032548

Based omaetachi

>> No.26032550


>> No.26032552

Which holo is doing that Nishinari review?

>> No.26032553

>Polka breaks her legs for the millionth time

>> No.26032554

Nenechi and no health, name a more iconic duo

>> No.26032555

We've discussed their stupidity on this issue to death, but it falls on deaf ears, Cover are retarded.
Only a few of them have been smart enough to create free chats to get around issues, but even then it still won't stop antis shitting on them now they got a taste of blood so they've avoided it entirely.
They'll likely be spending the rest of this and next year diversifying their merch side of the business, which could maybe help alleviate issues.

>> No.26032556
Quoted by: >>26032585

Nene...stop attacking nonhostile NPCs....

>> No.26032558

Does it get bigger when she's horny?

>> No.26032559

Please don't suck my wife's horn

>> No.26032562

>that sexy player character model in Craftopia

Much more pleasing than seeing all the monster humans in Ark or the box people in Minecraft

>> No.26032563

financial domination

>> No.26032564

Hope you guys are gonna supa three regular non jap currency boys have already donated and I’d you aren’t one of them do it now

>> No.26032567
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, lunas had enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so stubborn to play this game bros? is she trying to tell us something?

>> No.26032568


>> No.26032570
File: 698 KB, 893x1200, EhPXDtNVkAEH2Wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032571

Yes I can honestly say that being neither japanese nor a westerner. Just compare how shitty the indie scene is in the west with japan's indie scene. The expo with the funny fat japanese guy and the "why japanese people?!" gaijin dude was peak soul. You're basically linking a AA stream and complaining that it isn't fulfilling your crippling need for GRAFIX when comparatively AA games in the west are worse and pozzed to hell and back.

>> No.26032573

Why do holo girls mix up Indonesia and India?
I've seen both Pekora and Haachama do it. Granted, they're not the brightest holo girls, but still

>> No.26032574


>> No.26032576
Quoted by: >>26032610

Luna's losing to the stairs

>> No.26032577

>stopping midway
okay that's quite funny

>> No.26032578

>had a chance to finally watch FOXDEMON Fall Guys archive
>around 38:13, Oga mentioned how you can get up quickly if you press a button and suggested Fubuki to use that technique
>Fubuki: Really? You can do that?
>Oga: that's what Temma told me, it might be a lie tho lol (chat said it's true)
>Fubuki get choked and said the pressure of being in the last round is really strong
>Oga mentioned again that Temma is really good at this game and high pressure seems to not effect him (chat also agreed)
I'm so pround of my knight!

>> No.26032580

>Nishinari already tamed every species and two titanos, and built a giant stage for it
Sasuga nip autists

>> No.26032581
Quoted by: >>26032601

Try and tell me that Gone home Depression quest are better than those games

>> No.26032582

I don't get why I'm so attracted to her, I just am. Still haven't donated her a cent though.

>> No.26032583

Luna its not even been 15min...

>> No.26032584

Between Polka and Nene, who has the lower IQ?

>> No.26032585


>> No.26032587

Training arc

>> No.26032589

Damn he swole

>> No.26032591

The gameplay of Craftopia looks so fucking jank

>> No.26032592

>clips through stairs to break her legs

>> No.26032593

She wants to get into shape. Even if it kills her

>> No.26032595

Ganbare Lunaaaa

>> No.26032596

5.0 and 5.3 MSQ are the highlights of the entire game.

>> No.26032597

Nene is 100% unga bunga and I love her for it.

>> No.26032599

Who are you quoting, avatarfag?

>> No.26032601

He'll just call you a cherry-picker, even if that's all that he's doing himself.

>> No.26032603

Giga nigga demon is mad flexing on us Lunabros...

>> No.26032604
Quoted by: >>26032666

Man Oga and everyone else in Hololive and Holostars is so lucky... I wish Fubuki was my friend, like for real not a joke but she was a real friend... I wish I got to chill and play games with Fubuki...

>> No.26032606
File: 250 KB, 635x600, 1593748935873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032607

India is called "Indo" in Japanese.

>> No.26032609
File: 31 KB, 406x406, 1570532566516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she has to go to Tokyo to do stuff and is staying at Shion's stop narrative posting you blert.

>> No.26032610
File: 862 KB, 1500x1061, f815976d5e9b9c029249025dbb6c6c0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "nagaaaae" was hilarious to me.

God I think I found my oshi...

>> No.26032611

Luna is giving her best, at least she tries compared to some of the other obese chuubas.

>> No.26032612

You do know that bodyguard services for these kind of industries provide discreet protection right? Not all bodyguards walk behind you wearing a suit my dude.

>> No.26032614
Quoted by: >>26032667

Polka is highly intelligent

>> No.26032615

Nenechi pls don't

>> No.26032617
Quoted by: >>26032644

Only a week until the collab ban is up.

>> No.26032618

She decided to get swole after almost killing herself playing VR videogames.

>> No.26032619

I just woke up now. What happened to Peko? Is she sick or something? I'm so worried right now

>> No.26032620

prepping for holofes

>> No.26032621
Quoted by: >>26032667

Polka is merely pretending

>> No.26032622

Yeah what about it?

>> No.26032623

Peko and Haachama are the two holos i'd expect to have no clue of geography

>> No.26032625
Quoted by: >>26032674

why is it called an oishie
convince me to use that word

>> No.26032626

>4 squats
i don't watch yesterday's stream, is she playing in easiest mode?

>> No.26032627
File: 1.62 MB, 2752x2336, 1598326913151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032708

>You will never have a cute annoying clingy drunk Rushia try to keep you awake by making a whiny voice.

>> No.26032628

both shitholes full of brown people

>> No.26032629

Luna... your neck...

>> No.26032631


>> No.26032634
File: 792 KB, 800x1131, 1576324725735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for the good news.

>> No.26032632
Quoted by: >>26032721

Good point actually. The jp indie/doujin game scene is in a hell of a lot better state than the west's. When you think indie game in the west you think pretentious, navel-gazing, SJW-pandering walking simulators, """"roguelites"""", or JRPG clones.

>> No.26032635

They both use Indo in jp

>> No.26032637

Pekora is in the hospital sadly, she got hit by a car.

>> No.26032638


>> No.26032642


Chat probably shortens Indonesia or the girls are geographically retarded.

>> No.26032643

Meant for

>> No.26032644

I am excited for the collabs with Choco

>> No.26032645
File: 335 KB, 718x1080, 1598316846167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26032681

Smug superiority

>> No.26032649

Luna is one of those people made of glass that wants to prove she's not made of glass despite the risk involved

>> No.26032648

polka is fucking DEAD

>> No.26032651

she slayed the gays and uninstalled xenoblade
triumphant victory for pekochads

>> No.26032653


>> No.26032654

>Poru and Aru fight

>> No.26032655


>> No.26032656


>> No.26032657


>> No.26032659


>> No.26032658


>> No.26032660


>> No.26032661

Imagine if Luna keeps doing this for months and ends up with rock hard abs
Wouldn't that be funny haha

>> No.26032662
Quoted by: >>26032693

>break legs
>gain brouzouf
her legs will be ok

>> No.26032663


>> No.26032664

The absolute state of Polka.

>> No.26032665

>high pressure seems to not effect him
Hex-a-gone likes to say a word

>> No.26032666
Quoted by: >>26032702

This is why you should audition into HolostarsEN right now anon. Make it comes true.

>> No.26032667
Quoted by: >>26032717

proof it

>> No.26032670
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1967, 44205e4015af0ee8efbc0370a3d60d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love botan so fucking much.

>> No.26032669


>> No.26032671
File: 169 KB, 498x498, jfmsubotan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of the 4 polka is the most unpopular?
weird i thought she had the best intro

>> No.26032672
File: 2.09 MB, 1366x768, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032674

cause its delicious very oishii

>> No.26032676


>> No.26032678

Polka committed suicide on stream...

>> No.26032679
File: 145 KB, 850x1204, Nene1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to love this, trust me. What you're seeing right now is my normal state

>> No.26032680

How long until any vTuber gets to these numbers?
Add 220k on twitch

>> No.26032681

You did offer congratulations to Sora-mama over twitter for her 3rd anniversary... Right?

>> No.26032682
File: 41 KB, 662x686, ぺこみこ。。。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26032684

>polka gets the least views in the collab
I knew she would decline

>> No.26032686
Quoted by: >>26032730

>the boss health already halved after 2 (two) rounds
looks like it

>> No.26032687
Quoted by: >>26032715

why does botan always look downward

>> No.26032689

Ys 9 is superior as fuck, yes.

>> No.26032690


>> No.26032693

Polka's adventures in the cycles of guilt!

>> No.26032694
Quoted by: >>26032718

There's literally no point in watching Polka's POV of this collab, she isn't streaming her Live 2D and you can hear everything she says on the other streams.

>> No.26032695

imagine she gets more fit than most people in here haha

>> No.26032696

How new?

>> No.26032697
Quoted by: >>26032723

Worst computer, most people probably follow the stream with the best settings instead

>> No.26032699

>Luna going from being made of glass to being made of steel
But can she fight against the uncontested WWE champion Aki is a cage match at summerslam?

>> No.26032702

Auditions already closed ages ago and you needed prior experience to show to them (I don't have that) and I also don't have the time to stream properly or the equipment too since I'm a full-time student... Maybe if Hololive is around in a few years...

>> No.26032703
Quoted by: >>26032776

It's because her rig is too shit to stream this so she filters everyone but her actual fans

>> No.26032704

Indo means India, eg. Indo European languages

>> No.26032705

>16 minutes
>Panting already
She's gonna faint, isn't she.

>> No.26032707

Luna's doing it!!!

>> No.26032708

Thank God

>> No.26032709

Hololive big collab, but in baseball

>> No.26032711

>it's real
What the fuck. I'll wait for it a bit.

>> No.26032713

Hopefully never. I do hope the holoEN will be quarantined on twitch, that would be good.

>> No.26032715

It's the gamer pose, Miko also did it.

>> No.26032716

give it a year.
2 at most

>> No.26032717


>> No.26032718

and that is precisely why I have her stream on without the sound

>> No.26032720

Sora is now 3 years old

>> No.26032721

the main difference between west and japanese games is this.
West thinks about their politics and their cultural bullshit first as their base of inspiration when creating games.
Japan focuses on creating games that they think people wants to play and are not afraid to push the boundaries of storytelling or gameplay. Their games might also be political but they can present it in a more elegant way.

>> No.26032723

Why doesn't Cover provide their employees with the tools they need to do their job?

>> No.26032722
Quoted by: >>26032776

she also has the absolute SHITTIEST computer IN THE ENTIRETY OF HOLOLIVE

>> No.26032724

Luna... your legs... are you okay?

>> No.26032725

why dont we ask the rushiacuck about this one

>> No.26032727
Quoted by: >>26032776

it's because she's shit at games and has a weak PC

>> No.26032729
Quoted by: >>26032756


>> No.26032730

Which difficulty peko played last time?

>> No.26032731
Quoted by: >>26032776

It's because her gameplay is in such a low quality/resolution that it's hard to watch unless you want to see how bad it looks. For the 4th gen collabs, I always watch Botan because I trust her setup always works and is high quality.

>> No.26032732

I want to watch Polka but Nene's stream is far more interesting
I have all 4 running anyway

>> No.26032733

they're missing out
seeing everyone just float around because animations broke was the funniest shit

>> No.26032737

She's DAIJOUBU NANORA no need to worry.

>> No.26032738

fuck off you dumb nigger

>> No.26032742

Now that I think about it, India's probably only called Indo in japan because the nips don't have a symbol for and cant pronounce "di", so instead of saying injia they went with indo. How dumb is that.

>> No.26032745


>> No.26032747
Quoted by: >>26032862

Honestly when they were a tiny company it was understandable but at this point there's no reason. They really need to update their contracts

>> No.26032746

that boss is weak as fuck but at least it's better than seeing her dying on stream

>> No.26032749

>162 after ONE map

>> No.26032750


>> No.26032753
Quoted by: >>26032781

Nene is retarded, expect to be the bullied in every collab when she is allowed to be with her senpais, specially by Towa.

>> No.26032755

>Still 2 months until Polka gets her youtube money, can quit her part time job and actually buy a working PC

>> No.26032756

How new?

>> No.26032758

She’s been trying to force herself to improve her fitness because she has been a borderline shut in for a few years and it got really bad during Covid-19 she tried doing private streams where she did daily work outs but decided to stop for various reasons and now she has RFA she’s going to do it on her Luna channel. Please show support.

>> No.26032759

This is a reasonable reason to be honest

>> No.26032763


>> No.26032764

They do have one for that sound (ディ) but when they adopted the word from (I assume the English language) they wouldn't have had it

>> No.26032767
Quoted by: >>26032778

Which Gokisei has the best smelling pussy?

>> No.26032768
Quoted by: >>26032796

That was not Miko and never will, been debunked many times, sometimes I got tired explaining it because newfags can't into archive. It's really just a poor photoshop job from NNDantis (so obvious that it first appeared on an anti blog) just to slander her, that was all way back in 2015 just because she announced her early retirement from the site because of constant harassment, and the only evidence is literally only that pic, doesn't even looks like the same person even if you compare it. Go to 2chan, 5ch and even NND now, not even antis of her talk about this anymore because they know it's fake, if it's real, she will be bombarded by antis about this and will be purged or graduated by now. Only pathetic EOP newfags will believe that, because they think they just found something awesome or some invaluable secret for the first time kek, don't tell me you fell for that?

And yes, she is sick but today she will be discharged from the hospital, only a matter of time for her return.

>> No.26032769

anyone have polka's pc specs? is she planning on upgrading?

>> No.26032770

Nene gliding into a jump slash to hit an airborne enemy, Super Nenechi!

>> No.26032772


>> No.26032775

I'm watching her because it's like a clown car crash. But her PC is so potato that she can't even run Live2D simultaneously so she isn't even playing with her avatar up. So I don't think this is the vtuber experience most people want.

>> No.26032776


>> No.26032778


>> No.26032780

Yaago backwards is Ogaay.

>> No.26032781

NeneTowa will be the greatest stream of the year, mark my fucking words

>> No.26032782


>> No.26032783

Hard to know that when she didn't play minecraft

>> No.26032784

Fuck you. Polka best five

>> No.26032786

All these /fit/ experts in Luna's chat.

>> No.26032787
Quoted by: >>26032804

kek Polkafags are a thing now

>> No.26032790


>> No.26032791


>> No.26032792

>so instead of saying ___ they went with ___. How dumb is that.
welcome to 80% of katakana foreign names, brazaa

>> No.26032793


>> No.26032794

all me btw

>> No.26032796

I can't wait for Miko to get back with everyone for ARK raids and stuff, also to finish playing the games she bought on steam a while ago. It's been so long

>> No.26032798

why is it so hard for weebs on here to accept that most of nip vidya (and other forms of entertainment) is just recycled garbage? okay we can all admit the west fucking sucks but don't even try act the nips are in the slightest bit better. you all sound like you're on /v/ with your "hurr durr the japenis saev bideo gaems" shtick.

>> No.26032799

Polka is just mad

>> No.26032801

Explains why jap game stories are the worst in the business

>> No.26032804


>> No.26032807


>> No.26032809

100% confirmed collabs within the first week of the ban lifting:
Botan and Watame
Nene and Towa
Polka and Tamaki
Lamy and...?

>> No.26032811

sasuga naitos

>> No.26032813

You can go back to /v/ and your stupid lingo

>> No.26032815

shes probably worked out more in the last two days than them

>> No.26032816

It must have been hard to type that out

>> No.26032817

Don't know but she said she checked and found out her computer is the worst in all of Hololive.

>> No.26032818

oh nonono
noelflare bros

>> No.26032819


>> No.26032822
Quoted by: >>26032873

Lamy and Rushia!

>> No.26032823

Did she get any keto or veganfags yet?

>> No.26032824

Luna is for /fit/

>> No.26032825

The roid fit memes were real

>> No.26032826

Lamy and Luna.

>> No.26032827

Choco seemed really interested in Lamy in her debut since they liked DBD and ASMR.

>> No.26032828

we need another minecraft arc but another different game with gen 5
fuck knows what that will be.

>> No.26032829

they do. old loanwords still retain old spelling from before they tweaked katakana to be able to represent more sounds

>> No.26032830

Fuck this i have to go to work early tomorrow. I'll just watch the archive, fuck you niggers

>> No.26032832

Lamy and Choco DBD

>> No.26032831

>Japan focuses on creating games that they think people wants to play
I don't want to play any of their shit

>> No.26032833


>> No.26032834

Lamy and Noel roommate offcollab

>> No.26032835

>you all sound like you're on /v/
I hope the irony of your post isn't lost on you.

>> No.26032836

Nene's stupidity have killed someone, or she planned it.

>> No.26032837
Quoted by: >>26032872


>> No.26032838
Quoted by: >>26032877

You're looking at it.

>> No.26032839

How long does it usually take for Choco to start examining people?

>> No.26032840

Who would have though that your average Luna viewer is ripped and goes to the gym 6 times a week

>> No.26032841


>> No.26032842

They definitely can pronounce it if Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is anything to go by. No Ideahow they write it or Ti though.

>> No.26032843
Quoted by: >>26032891


>> No.26032844

Are you a gook by any chance?

>> No.26032845
Quoted by: >>26032891


>> No.26032847
Quoted by: >>26032891


>> No.26032848

I wonder how smelly Luna's bloomers are now?

>> No.26032849

What's your favorite videogame anon?

>> No.26032852

cant wait to watch towa harapan nene live

>> No.26032855
Quoted by: >>26032891


>> No.26032857


>> No.26032856
Quoted by: >>26032888

>Botan and Watame
I'm wondering what they are doing with this pairing as they've been talking about it quite a lot, but I'm not sure if their tastes in games match that well. Their personalities will probably work well and I guess Watame can play most games at a passable level.

>> No.26032858

h-hime-sama that's lewd

>> No.26032859

Absolutely based Okayu

>> No.26032861

New ARK map!

>> No.26032860

Luna is clearly obese and very out of shape, I'm proud of her, she's trying her best. I remember being fat, everything takes so much energy.

>> No.26032862

Do you want to know the real reason? It's because you get more of your superchat if you have your own equipment

>> No.26032863

bless that one guy keep holding the parasol for Moona every single time Moona talks to an NPC

>> No.26032864

your mom is unrecycleable garbage lole

>> No.26032865


>> No.26032866


>> No.26032867

never saw a vtuber get this blown out before
one day this channel will turn its focus on hololive if they become relevant enough

>> No.26032871

Aloe and my penis

>> No.26032872


>> No.26032873

The milkdown

>> No.26032876

I don't think the word came from English (probably from China).
In my language and Chinese, India has only 2 syllables

>> No.26032877

>early access

>> No.26032880

so? who are you?
are you japanese? do you live in japan?

>> No.26032881

STRONG princess

>> No.26032882

Luna is so close to dying...

>> No.26032883

I feel like Luna is going to die any second now.

>> No.26032885

Fresh MC server with indos, chinks and stars all in it

>> No.26032886

What if when Miko comes back nobody play ARK anymore... wouldn't it be funny lmao

>> No.26032888

Play Apex of course.

>> No.26032889

Fuck Luna stop I can only get SO erect...

>> No.26032891


>> No.26032893

ase bishobisho nora...

>> No.26032894

Hopefully Noel

>> No.26032896

off topic

>> No.26032899

sorry bros, i just can't help myself

>> No.26032900


>> No.26032901

what's going on here? making fun of lulu?

>> No.26032903
Quoted by: >>26032934

>polka dipping under 8k
oh no no no polkabros, what the fuck

>> No.26032904

Who? What? How is this Hololive related?

>> No.26032905

I want to have sex with Luna

>> No.26032906

I don't have a Switch so I don't know, is Ring Fit that exhausting or is Luna just really out of shape.

>> No.26032907

Nenechi is ready for the boss!

>> No.26032908
Quoted by: >>26033015

i want to hear her transition from moaning to legitimate panting from exhaustion in a few minutes

>> No.26032910

Nah there's still a load of stuff left to do and Miko has a load of catching up so I'm sure people will want to welcome her back

>> No.26032911
Quoted by: >>26032921

>same golem boss again
nice game

>> No.26032913

>already recycle the first dungeon boss
Nice dungeon you fuckwad

>> No.26032914

Did she just smack herself with the controller? There was a thwack...

>> No.26032915

Let me guess, now you're a ripped out of your mind Lunaito?

>> No.26032917

Super tank Nenecchi!

>> No.26032919

She was left alone after she asked them to not carry her, the moonafics are all nice people

>> No.26032921

Please andastd there are only so many assets in the unity store

>> No.26032922

not holo related, piss off.

>> No.26032923

IIRC this was brought up in the sleepover stream with Patra. Flare was confused why she was the uke and Noel was enjoying the NTR aspect of it.

>> No.26032924


>> No.26032925

Hime... are you okay?

>> No.26032926

Luna broke her own nose...

>> No.26032927

Luna is just fucking dead.

>> No.26032928

ARK would probably be replaced by craftopia when she's back. Hope she won't feel awkward with PC/ARK once she's back.

>> No.26032929

>nene mostly quiet for the last 20 minutes
>enters boss room
>immediately starts screeching

>> No.26032930

it's actually exhausting

>> No.26032931

Depends on the level you set it to
But yes, Luna is finally exercising after decades of sitting in a chair

>> No.26032932

what happened

>> No.26032933


>> No.26032934


>> No.26032936
Quoted by: >>26032951

Imagine having to pant in-character

>> No.26032937

get fucked faggot the anus licker is off topic

>> No.26032939


>> No.26032943

In Asia, India was always pronounced as Indo, people still literally call Native Americans fucking Indians in gunland, really makes you think huh.

>> No.26032945


>> No.26032946

Not even Aqua's Sololive have boosted her fanbase. Has Aqua truly declining or just stagnating? It feels like her recent streams just doesn't cut it anymore.

>> No.26032947
Quoted by: >>26033030

>ARK would probably be replaced by craftopia when she's back
Never in a million years. That game is held together with tape and doesn't have a proper server hosting system

>> No.26032949

Luna's second wind is awakening NOW!

>> No.26032950


>> No.26032951

shes doing a pretty good job at it

>> No.26032952
Quoted by: >>26033030

Still too early to replace anything with Craftopia, it needs at least another half a year of work.

>> No.26032953

It's exhausting.
I haven't played in months, i probably should

>> No.26032955

it's HIIT cardio, but >cardio

>> No.26032956


Is this going to be a trend

>> No.26032959
Quoted by: >>26032984

Actually better, fuck ARK

>> No.26032960

Well that's it, Luna is dead

>> No.26032961
Quoted by: >>26032979

Has Luna farted yet? I'll only watch the stream if she does.

>> No.26032962
Quoted by: >>26032978

She’s not obese she’s just really unfit

>> No.26032965


>> No.26032967

I hope so if they actually are going to finish the game

>> No.26032969

You gotta push it to the limit, Lunaaa nanoraa!!

>> No.26032971

Didn't someone suggest he should play this earlier today? Did he bring it up or was anon a prophet?

>> No.26032973

The Roberu keeping up the war against Peko.

>> No.26032974

he just finished majora's mask, need new series, pls andastd

>> No.26032975

Luna is breaking her fucking room because of her exhaustion someone save her..

>> No.26032978

It's impossible to be winded from standing up unless you're obese.

>> No.26032979

holos probably use enemas before playing ring fit

>> No.26032980

Fuck off coco

>> No.26032981
Quoted by: >>26033046

What most asian countries dont call india indo

>> No.26032983

I saw someone here say that he's going to play it so maybe he talked about it.

>> No.26032984
Quoted by: >>26033018

But there's no Dinos and cool animals in Craftopia...

>> No.26032985

maybe if you post it another 50 times someone will believe you esl-kun

>> No.26032986

he said it at the end of the zelda stream

>> No.26032989

I watcher her a lot up until Aberration. After the solo tribe and abadango incidents something changed, and also she only played fucking Apex.

>> No.26032990

Remember when Luna said she was pretending to be unfit to play her character

>> No.26032991

Why is there a chicken on a fucking volcano

>> No.26032993

He was planning to do it after Majora's Mask. Huge coincidence it is alongside Pekora's.

>> No.26032992
Quoted by: >>26033028


>> No.26032994

Lol no

>> No.26032995
Quoted by: >>26033095

>Roberu Xenoblade
This might be 1st time I'll watch an entire stream of him

>> No.26032997

choco and graduation

>> No.26032996

Unironically what did he mean by this?

>> No.26032999

Luna please you have been panting for more than 5 minutes now

>> No.26033000


>> No.26033001

>Polka could afford two original songs with her Nobuhime bux
>uses a toaster for a PC
Upgrade you lazy bitch.

>> No.26033002

if she's obese, shuba would have a harder time dragging her when she collapsed

>> No.26033003

I'm with her, no matter what happens. I won't leave her alone

>> No.26033004

wtf the Roberu/Peko war is back in full force

>> No.26033005

she's a nearly middle-aged hikkineet

>> No.26033006

she took a big vacation and people ditched her

>> No.26033007

is shionyo good at apex?

>> No.26033009

She's going super seijin nora.

>> No.26033010

the pekofag roberu narrative...

>> No.26033008

Super skinny people can be even more out of shape than fat people because they haven't had to carry around all that mass for years.

>> No.26033011

If you're not fit RFA will fuck you up and expose parts of your body that is undertrained. You can get the same amount of soreness if not more like when you're going to the gym but its mostly cardios.

>> No.26033013

This really of makes me want to exercise. I've barely moved for the last 6 months...

>> No.26033014

Why would a pay event boost her fanbase? The only people paying will be her existing fans
Pretty terrible idea honestly

>> No.26033015
Quoted by: >>26033047

>ywn have Luna try to ride you
>ywn have Luna roll off 15 seconds later, completely out of breath and drenched in sweat
I'm Goslinging hard bros

>> No.26033016


>> No.26033017

I knew a girl who was super slim and could barely handle an hour long jog, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that luna is in the same situation.

>> No.26033018
Quoted by: >>26033060

There are still other games

>> No.26033019
Quoted by: >>26033103


It's stream time!

>> No.26033020
Quoted by: >>26033049

I will never understand nips love for those shitty sound effects in every clip.

>> No.26033022


>> No.26033021

Trying to talk non stop definitely doesn't help Luna with maintaining a steady breath.

>> No.26033023

The west is worse so the nips are better.
Simple as.
I mean it sounds more like you just wanna say you hate vidya in general.

>> No.26033025

....trying to not masturbate to lunas moans bros...she's pure but....but....

>> No.26033027

I want Kurokami to step on me so bad

>> No.26033028

Kurokami live2D model when

>> No.26033030

That's good to know that she still have a game to come back to. Thought everything just feels wrong because I'm watching Polka's POV

>> No.26033036

>Luna heavy breathing

>> No.26033037

anon, luna is winded up from sitting down during matsuri's 3D birthday

>> No.26033038

Someone really needs to make a Roberu sounds x Luna edit.

>> No.26033039

she's not fat, I've seen her roommate

>> No.26033040

She's trying so hard.

>> No.26033045

she's 0 you fuck

>> No.26033044

I'll have a hard time not cumming once that stream drops

>> No.26033046

it's yin4 du1 in chinese, pretty close

>> No.26033047

[multiple chairs and tables clattering]

>> No.26033049
Quoted by: >>26033129

Have you seen Japanese TV programs?

>> No.26033050
Quoted by: >>26033073

These Luna sounds... holy shit is she exhausted from doing almost nothing.

>> No.26033051

Botan just waiting for the tard squad...

>> No.26033052
Quoted by: >>26033108

Stagnating because she's not streaming since she's currently busy. She'll probably get back to it soon enough.

>> No.26033053

I hope there are more big DbD collabs

>> No.26033056


>> No.26033057

It's okay bro.... We all understand your plight..

>> No.26033058
Quoted by: >>26033112


>> No.26033060

name 2

>> No.26033061

For someone with Luna’s lifestyle it will be a killer even on low.

>> No.26033063
Quoted by: >>26033086

>Most western games are shooter and cinematic shit
>Not recycled garbage

>> No.26033067

its ok she admits that she's sexy

>> No.26033068


>> No.26033069

the path of the lunaCHAD is before you anon

>> No.26033070

The perfect age.

>> No.26033071
Quoted by: >>26033138

good one fatty

>> No.26033072
Quoted by: >>26033097

>Kurokami singing Charles

>> No.26033073

Truly the improover of hololive, learning to play piano and getting into shape.

>> No.26033074

>tune into luna
>she's moaning
Ok now I see why y'all want to fuck her

>> No.26033075
Quoted by: >>26033121

My baby princess...

>> No.26033076

Is Kurokami just Fubuki using her real voice?

>> No.26033077

Shion yo is live

>> No.26033083


>> No.26033084

>kurokami out of nowhere
Sure I'll take it.

>> No.26033085

She's only gonna get younger from here!

>> No.26033086

And wrpg + indie roguelikes

>> No.26033089
Quoted by: >>26033152

Risu blocked Moona from the router. I know you did this you dumb tree rat

>> No.26033090

Korone your diet reps...

>> No.26033091

I already did and I don't regret it one bit

>> No.26033095

Why does he always play what Peko plays? Is he secretly a Peko fan?

>> No.26033097


>> No.26033099

this just shows why pekochads keep winning
xenoshit is garbage

>> No.26033100


>> No.26033101

at little more deeper, but yeah

>> No.26033102
Quoted by: >>26033140

how the fuck is polka this bad at videogames

>> No.26033104

Can't wait for today's celebration stream

>> No.26033103

More like snack time

>> No.26033106

>The game shows that she had done 5 min and 36 seconds worth of exercise
She sounds like she is about to pass out

>> No.26033107

getting an urge for some midnight mcdonalds...

>> No.26033108

busy with what? it's her job

>> No.26033109
Quoted by: >>26033221

Aloe and Noose

>> No.26033111


>> No.26033112

its a homo, nobody is watching it

>> No.26033114

you can easily get your lifting in while watching to work out together with our hime sama

>> No.26033115

I thought she was going for image changes this year lol

>> No.26033118

I can't listen to Charles without thinking about that once cover anymore

>> No.26033120

>On average people spend 30min to 1h at the gym
>Luna can barely handle 5 minutes

>> No.26033121
Quoted by: >>26033141

her hairless cunny.........

>> No.26033122
Quoted by: >>26033149


>> No.26033128
Quoted by: >>26033173

I’m Luna’s L*yger and the two most common narratives that she is fat and old are bullshit she is sickly thin with little muscle there’s a reason people are shocked when they meet her and find out how shit her stamina is and think she is unwell

>> No.26033129

I have not.

>> No.26033132
Quoted by: >>26033158

Wasn't HoloEN supposed to have been announced Friday?

>> No.26033131

Snacking will make you fat Shion

>> No.26033134
Quoted by: >>26033176

What ban?

>> No.26033136
Quoted by: >>26033188

what's the name of the song Kurokami just finished singing?

>> No.26033135


>> No.26033137

These Luna sounds...

>> No.26033138

It's for the same reason fat people have more muscle mass than skinny people. Ever wonder why formally fat people have big calves? Carrying around extra mass forces your body to adapt.

>> No.26033139

It's closer but not really the same.

>> No.26033140
Quoted by: >>26033230

big titty girls don’t need to be good at video games

>> No.26033141

so smooth...

>> No.26033142

>On average people spend 30min to 1h at the gym

Yes, for the people that actually go to the gym that is, most people don't.

>> No.26033143
Quoted by: >>26033175

twigs usually have more endurance than fatties when it comes to body weight exercise

>> No.26033145

>morning zatsudan straight into a xenoblade stream tomorrow
my son can't wait to play it

>> No.26033147


>> No.26033149
Quoted by: >>26033168

Who did he akasupa this time?

>> No.26033151

Nah, her real voice is between Fubuki and Kurokami

>> No.26033152

Risu you fuck stop lurking and do guerilla

>> No.26033153
Quoted by: >>26033205

>Skipping dinner and eating cake at 0:30 AM after being sick for days
Shion needs an adult

>> No.26033154

Yeah, almost

>> No.26033156

imo Kurokami's voice sounds a little too strained when she's trying to sing

>> No.26033157

botan is carrying the rest of the gen so hard

>> No.26033158

No yagoo simply said it would happen next week and there would be an announcement soon

>> No.26033159

Holy shit Rushia is drunk out of her fucking mind.

>> No.26033161

So is Craftopia the new Ark?

>> No.26033162

It's a good time to be a Luna chad bros.

>> No.26033163

happy new yeah!!!!!

>> No.26033165

did nene just break those rocks with a five star frog splash from 200 feet?

>> No.26033166
Quoted by: >>26033192

>only eating castella as dinner
Shion yo...

>> No.26033168


>> No.26033170
Quoted by: >>26033191

Nobody told me Mio was singing today

>> No.26033172
Quoted by: >>26033206

Man, I just want to vigorously get Luna into shape

>> No.26033173

i hope your doing your lifting alongside our 姫様

>> No.26033174
Quoted by: >>26033198


>> No.26033175
Quoted by: >>26033260

I wonder how your endurance will help you when I break you in half and then sit on you.

>> No.26033176

5th gen can't collab with older gens for a while so that they build their own characters/relationships within their group
Happens with every generation

>> No.26033178

She did it Lunaitos

>> No.26033180
Quoted by: >>26033207

You can hear her biological clock ticking at this point with all this mommy roleplay.

>> No.26033181


>> No.26033182

>Tune in
>Rushia is sperging the fuck out

>> No.26033183
Quoted by: >>26033209

i’m dropping anyone who collabs with towa

>> No.26033187


>> No.26033188

See the top riight corner anonchama

>> No.26033191

By the way, Mio is singing today

>> No.26033192

That's what happens when you live alone with no boyfriend to cook for you

>> No.26033193

skater nenechi

>> No.26033195

We might be getting somethig before Kanata's break.

>> No.26033194
Quoted by: >>26033220

I wish I was a girl

>> No.26033196

>152 heart rate after having stopped several times
lmfao she's not faking it she's really this unfit

>> No.26033198

Learn to use hololive schedule and/or jetri, retard.

>> No.26033199

Aruran has a cover coming out in a couple days

>> No.26033200

>click rushia
>kissing sounds
>my name uruha rushia i am cute mommy

>> No.26033201

That can apply to any of her streams drunk or not.

>> No.26033202

Nah, it's probably kirin-san

>> No.26033203

At least this game is ambitious, this is janky as fuck though

>> No.26033205
Quoted by: >>26033237

Don't worry, Aqua will be there for a few days and oh fuck oh shit Shion yo...

>> No.26033206

Based gym instructor Lunaito

>> No.26033207

>tfw no ovulating rushia gf

>> No.26033209

I guess your mom thought you were collabing with Towa while you're were still a baby

>> No.26033211
Quoted by: >>26033249

I love how Shion spends the first 10-15 minutes of her streams doing nothing and just talk with the viewers.

>> No.26033214


>> No.26033216

God Imagine having sex with Luna for hours and this she keeps making these erotic noises and makes your dick even harder

>> No.26033217

>Polka manages to get lost in a hallway

>> No.26033218

Sucking dick

>> No.26033220
Quoted by: >>26033240


>> No.26033221


>> No.26033222

nene... tony hawk onegai...

>> No.26033224
Quoted by: >>26033236

is polka a retard

>> No.26033226


>> No.26033230
Quoted by: >>26033235

Wait, has she being doxxed before?

>> No.26033231
Quoted by: >>26033255

Anon she would make these noises after 5 minutes

>> No.26033232

I wonder how this is gonna sound. I've not really heard him sing outside of the Blessing cover

>> No.26033234
Quoted by: >>26033247

So dungeons are the same in every map?

>> No.26033235

Why are ESLs like this?

>> No.26033236

She's never played a video game before

>> No.26033237

Aqua will invite Mea over to whip Shion into shape and become a ningen, if that doesnt work well then its up to the Ojisans...

>> No.26033238

i guess towa sucks and licks cocks every day

>> No.26033239
Quoted by: >>26033263

Luna is so cute. I can't wait for her next RFA stream. I really hope she keeps it up.

>> No.26033240
Quoted by: >>26033264

So I would be cute and pretty

>> No.26033241


>> No.26033244

My baby will knock you the fuck out!!!

>> No.26033246
Quoted by: >>26033356

You played 2 maps and did 8,5 mins worth of exercise during 45 minutes you dumb baby!

>> No.26033247

Fighting dungeon is the same

>> No.26033249

Do that at the end too and you only need 30 mins of actual content!

>> No.26033248

Is the randomly generated
Pretty sure peko got this skateboard thing on first island

>> No.26033253


>> No.26033254
Quoted by: >>26033302

Kurokami is giving me tingles man
I need deep and sexy voices

>> No.26033255

Even better, those moans make my dick more powerful

>> No.26033259

How on earth do Holos have time to play a game that long? 3-4 single player FF? Just how big is this story? Must be super good to be this long. Must be why Ayame wasn't streaming for so long.

>> No.26033260

You need to lay hands on him first tho...

>> No.26033261

Why couldn't Cover get a holo with a similar voice as Kurokami?

>> No.26033262
Quoted by: >>26033292

Imagine sexually assaulting Luna and she tries to run away but can barely make it 20m without running out of breath

>> No.26033263
Quoted by: >>26033299

I wonder if, like Aqua, management told Luna she needed to increase her stamina, but unlike Aqua instead of taking a break she decided to incorporate it into her streams.

>> No.26033264


>> No.26033265


>> No.26033266

kurokami or fuboki for you?

>> No.26033267


>> No.26033268


>> No.26033269
Quoted by: >>26033312

>burned 27 extra calories during the 45 minutes

>> No.26033271


>> No.26033272


>> No.26033273


>> No.26033274


>> No.26033276


>> No.26033279

>Kurosama can you be my wife peko?
Fucking autists

>> No.26033280

Nene you're not supposed to dive into the lava

>> No.26033283
Quoted by: >>26033364

>Kuro-sama can you be my wife?
>There's no way that could happen

>> No.26033284

in the roommate video she sounds almost like Shirakami, but with a slightly lower tone.

>> No.26033285


>> No.26033287

We are friendo.

>> No.26033288


>> No.26033289

>Rushia killed Watame and turned her into a ghost

>> No.26033290

both at the same time

>> No.26033292

I'd end up feeling bad for her

>> No.26033293

She needs to build her stamina she needs to stay by doing 10 minutes a day until she isn’t out of breath immediately people have told her this

>> No.26033295

>friendzoned by Kurokami

>> No.26033296

i didn't know she would take a break, is there any particular reason why?

>> No.26033297


>> No.26033298

>almost dies again
sasuga nene

>> No.26033299

But Aqua made that decision herself to increase her stamina.

>> No.26033300

Worst singer of homostars...

>> No.26033301


>> No.26033302

pick one

>> No.26033303
Quoted by: >>26033343

Reminder that Nene is the only one with the beautiful roomate of gen 5

>> No.26033304
Quoted by: >>26033344

>talking isn't content

>> No.26033305


>> No.26033306


>> No.26033309

Teaching Polka how to play video games!
Helping her undress at night because she's too stupid to figure out how to take her clothes off!
Bending her legs over her head!
Inserting your penis into her vagina!

>> No.26033310

In the next episode
Nene dies in lava!

>> No.26033312

shes not trying to burn calories, shes trying to get fit

>> No.26033313
Quoted by: >>26033337

EOPs don't like her and they are the biggest factors of growth in the current state of hololive, I have a feeling the way she acts turns them off and they prefer more confident streamers like korone, pekora and coco, those three get translated clips pumped out daily. Aqua would have to shift her personality or force an EOP pandering gimmick to get clipped more to jump start her growth again and she's not the type to do that.

>> No.26033314

No I want them both

>> No.26033315
Quoted by: >>26033353

every coomer who lewds luna will be sentenced to death by the pure knights of her kingdom
there will be NO mercy
we will protect our princess at any cost

>> No.26033317

It's just long if you're getting in now, but if you have been playing it for years it's not bad. Anyways ffxiv is bad streaming game unless you're raiding.

>> No.26033318


>> No.26033320

That used to be Kaoru...

>> No.26033319


>> No.26033321


>> No.26033322

My baby princess doing stretches like a good girl!

>> No.26033323

premium nenechi...

>> No.26033324


>> No.26033325

>Must be super good to be this long.
Normally the relation is lower quality with higher quantity

>> No.26033327

Rushia is losing it

>> No.26033329

Super nenechi....

>> No.26033331

rushia is done
shes reciting lyrics from that thousand mile song

>> No.26033333

I hope someone is recording this Rushia stream.

>> No.26033334

gottem bro

>> No.26033335

Hime-sama forgive me

>> No.26033336


>> No.26033337

EOPs like her, but she barely streams anymore

>> No.26033338

>Just how big is this story? Must be super good to be this long.
Well you're looking at 3 bigass expansions on top of the base game which wasn't that good.
The quality varies but two expansions at least are considered pretty good to amazing.

>> No.26033339
Quoted by: >>26033354

that's Oga.

>> No.26033340

oh shit are holofive at death mountain?

>> No.26033341

>You'll never drink Rushia's saliva mixed with Alcohol

>> No.26033343

What about Lamy's?

>> No.26033344
Quoted by: >>26033366

>talking is content

>> No.26033346

Filtered by volcano....

>> No.26033348

Deep fried Nenechi.

>> No.26033349

what the FUCK is rushia doing

>> No.26033350


>> No.26033352


>> No.26033353

Finally a real chad enters the arena!

>> No.26033354

Has Oga ever done an utawaku?

>> No.26033355


>> No.26033356

please andastnd, baby doesn't have much stamina

>> No.26033359
Quoted by: >>26033377

I'm glad I stayed fandead. Rushia brings me so much joy

>> No.26033360
Quoted by: >>26033380



>> No.26033361
Quoted by: >>26033389

rushia is pretending to be a sexy toddler who is making cocks cum

>> No.26033362
Quoted by: >>26033387

>tune in to rushia's stream
what the fuck is this
she's hammered like I've never been in my life

>> No.26033365

>your holo
>why survey post with 20 left

>> No.26033364

Please someone clip it

>> No.26033366

EOPchama your zatsudan rep...

>> No.26033368

Lamy rescuing her retarded daughter

>> No.26033370
Quoted by: >>26033393

What rank was Shion last season?

>> No.26033371

Lamy the sole reason Nene can get up the mountain and now over the magma.

>> No.26033373

polka is useless...

>> No.26033374

I want to have sex with Kurkoami

>> No.26033375

he did an acapella

>> No.26033377

Same, she does things to my heart even after the yabee.

>> No.26033378
Quoted by: >>26033384

he's sang for people during some streams and it's terrible. The truth is, nobody in HoloPro with a deep sexy voice can sing

>> No.26033380

why the fuck does reddit know NTRoberu

>> No.26033382

cmon at least a retweet or a like Urokuta they are waiting

>> No.26033384


>> No.26033387

She saw a married couple yesterday.

>> No.26033388

Yeah but in her defense you don't exercise the whole time unless you are doing
So it's like, 17~20 seconds doing the set itself and 3 min of rest. That is an average I estimated based on lower and upper limits I've seen.

>> No.26033389

Is that her secret technique for extracting akasupas?

>> No.26033391

Look at the username.

>> No.26033392

Some retard crossie posted it there.

>> No.26033393

She hasn't played apex since like may and she was gold I think

>> No.26033394

>not realizing at least half of the anons here are on reddit

>> No.26033395

Anon...we are on reddit

>> No.26033396

This thread is like 85% reddit anon

>> No.26033399

moona. . .

>> No.26033400


>> No.26033401

Gene 5s really are having fun with this stream

>> No.26033402

