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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, EUyXJ_fWAAAO3N5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25610518 No.25610518 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25610521
File: 807 KB, 715x1000, 72217550_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!
The ban rta stream almost makes me disappointed to be a Haaton

>> No.25610522
File: 1.17 MB, 900x700, 1583981152537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610598


>> No.25610524
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25610525
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610835

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25610526
File: 137 KB, 992x476, 1597530895958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be a clownposter too?

>> No.25610527
File: 932 KB, 2894x4093, 1577130995585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Botan!

>> No.25610528
File: 555 KB, 506x786, 1587109581261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610529
File: 214 KB, 359x718, Koropeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610552

She's at peace now

>> No.25610530
File: 887 KB, 1000x1406, 1593375989122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610532
File: 457 KB, 2048x1443, Ef1XTzaUwAA5MMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610533

This image makes me want to fap the Haato.

>> No.25610534
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, you are my one winged angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610570

i fucking love you so much more than any real person that ive actually known okayu~n

>> No.25610536
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x1125, CuteDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25610537

Me too bro...

>> No.25610539

Her smile and optimism: Gone.

>> No.25610540 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 760 KB, 1240x1754, 1597937676472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[true] shion!

>> No.25610542
File: 740 KB, 388x375, 1596929285281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with a stripper
She really think I'm playing, I'm playing
She take me for a joke when I say it
I'm in love with a stripper
Gotta get her, gotta get with her
I can't stay out this club

>> No.25610543


>> No.25610544

Why hasn't Watame done ASMR streams? Her voice is perfect for it.

>> No.25610546

I think korone has had enough of shit guys

>> No.25610545
File: 23 KB, 98x96, GONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her smile and optimism... you couldn't protect it bros...

>> No.25610547

Haachama's going through her edgy teen phase...surely she'll get out of it sooner or later...

>> No.25610548
File: 862 KB, 1298x730, wcsheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610549
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1594561078830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25610550
File: 1.46 MB, 1447x2046, 20200819_101003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610552
Quoted by: >>25610860

Is this a Gurren Lagann reference?

>> No.25610553
File: 94 KB, 171x234, silence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25610554
Quoted by: >>25610643

did she end up getting banned? why dissapointed? isnt this par for the course with her content lately?

>> No.25610555

>took Miko's time slot but can't handle it
>gets 10k+ viewers no matter what she does
>cries at the end of every stream
>feels alone all the time, her only company are her chips
>plays party games alone
>fans are a bunch of falseflaggers and depressed people
>finally surpassed her "rival"
>3k viewers average, still a lot of superchats
>tons of collabs (leeching)
>living with her 2 best friends
>happy with being a cumpet
>does whatever she wants
>fans are a bunch of idolfags who pity her
who won at the end?

>> No.25610558

she's cute!
she can sing!
shes an angel!
she has supple, suckable breasts!
she's cute!

>> No.25610557
File: 13 KB, 539x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it keeps happening

>> No.25610559
File: 989 KB, 4093x2894, Ef3zmdUU0AAhBh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25610560

how do people still watch aqua after her previous life? oh so socially awkward can't talk to people but she had boys lined up for her...

>> No.25610561
File: 582 KB, 848x750, big nabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610761

Damn, that is a big nabe.

>> No.25610562
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610563


>> No.25610565
File: 20 KB, 1158x130, hiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610566


>> No.25610567
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.25610568
Quoted by: >>25610643


>> No.25610569
Quoted by: >>25610600

Korone threatening to beat people up in an abandoned lot!

>> No.25610570
Quoted by: >>25610609

>you are my one winged angle
so you want to kill her?

>> No.25610571
Quoted by: >>25610618

She's planning on doing them.

>> No.25610572
File: 875 KB, 256x256, 1595650870378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream later today, hopefully

>> No.25610574
File: 1.59 MB, 1700x1498, 1570883769417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread got,
>2002 posts
>302 images
Stop breaking 4channel you fuckers!

>> No.25610575
Quoted by: >>25610618

Need a pricey mic

>> No.25610576

Why is the leach of hololive being such a fucking fake friend?

>> No.25610578

>present fake numbers as facts
Not you

>> No.25610579
File: 359 KB, 473x782, 1575338994832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking trex

>> No.25610580
File: 349 KB, 1464x2048, EfiVVrkUYAA-2bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612162

My cool summer wife Lamy!

>> No.25610582


6 (SIX) streams.

>> No.25610583
File: 210 KB, 1039x1500, 1595105282687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610628

Botan... game stream onegai....

>> No.25610584
File: 3.02 MB, 4093x2894, 83485609_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610640


>> No.25610585

I don't think so, but they've barely interacted with each other. Suisei's pretty friendly so I think they'd actually get along nicely if Watame wants to collab with her. Thanks to Haachama, Suisei can actually ask Watame for a song collab without feeling awkward.

>> No.25610586
File: 137 KB, 313x274, file(21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Nene!

>> No.25610587


>> No.25610588 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 672x494, 1597937782603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mel will never gently tug down your pants while she looks up at you, smiling before your erect penis flops out before her. Her eyes widening before they narrow as she opens her mouth, her little fang gently digging into your erect penis as it slowly leaks blood but the feeling of her cute mouth milking your dick for more blood feels really good so you let her keep doing it before you coom in her little mouth while she makes soft cute noises and pulls off, thanking you for the meal.
Wake me up bros

>> No.25610589
Quoted by: >>25611166

I'm surprised that you're still an unironic Haaton considering how Haato acts recently actually.

>> No.25610590
File: 603 KB, 1273x718, OBEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who won at the end?

>> No.25610591
File: 116 KB, 1407x341, sex_shitai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulfilling Polka's dream!

>> No.25610592
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

公開しよう黒歴史 もっと (船長!愛してる!)
後悔ならさせません きっと (船長!恋してる!)
好きだったら好きだって叫べ (船長!かわいいよ!)
大航海 待ったなしの(船長!行こうよ船長!)

>> No.25610593
File: 307 KB, 500x500, 1574392354623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610629

Towa is a whore

>> No.25610594

>who won at the end?

>> No.25610595

the gap was only 15k yesterday.......

>> No.25610596
Quoted by: >>25610685

Fuck, I wish Kanata and Coco will talk with these voices forever instead that mickey mouse and high nasal voice

>> No.25610597

What do we always say? DON'T GET ELIMINATED!

>> No.25610598
File: 447 KB, 625x813, 1569924363524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610718

This image is a bit low quality きtら-anon

>> No.25610599

wew lad

>> No.25610600

Korone getting a back tattoo and joining the yakuza!

Korone taking yubis as tribute!

>> No.25610601
File: 1.20 MB, 841x1279, Haato6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will calms down after she get a boyfriend and have lots of sex with him.

>> No.25610602

what a machine

>> No.25610604
File: 893 KB, 800x1131, tpa425 1295673668782026752_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.25610605
File: 766 KB, 1448x2048, 1593622704895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610659

She's judging me again...

>> No.25610606

She's at a weird phase/age right now and locked on Australia, be strong Haaton.

>> No.25610607
Quoted by: >>25610633


>> No.25610608

If you post the full picture I'll ask Mr Titor about it

>> No.25610609

no, sephiroth was a sick cunt

>> No.25610610

Not to be rude but, is this how mel usually sings? Or is today just her off day?

>> No.25610612


>> No.25610613
Quoted by: >>25610649

Doesn't/Didn't he literally have a stake in niconico? What the hell is he doing on youtube?

>> No.25610614
File: 134 KB, 500x500, 1593374985620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Nene.

>> No.25610617

Give us a board already

>> No.25610618

That's good to hear.

Cover doesn't have any at their office?

>> No.25610619
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1597186077114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610666

Korone's streams are pure kino, the ultimate in entertainment.

>> No.25610620

Korone seems to be enjoying this game. What are the chances that it'll be an endurance stream?

>> No.25610622
File: 972 KB, 1194x671, aloe10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610623

KanaCoco setting another flag for Mikoti...

>> No.25610621
Quoted by: >>25610881

but why

>> No.25610626

Rightfully so.

>> No.25610625

>that necklace

>> No.25610627
File: 215 KB, 1000x1267, Ef3U1thU8AUxSg6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love KanaCoco!

>> No.25610628

wait for her setup...

>> No.25610629

Boooo! Get better material!

>> No.25610630


>> No.25610631
File: 293 KB, 413x449, 1569912389771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le dork
can you not? is really cringe

>> No.25610632

Watame...dice poker is sinful....

>> No.25610633

Umm bro I don't watch translated clips

>> No.25610636
Quoted by: >>25610985

I want Towa to punch Nene in the fucking face!

>> No.25610638 [DELETED] 

Honorary Hololive

>> No.25610639
Quoted by: >>25610654

>Miko re-tweeted this
God I just want her to RAPE Pekora already.

>> No.25610640


>> No.25610641

I'm excited

>> No.25610642
File: 122 KB, 661x623, Matsuri Kuzuha punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to get some of the holocards for Koikatsu
>Spend two days in-game getting them to high friendship
>Keep teasing Matsuri to the point she says we can "maybe do lewd things"
>"hey lets have sex then"
>She denies and runs off
>Marine suddenly appears begging for sex
>Deny cause I don't like cake
>Later decide to check in on Luna to get her friendship up
>Matsuri is eating her out in the gym storage shed
>Go home after denying Marine again
>Try to check on Matsuri the next day after denying Marine again
>She's at the fucking storage shed again with Choco

>> No.25610644

will kson be introducing her new roommate next stream?

>> No.25610643

Way to close to just selling her characters sexuality for cash and paying for membership feels like I'm supporting that.

>> No.25610646

lober is a hard workin son

>> No.25610650
File: 1.36 MB, 1300x1771, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_drawn_by_jiino__8175c9370c7f0c0a1c7113b4127eb6ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 22 Thread #1

I love Mikochi!

>> No.25610649

He bought 4chan, do you really think he is a good businessman?

>> No.25610651
File: 27 KB, 303x303, bulliednene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bulli

>> No.25610653
Quoted by: >>25610696

Who are you quotting?

>> No.25610654
Quoted by: >>25610694

She can't, her tongue is too short to satisfy Pekora...

>> No.25610656

I bet if she made endurance singing stream she could've reach 400k today
Hope she'll be able to do countdown but timing seems kinda eh

>> No.25610657
File: 52 KB, 413x424, Nene4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in a street fight Nene could beat Towa

>> No.25610659
File: 743 KB, 870x866, KoroneJudge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610658
File: 27 KB, 215x361, 1597406482848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is not going deaf and doesn't have a hard timer on her career


>> No.25610660


>> No.25610661
File: 131 KB, 850x1200, DDAA9F48-080E-459B-B664-C028C707F9E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25610662

its nice to see my son do what he loves

>> No.25610663

Why is Coco so fucking gay for Kanata?

>> No.25610665

Watch, support, and love Luna

>> No.25610666


>> No.25610668
File: 167 KB, 445x523, 1597930292497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610669
Quoted by: >>25610696

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25610670
File: 143 KB, 582x706, 20200819_160631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610874


>> No.25610671

A lot of collab lined up for Luna

>> No.25610673
File: 324 KB, 601x472, 1591033637451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan retweeted this
What the fuck?!

>> No.25610674
Quoted by: >>25611277

no, no, and no

>> No.25610675
File: 285 KB, 1165x1329, polkadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck coco and fuck Reddit fags

>> No.25610677
File: 1.01 MB, 960x540, 1596480869749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based tokyo ghoul

>> No.25610678

korosan... last round... onegai...

>> No.25610679

Why are you like this

>> No.25610680

Your such a dork anon >///<

>> No.25610681
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1597237073910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, bitch! nobody touch my Nene. 5th gang forever

>> No.25610683
File: 1.05 MB, 1054x1078, marine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610684

>Coco wants to eat Haachama's cooking too
Why does she want to die?

>> No.25610685

It's amazing how much they both change when they're together. Give it some time and Kanata will go even deeper to her fully relaxed voice https://files.catbox.moe/jouk63.webm

>> No.25610687
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1587656920168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610688
Quoted by: >>25610726

it's good art, what's the issue?

>> No.25610689
File: 189 KB, 404x343, 1590015985412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610691


>> No.25610692
File: 178 KB, 1600x900, Suisei93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610714

I love Suisei

>> No.25610693

ah i can understand that. good luck haaton things will work out

>> No.25610694
File: 297 KB, 480x480, 1597122176333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take care of it peko.

>> No.25610695
Quoted by: >>25610727

I understand the confusion but she's not Chun-Li Anon

>> No.25610696
File: 99 KB, 658x674, 1585619214594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610741

Towa dead corpse

>> No.25610697
Quoted by: >>25610861

eh she probably will do it rarely so its not too bad

>> No.25610699


>> No.25610700 [SPOILER] 
File: 773 KB, 1600x1800, 1597938009862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610771

true shion!

>> No.25610701

what if aloe is matsuri's sister and she's taking revenge on nijisanji because of that?

>> No.25610703

Korone... do your cosmetic reps...

>> No.25610706
File: 221 KB, 800x1193, 1593165989873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is intimidated by the Comet, obviously

>> No.25610707

Roberu Home Sweet Home kino is back on the menu.

>> No.25610708

Can we all agree that Korone is fucking trash at Fall Guy

>> No.25610709

Botan, the stream...

>> No.25610710
File: 65 KB, 200x200, kanata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to strangle me to death

>> No.25610711

watadonalds btfo

>> No.25610713


>> No.25610714

I am going to shoot so much fucking piss into her ass you wouldn't even believe

>> No.25610715
File: 406 KB, 527x537, Nene wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxxing sluts with Nene!

>> No.25610716
Quoted by: >>25610747

Watching the EOP waifu autists bounce between watame, towa and botan is so tiring

Get some taste /v/ tourists

>> No.25610717

I mean, it's good art.

>> No.25610718

im running out of new images...

>> No.25610719
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1591430201575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprise korone asmr

>> No.25610724
Quoted by: >>25611027

Yes, and?

>> No.25610725
File: 141 KB, 237x310, 1583329697567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, dork.

>> No.25610726

The feet in your face? That should be fucking obvious

>> No.25610727

Yeah she's Clum-Sy.

>> No.25610728

reddit tier take

>> No.25610729

The leech is just genetically inferior.

>> No.25610730

She's american

>> No.25610731

so if haachama gets back to japan they will actually taste her food wtf

>> No.25610734
File: 341 KB, 617x617, baton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something wrong?

>> No.25610736
Quoted by: >>25610764

Coco gets lonely easy and Kanata is always lonely, and also never judges Coco for her quirks and shortcomings.

>> No.25610739
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1593485055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610823

but im doing all that right now

>> No.25610741
File: 637 KB, 528x531, die cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare would immolate you without a second's notice

>> No.25610743
File: 104 KB, 853x1080, 20200819_083212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25610744
File: 2.98 MB, 2480x3508, 83772523_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy with Perfect Pitch Tenshi shirt!

>> No.25610745
File: 261 KB, 480x480, 1594038583227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610760

It's scientifically proven that anyone with a foot fetish has some sort of disorder in their brain
source: my ass

>> No.25610747
Quoted by: >>25610788

Don't they usally just flock to korone anyways?

>> No.25610748

the real question is why doesn't she retweet other good art, why specifically this

>> No.25610749

sometimes you just want to do things you know will go poorly out of morbid curiosity, like when you intentionally play dogshit games to see for yourself how bad they are

>> No.25610752
File: 231 KB, 465x241, luna - hell yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always watch her whenever she streams

>> No.25610753
Quoted by: >>25610779

This whole situation feels parallel to the Matsuri situation. With fans becoming disillusioned.

>> No.25610755
Quoted by: >>25610774

She might accidentally break your neck before you suffocate.

>> No.25610756

I mean, it's a good fanart.

>> No.25610757

The fuckin mad man. Truly is /ourson/

>> No.25610759
File: 905 KB, 1156x1440, 1597189225661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa can only hurt herself.

>> No.25610760

What if I have a fetish for your ass

>> No.25610761

triangulating the location of Hololive House based on the pots reflection rn

>> No.25610762

She strangles you to death and then reanimates you with her angel powers. And then does it again.

>> No.25610763
Quoted by: >>25611025

Don't bother with quality, you're ritualposting! Just post the same damn image!

>> No.25610764
Quoted by: >>25610865

Oh boy they gonna end up having sex the closer they get.

>> No.25610765

She's just glad to find a real friend, she joined hololive because she had no friends for years.

>> No.25610766
Quoted by: >>25610804


>> No.25610770
Quoted by: >>25610813

What's wrong with liking feet? I like feet and I think I'm normal.

>> No.25610771

My one goal in life is to have sex with shion

>> No.25610774

even better. also what if she chokes me while i fuck her haha

>> No.25610775

prude opinions are disregarded

>> No.25610776
Quoted by: >>25611045

>tfw my N5 ass cant understand this
this fucking clown is just too much for me...

>> No.25610777

Idol culture is cool!

>> No.25610778

truly her biggest enemy...

>> No.25610779

Its like a shionboku doujin.

>> No.25610781

Why do Fall Guys snipers have to be griefers I just want to play with Koro san...

>> No.25610782
File: 652 KB, 1536x2048, Efy1W6hUwAAALEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.25610783
File: 177 KB, 278x365, 1594153543859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just realised that "roommate" doesn't literally refer to someone's roommate

>> No.25610784

>icon is a sperm
>retweets shit like this

>> No.25610785

>the real question is why doesn't she retweet other good art
She does

>> No.25610786

>happy with being a cumpet
I mean, given the chance, would someone here NOT suck the cocock?

>> No.25610788

Korone is the gateway, then they get frustrated because she doesn't pander to eops and reddit like some other holos so they go there

Only true patricians watch korone

>> No.25610789

Ahhhhh I wish I could draw

>> No.25610790

Some people like to eat burnt food. It's fucking weird.

>> No.25610791
File: 964 KB, 848x634, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610871

>They see your dick

>> No.25610792
File: 816 KB, 3000x2179, 1581202901958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna have a go at it?

>> No.25610795
Quoted by: >>25610831

>Korosan keeps running against the direction of the arrows

>> No.25610798

Start posting PekoMiko, there is plenty of good art there and it is sanctioned by both 35ps and Nousagis

>> No.25610799
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1568054679777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope she kills herself

>> No.25610800
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 1597462177885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL be there for Roboco's sololive right?

>> No.25610801
File: 406 KB, 617x617, 1597664294862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other artists should have been more based

>> No.25610804

>that first reply
was it worth it?

>> No.25610803
File: 41 KB, 404x384, iG9O2rtQ7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610805
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1591688132660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610868

If it really took you more than a minute to get this you're actually retarded

>> No.25610806

What about the feet? Not everyone has a feet fetish, Haachama. Believe it or not, they are not sexual characteristics.

>> No.25610808

What was it exactly?

>> No.25610809

this pptcoco stream is really hard to watch. irl gosling posting

>> No.25610807

Getting up early just for her

>> No.25610810
Quoted by: >>25610838

Why does this turn me on

>> No.25610811
Quoted by: >>25610847

need more art of holos eating at Watadonalds

>> No.25610813
File: 2.18 MB, 2066x2923, 1597435124960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing against feet but 腋 is the thinking mans fetish

>> No.25610815

Is it on youtube for free?

>> No.25610817
File: 21 KB, 329x329, 1597141805815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you thought that we were literally talking about the holo's real life roommates for (at times) hundreds, even thousands of posts?

>> No.25610819
File: 219 KB, 1097x617, sucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine her in a therapy session

>> No.25610820
File: 2.30 MB, 600x338, ezgif-7-903886f03272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fix that

>> No.25610822
Quoted by: >>25610864

haha you idiot

thanks for telling me anon I was very confused

>> No.25610823


>> No.25610825
Quoted by: >>25610883

Her what? When is that?

>> No.25610826

I wish I have friends...

>> No.25610827


>> No.25610828

Buddy she got an english tutor, no one panders to EoPs more than korone. Even coco tries to keep her distance.

>> No.25610829


>> No.25610830

To be honest, I think Kanata has a personality which is really independent and as ten times resilient as Watamei's is.
But I hope eventually the sheep win because of a hoard of simps desperately supporting her, and that makes the angel voicelessly weep in a corner of her room and the dragon gets her motherly instinct stimulated again.

>> No.25610831

It was triggering my autism too

>> No.25610834
File: 703 KB, 3840x2160, huge rushirobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610863


>> No.25610833
File: 847 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610835

your nicotine stained yubis, you hand them over first!

>> No.25610836
File: 1.10 MB, 1472x2000, 1596544232622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610883


>> No.25610837

I wonder what kinds of things older men in her life have done to her (excluding her father)

>> No.25610839
Quoted by: >>25610854

Towa suicide forest stream when? The one where she kills herself at the end.

>> No.25610838

because those shorts

>> No.25610840
File: 103 KB, 230x276, 1596714768850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely true

>> No.25610844

>Even coco tries to keep her distance.

Every second sentence is in english and she posts near daily on /r/hololive

>> No.25610847

Excuse me its wataburger now

>> No.25610849

Watame has a higher chance to off herself because she's loser nerd living an empty life, meanwhile Kanata is a protagonist in a real-life psychological thriller and is too busy suffering mentally and physically to contemplate suicide.

>> No.25610854
File: 455 KB, 812x666, 1589654405675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610857

Another holo filtered by slime climb.....

>> No.25610859

>took Miko's time slot
stopped reading here. that's a nice narrative tenshifag but Watame has been doing late night/early morning streams that lasted until (what would be) Watame no Uta's premiere since April. the difference between then and now is that no one watched her; a situation that's changed considering she has over twice the subs she used to have

>> No.25610860
File: 172 KB, 359x718, Korodead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now

>> No.25610861

If it wasn't members only I could cope better like the first lewd art viewing stream, but with how lewd some of the images were and locking it behind membership just felt like it crossed the line of what is acceptable

>> No.25610863

I will be there then
Have to show my support as a member of her channel

>> No.25610864
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610865

I don't think they can really see each other as romantic partners but if one of them really pushed it really hard then who knows. Kanata has already seen Coco at her lowest, being her babysitter when Coco tripped on her pills, so she won't be driven away easily.

>> No.25610867
File: 122 KB, 850x597, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_anemachi_hololive_drawn_by_mugiusagi__sample-83ff1dc556ac23cf94eb0b11768aeb05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610880

Suzy let me pee in your butt onegai...

>> No.25610868
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1574966528205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610913

It took me probably more than a month to realize that...
I always thought it was weird that people were regularly talking about how Noel's roommates bra size had grown again, I thought; "Why the fuck is this person so interesting and how is it even related? And why the fuck do they all have roommates anyways?"
Then eventually I understood and I felt very stupid.

>> No.25610870

based son putting in the hardwork to solidify his incline

>> No.25610871
Quoted by: >>25610905

God, Coco's model is so fucking bad. When is Cover going to give their biggest earner an update?

>> No.25610872

Coco / Kanata fans are pathetic

>> No.25610873
Quoted by: >>25610909

I do my reps every day and I still don't understand faggots here who complain about holos trying to communicate with the international audience. Why are you even here when the hipster thread exists?

>> No.25610874
File: 53 KB, 331x307, gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting! or I-I'll do it..! I'll go and meet my oshi...!

>> No.25610875
Quoted by: >>25610911

will we get a kanata guest appearance on kson?

>> No.25610876

Haatons are better than haachama

>> No.25610877

LOL! Watching paint dry is more entertaining than that bitch

>> No.25610879
File: 442 KB, 1080x1080, EbwVLRwU4AAJsQB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do homobros enjoy Suntempo apex collab today? Didn't know that a unit consisting of a different kind of autists can actually have chemistry. Watch them being cute and singing sill song here. https://twitter.com/NASA07916055/status/1296456986423373824?s=20

>> No.25610880

Sorry anonymous, only kanata can pee in her butt now.

>> No.25610881

I'm surprised fubuki hasn't touched it yet

>> No.25610883
File: 2.22 MB, 592x1280, 1597929271268.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eck6xeVUp78

Her solo live! On Saturday night!

Fuck you, elf!

>> No.25610884

fucking nice anon

>> No.25610885
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1597617896850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610908


>> No.25610886

Ogey Watame.

>> No.25610887
File: 85 KB, 768x768, EfKe45yX0AA69ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610971


>> No.25610891
Quoted by: >>25610939

towafags are more pathetic

>> No.25610893

Shut the fuck up sheep.

>> No.25610895
File: 534 KB, 2480x3508, 639d21629b4b83457de5d0471b72d5df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25610899
File: 92 KB, 715x822, 1595868059655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610898

Towafags are more pathetic but its pretty close

>> No.25610900

I genuinely couldn't understand why someone's roommates were so troublesome

>> No.25610901
File: 28 KB, 186x208, 1459565872155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started watching them last week, you mean they don't live in the same place together?

>> No.25610902

thanks for telling me i will be there now!

>> No.25610903
File: 1.56 MB, 2556x2157, honking_stops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it down, Gosling. You're not going anywhere.

>> No.25610904

no thats an Ashita no Joe reference

>> No.25610905

personally i love how dumb it looks and hope it never gets "better" because then it could end up like matsuris

>> No.25610906
Quoted by: >>25610980

>"I stream when I'm lonely"
>Streams 10 hours a day and sleeps the rest
Kanata is the clear winner. Let's just hope the sheep doesn't graduate herself from life before even attempting to make friends with holos.

>> No.25610907 [DELETED] 

so i just stumbled upon coco's other channel. do any of the other girls have separate channels/personas too?

>> No.25610908
File: 877 KB, 676x1000, Aloepits3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610909

>I still don't understand faggots here who complain about holos trying to communicate with the international audience
sunk cost
they wasted years learning japanese, now the time comes to flaunt it and vtubers start pandering to eops anyway

>> No.25610911
Quoted by: >>25610961

No, they have strict rules that they shouldn't enter each other's rooms when they are streaming. They'll even communicate mostly through Discord unless they absolutely need to talk to each other irl.

>> No.25610912

Why are watamefags like this?

>> No.25610913
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1594346509635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel bad, pekofags being dumb and getting bullied for it makes you the perfect pekora fan, in a sense i'm paying respects to your oshi by putting you in the same position as her persona.

>> No.25610916

Coco and Kanata are roommates

>> No.25610917

Hoshikawa is a bad influence.
I wish watame, Suisei and the rest took better care of Haato.

>> No.25610918 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 750x737, 1597511074605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger tier fan list:


Anyone else?

>> No.25610919


>> No.25610920
Quoted by: >>25610945

What's with all the newfags today......?

>> No.25610924

I have set my alarm. See you then, robobro!

>> No.25610926

It'll get more painful once Suisei joins in and you'll hear her saying これ楽しいね!!! all the time.

>> No.25610925

>dead mother
>all-girl's Christian school
>Touhou fan
Her being like this was inevitable.

>> No.25610928 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25610972

can you not?

>> No.25610929

Imagine if a woman got invited...

>> No.25610931
File: 152 KB, 710x704, 20200820_174916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610934

You had your chances to be with friends but you pushed them away, Watame.

>> No.25610935


>> No.25610936

pandering polker

>> No.25610937
File: 46 KB, 720x711, IMG_20200503_224220_061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait it doesn't?

>> No.25610938


>> No.25610939
File: 136 KB, 367x361, 1597157288771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25610967

I'm not sure why, but always seeing these posts so consistently just cracks me up. Same with the occasional Towa is a whore posts.

And I even like Towa

>> No.25610941

Armpitfags are disgusting and should graduate

>> No.25610942


>> No.25610944

Coco and Kanata are the only actual roommates in Hololive. If you want to stretch it, Suisei will be neighbours with them soon.

>> No.25610945

Where have you been this past week?

>> No.25610947

Newfags PLEASE fuck off

>> No.25610948
File: 85 KB, 800x566, 1_rvPt1PgeWoHquFsWFgk66g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, swine

>> No.25610951
Quoted by: >>25610986

>the winning clip is over 1k views now

>> No.25610954

>depressing and ceying everyday
Watame gonna inevitably commit suicide at this rate

>> No.25610955

I thought the word roommate was used so that no one will get banned for discussing their irl personas.

>> No.25610956

Why do you think Watame is friends with those two losers

>> No.25610958


>> No.25610959
File: 1017 KB, 1062x1505, 1597759538361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I will fall for your reverse psychology how could you tell

>> No.25610960

>Not Gunsling
Come one dudes work on your file names.

>> No.25610961

I'm sure they'll stop following the rules after one week.

>> No.25610962
File: 1.55 MB, 1767x2500, 1566664456739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610963

Which Hololives would enjoy Disco Elysium?

>> No.25610965
File: 85 KB, 287x287, 1595272272017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25610966
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1597376243876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommate word confusing newfags even more now that some holos are actually roomates

>> No.25610967

Towa is cool, Towafags aren't.

>> No.25610968

I quite like Coco when she's more sedate and never uttering a word of English.

>> No.25610969

will korone ever get to the final round?

>> No.25610971

wow this is way better than scrolling through her art tag every couple of days

>> No.25610972 [DELETED] 

i deliberately didnt name the channel, so you can fucking do one desu

>> No.25610973

Who are you quoting? Your post is literally the first post with the word "dork" in this thread

>> No.25610974

those hands are so creepy...my god it really is Nobu

>> No.25610975

oi oi

>> No.25610976
Quoted by: >>25611012

Nene finding Aloe hanging from the ceiling when she comes to visit!

>> No.25610979

I like Coco when she doesn't talk

>> No.25610980

I was hoping sheep would save AZKi. It would be the redemption arc we all need.

>> No.25610985

>"OI! NENE!"

>> No.25610984

I like this Kanata.

>> No.25610986
Quoted by: >>25611028


>> No.25610987

I want to have sex with the soul of Haachama.

>> No.25610989
Quoted by: >>25611029

Coco sounds weird

>> No.25610991

Two autist and their autist tard wrangler.

>> No.25610992

>Astel spilling as usual
>Temma either spurging or becoming neutral out of anxiety
please you can't make Roberu carry everyone here

>> No.25610993

I wanted to tried boiled coke once.
It was the dumbest decision I ever made in my life.

>> No.25610996
Quoted by: >>25611017

I'm cool.

>> No.25610997

If she gets lucky with a lopsided Fall Ball yeah.

>> No.25610998
File: 616 KB, 640x640, OkayuAngry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611043


>> No.25610999

please god no

>> No.25611002
Quoted by: >>25611032

She looked at porn with a barcode over it

>> No.25611003


>> No.25611005
File: 154 KB, 850x807, korone8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the doog is strong, she will surely make it

>> No.25611006

Even then I doubt she'll barge in into Coco's room in the middle of a roommate stream unless it's a complete emergency.

>> No.25611007

rubbing shions cute baby bump!

>> No.25611008

You guys make fun of Korone, but it's her first time playing. How far did you get on your first day?
In before lies. Don't bother replying.

>> No.25611009
Quoted by: >>25611023

Fags aren't cool, that's why they are fags.

>> No.25611010

Korone entering the "last game" phase,

>> No.25611012

Her last customer had a bondage fetish and left her hanging.

>> No.25611013

Roberu is the type of person you put in a collab and it'll never fail. That man will keep things going no matter what.

>> No.25611014

Like her R-18 stream but with actual porn

>> No.25611015

Why are there so many pee pees? Literally what is her appeal? It was asked earlier and nobody really answered

>> No.25611016
File: 139 KB, 800x1132, DJ2Q3ddTVQgjrRNNIW7oQYdyvjx7-JacrZj7kUH0dYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore!

>> No.25611017


>> No.25611018

>Imagine if a woman got invited...
This would just be Holocomi Holostars/FBKing&Festival segment
Roberu carried that shit so hard

>> No.25611022
File: 779 KB, 1200x972, 1594228945877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611091

These 2 are fantastic together. i love them

>> No.25611021

ur mum lol

>> No.25611023
Quoted by: >>25611071

explain drawfags

>> No.25611024 [DELETED] 

Most of em, only some of em still active.

>> No.25611025

i cant
not until haachama poster stops posting new images as well

>> No.25611027
File: 244 KB, 694x637, and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611028
File: 198 KB, 806x660, son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611029

It's the Kanata Magnetism Effect

>> No.25611030

Pushing in Luna's soft spot!

>> No.25611031
File: 1.24 MB, 913x1500, illust_73518990_20200711_082152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611032

actual porn or just erotica

>> No.25611034


>> No.25611035
Quoted by: >>25611067

I believe everyone can make to final round if even Haachama can do it

>> No.25611036

>Coco's roommate streaming.
>Door wide open.
>Kanata's roommate walks by butt naked.

>> No.25611039
File: 9 KB, 320x180, nahmberone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even started getting children viewers
That's what those second-class *idols* will never be able to achieve, peko.

>> No.25611041

she has EX rank endurance, she'll get there eventually

>> No.25611040

Watamefags so quiet when the numbers are against them looool

>> No.25611042


>> No.25611043

please stop posting my catwife doing things she never would

>> No.25611045

Don't worry, N2chad here and I still can't understand anything, because it's not modern Japanese.

>> No.25611047

I want to mating press subaru while ui-mama watches!

>> No.25611048
File: 309 KB, 480x800, 1452980555476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Team tag tail
>Korone immediately runs to spinning hammer and gives her bean brain damage

>> No.25611049

Titties out
No clothes

>> No.25611050

Through sheer persistence if nothing else.

>> No.25611052
File: 418 KB, 2196x2928, palmtopflare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're enjoying your day anon.

>> No.25611053
Quoted by: >>25611087

Which stream was it with Astel and the surprise girl?

>> No.25611055

Did someone spread it to other sites?

>> No.25611057

Have any of the holo girls actually won Fall Guys? I only saw that one Nijisanji girl who has so far.

>> No.25611059
File: 99 KB, 1268x706, 1595762671703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611060
File: 111 KB, 232x249, 1592746576980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611062

Seriously why don't people follow "lurk two years before posting"? You can tell pretty easily who are either tourists or literally new from their posting styles and it would do wonders for the quality of the thread for them to quit posting since they aren't acclimated or know how shit works around here.

>> No.25611064

God I hope, too bad K-*on streams near the wall.

>> No.25611065
Quoted by: >>25611288

Even Noel was better than her with this amount of time.

>> No.25611067
Quoted by: >>25611080

Haachama isn't that bad at games. Rushia is probably the worst out of them all.
>loses direction in fall guys and walks backwards

>> No.25611069
File: 930 KB, 850x992, 1566485108373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611070

3 of them did

>> No.25611071
Quoted by: >>25611132

I'm a drawfag and i ain't cool bro
sorry to dissapoint

>> No.25611073


subaru and aqua?

>> No.25611074

>it worked (kind of)
She's a genius

>> No.25611075

You are joking, right? We are talking about the same Korone or are you just retarded?

>> No.25611076
File: 833 KB, 676x1000, Noelpits4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611119


>> No.25611077
Quoted by: >>25611096

but Kanata's roommate is Coco

>> No.25611079

WTF Coco...

>> No.25611080

>>loses direction in fall guys and walks backwards
Korone has done that a few times

>> No.25611081

Getting under the hammer is honestly the safest spot in those games

>> No.25611083

Matsuri, Aqua, Fubuki all won

>> No.25611084

AZKi will have to come out of the studio first

>> No.25611085

I won on my first day and haven't won since.

>> No.25611086

no penetration, not porn

>> No.25611087
Quoted by: >>25611192


>> No.25611089
File: 181 KB, 811x811, mikan-(chipstar182)-tsunomaki-watame-hololive-Virtual-YouTuber-5886843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611091
File: 204 KB, 1100x1500, 1591382452838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're gonna get more of them than ever. As if they need any more reasons to drop onto each others streams.

>> No.25611095
Quoted by: >>25611114


>> No.25611094
Quoted by: >>25611806

not your secrit club, seething faggot

>> No.25611096


>> No.25611098

No penises involved?

>> No.25611099

please give the pits.png poster a break guys

>> No.25611100

I'm not gonna be sexually attracted to Lamy
I'm not gonna be sexually attracted to Lamy
I'm not gonna be sexually attracted to Lamy
repeat until it becomes true

>> No.25611101


>> No.25611102

>lurk two years before posting
is that a joke

>> No.25611103
File: 835 KB, 676x1000, Botanpits3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611119


>> No.25611104
File: 366 KB, 1254x1552, img_robocosan_firsthalf_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611210

Of course!

>> No.25611107

>loser makes breakfast
oh boy

>> No.25611108

Yes, this picture, somebody, make a Nene edit, I need it.

>> No.25611111
Quoted by: >>25611133

That's just wrong, Towa would never do anything like that with a fan

>> No.25611112
File: 43 KB, 268x418, 1595764302729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611114
Quoted by: >>25611150


>> No.25611115


>> No.25611117
File: 223 KB, 1304x2048, 1597780461219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611244


>> No.25611119

keep them coming you fucking lunatic

>> No.25611120
File: 107 KB, 573x1024, 1596730134538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611278


>> No.25611122
Quoted by: >>25611199

Post topless holos here and see how the meido feels about your comment

>> No.25611124

>Kanata wants to introduce Coco to Amanemama and Oshiomama
KanaSui bros...

>> No.25611125
Quoted by: >>25611199

Never heard of softcore?

>> No.25611127
Quoted by: >>25611181

What's wrong with Larry?

>> No.25611131

>television programmes, magazines, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects >of a non-sexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience.

>> No.25611130

DOOG is learning lads

>> No.25611132

go inside a fridge then

>> No.25611133

Good numbers, good joke.

>> No.25611134


>> No.25611136
File: 73 KB, 1152x720, dekipeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611152

again, WATCH PEKORA while you can who is only genuine in the holo.
Don't pay even marginal attentions to other second-class ones.

>> No.25611137
Quoted by: >>25611147


>> No.25611138
File: 866 KB, 676x1000, Fubupits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611140
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593394916874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611141


>> No.25611142

>Rolling stage
The way she plays is WAY too stressful

>> No.25611144


>> No.25611145

I already am

>> No.25611146
Quoted by: >>25611196

What did I miss? has Korosan won a game already?

>> No.25611147


>> No.25611150

oh mai gawd

>> No.25611152
Quoted by: >>25611273

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.25611153
Quoted by: >>25611193

Korosan still cant reach final

>> No.25611154
File: 90 KB, 769x308, 1597149278047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am flarebro.
I hope you're enjoying yours.

>> No.25611156

>Coco won
Based as fuck

>> No.25611157

Looks like Kanata's mom was right in the end

>> No.25611158
Quoted by: >>25611178

Nursing handjob with Lamy!

>> No.25611159
File: 1.89 MB, 2480x2480, 83723952_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want that?

>> No.25611160

coco english isnt bad, coco addressing EOP redditors is bad because she has to talk to them like theyre children or they wont understand

>> No.25611161

I think Kanata just worships Coco.

>> No.25611163

Suisei needs a new cumpet...

>> No.25611164

Being a 3rd wheel is never fun because that's what would have happened.

>> No.25611165

Nah, I lurked hololive/vtuber threads for 3 years before I made my first post

>> No.25611166

She's been under lockdown in aussieland for like half a year already, please understand

>> No.25611167
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 20200814060612_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got a win really quick. But yeah people are being very hard on Korone she's not even the worst at this among the girls.

>> No.25611168
File: 114 KB, 768x1024, Shion7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about big titted ugly cows anyway.

>> No.25611170

Because the newfags reached criticial mass and there arent enough people to bully them

Also it might be relevant that zoomers have no sense of shame whatsoever

>> No.25611173

I am experiencing withdrawal
Mad withdrawal
I am not used to this

>> No.25611174
Quoted by: >>25611213

You know if one of you translated this and put it on youtube you might actually cause him to incline for real.

>> No.25611175
File: 982 KB, 850x1202, watame_laying_nobg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what collab we get tomorrow sheepbros?

>> No.25611176
File: 1013 KB, 2591x3624, 1597317509214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611306


>> No.25611178

Hopefully these drawings come soon.

>> No.25611179

Fuck off nig
ok there I belong here now so here's your (you)

>> No.25611181
File: 839 KB, 1399x1000, 1596823179835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with her, I just want to set boundaries. She's my momwife. I want to admire her in the right mindset.

>> No.25611182


>> No.25611184
File: 2.09 MB, 2480x3507, Efyr-2HUwAE7Ulf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611204

I miss her so much bros...

>> No.25611183
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1597522496188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611266


>> No.25611185

Kanata, stop giving your mom the wrong idea, not shit they think you're gay

>> No.25611190


>> No.25611191 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 942x810, 1581548301443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611192
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1578478681255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the way he goes quiet after she joins

>> No.25611193
Quoted by: >>25611207

come again?

>> No.25611194


>> No.25611195

post it on reddit please
we need to make him win

>> No.25611196

Not a chance.

>> No.25611197
File: 922 KB, 1095x1500, f7452765e5c5f0995e96f5c4bf1af236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i completely agree!

>> No.25611198


>> No.25611199

softcore is porn where sexual acts are visible but not explicit
no visible penetration, but they're obviously doing it

>> No.25611201
File: 236 KB, 1200x1457, 1587868184830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mom was right after all...

>> No.25611203


>> No.25611204
Quoted by: >>25611250

Never forget Miosha.

>> No.25611206

All best girls.

>> No.25611207


>> No.25611208


>> No.25611210
Quoted by: >>25611281

Why is Roboco's official outfit so lewd

>> No.25611212


>> No.25611211

in 2 images yes

>> No.25611213

A friend already sent me a link to it a few hours ago
I'll do my best to spread it for Roberu and the Stars

>> No.25611214

Every fucking time

>> No.25611215

if i donate with ARSE will i rescue the argentinian economy?

>> No.25611216

She'll never be able to feed her children with this little capacity.

>> No.25611217
Quoted by: >>25611239

it's already over

>> No.25611218
File: 874 KB, 676x1000, Pekopits9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611220

we've reached a point where there's vtuber threads on random ass boards, most recently /pol/ and all the newfags come rushing here after its deleted

nothin you can do anymore

>> No.25611219

taking that next step as a cumpet i see

>> No.25611223
File: 1.84 MB, 2591x3624, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611246

maybe just a little sip of her milk...it can't be that addictive right?

>> No.25611224

I know it's early, but fuck it. Congratulations on your win, Korone!

>> No.25611227

Unlikely what

>> No.25611228

She confirmed it yesterday. There's also collabs on 26 & 28

>> No.25611229

you cant save commies, they are too dumb...

>> No.25611230
Quoted by: >>25611254

PPTrio offcollab at the Holohouse

>> No.25611231


>> No.25611232

You can't just post a list of my favorites.

>> No.25611235

I deal with chuunis everyday.
Haato is just chuuni who just happens to be really sexy.

>> No.25611236

Flare was the cooch really worth it...

>> No.25611237
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1597448145339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611239

What are you talking abohfuckno

>> No.25611241

>so this is your girlfriend?

>> No.25611240

Do your part, invest in ARSE

>> No.25611243

I hope it won't infect the others.

>> No.25611244
File: 831 KB, 676x1000, Noelpits3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611245

Good job, you made me horny

>> No.25611246
File: 583 KB, 718x656, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how cold and creamy it is

>> No.25611249

Damn I wish Watame had somebody to interact with like coco\kanata or noel\flare or peko\miko but she has NOONE
feelsbad man

>> No.25611250
File: 384 KB, 900x600, Ef3fzuVUEAMcLGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her birthday video almost made me cry

>> No.25611251

According to anon, this isn't porn because there is no penetration.

>> No.25611252
Quoted by: >>25611309

>I deal with chuunis everyday.


>> No.25611253


>> No.25611254
Quoted by: >>25611369

Let's have realistic expectations

>> No.25611256

Moms do really know their children better than themselves

>> No.25611259

The dream is dead

>> No.25611260


>> No.25611262
Quoted by: >>25611298

Megumin tier chuuni chuuba when?

>> No.25611263
Quoted by: >>25611336

How was Luna's zatsudan?

>> No.25611264

how the fuck are they losing, they were at the goal with the two fucking balls

>> No.25611265
File: 872 KB, 1253x585, 1597074627868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611266

Why would you say that?

>> No.25611267

>Lamyfags find this arousing

>> No.25611268


>> No.25611270

Are you a middle school teacher

>> No.25611271

team games are trash

>> No.25611273
File: 208 KB, 599x599, miminashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611310

Why you mention Towa?
Honestly I haven't even watched single video of hers and I won't.
It's always pekora.
Others are nothing but miserable substitution of 3d thots, while you have no interchangeable rabbit with pekora.

>> No.25611275


>> No.25611277
Quoted by: >>25611295

Dog loving faggot

>> No.25611278
File: 855 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611280
File: 20 KB, 294x243, 1589173181706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611281
File: 73 KB, 720x732, CjjzcyhUUAAtwhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611320

Eh, I think it's fairly normal.

>> No.25611282
File: 161 KB, 1200x800, Watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, cretin.

>> No.25611283


>> No.25611285
File: 440 KB, 1500x1059, Ee0m9tTU0AIlmK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata's leg is cramping out again
>Coco does nothing
Be more proactive you shy dragon, learn from your new girlfriend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krTY5Y4iRaU

>> No.25611286

porn != NSFW

>> No.25611288

To be fair Noel is pretty good at video games.

>> No.25611292

Shes fishing the new gen, wait a few more weeks

>> No.25611294

Lurk more and you'll know retard.

>> No.25611295

nice try

>> No.25611297


>> No.25611298
Quoted by: >>25611328

>can only stream one time a week before falling into exhaustion and being ravaged by her boyfriend until she's regained her strength
But we already have Ayame!

>> No.25611301


>> No.25611302
File: 132 KB, 1392x427, 1575480543685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still think miko is "sick"

>> No.25611303
Quoted by: >>25611353

Only collabs sheep gets are corporate mandated ones.

>> No.25611304

Truly rhe brazilian holo...

>> No.25611305
Quoted by: >>25611329

Let's be honest. Nene's design would be improved if her chest was a little smaller.

>> No.25611306
File: 864 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611308

Hey, don't put it like that, she has Fubuki and Noel's seconds, that's surely is more than enough for her

>> No.25611309
Quoted by: >>25611426

I run a game shop that does card game events.

>> No.25611310
File: 140 KB, 320x320, Aqua2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is just a shoddy copy of Aqua.

>> No.25611311


>> No.25611313
Quoted by: >>25611399

Watame solo streams are better than her collabs.

>> No.25611314
Quoted by: >>25611338

the lurk moar thing is kind of outdated, a better alternative is use the archive >>/jp/

>> No.25611316
File: 54 KB, 778x437, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25611317
File: 43 KB, 400x400, EfNcuDBUEAgRG-o.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan doko!?

>> No.25611318

Korone needs to be the commentator for a holo tournament.

>> No.25611319


>> No.25611320
Quoted by: >>25611365

Does she have nipples?

>> No.25611321

Abayo, anon. I've been wanting to post this but didn't feel like taking the hit.

>> No.25611323

>This fucking decrepit narrative again
Are you that desperate that you'll dig up fossilized narratives to shitpost with?

>> No.25611324
Quoted by: >>25611347



>> No.25611328

I was more referring to the incantations and demeanor

>> No.25611329
Quoted by: >>25611374

Nene would be a thousand times better on Aloe's ava.
Pure succubus is where the money is at.

>> No.25611330
Quoted by: >>25611360

Porn =/= Pornography

>> No.25611332

Korosan... It's time to put this old dog down

>> No.25611333
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, EVQtNwOUMAATPCJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Watching these and then thinking of the current situation

Feels bad man

>> No.25611334

yeah dude they all say nice things about her, Korone too not so long ago
But when it's time to interact watame is awkward af and silent 99% of the times

>> No.25611335

Botan slacking already

>> No.25611336

Her body still hurts from all the falling and she doesn't want to do horror for a while, but she's preparing and doing some light exercise for a Ring Fit stream.

>> No.25611338
Quoted by: >>25611362

use the archive for a thread that gets 5-10k posts a day?

>> No.25611340
Quoted by: >>25611523

>2 months ago
I swear to god this place fucks with time

>> No.25611343

her hearing aid ran out of batteries and couldn't hear the alarm

>> No.25611344

I... No, I didn't cry...

>> No.25611345


>> No.25611347
File: 200 KB, 1536x1536, 1597849816920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611348
Quoted by: >>25611880

And Mea sucks chink dick, so her words are irrelevant

>> No.25611350


>> No.25611351

Why the fuck does Botan stream at 2am

>> No.25611353
Quoted by: >>25611387

There's no such thing

>> No.25611354

She's fine with Haato, though Haato does like 95% of the talking.

>> No.25611355

Now THIS is kino

>> No.25611356

>It's a conspiracy! femoids at it again!


>> No.25611358

>Luna ringfit
Death RTA

>> No.25611357
Quoted by: >>25613113

I guess that autist from like a month ago got his wish

>> No.25611360

At last, I truly see

>> No.25611361
Quoted by: >>25611445

Good luck dealing with hackers

>> No.25611362
Quoted by: >>25611384

you use it for different topics you want to know more about like Holohouse or Anemachi

>> No.25611363

Finally, some good fucking food

>> No.25611364


>> No.25611365

officially probably not because of the robot thing

>> No.25611367
File: 162 KB, 500x500, EezZIAIU0AAhU-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611368

Finally some good gen 5 streams

>> No.25611369
File: 518 KB, 1884x1400, 1594675848320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611468

I know there's basically no chance but I miss them so much. Maybe some day.
Watame is still behind Kanata in terms of networking and reliability but she's getting more and more traction in Hololive. Give it time, she'll find someone she clicks with. It's unfair to compare anyone to KanaCoco since it's a fairly unique bond based on their close location and shittest start in Hololive.

>> No.25611370
Quoted by: >>25611434

Wrong, this is porn because the sexual act is explicit. If you SEE genitalia making contact with someone else's body parts it's porn. If you can't explicitly see it then it's softcore. Softcore scene can appear in mainstream entertainment, such as films, but porn can not.

>> No.25611372
Quoted by: >>25611476

>Coco and Kanata now literal roommates
Do you think they still call each other Coco and Kanata? If that's become habit, won't that cause problems with them engaging with each other in the real world? Conversley, if they don't do that and instead use other names, won't that cause problems with them engaging with each other on stream?

>> No.25611373

Nice. I never tried Warzone myself.

>> No.25611374

No, aloe's design doesn't suit Nene at all

>> No.25611375

Oh cool, Warzone.

>> No.25611376
File: 1.19 MB, 1262x1500, Efk3AzgWAAIai0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY! Let's see what she's capable of.

>> No.25611377
File: 239 KB, 1400x1672, EKDdmjcUYAA6GaE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611378

Guess I'm a Botanfag now

>> No.25611379

As a 6'1 white man, I've concluded that Watame is the best Holo.

>> No.25611381

taking the adidas tracksuit to the gulag

>> No.25611382

Surely he'll announce his 3D soon...

>> No.25611384

that's still a stupid idea seeing this is essentially a chat room

>> No.25611386

If the content is good then literally who cares

Its the same as the aloe arguments. Im not fucking them, they arent my friends or family. Im sure actors are the exact same way

>> No.25611387

Yes, there is.

>> No.25611388

But she's already dead anon, all of her posts and videos are prerecorded and scheduled ones.

>> No.25611389

>just a shoddy copy of Aqua
I've always felt that applied more to Rushia, what with how she looks and how she sounds...

>> No.25611392

quicksocpe compilations soon

>> No.25611394

time for shitzone..
apex onegai..

>> No.25611395
Quoted by: >>25611403

Well no shit

>> No.25611397
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x815, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611398
Quoted by: >>25611679

Says the degenerate who hides her menstrual pads in other people's homes?

>> No.25611399

True but I don't think it's a good thing... Or more like I wish she could be genki like that during collabs too

>> No.25611400

>korone gets eliminated
>goes silent
>Switches to sad face
>superchats roll in

this dog has it made

>> No.25611401
Quoted by: >>25611488

absolutely based, cute and redpilled

>> No.25611403
Quoted by: >>25611469

They do fuck goats and sheep after all... 5ch told me

>> No.25611404

Here we go boys

>> No.25611405

Imagine if this becomes the new Apex

>> No.25611406

Why is Miko so ugly?
How did she get into JAV with a face only a grandmother could love?

>> No.25611407
Quoted by: >>25611484

Heh, as 6'2 man, I declare Nene is best Holo

>> No.25611410


>> No.25611411

Don't care about that game in particular but it's nice to see someone play different stuff from the rest

>> No.25611412


>> No.25611413
Quoted by: >>25612166

>not tf2

>> No.25611414
Quoted by: >>25611601

I was looking for a punchline because this looks like your usual shitty joke.
False, there's erovtubers making bank on adult content in yt

>> No.25611415
File: 1.28 MB, 2591x3624, 1579358383840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niceee. Do you think she's gonna be the best FPS holo?

>> No.25611416

If boomer lion is shit at the game I'm unsubscribing

>> No.25611417
File: 441 KB, 411x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25611418
File: 131 KB, 827x1389, MitsugePeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't get it, but I don't blame you. Because you are a weeb who can only watch it with subs..
These days, even school children watch the rabbit, because their parents recognized it's wholesome enough. That never happens to other shits saying and behaving lewdly with loli CGI skins or thots wearing CGI skins speaking in the same voice they used to use when they were working in kyabakura.
Recognize it. Pekora is always number one.

>> No.25611420

>Botan playin Warzone
Finally something interesting.

>> No.25611421

Does AZKi even have a good relationship with Hololive apart from Sora?

>> No.25611422
Quoted by: >>25611435

Final final game

>> No.25611423

Korono is fucking addicted

>> No.25611424
File: 1.35 MB, 1601x1061, okdhov6gkcc41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

february 2020 (six months ago)

>> No.25611426

>I run a game shop that does card game events.

I'm so sorry anon...

>> No.25611427

>most of holos pc can't handle it
Yeah no.

>> No.25611428
Quoted by: >>25611740

Not sure if based but at least it's different.

>> No.25611430
File: 284 KB, 498x498, Yukihana_Lamy_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LITERALLY ALL OF GEN 5 was like "She's really into her alcohol! h-haha..."

How hard is she hiding her powerlevel?

>> No.25611429

Did watame say that she is depressed even once?

>> No.25611431

It'll nice to see an fps that isn't Apex even though I don't care about CoD

>> No.25611434
Quoted by: >>25611526

But you don't see genitalia making contact with someone's body, unless you're mistakenly considering boobs to be genitalia. It's implied but that may not even be a person beneath her, not many details are shown. The only reason it was removed was nipple visibility.

>> No.25611433

I can't imagine many of the Holos would like how fast the TTK is in Warzone

>> No.25611435

Final 最後 ultimate last

>> No.25611436

Kanata's message was so simple yet I completely get why Watame reacted that way. At the start Kanata said that she sometimes doesn't get Watame but I think by this point she understands. It's the same as one simple line that made Coco cry for the first time. Gen4 really is the broken tryhard gen, aren't they...

>> No.25611438
File: 1.29 MB, 1275x718, 2020-08-20 08_58_18-究極のBAN RTA[Member only]※過激すぎてみせられないよ>< - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611439

Give her time, surely she'll also find holos she can be close with too.

>> No.25611440
Quoted by: >>25611648

Shion's new year goal was reaching 200K by the end of the year

>> No.25611441

She almost never streams so she's not really in the same environment as the others

>> No.25611443

jesus christ we've exploded

>> No.25611444

>no apex

>> No.25611445
Quoted by: >>25611625

it's too bad botan said she won't play r6 with the rampant hacking going on right now, I want to see her skill with that game since watching someone who's good at r6 is awesome

>> No.25611446

time to see what warzone is like from somehow who's not meant to be shit

>> No.25611447

Best stream in a while?

>> No.25611448
File: 239 KB, 622x770, 83582910_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stupid Tenshi doesn't understand what one of the most common medical conditions is

Yeah really showed us...

>> No.25611450


>> No.25611451
Quoted by: >>25611512

most holos pcs are fucking monsters though?

>> No.25611452
Quoted by: >>25611542

she already is the best FPS holo without even showing it yet, she has streamed 4 years of high intensity FPS games in her past life

>> No.25611453

Her competition is mostly mentally handicapped menheras, I think she will have a good shot.

>> No.25611455

Koro... san...

>> No.25611456


>> No.25611457
Quoted by: >>25611499

Don't forget to drop a POGCHAMP in chat bros!


>> No.25611460

Is she really a slav....

>> No.25611461
Quoted by: >>25611539

It's based and all but will her jap viewers even watch her playing this game

>> No.25611459

That fucking yahtzee match was something else

>> No.25611462


>> No.25611463
File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, beautifuldanchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611464
Quoted by: >>25611502

I hope Marine manages to cure Shion's depression.

>> No.25611467

who's below korone

>> No.25611468
Quoted by: >>25611638

>she's getting more and more traction in Hololive.
Is she?, a lot of the times if feels like they're being very unfair towards her, she's severely under utilized and not only does she have to share her only unit with people who are already on at least other 2, but it was formed by accident

>> No.25611470
File: 2.09 MB, 560x560, EfsUsOEUEAIwOMi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611635

Origami King ended up being surprisingly fun, helps that Okayu was the one playing it. Hopefully she'll like the 100% ending. She said it'd be a zatsudan or something tomorrow around the same time, but I don't know if she was just getting mixed up because she pushed this one forward.

>> No.25611469
Quoted by: >>25611475

That's the brown people, not us.

>> No.25611471

Why should I believe what a chink cumpet says?

>> No.25611473

No, this thread is full of psychologists.

>> No.25611474
Quoted by: >>25611512

>they're all on i7 or above and gtx1080 or above
>can't handle warzone
How the fuck?!

>> No.25611475
Quoted by: >>25611491

Not according to 5ch...

>> No.25611476

>Do you think they still call each other Coco and Kanata?
I think it's a common thing in Japanese entertainment. They can't afford to slip.

>> No.25611478


>> No.25611479

>chink this chink that
Yep, I'm on /v/.

>> No.25611482 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 215x245, 1597939988660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611532


>> No.25611483

Korobros this is gonna end up as an endurance stream isn't it.

>> No.25611484

As a 5'7 brown man, I've concluded that Korone is the best Holo.

>> No.25611485

Does anyone have screencaps from Haachama's lewd stream?

>> No.25611488
File: 65 KB, 378x434, 1597499713221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one. That old hag is waaaay past her expiration date.

>> No.25611490


>> No.25611491
Quoted by: >>25611531

Well when is 5ch gonna get me a fucking goat then

>> No.25611493

Gorilla kill compilation for the Vtuber tourney... Chibistars... StarSweepers... Happyset...

>> No.25611494

Haato sub.

>> No.25611496

Yes. The final yahtzee match is the stuff of legends.

>> No.25611497

Moshi moshi?
Basado departmento?

>> No.25611499
File: 242 KB, 336x424, koronepog2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611519


>> No.25611500


>> No.25611502
Quoted by: >>25611537

Me, too, anon. Also I hope she really sucks Shion's tits.

>> No.25611503

A-Are you me?

>> No.25611504
File: 405 KB, 500x484, 1584579454717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not directly and no idea how serious she was.

>> No.25611505

Don't shitpost with Lamy you scum

>> No.25611506

As a 6'4 brown man I agree

>> No.25611510

that's mean
older women can be cute

>> No.25611511
Quoted by: >>25611599

Suisei and AZKi seemed to get along well when they were still together in INNK.

>> No.25611512
Quoted by: >>25611751

holos are suck at optimizing their pc. Look at RBC for example, she got dual PC and still fucking up her stream sometimes.

>> No.25611514

How the hell does Watame have 10k views playing a party game alone?

>> No.25611515
Quoted by: >>25611643

Give me a timestamp between 0 and 30min and I'll deliver

>> No.25611516
File: 47 KB, 411x454, 1569685391890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice change I guess.

>> No.25611517 [DELETED] 


There are whole wiki sites dedicated to it. Just need to understand Japanese.

Or search the archives, because faggots keep posting it here anyways.

>> No.25611519

that is genuinely terrifying

>> No.25611520

>Let's collab again
Watame, it's been more than 2 fucking months ever since you said that

>> No.25611522

getting liver damage with lamy-san!

>> No.25611523
Quoted by: >>25611565

The APEX tournament was only two weeks ago.

>> No.25611524

>playing a party game alone
gee, I wonder

>> No.25611525
File: 171 KB, 1277x719, Ef3UWdiVAAU2l2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611585


>> No.25611526

my bad, I only took a quick glance, I didn't realize the penis is completely obscured, it's softcore

>> No.25611527
File: 1.40 MB, 2000x2196, 1595523846571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed Towa's stream, how was it?

>> No.25611530

she plays it with 10k people

>> No.25611531
File: 28 KB, 984x123, 1593176573387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but as you can see they were quite specific

>> No.25611532
File: 2.67 MB, 2000x2000, 1596146365453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rurudo, short hair next.

>> No.25611533

When is Mio coming back?

>> No.25611534

Suisei sure fucking exploded.

>> No.25611537


>> No.25611538

You weren't falseflagging when Marine did it
Fuck off

>> No.25611539

probably in the beginning but its not something that will last in appeal for them compared to apex

>> No.25611540

>Turns blush on

>> No.25611541

Holy based winning son.

>> No.25611542

I bet Astel could kick her ass as long as he doesn't spill his spaghetti too hard

>> No.25611543
Quoted by: >>25611597

Which holos are used by falseflaggers?
Peko,Luna and Subaru right?

>> No.25611544

User participation stream anon.

>> No.25611545

>Korosan go her team eliminated

>> No.25611546
File: 394 KB, 680x550, 1595831541219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611716

>Both say: If the other ever gets tired, let's rest together

It's a little sad and bittersweet that they ultimately didn't do this and kept to themselves/their own circle of friends.

>> No.25611547

Fun, though keep in mind she was practicing songs she knows she isn't great at.

>> No.25611548

As a 45cm 144kg woman, I've concluded that Aqua is the best Holo.

>> No.25611549
Quoted by: >>25611560

This would be a lot more convincing if we weren't in a period of massive vtuber growth. No company would let their vtubers take so much time off for something so selfish at a time like this. It's like having people in retail take the month of december off.

>> No.25611553


Won't happen, Coco's roommate remodelled a room at her parents' house for streaming.

>> No.25611554

Final special last

>> No.25611555
Quoted by: >>25611639

She's on the same position rushia was a few weeks ago, too detached from the company to the point of borderline being an indie, and in such she has her own audience that doesn't overlap with other's

>> No.25611559
Quoted by: >>25611633

Her peak is gorilla level. Astel fears the gorilla just like everyone else.

>> No.25611560


>> No.25611561
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1597937710251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611562

Post strange and almost impossible collabos

Korone x Haato
Aqua x Pekora
Ayame x Coco
Sora x Polka

>> No.25611563

Sloppy wet kisses with Noel...

>> No.25611564 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 2048x1364, 1597940226836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611575

I'm sharing Fubuki's members only content, some of you guys may hate me.

>> No.25611565


>> No.25611566
File: 280 KB, 1214x1688, 1591265347613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akai Haato, Haachama's sister who retired

>> No.25611567
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596371048839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toaw sang a bunch of nerdy anime songs, it was good when she wasn't choking.

>> No.25611572

so i had my first holofap last night
i never really had the urge to fap to any of them until then
but after a long day at work i came home and saw the botan feet pic
the thought of her smothering my face with her soles sent my cum to the moon
i passed out in bed then fapped to it a couple more times in the morning

>> No.25611573

Pretty much all the holos have liked Fall Gays so far but has there been a single one that has disliked it?

>> No.25611575


>> No.25611576
File: 160 KB, 1200x857, EVZ5xy7UYAAtIh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame has no one!

>> No.25611577

>more upcoming Luna collabs
I'm so happy for this baby

>> No.25611578
File: 94 KB, 225x175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh doog is sleepy

>> No.25611579 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 288x254, 1592847876518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25611580

I'm looking forward to the 20 hour dota 2 endurance stream on Saturday.

>> No.25611583
Quoted by: >>25611612

I want to get back to the comfy times

>> No.25611584

Astel would spill his spaghetti again...

>> No.25611585

wait did she go back to the 1.0 L2D? because it's better

>> No.25611586
File: 25 KB, 199x284, Sui gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that everyone will bitch and complain about Apex being boring to watch, but somehow Warzone is exempt from it and is somehow "based".

>> No.25611588
Quoted by: >>25611674

Kanata x Watame
Coco x Towa

>> No.25611590
Quoted by: >>25611617

why does this dog dive on every jump

>> No.25611591

Pranked viewers by starting to sing again during superchat reading.

>> No.25611592
Quoted by: >>25611616

Shouldn't Aqua be a part of GAMERS since she's the god gamer of hololive?

>> No.25611594
File: 48 KB, 720x696, 1597406507546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611772

>botan playing warzone

Buying membership day one

>> No.25611595
Quoted by: >>25611602

I thought it was Luna but then she came back the next day and put in like 7 hours.

>> No.25611596

Suisei x AZKi

>> No.25611597

Anyone that is a current topic of discussion. The most recent one was Watame but even that seemed to have slowed down considerably.
Pekora used to have some really autistic falseflaggers but that was some time ago now.

>> No.25611599

You mean work colleague cordiality. INNK focused on AZKi and left Suisei root

>> No.25611598

never go mid, ya dumb dog

>> No.25611601
Quoted by: >>25611645

7 is actually true. Shion said the similar thing the other day too.

>> No.25611602
Quoted by: >>25612622

And she has another one planned for tomorrow! 14 JST

>> No.25611603
Quoted by: >>25611631

Almost like we've had hundreds of APEX streams and zero Warzone streams, or something.

>> No.25611605
File: 43 KB, 463x453, IMG-0212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point i think sheepfags are pushing the punished sheep narrative to get anons here to feel bad for her and get a member sheep

>> No.25611607
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1577749003215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy goes full menhera when drunk
God it'd be so fucking kino

>> No.25611609

marine played it for 20 mins, servers went down and she never touched it again

>> No.25611610

Wow I can't believe people are looking forward to [game that is never streamed] over [game that is always streamed]

>> No.25611612

come here during morningstream hours... they're sometimes comfy

>> No.25611614

Apex is better than Warzone, fuck you guys

>> No.25611616
Quoted by: >>25611642

No. She's doing idol activities.

>> No.25611618

Luna x Nijisanji Gamers

>> No.25611617

possessed by the spirit of PESSI

>> No.25611619
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25611620


>> No.25611621

The game is pretty popular, not everyone get's 10k bar marine who get's more, but their numbers tend to be better than average

>> No.25611622

I really doubt it, I don't know how good Astel is but this girl is something else. I watched a video of her playing Titanfall 2 and she just poops on everyone she finds with Alternator and Tone

>> No.25611623

The sheep cult scare me sometimes.

>> No.25611624


>> No.25611625

Never played it but isn't it just another FPS? How can a good player be seen as "awesome" in this game but not in another FPS?

>> No.25611626

i can agree with this

>> No.25611628

She's just "funny noises rabbit"; she's not really that fun or interesting.

>> No.25611627

No it wouldn't

>> No.25611631

Not him, but while I appreciate the variety, if we're getting BR streams, I'd take Apex over any other BR.

>> No.25611632

Mio x Miko...

>> No.25611633

Was. She herself said that she'd probably be around Diamond these days.

>> No.25611634

If she's drunk enough she's going to start ranting about Chinese, Koreans, Jews and Dark Elves.

>> No.25611635
Quoted by: >>25611683

I'm glad you had fun catbro.

>> No.25611636

Why are you like this, Towa?

>> No.25611637

>Watame vs fake Watame

>> No.25611638

She is, little by little. The problem is that, as you said, she can't quite fall in a group and she doesn't seem to want to collab left and right. She isn't a teacher figure like Coco or superdarling like Kanata, her pace is slower. Yet when sudden collabs arise, like Flare's ARK ones (one with Coco which went really well) or in Minecraft with Miko, she's absolutely fine and can keep up. Not everyone needs a constant collab group in the first place and Watame found a really good solo niche right now and I can see her holding onto it for a long time. Gen5 will shift collab distribution around so maybe she'll just fall into some newly formed group naturally.

>> No.25611639
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611727

Not true at all, we're just watame devotees first and foremost

>> No.25611642

How does an autistic neet like her do idol stuff?

>> No.25611643
Quoted by: >>25611792

17m 24s

>> No.25611644

>Watame vs NiseWatame
Who would win?

>> No.25611645
Quoted by: >>25611882

That's specific to Hololive and their shitty management not YouTube as a whole

>> No.25611646

>Marine and Noel's sloppy seconds
>The Holostarts's sloppy seconds
Watame deserves better

>> No.25611647

I do not see Towafags on here, so I refuse to vote.

>> No.25611648

And she only hit the previous one of 100k in the last hour of 2019, due to pity

>> No.25611649
File: 81 KB, 636x900, EVJZnmaUMAEzpch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611725

>Watame has no close collab partner

Bakatare is fine, but it's not even comparable to Coco/PPT or Flare/Noel.

>> No.25611650

Truly Noel 2.0

>> No.25611651

So did she say anything about having a physical condition? She was heavily breathing literally a minute into the 3D stream

>> No.25611652
Quoted by: >>25612798

SoraxPolka can definitely happen

>> No.25611655

she's actually extremely funny.

>> No.25611653

Towafag spotted

>> No.25611656

seems to be missing someone important

>> No.25611657

Astel. Too many cheaters and not enough shooting for his tastes.

>> No.25611660
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1597403242613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is

The most PogChamp holo?

The most OMEGALUL holo?

The most DansGame holo?

The most NotLikeThis holo?

>> No.25611661
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 7d37bacc6a4dd182914712c9a9d162e4--bad-taxidermy-html.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it takes

>> No.25611662

Where are the Towafag ?

>> No.25611663

>Kagura Mea
Stopped reading right there

>> No.25611664


It's a tacticool fps, fps can be very different.

>> No.25611667

a chinese man eating a bat was the best thing that ever happened to cover corp

>> No.25611668

Aloe and anybody.
who wants to get along with a harlot

>> No.25611665

>Ayame x Coco
Didn't Ayame not interact with Coco at all until they were both forced to participate in the haiku collab a month ago?

>> No.25611669

Did korone just sing the NHK theme song

>> No.25611670


>> No.25611671
Quoted by: >>25611715

aqua x korone
aqua x sheep

>> No.25611672

>korone jinxed the last player


>> No.25611673

Damn Choco gets to eat THAT?

>> No.25611674
Quoted by: >>25611701

Coco already had a collab with Towa though

>> No.25611676
File: 642 KB, 849x1200, 82394824_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UI mama has collabed more with PPDuo than Watame recently

Really makes you think

>> No.25611677

Peko is pepega

>> No.25611678
File: 11 KB, 271x280, 1597435784443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611679

Haha, Mea would say this kind of thing. And even if it's true, no matter how serious she is, the viewers will take it as a joke. I can't believe there is someone who accepts it as the truth.

>> No.25611680

>People are more hyped about a game that Hololive never streams over a game that Hololive has streamed hundreds of times

>> No.25611681

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25611683

Honestly, Okayu can play whatever and I'll be happy as long as she's enjoying herself. I don't think I've ever seen her not enjoy a game though. I'm excited to see what new game she picks up next though. Starfox 64 would be a nice one-off since she brought up Slippy.

>> No.25611682
Quoted by: >>25611776

we still have images

and under 1600 posts

you fucking


>> No.25611684
File: 261 KB, 1286x2048, 1572838745520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611711

I'm gonna be VERY impressed if Botan is really that good at FPS despite the massive reaction time disadvantage.

>> No.25611685

What went wrong Sheepbros...

>> No.25611690

>Watame talks about possible 3D streams
>she mentions bakatare instead of PPTrio

>> No.25611689

>block party
well, it's fucked

>> No.25611691

Artia for all of those

>> No.25611692
Quoted by: >>25611862

because r6 is fundamentally different in how it's meant to be played as compared to say, apex due to the amount of breakable walls in the game as well as the extremely low TTK
r6 is like a 70% information 30% aim game

>> No.25611693
Quoted by: >>25611734

>The most PogChamp holo?
>The most OMEGALUL holo?
>The most DansGame holo?
>The most NotLikeThis holo?

>> No.25611694

Why are towafags like this?

>> No.25611695

Why is Mel even bothering doing live on her YouTube channel ? She's making way more money being a whore on NicoNico, it doesn't make sense

>> No.25611697

I love my baby princess!

>> No.25611696


>> No.25611701

Exactly that's why she won't do it again.

>> No.25611703

Aloe x Towa!

>> No.25611704


>> No.25611707

>Find out about Yamiyono Moruru after she graduated
>Still have no clue wtf happened
>Only have archives to watch and I actually enjoy them
Fuck fuck FUCK. It isn't fair...

>> No.25611708
Quoted by: >>25611742

I will bet you anything that Aki and RBC will reach out to Aloe the same way they did Towa.

>> No.25611709
Quoted by: >>25611735

the narratives...

>> No.25611710

Not to defend the depression narratives, but Bakatare is quite clearly a grouping just made out of circumstance and convenience rather than a strong, natural friendship.

>> No.25611711
Quoted by: >>25611781

>massive reaction time disadvantage

>> No.25611715

what's wrong with that cunt? why is she full of hate?

>> No.25611716
File: 314 KB, 1451x2048, Ea9SViKUwAA_BHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's rest together
>work even harder until they physically can't go on anymore and have to take breaks/cancel their shows
Well that sure worked out

>> No.25611718

There are more motivations than money

>> No.25611719
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1595722188830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting the last Seiso idol in hololive to be some closet psycho too

At this point it wouldn't even be exciting, she'd just be like every other hololive girl

>> No.25611720
File: 2.55 MB, 390x444, 1592449687895.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611721


>> No.25611722

Holy shit Watame, so many strikes

>> No.25611724
File: 23 KB, 448x495, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an absurd proposition.

>> No.25611725
Quoted by: >>25611791

No shit
Actual roommates, and presence they each other desperately need in their lives
Basically fucking each other

It's an extremely unfair comparison to expect something like that out of wateme, when 90% also doesn't have it either

>> No.25611726

Almost the same reason as Noel. She likes her co-workers plus Cover gave her some money to not sue over the manager incident.

>> No.25611727
File: 1.11 MB, 750x663, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611728

I'm going to JINX the dang DOG

>> No.25611729

what does seiso mean

>> No.25611730

Botan... save arena shooters please...

>> No.25611731

bros I just woke up
Sio is fucking dead, huh?

>> No.25611733

>Starfox 64
I want this if only because of the cute fanart that will come from it

>> No.25611734
File: 602 KB, 2628x2445, 1596198882668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611735

Hardly narratives when sheep only learned about Coco moving after seeing her stream.

>> No.25611736

>the last Seiso idol

>> No.25611737

Akai Haato. Haachama's girlfriend.

>> No.25611738
File: 213 KB, 316x403, sadkayu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611777

>mfw she mentioned rockman last night
i wonder if that other catbro who dreamt of a rockman stream is still here...

>> No.25611739

Did she collab with any Holo during their utaite days? Those who already knew her will probably try to reach out.

>> No.25611740

HEY. OG Modern Warfare was the shit.

Well I only played up to MW2 so I don't know the rest but they were the shit.

>> No.25611741


>> No.25611742

>ywn be a young slut taken in and groomed by your carefree aunt

>> No.25611744

Her old grandma body can't handle it anymore

>> No.25611743

Is Luna sickly or something, how do you get out of breath that quick?

>> No.25611745
Quoted by: >>25611774

Ui mama is a bitch, so her

>> No.25611746
File: 403 KB, 854x480, 1569924934340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame won Nisewatame by 1 point, amazing bowling game

>> No.25611747
File: 119 KB, 1003x1417, 1597287031114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Yagoo slaps A-chan's ass every morning?

>> No.25611750

Two FPS games can be fundamentally different. Apex is zoom zoom in a big open map with long-ish time to kill and R6 is in small contained area like a house, you move like a slug and die to one or two hits.

>> No.25611751

They just need to do what Coco did and have 5 PCs

>> No.25611753
Quoted by: >>25611773

Guy has fallen, dog has too.

>> No.25611755


>> No.25611756
Quoted by: >>25611833

Maybe even Coco
Watame if she isn't fake IRL

>> No.25611757
File: 243 KB, 343x352, 1590777114159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611758


>> No.25611759
Quoted by: >>25611789

its japanese for "so-so".

She is a so-so idol

>> No.25611761

Why does she keep screaming at this game

>> No.25611762

YAGOO is married so no

>> No.25611764


>> No.25611763


>> No.25611765
Quoted by: >>25611935

You don't think there's some satisfaction to be had out of making money from NOT being an internet thot?

>> No.25611766


>> No.25611767


>> No.25611768

it hurts...

>> No.25611769


>> No.25611771
Quoted by: >>25611799

I vote poal faggots

>> No.25611772

Go where?

>> No.25611773

RIP Drop Dog

>> No.25611774
Quoted by: >>25611904

I was talking about the stream...

>> No.25611775


>> No.25611776
Quoted by: >>25611820

A good 20% are now unrelated images of ominous sheep, does it really matter any more?

>> No.25611777
Quoted by: >>25611801

That's also me. Buster run on X was a lot of fun. I'd love to see it happen one day if Capcom gets the stick out of their ass. X, Legends, Battle Network, Zero, I could go for any of those.

>> No.25611778

She's 60 years old, please andastd.

>> No.25611780
File: 1.65 MB, 358x430, Vae9LN7q6X.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611855


>> No.25611779


>> No.25611781

She's a 40 year old japanese woman

>> No.25611782

Zawa zawa...

>> No.25611783
Quoted by: >>25611831

Guys, I think I'm starting to like Meika more than any homostar

>> No.25611784

>how to trigger the cuckshed - the poll

>> No.25611785

i have been thinking about getting membersheep lately and i didnt know why. theyre good

>> No.25611786

How many 'last games' has Korone played at this point, exactly?

>> No.25611787

>All FPS are the same

>> No.25611788

Can't wait for her to be spouting sex jokes. The standard for female vtubers

>> No.25611789

If you sei so anon...

>> No.25611790

I slap her ass every morning.

t. A-Chan's boyfriend

>> No.25611791


Suddenly the list is not so short

>> No.25611792

I accidently looked at her daily member stream for the duration but here you go

>> No.25611793

pure, innocent and proper
think opposite of Coco

>> No.25611794

Fuck off towafag

>> No.25611796
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1591318361593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething doog
this is cute

>> No.25611797


>> No.25611799

Seconded, the polls are never written well

>> No.25611798

when will it be the real last try

>> No.25611800

Oi, where's Miko?

>> No.25611802
File: 1.90 MB, 1677x1161, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what they're called but the two lines running down to a girl's crotch from about the hips down gets me going for some reason, I already accepted that I have a foot fetish cause of you guys but this one just seems really weird, do you know what I mean?

>> No.25611801
Quoted by: >>25611849

i really should do that one day, but the mini boss in mandrills stage and armadillo will filter the fuck out of me

>> No.25611804
Quoted by: >>25611843

Nip wives will sometimes basically let their husbands cheat on them when they're out working so much, anon...

>> No.25611805

She's getting what she deserves.

>> No.25611806

If only it was secret. 4chan getting popular was a mistake.
I think a simple filter would be okay for the board like kana captcha or something.

>> No.25611807

in my bed

>> No.25611808

it is vastly better dont spoiler the truth anon

>> No.25611809


>> No.25611810
Quoted by: >>25611846

To be fair, the other 2 members of the pptrio are mid move, while bakatare has FBK who has the best person at getting shit done, and flare got her move done quickly because of Noel

>> No.25611811

By never going outside

>> No.25611812
File: 1.12 MB, 1413x982, 1597357083804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612847

>He only watches subbed clips

>> No.25611813
Quoted by: >>25611843

what is NTR

>> No.25611814

based thanks anon

>> No.25611816


>> No.25611817

Looks accurate to me

>> No.25611818
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1594493033916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korone hiding her queue
actually smart. why doesnt pekora do this to hide from the nousagi menace?

>> No.25611819


>> No.25611820


>> No.25611821

Wow chief it doesn't say it's OK to screenshot that I will be alerting Cover and they *will* sue your ass

>> No.25611822
File: 286 KB, 1448x2047, 1594489583761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25611881


>> No.25611823


>> No.25611824
Quoted by: >>25611949

I honestly don't think some sort of major PPTrio event is really feasible anymore, it'll just feel forced in light of the obvious grouping that's developed with Coco/Kanata/Suisei

>> No.25611828
Quoted by: >>25611860

Anyone feel like most of the other Holos don't like Watame?

>> No.25611827

Writing diaries and making twitter videos

>> No.25611829
Quoted by: >>25611875

>that leg cross
do 0 year old babies really...?

>> No.25611830

With me.

>> No.25611831

Cool. He's pretty based.

>> No.25611832
File: 848 KB, 676x1000, Subarupits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611833

they want to get AIDS???

>> No.25611836

>already taking Fubuki's niche

>> No.25611837

she did

>> No.25611838
Quoted by: >>25611857

>Korosan bullying that dalmatian spotted Fall Guy
Her sukeban is leaking

>> No.25611841
Quoted by: >>25611868

pekora had to start doing that literally the first day since she was getting bullied in every game

>> No.25611842

Pekora relies on getting fucked over by her snipers.

>> No.25611843

YAGOO isn't a slut
YAGOO isn't a slut

>> No.25611844

What's you guys favorite 5ch gaijin narrative?

>Nene is unpopular because due to anti-chinese sentiment in western countries
>Botan, Korone, and Watame are popular because gaijin inherently love kemomimi
>Haachama's gaijin fans are flips
>Aki wants gaijin wants more than japanese fans
>Gaijin don't like flare because she's black
>Gaijin don't understand what the aloe thing is about at all
>Gaijin understand the aloe thing and are all just NTRcucks

>> No.25611845

Anon... They go on so much about muh honorabu but can't do even the simplest things.

>> No.25611846
Quoted by: >>25611937


Sure they were in the middle of moving, but neither party has even brought up having a collab of any kind after their 3D debuts.

>> No.25611847

Finally, some good fucking content

>> No.25611848

What's the point?

>> No.25611849
Quoted by: >>25611889

Just use basic shots for Armadillo. He only absorbs if you charge.

>> No.25611851

Siochama is hiding from the antis now.

>> No.25611852

Watame has a てぇてぇ partner, she's just unfortunately developed severe mental retardation at the moment.

>> No.25611853

Ahh the comfy days. Half of them was nutting to ARK at that time which i was really salty because im being nostalgic with their Minecraft series, but looking back at it, Ragnarok arc was kino and probably the last time they had huge interaction between all holo members on a game. they're just way too separated right now and prefers solo stream.

>> No.25611854
Quoted by: >>25611922

>every other holo "DONT TOUCH ME"
>Korone just grabs people and bullies them

>> No.25611855
File: 2.58 MB, 498x371, tenor (7).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611856
File: 105 KB, 838x1000, 1588592586603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subaru vs Subaru(honmono)
Subaru never won

>> No.25611857


>> No.25611858

>Is Luna sickly or something
Honestly I question if any of them AREN'T sickly in some way or another.

>> No.25611860
File: 332 KB, 538x377, 1533075474552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone feel like most of the other Holos don't like Watame?
because she DUMPS IT

>> No.25611861
Quoted by: >>25611905

She said she exaggerates it somewhat as part of her character, but the heavy breathing in the horror stream was more from being scared than out of breath.

>> No.25611862

If you are pointing to the supporting features that augment the shooting, I can see that in something like Titanfall with it's movement options but R6 looks like just, I guess, strategy? "Enemy is in this part of the building. Escape routes are here and there. Ok, I will break this wall here and we will flank them." Say only a good player does that. Just doesn't seem very remarkable to me.

>> No.25611864



>> No.25611867

not even a thing, a few months ago people were joking about rushia being basically and indie with how little she collabed and marine get's along with literally everyone
they knew each other before hololive
less than week ago it would have been sio, not even that close of a friendship, their group was bakatare level
not that close anymore
fair, even if one of them is in the shadow realm

>> No.25611868

It was really bad when 5 nousagi gangbanged her and she couldn't move forward at all. Waiting on doujins.

>> No.25611869
Quoted by: >>25611911

She did during her first stream but once the Nousagis got it out of their system and calmed down she hasn't had to do it.
And now she has decoys and shit as well so.

>> No.25611871
Quoted by: >>25611964

The one where they thought Mio was getting gaijin because they mistook her for Korone will always bring a smile to my face.

>> No.25611872
Quoted by: >>25611907

why do people still say pptrio like its not ppduo+suisei now

>> No.25611873
Quoted by: >>25612248

Ran-chan Collab with Watame later at 5pm! And a new drum video!

>> No.25611874
File: 135 KB, 563x795, 1597083945370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets heavy comparisons to pekora
>tries to take FBKs gimmick
>ends up being a shitty discount version of both
irrelevant within a month

>> No.25611875

she's a princess after all

>> No.25611876

I love that muscle definition, I know you're reading this, drawanon, keep up the good work.

>> No.25611877

>Nene is unpopular because due to anti-chinese sentiment in western countries
>Aki wants gaijin wants more than japanese fans
These aren't narratives.

>> No.25611878
Quoted by: >>25612282

Watame is grooming Ran-chan

>> No.25611879

>0 years old
>has the stamina of an elderly woman
Is she Benjamin Button?

>> No.25611880

whose dick do you suck I wonder?

>> No.25611881


>> No.25611882
Quoted by: >>25611902

It's youtube thing. It's practically the same thing as Mel keeping being banned. Hololive can't do anything to prevent it from happening except hiding breasts.

>> No.25611883

Good times, my friend. Good times. Everything was so simple back then

>> No.25611884

Watame talked about how she likes to collab with people who talk a lot actually since she prefers to just listen and respond so she's aware of that much.

>> No.25611885
File: 426 KB, 586x1668, 1597881230285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611887

what's happening!?

>> No.25611888

This still excludes more than half of hololive

>> No.25611889

never even knew he absorbed, only ever used spark

>> No.25611890

that there is an old hag doing those moves makes me hard

>> No.25611891

>Korone/Okayu not close

Bad Bait/10
Nice try though

>> No.25611892

Aqua sololive then RBC sololive! based weekend!!

>> No.25611893
Quoted by: >>25611972

If you're talking about the imitation collab the entire point was to have an imposter there. And then Ui had a good time with Kanata in SBM and went out with her and Choco for yakiniku

>> No.25611895

>not that close anymore
Dude they had like 5 collabs in two weeks compared to their last few months where they couldn't visit each other.

>> No.25611896

>>Gaijin don't like flare because she's black
haha do japs really?

>> No.25611897

shell be fine.

>> No.25611898
File: 142 KB, 326x324, 1589934850141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy here we go again

>> No.25611899
File: 174 KB, 640x360, 1596489439530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPTrio collab... onegai...

>> No.25611900
Quoted by: >>25611906

Polka is the best and you shut your WHORE mouth.

>> No.25611902
Quoted by: >>25612408

You need to broaden your horizons in the Vtuber market then because you are clearly ignorant to the girls who get away with monetising content that is basically what Melody does

>> No.25611903

Imagine she's a gacha character and you're trying to hear her voice lines by tapping on the buttons.

>> No.25611904

Sorry, i don't watch watame, still Ui mama, i love that bitch

>> No.25611905

>she exaggerates it somewhat as part of her character
lol, whatever you say luna

>> No.25611906

Why are redditors like this?

>> No.25611907

When people say PPTrio, they mean the new group. Curly is dead and Shemp has taken over.

>> No.25611909

basically shes just went into labor and everythings fine

>> No.25611910

>>Botan, Korone, and Watame are popular because gaijin inherently love kemomimi
I feel like half of the audience doesn't even know that watame has kemomimi lmao
When she says that people always surprised...

>> No.25611911

>And now she has decoys and shit as well so.
That's my absolute favourite thing, fucking DECOYS copying her character, it's such an amazing idea.

>> No.25611912
Quoted by: >>25611940

Kanata never had a 3D stream aside from her debut...

>> No.25611913

Holy autism

>> No.25611915
File: 60 KB, 291x272, 1597495515407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bro have the (you) you are craving

>> No.25611916

I just resumed my membership to Haato. I can't find the RTA archive even though I'm tier 2.

>> No.25611918


So this is why you don't collab with la Peko

>> No.25611919

I hope she never minnas again.

>> No.25611923
File: 105 KB, 412x464, pekko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry why are you watching holo in the first place?
The idol business in Japan is so serious and cruel in that you may be the national idol that toddlers recognize your face even before getting to write down their names if you are smart enough and know how to speak and behave properly, but at the same time you may end up being a JAV actress if you fail.
You will see Pekora attending the garden party held by the emperor in front of a queue of major conservative politicians asking her for a positive comment to them on her show, while you are picking those same dojin shits on whose covers other *vtubers are drawn.
Watch pekora before it is too late.

>> No.25611922

Botan was also constantly trying to push people off but she's a gamer so that's expected.
Korone is yakuza dog.

>> No.25611924
Quoted by: >>25612798

>Sora x Polka
Anon, despite Polka being a shitposter, it's not impossible since they were from the same generation in the past.

>> No.25611925


>> No.25611926

Isn't this member only shit?

>> No.25611928

FBK didn't invent short shitpost videos. She also doesn't have a personality beyond that.

>> No.25611929

>Flare because she's black
That isn't true at all. It's just the EOP's get filtered hard asf from the hardcore Jap fans. I don't think there's any real "dislike" for her.

>> No.25611930

I'm pretty sure that the anti chink sentiment is not exclusive to western countries

>> No.25611932
Quoted by: >>25611963

on the community tab

>> No.25611933

Is it always the same person failing to understand how Pixiv works? You are a blight upon these threads.

>> No.25611934

Almost every art with her that has over 1k likes, she retweets. Even from porn artists.

>> No.25611935

I don't think that being a cashier at day and a prostitute at night really make you feel better about being a whore. But they probably don't care, they are young and pretty, but one day everything is gonna leak and reality is gonna hit pretty hard.

>> No.25611936

Never before have I read so many death flags at once

>> No.25611937

Why would they, they're busy as fuck and kanata is having a really shitty time, the last thing of their minds should be trying to get a collab with someone is is rather dificult to work with

>> No.25611939

>less than week ago it would have been sio, not even that close of a friendship, their group was bakatare level
you realize they probably still talk off stream right?

>> No.25611940
Quoted by: >>25612018

Neither has Watame. And yet they won't do one together.

>> No.25611941

Dog keeps trying to murder people live on stream

>> No.25611942
Quoted by: >>25611957


>> No.25611943

god that leg cross gets me everytime

>> No.25611944
Quoted by: >>25611963

She deleted it for obvious reason you horny retard.

>> No.25611945

She's desperate.

>> No.25611946

Towa and Nose are at the least good friends, I'm interested to see how long they will wait to collab with one another, they are hanging out in real life so maybe soon.

>> No.25611947

yeah, someone posted it yesterday and like vultures people are gonna use it for (you) farming and it's eventually gonna make its way towards reddit because who knew that tourists were retards.

>> No.25611948

It makes me want to see a Kotan collab...

>> No.25611949

Being a 3rd wheel is not a meme, imagine pptrio stream where Coco and Kanata streaming from the same room while Watame streaming from her own room. It would be just awkward if it's not off collab.

>> No.25611950

>because gainjin love kemomimi
Fucking christ theyre even dumber than we are

>> No.25611951

https://files.catbox.moe/82fr1t.mp4 oh god no!

>> No.25611952

>Botan playing Warzone
Fuck. Warzone sucks, Apex is better

>> No.25611954
File: 271 KB, 621x626, 1580120472252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612038

>Gaijin don't like flare because she's black
wait what

>> No.25611955

>Mio's gaijins fans are just gaijins who mistook her for Korone
That's my favorite

>> No.25611956

>Aqua x Pekora

>> No.25611957
Quoted by: >>25611966

I'm not even a member retard. I just saw her tweet. It's honestly kinda pathetic

>> No.25611961

There's a bit of post in her deathflags

>> No.25611962
Quoted by: >>25612058

Why are you so triggered by this?

>> No.25611964
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1591719460185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, it never stops being funny

>> No.25611963
Quoted by: >>25612110

Can't see
Well fuck. I was busy earlier and forgot to resume the membership. Archive anons please.

>> No.25611965
Quoted by: >>25613077

I don't know what those words mean

>> No.25611966
Quoted by: >>25611981


>> No.25611967

Finally something fucking different outside of the usual rotation. Even if its shit its at least a nice palette cleanser

>> No.25611968

Subaru at some point was practically visiting Mio day in and day out so it can be excluded as KanaCoco-type of friendship.

>> No.25611969

Isn't the Apex season ending or whatever? I figure she's not going to play it since she's gotta start on a new account anyway.

>> No.25611970
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1597602054709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-so are they banging their roommates (female) or have real roommates? pls help i am breain deamages

>> No.25611972
Quoted by: >>25612141

>If you're talking about the imitation collab the entire point was to have an imposter there.
And after that didn't go to so well the following collab was Ui, Watame, Noel and Sister Claire.

>> No.25611973
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x997, 1595008844998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill (Choose 2)

>> No.25611974

yes, some retard posted it yesterday and now another retard is going to repost it in every thread for now on
this place really hit rock bottom

>> No.25611975
Quoted by: >>25611991

How is Korone so sluggish when it comes to this game, doesn't even understand jumping?

>> No.25611977

>she also says yoisho sometimes
checkmate anon

>> No.25611976

My ears, Korone pls

>> No.25611978
File: 1.04 MB, 1240x1754, 1591992269237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612030

this stream has been great for dog scream aficionados

>> No.25611979

Shigure Ui desu!

>> No.25611980


>> No.25611981
File: 108 KB, 316x277, Luna12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611982

>Shitpost videos aren't EOP friendly
Yeah, I'll be sticking with my friend Fubuki.

>> No.25611983
File: 117 KB, 639x809, 1581418696066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611985
Quoted by: >>25612002

New season just started. If she is as good as the dox say, then climbing ranks would be easy for her

>> No.25611986
Quoted by: >>25612010

>watame doesn't know how to play checkers

>> No.25611987

Its time to sleep Korosan

>> No.25611988
File: 105 KB, 272x291, 1591752939694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25611989

Is Korosan the worst holo at fall guys?

>> No.25611990

>gainjin dont understand what aloe is about
Yeah they come on here and repeat the same bullshit around 3pm jst only to get btfo every day

>> No.25611991

She's an old dog, it's hard for her to learn new things.

>> No.25611992

Marry Mio
Fuck Okayu
Kill the rest

>> No.25611993

her fucking chat right now is a cesspool, christ

It already ended and the next one started, so now would actually be the best time if you're aiming for rank

>> No.25611995

Marry Okayu, fuck all of them, kill Praxis!

>> No.25611996
Quoted by: >>25612027

>Botan, Korone, and Watame are popular because gaijin inherently love kemomimi

Well fuck they got me, I love kemonomimi. Too bad Korone, and Watame are shit.

>> No.25611997
Quoted by: >>25612143

Not that anon but I rarely download fanarts... does it have something to do with the resolution?

>> No.25611998

New season started few days ago.

>> No.25611999

Kill them all

>> No.25612000

Nah, Ayame exists.

>> No.25612001

It just started. It's why Astel pulled that bullshit endurance stream the other day to grind back up to plat.

>> No.25612002

Jap servers are fucked rn

>> No.25612004
Quoted by: >>25612088

>all these retards telling Korone to sleep
I know we've been over this a million times, but do they not realise this is her job? The only reason why you need to sleep on time is if you have prior commitments.

>> No.25612003
Quoted by: >>25612040

>Haachama's gaijin fans are flips
That was only in the past. I doubt the flips are still watching her after Haachama stopped speaking english.

>> No.25612005

Marry Korosan, fuck Mio and kill myself twice.

>> No.25612007

miko die...
miko dies...

>> No.25612008

The western fan-base are the worst at respecting pay-walled content.

>> No.25612009

Are you new?

>> No.25612010

Please understand she's a loner
You need two people to play checkers

>> No.25612011

>Wants a million subs by next year
Well that ain't happening.

>> No.25612012

Marry Okayu
Fuck Korone
Kill (you) twice

>> No.25612013

Marry Mio
Fuck Fubuki
Kill the other two

>> No.25612014
File: 537 KB, 1172x1172, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is not BLACK she is my HUSBAND

>> No.25612017

Had a dream about Ringmaster Polka introducing Monster Tamer Aki and then the two of them just started beating the shit out of dragons.
Now I want them to play Monster Hunter and ARK together.

>> No.25612016

fuck all of them.

>> No.25612018
File: 35 KB, 128x128, 1594117773134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda sad. Unfortunately things rarely work out in the most straightforward way.

>> No.25612019
File: 933 KB, 995x561, 1597406654383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612042

>25min left
i don't like cod, bruh

>> No.25612020

holy shit that was intense as fuck korosan

>> No.25612023
File: 254 KB, 1036x1450, Eb7f49ZU8AA0-Rp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612063


>> No.25612024


>> No.25612026

Marry Fhunbuki
Fuck Mio
Kill cat and dog

>> No.25612027
File: 465 KB, 459x601, 1590681096107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612028
File: 34 KB, 580x548, aasasdads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you say.
I love this cute sheep bros



>> No.25612029

Nope. Some didn't even see round 4.

>> No.25612030
File: 839 KB, 676x1000, Koropits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612031

What if I just want to fuck them all?

Marry Miso
Fuck Fubuki
Kill OkaKoro

>> No.25612032

*Dog screams externally*

>> No.25612033

Coco and suisei are banging kanata yes

>> No.25612034


>> No.25612035

Marry Koro to Okayu
Fuck Mio
Kill (You)

>> No.25612038

More Flare for us Flarebro.

>> No.25612039

That's a very high pitch scream

>> No.25612040

She spoke a fair amount of english at the start of her member's stream today.

>> No.25612041

myself so I don't have to make that decision

>> No.25612042
Quoted by: >>25612100

Time to see her skills. I'm expecting e-sports tier plays

>> No.25612046

Aqua slaped Miko in front of Pekora
It was a huge mess

>> No.25612048

marry okayu
fuck okayu
murder suicide okayu

>> No.25612049
Quoted by: >>25612361

Please get your membersheep, we need to make the sheep feel better bros, she's so depressed

>> No.25612050


>> No.25612052

you are not funny

>> No.25612053

Marry Mio
Fuck Korone
Kill Fubuki twice

>> No.25612055

I love your husband!

>> No.25612056
Quoted by: >>25612066

The seesaw level is so bad that not even korone can't help but get mad at the other idiot players

>> No.25612057
Quoted by: >>25612091

It was a forced collaboration?

>> No.25612058
Quoted by: >>25612093

I don't know, why is anyone so triggered when people evidently haven't lurked enough?

>> No.25612059
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1595763088994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she's cute

>> No.25612060
Quoted by: >>25612129

Is there any stage Korone ISN'T filtered by at this point?

>> No.25612063
File: 849 KB, 676x1000, Fubupits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612075


>> No.25612065

Mio already dead tho.

>> No.25612066

Crabs in a bucket my friend

>> No.25612067

>last game since 2 hours ago

>> No.25612068

That's nice.
>member stream
Yeah I doubt flips will be paying membership.

>> No.25612069
File: 208 KB, 1200x1500, 1596319887245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry Okayu, Fuck Okayu but if I have to pick something different then Mio, Kill nobody but if I have to pick someone then Korone

>> No.25612070
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1596904317073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is warzone any good?

>> No.25612071

imagine the superchat once someone like korone/peko wins

>> No.25612073
Quoted by: >>25612291

>>Nene is unpopular because due to anti-chinese sentiment in western countries
but, everyone hates the chinese, right?

>> No.25612074

We know about Aloe...all of it. We just don't give a fuck.

>> No.25612075
File: 601 KB, 850x725, EeBkvNEVAAIGRB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me.

>> No.25612076


>> No.25612078

I fucking love this screenshot so much.

>> No.25612080

Is Aug 23 the schedule of her cesarian delivery?

>> No.25612079


>> No.25612081

Aqua once went on a tangent on stream saying really nasty stuff about Pekora they apparently don't get along very well.

>> No.25612082

Fuck me thats great

>> No.25612083


>> No.25612084
File: 470 KB, 1280x1280, 1588242638375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25612085
Quoted by: >>25612209

if you watch V-Tubers and complain about the games they play you are retarded and in the wrong medium.

>> No.25612088
Quoted by: >>25612108

To be fair, jap prime hours have been over for a long time. She should sleep so she can wake up earlier and actually stream when her paying audience is awake.

>> No.25612090
File: 104 KB, 1364x731, 1592162378237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking clown (renacimiento) can take the original shitposter's place

>> No.25612091

>It was a forced collaboration?
I don't think so. I meant to say that they were forced to interact for the first time during it.I just woke up, ごめん

>> No.25612092

Her 3D is super cute.

>> No.25612093

Okay, I guess you'll then just have to deal with it in the future as well.

>> No.25612094 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1597941774320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25612095

yeah but when you ghost everyone for over a month and put updates on your situation behind a paywall it's a bit of a dick move to ask your members to keep it private, it's to be expected that 35p would share it

>> No.25612097

Watame your checkers reps...

>> No.25612099
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1590885823611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just dawned on me that Flare is
black asian gay

>> No.25612100

That's too much. You'll just be disappointed

>> No.25612101
File: 962 KB, 1280x720, 0ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612102

It's more fun than Apex, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.25612103

>Wake up
>Tokonokise is dead
At least Tokonose is still alive...

>> No.25612104
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1596300054321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute and dumb

>> No.25612105

Why are towafags like this?

>> No.25612108

But koro has always been the master of endurance streams, that's been her thing for a long time

>> No.25612110
Quoted by: >>25612153

She deleted the tweet and never posted a direct link to it in the community so after it became member's only if you didn't set a reminder or have the link you couldn't get to it.
It's not deleted. Check the last tweet she liked there's a link there since she told people to advertise it for her although few people did since the stream was an embarrassment.
It was a tragedy because she tried to read out one of schizo translator kuns machine translated lines but she couldn't read it.

>> No.25612111


>> No.25612112

Guess you can't teach an old dog new games

>> No.25612113

Marry Okayu
Fuck Korone
Kill rest
okayu is best wifecat

>> No.25612114


>> No.25612116

Pretty fun, I like it a lot.

>> No.25612115
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, 1589661508587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612117
Quoted by: >>25612158

Overfed Bibi struggles to fly

>> No.25612118
File: 1.94 MB, 3439x2144, Ed7qghjUYAAdR0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.25612119

Hey guys! Last game!

>> No.25612121

cutest together with fukboi (2D, her 3D is mediocre)

>> No.25612123

knock knock

>> No.25612124

Marry Korone
Fuck Okayu, Mio, FBK
Kill nobody

>> No.25612125
File: 266 KB, 480x480, 1573981755515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if they are brave or just foolish, did they learned nothing from Miko incident? You talk shit about elf you get an axe and disappear.

>> No.25612127

I heard it's one of the better BRs out there

>> No.25612128

Larger breasts are more attractive, anon. We discussed this before.

>> No.25612129

I think she's lost on them all by now.

>> No.25612131

I was laugh my ass off during most of the Tetris/zatsudan

>> No.25612133
Quoted by: >>25612231

FBK's videos aren't even a shitpost aside from a few, she's just singing some short songs and that's it.

>> No.25612134


>> No.25612137
File: 188 KB, 1522x1287, banpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612805

it's arcade rooty tooty point and shooty and actually is something battle royales should be striving towards in the grander scheme, but yes it's fun

>> No.25612136

weebtrashboi nooooooooooooooo

>> No.25612138

She really is

>> No.25612140
File: 591 KB, 2500x2500, EfPImmzUwAI-7fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canceled her drinking stream after Aloe suspension
She's dangerous

>> No.25612141

Kanata's collab was so chaotic but it had a lot of fun moments. Good thing Kanata learned her lesson, maybe if she hosts someting next time she'll do it the right way.

>> No.25612143

lurk more newfag

>> No.25612145
Quoted by: >>25612304

dog is winning me over. the doxx posters here made me dislike her roommate but I think I can separate the two entities now

>> No.25612144

I want a fat Bibi pillow.

>> No.25612147

Nobuhime had like a good almost two months on Fubuki and was shitposting right out of the gate, if anyone's the original it's her
But it also doesn't matter it's not like there's only one short-form shitposter allowed

>> No.25612148

nice accelerator

>> No.25612149
Quoted by: >>25612194

I wonder what Shion and Marine are doing right now...

>> No.25612150


>> No.25612152

Yeah, Coco said when they were making their chart that she and Ayame had literally not even said a word to each other.
I genuinely believe Ayame does not like Coco.

>> No.25612153


>> No.25612154

I have more fun watching it than other BRs.

>> No.25612155
File: 502 KB, 512x1080, 1597810569122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612203

>ZERO clownfucker votes


>> No.25612156

>people hype for a COD stream
Really now

>> No.25612157
File: 1.87 MB, 560x420, 1596916980087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you arent tired right anon?
>i havent won a game yet!
>wake up!

>> No.25612158
File: 44 KB, 600x900, 1597639263815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612348

Bibi let himself go pretty badly.

>> No.25612160

Yeah but it runs like fucking trash because the devs dont know what optimization is

>> No.25612161

Manager didn't want another scandal this soon

>> No.25612162

Lamy my wife.

>> No.25612164
Quoted by: >>25612301

Has Korone even made it to a final round yet?

>> No.25612165
Quoted by: >>25612379

I can't believe the dragon would touch damaged goods

>> No.25612166

TF2 is dead and full of cheaters and bots.

>> No.25612167

I hope the promised Pekokino watching session turns out to be The Intouchables, that movie is fucking great. I'd be more than fine with Shin Godzilla too.

>> No.25612168
Quoted by: >>25612225

That's some pro moves from Korosan.

>> No.25612171

The ultimate choke.

>> No.25612172
Quoted by: >>25612183

Is witch doctor a banned sentence in watame chat?

>> No.25612175

She herself knows she's dangerous.

Wonder why she cancelled her drinking stream after the Aloe fiasco and hasn't done one since.

That's right. She's a crazy drunk.

>> No.25612176

Marry Korone
Fuck Everyone else
Kill (You)

>> No.25612178
File: 2.12 MB, 1500x2121, 1597495016227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612214

Do you think she'll show up during Aloe's 3D Debut?

>> No.25612177

>not even read them out
I thought she was supposed to be the wholesome one?

>> No.25612180

It's supposed to be a serious talk, of course she would address her membered fans first. She'll let everyone else later.

>> No.25612179

>just throwing it all in an image

>> No.25612181

I'm not, botans gaming streams will definitely be hit or miss for me

>> No.25612183
Quoted by: >>25612260

Oh yeah look at it go

>> No.25612184
File: 48 KB, 548x468, 1597687811378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking FBK can compete with the Shitpost queen Polkahime

>> No.25612185


>> No.25612186
File: 183 KB, 1392x817, sio....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612187
Quoted by: >>25612258

I like how all the holos that play fall guys get grabbed they are like DON'T TOUCH ME
but Korone is like WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT HUH?!

>> No.25612188

Konoyaro maji aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.25612189

>already taking the peko approach
it's over, sell your lamycoins NOW

>> No.25612192


>> No.25612193

Sure if you have Romanian tier internet and 500GB SSD of space.

>> No.25612195
Quoted by: >>25612222

Can't decide
Can't decide
I'd kill Fubuki by bashing her head with a sledge hammer. Maybe that'll fix that weird elongated shape of her dumb fucking face

>> No.25612194

sleeping, the have an early stream

>> No.25612196

>Towa's ex hid her subscription number
oh no no no
It was already like 5k down

>> No.25612197
Quoted by: >>25612276

>Aqua x Pekora

>> No.25612199


>> No.25612200
File: 2.09 MB, 1178x1937, 1597083345842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based elf dabbing on lonely faggots that only donate to hear their name heard

>> No.25612201

its hot garbage

>> No.25612202

Is that still up anywhere? It's fucking hard finding sources on any of these stuff, and there's so many badly translated narratives from 5ch floating around.

>> No.25612203
File: 166 KB, 480x448, hmm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612241

Just voted

>> No.25612204

Ayame is the Holo that hasn't participated in Asacoco skits too.

>> No.25612206

why are eops like this

>> No.25612207
Quoted by: >>25613026

pekofags trying to rewrite history.
pekora doxxed aqua back in the NND days, thats why they hate each other

>> No.25612208
File: 389 KB, 460x1314, EaXktc8UcAEfme_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612209

Do you really enjoy watching 事故物件 on every channel?

>> No.25612210

>Korone already apologizing to her team for losing

>> No.25612211
Quoted by: >>25612365

I don't care for it but I appreciate the fact that she's willing to play games that no other popular chuuba has played before (or at least I think so)

>> No.25612212
Quoted by: >>25612302


>> No.25612213

Are we gonna get another Watame vs Korone endurance stream?

>> No.25612214

Bibi will show up.

>> No.25612215

What about Fall Guys!?
She hasn't won it!

>> No.25612220

Wtf? I am a Lamy fan now.

>> No.25612221

lmao japs won't be happy with this

>> No.25612222

Please don't say those mean things about my friend.

>> No.25612225
Quoted by: >>25612350


>> No.25612226

Very happy to see him motivated like this. It felt like yesterday when his channel would only go over 1k views in very rare occasions. Now it's happening lately in his regular morning zatsudans, with or without english lessons. Keep grinding son.

>> No.25612227
Quoted by: >>25612313

wtf they're literally all true?

>> No.25612228

She won provisionally.

>> No.25612230
File: 621 KB, 2233x1193, media_Ef2pjtDU4AA_hlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25612231

Never said there was a lot of them.

>> No.25612232
File: 99 KB, 863x474, wanwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612259

>> No.25612233

>Watame does totsumachi for her 400k subs
>Coco and Kanata doesn't call

>> No.25612234

They'll forgive her after another round of よしよし

>> No.25612235
File: 285 KB, 700x989, 1594256575285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612236


>> No.25612238

>Red team

>> No.25612241
File: 994 KB, 604x1280, 1597724272910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah shoulda saw that coming, you're alright sheepfucker

>> No.25612242
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1593795171205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612302


>> No.25612243

Predict Botan's numbers for the Warzone stream.

>> No.25612244

>Gaijin don't like flare because she's black
This is true for me

>> No.25612245

A lot of new people membered her yesterday, I bet it's not even a 35P who shared it. It's fine though at least her message reaches everyone.

>> No.25612246

Chowa looks different

>> No.25612247

Oh lawd...

>> No.25612248

Fuck yeah, i love that tryhard bear

>> No.25612250

they will call together from their lovenest

>> No.25612252


>> No.25612253

Doesn't Korone also do this? She's going to be fine, might piss off a few autists but I doubt the majority will care.

>> No.25612254

That's retarded but it's different so I'm in

>> No.25612255

Holy based.

>> No.25612259

Twice as loud as it needs to be. Treat your ears with care.

>> No.25612258

She's a tiktok whore. She likes it when ojisan touch her.

>> No.25612260

Roll out da barrel, feel it in ya bones

>> No.25612261

>Kanata calls at the last second
>Watame ends the stream

>> No.25612262


>> No.25612263

flares black????

>> No.25612265

Why was such a random country like Indonesia given holos before somewhere like South Korea? I'd even expect EN before ID.

>> No.25612266
File: 136 KB, 313x240, wara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, I love those gossips!

>> No.25612267

lol she must not give a shit

>> No.25612270


>> No.25612269

she has decoy nousagis now

>> No.25612273
Quoted by: >>25612302

>It's real

>> No.25612274

At least 40k

>> No.25612275

I'll be sure to leave Lamy a nice ARS 50 supacha next time

>> No.25612276


>> No.25612277


>> No.25612278

That's not how you milk gachikois.

>> No.25612279

glad i know i'm not the only one

>> No.25612281
File: 395 KB, 720x720, usada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usada Bin Laden

>> No.25612282

I think it's the other way around

>> No.25612283
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, 1596687237824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall Guys? More like Fail Gays.

>> No.25612285

At least 20K.

>> No.25612286
Quoted by: >>25612351

When Coco was new I remember Ayame bringing her up one stream and praising her a lot. Just talking about a few of the Asacoco jokes she liked made her laugh.

>> No.25612287


>> No.25612288

Coco's English voice sounds like a muppet

>> No.25612289

Now we just need her drinking streams so we can see how much of an alcoholic she really is

>> No.25612290

look at the status of niji kr

>> No.25612292

>Botan's pre-stream chat
I hate it

>> No.25612291
Quoted by: >>25612568

Only westerners could be stupid enough to think wearing a china dress means she's a chinese character, /hlg/ is proof enough of that. Not that I'm complaining, the less worthless EOPs shitting up chat the better.

>> No.25612294

Damn Towa gets to lick THAT?

>> No.25612295
Quoted by: >>25612387

>The autistic force
>The shy object
Towa x Roro collab never ever.

>> No.25612296
Quoted by: >>25612383

>Blonde hair tanned skin Towa outfit NEVER EVER
Why even live?

>> No.25612297

Oshio ships her daughter with anyone she collabs with, just like it should be.

>> No.25612298

>implying that western fans have any idea that nene has a chinese theme and not a japanese one

>> No.25612299

they will call and talk about how great things are going for them then hang up before the sheep can even ask for a collab

>> No.25612300 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1050x846, 1597942263891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612301

Nope. 2-3 semi final loses and then live commentating the finals.

>> No.25612302
File: 50 KB, 319x200, 1593929108554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612303
Quoted by: >>25612359

>Suisei calls in and nets in Kanata and Coco and bridges them to talk again like how Haachama bridged Watame ans Suisei together

>> No.25612304

The dox people make shit up yeah she’s not how you pictured her so what

>> No.25612305

The shitstorm will be immeasurable

>> No.25612308

Fun but Apex was better last update this new one kinda made it more like warzone,

Also warzone is a bit annoying when in city area's because of rooftop campers.

>> No.25612309


>> No.25612311
Quoted by: >>25612553

People full of weebs

>> No.25612313
Quoted by: >>25612345

>t. Roach-san

>> No.25612314
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1593050358762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed knowledge

>> No.25612315
File: 17 KB, 468x431, 1572160163297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a dinner with 4 hot blondies and try to listen to what other 3 are saying while Watame gives you a footjob under the table

>> No.25612316

The funnier part is her apologizing afterward for attaching san to the name of a guy who had san in his name so she clearly didn't read any of it while copypasting lmao

>> No.25612317

shes shooting herself in the foot with this..

>> No.25612318


>> No.25612321


>> No.25612324

I wanna fuck Towa and Aloe at the same time.

>> No.25612323
File: 686 KB, 818x557, 1586939440649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612394

Who thought it would be watame celebrating 400k first. Sucks to be you, tenshit.

>> No.25612325

not COD, Botan

>> No.25612326

>Kanata, Coco and Suisei call together from Coco's room

>> No.25612327

Now do George Watame Bush.

>> No.25612328


>> No.25612329

ever gonna fuck you Noel

>> No.25612331


>> No.25612332

This time inclunding every holo

>> No.25612333

go back to twitch then.

>> No.25612334 [DELETED] 

Peak around 30k average but mostly low 20s.

>> No.25612336
File: 350 KB, 1488x2048, D4Wj31NU4AElcFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612381


>> No.25612337

my wife mio

>> No.25612339

>Simp list
Rip her SC

>> No.25612341
File: 558 KB, 2000x2400, 1597513214129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612370

Date Mio
Kiss Mio
Propose to Mio
Fuck Mio
Marry Mio
Have a lifetime lasting relationship with Mio
Go on many picnics with Mio
Play games with Mio
Travel the world with Mio
Listen to the stories and laughs of Mio
Fall asleep each night and wake up each morning while looking at Mio
Have children with Mio
Build a house with Mio
Watch our children grow up while we are expecting our fourth with Mio
Watch the stars twinkle in the night, as we rest, shoulder to shoulder, with our children sleeping next to us with Mio
Watch our children grow into warm, self sufficient, caring and capable adults, with Mio
Retire to a farm next to the woods with Mio
Have our children and grandchildren come to celebrate Christmas and other holidays together with Mio
Take long hikes into the woods while holding hands, remembering all the amazing events we had in our life with Mio
Grow old with Mio
Pass away while at home, surrounded by family, holding hands with Mio
As the void takes me, take the sight of a smile, covered with a stream of never ending tears, and feeling the warm embrace and kiss of Mio

>> No.25612342


>> No.25612343

i hate shitzone but i want to see how she does. wont be watching another shitzone stream if she continues playing it

>> No.25612344
File: 103 KB, 440x94, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a note on her pot ojii stream saying she explicitly would not read superchats for that stream

>> No.25612345

Do we have many turks in here?

>> No.25612346


>> No.25612347
File: 2.43 MB, 1800x1200, 1591133830551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25612411

you're going down

>> No.25612348
File: 622 KB, 993x757, bibic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25612349

2nd place to a cheater is a win. She even recorded it.

>> No.25612350
Quoted by: >>25612399


>> No.25612351

sounds like corporate spiel

>> No.25612352

All those anons that said Sio would be fine really don't know how far schizos will go to damage someone

>> No.25612353


>> No.25612354


>> No.25612356

She said she wouldn't have time to read supacha at the very beginning of that stream, EOPchama.

>> No.25612358

Wow she finally saw the crown

>> No.25612359

That would be pretty bad desu, if a 3rd party needs to drag them to call her it's better if they don't call at all.

>> No.25612361

But the anons in this thread told me that money doesn't fix depression

>> No.25612362


>> No.25612363
Quoted by: >>25612468

Lmaoooooooooo Gen 5 are lazy for the JPs. Only Nene looks like to not be the lazy one.

>> No.25612364

I fuckin hate japanese retards
If somebody harms Sio...

>> No.25612365
Quoted by: >>25612446

Kuzuha, Kanae and Chihiro played it for a bit before going back to APEX.

>> No.25612366

Coco never misses those except that one time with Shion

>> No.25612369

Towabro here. You'll get used to it.

>> No.25612370

i think you mistook her for korone

>> No.25612371
Quoted by: >>25612475

It's over...

>> No.25612372


>> No.25612373

Where the fuck are poalniggers in this one?

>> No.25612375


>> No.25612377

Why CoD?
there are so many shooting games and you choose this.

>> No.25612378

>nailed by the ball thrice

>> No.25612379
Quoted by: >>25612492

The dragon is more damaged than Towa.

>> No.25612380

I want to adopt one.

>> No.25612381

ayame? more like pakome LMAO

>> No.25612383

I want pale swimwear Toi.

>> No.25612387

Roro doesn't trust towa not to call her by her real name by accident

>> No.25612388

holy based. I thought she's would be the Rushia of gen 5, exploiting salaryman with her design and voice, i was wrong. wtf I love Lamy now

>> No.25612389

Excited for Botan FPS, not Warzone. I would rather watch any other FPS but this will do for now.

>> No.25612392

I just wanna see her skills tbdesu.

>> No.25612393

You fucking imbecilic japs. Now she's gonna play the victim card and escape justice. You absolute buffoons.

>> No.25612394

I started watching Hololive around the time when they were celebrating 200k and even Coco's 400k seemed an insane number. Yet here we are, middle of the pack of Hololive approaching those numbers now.

>> No.25612395

Peak near 30k but will mostly be around 20k.

>> No.25612396

You can't just destroy the narrative like that wtf

>> No.25612397
Quoted by: >>25612420

Worst player

>> No.25612398

>earn $16k just for existing in your first monetized stream
>be too lazy to spend 3 hours reading names
Either she hates money or she's spoiled as fuck.

>> No.25612399

Its like one of the only rounds that you can't really get fucked over by randos

>> No.25612402
Quoted by: >>25612451

She hates it so much bros...

>> No.25612405
Quoted by: >>25612500

Well, gen 5 only joined for the money.
Gen 6 and onwards will be full of idols and seiyuus switching to the vtuber industry for the big bucks

>> No.25612407

>Korosan ending
Well time to watch Botan I guess

>> No.25612406

Keep me updated on how Botan is at Warzone; not gonna watch. lol

>> No.25612408

What do you mean? Is it that funny to say bikini 3d streams are likely to be banned and they don't want it.

>> No.25612409

im a boomer and the last cod i played was MW2, someone give me a qrd on this one Botan is going to play

>> No.25612411
Quoted by: >>25612442

Furee America togeda

>> No.25612412

>implying the TIDF wont post this to their tranny discord

>> No.25612414

shut up you fucking pathetic numberfag.

>> No.25612416
Quoted by: >>25612425

The suffering ends.

>> No.25612418
Quoted by: >>25612553

>South Korea
>Anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea

>> No.25612420

>made finals
Not even close. Rushia and Ayame didn't even make round 4.

>> No.25612423

She just wants free money. Little did she know, this is how you lose more money kek.

>> No.25612424

How can we convince a holo to play CS 1.6?

>> No.25612425

it never really ends...

>> No.25612426

What do English speaking viewers think about haato's English? And what do you think about when Coco jumping in and pointing out mistakes she made when she's gonna make fun of other idols' English mistakes?

>> No.25612428
Quoted by: >>25612467

Botan's gonna feel the pressure, she set up high expectations.

>> No.25612429


>> No.25612430


>> No.25612431

Aren't there a few holos that never even saw the last round? Korone did fine.

>> No.25612433

It would take 1000 men to stop me from fucking chowa

>> No.25612434

fuck you, it was great

>> No.25612436

I don't know slavbro. I don't know. Tweet a few times or make fanart of it?

>> No.25612437

All 5th gen will clinge in those. I can sign it for you

>> No.25612439
Quoted by: >>25612506

Miko got a strike like Mio did and refused to apologise because she said it was managements fault

>> No.25612440
Quoted by: >>25612516

But anon /hlg/ is all EOPs

>> No.25612441

Just akasupa Botan that you're looking forward to the CS1.6 Hololive server she's going to run.

>> No.25612442

wall toppu go patta pattaaa

>> No.25612444

>300$ akasupa
I kneel

>> No.25612446
Quoted by: >>25612463

>Kuzuha, Kanae and Chihiro
Yeah but they're garbage so who cares.

>> No.25612447
Quoted by: >>25612553

they HATE each, other sea is full of weebs

>> No.25612449

Half way between that and pubg, in both design and gameplay

>> No.25612450

So much for not giving a fuck to antis. I'm thankful Aloe is suspended. Shit like this would happen to her, maybe even worse because she angers nijiniiggers

>> No.25612453

Is Watame as lonely as Astel?

>> No.25612454

What is there to think lol
If it's funny it's funny
Also Haachama should do her reps

>> No.25612451

She is obviously pretending. Fake bitch.

>> No.25612452

Oshio the /u/fag. isn't her comedy manga GL?

>> No.25612456
Quoted by: >>25612589

I fucking love the Japanese. Their autism is just something else.

>> No.25612457

>botan actually showing her skill

>> No.25612458

>I genuinely believe Ayame does not like Coco.

False. Ayame brings up Coco a lot and even knows some Asacoco skits which she likes.

It's just for some reason a lot of Gen 1 and Gen 2 girls don't collab with Gen 3 and 4. Surprsingly it's Gen 0 that actually collabs a lot with Gen 3/4.

I remember even Subaru calling out her own gen (Gen 2) by saying that they need to collab with each other more after getting trounced in a game by the other gens.

>> No.25612459

I watch fubuki's sister, she's doing ok for a niji.

>> No.25612461

>Towafags dominating
But they just found bigger slut to lick the cum out of

>> No.25612462
Quoted by: >>25612682

A bibi merch would sell like fucking hotcakes, does Cover hate money?

>> No.25612465
Quoted by: >>25612537


>> No.25612463

The question was about popular vtubers, anon, not who you think is good or not.

>> No.25612464

i think it's the cutest thing ever and i want to have a hafu daughter who learns jp as her first language so i can hear her adorable engrish

>> No.25612466


>> No.25612467

Well she's been doing it for years in past lives, so there shouldn't be anything new there.

>> No.25612468
Quoted by: >>25612557

Nene is falling behind quite a bit. She was pretty much doomed from the start because of her boring character design.

>> No.25612470

Its a BR. Pretty typical except there are "contracts" which are basically quests you can take during the match. Also if you die, you go to the Gulag, where you do a 1v1 deathmatch against another dead player for the chance to spawn in the map again.

>> No.25612471

Ronerier... Astel at least has Meika though NTRoberu might have just cucked him away... Astel...

>> No.25612472

>marine comes in just to play piratewars

>> No.25612473

Marine didn't even make round 3

>> No.25612474

im ready for botan to fucking suck at video games

>> No.25612475

I've heard Botan pressured Korone to end the stream early due to her playing Warzone.

>> No.25612476

Time to see if the FPS god gamer narrative is true.

>> No.25612478

No, she's not a virgin like he is

>> No.25612479

Meanwhile Sui-chan doesn't read fucking superchats.

>> No.25612481

You must have missed the stream before yesterday, but Rushia made it to finals on her last game

>> No.25612482

She deduces meaning from pre-learned phrases and key words. There's barely any grammar knowledge there. I love it

>> No.25612483

Lets see if the OGRE is that good as people say

>> No.25612485

>under 8K

>> No.25612486

EN is canceled.

>> No.25612487
Quoted by: >>25612559

She's much better than she lets on but girls play dumb because people think its cute

>> No.25612489

ever gonna give you up

>> No.25612491

It's not fantastic but it's cute and it's certainly better than my Japanese so I respect her for it. Can't Coco for making humorous situations out of her mistakes but it's a shame that it seems to have made Haato lose confidence and stop doing English themed stuff.

>> No.25612492

The entire gen 4 is damaged

>> No.25612494

Karmatically funny but somewhat depressing.

>> No.25612496

Well, Lamy did make it sound like she came from money. But, it's kind of absurd that she'd BTFO gachikois this hard. Even Noel baits for memberships.

>> No.25612497
Quoted by: >>25612510

ID is full of weebs. It's just weird, the majority are muslims and yet there are so many weebs

>> No.25612498

That went about as expected.

>> No.25612499

I'm impressed with how bad her English is. She probably avoids speaking to anyone in Australia.

>> No.25612500

>seiyuus switching to the vtuber industry
So which seiyuus you'd love to see switching career to become a vtuber

>> No.25612501
Quoted by: >>25612534

Has any 5th gen hit 20k after the fad moved on?

>> No.25612503
Quoted by: >>25612521

>escape justice
justice for... making some shitposts?

>> No.25612505


>> No.25612506

>she said it was managements fault
big true

>> No.25612507

i would destroy her 1v1 any map
fucking come at me

>> No.25612508

I actually think she's from a rich family and just wants to have fun. Her grandmother bought a fucking grand piano just to motivate her to learn, but she quit anyway.

>> No.25612509

does anyone have a link to botans opening? i like future funk.

>> No.25612510

in that case they might as well do holoChille

>> No.25612511

I don't vyt or niji in here

>> No.25612513


>> No.25612514
Quoted by: >>25612597


>> No.25612515

Botan's bgm is amazing!

>> No.25612516
Quoted by: >>25612585

I just don't want people to take something out of context

>> No.25612517

It's funny.

>> No.25612518
Quoted by: >>25612599

Watame has social skills but nobody to use them on
Astel has no social skills but keeps getting thrust into situations where he needs to talk to girls

>> No.25612519

Its time to die membersheeps

>> No.25612520


Can Okayu just narrate a segment at the end of every skit? Shit's fantastic.

>> No.25612521

its ok when japs do it

>> No.25612522

This is really Watame's last game, right?

>> No.25612524
Quoted by: >>25612542

Why not just Apex? Jesus fucking Christ this white lion.

>> No.25612525


>> No.25612528
Quoted by: >>25612565


>> No.25612529

Lamy, your subs will be affected by this. You were doing so good... You cannot betray the Japanese.

>> No.25612527

That's because she's a true idol. Personal interactions only available during special events.

>> No.25612530


>> No.25612531

>la lion will choke and it will be cute

>> No.25612534

Everyone on 5ch found out how awful they all are except for Aloe whomst they are eagerly awaiting her return!

>> No.25612536

Even if her audience forgives her no one will ever collab with her again.

>> No.25612537
Quoted by: >>25612616


>> No.25612539
Quoted by: >>25612570

Why do people here think a 40yo grandma would have exceptional FPS skill?

>> No.25612541
Quoted by: >>25612605

>Celebrating 660k with 66 hour stream
Holy shit Korone is a machine

>> No.25612540

Capcom will fucking pay for what they have done

>> No.25612542
Quoted by: >>25612640

Cod is easier

>> No.25612543
Quoted by: >>25612604

>Why was such a random country like Indonesia given holos before somewhere like South Korea?

Isn't Indonesia like the 4th largest country by population?

>> No.25612544

It's 2 AM.

>> No.25612545
Quoted by: >>25612558

What is her problem

>> No.25612546

Why? It's average at best.

She sounds excited...

>> No.25612547

gracias chocoball

>> No.25612549

This game is shooting game... but IM RONRY

>> No.25612550

If anything, it should have been Taiwan.

>> No.25612551

I'm actually gonna cry what the fuck mio stop

>> No.25612552

Koreans have KPop and plastic girls everywhere.

>> No.25612553

>Around 70k subs across like 11 people.
Holy moly, that is pretty bad. Wasn't aware Indonesia was more relevant in online otaku hobbies.
But China also hates Japan?

>> No.25612554

Li~on Li~on

>> No.25612555

el ogre fps...

>> No.25612557

>Aloe dead
>Lamy about to die
>Nene inclines by default
Why are you doubting Watame's disciple?

>> No.25612558

She's ill in the head

>> No.25612559

This. >>25612487

>> No.25612560
Quoted by: >>25612608

So she has fun acting seiso? The fuck? If she was like Haachama I could understand her not giving a shit and just doing whatever.

>> No.25612561
Quoted by: >>25612712

It's actually funny how she still gets at least 1M from youtube superchats when she barely gives a shit about them. Sometimes she doesn't even says arigatou, she just goes "supacha ari".

>> No.25612562

>she's practicing 20x3

>> No.25612564

They would be banned in China.

>> No.25612565

Let's see if Botan really is a gamer or a total fraud

>> No.25612566

She's got a garp at it. Her English GTA streams were wonderfull.

>> No.25612568


>> No.25612570

Because you can watch her old gameplay

>> No.25612571

Yumi Uchiyama

>> No.25612572

>Using a chocoball operator

>> No.25612573

Why did everyone make such a big deal out of Botan building her own PC?
Thought that was standard practice for anyone who has ever touched a video game.
Do the other members use prebuilts or what?

>> No.25612574

She is the best. She just says "arigatou mina matane" and fucks off.
Fuck autists wanting to be read or noticed.

>> No.25612576

>Aqua's titanfall streams still private
They're never coming back, are they bros? I was in the middle of watching them...

>> No.25612577 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25612629

She did something similar when Aki's computer exploded and she could only be seen but not heard.

>> No.25612580

L - I - O- N

>> No.25612581

>botan uses the m4

>> No.25612583

>Mio couldn't do an actual birthday stream
>her friends couldn't call her
>all because Capcom

>> No.25612585

This thread is people constantly posting about things with no context or understanding.

>> No.25612586

Can already see the spam starting when Botan dies once in the game

>> No.25612587
Quoted by: >>25612637

>Plan B

>> No.25612588

Like 0.01% of people in Japan actually know how to build a PC

>> No.25612589
Quoted by: >>25612641

Criminal behavior isn't autism

>> No.25612592
Quoted by: >>25612603

wtf I'm Lamyfag now.

>> No.25612593

It's rare for japs to build their own PCs.

>> No.25612595

Botan's voice is growing on me. I'm a deep voicefag and initially was disappointed during debut.

>> No.25612596

>Why was such a random country like Indonesia given holos before somewhere like South Korea? I'd even expect EN before ID.
Because they speak English obviously.

>> No.25612597

When she talks naturally like this her Australian accent really comes through, very cute

>> No.25612598

Well, it shows that you care enough about PC games to some extent.

>> No.25612599
Quoted by: >>25612859

WataAstel is now my crack pairing and nobody can stop me.

>> No.25612601
Quoted by: >>25612623

>I want to fuck Debi-chan

>> No.25612600

let the choke begins

>> No.25612602

everyone in asia hates each other

>> No.25612603

You have a fetish for giving money to women and being ignored by them?

>> No.25612605

Management will stop the stream before hitting 26 hours.

>> No.25612604
Quoted by: >>25612662

Sure, but might as well make a Pakistani branch, right? It is just random in that it isn't a really influential country.

>> No.25612607
Quoted by: >>25612638

>shes playing multiplayer

>> No.25612608
Quoted by: >>25612635

Maybe she actually is seiso? The fun part is trying something new like streaming / new job.

>> No.25612609

Shuuichi Ikeda unironically

>> No.25612610

cute name

>> No.25612613


>> No.25612614

Indo weeb = Watching any anime

>> No.25612616

this stream was really gold

>> No.25612617

Watame jobbing hard.

>> No.25612618

I have high hopes for this lion

>> No.25612620

The other girls commission builders for theirs. Check out Roboco's battlestation. There's a video of the guy who assembled it.

Same with Aki. Avermedia JP is doing hers.

It's very very very very rare for JPs to build their own. Prebuilts in Japan are much more prevelant as well.

>> No.25612622

Tomorrow is a colab you’ll know if she likes it if she plays solo again

>> No.25612623

We can't compete with that koala

>> No.25612624

It's 2am now, she won't get more than 25k

>> No.25612626

Unless I misheard Botan has just said that she's not going to read superchats OR she's only going to read their names. So it seems like manageament might be telling them to not waste 20 hours thanking superchats, or well, they're just fed up with it.

>> No.25612627

She's willing to shell out a lot more money because building your own PC in Japan is much more expensive, than simply buying a prebuilt one.

>> No.25612628
Quoted by: >>25612696


>> No.25612629

Shit, I bungled that post somehow
She did something similar when Aki's computer exploded and she could only be seen but not heard.

>> No.25612632

PC gaming, let alone building, hasn't really caught on in Japan.

>> No.25612633

PC gaming in Japan as a whole is pretty small. They're mainly console and mobile faggots. To most people PC is just the metal box they see at work.

>> No.25612635

I thought she was a titty ASMR streamer like Noel?

>> No.25612637

>Ah... There are two unnecessary "san" for the building law...
>I'm very sorry...
Blunder of the century.

>> No.25612636

>that one controllerfag

>> No.25612638

She needs time to warm up her granny hands

>> No.25612639

Weeb friendly emerging market

>> No.25612640

fuck off it is

>> No.25612641

Okay boomer.

>> No.25612644

your average chinese knows to not bring politics into videogames/anime
your average korean doesn't.

>> No.25612645
Quoted by: >>25613064

She doesn’t want to have anything to do with Nijisanji not a good time for her

>> No.25612646

>18k already

Botanchads keep winning!

>> No.25612647

I thought she said, she will post the names on twitter

>> No.25612648
Quoted by: >>25612674

I wish Botan had kept dodging FPS streams forever and kept you sweaty nerds seething

>> No.25612651

Botan's ping is back to normal!

>> No.25612652

>standard practice
its not anywhere. the amount of clueless people far exceeds the amount of people that know even basics of their computer

>> No.25612653

That's really surprising...

>> No.25612654


>> No.25612655

kore wa... grass

>> No.25612657


>> No.25612658

Oh no, they keep multiplying!

>> No.25612660


>> No.25612662

But Japan and Pakistan don't good relationship, unlike Japan and the Indogs desu.

>> No.25612663

She's not playing Warzone...

>> No.25612666

It's 19k now, bro.

>> No.25612664

In Japan, you have to get a license to build your own PC.

>> No.25612665

>team deathmatch

>> No.25612667

Time to quickscope some nerds on rust

>> No.25612669
Quoted by: >>25612725

I fucking hate the spics in Korone's chat holy fuck

>> No.25612670


>> No.25612672

Permission apocalypse here we go.

>> No.25612674

I'd watch her whatever she plays, She's chill as fuck, It's like Aqua mixed with Okayu.

>> No.25612675

Good. It's a fucking waste of time and my hdd space when I'm archiving.

>> No.25612676

I hope she joins the no reading group. I think she can carve out a good following without that.

>> No.25612677

>Tbag greeting teammates
True gamer.

>> No.25612678


>> No.25612679

That kind of shit is my favorite personality trait

>> No.25612681

Watame doesn't even understand the rules...

>> No.25612682

Well they're selling the hat (albeit without the horns); one step at a time, I guess.

>> No.25612683
Quoted by: >>25612735

Didn't towa say something about living together during her stream?

>> No.25612685
Quoted by: >>25612706

i unironically shit on pc players all the time on cod with a controller. i play on the pc as well so i dont have the ridiculous aim assist that console players get.

>> No.25612686

>non br mode
Absolute fucking based, brs are trash

>> No.25612687


>> No.25612688

>her tracking

>> No.25612690

China 1 400 milion people, don't like Japan
Indonesia 250 million people, weebs
Korea 50 million HATE Japan

>> No.25612691

As long as Marine is not stopped from reading hers whenever she wants to I don't care.

>> No.25612692

Japan is Apple users and console players.

>> No.25612695

>Thought that was standard practice for anyone who has ever touched a video game.
not really, not even in the west

>> No.25612696

He already did, I think

>> No.25612697

>I actually think she's from a rich family and just wants to have fun
Why would you join hololive if you just want to have fun? Just become an indie if her reason was only to have fun.

>> No.25612698

Wasn't Warzone a BR

>> No.25612699

What's with the game audio, it sounds off

>> No.25612700

Botan flexing

>> No.25612701

Quickscope onegai

>> No.25612703

Button will stay really popular.

>> No.25612706

nice blog bro subscribed

>> No.25612704

ohnonono blaming controls already

>> No.25612707

>that aim

>> No.25612710

I'm pretty sure it's 4D chess actually. Sio will be a victim from now on and even if someone didn't like her, the supportive messages will be the vast majority and people will immediately assume that all antis are schizos like these. I'd bet actually nothing of this happened, and her lawyer suggested to do all of this, or she's 200IQ.

>> No.25612711
Quoted by: >>25612768

seriously, how much of an ass do you have to be to strike her instead of just contacting her or cover to take down the stream?

>> No.25612712

It's how all Vtubers should act.
Everyone should stop trying to please incels.

>> No.25612713

>Struggling to remember the controls
>Still pub stomping
She might be the real deal

>> No.25612715

shes good bros

>> No.25612714


>> No.25612716


>> No.25612717

Okay, she's a real gamer.

>> No.25612718
Quoted by: >>25612750

>that heavy mouth breathing

>> No.25612720

Damn, she's a pro

>> No.25612721
Quoted by: >>25612759

>shes a camper

>> No.25612722

nips think their electronics are bombs

>> No.25612723

Okay she's good.

>> No.25612724
Quoted by: >>25612750

>the loud breathing

>> No.25612725
Quoted by: >>25612773

Its literally the same comments as EOPs but in Spanish

>> No.25612726
Quoted by: >>25612783

>it's TDM

>> No.25612727

It feels weird watching someone who can aim

>> No.25612729

i love this cat so much

>> No.25612730

Aki's computer problems are fucking adorable

>> No.25612731
Quoted by: >>25612868

I'm a programmer and I've never built one.
There's literally no price difference over here and I can't be arsed

>> No.25612732

It's cod anonchamas... even you can kill people

>> No.25612733

>just the metal box they see at work.
wagey cagey?

>> No.25612734

Botan seems a bit more competent than Towa and Aqua for FPS.

>> No.25612735

Toi did say she talked to Sio.

>> No.25612736

They probably think that Taiwan can just watch Holo CN. And after all why have two chinese speaking divisions?

>> No.25612737

She doesn’t have a condition she just doesn’t get out much and it has affected her stamina watching her stream just now you can tell it bothers her

>> No.25612738

Literally the least fun thing i could possibly think of watching in cod lol

>> No.25612739
Quoted by: >>25612752

I think she's playing TDM to warm herself up and adjust her settings?

>> No.25612741

>Botan: Doctor, turn off my pain inhibitors

>> No.25612745

Akutan dont look...

>> No.25612746

So is Botan good or what?

>> No.25612748

I wanna see Botan play Shipment

>> No.25612749
Quoted by: >>25612851

本配信はアクティビジョン ブリザード ジャパン株式会社の承認を得ております。
なお配信中の発言はアクティビジョン ブリザード ジャパン株式会社を代表するものではございません。

>> No.25612750
Quoted by: >>25612767

>ASMR and FPS at the same time
How can one slavic lion be so talented...

>> No.25612751

Honestly can't wait for her apex streams, her tracking is pretty insane

>> No.25612752


>> No.25612754

Gen 5 management keeps getting more incompetent by the minute.

>> No.25612755

>people acting like killing someone in cod with the literal meta gun is impressive

>> No.25612757

W-Why does this 40 year old play better than I do...

>> No.25612758
Quoted by: >>25613128

>stop doing English themed stuff.
As a native speaker of Japanese, the moment really astonished me was when Haato made a landslide lose against Coco even in a Kanji reading contest.

>> No.25612759

Imagine bitching about "camping" in 2015+5 in a game with at least 6 ways to deal with "Campers"

>> No.25612761

PC is also the weirdo/degenerate platform due to association with eroge, VNs and doujinsoft.

>> No.25612762

Oh god I'm having nostalgia for a fucking Call of Duty map

>> No.25612763
Quoted by: >>25612793

>double drop shot
What a pro

>> No.25612764

She has a vagina and she's okay so that means she's good.

>> No.25612765

Towa sucks but yes she is better than aqua

>> No.25612766

>She's a dropshotter

>> No.25612767

fatty breath is the most disgusting shit ever

>> No.25612768

Ichikara told Capcom to do it as a stipulation for that special sponsored event Nijisanji is doing with them.

>> No.25612769

botan can actually play video games and is better than me

>> No.25612770


>> No.25612773
Quoted by: >>25612897

>Get me out of latin america
>Korone say me gusta el poto
>Te amo korone
>Off topic shit
Make chat JP only onegai...

>> No.25612775

>muh 40 year olds cant game

>> No.25612777

Is it the stream or does the game have absolute garbage sound design?

>> No.25612779

She's alright. But CoD is a zero skill fps.

>> No.25612780

I thought this is a battle royale..

>> No.25612781


>> No.25612782

Please understand, we're just used to hololive aim

>> No.25612783
Quoted by: >>25612811

She said that she didn't play in a while and wants to practice first.

>> No.25612784

Why is the sheep playing clubhouse alone?

>> No.25612785

My dork daughter Aqutan...

>> No.25612786

>Botan is a fraud
fucking dropped

>> No.25612787

>Double dropshot

>> No.25612789


>> No.25612790

Why the fuck does she keep reloading after every shot

>> No.25612791

Towa would be good if not for her aggressive plays.

>> No.25612792

She knows how to dropshot.

>> No.25612793
Quoted by: >>25612828

fuck does that mean

>> No.25612794

botan's skill is highly overrated

>> No.25612796

>Good at the game
>doesn't get tilted
Sasuga esports-chan

>> No.25612798

I dunno man, it'd just feels weird seeing the two half-assedly act as if they have to get to know each other, when they already know each other very well

>> No.25612799

>m4 is a meta
Season 5 now grandpa

>> No.25612801
Quoted by: >>25612867

Why do people join hololive if they aren't ready to spend 5 hours reading superchats

>> No.25612802

Nobuhime x Polka

>> No.25612804
Quoted by: >>25612827

Everyone sell onioncoins, invest in lioncoins.

>> No.25612805

>real Titalfall BR never ever
APEX feels like shit after I played TF2

>> No.25612807

She enjoys the vtuber stuff and does thr NND stuff for the money only

>> No.25612808

Watame wins. Is she going to play another last game?

>> No.25612809

To have more bullets always retard

>> No.25612810

She's playing with viewers.

>> No.25612811

that makes sense then

>> No.25612814

MLG Lion!

>> No.25612815

Because her fellow 4th gen don't collab with her.

>> No.25612816

wait since when..?

>> No.25612817

More bullets=good

>> No.25612818
Quoted by: >>25612961

I forgot how slow COD is. I miss the speed of apex already.

>> No.25612819

As much as Polka being a massive (and previously well known) shitposter got a lot of fuss, is Botan being a legit gamer the most exciting thing to happen in Hololive for a while?

>> No.25612820

The sound design is actually pretty solid, but her settings are fucked up.

>> No.25612821

It's like watching someone play better than Aqua but without the tryhard nature.

>> No.25612823

Is botan good?
I can't really tell since ive watch too much bad Holo fps

>> No.25612824

oh fug

>> No.25612825

she topped her team and went positive KD that's all that matters in TDM so yes

>> No.25612826

And even this is much more entertaining than fucking apesex streams

>> No.25612827

>Selling Onioncoin right before her sololive
Not gonna make it.

>> No.25612828

Going prone while shooting so they have less to shoot back at. Standard CoD try hard stuff.

>> No.25612830
Quoted by: >>25612955

Having no viewers isn't very fun

>> No.25612832

17 kills?

>> No.25612833

I'm pretty sure at this point China is the second biggest audience to hololive after Japan, and they consume Japanese media seemingly without giving a shit and even preferring it to their own at times.

>> No.25612834

Button is very good.

>> No.25612835
Quoted by: >>25612955

Streaming for 100 people might not be as fun

>> No.25612836

>chotto heta

>> No.25612837

It would be hard for her to read SCs if shes focused on the game. I say good cause it disrupts the flow of gameplay if she wants to do well

>> No.25612838

why don't you

>> No.25612841

>Botan is a drop shotter

lmao what a n00b.

>> No.25612843

She should play Halo

>> No.25612844
Quoted by: >>25612866

Call me when she fires up Warframe. I want to see her grind.

>> No.25612845

Pretty sure they got Activision Blizzard in the bag.

>> No.25612846

Only a tiny bit. Aqua can still beat her in a one on one I believe.
Botan is all talk.

>> No.25612847

>yakuza draon who walks about with a butt plug tail

>> No.25612849

>Double dropshot
>Actually can track
>Can actually flick fast

I thought I was rused. And she's just warming up because she hasn't played in a while.


>> No.25612851
Quoted by: >>25612895

>This distribution has been approved by Activision Blizzard Japan KK
>Please note that the statements made during the distribution are not representative of Activision Blizzard Japan KK

>> No.25612853

No one should play Halo

>> No.25612854

Apex is only entertaining if the streamer goes for fights like they should if they want to climb fast. Maybe you should stop watching the holos play if you want entertaining apex streams.

>> No.25612855
Quoted by: >>25612884

How about fucking Quake Live? Halo is utter garbage.

>> No.25612856

when i see people not reload i assume theyve played CS before otherwise they all do it

>> No.25612857

I'd have her on my team. Definitely the best Holo by a wide margin.

>> No.25612858

You can't monetize the videos, i.e. make them paid, like viewer only streams. Supacha donations aren't subject to those restrictions.

>> No.25612859

They're painfully, cripplingly lonely. But they can be lonely together.

>> No.25612861

Peko x Miko

>> No.25612862


>> No.25612863
Quoted by: >>25612887

They are probably trying to slowly move to not reading the superchat names and they are using gen 5 as guinea pigs because they are new and the new fanbase would probably not care. If there's no outrage, other girls will slowly start reading less and if it fails, they can just make gen 5 apologize and read the superchat names again.

>> No.25612864

Shes a standard deviation above the other holos if not more

>> No.25612865

is martyrdom, noobtube and other annoying shit like that from previous titles still a thing?

>> No.25612866
Quoted by: >>25612909

warframe is a boring game to watch

>> No.25612867

A lot of holos don't waste their time thanking hundreds of supas, fuck that shit.

>> No.25612868
Quoted by: >>25612941

JS programmer.

>> No.25612871

>level 36
Still playtesting on stream

>> No.25612872

she's playing with viewers

>> No.25612873
Quoted by: >>25612913

Wait, is Botan playing on her old account?

>> No.25612874

Baqua... Your Holo FPS throne...

>> No.25612875
Quoted by: >>25613008


>> No.25612878

korone said my name I can die in peace

>> No.25612879

>real Titalfall BR never ever
>real Titanfall 3 never
I just want titanfall 2 with some extra maps and a few more game modes AND MARKETING SUPPORT

>> No.25612881
Quoted by: >>25613005

apex just feels like shit, titanfall 2 was so close to being good but they fucked it then went way off the deep end with apex

>> No.25612882
Quoted by: >>25612899

at least it's not APOX nor fortneigh so i it's still watchable
Hell let loose stream when?

>> No.25612884

>QL after loadout patch
bye bye zoom

>> No.25612885


>> No.25612886

only if it's co-op campaign on heroic the only way to have fun playing that shit

>> No.25612887

That's a retarded idea because not every holo has the same fanbase. Gen 5's fanbase might not care but everyone else's might.

>> No.25612888

What is this BGM on sheep's stream?

>> No.25612889

Like the other anon said
Apex is fun to watch when the player is actually hunting other players
Botan might save holo apex streams

>> No.25612890

Martydom doesn't exist
Noobtubes are still a thing but not busted
Commando isn't in either

>> No.25612894


>> No.25612895

It means anything she said won't represent Activision. You know streamers can be super rude.

>> No.25612896

One of my favorite watame BGMs

>> No.25612897
Quoted by: >>25612919

Stop watching shit Vtubers.
/v/ has daily Korone threads.

>> No.25612899
Quoted by: >>25613013

>rooftop simulator
Unironically give me fortnite

>> No.25612900

lmao she's complaining about being rusty

>> No.25612901

Bros her boyfriend is obviously playing look at the masculine playstyle


>> No.25612902

Tell me anons, why do they call it superchat?

>> No.25612905

You guys need to remember that women are just so terrible at videogames, and the fact that Botan can even place her mouse cursor over a target is impressive

>> No.25612906

please Botan carry Mikochi in Halo onegai

>> No.25612908

I love Watame's goofy mouth, I wish it translated into her 3D, instead they made it more normal.

>> No.25612909
Quoted by: >>25612946

It can be decent if it's new stuff or story related
Grind - not so much

>> No.25612910

I want to dropcumshot Botan.

>> No.25612911
Quoted by: >>25612973

I only remember Miko playing COD.

>> No.25612912

She said she used to play Halo on Xbox. Which is crazy because that makes her one of like 5 people that had a 360 in Japan (im@sfags excluded, they aren't people).

>> No.25612913
Quoted by: >>25612954

it's a fresh account, she has nothing unlocked. also getting matches with new players due to having no SBM score

>> No.25612914

Can't judge unless I see her play CS:GO or APEX.

>> No.25612916
Quoted by: >>25612953

Luna has been collabing more with others which is good she was using matsuri as a crutch she didn’t need

>> No.25612917

hololive SnD team when?

>> No.25612918

>legit gamer
what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.25612919
Quoted by: >>25613121

>shit Vtubers
I don't care about that shit board

>> No.25612923
Quoted by: >>25612957

Nene had to suffer all of that...

>> No.25612924

She is having a great time with watamates.
She doesn't need to collab to have wholesome moments.

Sheep is best.

>> No.25612927

It's chat but super

>> No.25612929

She said nigger

>> No.25612930

>someone mogging on brand new players on a new account is impressive to hlg

>> No.25612931

I hope Button streams single player FPSses too, she said she's played FEAR

>> No.25612933

If you're not using a meta gun, you're playing the game wrong, scrub.

>> No.25612934
Quoted by: >>25612980

>she should play this shooty tooty
how about stop talking /v/.

>> No.25612936

It's literally what Youtube calls their donations

>> No.25612937
Quoted by: >>25612980

i really want to see botan play r6

>> No.25612938
Quoted by: >>25613000

If it becomes generalized, people will accept that apart from a couple of autists sending superchats and expecting the holo to marry them

>> No.25612939

A chat message that gets noticed.

>> No.25612940

Why is this game so spastic?

>> No.25612941

There's literally nothing wrong with Javascript

>> No.25612942

I guess Botan is the EOP 5th gen

>> No.25612943

>Masculine playstyle

Is that right up there with "feminine penis"? Maybe it's close? Can you gtfo plz?

>> No.25612944

Is she toggle aimer? DROPPED

>> No.25612947

I don't want to kill anyone, but i want to marry FBK.

>> No.25612946

new stuff is buggy as hell though, especially the bigger ones, and it isnt the fun buggy type like in elder scrolls, it's just broken

>> No.25612950

>Botan is a filthy dropshotter

Pardon the pun, but DROPPED

>> No.25612953

Luna surprisingly is a really high tier collab partner, haven't seen a single bad collab with her.

>> No.25612954

>fresh account
>lv 36
Old account for sure

>> No.25612955

Then she's looking for fame, not fun, which can be found in hololive.

>> No.25612956

That's great. Superchat reading is a waste of time

>> No.25612957

Nenecchi will emerge victorious in the gachikoi wars

>> No.25612958

you should watch someone good play apex, it's actually insanely fast paced

>> No.25612959

Botan, please play Apex. CoD is shit

>> No.25612961


>> No.25612962

Because it's for highlighting your message, making it above a regular chat message

>> No.25612965


>> No.25612966

I guess they've milked enough money for now until 3D debuts so they stop appeasing the whales and start actually making good content

>> No.25612967

Will Botan play Titanfall 2?

>> No.25612968

>lv 36
anon level 36 is fucking nothing.

>> No.25612969

>Shiorine mario tennis at 8am
haha fuck looks like im not sleeping tonight any bronze shitters wanna do ranked APEX?

>> No.25612970
Quoted by: >>25612990

Imagine getting dropshotted by a 40 year old japanese woman

>> No.25612971

>Botan's chat is literally twitch chat
holy shit

>> No.25612972

Why does she close her eyes so much?

>> No.25612973

that was the campaign anon

>> No.25612978
Quoted by: >>25613029

she has nothing unlocked. cod resets your level to 30~ every season but keeps your unlocks.

>> No.25612980


>> No.25612981

For a girl she is good, for a gamer she is below average, she is smurfing with a new account and still score low

>> No.25612982

Because everyone plays apex and most holos are shit playing fps.

>> No.25612983

She maybe a gamer, but she's not entertaining and fun to watch.

>> No.25612984
Quoted by: >>25613016

it's zoomer FPS, please understand.

>> No.25612985

I don't have any idea what a drop shot is. Back in my day we just aim at the head.

>> No.25612989

>Wanting Botan to play streamer bait kusoge

>> No.25612990

I'd fall in love.

>> No.25612991

>/v/ coming out of the woodword after getting filtered by multiple 5th gen zatsudans
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.25612992

Its literally the name for donations through Youtube

>> No.25612993

>game tells you which country person who kills you from
I can already imagine the chat.

>> No.25612994

Botan is /ourgamer/

>> No.25612995

I'll continue to watch Botan if she does informative gaming content

>> No.25612996
Quoted by: >>25613135

FEAR would be pure kino.

>> No.25612998

>Botan is better so aqua sucks
Respect the meido she's better than most people too.

>> No.25612997

>legit gamer
AAA trash doesn't make you a legit gamer. Cod devs even said the people that buy their gamers aren't gamers.

>> No.25612999
Quoted by: >>25613175

>Can't Coco for making humorous situations out of her mistakes but it's a shame that it seems to have made Haato lose confidence and stop doing English themed stuff
>Haato lose confidence and stop doing English themed stuff
Is it all coco fault?
Now I hate Coco.

>> No.25613000

Again it's impossible to generalize because the fanbases aren't the same. People who've already gotten used to their name being called for months likely wouldn't be happy, and they would be the several thousand people who always stay around after the stream ends when it's superchat reading time, and probably make up the majority of the donations.

>> No.25613001

you can get level 36 in 3 warzone matches if you get 2 or 3 kills a match and top 50

>> No.25613003

Watame has a dart as part of her dining set?

>> No.25613005
Quoted by: >>25613084

>titanfall 2 was so close to being good
what do you mean by close to being good

>> No.25613006

Botan is carrying

>> No.25613007
Quoted by: >>25613126

I don't know why they do it anyway, if you have to at least just read the orange and above maybe? Then they wouldn't take hours sometimes.

>> No.25613008

(and, while I'm at it)

>> No.25613009

being good is entertaining, She doesn't have to scream and make noises.

>> No.25613013

>i am zoom
no need to tell us anon

>> No.25613011

Based sheep.

>> No.25613014
Quoted by: >>25613038

If I remember correctly, it refers to going prone/crouching when you fight so you are a smaller profile and enemies need to re-aim at your head

>> No.25613016

Weren't boomer games like quake even more spastic though?

>> No.25613017

Like Marine when drawing, she played better when not looking.

>> No.25613018

That's just her rigging being shitty with slant eyes

>> No.25613021

are antis spamming her chat about monetization license already?

>> No.25613023
Quoted by: >>25613034


>> No.25613024

>watame recreates pearl harbor attack

>> No.25613026

WTF is that real?

>> No.25613027

what the fuck does dropshitter even mean

>> No.25613028

FPSses aren't that interesting to watch generally. Too fast, too much concentration required for idle talk.

>> No.25613029

I thought they only reset at 55 if they are on officer rank

>> No.25613031
Quoted by: >>25613109

>341 IPs

>> No.25613032

>botan you are going to brazil

>> No.25613034

now its the true COD experience

>> No.25613036

Wait, what do you mean by spastic?

>> No.25613037

I wish she'd play Overwatch with Towa...

>> No.25613038

And why is using effective tactics frowned upon?

>> No.25613039

If botan can stream cod
will she be able to stream diablo?

>> No.25613040

Why are brazilians like this?

>> No.25613041

I still don't fucking get what dropshooting means

>> No.25613042

that's a genuinely boomer game though
"boomer" games were of the era like Halo when everything got really slow for some reason

>> No.25613043

They don't even ask anymore

>> No.25613045

Can't imagine a worse fate. Just send to Siberian gulags or bullet to the head.

>> No.25613046

I love Watame

>> No.25613047

Good. Fuck cabaret reading.

>> No.25613049

Warzone time

>> No.25613048
Quoted by: >>25613082

I wish she'd play with Towa...

>> No.25613050
Quoted by: >>25613139

yes the vod even exist to this day. there's a reason aqua pretend perkoa doesn't exist

>> No.25613051

Coco and Noel have built PCs. Noel only once and very recently though.

>> No.25613052

Because someone used it to beat them and that makes them upset

>> No.25613053

I hope she and Towa never played Overwatch

>> No.25613054

Its when you go straight to prone when you see someone while shooting, Everyone complains about it because according to them your supposed to stay standing for every encounter

>> No.25613061

No one should play Overwatch. No one should play with Towa.

>> No.25613062
Quoted by: >>25613173

No clue, people hate camping for similar reasons, I'm perfectly fine with use everything you have at your disposal.

>> No.25613063

Based Botan not being a tryhard and hiding her true power level to not embarrass the other holos

>> No.25613064
Quoted by: >>25613102

which is weird because Nijisanji, the Number 1 Vtuber Agency in Japan, is a fantastic company full of caring managers and friendly coworkers who have never engaged in even a single instance of bullying and harassing their peers

>> No.25613065

they can stream overwatch so yes

>> No.25613067

Lmao what is this shitty m4 class she is running

>> No.25613068

>Bros her boyfriend is obviously playing
Ayame? Yes.

>> No.25613070

It depends, if they are skilled it's good.

I would rather Botan started corrupting her taste so that she can play Botan's games.

>> No.25613072

Imagine her chat with no japs watching.

>> No.25613073

>/v/ coming out of the bushes acting they are better.

Oh my god I did not expect this just because Botan joined Hololive.

>> No.25613074

>shi oh dee
japs are so cute sometimes

>> No.25613075

why do you hate fun, bro?

>> No.25613076

I mean being good is already a standout. We have way too many tubas, male and female, being mediocre to shit at FPS. For once someone that people can learn from.

>> No.25613078

It's a high speed, fast kill game where pretty much everything kills you in three bullets. Way faster than lame stuff like Quake and Apex legends where you're just "going fast" in straight lines and then bouncing around while firing at dudes point blank for half a minute.

>> No.25613077

Me neither.

>> No.25613079

what the fuck do you think it means you obtuse faggot

Just a couple hours ago when Korone started playing Fall Guys we had a ton of
>Hololive Gamers
>sucks at games

>> No.25613081
Quoted by: >>25613115

It's exactly what it sounds like.
You drop down on the ground while shooting someone.

>> No.25613082
Quoted by: >>25613104

In few weeks bro.

>> No.25613083

>watame reading superchat
>botan playing zoomieshit (at least its not apex)
Bros... It's time...

>> No.25613084

great movement, but horrible weapon balance(oh boy sure do love 9999rpm hitscan smgs), shitty abilities, map design, and titans ruined it

>> No.25613086

Gen 3 ruined hololive

>> No.25613087

Cover is willing to take the loss of money if it means that they will revolutionize the industry.

Fuck the idol autists. Yagoo is doing all he can to destroy that clique cult.

>> No.25613090

Don't PC players care about hackers?

>> No.25613091

>I wish she would play X
you people are the fucking worst who only watch v-tubers for vidya.

>> No.25613093

You prone mid fire changing your hitbox location

>> No.25613094

FPS audience autism. It's impossible to comprehend.

>> No.25613096
Quoted by: >>25613188

a term used by niggers that don't bother to aim down and get killed by someone that crouched/prone

>> No.25613097

I mean, she could. Only diehard Diablofags would watch it (less than 5k)

>> No.25613098

What kind of bullshit is that. You'd instantly go into crouch mode in all FPS games when engaging enemies. Lower profile, harder to hit, better accuracy and sometimes it would help with FF.

>> No.25613103
Quoted by: >>25613143

>21k more viewers than towa usually gets

>> No.25613102
Quoted by: >>25613129

are you a nijifag?

>> No.25613104

Towa is on suicide-watch duty with Aloe.

>> No.25613106

the act to shot while dropping in the floor with your character. It's not hard.

>> No.25613107

Short Watame stream today, only 4-5 hours

>> No.25613108

>I wish she'd play Overwatch with Artia..

>> No.25613109

And it won't stop there.
How fast do you think we can hit the image limit next thread?

>> No.25613112

Matsuri's boyfriend was fun as fuck to watch tho

>> No.25613113

Sure did!

>> No.25613114

I kinda like Shishiron, I can see myself watching her gameplay frequently. I wasn't sure about her voice but she talks with confidence.

>> No.25613115

Ok it makes sense now

>> No.25613116

How do I get GF like Botan?

>> No.25613118
Quoted by: >>25613188

Well if the terminology hasn't changed since I played these dumb games ten years ago, it's people who immediately hit the go to prone key as soon as they see you.

You have to remember that the average age of the people playing this game doesn't reach double digits so the communities had all sorts of dumb made up rules. Also they aren't as clever so they didn't think of "dolphin diving" like the Battlefieldfags.

>> No.25613121
Quoted by: >>25613134

>I don't care about that shit board
You better start caring. They are the ones shitting up your shit vtuber stream chats.

>> No.25613123

We are the hackers

>> No.25613124

Drop on your belly while shooting. Earlier games it was really janky and could seem like other person flattened instantly which also changed their hitbox.

>> No.25613126
Quoted by: >>25613179

>I don't know why they do it anyway
The lonely otaku feel really good when their favorite anime girl reads their name or their shitty message, to they felt inclined to donate even more. The thing with it is that chuubas have become massive lately and they have to spend hours reading superchats, and even then sometimes due to the vast amount of people's names that you have to read you'll end up missing a person or two, and these autists will complain on twitter.

>> No.25613128

Well, one is a teenager and the other a Christmas cake. I would expect the older one to win. That said, Coco is JSL but being older should make it not matter as much.

>> No.25613129


>> No.25613130

>someone mogging on brand new players on a new account is impressive to hlg
It's okay anon you don't have to compulsively compare your dick to everyone else's dicks, that's kinda gay anon

>> No.25613131

look for old women

>> No.25613132
Quoted by: >>25613167

Got collab today.

>> No.25613133
Quoted by: >>25613186


>> No.25613134

>/v/ is full of spics
Explains a lot

>> No.25613135

I bet she meant the absolute shit that is FEAR 2 or F3AR. There's no way she was talking about the original game. Much less the expansions.

>> No.25613136

be yourself, works for me bro.

>> No.25613137
Quoted by: >>25613167

She needs to wake up early for collabs... "early"

>> No.25613139

link or keywords?

>> No.25613140

I rather not
Hope she tries Titanfall and R6

>> No.25613143
Quoted by: >>25613162

Towa doesn't give a shit about numbers if her recent streams where she faked ending are anything to go by.

>> No.25613144


>> No.25613145
Quoted by: >>25613159

Aqua is still better

>> No.25613147
Quoted by: >>25613171

You take an ugly loner teen and make her play FPS for 30 years

>> No.25613148

I don't even know what's going on in this game. At least in Apex, I can still follow what streamers do...

>> No.25613150

>shitting on Controllers
Uhhh I'm thinking based

>> No.25613152

I dunno man. She namedropped some pretty "obscure" western shit in her zatsudan.

>> No.25613154

Date old women, preferably single mothers

>> No.25613155

Yes we get it, you're upset the anime girl is getting praised and you aren't despite being better, go be pissed about it elsewhere.

>> No.25613156

visit a nursing home

>> No.25613157

You know this is never going to happen so I went with a more realistic choice.

>> No.25613158

Artia is top 500 US. Ping and skill difference would be too large

>> No.25613159

>Master in Apex
she's not even close

>> No.25613160

>controller users can't hit without aim assist, so it can't be helped
Based lion dropping the truth bombs.

>> No.25613161


Give them some slack. 99.9% of their time is spent being almost entirely irrelevant.

>> No.25613162

delusional towacuck

>> No.25613163

F3AR coop story when...

>> No.25613164

Yes. Ayame don't like Coco. Aqua hates Pekora. AZKi pretend everyone(except Sora) doesn't exist

>> No.25613167


Yeah I know, was more making fun of her short stream being longer than most Holos normal streaming schedule.

>> No.25613168

>I don't have any idea what a drop shot is.
As far as I'm aware it's a tennis move, but Marine and Shion's Mario tennis stream doesn't start for another five and a half hours..

>> No.25613169


>> No.25613171

looks cute to me dog

>> No.25613172

When you open the door, and then get on the floor.

>> No.25613173

Its a holdover when games required all the players to die to end a round and maps were bigger; no one wants to spend 20 min combing through all the rat-holes in a map to just find one guy camping and then lose to said camper.
That said its not that big of an issue in CoD since CoD4, you can easily flush out campers and timers discourage the worst parts of it.

>> No.25613174

She said something about it.

>> No.25613175

Civia is the one who murdered Haato in their English collab. Blame her.

>> No.25613178


>> No.25613179

I'd be bored out of my head reading names all afternoon, I feel sorry for them desu. I'm sure they could come up with a good compromise.

>> No.25613181


>> No.25613182


>> No.25613183

>26k viewers

>> No.25613184

Finally someone fucking said it. Thank you.

>> No.25613186


>> No.25613187


>> No.25613188

What the fuck didn't expect that, I remember when playing BF2/2142 thats one of the things you would instantly weird because the weird sideway roll animation would throw people off
