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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 816DD628-3F36-4574-8111-C69BD7E1C930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25411311 No.25411311 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25411317
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411318
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25411321
File: 3.75 MB, 3072x4096, 79165094_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25411320
File: 758 KB, 1417x2000, 1594619493072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411323
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, KaichouEarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25411324
Quoted by: >>25411338

EOPs should hang

>> No.25411327
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412329


>> No.25411328
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25411329
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 78DF8B68-8433-41B5-817E-F6F53532EC05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25411330
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, you are my one winged angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411331
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1591454718386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411332
File: 106 KB, 1480x1209, EfUgE1VUcAAuaX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411333
File: 196 KB, 480x480, 1590683065039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25411334
File: 148 KB, 1752x1080, EfTf6xCU0AAbfVw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411336 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 691x398, gpupackaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.25411337

Imagine Susei wrapping her hand around your dick and using the other hand to cup your balls while she attempts to milk you. Her cute blue nails shimmering as they work your penis before busting in her mouth as she thanked you.
The oji-san that recruited her must've had a great time.

>> No.25411338
Quoted by: >>25411347

Show us how it's done, self-hating burger

>> No.25411340
Quoted by: >>25411431

>biking for hundred of kilometres regularly
>low impact
Fucking nigger.

>> No.25411341

Pekofags are so obnoxious that their girl had to tell them to shut the fuck up.

>> No.25411342
File: 859 KB, 2894x4093, aqua-peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally Aqua OP!

>> No.25411343
File: 299 KB, 768x900, 1597288701294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411365

I want to play Fall Guys too!

>> No.25411344
File: 780 KB, 919x1300, Ed7hrN2UwAIoCcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411366

I love Towa.

>> No.25411345
File: 794 KB, 2362x3507, koto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411456

Ayame makes my heart go dokidoki

>> No.25411348
Quoted by: >>25411432

I'm gonna do it bros, i'm gonna audition for Hololive

>> No.25411347

You first, SEAnigger

>> No.25411349
Quoted by: >>25411379

wtf, why is this sticked?

>> No.25411350

if you actually see the stream, you'd know they were just playing it up and Matsuri was just teasing
you'd have to be a turbo autist to not realize that

>> No.25411351 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 640x480, wizard.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you weren't kidding

>> No.25411353
File: 650 KB, 1174x647, Screenshot from 2020-08-13 19-43-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tutu! tuwawa!

>> No.25411355
File: 498 KB, 850x691, 1596470461283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411361
File: 67 KB, 593x526, 1597235869609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.25411363
Quoted by: >>25411450

The only retards here are people who listened to Lamy and Lamp and thought they sounded the same

>> No.25411365


>> No.25411364
File: 179 KB, 725x1020, EQkGjUhVAAA3gyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411599

I want to hold hands with Nene's Mama!

>> No.25411366
Quoted by: >>25411505

>ywn share pocky with Towa

>> No.25411367
File: 66 KB, 746x775, Yagoo I kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411404

Everybody kneels before Yagoo

>> No.25411368
Quoted by: >>25411413

Haachama actually answered when someone asked her the color of her panties.

>> No.25411369
Quoted by: >>25411515

>you'd have to be a turbo autist
you've come to the right place
hlg consistently misunderstands all social situations the holos are in

>> No.25411372
Quoted by: >>25411399

If I was a SEAnigger then I wouldn't be an EOP you god damn retard. Seriously take your own advice and be the change you want to see in the world. If you died everyone around you would rejoice.

>> No.25411373
File: 916 KB, 849x1200, __sakura_miko_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_koko_koko3__6eea9408a6950d93f159581425391e2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 15 Thread #2

I miss Mikochi...

>> No.25411371

any gamurs here wanna play apex together
im lonely

>> No.25411374 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 500x397, __Ed0egQ-VoAARH_d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411401


>> No.25411375
Quoted by: >>25411411

Aren't you tired of seeing/posting the same 10 things everyday?

>> No.25411377
Quoted by: >>25411428

How do you feel anons knowing you will most likely be able to fuck your chuuba virtually in some future hentai virtual reality game in your timeline?

>> No.25411378

do any of you ritualposters sleep? you fuckers are in here 24/7

>> No.25411379
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1590871404550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411380
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1595898774265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411381

Haachama will incline heavily soon

>> No.25411384

Holy kek haato

>> No.25411385


>> No.25411386

I have a confused boner from this...

>> No.25411387

>remind them
thanks i remember why i do my reps now

>> No.25411391
File: 3.64 MB, 2893x4092, EfOeqPdVAAAV76d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411390
File: 62 KB, 1020x493, hlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411537


>> No.25411392
Quoted by: >>25411442

>Her cute blue nails shimmering
Glove on or no deal.

>> No.25411393
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei
SuiTowa soon

>> No.25411395


>> No.25411397


>> No.25411398 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25411509

Haha, why are images from a 2015 article the top results in 2020?

>> No.25411399

Did I say that you were an EOP? Maybe try brushing up on your English a little, champ.

>> No.25411400

>you'd have to be a turbo autist to not realize that
This is 4chan and these people seriously believe these girls beef with each other regularly.

>> No.25411401 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 800x341, ati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411402

10k to 1 million, Good job Marine this shit is catchy as fuck.

>> No.25411404
Quoted by: >>25411446

Yagoo is best girl

>> No.25411405
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, EeJvJx4U4AETmK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412119

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25411407

Or maybe YOU are the autist who can't pick up irony hmm?
Or maybe I'm the autist

>> No.25411406
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1417, D2A6135D-9C56-4F36-88A5-E5868412742A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25411409
Quoted by: >>25411436

bros I'll be back in a week once the tourists leave

>> No.25411410
File: 172 KB, 1092x1048, EfLoGxGU4AAigVk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit bastardized mechanics from CS
>No real use for counter strafing
>tagging slowing means you instantly die if hit
>smokes molotovs and flashes restricted to certain champions
>Too many angles that become a 50/50
>Shit hit registration
>Latency issues (A guy just runs out and headshots you instantly after appearing on your screen)
>OP meta
>Riot backpedalling on their "Abilities won't kill" statement
>Overpriced cosmetics you can't even re-sell like in CSGO
I play the game but man does it fucking suck ass

>> No.25411411


>> No.25411412
File: 52 KB, 429x469, 430D2BBD-F02F-42EB-A373-B06034869BA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do ! But sadly I sometimes miss Mel's streams...

>> No.25411413
Quoted by: >>25411430

I gave up trying to translate things awhile ago, what did she say?

>> No.25411417
Quoted by: >>25411523

Looks like some overweight midget

>> No.25411421

Astel, go to bed already.

>> No.25411420

SEAnigs aren't EOP though, you're contradicting yourself here braindead nigger.

>> No.25411422 [DELETED] 
File: 634 KB, 1920x1080, pogchamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411423
File: 17 KB, 328x328, 3IcOY92p_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411628


>> No.25411424

I will pee inside Suisei's ass while Towa watches with a flushed face and a shocked expression

>> No.25411425

is her relationship with gen 5 doomed forever?
i mean she was pretty disrespectful so she should at least make a public apology

>> No.25411426

"Simp" is literally just a coping mechanism for poorfags to virtue signal against people who are actually fans and care which donate.
There's only two ways the word "simp" is thrown around, the first one is for bystanders/tourists to have a false sense of superiority to actual fans who have actually helped. They do this simply to feed they're ego and are always on the look out to talk shit on other things to feel better of themselves.
The second way the word is thrown is to discourage people from helping the subject of adoration because of envy. According to them, it's not fair for other people to have a tremendous amount of support when they themselves have nothing, without realising that they have nothing worthy of other people's support.
The next time you see someone type the word simp, try to observe how that person is lonely and has nothing of value in his life.

>> No.25411427

You never know when Matsuri is actually serious.

>> No.25411428

Not really interested in fucking my chuuba but boy am I going to bone marine once her game comes out

>> No.25411429

Sorry, I don't want to get burn out before new season

>> No.25411430

Grety with ribbons. An odd choice.

>> No.25411431
Quoted by: >>25411462

Not him but you don't know anything about fitness.

>> No.25411432
Quoted by: >>25411712

What's your Holo's theme?

>> No.25411434

Based Sticky

>> No.25411435

A lot of boards/threads have that ONE or 2 motherfuckers that are in it 24/7 just to make the same post over...and over....and over until they actually die. I have no clue what to make of it.

>> No.25411436

understandable friend.

>> No.25411437

Thanks Reddit

>> No.25411438


cs is still great, all they need is source 2 for a major update

>> No.25411441 [DELETED] 

post it on reddit lmao

>> No.25411442

her gloves are fingerless on the pointer fingers.

>> No.25411445
File: 34 KB, 315x581, 1590845156725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411476

shion yo

>> No.25411446
File: 67 KB, 744x674, polkagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411475

Yagoo best girl was confirmed by second best girl

>> No.25411451


>> No.25411450
Quoted by: >>25411510

they do
you're just drowning yourself in cope

>> No.25411452
File: 361 KB, 688x500, 1597225977854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411453 [DELETED] 

I imagine Risu wants to build a PC like this https://youtu.be/62oPBdI9CSA

>> No.25411454

So is haato's sanity breaking yet?

>> No.25411455

Simp is a word used to rightfully shame people who give money to people who don't love them back

>> No.25411456
Quoted by: >>25411482

i still somehow like her despite her being a whore

>> No.25411458
File: 3.36 MB, 2248x2416, Edao_ONUwAAx8_V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411459

I meant grey. Fuck.

>> No.25411461


>> No.25411462

Speak for yourself retard.
Try picking up a weight for the first time in your life first.

>> No.25411463 [DELETED] 

>Inb4 it get's trending like the Coco YAGOO shitpost

>> No.25411464
Quoted by: >>25411617

>Good job Marine
*Good job IOSYS

>> No.25411466


>> No.25411467
Quoted by: >>25411496

Fuck me it took forever to get this out of my head AHHHHHHHHH

>> No.25411468
File: 263 KB, 1451x2048, EfOUXKbUwAATFYs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411470
File: 310 KB, 1447x2039, EZOhaBpUcAAFLEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411472

Seething simp cope.

>> No.25411473

>no u

>> No.25411476

I want to stroke that forehead...

>> No.25411475


does this confirm polka knows english?

>> No.25411477
File: 1.47 MB, 1143x1200, 1593979360649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411478
File: 313 KB, 688x500, 1567243184825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that version sucks

>> No.25411479

Calling it now, Botan and Polka will have voices that belong to the other.

>> No.25411482

narratives aside, ayame is like the most seiso girl in hololive lol

>> No.25411483

Don't let /wsg/ find this.

>> No.25411486

>jersey grey pink string ribbon panties
Oh no... I-I'm...

>> No.25411487
File: 29 KB, 729x350, 178589484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my chadcurrency is not doing good bros...

>> No.25411488
File: 436 KB, 900x725, EfT3PtAUwAAkil2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411691

There's a new dork in my heart

>> No.25411491
File: 130 KB, 348x348, 1596179786675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the ritualposters discord

>> No.25411492

looks like haato is going to stay up till the morning stream and just play fall guys

>> No.25411495

who knows, she's used english a couple times before and it was surprisingly good, maybe she's ESL?

>> No.25411496

Welcome back to heaven, brother.

>> No.25411497
File: 179 KB, 850x1189, 1596949217549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think Botan will sound?

>> No.25411498
File: 795 KB, 900x1200, 1580980123879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411499
File: 55 KB, 1153x383, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411500

I can't decide if Nene or Polka will be the worst, help me decide /hlg/

>> No.25411501
File: 3.55 MB, 311x498, 1591267211584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiss my ketsu anchor

>> No.25411502


>> No.25411503

She was probably hired as the EOP magnet of the gen

>> No.25411504


>> No.25411505
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1590648442706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411547

I will

>> No.25411506
Quoted by: >>25411527

Haachama's english is so goddamn cute, holy shit

>> No.25411507

deep and sexy

>> No.25411509 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 2398x2315, 6362414_sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411612

Because GPU boxes lost their "soul"

>> No.25411510

If whatever country your in provides healthcare, I'd recommend a hearing check. If you're in some third world shithole (or America) maybe get a friend to be your ears from now on.

>> No.25411511
Quoted by: >>25412075


>> No.25411512

She's just fishing for compliments now.

>> No.25411514

Like a middle aged Japanese woman.

>> No.25411515
File: 606 KB, 1221x690, 1597204165891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411615

Wherever you come from must be filled with virgins if you think girls don't legitimately get upset over forgotten birthdays/anniversaries. There is nothing more woman than that.

>> No.25411517

We just don't know. Polka is unpredictable

>> No.25411518
File: 2.45 MB, 936x912, 1582544778332.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about her, why does she make few schizos seethe so much?

>> No.25411519

Shien but a girl

>> No.25411520
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber?

>> No.25411521


>> No.25411523
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, 1593275470864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a small girl

>> No.25411524 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25411610

saved, shared on reddit

>> No.25411525
Quoted by: >>25411544

N1-sama, onegai, explain how "in the future new generations will be getting loads of subscriberss before they even stream and I will be there doing asacoco in the middle of the night" doesn't sound like something a salty bitch would say.

>> No.25411526
File: 194 KB, 380x337, 【#常闇トワ3D】常闇トワ様3Dお披露目!悪魔になるための一歩♥【#JointhefutureJP】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's fangs in 3D.

>> No.25411527

its a shame she doesn't like speaking in english, its really cute her actual voice speaking english is even cuter

>> No.25411528

I don't know if it is English or machine English.
There seems to be signs of the usual tripups that direct translation suffers, but that's also an issue with people too so who knows.
I think it maaay be machine since there was a few with the usual pronoun fuck-ups you see.

>> No.25411532
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1588104955075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411563

towacucks are delusional lmao

>> No.25411533
File: 83 KB, 781x416, CoCock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Coco so much, I watched all her streams
>I pray to Coco every night before bed, thanking her for the life I've been given
>"Coco is love" I say; "Coco is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a simp
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Coco
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's Coco
>I am so happy
>She whispers into my ear "Goodmorning Motherfuckers"
>She grabs me with her powerful dragon hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>She pulls out the large insertion type Asacoco I keep in my ass at all times
>I hold my ass wide open for Coco's new merchandise
>At the sight of my gaping hole her flacid Coco-chinchin turns into a giant errect Cocock
>She penetrates my asshole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Coco
>I can feel my ass tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against her force
>I want to please Coco
>She roars in a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her love
>My dad walks in
>Coco looks him straight in the eyes and says "This one's going in my creampie compilation"
>Coco leaves through my window
>Coco is love. Coco is life.

>> No.25411534

>Flat earther
Based dumb rabbit

>> No.25411535


>> No.25411537

About time

>> No.25411541

ideally she'd sound kinda like Okayu

>> No.25411545
File: 207 KB, 1750x1750, 1594350678543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya in 13 hours.

>> No.25411544
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1591688132762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want people to laugh at you?

>> No.25411546


>> No.25411547

What an absolute chad

>> No.25411549

Only thing we know is that Botan is learning chinese.

>> No.25411550

I will go crazy if she doesn't have voice like Saber from fate stay night

>> No.25411551
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1591884044051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua has slapped at least half the people working for Cover and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.25411553
Quoted by: >>25411695

That one has wrong horns and clothes

>> No.25411555
Quoted by: >>25411569

Wait, Marine's birthday was 2 weeks ago?

>> No.25411559

Is this the best Haachama game stream in months or and I just falling for FOTM?

>> No.25411561
Quoted by: >>25411576

Why would i want Roberu to love me back?
That sounds kinda gay anon.

>> No.25411562
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411583


>> No.25411563
File: 3.16 MB, 1414x2000, 80973648_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad cuckfag

>> No.25411564

Senchou needs a new 3D model

>> No.25411565

they hate you because you speak the truth

>> No.25411566
Quoted by: >>25411793

I can't learn Japanese

>> No.25411567

If a bunch of people report someone in chat, will youtube automatically ban them?

>> No.25411569

Thank Mio for nobody remembering it.

>> No.25411573


I mean if narratives are right this is how shes gonna sound.

>> No.25411576

>not wanting your son to love you
What kind of parent are you?

>> No.25411577

I would imagine Haatons are desperate for some form of content besides shitposting and cooking

>> No.25411578

I think their messages just stop appearing

>> No.25411579

macri-san... たすけて

>> No.25411580

I don't remember her Nobuhime time.

>> No.25411581

nice blog anon
Really doesn't make it seem like that word is hitting too close to home

>> No.25411582
Quoted by: >>25411970

I'm really relieved that all the narratives were bullshit then.

>> No.25411583
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411584

Yeah that's how it should work. Youtube has no real people working on it.

>> No.25411585

It's the first multi hour midnight stream she has done since ARK replaced Minecraft

>> No.25411586

>papa - gunshots
>tutu - bullets that hit the bodies
>wawa wawa - people screaming in pain
Not that cute anymore?

>> No.25411588


>> No.25411590
Quoted by: >>25411677

But that sounds almost like Flare...

>> No.25411592

her voice isnt garbage like towa

>> No.25411595

Like Kimba.

>> No.25411596

When is Miko's funeral?

>> No.25411597

The Suisei x Korone bodyswap 3D sure is great.

>> No.25411599

Nene's mama is a genius. Why don't they just always wear bandages when they go to the pool?

>> No.25411601


>> No.25411602
Quoted by: >>25411660

>you're deaf you're deaf you're deaf
we get it anon keep coping

>> No.25411603

The word has lost any meaning it had, it's one used to be annoying and try to dig at people

>> No.25411604

Wasn't she Hinata's ghost player?

>> No.25411606

Sound what? Your urethra?

>> No.25411610 [DELETED] 

The madman did it. upboated

>> No.25411612 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 275x264, 1597342838928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there a picture of what's inside the box? I already know what the product is, do some cool art.

>> No.25411613
Quoted by: >>25411639

The tomb is not ready, Watame is still working on it.

>> No.25411614
Quoted by: >>25411808

i agree with most things and from playing in the beta i saw the game as a well made but poorly designed game. did the hit reg get worse ? it was good and everyone i know praises it. compared to csgo hit reg it was way better. just the mechanics of the game are too shit to be worth playing (+chink rootkit)

>> No.25411615
File: 311 KB, 728x702, 4chan-is-for-social-outcasts-only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wherever you come from must be filled with virgins
uhhhh, where do you think you are?

>> No.25411617
Quoted by: >>25411641

Marine had to pay for it out of pocket, right?

>> No.25411621
Quoted by: >>25411648

5ch agreed that the dox was right even after their debut. Just you wait for Botan's debut tonight and you'll surely get BTFO fast since she still has lot of videos on her roommate's channel and it will be confirmed easily

>> No.25411625

Think about all the free akasupas you can send.

>> No.25411628

cant wait for the redemption arc

>> No.25411630
File: 300 KB, 459x514, Towa Joker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411665

... You don't listen, do you? I don't think you ever really hear me. You just ask the same questions every week. "How's your stream?" "Are you having an negative thoughts?" All I have is negative thoughts...

>> No.25411632
File: 2.79 MB, 836x850, 1595776878131.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411666

I lover Towa!

>> No.25411633

This is like the second actually good stream she's had in months

>> No.25411634

Damn, Korone got moves!

>> No.25411639
File: 310 KB, 438x439, smugsheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame still building a tomb
>meanwhile Miko's body just lay dead on the ground in ARK
she cant keep getting away with it...

>> No.25411641


>> No.25411643

I really want to see Haachama play this game with Hoshikawa, they'd probably die laughing

>> No.25411644
File: 14 KB, 210x240, 652fa812c9bcb53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411646

She groovin

>> No.25411647

I wish it'll be onee-san type. I'm so sick of high pitched squeking.

>> No.25411649
Quoted by: >>25411677

that sounds a lot like flare

>> No.25411648

I don't understand why anons are in denial, the narratives literally got all their description correct, its almost like Nene leaked it.

>> No.25411650

Like Lion-chan from Kemono Friends.

>> No.25411651

Don't really care for how she sounds, If she's supposedly the good FPS player like it's been rumored I'm sold.

>> No.25411652
Quoted by: >>25411674

Why doesn't anyone treat Luna like a lewd sexy oneesan?

>> No.25411653
Quoted by: >>25411662

Flare too. When was the last time she wore that outfit?

>> No.25411654
Quoted by: >>25411672

Thank you simp chan

>> No.25411657

Festival would literally die

>> No.25411659

She will rise again from her ashes like a phoenix!

>> No.25411660

>cope cope cope cope
We get it anon you like shitposting

>> No.25411662
Quoted by: >>25411693

Literally last year I think

>> No.25411663


>> No.25411665
Quoted by: >>25411694

You posted the wrong clown

>> No.25411666
Quoted by: >>25411679

>Doesn't reflect in the mirror

>> No.25411667


>> No.25411668

There are some obvious machine translated tweets but people still think she speaks english because she's posted meme talk like 'BEST GIRL!!!!"

>> No.25411669 [SPOILER] 
File: 419 KB, 610x588, 1597345087526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411709

>reddit discovered my oshi
der krieg ist verloren

>> No.25411672

B-b-but you see, "simp" is literally just a coping mechanism for poorfags to virtue signal against people who are actually fans and care which donate.
There's only two ways the word "simp" is thrown around, the first one is for bystanders/tourists to have a false sense of superiority to actual fans who have actually helped. They do this simply to feed they're ego and are always on the look out to talk shit on other things to feel better of themselves.
The second way the word is thrown is to discourage people from helping the subject of adoration because of envy. According to them, it's not fair for other people to have a tremendous amount of support when they themselves have nothing, without realising that they have nothing worthy of other people's support.
The next time you see someone type the word simp, try to observe how that person is lonely and has nothing of value in his life.

>> No.25411673
Quoted by: >>25411876

>I can't sleep considering my debut,
>what will YAGOO do before it sleeps

That's not proper english at all. So it could be translated and/or would come across as the typical thick Engrish if spoken out-loud. Also she has plenty of time to try to attempt to make something look as proper as possible in a tweet, but that doesn't indicate at all if she can think/speak in English on her feet very well at all; that doesn't really come until you're truly fluent in a language (basically only Coco can freely swap back and forth between eng/jp).

What's actually surprising there is that Yagoo's english looks pretty good, not Polka's, barring the sentence fragment which is something even tons of English speakers do.

>> No.25411674
Quoted by: >>25412563

I think it's because her retarded baby voice and no one want to be a pedo

>> No.25411675
Quoted by: >>25411689

haachama thought about making a reddit account

>> No.25411677

And thats a plus in my books.

>> No.25411678
File: 133 KB, 720x720, はあちゃま.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haachama tried to make a reddit account

>> No.25411679

Towa is a demon after all.

>> No.25411680

Haato said she was thinking about making a reddit account but gave up because she didn't know what she was doing

>> No.25411681
File: 231 KB, 738x522, 1597256619430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411776

Literal gorilla brain.

>> No.25411682

yep, haachama is addicted to the game.

understandable, it's simple but very fun

>> No.25411684

imagine how disgusted she would be that she has to service a big, gnarly oji-san cock, instead of a cute little shota penis

>> No.25411686
File: 191 KB, 800x1382, 7a95c7002c38c54dfde70a589514e726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411856

I "submit" to her every day.

>> No.25411687


>> No.25411688

Is this the voice of an ogre?

>> No.25411691

Ah fuck she was so cute
should've had a couple drinks before going live to loosen up

>> No.25411692

kill me

>> No.25411689

are you serious?

>> No.25411695
File: 453 KB, 688x500, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the correct version.

>> No.25411693


>> No.25411694
File: 777 KB, 1366x636, 1589504813673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa will always be the OG.

>> No.25411699
File: 320 KB, 1600x1200, 0539585d99068b0c6a2e576b14bf461f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411701

Confession time: i'm gay but my oshi is the only woman i'd be interested in

>> No.25411702
Quoted by: >>25411856

I want to but I am not permitted to. Maybe after tomorrow's collab

>> No.25411703

>tried to
As expected

>> No.25411704
File: 968 KB, 805x701, peko-noose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we about to enter the reddit arc?

>> No.25411706

Now I need a clip of redditchama chama

>> No.25411709

>all those EOPs spamming simp and telling her to go to sleep during her superchat thank you stream
I was hoping the 5th gen debuts would have grabbed their attention instead.

>> No.25411710

when she does i hope luna starts tweeting about her new friends and how great they are

>> No.25411711

>about to

>> No.25411712

Should i say or should i keep it secret in case i actually get in

>> No.25411713

our retard

>> No.25411714
File: 39 KB, 185x284, 1597231960277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to

>> No.25411719

You're lucky to be gay. 3d women are disappointing compared to anime girls.

>> No.25411720

Carrying senchou around and finding things to bend her over etc

>> No.25411721
Quoted by: >>25411727

>tried to

>> No.25411724 [DELETED] 

>5ch were wrong about Lamy.
hahahahaha fucking retards.

>> No.25411727
Quoted by: >>25414277

She gave up because she didn't know it

>> No.25411730

Then not everything is lost, bro

>> No.25411728

womb goblin...

>> No.25411729
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1593556523119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411732
File: 566 KB, 473x684, capp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25411733
File: 690 KB, 876x791, noeru mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411734
File: 73 KB, 297x378, 1585505335619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your images wisely!

>> No.25411736
File: 92 KB, 715x822, 1577227980308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411737
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1591734746953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411738
File: 69 KB, 680x383, 1575233300927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Clown hypes the priconne stream over Nene's debut that was happening at the same time
Top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.25411743
Quoted by: >>25411866

they're also probably wrong about Polka since Oda's roommate recently randomly streamed on Youtube for the first time.

>> No.25411745
Quoted by: >>25411766

>Mio gone
>Miko dying
>Coco starting her own hololive resistance
>Leddit fuks takes over

This is the wrong timeline

>> No.25411747
File: 1.51 MB, 830x985, 1594087823673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the Pekofalseflagger?

>> No.25411751

If i made a taper monkey script that would auto report chat users based on spam, would you guys use it?

>> No.25411752

Only Haachama could fail making reddit account.

>> No.25411753
Quoted by: >>25411799

Stop being in denial.

>> No.25411754

People here are still somehow convinced 5ch was right even when 5ch themselves don't even buy the narrative anymore. There are people that are literally that stupid that we have to share a thread with.

>> No.25411755

Haachama will never find a game

>> No.25411757
File: 1.24 MB, 400x400, 8a10f5f9272fcd57073171cdffef1b2e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait has Haato really been live playing this game for 5 hours?

>> No.25411761
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x988, 1596643225955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they lost

>> No.25411763


>> No.25411764


>> No.25411766
File: 242 KB, 700x700, 1593443591829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411807

at least the archives are back...

>> No.25411767
Quoted by: >>25411801

I hope that one of three is similar to ayasumi.

>> No.25411770

dumb clown

>> No.25411771
File: 1.73 MB, 1593x1058, 1596010181799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411800


>> No.25411773

>Haachama just got member with a name of Ayaya and that twitch picture
Fucking twitch kiddies.

>> No.25411775

No. You've been dreaming for 15 years. You have to wake up.

>> No.25411776

Nice cope.

>> No.25411778
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1596372143859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave superchat
>bought membership
>bought merch
thanks for supporting my free entertainment, paypigs

>> No.25411779

This clown better live up to the hype.

>> No.25411780
File: 147 KB, 900x478, polka doctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.25411781

Be it true or false all of this matsuri attitude towards others, it's getting honestly annoying.
If it's not fake she's a literal menhera who is trash towards others.
If it's an act it's getting tiresome to see her act as a whore.
Matsuri get your shit together you can't just stop talking in public with someone you intereacted every 10 min online before.

>> No.25411782

They both really seem to like this game. Hoshikawa's stream was even louder than Haato's

>> No.25411784

I'm glad these faggots already got Pekora to say p*ggers when we weren't at the massive incline we are today. I can only hope she is content with her current incline and stays the same.
It helps that she is by far the most popular chuuba in Japan, I trust that the Japs will guard their treasure.

>> No.25411783

....how you fail at making an account on a free website that ask for 1 mail adress, username and password?

>> No.25411789

I'm not gay but hypothetically speaking I would let my holo wife fuck me in the ass, no homo.

>> No.25411791

honk honk

>> No.25411793

Yes you can, I went from being hard filtered by Dark Noels to being able to catch 60-90% within several months. My big moment was understanding the joke at the end of Shion's Ghost Train stream about going down escalators the wrong way.

>> No.25411794
Quoted by: >>25411805


>> No.25411795


>> No.25411796

I love Mel but the fact that she wasn't given long black nails bothers me all the time.

>> No.25411797

Pretty simple really:
Imageboards are pretty much the last large public sites on the internet where you get nearly the same representation despite having nothing to say.

I say almost, because the OP and early posts get more visibility for being early, especially in generals. Therefore it attracts people who want engagement/representation for the sake of it.

>> No.25411799 [DELETED] 

I'm not it's already been proven wrong but keep digging.

>> No.25411800
File: 248 KB, 747x900, 1595264676635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop you're gonna scare away all the newfags, we had anons in here yesterday that didn't even know about yabee

>> No.25411801
File: 225 KB, 360x450, Sader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayasumi kawako is my favourite voice actor, her performance as sader was truly amazing

>> No.25411805
Quoted by: >>25411820

Based samefag post time

>> No.25411807
File: 159 KB, 720x540, __n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411808
Quoted by: >>25411878

The game has clarity issues and server
desync issues. It's been going on for a while

>> No.25411809

I was sleeping, what did holos think of Fall Guys?

>> No.25411812


>> No.25411814
File: 120 KB, 1000x500, Photograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what the hell is on Matsuri's head

>> No.25411817

You're welcome, I hope you're enjoying the streams!

>> No.25411818

Roberu chadposter defeated them.

>> No.25411820

based reply poster

>> No.25411823
Quoted by: >>25411891

You're supporting them just by watching, you may not be paying with money but you're paying with your time

>> No.25411825

Haachama loving it.

>> No.25411826
File: 1.83 MB, 718x500, 1594581415751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 4 bros!

>> No.25411827
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1597300900741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411883

Worry not my fellow peronbro, things only get better from here.

>> No.25411828
File: 105 KB, 228x221, ぺこぺこ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411830

The chinks pretty much debunked this already, their speaking tone/speed and how they say arigatou is way different.

>> No.25411832

Faping to Hoshikawa

>> No.25411833

A Mel

>> No.25411834
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1597273367227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411836
File: 84 KB, 310x289, marine kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411840

n6 but sometimes i copy paste 草 and post it in chat to fit in

>> No.25411841

So its confirmed she has a troll / bully personality then?

>> No.25411846

Based Watamechads

>> No.25411848
Quoted by: >>25411863

Depends on the day.

>> No.25411849

>And what the hell is on Matsuri's head
My cum.

>> No.25411850

>starting an Apex stream at 3 in the morning
What went wrong with Astel?

>> No.25411851

Wait when was this

>> No.25411856
File: 88 KB, 659x720, 33409D55-1C65-47A0-B2F2-EB10EA4B82CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh ?
I will be waiting !!

>> No.25411864
Quoted by: >>25411915

Get well soon Mikoti...

>> No.25411863


>> No.25411866

No... my narrative.....

>> No.25411867
Quoted by: >>25411894

I at least would buy watame plush
or nendo

>> No.25411868

Welcome to yesterday.

>> No.25411870

Nene...you get what you fucking deserve!

>> No.25411871
File: 1.85 MB, 2935x4175, 2e764011f11d854245216f96c30f5b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't

>> No.25411873
File: 82 KB, 434x680, 1582334087906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She absolutely has a troll personaliity. In other words, you could say she loves to clown around.

>> No.25411874

You must be SOP

>> No.25411876
Quoted by: >>25411909

To be fair, I've seen English sentences along those lines from native speakers.
She could be putting YAGOO on a pedestal as some godlike thing, hence the it.
The first sentence looks like typical lazy speak. "I can't sleep considering my debut is just coming up".

>> No.25411875
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1590901336779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is okay
this is bad
explain this

>> No.25411878

ah i quit in the first month when i bsod while playing apex and being paranoid as shit i instantly uninstalled valorant

>> No.25411879
File: 87 KB, 940x940, sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your holo is sleeping well anons.

>> No.25411881

Worse, it's actually 4 in the morning.

>> No.25411883

this is just the beginning bro...

>> No.25411886

To be honest this is the kind of behavipur i would expect from a jester

>> No.25411888
Quoted by: >>25411918

He does this shit all the time honestly. Not long ago he was streaming minecraft for like 6 hours in the early hours of the morning like Watame does. He probably sleeps through the day he said he was eating a hamburger steak at like 2AM Earlier

>> No.25411889
File: 292 KB, 983x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm bros?

>> No.25411891
File: 281 KB, 459x599, 1597216469145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411914

I only watch translator clips.

>> No.25411892
File: 401 KB, 2048x1448, design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412897

The model is a near perfect copy of the 2D design but the thighs are too thin.

>> No.25411893

He's ronery

>> No.25411894

Watamate plush when? What the fuck is cover doing with their merch?

>> No.25411896

i would drink her drool

>> No.25411897

Umm, anonchaama?

>> No.25411898
File: 120 KB, 362x437, 1596917351449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing will ever get better. most of us fucked up to download our favorite streams, eops are attacking from all fronts, translated clips get 100k views in mere hours, chats are twitch tier garbage. save what you can, preserve the last happiest memories of hololive, it's all downhill from here

>> No.25411901

Both are bad lol

>> No.25411905

Haachama stop already my sleep schedule is going to get fucked

>> No.25411906

Hachama have been playing for 5 hours, still fail on the first round, has she even won or made to final at least one time?

>> No.25411909
Quoted by: >>25411951

Gollum doesnt count

>> No.25411910
Quoted by: >>25411937

I'm not gay, but I'm interested in Astel and Kira, sexually.

>> No.25411911

Former happened once for the sole purpose of creating that webm, latter happens all the time.

>> No.25411912
Quoted by: >>25411999

Deep-voiced girls are best, your taste is trash

>> No.25411914
Quoted by: >>25411935

That's still support

>> No.25411915
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

おやすみなさい( ¯꒳¯ )ᐝ

>> No.25411916
File: 18 KB, 221x237, A09BAE07-969B-4C1C-B90F-34A84BAD6805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been like this for awhile, just click the videos tab !

>> No.25411917

She got 2nd place

>> No.25411918

Absolutely 0% chance he has a normal sleep schedule. No one who wakes up before noon would do as many 4 AM guerilla's as he does

>> No.25411921


>> No.25411922

Grey panties of an 18 year old teenager... I'm going to rub one out.

>> No.25411923

She was 2nd once

>> No.25411926

sasuga reddit

>> No.25411927

>all these EOPs breaking Haachama's first rule

>> No.25411929
File: 270 KB, 1121x1600, Eap3ALnUcAEsHIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would

>> No.25411933


>> No.25411935
Quoted by: >>25412314

Your mom.

>> No.25411936

She saw the crown get grabbed right before her eyes

>> No.25411937
Quoted by: >>25411952

That's gay

>> No.25411938

He is literally reading a name to thank a donator, no one is bugging him to say it you mongoloid

>> No.25411939
Quoted by: >>25411958

Why does it take so long for her to get into a game? Is this the power of Australian internet?

>> No.25411940
File: 34 KB, 506x293, Hoshimachi_Suisei_-_Concept_Illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411959


>> No.25411941
File: 1.00 MB, 934x999, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411942
File: 1.71 MB, 3000x3000, EegT0FUUEAId1kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25411976

Hopefully, no menhera tweets in the morning please.

>> No.25411947
Quoted by: >>25412002

Am I the only one who doesn't care much for panties?
I'd rather just see Haachama's tits

>> No.25411948

literally me

>> No.25411951

The "Home" page occasionally fucks up like that. Or if the person wipes it for whatever reason.
He's a real people! Don't bully it!

>> No.25411952

Yeah, but I'm not gay so it's fine.

>> No.25411954
Quoted by: >>25411979

You're right. I don't want manlet kids

>> No.25411957

Is there a dumber Holo than Aqua?

>> No.25411958

That and the devs didn't expect the popularity so the servers got full pretty fast.

>> No.25411959
Quoted by: >>25411984

why are her knees so swollen?

>> No.25411960
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1582022241199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412080

>flip my sleep shcedule to Aus for Haachama
>she flips her sleep schedule around

>> No.25411962
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1594325129785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get buckled in for the wild ride.

>> No.25411964
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_yuuki_hagure__90d886da94a0d383862704740a608f4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves us, even though we bully her. Is out there a purer love than that?

>> No.25411965

In unrelated good(?) news, Kirby 64 is trending on nip twitter because of Korone

>> No.25411967

This has been looping in my head since the 3D.

>> No.25411968
File: 3.53 MB, 1532x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412006

Why dont you have yourself an Artia wife /hlg/?

>> No.25411970

>he's still coping

>> No.25411971


>> No.25411973
Quoted by: >>25411989

>Are you winnin' Haachama?
Which of you fucks was that?

>> No.25411974

Unintentionally baste

>> No.25411975

I always crack a smile. Fucking gold

>> No.25411976

but fuck that Artia menhera nao!
I miss those posts. RIP Asacoco and Watame no Uta.

>> No.25411977
File: 1.32 MB, 1027x2300, breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412052

I feel like there's something wrong with this image but at same time it brings out some of the strongest urges to breed of any senchou picture, same with pic related.
Don't know why though.

>> No.25411978

Uh Luna-san...? How can you be this based...?

>> No.25411979
Quoted by: >>25411981

You aren't getting any kids.

>> No.25411980

Please, don't insult my wife.

>> No.25411981

Better than manlet kids

>> No.25411982

breed peko

>> No.25411983

it wouldnt be right to take advantage of the autistic like that

>> No.25411984

You know why.

>> No.25411985
File: 508 KB, 800x800, 1594916491581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so here I am
doing everything I can

>> No.25411986
File: 703 KB, 852x480, dog looking for fingers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25411988
Quoted by: >>25412068

I wouldn't?

>> No.25411989

It's one dude who's been trying to get her to read that the entire stream

>> No.25411993

Holy based

>> No.25411996

Watame is unironically lowest IQ, both academically, gaming-wise and socially
aqua's just pretending

>> No.25411997

WTF I love Luna now

>> No.25411998
File: 56 KB, 400x473, 26EFF14F-AD03-4C9D-9E1E-5C05C1DD650E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally too stupid to be a redditor

>> No.25411999
Quoted by: >>25412227

Okayu should do an ASMR stream with her sexy deep voice.

>> No.25412000


>> No.25412001

Holy fuck Based Luna.

>> No.25412002
Quoted by: >>25412226

It's hard to want to see Haachama's tits, knowing the person behind them. Compared to so many other holos something about it just feels wrong.

>> No.25412003

Luna chads just keep winning

>> No.25412004
File: 103 KB, 299x216, 1596102351585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me like

>> No.25412005

wtf i love this dumb baby even more now

>> No.25412007


you guys never told me about how good Moona's voice is. wtf...

>> No.25412006
Quoted by: >>25412023

I don't know Chinese, so we wouldn't be able to communicate

>> No.25412008
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1596394077298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412012

I don't want doggy-kun's sloppy seconds.

>> No.25412014

What the FUCK

>> No.25412017

How have been the debuts so far? Couldn't watch them yet

>> No.25412015
File: 45 KB, 414x383, 1567064014156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412018

a-anonchama... the sauce please

>> No.25412019
File: 122 KB, 707x1000, umaiyo_puyoman-1293926912625000451-20200813_120630-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua Alter looking hot. Why is papa such a pervert?

>> No.25412021


>> No.25412022
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1594467911783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already prepared for another hobby to be invaded and destroyed by retarded normalfags.

>> No.25412023

She speaks English in a cute goblin way anon...

>> No.25412024
File: 28 KB, 600x480, 2899598607_1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame not streaming
>Instead I have to listen to Haachama's annoying teen voice

Give me back my thigh slapping and comfy superchat reading.

>> No.25412025
File: 703 KB, 1064x747, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except I did?

>> No.25412027
File: 1.69 MB, 2380x1700, _127785641_aastock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Yagoo and Holos would be rich. Aqua is already earning more than Abe, and this is after all taxes.

>> No.25412028

Aqua's sister literally does it to herself

>> No.25412029


>> No.25412030

i want to believe they got permissions from the man tony hawk himself and they also didnt know it was him so he could post about it on twitter again

>> No.25412031

Holy shit based.

>> No.25412033

this feels so random but im down

>> No.25412036

?? I don't get it. Skate boarding? Not very based...

>> No.25412038

What's the point if the music is muted

>> No.25412039

cute peko

>> No.25412040
File: 1.37 MB, 1240x1754, EfEWCqwUEAETojb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(//)¯н¯(//) mgmg
( つ O

>> No.25412041

Like an ogre

>> No.25412042
Quoted by: >>25412077

It's all fake Anon.
None of the Holos actually like you.
If you were dying and the only cure was to have sex with one of them you better just jump off a building, salute the world and eat some dirt.

>> No.25412043

Why would you hire Luna to promote Tony Hawk?

>> No.25412045

I don't want to lose the last of what I love to normalfags anons...hold me tight...

>> No.25412046
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1597025g269310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunaitos we never stop winning

>> No.25412049
Quoted by: >>25412286

Music will be muted, right?

>> No.25412051

Remember 2 months ago when nobody used based here?

>> No.25412052

>Marine after playing RFA for twenty seconds.jpg

>> No.25412053
File: 539 KB, 610x634, 1592712805078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412339

The irony is that it's mostly ESL seanigs doing it and since she said it in japanese they won't even know what she's saying
I love her.

>> No.25412054
Quoted by: >>25412109

Is this voice or singing ability?

>> No.25412056


>> No.25412057
Quoted by: >>25412072

what's the deal with Matsuri starting an Apex stream 5 minutes before Haato's birthday stream then? why didn't she call in either?

>> No.25412058

I can't wait for the fanart.

>> No.25412059

I like her ASMR.

>> No.25412062

i must've missed that, anon. pardon...

>> No.25412063


>> No.25412064

Maybe they can make a fucking sequel then.
I want proper power combos back, not that half assed shit Star Allies did

>> No.25412065

>wait for an hour
>gets disqualified on the first round

>> No.25412067
Quoted by: >>25412120


>> No.25412068
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 22fb9980af6b04e64f0bffa8e4f2dae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412069
File: 53 KB, 421x475, 1575962108680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Luna would play something like this, The fuck.

>> No.25412070

Hachama?, she keeps wasting more time finding a room that playing with how fast she lost

>> No.25412071

>Tony Hawk Proskater 2
What the FUCK.

>> No.25412072

Matsuri and Haato literally fuck when she's in Japan, you don't need to show off in public when you're that close

>> No.25412074
File: 1.03 MB, 1063x1172, _001-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412075
File: 133 KB, 1000x1000, 1596488900825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412110


>> No.25412077

>I love my oshi because I wanna have sex with her

That's even more pathetic than my daughterfu love, anon

>> No.25412078


>> No.25412079
Quoted by: >>25412114

Would posting the holo's past vtuber personas be considered doxxing?

>> No.25412080

The ouroboros sleep cycle...

>> No.25412081

The urge to become Luknight intensifies.

>> No.25412083

Hahaha what the fuck

>> No.25412086


>> No.25412089

Now THIS is based.

>> No.25412088
File: 985 KB, 594x833, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka's Polka Pits...

>> No.25412090

Why is Haachama playing so long?

>> No.25412091
Quoted by: >>25412179

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.25412095

haachama has 50 percent of the time been one off being qualified in the first round. how does she even do it.

>> No.25412096

Is this sponsored or what? If so, whoever did this has good taste in holos.

>> No.25412098
Quoted by: >>25412179

Soon she will be more tits than maid

>> No.25412100

Post covers of CN and ID. Never heard them sing aside from Risu.

>> No.25412101

do your reps

>> No.25412104

Based based based

>> No.25412105


>> No.25412107

Read the stream title

>> No.25412109

singing voice i believe.

>> No.25412110
File: 9 KB, 226x226, IMG_20200813_211607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412112

every time i see polka i think “damn... we live in a society”

>> No.25412113

Imagine the mating presses

>> No.25412114

Yes, meidos will delete it. And also it's off-topic.

>> No.25412116

But one interesting thing about this person is, the chinks try loggin into this twitter acc and Lamp's, they both had cellphone verification with a number ending in 31.

>> No.25412117

This came out of fucking nowhere, Luna's the last person I'd expect to play this. What timeline is this?

>> No.25412118
Quoted by: >>25412462




>> No.25412119
File: 254 KB, 1334x2048, 1592214140350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412470

I'm relieved that Kanatan had a good time today and is safe! Hearing her casual voice again was a blessing. Not that I dislike her usual one but that rarity makes it special.

>> No.25412120

Ahh take me back...

>> No.25412122


>> No.25412125
File: 1.73 MB, 2078x3035, 83565427_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412126

wtf I love luna now?

>> No.25412128


>> No.25412130

>THPS without soundtrack

>> No.25412133
File: 331 KB, 1200x1641, EfN_kdIUEAE7Nca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412224

>> No.25412135 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 3508x2480, 1574554933698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a game from 1999

>> No.25412136


>> No.25412138

wtf? bassado granny

>> No.25412137

p o g

>> No.25412141
File: 213 KB, 1800x1059, 87416e06d99966befe17be38ff1fa8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412142
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1592484345270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki's bf: darling please...we are on vacation. Can you stop with the meme videos and come back to bed?
>Fubuki: duh duh duh PENIS ONEGAI du duh duh

>> No.25412145



>> No.25412144


top tier taste

>> No.25412146

She can played Dies Irae instead

>> No.25412148

Based Haachama translating the english comments for the JOPs

>> No.25412149
Quoted by: >>25412180

Are you retarded?

>> No.25412150
File: 102 KB, 381x927, 2020-08-13 15_22_59-【Fall Guys】初見でNo.1になるまでやる!はあちゃまっちゃま~!【ホロライブ_赤井はあと】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open haachama stream
>look at chat
>close haachama stream

>> No.25412153

What's the deal with waiting room autism?
If hololive doesn't want people to post in the waiting room, then just deactivate it lmao

>> No.25412156

Not gonna make it...

>> No.25412157


>> No.25412158
Quoted by: >>25412286

What is the point without music?

>> No.25412159

Which holo would you fuk?

>> No.25412162

even JOPs are loving twitch shit

>> No.25412163

Yes it seems to be sponsored looking at the description. I imagine Cover just gets offers for sponsored streams and the girls that want to do them can pick them up if they want to.

It's a remake, anon. The beta is releasing tomorrow and that's why Luna is playing it. There's literally a link to buy the game in the description.

>> No.25412165
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, Houshou Marine - A pirate's credit card struggles 4-24 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't keep breaking kayfabe like that

>> No.25412166

Hololive surge

>> No.25412167

If she doesn't mute the audio I swear I'll become a Lunaito

>> No.25412168

haha le poggers!

>> No.25412169
File: 406 KB, 548x603, 1583432126039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abso-fucking-lutely based nanora

>> No.25412170


>> No.25412171
Quoted by: >>25412291

>not the "best"

>> No.25412173

Literally all of them.

>> No.25412175


>> No.25412176
Quoted by: >>25412240

The original one confessed his sins and presumably retired, his imitators now use Watame instead.

>> No.25412177
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1591353229531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412178
File: 91 KB, 1058x891, 1591403914010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was VENUS

>> No.25412179
File: 1.52 MB, 2700x1904, 1594299958769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because then you'd have to take responsibility
Blame her papa.

>> No.25412180

apparently yes, I didn't even know this was getting remastered.

>> No.25412181 [DELETED] 

why are reddit memes so good? i dont think we can even compete...

>> No.25412184
File: 349 KB, 568x974, 1595918791434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew investing in Luna coins would paid off. Absolutely BASED

>> No.25412186

>fuck you

based haachama

>> No.25412187


>> No.25412189

No... Not like this...

>> No.25412195

I'm glad I saved all of Marine RFA. It's good material.

>> No.25412196

There's honestly a surprising amount of JP comments still even though its like 4 am.

>> No.25412197

The day all Luna haters died.

>> No.25412198


>> No.25412200

Like Ise Mariya's deeper female character voice.

>> No.25412201

Sora, on stream

>> No.25412202
Quoted by: >>25412259

Guys, I'm actually scared right now because Hololive seems to be monkey paw boosting so hard after the Holocaust.

>> No.25412203

Haachama, what the fuck.

>> No.25412210

youre missing out then

>> No.25412211

You can tell there's a lot of EOPs and retards who couldn't be bothered to read the description that clearly says it's a sponsorship.

>> No.25412212

>people have been commenting "ganbatte" to Haachama and she thought it was an English word pronounced "gan-bait"
How is this even possible?

>> No.25412213

This is the internet, anon, just put the soundtrack on another tab by yourself

>> No.25412214

I unironically like this.

>> No.25412216
File: 145 KB, 828x1708, EdfR-eaU0AEV8mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing ability is literally the only reason Moona was hired because dang she does not have the personality to be a streamer. I honestly wish she had more covers, but ID is too poor to get the rights to pay for those.

>> No.25412218

>videogames? who cares about them lol go back to /v/ you dumb EOP

>> No.25412222
File: 56 KB, 960x796, 8roib40rgrg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412255

>> No.25412223
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1590416662018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412264


>> No.25412224

>Lamy saves Miko from dying
>But to do so she resets her age to 0
How would this make people feel?

>> No.25412226

You're just gay.

>> No.25412227

It would be great if YouTube didn't have a bias against based ASMR streams

>> No.25412229
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, S-shes fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Target [Special Trick "900"]!

>> No.25412231

why are towaniggers like this

>> No.25412232

Skips both JP and ENG reps

>> No.25412233
File: 254 KB, 1246x1723, 1596678504155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew I needed this until now

>> No.25412235
File: 864 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412237


>> No.25412238

Bruh, she's good

>> No.25412239
File: 23 KB, 347x340, 1594088615157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad towafag

>> No.25412240

They also tried using Astel for about 12 hours before realizing nobody responds to astelposters

>> No.25412242

Eops can't read English apparently, breaking the first real

>> No.25412244

fucking radical

>> No.25412245

haachama has negative iq

>> No.25412246

Luna was based because she was genuine, but now she's getting sponsored streams? What a sell out.

>> No.25412248

Nice, you should post this in the comments on youtube.

>> No.25412247
File: 76 KB, 737x677, 1594926379782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo had the hardest childhood?

>> No.25412249

Like Mitsuki Saiga.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A8meaX1DZI (voice of Morag)

>> No.25412250

It's 5:30 for her, cut some slack.

>> No.25412251

Damn that's pretty fucking good

>> No.25412255
Quoted by: >>25412288

She's just on vacation

>> No.25412256
File: 681 KB, 985x696, 7e73e8d37a9f6d84eb18f05a3b0b972935b4b474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really good video of Yogiri singing live
and here is a video of her singing to her girlfriend(in Chinese)

>> No.25412257

Is there any particular reason why Towa's fans act this way?

>> No.25412258

in fact /v/ doesn't like videogames

>> No.25412259

It all comes crashing down anon, enjoy the things you love while you still can. It's beyond saving.

>> No.25412260


>> No.25412262
Quoted by: >>25412300


>> No.25412263

>look at chat
Why would you do that, retard

>> No.25412264
Quoted by: >>25412322

I actually wasn't, I didn't even know it was getting remade.
I don't keep up with vidya I'm /a/lpha.

>> No.25412267

Tony Hawks favorite holo is Luna? The fuck?

>> No.25412268

holy mother of based

>> No.25412269
Quoted by: >>25412285

How is she this bad?

>> No.25412270

wtf /hlg/ you told me Luna x Matsuri was dead

>> No.25412271

This is what happens when you study 0 languages

>> No.25412272


>> No.25412273
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, 【ホロ鯖ARK】アキ先輩と恐竜戦闘訓練する!!!!!!!【ホロライブ-大空スバル視点】 - aki leg hump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving Aki a piggyback ride home after she passes out
>hearing gentle mugyus and nyaas next to your ear
>Aki squeezing you harder as she dreams about woolly mammoths

>> No.25412276

haachama I...

>> No.25412277

Holy Japanese Skater bros??

>> No.25412278

>Coco not in terrible
Everything else is pretty accurate

>> No.25412279

Noel being the biggest whore in the vtubers industry is probably a result of a traumatic childhood

>> No.25412282

But she is a nice girl

>> No.25412285


she almost won several times, just unlucky

>> No.25412286

You don't think a sponsored stream could get whitelisted for stuff like that?

>> No.25412287

Gaou just posted this, but I’ve seen it before. Was it on the fan box? I don’t get it.

>> No.25412289

who are you quoting?

>> No.25412288

Haachama is too powerful, I have her at the lowest volume and she gets over Astel voice easily.

>> No.25412291

She's not, she's mediocre at best.

>> No.25412293

They always used "based." They never used "oshi," though.

>> No.25412295
File: 384 KB, 513x555, 1591347168883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412296


>> No.25412298

Why is their Tower better than ours?

>> No.25412297
Quoted by: >>25412311

Just you watch I bet Matsuri will fucking grief and explode and murder and cut and chop and attack and destroy and set alight and just fucking everything to Luna in a menhera rage

>> No.25412299

And just like that, Luna inclines

>> No.25412300
File: 137 KB, 850x906, 1569888403753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a holo, stupid

>> No.25412301

Yeah I'm thinking this is based

>> No.25412302


>> No.25412304
Quoted by: >>25412316

that's it, i claim luna as my daughterwife

>> No.25412305
File: 247 KB, 1264x495, 1588129338199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412464

This is one of those things you never knew you needed until you have them. This better get fan art FAST.

>> No.25412307

cute....aki is not my holo but she is very cute and I am glad to see her happy now

>> No.25412309

>19 results
>33 results


>> No.25412312

Luna is inclining so hard bros

>> No.25412311

Calm down Matsuri

>> No.25412313


>> No.25412314

That doesn't even make any sense

>> No.25412315
File: 356 KB, 531x486, 1582015424110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25412316


>> No.25412317


>> No.25412318


>house was burned down
>has PTSD
>developed heart problems due to high stress levels

>> No.25412320


>> No.25412321


>> No.25412322

you mean /a/utist

>> No.25412325

but i thought 1 + 2 isint out for another month?

>> No.25412327

>half deaf howling Kabaya
Why are leechfags like this?

>> No.25412328
File: 180 KB, 1145x1193, 1596730134538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never watched Nobuhime
what should i expect from Polka?

>> No.25412329
File: 160 KB, 267x359, wink and a honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412331


if she sings along to the OST it will be the best holo stream of all time

>> No.25412336
Quoted by: >>25412577

pretend blowjobs

>> No.25412337
Quoted by: >>25412353

Haachama....Members stream in two hours....

>> No.25412338

couldnt agree more, it would be interesting to see how far she grow

>> No.25412339

When was this, am I having a stroke failing to remember this?

>> No.25412341 [DELETED] 


>> No.25412343 [DELETED] 

Shes going to have to play the game on M

>> No.25412344

It's wrong.

>> No.25412345

>Luna gets a sponsored stream for some stupid skateboarding game
>immediately afterwards, people start spamming her

Wow... shills? On MY /jp/?

>> No.25412346
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1500, 80585238_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412347

Where did this narrative came from ?

>> No.25412351


>> No.25412353

Pretty sure she will go until members stream at this rate.

>> No.25412354

its real in my mind

>> No.25412355
Quoted by: >>25412405

>sponsored stream
>ancient game

>> No.25412357



>> No.25412358
File: 855 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412359


>> No.25412360

Luna posters are now muddied again...

>> No.25412361

Don't forget her latest denial of transvestites and faggot men.

>> No.25412363
File: 839 KB, 1240x1748, 1597246218737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best voice
>best design
>actual autism unlike other fakers
>looks like Byakuren
>fast metabolism
>hot as fuck
when did you realize Moona is the best holoID?

>> No.25412366
File: 1001 KB, 714x900, EdHR2QjX0AIAt2V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu....cover onegai...

>> No.25412367

>Nearing 6 AM in Melbourne.
Is Haachama going to skip classes!?

>> No.25412368

Lots of shitposting.

>> No.25412369

I can't imagine how terrible an actual english only stream would be with her new fanbase

>> No.25412370
File: 69 KB, 1920x800, DwXoTsXUUAECLOo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412372 [DELETED] 

Mel being harassed by management and again by "fans" who called her a whore on twitter

>> No.25412373

Luna...your flags...

>> No.25412374

lmao what the fuck

>> No.25412376
Quoted by: >>25412395

Shes going to mute the game to avoid copyright

>> No.25412378

>almost 6am
fuck and i have to wake up in 4 hours

>> No.25412380

Nah, she mentioned that she sleeps in the afternoon now.

>> No.25412381

she is unironically very close to towa's roomate. I'm surprise no collabs so far.

>> No.25412382
Quoted by: >>25412421

During her chlidhood?

>> No.25412384
File: 780 KB, 900x900, EfRUpXIXgAAFD6p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412385

wtf i love luna now

>> No.25412386

Subaru since she got fucked over when her house burned down. Haachama is in pretty bad shape right now though since her host family apparently doesn't even feed her.

>> No.25412388

The most recent few already had chat so shit she couldn't make cute conversation like she used to

>> No.25412390

Whoever was in charge of this sponsorship is an idiot.
We all know that Subaru is the athletic hololive girl, Luna is a lazy spoiled princess

>> No.25412393
File: 426 KB, 1447x2047, 1591978504581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid skateboarding game
someone's about to lose their balls if they even had any to begin with

>> No.25412395

I hope she at least mute it on stream but still listen and feel the game like how Pekora does with Death Stranding

>> No.25412394

Too late. I'm sorry I thought Risu was the best for the first few weeks, it won't happen again.

>> No.25412397

>Tony Hawk Pro Skater
>stupid skateboarding game
That wasn't totally tubular of you to say desu

>> No.25412398

After I realized Risu was a fake whore

>> No.25412400

wtf Nene has a gamer chair. is she the real gamer of gen 5?

>> No.25412399
File: 421 KB, 484x475, _honks_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412403
Quoted by: >>25412433

You're probably one of those guys that uses "sportsball" unironically.

>> No.25412404

That's the Japan they don't tell you about.

>> No.25412405

Stop being retarded and read the stream's title.

>> No.25412406

the bronchitis part is just Google narrative right?

>> No.25412409

I hope Luna mains based Rodney Mullen

>> No.25412411
File: 277 KB, 472x458, 1584713857111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a starting merchant in the candy kingdom selling chocolate croissants you inherited from your deceased father
>ywn rise amongst your competition by salting their stocks during the night and upmarking the price of your now exclusively acceptable croissants
>ywn become rich enough to start being acknowledged by the candy court
>ywn arquitect the financial downfall of a family in the candy court by inteoducing drill beetles to their cane plantations so you can force their daughter into political marriage, making you now officially a candy noble
>ywn use this newly acquired influence, power and information to expand your market branches and become the richest man in the land by any means necessary
>ywn create a fake small insurection in your neighbour lands of lollipop village by forging the rebel's army assassination of your wife only for you yourself to quash it, proving military competence and befriending the candy king in the process while he comes to console and congratulate you
>ywn become supreme chancellor over time by sucking up to the king while gaining friendship with the king's daughter
>ywn force the military personnel to elect you as their commander because you now personally fund the millitary
>ywn thrust the kingdoms economy into chaos by assassinating the king and burning all know sugar stocks on the night
>ywn become a hero by selling the sugar you removed from the warehouses back to the people at a slight mark up from the previous prices
>ywn kill every relevant possible witness over the next years while seducing Luna
>ywn marry and impregnate Luna who is now both in love with you and bound to you by the most profound obligation to her country
>ywn never begin planning an invasion of elven lands next with the weird mercenary commander that demanded that her spoils of war must be given in slaves

LMFAO why even live

>> No.25412412


>> No.25412413

So this is holostars

>> No.25412414
File: 3.89 MB, 2894x4093, EZDyTdtUMAElRpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412476

Its the one where she was thanking superchats from the ringfit/ mini zatsudan
somewhere In there.

>> No.25412417

Yes, we all know Subaru is the esports one

>> No.25412418

Where's the clip of my son calling the based department when I need it the most

>> No.25412421

oh you're right, I misread the post...

>> No.25412422

You have sent your love troubles to Mel and the girls, RIGHT?

>> No.25412423

how does sniping in fall guys work? can you choose your matchmaking region?

>> No.25412424

I was actually just thinking last night about one of the Holos playing this, but I never expected it would actually happen, much less Luna being the one to play it.

>> No.25412427
File: 3.82 MB, 2898x4000, 78971131_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just IMAGINEd using that video in the background
Sorry aquabros

>> No.25412426

>it’s that meme skateboarding game /v/ told me about! BASED BASED BASED!

>> No.25412428
Quoted by: >>25412467

Would you feed the screaming pig that lives in your basement?

>> No.25412429

he's just hunting his breakfast

>> No.25412430

Damn irl Pokemon

>> No.25412432

Im sorry for everything i said about you, Moona.

>> No.25412433

we call it niggerhoop and niggercrash here

>> No.25412435


>> No.25412438

what are the still untapped archetypes for potential holos?

>> No.25412439

Holos that are confirmed to have a drug problem:

>> No.25412440

izuru, I know you're poor, but that's not a healthy option...

>> No.25412442

lmao its 4AM

>> No.25412443

She doesn't live in that place anymore.

>> No.25412445
Quoted by: >>25412483

>has PTSD
From what

>> No.25412446
Quoted by: >>25412494

The Mario Kart one? Can't blame you.

>> No.25412447

>33 results

>> No.25412448

>spoiled princess
doesnt giving her this fit then?

>> No.25412449


>> No.25412453

Haachama is retarded but JPs get filtered by romaji all the time.
They see English letters and disconnect.

>> No.25412454

>cynical shitposter is an EOP

>> No.25412456

>drug problem

>> No.25412458

That was fucking 2 years ago holy shit where do you get your outdated info from? She lives with her grandma now.

>> No.25412457

Wait what did Coco do to "disrespect" 5th gen holos?

>> No.25412460
Quoted by: >>25412489

t. born after 2001

>> No.25412462


>> No.25412463
Quoted by: >>25412499

how long have you been away anon?

>> No.25412464

yes please luna kick flip over some stairs

>> No.25412465


>> No.25412466

that's a cool bug

>> No.25412467

yes, although I would mix semen into all of her foods

>> No.25412470
File: 321 KB, 1450x2048, EczGbc8U0AEGOIv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. She's probably thinking about a lot and isn't in the best mental state but I'm glad she's finally together with her friends having fun.

>> No.25412471
Quoted by: >>25412488

How long is haato streaming for

>> No.25412472

She slapped Aqua in front of Yagoo

>> No.25412473

Holy shit, Luna!

>> No.25412474

the way she says yada is really hot, bros...

>> No.25412476
File: 622 KB, 621x1051, 1594224300702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, right that bit. She is truly a treasure and recently I've become so convinced by her actions that no amount of anti-posting would ever be able to put a dent in my faith in her love for her fans.
She is genuine and it shows, god I love this bunny.

>> No.25412477

Fuck off.

>> No.25412479
Quoted by: >>25412515

Does she really have a personality disorder

>> No.25412480

Matsuri in front of Luna

>> No.25412481

Nene's roommate recently followed a bunch of voice talents including Nobuhime's roommate.

>> No.25412482

She was the only holo numberfagging, but it wasn't anything malicious.

>> No.25412483

IIRC she was hit by a car and developed PTSD from it

>> No.25412484


>> No.25412487

The same place all dumbfuck EOPs get their info. Shitty out-of-context translation clips done by people who have English as their 5th language and Japanese as their 10th language.

>> No.25412488

Until she wins.

>> No.25412489

>get called out as a shill
>reply by calling me underage

>> No.25412491

Nousagis can get out of hand but Pekora herself is a real one. I can't hate her.

>> No.25412494
File: 2.77 MB, 2841x4000, 77891524_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412859

Yeah, that one too.

>> No.25412497
File: 244 KB, 1500x1212, no noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an invasion of elven lands
Weird how you'd send your entire army to die at the hands of one person.

>> No.25412498
File: 214 KB, 640x640, 16075_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna TWPS
I hope we get some amazing fanart out of it

>> No.25412499
Quoted by: >>25412546

A few days, I didn't catch up on the latest narratives

>> No.25412500
File: 161 KB, 360x450, Tisalia_Scythia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. And also genuine horse pussy.

>> No.25412502

If we just extend it to all of pre-Hololife instead of just childhood, the tier ranking is probably something like
#1 - Subaru
#2 - Kanata
--- Power gap? Or perhaps not, since there's too much that has never been deeply discussed ---
#3 - Noel
#4 - Luna
#5 - Pekora
And if you include Hololive time, Haato would be somewhere around the power gap line based on her blog. Matsuri? I'm not sure if its fair to include her, but maybe you have to if you include Haato.

The most important thing is just to cheer your favorite girl on in her present life and wish the best for her.

>> No.25412504

eating fast food off of moona's fat, greasy nude body!

>> No.25412507

I don't think Luna is even fertile anon.

>> No.25412508


>> No.25412509
Quoted by: >>25412524

Wait so where did the nobuhime narrative come out of

>> No.25412512
Quoted by: >>25412537

>born after 2001
Well now you've outed yourself as actually underage.

>> No.25412513
Quoted by: >>25412561

she didn't check that her tweets wouldn't sound bad to 4chan autists who don't understand social interaction after being mangled by google translate.

>> No.25412514


>> No.25412515

Just watch her Artia collab. It's genuine autism.

>> No.25412516


>> No.25412518

Is it just me or is haachama been looking for players for 30 minutes already?

>> No.25412519

Look her up on youtube, she is extremely funny

>> No.25412521

>#3 - Noel
Being a tittytuber is so hard.

>> No.25412522

Not like this Luna... Be safe

>> No.25412524

Somebody's ass.

>> No.25412527

So wait, 5th gen hates Coco now

>> No.25412529

God bless you brother

>> No.25412530

Poor Pekora, her mom called her fat...

>> No.25412532

Is FBK even on break? she keeps uploading annoying shit

>> No.25412535
File: 174 KB, 1307x736, Ea9GtxXVcAE7Wey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves the nousagi's alot, she just doesn't really show it that much. On the special occasion we do get a membership-only stream she still isn't completely honest.. Thank god her genmate's are okay with sharing stories about her.

>> No.25412536

>30 minutes
Unpause your stream anonchama

>> No.25412537
File: 529 KB, 844x1508, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412540

She's just back in queue every time you look at her stream because goddamn, she can't stop losing.

>> No.25412542

Is there a reason shion doesn't stream much? Is the depression thing real or a meme? She has a solid design, voice, and viewership and from what I could tell seems to genuinely enjoy her collabs.

>> No.25412543
Quoted by: >>25412564

Towa has a paracetamol problem...

>> No.25412544

I've done the same thing. It's close enough...

>> No.25412546

5ch doxxed the entirety of gen 5
Lamy and Nene were accurate so it's safe to assume the rest are as well

>> No.25412547

Imagine the chat

>> No.25412550

Matsuri's problems are self inflicted so she shouldn't be on any list.

>> No.25412551
Quoted by: >>25413118

Are they fine now?

>> No.25412552

wtf is her problem

>> No.25412553


>> No.25412559

Forget your reps, work on your math, anon.

>> No.25412561

>being able to read between the lines is a sign of autism

>> No.25412563

I guess pleb filters DO work

>> No.25412564

I hope she knows that high doses of it can kill her slowly.

>> No.25412569
File: 44 KB, 466x659, images (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412861

who do you think the commander is anon?

>> No.25412570
Quoted by: >>25412601

Has Haato beaten slime climb even once?

>> No.25412572
Quoted by: >>25412602

i think gen 2 is such a mixed bag because the expectations of what being a hololiver would eventually be, werent really crystalized at the time
thats why you have some who seem to thrive like Aqua, and some who seem to not really be fully into it like Ayame and Shion
from gen 3 onward, everyone understands exactly what theyre getting themselves into

>> No.25412574

she probably has things scheduled to go out

>> No.25412576
Quoted by: >>25412611

Pekora told me she thinks all her fans are retarded

>> No.25412577

nice. glad i invested early

>> No.25412580


>> No.25412581

she's just being full Jonh Cena posting memes and RTing stuff

>> No.25412583
File: 239 KB, 1049x2017, EfSixlmUEAEV9EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25412584

That's a really cool beetle

>> No.25412588
File: 161 KB, 383x303, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two mental midgets have played for 6 hours without winning a single game
Place your bets, which one will be the champion?

>> No.25412589
File: 3.21 MB, 2902x4096, 1593483032525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412641

careful noel it might not end up how you hoped

>> No.25412593
Quoted by: >>25412624

Sauce ?

>> No.25412594
Quoted by: >>25412612

I'm an Astel anti now because he's playing Caustic

>> No.25412595

you know that blowjob ASMR is a man right

>> No.25412596


>> No.25412597

she's too busy fucking her boyfriend to find enough time to stream.

>> No.25412600

I'll go with Haachama

>> No.25412601


if not for that one guy patrolling the spin platform she might have made it just now.

>> No.25412602

gen 3 was the best and it's been downhill from there

>> No.25412605

Except you narrativefags suck at reading between the lines and often what you consider "reading between the lines" is just you inserting your headcannon. Stop defending retardation.

>> No.25412607

but that second one was done by a male anon from here...

>> No.25412610

I do, why are you ruining things

>> No.25412611

Yeah well she's just as retarded so it's a symbiosis relationship.

>> No.25412612
Quoted by: >>25412686

His intelligence should not be underestimated

>> No.25412613

thighs > pits

>> No.25412614

I just realized the Tony Hawk remake isn't out until next month, Luna gets to play it early.

>> No.25412617
Quoted by: >>25412643

Doesn't haachama have school tomorrow?

>> No.25412618


>> No.25412619

kusopanda will win the chanpon, i'm sure

>> No.25412621

Neither. Their audiences are the real winners.

>> No.25412622

i have instrusive thoughts about smashing it

>> No.25412623

I would've believed him if he posted the pics of his mouth and the dildo.

>> No.25412624
Quoted by: >>25412793

i'm trying not to get banned at least until the debuts are over
you can try the archives

>> No.25412626

Fall Guys? More like Fall Gays

>> No.25412627
File: 477 KB, 667x757, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Polka is for honks not for lewds

>> No.25412628
File: 162 KB, 850x1214, civia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every CN had to make a cover that released before their debut, to varying quality. It's also a really good way of comparing all of their Japanese quality.
Yogiri: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nJ411N7DL

Civia: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j7411z7W4
(she actually did a Gyari video for her's but it's in Chinese and really poorly produced, ECHO is the way better representation)

Echo: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14J411h7q2

Doris: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KE41137Ja

Rosalyn: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zi4y1b7Sz

Artia: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15E411P716

>> No.25412629
File: 403 KB, 1334x1869, 1583115785400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seemingly being distant only to have it be revealed through rare occasions or from third parties is probably the strongest way to be convinced of someone's love.
I don't doubt that someone who is always up front with their feelings can be real too but someone who is rarely ever up front with their feelings and has it be spilled always feels the more genuine.
Which is why these two mini-zatsudans recently were such a joy to listen to.

>> No.25412630
File: 613 KB, 1748x1240, 81843562_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who plays this is gonna have to turn off the music arent they? Its gonna be a shit show.

>> No.25412632

Because some poor anonchaama is going to fap to that and turn into a faggot because no one told them

>> No.25412635
Quoted by: >>25412646

if I touch her horn, would she die?

>> No.25412636
Quoted by: >>25412653

That's where you're wrong

>> No.25412638

>Want to send Marshmallow to Mel
>Site is inexplicaply down

>> No.25412639
File: 391 KB, 1134x2016, EfShwWAUYAAfP7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412671

What does Nene's Tao Ling nickname mean?
Does it mean anything?

>> No.25412637

What the fuck is Nobuhime doing holy shit

>> No.25412640
Quoted by: >>25412667

The takeabreakfags have arrived

>> No.25412641

Delete this, Marine is going to cry

>> No.25412643

australia in lockdown

>> No.25412646

it would be extremely pleasurable

>> No.25412651

Does a sponsored stream mean she's allowed to play the music? Like is it tagged into the system in a certain way? Or is the whole system just too shitty for that to even be done.

>> No.25412653
File: 1.56 MB, 2556x2157, honking_stops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said Polka is for honks. Not for lewds.

>> No.25412654

Just play a thps playlist in another tab

>> No.25412656

The depression thing is very real, and it was starting to show in her streams pretty badly awhile back. She seems better nowadays but she's busy moving out of her family's house.

>> No.25412657
File: 259 KB, 395x407, 1596202247062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my aim

>> No.25412659 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 154x172, 1597348253445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412660
File: 293 KB, 427x505, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having these weird thoughts lately...

>> No.25412662

threads too fast i hate it i hate the debuts too

>> No.25412666

No one gives a shit, whiner.

>> No.25412667

It's not that hard to make her take a break. Just let her win

>> No.25412668
Quoted by: >>25412730

You really think anyone is going to trust youtube's dumbshit AI?

>> No.25412669

Fucking how?
Luna is really trying her best these days besides the collabs.

>> No.25412671

It may be in relation to Taoism, meaning she is humble and seiso as fuck.

>> No.25412673

>capped number of dls on geekjack
what is this? 2002?

>> No.25412674
Quoted by: >>25412693

Hey, Echo is pretty good! Can't believe that chart made a fool of me

>> No.25412676

she's tsundere in the best possible way, trading bants with listeners most of the time but occasionally you the soft side

>> No.25412678
Quoted by: >>25412698

I got the perfect place for you friend https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/

>> No.25412680

That husky idol girl is really nene?

>> No.25412681

holy shit this is gold
can't wait for the debut

>> No.25412682
Quoted by: >>25412723

I like that Haato calls out the EOP for being super creepy, and proceeds to answer it anyways.

>> No.25412684

you're not missing much

>> No.25412685

Miko got a sponsored stream taken down for copyright once for a VN.

>> No.25412686

Caustic as a teammate is even worse than as an enemy because you have to listen to shit like that

>> No.25412687
Quoted by: >>25412815

5ch said it so it's true

>> No.25412693
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1597182413110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo? when do you learn English?!?!?

>> No.25412698
File: 35 KB, 381x113, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412699

If she plays the music, maybe is gonna be archived.

>> No.25412700

all cats are grey in the dark

>> No.25412701

does anyone actually read everything posted here? trying to keep up with the threads makes me feel like im walking into a hurricane

>> No.25412702

This is not your blog, fag.

>> No.25412703

Breath it in...

>> No.25412706

Holy fuck Astel absolutely blasted them with the Kraber

>> No.25412708
Quoted by: >>25412748

>Lamy and Nene were accurate

>> No.25412709

Kickflip nanoraaaa

>> No.25412711

Imagine if Hololivers could move like this
If only Cover was a technology company specializing in motion capture

>> No.25412714

that fucking glorious headshot that just won astel the game

>> No.25412715

We find ourselves inside the next Ring. How serendipitous.

>> No.25412717

did she actually spit on her nails...

>> No.25412718

no but i download all the images

>> No.25412720
File: 308 KB, 404x405, 1596980124194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sheep is only growing stronger while sleeping.

>> No.25412721

would you get your ass whooped by artia in overwatch, /hlg/?

>> No.25412723
Quoted by: >>25412751

The color of her soap is nothing compared to the guy who asked her the color of her panties earlier.

>> No.25412724
File: 55 KB, 375x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit's not fair

>> No.25412725


Newfags have never watched this video

>> No.25412726

66 minutes anon

>> No.25412727
Quoted by: >>25412795

And I love the usagi for it, She's lovably dumb to a fault.

>> No.25412729

Would Miko make them go away?

>> No.25412730

Yeah I wouldn't trust it either, but at the same rate you'd think there'd be a way built into the system that, for example, is used to categorize X-Publisher's New Game video which has 4 different songs in it, and so on.

Video ID: 1z12kjz9s8
Permissions: a, b, c, d, e, z

The AI would then read the permissions list while doing its scanning.

>> No.25412732
File: 528 KB, 244x452, nene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched Nene , what do I think of her?

>> No.25412733

Would Nobu really come back as a holo instead of just joining Noripro? Tamaki was crying when Nobu graduated so she'd definitely take her in.

>> No.25412737

No way they're going to risk it, I remember seeing half muted vods on twitch.

>> No.25412740
Quoted by: >>25412828

Shadowban hit her pretty hard.

>> No.25412741

It seemed odd that a majority of nene's debut had lamy collabing in it

>> No.25412742

Those are still some really good numbers anon. Not everyone gets that kind of start

>> No.25412743

> Watching Sora play Crab Fight
> She's beating down other crabs with a Barbed wire bat and a revolver
Playing these kamige is honestly the kind of content I want out of the Holos. I want to see them play Ace of Seafood as well.

>> No.25412744

Honks can be lewd, anon.

>> No.25412745
Quoted by: >>25412809

Tamaki said outright she would not rehire old talents

>> No.25412746
Quoted by: >>25412759

Are you chama-tier retarded?

>> No.25412747
Quoted by: >>25412833

This would make Coco look like Amy Schumer in comparison.

>> No.25412748

Botanfags in damage control trying to deny it because she's a 43 y/o granny

>> No.25412750
Quoted by: >>25412777

she is shit
towa is better

>> No.25412751

i missed it what was the color?

>> No.25412752

>all that overacting
What a narrative

>> No.25412754


>> No.25412753

sounds more like just an sharp exhalation, she's clearly playing with her phone

>> No.25412755

Tamaki has said she doesn't want to reincarnate vtubers, says it's disrespectful to the original fans to do that.

>> No.25412757

Everything about Hololive is unfair. These girls will just be happy to be inside the Holobubble either way.

>> No.25412758

You tell me

>> No.25412759 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 417x489, 1597348630050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just below the line

>> No.25412760

there were 100 more ips than there usually are in the last thread and the v tourists are mass replying to a tony hawk post because its their sacred cow... but im the problem... sure... /s

>> No.25412761
Quoted by: >>25412785

Grey with ribbons.

>> No.25412763
Quoted by: >>25412803

>she's a 43 y/o granny
This only makes us harder.

>> No.25412764
Quoted by: >>25412778

Yeah, did you know that wresting isn't real and Marine isn't actually a pirate? Can't believe these dumbasses think they can fool us

>> No.25412766

so is gen5 shit so far? haven’t watched anything yet.

>> No.25412767

yeah she was shitposting on stream anon

>> No.25412770

Lamys already at where Aki was 2 months ago.......

>> No.25412771

N-narrative bros?

>> No.25412773

Donperi towah in diz bih

>> No.25412775

CTRL + F panties, anonchama

>> No.25412776

It's not even gonna be Nobuhime, How are you retards so gullible.

>> No.25412777
File: 215 KB, 1180x1200, 1592671059232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412799

Towa likes Nene!

>> No.25412778

Marine said it herself she's a cosplayer!

>> No.25412781

how did she get away with this?

>> No.25412783

One reason might be because she's been in high school for her whole vtuber life and she was actually responsible about it unlike haachama. I think she graduated this year though. I don't know about the depression thing but reading the archives here it seems like some of her streams last year were kind of off putting and depressive.

>> No.25412784

>Lamy and Nene are Seiso
I'm expecting Botan to be Okayu 2.0 with a some kind of twist and Polka to be a wild card.

>> No.25412785


>> No.25412786

That's life, kiddo

>> No.25412789


>> No.25412790


>> No.25412791
Quoted by: >>25413016

How is it that there's over 30 member but Subaru is the only tomboy

>> No.25412793
Quoted by: >>25412936

Archives say Lamy was completely wrong, though. What is your source?

>> No.25412794

>blowjob ASMR

>> No.25412795


she was gonna play more fall guys but ended early for nene's debut.

>> No.25412796

Fake and unfunny

>> No.25412797

Huge tits and fake persona can get you anywhere in life

>> No.25412799

I thought Towa liked Aloe? I guess she already moved on...

>> No.25412800

This week is full of surprises
What the fuck? What is going on?

>> No.25412802

And people think Indies can compare with this.

>> No.25412803

Cumming inside without the worry of pregnancy!
Every single night!

>> No.25412805

yes you are please leave redditfag

>> No.25412809
Quoted by: >>25412866

I see. I guess there's a decent chance then since Mega still seems interested in streaming and what have you.

>> No.25412811
Quoted by: >>25412845

>narrativefags are blown the fuck out
and water remains wet

>> No.25412813

Haachama's blowjob ASMR was cute, she obviously has never sucked dick beforemeaning my oshi is still pure

>> No.25412814

its her you retarded idiot

>> No.25412815

they were right about Lamy and Nene and the follower list seems plausible enough so it's not that unlikely they're right about this one too

>> No.25412816

Let me drown in my delusions

>> No.25412817

Towa likes all of gen 5!
at least until proven otherwise...

>> No.25412818

that's not how you spoiler anon

>> No.25412823
Quoted by: >>25412915

>they were right about Lamy and Nene

>> No.25412824 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 2220x1248, 1597348829614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412849

that's literally the joke newfag
she's making fun of the other chuubas who've done it
There's a reason people call her the shitpost queen

>> No.25412826

something bad is going to happen soon to keep the balance
mark my words

>> No.25412827
File: 2.30 MB, 400x400, miko gone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412901

Like was any of this forreal?
Or not?

>> No.25412828

It's pretty fucked up how you could see the moment the shadowban hit Nene. Slightly over 80k viewers and then it just stopped going up at all, slowly dwindling to about 75k by the end of the stream.

>> No.25412829

Whenever I say "Lamy" I read "Larry"

>> No.25412830
Quoted by: >>25412888

Regardless of Botan, ss Ereko really 43? Back in 2018 people though she's in early to mid 30s.

>> No.25412834
File: 1.35 MB, 548x346, n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this combo

>> No.25412833
File: 244 KB, 640x489, CoCO hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412941

Don't fucking insult Coco, she's miles better than that unfunny atrocity

>> No.25412835

>they were right about Lamy and Nene

>> No.25412836

>playing THPS1/2
>playing with Matsuri's heart
This 0-year-old princess is UNSTOPPABLE

>> No.25412838
Quoted by: >>25412857

Shes just not that interesting. Accept the simple fact.

>> No.25412840
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1597239413165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25412871

>Can I reach 200k before I make my 3rd stream?

>> No.25412841

Haachama, please don't burn out before you can collab with the other hololives + Hoshikawa

>> No.25412845
Quoted by: >>25412886

5ch says it's damage control anon, don't worry they hate each other I swear, trust 5ch

>> No.25412849
Quoted by: >>25412865

That's Mea.

>> No.25412851

You think she's sweet, but you probably won't tune into her most of the time unless she's doing one of her drawing streams because her style is really cute.

>> No.25412853

hlg displaying its autism once again

>> No.25412855

Are you a newfag? Because I used to do that too during my first 3 weeks here, that was 5 months ago. Now I just open the threads, ctrl-f my fav holos, skim over everything then back to watching streams or do other things.

>> No.25412856

>1 second into the blowjob
>Haachama starts laughing at your dick
It's surprisingly realistic. She has no idea what she's doing does she?

>> No.25412857
Quoted by: >>25412893

Lamy is also not that interesting

>> No.25412858
File: 670 KB, 720x742, nenenenenenenenenenene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute. Love and support her.

>> No.25412859
File: 1.16 MB, 705x1000, 1594674789988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25412861
File: 481 KB, 1061x1500, 79257565_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me as Noel's commander, doing private drills with her every morning.

>> No.25412865

No Mea is the "teehee I'm not like the other girls" whore

>> No.25412866

it really comes down to whether or not she thought going to another corporate vtuber agency was a good idea since the scouting process would've happened around the time she was about to retire as Oda.

>> No.25412867

>they were right about Lamy and Nene

>> No.25412869

Lamy literally had 100k+ before her debut ended and Botan has 95k without a single stream. It's absolutely ridiculous

>> No.25412871

>5th gen only streams every 50k subs

>> No.25412873

Does Nene's VA sound this good in the manga?

>> No.25412876

Lamy and Nene's heads are too big

>> No.25412878

i seriously don't mind more accent on monster girls, massive stonks for cover, instead of another elf in gen6

>> No.25412882
Quoted by: >>25412909

gotta admit, been a while since the autistic aussie has played a game for this long

>> No.25412886

the more I learn japanese, the more I realize those faggots are even more retarded and obsessed than 4chan.

>> No.25412888

Jokes aside and as far I have seen the age doesn't seem to be like that, and above that, would cover hire someone "so old" ? she doesnt have a career to develop at that age, dunno, the age seems kinda wrong even if the dox were on point.

>> No.25412890
Quoted by: >>25412915

Anon even 5ch doesn't believe their own narratives anymore... you are aware of this aren't you...?

>> No.25412891
Quoted by: >>25412914

lame lamy destroyed all the hype around the debuts
big fucking mistake putting her out first

>> No.25412892
Quoted by: >>25413000

No and Fubuki bullied her for it

>> No.25412894
Quoted by: >>25413031

no but i like seeing stuff that doesnt only pertain to holos i like. ive been here since the end of march

>> No.25412893
Quoted by: >>25412959

Yes. Thats why it will be
1. Aloe
2. Polka or Botan
3. Polka or Botan
4. Lamy
5. Nene

>> No.25412897

>The model is a near perfect copy of the 2D design
that's the problem
3D models shouldn't have drawn-on shading

>> No.25412899
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1590871369615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether Towa likes it or not Aloe will bully her.

>> No.25412901
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1593954923811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had my first holo dream
it was awful
it was many years in the future after all the first fews gens of holos had gotten too old to keep streaming and retired, and i only had the archives left
it made me genuinely upset
because I know it's eventually going to come 100% true

>> No.25412903

>Botan has 95k without a single stream
As expected of my cute wife.

>> No.25412905

She's pretty cute and her voice isn't annoying, feel like she's gonna be alright

>> No.25412909
Quoted by: >>25412928

is this her longest game stream?

>> No.25412911

It doesn't matter pre-monetization and we won't know where they sit until they start actually making content and stabilize.

>> No.25412914
Quoted by: >>25413026

I know you're just shitposting but I wonder if there are people that actually think like this.

>> No.25412915
Quoted by: >>25412968

i would believe you were actually being skeptical of Lamy but Nene is beyond a shadow of a doubt so i'll just assume you're in full damage control mode over Botan being 40 years old
so cope more faggots

>> No.25412918

>it took aki this long to reach 200k subs while lamy is already 150k after just 1 stream

it hurts akibros

>> No.25412920
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1582975737689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 5 3D requirement should be 250k.

>> No.25412922

Haachama your member stream...

>> No.25412924

Is this the longest Haachama stream she's done?

>> No.25412927
File: 10 KB, 437x431, internal heartache 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first fews gens of holos had gotten too old to keep streaming and retired, and i only had the archives left

>> No.25412928

in recent times? for sure, not even her GOI streams were close to this length

>> No.25412929

it probably will be, they won't even have monetization until a month after their debut.

>> No.25412930

Korone. Her parents died and NND stalked her calling her ugly.
That’s all made up shit for her character.

>> No.25412931

/hlg/bros why can't our daughter win a single game?

>> No.25412933

at least shes inclining now

>> No.25412932

Polka's design is such a perfect fit that she might just end up replacing Towa.

>> No.25412935

I'd say design carries Lamy pretty much further she would be otherwise

>> No.25412936

you can lie to yourself all you want faggot i don't care how hard you cop cause it won't change the truth

>> No.25412938
File: 770 KB, 2894x4093, Ee6q2JeU4AEfnbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is nice to not care about roommates and just enjoy the holos for what they are

>> No.25412939
File: 668 KB, 705x1000, 78286152_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her papa may draw her in a erotic way, but i just want to hug the dumb onion

>> No.25412941

>ohayo gozaimasu...motherfuckers!
>a few small chuckles begin. They slowly increase until most of the chat is giggling at the joke
>the chat suddenly roars into laughter. Tears streaming down some people’s faces as they struggle to breathe
>based...as fuck!
>the chat starts going insane. People are ripping each other’s faces off, there’s blood everywhere
>eventually Cover decide the only option is to private the stream

>> No.25412944

What a stupid opinion from someone who isn't a fan of a retired vtuber. Original fans would be happy to see them again even if it means reincarnating.

tfw Setsuna is still not back

>> No.25412943
Quoted by: >>25412969

Why is she having so much trouble finding matches? Is it because she's stuck in Australia?

>> No.25412946

Hahah she's like a kid trying to act sexy from what she saw in a movie.

>> No.25412947

how would I know, anon.

>> No.25412950

which one of these pink semen demons are gonna come out on top?

>> No.25412952

I just want to fug her

>> No.25412953
File: 9 KB, 186x186, 1597238824351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's fine, hope they started working on my model already!

>> No.25412959

Aloe is Coco’s favorite, so that’s pretty accurate.

>> No.25412965

It seems pretty hard.
Assuming every game is chance, it's one in 50 or so, and she hasn't played close to 50 games yet

>> No.25412966

They're just going to do them all in a row again around New Years. The requirements are a thing of the past.

>> No.25412967

With how long each matchmaking is, I would probably quit a long time ago. I admire Haachama for still playing it

>> No.25412968

>but Nene is beyond a shadow of a doubt

>> No.25412969

Yes most people in her region are asleep

>> No.25412978
Quoted by: >>25412995

how far did the onion get in OoT last night?

>> No.25412979
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1568813691449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? If you care about roomate shit you might as well go and watch twitch.

>> No.25412980

It's not like there's a long line of ones with no 3D models so there's not much reason to have a defined line anymore. Just wait till the time feels right and do it all in a row like with gen 4.

>> No.25412983

peko got second place in half an hour

>> No.25412984

Anons I did it, I can hear her before sleeping, yesterday I heard her voice I saw her before sleep, anons I got my holo tulpa.

>> No.25412990

I'd even say 1/50 is pretty generous, because it assumes no one in the lobby is better/worse than her.

>> No.25412993

They'd be dumb to not start working on them right away, it's basically guaranteed anyway unless chris 2.0 happens

>> No.25412992
Quoted by: >>25413024

Hololive meetings
Girls were told to expand to a western audience
Expect more sponsorships
Why do you think chuubas are more eager to read English superchats these days?

>> No.25412994

Our narrative...

>> No.25412995

probably the wrong word for it, despite being a basic descriptor

>> No.25413000


>> No.25413001

anon that was me

>> No.25413002

who will be the first holo to retire?

>> No.25413004

Haato was like 8 steps from first place in like an hour.

>> No.25413007
Quoted by: >>25413030

>fuck we need good gamers
>I know hire this 45 year old woman she's good at FPS


>> No.25413009

If youre still on them, stop taking your pills. Thats when the door truly cracks open.

>> No.25413010
Quoted by: >>25413031

At one point you should realize what is worth reading and what is useless shitpost, which is 90% of the threads. Real dramas are actually pretty rare, and daily narratives are fucking boring. If you like "seeing stuffs" about other holos why not watch their streams or archives instead? Which one do you actually prefer, 4chan or hololive?

>> No.25413011

I woke up before the debut but ended up falling asleep before it started so watching it now. She's cute

>> No.25413013


>> No.25413015

Imagine if aki just re-debuted

>> No.25413014

That's just cause pekora bends reality so that it gives her hope before snatching it away

>> No.25413016
File: 86 KB, 680x453, 20200809_225624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair

>> No.25413017

at this rate unless they pull a towa, all of them will be at the 300k mark by the time their 3D models are done

>> No.25413018
File: 345 KB, 1690x1648, 1596569710588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headpats for Mio.

>> No.25413020
Quoted by: >>25413062

Hope that her hidden side is a dom

>> No.25413024
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1595589322281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once Hololive EN debuts each girl will be forced to tweet in english how happy they are and hope to collab with them soon

>> No.25413026
Quoted by: >>25413064

shes another big tity asmr youtube channel
just a pair of tits with an empty on top of them
shes budget noel

>> No.25413027

sounded more like nervous laughter to me
which is even cuter

>> No.25413029

>my /jp/

>> No.25413030

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.25413031


>> No.25413034

Will Botan be ready for 3D stream in a week though?

>> No.25413035

is haachama actually going to cancel her membership stream for this?

>> No.25413037

>found the retard who replies with "she's pregnant" everytime Miko's mentioned
of course it was a SEAmonkey

>> No.25413039


aki is fine, she's very happy about all the new subs so whatever happens now it's good for her confidence.

>> No.25413041

Her skin looks so squeezable and soft...

>> No.25413042

>trusting anything Haato promises

>> No.25413045
Quoted by: >>25413100

wasn't yogiri getting a new costume relatively soon?

>> No.25413046

god I can't wait for the botan lewds

>> No.25413048
File: 77 KB, 1000x996, 6030d0fd73416857da94742fe9cbe6e3e6bedaf8_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Pekora ever flipped out like this in Mario Kart?


The "うそだろ" sounds different. I love it.

>> No.25413049


might just stay up at this point

>> No.25413051

It's going to be okay anon.

>> No.25413052


>> No.25413054
Quoted by: >>25413090

Um, isn't this flare's voice?
Sounds a lot like her

>> No.25413060

Fucking tragic.

>> No.25413061
File: 1.09 MB, 3500x2469, 1587310992396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413087

i want to hug her ass with my penis

>> No.25413062
File: 435 KB, 416x541, gangilamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll membership to her if/when she snaps and goes full psycho.

>> No.25413063

Someone from gen 2

>> No.25413064

I see.

>> No.25413065

>he doesn't watch the holostars
Explain yourself, anon.

>> No.25413066
Quoted by: >>25413106

Please stop posting sexy Aquas
Thank you

>> No.25413067

tfw Hosimati's requirement was 30k

>> No.25413069

Noel wants to smell Watame's butt.

>> No.25413070

its sad how accurate this is...

>> No.25413071

Im working on them, for all gen 5, but I have comissions to finish first and they ate up a lot of my free time this week.

>> No.25413072
Quoted by: >>25413105

i'm straight

>> No.25413075
Quoted by: >>25413301

>haachama is STILL playing
What the fuck?

>> No.25413078
Quoted by: >>25413431

The holocaust was a lie, Cover never got hit by any copyright strike, it was a hacker who destroyed their girl's channels while all the staffers were sleeping, Cover was forced to come up with the Capcom copyright strike lie to make it less embarrassing.
The chose Mio because she wants to graduate.

>> No.25413080

you could tell she was loving the game

>> No.25413081
Quoted by: >>25413255

The part where she was grabbed right at the finish line and just didn't make it was better imo kek.

>> No.25413082


>> No.25413084


>> No.25413085

I use hololive a sexual drive fantasy or escape from shitty reality in regards of cute anime girls, no need for homos

>> No.25413087
File: 2.25 MB, 5775x4070, 372a5b9b752faf690ae7dc7f6adbed9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413086

good to know Noel is a resident smellCHAD time to send in our stories to her

>> No.25413088

what the fuck

>> No.25413089
File: 394 KB, 2763x1940, 1591512598383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25413090

Yeah,they sound worryingly alike, if we didn't know flare's past life this one could have a great narrative

>> No.25413091
File: 156 KB, 586x508, EfUgHFfUYAIVoeH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413142


>> No.25413092
Quoted by: >>25413141

At some point Haachama should win through sheer luck if she plays long enough.

>> No.25413097

>She sees your dick

>> No.25413098

Shrine maiden.

>> No.25413100
File: 287 KB, 2712x8640, 6957674938b5239ae15ec381aed8588546967e5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413160

yes, she talked about it in a recent stream. it's being shown some time this month, but I think it was held back because of the live2d modeller or something

>> No.25413101

you are very based anon, I will use your lewds for great purposes

>> No.25413103
Quoted by: >>25413114

well it looks like a fun game unlike bing bing wahoo

>> No.25413106
File: 3.41 MB, 3000x4000, 78091019_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I'm cooming again

>> No.25413105
Quoted by: >>25413157

If you were straight, you'd be able to watch boys play games without thinking about them sexually. You're just a closet gay.

>> No.25413107

Triceratops was fucked over

>> No.25413108

Why are people reacting to this like its a big deal? Game sponsorship is common.

>> No.25413113
Quoted by: >>25413226

Watame wants the same thing with Noel so I guess they need to organize a smell party

>> No.25413114

>bing bing wahoo

>> No.25413115


>> No.25413116


>> No.25413117
File: 1.86 MB, 1491x1778, luna gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me 3 good reasons why you haven't ordered Takoyaki from your nearest Asian Food Resturant AND watching some Luna Archives!

>> No.25413118


hope they're fine now and start looking for part 3 of this MoonArtia bizarre ARK adventure

>> No.25413121

I hate this so much. Im glad I had a tomboy best friend who was like a sister to me when I was growing up up until last year of high school. It hurts knowing that they'll be extinct soon. Watching Subaru is bitter sweet, because I miss her so much.

>> No.25413123
Quoted by: >>25413145

Now I am too, I hope you're proud of yourself

>> No.25413124

I like to chat to anons in between streams, also I download all the images from the threads so I can have a big comfy collection of memories of good times

>> No.25413125
Quoted by: >>25413189

Peko sounds different when she gets too excited


>> No.25413130

She retired too so I just want more from her fuck 5ch for making me believe, she puts coco and haachama shitposts to shame.

>> No.25413131

I think you underestimate how many newfags post here.

>> No.25413132

Probably when I realized how lame Risu is in comparison.

>> No.25413133


>> No.25413134
Quoted by: >>25413144

Post the flare ab roller webm, please!

>> No.25413140

>guy standing in the way just to troll haachama

slime climb is cursed

>> No.25413141

Her viewers literally not letting her win

>> No.25413142

uso deshou...

>> No.25413143

Haachama's stream is giving me anxiety...

>> No.25413144


>> No.25413145
File: 3.92 MB, 2936x4000, 78475885_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I am.

>> No.25413146

Bakachama why

>> No.25413147

How good at the game do you have to be to deal with the assholes who stand on those little cylinders? That doesn't seem too easy to deal with outside of just hoping you get a really nice, accurate jump. Haato's clearly not the best, but that was bullshit.

>> No.25413149

flare, what do you see in this girl...

>> No.25413152
File: 785 KB, 2080x3097, 1595584871682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413155

Respect our new queen

>> No.25413157

anime characters are idealized
If you want to watch an idealized man, you're gay

>> No.25413158
Quoted by: >>25413183

Slime Climb honestly seems impossible.

>> No.25413159
File: 27 KB, 405x443, 20200727_231743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413214


>> No.25413160

Thank you anon, looking forward to it

>> No.25413161

Thank you!

>> No.25413162

she just dun wanna be murdered by a menhera slut

>> No.25413163

I watch shien, aruran, and robel though

>> No.25413165
Quoted by: >>25413204

There's only 1 place that make Takoyaki in my area. Others are possibly like an hour or more away...

>> No.25413168

Just get there first

>> No.25413169
File: 46 KB, 293x317, 15859324728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck danchou?

>> No.25413170

if you dont have 10,000 people watching you you dont have to deal with it that often

>> No.25413171

She'll just keep playing fall guys on the memberstream

>> No.25413173

Guys I'm going to get a membership tomorrow but I can't decide
>Pekora because I want to be a nousagi
>Haachama because of actual membership perks
>Luna because I identify with the menhera

>> No.25413174

> Watching the Blowjob ASMR
She's too powerful. I don't want to get my hopes up about Polka being Nobuhime. I just hope Polka doesn't fall flat on her face. That being said, she has massive shitposting potential.

>> No.25413176
File: 1.21 MB, 2238x3217, c22ef6a0ea2a3a90e691acbab2aaa72014e4f8cec3195dfd3faad726a037cd99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413201

While many people may be concerned about their worsening list of fetishes when they begin to include things like "feet" or "armpits", I do wish to inform you that there is little to worry about. These two fetishes lead directly into seemingly-worse fetishes such as a sweat fetish or body odor fetish, but this is again merely a great misconception. For you see, when you have begun to dream of smelling or licking your oshi you are actually now at the closest point to forgoing any concerns about the superficial beauty of your oshi and are on the precipice of being attracted purely to her existence itself. Once you cross this threshold, you become immediately and completely immune to the base commotions of the masses such as anti-posting or roommate-posting and filled with a resolve that lets you wish everyone else can love their oshi as much as you do to your own.

So next time you imagine licking your oshi's sweaty armpits, or dunking your head in her laundry basket, or rubbing her feet on your face, or having your face replace her chair as the station of her rear: fear not. You are on your way to enlightenment and with it the joys of the purest oshi love.

>> No.25413177
File: 1.26 MB, 1181x666, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's excited?

>> No.25413179
File: 990 KB, 1060x903, 1596717441545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a slightly deeper Flare. i'm ok with that.

>> No.25413180


>> No.25413182

Her life flashing before her eyes if she rejects her.

>> No.25413181

If Noel likes the smell of shit and Noel likes the smell of Pekora, does that mean Pekora smells like shit?

>> No.25413183

I never saw a streamer I was watching fail at it until the Hololive girls

>> No.25413185
Quoted by: >>25413269

I want to sniff her butt

>> No.25413186
Quoted by: >>25413256

Haachama has been playing Fall Guys for 6 hours...

>> No.25413188

all of them

>> No.25413189
File: 570 KB, 2100x2800, EcavAwBUcAALwU5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah we're getting ぺこるし tomorrow. いいね!

>> No.25413190

you should know she is the farthest from being a numberfag. shes been having nice moments all around this week and im happy for her. someone else's success doesnt stop me from loving her

>> No.25413191
Quoted by: >>25413210

Haachama actually sounds very pleasant when she's not screaming nonsence like a lunatic.

>> No.25413192
File: 320 KB, 400x400, 5ED0D7DF-D499-4240-A0C5-B1E29697F1D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413213

>You’ll never get to ride the “Look at her go!” Attraction at Hololand


>> No.25413196

She's stealing okayu's comfy cat spot for sure

>> No.25413197
Quoted by: >>25413604

Those fucking fangs I'm in love

>> No.25413198

She had problems with heart since birth.

>> No.25413199

Oh hey, Astel got paired up with some small time Homo streamer, tsun2n on twitch.

>> No.25413201

>that pic

>> No.25413202

Your 3rd reason is retarded but the obvious answer is all of them.
If you're that poor that you can't afford two memberships you can't afford 1 membership from Haachama anyway.

>> No.25413203
File: 163 KB, 428x431, 1596321827680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch... don't do this to me...
Don't give me hope...

>> No.25413204
File: 974 KB, 3293x3376, luna 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it for her

>> No.25413206

>a hamsters butt
um what?

>> No.25413207

the expressions ripped from kizuna ai really made this for me

>> No.25413208

No one cares about your irrelevant holo

>> No.25413210

Akai Haato... has returned...

>> No.25413214
File: 2.22 MB, 5774x4071, (C97) [まかろん大帝 (がおう)] AQUART (湊あくあ).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413212

Your favorite

>> No.25413213
File: 149 KB, 333x399, 1597233895949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413270

You're just asking for this.

>> No.25413216

Haato got fucked up so fast.

>> No.25413217
Quoted by: >>25413287

>hamster butt
i can understand cats but being a smellfag and not having armpits as top #1? this knight is batshit insane

>> No.25413218

I feel bad for her grandma, jesus, imagine living with that thing...

>> No.25413219
File: 268 KB, 868x1228, 1597235463248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we love elves?

>> No.25413220

Her design is so good compared to Nene and Lamy

>> No.25413222
File: 2.71 MB, 2934x4000, 76444896_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413265

>> No.25413221

Dear lord Bakachama..

>> No.25413225
Quoted by: >>25413251

no she specifically said Pekora smells girly and not "beastly" like she's looking for

>> No.25413226
File: 349 KB, 604x813, 1596437940135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting to sniff and lick sheep pits
>then Watame notices something bulging from Noel's loincloth

>> No.25413229

Coco has never actually been a "shitposter" in that sense. She just makes jokes.

>> No.25413231
File: 30 KB, 645x773, d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel Brapchad confirmed

>> No.25413232

A daring synthesis! I smell the birth of a new narrative.

>> No.25413234

but they were right so far anon

>> No.25413236
Quoted by: >>25413272

Are you a translated clip watcher?

>> No.25413239

God I want her to step on me...

>> No.25413238

do people really like a holo just by her design?

>> No.25413240
Quoted by: >>25413352

its primetime and all three just started who do you watch?

>> No.25413242

I love Flare!

>> No.25413244

Pekora seems to me that she had a hard times, i don't really know why, she never talked about it that much, but just from her personality and some traits, i can tell.

>> No.25413245
File: 1006 KB, 1457x2064, 1594449815301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413246

tsun-chan is really cute and hella good. If only she'd stream on youtube more

>> No.25413250
File: 56 KB, 516x612, 1596928384560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413249

>ywn mindbreak Danchou with your beastly unwashed cock musk
why even live

>> No.25413251

What the fuck is a beastly smell not taking a bath for a week and soiling your pants

>> No.25413252

Her grandma's probably deaf already so the banshee shrieks don't hurt her.

>> No.25413253

Doesn't she have her own shack now that her grandma lives close to?
And she streams from the basement of said shack?

>> No.25413255


Yeah, but she didn't try to talk. Just spazzed out in her seat after screaming

>> No.25413256

She's playing till she wins but you can tell she likes these repetitive bullshit kind of games

>> No.25413258
Quoted by: >>25413312

1. na
2. no
3. raaaaaa

>> No.25413259

>rest in peace
>good words

>> No.25413261

>look carefully you can see her wheezing on the floor

>> No.25413265
Quoted by: >>25413339

Still going?

>> No.25413266

Honestly Towa

>> No.25413269

ok noel

>> No.25413270
File: 3.07 MB, 530x700, nyooooooooooom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the moon!

>> No.25413271

use a VPN and buy them with ARS

>> No.25413272

no, i watch my clips raw.

>> No.25413273

The design is there to get you interested. Voice and personality keeps you there. That's why I slept on Flare for a long time until I actually caught one of her streams.

>> No.25413274

not me
i'd be watching Ars's 3D debut instead

>> No.25413276
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1596896494758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a nousagi is the least painful experience so far

>> No.25413278
File: 457 KB, 1000x690, EbBbWQZUcAAWvBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Aqua released a real sex tape would you watch it?

>> No.25413279

The vast majority of viewers outside of Japan don't have a single clue what they are saying so voice and design are probably the most important elements for them.

>> No.25413281
Quoted by: >>25413310

You're fucking retarded if you think she acts like that normally.

>> No.25413282
File: 222 KB, 404x476, sheepmania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did.

>> No.25413283

>Botan debut
>Ars Almal 3D stream
>At the same time
....Fuckin hell...

>> No.25413284
Quoted by: >>25413297

Anyone have the holostars "Hello, based department?" webm?

>> No.25413285

only if you listen to this

>> No.25413287

Smellfag targets can be pretty variable.

Going from top to bottom you've got:
Front of groin
Back of groin

There's something for everyone, really.

>> No.25413288
Quoted by: >>25413572

>not taking a bath for a week and soiling your pants
alternatively jerking off and not cleaning your dick, women like that smell

>> No.25413290
File: 3.39 MB, 2177x3499, EfD-yFdVoAApXAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna be great

>> No.25413291

Why is she so boring

>> No.25413292

if hololive do this image the narratives

>> No.25413293

Noel liked this

>> No.25413294

what do Pekora, Watame, and Botan all have in common? their designs are based off [Synonym for Animal]

>> No.25413295

go to a farm and take a deep breath

>> No.25413297
Quoted by: >>25413331

it was posted upthread

>> No.25413298
File: 130 KB, 898x1228, patch427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413300
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 80443193_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pekora is a girly girl
sounds about right considering the mountain of fan gifts she sleeps with on her bed

>> No.25413301

She hasn't won yet

>> No.25413302
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1399, 1594788385325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick.

>> No.25413304 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 300x241, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413305

>extra puzzle piece

>> No.25413306

I wont because the volume balancing is terrible

>> No.25413308

Unironically why is the niji management like this? It only makes it worse for both sides

>> No.25413310
Quoted by: >>25413378

I never said that. But think anon. If she actually lives with her grandma, right? And lets say she streams from home sometimes, for cooking streams or something like that. You see where i'm going?

>> No.25413312

best answer, i laughed

>> No.25413314
File: 616 KB, 640x640, 1596942638963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never serve under Flare to repel the candy menace

>> No.25413316

who is the anal queen on hololive

>> No.25413317
File: 527 KB, 1500x2069, 1596733819166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413319
File: 760 KB, 2200x3650, 1591427933684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413642

The most important information I got out of this video is that Pekora smells like a girly girl, which is cute as fuck.

>> No.25413318

Ask Fumihiko

>> No.25413320

I fap to L*l* just because of her design and voice, but I wouldn't say I really like her. If I like a chuuba's design it's more likely that I give her a chance though.

>> No.25413322

God I wish. I love Flares voice. Top 3 for sure.

>> No.25413323

depends if it's censored or not

>> No.25413327
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1591874326417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have video of Miko's 'My name is Elite' performance at VILLS...?

>> No.25413328

Any way to watch multiple streams at the same time through jetri on Firefox? Pressing play on a second stream stops the one which is currently playing.

>> No.25413329

ugly design with a stupid hat

>> No.25413331

Oh didn't notice it. Danke.

>> No.25413332 [DELETED] 
File: 3.00 MB, 300x241, c3f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413335

Ars already has enough to worry about knowing it won't live up to Kagami's 3D debut, now she has to deal with a new Holo debut too.... Ars....

>> No.25413337

I wish she was in the JP branch, Too bad too since she can speak japanese pretty fluently

>> No.25413339
File: 3.45 MB, 2864x4000, 80124193_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413372

was letting my dick rest for a bit
onions are strong stuff

>> No.25413338

haachama is learning

>> No.25413340

I would but maybe just because I'm not a bit invested in her. If she was my favorite I'm not really sure.

>> No.25413341
Quoted by: >>25413451

Ars's date was announced first so it's Cover being incompetent once again

>> No.25413342

>Luna is playing tony hawk
>it will likely lead to her getting EOP spam

>> No.25413343

3rd time today huh..
A decade ago I could go for 5 like nothing, but for Botan, ill do do my best.

>> No.25413344
Quoted by: >>25413432

Are you looking forward for Botan's debut?

>> No.25413345
File: 366 KB, 1056x1699, 1597322995843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is super fucking adorable, seems like the dorkiest hololive yet. I really like her voice too

>> No.25413346


>> No.25413347

Her 3D stream was announced before 5th gen was announced.

>> No.25413350
Quoted by: >>25413369

Is that the scout

>> No.25413351

pretty sure jewtube disabled it on their end
t. waterfox user

>> No.25413352

If all three of them were playing the same game, I'd watch Pekora

>> No.25413354


>> No.25413355

Damn, how long until they pass AZKi?

>> No.25413356 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 1597350571799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413358

Peko peko, what are you gonna do about my dick peko?

>> No.25413360
File: 363 KB, 1349x1860, 1597319301780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413362

literature zatsudans! discussing the classics with your oshi!

>> No.25413363

>watching some 40 year old ogre's debut over the well established adorable as fuck inkya's 3D debut
why would anybody do that to themselves?

>> No.25413364
File: 452 KB, 1447x2039, EdNQnCkU4AAPp69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413642

Thank you danchou...

>> No.25413365
Quoted by: >>25413445

Won't tony hawk OST be muted? can she actually stream with the songs?

>> No.25413366

Literally doesn't matter for Botan past the first few weeks, only for numberfags

>> No.25413367
Quoted by: >>25413470

Search in the archives how to fix it

>> No.25413368

My wife loves elves!

>> No.25413369
Quoted by: >>25413408

Yes, the game has lots of Valve character costumes

>> No.25413370

good god..

>> No.25413372
Quoted by: >>25413441

Thanks for the images anyway, anon.

>> No.25413374
File: 374 KB, 427x505, ゴズリング102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413377
File: 290 KB, 1457x1941, a0d16f96e10a8061d65b576cdbc01637_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413378

They gave her the basement so she could stream to her heart's content.

>> No.25413381
File: 790 KB, 827x1169, illust_82938195_20200810_141805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to defile Sora

>> No.25413380
Quoted by: >>25413467

WHY are Towafags like this?

>> No.25413382


>> No.25413383
Quoted by: >>25413470

I don't remember the code, but look for "localstorage" in the archives.

>> No.25413385

Is it even possible not to do that?

>> No.25413386

You'll need to discover the magic words first

>> No.25413387


>> No.25413389

Hey, she's a very nice girl, also two houses and a car

>> No.25413391
File: 376 KB, 478x580, 1576576227949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel will never sit on your face and do a stinky fart

>> No.25413392

https://youtu.be/k89pC10mOe0 this is the embodiment of western viewers and who they pander towards and as proxy lead to the actual vtubers

>> No.25413393

how does haachama do it?
i cant imagine playing this trash for 6 fucking hours

>> No.25413396

What happened to the PPtrio OC adventures? did they manage to break all the seals?

>> No.25413397

I want to cause (you) pain

>> No.25413398

No because aqua is incapable of being sexy with her retard voice. I can only find her attractive through still images.

>> No.25413399

Man, japanese girls are wild. If it weren't for vtubers I would still think of them as dolls.

>> No.25413402
File: 308 KB, 600x538, 1592486448988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413403

>”Oh god, what’s that horrible smell?”
>”She must be cooking again, if anyone asks, it’s the smell of our bulls getting paid.”

>> No.25413405
Quoted by: >>25413473

Ever consider maybe she actually enjoys the game?

>> No.25413407

Is Suisei the only Holo that hates porn made of her?

>> No.25413408

That's cool

>> No.25413411

towafags are disgusting

>> No.25413412


>> No.25413414
File: 479 KB, 1857x1045, Ee9yCFJU0AIe4WA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is a pure girl.

>> No.25413416

Haachama for fucksake

>> No.25413417

>bulls getting paid.
Why are they paying bulls?

>> No.25413418
Quoted by: >>25413717

We're missing a wolf and a shrine maiden.

>> No.25413419


>> No.25413420
Quoted by: >>25413447

Wasn't it a guest house she moved to?

>> No.25413421

Her games of choice were Climb Your Friends and Super Bunnyman. This is peak Haachama

>> No.25413422

Remove your penis

>> No.25413423

oh wow i can't believe i fell asleep while listening to haachama talking

>> No.25413425

I will never forgive Niji...

>> No.25413427

Can someone give me the rundown on Aki Reddital?

>> No.25413430

You know the masses don't give a shit about roommates right?

>> No.25413432

Why the hate with Botan?

>> No.25413431

This theory sounds like 9/11, it was a inside job.

>> No.25413433

she is /fit/ confirmed

>> No.25413435

Off-topic, not hololive.

>> No.25413436
Quoted by: >>25413568

what is she apologizing for?

>> No.25413437
File: 438 KB, 1000x720, EcV-XucU0AAOVAk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sex right now.

>> No.25413438

ars 3d is going to be objectively more interesting than a shovel faced 40 year old woman

>> No.25413439

There's only holohouse now...

>> No.25413441
File: 3.59 MB, 4332x2552, 81292498_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.25413440
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, illust_83294201_20200809_225152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413465

Soratomo will watch as I defile Sora

>> No.25413443

Which holo fans are the most physically fit and active?

>> No.25413444

There is literally nothing wrong with liking towa stop being an autistic anti

>> No.25413445
Quoted by: >>25413474

I'm a retard but isn't it sponsored? Doesn't it make it fine to stream with music or are copyright laws really that retarded that she won't be able to?

>> No.25413447

And she got the basement to that house.

>> No.25413448
File: 344 KB, 501x540, 1597272841537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the brown ones

>> No.25413449

She will be "sleeping" at the start of her stream, don't screenshot this.

>> No.25413450

I'll do it if you tell me which ones to watch

>> No.25413451

It's really neither company being incompetent. It's Friday at 9pm, of course you are going to put something big on in that time slot if you have it. It's likely the best time slot in the week. Think of it like two different TV networks, I don't think anyone would call either one network incompetent for putting on popular programming in the best time slots.

>> No.25413452

of course a t*wafag would want that

>> No.25413454
File: 895 KB, 676x1000, Nenepits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armpitposters are best posters

>> No.25413456
Quoted by: >>25413492

>homemade meals from Suisei everyday.

>> No.25413459

Delete yourself

>> No.25413460
File: 735 KB, 583x983, 1596129568207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i'm watching both

>> No.25413461
File: 145 KB, 300x439, 1596290727835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, towafag, whatever you say

>> No.25413462

Popular = bad
She had dedicated antis during the first day she was announced.

>> No.25413465
File: 308 KB, 459x466, Time to die shitcunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413467
Quoted by: >>25413490

you take that shit back. don't you ever accuse me of being a fan of that whore

>> No.25413468


>> No.25413470

>Holotools Fix Script
Thanks, it's just what I was looking for.

>> No.25413471

Oh man, they're all going to pass AZKi in subs probably by the end of the month..or week.

>> No.25413473

i cant even play a game i actually enjoy for that long

>> No.25413474

Miko had a sponsored stream of some visual novel get claimed before I remember. It wasn't even that long ago and people were freaking out about it.

>> No.25413475

Haachama loves kusoge, I wouldn't be surprised if she returns to this game from time to time

>> No.25413477

cool, go back then

>> No.25413480

So... how was the gen 5 collab?

Do those two have any potential to be interesting? Larry's art is beautiful but I worry about how dull they are

>> No.25413484

BBC living in your head rent free

>> No.25413485

I hate the editing, but the content is alright. Not that different from the usual stuff hololive girls are going. Maybe a bit more crass, but that's american humor and culture for you. Nyanners for HoloEN, fuck yeah.

>> No.25413487
Quoted by: >>25413506

>Kanata buys a 3" strapon
>blindfolds Suisei
>uses a shota voice while calling her onee-chan from behind

>> No.25413488
Quoted by: >>25413514

cant wait for everything to die down so we can go back to dunking on towafags and making them constantly cry out their ass

>> No.25413490
Quoted by: >>25413523

Thats something a Towafag would say. The idea that their chuuba is a whore, the worst and all the other bad things turns them on for some reason.

>> No.25413491

She made a reddit account and became a mod during nene's debut, she hasn't posted anything yet though iirc.

>> No.25413492
Quoted by: >>25413517

Does Susei know how to cook?

>> No.25413493

So considering Nene's steup on her debut stream, they aren't even trying to pretend she isn't the one on the dox.

>> No.25413494

They-.... had fun together and it was pretty nice

>> No.25413499

highschoolers have infinite energy anon

>> No.25413502

I love Towa.

>> No.25413503
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1567972594339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours

>> No.25413506

i didnt know i needed this until this moment

>> No.25413507

Nene's dork and Lamy's mama synergized perfectly

>> No.25413508

popular bad

>> No.25413510

Nene was still nervous as fuck and Lamy didn't adjust her mic settings properly.
They're dorks anon, I'm sorry

>> No.25413512

You're old and busted.

>> No.25413513

dead hour slots should be given to the newbies

>> No.25413514

2/3 of this thread are towafags
Be grateful you're still allowed to cry in your cuck corner lmao faggot

>> No.25413515

Was underrated forever since she didn't really vary her content, talked a bit about how she was sad that she wasn't as popular as some of the others (but wasn't begging), clip was translated and r*ddit all pretended like they had always liked her and tried to get her pity subs. It's good that she's getting noticed more since she WAS underrated but now her chat is full of retards.

>> No.25413517

yeah, she's the best cook out all 4 of them, apparently she's going to the designated chef, meaning that the will most likely eat take out all the time

>> No.25413520 [DELETED] 

I made a Shien shitpost after seeing him without the jacket

>> No.25413522

She had a very powerful desk slam that stream too, but I don't remember which part it was. Same with Asobi Taisen yesterday when she lost in the speed card game.

>> No.25413523
Quoted by: >>25413565

The only thing that turns me on is vanilla reproductive sex.

>> No.25413525

Not bad.

>> No.25413526

why are sheepfags like this

>> No.25413527

Don't worry we're getting 5 new weekday morning shows this gen

>> No.25413529
Quoted by: >>25413555

>there's nothing wrong with liking a whore

>> No.25413530
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1577636366399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will be towa 2.0 with her old shitty voice IF that happens

>> No.25413534

Dork is codeword for bland.
Kino is codeword for nonsensical.
Cozy is codeword for boring.

>> No.25413535
Quoted by: >>25413616

Shadowbanned haachama and n*jisanji panda are streaming. Just have fun.

>> No.25413537

i thought thats what theyve been filling up?

>> No.25413540

What's sexy codeword for?

>> No.25413542

Towa's voice is top tier but I'm not really a fan of her design or her content

>> No.25413543 [DELETED] 

>the most successful one is the one who panders to reddit
Fuck Holoniggers

>> No.25413545


>> No.25413546
Quoted by: >>25413582

you just signed towas death warrant kid

>> No.25413547

I'll be laughing my ass off as they screech "viewbots" as they cope with the fact that their Ogre is getting BTFOd in views

>> No.25413548
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1592049504727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a nap
>haachama is still going
fucking hell

>> No.25413550

>she will be towa 2.0
I hope so!

>> No.25413551
File: 40 KB, 467x407, 1596874496706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait a second..
Can you repeat that?
I think I heard something?
Is that... Towa is a _____ ?

>> No.25413552

I imagine something very awkward and dorky. Probably involving roleplay.

>> No.25413554

Personally I don't hate her but I just don't like her design, I hate off-shoulder coats/jackets

>> No.25413555

She said he like Towa not your mom holy shit learn to fucking read ESL retard.

>> No.25413556

How is the current state of Hololive

>> No.25413559

I want to be fucked by za towa...

>> No.25413561

Kino post

>> No.25413562
Quoted by: >>25413576


>> No.25413563
Quoted by: >>25413570

24/7 ARK

>> No.25413565

Wait a second. By you or by someone else fucking the girl you like while you watch? This is important to determine if youre really a Towafag or not.

>> No.25413564
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1597253192775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413635

Time for your daily dose, anon.

>> No.25413566

(You) is codeword for faggot.

>> No.25413568
Quoted by: >>25413629

Lamy sounds bad because of discord and she thinks it's her fault

>> No.25413570

Choco sensei is VERY sexy when she wants to be then

>> No.25413572

It's the smell of a fundamental truth.

>> No.25413573

Her voice won't match her design. This could have been Towa's design and it would have worked well with her natural voice.

>> No.25413575


>> No.25413576
File: 44 KB, 720x404, 1592050848853.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413578

Me? If I miss a stream, I download it if it looks promising.
Then I watch it later.
After all, after the big holocaust, you never know when a good video will be gone

>> No.25413579
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1595832783795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413583

if the doxfags are wrong again, i laugh. if they're right, she has a great voice. i don't see the issue

>> No.25413581

i dont care for towa but i wouldnt say anything bad about my wifes wife

>> No.25413582

cope lmao

>> No.25413584

Depends who you ask

>> No.25413586

how can bakachama be so bad

>> No.25413588

Haachama, give up... it's okay..........

>> No.25413589

Haachama wtf

>> No.25413591

>game sponsorship
Hololive is a small company, nobody would pay for that

>> No.25413597

I took a shower after watching Haato fail at Slime Climb and came back to see her just having failed at Slime Climb

>> No.25413598

>Working during towas viewer stream
Not like this....

>> No.25413599
File: 139 KB, 1242x1262, EfSBQIOVAAApnzs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK what is this image you tweeted supposed to mean

>> No.25413602

Haato is still going https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlJyiPatRnE

>> No.25413603

She might get 100k before debut, and contrarianism is a powerful thing here.

>> No.25413604

They're not flesh-fangs, but they'll do.

>> No.25413606
File: 5 KB, 275x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25413609
File: 225 KB, 339x313, kcbduc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Artia sad posting on twitter?

>> No.25413608
Quoted by: >>25413611

Are you stupid or just fucking retarded?

>> No.25413610

She's about to end after this game though

>> No.25413612

I don't think anyone asked.

>> No.25413611

nice argument

>> No.25413614

Which holo has the best table slam?

>> No.25413616

She's not shadowbanned.

>> No.25413617

did you do your apex reps?
dont forget kenzoku!

>> No.25413620
File: 1009 KB, 608x926, 1591701568567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25413621
Quoted by: >>25413672

have you the screenshot of the insane kinds of cash some companies throw at big streamers for just a few hours of sponsored gameplay?
hololive may be a "small" company, but their streamers are some of the biggest in the world right now

>> No.25413625

They have pretty good synergy, It's looking good.

>> No.25413624

>no hair down there
6/10, would only save once.

>> No.25413626
Quoted by: >>25413640

Doesn't Haato have a member only stream in a bit?

>> No.25413628
Quoted by: >>25413689

Not going to lie, they look very gay in this photo.

>> No.25413629

that's adorable

>> No.25413631

I'm gold 4

>> No.25413632


>> No.25413633

I broke up with her

>> No.25413635
File: 202 KB, 2000x1162, 51050ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame's voice is too good

>> No.25413636

Her dinosaurs died and she lost a lot of shit in ARK

>> No.25413637

Dead hours

>> No.25413639
Quoted by: >>25413697

New Morning News in 15 Minutes


>> No.25413640
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1592003722709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413724

shes trying her best please understand

>> No.25413642
File: 307 KB, 1536x2048, 1589928369331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413707

As always Noel gives us the vital little bits of information that she won't share herself, blessed Danchou.

>> No.25413645
Quoted by: >>25413736

I came inside sorry

>> No.25413646

It's okay bro, you can watch us let her down again...

>> No.25413647
File: 186 KB, 800x713, 1596733312384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she lost her dinosaurs in Ark or something, and got pissy about it.

>> No.25413649

I don't see her in my subscriptions. I have no idea what Youtube is doing.

>> No.25413650
Quoted by: >>25413897

She lost her favorite pet mount thing on ARK. Was one step away from talking about ending her life on stream. I dont like the gremlin, but she was actually devastated.

>> No.25413653
File: 452 KB, 1600x1600, 1595179446828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413705


>> No.25413651

fuck off newfag

>> No.25413652


>> No.25413654
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25413658


acquire better taste

>> No.25413660

Why do Watamefags call Towa a whore when Watame flirted with Kaoru on Twitter

>> No.25413662

Because those aren't watamefags, they are peko falseflaggers.

>> No.25413663

Nene has plenty of time to prove herself. Be patient.

>> No.25413665

At least it's not a sheep stream.

>> No.25413666

Because Towa is a whore

>> No.25413667

Pekora when being grabbed
>yamete! hanasu!

Haachama when being grabbed

>> No.25413669

/v/ wont stop talking about their sponsored stream meme because they get raped with viral marketing 24/7 and are traumatized by it

>> No.25413672

It's obvious bait or he is extremely new considering it has happened many times before just with Hololive, which is why I was saying it was weird that people were reacting to it like that.

>> No.25413675

Those pekofalseflaggers are actually towafags

>> No.25413677

Don't speak fake narratives about the sheep, she can't badmouth Towa since she don't even remember her name

>> No.25413680

The Hololive brand grows stronger.

>> No.25413681

Because Towa literally sucked off her boyfriend on stream?

>> No.25413686

Watame flirted with a girl, Towa voice-chatted two males at once

>> No.25413687

Watamefag's mom has the same name with Towa

>> No.25413688


>> No.25413689

Because they are

>> No.25413690
Quoted by: >>25413721


>> No.25413691
Quoted by: >>25413818


>> No.25413693

No they are homofags.

>> No.25413694
Quoted by: >>25413721

Give me the clip right fucking now

>> No.25413696
Quoted by: >>25413702

Which timeloop is the most common?

>> No.25413697

Fuck ckco for killing no uta

>> No.25413699

>want to watch Astel play Apex
>want to play Apex
>can't do both

>> No.25413701


>> No.25413702

>Any of you stopped fapping after discovering hololive?

>> No.25413704


>> No.25413705
File: 554 KB, 1600x1400, 1586305298288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25413945

Don't worry PekoMikobro I'll sacrifice one of my earlier images to play Image Reborn.

>> No.25413707

She also once said she went to CW with Marine undercovered and Senchou was being loud as fuk right next to the hololive booth.

>> No.25413708

Haachama for the love of god

>> No.25413710
Quoted by: >>25413719

Watch Astel and pretend you're the one playing

>> No.25413711
Quoted by: >>25413733

Never forget that /hlg/ caused that

>> No.25413712

I need to masturbate. Where's the link?

>> No.25413713

yeah all me

>> No.25413715
Quoted by: >>25413755

Platinum 1 with controller on PC, and even better with a mouse, has been playing daily just for Towa streams

>> No.25413716
Quoted by: >>25413749

I wish, to be honest if any holo had some actual sextape would be the best fap material ever. Noel and mel dont count tho

>> No.25413717


>> No.25413719

I'm not that good anon

>> No.25413720
Quoted by: >>25413727

Buy another screen.

>> No.25413721

How about you go back and never return, newfags.

>> No.25413722

I hope you guys like Fall Guys, because the girls will be playing this game for the next 6 months minimum

>> No.25413723

>7 hours of this music
I'm going mad.

>> No.25413724

I couldnt hear shit over that clip, the music made me thought she had a wand on or something.

>> No.25413725

Shes ok now, Civia said she will play with her.

>> No.25413726

Why aren't you watching Haachama?

>> No.25413727

And half-ass both?

>> No.25413730
Quoted by: >>25413740

She literally spends more time on matchmaking than actually playing

>> No.25413732
Quoted by: >>25413766

>after this one I'll stop
>after THIS ONE
>this one for sure, after this one
>last one now, this is the real last one
>ok, last one

>> No.25413733
Quoted by: >>25413750

It was just a harmless image poking fun at the fact that Coco and Watame watched Kaoru streams... It wasn't meant to cause antis to have a schizo attack anon I promise please please please it wasnj't intentded like thatp laes

>> No.25413734

These type of games die completely in 2 to 3 months tops.

>> No.25413736

Did you yell “POGGERS!” When you came?

>> No.25413737

ok but give me the link first

>> No.25413739
Quoted by: >>25413763

Haato sounds really really cute right now...

>> No.25413740

welcome to Fall Guys

>> No.25413742

mad yabeecuck
why not post the same link again?

>> No.25413743

I am looking forward to watching my cute daughter, Kanata, become the #1 worst player in the world at the game.

>> No.25413744

Is this Haachamas longest stream?

>> No.25413745

Only if you say pogchamp

>> No.25413747

She did

>> No.25413749

Matsuri's and Miko's alleged sex tapes are pretty close so I just fap to those

>> No.25413750
Quoted by: >>25413758

Because you did this Watame broke up with her childhood boyfriend and now she's lonely...

>> No.25413751
Quoted by: >>25413788

Your daughter has a nice ass.

>> No.25413752

Doubtful, there is simply not enough variation and if they don't competently dodge snipers they are going to tire from being gang-banged at the first round every time.
It will show up a few times but it has no lasting appeal like ARK.

>> No.25413755
Quoted by: >>25413814

have you tried on jp server or whatever they use? i havent seen how bad lag is yet...

>> No.25413754

No I slurped really hard.

>> No.25413757

did Pekora never have a 1 on 1 collab with Flare because Flare is black?

>> No.25413758


>> No.25413759

>long ass queue
>chance to finally STOP
>restarts the queue

>> No.25413760

Don't, I tried but I confuse the gunshots and get disoriented.

>> No.25413762


>> No.25413763

the crybaby of Hololive...

>> No.25413764

Tawafag cope...

>> No.25413765
Quoted by: >>25413790

Haachama still hasn't gotten a first place finish? How is that even possible.

>> No.25413766
Quoted by: >>25413775

that members stream isnt happening?

>> No.25413767

That's the exact problem

>> No.25413772
Quoted by: >>25413862

Why is Gen 5 so much better than Gen 4?

>> No.25413773

Is there a statistic on which of the holos has longest streams on average and by how much?

And if not, which ones do you feel stream the longest on average?

>> No.25413775

At this point, who the fuck knows

>> No.25413776

What compels someone to tell a streamer they should go to sleep.

>> No.25413779
Quoted by: >>25414029


>> No.25413782

I love half elves!

>> No.25413784


>> No.25413785
Quoted by: >>25413793

use it wisely https://files.catbox.moe/h2i4to.webm

>> No.25413786

It'll last a month tops. Unless they add in more stuff.

>> No.25413787

She was during her debut

>> No.25413788

My daughter's wife is probably using it as a pillow right now, since they don't have proper bedding.

>> No.25413790
Quoted by: >>25413803

Because it's hard, and it takes like 10 minutes to get into a game.

>> No.25413791

>last chance again

>> No.25413792

It'll be a real competition between Kanata and Towa, if she makes it past the first 10 minutes this time.

>> No.25413793

nice, thanks

>> No.25413794

Korone and Watame?

>> No.25413795

I know matsuri's legs one, but I dont know the miko one, anon I beg you for that link, you will get a lewd of the holo you want uploaded to pixiv this month, just tell me who and how

>> No.25413796

Top streamers by hours are Miko and Roboco.
Lowest is by far Ayame who averages about 13 hours a month for 2020.

>> No.25413798
Quoted by: >>25413835

You bring up a good argument with the stream snipers. But the repetitiveness of the game doesn't matter. I mean, didn't Noel have a 24 hour stream of Getting Over It?

>> No.25413799


>> No.25413801

I feel like Korone has no short streams

>> No.25413802

Miko and Korone by far
Choco if she kept up her 止まらないARK phase but she didn't

>> No.25413803

because aussies are asleep

>> No.25413805

Chocoball varieties having both no self-awareness and also not realizing the streamer is older than they are.

>> No.25413807

Miko, Choco, Watame, Pekora, Aqua at least.

>> No.25413808


>> No.25413809


>> No.25413810

coco taught her her place in the hololive hierarchy

>> No.25413813

Miko, Korone, Pekora, Aqua.

>> No.25413814

Tokio server is ok (150 ms) at worst from burgerland

>> No.25413816

Jesus Haachama

>> No.25413817

てえてえ kino back on the menu

>> No.25413818

You can see the exact moment her soul shatters into pieces

>> No.25413819

I mean, Korone was famous for her taikyuu streams.

>> No.25413821

Just when I think she has finally stopped, she restarts the game.

>> No.25413822
Quoted by: >>25413840

I'll never forget the time I laughed at a holo getting creeepered in minecraft but the creeper was in my game

>> No.25413823
Quoted by: >>25413834

One in the same.

>> No.25413825

She fucking restarted the game?
She's addicted

>> No.25413826

Haachama is so desperate to play more...

>> No.25413827
Quoted by: >>25413842

where might you find this information, fellow anon? I would like to investigate how many hours 【your favourite】streams on average

>> No.25413830

Haachama's sex tape

>> No.25413831
Quoted by: >>25413896

This is gonna be a long stream

>> No.25413832

When the streamer obviously seems tired.

>> No.25413834

They actually are peko falseflaggers but whatever

>> No.25413835

Hiding the queue is an easy way to dodge snipers but even one or two snipers can just self-destruct themselves and make you lose. I wasn't surprised that Pekora hid her queue after the fourth(?) time she was screwed over by snipers.

And yeah they play repetitive games all the time but it is different when there is a goal in mind, like clearing Getting Over It or getting the Golden pot.
I can see them playing Fall guys until they win but after you've won once then there really isn't anything left to keep you stuck to it.
Then again same can be said for APEX and those games too but yeah.

>> No.25413836

God all the people spamming for haachama to sleep are annoying, even if she ends the stream she is doing another one after.

>> No.25413837

im not releasing it

>> No.25413840

I wish I was there to see it so I could've laughed at you

>> No.25413841

Botan's first stream will be a sex tape with me

>> No.25413842
Quoted by: >>25413855

Though it won't work anymore because the videos are all fucked

>> No.25413843

I cant believe Haachama had sex with Red-kun on stream...

>> No.25413844

Aside from panties did Haachama talk about anything noteworthy during this stream? I was going to go to bed before she started and my Japanese has reverted back to word soup levels

>> No.25413845

It's a new game, surely they'll be adding stages

>> No.25413849

Why is Haachama looking at the floor all the time

>> No.25413850

What the fuck is wrong with this thread, letters missing here and there, i mean how?

>> No.25413853

Who should i filter in this thread?

>> No.25413855

Thanks anon.

>> No.25413856

The most annoying people here are the futafags. Literal tranny lovers. I'd rather take homostar talk 0-24 instead of their disgusting delutions. At first it was at least contained with Coco but now they're uppity and I have to read all day that every holo has a cock. No, they're not. You're just a mentally ill faggot.

>> No.25413857

She said she was planning on making a reddit account but gave up because she didn't know what she was doing. That's about the only think I can think of that's important though, besides I only watched like 10% of the stream anyway

>> No.25413859
Quoted by: >>25413881

That stream was so surreal
Artia is objectively autist, the worst kind, she's like that friend you avoid inviting to play because you know she'll end sperging over trivial shit.
Hope moona never collab with her again

>> No.25413860

Haachama getting fucked even more for being stuck in Australia...

>> No.25413861


>> No.25413862

Mainly because they seem to have the same type of connection that made gen 3 so good

>> No.25413864
Quoted by: >>25413882

I think she suffers from the same problem Choco does that she's looking down at her laptop instead of eye level

>> No.25413865


>> No.25413866
Quoted by: >>25413882

Probably because she uses shit tier laptop and it's sitting on the table below her eye level.

>> No.25413867
Quoted by: >>25413877

Time for some VB LONG NECK for breakfast, Haachama.

>> No.25413870
Quoted by: >>25413887

Nobody cares /vpol/

>> No.25413871
Quoted by: >>25413886

>servers fucked

>> No.25413873
Quoted by: >>25413888

March to June was the dark ages of Fubuki. All she did was fucking boring Animal Crossing streams with occasionally some other thing like APEX, or Splatoon with a meme video occasionally. People try to act like it was men that ruined her numbers, no it was this period right here where she put no effort into her channel and did nothing but shitty, boring Animal Crossing streams that nobody liked...

>> No.25413874


>> No.25413875

She said thank you simp to some guy who dropped $400 on a simple hello and "don't call me a simp"

>> No.25413876

she finally ended the stream, is this the longest stream haachama has ever done?

>> No.25413877


>> No.25413878

Devolver was absolutely not prepared for how big this game was going to get, servers shit themselves all the time, nip translation only released today (I wonder who we are to thank for this) etc.

>> No.25413879

Enjoy your virus. You're part of the botnet now.

>> No.25413881

But moona is also autistic, she seems to like artia

>> No.25413882

It wasn't like that before her Live2D update, it kinda ruins the whole thing.

>> No.25413884

She's still going strong

>> No.25413885

i really liked her playing fall guys collab when

>> No.25413886

There was a planned update for origin. Dunno if Astel had the message pop up couple of hours ago.

>> No.25413887
Quoted by: >>25413949

I'm from /a/, and you're from /lgbt/. If all of you go back, I will go back too, I swear, but you first.

>> No.25413888

Even now arguably she does the same.

>> No.25413889
Quoted by: >>25413934

haato's chat absolute green

>> No.25413890

She asked the same question herself and someone told her she did a stream that was split into two 5 hour streams at some point but she couldn't remember it and I don't recall seeing that archive so I have no idea.
She used to do 4 hour streams regularly when minecraft was a thing.

>> No.25413892

the Live2D update seems to have done alot more harm than good desu...everyone who gets an update looks considerably worse

>> No.25413895

>Haachama talk about anything noteworthy during this stream?
She said "She hates EOP". actually Aqua said it

>> No.25413896

what do you mean? Aruran is a pro at APEX

>> No.25413897
Quoted by: >>25413911

She really is like a dumb kid, how cute.

>> No.25413898

go fuck yourself faggot, you won't stop me from wanting to be anal destroyed by Lamy's magical cock and cocock nor will stop my pastas

>> No.25413902

Agreed. Futafags are the absolute worst.

>> No.25413905

Moona likes everyone

>> No.25413907

She talked about trying to get Kanata to play it so there's a chance they might do it for next week's Chamatan.

>> No.25413908
Quoted by: >>25413946

Inclining but at the cost of pandering to the west

>> No.25413909

wtf did i miss her winning?

>> No.25413910

Aki's flappy things are a huge improvement

>> No.25413911

Artia is like a dorky little sister that even though she makes you cringe you still love her

>> No.25413913

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25413912

The only Holo with a cock is PPT, as claimed by her.

>> No.25413915

This. I like futa but futafags are fucking insufferable.

>> No.25413919
Quoted by: >>25413932

Is it Devolver's biggest game yet?

>> No.25413920

>jaypee the fourth

>> No.25413921

Yeah our daughter won we're so proud

>> No.25413922

She couldn't find any matches in like 10 minutes and ended it there for now.

>> No.25413924

No private lobbies breaks my heart because haato would just go for it for a massive collab

>> No.25413925
Quoted by: >>25413987

This is why I hate trannies.

>> No.25413930


>> No.25413931
Quoted by: >>25413942


you can still play with 4 people so they can still collab if you want to

>> No.25413932

Yeah, this the biggest hit they had in their history. 2 mil sales day 1.

>> No.25413934
Quoted by: >>25413952

Haatons are the most devoted fanbase

>> No.25413936

People who never worked a day in their lives

>> No.25413937

>everyone who gets an update looks considerably worse
I like Fubuki's update.

>> No.25413938

"Akasupa onegai...."
- Fubuki, probably

>> No.25413939
Quoted by: >>25414009

Translated clip of Aki re-stating her resolution to stop worrying about the numbers and that she appreciated the viewers she had, instead wanting to focus on doing her own thing rather than being a fad chaser like she tried doing in 2018/9. That video made it to Reddit and they took it as a call to action to be numberfags and inflate her subscriber count from 188k to 220k in a few days. At least it also came with a fuckton of superchats and new memberships.

Aki, being kind and appreciative, thanked them. That's about it on her end, she has not actually done a thing to pander to Reddit; they came to her.
Now there are some real obnoxious fucks who took zero effort to learn anything about her beyond that one clip and whatever "haha is she drunk again" memes, and will probably stick around her chat for a few weeks. It should go back to normal by September.

>> No.25413942

I know, she wanted an all-holo game though

>> No.25413943
Quoted by: >>25413958

Probably soon.
Also, last month, her monthly collab with Hoshikawa was cancelled. Hoshikawa mentioned maybe a Haato collab around mid month this month. They usually don't do game collab, but they both seem to enjoy this so maybe.

>> No.25413944

>ywn watch debuts with okayu

>> No.25413945
Quoted by: >>25413957

Thank you, PekoMikobro.
I miss their in-stream interactions

>> No.25413946

The Coco revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the the Hololive organization.

>> No.25413947

ppt?i wonder if haato would play with watame

>> No.25413948


give it time, they will prob add a server option in an update

>> No.25413949

at least try to hold your board culture back

>> No.25413952

>Haatons are the most devoted fanbase
and the most creative

>> No.25413954

Would she include the stars? That means no Peko though.

>> No.25413955
Quoted by: >>25413976

Only haachama's L2D update was bad, and that's only really because of her tracking setup making it look worse than it really does.

>> No.25413956

this was from July 25 so it's slightly different now, if you want an updated version go ask the holotools' admin

>> No.25413957

Soon, we just have to wait until miko comes back from her parent's place and gets settled back in

>> No.25413958
Quoted by: >>25414012

wait why was it cancelled?

>> No.25413959

So do I, and that won't stop me from wanting Lamy's magical cock and cocock

>> No.25413961

seems to be just Choco and Haato that got screwed over in their update, sensei is still cute but she suffers from the same problem Haachama does in that she's always looking down for some reason

>> No.25413964
Quoted by: >>25413997

I dream of being friends with Okayu, Mio and Towa.

>> No.25413969
Quoted by: >>25414087

>watching Pekora's Fall Guys archive
>on her very second game shw already has 3 snipers fucking her up
Annoying as fuck.

>> No.25413972

>USS Liberty Incident senpai arigato~

>> No.25413973

>USS Liberty Incident Senpai, arigato~
which one of you fags did this

>> No.25413975

>usslibertyincident senpai
WTF /pol/

>> No.25413976

>only because of her tracking setup
they also removed The People's Eyebrow https://files.catbox.moe/z9ikzz.png

imagine how pissed people would be if they lowered Shion's eyebrows and removed her smugness, that's how it feels seeing these new shitty eyebrows of Haato's...

>> No.25413978
Quoted by: >>25414001

>USS Liberty Incident senpai arigato~
The fuck

>> No.25413979


>> No.25413980

that would be sick

>> No.25413984

if she was watching with towa then that means towa's friends are there
you just need to be apart of hololive staff

>> No.25413987

Same, but I still want cocock and Lamy's magical cock

>> No.25413988

he donated during the FBK void stream as well

>> No.25413989


>> No.25413990

Yeah but she takes it easy and knows it's a game
Artia literally had a panic attack over losing her griffin, and ranted like a child for like 15 minutes, and there was moona who didn't know how to manage the situation, the whole thing was so awkward it was painful to watch.
Artia needs to get her shit together and act more professionally

>> No.25413993
Quoted by: >>25414072

Basic humanity.
Look, I'm not condoning those who try to pester them to take a break. The holos are grownups; if they ignore it or go "Nah, let's keep going" that's that. The idea of resting can at least be brought up once, or every few hours. If the holo wants to continue, it's their decision.

>> No.25413996

Towa and Okayu hires...

>> No.25413997
Quoted by: >>25414006

I dream of being friends with Watame

>> No.25413998

All Moona needs is cheeseburjer and she's happy

>> No.25414001

i had no idea about this. thanks for the history lesson

>> No.25414004
Quoted by: >>25414014


They really are gonna do it every month uh

>> No.25414006

Lonely Watame, someone save her!

>> No.25414009

It honestly feels like they were there to fish for clips and Reddit points by making her do/say things. Hopefully it goes back soon.

>> No.25414010

>moona had a collab with coco (and we know how that went)
>arita wants to collab with coco
whats the narrative?

>> No.25414012
Quoted by: >>25414079

Haato's birthday events or some other events she worked on stuff for were around that time I think.

>> No.25414014

haha benis xDDD

>> No.25414015
Quoted by: >>25414030

okayu's reactions
towa's reactions

>> No.25414016

Artia is trying to leech, pretty simple.

>> No.25414018

>can't post images

>> No.25414019

>Okayu in 2019
>I want to become a bride
>Okayu in 2020
>Oppai... thighs...
Korone's masterpiece is almost complete. Thank you based groomer.

>> No.25414029
Quoted by: >>25414054

They've done 3 1-on-1 collabs. All Minecraft. At least they were roughly 2-3 hours every time but it isn't a whole lot.
She has very few solo collabs with anyone who isn't Marine or Miko.

>> No.25414030


>> No.25414031

Coco won't be able to deal with Artia's hyper autism especially when she's angry.

>> No.25414032

That flips my perception of who's the tard and who's the wrangler in their relations 180 degrees jesus artia

>> No.25414033
Quoted by: >>25414055

Moona is literally autistic but Artia is just your average twitch retard. I guarantee it wouldn't be as bad as "level nineteen"

>> No.25414038


>> No.25414041

In her first month, she had flare help her gather gunpowder with which she killed all of gen 3 later on

>> No.25414044

Yes. Pekora is white. Flare is black

>> No.25414048
Quoted by: >>25414066

I want to see a collaboration between Haachama and Artia.

You know, because Haachama is a Japanese hololive member that speaks English and isn't a total bitch

>> No.25414049
Quoted by: >>25414110

i really like haachamas long streams why does she only do 1 hour streams?

>> No.25414052

It's the ん? incident all over again

>> No.25414054
Quoted by: >>25414096

I understood what you meant, don't get me wrong, but just wanted to point you that
>solo collab
sounded funny to me

>> No.25414055

the second something goes wrong she'll start screeching like an angry retard and make everyone around her uncomfortable. At least it wouldn't be as bad as Echo who does the same thing, but also starts complaining about her coworkers too.

>> No.25414057

>arita wants to collab with coco
Artia believes she has enough charisma to hang out with Coco, if it were to happen, it will be just as awkward as the Moona collab

>> No.25414059

Botan caught my attention first when 5th gen was announced, Pretty HYPED for her debut.

>> No.25414064

why can't we have JP holos this retarded?

>> No.25414066

wont haachama be infected by twitch?

>> No.25414071


>> No.25414072

>Basic humanity.
I get what you are trying to say but I dislike the way you phrase it. The contrary, i.e not trying to boss them around like you are their mother, isn't being devoid of humanity but just respectful common sense.
There is no point in hiding behind; "Oh I'm just being a decent human" because everybody thinks like this, there is only a few select people who can't control themselves and feel they need to "Take control" of a strangers life.
They do it not out of malice but from a misguided sense of good-will.

>> No.25414075

we strive for the full 5ch experience, /v/kun

>> No.25414079

It most likely was something that came up for Haato though. Taking into account all the evidence, Hoshikawa is really organized and plans shit out really well, while Haato is more on the fly. Shown both through their conversations about collabs, and the fact that Hoshikawa usually has a question mark whenever mentioning Haato in her schedule.

>> No.25414081


>> No.25414085

>No S-sugoi...

>> No.25414086

A good percentage of virgins treat women like their daughters because they think it's endearing (when in reality it's replusive)

>> No.25414087
Quoted by: >>25414119

Don't worry, she was probably just as annoyed as you since she decided to start dodging them after the fourth or so time and the stream coincidentally became much more enjoyable now that she could actually progress and fail(From her own ability).

>> No.25414088

Why is s he taking the game so seriously lmao, what an autist

>> No.25414093

Nene 100k!

>> No.25414096

Fuck. You are right that is stupid. I guess it is time for me to go to sleep.

>> No.25414098

>Don't tell me you died again...
I feel bad for Moona

>> No.25414099

People unironically watch this?

>> No.25414101
Quoted by: >>25414117

Those people unironically think that these girls are 16-17 years old.

>> No.25414102

no... my daughterwife....

>> No.25414108

>I can't... I can't... I can't... No....
>I don't like ants. Do you like ants??
I love you Moona

>> No.25414110
Quoted by: >>25414137

So she can script them for the most part.
I find it kind of annoying that people were calling tonight 'Haato' just because she was playing a fucking video game when she was acting the same way she always does when she hasn't scripted out her stream.

>> No.25414112

everyday I'm more positive about artia being the grand niece of winnie de poo, what audition did she go through? probably none.

>> No.25414113

shut it down

>> No.25414116


>> No.25414117

Haachama is actually 18 though.

>> No.25414119
Quoted by: >>25414150

Yeah, I just got to the part where she started to hide the queue. The last sniper getting her from qualify was funny, but still annoying in general.

>> No.25414123


>> No.25414124
Quoted by: >>25414139

Is Artia literally 12 years old?

>> No.25414132

>>I don't like ants. Do you like ants??
I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere

>> No.25414134

ring fit with noel in a little bit!

>> No.25414135

>Towa deleted me off origin friend list

>> No.25414137
Quoted by: >>25414186

i kinda like these unscripted ones theyre pretty fun

>> No.25414139

I wish

>> No.25414140

No wonder why she's retarded.

>> No.25414141
Quoted by: >>25414167

moona is so awkward she make artia charming in comparison

>> No.25414142

>every second there's a dumb twitch face emote
I fucking hate it, this is the only reason EOPs want holos on twitch, so they can spam this crap every few seconds.

>> No.25414144

turns on computer
>[oshi] streamed 30 seconds ago
why live anymore

>> No.25414146
Quoted by: >>25414234

18 is still not child.

>> No.25414147


>> No.25414150

The problem is that the game is too easy to snipe well in. You only need one or two guys to grab her from time to time to considerably slow her down or someone to wait by a jump and grab her as she jumps to seal the deal.
I'd compare it to going reverse in Mario Kart only to throw red shells at her.

Regular bullying in Mario Kart is fun because it is just normal play but with a target on her back whenever they get close to her.
Fall guys was literally just; "Oh there she is time to completely prevent her from winning with almost no effort".
If they were to stop at the track only to snipe her with shells that'd be boring as fuck too.

>> No.25414152

Did anyone clip that?

>> No.25414154


>> No.25414157

She deleted everyoe

>> No.25414158


>> No.25414159

>I'm gonna kill myself
>Nice weather today uh

>> No.25414160

how sheltered are you that you've never seen twitch chat

>> No.25414161

>Nothing on, time to watch some filler holos
>Oshi did a member only-stream in that time but no notifications made it to you

>> No.25414167

at least she knows to laugh when someone tells a joke, even if she doesnt understand. that pause between "no she only speaks twitch" and moonas laugh....

>> No.25414169


Cursed video

>> No.25414171

>in the time I slept she planned and did an entire stream
Why are menheras like this?

>> No.25414172
Quoted by: >>25414185

I didn't see twitch chat either, because I never watched any streamer before the vtubers.

>> No.25414173

>hololive streams with the donation jingle every 2 seconds
Absolute misery.

>> No.25414175

>deleted everyone
I Fucking Hate This Bitch

>> No.25414176

Her old L2D model was incapable of looking down so you wouldn't know.

>> No.25414177

Artia tries too hard

>> No.25414178

God damn she sounds dead inside

>> No.25414180

God. Artia is a fucking cancerous gremlin but somehow Moona is like an awkward radiator, everything around her just automatically becomes painful to watch.

>> No.25414181


>> No.25414182
Quoted by: >>25414205

What's the timestamp for her dino's death?

>> No.25414184

>Nothing on, time to watch some filler holos
>Oshi did a member only-stream in that time but no notifications made it to you
>archive set to private

>> No.25414185

is that because you're a normalfag or what do you even do on the internet

>> No.25414186
Quoted by: >>25414222

Haachama is at her best when she's just acting natural but for the last couple months she's been trying a different strategy.
There were a few weeks where she was doing almost entirely scripted content and it coincided with an influx of newfags who saw some translated clips of her minecraft or something and have been spamming the same unfunny bullshit about "Haato" being dead ever since.

>> No.25414188

You can know what twitch chat is and not like it you know

>> No.25414189

That's be pretty cool

>> No.25414190
Quoted by: >>25414199

I didn't even do anything ;_;
Take me back

>> No.25414192

I've seen twitch chat and I hate it, that's why I don't use twitch anymore.

>> No.25414195

Yeah the race where 3 snipers got to her in the very beginning was really annoying, and considering it's a new game and she wants to explore it, makes even more hateful. She was legitimately annoyed all the time, could clearly hear her clicking the tongue.

>> No.25414197

we do they just don't get translated
gotta chase the XD FUNNY MOMENTS clips bro

>> No.25414199

Join the next endurance stream with us!

>> No.25414202

how come aqua's oot playthrough doesn't have live chat?

>> No.25414204
Quoted by: >>25414216

no we dont
no JP Holo is as retarded as Moona or Artia

>> No.25414205

It's in the comments

>> No.25414208

Only 2.0s that look actually decent were Aqua, Rushia and Ayame.
The rest of them have some really wonky skewing to stupid levels. All of them have some of it, but the newer ones are quite jarring besides Ayame.
Aki looks reasonable.
Matsuri and Haato just look hilarious, especially the squint eyes they can pull.

>> No.25414210

What is Aqua?

>> No.25414215
Quoted by: >>25414261

awake at 6:30 am with her two wives yoroshiku

i wonder if anemachi was watching with them

>> No.25414216
Quoted by: >>25414228

You don't watch many Holos do you

>> No.25414220

You have autism

>> No.25414221

>I already have a big depression from this game
Dumb gremlin

>> No.25414222

i really hope we get a stream like this again it was really fun

>> No.25414224

I watched movies, anime, read manga and like novels and that's all. I always thought that streamers are basically just wants to steal my time, when I could do something more productive or valuable then watching a random e-celeb playing video games. And I was right, but Hololive is basically like a neverending comedy anime with new episodes every day, and it's addictive.

>> No.25414228

I watch all of them
Aqua is the only one who even comes close but she's still miles ahead

>> No.25414230
Quoted by: >>25414268

Oh really? How so?

>> No.25414232
Quoted by: >>25414260

>Coco high as fuck from sleeping pills (funny moments)

>> No.25414234

Haachama is in her 9th year of high school, she has the mind of a child

>> No.25414237

Is there actually a convenient way to find member-only videos on a channel?

>> No.25414238

>implying twitch is not normalfag central

>> No.25414239
Quoted by: >>25414268

He isn't entirely wrong since she was clearly having a lot of fun as well but she didn't hide the queue for no reason and that reason was that she realized she'd never be able to get anywhere if she didn't.

>> No.25414241
Quoted by: >>25414259

>Armchair psychologists who have never watched pekora before acting like they know her

>> No.25414246

>do you like me?

>> No.25414248

What the fuck, Soon Min Park is still writing autistic essays in the comments

>> No.25414249

Where do we go when hololive becomes too big and too full of EOPs to be enjoyable?

>> No.25414251

>9th year of high school
u wot m8?

>> No.25414252

i mean to be fair, that game is extremely frustrating. It takes so long to grind, its fucking buggy, and you lose all your shit due to some random bug after countless hours of farming for it.

>> No.25414253


>> No.25414257

>Where do we go when hololive becomes too big and too full of EOPs to be enjoyable?
Anon... I'm afraid we're already getting there

>> No.25414258
Quoted by: >>25414281

if i give my oshi some kind of unique gift, will she like it?

>> No.25414259

Anon, if she didn't have any problem with it then why did she hide the queue? Come on this isn't fucking rocket science.
I know she was having fun and wasn't shaking with anger but she clearly wanted to actually get somewhere in the game and that isn't possible if the snipers are on her.

>> No.25414260
Quoted by: >>25414330

>Mio's 3D graduation, tears and a heartfelt message for her fans (funny moments)

>> No.25414261
Quoted by: >>25414315


>> No.25414262

Learning radicals and then making sense of a kanji by recognizing each radical's meaning is more fun than I thought it would be, holy shit.

>> No.25414263

It'll decline after Corona is over.

>> No.25414267
Quoted by: >>25414285

Twitch is mostly an american site.

>> No.25414268

people tend to overdramatize the situation
Like if I'm playing an FPS and I get teamkilled by a griefer I'll votekick them but it doesn't make me angry
It was funny to see the stream snipers groping her but she needed to dodge them to play a decent game

>> No.25414270

>no jp holo is as dumb as Artia and Moona

>> No.25414271

Moona is super autistic just like us, why do we hate her again?

>> No.25414273

I'm not going anywhere as long as my oshi is still streaming.

>> No.25414277


>> No.25414278

roru roru

>> No.25414279

they like to pretend that they are that cat from persona 5

>> No.25414280

I don't even know what radical is.

>> No.25414281
Quoted by: >>25414292

Your unique gift will need to be from an e-retailer or they'll dispose of it

>> No.25414282

how do we improve holotools

>> No.25414284


>> No.25414285

so is 4chan, what's your point

>> No.25414286

>9th year of high school
You wot

>> No.25414288

Include twitch

>> No.25414289

I was wondering how to word this post cause I don't wanna seem like a gatekeeping cunt that wants "muh secret club" but there's something nice about how low key and quiet it was, it was quite comfy.

>> No.25414291
Quoted by: >>25414312

>like us

>> No.25414292

what do you mean? I can't just send it to cover and have them give it to her?

>> No.25414293

Subhuman Indog

>> No.25414295


>> No.25414296

The only people who have a problem with gatekeeping are the people who get gatekeeped

>> No.25414298

Until it stops making any sense whatsoever and you realize it's just a memorization grind and half the readings you learned you'll never use

>> No.25414299

that dude is based as fuck

>> No.25414300

>has a whole day of classes ahead of her and a Suisei game collab later
I bet Haachama regrets the hell out of this 7 hour stream.

>> No.25414301

But... That's what I said. I know she wasn't actually angry or anything but she had to dodge them because she'd never get anywhere otherwise.
I agree that one or two snipes was funny but it was definitely something that would become more annoying than funny fast, simply because she'd never get past the first round.

>> No.25414303

Hololive's "community" may become the most big and bloated and retarded thing in the world, its roster growing to hundreds and I will still keep watching my favorite holo until the day she retires

>> No.25414304

She put me off from the very beginning with her complaining about her avatar's boobs. I've barely watched her so I only know about what she's like from the people in these threads.

>> No.25414306

yes there are set guidelines for the gifts

>> No.25414307

I downloaded a radical deck a few days ago and it has already helped with recognition but I'm curious, do you bother learning the name/pronunciation of the radical or just the meaning?

>> No.25414310
Quoted by: >>25414324

Not noticing she was annoyed and got tired of snipers makes you the actual autistic person.

>> No.25414312

If you aren't autistic you don't belong here

>> No.25414313

No, they have rules in place to make sure nobody bjorks the holos

>> No.25414315

Nowhere, only Coco is awake.

>> No.25414314

fix the option to view and add current niji streams
also fix multi stream views but you can already do that if youre not a brainlet

>> No.25414316

I also happen to hate myself

>> No.25414318

kek so that is how Moona died, I looked away for literally a few moments and came back to her ending the stream.

>> No.25414321
Quoted by: >>25414336

This. Gatekeeping keeps things from straying too far from what made them enjoyable in the first place.

>> No.25414322

Well at least it works, unlike nijitools

>> No.25414324
Quoted by: >>25414372

annoyed in the same way she's annoyed when she loses a game
not geniunely annoyed

>> No.25414325

One nothing wrong with me

>> No.25414326
Quoted by: >>25414344

did she make money from superchats atleast?

>> No.25414329

Another bro has fallen.

>> No.25414330

>Miko tells a funny story about how she fell down some stairs due to long-term health issues *she went to the hospital!*

>> No.25414332

Based Department

>> No.25414333

Towa is cute

>> No.25414335


>> No.25414336

Why do you think you have to right to gatekeep other people's content because you want to enjoy it at the expense of everyone else

>> No.25414337

I think her sleep schedule is messed up anyway so she wouldn't gave gotten that much sleep anyway

>> No.25414342

I actually like her streams when I stopped giving a fuck what this shit thread thinks.
>muh drawing over her boobers wah me want boobs!

>> No.25414344
Quoted by: >>25414422

She called supacha'ers simps

>> No.25414345

She’s actually 19
She literally said it in the fall guys stream when she joked about drinking alcohol

>> No.25414347
Quoted by: >>25414389

So what happens when you die in ARK? And how are you supposed to play on a non private server?

>> No.25414349

Trying to gatekeep a publicly available interest is retarded, but there's nothing wrong with trying to protect the place where you discuss it

>> No.25414355

She didn't sleep last night either, went to sleep after online classes.

>> No.25414357

Spending the night watching videos/reading mangas is very different from playing a game. One requires significantly more mental faculties than the other 2.

>> No.25414358

Held back chama...

>> No.25414359

Remove dragonjet. All problems solved.

>> No.25414364
Quoted by: >>25414373

Matuli still hasn't spoken to Luna after that stream the other day has she?

>> No.25414366

using aquas butt as a pillow lads

>> No.25414368

>I can't get married yet

>> No.25414369

There is no "Expense of everyone else". Telling others to fall in line and do as the Romans do isn't a fucking "expense" if you see it that way then you lack basic human decency.
Too many people in too short of a time can radically change a community, which is why a bottleneck is extremely important to maintain the same kind of culture you had before the influx.

>> No.25414370

nene a cute

>> No.25414372

But not being able to play the game is even worse. Snipers fucked up this time, at least fucking wait for a few rounds to start the autism. The first race with her hiding the queue was way more enjoyable than the ones with snipers.

>> No.25414373


Yeah, they must have organized this collab telepathically or something.

>> No.25414374

Why is Pekora so perfect?

>> No.25414375
Quoted by: >>25414407

all you have to do is just lurk for a little and you'll get what you eventually. the people mad about gatekeeping are just mad that shits not fed to them the second they get here

>> No.25414380
Quoted by: >>25414410

That's just her playing into the fact that her character is 19 now, no? Do we know when her actual birthday is?

>> No.25414381

Her character is 19. Her actual self will be 18 for a few more months.

>> No.25414382

You seem to have no issue with other people ruining the enjoyment of someone who was already there before you so that's a fucking retarded place to argue from

>> No.25414383

I did not see this one, gomen...

>> No.25414385

Their manager arranged it

>> No.25414387

>I am everybody's idol
What a massive slut.

>> No.25414389

>So what happens when you die in ARK?
You drop all your shit and respawn at home
>how are you supposed to play on a non private server?
You don't unless you enjoy having your base razed and all your possessions taken from you by poopsockers

>> No.25414390

I mean if you're just gonna go with her character setting then listen to her literal fucking birthday stream.
Someone else already said the real answer.

>> No.25414392
Quoted by: >>25414430


>> No.25414393

Stop asking stupid questions and take off your clothes

>> No.25414394

it takes a sprinkle of common sense and a week of learning to not be huge faggot. you'll still be an eop but not the reddit kind.

>> No.25414397

>There is no "Expense of everyone else"
But that's what gatekeeping is, keeping the undesirables out
I don't even know how you expect to gatekeep it, you can complain loudly but nobody actually gives a shit

>> No.25414399
Quoted by: >>25414411

>Moona is super autistic just like us
Anon, I wouldn't watch your stream either, even if you were a girl. Would you watch any of the local spergs? Girls like Haato straddle the line between cute and insufferable, Moona fell right over it with all of her burger-induced mass. She's like if one of the local seanigs had a channel.

>> No.25414401
Quoted by: >>25414408

i dont understand how she died?

>> No.25414403

I don't know man, the romans were pretty based. especially hadrian

>> No.25414405

That means you still have time to do reps and move to Japan before someone else claims her!

>> No.25414406

>Only sleeping 4 hours, even without asacoco

>> No.25414407
Quoted by: >>25414426

>all you have to do is just lurk for a little and you'll get what you eventually
what the fuck are you even talking about. vtubers aren't a secret club they literally run public streams on youtube

>> No.25414408

She flew outside the maps border I'm guessing.

>> No.25414410

She's also turning 19 later this year

>> No.25414411

You wouldn't watch the retards in these threads stream? You're missing out.
I'd watch these fucking idiots go at it on ARK or Mince. Already played with them.

>> No.25414413

Add option for honorary holos and other channels that currently have collabs with holos, I'm sick of copying links every time Sio play baseball or Pikame/Kuku have collab with homos.

>> No.25414418
Quoted by: >>25414477

You better be doing your cooking reps too and preferably ask PekoMama for help.
Pekora likes a lot of side-dishes so I hope you know how to prepare that!

>> No.25414422

She was also told it's not a good word.

>> No.25414423

Someone link me to pekora's ending song. I can't find it anywhere

>> No.25414424

If you had a daughter with a cute voice, would you let her join hololive?

>> No.25414425

The kanji 楽 looks a bit like Aqua, is it because she's 楽しい?

>> No.25414426
Quoted by: >>25414438

>what the fuck are you even talking about
this already says a lot. only a few more days for debuts to over i guess.

>> No.25414427

i still love Towa :)

>> No.25414430


>> No.25414432


>> No.25414434

Awkward as fuck

>> No.25414435

Me too!

>> No.25414438
Quoted by: >>25414459

There's nothing to gatekeep, vtubers are public, so is this thread

>> No.25414440

>t. EOP

>> No.25414441


>> No.25414442

I'd let her become a chuuba but I wouldn't let her work under Cover, their employees are a bit too rapey and incompetent for my liking.

>> No.25414443

Yes but I'd warn her about the dangers of you fuckers and all the nasty shit you'd want to do to her.

>> No.25414444
Quoted by: >>25414462


>> No.25414445


>> No.25414446

I just want a Hololive gf so bad

>> No.25414448
Quoted by: >>25414522

The point is that you tell the undesirables to fuck off and come back when they know how to behave. Nothing is stopping people from coming into these threads and doing whatever the fuck they want but if you act way out of line you'll still be told by multiple people to fuck off.
I've been told to fuck off multiple times and instead of sperging out I tried to understand what I did wrong and then adapt to the place I was in.

As an example, all these retards shitting up the pre-stream chat when it is clearly against the rules are undesirables who should be told to fuck off until they learn how to behave.
Preferably people who can't even read a sentence shouldn't come back at all but that is impossible to enforce as you say.

>> No.25414450

>would you let your daughter become an e-whore

>> No.25414452

Me too, bro.

>> No.25414453

I wouldn't call Niji shit but I personally prefer Holo

>> No.25414455

what is even the difference besides one group courting redditors

>> No.25414457

I hope they find out about risk of rain 2 at some point

>> No.25414459
Quoted by: >>25414471

Something being public doesn't mean you can't gatekeep it. Making something private is a form of gatekeeping, not the only way to do it.

>> No.25414460

i like all of them
t. idort

>> No.25414462

Try Lulu or Ars tomorrow, they're cute. Most niji are indeed shit but few of them really good.

>> No.25414466

Come on... die already so i can ritualpost...

>> No.25414467
Quoted by: >>25414473

if she lets me fuck her after she's done streaming then yes

>> No.25414470

imagine tying Towa's sleeves so you can bully her armpits

>> No.25414472
Quoted by: >>25414492

i wont watch niji cause panda bullied my daughter

>> No.25414471
Quoted by: >>25414513

It does actually, you can try to gatekeep it, but it won't work, because you have no power to do anything
You can't stop people watching Hololive or posting in this thread

>> No.25414473
Quoted by: >>25414491

>he needs consent

>> No.25414474

Hell no, I'll get her set up as an independent and do some viral marketing to promote her. Once she's established a small following that will spread word about her themselves, I'll let her do her thing while being the "manager" in the background.

>> No.25414476
Quoted by: >>25414490

So how many view is Botan going to lose to Ars 3D?

>> No.25414477

finally my food technology master's degree might pay off...

>> No.25414478
Quoted by: >>25414504

i love both nijisanji and hololive, nijis are just less accessable to eops. except for some shitty english translated clips by "translators" that really want to get popular and know nijisanji is a virtually untapped market

>> No.25414481

Thanks anon, now I will go to sleep dreaming about this.

>> No.25414482
Quoted by: >>25414505

This one raises the very dangerous question of that does Flare's cooch smell like if it has her like that

>> No.25414483
Quoted by: >>25414498

Nijisanji is full drama and flirt between male and female members.

>> No.25414485


>> No.25414486

It (sadly) only works when they newfags don't outnumber the good ones

>> No.25414487

goddamn, Noel really does live in a landfill

>> No.25414489

In dreams.

>> No.25414490


>> No.25414491

permissions... onegai..

>> No.25414492

She didn't. It was just a dumb narrative because people love to hate on Sasaggy.
She is still friends with her today, in fact,

>> No.25414496

The only people who coooom from gatekeeping are gatekeepers. I hope you at least enjoyed your coooming.

>> No.25414498

theres a bunch of guys that flirt with each other and a bunch of women that flirt with each other, they reach all three audiences

>> No.25414499

>not bullying her neck

>> No.25414501
Quoted by: >>25414515

Noel please fucking clean up, Flare is dropping by next week, don't make her clean up again

>> No.25414503

Hololive standards are way higher than Nijisanji. nijisanji literally employed a con artist.

>> No.25414504

I thought niji was hiring their own translators.

>> No.25414505

Like flare, it smells like the perfect japanese woman

>> No.25414506


>> No.25414511
Quoted by: >>25414516

>you lack basic human decency
>human decency in /hlg/
hanging gardens of grass

>> No.25414512
Quoted by: >>25414526


Flare, seriously...

>> No.25414513
Quoted by: >>25414531

Yes I can, I report shitty posts and meido takes care of the rest
Literally every single time I've reported something it's been deleted
I can do the same on Youtube too because people get autobanned if they accumulate a lot of reports, so I'll just samefag report people I don't like to get them autobanned
Who's powerless now, shitposter?

>> No.25414514

time for noel!

>> No.25414515

But Noel likes it when Flare plays the cleaning maid wearing only naked apron.

>> No.25414516

But it's supposed to be shit anon! that's what /v/ermin keep telling me.

>> No.25414521

This will only get you so far. Don't put too much time into it. Studying vocab written in kanji will expand your ability to both read words and recognize kanji readings and meanings much more quickly.

>> No.25414522

>Nothing is stopping people from coming into these threads and doing whatever the fuck they want but if you act way out of line you'll still be told by multiple people to fuck off.
>I've been told to fuck off multiple times and instead of sperging out I tried to understand what I did wrong and then adapt to the place I was in.
You are delusional and this is objectively untrue.

>> No.25414523
Quoted by: >>25414558

Good thing this retarded-ass conservative attitude doesn't work on 4chan

>> No.25414525

God, why can't Noel just let my dick rest for 1 day?

>> No.25414527

Ritualposters deserve the rope

>> No.25414526


>> No.25414530

okay newfag

>> No.25414531

you can only report people who break the rules, you can't enforce your idea of what you think a community should be like

>> No.25414532
Quoted by: >>25414539

this but with towa

>> No.25414533

why does noel have a baby milk bottle next to her

>> No.25414534

>more ringfit

>> No.25414535

Kinda. It was on a hiatus for a little while because of some issues, but it seems to be active again.
Not sure how it will go.

>> No.25414536

So she can feed me with it.

>> No.25414537


>> No.25414539

Only for bondage bullying!

>> No.25414538

That's what she uses to feed me whenever her nipples are sore.

>> No.25414542

they are, but thats just one channel out of the multiple that have popped up. ive only found two channels that ive liked other than the official one. which also has some shit translators but better editors so the videos turn out well

>> No.25414543

Forming a suicide pact with your oshi...

>> No.25414544

fuck why doesn't it show up on holotools? I would've missed it if I didn't decide to check the thread real quick

>> No.25414545


>> No.25414546
Quoted by: >>25414562

Tell that to my friends, the extremely low quality rule and the off-topic post rule

>> No.25414547

The nobeta play through made her feel a bit motherly, so she started playing up the noel mama thing more, and it just eventually stuck, she reallly likes doing the "hey baby" thing

>> No.25414548


>> No.25414552

You guys don't even realize you were already gatekept
This is a containment thread, the general vtuber thread still talks about hololive and has about the same amount of actual discussion in a few tens of posts as several threads of /hlg/

>> No.25414553

Bless our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for inventing RingFit.

>> No.25414556
Quoted by: >>25414565

>you don't want the thing you've liked for a long time to change and conform to the desires of people who don't like it? Haha retard
I bet you fags spam boing boing in rushias streams

>> No.25414557
Quoted by: >>25414576

>you can only report people who break the rules
There is no place on the internet where this actually happens. There will always be a mod who will ban you just cause he thinks it is right. Case in point posting doxx of holos isn't off topic to holos.

>> No.25414558
Quoted by: >>25414578

You clearly come from a board that never had any form of self-moderation if you think what I said doesn't happen on this site.
Considering you think this is some "retarded-ass conservative" attitude I can only assume you are from one of the dedicated shitposting boards.

>> No.25414559

It's midnight for me, Noel stole a view from her roommate again today

>> No.25414563

only one of those companies has lolis though, and that makes it automatically superior

>> No.25414562

Then you aren't really gatekeeping, you're just being a good poster
You aren't going to get all EOP posters deleted or whatever you autists complain about

>> No.25414564

My oshi is too optimistic for that shit, I should find one that fits me better.

>> No.25414565

>I bet you fags spam boing boing in rushias streams
Yes but I do it ironically

>> No.25414570


>> No.25414573

Last for Moona

>> No.25414574


>> No.25414575


>> No.25414576

>what is rule 4

>> No.25414578

this thread has been flooded with newfags and you can't do anything about it

>> No.25414579

What's your desired method?
Mine is growing old together with my Holo after a long and happy life.

>> No.25414580


>> No.25414581

wow she is literally me

>> No.25414582


>> No.25414583


>> No.25414585

