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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 279 KB, 460x356, E736D849-4798-467A-B183-F1B927AE9867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25327490 No.25327490 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25327496
File: 567 KB, 2565x4096, 1583035171943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327497
File: 540 KB, 1920x1080, Ee5FLwKU0AA4rzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327519

I love Haachama!!

>> No.25327498
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327680

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25327502
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 63074E8C-43E8-4A6A-A5F5-2D6068569003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25327504
File: 73 KB, 169x155, 1591931372856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327505

Haachama... you've been talking to Hoshikawa for over 15 minutes now.

>> No.25327509
File: 247 KB, 498x556, 1597012037236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25327510
Quoted by: >>25327546

>EOPs having their blains bloken by the birthday stream

>> No.25327513
Quoted by: >>25327551

anyone else's ears being blown out by this collab

>> No.25327516
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1596381645141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with towa, I guess
give the stream a watch if you care

>> No.25327519

Watame better show up...

>> No.25327522
File: 340 KB, 465x495, The Betrayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327525
File: 103 KB, 288x288, bitch....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328485

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.25327531
File: 662 KB, 3451x2536, IMG_20200810_130450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 11 Thread #7

Nyahello Mikochi!

>> No.25327532

is haachama hot or average?

>> No.25327538

She's just a dumb flip kid.

>> No.25327540


>> No.25327545
File: 40 KB, 467x407, 1568084750671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327546

Okay ESL

>> No.25327549


>> No.25327551

only kinda now

>> No.25327553
File: 1.52 MB, 1300x1750, 83565223_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327552
Quoted by: >>25327564

rate her

>> No.25327555
File: 219 KB, 432x337, 1585340524476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could say she's Hot-o!

>> No.25327559
File: 889 KB, 2556x2157, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327562

I thought I was watching Haachama doing a collab with Hoshikawa because the call lasted fucking forever

>> No.25327564
Quoted by: >>25327596

Downtown Los Angeles tourist/10

>> No.25327569
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1800, 1566677624526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327616

Join the Polkavolution

>> No.25327581

Why didn't Towa call in

>> No.25327582

Her brain is very hot almost over heat.

>> No.25327586
File: 51 KB, 526x545, Everyday until you improve yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little alien? She’s a Vtuber who does mounted archery in her free time, teaches a duck how to draw and teaches EOP Japanese to be able converse with their oshis for shit and giggles. She can fluently speak Indonesian, English and Japanese and knows German and Korean too, but that’s still not enough as she’s currently learning sign language and how to play the violin to become an even better Vtuber. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25327591
Quoted by: >>25327715

That's what being actual friends is like and not the fake shit between the Holos

>> No.25327596


>> No.25327597
Quoted by: >>25327715

Ever have friends anon?

>> No.25327598

I miss Mio.

>> No.25327610

t. Matsuri

>> No.25327614


>> No.25327616
File: 258 KB, 498x498, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, if Polka is who 5ch is saying she is... she'll probably collab with men. Just giving you a warning before you go all in.

>> No.25327622

Who do they say she is?

>> No.25327630

was watame actually in chat?

>> No.25327634

Give me 5th Gen narrative

>> No.25327635
File: 373 KB, 1079x969, 20200807-211438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327636
File: 549 KB, 1024x966, save_erererer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrodinger's sheep

>> No.25327639

Nene is an idol.

>> No.25327643
File: 7 KB, 338x42, unknown (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327697


>> No.25327648

I'm not sure they know eachother beyond coworker status

>> No.25327650
File: 11 KB, 418x88, 1574709809679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327655
Quoted by: >>25327663

Finally Choco's call is over time to close this dogshit stream

>> No.25327656

God I love Friend A

>> No.25327658
File: 414 KB, 714x609, 1588219837358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327659

only weaklings dislike coco

>> No.25327660
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327772


>> No.25327661
File: 637 KB, 851x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that subtitle shake

>> No.25327663


>> No.25327662


>> No.25327665

https://youtu.be/Xh_tONTAGSU Roberu splatoon
https://youtu.be/lNl94WXHXzo KanaTowa clubhouse games

>> No.25327666


>> No.25327667
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1596899337234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327668

>meidos deleted the early thread

>> No.25327669

flare... your autism...

>> No.25327670

tfw karashi is dead

>> No.25327671

Thumbnail 圧

>> No.25327672
Quoted by: >>25328281

They want to throw a cake in Haachama's face when she returns to Japan.

>> No.25327673


>> No.25327674

She used a better Choco picture, nice

>> No.25327675

Definitive Haato thread

>> No.25327677

please, forgive Moona....

>> No.25327678
File: 280 KB, 1214x1688, 1588616322126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these two so much

>> No.25327680 [SPOILER] 
File: 554 KB, 1600x1400, 1597056920488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, she is receiving her most precious medicine right now so she will be fine.

>> No.25327681
File: 577 KB, 577x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you drink?

>> No.25327682
File: 158 KB, 1280x1024, EfAhynbU0AAlZqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
I love how you can almost see her pits in the thumbnail.

>> No.25327683
Quoted by: >>25327728

>Flare felt pressured to call in because of the thumbnail
Based autist elf

>> No.25327684
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1589936551171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327803

Suisei stop calling in and do the Pieces MV already.

>> No.25327686
File: 104 KB, 270x270, 1596151216717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy is an ASMR slut
Botan is a hag and former vtuber
Polka is a former vtuber but less of a hag than Botan, also is good friends with multiple holostars and will likely collab with them eventually(especially since she's using YAGOO to prepare her fans for her interacting with men)
Aloe is normal
Nene is also pretty safe

>> No.25327690
File: 308 KB, 640x640, 1595919576480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327721


>> No.25327691
File: 2.70 MB, 2522x1488, 82659137_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327823

I've noticed Marine frequently uses this pic for temporary thumbnails. She must really like it.

>> No.25327692

I would drink every drop of liquid which comes out of Aqua

>> No.25327694
File: 92 KB, 173x283, 1593427623776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327695

Sticking your fingers in!
Hearing a surprised yelp!

>> No.25327696
File: 787 KB, 1103x1080, wataboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Towa... even you have forsaken me for PPT

>> No.25327697

Poor Watame can't find a chance to call...

>> No.25327698
File: 939 KB, 804x719, 1596723536807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327812

Just so you guys know, i absolutely love this woman

>> No.25327699

Who were Botan and Polka?

>> No.25327701
File: 283 KB, 1464x1904, Kageyama_Shie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Man that made Arts Great Again

>> No.25327704


>> No.25327706


>> No.25327707

Have there been any additions to the shiendown lately

>> No.25327708

(you) are a retard that believes every single post if it's posted in 5ch/in japanese

>> No.25327710

Shie yo...

>> No.25327711

>baited by a literal 5ch said

>> No.25327712

let's just say when you hear Polka's voice, you'll go "Oh duh, that's her!"

>> No.25327713

Yeah I realized the other day that even though I've never had a thing for piss I would absolutely drink Aqua's.

>> No.25327715

It's a totsumachi, what's the fucking point if she's going to spend half the time talking to only 1 person?

>> No.25327714

No a lot of people call haachama. Kinda sad, isn't it?

>> No.25327716

So like Noel? Is she still active?

>> No.25327717
File: 778 KB, 1048x616, 1595762653511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for Towa is starting to hurt, ever since that damn 3D debut I've been stuck in a rut knowing that I'll never have someone in my life as cute as that stupid dork. Why did she have to be so damn cute bros, why couldn't she have ended up like luna

>> No.25327718

The pause during her part felt weird

>> No.25327719

You forgot "5ch said"

>> No.25327720

Did he get his Arts queen? I assume he did since his stream only seems to be 30-ish minutes.

>> No.25327721
File: 319 KB, 720x600, 720px-Hoshinova_Moona_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327764

I'm sorry miss, but they are still making my order. And you know that diet coke is bad for your metabolism? That's why you should order normal coke like me.

>> No.25327723
File: 33 KB, 220x220, haacha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25327725
Quoted by: >>25327775

Get some sleep, silly sheep!

>> No.25327726
File: 195 KB, 906x1400, IMG_20200810_173442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327728

festival... please call

>> No.25327729
File: 635 KB, 2048x1783, 1591032650249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Watame's cake bribe didn't work.

>> No.25327730

Interacting with her is tiring

>> No.25327732
Quoted by: >>25327794

Holomoms cover premiere in a minute!

>> No.25327733

meant for

>> No.25327735
File: 1.55 MB, 1263x710, 1565996772693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25327736
Quoted by: >>25327744

What is this?

>> No.25327737
Quoted by: >>25327769

40th roll it seemed

>> No.25327738
File: 384 KB, 1822x1838, EXBZKvYUwAkPE1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

てぇてぇ as fuck

>> No.25327739

At least Botan's voice suits the character

>> No.25327740
File: 107 KB, 291x272, Miko4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327797

Hey man!

>> No.25327741

literally talked to hoshikawa for over 10 minutes

>> No.25327742

Anyone got an archive of that Pacify okakoro pekomiko stream?

>> No.25327744


>> No.25327743
File: 44 KB, 871x263, FBK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place believes pretty much everything anon, besides, it's all narratives anon, people still chose to believe that Coco hates Towa when that is definitely not true.

>> No.25327745


>> No.25327746

Higher call count than Kanata.

>> No.25327747
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1080, towife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327748
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25327749

The amount of people here, that are saying that holos are very talented singers, is a dead giveaway, that there aren't all that many people here, who think this is just entertainment. This is the kind of coloring of truth, you would expect, when asked: "how talented is your girlfriend?". And the fact that the idolfags here will argue that they are objective, when they really are defending the honor of their beloved is a proof that they are completely deluded. In short. Whenever someone says holo is talented singer you know he is a cűck and a simp, cause holos aren't talented singers.

>> No.25327750
File: 945 KB, 2480x3508, EZ5tvFlUEAAj_3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco zatsudan? in 3 hours.

>> No.25327751

yes, only 40 rolls, too bad he didn't show it on screen
aniplex permissions or he has the game in his personal phone?

>> No.25327752
Quoted by: >>25327791

Cover would like to announce that Pekora is now sick as well and will take a break for a month

>> No.25327753

Will Kanata forgo Haachama's totsu for her collab with Towa?

>> No.25327754

That's not Mikoti?!

>> No.25327755
File: 456 KB, 600x454, we're-all-gonna-make-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere, out there, is a girl like her, waiting for her heart to be stolen by (You)
never lose hope
do your reps to be prepared for the day you meet her
you're going to make it

>> No.25327756
File: 700 KB, 498x280, 155414251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about Aqua...

>> No.25327758
File: 242 KB, 328x442, 1566851361594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328256

Feel sorry for Haato, Stuck in Australia, Can't do 3D can't do off collabs can't meet her v-tuber friends shit internet.

>> No.25327759

Does Matsuri hate Haachama?

>> No.25327760


>> No.25327761
Quoted by: >>25327800

Based diarrhea slurper anon

>> No.25327762
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, Ee2SLsYXYAIQp-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327844


>> No.25327763

>They mostly all hate one another and organize themselves into isolated groups behind the scenes
>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is fishing for gachikoi. They even get a bonus, for how many akasupas they get each month.
>All of them are in it only for the money
>None of them are virgins
>All of them have boyfriends. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend
>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are disgusting loser trash.

>> No.25327764
File: 1.63 MB, 1455x2525, 1596167268783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know they fed pigs here, isn't that haram?

>> No.25327765

Botan looks like that?!

>> No.25327766

too stupid to be attractive

>> No.25327768

I love Haachama's retarded face

>> No.25327767
File: 405 KB, 3840x2160, Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BRRip.x264.AAC.5.1.-.Hon3y.mkv_snapshot_02.00.58_[2020.07.08_19.15.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327769
Quoted by: >>25328651

Fucking luck-shitter, took me about 80th rolls. Did he get what he wanted from the paid rate-up?

>> No.25327770
File: 33 KB, 433x445, 1596032618214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327817

Someone give me wholesome Aki clips please

>> No.25327772
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

船長!トイレが! つまってましゅまろ流れませーん!
そうか!殺す!アンカーをよこせ! アッー!
船長!お風呂が! 湯気で女湯のぞけませーん!
そうか!殺す!アンカーをよこせ! アッー!

>> No.25327773

She's at the new place already?

>> No.25327775
Quoted by: >>25327795

But she said she slept 14 hours today.

>> No.25327776 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x868, 1597057267536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new day, a new stream, some more heart fuel.

>> No.25327777


>> No.25327778
File: 3.08 MB, 530x700, nyoooooooooooooom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki said she uses PowerPoint a lot
>Loves to play around with the Effects
>Wonders if it's still commonly used today

>> No.25327779
File: 341 KB, 1945x1131, hakai and chama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNl94WXHXzo Towa & Kanata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh_tONTAGSU Roberu

>> No.25327780

Lamy’s Lamy Is nice like Noel’s Noel

>> No.25327784

Reminder that orange woman = bad

>> No.25327785


>> No.25327786

Yeah, I still wonder why she is in the thumbnails

>> No.25327788

>only setup pc and mic
I'll use my echo location regression algorithm to doxx holohouse.

>> No.25327789

Haachama is lonely

>> No.25327790

Your comma key must be glitching out anon, you needn't be pressing it that much.

>> No.25327791
File: 1.03 MB, 3972x3826, 1578571694915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327792

>They all love each other and get along well, many of them being friends for life.
>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is to have lots of fun and make friends. The akasupas are just a bonus.
>All of them do it because they enjoy it and have a lot of fun
>They're all virgins
>None of them have boyfriends. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend
>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are wonderful people and they love all their fans.

>> No.25327793

damn, look at her good!

>> No.25327795

Not enough!

>> No.25327794

I love that song, ganbare

>> No.25327796

Towa's ice cream truck...

>> No.25327797
File: 61 KB, 492x541, vacation-miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327843


>> No.25327798
Quoted by: >>25327809

he's been playing the game for a long, long time now. so it's probably on his personal phone. Shinove probably prevented him from doing so to make sure a yabee incident isn't gonna occur when FBK sends a message asking if she could come over

>> No.25327799
Quoted by: >>25327899


>> No.25327800

How can you say you love her if you won't even eat her poop?

>> No.25327801

This is the cutest shit ever
aki just got a new subscriber thanks to you, anon

>> No.25327802

PpT really getting around lately isn't she?

>> No.25327803

She needs to do her totsumachi first

>> No.25327805

Aki confirmed not subscribed to Kanata.

>> No.25327806
File: 64 KB, 192x214, Haachamaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a real Gen 5 narrative for you anons. The girls are actually the some of the Gen 0,1,2 holos doing a different voice as a way to fix the girls whose growth was fucked over early on. Lamy is Aki, Polka is Mel, Botan is Roboco, and Aloe is Choco.

>> No.25327807
Quoted by: >>25327852


>> No.25327808
Quoted by: >>25327813

I'm starting to miss the comfy Watame streams bros..

>> No.25327809
Quoted by: >>25327937

>Shinove probably prevented him from doing so to make sure a yabee incident isn't gonna occur when FBK sends a message asking if she could come over
I can't believe I'm being cucked by my dear friend.. Boss... What does she have that I don't?

>> No.25327810
File: 658 KB, 4000x4000, 1589822380185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327868


>> No.25327812

I am certain she loves you too, she just has to put up a front for the stream.

>> No.25327813

Night fever today, r-right?

>> No.25327814

Kizuna and Kaguya Luna

>> No.25327815
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1591510816058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KanaTowa time!

>> No.25327816


>> No.25327817
Quoted by: >>25328152

Never give up!

>> No.25327818


>> No.25327819
Quoted by: >>25327852

>watame didn't call

>> No.25327820
File: 514 KB, 2480x3508, 1590630634514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327882


>> No.25327821
File: 38 KB, 602x232, 20200810-180357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New emote?

>> No.25327822


>> No.25327823

It's great and and it also baits all the foreigners who don't know that she uses temporary thumbnails
Hilariously enough they all leave when she changes to the real thumbnail

>> No.25327824


>> No.25327826

first time watching towa
what am I in for?

>> No.25327825


>> No.25327827


>> No.25327828


>> No.25327829

Wtf is that...

>> No.25327830


>> No.25327831
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 1570873395429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327888

Oh no the webcam again!

>> No.25327832
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I....love my harem

>> No.25327833


>> No.25327834


>> No.25327836

What the fuck haachama

>> No.25327837


>> No.25327838


>> No.25327839


>> No.25327841
File: 5 KB, 308x43, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25327842


>> No.25327840

what the fuck is happening

>> No.25327843
File: 115 KB, 256x256, 1593727252491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

えで ん!

>> No.25327844

Welp, time for another KIDS stream rewatch

>> No.25327846

Technical issues

>> No.25327847
File: 3.84 MB, 2150x3000, 80750321_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me either, anon.

>> No.25327848


>> No.25327849


>> No.25327850

oh no watamebros...

>> No.25327851

>thought it was ending
>sheep is here

>> No.25327852


>> No.25327853


>> No.25327854


>> No.25327855

KANATAAA!!! what's up with her and software failures

>> No.25327856

wtf watame appeared i thought she hated haachama?

>> No.25327857
File: 2.60 MB, 640x422, 1591713620770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327858

Loud noises and Towa being an absolute tryhard

>> No.25327859

Haachama is a fucking comedy genius

>> No.25327860
Quoted by: >>25327883

>closing the stream so Watame can't call in

>> No.25327861

>watame calls
Uh narrativebros...

>> No.25327862

I sold my Watame coins too early again...

>> No.25327863


>> No.25327864


>> No.25327865


>> No.25327866

last time that kinda screen appeared she accidentally connected to a random webcam laying around her room
aside from that, expect her to be autistic and lose in every game and be loud about it

>> No.25327867

numberfags pls go

>> No.25327868
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>> No.25327869

But haachama didn't call her on her birthday..

>> No.25327870
File: 262 KB, 1345x2109, Ee5cGO-UcAErcEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.25327871

I've waited so long for this...

>> No.25327873
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1595832783795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327874
File: 137 KB, 338x322, 1571498149201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no haachama you can't just do that

>> No.25327876
File: 19 KB, 486x322, EW5b78PVcAAu-qY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else was a bit disappointed with the new Aqua's cover? I mean her singing has improved a lot so I'd like her to cover some more difficult songs.

>> No.25327877
File: 176 KB, 626x885, 1570788880848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327880
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>> No.25327882
File: 1.92 MB, 2651x3762, 1595699910418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327968


>> No.25327881
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, watapunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo my narrative

>> No.25327883

smart move

>> No.25327885
Quoted by: >>25328505

You think these trash streams are entertainment? What's wrong with you?

>> No.25327886

Towa what the fuck

>> No.25327887


>> No.25327889


>> No.25327888

Oh no. Will we get YABEE 2.0?

>> No.25327890

>Suisei bullying PPT on their collab
>Towa bullying PPT on their collab
Why does everyone bully this poor tenshi?

>> No.25327891


>> No.25327892

Out of all the games, she chooses the one that involves shooting
as expected of fps brain towtruck

>> No.25327893

apologize to sheep!

>> No.25327894

Tech issues with Towa...

>> No.25327896


>> No.25327895

I've been spoilt by the 24 hours, I miss her already...

>> No.25327897


>> No.25327898

I love totsumachi

>> No.25327899

Fuck, too cute. Next time they should add Towa's sistermom.

>> No.25327900

That hologra was a nice reference to Suisei's akinator video.

>> No.25327901

>Kanata bringing her technical difficulties jinx to Towa's stream

>> No.25327902

>people unironically thought her wife wouldn't call

>> No.25327903


>> No.25327904

Kanata's shaky aim...

>> No.25327905
File: 1.27 MB, 1413x2000, 80927712_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't disappointed, I liked it. It will be really hard to top Dadadada Tenshi.

>> No.25327906
Quoted by: >>25327920

Stop posting it hurts.

>> No.25327907
File: 334 KB, 720x1018, 1593530741583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa, girl why are you like this?

>> No.25327908


>> No.25327909
File: 164 KB, 691x392, yabee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327910

The song is just bad.

>> No.25327911


>> No.25327912

didn't even watch towa stream but Towa...

>> No.25327913
File: 36 KB, 258x276, 1596777311388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat Haachama's homemade birthday cake?

how about Akai Haato's?

>> No.25327915

>Miko making more than some of the holos despite literally not doing anything

>> No.25327916
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x900, ppleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25327958


>> No.25327917
Quoted by: >>25327923

Haato might not be the most thoughtful husband, nor the most faithful, or even the most successful, but she's certainly the most romantic.

>> No.25327919

Towa, this is making me very nervous...

>> No.25327920
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1596500313175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327921
File: 269 KB, 2048x2048, 1581510784323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they don't go back to ignoring each other after this...

>> No.25327922
Quoted by: >>25327934

She just can't catch a break. Gets a collab after so long and this shit happens, honestly feel bad for her sometimes

>> No.25327923


>> No.25327925
Quoted by: >>25327947

I'm waiting for Towa to end up showing her face in full view because she activates the wrong device...

>> No.25327926
File: 55 KB, 527x572, s_tadano-1137649202400415744-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of nostalgic things,
>the Chanchanko collab 3 months ago revealed Suisei currently uses pic related as her discord icon
>this picture is 1 year old
>its from the guy who made the first ever Suisei fan art

>> No.25327927

>Towa won off screen
My sides

>> No.25327928
Quoted by: >>25327979

What is with Towa and collabs, is she cursed or does she just want to drag others to her level?

>> No.25327929
File: 140 KB, 1279x719, EcKSTR2U4AU8jye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she can take it. It's even better when Towa does it because she eventually starts feeling bad about it.

>> No.25327930

Suddenly I'm getting yabai flashbacks watching pptowa collab

>> No.25327931


>> No.25327932

>haachama has felt guilty over missing watames birthday all this time and been unable to reach out to her as a result
It's raining...

>> No.25327933

It's happening again.

>> No.25327934


>> No.25327935

Haachama had wanted to make a video for Watame's birthday but couldn't finish it in time and she felt bad all this time so she didn't know how to face her.

>> No.25327936
File: 279 KB, 1254x700, 1596978647233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knees weak, connection unsteady.

>> No.25327937

I can't believe Fubuki is coming over to Bossu's place to steal his gacha luck...

>> No.25327938

the visuals were top notch

>> No.25327939
Quoted by: >>25328002

Isn't it nice being a holo? You got money by simply existing

>> No.25327944

Watame calls in to remind haachama she didn't call her

>> No.25327945

>it was all a misunderstanding
watame... haato...

>> No.25327946
Quoted by: >>25327980

>Haachama tried to make a video for Watame's birthday but didn't finish in time and has been feeling guilty about it since

>> No.25327947

What if she accidentally activates a webcam but it's just a full screen shot of Kanata's ass?

>> No.25327948


>> No.25327949

(^ω^ ≡ ^ω^) おっおっおっおっ

>> No.25327950

>roberu over tokyo ghoul
Oh, weekly.

>> No.25327951
Quoted by: >>25327974

Luna didn't call

>> No.25327952

>almost 10k watching Towa having technical issue

>> No.25327953

Will Towa pull the same shit she pulled with Coco, which resulted in Coco never collabing with her again?

>> No.25327954

Towa gets bullied back with kindness

>> No.25327955


>> No.25327956

Towa pls. This is why no one collabs with you.

>> No.25327957

I'll buy towa's membership if that happens

>> No.25327958

>Towa-sama is popular with foreigners right? teach me Towa-sama i even posted on reddit...

>> No.25327959

Yeah I fucking cried a little so what

>> No.25327960

It's in her name. Please Pully Tenshi.

>> No.25327961

are you okay anonchama?

>> No.25327962

>Kanata sabotages Tower's stream
She tried to warn us but we didn't listen. Watame...

>> No.25327963

Sorry, not sure why I quote that post

>> No.25327964

>the whole reason she was distant was because she missed Watame's birthday and felt bad
This stupid girl.

>> No.25327965

Kanata got a new mic right? C214?

>> No.25327966
File: 305 KB, 512x512, 1583699280785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't i tell you guys that t*nshit is bad omen

>> No.25327967
File: 232 KB, 768x768, Ee0XAVrUEAACI52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328096

Is this the week the pc arrives?

>> No.25327968
File: 86 KB, 795x1024, njmpmrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327969

no signal...

>> No.25327971

I bet Chris is behind this.

>> No.25327973

I would immediately became a family

>> No.25327974
Quoted by: >>25328003

God I hope she is okay. The worry is killing me.

>> No.25327975
Quoted by: >>25328009

>haachama and watame hates each other narrative crushed into pieces
Today is a good day.

>> No.25327977

MISUNDERSTANDINGS. It thought this shit only happens in anime

>> No.25327978

Remonetization donations!

>> No.25327979
File: 680 KB, 2400x3600, 1591487480703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa can't computer.

>> No.25327980
Quoted by: >>25328025

I tuned out after A-chan but that's sad as fuck. Hope they can bond again.

>> No.25327981

Is this anime?

>> No.25327982


>> No.25327983
Quoted by: >>25327995


>> No.25327986
File: 938 KB, 2894x4093, EeVcVelVoAI-CIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25327987

haachama watame collab when?

>> No.25327988
File: 178 KB, 1920x795, 1594561082906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This webm... this very webm always crushes me... Mikoti...

>> No.25327989


>> No.25327990
File: 752 KB, 2893x4092, 1596662121567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328257

Remind me who was the main love interest of 4th gen again?

>> No.25327991

I fucking love Totsumachi, if only because they always manage to crush /hlg/ narratives without fail.

>> No.25327992
Quoted by: >>25328007

Left- very cute
Right - very awkward

>> No.25327993

So her capture device is just shitting the bed?

>> No.25327994

She really is just a normal girl.

>> No.25327995

Straight out of romcom manga

>> No.25327996
File: 281 KB, 1300x1282, 1575935517502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video got back up at a pretty good time! https://youtu.be/z94HX5JtfA4

>> No.25327997
Quoted by: >>25328039

Stupid sheep should talk to her in the first place

>> No.25327998

This brings back uncomfortable memories. Towa just can't get a break.

>> No.25328000

Holy fuck, no wonder it was so quiet between them. That's crushing.

>> No.25328001
File: 68 KB, 600x500, 1596208605201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328002

>Isn't it nice being a holo?
You mean woman.
They get EVERYTHING just for being alive. Money, food, gifts and sex are all free for women

>> No.25328003

She will collab with choco later today

>> No.25328004


>> No.25328006

The song is kind of meh compared to some earlier ones. I think they really wanted another nanawoakari cover on the anniversary since dame tenshi is her most viewed video. But since Pekora and Mel already covered discomunication allien they had a hard time picking a song, a lot of her stuff is a bit too bleak for Aqua.

>> No.25328005

Based mane-san.

>> No.25328007

Awkward and cute.

>> No.25328009
Quoted by: >>25328016

>Misunderstanding plot
What a shitty writing.

>> No.25328010

jesus is this why they havent collab over a month?

>> No.25328011

I think I'm becoming a 35P

>> No.25328012

This is probably the best totsu ever.

>> No.25328013

Can't wait for Kanata and Suisei doxx

>> No.25328014

Towa why do you suck at technical stuff? Stop depending on your boyfriends.

>> No.25328015
Quoted by: >>25328040

I'm getting so nervous with all these technical difficulties in Towa's stream...

>> No.25328016
Quoted by: >>25328060

Its peak kino idiot

>> No.25328017
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>> No.25328018
File: 84 KB, 221x247, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like it was only a moment ago but it's already been an entire day.

>> No.25328020

Bless rurudo and her menhera brain, she really did come up with the best design

>> No.25328021

Towa already getting stomped.

>> No.25328023
Quoted by: >>25328067

so this is an off collabs?

>> No.25328022

Flare is in Patra's birthday stream.

>> No.25328025

Haachama asked to collab again soon at the end
Its gonna be alright bros

>> No.25328026

Time flies fast in the hlg.

>> No.25328029


>> No.25328030
File: 54 KB, 1025x651, 1581617175057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328046

I miss Mio mama

>> No.25328031

when you get older anon that happens

>> No.25328034
File: 11 KB, 276x328, 1589696255744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tears on my face... they're from happinees...

>> No.25328035

Did anything happen during towa's last 3d stream?

>> No.25328036

Towa losing to ppt.... what?

>> No.25328037

I love autistic devil noises.

>> No.25328038


>> No.25328039

Stupid sheep waited until the last minute. Literally anime.

>> No.25328040
File: 2.85 MB, 596x640, 1596822945406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her to have fun, why does it have to be this difficult...

>> No.25328042

The song itself isn't very good. It's not Aqua's fault.

>> No.25328044
File: 481 KB, 1770x2048, EfAibVjUMAA5ZK-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fat cat tats

>> No.25328045


>> No.25328046
File: 156 KB, 258x376, 1596105138304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same Miobro, same..

>> No.25328047
Quoted by: >>25328061

>tech issues

>gets bullseye

was it an act?

>> No.25328049

She had lots of fun.

>> No.25328052
File: 238 KB, 512x512, 1595075383620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa's webcam capture turns on for 5 seconds

>> No.25328056
Quoted by: >>25328360


>> No.25328057

Well this misunderstanding settles the debate whether Haachama is an idiot or secretly a genius.
She's an idiot.

>> No.25328058

I can't believe karASHi is over.
actually i can

>> No.25328060

What a kino day this has been.

>> No.25328061

Towautism at work

>> No.25328062

but it's on, retard

>> No.25328063

tiddies actually too big

>> No.25328064

Mio... Miko....

>> No.25328065
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1595510652879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much bros

>> No.25328066

Fucking wholesome https://twitter.com/akaihaato/status/1292781729510375425

>> No.25328067

Yes. PPT is a very kind girl that will spent her precious time with an unpopular demon.

>> No.25328068

The comeback bullseyes!

>> No.25328069

thats a nice picture

>> No.25328070


>> No.25328071

Yabee guy played some sick guitar tunes, it was great.

>> No.25328072

326 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] :2020/08/10(月) 16:57:28.25

ラミィうさ吾郎(@punipuni_029)明治らんぷ (@magicalpuipui)
20 顔S Hカップ 女子大生 ASMR勢 ホロ箱推し

20代前半 顔A 元avex箱声優 底辺アイドル活動歴有 こいつが一番完璧に情報残ってる

40代 ジャガー横田 ペックスガイジ

21前後 顔A ペックスガイジ 前世で輝夜月と絡んだことある お絵かき勢

megaなら30前後 顔A 信姫転生ほぼ確定 


>> No.25328073
File: 1.49 MB, 1304x1841, 76493451_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please....come back....i miss you...

>> No.25328075

Towa is good at bar games
sasuga debiru

>> No.25328076

she can't be that retarded to not pull it out

>> No.25328077

>What if she accidentally activates a webcam but it's just a full screen shot of Kanata's ass?
and then Towa's hand comes in and smacks it

>> No.25328078
Quoted by: >>25328087


>> No.25328079
File: 135 KB, 783x977, EfAKbfGU8AAwhJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks as always!

>> No.25328080
File: 40 KB, 600x631, a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328081

Are the rules different here than the real darts?

>> No.25328082

what a retard

>> No.25328083

Both of them probably felt awkward and didn't know how to make the first move. Good on Watame to finally break the ice. She still considers herself Haato's wife too.

>> No.25328084

You have to let it go, anon...

>> No.25328086
File: 120 KB, 509x453, 1582822927710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it ever in doubt?

>> No.25328087


>> No.25328088

Towa is hustling Kanatan...

>> No.25328089

meidos we need you!

>> No.25328091

Wouldn't this confirm the opposite.
She passes off the mistake as something romantic?

>> No.25328092


>> No.25328093


>> No.25328094


>> No.25328096


>> No.25328095
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1593265699931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg ez

>> No.25328097

idk man shes probably both

>> No.25328098


>> No.25328099
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1591918702636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an actual hag now

>> No.25328100


>> No.25328101
File: 17 KB, 592x174, happy ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328190

I'm not crying.

>> No.25328102

Yeah, completely different, they're just playing for a high score here.

>> No.25328103

So who should she be with now? Hoshikawa or Watame?

>> No.25328105
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1593592421592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328106

is this real?

>> No.25328107

Is that Towa's first one one collab since "that"?

>> No.25328108

can Matsuri eat in luxury with 2379 yen lads

>> No.25328109
Quoted by: >>25328131

2 hours late

>> No.25328110

I hope she's ok, the Aqua minecraft video just made me worry more

>> No.25328111

shes gonna hit on 20 isnt she

>> No.25328112

i actually choose to believe the high iq approach and assume shes a idiot that sometimes does genius things, after all a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.25328113

And to think. If Haachama didn't see Watame's comment at the last minute this misunderstanding would have dragged on for god knows how much longer.

>> No.25328115
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328116
File: 15 KB, 281x328, realFBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328117

Yeah, this version is just whoever scores higher. Real darts is reaching 0 from a starting "score".

>> No.25328118
File: 645 KB, 1048x521, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328120

She sang the best Naruto song.

>> No.25328119


>> No.25328122
Quoted by: >>25328214

You can have more than 1 friend.

>> No.25328123

sing with watame

>> No.25328124

How can she love me, if she is lesbian?

>> No.25328125

Only Nene confirmed

>> No.25328126
Quoted by: >>25328139


>> No.25328127
Quoted by: >>25328460

doxxfags are mentally ill, pretending 5ch "detectives" are any good

>> No.25328128
Quoted by: >>25328174

TowaTenshi collab is really cute, and towafags are behaving for once.

>> No.25328129

Just like everything from 5ch

>> No.25328130

Since last week's collabs with Aki, and Sio/Nose? Yes.

>> No.25328131

It's the same faggot who keep bitching about meidos too.

>> No.25328138
File: 621 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in an alternate timeline they never made up

>> No.25328139
Quoted by: >>25328169

anon this is a bit stale dont you think

>> No.25328142
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, 1593839459399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when Towa is around Kanata, Towa gets a luck buff.

>> No.25328141

Holy fuck anon, quit sniffing narratives.

>> No.25328143

>100k already
she should just produce those short meme songs fulltime

>> No.25328144

LWIAY has proven to be more effective than Asacoco, and less effort, since all she needs to do is read what others made

>> No.25328145

jesus this is like some kind of shit romantic anime

>> No.25328147


>> No.25328148
Quoted by: >>25328313

Noel clone?
>40 years old
SELL SELL SELL. She's even older than Korone

>> No.25328149

yabee moment

>> No.25328150

>haachama actually cares about what other people think

>> No.25328151

Dealer cheating again..

>> No.25328152

I would like her better but the model is lame

>> No.25328153

>This is going to be spammed by some deranged doxxfag every thread now for weeks
So fun.

>> No.25328154



>> No.25328155
File: 8 KB, 291x343, sad_penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25328156

Nene is 100% her. The art styles are so niche and exact that it's basically impossible for it to not be her.
The others not sure.

>> No.25328157

So you're telling me Haachama avoided Watame because she was ashamed but Watame did nothing to reconnect or at least wonder why? Am I reading this wrong or was Watame just shy about it? I'd be glad if they really reconnected now.

>> No.25328159

Roberu would be a good choice for one of the HoloPro teams if there was ever a wide scale vtuber Splatoon tournament.

>> No.25328160


>> No.25328163
Quoted by: >>25328172


you are too dangerous towa

>> No.25328165

Why does the sheep show off her pits so much in a video meant for children?

>> No.25328167
Quoted by: >>25328205

You guy fucking told me HaaWata was meme!!!

>> No.25328168
File: 735 KB, 583x983, faggot_bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328170

>dealer 21
fuck this game

>> No.25328169
File: 112 KB, 799x325, sugoooi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the mummy IS 3000 years old.

>> No.25328171
Quoted by: >>25328187

id fucking watch her if she played anything else but ark

>> No.25328172

Life on the edge, devilish.

>> No.25328173

And it only took several months, just like my Korean comics.

>> No.25328174

Usually the obnoxious towafags are /u/fags, but they're currently just seething in silence because Towa is collabing with Kanata instead of Sio

>> No.25328176

Since her 3D live? Yes

>> No.25328177

Roberu what the fuck.

>> No.25328178
Quoted by: >>25328195

Towa hitting on 18


>> No.25328180
Quoted by: >>25328221

How new?

>> No.25328182


>> No.25328183


>> No.25328185

I love this socially retarded pair.

>> No.25328188

it's not if it's proven false after seeing their debut.

>> No.25328187

Why didn't you watch her when she wasn't playing ARK and didn't even had 1k viewers?

>> No.25328190

I thought the ship between them was just something management pushing and doesn't really work out so they just pretend it never happened. I'm glad that's not the case and it's just stupid misunderstanding because haachama is still young

>> No.25328191
Quoted by: >>25328221

Yes new fag

>> No.25328192

They're both terrible gamblers, holy shit.

>> No.25328195

She who dares... loses apparently?

>> No.25328198
File: 958 KB, 1454x2048, EX5fxhTUwAAWW0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mukirose strong

>> No.25328200

They're in debt...

>> No.25328201
Quoted by: >>25328418

>Lamy - meiji lamp
big if true

>> No.25328202

I hope they collab again

>> No.25328203

Lucky devil

>> No.25328205

All yurishit is just memes

>> No.25328204

>Towa bullies Kanata
>CPU bullies them both

>> No.25328206
Quoted by: >>25328244

She needs someone in her life bros

>> No.25328207
Quoted by: >>25328460

fuck off retard

>> No.25328210

Why does she have stick legs? She played ring fit for 12 hours her thighs should be like tree trunks.

>> No.25328211

>all in

>gets 21

this luck

>> No.25328213
Quoted by: >>25328235

haha it's l*l*

>> No.25328214
Quoted by: >>25328249

Well yeah no shit, I'm just asking who will be her BEST friend

>> No.25328215
File: 176 KB, 600x632, towa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfags will never know the context behind this

>> No.25328220

Kanata... your money...

>> No.25328221
Quoted by: >>25328260

>gatekeeping retards thinking they know everything about their idols

>> No.25328222

Can someone explain the appeal of Miko's voice? She sounds as if she's holding her hose with her fingers and is about to dive underwater.

>> No.25328223


>> No.25328224

oh god haato watame cooking stream where haato cooks sheep when?

>> No.25328225
Quoted by: >>25328264

WTF WATAME https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1292783780076249088

>> No.25328227
Quoted by: >>25328254

Towa is counting cards, she's THAT smart!

>> No.25328228

I want to see PPT and TMT have a chess match.

>> No.25328230

Luck of the devil

>> No.25328229
File: 117 KB, 639x809, 1594436386872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked, House.

>> No.25328232
File: 110 KB, 323x244, 1594502768236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towa never had collabs because of yabee
>now towa is 3D and is in collabs all the time


>> No.25328233


>> No.25328234


>> No.25328235
Quoted by: >>25328266

Why don't you type her name normally? What are you so afraid of?

>> No.25328238

Damn that comeback from 4th to 1st.

>> No.25328239

>3 -0

>> No.25328240

Why did she have to die such a gruesome death bros...

>> No.25328241
Quoted by: >>25328332

>Haato doesn't finish the video on time
>feels guilty
>stops collabs with Watame
>Watame mentions Haato doing collabs with others and feels a bit sad, but she doesn't want to bring it up
>skip ahead
>Watame lurking in the chat
>ends up being the last caller
>this time she flat out brings it up

>> No.25328242


>> No.25328243

This unlucky angel

>> No.25328244

She needs Subaru to cheer her up

>> No.25328245
Quoted by: >>25328275


>> No.25328247
File: 1.37 MB, 1668x2388, random girl using the phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxxfags get out I'm calling the cops

>> No.25328248
File: 714 KB, 648x973, 1582962512438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does reality provide better narratives than what we can come up with? That last moment of Haachama's stream was so cute.

>> No.25328249
Quoted by: >>25328380

watame is literally her wife

>> No.25328250
Quoted by: >>25328460

Old news. Fuck off

>> No.25328251
Quoted by: >>25328262

Tower can be ur devil or ur angel

>> No.25328252
Quoted by: >>25328271

I never liked this meme

>> No.25328253
Quoted by: >>25328332

Watame thought/knew Haachama was troubled about it, but yeah she only called in today.

>> No.25328254

>game that requires intelligence

That's cheating!

>> No.25328256

Did Haato get to meet 4th gen face to face when she was back in Japan for HoloFes?

>> No.25328257

Just Sora

>> No.25328259

pls play the dice game

>> No.25328260

It's not hard to watch Hololive, newfag. Post shit, get called out, simple.

>> No.25328262

I'd rather she be my wife

>> No.25328263

She pretty much said Hoshikawa is like a sister.

>> No.25328264

what did she mean

>> No.25328266
File: 128 KB, 461x461, IMG_20200226_085554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever read a Lovecraft book? There is a reason why you dont recite the "Ancient Ones" names.

>> No.25328268
File: 3.95 MB, 1920x1080, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /hlg/.
i hope you had nice weekend.
which gen 5 are you looking forward to the most?
do you think there are too many holo?
i hope you have nice week.
i will hug /hlg/.

>> No.25328271
File: 216 KB, 688x981, 1595108267648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328272

She has the moe-est voice of all holo.

>> No.25328273

And Hololive is a charity organization dedicated to making sure that every chuuba makes it.

>> No.25328274
Quoted by: >>25328298

W of Watame for wife
S of Sara for sister

>> No.25328275

Chess is so unbalanced. White will always be better unless he fucks up.

>> No.25328276
Quoted by: >>25328294

When is Watame's next stream? She's 100% going to cry about the Haachama misunderstanding.

>> No.25328277
Quoted by: >>25328313

>Looks like some orc from World of Warcraft

>> No.25328278

If she can't point a barrel at something the debiru will be bad at it

>> No.25328279

20+k viewers? This is the power of Kanata?

>> No.25328280

I want to fuck Flare and force Noel to watch

>> No.25328281
File: 81 KB, 599x485, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-chan and Choco already discussing how to make a eggless cake to throw in Haachama's face when she returns. Probably A-chan venting all the stress when dealing with Haachama's shit.

>> No.25328282

...you mean Suzuhara Lulu?

>> No.25328286
Quoted by: >>25328307

The Heart

>> No.25328289
Quoted by: >>25328317

Watame must have feel bad for secretly hating haachama at these while

>> No.25328290

I want Tamaki to suck my dick.

>> No.25328292

You're a coward. I can say the name Lulu just fine and not

>> No.25328293

... Do I really need to fork the matsuri monitor to stalk Flare more efficiently? Am I that infatuated/obsessed? Would I stoop so low?
Probably not, but the temptation remains.

>> No.25328294


>> No.25328295

No, all of it will be Kanata doing different voices

>> No.25328296
File: 385 KB, 385x542, 1584854534184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.25328297


>> No.25328298

I wonder if Watame and Hoshikawa would get along, they have yet to talk to each other right?

>> No.25328299
File: 28 KB, 501x297, lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328335

I only read his poems

>> No.25328301

She introduced her boyfriend (232nd)

>> No.25328302

Haha imagine if a sleep deprived Choco accidentally adds eggs without realising and then they end up throwing it into her face and it gets in her eyes and pores and all over her body haha that would be such a shame

>> No.25328303
File: 344 KB, 1448x2048, Ee00tfHUYAYK--l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328324

I can't wait for Botan's debut! Hope you have a nice week too Flarebro!

>> No.25328304
Quoted by: >>25328337

>Voldemort joined Hololive
oh no

>> No.25328305


>> No.25328307

But that's Haato.

>> No.25328306

wtf u want to suck his dick

>> No.25328309

I fap to that video every day

>> No.25328310

asacoco feels vintage by now

>> No.25328311

It's the power of てぇてぇ

>> No.25328312

more like the power of prime hours, because Hoshi no Kanata would probably get higher if it wasn't on midnight

>> No.25328313

You are boring and underage.

>> No.25328314

>Chill cats are always uggos irl

>> No.25328315

t. never played chess above grade school level

>> No.25328316

If you all went back and listened to Haachama singing her opening song the past couple of months you'll notice that she deliberately avoided singing the "watame, watame" part. She's been feeling bad about it for a long time.

>> No.25328317

Stop with the narratives shit, if Watame hated her she would have never shown up on the chat.

>> No.25328318

Power of no one streaming but Roberu.

>> No.25328319

>20k viewers
>more viewers than the korone collab

>> No.25328320

I'd love to see this animated.

>> No.25328322

Moe voice, a patrician's favorite.

>> No.25328324

Why would you watch a hag that's 40 years old and is overweight?

>> No.25328325

I literally only just realized she's getting 20k, what the fuck.

>> No.25328326

what happened to sheep's all night streams... did she get another boyfriend...........

>> No.25328329

I like Botan's design the most, but am looking forward to Polka's debut the most at the time, partly due to her promoting an actual circus. Would be cool if Polka actually does like circuses.

>> No.25328331


>> No.25328332
Quoted by: >>25328345

Haachama cooking stream with Watame when?

>> No.25328333
File: 399 KB, 645x505, 1596983611202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloecoins on an all time high, invest now

>> No.25328335


>> No.25328336

DKC filters EOPS and JOPS. What a world.

>> No.25328337

No way they'll ever let Voldemort join Hololive, he's the one that stopped Haachama smuggled herself out of Australia.

>> No.25328338

Moe voice is over-saturated and boring.
For me, it's Ayame.

>> No.25328339

cabaya fell right for that one

>> No.25328340

Korone collab was on midnight too while this was on prime hours

>> No.25328342

Cocky Kanatan.

>> No.25328344

Unironically Flare straighted her up. And I'm glad she was had a positive impact on her.

>> No.25328345

she cooks sheep right?

>> No.25328348

Towa has inclined.

>> No.25328350
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, Ee4S0mYUEAAsJK8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328387

Why do you care about her irl identity?

>> No.25328353
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama has been shitposting for months to cope with her guilt

>> No.25328355


>> No.25328356


>> No.25328357


>> No.25328358


>> No.25328360
File: 205 KB, 1202x640, inspirational aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328361


>> No.25328362
Quoted by: >>25328434

I wish they'd play more go, I enjoy this more than i enjoy the mahjong

>> No.25328363

I like aloe's whole design scheme going on, Then again I'm a sucker for chuuni designs in the first place.. The elf doesn't seem too bad but she reminds me too much of 2 years of semen GLOPPED

>> No.25328364

it was their gameplay that filters the EOPs

>> No.25328365
File: 31 KB, 567x567, 1592074459153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328367
File: 929 KB, 4093x2894, 1591817565581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata won at something!

>> No.25328368

Bro, a midnight endurance stream at Friday morning bringing 18k+ is already a miracle.

>> No.25328369

Towa's pretty cool.

>> No.25328370

Ppt actually beat someone in something....

>> No.25328371
Quoted by: >>25328415

I can't believe Candlejack is a member of Hololi-

>> No.25328373 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 800x464, 1597059166813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Flarefriend. I'm looking forward to Botan and Lamy the most, don't particularly care about the rest. I think the amount of holos we have RN is just right. Hope you have a nice week too.

>> No.25328374

It's almost like it was a sudden collab on a weekday

>> No.25328375

Yesterday she had offcollab with bakatare.

>> No.25328377
File: 238 KB, 828x1792, Ee28AwhUMAAcRAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which gen 5 are you looking forward to the most?
Lamy and Botan, but honestly all of them equally.

>> No.25328378

Are most people just too young to have played DKC or is it actually just a shit game and I'm blinded by nostalgia?

>> No.25328379

No other live is streaming right now

>> No.25328380

>watame is literally her wife
She hasn't talked to her for 2 months

>> No.25328381

DKC is kind of boring. DKC2 is better.

>> No.25328382

Will Haachama's return to Japan be the start of her redemption? She'd probably start collabing non-stop.

>> No.25328383

Well, it'll be interesting to see if this is actually true, once we get to hear their voices.
Good thing i invested in Lamy and Aloe coins

>> No.25328385

All of them!

>> No.25328386

EOPs were mad at savescuming

>> No.25328387

Because I am not a simp and only watch the holos for entertainment

>> No.25328390

>Wake up
Glad to see Kanata at least pretending to be friends with this lonely demon

>> No.25328391

Because DKC 2 is superior.

>> No.25328392
File: 115 KB, 1080x1153, EfDljtDVoAAoVXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Happy Aki...

>> No.25328394
File: 121 KB, 920x859, 546546546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this smug succubus.

>> No.25328396

DKC 2 was way superior.

>> No.25328397

>implying that's not normal for a marriage

>> No.25328398

Oh no bros I'm getting filtered by a card game.

>> No.25328399
Quoted by: >>25328458


Uruha Rushia. Part of the third gen of Hololive als known as Hololive Fantasy.

She's a "16" years old necromancer that has a soft and calming voice and demeanor... For the most part. She is said to have some mood swings really easily (anger, fear, happiness) that leads to her one of many nicknames "menhela". That was coined thanks to her co-workers from the same gen. She is known for being an airhead and get easily excited and happy, but also extremely angry and sad really fast, she also apparently lives in the country side which would explain why she don't have that may IRL Collabs and also just a few days before this coment was made, talking with coco she showd some interest in moving with them to the "hololive house" (here a video about it REMOVED DUE TO ADVERTISING )

Russia is one of the girls that posses a male persona, named "RUSHIFER". This is widely known because whenever she gets angry her voice goes lower to a similar tone, sometimes really hitting the "male voice". To add more, when she gets really angry she will scream in a voice known as the "DEATH SCREAM" because of how similar it is to death metal vocals ( here an example of her voice droping and DEATH SCREAM. VOLUME WARNING (REMOVED DUE TO ADVERTISING) )

Rushia has an "official" ship with marine form the same gen as her, pretending to be husband and wife, two in the past few months they've been doing it less and less. She also has a crush in Flare, also from gen 3. During her stream of "RING FIT ADVENTURES" her real age was revealed, though the character is still 16 (her age is 20 btw).

Rushia is constantly bullied because of her chest size, been called a wall or a chopping board by everyone, including all of gen3. At the beginning, it seems like it really did hurt her a bit, but now it seems to have become more of a running joke, She also has asthma, so if you ever hear a weird sound or that she needs a second away from the mic, that's her inhaler. Or she just needs to breed a bit more.And she also thinks she's one of the worst singers in hololive, tho her voice is still cute.

She is also called yandere because of well this:(REMOVED DUE TO ADVERTISING) . She has a bad physical condition because she barely goes out and she also eats a lot of insta noodles, which doesn't help with her weak body. Cute, with mood swings and a flaty that sais she's "boing boing" tully a good waifu

FUN FACT: If you and see her 3 outfits you'll notice that her hair slowly changes color, from green to a brighter green with pink to her current princes outfit with pink and a bit of purple hair. Some fans think this is just to connect her deceit with that of the butterfly, a constant image her "dad (illustrator)" draws her with

>> No.25328402

Lamy and Polka

>> No.25328405
File: 492 KB, 2463x3311, EfDlLTjU8AAnv_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328406

Just like my wife

>> No.25328407

If you haven't notice we have tons of collab this week
I bet its Cover giving orders to them

>> No.25328408

>he doesnt know PPT has a fetish for menheras
fucking newfag

>> No.25328410
Quoted by: >>25328432

Don't forget about the blatant feminist message of making the queen the strongest piece by far.

>> No.25328411

Nene is confirmed, but not the one from the video that keeps being posted here. You can look her up

>> No.25328412
File: 82 KB, 1200x800, 1594141830449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328429

>Caring about 5th Gen before video debuts

>> No.25328413

Sounds like a wife to me.

>> No.25328414

Just like in my doujins

>> No.25328415


>> No.25328416
Quoted by: >>25328449

Is the 5th rumor true?

>> No.25328417

>retards here are seriously perpetuating the unfunny muh eldritch horror meme
This place just gets worse and worse

>> No.25328418


>> No.25328419

Is haachama allergic to eggs?

>> No.25328420

I do like Liz, hopefully her singing is not actually Liz tier though.

>> No.25328422


>> No.25328421

>Feels deep guilt over Watame
>Feels she's power-harassed Kanata into Chamatan
Why do you have to be so self-aware Haachama, just shitpost, don't make me feel something about it...

>> No.25328423

Kanada is friends with everyone. Even with a dumb demon.

>> No.25328424

I don't like empty subs, those won't be increasing the amount of viewers she gets during live streams.

>> No.25328425 [SPOILER] 
File: 953 KB, 2048x2042, 1597059343998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gonna invest in Aloe coin now anon?

>> No.25328426

im excited for that sora and haato collab cooking

>> No.25328427

What happened? She really had only 180k a few days ago.

>> No.25328428
File: 1.42 MB, 4092x2893, 1590954313875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa loves Kanata!

>> No.25328429
Quoted by: >>25328455

If they were all generic brown/black hair girls you wouldn't of found them in the first place

>> No.25328430

Stepping on your peepee ASMR when

>> No.25328431
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1200, HAACHOMPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328432

Yes, but she's less important than the king.

>> No.25328433
File: 2.13 MB, 1061x1500, 1582946279478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to archives to find the context
>people are discussing yabee
some things never end, do they
at least I stole some nice art

>> No.25328434
Quoted by: >>25328456

blitz chess tournament when?

>> No.25328435
Quoted by: >>25328450

>Haachama actually kills someone with her cooking

>> No.25328436

Yeah. She often talks about it in her cooking streams

>> No.25328437

a 35yo hag is already the best, are you concerned?

>> No.25328439
File: 284 KB, 800x1600, Ecoa47_UwAAREPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328593

Cool Flare

>> No.25328441

I already invested. I love jerking off to demon sluts

>> No.25328443
File: 173 KB, 268x432, 1586170462627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more surprised at how low the numbers are at the moment, considering this is during prime JP hours and the DKC collab was a midnight stream.

>> No.25328444


>> No.25328445
File: 205 KB, 594x628, Aki_sees_a_beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki see
Aki happy

>> No.25328446
File: 1.04 MB, 660x626, 1596640742287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328515

Roberu winning splatoon

>> No.25328447

[Towa]: Autism noises

>> No.25328448

She was talking about her low sub count, how it made her feel and it clipped. They'll be empty subs and make her feel even worse.

>> No.25328449


>> No.25328450

It's gonna be Kanata because she'll be the only one to actually eat her food.

>> No.25328451
Quoted by: >>25328489


>> No.25328452

>21k on a towa channel

>> No.25328453

>losing to the CPU
these dumb angels

>> No.25328455

Why are ESLs like this?

>> No.25328456

Can nips play chess?

>> No.25328457

Hello flarebro, I am looking forward to Aloe and Polka

>> No.25328458


>> No.25328459

Did Matsuri killed herself over the Hoshikawa call?

>> No.25328460

Your anger keeps me strong and makes me younger. Please seethe more for me idolfags.

>> No.25328462
File: 140 KB, 1070x1487, EZnVF3WU4AAD_hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long till they give her the Choco treatment and they change her description from "succubus" to "demon"

>> No.25328463

Anon, it's Towa's channel... And she's only collabing with PPT...

>> No.25328465

found the schizo

>> No.25328466

In case anybody was interested I bought Marine's birthday pack off of Buyee and sent them a message asking if I could have access to the digital content, it took them a week to reply back but I got access to everything including her song.

>> No.25328467

I thought Hoshikawa's part was going to be the highlight of the stream. Never expected it to be Watame. I legit teared up.

>> No.25328468

Does Cover have permissions for chess?

>> No.25328469
Quoted by: >>25328639

How old are you now?

>> No.25328470
File: 573 KB, 1200x746, EfDJruGUwAAdhn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25328471

...it's Towa's channel, Anon.

>> No.25328472

Roberu shouting "Gomen" never failed to make me laugh. The one he did on Jump King was just full of regret you can taste it.

>> No.25328474
File: 190 KB, 393x385, watadonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but we just received a big order from her

>> No.25328475

imagine hearing a 40 y.o land whale making cute voice. yikes botanfags

>> No.25328477

I see, thanks anon, it's understandable then. She really would deserve more.

>> No.25328478
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0011【#赤井はあと新3D】新しい体を手に入れたわっ! - 20190417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328498

I can't wait until she can do 3d streams again

>> No.25328479

Its just shogi with different pieces.

>> No.25328480
Quoted by: >>25328511


>> No.25328482
Quoted by: >>25328639

>spends his entire life in a perpetual state of apoplectic rage
>seethe more

>> No.25328483
Quoted by: >>25328512

How much can she possibly order with 2379 yen

>> No.25328484

Have I missed something? Is her return imminent? I thought Melbourne was currently in an even stricter lockdown.

>> No.25328485


>> No.25328486

I'm looking forward Polka and Aloe the most, but I also wanna see the others! Have a nice week flarebro!

>> No.25328487


>> No.25328489


>> No.25328492

>What happened?
Aki is going to the moon. Even without the very recent signal boosting which just kicked up up by about three thousand in under two hours, Aki's growth rate has been speeding up to the point of getting 1k every day with the occasional 2k.

>> No.25328493
File: 377 KB, 680x680, EezpHPxU8AAXicA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328494

meant for

>> No.25328495

Pawahara dragon...

>> No.25328496

Didn't she stream during that time? She was probably coping.

>> No.25328497

DKC was sudden and at mignight but it had the bonus teetee of being an off collab sleepover.

>> No.25328498
Quoted by: >>25328565

hope you like spats bro.

>> No.25328499


>> No.25328502

I wonder how long the austrailia arc is gonna last bros...

>> No.25328504

>No stream today because she's tired from practicing her dancing
M-maybe she can do her totsu this week? Or even this month?

>> No.25328505

Answer me, underage. >>25327885

>> No.25328507
Quoted by: >>25328897

Coco is part of GEN4 And lived in the USA for about 10 years. She grew up with the same type of meme culture that western society but with the added JP style. She uses the combination of humor making some pretty weird but effective jokes for all groups. From drugs, to recently shaving on stream, she can give a good time

Coco also has soft side, she's believed to be one of the oldest of all the members, and she's known from helping them with different problems. One of the biggest known cases is with her sempai Aqua, she sadly had a heavy controversy thanks to playing too much with a smash bros por player, making a part of her fandom angry at her, Coco decided to stream with her to cheer hero on and also cam the waters. She's a shitposter, but she really cares for people around her and for her content, sleeping really little every day just to give us her comedy show AsaCoco + her normal streams at night. She also showed the girls that it was ok to be a bit more bold with how they acted and also she is in part responsible for the increase of western fans for all of hololive, thats the reason the call her PRESIDENT COCO.

>> No.25328508

VR horror

>> No.25328509


>> No.25328510

>Towa doesn't know how to play Seven

>> No.25328511
File: 191 KB, 600x632, 1593528913423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328512

That's still 11 burgers and fries

>> No.25328513


>> No.25328515

Radical dude!

>> No.25328516

>Holos having fun on stream
>Numberfagging begins

>> No.25328517

>VR horror
>Towa's face goes from 10 to 1 in seconds

>> No.25328518
Quoted by: >>25328558

20k is amazing numbers for Towa. Even her 3D stream got only about 68k peak.

>> No.25328519

WHEN she returns. Nobody knows when that'll be but it's most likely going to be after she graduates high school in December.

>> No.25328520
Quoted by: >>25329933

>Polka is Nobuhime
That would actually be nice.

>> No.25328521
File: 218 KB, 333x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328552

>> No.25328522

She's probably not returning until she graduates from school.

>> No.25328523

>Matsuri crying in the bathtub later tonight, looping the entire conversation over and over again, wishing she could talk and laugh naturally with her for so long

>> No.25328524

How badly will she drop spaghetti once her streams start?

>> No.25328525


>> No.25328526


>> No.25328527
Quoted by: >>25328696

YES HERE I AM Haato Akai is a part of the gen 1 of hollow with Matsuri and Fubuki. She's a real life exchange student and as such she knows English and Japanese.... Or that was the point, but in reality because of the exchange at a young age, she was never able to fully learn either languages. Being remarkably bad when it comes to grammar in both Japanese and English. Her character in meant to be a HIME DERE, basically a princess/ rich girl that acts as if being above anyone else, calling her fanbase "butayaro" or fucking pings, as well as degenerate. . Her dad is the owner of a pig farm so she always tries to say "you all are pigs and I'm your own " too. But she's known for being a degenerate herself. acting in some weird fashion from time to time like smelling her feet when playing "getting over it" eating food that was on the floor and presently vomiting on stream, also asking for feet videos. She though the jokes were funny, but recently she asked the fan base to please stop, as the jokes are going a bit too far. Please respect her decision. . She has a bit of a delicate relationship with her family. When she tried to get her dad to stream with her, her mother essentially had a fight with her telling her "NO" and her sister even stopped talking with her. It seems they were also against her becoming a virtual idol. But that didn't stop her. All the time she tries her best to entertain people because that's what she loves. SO YOU READING THIS COMENT: FIGHT ON!!!! JUST LIKA HAACHAM YOU CAN DO IT Thats all. Juegos out.

>> No.25328528

>VR Towa

>> No.25328529

Someone replied to the tweet saying it was literally because of Reddit

>> No.25328530
File: 27 KB, 480x360, fbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328531
Quoted by: >>25328573


>> No.25328532
File: 124 KB, 265x273, 1589113146976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was really cute

>> No.25328536

Towa is tryharding

>> No.25328537

Even without the lockdown, she has to graduate first. Either way, sometime next year.

>> No.25328538



>> No.25328541

I hope so.

>> No.25328540
File: 678 KB, 1500x1101, EeSRe-XU0AY7NXF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328609

202 NOW
finally, she's been sitting at 25 for ages

>> No.25328542
File: 396 KB, 680x680, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk dialing Luna nanora

>> No.25328544

Towa choking now she has to do VR horror as punishment.

>> No.25328545

Towa your airhockey reps...

>> No.25328546
File: 10 KB, 287x250, 1595763631401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horror VR Towa

>> No.25328547

Now this is quality.

>> No.25328550

Rooting for Kanata hard now

>> No.25328552


>> No.25328553


>> No.25328554


>> No.25328556

This is basically just Ping Pong EZ Modo

>> No.25328557

>she didn't do anything during her birthday
>she stopped talking to her
From Watame's point of view, Haachama drifted away and didn't want to talk to her. It also happened at the same time as her depression arc. Watame is quite a shy person and not someone who would bring up her worries to others, last time she did it she got slapped by Coco with her cocock
Bakatare will still be her closest circle since Falre and Fubuki are really good at making her feel comfortable

>> No.25328558

tbf, Towa's 3D debut had so much going against her. The Nijifags were doing their baseball collab, and also the Idolmaster youtube was restreaming a ton of previous concerts.

>> No.25328559

Why is this bitch copying Haachama?

>> No.25328560
Quoted by: >>25328612

I thought she was on break

>> No.25328561
File: 730 KB, 2732x2026, MIOWHEEZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328562


>> No.25328563

>vr horror as punishment
I'm sorry towa but this once, I'm rooting for the tenshi

>> No.25328564

Ppt is strong against the autistic hololives it seems.

>> No.25328565
File: 2.04 MB, 800x1000, Haato pantsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad but spats are fine too

>> No.25328566

>Towa's air hockey noises

>> No.25328567
Quoted by: >>25328634


>> No.25328568
File: 152 KB, 567x763, 0A092DD9-2BCF-4194-94E1-06E7EDAEFDEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328569
File: 361 KB, 680x452, 1566151291408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she keeps it real and doesn't give off some bullshit excuses.

>> No.25328570
File: 46 KB, 293x317, 15859324728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they both lose and have to do it together...

>> No.25328571

even if they don't the basic rule is easy to learn, let's not pretend we're expecting them to be good in the first place

>> No.25328572

Did haachama cried at the end of her stream

>> No.25328573

Whoever loses we win

>> No.25328575

>scored against herself

>> No.25328578

No stream today cometbros...

>> No.25328579
Quoted by: >>25328709

Why don't you upload this to jewtube before some nigga steals it?

>> No.25328580

H-cup snow elf...

>> No.25328581


>> No.25328583

Is Towa the objectively worst holo?

>> No.25328584
Quoted by: >>25328957


>> No.25328585
File: 14 KB, 378x301, Heart-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328586

Post that on facebook or twitter, it will be popular

>> No.25328587


>> No.25328588
Quoted by: >>25328615

what a fucking shonen fight

>> No.25328589

Tensh's luck...

>> No.25328591


>> No.25328592

The wrong angel won.

>> No.25328593
Quoted by: >>25328607

3D collab featuring Flare fucking when? I want to see how tall she is compared to as many other Hololives as possible.

>> No.25328594
File: 1.11 MB, 1384x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328596

i love this dork duo

>> No.25328598


>> No.25328599

PPT pls
you had that

>> No.25328600

What a match holy shit

>> No.25328601

Was Kanata throwing?

>> No.25328602

Dunno she ended it immediately after. Both of their voices cracked a bit when they were talking and it was really heartfelt.

>> No.25328603

Just friends...

>> No.25328604


>> No.25328606

That's Aki.

>> No.25328607

>Flare fucking
They won't do this anon

>> No.25328609
File: 15 KB, 346x80, 1594581766105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328611

No but she got super close.

>> No.25328612

Only break from streaming

>> No.25328613

>The fucking void pit

>> No.25328614


>> No.25328615

Both have low Luck stats.

>> No.25328616

>In another timeline Kanata got us Towa ASMR and horror

>> No.25328617


>> No.25328618

She totally threw that.

>> No.25328619
File: 469 KB, 1440x2789, 1050700378468958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shion yo...

>> No.25328621
Quoted by: >>25329045

>Thinking twitter or facebook will get our injokes
Is the friend clip even popular? I know it got translated at one point

>> No.25328622

Almost yes, after she was finally free from the memory that haunted her, that she missed Watame's bithday.

>> No.25328623
File: 487 KB, 2500x3000, 1595836000951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328624
Quoted by: >>25328631

Towa... your reaction speed...

>> No.25328625
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1569123893270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328626

a blast from the past

>> No.25328629
File: 1.41 MB, 1694x2348, 20200809_150603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328652

You do remeber that on the 13th at 9:00 PM JST you have a very special date with her don't you anonchama?

Ps: I have just found out I've banned on the 17th of july of 2018 for spam posting. What the actual fuck why did they ban me for something I didn't even do 2 years ago?

>> No.25328631
Quoted by: >>25328648

I can't believe Towa is an old lady.

>> No.25328633
File: 172 KB, 828x1792, 1589095059249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328634


>> No.25328635

What does she mean by this?

>> No.25328637

fbk counting some fucks

>> No.25328638

Holy shit Noel tier.

>> No.25328639

Seethe more. I am loving every second of this attention.

>> No.25328641

No, she's with Luna now

>> No.25328642
File: 510 KB, 512x512, 1551605208300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328644
File: 2.24 MB, 2335x3838, 1597060050391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328645

No, that's [your favorite holo]

>> No.25328647
Quoted by: >>25328671

Reaction faggot hips man pissed off the trannies....
Is that why Coco likes him?

>> No.25328648

Surprising her with hugs she cannot react to!

>> No.25328649


>> No.25328650

O nonono the chinks say the 40yr old landwhale orc has been learning chinese in the past few months which matches the narratives.

>> No.25328651
Quoted by: >>25330137

He got Kama and Lakshmibai on his paid roll. I missed hearing what he wants though.

>> No.25328652

You got someone else IP, just ignore it.

>> No.25328653
File: 53 KB, 501x595, smug ice rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a 400k totsu when she's already going to hit 420k soon
She'll push the totsu celebration to 500k and you know it.

>> No.25328654

Holy shit, Kanata actually hitting it?

>> No.25328655

Look how smug the auntie is!

>> No.25328656
Quoted by: >>25328658

>bases loaded

>> No.25328658

just like my cock is loaded

>> No.25328659

she's practicing for the NHK event it seems.
totsumachi maybe once she finally gets in holohouse, we will see clubhouse with Haachama first

>> No.25328661


>> No.25328662
Quoted by: >>25328701

Yup this confirmed that Shion's manager is the same as Towa's.

>> No.25328663
File: 47 KB, 480x733, 1596200557240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the kek, gosling-san

>> No.25328664

wow when was the last time subaru collabed with aki?

>> No.25328666

AkiSuba? Sounds interesting

>> No.25328667

Not really
They would need to know about the ars meme and the gosling meme

>> No.25328668
File: 9 KB, 242x243, 1592493669442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit

>> No.25328669
File: 349 KB, 604x813, 1596437940135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some good fucking food.

>> No.25328670

>duck aek without miso
YAGOO onegai...

>> No.25328671
Quoted by: >>25328697

Is this about Granblue?

>> No.25328673
File: 172 KB, 580x715, 94cad1c8a786c9177914f96fde3d70cf3bc75754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328674
Quoted by: >>25328694

You can tell a spic made this

>> No.25328676


>> No.25328678

I wish she could see and understand it
I'm sure she would like it

>> No.25328679
Quoted by: >>25328707

Towa getting dumpstered

>> No.25328680
File: 18 KB, 285x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 0 are all together now!

>> No.25328683

>Subaru collabing outside the inner circle
Mio's disappearance is a blessing in disguise.

>> No.25328684

>she just retweeted her old tweet about the NHK event because she can't be bothered to make a new tweet about it
classic hosimati

>> No.25328686
Quoted by: >>25328713

Kanata played this one before, right?

>> No.25328690

So did Suisei promise the viewers a totsu or are they just trying to make her do one?

>> No.25328691

Towa won't get another 3D, It'll be PPT VR Horror.

>> No.25328692
Quoted by: >>25328806

>In another timeline, we had a AkiMioSuba ARK collab
Fuck Capcom again.

>> No.25328693

Holy based friend

>> No.25328694

Nah, a spic would've used dragon ball clips

>> No.25328696
Quoted by: >>25328745

Where the fuck did you copy that from.

>> No.25328697

Yes it's over something not a single soul cared about before the FGC trannies got involved with the franchise

>> No.25328698


>> No.25328699
Quoted by: >>25328778

which stream was that? I've been missing some of her stream lately so I'm kinda out of the loop. Unless it's her anni stream.

>> No.25328701
Quoted by: >>25328719

>The same person gets to have both Towa and Shion sit on their face
God I wish that was me

>> No.25328702

Kanata please!

>> No.25328703

That's nice.

>> No.25328705
Quoted by: >>25328755


>> No.25328707

Kanata's pretty good at it

>> No.25328708
File: 406 KB, 417x552, 1593910623843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328709

>uploading a 10 second long, 360p clip to youtube
imagine wanting to steal this
I don't have an account on either of those sites, go post there if you feel like it

>> No.25328710

Did she reply in chink? Fuck. The narrative is true. If her voice matches, it's over

>> No.25328711

>/hlg/ said Watame doesn't have a close friend yesterday
>suddenly this happened

>> No.25328713
Quoted by: >>25328741

This baseball? Nope

>> No.25328714

Towa is fucked if she can't get 3 points

>> No.25328715


>> No.25328716

Her Chinese twits are google translated tho

>> No.25328718
File: 42 KB, 480x360, suba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru trying to find a replancement mom...

>> No.25328720

>almost 24k
what the fuck, even if this is the only stream, this is surprising

>> No.25328721

I'm glad they got everyone.

>> No.25328719
Quoted by: >>25328736

>sit on their face
do they have applications for manager position open?

>> No.25328722
Quoted by: >>25328755

Both, and she's running away from it like the plague.

>> No.25328723

towa the retard

>> No.25328724
Quoted by: >>25328755

She promised one, but due to circumstances she's unable to do it and now the fans are starting to beg her for that instead

>> No.25328725
Quoted by: >>25328747

Haato browses these threads?

>> No.25328727
File: 389 KB, 900x835, 1594059758051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328728
File: 823 KB, 1500x1500, トワ様ズーン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328729

Kenzoku's hearts are all beating as one rooting for Kanata's win!

>> No.25328731

she's fucking lyger

>> No.25328732

As much as i want Towa to win, VR horror Towa is something i need.

>> No.25328733

I cant believe the fairies are fucking dead

>> No.25328734
File: 2.28 MB, 2480x3508, IMG_20200712_172125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in hololive everyone play ark... ark

>> No.25328735

Imagine not selling after seeing this.

>> No.25328736
Quoted by: >>25328748

The only open positions right now are for Holostars and IDs.

>> No.25328737

Go! Go! Kanata!

>> No.25328738


>> No.25328739
File: 133 KB, 1200x838, 1593197658219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru and Ayame's mom have more synergy than they do as gen2mates

>> No.25328740
Quoted by: >>25328751

Selling all my Botan coins, investing all in Lamy.

>> No.25328741

Strange, everyone who played it that i saw sucked as much as Towa, it's the first time i see someone score.

>> No.25328742

Holy shit, KanaTowa is so fucking cute.
Towa really is wasted on towafags.

>> No.25328743

holy fucking kek

>> No.25328744

Narratives into miracles.

>> No.25328745

I have an autism mine.

Well helo there. Watame, part of gen 4 and also part of the PPtrio with coco and kanata and the "baka" trio with flare and fubuki. She's a sheep with the main intention of making her streams as comfy as possible for her listeners, talking in a soft voice and being calm a lot of the times, even thoo thats the poin t she is known from having one of the WORST sleep scheduals out of all of hololive, she sells pillows and she uses this fact as a way of making jokes of selling "ones body" form time to time. She's also a lolicon and shotacon but more for the fact that they are cute and not because of perverted points like matsuri. She sometimes likes to use a "bratty" attitude while avoiding to take any guilt, though this is more as a soft game for her and the fan base She's a fan of some western artist and one day wants to do a solo concert in the biggest "arena" in japan with her own original music, at the beginning she had some internet problems which as a result give us "watame waru kunai yo ne". She extremely emotive and has a really close relation with gen 4, especially with Kanata and coco. She always gives her best to make us laugh and comfy even if she streams at not the best hours. cute and nice all around, tho she can go crazy from time to time, but always in a soft way

>> No.25328747 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 654x375, 1597060482944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328748

>get to have moona sit on my face
yeah, I'm starting indonesian reps, how could you tell?

>> No.25328749

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idFTO9mYdwc Choco, A-chan, Luna and Matsuri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd7VVJZjJ_k Aruran

>> No.25328750

Color me surprised, kanatan actually scored multiple baseball points, first time anyone managed it in all the club51 collabs so far

>> No.25328752

this is a good pairing

>> No.25328751

If you like Noel, you'd like Lamy.

>> No.25328755
File: 173 KB, 1120x840, 1591641671438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've just refused from the start.

>> No.25328756

I can't believe people think narratives are more interesting than real life

>> No.25328757
File: 258 KB, 762x800, 1595776479729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328782

All those autistic noises by that duo.

>> No.25328759

Subaru and Ayame are great together

>> No.25328761


>> No.25328763

Kanata... stop losing.

>> No.25328764

Towa VR horror...

>> No.25328765

>that stumble when trying to say "six fox"
Nice to see even the Japanese trip over their wacky syllabic way of writing

>> No.25328766
File: 40 KB, 596x960, 1594623571173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thumbnail of festival

>> No.25328768


>> No.25328769

She has cultivated the perfect and most cute voice.

>> No.25328770


>> No.25328771 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1024, 1597060577068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328773

Good streams tonight

>> No.25328774
File: 2.80 MB, 2550x1000, me531fnv1cd51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th gen inclining hard today!

>Luna resurrection
>Towa/Luna collab
>Coco moving to new house stre-

>> No.25328776
Quoted by: >>25328814

Kanata beat Suisei here so she's going to win for sure

>> No.25328778
Quoted by: >>25328832

But it only now got translated.

>> No.25328779
File: 187 KB, 970x2048, 20200810_195548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328780

extremely based

>> No.25328782
Quoted by: >>25328828

This really is healing, Towa has had a rough couple weeks but she really sounds happy interacting with her friend

>> No.25328784
Quoted by: >>25328914

Not technically a holo

>> No.25328785
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sad news

>> No.25328786

> Neverending nightmares


>> No.25328787
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1588862633368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328788

When is Intensity 30 RFA going to be the punishment for these fat Holos?

>> No.25328789


>> No.25328790
Quoted by: >>25328813

>coco is graduating
oh no that sucks

>> No.25328791


>> No.25328794


>> No.25328795

Fuck off Towa, stop winning!

>> No.25328797

Smug dork!

>> No.25328796


>> No.25328798

I still cant get used to her new 2D model. I want to go back to the original.

>> No.25328799

No internet?

>> No.25328801

>40yr old landwhale orc


>> No.25328802

amane kabaya...

>> No.25328803

towa luna collab??? nani?

>> No.25328804

I think that was the worst game of Speed I've ever seen.

>> No.25328805

Stop believing coco scam.

>> No.25328806
Quoted by: >>25328850

If it makes you feel better, one of the bigger heads in Capcom quit (see: fired) recently

>> No.25328807

>Graduation stream soon
Oh no...

>> No.25328809


>> No.25328810
Quoted by: >>25328830

Kanata... please... my Towa VR horror...

>> No.25328812

internet is probably not set up yet

>> No.25328813

>coco is graduating
Oh yes, that's wonderful!

>> No.25328814


>> No.25328817


>> No.25328818

Thanks for the laugh, gosling-san
next void stream when?

>> No.25328819

Pure skill game incoming

>> No.25328820


>> No.25328821
Quoted by: >>25329157

What happened to Azkibro?

>> No.25328822

>sweaty low-stamina pptenshi VR
thank you based Towa

>> No.25328823
Quoted by: >>25328870

>holohouse is infested with roaches

>> No.25328825

The 4 point game, Kanata onegai!

>> No.25328824

>Kanata and Towa collab
>sad news

>> No.25328826

inb4 she just realized she won't have internet

>> No.25328827

Kanata is getting that VR horror 3D it seems

>> No.25328828
Quoted by: >>25328841

Towa just wants to be loved.

>> No.25328829


>> No.25328830
File: 1.92 MB, 2894x3063, 1583637994497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was rigged from the start...

>> No.25328832

I knew it what took those fuckers this long to get that stream translated! We were even talking about it after the stream too!

>> No.25328835
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328836
Quoted by: >>25328854

Is every unprivated Hololive video going to appear in Youtube notifications?

>> No.25328838

mea playing fall guys, when are the holos gonna catch on?

>> No.25328839


>> No.25328840

Shenron probably did something stupid again

>> No.25328841
File: 2.96 MB, 3048x2606, 1596655995327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could shower her with love in person...

>> No.25328842

I believe in Kanata.

>> No.25328843
File: 221 KB, 358x406, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328845

>nearly 5 minutes long
Song kinda overstays its welcome.

>> No.25328847
Quoted by: >>25328926

What a bitch.

>> No.25328850
Quoted by: >>25328880

Ono should've being fired since SFxTekken. He only made everything worse with each year.
Now I hope his replacement is capable to do another Rival School

>> No.25328851

when cover lets them

>> No.25328854

I didn't get notified about Doom 64 coming back or any of the 200 Shion videos that just came back

>> No.25328856


>> No.25328858


>> No.25328859


>> No.25328860

what the fuck are you doing tenshi

>> No.25328861


>> No.25328862


>> No.25328863

She'll fucking die, she gets scared by UI elements and SFX even in regular play. It's gonna be even more nerve-wracking than Pekora's.

>> No.25328864


>> No.25328866


>> No.25328867

Devil and Angel playing a game of pure RNG, whos is going to be blessed?

>> No.25328868

What was that?!

>> No.25328869


>> No.25328870

I can't believe it's full of Turks...

>> No.25328872
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute shuba

>> No.25328875

OH SHIT this is one of my favorite deresute songs absolutely fucking based

>> No.25328876

All this debiru luck

>> No.25328877

>Towa teaching the game wrong to Kanata

>> No.25328878
Quoted by: >>25328898

The one that doesn't throw away guaranteed points

>> No.25328880

dude another rival schools would be fucking hype

>> No.25328882

I would expect soon, a lot of the jp apex esports players are catchin on.

>> No.25328888
File: 513 KB, 720x900, twap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so nice to see towa having fun
i love her so much bros...my heart is overflowing, it feels like it's going to burst
i get butteflies when i think about hugging towa..

>> No.25328890

it's scripted

>> No.25328893


>> No.25328894

There are some tactics involved in selecting the "combo" but yeah

>> No.25328895

Haachama's papa working his ass off to finish a new piece of artwork in time.

>> No.25328896
File: 299 KB, 1632x2048, Ed8CTpiU4AIyjD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328897

wrong, Coco was born in America and left around 08 or 09

>> No.25328898


>> No.25328899

A-chan & Choco off-collab!

>> No.25328900


>> No.25328901

PPT is sandbagging

>> No.25328903

Devil is showing her colors.

>> No.25328906
File: 58 KB, 548x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328961

happiness is back on the menu

>> No.25328908

It wont be as good as you think, remember how she had to cut the five nights at freddy's stream short due to nearly vomiting. This will be so much worse.

>> No.25328909
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Quoted by: >>25328928

huge Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25328910

you still had it in you /hlg/

>> No.25328913

I completely lost it lmao. Thanks for the laugh, anon

>> No.25328914

It was really nice of Yagoo to invite a non-holo to a hololive event.

>> No.25328915

quiz time with choco sensei! how smart is this dumb baby

>> No.25328916


>> No.25328918


>> No.25328919
File: 204 KB, 1680x1997, 1588611966740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As cute as ever

>> No.25328920
File: 103 KB, 1000x669, 40kDA-Dec4-GrimResolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be an angel
>can't reroll 1s

>> No.25328921

finally some good fucking content

>> No.25328923

>And for my next prank, I will absorb all of PPT's luck

>> No.25328924
File: 66 KB, 500x1082, EWJf_o_XsAM3tcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kind anon senpai, impart upon me knowledge of the actions took and mistakes commited during this call you speak of.

>> No.25328926
Quoted by: >>25328939

Well it works, already 1100 waiting.

>> No.25328927

Both of them never play this it seems
PPT is just suck at using controller

>> No.25328928
Quoted by: >>25328936

Luna is still alive? I thought she dieded

>> No.25328929
File: 87 KB, 1204x854, EWDun2DVAAA_hPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your shit together Kanata, I want my Towa VR horror. I can never have enough of that cute dork ever since her 3D debut.

>> No.25328930
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>> No.25328931
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Quoted by: >>25329178

I hope her archive will make a comeback. Shion's ressurection made me feel hopeful again

>> No.25328932
Quoted by: >>25328937

>small fullhouse

>> No.25328934
File: 275 KB, 1363x570, towa runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328945


>> No.25328936

She resurrected this morning

>> No.25328937

smallhouse, just like the holohouse

>> No.25328938

>all these collab
I beat Cover just tell them to find the weirdest collab you can think of for this week

>> No.25328939
Quoted by: >>25328949

Clickbaiting works, it's proven. I just don't think writing "I have bad news" like that is nice behaviour towards your fans.

>> No.25328943


>> No.25328945

I wish Towa had a green screen dancing clip.

>> No.25328949

It would've been better if she said she had good news and then dropped a bomb on them

>> No.25328950


>> No.25328952
File: 3.74 MB, 3632x2536, 75609714_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25328956


>> No.25328957

Cut in half

>> No.25328959

It's already posted on discord. Absolutely based.

>> No.25328960
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1000, EdtsIiwUEAEAOt3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328983

No, I need to see Tenshi in 3D again

>> No.25328961
File: 71 KB, 1043x224, 20200810_090644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25328971


>> No.25328962

Towa, your fucking echo

>> No.25328963


>> No.25328964


>> No.25328966
File: 319 KB, 600x575, 1596877685719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive house arc finally over
>heartwarming Haachama Watame reconciliation
>Watame's cool new song
>Haachama cucking Matsuri
>Towa and PPT collab
>funny friend meme OC

Today is gonna be a good day

>> No.25328967


>> No.25328971

>he doesn't know about google narratives

>> No.25328973

Chocos voice is always so lewd

>> No.25328974
Quoted by: >>25328997

This Haato Watame misunderstanding is the dumbest shit I've read all week

>> No.25328975

Out of all of them I hate FBK the most. I know she is a rotten gambling addict and she hates the smelly otaku. She also has trouble hiding that. But her avatar and voice are pure sugar and I would love to love her which makes me hate her.

>> No.25328976
File: 158 KB, 611x474, adsadas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just delete twitter accounts? The one that is supposedly Aloe's roommate has a lot of hololive related posts liked yet she doesn't follow any holo.

>> No.25328979

Hoping Luna gets 15 questions right so that Choco goes into the red

>> No.25328980

that's a flag if I've ever seen one

>> No.25328982

kanata just doesn't care anymore...

>> No.25328983

Obviously the best way to do this is for them to do a VR horror collab

>> No.25328984

>Choco nea rewards
How do I join?

>> No.25328985

I dont understand this dice game, how does it work?

>> No.25328986

Wait I remember the last time a post like this was made.... no.............

>> No.25328988

why does kanata wail so much? is towa sticking her futa cock in her ass? if so god i wish that were me

>> No.25328990
Quoted by: >>25329027

yagoo haato cooking collab when?

>> No.25328989

You can even hear how ill Luna is. Hope she isn't pushing herself too hard.

>> No.25328991
Quoted by: >>25329052

Matsuri just finished crying

>> No.25328992

That ain't weird at all but interesting

>> No.25328993

So we should prepare to another purge or what?

>> No.25328994

>>hololive house arc finally over

The part 2 is just starting... Coco is already setting up the plot hook for the first episode.

>> No.25328996

The only perfect part of Subaru is Ui's eyes. Rest is so... average. And her real voice is much better.

>> No.25328995

This kills the angels.

>> No.25328997


im ootl, whats misunderstanding?

>> No.25328998
Quoted by: >>25329069

Welp guess Coco's sad news is going to be really sad then, thanks Anon. You probably just killed Miko or something.

>> No.25328999

Girls are dumb

>> No.25329002
Quoted by: >>25329035

You never played yahtzee before?

>> No.25329003
File: 89 KB, 784x146, 1596059730657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329057

You sorry fool, have you learned nothing?

>> No.25329004
Quoted by: >>25329215


I feel this one would work well because Subaru works well with everyone

>> No.25329005

Anyone aside from Sora with Azki

>> No.25329007

As much as I'm glad to finally see devil/angel combo again there is something REALLY upsetting about seeing it basically get as many viewers as Towa's 3D yesterday. I guess this is the power of PPT.

>> No.25329009

The cute

>> No.25329010

Just read this thread from the beginning.

>> No.25329011

The luck on these 2 is abysmal in comparison to pekora and marine.

>> No.25329013

Comeback Tenshi.

>> No.25329015


>> No.25329016

The ones that leave their accounts up do it with full knowledge that they'll get doxxed. Even the ones who delete their past stuff don't get out scot free

>> No.25329019
Quoted by: >>25329053

When will the Matsuri/Haato misunderstanding (?) be resolved?

>> No.25329020

Thinking so much about cock is bad for your health, anon...
can't blame you though, futa towa(futowa?) is pretty hot

>> No.25329023
Quoted by: >>25329035

Dice poker, each yaku's only usable once.

>> No.25329025

You fucking idiot setting up the flag

>> No.25329026
File: 164 KB, 293x316, 1593770545592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop that flag triggering shit right now

>> No.25329027

Yagoo table tennis holopro tournament giga collab when?!

>> No.25329028

As long as Towa is having fun it's cool, especially with friends.

>> No.25329029

>Towa collab
>over 1 hour
What sorcery is this

>> No.25329031

Sabondy arc next

>> No.25329032

This is the power of no one else streaming. When Choco started, 3k instantly left.

>> No.25329033

This is an easy one there's no way Luna gets it wrong

>> No.25329035

thanks bros.

>> No.25329036
Quoted by: >>25329062

Why should they have to delete their personal accounts? What does it matter that they've liked Hololive posts? I don't understand.

>> No.25329037

Towa's Tower of Everlasting Darkness.

>> No.25329038

prime hours and no one was streaming, also most likely due to 3D live hype too

>> No.25329039


>> No.25329040

Is Towa, dare I say it, inclining...?

>> No.25329041


>> No.25329042

the greed...

>> No.25329043


>> No.25329044

>Matsuri on chat
Luna is being tested.

>> No.25329045

Look at the EOP comments in her community tab or any of her videos, that is like the only thing they ever spam there, it's not an /hlg/ exclusive meme.

>> No.25329046

they're having fun

>> No.25329048

Kanata really really likes Towa

>> No.25329049

Is it just me or does Subaru's design look like the back up girl to the MC after the main girl is involved in a deadly accident.

>> No.25329050

also known as the:

>> No.25329052

>luna dying
>tweets about hoshikawa all day
she can keep crying

>> No.25329053
Quoted by: >>25329077

what misunderstanding?

>> No.25329055

Towa is having fun.

>> No.25329057

Was this before holocaust?

>> No.25329059

>Luna doesn't even remember Matsuri's birthday

>> No.25329060

Remember when Haato had to use her call to Watame because she couldn't remember her birthday?

>> No.25329061

>t. panders to EOPs
is something every hololive should strive for

>> No.25329062
Quoted by: >>25329113

It makes it obvious that it's actually her, she unfollowed all holos because she's joining hololive.

>> No.25329065
File: 4 KB, 270x41, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25329066

She's having fun and NOT playing a kusoge

>> No.25329068


>> No.25329069

Knowing her she wouldn't tease at anything too serious like this. It'll be something like her being proven right about her suspicion of PapaDora making a new twitter account.

>> No.25329070

Prime hours, nobody else streaming, good collab partner, promising punishment

>> No.25329071

Kanata sitting on Towa's lap...

>> No.25329073
Quoted by: >>25329227

Maybe, just maybe, they don't mind it if people know who they were and old fans find out about their new gig?

>> No.25329078

Here it comes. Festival finally killing herself.
I can feel it.

>> No.25329077
Quoted by: >>25329107

These 2 used to collab a lot back in 2018/2019. Nowadays they barely acknowledge each other.

>> No.25329079

>/hlg/ can't make good OC

>> No.25329080

I trusted Kanata...

>> No.25329082

so close

>> No.25329087

>both Angel and Devil denied by the gods

>> No.25329088

Kabaya, you were so close

>> No.25329090


>> No.25329091
Quoted by: >>25329105

How the hell could Luna forget this she was literally there in the stream

>> No.25329094
File: 1.25 MB, 1152x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329103


>> No.25329095


>> No.25329097
File: 58 KB, 421x129, 1596058061358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right before it

>> No.25329098


>> No.25329099
File: 800 KB, 1103x1080, these_must_be_my_tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You reap what you sow...
>None of us ever thought that the meteor would destroy half of Japan...
>Coco... Luna... They are both gone now...

>> No.25329100

Towa loves Kanata and Kanatan loves Towa Holohouse with Towa and Kanata

>> No.25329101

Matsuri doesn't deserve happiness after abandoning dying Luna to chase a cheap whore.

>> No.25329103

They look happy.

>> No.25329104


>> No.25329105

Forgive the middle aged baby

>> No.25329107
Quoted by: >>25329128

isnt it because haato is in australia?

>> No.25329108

I actually believe that Matsuri is starved for attention.

>> No.25329109

>kanata asked if towa's fine with the collab lasting for so long
>towa said she wants to keep playing
i'm so happy for her you cannot fucking imagine

>> No.25329113

It's only obvious if you're actively trawling though her social medias looking to confirm a conclusion you've already made. Most people would think nothing of it.

>> No.25329114

oh nononononooononon

>> No.25329116

Yup literally hours before

>> No.25329120
File: 162 KB, 335x468, 1593098195863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329214

In a different timeline, one that you're a chuuba in
your favorite holo is goslingposting about you on some anonymous thai basket weaving forum in a different language

>> No.25329122

Shion yo!

>> No.25329123

Just wait until Matsuri found out Hoshikawa was talking shit about her behind her back.

>> No.25329125

Towa would be the maid.

>> No.25329126

>When you find out your friends never cared about you as much as you did

Oh no festival

>> No.25329128
Quoted by: >>25329154

She's been in Australia since her debut.

>> No.25329129
File: 11 KB, 332x35, festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329146


>> No.25329130

Festival died...

>> No.25329132

why don't they release some kinds of hololive masks in their booth? prime time for masks right now

>> No.25329133

Kanata's voice confuses me, she sounds different everytime I hear her. Most of them sound different from their early videos, but for some reason I just can't memorise her voice

>> No.25329135


>> No.25329136


>> No.25329138
Quoted by: >>25329186

Nobody sane has 3 active twitter accounts. Not only she's starved for attention, she needs PROFESSIONAL attention.

>> No.25329139
File: 443 KB, 1000x512, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi didn't understand that she was challenging the devil at her game.

>> No.25329140

So that's what the sad news are. Friendship with dragon ended, now devil is my best friend.

>> No.25329141

This, and they give so much shit for moona.

>> No.25329142
Quoted by: >>25329167

I want to bully this kusogake with my dick!

>> No.25329144

Tower... I'm so glad you're having fun...

>> No.25329146


>> No.25329147
Quoted by: >>25329165

Aki don't look!

>> No.25329148

No shit bro

>> No.25329149

Coco's going to graduate, isn't she?

>> No.25329151

The depression arc is over!

>> No.25329153


>> No.25329154

oh fuck i am retarded

>> No.25329155
Quoted by: >>25329236

Her being mentally ill is not actually a narrative.

>> No.25329157

he pulled a anonchamma and doxxed his twitter which was really autistic

>> No.25329158

Towa is done with her big events. Regular streams from now on.

>> No.25329159

Blessing from heaven

>> No.25329164

you just killed someone

>> No.25329166

Mental illness

>> No.25329165
Quoted by: >>25329212

Aki, just don't play that shitty kusoge next time please...
do a cooking collab again...

>> No.25329167
File: 81 KB, 519x767, jfbfpzshcu051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329168

it's what you get for ignoring a dying baby to tweet about your whore matuli

>> No.25329170
Quoted by: >>25329188

This bitches set her up in a cruel way disguised as a game, and the fact they asked Luna what Matsuri's birthday is in front of Matsuri in the chat.

>> No.25329171

>Kanata mentions that it's been about 75 minutes
>Towa can't take the hint
Towafags are delusional as shit

>> No.25329173

>flags are getting raised left and right with holos cooperating

>> No.25329174

>Forced reset

>> No.25329175


they are a good pair

>> No.25329176

narrative on why matsuri hates haato?

>> No.25329177

This cant end well for Towa, whenever things starting going right for her it all comes crashing down. The higher she rises the further she falls, it wont stop at a pet getting sick this time.

>> No.25329178

do you mean on her channel? because the chinese were able to get ll her videos pretty sure

>> No.25329180
Quoted by: >>25329235

I hope they collab soon and its over an hour this time

>> No.25329181
File: 919 KB, 1333x2000, illust_83581676_20200810_141459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329182

>want to enjoy KanaTowa
>it's too fucking hot
I'm not feeling so good, eurobros

>> No.25329183

I bet there's a ton of "chess filtered JOP faggots" posts on 5chan r-right?

>> No.25329186

I have 5...

>> No.25329187
Quoted by: >>25329206


>> No.25329188

This is always the opener question when there's a pair on like this. Haato was asked the same and had to use her phone a friend on Watame to get it

>> No.25329189

The devil's luck...

>> No.25329191

Joke answer Hoshikawa likes Haato more, serious answer she has no reason to hate Haato.

>> No.25329195

At this point i believe the narrative that Matsuri is self destructive and will follow short term relationships just to fuck them up and feel pain. Will also try to find people who clearly dont like her the way she likes them and will desperately try to go for them, just so she could feel pain.
Why is she punishing herself tho?

>> No.25329197

genuinely and unironically jealous of her relationship with hoshikawa

>> No.25329198

Hoshikawa calls in to Haato's totsumachi

>> No.25329199

Are you archiving son?

>> No.25329202
Quoted by: >>25329314

Isn't she the one that got banned on Twitter? She's clearly not very bright

>> No.25329203
File: 165 KB, 708x1000, illust_83514632_20200810_141539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329204

Why is Luna doubting the viewers?

>> No.25329205

Yeah, she's gonna graduate because she'll be happily married to me!

>> No.25329206

why cant she accept that hoshikawa is friendlier with her than haato?

>> No.25329207
Quoted by: >>25329286

She's jealous of Haato because Haato and hskw are actually able to enjoy each other's company, whereas Matsuri ruined any and all chance of that with her creepy dyke behavior.

>> No.25329211
Quoted by: >>25329255

>Matsuri crying on stream because Luna became her friend
She's clearly an unbalanced person. I hope Luna is aware of this.

>> No.25329212
File: 1.07 MB, 1684x994, EbTQ9JCUEAAtK8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.25329214

I wonder if fujos and yumes goslingpost about Kuzuha and Kanae, or any of the stars

>> No.25329215

kanata and subaru have weird chemistry which is why alot of subarufags want to see more of it

>> No.25329218
File: 330 KB, 437x486, 1595153443755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri's birthday?
>Why would I memorize someone's birthday who doesn't even visit me in the hospital and drools after Hoshikawa the moment I fall ill?

>> No.25329219
File: 2.09 MB, 1178x1937, EfC_C96VAAUjJEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too warm here, I want to go to Lamy's land.

>> No.25329220

Made me chuckle.

>> No.25329222

Why did M*c*t* joined 5th gen? is it because c*n*n is on 3rd gen?

>> No.25329223

33°C where I live, just do your icecream reps bro

>> No.25329224


>> No.25329225
Quoted by: >>25329256

>eurokeks with no AC

>> No.25329226

Is the cute!

>> No.25329227

I don't know why people don't understand this.

>> No.25329228
Quoted by: >>25329292

Towa is so bad at hitting balls...

>> No.25329229
File: 783 KB, 718x666, twap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa fucking you on her lap with ZA TOWA while nibbling on your ear and trying to hide her own embarassment!
Towa flooding your womb with her cum and apologising if she hurt you!
Towa pulling out, leaving you a leaky, quivering mess on the bed!
Lying there on the bed shaking with little minin orgasms!
Being impregnated by towa's futa cum!
Towa helping you get things out of the fridge because you're too heavily pregnant to move properly!
Towa calling you a dork for trying to do everything by yourself instead of letting her help, she knows how to cook rice properly this time she swears!
Raising many healthy demon children with towa!
Sleeping in bed with towa surrounded by you children all nice and safe!

>> No.25329230

Open a window

>> No.25329233

I feel the comeback.

>> No.25329234

Hoshikawa... Haato...

>> No.25329235

They'll have to start it earlier because Towa is a prudent angel who goes to bed on time.

>> No.25329236

What are other narratives that actually aren't just narratives?

>> No.25329237
File: 28 KB, 611x175, enter a male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329238
Quoted by: >>25329270

Just accept that you're a fake bitch and get the answer wrong already Luna

>> No.25329240
File: 790 KB, 827x1169, illust_82938195_20200810_141805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329242
Quoted by: >>25329272

this tweet also happened right before it iirc

>> No.25329243

call me when he beats Watame or Kanata

>> No.25329245

do a flip off your balcony bro

>> No.25329244

>Luna doesn't trust chocobros answer

>> No.25329246


>> No.25329247

maybe being a girl ain't so bad after all...

>> No.25329249
File: 860 KB, 2384x4017, Ed_770bUcAAqhKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329310

Probaby not as hot as in Kanata's booth right now

>> No.25329248

Nijifags viewbotting again?

>> No.25329252

most normal people suck at opsec anon

>> No.25329253

Hayato is based

>> No.25329255
Quoted by: >>25329301

I feel bad for luna more than anything festival does this to herself over and over but it wasn't right to get the baby involved if your just going to toss get aside

>> No.25329256
Quoted by: >>25329306

Houses here are built with the intent of keeping warmth as best as possible due to cold winters, and now I'm fucking boiling

>> No.25329257

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.25329258
Quoted by: >>25329296

Wait, is Haachama actually of filipino descent? Haachama...

>> No.25329260
File: 223 KB, 377x253, uN7YrHtlyB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25329261
File: 97 KB, 420x300, EbV4v6OUcAA4a4k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329263
File: 975 KB, 1000x1361, 82881348_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329265

Nijibots I kneel.....

>> No.25329267

>That band and set
Okay, I'll admit that's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.25329269

Towa dropping tennis in typical towa fashion

>> No.25329270

It's just a fake birthday anyway, right? Their real birthday is different

>> No.25329272

Surely nothing will happen, right...?

>> No.25329274

Sacchou is popular as fuck so I am really not surprised.I am currently watching him too

>> No.25329273

I was trying to enjoy the Towa stream yesterday when a wasp came in my fucking room and started menacing me. I fucking hate summer.

>> No.25329275

>prez is streaming
>nijisanji jetri is down
I hate this, he didn't even show up in my notifications

>> No.25329277

He's cool so I'm not surprised

>> No.25329278

me too anon, they both look like they're having fun, i love them to bits

>> No.25329282

Shacho! i kneel

>> No.25329283


>> No.25329284
Quoted by: >>25329305

Why is PPT leeching of Towa-sama?

>> No.25329285
Quoted by: >>25329323

Based Gosling-san, this is definitely up there with the spic power level chart for best /hlg/ OC.

>> No.25329286
File: 33 KB, 480x480, kaosthinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it okay for male vtubers to act gay for the camera but for girls it's creepy and gross?

>> No.25329287

dice game again

>> No.25329288

Competition is good, shachou is also badass.

>> No.25329289
File: 1.16 MB, 1306x879, 1571760225276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329291

"friend A" is a bitch who deleted half of Subaru's channel.

>> No.25329292

Towa is bad with balls?!?!?!

>> No.25329293

Niji collabs always manage to get a lot more viewers than hololive, and they are mainly from Japan. It's not a joke that nijisanji is more popular in Japan than hololive

>> No.25329295


>> No.25329296

No, her father remarried flip.

>> No.25329297

>it's too fucking hot
hey, at least you're not experiencing a thunderstorm for the nth time this week

>> No.25329298

>Instantly knows the answer to 2nd question

>> No.25329299
File: 1.37 MB, 731x754, 1596626491723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty high quality, good voice too..

>> No.25329300


>> No.25329301
Quoted by: >>25329341

People like Matsuri get others involved because then they feel crippling guilt and reaffirm that theyre bad people. Its a vicious cycle of doing shit that hurts others and then telling yourself that youre shit because you hurt others. And then you do more shit to hurt others.

The time loop...

>> No.25329302

>for the camera

>> No.25329303
Quoted by: >>25329340

i want to marry towa.

>> No.25329304
Quoted by: >>25329329

Literally who

>> No.25329305

They're friends.

>> No.25329306

>what is window AC

>> No.25329310
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1595772254661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PPT comes out of her booth drenched in sweat after every stream session

>> No.25329311
Quoted by: >>25329351

Rikka's brother is cool.

>> No.25329313
Quoted by: >>25329408

I want towa to spoon me while she rubs my pregnant belly

>> No.25329314
Quoted by: >>25329405

Why would anyone know that setting birth date gets you banned? Especially that setting it is not required. Not everyone watches Shien or reads these threads...

>> No.25329316

Report off topic posts.

>> No.25329318

Did you get the access on your own booth account or did they just send you links?

>> No.25329319

classic aussie boomer

>> No.25329321

This question is evil lol

>> No.25329322

Why is this literal who's set so much higher quality than every holo 3D we've had so far?

>> No.25329323

The spic powerlevel chart is fucking garbage, what are you smoking Jose?

>> No.25329326

I genuflect before the president...
legitimately happy for him, but kanatowa comes first

>> No.25329327
Quoted by: >>25329403

I dont even mind losing the top number of viewers if it means cocoshits can stop bringing it up as if it means anything

>> No.25329328

the highest vtuber live viewers will now be held by a NIJI MALE

>> No.25329329

Makes it even worse, a literally who fucking all of hololive

>> No.25329330

I bet matsuri prepared these questions lol

>> No.25329331

the devil luck...

>> No.25329332

>forget your friends birthdates
I don't think that's an issue, IMO.

>> No.25329334

>Yahtzee to decide who does VR horror
>Towa who is winning by 6 points agrees

>> No.25329335
Quoted by: >>25329574

>you will never get kanata a cool refreshing drink after her stream
>you will never take a shower with her after that

>> No.25329337
Quoted by: >>25329473

Ichikara is competent

>> No.25329339

Luck of the debiru...

>> No.25329340

I want Kanata and Towa daughters.

>> No.25329341

So... should I stop shitposting? I often feel so bad about shitposting this place so bad.... But I still keep shitposting.

>> No.25329347

but vyt told me hololive uses viewbots

>> No.25329348

>a whole fuckin week to get some links
this gives me hope that my towa voice might arrive before I die of old age
thank you anon

>> No.25329350
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1596915776409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329349

Alright, then it's all good.

>> No.25329351

Oh shit, same artist? I don't really like Rikka's(unironically too boring) but Prez is fucking cool even though he's just a bishonen in a suit.

>> No.25329353

That's how it would've been done here too if Cover gave a shit

>> No.25329354


>> No.25329355

I like Watame's night fever set more desu

>> No.25329356

I hate dice now.

>> No.25329357

holofags btfo. this is why nijisanji is better

>> No.25329359

>sing out of tune
>lose viewer numbers

>> No.25329360

I wasn't gay before I read this.

>> No.25329362

Your favourite holo will be offpako'd by this dude after the stream.

>> No.25329363

>cant answer matsuri related question

>> No.25329366
Quoted by: >>25329423

That's for you to reflect on and decide. I'm not your therapist. Neither am I festivals. Just a [NARRATIVE] based on experience.

>> No.25329367

When things look gay between guys it's hard to tell if they're good friends or faggots. When girls do that they're lying for attention. That's just the way things are.

>> No.25329368
File: 23 KB, 437x431, 1595764803760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah Towa win....

>> No.25329371
File: 217 KB, 727x858, 1596979192880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa likes playing dangerous, because that's what a devil would do!
she gives kanatan false hope before crushing it into pieces!
dont (You) me if she loses

>> No.25329375
File: 3 KB, 171x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.25329376
File: 124 KB, 609x885, Ee_Eu9dVAAAcsEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25329377
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, EfDxJZYUMAEA5Xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329378
Quoted by: >>25329423

Shitpost moderately and just enough not to shit up the thread

>> No.25329382

What does he have that the homostars don't?

>> No.25329385

I never watch nijis but damn this is quality.

>> No.25329386

Towa's devil luck!

>> No.25329387

That's mean Matsuri

>> No.25329389
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1596978147454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some guy with Luna tier subs
>getting that many views
Yeah I'm thinking the nijibots are working overtime

>> No.25329391

11k watching Luna getting tortured on Choco's channel

>> No.25329393

since njininigger talk is allowed for now because of that post, why did nijis succeed where holostars failed? is it truly due to no collabs witht he girls other than robocco, matsuri, choco and fubuki?

>> No.25329394

that's pretty fucking cool, but his design is shit so I sleep.

>> No.25329396

So this is where the Apex luck went into.

>> No.25329398


>> No.25329399


>> No.25329400
Quoted by: >>25329427

Give me your best Yuujin A narratives.

>> No.25329402


>> No.25329403
Quoted by: >>25329442

I've never seen anyone do that here.

>> No.25329405

>Why would anyone know that setting birth date gets you banned? Especially that setting it is not required. Not everyone watches Shien or reads these threads...
It happened to Shien. Shien is in hololive, so Cover knows about it. None of the other holos got banned but her. Yes, it's her fault

>> No.25329407

I've been out of touch with the threads since a months ago. What is goslingposting?

>> No.25329408

me too anon
imagine the warm soft cuddles

>> No.25329409

Nijibots... I kneel...

>> No.25329411


>> No.25329412

What a joke. Pekora could easily get 120,000 viewers if she really wanted to.
She prefers quality viewers of quantity viewers though.

>> No.25329413

rurudo mama onegai!

>> No.25329416

Imagine the smell of sweat that explosively assaults the room after the door opens.

>> No.25329421
Quoted by: >>25329458

FestivaLuna daily collab pressure

>> No.25329422
Quoted by: >>25329591

Support from his employer.

>> No.25329423
Quoted by: >>25329452


Can you actually feel any sort of guilt from shitposting?

>> No.25329425
Quoted by: >>25329481

You're retarded.

>> No.25329427



>> No.25329428
Quoted by: >>25329447

did festival make these questions?

>> No.25329429

It's because Cover literally ignored them up until extremely recently, they got no advertising and hololive members were literally forbidden from even mentioning they exist.

>> No.25329435
Quoted by: >>25329464

Why the fuck are there so many posts about Nijis in here, good for them for that 3D debut but they should fuck off back to their thread

>> No.25329436

Luna... Matsuri's mad.

>> No.25329437

Gosling posting is older than that anon. Nice try

>> No.25329438

Males weren't an exclusive group.

>> No.25329439

simply put, nijisanji viewers are more open to the idea of a male vtuber
hololive is 99% its girls, holostars might not even exist and it wouldn't put that big of a dent into the view counts

>> No.25329441
File: 125 KB, 1280x1000, Eb07PbrU8AEAyLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329465

It's the Towa way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

>> No.25329442

you havent been here longer than a week then

>> No.25329446

Corporation that actually support their talents.

>> No.25329447


>> No.25329448

Neglected by Cover

>> No.25329449

>Taking more than 10 mins for a question
What is this....

>> No.25329450

We lost holobros...

>> No.25329451

How dare you talk about Tomodachi A like that. she's the only competant member of Cover's staff.

>> No.25329452

Maybe if I had positive feelings about her in the first place.

>> No.25329453
Quoted by: >>25329481

Yeah bro. It's not like Cover's incompetence is proven on a constant basis.

>> No.25329454
File: 498 KB, 450x450, 1590834432483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IchikaraCHADS are laughing at us again....

>> No.25329456
File: 54 KB, 565x421, 1597062742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close as you get

>> No.25329457
Quoted by: >>25329595

i haven't seen it pass 108k anon

>> No.25329458

why isn't it LunaTsuri instead?

>> No.25329463
File: 178 KB, 469x401, 1596027442432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no, holokeks?

>> No.25329464

nijithread is dead

>> No.25329465
Quoted by: >>25329558

Except for when it's apex

>> No.25329466

Yes, EOPs spamming 'say pog peko', true quality

>> No.25329467

What the fuck is this luck, Towa

>> No.25329468

towa...stop sucking all the luck out of ppt...

>> No.25329469

>braindead EOPs who spam pekopekopeko

>> No.25329470

A way for /hlg/ users to do the feels wojak without actually using feels wojak

>> No.25329471

Towa your pc...

>> No.25329473

Explain Maimoto's fucked up arm then.

>> No.25329474
File: 69 KB, 875x141, 2020-08-10 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329478

The Niji thread is over there you fucking retards.

>> No.25329480

Poor matsuri...getting cucked on stream and your best buddy cant remember anything about you

>> No.25329481
Quoted by: >>25329548

None of the other holos but her got banned. Yes, she's retarded

>> No.25329482
File: 1.53 MB, 1143x1066, 1596622878933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329513

Oh yeah, but does he have sick shades like Miyabro here? I don't think so

>> No.25329484

His mother abused him as a child

>> No.25329486
File: 1.96 MB, 732x1080, torre.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note to self, proofread my posts better next time in roder to extract maximum smiles from anons

>> No.25329487

she actually got 5 5's...

>> No.25329488

Holy shit Towa

>> No.25329489

towa's luck
truly devilish

>> No.25329490


>> No.25329492

What the fuck Towa.

>> No.25329493

Tenshi getting demolished by Towa's skill

>> No.25329494


>> No.25329495

Towa can't keep getting away with this...

>> No.25329497
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, Anonchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Towa will appreciate my surprise visit!

>> No.25329499


>> No.25329500


>> No.25329502

holy shit towa

>> No.25329503

but...the viewbot narrative...

>> No.25329504


>> No.25329508

Luck of the devil....

>> No.25329510


>> No.25329511

Holy shit Towa

>> No.25329512

We never stood a chance... Nijichads I kneel...

>> No.25329513


>> No.25329518


>> No.25329519


>> No.25329521

Because niji treats their talent without getting hooked on idolshit and gender. Males and females collab with zero issue and are involved in all the delicious narratives and shipping nonsense.
If that happened with hololive, 5ch and NND would set off a fucking dirty bomb inside Cover Corp or burn it down with the sheer autistic sperg out.
Hololive is limiting. Nijisanji is basically free to do whatever.

>> No.25329523

yahtzee is a true kamige

>> No.25329522

How the fuck?

>> No.25329526



>> No.25329527


>> No.25329529
File: 710 KB, 720x696, 1596977125624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this luck

>> No.25329531


>> No.25329530


>> No.25329533

they have better management, but their designs are so shit it's not even worth the effort.

>> No.25329535

Holy shit.

Hoshikawa says here that she saw Hololive's recruitment ad for "Akai Haato" and thought of auditioning but gave up in the end. In a different timeline Hoshikawa would have been Akai Haato.

>> No.25329534


>> No.25329537

Holy shit

>> No.25329538


>> No.25329540
Quoted by: >>25329657

Towa really got Satan himself on her side right now.

>> No.25329542

Guy already earned more than Sio

>> No.25329544
File: 111 KB, 1200x675, 02DD06E7-C2A5-4B4A-92AD-922D8A083664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa got a Yahtzee

Hope you like VR, Kanata.

>> No.25329548

Yeah you're right

>> No.25329550
File: 45 KB, 579x329, Ee8YPZ-VoAIotKf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, we have real talents like Botan

>> No.25329552
File: 35 KB, 795x88, GOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329556
Quoted by: >>25329583

Kanata keeps trying to get a yahtzee, if she actually plans ahead she could have win

>> No.25329558

she should just play titanfall2 instead

>> No.25329562
Quoted by: >>25329606

what's this coco thing even about? is it really just clickbait?

>> No.25329563

If only Aqua's sololive wasn't paywalled...

>> No.25329564

Stay mad. Hololive is growing and expanding rapidly. In a year from now you will be able to go to any tribal village in Africa and the people there will know Miko's name

>> No.25329565

The hololive idolgroup meme is even funnier if you think about that the niji have the better singers

>> No.25329569

>actual talent

>> No.25329570
File: 44 KB, 486x876, marineanniv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine having trouble with the archives?

>> No.25329571

Do it properly it's 115k now.

>> No.25329572

Youtube is shitting itself

>> No.25329573

>talentfag is a nijinigger

>> No.25329574
File: 467 KB, 800x711, EeapYKQVoAIBPcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329627

Watching Kanata down a pack of ringo juice straight from the fridge in one go!
Kanata laughing as she squeezes her shirt after taking it off and sweat starts dripping off it!
Touching Kanata's cold sweaty skin when you're getting in the shower together!
Massaging Kanata's shoulders under hot water flow!
Hugging Kanata from behind and feeling her relax in your arms and standing silent for minutes just listening to water flow with your eyes closed!

>> No.25329576
Quoted by: >>25329607

Can ppt even make this come back even with yahtzee?

>> No.25329579
Quoted by: >>25329623

Prez's gachikois are not to underestimated. At one point he made 1.2 million yen during normal end of the stream superchat reading.

>> No.25329581

Is this the highest 3D debut earning so far?

>> No.25329582

Fuck homos stop shitting on us reeeeeee

>> No.25329583
Quoted by: >>25329610

Please understand that my daughter is neither the sharpest tool in the shed nor the brightest star in the sky, Anon...

>> No.25329584

throw enough shit at a wall and some will stick

>> No.25329585

Damn it Cover get your shit together.

>> No.25329586

Kek, that would be pretty funny if it happens

>> No.25329588
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1595076507285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baby cheating by seducing the succubus
Can't make this shit up

>> No.25329591

Only if you get somewhat popular. Nijisanji leaves their bottom feeders to rot.

>> No.25329592

These Kanatowa noises...

>> No.25329595

How about now

>> No.25329596

I'm a Cocofag but as a former rock band member I admit it's well deserved.

>> No.25329599

The whore Akai Haato!

>> No.25329603
Quoted by: >>25330045

Im not mad you mikofag, hololive has more soul than niji and I love it more. But their idol meme is ridiculous. Either nuke all the homos or nuke the idol shtick. Dont try to do both, it doesnt work.

>> No.25329606

Yes, it's a clickbait.

>> No.25329605


>> No.25329607

Yep, its always worth 50 points.

>> No.25329608



>> No.25329611


>> No.25329609


>> No.25329610

Wasn't the case with Choco's quiz though

>> No.25329612


>> No.25329613

uhhh... towa bros?

>> No.25329614

What the fuck Kanata??????????????

>> No.25329615

holy SHIT what's going on here

>> No.25329617

Holy shit what a comeback.

>> No.25329618


>> No.25329619


>> No.25329620


>> No.25329622


>> No.25329623


>> No.25329624


>> No.25329626

Cabaya wtf

>> No.25329627

anon please i just got done thinking about being impregnated by towa i can't take much more...

>> No.25329628
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1595581563300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329629

What will it take for a Holostar to do that well?

>> No.25329630


>> No.25329631

What is this dance move called?


>> No.25329633

Praise be we don't live in that accursed timeline

>> No.25329635
File: 238 KB, 1500x1500, 1591657586475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329636

this is giving me witcher 1 dice poker PTSD

>> No.25329637


>> No.25329639

oh no kenzoku, we're getting too cocky

>> No.25329638

Was the recruitment specifically for someone with English ancestry? What are the odds?

>> No.25329642

This is biblical.

>> No.25329644

ohnonononono towabros we got too cocky

>> No.25329646

Wasn't haachama scouted to be haachama?

>> No.25329647
Quoted by: >>25329672

Towa fucking threw out of pity. This is why you should never do that, kids!

>> No.25329648

>Towa threw away 18 points only to get wrecked by Kanata
She got too greedy.

>> No.25329649

Towacucks got too cocky haha!

>> No.25329651
File: 13 KB, 409x176, rare pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25329652

inb4 the main greeting you say to the locals is Nyahallo

>> No.25329654

I can't believe we're going to be blessed with another 3D Towa stream!

>> No.25329655

Whenever you think that "you will never something" with your holo you are absolutely right. And there is always a IRL boyfriend who will do that with her instead of you. Send your money to your holo to aid him in doing that.

>> No.25329657
File: 1.27 MB, 592x940, el-diablo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329659

she got her very first stream back

>> No.25329661

Smug devil not so smug anymore!

>> No.25329664

Thank god we got the retard akai haato rather than that disgusting thing

>> No.25329666


>> No.25329672

this was painful to watch honestly

>> No.25329673

This stream is hilarious. We need more KanaTowa.

>> No.25329676
Quoted by: >>25329699

Specifically, Haato said she was invited to audition for the role. I guess you can call that being scouted.

>> No.25329679

KNEEL Towafags

>> No.25329680
Quoted by: >>25329710


>> No.25329681


>> No.25329684


>> No.25329687

thank fucking god, took you long enough stupid angel

>> No.25329689

Towa VR horror!

>> No.25329692

it's over towabros
we lost

>> No.25329694

Towa threw so that she would able to have ANOTHER 3D stream. Fucking cunt.

>> No.25329695

What a comeback. kanatachanwin!

>> No.25329697


>> No.25329698
Quoted by: >>25329741

My guess Cover dont want to compete in Niji territory so they try to get easy money by monopolizing the idol otaku audience with idolshit

>> No.25329700
Quoted by: >>25329736

kanata won against 2 yahtzee's in a row


>> No.25329699
File: 604 KB, 697x848, 1594582351273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that makes sense. I'm glad we got haachama while niji got hotter haachama

>> No.25329701

Towa... The greed...

>> No.25329702
File: 199 KB, 377x329, 99631AB9-E309-410B-9D03-78305E4E41D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329725

>> No.25329703

Tenshi won the dice boys!

>> No.25329708
Quoted by: >>25329747


>> No.25329709

Probably nobody else auditioned for it

>> No.25329710

Towa Chads, we literally got too cocky.
My knees... I... Im starting to kneel...

>> No.25329714

This is some anime shit right there

>> No.25329716

Towa... got greedy...

>> No.25329717
File: 277 KB, 900x900, EbaV8fgVcAA0rFq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fucking amazing, what a great match

>> No.25329718


>> No.25329720
File: 401 KB, 800x800, 1595676834848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329723

impying hoshikawa is hotter than haato

>> No.25329724

Ougabros, retro games are back!

>> No.25329725

I kneel.

>> No.25329730

umm but towa won in terms of overall score ???? why is ppt cheating?????

>> No.25329731

We got the smarter one though.

>> No.25329732

How is she able to so openly talk about something like this? It's as if she's acknowledging that the characters are premade and that there's someone playing them. Isn't breaking kayfabe to this extent somekind of taboo or something?

>> No.25329733


>> No.25329734

I can't believe Towa's going to fucking die live on stream soon.

>> No.25329735

Ok ok Ill give it to Nijis. They know EXACTLY how to make male vtubers work. Yagoo need to start taking notes for future Holostar generations

>> No.25329736

She believed in the heart of the dice
Also Tower got too cocky

>> No.25329737

Chaosfags in shambles right now

>> No.25329738
Quoted by: >>25329784

but towa won more games...why does she have to do VR horror...I don't understand...

>> No.25329739

kanatowa VR horror


>> No.25329740

I can't believe we got BTFO by a homoNiji nonetheless. i-i kneel.

>> No.25329741

And thats perfectly fine. Then nuke holostars and stop having a literal talent deathtrap of an offshot.

>> No.25329744


>> No.25329747
File: 145 KB, 300x439, 1596290727835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this

>> No.25329748
File: 92 KB, 364x279, firefox_cgM97WNkqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based
Time for Oga to reach his true potential

>> No.25329749


>> No.25329750

Honestly, Roberu would fare better in Nijisanji if he wasn't such an idol nerd he considered being an idol himself.

>> No.25329753

Oga... Your horn...

>> No.25329754

okay towaturds the stream is over, time for you all to fuck off back to your caves

>> No.25329755

I had a dream tonight where Botan and I had wild sex. She even pegged me and sand me a lullaby to make me sleep afterwards. Today I wake up and find out how she looks like IRL. I feel horrible about myself.

Was I raped?

>> No.25329758

Kanata and Towa posting on /hlg/

>> No.25329759

I am getting Kanata membership now.

>> No.25329762

>debiru lost against tenshi

>> No.25329765
Quoted by: >>25329824


>> No.25329769
Quoted by: >>25329797


>> No.25329770

bros is matsuri going to time travel to kill haato and make hoshikawa haato?

>> No.25329771

I want PPT and Towa to do simultaneous smt playthroughs

>> No.25329772
File: 996 KB, 1057x1500, EYMHwmsUcAA5uP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329943

She's a lot more overtly sexual than haachama but haachama does have her own charm points

>> No.25329773

>it's just Cover planning this collab for their upcoming VR horror together
Yawn. fake friendship

>> No.25329774
Quoted by: >>25329845

What the fuck did I miss? This shit must be rigged, she went out of her way to lose
It's the same with the fucking Noel Pekora thing, there was absolutely zero chance Noel could ever have won, they obviously were planning Noel to do the thing to begin with.

>> No.25329775


>> No.25329776

I don't like nijisanji because they're not idols

>> No.25329778


>> No.25329779

>Polka trolling Roberu during his morning streams
Sounds based to me.

>> No.25329780
File: 69 KB, 233x301, 1595761925701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329781

Doing vr horror together.

Good results

>> No.25329783
Quoted by: >>25329815



>> No.25329784
Quoted by: >>25329808

They bet it all on the last yahtzee game, however Kanata aslo has to do VR horror

>> No.25329788

I'm digging these uncommon collabs

>> No.25329789

How about you tell that to the nijis who posted here instead of their own thread?

>> No.25329791
File: 202 KB, 732x825, yahtzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angel and demon peeing on each other in the studio

>> No.25329795
Quoted by: >>25329811


>> No.25329797

I am erect.

>> No.25329798

Why is there a nijiniggers spamming here? Shouldn't he do it on vyt?

>> No.25329799
Quoted by: >>25329855

It's Hoshikawa. She kinda has a history of that kind of thing, like talking about how people she meets offline looked. People have complained about it before.

>> No.25329800


>> No.25329803
Quoted by: >>25329839

How about you hang yourself, towa cuck?

>> No.25329804

Sell your Botancoins RIGHT NOW

>> No.25329805


>> No.25329806

Sounds hot desu

>> No.25329808

ah thank you anon, i am still N27 so i guess i missed that

>> No.25329809
File: 23 KB, 347x340, 1595417607492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheating again

>> No.25329810

can't get (you)s in a dead thread

>> No.25329811

M-my knees are bending on their own!

>> No.25329815


>> No.25329816

>00:30 AM
Ouga, I need to sleep...

>> No.25329818
Quoted by: >>25329859


>> No.25329819


>> No.25329822

No you are just retarded

>> No.25329824

I wish I was in the room.

>> No.25329827

Holy shit this was a good stream, between the air hockey and this last match

>> No.25329829
Quoted by: >>25329875

Fucking 3D horror again, c'mon...

>> No.25329834
File: 287 KB, 2036x217, sched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato in 15

>> No.25329836
Quoted by: >>25329870

Haato is only hot if you've got a thing for the mentally disabled. Normal people only feel pity for her.

>> No.25329833

I hope you enjoyed the stream as well sperg-chan, it was very entertaining.

>> No.25329838

You felt it too? I thought I was the only one

>> No.25329839

no, thanks

>> No.25329841
File: 1.92 MB, 326x244, 1369593020417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329842

god i wish i was the studio floor

>> No.25329843
Quoted by: >>25329884

onegai sensei chuuu

>> No.25329845

>there was absolutely zero chance
You do realise Noel's best time was faster than Pekora's back then?

>> No.25329847

>Hoshikawa is an idiot
fucking stop the presses

>> No.25329850



>> No.25329851

Marine's channel has only one restored archive which is her debut stream.
Maybe Cover is expecting them to go through the archives themselves if they want them approved and she's not going to waste any time on that.

>> No.25329853
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1596519513756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu in 15 minutes!

>> No.25329855

I wonder if she'll get into trouble for this. Haacham might not care but the Cover might have a problem with it.

>inb4 Haachama is forbidden from ever collaborating with Haachama again.

>> No.25329858

Pray for Kanata and Towa, they might not survive.

>> No.25329859
File: 274 KB, 570x371, yENUkw8LLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329881

Touch myself to this

>> No.25329861
Quoted by: >>25329906

no shitposting
no throwing up on stream
no family member doxing
no fan submitted works
no cooking
just a slut

>> No.25329864

Towa seemed really happy throughout that whole stream. I hope she starts collabing more often.

>> No.25329866
Quoted by: >>25329889

What did she do?

>> No.25329867

She wants to hug!

>> No.25329870

just wait

>> No.25329871

Please let it not be Emily wants to play, please

>> No.25329873
Quoted by: >>25329909

Was her cock barbed? What was the length and girth of it? Any knots?

>> No.25329874
Quoted by: >>25329907

Numberfags like to stir shit up.

>> No.25329875
Quoted by: >>25329898

Its the latest and probably best in hololive history flavor of the month.

>> No.25329877

>>inb4 Haachama is forbidden from ever collaborating with Haachama again.

>> No.25329878
Quoted by: >>25329941

Why do you think any of that matters?

>> No.25329879

I think towa is, pardon my choice of words

>> No.25329881


>> No.25329884
File: 75 KB, 230x267, 1595158325474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gall of this girl

>> No.25329885
Quoted by: >>25329900


>> No.25329887


>> No.25329889

She keeps doing puppy eyes to Choco to get hints

>> No.25329890
Quoted by: >>25329947

Today both Kanata and Towa lost and kenzoku and the kanatan were victorious.

>> No.25329891

imagine the vice-like embrace

>> No.25329892

>Towa and PPT stream leading to Horror VR collab
>this great 3d debut
Today's looking pretty fucking great for us fencechads

>> No.25329895
Quoted by: >>25329912

>Risu doom
No thanks, I rather watch Ark

>> No.25329898

Meh, if it's just gonna be another Emily VR it's a hard pass for me.

>> No.25329900


>> No.25329902

>OkaPeko VR Horror
>KanaTowa VR Horror
Man we are in for some fun times.

>> No.25329901

>I want to hug!!!!!

>> No.25329904
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1594658444312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they will remember Miko as the chuuba who died and have a funeral live

>> No.25329906

better than being a slut though

>> No.25329907
File: 523 KB, 2400x1800, 1596612642205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True numberfags don't care about some Hindishit market and focus on real stock trading.

>> No.25329908

Hope Twap gets the confidence to ask more.

>> No.25329909

I will tell you only if my dream will define the official canon about the state of her cock.

>> No.25329910
Quoted by: >>25329975

Yeah I'm operating on fumes here. Haven't slept.

>> No.25329911

/vyt/ is full of them.

>> No.25329912
Quoted by: >>25329936

>Risu doom
I'd rather eat shit

>> No.25329913

>Aki is Gosling poster
The day just keeps getting better.

>> No.25329915
File: 343 KB, 1080x1920, 1595268102467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329917

Cover really needs to step the fuck up. How the fuck

>> No.25329926

Hayato has a fucking dragon in his stream. Why can't we get a bad ass dragon for our 3D streams?

>> No.25329928
File: 68 KB, 636x900, Ee04afSU0AAhKb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25329927

I guess I'm an akichad now

>> No.25329929

Which fangroup are the biggest Chads objectively? Pekorachads?

>> No.25329931

>Signal boost from a translated video of a heartfelt moment
>Verified on youtube
Today has been a good day for Aki. More people knowing she'll never give up, the numbers don't matter and she loves and appreciates everyone.

>> No.25329933

Wasn't Polka the reincarnation of that Umimi girl Matsuri talked with? (Which also was the reincarnation of Ryo from GameBu)

>> No.25329934
File: 35 KB, 296x375, 1596725375505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25329966

>> No.25329936
Quoted by: >>25329965

I'd rather get fucked up the ass by Lamy's huge futa elf cock

>> No.25329938
File: 556 KB, 670x565, thisisnotdaijobupeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 Haachama is forbidden from ever collaborating with Haachama again.
A-Anonchama?! Are you alright?!

>> No.25329937
Quoted by: >>25329953

>Didn't watch the stream

>> No.25329939

I was kinda wishing for Towa VR Horror with Sio and Nose chilling in the studio, but this is will do.

>> No.25329940

Hayato is also rich as fuck
he isn't a president of an industrial company for nothing

>> No.25329941
Quoted by: >>25329955

Do you ask why wrestlers take kayfabe so seriously?

>> No.25329942

He's baiting for reactions like yours

>> No.25329943

Does it mean she is the only one that isn't hiding she is a total slut?

>> No.25329947

We were the real winners in the end. The stream was amazing, Towa having so much fun was so pleasant to see. Kanata really teases the best reactions out of her.

>> No.25329951

how are watame and kanata still not verified

>> No.25329953
Quoted by: >>25329974

Read the thing I greentexted, anon...

>> No.25329954

That's some loose panties she's wearing

>> No.25329955

I haven't watched wrestling since I was 11 so no.

>> No.25329958
Quoted by: >>25330021

>the numbers dont matter
Keep telling yourself that. Whats important is that it helps you cope.

>> No.25329960

let me get this straight, reddit are making memes based on translated clips which the original live stream was streamed +2 months ago

>> No.25329961

>Why can't we get a bad ass dragon for our 3D streams?

>> No.25329962

The one with more viewers than Coco 3D

>> No.25329964


>> No.25329965

Me too, anon, me too...

>> No.25329966


>> No.25329970

Perfectly Potty-trained Tenshi!

>> No.25329971
Quoted by: >>25330043


>> No.25329974

Yeah, but considering she had a collab with herself where she called herself with the old avatar during the stream, I though it was referring to that.

>> No.25329975

I thought your post was fine. Didn't we (yes, we) refer to both the dumb blonde zoomer bimbos as Haachama?

>> No.25329976

i told you fags to invest in nenecoins but you didn't listen
now you know the horrible truth about botan
sell now while you still can!

>> No.25329980

I'm noticed no one bitching about towa but nijifag nubmerfagging instead

>> No.25329981

Reddit doesn't watch streams.
Discord does to a point but they're retarded EOPs who need to be spoonfed by translators

>> No.25329982

I don't see what's wrong with that

>> No.25329983
Quoted by: >>25330000

How many times Suisei will wet herself when she's watching Kanata's horror VR stream?

>> No.25329986
Quoted by: >>25330001

I'm a peko fan and I have deep psychological issues, just like pekora herself. I'm definitely not a Chad

>> No.25329990


>> No.25329992

Based, Nenebros and AloeCHADS stick together

>> No.25329994

So you can't read and you can't speak English. What CAN you do?

>> No.25329996

But im a Polkachad

>> No.25329997

bros i want to member aki but i am already membered to towa...

>> No.25329998

she's a dumb slut, but not the endearing kind like haachama

>> No.25330000

>implying she wouldn't camp at the studio that day to record kabaya and schlick to it a hundred times at home

>> No.25330001

Thats something only a Chad would say.

>> No.25330002

Fucking manly ass scream from Pizzadad.

>> No.25330004
Quoted by: >>25330057

what's the horrible truth? I'll believe whatever you tell me even without a source

>> No.25330005
Quoted by: >>25330170

I'm impressed the thread didn't descend to hell. Makes me for hopeful for 5th gen debut.

>> No.25330006

They never check the dates, what did you expect

>> No.25330007

So all of the numberfags are either going to kill themselves or become permanent nijifags, right? Right?

>> No.25330008

please stop breathing

>> No.25330009

Which one is the turn based strategy girl again?

>> No.25330011

Make an alt bro, she will never notice!

>> No.25330013
Quoted by: >>25330046

I thought Luna was dying

>> No.25330014

Suck willies

>> No.25330016

>everything past a certain point should be forgotten

>> No.25330017



>> No.25330019

Took you a while to realize Nijishits are shitting this thread up.

>> No.25330021
Quoted by: >>25330037

Cry some more, Watame.

>> No.25330022
Quoted by: >>25330058

I've never cared about what the person behind my holos has looked like or what kind of person they are and I never will.

>> No.25330023

Did that person translate the clip? Or are Aki's hugs misplaced?

>> No.25330024
Quoted by: >>25330030

Do it both. They deserve it.

>> No.25330027


>> No.25330029

Why are niji threads so dead in comparison to hololive? I thought they pull in bigger numbers

>> No.25330030
Quoted by: >>25330117

That's how you end up being killed by Aki
She hates DDs

>> No.25330031

Did Watame's video made people realise about her? That's awesome

>> No.25330033

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGR3Wy-t0Vk Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrIkZrQGUY0 Risu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEQxL87ZB48 Miyabi

>> No.25330037
Quoted by: >>25330052

In about 2 hours

>> No.25330038

I'm not an Akibro I'm so fucking glad for Aki, bros. I hope she continues to inclide.

>> No.25330040
Quoted by: >>25330148

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGR3Wy-t0Vk Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrIkZrQGUY0 Risu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEQxL87ZB48 Miyabi

>> No.25330041

because EOPs get filtered, and 4chan is all EOPs

>> No.25330042
Quoted by: >>25330313

Lamy is still my favorite so far. Is the cute and probably gonna have a nice voice too.

>> No.25330043

Is he going to roll in FGO too?

>> No.25330044


>> No.25330045

If the doxx was right, we are on the idol path with 5th gen.

>> No.25330046

she got medical assistance

>> No.25330048

I'm always astounded by how bland the male Niji designs are. And yet, the numbers...

>> No.25330051
Quoted by: >>25330094

Because nijitards browse 2 threads. They're so stupid they can't contain their shit in one place.

>> No.25330052

Late night sheep kino is back on the menu boys

>> No.25330053

But numbers d-dont matter

>> No.25330057

botan is a 40yr hag and she has kneeled to the chinese

>> No.25330058
Quoted by: >>25330102

Im glad you can cope this easily.

>> No.25330060

They have a fraction of the foreign fanbase
Nijisanji actually lurk that thread sometimes too

>> No.25330061
Quoted by: >>25330091

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.25330062

less N5s translating clips

>> No.25330064

But I invested in Clowncoins *honk* *honk*

>> No.25330066

I will always support aki and I love the joy she has in all her streams

>> No.25330068


>> No.25330070

Having fun watching both company stream

>> No.25330073
Quoted by: >>25330107

Fuck off home Luna you lost

>> No.25330072

Damn, I remember how she was at 179k during her new live 2D

>> No.25330074

Have they played Fall Guys yet?

>> No.25330076
Quoted by: >>25330187

My clumsy angel first time with VR!!!
I can't even imagine

>> No.25330077

hope aki gets the same boost as miko and haato got

>> No.25330080

This makes me happy.

>> No.25330081
Quoted by: >>25330176

Lack of translated clips = lack of EOPs = lack of thread participants.

>> No.25330082


>> No.25330085
Quoted by: >>25330108

No, stop asking

>> No.25330086

Luna fucking owned

>> No.25330087

Holy shit how can Botanfags even cope with this. This is hilarious.

>> No.25330088

a translated clip came out recently of her talking about the pressure of being the least subbed holo

>> No.25330090

Yep, schizo is a die hard nijifan.
>Holos get high viewership
>Starts falseflagging, shitting up /hlg/ threads
>Nijis get high viewership
>Oh no no no holokeks we got too cocky

>> No.25330091

This video

>> No.25330092

Most of nijifags are JOP.

>> No.25330094

3 threads and it doesn't go the other way around.

>> No.25330099
Quoted by: >>25330136

PekoMiko...It still lives....

>> No.25330098

Does reddit make threads for each stream or even a dialy stream thread?
4chan structure makes keeping track of things a lot easier than the vote based on reddit uses. Plus the fact that we use a single thread means you can always jump in of you see the thread is excited about something, and just reading posts keeps you somewhat up to date. It's one of the main resons I think a vtuber board or a thread split would be bad.

>> No.25330100
Quoted by: >>25330142

No, go watch indies or nijis if you want that.

>> No.25330104

If you want a serious answer, less translated clips, which equals to less popularity outside of Japan, and that reflects on this site as well.

>> No.25330102

What am I coping with?

>> No.25330103

I bet botan has deep sexy voice

>> No.25330105

a toast, to polkachads

>> No.25330106

>Coco still has the chance to fuckup one of the biggest days for 4th gen investers

Don't you fucking dare to ruin this day dragon!

>> No.25330107

Don't talk to her that way

>> No.25330108

But this is the first time I asked

>> No.25330109


>> No.25330111

eh even if this is her I'll still watch her as long as she's entertaining. What they look like behind the avatar really isn't too important

>> No.25330112
Quoted by: >>25330120

I'd rather take simple designs than an abomination like Astel.

>> No.25330113

>Matsuri said nice to meet you to Luna

>> No.25330114
Quoted by: >>25330199

I can't believe Luna x Matsuri is already dead

>> No.25330117

I'm starting to respect her more, those people on twitter who's handle is just a wall of icons disgust me. Pick a single girl to be your oshi and stick with her.

>> No.25330118

Did you even check out the tweet?

>> No.25330120

Astel... isn't winning son...

>> No.25330121

Does anyone have some Roboco clips?

>> No.25330123
Quoted by: >>25330175

Is the nijisanji thread in 5ch more active than the hololive thread or is it dead too?

>> No.25330124
Quoted by: >>25330184

>talking about nijis again
Fuck off if you're not here to discuss hololive you fucking mongoloids

>> No.25330125


>> No.25330126

Sora... please join in on the fun....

>> No.25330128

Matsuri is fucking mad

>> No.25330129
Quoted by: >>25330191

Matsuri is such a fucking bitch lmfao

>> No.25330131

There's LITERALLY no way in hell this is true
I'll be laughing so fucking hard...

>> No.25330133

We got Watame and Haato at the cost of Matsuri and Luna

>> No.25330136
Quoted by: >>25330349

Pekora gave the perfect corporate answer

>> No.25330137

Shien is surely a man of taste and can appreciate Kama, thanks for letting me know.

>> No.25330138
Quoted by: >>25330191

cmon festival she's just a baby

>> No.25330139

I always have Roboco clips.

>> No.25330141

More loyal ARKi viewers at comfy hours is always welcome.

>> No.25330142

Hololive isn't allowed to play popular games?

>> No.25330143

>invest in x coins
can you 10 year old's leave?

>> No.25330145
Quoted by: >>25330167

What happened

>> No.25330148
Quoted by: >>25330172

What the fuck is Miyabi doing

>> No.25330147

nah matsuri was using luna

>> No.25330149

Matsuri is going to bully Luna into graduating hahahaha

>> No.25330150
Quoted by: >>25330267


>A story about Yakiniku (Ah terrorism...!)

Google-kun bringing the narratives once again.

>> No.25330151

Yeah? There are a bunch of surprised emojis?

>> No.25330152

Please tell me you are a falsefagger

>> No.25330153

Based Luna

>> No.25330154
Quoted by: >>25330306

People always wonder why Nijis are mostly highschoolers, guess what's hot in Japanese media. Also simple designs are good for males. Some homostars look so ridiculous it filters people on the very basic level.

>> No.25330158

Today is a good day for Gen 4.

>> No.25330157

Blame COVER and YAGOO.

>> No.25330162

I honestly don't think pitysubs are an especially good thing. What if they still don't watch her streams.

>> No.25330166
Quoted by: >>25330394

I will not rest until the day of Roboco uprising.

>> No.25330167

Luna can't answer anything related to Matsuri at all

>> No.25330170

That's because there's a niji 3D event, kept falseflaggers busy.

>> No.25330171

>something will be uploaded on Hololive Official channel tomorrow

>> No.25330172
Quoted by: >>25330198

Paying his dues to Delight Works and Aniplex

>> No.25330173

>botan is a 40yr hag
that's fine, there's a ton of seiyuu who are old as shit and voices middle-high schoolers characters
>has kneeled to the chinese
dead to me

>> No.25330174

So EOPs really have power...

>> No.25330175
Quoted by: >>25330240

more active

>> No.25330176
Quoted by: >>25330213

There's buttload of niji clips on Youtube tho. Like for every 1 Holo clip, there's like 4-5 translation clips recommendation of some bigshot niji on the sidebar.
Even the newer niji debuts have their translated clips shoved in my face on Twitter or Youtube homepage.

>> No.25330177


>> No.25330178

Have you missed the last few months?

>> No.25330180

Ah nevermind, I didn't read her earlier tweets. I'm a retard and I apologize

>> No.25330181

They need to pay for permissions

>> No.25330184
Quoted by: >>25330253

Youre right
Pekorachads we are inclining!
Towafags why are you like this?
Why is Matuli such a whore?
Botans roommate looks like an overripe grandmother and will retire in a year because of old age!
Aki is inclining lets goooo!!
Cocos cocock...

>> No.25330185

why would you not support one of your wife's wives?

>> No.25330186

probably something hyping up gen 5

>> No.25330187

>first time with VR
It's not her first time, she's already tried it once at Coco's place.

>> No.25330190

>a long time Hololive member will be retiring on the 11th of August. Screencap this post

>> No.25330191

what's going on? what stream?

>> No.25330196

based department ookini

>> No.25330198


>> No.25330199

And just a while back she was crying about how happy she was to have met Luna. What a cunt she is to play Luna like that.

>> No.25330201

Goddamn Botan looks like a literal ogre KEK

>> No.25330203

What's with the huge amount of flags raised in this thread?
One of those is going to jinx all of this eventually

>> No.25330205

no we're stuck with ARK and APEX here even thought cover already getting nintendo permission

>> No.25330202

Haachama now!

>> No.25330207

>kneeled to the chinese
That's all of gen 5

>> No.25330206

Wait a second... the 11th.........

>> No.25330210


The ship is fucking dead

>> No.25330211

>This song
Okay I kneel to nijisanji

>> No.25330213
Quoted by: >>25330249

you’re dumb as a box of rocks

>> No.25330214
Quoted by: >>25330315

>Hoshikawa with Haachama
>Clearly having fun, both of them are having loud kusogaki laughs and are almost always having the time of their lives together
>Hoshikawa with Festival
>Oh... haha... yeah. Nee.... haha. Please let's just get this over with.
How does festival resist killing herself

>> No.25330215


>> No.25330217

Sometimes pitysubs works, sometimes it doesn't. Beats getting no subs at all.

>> No.25330218

>I want botan to have a deep voice
>not another moe character
>Botan mommy
>wtf who is this old hag
I don't understand, isn't this what you wanted

>> No.25330221


This is a pretty slick phone wallpaper design. The artist has it on their booth for free if anyone's intetested.

>> No.25330222
Quoted by: >>25330242

New Haachama now remix!

>> No.25330223

holy shit festival please

>> No.25330225


>> No.25330227

8/11... No it can't be...

>> No.25330228
Quoted by: >>25330252

>dox cancer at these hours.
>believing everything you read on 5ch like the retards you are.
These threads are awful.

>> No.25330229
Quoted by: >>25330285

Dont post this on reddit... Dont pop their bubble...

>> No.25330231
Quoted by: >>25330264


>> No.25330232

>a fucking orchestral composition of her intro

>> No.25330233

Why the fuck Risu doom is unlisted?

>> No.25330234

Roboco graduation...

>> No.25330235

>korone is an old hag
>Oh yes mama cita yubi yubi
>botan is an old hag
>what an ugly hag

>> No.25330237


>> No.25330238

I'll never understand how Botan's alleged "doxx" instantly deters people from watching her. Funny that it's the crossies who spout dumb shit like OHNONO THE BOTANCOINS. I mean just look at the dog. I guarantee you every single dogfucker in here knows her roommate's gorilla appearance and that doesn't take away the fact she's a good chuuba.

>> No.25330239

this haachama remix sounds pretty cool wtf

>> No.25330240

I see, so I guess the lack of translated clips and lack of EOPs are the reasons why the niji thread here is dead

>> No.25330241

What exactly did she do for the chinese? Did she apologise for something retarded?

>> No.25330242

epic chama!

>> No.25330243

Holocaust happened.

>> No.25330245

Nice orchestral arrangment

>> No.25330248


>> No.25330249

I'm just chiming in.

>> No.25330252
Quoted by: >>25330324

Name a single time 5ch was wrong with mass revealing of talents.

>> No.25330253


>> No.25330254


always nice to see people saved my clips

>> No.25330258
Quoted by: >>25330301

A lot of EOPs took interest in Towa because of the whole yabee thing, it can work I guess

>> No.25330259

Holy cope

>> No.25330260

i kneel

>> No.25330264

Thanks robofriends. I'll share a cute clip in exchange, but you most likely already have it.

>> No.25330265

I'd bet on no more AsaCoco

>> No.25330266

So why nijisanji vtubers can play whatever the fuck they want? How cover fucked that up? What's the difference? Did they get all the partnerships?

>> No.25330267

fucking california vegans

>> No.25330269


I thought Sora being in a totally separate friend group was a /hlg/!narrative but it’s actually real

>> No.25330270

>geekjack already posted Haachamas merch

>> No.25330271

Still excited for Botan's debut!

>> No.25330273

She took that much damage from that slut Hoshikawa's call at Haachama stream huh...

>> No.25330274
Quoted by: >>25330376

Korone looks good for an old hag

>> No.25330278

Korones roommate is hot. She looks like in her mid 20s tops.

>> No.25330279
Quoted by: >>25330311

why are more people donating to this stream rather than her previous stream?

>> No.25330282
Quoted by: >>25330437

will be like noel and do a lot of ASMR, promising future for lamycoins, also she has H cups and might call you a good boy
kinda old but seems genuinely energetic and invested in her character, promising!
not much to go on but cute and seems to be shy, watch for bubbles
very talented artist and idol, stocks sure to skyrocket, buy low and sell high!

>> No.25330283

I hope they do after they get permissions. Watching Pikamee play it earlier was super fun.

>> No.25330284
Quoted by: >>25330334

I can't get over how downie haatos new model look

>> No.25330285

implying it won't get immediately removed

>> No.25330287


>> No.25330290
Quoted by: >>25330356

Nijisanji comes off as a network of talents instead of a talent agency

And they have a better legal team

>> No.25330292


>> No.25330294

Wtf is that...

>> No.25330300

GEEKJACKCHAMA? This is somewhat poetic

>> No.25330299

>A fucking plate

>> No.25330301

Many EOPs took interest because her friendly stream times and because she mainly streamed western friendly games.

>> No.25330305
Quoted by: >>25330329

Watame in chat again

>> No.25330306
Quoted by: >>25330436

Yeah but it's like a binary, it's either BLAND AS HELL or RIDICULOUS EDGELORD

>> No.25330311

This is the proper birthday stream

>> No.25330313

can confirm, she stuck her lamy in my ass and called me a good boy

>> No.25330314

btw Risu cancelled DOOM today because Haachama

>> No.25330315

If she wasn't glutton for punishment she would have roped long ago.

>> No.25330320

>watame in chat
here we go

>> No.25330319


>> No.25330324

Were gen 4 doxxed before their debut? I don't remember that.

>> No.25330325

all of the older vtuber's are like that. they had to make friends with people outside their company people they didn't have their own ecosystem.

>> No.25330329

No fucking way she's missing her waifu's stream after that call.

>> No.25330331

She is the old guard and the old guard sticks together

>> No.25330332
Quoted by: >>25330414


The fuck? I literally saw this narrative yesterday on 5ch and its literally bullshit because there is no solid evidence like Nene case. They just throwing shit on the walls and hoping it sticks. And you just have to pick it up and eat it...

>> No.25330333

I want a plate with Matsuri's dumb face on it.

>> No.25330334

it's a visual representation of her degrading sanity.

>> No.25330336

>Tenshi in chat

>> No.25330337

I'm still failing to understand how any of these doxxes hold any weight, besides Nene's.

>> No.25330341

Mental illness

>> No.25330343

SuiTowa sooon

>> No.25330344

I hope we get moved to trash where we belong you cancerous retards.

>> No.25330347
Quoted by: >>25330405

Where did the narrative take the Ideia of
Matsuri and Haato hating eachother?
They haven't interacted lately but also I've never saw any animosity between them.

>> No.25330349

For me it's not, you can hear that she even changed her voice pitch to a serious one, it's a proof that she still cares about her friend no matter how she tried to look as professional as possible.

>> No.25330350
Quoted by: >>25330383

Nijisanji's parent company had a restructure and cleaned up their act, that's why there are no more Nijigamers and shits anymore in 2020, only the name Nijisanji. They also have better legal team because of that.

Back then, Nijisanji was more like a black company than anything else.

>> No.25330354

5ch is never wrong. Unironically. Those nips are hardcore autists.

>> No.25330356

Way to shoot themselves in the foot... fucking cover...

>> No.25330360


>Can be downloaded 100 times by once transaction

At least that limit is less stupid, but it shouldn't have one at all.

>> No.25330361

>dog is ugly
Literal retard

Tell me she looks anywhere near as ugly as Botans ogre roommate.

>> No.25330362

>5ch is never wrong
Except for all the times that they are, of course.

>> No.25330364

you can go ahead faggot

>> No.25330365

you can go back to /v/ now

>> No.25330368
Quoted by: >>25330403

>art not by her own fucking papa
What the fuck are you doing Haruyuki.

>> No.25330370

I still don't get why people are invested in what they look like in real life, doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of vtubing?

>> No.25330371
Quoted by: >>25330447

I don't even know how Nene's does.

>> No.25330373


>> No.25330376

Because she's not as old as everyone says she is and she lost weight. Losing weight is actually huge for your appearance, it makes everyone look younger.

>> No.25330377

God I wish

>> No.25330378

towa has ligma

>> No.25330380

Korone looks like THAT

>> No.25330381

>yfw nene is a japanese nationalist that hates chinks

>> No.25330382


Honk honk

>> No.25330383
Quoted by: >>25330429

>Nijisanji was more like a black company than anything else
Really now?

>> No.25330384

Didn't Noel's birthday set also feature a gyudon bowl?
Did Cover strike a deal with a ceramic manufacturer or what?

>> No.25330385


>> No.25330387

That's because you only see the ones that were correct you colossal newfag. How about you wait at least a month before you start believing doxxposts.

>> No.25330388


>> No.25330389

>haachama president

>> No.25330391

Who's Towa?

>> No.25330392

who is towa

>> No.25330394


>> No.25330396

>she made fanart slideshow
Haachama is a good girl

>> No.25330398

Spic and SEAnigger memes

>> No.25330399

Who's Towa

>> No.25330400


>> No.25330403

she saw what haachama did with her dad and he was scared to participate

>> No.25330405

>the only one streaming during haachama's totsu
geez, i wonder

>> No.25330406

>Which fangroup are the biggest Chads objectively?
People who don't know hololive exists.

>> No.25330408

What's ligma?

>> No.25330410

who the hell is towa

>> No.25330411

bullshit wat

>> No.25330412


>> No.25330413

OHNONONON riw1c4.webm

>> No.25330414

the first stage is denial anon.

>> No.25330415

Roommate posters are bipolar and schizophrenic crossboards who have never been consistent. Just mention /v/ and they will lose their minds though.
These children always talk about how they don't care about the people behind the avatars and only watch for entertainment but they are the most obsessed with spamming their photos.
Apparently you are a pathetic loser virgin for watching someone that's actually decent looking IRL, but then if they're ugly OH NONONONO BROS SELL SELL SELL.

>> No.25330418

>The following benefit are included when you purchase this set.
>Benefit: Special voice

>> No.25330419

SuiTowa singing Next Color Planet together.

>> No.25330421


>> No.25330424

they probably dont, they like making narratives as much as we do but they do have their moments. like that miko JAV one of them found

>> No.25330426

you fucked up

>> No.25330427

Damn it feels good to be an AloeCHAD

>> No.25330429

Yeah, at one point Mito said they didn't even have room accommodations for their talents whenever they have to do small "live" events.

>> No.25330430

Looks like dogfuckers need to be reminded of her Tik Tok

>> No.25330431

Wow a hot guy

>> No.25330434

>he didn't invest in nenecoin

>> No.25330435

The issue with Cover is more that they've become hyper-paranoid because of a few incidents rather than they need to work harder to guarantee they can play something. Privating(/deteling) everything was an unreasonable measure they did not have to take.

>> No.25330436

Yeah, I prefer designs like Roberu and Aruran the most as far as male chuubas go. They're not over the top but still have something unique about them.

>> No.25330437

kill yourself

>> No.25330439

Surely, she's just playing as a character, and nothing to do with her actual mental illness.

>> No.25330443

Based Haatons

>> No.25330444

>Peko DS
>Choco got her gameshow back
>Haachama shitpost
>Flare Metroid
>Okayu paper mario
>Senchou watching her debut video
today is a good today bros

>> No.25330446

Haatons are fucking chads

>> No.25330447

Her art style is a dead give away.

>> No.25330451


>> No.25330450

ligma balls

>> No.25330452

I hope Botan comes out as the star of 5th gen just to spite all of you false flaggers.

I'm interested in aloe though

>> No.25330454

Don't show your dick, haatons
