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File: 177 KB, 1152x1440, Ee88SkLVoAUfv29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25309340 No.25309340 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25309343
File: 750 KB, 2500x3750, 1572390755024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309344
File: 244 KB, 850x1200, Ee5lMVxUcAEDEOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25309345
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309371

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25309346
File: 307 KB, 1536x2048, Ee-9RboUcAA2B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309347
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310089

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25309348
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309795


>> No.25309349
Quoted by: >>25309753



>> No.25309350
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25309351
File: 379 KB, 603x337, 1595815201817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309408

I love him

>> No.25309352
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1594056958528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309353
Quoted by: >>25309369

3 minutes, catbros

>> No.25309354


New Botan.

>> No.25309355
Quoted by: >>25309374

>Artia might show up
Sorry Lofi, this is my limit

>> No.25309358
File: 472 KB, 2000x2500, Ee_CbLIWAAIdCu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25309357

He loves Haachama!

>> No.25309359
Quoted by: >>25309376

BotanCHADS rise up!
Are other holos even fucking trying at this point?

>> No.25309362
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, Ee_AIn0UEAAGWp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309405

I just want Mio to be happy again...

>> No.25309363
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1576146179969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the best.

>> No.25309364

Haachama is being suspected lol

>> No.25309367


>> No.25309369
Quoted by: >>25309389

previous attempt already privated

>> No.25309372
File: 73 KB, 768x768, 1592415631602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa Birthday voice!

>> No.25309371
File: 197 KB, 463x448, 1588384917037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no tu

>> No.25309374
Quoted by: >>25309441

Can you speak Indonesian? What is Iofi's personality like in Indo compared to her English and Japanese one?

>> No.25309375
File: 946 KB, 673x900, Ee-58ltU0AAkIGb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309376
Quoted by: >>25309463


>> No.25309377

>Artia playing Ark all day off-stream
You lazy fucking gremlin.

>> No.25309378
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1920, asmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309406

Mogu mogu~~

>> No.25309380

Imagine not talking to anyone in your own language for a long time.

>> No.25309383
Quoted by: >>25309401

Towa's perky towas!

>> No.25309384
File: 227 KB, 1427x2048, god i wish that were me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okayu~n just fuck my shit up with your ASMR

>> No.25309385
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, EeJvJx4U4AETmK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309496

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25309386
File: 1.04 MB, 600x252, FlusteredChubbyJanenschia-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh? She privated the initial ASMR stream.

>> No.25309387
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, moona1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309522


>> No.25309388
File: 619 KB, 2048x1982, 1594242968288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309398


>> No.25309389

She might try and cut them together like she did with her old members-only nayami soudan.

>> No.25309391
Quoted by: >>25309402

>Haachama talks too much while Kanata barely say anything
Just like the last word wolf collab

>> No.25309392
Quoted by: >>25309404


>> No.25309393

>720p 30 fps
Risu, don't get a PC like the one Iofi wasted money

>> No.25309396

He loves Towa!

>> No.25309397


>> No.25309398


>> No.25309399
File: 2.52 MB, 1290x1925, Polka3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309401
File: 343 KB, 497x470, 1596980257587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's tight butt.

>> No.25309402

Coco is doing much better than I thought though.

>> No.25309403
File: 305 KB, 377x845, aloeha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309878


>> No.25309404


>> No.25309405
File: 205 KB, 849x1200, 1596008386292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the whole incident hasn't shaken her up too much.

>> No.25309406

I feel the same way bro.

>> No.25309407
Quoted by: >>25309434

Matsuri hates her...

>> No.25309408
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x720, ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309409
File: 595 KB, 1110x888, Towasingingforme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309411

Bless Rurudomama. Such a really cute Towa.

>> No.25309414
File: 635 KB, 560x657, 1595763120941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309415

Which chuuba do you think is disgusted by their fans the most? I think Towa would probably find most of her family pretty kimoi

>> No.25309416

does coco have no presence on collabs at all?

>> No.25309417

desu I don't like most holo girls.

>> No.25309420

I love rurudo holy shit

>> No.25309421
File: 146 KB, 1873x791, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their response to my email, hook how dumb their staffs are.

>> No.25309422
File: 902 KB, 1276x1512, 75160276_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomen ne~

>> No.25309424

She's doing much better than usual.

>> No.25309425
File: 1.12 MB, 3066x2160, poru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you subbed to Polka yet?

>> No.25309426

>that Towa pause as she slowly turns around

>> No.25309429
File: 358 KB, 1448x2048, Ee8SyluUMAEJR4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309427

Marine and Haachama's are bigger

>> No.25309430


Okayu is back.

>> No.25309431
File: 498 KB, 931x575, 1596980298747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna tweet this to Towa. Is this the final version?

>> No.25309432
File: 66 KB, 746x775, Yagoo I kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel before Yagoo

>> No.25309433
Quoted by: >>25309477

She's trying hard in this one, its Kanata who has almost zero presence in this collab.

>> No.25309434

geez just because she gets cucked?

>> No.25309435

Generally she doesn't.

>> No.25309436
File: 36 KB, 425x600, Ookami.Mio.600.2804481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309698

Is there a Mio image that shows how the hoodie looks from behind? Need the reference for my sewing, but cant seem to find anything.

>> No.25309437

Nice projecting sheepfag

>> No.25309439


>> No.25309440


>> No.25309441
Quoted by: >>25309489

Not him, Iofi's the same all across the languages she uses.

>> No.25309442

So good.

>> No.25309443

Okayu...please stop rubbing my ear canal with a stick of chalk...

>> No.25309445

Is the cute!

>> No.25309446

Hololive staff is actually pretty cool.

>> No.25309447

Based Lyger wins again and you nerds can't do anything to stop him.

>> No.25309448

Fake and gay but every retard and shitposter here is going to believe it.

>> No.25309450

Holy shit did you actually send them that fucking copy pasta? Mongoloid

>> No.25309452
File: 51 KB, 526x545, Everyday until you improve yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little alien? She’s a Vtuber who does mounted archery in her free time, teaches a duck how to draw and teaches EOP Japanese to be able converse with their oshis for shit and giggles. She can fluently speak Indonesian, English and Japanese and knows German and Korean too, but that’s still not enough as she’s currently learning sign language and how to play the violin to become an even better Vtuber. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25309453
Quoted by: >>25310169

She has her friends to keep her sane. Subaru won't let her go unchecked in any case.

>> No.25309454
Quoted by: >>25310042

Godly /fit/ness

>> No.25309455

I am, along with my 40 thousand sub bots

>> No.25309456

Marine. Imagine having to deal with horny spergs all day.

>> No.25309457

She's generally on punchline duty. Not this time though, I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.25309458 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 580x601, 1596983574197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309460

I kind of want to see a Lolo and Towa collab

>> No.25309461

Why is there no yagoo?

>> No.25309462


>> No.25309463

Botan theme is catchy. I wish her fans were slavbros.

>> No.25309464

>one week wait
Sora... you will still greet your new co-worker’s debuts right..?

>> No.25309465
File: 61 KB, 1397x506, 938592835235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309466

Heh. Glad a kenzoku is a part of Hololive production English team.

>> No.25309467

Why are you so obsessed?

>> No.25309469
Quoted by: >>25309521

Because I don't know what her personality and voice are like.

>> No.25309470
File: 18 KB, 572x424, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309471

Big brain.

>> No.25309472

who will win as woof?

>> No.25309473
File: 399 KB, 645x505, 1580917342898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309474

Okayu why are you dribbling a basketball

>> No.25309475


>> No.25309478
File: 1.16 MB, 1275x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309477
Quoted by: >>25309501

with her personality i thought that she would dominate

>> No.25309479

Fucking Haachama got it right

>> No.25309480

>that little pause and slowly turning around
Literally perfect.

>> No.25309482
Quoted by: >>25309509

How did she guess right?!

>> No.25309483

Okay, this actually is hilarious.

>> No.25309485
File: 76 KB, 477x760, Ee92tnUVoAEmqz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309487

Haato is a genius.

>> No.25309488

Haachama sugoi

>> No.25309489
Quoted by: >>25309521

I am waiting for them to debut before subbing to them
Thank you

>> No.25309490

hey Cover you could pay me to deal with retarded narrative shitposters, where do I send in my resume?

>> No.25309491

How does she keep getting away with it?!

>> No.25309493

holohouse 144p...

>> No.25309494
File: 189 KB, 404x343, 1590015985412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that image is real, the only thing that make him dangerous is his apps which can be use by antis.

>> No.25309496

I love low-res Kanatan and hope Subaru gets a better PC soon!

>> No.25309497

yes keep tapping, that actually works for me

>> No.25309499
File: 189 KB, 905x1280, 抹時 なら@Matutoki_Nara05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309520

I'm a simp for festival. Judge me.

>> No.25309501
Quoted by: >>25309527

Is it your first big collab with Coco?

>> No.25309502

Holy kek, based if true, gay if fake

>> No.25309503
Quoted by: >>25309560

Imagine the smell...

>> No.25309506
File: 1.09 MB, 1281x719, 21341356426375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309550


>> No.25309507

Rushia. I can't imagine having to deal with twitch tier spam every fucking day.

>> No.25309508

There is one JOP(?) that is backseating Choco in her Apex stream. Lmao

>> No.25309509

because she made it as obvious as possible that she was the wolf and from the start was trying to fish out info to guess the word

>> No.25309511

>he also happens to speak Japanese(another reason 4chan and Facebook are so against him)

>> No.25309512

Take your meds schizochama...

>> No.25309513
File: 252 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dame dane

>> No.25309514

People won't seriously believe this shit right? This is written by someone who has literally never seen a business email ever.

>> No.25309517

imagine how cold her hands would be

>> No.25309518

big kusa

>> No.25309519
File: 386 KB, 715x527, 1596045868945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311531

I think most of the chuubas love their fans, I know Towa certainly does.

>> No.25309520

Honestly, I'm just disappointed in you.

>> No.25309521
File: 20 KB, 585x258, Polka!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They didn't know

>> No.25309522

Moona's moonas...

>> No.25309523

Okay, l*g*r.

>> No.25309524

Wait someone made a different version? The other one ronaldinhos after the second kick.

>> No.25309526

Over the past few days I've become more and more of a goslingposter.
How do I go back? It hurts so fucking much, bros.

>> No.25309527

i think this is my second one

>> No.25309528
Quoted by: >>25309727

Do retards itt actually and unironically believe this is real?

>> No.25309529

no aqua sex tape in the corner...

>> No.25309530

Noel - her fans are horny old men that wanted to fuck her or her roommate
Rushia - most of her fans are SEA
Marine - hate her fans unless her fan is a girl or a boy
Pekora - hates non-Japanese or non-Caucasian fans

>> No.25309531


>> No.25309533


>> No.25309535
Quoted by: >>25309555

If it isn't a debut stream I don't care

>> No.25309537
File: 1001 KB, 1625x1650, 75868411_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it.

>> No.25309538
File: 7 KB, 1188x116, Towappi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309540

>people are gonna think this is a real reply

>> No.25309541
File: 100 KB, 1080x608, Ee-k6lCU4AIK7I6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see the Mio diary posted last thread so here it is!
>うれしいね<3 裏声から地声にきりかえる練習とかしてるよ。低い音から高い声を出すのはできるけど、逆は難しいね
Translation in a few minutes!
Also fuck lyger

>> No.25309542
File: 262 KB, 359x508, 1595917592538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309566

Noel and Rushia since they dont even enjoy streaming to begin with

>> No.25309543
Quoted by: >>25309585

I'm not subbing to anyone before they debut, fuck off retard.

>> No.25309544

pekora is the definition of based

>> No.25309545
File: 304 KB, 1090x1440, 1596299802868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309569

Menhera family meet-up.

>> No.25309548

What the other guy said

>> No.25309549

give it 2 weeks

>> No.25309550
File: 828 KB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not used to her streaming so much.

>> No.25309552
File: 309 KB, 1000x1421, Ee-BDmBUEAALm27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell...

>> No.25309554


>> No.25309555

It was

>> No.25309556

>unless a girl or a boy
What other gender is there? Her fans can only be male or female

>> No.25309558

hololive team is slow-ass on responding back to queries. nice try.

>> No.25309560

Smells like overheating PC parts of Subaru's PC

>> No.25309561

I unironically believe this is real considering how unprofessional the Hololive R*ddit mod is

>> No.25309562


>> No.25309563

Haachama is allergic to cats. How the hell could she have been to a cat cafe?

>> No.25309564

>He DOES live in Japan but his reasons are completely outside of anything related to Virtual Youtubers
Holy shit this nigger has friends on the inside running cover (pun intended) for him, the absolute state of Hololive.
Also you kinda went full a-log bro

>> No.25309565
Quoted by: >>25309579

Hearing her like this makes me more hopeful for the holohouse's success

>> No.25309566
Quoted by: >>25309591

Don't use the fallen to shitpost about Noel please

>> No.25309567
File: 222 KB, 418x524, WataPunished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao if this is real then I would be way more worried about your creepy ass than l*ger. Christ all mighty, you are actually a schizo arnt you?

>> No.25309569
Quoted by: >>25309582

*0*0 is not menhera!

>> No.25309568


>> No.25309570


>> No.25309571

>want hat
>dont want poster

>> No.25309572

wait "English team" it was written by Lyger

>> No.25309574


>> No.25309576

I want Lolo and Ui to sing awkwardly together

>> No.25309578
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, Ed_loDRVoAA3w5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309579


>> No.25309580
File: 837 KB, 1150x1402, 1594405886983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309582
Quoted by: >>25309605

Multiple personality disorder...

>> No.25309583
Quoted by: >>25310042

>ran 100km on a bicycle
Damn Yagoo.

>> No.25309585
Quoted by: >>25309608

Can you not read the tweet?

>> No.25309586
File: 26 KB, 692x36, Screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one on the previous thread who sent the mail.

>> No.25309587
Quoted by: >>25309689

>Towa would probably find most of her family pretty kimoi
>went to discord
>studies English
>constantly panders to gaikai fans

Why are sheepfags retarded?

>> No.25309588

Nice one l*ger, but I emailed Cover JP, not hololive EN team.

>> No.25309589
Quoted by: >>25309643

Did you see their official Facebook post on the holo-caust? This is totally in line with their team's style.

>> No.25309590
File: 818 KB, 736x710, keep on entering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-could it be!?

>> No.25309592

>walk down the street
>see this
what do?

>> No.25309591

Im not shitposting

>> No.25309593
Quoted by: >>25309744

You typing this up in Japanese is really helpful anon. Thank you

>> No.25309595
Quoted by: >>25309625

Women are called girls their whole life but men are not always called boys and Marine hates men

>> No.25309596

Implying youd get a response in under a few hours from Cover on a fucking Sunday.

>> No.25309598

Haachama literally saving Kanata

>> No.25309597
File: 467 KB, 800x711, EeapYKQVoAIBPcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310074

Kanata's endurance stream sauna...

>> No.25309600

Is there any character who can possibly hope to defeat the KENZOKU?

>> No.25309601

I never understood why they do this. Just put the pc tower outside of the soundproof room so it doesnt get nearly as hot

>> No.25309602
File: 3.26 MB, 3270x2894, Eet-lIoVoAAvKSm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309636

webm please

>> No.25309603

What an absolute machine, imagine his stamina in bed

>> No.25309604

I ordered the two T-shirt too, but this is my first time ordering someone with buyee from a japanese shop so I can't understand what's happening but I hope I didn't fuck up lmao

>> No.25309605

It's not a disorder, it's a feature!

>> No.25309606
Quoted by: >>25309656

i thought it was only eggs?

>> No.25309608

I didn't even open the image, fuck off retard.

>> No.25309609
File: 407 KB, 598x648, 1592436927214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Usada "Nanking is a Joke Compared to What I Will Do" Pekora

>> No.25309610
File: 23 KB, 715x594, 1593922779293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are catbros masochists?

>> No.25309611
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1595773788821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309646

Towachad is honestly more iconic than Bibi

>> No.25309612
File: 83 KB, 878x295, 1591141589503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute chad of a man

>> No.25309613
Quoted by: >>25309631

Catbros, I'm comfy.

>> No.25309614
Quoted by: >>25309628


>> No.25309616
Quoted by: >>25309630

Wait Lyger is a moderator on Matsuri's channel? What the fuck.

>> No.25309617
File: 280 KB, 1600x2000, 5474257427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she seems to be doing a bit better now. All that radio silence at the beginning was worrying.

>> No.25309618 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 231x273, 1593473788902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring this much, You're a loser like him.

>> No.25309620
Quoted by: >>25309656

If this is true Haato is a genetic fuck up

>> No.25309621

Thanks for the transcripts, I sometimes forget to read them, but I appreciate you posting them.

>> No.25309623
File: 939 KB, 804x719, 1596723536807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys know, i absolutely love this woman

>> No.25309624
File: 208 KB, 1200x1500, 1596319887245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I want to humiliate the cat

>> No.25309625
Quoted by: >>25309677

She literally wants to be roughly fucked by men.

>> No.25309627

Get fucked loser

>> No.25309629

The pause
The gasp

How's she so perfect bros

>> No.25309628
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1595508567728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's friend
Just like me!

>> No.25309631

Me too. Just wish ASMR lulled me to sleep like it did for others.

>> No.25309630


>> No.25309632
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, Ed4hTbhXgAAalvq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's not even my oishi but I'm still tempted as hell to blow 80 bucks on the hat, someone stop me.

>> No.25309633
File: 28 KB, 231x300, 1582664896700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's playing Word Wolf while Haachama is playing fucking 10D chess or someshit

>> No.25309634

im both

>> No.25309635

Whats the general demographic of /hlg/? Dont tell me its SEA.

>> No.25309636
File: 1.95 MB, 936x720, Ice2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309686


>> No.25309637

Towa with hugs

>> No.25309638

I remember this pasta.

>> No.25309640


>> No.25309643
Quoted by: >>25309748

There are numerous things to pick apart in this mail that makes it completely unbelievable, if you trust that email you are simply too retarded to breathe and that is with their Facebook faggot taken into account.
Anon, this proves nothing as it is painfully easy to just inspect element change that.
There is simply no way that mail is real and I would bet my fucking life on it.

>> No.25309644

Depends on hours but it's definitely mostly SEA and Americans (South and North)

>> No.25309645
Quoted by: >>25310042

>Today at 5:40 AM
So was he biking since 1 AM? Yagoo is on another level.

>> No.25309646
File: 85 KB, 715x822, 1595774581642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309678

Bibi is cat, family is family.

>> No.25309648

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.25309649

so since doxfags already figured out gen 5 I gotta ask: who's gonna do the best ASMR?

>> No.25309650

Coco's shit after with collabs larger than three people

>> No.25309651

>he also happens to speak Japanese(another reason 4chan and Facebook are so against him)
And that's where you lose any semblance of bait. A+ for effort though because I was expecting extremely casual (i.e. unprofessional) writing like that guy managing Cover's FB posts.

>> No.25309652

YAGOO the Fitness God.
Why doesn't he use some of his expertise and get Luna/Suisei/Marine or some of the other out of shape NEETs to a level where they're not out of breath after a few seconds of standing up.

>> No.25309654
File: 2.07 MB, 1980x1080, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Mel loves her fans especially me :3

>> No.25309655
Quoted by: >>25309696

I believe per the last poal it's like Majory US, followed by SEAs, then Europe and Australia and it goes down from there.

>> No.25309656

She's allergic to a lot of things. Eggs, cats, pollen, house dust.

>> No.25309657

I guarantee any jojo edits

>> No.25309658

>voting coco
what the actual fuck are you doing

>> No.25309660


>> No.25309661

haachama dominates on collabs makes me sad that shes in australia

>> No.25309663

I've seen people allergic to cats OWN cats. Not all allergies work the same especially with meds.

>> No.25309664

Polls said it's burger followed by SEA

>> No.25309665

Kelvin Lai is next

>> No.25309666

Aloe obviously

>> No.25309667

I'm so scared that my favorite looking 5th gen will either sound like shit or be just a pure stacy that it's keeping me up at night

>> No.25309668

I can't, I already got a Bibi.

>> No.25309670

>don't talk at all

>> No.25309672

PPT keeping a low profile and throwing everyone off

>> No.25309673
File: 280 KB, 917x1889, ff honks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309908

But I am kupo *honk*

>> No.25309674

Imagine how long she showered after joining that Discord VC.

>> No.25309675

I think you have to be a little of both to be a catbro.

>> No.25309676
Quoted by: >>25309955

Peko... Miko...

>> No.25309677

No she doesn't

>> No.25309678
File: 163 KB, 262x326, bibi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bibi is cat

>> No.25309680


>> No.25309681
Quoted by: >>25310042


>> No.25309682

Put this lad in the spic tierlist

>> No.25309683

>getting attached before their debut

>> No.25309686
File: 135 KB, 480x500, Ee51VKWVoAQzjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.25309687
Quoted by: >>25309712

>don't say anything

>> No.25309689

>Studies English
>75% of her family are ESL Spanish speakers

>> No.25309692

>Sunday, August 9
>I'm a little late in writing my diary today.
>I just ate Tenpura udon a while ago. Is shrimp the most popular ingredient? I like squid the best.
>Sweet and spicy food is so good! Teriyaki, Nikujaga, Sukiyaki, Happy Turn(Japanese snack brand)...
>Everything is delicious, Sweet and spicy is the strongest...
>I reserved quite a few voice training lessons because of the Bon vacation~
>I don't really know the chords on the piano, but my voice comes out in about 3 octaves, so apparently I can sing most JPOP songs!
>I'm so happy! <3 I'm practicing to switch from a falsetto voice to my normal voice. I can produce a high-pitched voice from a low-pitched one, but the opposite is difficult.
>Practice will surely pay off, I'm going to give it my all!

>> No.25309693
Quoted by: >>25309709

Marine is the only one who got it right lmao

>> No.25309694

bibi has such a great design

>> No.25309695
File: 194 KB, 800x517, REPSMACHTFREI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall now remind everyone to:

>> No.25309696
Quoted by: >>25309714

I thought there was only like, 5 Australians here. Which is definitely too many.
Get the fuck out of this thread you fucking shitcunts.

>> No.25309698
File: 66 KB, 643x900, EdywyQDUYAAen1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309730

Nothing official other than her live2D model. Most fanart just assume it's the same pattern at the back but reversed.

>> No.25309700

Marine is really good at reading people, it's almost scary.

>> No.25309702

>a pure stacy that it's keeping me up at night
That's a bad thing? I wouldn't want a stacy with Luna's stamina

>> No.25309705 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 706x1000, 1596984313827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cat.

>> No.25309706
Quoted by: >>25310042

So thats why his heart is so robust. Hes smart and trains it.

>> No.25309707
File: 96 KB, 832x1245, EeKUAMLUcAEH4sA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine retweeted this
Horniest Holo has the horniest fans and she encourages it.

>> No.25309709

Senchou has the advantage of so many years experience.

>> No.25309711

She hates male fans whose age is far past her strike zone.

>> No.25309712
Quoted by: >>25309732

Her answer was really safe and good so she was never found out

>> No.25309714

Well there's only 200 something of us so 50 US and 40 SEAs already puts the numbers pretty far down. 5 Australians might be right. Also depended on how many times the poal was posted and at what time.

>> No.25309717

Mio is really technical and specific. Noel's coach wasn't joking around when he said Mio caught his attention.

>> No.25309719

Most of the international family are from US and Europe though...

>> No.25309720

>studying spanish
I can't think of a more useless thing

>> No.25309722
File: 1.59 MB, 500x562, catgroove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309723
Quoted by: >>25309757

Does okayu have a hard candy on her mouth? I think I hear some slurping and rattling against her teeth every now and then

>> No.25309725

Same as video games, white boomers with too much income, kids, retards, seamonkeys and spics.

>> No.25309727


>> No.25309730
Quoted by: >>25309810

Thats what i was planning on going with. I guess its just repeating the front pattern on the back for simplicity sake and thats it. Thanks.

>> No.25309732

the blonde retard to her left also gave her a lot to work with

>> No.25309733
Quoted by: >>25309842

She knows that purityfags pay less.

>> No.25309734
File: 260 KB, 1474x1400, 1596984395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309735
Quoted by: >>25309853

something something fans are like their oshis

>> No.25309737

eurofag here anon

>> No.25309738
File: 274 KB, 1280x2048, Eexgc9mUcAEucR6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is right with the world.

>> No.25309739

Nah it's something like Flips > SEAs > Burgerchamas > Whatever

>> No.25309741

Big botans

>> No.25309742

But that's wrong Juan

>> No.25309744
File: 384 KB, 1463x2048, EZfYWkqVAAE8NFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon, I know it helps some people with their reps

>> No.25309745

he just wants (You)s, anon

>> No.25309746

She doesn't really encourage it when it's just bait to keep you watching and spending money

>> No.25309747
Quoted by: >>25309755

Haato butthole.

>> No.25309748 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 694x1175, 1596984493923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one that I sent.

>> No.25309752
File: 78 KB, 936x1024, 1591483190177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309908

God her design is so insanely busy. The hair clips, the eyes, the bowtie pinwheel ahoge, two different hair highlights, insanely intricate outfit. There's even shit on her eyelashs. Who greenlit this?

>> No.25309753


>> No.25309755


>> No.25309756

Reminder to not get baited by projection-kuns!

>> No.25309757

she is just fat anon...

>> No.25309759

my sides

>> No.25309760

hahaha, these words.

>> No.25309761
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0002watch_v=urRlD3Ahpfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309762


>> No.25309763

>this word
holy fuck subaru, you madlass

>> No.25309764
File: 27 KB, 480x300, Featured-Image-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite holo? Please tell me her name and show me a picture

>> No.25309765

It's the same lol

>> No.25309766

If they don't fucking get this...

>> No.25309767


>> No.25309769

Good word choice lmao

>> No.25309771

I don't get it, they are all the same word.

>> No.25309775
File: 3.12 MB, 2151x3150, 1594222742087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309791

I'm in love with the sheep!

>> No.25309774

It's over lmao

>> No.25309776

Subaru is a genius

>> No.25309777
File: 172 KB, 1254x1771, EUq7wIFU8AAaGks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309952

Short haired Watame looks so good


>> No.25309779


>> No.25309780
Quoted by: >>25309817

Anal amy...

>> No.25309781

Okayu there's something going "squish" in my ear

>> No.25309782

This Okayu ASMR is very crunchy.

>> No.25309784
Quoted by: >>25309814

It's a Digimon.

>> No.25309786

Who is the most bullied Holo in /hlg/ and why is it Okayu?

>> No.25309787

Sorry Light but not a single one of them has their actual real name known, you're gonna have better luck with Tamaki and Kizuna Ai.

>> No.25309788
File: 419 KB, 600x800, 325236546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the translation, anon.

>> No.25309789
File: 356 KB, 711x822, 1515604393044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309823


>> No.25309791


>> No.25309792

I wonder how many of [X fanbase] he can take on all at once

>> No.25309794

My cool and fresh summer wife!

>> No.25309795
File: 1.11 MB, 1696x2136, Honk!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309797

only 4,8k watching the asmr
where are the goslingbros?

>> No.25309800


>> No.25309801
Quoted by: >>25309837

Yagami Light? More like Imagay Light lol

>> No.25309802
File: 889 KB, 2572x2160, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309891


>> No.25309805

Thank you for these. The japanese transcript togrther with translation help. Im happy that Mio is doing these diaries.

>> No.25309806

ESL? It looks like you're trying hard to sound formal but you fuck up some basic grammar here and there.

>> No.25309810

I tried looking through her official artist's twitter but no dice. Good luck anon! I'm interested in seeing the pattern when you get around to it.

>> No.25309809
File: 95 KB, 347x295, 1593529014942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anemonia Castanet

>> No.25309811
File: 54 KB, 507x1200, Hitomi_Chris_-_Full_Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitomi Chris

>> No.25309814

Like a dark Patamon

>> No.25309815

Haachama probably got it from Coco's "close" remark

>> No.25309817

If You Seek Lamy

>> No.25309818

I'm not gonna share a picture of my waifu.

>> No.25309820

This happens every time due to ASMR shadowban. You'll see a bunch of comments from people who missed it over the next week or so.

>> No.25309821

Narukami Sabaki

Are you here?!?!

>> No.25309822

It's probably closer to being either the Twin Tower or the Leech

>> No.25309823
File: 144 KB, 596x456, 1596307992937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part of the family.

>> No.25309825

I had to stop or I was going to have a heart attack

>> No.25309826

Which of Gen 5 is Hitomi Chris returning for revenge?

>> No.25309827

Easy counter win for Coco if shes not stupid.

>> No.25309831

Choco of all holos seemingly enjoying APEX is kind of cute

>> No.25309834
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, twap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happy throughout most of towa's stream
>cried a bit at the end cause of how proud i was of her being more confident
>super happy about the bibi hat and merch even though i can't afford it yet
>weird butterflies in my stomach for no reason
>soul-crushing sadness when the stream ends
>want to kill myself all of a sudden
why am i like this? she's not even real.

>> No.25309835

why is aloe retweeting so many towa posts? is she family approved?

>> No.25309836

Which Holo has the worst teeth?

>> No.25309837

The fact that I'm laughing way too fucking hard at this means it's definitely time to go to sleep.

>> No.25309838
Quoted by: >>25309839

Why did she do it bros

>> No.25309839

The thrill

>> No.25309842
Quoted by: >>25309912

Are you retarded? Her views would tank if she actually talked about having sex in real life.

>> No.25309843
File: 224 KB, 1100x1500, Eb6O5ynU4AI6pTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suki dess!

>> No.25309844

>want to kill myself all of a sudden
Yeah, you probably should do that.

>> No.25309846


>> No.25309847

both of them are a kind of demon

>> No.25309848
File: 195 KB, 499x536, 1580971359600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: If your favorite holo doesnt have a ritual post, she irrelevant

>> No.25309849
File: 27 KB, 215x361, 1596092382731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Okayus ASMR always give me a boner. No other ASMR does this

>> No.25309851


>> No.25309853

It's more likely that they are complete opposites

>> No.25309852

That's one of the new nijis

>> No.25309855
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1800, sea of polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309873


>> No.25309856
Quoted by: >>25310194

No shame in loving the best girl.

>> No.25309858

holy fuck I had no idea my ears were that dirty

>> No.25309859
File: 427 KB, 2886x2880, EebCXiAUMAESCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309889

My fucking dick

>> No.25309860

You subconsciously realized you're a cuck.

>> No.25309861

Not even Choco-senpai's?

>> No.25309862
File: 121 KB, 780x1200, 1596497488361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mystery.

>> No.25309863
File: 13 KB, 812x295, 1587550685768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309898


>> No.25309864
Quoted by: >>25310153

You've probably got bigger problems outside of what you watch for entertainment if a peak in happiness results in such a quick turn to suicidal thoughts

>> No.25309865
File: 398 KB, 1446x2048, Ee-U7xQU8AAjAGj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>botan mommy
>loli botan
It's a win-win situation.

>> No.25309869
File: 1.11 MB, 833x867, 1596979924921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310194

She's real in my heart.

Demon family.

>> No.25309870

What is dowa(?)

>> No.25309871
Quoted by: >>25309927



>> No.25309872
Quoted by: >>25309896

Okayu's voice is already sex and the ASMR amplifies that

>> No.25309873

>hair highlights spell "Polka"

>> No.25309874


>> No.25309875

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5aO-Q6NPck Ayame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVzltv-WCF0 Rushia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIOOMhMjjgk Korone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGLU_NMggwE Oga
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RhVyx1eW28 Haato Premiere

>> No.25309876

No cant do anon.

>> No.25309878

what do her feet taste like?

>> No.25309879

What the hell was that superchat amount and what was the name and message? I can't find it in youtube's garbage of a website.
Is there a third party way to see all individual superchat for a video?

>> No.25309881

Can't believe I missed Aqua hair drying stream.

>> No.25309885
File: 20 KB, 846x326, 2020-08-09 10_01_12-Order Detail - BOOTH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309886
Quoted by: >>25309892

That's sensei to you disrespectful cunt

>> No.25309888
File: 598 KB, 600x689, drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhhh she's sleeping...

>> No.25309889

Built for hot glue.

>> No.25309890 [SPOILER] 
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1596984941090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Light, her full name is you are fucking dead

>> No.25309891
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x683, 1581370816054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309892

Fuck my blain is bloekn, I need to sleep

>> No.25309893
Quoted by: >>25309932

Is Coco the only one Senchou calls with -san? I remember her calling everyone else with nicknames or -chan

>> No.25309895


>> No.25309896
File: 186 KB, 526x673, EX45kWCVAAI13vL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've listened to all of Chocos and she doesn't do it for me. Something about the cat is purr magic. I absolutely love her fucking voice man.
You get it.

>> No.25309898
Quoted by: >>25310001




>> No.25309899
File: 193 KB, 1120x1728, 1590331554921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ im gonna have to fap after this now

>> No.25309900
File: 438 KB, 931x575, et7mnb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done.

>> No.25309901


>> No.25309902


>> No.25309903


>> No.25309904

What the fuck Coco?

>> No.25309905


>> No.25309907


>> No.25309906


>> No.25309909
File: 795 KB, 1200x1020, 1593267037451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25309954

Same, I've tried "Noel"'s ASMR and it does almost nothing for me but with Okayu even if she's doing something mundane I like it. It's probably just that Okayu better fits my ideal of a gf

>> No.25309908

Very based, dangerously even

>She looks like a clown with clown makeup!

>> No.25309911

wow coco is stupid

>> No.25309910
Quoted by: >>25309931


>> No.25309912

She should just be transparent about her past instead of lying so much all the time instead of half assing a proatitute character

>> No.25309913

>coco thought it was yagoo

>> No.25309914


>> No.25309915


>> No.25309916
Quoted by: >>25310194

Just go to sleep, anon. The pain will fade away quickly.

>> No.25309917


>> No.25309918


>> No.25309922

COCO ????

>> No.25309923

Cant believe Towa is dying

>> No.25309924

Kinda cringe but based nonetheless

>> No.25309927

Cute kouhai!

>> No.25309929

The reddit memes got to her...

>> No.25309931


>> No.25309932

Gotta respect the dragon

>> No.25309933


>> No.25309935

>An even more powerful Mio
Her voice is already fantastic, I can't wait to see how this turns out.

>> No.25309936 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25310013

Hey guys. So my bros from /v/ told me that this is a hugbox for all the worst 4chan snowflakes. Is this true? You supposedly can't even call someone who is simping a simp cause you get him reported for hurt feelings. That is pretty pathetic guys.

>> No.25309937

Based, thanks anon.

>> No.25309939


>> No.25309941
File: 16 KB, 591x203, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25309943

Madlad did it. Absolutely based

>> No.25309944 [DELETED] 

bros wtf

>> No.25309946


>> No.25309948

>she should just tank her profitability to appease my cuck fetish
Neck yourself.

>> No.25309949

You've done it now, anon. Also, checked

>> No.25309950
Quoted by: >>25310315

She is real, she just doesn't look and speak like that. You are also real and have developed a crush. The only way to cure your sadness is to learn japanese and become good at Apex.

>> No.25309951

I giggled like a retard

>> No.25309952

Why does short hair always give off such a nice aura?

>> No.25309953


>> No.25309954
File: 654 KB, 1363x1817, 1595302667731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn hang out and play video games with Okayu until you end up kissing on her bed

>> No.25309955

All I can think of is that Boshi doujinshi where the mom fucked the sick son and at the end both were sleeping together in the same bed after she got the fever too

>> No.25309956

>using google translate for that
this is a level beyond needing to do your reps

>> No.25309957
Quoted by: >>25310112

Coomers are the most vindictive group of people. If she ever says anything about real life guy she'll lose most of her donating viewer base.

>> No.25309958

why the fuck is yandev there?

>> No.25309959
Quoted by: >>25309992


>> No.25309960

>Rushia looks behind in confusion as she's about to be kidnapped by an old geezer

>> No.25309963

Mio doing her singing reps

>> No.25309965


>> No.25309966

What the fuck

>> No.25309967

i will once i sell my body enough to afford all the shipping costs...

>> No.25309969

How does she do it so often?

>> No.25309973

Me on the right.

>> No.25309974

>this clipping
This is hell.png

>> No.25309975


>> No.25309976

My fucking ears...

>> No.25309977


>> No.25309978
File: 267 KB, 1812x1820, IMG_20200809_215707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310008

Day 11 Thread #1

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.25309979

>Towa sang with these in her mouth
Why does she care so much for us kenzoku...

>> No.25309980

Good luck to you Towafriends, I hope Towa sees it and likes it.

>> No.25309981
File: 172 KB, 1280x900, Ee43upjUYAAo6o7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be Korone so you can be with Okayu
>you will never be Okayu so you can be with Korone

>> No.25309983

Voice cracking lol

>> No.25309982

Even indirectly, Haachama hurts my ears.

>> No.25309984

Discord... fix your audio onegai... 4 people singing happy birthday to Haachama just turns into some horror music

>> No.25309985


>> No.25309986

Based. Also
>Precise Piston Tensai
Absolutely based.

>> No.25309989

Look at this dork.

>> No.25309991
Quoted by: >>25310049

I hope they got permission to sing Happy Birthday

>> No.25309992
Quoted by: >>25310006


>> No.25309993

okay anons who are the past lives of the new gen? I just wanna hear their voices and dont want to turn on the proxy to 5chan I beg you.

>> No.25309995
File: 310 KB, 1280x530, 1594325142615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25309996

I hope Ayame had a fun day off with her boyfriend

>> No.25309998
Quoted by: >>25310118

Ui mama is about to go live for a drawing stream

The thumbnail is loli Ui, don't know what that means

>> No.25309999
File: 1.08 MB, 935x1200, 1589354275887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310001


>> No.25310000

Oga doing cool shit as always, but not getting noticed as much as he should.

>> No.25310002

I have fucking had it with this thread. I have been here since 6 months and every single day it gets worse. I can't stand this constant simp this simp that. /v/ermin are fucking subhumans. I am not fucking ashamed, to admit that I love my oshi and I want all that is best to her. I send her money every month, to show her how much I love her. This isn't fucking simping you seaniggers. She doesn't have a boyfriend! She has no time to find a man when she is so busy giving it her all for me and for all you and none of you fuckers appreciate that. You all faggots need to back to /v/. And all the people here who think the same should stand with me. Together we will get rid of /v/ermin once and for all.

>> No.25310003

Is there any other Holo that hurts themselves as much? Surely she's the clumsiest.

>> No.25310005
File: 911 KB, 1013x973, 1588274246787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sang happy brithday for haachama
>no one showed up to towa's birthday to sing for her
sasuga hololive

>> No.25310006


>> No.25310007

Sounds like she is up to no good

>> No.25310008
File: 84 KB, 384x900, Eef4WiwVAAIBtx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310025

Hang in there, 35P

>> No.25310009
Quoted by: >>25310029


>> No.25310011

12kyen on a premiere?

>> No.25310013
File: 299 KB, 985x1513, honking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the *honk* is this anon going on a-*HONK*?

>> No.25310014

The more memes the better haha

>> No.25310016
File: 386 KB, 589x521, 1576687489033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn sitting spoon okayu on the couch while she runs 120star any%

>> No.25310017 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25310078

Nigger shut the fuck up and watch the streams

>> No.25310018

The guitarist did happy birthday!

>> No.25310019

Sometimes it's clear though, no idea how.

>> No.25310021


>> No.25310022

not from /v/ but this sounds pretty simpy to me.

>> No.25310025

>Hang in there
bro I couldn't tell that rope wasn't a noose from the thumbnail

>> No.25310026

Literally plebbit and discuck humor. Cringe.

>> No.25310027

Why would you go to 5ch for that? Just google it.

>> No.25310028

This is how discord scams you into buying server boosts

>> No.25310029

Based Haachama

>> No.25310030
File: 2.37 MB, 1857x950, 1596574607474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can live vicariously through their てえてえ
as a /u/fag this is my natural state

>> No.25310032

just wait a week and they'll have all debuted so you can hear their voices whenever you want

>> No.25310033
Quoted by: >>25310085

Give Lamy your support!

>> No.25310034

Anon, I don't think cover would understand what roommate means in this context.

>> No.25310036
File: 1.55 MB, 1741x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone losing to the other dog
Oh no...

>> No.25310039


>> No.25310040

She only needs her family.

>> No.25310041


>> No.25310042
File: 705 KB, 636x572, 1589637888509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey what'd you have for breakfast
Well at least we know he's not a vegan

>> No.25310044

That sounds like an interesting category. I want to see her do a 120 star endurance one day.

>> No.25310046

i love how okayu is always laughing; even during asmr

>> No.25310047

lmao simp

>> No.25310048
Quoted by: >>25310104


lol wtf

>> No.25310049

Happy Birthday has been out of copyright for a couple years now.

>> No.25310050


>> No.25310051

Glad Towa is going to be getting good cash from that hat.
Being poor sucks.

>> No.25310052

Stop posting what is happening home. We all have it open in second tab anyways.

>> No.25310053

>it's just a CM

>> No.25310056


>> No.25310057


>> No.25310058

Rank the top 3 cutest roommates.


>> No.25310059
Quoted by: >>25310091

You're doing it on purpose now, aren't you?

>> No.25310060

loli ui-mama

>> No.25310062
Quoted by: >>25310110

>Premiere countdown is longer than the whole video

>> No.25310063

based, Im behind Roberu

>> No.25310064

That's quite a passionate post, anon

>> No.25310067

Any Ayame watchers here?

>> No.25310068

Invest in korone coin

>> No.25310070
File: 1.19 MB, 1580x2152, 1594575178555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310071

What is she so happy about, it scares me.

>> No.25310072
File: 120 KB, 241x224, 1587111940032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they call reddit memes bad.

>> No.25310074
Quoted by: >>25310250

licking kanata clean after an endurance stream!

>> No.25310075

>it's her birthday
>she blessed everyone with her singing instead

>> No.25310077

I don't normally watch Korone, why is everyone giving 563¥

>> No.25310076
Quoted by: >>25310373


>> No.25310079

She can't keep getting away with it...

>> No.25310078

Fuck of to /v/ you piece of shit. This place isn't a home for racist scum. How much money did you give to your oshi this month?

>> No.25310080
Quoted by: >>25310119

korone te amo

>> No.25310081

Okayu...why are you turning my ear canal into a balloon animal...

>> No.25310083

>every month
Not every stream, fucking pathetic desu

>> No.25310085

From what I'm seeing Gen5 is supportive of each other already, might turn out to be pretty united.

>> No.25310086

Korones roommate is cute, but mostly because I like tongue piercings

>> No.25310087

anyone have a pic of haatos roomate?

>> No.25310088

My cute daughter.

>> No.25310089

what happened to Miko? emotional breakdown?

>> No.25310090

They sang it for her irl before the live, anon. She even got a panda cake.

>> No.25310091
Quoted by: >>25310207

I-I'm sorry anon, I just never typed it out before, I'm doing my reps I swear

>> No.25310094
File: 22 KB, 400x400, gH6xdlYB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better not shittalk this man, he can chase you for 100km at least

>> No.25310095

Now what would she use that piercing for?

>> No.25310096
Quoted by: >>25311506

I'm starting to think Yagoo may be more similar to the Holos than we think.

>> No.25310098


>> No.25310099
Quoted by: >>25310174

Obvious bait, here's your (You)

>> No.25310100


>> No.25310101
File: 124 KB, 1000x1101, 1595187652096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310127

I didn't think they would actually do it.
Now where is my hoodie?

>> No.25310102
File: 778 KB, 1280x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care of your throat korosan!

>> No.25310104
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1595608918693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310149

What exactly is the haachama timeline at this point?

>> No.25310106


>> No.25310107

ko ro san

>> No.25310109
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My harem

>> No.25310110

Reminds me of that time Matsuri had that fan video created and she (and Coco) hyped it up and then Coco ended up showing the full fucking thing on AsaCoco by accident because it was so short.

>> No.25310111

He wants to fuck Polka anon, just admire and look at him go

>> No.25310112
Quoted by: >>25311535

Marine acts like a literal whore and has hinted at sexual experience many times
Coming out with the truth shouldn't change much

What cuck fetish? Are you denying the fact that she has sex partners? She doesn't deserve to profit off of desperate dudes by pretending she appreciates them

>> No.25310113
Quoted by: >>25310569

it's okay anon i will be poor with you
t.just spent £50 on just getting the two towashirts through customs
you have till september 21st to order anyway anon it will be okay

>> No.25310116

ko ro san

>> No.25310117


>> No.25310118

Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.25310119
Quoted by: >>25310141

Somos dois

>> No.25310120

Too much smug.

>> No.25310122

>fatty cleaning your ears asmr

But why

>> No.25310123

The duality of Shigure "lolicons get the rope" Ui

>> No.25310124

I want to hear Mane-san...

>> No.25310125

I kneel

>> No.25310126

No we're watching Ui-mama

>> No.25310127

I'm ready to throw money at the hoodie no matter how much it costs.

>> No.25310128


>> No.25310129
File: 799 KB, 1103x1080, dark_and_bitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That day Towa... You really though you would get away from me...
>You cannot run away from fate, Towa... The day of the rope is near...

>> No.25310132

Why do you ask? I'll be leaving this thread because it's always trash and it's going to sour my enjoyment of the stream. I advise you to do the same.

>> No.25310134

bakatare is back

>> No.25310135


>> No.25310137
Quoted by: >>25310174

>this is the level of falseflagging from /v/
Pathetic, at least make it less obvious

>> No.25310136

aaaaahhhh shes so cute

>> No.25310138
Quoted by: >>25310174

Nice try /v/tard, but stick to impersonating sonyboys from now on

>> No.25310139

nigger at least follow the holos on Twitter

>> No.25310140
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1593967921171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310147

laying down and being pampered by okayu!

>> No.25310141

Dois cornos

>> No.25310142

I want to ram into loli ui hips

>> No.25310147

that ass is too big

>> No.25310148
Quoted by: >>25310398

I hate how "projection" has lost its meaning in this thread. Since textbook cases of cucks using projection like this get off scot free.

>> No.25310149

Was this post written by a bot?

>> No.25310151

Cute Watame-kouhai.

>> No.25310152
Quoted by: >>25310186

Ayame hasn't gone back to Valorant after the Apex Tournament...

>> No.25310153

probably anon, i only get happy when watching chuubas

>> No.25310154
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, 1592956082161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310156

I'm not a JC so I think I'm safe

>> No.25310157
File: 308 KB, 2020x1430, EaOTQkzVcAA9wCH.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing

>> No.25310159

Why do sheepfags hate the devil so much?

>> No.25310160

Why aren't there any good streams right now? Where is Pekora? Where is Luna?

>> No.25310161

Long hair Korone

>> No.25310162

Your gay is too big.

>> No.25310163

>Ayame been streaming more (in general) Apex ever since the tournament
>Roboco just went radio silence about Apex

>> No.25310165
File: 46 KB, 646x225, 1578567218685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310166


>> No.25310169
File: 742 KB, 2590x3624, Dwt7FoSV4AA96l-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And her fans. Please keep supporting her!

>> No.25310171
File: 164 KB, 1470x1400, 1588848235741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310210

back to your potato farm you leprechaun

>> No.25310172

sheepfags are utilitarian sociopaths

>> No.25310173

I love how Ui struggles so hard to keep the loli voice up.

>> No.25310174

Problem is that this is what you people on this board think under all your "it is all cool" masks. You are literal simps and cucks.

>> No.25310175

Gayest post so far in this thread

>> No.25310176

luna is dying...

>> No.25310177

What can I miss if I'm not in a holo membership club ?

>> No.25310178
Quoted by: >>25310181

Define a good stream

>> No.25310181

He already did.

>> No.25310182
File: 130 KB, 528x531, 1596855746504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based irish bro

>> No.25310184

The pride of being a part of the membersheep

>> No.25310186
File: 251 KB, 456x652, Ayame cone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her boyfriend said he didn't like it so he's back to Apex with Ayame commenting his gameplay

>> No.25310187
Quoted by: >>25310659

I wanto to marry Coco, give her 4 kids and make her happy for the rest of her life.

>> No.25310189

YAGOO didn't want everyone to know how /fit/ he was

>> No.25310190

Goro-san :DDD

>> No.25310191

She wanted to play today but her throat hurts.

>> No.25310193
File: 461 KB, 1080x1344, 1588367261702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending the day with aqua was fun. Time to sleep

>> No.25310194
File: 243 KB, 1280x557, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310238

at least i have anons to talk with about this stuff. look after yourself kenzoku.

>> No.25310195
Quoted by: >>25310244

will we get red heart full tommorow?

>> No.25310198

Post-traumatic Apex disorder

>> No.25310199

I'm a sheepfag and I like Towa...

>> No.25310200

membership streams and posts

>> No.25310201

i fell asleep when korone was grinding levels for lloyd, how far is she now?

>> No.25310202

matsuri virus

>> No.25310203

If this was her chuuba in front of you and you would still mount her without hesitation then.... let god have mercy on your soul, cause you are the most thristy man in existence.

>> No.25310206

Also valorant is a dogshit stream game, just like csgo

>> No.25310207

It's okay to make mistakes. Just keep practicing.

>> No.25310208

Come listen to my boy build some ZOIDS.

>> No.25310210

Please post more cat butt

>> No.25310211

Now this one here is perfect. I'm just saying balance is important too. Otherwise you may as well go full retard and give her tits the size of an entire body.

>> No.25310212

>not liking Rushia's adorable voice
>not enjoying hanging out with Oga
>not gaining maximum relaxation with Okayu's ASMR
>not enjoying Ayame kicking ass in Apex
>not watching Korone play a classic kamige
There's so much fun you could be having and yet you choose to complain like a bitch.

>> No.25310213
File: 280 KB, 394x447, 1596622806887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore.

We really don't hate her, but it's fun to poke fun at her even though it's cruel at times

>> No.25310216
File: 1023 KB, 720x1274, 1534546407550.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yagoo is a cyclist

>> No.25310217

Her boyfriend is based and damn he's pretty good.

>> No.25310218

Because they aren't sheepfags.

>> No.25310220

Luna got the corona..

>> No.25310221
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 1593028794167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310222


>> No.25310223
File: 30 KB, 301x328, 1574677049731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy Korone Mother is on, Enjoy your shit flinging apes.

>> No.25310224

man watching choco apex and then going to ayame apex is like a whole different world

>> No.25310226
Quoted by: >>25310333

Good, you said the word! Now you can fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.25310227

Im really tired of being an EOP. Realistically how long would it take to learn enough Japanese to roughly understand the streams? Im guessing about a year of active learning?

>> No.25310230
Quoted by: >>25310278

But I'm still listening to Okayu ASMR....forgive me Korosan....

>> No.25310231
File: 508 KB, 1200x1200, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_oshiruko_oshiruco_212048__ccf1a27f5543ac5da0cb169f834b59a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310233


>> No.25310235

based unintentional doxxfag

>> No.25310236
File: 1.32 MB, 4093x2894, 50d31f7c001c8e983f75b3986e1f7f93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have so much.

>> No.25310237
File: 212 KB, 744x1052, Ea_BSfgU4AAM_zO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310238
File: 571 KB, 1200x700, 1593338566921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got to take the good with the bad, every cloud parts for a golden sky, every stream makes way for a new stream.

>> No.25310240
Quoted by: >>25310268

I haven't browsed these threads since gen5 reveal. Has anything happened since then?

>> No.25310241

Why the FUCK is there still no theatre mode on youtube

>> No.25310242
Quoted by: >>25310331

there is something so insanely calming about rushia's voice, she really does sound like kanahana sometimes

>> No.25310243
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1573315698626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310244
Quoted by: >>25310262

She delayed it again so probably not, unless she wants to surprise people

>> No.25310245
File: 283 KB, 1250x834, 1595730503610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310298

okayu i dont think my ears are that dirty...

>> No.25310247

Okayu this isn't the time to talk about food

>> No.25310249
File: 350 KB, 544x703, 1596749504150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not nice anon, my oshi may be a gorilla but the shit flinging is all narrative

>> No.25310250
File: 860 KB, 2384x4017, Ed_770bUcAAqhKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massaging Kanata's stiff shoulders and cramping legs after she ends a 5 hour stream due to 3D sickness in her overheated booth!
Licking beads of sweat off her forehead as she breathes in the fresh air of her room for the first time this evening!
Holding her close until her head stops spinning and she tells you with a weak smile that she's okay!

>> No.25310251

This MoonaIofi is probably the most boring Ark ever made.

>> No.25310252

youtube gaming is already dead

>> No.25310253

Towa was right, you're all tsundere...

>> No.25310255

Okayu my right ear...

>> No.25310256

Mother will kill Korone's momentum. Thanks Nintendo!

>> No.25310257

She's talking about Midousuji-kun though?

>> No.25310258
Quoted by: >>25310290

At least a year and it doesn't stop there.

>> No.25310259
Quoted by: >>25310302

did the driver do that ? damn that's pretty skilled

>> No.25310260
Quoted by: >>25310366

Trying reverse psychology now, incel-kun? Your favorite buzzword will never catch on no matter how hard you stroke your tiny cock.

>> No.25310261

Thanks anons
Even one picture is fine anon.

>> No.25310262

will we ever get it?

>> No.25310265

>he doesnt want okayu to whisper sweet banana chip speak into his hear

>> No.25310268 [DELETED] 

Every second post called you a nigger, check the archives

>> No.25310270

What if just looking isn't enough for me...?

>> No.25310271

>theatre mode

>> No.25310273

>Streaming all night on a Sunday

>> No.25310278

It's okay, she probably is as well

>> No.25310279
Quoted by: >>25310344

>Ayame streaming
the fuck?

>> No.25310282
File: 555 KB, 2048x1536, Ee_AfUeU8AEBbpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New car to go with my tshirt and facemask

>> No.25310283
Quoted by: >>25310303


>> No.25310284

Because the falseflagger hates Towa. Why? Because he's mentally ill and he is addicted to (You)s. He used Pekora, now Watame, will use whoever is the smuggest among gen 5

>> No.25310286
File: 445 KB, 814x556, 1591327878457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310288
Quoted by: >>25310330

RPGs can be fun to play, but they're absolutely a pain to watch other people play. I don't know why people keep streaming them.

>> No.25310290
Quoted by: >>25310413

Im aware that it takes many more years of active reps, but was interested on whats the rough average minimum to feel comfortable with using the language. But Its probably a very individual thing.

>> No.25310292

I'm really not a fan of Okayu's ear cleaning ASMR. There I said it.

>> No.25310296

does korone sleep all day or does she have a day job?

>> No.25310298

I had to get my ears syringed last year, where is the ASMR for that?
once you get past the violence of it, it feels really nice

>> No.25310302

No, he's driving on left side so it's most likely an aussie.

>> No.25310303


>> No.25310304

Okayu? You ok?

>> No.25310305

Absolutely based, this is what I feel like doing everytime some douchebag cyclist takes up space on the road.

>> No.25310306

Wow even Fubuki got a Panda.
As for Haachama...

>> No.25310307
File: 97 KB, 463x352, 1594160534448(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310308

>you will never get her a refreshing glass of cold lemonade after she's been streaming for hours in her cramped and overheated streaming closet
>you will never take a shower with Kanata
Why live?

>> No.25310309

3 months to understand most of what happens in a gaming stream, a year to get 80% of zatsudans.
After that it's just refining. Also depends on your talent and motivation.

>> No.25310313 [DELETED] 

I would honestly prefer that you people were faggotŝ instead of ŝimƥs and Ĉuĉks you are.

>> No.25310314


>> No.25310315
Quoted by: >>25310410

>learn japanese
it's going well so far, got 600 kanji done now
i suck at team games cause i worry im letting people down lmao

>> No.25310316


>> No.25310317

Korone doesn't sleep.

>> No.25310318
Quoted by: >>25310339

Isn't Kotone supposed to be famous? Choco has more viewers than her.

>> No.25310320

best holo (loli)

>> No.25310322
File: 222 KB, 376x338, 1586020961708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mine wasnt included

>> No.25310324
File: 140 KB, 1360x765, ERYirymUUAA2D9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310374

No, not that one.

>> No.25310326

Stop eating up image slots with these cumbait fan arts

>> No.25310329

imagine unironically caring about a fucking shitposting thread on a garbage site about anime girls being autistic, fucking pathetic

>> No.25310330

I'll take it over Arkpex any day. Mother 1 is a horridly boring game though, even other early rpgs would be better.

>> No.25310331

We have kanahana wannabe (rushia) and ayaneru wannabe (hoshikawa), why there's no naobou or tanerisa wannabe?

>> No.25310332
Quoted by: >>25310346

Aqua threw a big birthday party for her yesterday.

...That's what that party was right?
That's why Kanata and Towa were the only ones who showed up for it, right?

>> No.25310333
Quoted by: >>25310568

Only if you stay in r/ħololive and don't come here anymore.

>> No.25310334

>This Okayu talk

>> No.25310335
File: 675 KB, 1200x1200, 1596138581358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310336
Quoted by: >>25310408

This ship is really deader than PekoMiko...

>> No.25310338

I don't even watch Towa, but DAMN her 3D model is HOT as FUCK.
Kenzoku are fucking THAT?!
I'm kinda jealous, not gonna lie.

>> No.25310339

Kotone is one of the old guard so of course she gets less viewers. That's how it works

>> No.25310343

Nice. Does anyone have the one where she gives that homostar the boot?

>> No.25310344

she absorbed Roboco's essence, the tournament was actually an ancient japanese ritual to infuse a demon with a desire to play competitive fps on stream.

>> No.25310345

How will Lyger ever compete?

>> No.25310346

Okayu and Miko showed up too

>> No.25310347
Quoted by: >>25310387

You are an actual cucksimp, anon. You watch anime girls and want to fuck them.

>> No.25310352

All three are one and the same

>> No.25310353

3 neet months or 3 wageslave months?

>> No.25310354

>Take a super cold shower before she ends her stream
>Hug Kanata while she's still steaming from her tiny sauna
>You will never feel her scorching warmth while cooling her down with your chilled body.

>> No.25310356

Me and your parents would honestly prefer you weren't an autistic sperg but well here we are

>> No.25310357

What a courageous post anon

>> No.25310360
Quoted by: >>25310408

wtf dont they hate each other?

>> No.25310361

maybe next gen

>> No.25310362

The only thing that will stop Korone's momentum is an extended break. She still has Doom Eternal to bust out and that's guaranteed 5-6k subs a day for a week.

>> No.25310364

I want to bully her

>> No.25310365

alright it's just some retards in a clown car then

>> No.25310366
Quoted by: >>25310473

>no u
Like clockwork.

>> No.25310367

She works at a bakery

>> No.25310369

Oh no, one less Watame avatar

>> No.25310370

4 wageslave years for N1

>> No.25310371

I'd rather her next one be another singing ASMR, with all the ear-cleaning ones. I wonder why she hasn't done that in so long.

>> No.25310372

I can't believe Haato's boyfriend killed that man

>> No.25310373

I get the joke, but this is unironically true as well.

>> No.25310374

I want to smack okayu's ass until it's red!

>> No.25310376
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, cuteoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying the more frequent streaming from Ayamin. Even if it is just Apex.

>> No.25310375
File: 107 KB, 537x837, hololive yagoo fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310377

Wait, that shows his routes? Good thing he got it privated, I would really be worried about getting stabbed by a crazed fan if I was him.

>> No.25310378
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, sensitivu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa's crotch!

>> No.25310379

Try to actively read in japanese as well anon, it helped more understand more of the speaking too

>> No.25310380

Why would I sub to anyone except Luna?

>> No.25310381

Based Indog

>> No.25310383

You forgot the Minase Inori wannabe

>> No.25310384
Quoted by: >>25310431

You know what's even hotter? She hugged us during 3d debut

>> No.25310385

>she draws better than me with her left hand while roleplaying

>> No.25310386

I think she's one of those freaks who only sleeps 2-4 hours a day. Her alarm for 5AM went off yesterday and she started streaming at midnight.
If she didn't get hooked and play for 9 hours I bet she would have woken up with that alarm.

>> No.25310387
Quoted by: >>25310444

As long as you use that word my power is increasing.

>> No.25310388

I really like it when Korone says ogay and wowowowowow

>> No.25310389

Lyger is crying rn

>> No.25310390
File: 331 KB, 764x805, 1590799555521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310392
Quoted by: >>25310435

Invest in! Aloecoins! Now!

>> No.25310393

Thanks for the link. I guess I should also hit up the learning thread. Feels silly to not know next to nothing of the language after 10 months, except for anime lingo.

>> No.25310395

>indog matsurisu

>> No.25310396

Matsuri has lyger
Haachama has redalice
Luna has her papa

What other obsessed fans are there?

>> No.25310398
Quoted by: >>25310427

What are you talking about? Who's the projecting cuck in this case?

>> No.25310399

isn't it right there next to full screen?
Theater mode (t) ?

>> No.25310400

why are you posting my car on this shithole

>> No.25310403

Dumb fat sexy debiru.

>> No.25310407

Honestly it was neet for me, still haven't gotten a new job since corona started, but they can be wageslave if you can spare 3 hours a day, everyday.

>> No.25310408
Quoted by: >>25310422

What gave you that idea?

To be fair Haachama is stuck in Australia. If she was still in Japan she would definitely be given a gift by Watame. probably.

>> No.25310410
Quoted by: >>25310536

Play Wraith and shoot better than anyone else. Multiplayer FPS games can be played like a single player game if you're good enough. See Shien carrying Kawase

>> No.25310411
File: 5 KB, 358x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310426

Most powerful

>> No.25310413

Honestly it depends on the person. But months of active studying and watching streams should get you at somewhat an okay level.

>> No.25310414

Coco has that mineo guy that’s everywhere including her second channel.

>> No.25310415

Shiroemon for Aqua. Hes a chink lyger

>> No.25310418


>> No.25310419

Don't go to djt at least not the one on jp

>> No.25310421

dead hours...

>> No.25310422

eh they dont really interact as much anymore

>> No.25310423
Quoted by: >>25310472

Risu has that korean guys right?

>> No.25310425

Fake but I’m sure the retards here will fall for it

>> No.25310426

Come to Brazil!

>> No.25310427
Quoted by: >>25310503

You love her. She is fucking guys behind your back. You don't want to hear about it. I will grant you that you at least aren't a willful cuĉk which would be the absolute worst. You are still a cuĉk though since the woman you love is getting railed behind your back.

>> No.25310428

DAMN Choco gets to eat that?

>> No.25310429

Oh wow Discommunication Alien is almost a 3 mil, nice.

>> No.25310430

What do you mean as in obsessive of just regularly superchats?

>> No.25310431
File: 1.76 MB, 960x396, 1596453282557[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310474

is she doing it on purpose ?

>> No.25310432
Quoted by: >>25310549

Does REDALiCE still show up in streams? I haven't seem him drop any superchats recently.

>> No.25310434

I need cute Lamy to cool me off please

>> No.25310436
Quoted by: >>25310520

Stay the fuck away from /djt/, it's a nest of autism. If you think /hlg/ is bad, you haven't seen nothing.

I can name at least 5 strong gachikois on that level for Flare, my oshi. Obsessed fans are not normal?

>> No.25310435

i'm already 200% all in what more do you want from me

>> No.25310437

Coco has her father

>> No.25310438

Soo Min Park

>> No.25310443

Honestly I'd listen to a full stream of Okayu just blowing into the mic

>> No.25310444
Quoted by: >>25310462

You get off from getting called a cuck and a simp? Fucking weird but go for it, cuckold.

>> No.25310447 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25310458


>> No.25310450


>> No.25310451
File: 366 KB, 2048x1909, Ee5gYBdUEAIatZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311009


>> No.25310453

kelvin lai

>> No.25310454

REDALiCE is obsessed with hololive, not Haachama.

>> No.25310455

The only important criteria is which cosplays the roommates did. Sure k*on, I too loved Tifa 20 years ago, but she's old news now. If you want my number you're gonna have to cosplay as the superior character, Yumemi Riamu. I will not fuck roommates who did not cosplay as Riamu. Mel, Festival, answer onegai...

>> No.25310457

I just want an hour of sweet nothings.

>> No.25310458
Quoted by: >>25310477


>> No.25310459
Quoted by: >>25310470

I took on compiling them just so I could make sure Yandev gets shoved in.

>> No.25310462
Quoted by: >>25310535

Stop using those memewords. Go back to /v/.

>> No.25310463

Anzu... Miko...

>> No.25310464


>> No.25310465
Quoted by: >>25310511

I want another phrase reading stream. That was real gosling material.

>> No.25310467

There's a lot of people who are regulars on both channels. She doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.25310468

hi how are you

>> No.25310469

I am the lyger of Choco

>> No.25310470

She's probably going to think that it's someone that got doxxed and proceed to ignore the tweet. Way to go.

>> No.25310471


>> No.25310472

Chad Min Park

>> No.25310473

How is that a "no u"? You literally admitted that you are a pathetic simp

>> No.25310474

Of course, she's a devil after all.

>> No.25310475
Quoted by: >>25310563

Towa has AshExia, Shamiko and Khel. The first two are alright, Khel is kinda cringe.

>> No.25310476

reminder that Matsuri is using Luna as a replacement for hoshikawa..

>> No.25310477 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25310485

How is that even a cope? Are you feeling well idolcuĉk?

>> No.25310478

The one that got friendzoned by fbk seems to be another obsessed one

>> No.25310479

Can someone tell me about this ui-mama? I see her stream with hololive a lot and i tried to look her up cuz i know she's not from hololive thinking she would be from niji, but she seems to be unaffiliated? Is she a solo vtuber?

>> No.25310480

That makes it even hotter bro!?

>> No.25310481

That just makes it cuter though?

>> No.25310482 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 1596986871597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310526


>> No.25310483

>Aqua box
Sleep it's past 12 now

>> No.25310484

>I can kinda read this
I'm inclining bros!

>> No.25310485

Seethe more

>> No.25310486

Haachama is meme raps, Haato Basic, and Haato Graffiti now. なんで?

>> No.25310487

Don't need to remind me anon, I know already and it keeps me up at night. Fuck you Matsuri

>> No.25310488

Rushia, Fubuki, Towa

I cant find Mel face, but ppl say shes cute

>> No.25310490

reminder that matsuri got cucked by haato

>> No.25310491

Which Holo do you think has sucked the most penises? I think it's Pekora.

>> No.25310493

If that really was a dick and balls being squeezed that tight there Towa's voice would be much higher pitch than it is

>> No.25310495

I would go for 1hour of Okayu blowing too

>> No.25310496

is ui drawing with her left hand or something? cute...

>> No.25310497

She is a literal bitch.

>> No.25310501

She's my girlfriend

>> No.25310502
Quoted by: >>25310869

Botan is going to be a flop, mark my words

>> No.25310503

I hate Marine and said she needs to be honest about being a whore, idiot.
I asked who is the projecting cuck you retard and you failed to answer.

>> No.25310504
File: 576 KB, 1200x1350, Eloa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310505

She's Subaru's mama

>> No.25310506
Quoted by: >>25310522

She made the sheep's design..

>> No.25310508
File: 547 KB, 2705x2100, 1595698368033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No homo.

>> No.25310510

Conflicted. I want bibi, but it's so costly. Doesn't help that I'm about to start uni

>> No.25310511

She said it's coming soon-ish.

>> No.25310513
File: 908 KB, 512x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you devoted to your oshi?

>> No.25310514

aloe has ugly ears!

>> No.25310515

She is one of Choco's old friends

>> No.25310517

She is my wife, Subaru is our daughter...

>> No.25310519

I am Kanata's Lyger minus the translation part and living in Japan part.

>> No.25310520
Quoted by: >>25310576

Hlg isn't that bad all things considered. We still get good OC and nice discussions here and there.

>> No.25310521


>> No.25310522

To be this misinformed...

>> No.25310524


>> No.25310525

If there's the cocock and the pretty penis, what would Towa's be called?

>> No.25310527

anon that was red heart's lyrics, but I feel you

>> No.25310526


>> No.25310528
File: 434 KB, 1920x1920, 1596827171599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310529
File: 424 KB, 554x310, lamy2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a cute

>> No.25310531
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1596907133268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's have a quick and easy test!

>> No.25310533

A very cute dick!

>> No.25310535

Why are you a redditor now? I thought you hated reddit. I guess I should have known you were a weak retard right from the start trying to falseflag /v/.

>> No.25310536

if you're doing it for a hololive girl don't play wraith, that's their main. just play octane and kill everything. if you do that they'll fall for you.

>> No.25310537

She is a relatively successful illustrator who just streams for fun, and is friends with a couple of hololive vtubers

>> No.25310538

She's Watame's roommate

>> No.25310539


>> No.25310540
Quoted by: >>25310583

I would very much like to eat that cake

>> No.25310541
File: 620 KB, 720x1280, ARE YOU CALLING UP MY PHONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310619


>> No.25310542
Quoted by: >>25310589

Alright let's say she really has a dick, would you not fuck her then ?

>> No.25310543

Trident. She already has showed it on stream and smacked kenzoku around with it.

>> No.25310544
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1595109175403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310547

I think that all holos should just come clean about how many sexual partners they had and they have right now. Then I am sure all the shitposting in this thread would completely stop.

>> No.25310546

Towa's Tower...

>> No.25310548

I kneel...

>> No.25310549

He donated 10k on Coco's 500k stream.

>> No.25310550

Is my oshi devoted to me?

>> No.25310551
File: 1.58 MB, 1594x896, 1592427449268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310610

Watame evening stream onegai...

>> No.25310553

watch Ui-mama

>> No.25310555


>> No.25310556


>> No.25310560


>> No.25310562
File: 352 KB, 688x500, 1596181396519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310559
Quoted by: >>25310786

this is kinda cute ngl, i don't know where the fuck people get the money to buy all this merch and stuff though..

>> No.25310561
File: 17 KB, 468x431, 1595173816576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310563

some of these fansmay be obsessed but it's still somewhat healthy, that guy AshExia is mentally ill

>> No.25310564
Quoted by: >>25310575

Just a tongue click somebody asked for bro! Calm down!

>> No.25310565

Give us the trumpbux right now please. I want a Bibi hat.

>> No.25310566

what happened ?

>> No.25310567

I love Nobuhime's new look!

>> No.25310568
Quoted by: >>25310597


what the fuck?

>> No.25310569
Quoted by: >>25310585

I’ve not got stung by customs for anything from Japan sounds like I’m about to get stung because of corona

>> No.25310570
Quoted by: >>25310634


>> No.25310571

idk if lyger is even the most obsessive Matsuri fan. Guy does pretty much the same thing as any nip fans.

>> No.25310573

aqua's best friend mea is streaming. mea's future boyfriend will make aqua into his mistress so she's related to hlg

>> No.25310574


>> No.25310575
Quoted by: >>25310581

fuck i thought she kissed the mic

>> No.25310576

Post all the OC you've made

>> No.25310577

name of the game ??!?

>> No.25310580

Smell of the game

>> No.25310581

That's probably why they asked her to do it.

>> No.25310582
File: 139 KB, 365x424, 1593394125116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-stop this

>> No.25310583
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x1111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it taste like?

>> No.25310585

i think it's just the timing of when i ordered it yeah, if i can save up quickly enough i can probably get away with ordering the towa birthday pack, didn't bother with the 3D one cause I'm not that bothered about pins

>> No.25310587

Yeah but nips are based and seanigs arn't

>> No.25310588

i like pink satania

>> No.25310589

I would let her fuck me no homo.

>> No.25310592
File: 185 KB, 800x650, 1580425063814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okayu chuu

>> No.25310595
Quoted by: >>25310629


>> No.25310597

Baby's first attempt at avoiding filters. Nobody tell him wildcards are a thing

>> No.25310598
Quoted by: >>25310617


>> No.25310600


>> No.25310601
Quoted by: >>25310776

No, I will keep doing it because I want Kanatan to appear in my dream

>> No.25310602

How does he manage to write at least 3 paragraphs for every(?) stream?

>> No.25310605

Astel has "Noel" aka Astelfag

>> No.25310606
File: 91 KB, 555x725, Ee0O-o6UEAAcazL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his oshis
I think it was a collaborative event though, otherwise I don't understand why so many people are tweeting that picture.

>> No.25310608
Quoted by: >>25310632

I usually render pics and make webums. Dunno if that counts.

>> No.25310609
Quoted by: >>25310742

this picture is fucking me up i keep seeing kanata with goslings nose and she looks retarded

>> No.25310610

She went out with Bakatare for dinner, I doubt she will stream today

>> No.25310611

All of you gosling faggots should be more worried that there absolutely are people who will do all that with your favorite holo. And that you are giving those guys money. How is that called again?

>> No.25310612
Quoted by: >>25310636

Is that...ham in the middle there?

>> No.25310614

vamos korone

>> No.25310615

Until we see a nip fan move to Australia to stalk Haato, no

>> No.25310618
File: 144 KB, 400x400, 1591013522136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310617


>> No.25310619

cute feet

>> No.25310621
File: 2.07 MB, 1488x2088, 78112241_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official Hololive VN.
Anyone else think the Marine route is way too short? One confession and she's in reproductive mode.

>> No.25310623
File: 1.13 MB, 4016x2256, 1588690352199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310740

I like this one better

>> No.25310624

these arigatous are doing more to me than the entire stream

>> No.25310625
Quoted by: >>25310662

Did he cum on those stands?

>> No.25310626


I just want a dream with Kanatan in it you fuck, is that too much to ask?

>> No.25310627

Look at that sexy armpit...

>> No.25310629


>> No.25310630

>Notice something is different about Korone
>Takes my dumbass a good minute to realize her hair isn't pig tails anymore.

>> No.25310632

It doesn't

>> No.25310633

I'm not actually a goslingfag, I don't understand people who get emotionally attached to vtubers/idols/internet personalities

>> No.25310634
Quoted by: >>25310651


>> No.25310635

im the one who keeps haachama from leaving australia

>> No.25310636

too thick to be ham, unless it's a whole goddamn steak in a cake

>> No.25310640
File: 47 KB, 525x241, AAB21A0D-0CCF-4530-9671-F26DE9DDB903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310669

You might be dead inside

>> No.25310642
File: 356 KB, 1668x2048, 1596162103130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio is going to come back stronger!

>> No.25310641
Quoted by: >>25310669

It is called crippling loneliness anon.

>> No.25310643
Quoted by: >>25310673

Anon, let them gosling in peace.
Don't be an insufferable faggot who only knows how to talk shit to get pity (you)s.

>> No.25310645
Quoted by: >>25310656

are the towaroaches gone yet?

>> No.25310646
Quoted by: >>25310662

Did Noel and Flare debut on the same day?

>> No.25310647
Quoted by: >>25310673

ESLs always trying to mess up the thread.

>> No.25310648

I could go for just an Okayu thanking supacha ASMR, honestly. Such a consistent tempo.

>> No.25310650

>Man I'd love to build one with my son... (single)
>Please don't say that. I get you though.
Now I can gosling together with Ouga.

>> No.25310651 [SPOILER] 
File: 1009 KB, 608x926, 1596987427536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310652

Luna’s papa isn’t in every stream his obsession level is weak

>> No.25310653
File: 438 KB, 947x2048, 1583407024332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310693


>> No.25310654

Why doesn't Ui join hororaivu?

>> No.25310656

they keep spamming her garbage tho

>> No.25310657


>> No.25310658


>> No.25310659

Please do it, so she would stop streaming forever

>> No.25310663
File: 31 KB, 560x314, LamyMiko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311009


>> No.25310662

On the feet, so you don't see it on pictures.

One day apart, they've just had their debut anniversary.

>> No.25310666

>30% cut

>> No.25310669
Quoted by: >>25310696

I'm sorry goslingfriends, I have many friends so I don't feel lonely. Hope you guys feel happy with your oshi and start lucid dreaming about them.

>> No.25310670

Crippling lonliness+ it gets worse when you find out a roomate is genuinely attractive

>> No.25310671

Do your English reps instead of wasting so much time shitposting in a thread about something you don't like

>> No.25310672

Anon how is that possible when the holos aren't even real? Think before you post please.

>> No.25310673
Quoted by: >>25310706

As always /hlg/ is incapable of handling the truth.

>> No.25310674
Quoted by: >>25310757

So I realized that buyee won't give me the birthday voicepack immediately, so I had to buy another full birthday pack from geekjack... fuck...

>> No.25310679

MOTHER filtered a lot of people huh.

>> No.25310680

I went from an ironic goslingposter to a real one. The Okayu dreams fucked me...

>> No.25310683

It's not that weird to feel affection towards other people, be they youtubers using anime pictures or something else. Some people take it too far for sure, but there is not inherently anything bad feeling some sort of emotional response towards people you enjoy watching.

>> No.25310684


>> No.25310685

Just settle for a menhera oga...

>> No.25310689

Sorry but Ui mama is more entertaining to watch.

>> No.25310690

That's what you get for not replying to her messages, you should ALWAYS reply to them instead of leaving them as "read"

>> No.25310691

I doubt if Korone cares.

>> No.25310692

Why would she? She leeches from Hololive's popularity without having to pay the YAGOO tax

>> No.25310693

I want a 3d Towa cutout!!!

>> No.25310694

Eh that's her regular MOTHER numbers, i expected a lot lower.

>> No.25310695
Quoted by: >>25310761


>> No.25310696

I have friends and even a gf and i still gosling hard at times.

>> No.25310697
File: 83 KB, 354x423, 1489713686780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310698

It's just past midnight on a Monday morning Japan time it's insane she has over 5k.

>> No.25310699

>Almost no EOPs or spics
A small price to pay

>> No.25310701
Quoted by: >>25310730

Her views in general have been a little bit down lately, unless it's a big event or endurance. Not really sure of the cause.

>> No.25310702


>> No.25310703
Quoted by: >>25310721

Moona & Iofi stream is boring af

>> No.25310706

Speak proper English next time, and maybe people will listen to you.

"How is it called" is where you fucked up.

>> No.25310707

>korosan how do you feel about your reclining viewer count?
>ogkey ogkey wawawawawawaw

>> No.25310708
Quoted by: >>25310755

I honestly feel bad for Rushia. Her viewers are garbage spammers repeating the one old tired joke.

>> No.25310709

How would your favorite holo behave and act, if she didn't get a regular intake of IRL dick, that she obviously gets?

>> No.25310710

>half the cake on one plate
that's a lot of cake for one person

>> No.25310718
Quoted by: >>25310725

buenos dias korone <3

>> No.25310719

I believe in you Anon, do your best to learn Nips.

>> No.25310721

Iofi's there.

>> No.25310722
File: 464 KB, 1080x1398, Isitoktofuckthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't want to waste too many images on that.
There was also several suisei/famichiki edits, a Flare joker (the dark knight) and I once wrote a Subaru in the garbage, where she belongs. Probably a couple more, I throw them in the trash when I'm dissatisfied with my life.

>> No.25310723

I just had this dream where I was Noel (literally viewing everything from her perspective) and I was in a plane with the rest of Hololive JP. The plane stopped next to this big tree with no leaves and everyone stripped naked and climbed up the tree to pose naked on the branches for a photoshoot. Noel and Shion posed together on the same branch with Shion reclining backwards while Noel leaned forwards with her face near to Shion's flat chest as both looked at the camera. That's all I remember, I think I woke up after the shoot was done.

>> No.25310724

You will quit at katakana

>> No.25310725


>> No.25310726
File: 150 KB, 765x512, 1457103398792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310746


>> No.25310727

she'd start tweeting on her roommate's account how she wants to quit

>> No.25310728
File: 87 KB, 1400x1400, 77236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama please


>> No.25310729

Can't be a noel fan without being morbidly obese

>> No.25310731

>"Korone's streaming Mother? Noice."
>See she's playing Mother 1.
>"This is not Earthbound."

>> No.25310730
Quoted by: >>25310770

People got bored of her haha funny dog act, its a blessing actually. She's a lot more fun when she's not doing her funny dog act.

>> No.25310732

>Cake's diameter is a fork's length
What a small cake

>> No.25310735
Quoted by: >>25310744

where can I download it?

>> No.25310737

One week tops

>> No.25310738
File: 204 KB, 305x402, 1596916789348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310739

>kissing noises

>> No.25310740

I legitimately thought she was whipping out a math challenge at first.

>> No.25310741

She'd wonder where I went.

>> No.25310742
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1587558837386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm seeing it too what the fuck

>> No.25310743

Which indie or small-time VTuber is the most likely to join hololive while keeping their identity (e.g. gen 0)?

>> No.25310744
Quoted by: >>25310769

The usual place.

>> No.25310745

> putting n*ger's name next to my oshi
i feel offended

>> No.25310746

>he fell for the kanjis meme

>> No.25310747

what garnered more benefits do u guys think? Being solo or part of an agency like hololive. Like i'm watching kagura mea and she's only hovering around 2k viewers, but if i think about it, doesn't she get all donations to herself bar youtube?

>> No.25310748

sexual intercourse with Ayame

>> No.25310750

>Says she needs Shield Cells
>Get's heavy ammo in Loba's Shop

>> No.25310753

You can use the Mio diary anon's posts for practice

>> No.25310754

Tuesday? Have a good one my dude.

>> No.25310755
Quoted by: >>25310781

Soon enough, Lyger to moderate her streams as well

>> No.25310756
Quoted by: >>25310766

Okayu has been saying arigatou for a long time now

>> No.25310757

Does Buyee eventually send you download content? I've seen a few people complain about it here before, but never any follow-up.

>> No.25310758

I think that stalker app is what pushed him into deranged obsessive

>> No.25310759
File: 895 KB, 1080x720, snip 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310760
Quoted by: >>25310802

She's actually inclining which practically never happens with multipart series. Yesterdays stream was 8-12k before and after Aqua ended.

>> No.25310761
File: 173 KB, 512x512, 1596038043172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310763
File: 281 KB, 459x599, 1595768288045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these sluts trying to steal my kissing virginity
that's why I only watch Fubuki. She doesn't pretend to be my wife. Infact, she hates me and all her fans. Now that's more like it!

>> No.25310766

That's the ASMR

>> No.25310767
File: 406 KB, 1124x1900, Poison tomarun ja nee zo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310773

Also the smile one, the mortal kombat one from the 3d horror and pebblethrow A-chan.

>> No.25310769

Newfag anon here, I don't know where that is.
Could you please spoonfeed?

>> No.25310770
Quoted by: >>25310784

I prefer older Korone too, wonder if that's it though. This style does bring in more overseas viewers, but most of them aren't nearly as committed as JP viewers, possibly.

>> No.25310771

hole based sheepbros

>> No.25310772

Good luck, anon.

>> No.25310773

Kek. Nice one anon

>> No.25310776
Quoted by: >>25310815

Be careful what you wish for. Kanatadreamer got burned so hard he never wished for one again after he finally had his.

>> No.25310777
File: 308 KB, 404x405, 1579789629375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! it's kanat- zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.25310780

Anzu was so powerful that after he died he took Miko with him

>> No.25310781

seriously, they will find mods for other holos. Lyger is just the start

>> No.25310784

Eh whatever happens, happens.
The dog dont seem to care about numbers too much.

>> No.25310786

This is pathetic

>> No.25310788
File: 42 KB, 642x378, 1594538965020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real sheepbros like and support kanata

>> No.25310790
Quoted by: >>25310806

genuinelly wondering how can you anons enjoy haato, nothing agaisnt her but her autism is too much for me, her memes are a non sense of spam and screams, explain me anons.

>> No.25310792

i can guarantee you that woolootame was saved after i posted it and i stole it from facebook

>> No.25310793

Why does this meme about Watame caring about numbers come from

>> No.25310795

Hololive members make a large portion of their money through merch/sponsorships etc. Also gaining followers in the first place is easy as a hololive member.

>> No.25310798

It's not a meme.

>> No.25310799

Being part of an agency is obviously better. Mea is the exception, not the rule. For everyone one like here there are 50 who don't even get double digit views, meanwhile even the lowest in holopro get triple digits

>> No.25310800
Quoted by: >>25310805

I want to eat Aloe ass at least three hours a day.

>> No.25310801

It filters the annoying spics and EOPs for her at least

>> No.25310802

Yeah, yesterday was like 12k max IIRC.

>> No.25310805
Quoted by: >>25310986

but anon, that's were she poops from

>> No.25310806
Quoted by: >>25310859

It's what zoomers want. You wouldn't understand granpa

>> No.25310807


>> No.25310808

Goodbye Okayu, I eagerly await the next time you run a squeegee through my ears

>> No.25310809
File: 307 KB, 600x600, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310812

Joining a company gets you exposure but you have to compete for views. Hololive is also heading towards Nijisanji's problem of having too many people under their umberella so everyone has less chances to stand out.

>> No.25310813


>> No.25310815

I will live with the pain, I want to have Kanatan as my daughter.
Closest thing I've had to a holo appearing in my dream is me sleeping while listening to Choco's ASMR.
I dreamt about myself listening to her ASMR. Why the fuck are my dreams too grounded to reality.

>> No.25310816
File: 190 KB, 393x385, watadonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310917


>> No.25310817
File: 78 KB, 616x609, 1594920168841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310819
Quoted by: >>25310843

He's fucking with you because he knows you're a newfag. There's no VN novel, definitely no official one, that's just a multiple choice template that was made a month ago.
There was an anon making a light novel in a classroom setting, on Unity I believe. Not sure if he's still playing with it.

>> No.25310821

Now I' sure I need to keep practising my art sketches with Luna, as In most of them she gets gangbanged, thank you anon

>> No.25310822

Kagura Mea(and Nana) are the outliers because they also more famous on bilibili so they don't really give a shit about Youtube numbers.

>> No.25310824
File: 770 KB, 2894x4093, Ee6q2JeU4AEfnbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310919

>> No.25310826
Quoted by: >>25310861

None of the Hololive members would have succeeded, had they gone solo

>> No.25310828
Quoted by: >>25310831

>real sheepbros
Went to the great big 草 field in the sky together with real nousagis and Miko

>> No.25310830

Mea used to be part of an agency.

>> No.25310831


>> No.25310832

>ayame missed every single peacekeeper shot

>> No.25310833

I love Luna with all my heart

>> No.25310835
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, wholesomedoggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310836


>> No.25310837
File: 275 KB, 282x458, 1590258783335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.25310839
Quoted by: >>25310873

Earthbound was garbage, I don't know how much worse Mother 1 is.

>> No.25310841


>> No.25310842
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, puretowaheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a lot, but I did most of the "purity" edits for Towa's 3d debut

>> No.25310843

there's this, although I don't know if he is from here. It's nice, but not finished

>> No.25310844
Quoted by: >>25310850

>They mostly all hate one another and organize themselves into isolated groups behind the scenes
>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is fishing for gachikoi. They even get a bonus, for how many akasupas they get each month.
>All of them are in it only for the money
>None of them are virgins
>All of them have boyfriends. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend
>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are disgusting loser trash.

But that is more truth then OC.

>> No.25310845
File: 105 KB, 333x331, EdJpVEhUwAAiqAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but none of them are here.

>> No.25310847

Notice how all of gen 5 has ~40k+ subs before even debuting.

>> No.25310850


>> No.25310851

she bypasses youtube most of the time too, the chink whore is a moneygrubber

>> No.25310852
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1588787507524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. dogshit at apex
lets hear your excuses ayamefags

>> No.25310854


>> No.25310857

I exposed the Watame cult for what it is.

>> No.25310859

But I'm a zoomer anon...

>> No.25310860
File: 157 KB, 647x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the /hlg/ shitpost so popular on reddit?

>> No.25310861

I doubt Noel or Coco would have any issues.

>> No.25310862
Quoted by: >>25310893

>Why the fuck are my dreams too grounded to reality.
At least you didnt dream about kanata just to have coco suddenly appear and grab you by the collar just to draw you out and dump you into a garbage bin

>> No.25310863

but ayame is really good?

>> No.25310865
File: 2.30 MB, 400x400, gone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310866
File: 82 KB, 730x412, E82BCE74-45D4-4440-9365-71A1DC620F92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311344

I’m now worried because I just realized who Polka reminds me of. Kokoro from Bandori

>> No.25310867 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1596988323674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310886


>> No.25310868

>is playing diamond ranked

>> No.25310869

Botan is going to flop onto my dick

>> No.25310871
File: 14 KB, 300x253, okakoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.25310872

I fucked Aqua doggy style and filmed it. Can't post it though.

>> No.25310873

It's basically the same game with a classic rpg battle system. Grinding is 100% necessary if you want to actually finish the game

>> No.25310875

i only have one arm

>> No.25310876

its more sensible joining a company since all you have to do is be creative and stream. they'll provide you with (almost)everything like a phone for your avatar, studio for your 3D/VR stuff and a staff.

>> No.25310877


>> No.25310879
File: 978 KB, 1038x1196, 1595945381618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreaming about making a movie with Mel
>She really likes me as a director
>She hugs me and thanks me for helping her becoming a better actress

>> No.25310880
Quoted by: >>25310967

she was very insecure about her channels growth early on as Coco and Kanata's channels rocketed ahead past the other three after their debuts, she was uncertain if she had done something wrong or if she was doing the right thing

>> No.25310881

I want to pet them both

>> No.25310882

The redditfags are finally figuring out that the hololive is a company. They're not your friends, they just want your money. All of it.

>> No.25310883
Quoted by: >>25310916

Same audience, same users, same posters. The only difference is the website.

>> No.25310886

This is kind of lewd, she looks naked like this.

>> No.25310888


>> No.25310890
Quoted by: >>25310933


>> No.25310891
File: 51 KB, 649x671, 1596195265482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310937

>Hands up, Kanatan!

So I can hug you

>> No.25310892

>look up other popular vtubers that stream with hololive
>see tamaki
>check her channel
>it's at almost 400k subs
>gets tons of views
>find out he's a boy
>realize i'm not the guy that is streaming with my favorite holos.

>> No.25310893
Quoted by: >>25311006

That'd be unironically better than what I'm having right now.
'Kanata is live' youtube notification dream and 'Listening to Choco's ASMR' dream are outright terrible and too grounded in reality.

>> No.25310894

Aqua crying when Okayu and Miko joined the server was pretty wholesome

>> No.25310895
Quoted by: >>25310913

wouldn't it be Matsuri? L*ger proves that

>> No.25310900
Quoted by: >>25310939

She really doesn't. Korone is laid-back when it comes about viewers and subscriber count. It's ironic how numberfags keep mentioning this.

>> No.25310901

i fucking hate redditors all they do is steal everything they can find on 4chan. they're the biggest leeches on earth.
karma whores.

>> No.25310903
Quoted by: >>25310936

I didn't realize it until now but Hololive Production has 52 active talents, already 50% of Nijisanji's number.

>> No.25310905
Quoted by: >>25310930

>find out he's a boy
>he doesn't know

>> No.25310907
Quoted by: >>25310930

>he doesn't know

>> No.25310908

what is this? Okakoro for ants?

>> No.25310909
Quoted by: >>25310930

traplover is just pretending, don't worry

>> No.25310911
Quoted by: >>25310930

He's a male(female).

>> No.25310912
Quoted by: >>25310930

he's a boy(female)

>> No.25310913

Why would she make him a mod if she's disgusted by him?

>> No.25310914

It's just what everyone is thinking but has no guts to say out loud.

>> No.25310915

Because Coco unironically chooses reddit's worst memes

>> No.25310916

There's 300 IPs tops here on a busy day, there are thousands of clip-only watchers there.

>> No.25310917

still waiting on my fries! im going to complain to corporate

>> No.25310919

>succubus without righteous gazongas
Feels weird and wrong.

>> No.25310921

I'm more of a dog person

>> No.25310922

When Korone hit 600k during her Ufouria stream she barely cared, she told chat to fuck off so she can keep playing

>> No.25310923
File: 479 KB, 1500x1079, 1596249804698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat, but dog is nice too. Also why is your image so tiny?

>> No.25310924
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x725, EeAUzwnUMAEX0tN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310940

If only she knew what Okayu would do afterwards

>> No.25310926


>> No.25310927
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1595442445468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I made some of the sluttier versions

>> No.25310928

he's female(male(female))

>> No.25310930

so his 18cm dick is fake? damn i'm unsubbing

>> No.25310932

It's a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl

>> No.25310933
File: 95 KB, 753x390, lftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my machine

>> No.25310934
Quoted by: >>25311082

Same thing happened when she hit 500k during DOOM 2016.

>> No.25310935

>a boy
Let me ask you this. Do you think all the 5ch fanatics and antis would allow their chuubas to go on "his" stream and talk about panties and sex?

>> No.25310936

More like 33%, update your numbers champ

>> No.25310937
File: 709 KB, 702x659, 1573634900552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck are you doing Towa!?
Of course that cake is for you!

>> No.25310939

Who else just don't care about numbers anyway? I know Okayu and now Aki also don't give a fuck about them.

>> No.25310940

Our sentence will probably be extended with that, huh? And she only gave us food for the soul today.

>> No.25310941

The dancing dog

>> No.25310942
File: 30 KB, 632x352, kanata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310948
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1594936724523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310949
File: 104 KB, 720x960, reveal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25310951
File: 105 KB, 320x320, 土下座.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25310985

>no one from her gen showed up

>> No.25310952

Of those 300 IPs only about 50 of them watch the streams

>> No.25310953

Used to post my shitty drawings but right now most of my time is used in doing my Japanese reps.

>> No.25310954

​Plz speak English plz

>> No.25310955


>> No.25310956
Quoted by: >>25310988

The ones who really enjoy their jobs don't care about numbers.

>> No.25310960

Most people still think that if you go on 4chan for a split second you get pushed CP onto your hard drive, you join a terrorist organization and get put on all the watch lists that exist.

>> No.25310965

Plz come to brazil Korosan

>> No.25310967

To be honest Watame no Uta everyday wasn't the right thing.

>> No.25310968
Quoted by: >>25311124

honestly it's kinda cute to see kanata interacting with her english fans like this

>> No.25310969

Do you retards really want a holo to shitpost here? Let them stay on reddit.

>> No.25310971

Plz be my wife FBK...

>> No.25310972

it gets tiring to block every spic in chat, i dont have the capacity to ignore it.

>> No.25310973

Habla español Korone

>> No.25310976

Even leeches for reddit karma...
Maybe the sheep was right...

>> No.25310977

>ywn carry Ayame in apex

>> No.25310978
File: 761 KB, 735x1000, 1568645075226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311065


>> No.25310980

It's 2020...

>> No.25310982

It's kinda funny because I saw much more actual CP on twitter when I accidentally clicked on SEA accounts

>> No.25310983

How did towa's acoustic live go?

>> No.25310984

Thanks anon, I did end up searching and found the same VN.

>> No.25310985
Quoted by: >>25311004

>Towa joined the server and stayed the longest
>Aqua shilled Towa's stream at the end of her 24 hours
A new autistic friendship may be forming

>> No.25310986

I hope.

>> No.25310987

what do you mean bro?
Coco, Kanata, Watame, Artia, Haato and Risu 100% post here. Trust me bro

>> No.25310988
Quoted by: >>25311040

I don't think any of them care about numbers, they all make enough money to get by and have a dedicated fanbase. Only 6 months ago 100k was considered an impressive number, now the 5th gen are on track to get that number days after their debuts.

>> No.25310989
Quoted by: >>25312056

>he doesn't know about the time Risu threatened to kill /hlg/

>> No.25310992

>Inevitable Gaming​Shibuya san, u are in my death note list. PS: I am not one of the people that dislike Ojou's stream

>> No.25310993


>> No.25310995

She had yabee guy play the guitar for her, she just sang.

>> No.25310996

Fuck you whoever posted this.

>> No.25310997
File: 229 KB, 354x520, loli_ui_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brat...

>> No.25310998
File: 311 KB, 1254x1771, 神無月元史@ホロクルX16@Kannaloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25311002
Quoted by: >>25311066

Write a simple browser extension that blocks the message if it contains any of the top 1000 words from the spanish vocabulary and youll get your hugbox.

>> No.25311004
Quoted by: >>25311093

towa and aqua? how autistic were they?

>> No.25311005

>autistic live

>> No.25311006
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, 1591187256950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare anon, do you dream reps and you'll get there eventually. Before getting my Kanata nightmare I had a few completely unrelated holo-dreams (Coco repeatedly drugging me up, studying with Noel, listening to love confession as Choco) but after it I had a few really pleasant ones, though none involved Kanata ever again.
I often have dreams about this thread. Even a dream about complaining here about having dreams about it. Maybe I am in one right now too, who knows.

>> No.25311007
File: 134 KB, 1281x716, Ee86hVdUwAEscWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311008
Quoted by: >>25311020

It was good, forgot the words to a song, sang a Suisei song, selling Bibi hats

>> No.25311009

Thank you, feeling much better now

>> No.25311010
File: 787 KB, 1103x1080, wataboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311027

>Watame posting here with clumsy but sweet english

Yes, I would like to order one of those.

>> No.25311011

It keeps buffering so I closed it. All 3d streams is like this. Is 3D stream heavier or is Cover's internet shit?

>> No.25311013
Quoted by: >>25311020

She forgot part of the lyrics for one of the songs. Otherwise, it went great. Sadly, it wasn't her playing the guitar, though the guy who did was pretty damn good.

>> No.25311014
File: 14 KB, 646x264, EcEjymFWkAEFZYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanata goes on reddit
>people interacting nicely with her and making harmless jokes
>kanata goes on /hlg/
>sheep falseflaggers and anons making fun of her ear disease
Why would you want this?

>> No.25311016

That's the one, he was here when he started working on it, but odds are that he's gone now, along with other notable figures such as rushiacuck (hopefully).

>> No.25311017

In a way Towa doesn't care much. She has said that with lower view counts she can still read chat and respond to people but wont be able to do that if she gets popular and the thought of that made her sad.

>> No.25311018
Quoted by: >>25311052

It's ok. Her boyfriend played the guitar

>> No.25311020
File: 286 KB, 478x482, 1581612876632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic whore lol

>> No.25311021


>> No.25311022
File: 200 KB, 500x500, EdHVb3iXsAE1gd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay because it's cute.

>> No.25311024

More likely it's your internet that's just shit, senpai.

>> No.25311025


>> No.25311027

>newfag doesn't know about that one time she got really upset over reading /hlg/ after her 3D debut

>> No.25311028

there's solo's who are quite successful and there's agency that aren't even noticed.

on bili there's some good avatar which only have like 10k subscriptions and they're part of some agency nobody has heard of. successful is hard to find. i think it really depends on the person and if they attract attention mostly.

there's some chinese girl i watch sometimes who speak fluents japanese and sings better than a lot of hololive members, but she only has 14,000 subs and gets 2000 popularity which is like 200-300 viewers. she lacks a goofy charisma or flirty attitude, but if she was part of a bigger agency she would be more successful

>> No.25311030

That's genuinely a (You) problem. I've had no issue with any of them.

>> No.25311034

Matsuri already posts here under her alternate personality Lyger

>> No.25311035
File: 396 KB, 2000x1125, EdmflIuXYAAH7tP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311229

>Coco repeatedly drugging me up

>> No.25311036

If Kanata would came here, no one would believe he is actually Kanata

>> No.25311037


>> No.25311038

>such as rushiacuck (hopefully)
There is a 100%chance that schizo is still here

>> No.25311039
File: 117 KB, 990x667, IMG_20200809_180130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many independents have these amount of subs before debuting?

>> No.25311040

Everyone cares about numbers. They are all human, they want to be loved, they want to get praised, anon.

>> No.25311041

By saying how good it was?

>> No.25311043

Oh yeah, I remember that, Coco was there too.
Too bad the stream got deleted.

>> No.25311044


>> No.25311047
File: 87 KB, 880x866, 1593092974561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe okayu did it again. we need another trial

>> No.25311048

>thinking they have any subs before debuting

>> No.25311051
Quoted by: >>25311085

the underage gyaru matsuri tried to groom had 50k subs when she debuted

>> No.25311052
Quoted by: >>25311067

Which one?

>> No.25311056

This, everyone would just call it fake and gay.

>> No.25311057
Quoted by: >>25311079

99% of independents won't reach these numbers in their whole careers

>> No.25311059
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, WAcCmAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another reddit vs 4chan episode

>> No.25311060

Why the fuck do people equate hating reddit to wanting holos to post in /hlg/ instead
'ate reddit
'luv holos
simple as.

>> No.25311062

Ayame you didnt wash your hands

>> No.25311064
Quoted by: >>25311264

What hololive related dreams do you remember?

>playing games with Korone on a small TV while making snacks out of paper and water
>going on a date with Mio, but i start slowing down and im unable to move or breathe because it feels like im in water

>> No.25311065
File: 47 KB, 728x546, Flare!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still have the base you used? I tried searching google for it with wikihow to make a Flare version, but I couldn't find it.

>> No.25311066
File: 221 KB, 477x599, 1590681292834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dealing with spic faggotry
Spics are cancer that kill any internet community they enter

>> No.25311067
Quoted by: >>25311109

Yabee guy.

>> No.25311068
Quoted by: >>25311116

NotRurudo got like 12000

>> No.25311070

Hololive buff...

>> No.25311071

Ah, that time when she came just as /Biz/sheep part 1 finale dropped and she cried to the bittersweet ending. I remember that membership stream.

>> No.25311072
Quoted by: >>25311126

>that difference in subs
wow do people care about personalities at all or just looks?

>> No.25311073

That image is not from wikihow...

>> No.25311074
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1596621942498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a leech

>> No.25311076


>> No.25311077

What are you people still doing here? Why don't you have a reddit account? You will make everyone happy if you get one and go there.

>> No.25311078
File: 281 KB, 572x700, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many members is too many for hololive? nijisanji has gone that way for sure but i wonder how far hololive can push it before it starts to have a negative effect

>> No.25311079


>> No.25311080
File: 153 KB, 1180x664, 1596979747243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311081

It is safe to assume that Botan's design is what carried her to the top?

>> No.25311082
Quoted by: >>25311098

When a hololiver reached a sub milestone, they will talk about it in their next stream. Not like Korone though. She celebrated 300K subs when she's already in 350K+, or that one time when her chat told her that she reached 400K but responded with "oh thank you everyone but I want to focus on playing Spiderman". Yeah, she just doesn't care.

>> No.25311083
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon think about the newfags, how could they fit in without overreacting about reddit?

>> No.25311085


>> No.25311089
Quoted by: >>25311113

Because honestly, truthfully, unironically, a ton of people here also browse Reddit and have accounts.

>> No.25311092

why she hard to understand?
she can speak english?

>> No.25311093

Towa and PPT left after Aqua got them killed and then Towa came back 10 minutes later, asked for food, and then left again

>> No.25311095

Why is Nene that low? Is it because of the doxx?

>> No.25311094


>> No.25311096

Has Rushia said fucking sorry yet ?!
Fucking slut of Hololive

>> No.25311097

Waiter, there's a yubi in my dog's coffee

>> No.25311098
File: 656 KB, 840x636, EZN5FuAVAAIdrWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiderman stream was cute

>> No.25311102

Simple solution, post the trip on Twitter. Actually doing that is not so smart though, plebbitors are gonna cancel them like they did those devs that did a Q&A on hotwheelschan

>> No.25311103
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1592552091808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311432

>implying Watame isn't next in the line to make a reddit account

>> No.25311104

So uhhhh.... Sheepbros? What happened to that surprise that she was talking about in her member-only stream?

>> No.25311105

I subbed to all of them so I don't forget their debuts. After seeing them I'll decide if I keep them on my list.

>> No.25311107
File: 2.14 MB, 1736x2456, __minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_shiino_sera__9d03c61f07987fb07088d368e62abd35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311127

>spawn Aqua with AR app
>put her on flat ground
>max size
>have to put my camera down towards my crotch to reach her headlevel
That is one tiny onion holy shit i can only IMAGINE

>> No.25311106
Quoted by: >>25311134

5th gen is already too many

>> No.25311109

We were 3 guys during the yabee moment alone, she also has 5 more boyfriends who weren't there.

>> No.25311110


>> No.25311111

You just know she loves Coco for her tongue too

>> No.25311112
Quoted by: >>25311134

Hololive is current already at too fucking many tbqh.

>> No.25311113

Guaranteed replies.

>> No.25311114
Quoted by: >>25311186

That and her twitter posts. Theres really nothing else that can carry them, since they didnt debut yet.

>> No.25311115

Luna carbon-copy

>> No.25311117

She ate all of the cake herself

>> No.25311116

She already streamed on that account before as non-notrurudo though

>> No.25311118

Their current lineup is enough for hololive, if they keep introducing new gen while the old ones is still around it will probably hinder growth and views though.

>> No.25311119
File: 46 KB, 353x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311120
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1596651562851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the cake, didn't you look at her twitter?

>> No.25311122
File: 1.08 MB, 1740x727, COLLAB WHEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Suisei liked it if nothing else

>> No.25311124 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1240x533, 1596989239199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311342

It's kinda amusing to see her using the opportunity to interact with fans while Coco uses her account just to promote streams.

>> No.25311126

looks draw you in but the personalities are what make you stay. If Botan ends up being really lame you can bet she's gonna end up falling behind her peers

>> No.25311127
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, IMAGINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I M A G I N E

>> No.25311128
File: 185 KB, 1200x1200, Eb_UST9UMAAhd7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311155

Why dosen't Risu have membership yet? Shes the biggest of ID but the only one without

>> No.25311130

>holos make more and more references to reddit
>coco made reddit meme reviews
>he expects us to not comment on the matter
hey unlike you we watch the streams.

>> No.25311131

She gave her a gift in the studio and panda keiki.

>> No.25311135

what dox? i am mildly intersted.

>> No.25311134
Quoted by: >>25311183

that's how i was feeling anons but i wondered if anyone felt the same way, it's hard to keep on top of even if you only have 1 or 2 favourites.

>> No.25311136

Thanks, anon. Hopefully my dream can get more fantastical rather than being too grounded on reality instead.

>> No.25311137

I was just reminded of Cocos roommates obscenely long tongue. Thank you.

>> No.25311138

She ate the cake and called towa a whore

>> No.25311139
File: 582 KB, 2508x3541, 1588872380847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate youtube in its current state for hololive from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) with short explanation why
id give it
>as shit as it is, it could actually be so much worse, not sure if thats a positive tho

>> No.25311140

u/Canatach case is quite interesting because she doesn't know any reddit templates, so she wrote it like a twitter post. You can even imagine which emoji are supposed to be here.

>> No.25311142
Quoted by: >>25311171

Why can't cover make something like this?

>> No.25311143

Of course, Towa likes to fill every hole she have!
She's the whore of hololive after all!

>> No.25311144

Because her character is Chinese

>> No.25311146
Quoted by: >>25311179

Nene is literally what Suisei wanted to be and failed to be.

>> No.25311147

Bland design + burgers and seanogs seething at everything that says China. Only a handful of autists on 5ch and 4chan know about her being doxed

>> No.25311148
File: 451 KB, 1240x1754, 1596880334778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your favorite holo
>your favorite fate character
I'll start

>> No.25311150 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 678x610, 1596989331639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311151
File: 21 KB, 360x353, IMG_20200807_143522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand most of the streams but I can't read. How do you even distinguish kanji with many strokes and boxy main shape?

>> No.25311152
Quoted by: >>25311228


>> No.25311153

I really, really hate the spanish. Theyre a cancer in every single community ive ever been part of.

>> No.25311154
File: 11 KB, 359x75, 1595476157685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god korone chat

>> No.25311155

Waiting for her PC and 100k celebration first.

>> No.25311156

for over a decade now.

>> No.25311158

>Tune into Ouga (solo) for the first time
>incredibly comfy
>keeps talking about Kamen Rider and now the currently airing Gundam series
I should've guessed from his previous Zoids builds but he really is the /m/ holo.

>> No.25311159


>> No.25311162
File: 195 KB, 338x322, 1596970554964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPT is a karma whore

>> No.25311164


>> No.25311165
Quoted by: >>25311233

Don't have the link. Check the archive. She was a real idol but her voice is bad maybe even worse than Towa

>> No.25311166
Quoted by: >>25311214


>> No.25311167


>> No.25311169
File: 279 KB, 411x385, dog.exe has stopped working.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25311170

>[ESP] Eh? Subaro ya se dió cuenta?? Eh? Se supone que debemos cantar...

>> No.25311171

Looking at this makes me want to play Illusion games again.

>> No.25311172


>> No.25311173


>> No.25311174

Why is my wife ayame so good at apex

>> No.25311175
Quoted by: >>25311190

Thank you anon for this valuable post. You're shitting up this thread just like the spic in her chat.

>> No.25311177
Quoted by: >>25311205

Wait, she has one as well? The fuck is up with tongue piercings, is it a fad now? I thought chokers were the hip thing now.

>> No.25311180

kill yourself

>> No.25311182

god this rushia stream is so low energy I'm pretty much going to knock out from this, it's really nice to listen to

>> No.25311179

Nene also failed, she wouldn't be here if she made it for real. Don't act like she was in Nogizaka.

>> No.25311181
File: 197 KB, 955x995, 1596312350949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311242


>> No.25311183
Quoted by: >>25311219

>2 favorites

>> No.25311186

Yes. There's absolutely nothing else to judge them.
>Twitter posts
I doubt it. Almost all of them are just talking to their senpai and trying getting exposure

>> No.25311188

cute doggo

>> No.25311190

The irony is probably lost on him.

>> No.25311191
Quoted by: >>25311237

should i start doing the same on towa streams but filipino?

>> No.25311193

>Is it because of the doxx?
Not that many people know about it + she's had the lowest sub count/popularity from the get-go.

>> No.25311195

Korone...your mic....

>> No.25311197


>> No.25311198


>> No.25311199


>> No.25311201

I guarantee you this poster >>25311154 is a spic/SEAnigger

>> No.25311202


>> No.25311203

how embarrassing

>> No.25311204

I don't indulge in fateshit

>> No.25311205
Quoted by: >>25311248

She's 30 anon, tongue piercings were a fad back THEN

>> No.25311206

Ayame what the fuck...

>> No.25311207
File: 55 KB, 720x784, puffectsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos... onegai...

>> No.25311208


>> No.25311209
Quoted by: >>25311224

I suck at FPS and am much better at mobas.
t. top 500 player in dota

>> No.25311211

4th gen should have been the last until some older members quit. There's too much competition for views and donations so some are inevitably going to be left behind.

>> No.25311213

I barely watch miko's streams, but i hear her minaaaaaa is great, but i can't find any clips of it. Anyone got a good clip?

>> No.25311214

Sometimes I really just can't comprehend Suisei, there are times she forgets to shill her own performances but she somehow remembered to do so in this tweet where she's supposed to just praise Towa.

>> No.25311215
File: 2.69 MB, 230x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I invest in squirrelcoin?

>> No.25311216

>bad non-jp chat is just hlg narrative
Where is that fag who said this. Bet he must be a spammer too

>> No.25311217

Towa will never waver

>> No.25311219
Quoted by: >>25311283

m-maybe just 1 then...

>> No.25311220

Shuten Douji

>> No.25311222


>> No.25311224
Quoted by: >>25311294

Are you Filipino or NA?

>> No.25311225


>> No.25311227


>> No.25311228

Only a fellow Scandi would know off the top of their head

>> No.25311229
Quoted by: >>25311291

I had dreams about Holohouse, being tied up to a chair and Coco doing the injections while Pekora kept laughing. Coco generally appeared a lot in my dreams back then for some reason.

>> No.25311230
Quoted by: >>25311247

damn she's cute, anon that was crying other day about it you're retarded wtf how can you not like her?

>> No.25311231
Quoted by: >>25311282

>friendship ended with miko because of the short tongue
not like this bros...

>> No.25311232

>the state of nakiri

>> No.25311233

That's not her voice, her voice is in the nip website, not the one some random anon posted

>> No.25311236

kek good one dude

>> No.25311237

Towafags already have a live translator on their discord during all of her streams, I won't stop you from shitting on her chat anyways

>> No.25311238

Legit question. Why are people who care about this kind of shit still here instead of reddit?

>> No.25311239

repeatedly seeing it will allow you to remember it

>> No.25311241


>> No.25311242

>sheepfags read strange fake
All the more reason to hate you

>> No.25311244

>Okayu replaced by Subaru

>> No.25311245


>> No.25311246
Quoted by: >>25311272

Don't know what happened but I'm gonna post Ayame.....anyway

>> No.25311247

She's ugly as fuck without makeup

>> No.25311248

I remember it was a thing over 10 years ago when i was finishing HS, but I didnt expect to see two rommmates with them in [CURRENT YEAR]

>> No.25311250
Quoted by: >>25311293

Every fucking time I watch Korone stream, I still cant get over how expressive her l2d is, that it can even convey her subtle surprised expressions is fucking magic.

>> No.25311249

wtf happened? how did ayame kill her teammate?

>> No.25311251


>> No.25311253
File: 518 KB, 1000x1000, EdRcDtxVcAIDMFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never wish for any holo to visit this place.

>> No.25311254

is rushia going to threaten to quit again

>> No.25311257
File: 1.13 MB, 1242x1853, 1568298285013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear friends
Fubuki, why...

>> No.25311259
File: 1.60 MB, 1740x2048, 1596496732448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311260

>not investing in your future instead of watching whores

>> No.25311261
File: 1.25 MB, 1544x860, ss4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here occasionally, don't keep up with threads since I started working on this though.

Just happened to stop by since it's been a full month last time I posted anything.

>> No.25311262

Argues with chat too much. She should follow dog-sempai's lead and focus on the game.

>> No.25311264

>Going on a picnic with coco
>a date in Venice with noel
>trying to explain penguins to mio but she juts won't get it

>> No.25311265
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1588068177838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311266

You do more reps

>> No.25311267
Quoted by: >>25311281

I wish now that we'll get the yabee concert in the future. Her boyfriends are pretty good musicians.

>> No.25311268
File: 284 KB, 868x1228, Ee4iK_WUEAA-5a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311288

Why is Aloe on the backburner though? One twitter ban for ~6h surly dosen't impact it that much..right?

>> No.25311269

Did Haachama just add random persons on her totsumachi thumbnail?

>> No.25311270
Quoted by: >>25311278

Oni panicked and accidentally team killed...
>that "why" from the teammate

>> No.25311271


>> No.25311272

her teammate was down and she was fucking round and let him die
and he said in chat

>> No.25311274
Quoted by: >>25311326

Ever since December 2019 we've gotten

Holostars Gen 2 (3 members)
Hololive Gen 4 (5 members)
Holilive ID (3 members)
Holostars Gen 3 (2 members, RIP Kaoru)
Hololive Gen 5 (5 members)

That's 21 new talents in 9 months. They can't keep up this pace forever.

>> No.25311276

which 90% of women naturally are

>> No.25311278
Quoted by: >>25311336

i thought there was no teamkilling or was it a grenade?

>> No.25311279

Anyone have archive link to Pekora's streams? I can't find her Dragon Quest 5 gambling stream where she was losing her shit.

>> No.25311281

Thank you, through our dicks we're all friends and get together a lot

>> No.25311282

That's why they're compatible with each other anon.

>> No.25311283
Quoted by: >>25311324

>Your oishii
>will you stop watching vtubers if she graduates?

>> No.25311284

My friend Fubuki! She really leaned hard into the friends meme, didn't she?

>> No.25311285

my favorite vtuber is almost at 9k subs after over a year and a half of streaming and doing 1-2 streams a day. comparatively, there's another vtuber I've watched before who debuted as part of a small agency a couple months ago (biggest channel is ~30k), she's at almost ~5k because there was an audience they could tap into and promote her to.
to join something like Hololive? as much as people make jokes about Fubuki and SC or Aki and subs/views, they're both doing better than 90%+ of indies ever will... which also makes it all the more disappointing in how Cover treats the Holostars as bastard children

>> No.25311287
Quoted by: >>25311310

Its gone....

>> No.25311288

When she debuts everyone will see the error of their ways and she will rise to the top

>> No.25311289

korone es muy kawaii :3

>> No.25311290
Quoted by: >>25311323

Isn't it a bit early for survey hour?
Katō Danzō

>> No.25311291
File: 56 KB, 359x383, 1593018330637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311390

>Pekora laughing in the background
Holy shit it's perfect
Were you self-iinserting as Kanata?

>> No.25311292
Quoted by: >>25311319

Gaslingbros... Is this how you feel... How do you handle this feeling..

>> No.25311293

I think it's mostly because the mouth, eyes, and body movements while not top tier actually fucking work in tandem like they're supposed to, so she just looks alive.

>> No.25311294
Quoted by: >>25311307

NA. support player but I've missed the last 2 seasons of ranked so I've probably decayed

>> No.25311296

I'd say she's boring without makeup but definitely not ugly. She's in the upper echelons of japs when it comes to attractiveness with and without makeup.

>> No.25311297

Take a nice shower, eat a good, healthy meal. Maybe see the sun a little bit today and get some fresh air.

>> No.25311300


>> No.25311298
Quoted by: >>25311363

Wtf is up with Rushia, she wants to rage quit Hololive, hates EoPs and SoPs yet she keeps up the fucking peko/boin boin jokes and panders to EoPs on twitter. Something dosen't make since

>> No.25311301

Didn't revive on time.

>> No.25311302

Is it better to order merchandise through buyee or geekjack?

>> No.25311306
Quoted by: >>25311347


>> No.25311307

So you're like divine 3 in servers that matter then. Not that impressive

>> No.25311310

ik, its gone for a while now, i hope yagoo will do something about this shit. Also hope that some of anons here archived it. I couldn't make it in time, it was already gone ;-;

>> No.25311311
Quoted by: >>25311345

>FBK vacation
>Shion yo vacation
>Mio jail
>Miko hospice
>Luna on an IV drip

>> No.25311312

>buying equipment for teddy
kusa, he dies anyway

>> No.25311313
Quoted by: >>25311337

It was shit. Only 25K viewers for a 3D and all Towa did was sing a couple of songs, big for supachas, and then leave abruptly.

>> No.25311314

Huh I think there is a mod in Korone's chat. Just saw a spic get yeeted.

>> No.25311315
Quoted by: >>25311934

why is she perpetuating this "friends" meme so much?
Reddit stopped caring about it after a day.
Aren't we the only ones who still meme that moment?

>> No.25311316
Quoted by: >>25311339

Isn't it Coco roommate ? Having tatoo wouldn't surprised me since she is a burger.

>> No.25311319

I made a mistake... Its over...

>> No.25311321


>> No.25311323
Quoted by: >>25311502

You're my nigger

>> No.25311324 [DELETED] 

lol how can anyone like that whore?
worse holo

>> No.25311325
Quoted by: >>25311330


>> No.25311326
Quoted by: >>25311343

Nijisanji keeps adding people and they keep making money, so who knows.

>> No.25311328
File: 314 KB, 393x385, watadonalds_shogun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311354


>> No.25311329

buyee is fucking dogshit
i tried making an account and it wouldn't work every time I tried to, and apparently I must have tried making too many accounts because they IP banned me from their site.

>> No.25311330


>> No.25311331
Quoted by: >>25311928


>> No.25311333

tohsakas thighs

>> No.25311334

5k na is 3k eu anon.

>> No.25311335

Geekjack for physical good, however if you're going to order multiple things go with booth

>> No.25311336
Quoted by: >>25311350

There time limit when you get knocked down and if it run out you died.Ayame was panicking because there literally an enemy running toward her(and died because of the ring) resulting into her teammate dying out of time.

>> No.25311337

>leave abruptly

That's how concerts work in Japan.

>> No.25311338

Wonder if she's into sex tourism.

>> No.25311339

She has a tatto on the left side of her chest

>> No.25311340

so she doesnt see a problem with collabing with homos but she draws the line when a viewer ask her for marriage? i fucking hate this whore ngl

>> No.25311342

I don't think she really ever wanted anything else from this. Good on her for finding another way to interact with kaigai nikki

>> No.25311343

Nijisanji has better revenue than Cover because Cover absolutely refuses to diversify and produce more merch

>> No.25311344
Quoted by: >>25311602

Why would that be cause for concern?

>> No.25311345

>Korone playing kusoge
>Mel shadowbanned

>> No.25311346

VOMS is not really an agency

>> No.25311347

thank you good anon, i really appreciate it.

>> No.25311348

5th gen wasn't needed before 2021

>> No.25311349

Remember when they said they'd get Live2D updates for all of gen 1 and 2 but Subaru's L2D still isn't updated?

My narrative is that Subaru's default outfit is already updated but Subaru wants her idol outfit she always wears to get the update too, so she's waiting for that to get the L2D update before she does her new L2D reveal.

>> No.25311350


>> No.25311351

NA is the strongest region.

>> No.25311353

My cute friend...

>> No.25311354
Quoted by: >>25311387

Seeing this makes me want to see a holo to play Shogun Total War (or any Total War game)

>> No.25311357

I know that's what I'm talking about??

>> No.25311360
Quoted by: >>25311426

there is this powerful hoshiyomi that comments every suisei's tweet (in English), I see him even on discord and a lot of facebook pages about suisei.

I admire the dedication of all these madlads like l*ger desu

>> No.25311361

I've been saving up for Mio's hoodie if it ever came out.

>> No.25311362

PPT? More like PPS (the "S" stands for "shit")

>> No.25311363

She probably just has a dumb sense of humour.

>> No.25311365
File: 142 KB, 398x443, 1576323868552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone playing kusoge

>> No.25311366
Quoted by: >>25311458

Her waist looks fucking spectacular there, like her bottoms aren't pulled up far enough

>> No.25311370
Quoted by: >>25311380

Remember, only legit fucking cretins believe in the Ayame Stacy narrative

>> No.25311372
Quoted by: >>25311384

Do you think Roboco played apex when shes not streaming haha..

>> No.25311373
Quoted by: >>25311466

Hello anon, I just downloaded HoloVN cause it looked really good, hope you're doing well with the game.

>> No.25311375

Those are just business as usual.

>> No.25311376
Quoted by: >>25311934

don't say friends

>> No.25311377
Quoted by: >>25311406

This is something I dont get. Why the fuck is cover so stingy with their merch? I could name like 20 items in total that would sell day one to milk the fans and im sure others could come up with more ideas. Id buy all of those merch.

>> No.25311379
File: 445 KB, 1475x1400, 1594607497401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311408

thats it chocoball put your paws up

>> No.25311381

Agency. Mel being shadowbanned still has more views than most indie vtubers.

>> No.25311380

Remember, only legit fucking cretins believe in the narrative

>> No.25311382

I don't think that would be the case, from the looks of it they do take into accountsm their preferences, flare got her new live 2d for her yukata

>> No.25311383

shut up boomer

>> No.25311384

Literally look up her name in a one of those websites and check

>> No.25311387
Quoted by: >>25311434

Wouldn't ghost of tsushima fit more for holo gamers ?

>> No.25311388

When the fuck will Kanata's song cover be unprivated YAGOO YOU FUCK WHAT EVEN CAN COPYSTRIKE A FUCKING SONG COVER

>> No.25311390

I wish I was but that was before the current Doukyoz plan, maybe watching AsaCoco was affecting me that much. My Kanata dream was also drug-related but since then I never had that theme crop up ever again.

>> No.25311394

why couldn't they sell the hat separately
fuck paying 100 dollars

>> No.25311397

Has akunetty made her return?

>> No.25311398

>he thinks that the updates are outfit-specific
With the exception of gacha FBK they all have the same face, and the face is the thing that gets updated.

>> No.25311399
Quoted by: >>25311744

Pixel"art" "games" are all kusoges. We have systems for next gen graphics. Use them.

>> No.25311400

I'm comfortable with the 5th Gen being the last for a while. Unless they make a Gamers 2 or something, that's as much as I can handle personally.

>> No.25311401

i wanna make korone a mother

oh wait...

>> No.25311403

Is there a list of all HoloPro original songs?

>> No.25311405

No permission, no cover.

>> No.25311406
Quoted by: >>25311430

They don't have good relationships with manufacturers

>> No.25311408
File: 3.09 MB, 3200x5508, 1595516696071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting knocked out by korone while she's hyped up on energy drinks!

>> No.25311409
File: 328 KB, 1406x994, 1591444027515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which gen would make the best cosplay JAV and why is it the 4th gen?

>> No.25311410
File: 165 KB, 1812x1305, かなたそ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311414

Just for reference I went to check an indie streamer who I think does a pretty good job, thinking that she must have grown since last I watched (I stopped mostly due to her focusing on RPGmaker horrorge) and she's still only got like 1k subs and her videos only get like 50 views. 5th gens getting 50k subs before they even debut? Yeah, joining hololive is definitely going to be better in most cases.

>> No.25311416
Quoted by: >>25311449

nah, one thats way smaller

>> No.25311417

Haato's alt ouftits are 1.0

>> No.25311418
Quoted by: >>25311441

Cover really is retarded. When Bibi hat was revealed the whole EN site crashed and Towa is like bottom 3 subscriber wise.

>> No.25311420
Quoted by: >>25311616

The same thing that striked Aki's ORIGINAL SONG. Anything is possible with fucking youtube.

>> No.25311422

Nah it would be gen 2 because of manjigumi alone

>> No.25311424

We need at least enough Holos to fill a Suikoden roster. 108 of them.

>> No.25311426
Quoted by: >>25311480

as a hoshiyomi I find it both admirable and unsettling, but mostly unsettling since they're almost always the first replies to be seen. Also they're mostly EOPs.

>> No.25311428

Even when they sell merch it was always a limited item. Example Coco's pin sold out in seconds because they don't stock much

>> No.25311429

Subaru in Korone's chat!

>> No.25311430

And why is that? I do remember whenever someone asked for some kind of merch, the answer usually would be too expensive.

>> No.25311431

Getting knocked up by Korones wanwang while shes high after talking with Okayu.

>> No.25311432 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1596990243037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311464

>yfw Watame makes a subreddit instead called r/membersheep

>> No.25311433

Why tf did they still use Google translate? The homos have used DeepL already

>> No.25311434

I enjoy strategy games, Anon. I would've probably thought of 'Ghost of Tsushima' first if I enjoy those kind of games more.
Also HoloCIV when?

>> No.25311436

I don't know shit about fate but I've probably fapped to Okita the most

>> No.25311437

>Scary story: in 2 years Gundam SEED will be 20 years old
>10 seconds of silence
>...I'll have a drink

>> No.25311441
Quoted by: >>25311501

And best of all that Bibi hat was a really low effort version. Imagine a proper hat version of Bibi.

>> No.25311442

Aki's original song got striked though

>> No.25311445

why the fuck did you faggots get me into feet
i hate you

>> No.25311446

>doesn't even try to run away
>instead walks into the TNT to end it sooner

>> No.25311447

Shinove hasn't been talking to Eugene lately I guess

>> No.25311448
File: 207 KB, 1532x1505, EetL6ukUMAYeGnJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neneposting is important.

>> No.25311449

Hanayori Girls?
That one about detective agency?

>> No.25311451

Holy shit those sniper shots

>> No.25311452
Quoted by: >>25311530

Theres no real difference between them.

>> No.25311455

I cant believe Korone wants to spank venom's tight ass!

>> No.25311456

Buyee is cheaper

>> No.25311458
File: 148 KB, 265x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311459

MHXA and Consort Yuu are the ones I jerk it to the most.

>> No.25311461
Quoted by: >>25311516

>that tamaki doujinshi on panda where he get fucked by huge fat bald guy with a penis the size of an arm

>> No.25311462


>> No.25311464
File: 46 KB, 293x317, 15859324728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311485

>It devolves into finance discussion and PPT teasing

>> No.25311466

Thank you, hope you have fun with it~

>> No.25311467

It's not just the face their outfits also get remade it's more obvious in some that have little accessories and such, most of the time they get smaller in the live 2d updates

>> No.25311468


>> No.25311469

Why would he care, he's 5000 years old.

>> No.25311470

is it meant to be an egg or a peach?

>> No.25311472
File: 368 KB, 404x524, shotafound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, have you:
>Super chatted your Fav Holo today?
>Fapped to your fav Holo today?
>Posted your fav Holo Today?

>> No.25311474
Quoted by: >>25311532

>tfw SEED is still the only one ive watched
fuck that feels bad in both ways

>> No.25311476

>ywn go swimming with ui-mama

>> No.25311478
File: 3.90 MB, 2429x3520, 1596669400964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because feet are a 10/10 fetish no matter how much people try to shitpost otherwise

>> No.25311480
Quoted by: >>25311657

They kind of bother me because I feel like it's pressuring Suisei to learn English, but she seems to be quite chill about it so I guess its fine. But there's that one cringe son of a bitch that describes Suisei as if she's the second coming of Jesus combined with Athena, that kervin lei guy or whatever, seeing his tweets makes me want to slit my throat.

>> No.25311481

downloading the vn
good luck with the development!

>> No.25311483

Spaniard here, I actively avoid using spanish online as much as possible, but the cancer can get far worse than that

>> No.25311484

My friend's hips are so breedable! Platonically, of course.

>> No.25311485
Quoted by: >>25311568

add numberfagging and change 'PPT teasing' to 'shitting on the leech' and you're golden.

>> No.25311486

I wish I got to be friends with that DAMN

>> No.25311489
File: 346 KB, 1394x2047, Ee5IwUnVoAAxSAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311491

You can't cast anyone as Coco cause the tall ones don't have big enough tits. Also I'm not gonna get it up for Luna no matter who you put into that outfit. Gen 3 is a much better pick gyaru Flare...

>> No.25311492

What the fuck just happened.

>> No.25311493
File: 10 KB, 332x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25311494

hey be glad you are into relatively vanilla fetishes unlike a couple of unfortunate few

>> No.25311495
Quoted by: >>25311525

no shes sick
cant bring myself to

>> No.25311496
File: 326 KB, 691x421, 1592839347309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311519

>Super chatted your Fav Holo today?
i love my oishi but i will never give her money when she makes more in a matter of days than i do in a month
>Fapped to your fav Holo today?
ive never fapped to a holo
>Posted your fav Holo Today?

>> No.25311498

When's Artia graduating?

>> No.25311500
Quoted by: >>25311555

Should I love Aloe or Towa?

>> No.25311501
Quoted by: >>25311533

No horns really kills my desire to get one. 100 euros for a basic cap is too much even for a faggot like me.

>> No.25311502

To think I'd find good taste in this thread. A shame she's so unremarkable gameplay wise

>> No.25311504

rushia's eigo sounds exceptionally cute today

>> No.25311505

I would love holo playing ck2 for weird shennanigans.

>> No.25311506

anon YAGOO is the true end game

>> No.25311507
Quoted by: >>25311846

False DMCA claims can be made with zero accountability on the part of the one making the claim.
Youtube has still continued to not fix this horrible issue for years. They are literally allowing felony level crimes to take place hundreds if not thousands of times a day.

Some youtubers who make OC deliberately make a second account, put a clip on there in advance, and then copyright strike themselves in order to keep all the money going their way.

>> No.25311508

>no, cover, you retards, stop adding new members, it's too many!
>hey, what is this new agency
>their vtubers are kinda fun, i think i'll watch them some more
>sorry guys i think i'm out, i got tired of hololive and watch new agency vtubers instead
>did you know that vtubers 3, 6 and 8 were denied a slot in hololive because cover decided they have enough talents already, who is laughing now
>i can't believe how stupid cover is, not wanting to give a chance for new potential talents
>hurr durr i'm a retard who think that he knows everything but actually doesn't know shit
>who are you quoting?
You. I'm quoting you personally.

>> No.25311510

Sheep talked about it, I'm pretty she's using it too.

>> No.25311513

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25311515
Quoted by: >>25311550

>people started spamming boing boing again on Rushia's stream...
just stop it onegai stop... she is really gonna retire

>> No.25311516 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1596990488931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pleasure of being cummed inside...

>> No.25311517


>> No.25311518
File: 214 KB, 1076x1522, EcKVAomU4AM1q1O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311519
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1592838186447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311520

Look up Momotarou.

>> No.25311521
Quoted by: >>25311544

>favorite holos
>fuck surveyfags

>> No.25311522

>Kanata route
Will this turn me into full gosling mode?

>> No.25311524
File: 40 KB, 121x145, f6743e0ec6811d425f2f3054e18a205ec9cf9983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont supacha or member until they give alternatives that dont give YT money, i buy multiple merch.

>> No.25311525


>> No.25311529

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25311530
Quoted by: >>25311559

DeepL is much better. Have you seen Google translate makes holos's tweets look exactly like narratives

>> No.25311531
File: 508 KB, 1164x1093, 1596941127856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25311573

So Towa's taste is in disgusting, fat and smelly kimota NEETs who obsess about their 2D queens and shower them with money for attention?

>> No.25311532

>tfw SEED is still the only one ive watched
That's like only watching EN virtual youtubers

>> No.25311533

For me, it's the lack of 'fluffinesh' or softness of the real version. The cap doesn't really look the same and I could just order a custom made one for 20$ tops.

>> No.25311534

Take your meds

>> No.25311535

"Experienced" is alot nicer than saying you fucked a bunch of guys

>> No.25311539

Suisei is hardly ou--- nevermind she can barely do push ups

>> No.25311540
File: 263 KB, 555x870, soy520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25311541 [DELETED] 

I can already imagine everyone cucking each other and Watame plotting to assassinate PPT

>> No.25311542
Quoted by: >>25311554

why does her body look more tan than her face even without the shadows

>> No.25311543

Whomst quote?

>> No.25311544


>> No.25311545


>> No.25311547

>your favorite holo

>> No.25311550

She likes it though.

>> No.25311553


>> No.25311554

My body was blocking the sun while I was throatfucking her on the beach

>> No.25311555
File: 2.93 MB, 239x280, 1596810267079.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love all demons!

>> No.25311557

A new song? Nice

>> No.25311558

> maxed out yesterday so can't
> no
> everyday

>> No.25311559

just use jisho for kanji you don't recognize, then add them to your cards.

>> No.25311563


>> No.25311564

oh no ayame has a fan in her team
this can only go poorly

>> No.25311565

This nakiri girl on ayame stream is pretty good

>> No.25311566


>> No.25311568
Quoted by: >>25311572

You really misunderstand how the dynamic works. PPT is a leech, but she is still our leech.

>> No.25311569


>> No.25311571
Quoted by: >>25311585

i-i agree anon...
how far does the rabbit hole go?

>> No.25311572


>> No.25311573

Hey, I'm just a fat ugly old bastard, I smell nice!

>> No.25311574

>ywn see kanata leaving the recording closet of 30⁰ she streams in.
>ywn suddenly get erect by her sweaty scent and begin kissing and caressing her from behind.
>ywn lick every inch of her sweaty body including her feet while she moans in embarassment and pleasure
>ywn do it like animals afterwards

Why are we even here?
This place is a heinous crime upon consciousness.

>> No.25311575

I spend my entire day looking at chuubas from the second I wake up until I go to sleep and posting in these threads at the same time.

I completely lost control of my life.

>> No.25311576

>your favorite hololive
>your favorite holocaust

>> No.25311578
Quoted by: >>25311586

>start watching Ayame

>> No.25311580

1:1 hololive figures when

>> No.25311582

I think it depends on the roles in which gen 5 fills. there's a lot of gaps in Hololive right now that could attract new audiences which I think should be their focus if they're bringing in new members. If they don't have someone for mahjong, baseball, music(dj, instruments, band to make music for original songs with the other girls) then I think they could still use some more people. Then there's time slots they should try filling too. Honestly there's probably a ton of things they're missing than I'm thinking of, but those are the ones that stood out to me. I'm sure you could think of some things you wished someone, ANYONE did but nobody does. If it's just adding extra members that basically fall into doing the same as the rest, then it's kind of a waste and doesn't add much to their brand.

>> No.25311583

I see that the /hlg/ underdog fetish is already pushing Nene.. jesus christ you fucks.

>> No.25311585

>how far does the rabbit hole go?
i unironically bought a vr headset for foot fetish vr porn
and ive never been more satisfied

>> No.25311586


>> No.25311587

I'd rather get her a cool and refreshing drink and take a shower with her but you do you, anon.

>> No.25311591
Quoted by: >>25311789

The Armenian

>> No.25311592

>your favorite holo
>your time zone

>> No.25311593
Quoted by: >>25311654

okay I'm not a big towa fan and I don't like japanese music that much but the unplugged concert was really good

>> No.25311594

>she didn't edit Mio out
Nice, thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.25311595

whomst does the raven quoth?

>> No.25311597
Quoted by: >>25311625

Are either of you the dog foot fucker?

>> No.25311598

ayame's voice is so weird today..

>> No.25311599

how would you feel if it turned out that Ayame was fat?

>> No.25311601


>> No.25311602

Bushiroad shilling aside, she’s a weird force of chaotic nature, and seeing her almost enabling Haachama’s weirdness is concerning to me.

>> No.25311603
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311605
Quoted by: >>25311789

The one that actually happened

>> No.25311607

i fuck her ass

>> No.25311608

Nene have the power of one trillion chinks backing her.

>> No.25311613

Extremely cute you mean

>> No.25311615

I live on the moon. What time zone is that?

>> No.25311616

Some time ago I saw a video about a guy's extensive rant on youtube's copyright AI and methods to workaround it like preemptively copyright striking your own videos, where he'd prove how even pure, mute silences trigger copyright flags

>> No.25311618

>Watame getting a second original song
Okay but what about Kanata?

>> No.25311619

atleast put a miko tombstone

>> No.25311620

>Cover absolutely refuses to diversify and produce more merch
That's how you create demands and it opens the path to higher-priced merchandises. It's smart if they're going for the long term, and not smart at the same time since Hololive can recline anytime and they might not be able to cash out on the present popularity of their brand.

>> No.25311621
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311625
Quoted by: >>25311672

no the rubber feet look like a waste of money. toes look flimsy, no real structure, no scent, etc.

>> No.25311626
Quoted by: >>25311682

>35k with no videos

>> No.25311627

The marvel comics character

>> No.25311628


>> No.25311630
Quoted by: >>25311669

Everyday until Elite return!
Live version:
VRMix.01 version:

>> No.25311633
Quoted by: >>25311674

The one where you're obliged to eat burgers at 3am

>> No.25311634


>> No.25311635

She's not and I don't play pretend

>> No.25311637

I'd get hard

>> No.25311638
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311642

Korosan... You didn't grind enough...

>> No.25311643


>> No.25311644
Quoted by: >>25311675

They pay out of pocket for those, and kanata has hospital expenses

>> No.25311648
Quoted by: >>25311698

>caressing her from behind
>she mentions its been 3 days since her last shower

>> No.25311649

Is Rushia a "cool guy" ?

>> No.25311650

>Watame not streaming
>No night fever this week

>> No.25311651
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311653
Quoted by: >>25311679


>> No.25311654

Towa is best on stage.

>> No.25311655

she's mumbling a lot. maybe she's high

>> No.25311656
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311657
Quoted by: >>25311696

hoshiyomis tend to vary from obsessive to chill from what I've seen. For those type of obsessive comments I just ignore them mostly, but gets pretty hard to ignore when it's among the top replies for her tweets. A certain familiar for an example, he's basically Suisei's personal l*ger when it comes to replies.

>> No.25311659

Chinks don't actually care about Chinese-themed chuubas. None of the CNs are Chinese in theme or design, and I don't remember bilibili going nuts about Flare's first outfit

>> No.25311662

Kanata is too poor for one.

>> No.25311664
Quoted by: >>25311910

Korosan my sleep schedule...

>> No.25311665

>English/western v-tubers.
Am I the only one intensely disgusted by this?

>> No.25311668


>> No.25311669

Hey man!

>> No.25311672

Yeah, and they don't even ship with the right socks. Korone would never wear those.

>> No.25311673

i always support underdogs anon, it's why i support wolverhampton

>> No.25311675

Isn't Healthcare free in Japan?

>> No.25311674


>> No.25311677

Mea is such a weird character to me
>that personality
>age 19
>actually a good singer
>aqua never talks about her outside of chinkland

>> No.25311678
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311679

Ingay mo bobo

>> No.25311682
Quoted by: >>25311707

People were unironically calling the sheep an underdog yesterday

>> No.25311684

Ayame is a high-class escort. Of course she's in good shape.

>> No.25311686

Shes ill, so hololive gave her less days to stream so she won't be doing it as much could take 2 months from what i hear, i hope oue miko is doing fine

>> No.25311685

>more snipers

>> No.25311687

Same, but I stay up until 6am For once not reflecting my oshi

>> No.25311688


>> No.25311689
Quoted by: >>25311721

Back to the future?

>> No.25311691

I made the 2nd half up

>> No.25311693

yes, now fuck off back to /vyg/

>> No.25311692

Why are the two Kanatas facing the wrong way?

>> No.25311695

You have to pay 16 ish bucks a month for insurance

>> No.25311696

you forgot to add "delusional" on your range.

>> No.25311698

Do net do this to me anon...
I don't know how much I can take anymore.

>> No.25311697

Miko...had a hard life...

>> No.25311699
Quoted by: >>25311941

is ayame on drugs?

>> No.25311701

fuck anon
next I'm gonna be into /ss/ or impregnation or something

>> No.25311702
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311703
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311704

I think they don't want to saturate the market, but it feels stupid because there's a definite demand right now and vtubers aren't eternal.
>neverending story

>> No.25311707

She is though

>> No.25311709


>> No.25311710

She's being really busy as of late, and the move must be eating into her finances

>> No.25311711

I like Ayame's mom more than Ayame.

>> No.25311713

Are Aqua and Mea still good friends or has Aqua pretty much completely broken it off with her outside of bilibili pandering?

>> No.25311714

That’s accurate

>> No.25311716

About that... https://files.catbox.moe/7img6w.jpg

>> No.25311717
Quoted by: >>25311831

>he doesnt know about the porn vtuber that btfo all of the cam whores on chaturbate

>> No.25311720

Nobody also watches her outside of chinkland

>> No.25311721

Come on, man!

>> No.25311722

hey man

>> No.25311723

does korone just have the dragon left to kill and then mt. itoi?

>> No.25311724

How would a Holo CK2 collab end up like?
I can imagine everyone would be sleeping with each other's wives and everyone plotting to kill one another

>> No.25311725

she's going to be the Flare/Luna of Gen 5

>> No.25311727

Get ready for HoloEN then, where they're either super politically correct and will throw shitfits at HoloJP for all the loli/shota love or get doxed and harassed for being problematic

>> No.25311728
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311729
Quoted by: >>25311760

it could be worse. you could be spending it all day doing hateful and angry things that accomplish nothing instead of viewing something you enjoy.

>> No.25311733

They are aiming their working ear towards the stage so they can hear the singing

>> No.25311735
Quoted by: >>25311790

I wanna marry Rushia roomate!

>> No.25311740
Quoted by: >>25311869

I bought the hat and the pins. I'm ready boys.

>> No.25311741
Quoted by: >>25311857

>he isnt into /ss/

>> No.25311743
Quoted by: >>25311848

Why do people call Aqua dumb? She seems of normal intelligence to me

>> No.25311744

Well, I guess Famicom was a generation behind by 1989 when Mother was released…

>> No.25311745

It's been 16 hours since Lunas last tweet...

>> No.25311746

To point their good ear to Towa!

>> No.25311747
Quoted by: >>25311789

The holocaust never happened but I wish it did

>> No.25311748
Quoted by: >>25311808

Straight shota is the most vanilla fetish, every woman likes it, every man dreams of it

>> No.25311749

never gonna happen
ck2 is on the less understandable side of gsg

>> No.25311751

insert in anus from behind and dont look anything else

>> No.25311752

>dear friends, iam going to a summer vacation with my boy friend. see ya

>> No.25311754
Quoted by: >>25311784


>> No.25311757
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311759

Imagine if in 2-3 months your favorite would be someone from 5th gen and you were the one of fuckers who were crying that 5th gen is a mistake and shouldn't exist.
Wouldn't it be a pretty bitter feeling - to love someone whose existence you deemed unworthy at the beginning. Can you live with this feeling? With this mistake? Can you support her with your whole heart, knowing how cruel and unfair you were?

>> No.25311760
Quoted by: >>25311872

How can people even sustain their anger for so long? Its all so tiring.

>> No.25311763

their roommates were friends before vtubing
im guessing aquas manager just doesnt want her associating with mea when she isnt pretending to be a lesbian to protect her image

>> No.25311766
Quoted by: >>25311958


>> No.25311770
Quoted by: >>25311778

mating pressed by YAGOO!

>> No.25311771

A whole week of sex with her boyfriend...

>> No.25311774
Quoted by: >>25311834

There is hope for ck3

>> No.25311776

>ck2 is on the less understandable side of gsg
But it's the most approachable one...? Or is that just me having played since the beta being blinded to the autism needed for it?

>> No.25311778


>> No.25311779

she must be hot if shes an escort while being fat.

>> No.25311780

When they took the archives

>> No.25311782
Quoted by: >>25311834

CK2 is not even that hard to understand, I've played HoI III and Vicky II before and CK2 is one of the simpler ones.

>> No.25311784

But haachama only makes memes anon

>> No.25311785

>Korone announcement soon
What do you think it is anons?

>> No.25311786

if they bring politics and are wokes I will personally be in charge of doxxing them out of hololive

>> No.25311787
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311789
Quoted by: >>25311843

I guess it's true what they say about fans resembling their oshis.

>> No.25311790

Literally the worst possible choice.

>> No.25311791

dude portuguese is way worse, its like a fucking abomination of spanish and then you dropped it in a blender

>> No.25311792

>falling in love with the girl you bullied
10/10, would read in a shoujo manga

>> No.25311794

Spanish banned from chat

>> No.25311795


>> No.25311796
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311797
Quoted by: >>25311958

It's good that me and my love Nene aren't like that.

>> No.25311799
Quoted by: >>25311862

3rd kid?

>> No.25311800
Quoted by: >>25311958

Ignoring my past mistakes is what makes me a real American

>> No.25311801

I had friends trying to play it once it became f2p and they give up 1hour in.

>> No.25311805

aqua is the betar kirito xXxsoloPKgodxXx. she's a lone wolf that doesn't need friends. of course she wouldn't randomly talk about mea.

mea plans to make aqua the mistres of her boyfriend and considers aqua her property

>> No.25311808
Quoted by: >>25311876

Flare doesn't like straight shotas, or shotas T_T
I guess I can be the little girl, aren't we all little girls here anyway?

>> No.25311810

nice trick question

>> No.25311811
Quoted by: >>25311860

I like European Portuguese. It sounds whimsical.

>> No.25311812
Quoted by: >>25311825

25 hour stream to one up Baqua

>> No.25311816

The crusades

>> No.25311820

ARS superchats wont be allowed anymore.

>> No.25311818
Quoted by: >>25311958

But I like Gen 5 but also I will never change oshis.

>> No.25311821

Ayame can't whistle...

>> No.25311822
Quoted by: >>25311851

Portuguese sounds like a Russian person trying to speak Spanish

>> No.25311824

I may hate doxxing, but just this once Based

>> No.25311825

She already did a 28 hour Maka maka one before anon...

>> No.25311827


>> No.25311830
Quoted by: >>25311857

these threads will change you anon
>start liking fetishes you never bothered with before
>start playing games you previously thought were garbage
>develop a disdain for certain nationalities (and vtuber companies)
you'll know its bad once you hit stage 4 becoming a ritual poster

>> No.25311831

I honestly didn't really consider her in the same vein. I guess they're kind of related.

no pls

>> No.25311832
Quoted by: >>25311853

Portuguese is the ugliest and most useless language there is. If they wrote it with moonrunes it would be the only deader language than japonese.

t. Brazillian
Please take me out of here

>> No.25311834
Quoted by: >>25311952

approachable maybe since you do play as an actual character instead of a map blob but definitely not normalfag friendly
might be there but I don't even know if the nips like gsgs especially ones without grorious nippon

>> No.25311835

>Or is that just me having played since the beta being blinded to the autism needed for it?
CK2 was my first gsg. I only realized how hard it was when I kept seeing """competitive""" HOI4 players and EU4 excel sheet pros keep making basic mistakes. The only things more dense than CK2 are Vicky 2 economy and HOI 3 army shit.

>> No.25311837
Quoted by: >>25311867

Gamers is officially done. Korone is now gen 0

>> No.25311838


>> No.25311839

Haha shes just like me

>> No.25311840


>> No.25311843
Quoted by: >>25311864

Nanking is child's play and is justified and you know it, Anon
The holocaust isn't though, fuck cover.

>> No.25311844

Holy Based

>> No.25311845

Gamers Gen 2.
Hinata, Hat and Tanuki will become real.

>> No.25311846


the youtube copyright system is totally skewed towards copyright claimant. people have to self copyright claims their own video so when a false copyright claims kick in they can still get 50% of the revenue.


>> No.25311847

spaniard 2 here, I dont use it online, everyone who actively uses it instead of english is a faggot

>> No.25311848

she used to get extremely anxious like she was having a panic attack during her entire stream

>> No.25311851
Quoted by: >>25311868

*European portuguese

>> No.25311853

I'm biased because it's my third language, but it's pretty comfy to speak. And then you can come to brazil if you want it to sound nice!

Don't delude yourself, it's equally as useless as spanish. You're going to be speaking english either way.

>> No.25311855

Does anyone have the Doctor vs DJ video with Ayame, Pekora and Roboco? It got taken down :(

>> No.25311857
Quoted by: >>25311893

i will be if this keeps up anon, /hlg/ already pushed me to learn japanese and gave me a tummy fetish
w-what is stage 4 anon..?

>> No.25311858

I have never seen a japanese person play a 4x game
somehow I really doubt they'd like it

>> No.25311860

its funny sounding but its fucking awful to see it written out, on top of actually knowing some spanish its incredibly distracting

>> No.25311862

>When she already has 5 confirmed
Unless you mean third from this husband, but I think it's the second

>> No.25311864
Quoted by: >>25311888

what the hell is a 'nanking' peko?

>> No.25311866


>> No.25311867
Quoted by: >>25311892

No no, New Gamers with Subaru replacing Fubuki.

>> No.25311869

Good kenzoku.

>> No.25311868

I avoid Brazilians at all opportunity

>> No.25311870

¿Hola basada policia?

>> No.25311871

There's a guy on 5ch claiming to be Aqua's ex-boyfriend

>> No.25311872

they're most angry at themselves for their own low quality life so they project it all outwards making their life even worse creating a spiral of self-destruction

>> No.25311873


>> No.25311876

of course anon haha...ha....

>> No.25311879
Quoted by: >>25311910


>> No.25311881
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25311882

>There's a live translator in spanish for Korone

>> No.25311884

There's a guy (me) claiming to be Okayu's boyfriend (present)

>> No.25311887


>> No.25311888

It's a Chinese soup made from animals that are considered inedible in most countries

>> No.25311889

I know a jap who played stellaris

>> No.25311890

Do you really think someone wouldnt go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.25311892
Quoted by: >>25311914

You mean replacing Mio

>> No.25311893

you become part of the hivemind that is /hlg/

>> No.25311894

Do EOPs coming to Rushia's comfy talking streams genuinely think it's still funny to spam the chat with all of this cutting board/konpeko/boin boin shit? Even nips don't do it this much recently, but these fuckers are literally unstoppable.

>> No.25311898

it's me. i'm aqua's boyfriend and i have a sex tape with her

>> No.25311900


>> No.25311901


>> No.25311902
Quoted by: >>25311918

How can we save Miko?

>> No.25311904

Some famous spic just dropped by Korone's chat, did the spic call in a raid again?

>> No.25311905

Don't snitch on me anon, I was just starting to have fun with the JOPs

>> No.25311907
Quoted by: >>25311936

God I wanna nanking Rushia's ovaries.

>> No.25311908

how come ayame never collabs with gen3/gen4

>> No.25311910 [DELETED] 

hue hue
hue hue

>> No.25311912


>> No.25311913


>> No.25311914

but mio was replacing ayame

>> No.25311915

>sacrificed herself

>> No.25311916

She'd rather collab with their boyfriends

>> No.25311917

That's actually a good thing, they are less likely to spam shit if they know what is going on.

>> No.25311918

She's saved, Aqua revived her

>> No.25311919

I'm here

>> No.25311920

Don't let 5ch know, but Ayame is actually dating a dirty gaijin(me).

>> No.25311921

when do gen 5 debut

>> No.25311922
Quoted by: >>25311942

Is Roberu going to do a new Majora Mask playthrough or is he continuing from where he left off?

>> No.25311924

I think there is two of them

>> No.25311925


>> No.25311928

I can't find the time stamp anymore but during her first Mario Sunshine stream she basically decided she'd call her 外国ニキ her "Friends" as a fan name from here on out and has been doing so ever since. At this point I wonder if she even remembers the Gosling poster and is doing it intentionally or is just oblivious of the implicatons.

>> No.25311929

honestly if there was any holo who had a boyfriend that browsed 5ch aqua is the most believable

>> No.25311930

The quite schizophrenic hivemind of /hlg/, yeah

>> No.25311932

who knows anon, this is like the only rushia stream in months I've enjoyed and every time i catch the chat I die inside

>> No.25311933

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rW3tfldjQ YEAAAAAH

>> No.25311934

She probably just wanted a way to address overseas fans like some of the others do and opted for "friends."


>> No.25311936
Quoted by: >>25311959

I want to D day her womb so hard her chest will start expanding their defenses.

>> No.25311938
Quoted by: >>25311981

Aki wanted to play Civ but found out it takes a long time and gave up

>> No.25311939

but anon, I'm a flip...?

>> No.25311941

Yeah, norethindrone and sertraline

>> No.25311942
Quoted by: >>25311972

He's starting over

>> No.25311945

There's a guy here who has a harem of Aquas

>> No.25311946

How long does it even take to get permissions for fucking covers?

>> No.25311947
Quoted by: >>25312046

>too many people under their umberella so everyone has less chances to stand out.

This is what worries me..YAGOO said it before in last May that he will not scout for new members for a while as he wants to make some growth of the existing members. I just wish he doesn't scout so fast. Give it at least a year.


>> No.25311948
Quoted by: >>25311974

i went to a bilingual school with brazilians and portuguese kids and there was something seriously wrong mentally with at least half of them
but a lot of the girls were hot

>> No.25311949


>> No.25311951


>> No.25311952
Quoted by: >>25311993

'Not normalfag friendly' is debatable because I got my half retarded friend to play it and enjoy it with little effort when the game went free. As long as there is someone to explain the basics or you watch a basic explanation of how the game works, the game is fun to play.
You mentioning '4x' reminds me of Aurora 4x which is even more autistic than any gsg or civ games. Good game, I'm excited for the C# version

>> No.25311953

well after seeing what youtube comments, discord and reddit are like over the years and particulary with hololive, i think I'm stuck here anon

>> No.25311954

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q9kg7y5_Iw CATBROS HEARTBEAT ASMR IS BACK

>> No.25311955

Most english stream viewers are zoomer twitchniggers. The sooner she stops reacting to them the better it is for her. It's hard listening to her getting mad every time about it.

>> No.25311956

Just got back from 5ch. The latest scoop is it's nine o'clock on a Saturday. The regular crowd shuffles in. There's an old man sitting next to me. Makin' love to his tonic and gin. He says, "Son, can you play me a memory. I'm not really sure how it goes. But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete. When I wore a younger man's clothes."

>> No.25311957
Quoted by: >>25311987

Does anyone have the "timeline of LoZ is complicated" (or whatgever it was) clip?

>> No.25311958
Quoted by: >>25312001

Erm... based?

It's not healthy to love someone you know nothing about, anon. At least wait till debut, maybe you'll like someone else and wouldn't broke Nene's heart meanwhile.

Based soratomo.

>> No.25311959
Quoted by: >>25312043

I wanna drop my little fatmen tru her little cervix.

>> No.25311961

you called the other gmt+3 guy a ruski but I get the fucking finn treatment
this ain't fair

>> No.25311963

I'm a fin

>> No.25311964

ayame sucks at using shotguns lmao

>> No.25311968

>Thiago Rivas ​koro-san puedes decir "river pecho frío"??

>> No.25311972

Alright, I don't understand why my brain understood the "Re:" in the title as him continuing his playthrough.

>> No.25311973


>> No.25311974

There's a reason Brazil's a shit country but with a flourishing sex tourism industry anon

>> No.25311980

My deepest condolences. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy

>> No.25311981

What a shame, I would love to watch her play it.

>> No.25311982

Do your reps anon, I'm not her "ex"-boyfriend, we're still together.

>> No.25311985


>> No.25311987
Quoted by: >>25312022


>> No.25311989

Being Fubuki's Friend!

>> No.25311991

why is english tolerated on, but not other languages?

>> No.25311992



>> No.25311993

in any case ck is not a good game for streaming

>> No.25311995

I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.25311996

I dunno why but I somehow found this to be the funniest shit. So thank you anon, for making me laugh.

>> No.25311997

In what world is being a Finn a downgrade?

>> No.25312001
Quoted by: >>25312153

But I'm a Heimin...

>> No.25312002

Post what they said.

>> No.25312005


>> No.25312009
Quoted by: >>25312030

>Spics wake up
>Korone chat instantly becomes trash

>> No.25312011

Ayame hates anyone post gamers but 5th gen

>> No.25312012

Yo, that's pretty hot.

>> No.25312013
Quoted by: >>25312075

I mean it would be an extremely huge filter, but I'd probably still enjoy it. That's why I mentioned Civ earlier, which is far more 'appealing'.
Also holos playing Aurora 4x when?

>> No.25312014

t. fin

>> No.25312016 [DELETED] 

You fucking nigger lovers already reached the image limit? Can you NOT????

>> No.25312018

Anon, I know you're excited but...

>> No.25312021
Quoted by: >>25312049

In a world where Finns have to come to my city to get drunk and everything in Helsinki is closed by 9 pm

>> No.25312022

Not seen that one in a while

>> No.25312023

Wrong. I'm fried chicken.

>> No.25312024


>> No.25312026

Artia's past life was confirmed to have posted here and she made reference to 4chan in her current one based on a screencap of a post with no indication of what site it was from. what's to say she isn't posting in this very thread?

>> No.25312028

International language. Everyone on the internet is supposed to know a bit of English. You can't say the same about Spanish, German, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian, etc

>> No.25312030

I has woke upped 6 hours ago retard

>> No.25312031

make me

>> No.25312034
Quoted by: >>25312053

thread is almost over dumbass

>> No.25312038

i wanna kiss my friend's belly

>> No.25312039

Well nobody is shilling for her right now so she definitely isn't here today

>> No.25312042

Do you mean:
>in stream chat?
then no, /hlg/ prefers nips there.
>in /hlg/?
Most here are JSL or EOPfags. Deal with it.

>> No.25312043
Quoted by: >>25312077

I want to drone strike her little cute cunny with my massive ordinance air blast device, leaving the payload neatly in both areas of interest so the objective can be fully achieved.
If you know what i mean.

>> No.25312046

Holo are slowing down and won't scout new gens in a while >>25311947
I think it's pretty much showing already. three gens debuted last year(gamers, gen3, and gen4) and we only have 5th gen in JP branch this year.

>> No.25312049
Quoted by: >>25312084

So you live in our amusement park (Estonia)? Must be horrible to have every day boats arriving carrying drunken and hungover finns .

>> No.25312051


>> No.25312053

Hurry the fuck up

>> No.25312055

>1.8k posts in
>expecting still being able to post images
Nigger yo...

>> No.25312056

enlighten me in that narrative please anon, I'm curious

>> No.25312058


>> No.25312060

It's easy to learn the basics and is accepted as the standard international language. Trying to speak your niche huehue language outside of your small bubble is just being a massive faggot.

>> No.25312063

poor ayame can never win

>> No.25312064

Big Ayame

>> No.25312066

She said something like
>I can see you guys watching from the shadows, be careful
in a threatening tone

>> No.25312067

>in any case ck is not a good game for streaming
Probably not (and I don't think it has a JP translation) but there is meme value in a game where you can marry your sister and pump out retarded offspring.

>> No.25312068
Quoted by: >>25312088

What kind of poster would she be though? A Watame or Cocoposter?

>> No.25312070

>i dont really have a favorite but i have expectations for aloe

>> No.25312072

So if the time zone replies are accurate, we could conclude that this hour is basically 50% EU, 30% SEA, 20% Americans

>> No.25312074

come back around in 4 hours and watch us hit the image limit by 900 posts every thread

>> No.25312075
Quoted by: >>25312105

>I'd probably still enjoy it
yeah you, me and give/take 5 more people
time to let go anon, we'll never see a cute anime girl play our autism games

>> No.25312077

No, I'm not sure I catch your drift

>> No.25312079


GMT + 8

>> No.25312080
Quoted by: >>25312095

Thank you for the stream Ojou see you next week!

>> No.25312081

She was streaming it earlier.

>> No.25312083

She was hard shilling her twitch stream here when she first started testing on the site
Wish that bitch would fuck off

>> No.25312084

I live in St Petersburg and you snow mongols are cutting into my vodka supply

>> No.25312085

I want to protect you

>> No.25312086

Why is there a finger on her drink....

>> No.25312088

She's the "made for rimming" poster.

>> No.25312090

i wonder if they’re ever going to up the image limit per thread

>> No.25312091

>another day wasted watching hololive all day

>> No.25312092

This is an english imageboard.

>> No.25312093


>> No.25312095
Quoted by: >>25312145

>next week
I'm so sorry anon...

>> No.25312096

Every towa reply to this is me

>> No.25312098

>My EOP ass thought it was given to FBK for some reason

>> No.25312099


>> No.25312100

someone here should send ayame a stupid superchat making her say based department or something

>> No.25312101


>> No.25312102


>> No.25312103

How do I unsubscribe from this blog?

>> No.25312105

Closest autism game I could think of that a holo could play is Factorio, maybe if not Factorio then rimworld. Both should be fun to watch

>> No.25312106

god ayame is so cute lads

>> No.25312109

You can still salvage this, do some calisthenics, do some kanji reps.

>> No.25312110

I am a shadow, the true self

>> No.25312111


>> No.25312113

>member only
shit fuck ass
I love okayu but my hate for e-money is far deeper

>> No.25312115


>> No.25312116

this but with watame

>> No.25312118

aki's the most likely to play both game

>> No.25312119

You're not me!

>> No.25312120

Be glad you don't live in Estonia's capital, it's much worse there if you hate finns.

>> No.25312122
Quoted by: >>25312130


>> No.25312124
Quoted by: >>25312152

Yet your people come in busses to hoard basic foods.

>> No.25312125

but shes bad at english..

>> No.25312126


>> No.25312127


>> No.25312128

>some retard from here makes an "exposed" shitpost on YT
>somehow Risu comments on it during a livestream even though that shit had under a thousand views and was never shared outside of here
>she says she knows who made it and that they should be careful

>> No.25312130

>Majora's mask

>> No.25312131

Can you hear it through the fat?

>> No.25312132
Quoted by: >>25312154

we know

>> No.25312133

Similar to how kids in the U.S. are taught spanish as a second language from an early age in school, Japanese are taught english for about 6 years. They are not masters of it by any means, but they do have a general knowledge. What they do not have knowledge of however is something like Spanish or French so speaking in their chats in that language is rather cruel.

Does that mean it's ok to speak english in their chat? no since chances are they only know very basic "Hello my name is ____" and not much beyond that, but because they have an international audience that is gaining traction they learn the bare minimum to be able to thank them for watching/donating.

>> No.25312134


>> No.25312137

Dear myself don't forget to take the meds.

>> No.25312138
Quoted by: >>25312168

Are Factorio and Rimworld that huge of a filter? They seem simple enough to me, but that's not saying much because I've played games such as Aurora 4x, Vicky 2, and HoI III

>> No.25312140

hmm maybe akiposters are onto something with her...

>> No.25312142
Quoted by: >>25312150

Will Matsuri kill herself after Hoshikawa fucks Kanae

>> No.25312143


>> No.25312144 [DELETED] 

we should flood her with dick pics on twitter

>> No.25312145

Yeah it’s next month isnt it

>> No.25312147

People who get attached even for negative reasons sooner or later come around. They'll support them even more because of it.

>> No.25312148
Quoted by: >>25312180

Marine's been wanting to play Rimworld for a while but permissions.

>> No.25312149

How long until someone leaks the address of the building that the hololive talents go to so that people start stalking them?

>> No.25312150

I'll kill hoshikawa long before that
kanae is mine

>> No.25312152
Quoted by: >>25312182

Hey, I need those chocolates but I'm not letting you have my vodka Väinö. The amount you already drank could fill the Ladoga lake, enough is enough.

>> No.25312153
Quoted by: >>25312197

You just a little bit new. Don't worry, there will be a day, when you betray your oshi or she will betray you.

>> No.25312154
Quoted by: >>25312183

How did you know then retard

>> No.25312155


>> No.25312156

Spanish is heavily rooted in japanese language even if most people don't know about it, they both share pronunciations and a lot of words derived from spanish from back in the 1500s ever since the catholic missionaries arrived there and wrote the first japanese translation books like "el arte de la lengua japona"

>> No.25312159

what the appeal of korone to the spics? perro caca?

>> No.25312160

Didn’t Marine talk about Rimworld at one point?

>> No.25312161

because everyone knows it and if they don't they should not have acces to internet.

>> No.25312163
Quoted by: >>25312187

Japanese adults know as much English and U.S Adults know Spanish.
almost none.

>> No.25312165

Send her a superchat that says "I love Kanachiikuzu".

>> No.25312166
Quoted by: >>25312191

It's obvious that Risu would know about /hlg/, bulk of the posters are SEAs.

>> No.25312167

>Spanish is heavily rooted in japanese language even if most people don't know about it, they both share pronunciations and a lot of words derived from spanish from back in the 1500s ever since the catholic missionaries arrived there and wrote
They were from Portugal not Spain

>> No.25312168

to the average player yeah a little
lots of little things that you have to fiddle around with is not mass appeal

>> No.25312170

The archives are not coming back, are they?

>> No.25312171

When are the japanese arcades get vtuber merch on the crane games?
i might go to japan next year

>> No.25312172
Quoted by: >>25312232

Most chats it feels inappropriate to speak English at all without specifically asked or summoned like Korone does.

>> No.25312173


>> No.25312174

anon i am going to suck your dick and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.25312175

She's been to spain and knows some words and phrases. Someone clipped that and famous spics told their fans to go watch and get her to curse.

>> No.25312176

cute dog girl playing games
spics are notorious weebs so even better

>> No.25312177
Quoted by: >>25312199

>happy sheep
what does this mean?

>> No.25312180

Doesn't rimworld have that line in its EULA or somewhere stating that you can monetize stream up to a certain extent or something, I know COVER is incompetent but...

>> No.25312179

>he doesnt know

>> No.25312181

ayame amigo!

>> No.25312182


>> No.25312183
Quoted by: >>25312200

uhhh towa is a whore

>> No.25312184

ayame amigo.....

>> No.25312185


>> No.25312187

And in both situations, it is very sad...

>> No.25312189


>> No.25312191

is not a meme??

>> No.25312192


>> No.25312193
Quoted by: >>25312208

>I know COVER is incompetent but...
You answered your own question anon.

>> No.25312195

Too many dick sucking is the cause

>> No.25312196

sheep is so cute and precious

>> No.25312197

No, I don't think I will. She won't betray me either, even if PPT betrayed her.

>> No.25312199
Quoted by: >>25312204

5k more subs than Kanata

>> No.25312198
Quoted by: >>25312214

This sort of thing is why I wonder if the Holohouse is actually a terrible idea

>> No.25312200

Based as fuck

>> No.25312201

Time to widen the gap with Pathetic Parasite Tenshit

>> No.25312202
Quoted by: >>25312216

The portugese were the first to arrive but didn't stay the same amount of time or in the same numbers as the spanish did since they didn't have control of the flips or any nearby kingdom like the Cochinchina

>> No.25312203
Quoted by: >>25312211

Yes. Those are Portuguese loanwords. However, due to the phonetic simplicity of both Spanish and Japanese, a lot of them just ended up sounding like Spanish.

>> No.25312204
Quoted by: >>25312230

was it 3k before? damn

>> No.25312206


>> No.25312207

Hey guguru

>> No.25312208

I'm hoping they're not that incompetent, but I guess you're right

>> No.25312211
Quoted by: >>25312231

You're a retard anon. Don't try to justify your basic history mistake.

>> No.25312212

That looks like a fun as fuck video idea, good going sheep.

>> No.25312213

Ayame is a fucking cute!

>> No.25312214

I mean they'll have everyone watching each other's back, I just wonder how it'd end up assuming they can handle drama or problems well. Youtube houses in the west always go to shit.

>> No.25312216


>> No.25312217

how does she get away from it

>> No.25312218
Quoted by: >>25312227

Quick reminder that team cherry has it in their FAQ that everyone has the permission to monetize their streams but cover won't let towa play hollow knight

>> No.25312222
Quoted by: >>25312227

the first step is always to assume cover is run by retards (which they are)

>> No.25312223

How long until /jp/ meidos get tired of us and throw us into some shit e-celeb board full of wojaks

>> No.25312224

All you had to do was stay quiet anon https://files.catbox.moe/zfxl3g.png

>> No.25312225

Happy face because she received an akasupa after crying.

>> No.25312227

It's a lost cause, isn't it.

>> No.25312228

fuck you faggot i just saw this car today, you cant hide from me you fucking indog matsurifag
i will find you and we will appreciate matsuri together

>> No.25312229

It's what this place deserves honestly.

>> No.25312230

It was between 3-5k for a few days fluctuating a bit during when either streamed.

>> No.25312231

Wrong person dipshit

>> No.25312232

Super simple things like 'Nice', 'OK' or 'Good Job' should be fine but for anything more complex please use something like DeepL.

>> No.25312233

They are. They want a contract with every single company they monetize a game from.

>> No.25312235

Stop bullying the cripple

>> No.25312236

God I want to impregnate and have a family with Ui so much

>> No.25312238

considering they just made /vrpg/ and /vmg/ I doubt they're going to make a third board /incel/

>> No.25312240

do you see /ecel/ anywhere yet?
then they have to shut the fuck up since this is still /jp/ material

>> No.25312243


>> No.25312244

