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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 204 KB, 1052x997, EethmfTWsAETFkR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25258567 No.25258567 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25258569
File: 1.91 MB, 1736x2456, 80331731_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25258571
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258687

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25258572
File: 543 KB, 2294x1947, EezDMf2VoAAr934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258573
File: 403 KB, 1334x1869, 1593759604313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258598

>> No.25258574
File: 791 KB, 671x653, what the fuck did you just say about me you little mogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258575


>> No.25258576
File: 3.26 MB, 3270x2894, Eet-lIoVoAAvKSm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258577


>> No.25258578
Quoted by: >>25258624

Pieces is so fucking good bros

>> No.25258579
File: 103 KB, 288x288, bitch....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.25258580

stupid rabbit

>> No.25258581
File: 30 KB, 286x425, 1589860551547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop the Pieces MV already ;_;

>> No.25258582
File: 144 KB, 596x456, 156799233415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258595

>> No.25258583
File: 205 KB, 184x508, unkwff6i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258584
File: 173 KB, 560x346, 5643978706322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258585
File: 316 KB, 264x553, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clown cunny classic!

>> No.25258586
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, A3386E67-A0E3-4762-9E55-EC4B5BCA9E50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25258587

I love you

>> No.25258588

Is Suisei transferring to CN branch?

>> No.25258590
File: 325 KB, 1700x1500, 1595918352826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258608

wtf suisei is actually good at singing

>> No.25258591

>that guy rocking the Matsuri shirt
Absolutely fire.

>> No.25258593
File: 500 KB, 570x855, Polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258594

>Suisei singing with her own backing vocals
I'm fucking disappointed.

>> No.25258595


>> No.25258596

how do i turn off the chinkspam
i cant see shit here man

>> No.25258597

Comet's voice is really good.
Fuck antis.

>> No.25258598


>> No.25258599
File: 897 KB, 1900x1575, Eea3aWVUwAA1DPM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will follow Watame to the ends of the earth!

>> No.25258601
File: 925 KB, 724x1023, 81617961_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOP Destroyer now works in both normal chat and popout chat

P.S. I love my wife Ui mama

>> No.25258600


>> No.25258603
Quoted by: >>25258635

>that nigga wearing a matsuri shirt up front

Alpha... sugoi..

>> No.25258602
File: 179 KB, 1184x665, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25258604
Quoted by: >>25258635

That guy with the matsuri shirt

>> No.25258605


>> No.25258606

Pride of the CCP

>> No.25258607
File: 246 KB, 1141x1625, e6c00ba9680ecb18f9a873e45ac06029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258609
File: 263 KB, 1440x2560, D5-Evz8UEAAnneE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259636

>> No.25258608

no shit? who'da thunk

>> No.25258611
File: 751 KB, 1445x812, 1584152808995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki let me in

>> No.25258612
File: 15 KB, 482x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258613
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258651


>> No.25258615

You dudes seeing that cute girl in the front row holding all those drinks?

>> No.25258614

third button from bottom-right

>> No.25258616
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1596776626084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258649

is it safe to have that many people with corona-chan lurking around?

>> No.25258617
Quoted by: >>25258644

Is Suisei premiering a new song live or is that a cover of some other song?

>> No.25258618
File: 51 KB, 526x545, Everyday until you improve yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little alien? She’s a Vtuber who does mounted archery in her free time, teaches a duck how to draw and teaches EOP Japanese to be able converse with their oshis for shit and giggles. She can fluently speak Indonesian, English and Japanese and knows German and Korean too, but that’s still not enough as she’s currently learning sign language and how to play the violin to become an even better Vtuber. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25258619


>> No.25258620

click one of the rectangles in the bottom right

>> No.25258622

You have TEN seconds to explain why you're not watching Temma RIGHT NOW.

>> No.25258623


>> No.25258624

I don't why but it gets my tears glands running. It's so good. Makes me glad to be here for Hololive.

>> No.25258625
File: 2.65 MB, 2480x3507, IMG_20200807_133838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 8 Thread #6

I love Mikochi so much!

>> No.25258627

no one's saying she sings bad, antis are saying she's ugly as shit though and is the only reasonable explanation for why she couldnt become an irl idol.

>> No.25258628
File: 1.21 MB, 1346x730, matsurisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dudes wearing the matsuri shirt are always the true chads

>> No.25258630
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1574795287509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258631

pieces mv......onegai.....

>> No.25258632


>> No.25258633

>concert in China

>> No.25258635
File: 14 KB, 250x265, suz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258636
File: 458 KB, 513x601, polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258665

honk honk

>> No.25258637

Wait what's this, why is there a concert going on?

>> No.25258638

I think Omaru is kind of sexy

>> No.25258639
File: 33 KB, 200x252, aloe love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258640

What a fucking chad

>> No.25258641

What's more based the chad with a matsuri shirt or the bitch next to him holding a fucking 4 pack drinking out of each one

>> No.25258644
Quoted by: >>25258671

It's her new song but she has already performed it live before

>> No.25258645
File: 475 KB, 1080x984, IMG_20200807_093942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25258646
File: 337 KB, 1183x662, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258661


>> No.25258647
Quoted by: >>25258698


>> No.25258648

Towa chamber...

>> No.25258649

no, but it's china, so who cares

>> No.25258650

More like Umaru Polka

>> No.25258651
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy! 宝鐘海賊団の船長、宝鐘マリンです~!

>> No.25258652
Quoted by: >>25258709

>mfw someone that's likely an eop made this

>> No.25258653

chink GOD

>> No.25258654

>corona infection waiting to happen
China? The virus?

>> No.25258656

>temma on my tv
>astel on my pc because this is a 24 hour stream
comfy bros

>> No.25258657

They're both because they're there for Suisei.

>> No.25258659

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdFUX4WLZHk Watch Astel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdFUX4WLZHk Watch Astel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdFUX4WLZHk Watch Astel

>> No.25258661
Quoted by: >>25258759

drop the new trailer already Miyazaki you fuckin HACK

>> No.25258664

keep living inside your bubble faggot

>> No.25258663

I watch his stream, and you need to neck yourself, stop shilling homos that hard, just watch them normally.

>> No.25258665

honk her cunner

>> No.25258666
File: 14 KB, 401x401, DzcRe77UYAUpAwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25258667

After comet is done singing, sure

>> No.25258668

>Last song already

>> No.25258669


Coco started moving today!

>> No.25258670

I'm watching Suisei but I have Astel's stream open to help his views

>> No.25258671

Ah shit, hadn't heard it before

>> No.25258672

Encore... please Suisei... at least we get Next Color Planet!

>> No.25258673


>> No.25258674
File: 1.60 MB, 1524x1955, EY7zXsfU8AAdpR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon, I'll give it a test run later today. Now I might actually be able to use the stream chat as impromptu reading practice without wanting to blow my brains out.

>> No.25258675
File: 64 KB, 192x214, Haachamaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haato is performing in this concert later
>You now realize there is an actual chance she sings "Red Heart" tonight

>> No.25258676
File: 173 KB, 900x1200, 1593444781670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't strong enough to handle it yet

>> No.25258677
File: 93 KB, 1200x839, 1572998741503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258693


>> No.25258679

can’t believe the world has gone full retard over a flu that no one has and kills 0.0003 of people who catch it if its actually real

>> No.25258681
Quoted by: >>25258714

Why Suisei's talking voice different from usual?

>> No.25258682
Quoted by: >>25258711

Other than Sora, who else has official gravure shots?

I want to do some research for reasons

>> No.25258683

What time

>> No.25258684


>> No.25258685

Fuck, this is some good Suisei shit. Goddamn

>> No.25258686

falseflaggers are at it again, just ignore

>> No.25258687

stay strong 35p, every thread is one thread closer to her return

>> No.25258689

anon's performance in Smash Bros against our son Roberu

>> No.25258690
Quoted by: >>25258706


>> No.25258691
Quoted by: >>25260148

is there a script that reports every english comment to youtube instead?

>> No.25258692

Why is her live singing so soulful minna? I don't even like Suisei that much.

>> No.25258693

Stop using Sora's image

>> No.25258694


>> No.25258695
Quoted by: >>25258704

You sound like a broken record, faggot.
>neck yourself
Fucking improve your vocabulary.

>> No.25258696
File: 701 KB, 2272x1278, Screenshot_2020-08-07 【ARK ╎Crystal Isles】くじら!イカ!?深海洞窟!??【ホロライブ アキロゼ×ロボ子さん】.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsuu tsuu tsuu

>> No.25258697

Why is Roboco being attacked by spaghetti?

>> No.25258698


>> No.25258699

Replace coco for clown

>> No.25258700

god bless those no mask chads

>> No.25258701

when will she perform?

>> No.25258702

i haven't been following holohouse situation
last i heard is suisei is joining during that holohouse rule stream, is there any changes?

>> No.25258703
Quoted by: >>25259198

Convert it to webm and I'll watch it.

>> No.25258704

Again, neck yourself.

>> No.25258705
Quoted by: >>25258790

>the chad with the double red glostick

>> No.25258706


>> No.25258707
Quoted by: >>25258758

>pic related,me and my robot bitch

>> No.25258708
Quoted by: >>25258735

>that guy with the spinning light sticks
Holy shit

>> No.25258709
File: 324 KB, 1391x1800, 1d0v9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258763

I-I'm doing my reps
but yeah, I don't even use it, some anon requested it be improved and I did it for the fun of it
No idea about the dude who originally made it, though

>> No.25258710

>He isn't watching Temma
>He isn't watching Astel
>He isn't watching Bossu
Imagine not supporting your bros, for shame.

>> No.25258711
Quoted by: >>25258843

>Other than Sora, who else has official gravure shots?
I don't know, but show me these immediately

>> No.25258712

They're equally matched

>> No.25258713

Damn, if I didn't know Suisei wasn't a good singer, I might have believed this was pre-recorded.

Good job comet!

>> No.25258714

she's absorbing the energy from her fellow communists and it makes her livelier

>> No.25258715

>Packed like sardines
>Some aren't even wearing their masks properly

Suisei is smiling behind the scenes for the coronavirus outbreak she's about to cause.

>> No.25258716

well this event is cute. Suisei is a pretty decent singer. corona-chan will be happy too

>> No.25258717
File: 1.49 MB, 1447x2047, 52725B2A-9881-41A4-B0EB-F71FE440DD53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258742

Ayame-sama I want to sniff your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25258718
File: 25 KB, 231x273, 1573165792142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a concert
>stand with your phone out all the time.

>> No.25258719
File: 68 KB, 650x366, hoshimachi-suisei-hololive-virtual-youtuber-cute-anime-38721-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why now? Fuck sleep

>> No.25258720

Why would people go to a concert and just look at it through their phone screen? Is this a zoomer thing?

>> No.25258721

who are you quoting?

>> No.25258722
File: 405 KB, 405x480, falseflagger4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258723

They already found an apartment. 2 apartments on the same floor. They live in pairs, pair #1 will be Kanata and Coco, pair #2 will be Suisei and Anemachi.

>> No.25258725
Quoted by: >>25258803

They've already found a place, it's an apartment like building. They rented one floor out
Sui and anemachi in 1 room, coco and kanata in another

>> No.25258727
File: 333 KB, 1474x2048, 1591615259607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu is probably one of the best choices she could have picked for an "out-of-comfort"-zone collab.
I get the feeling that Okayu is just a very chill person who will accommodate Pekora's obvious autism. I hope it goes well.
Also it was seriously cute that she was nervous about asking her for the collab.

>> No.25258728

Stop falseflagging ogey

>> No.25258730
Quoted by: >>25258768

Who're we watching?

>> No.25258731

I kneel

>> No.25258732

I hope we can rewatch this later... This was a great performance by Suisei.

>> No.25258736
Quoted by: >>25258746

She wrote the same thing 2 days ago.

>> No.25258734

How long until Kanata and Coco are sick of each other?

>> No.25258735

did someone just smacked him from behind
do suifags really?

>> No.25258737

imagine being their neighbor

>> No.25258738
File: 166 KB, 1600x1200, EBrSRfDU0AAq8gL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Aqua!

>> No.25258739

>that dude with double red sticks

>> No.25258740


>> No.25258742
File: 89 KB, 1185x667, znt4BJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258753


>> No.25258744

Are we in burger prime time now?

>> No.25258745

This is Comet's best live performance of her original songs so far.

>> No.25258746
Quoted by: >>25258771

It's not a 1 day process anonchama...

>> No.25258748
Quoted by: >>25258780

Why are you faggots like this?

>> No.25258749
File: 421 KB, 643x580, Ecd8ZK1VcAAgVIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Based department?!

>> No.25258750

I said you need to go on a fucking diet, if you get any fatter the earth is going to fall out of orbit.

>> No.25258751

astel falseflagger now trying to falseflag as all the holostar fans, dare i say? pretty based. i appreciate your dedication. ill still talk about my boys though

>> No.25258753
Quoted by: >>25258765

What's Ayame's aroma?

>> No.25258755
File: 131 KB, 320x320, 1596722598400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260674

>have to present in a meeting later
>panic attack
Every fucking time

>> No.25258757
File: 115 KB, 800x800, Dcmda7CVMAEhHC-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258773

>finally got to do her call and response with a real live audience
>she finally got to hear LA LA LA LA in NCP with a real live audience like what she originally planned when she was writing the song
I hate the chinks, but I'm so proud of our Comet, bros. I think it's raining at my place.

>> No.25258758

>>25258707 >>25258696
>My name is Aki Rosenthal and I love every single one of you.
>All of you are lovely, wonderful people who take the time out of their day to watch our silly streams.

>> No.25258759

Just like Miura has ignored Berserk so he can watch LoveLive, Miyazaki is now too distracted by vtubers to make Elden Ring. The student has become the teacher

>> No.25258760
Quoted by: >>25259940

Some hoshiyomis will probably reupload clips of it onto Youtube later like they did with Macro Link.

>> No.25258761
File: 223 KB, 1085x1157, EKszIoJVUAAytVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. She's really come far. And she's still a really cute dork

>> No.25258762

Chinese idols huh, interesting

>> No.25258763

I kneel to you, anon. I tried doing programming reps multiple times before but I always got filtered so hard that I just give up. Good luck with you Japanese reps.

>> No.25258764

Yo what the fuck is this now

>> No.25258765

Buy and find out

>> No.25258766

Is this also a Vtuber group? Holy shit they're so good.

>> No.25258767

>chink idols

>> No.25258768

Astel, he's got a 100 kill endurance stream going on

>> No.25258769
Quoted by: >>25258788

Who are these sluts?

>> No.25258770
File: 679 KB, 809x900, 1589632905563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei you've come so far, It's beautiful ;_;

>> No.25258771
Quoted by: >>25258807

No shit, but she didn't start it today retard...

>> No.25258772
Quoted by: >>25258806

8/8 14:30 - 15:00

>> No.25258773
Quoted by: >>25258783



>> No.25258776

c-can she use her old model for the concert...

>> No.25258778

it's actually tomorrow
8月8日(土)12:30 ~ 13:30 白上フブキ
8月8日(土)14:30 ~ 15:00 赤井はあと
8月9日(日)12:30 ~ 13:00 希薇娅Civia

>> No.25258779

ugly ass language but the song is good

>> No.25258780
Quoted by: >>25258833

maybe because they're the only 3 streaming right now?

>> No.25258781

Good shit anonymous

>> No.25258782

As a longtime fan of hers, it's still surreal she made it this far.

>> No.25258784


>> No.25258783

Give the JP Hoshiyomis some time, they're still processing it.

>> No.25258785
Quoted by: >>25258837

She's been preparing for a while and will move next week. I don't know if the others will take longer because last I heard of it Kanata at least hadn't started packing things up yet.

>> No.25258786
Quoted by: >>25258816

Anon gets to play Roberu, plays like dogshit
Exactly like every mediocre ganon I play online and stomp without thinking as Little Mac :^)

>> No.25258787
Quoted by: >>25258802

>Haato is performing in this concert later
I can't wait for her to fuck it up.

>> No.25258788

bug idols

>> No.25258789
Quoted by: >>25258860

Is Aqua in the concert as well

>> No.25258790

Like, what, a Darth Maul glowstick?

>> No.25258792

Yagoo when will we have super coordinated dances and singing like this?

>> No.25258793

You retards don't even know what EOP means.

>> No.25258795
File: 1.37 MB, 1538x1000, EdSXJmIUcAAFE4Q.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258869

It all depends on how much the lovable usagi spills her spaghetti, She's pretty good in collabs she's just shy about doing them

>> No.25258796
Quoted by: >>25258834

A lot of people left after Suisei is done kek.

>> No.25258797

based dad-anon killing himself for his son

>> No.25258798

cute chinese idols

>> No.25258800

I'd watch bossu but I have no interest in that game.

>> No.25258801

I'm not a massive Homo

>> No.25258802
Quoted by: >>25258830

I hope she does great and realizes she doesn't need this stupid haachama schtick to be cool

>> No.25258803

>anemachi in too
holy shit this is good fucking news. to me at least
anemachi will be fucking kanata while suisei and coco busy fighting

>> No.25258804

What? Who's performing besides Haato?

>> No.25258805
File: 436 KB, 1448x2048, 1595244644866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a great performance. Tenkyuu is still her best song but her new Pieces is a close second
MV fucking when?

>> No.25258806


>> No.25258807
Quoted by: >>25258882

>she didn't start it today retard...
You really going to believe Coco's words? That's going to get her doxed you fucking retard. They most likely started moving a week ago already.

>> No.25258808

>that dude hard looking at his phone

>> No.25258809
File: 16 KB, 314x177, EKbebE2UUAAex8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the full version of Red Heart debuts in a fucking Chinese event

>> No.25258810

Would any of you wear this in public?

>> No.25258811
File: 147 KB, 600x900, suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suisei is the Avatar of Nurgle!
Spreading the Grandfather's Plagues!

>> No.25258812
File: 237 KB, 1280x1000, 1596610764769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258862

>mfw she sings her shitty meme songs instead

>> No.25258813

She brought up how she wanted to do a collab with Koro-san eventually too.

>> No.25258814

can't, holos too fat

>> No.25258816
Quoted by: >>25258877


>> No.25258817 [DELETED] 

So uh do all retards who mention masks not understand how corona works? Are you burgers even aware that china pretty much stopped corona cause they didn't went full retard like you did? So they can afford to have concerts even if not 100% wear masks.

>> No.25258818

who are these anyways

>> No.25258819

>yfw she does shitty covers of American songs and is booed off stage

>> No.25258820
File: 14 KB, 366x283, 1592318227278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2012 + 8
>Goes to concert at all

>> No.25258821

>in the time it's taking to get her full version out marine had literally finished recording an original song

>> No.25258822

2nd Hololive concert when?

>> No.25258824
Quoted by: >>25258831

wait red heart has a full version are u fucking kidding me?

>> No.25258825
File: 509 KB, 2000x1500, 1592155005769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258859


>> No.25258827

Probably never cause Hololive isn't really an idol agency, even if they want it to be. Too many autists and low-stamina gamers.

>> No.25258828

Who cares, Astel is a better singer than Suisei anyway

>> No.25258829

YAGOO needs to step up his idol game, he's gonna get beaten up by this chink idol group.

>> No.25258830

that's the dream
>comfy minecraft streams
>english only nintendo
it'll never happen though...

>> No.25258831

yeah, she was supposed to release the full music video last month.

>> No.25258832

You only had to watch her mv 1,000,000 times.

>> No.25258833

Imagine giving a fuck about homos

>> No.25258834

Truly 10k+ viewers.

>> No.25258835
File: 19 KB, 346x76, 1569545780245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead like its server icon

>> No.25258836 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25258857

>he believes Chinese narratives
Come on bruh

>> No.25258837

>I don't know if the others will take longer because last I heard of it Kanata at least hadn't started packing things up yet.
Coco will move first if I heard right yesterday.

>> No.25258838
File: 128 KB, 1129x705, 457216534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258871

I'm feeling it bros

>> No.25258839

>go to a concert
>located in Corona's house

>> No.25258841

Okaeri, I miss you astel falseflagger!

>> No.25258842
File: 301 KB, 523x307, 1572888893281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258843


Just found out while researching

>> No.25258844 [DELETED] 

All public gatherings are tinder for a flare-up if you don't keep a standard of protection up, friend.

And blindly trusting the CCP line is actual Pekora-tier foolishness.

>> No.25258845 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25258879

It's fucking past 2am in most of America you stupid ESL.

>> No.25258848
Quoted by: >>25258858

i hate chink shit so fucking much holy shit

>> No.25258849

>doesn't even improve the current gens
>just goes to hire another gen
YAGOO come on man

>> No.25258850

I'd be doing the same too if my oshi is already done with her part. Gotta tweet how amazing and spectacular she was on stage.

>> No.25258851 [DELETED] 

>believing the country from where the virus originated
big lmao

>> No.25258852

Her Animal Crossing streams were so great, where did it all go wrong

>> No.25258853 [DELETED] 


>> No.25258854

Based and ganon-pilled.

>> No.25258855
File: 307 KB, 513x451, 1595607554499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her favorite holo is a CCP mouthpiece

>> No.25258857 [DELETED] 

It's burgers who wants to believe that somebody fucked up more than them lmao

>> No.25258858

Just watch Roberu instead, our son is winning right now.

>> No.25258859

Unironically better than all of Suisei's songs.

>> No.25258860

No. She was there last year though.

>> No.25258861


>> No.25258862
Quoted by: >>25258886

she's up for 30 minutes no doubt she'll at least do "GIRLS HIT YOUR HAACHAMA!" since the video has over a million views on bilibili.

>> No.25258863

>Hype up holohouse
>It's just 2 fucking apartments next to each other

>> No.25258865

Which gen 5 holo will do the peko

>> No.25258867
File: 17 KB, 885x156, 1596774194823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258885

>botan op

>> No.25258868
Quoted by: >>25260227

bilibili = CN niconico?

>> No.25258869
Quoted by: >>25258896

To be fair she is usually alright with one on one collabs even outside her comfort zone since the Kanatan one also went well although that had the senpai-kouhai dynamic favouring Pekora.
So this collab is a tiny step above but it'll probably be fine. A Korone collab would probably also be a good choice as they have infected a lot before.

>> No.25258870

temma bro how come you didnt mention temmas cute scream? did the falseflagger scare you off? be strong...this is actually a good stream, im watching it for you

>> No.25258871

She looks like liz... and I like liz... BROS. Got a smug face too

>> No.25258872
File: 60 KB, 353x540, IMG_20200803_083944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25258874
File: 1006 KB, 3000x3000, 1595330913721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way, (Non-)Western man?

>> No.25258875
File: 103 KB, 716x549, IMG_20200807_143247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back...

>> No.25258876 [DELETED] 

Do YOU understand how corona works?

>> No.25258877
File: 201 KB, 990x1200, 1596401303864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258879 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25258904

>It's fucking past 2am in most of America you stupid ESL.
Not even 1 am here

>> No.25258880
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1595137347916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258899

I'd rather die a virgin

>> No.25258881
Quoted by: >>25258918

What would be the most powerful holo collab right now? Would pekomarikoro be stronger than pekomari or would too many cooks spoil the broth?

>> No.25258882
Quoted by: >>25258898

Why are you such an autist? I didn't say when she started, just that not today ... for fucks sake.

>> No.25258883

kusa if true

>> No.25258884

Why would someone who whines about English speakers and Americans come to an English-language site populate mostly by Americans?

>> No.25258885

Good ole Rushiacuck keeping the hate train going, good for him

>> No.25258886
Quoted by: >>25258924

the fuck a million? are u kidding?

>> No.25258887 [DELETED] 

>unironically believing China
Come on man, not even the scientists themselves believe China 100%.

>> No.25258888
File: 75 KB, 486x717, 12354351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258890

??? where

>> No.25258891

Is it me or this chinese idols have better 3d tracking than holos?

>> No.25258892

>on the fly outfit changes with cool effects
Hololive has a long way to go

>> No.25258893
Quoted by: >>25258903

Marine groove coaster in 2 hours.

>> No.25258894


The Revdol girls on stage right now are actually pretty funny. Not many clips of them other than from this channel.

>> No.25258895
File: 51 KB, 1424x657, coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doragon thighs

>> No.25258896

It's one thing that she's fine with them, but she's usually the one accepting collabs rather than asking for collabs herself. I think Miko and Marine are about the only ones she actively approached for collabs before so it's nice to see her being more proactive.

>> No.25258897 [DELETED] 

>believing chink narratives
>thinking regular cloth mask works
If regular cloth mask works they will tell everyone to use it at the start of the outbreak. The only thing that works is medical grade mask and above. Bet you blindly believe the government and the media

>> No.25258898

>Why are you such an autist?
Maybe if you weren't a dumbass, we'd be over this already. Here's your last (You)

>> No.25258899

so nothing will change for you?

>> No.25258900
Quoted by: >>25258953

hi /v/ please read the top of the board on your way out thanks
here's a pity (you)

>> No.25258901
File: 29 KB, 900x900, 1596478399105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, this gorilla is a better singer than Astel

>> No.25258903
Quoted by: >>25258955

>rythm game
It's going to be kino

>> No.25258904 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25258971

>past 2am in MOST of America
Holy fuck you're retarded, do something about your reading comprehension.

>> No.25258905

Why are burgers like this?

>> No.25258906
Quoted by: >>25258938

YAGOO when the fuck will we get shit like this

>> No.25258908

>homos are rent free so hard in his head that he's imagining something that isn't there

>> No.25258907

Who decided that this hour would be for the gays?

>> No.25258910

>Gorilla has sung with Sora
>Astel has not sung with Sora
It checks out.

>> No.25258911
Quoted by: >>25258959

Definitely better, just look at those arms and hand movements. They're also better dances though, so it's a bit unfair. Even the shoulder movements are good.

>> No.25258912


>> No.25258913
File: 45 KB, 414x383, 1574751148719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258960

sheep is the best holo singer

>> No.25258914

I kneel

>> No.25258915
File: 16 KB, 598x112, chrome_a9dQIhmNGM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25258916

Gorilla's covers are really good.

>> No.25258917
Quoted by: >>25258934

>english only nintendo
With the garbage English fans she's attracted do you really want them back?

>> No.25258918
Quoted by: >>25259073

I think a PekoMariMiko collab would be incredibly powerful because they are all good friends and it is perfectly within Pekora's comfort zone so she wouldn't be nerfed at all. Add to that, that they done stuff like the touhou album together.

>> No.25258921

Gorira was /ourdad/ all along

>> No.25258922


Aqua... your autism.

>> No.25258923

China is investing heavily in tech

>> No.25258924
Quoted by: >>25258976


>> No.25258925

Regarding kson's streams, how will they make it work?

Will it go like: "Kanata, get the fuck out of the room for one hour. Here, money." ?

>> No.25258926

>chink idols get better tracking and even an accompanying visuals for the BG
>there was barely anything for Suisei
YAGOO, not like this...

>> No.25258927

YAGOO could actually do that if he can convince his girls to actually sing seriously

So far only Suisei and Sora are willing to go the extra mile in this so called “idol” group

>> No.25258928 [DELETED] 

But americans are all being told to wear it, but they won't.

>> No.25258930
Quoted by: >>25258967

They're just regular idols with the vtuber veneer.

>> No.25258931

Holy shit, I can't believe Astel just pulled that off! Did you guys see that? You're watching Astel, right?

>> No.25258932

>beat him up in apex tourney
>fucked his mom
what a fucking chad

>> No.25258933

Amazing. I didn't think someone could fuck up such a simple joke.

>> No.25258934

If it gives me Haato back, yes. I think Haachama EOPs are far worse than Haato EOPs

>> No.25258935

China dictatorship and the fact that every chinaman is especially rascist against chinamen from different regions meant that larger cities are pretty safe.

>> No.25258936

Where do you see people complaining about people using English on 4chan?

>> No.25258937
Quoted by: >>25259019

Did she get this off a fucking Laffy Taffy wrapper?

>> No.25258938

>he doesn't believe in Yagoo now that Towa is 3D

>> No.25258939
Quoted by: >>25258980

Moona, Stop! You're copypasting that from another person!

>> No.25258940
File: 165 KB, 862x708, the drug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got Kanata hooked on drugs so she will do anything for a hit.

>> No.25258943
Quoted by: >>25258982

That made me giggled.

>> No.25258944

Remember the first holohouse stream?

>> No.25258945

>Lot of content coming today
>Realize it's Towa's bday stream
>Peko streaming like 30 mins after that starts

>> No.25258946
Quoted by: >>25258950

astel thinking his stream got banned because the chat went quiet...ah...

>> No.25258947

That's pretty funny, but Chinese is so awful sounding

>> No.25258948
Quoted by: >>25258989

Probably go back to her old place whenever she wants to stream as kson

>> No.25258950


>> No.25258952
Quoted by: >>25258981

How do I turn off the scrolling text on this dumb chink site?

>> No.25258953

Please don't cry, anon. It's going to be alright.

>> No.25258954

>tfw Aqua has been a senpai to three gens and she still doesn't feel like a senpai

>> No.25258955
File: 11 KB, 189x267, armpit maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just gonna play bad apple for 3 hours and forget about her own song

>> No.25258956

Aqua is definitely social retarded.

I love this smelly onion.

>> No.25258957

Is that giant idol actually giant or is it the normal case of the other asians being tiny and she's only tall in comparison

>> No.25258958
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1583635101786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25258998


>> No.25258959

dance was 100% prerecorded tho lol

>> No.25258960


>> No.25258961
Quoted by: >>25258973

Whats she gonna play qith the dumb rabbit

>> No.25258962

they probably already don't barge into each other's rooms to begin with. there's maybe a 1% chance something like that happens

>> No.25258963

Aye I agree with that. Her discovery of SM64 was also the perfect Segway into getting a reason to collab with Okayu.

>> No.25258966

Not like it will change anything, nobody watches Towa in the first place.

>> No.25258967

True, they're more idol like than actual streamers. But they kind of hit that same audience.

>> No.25258968

holy shit

>> No.25258971 [DELETED] 

You are a fucking retard. Only the west coast matters since it's the most populated part of the country

>> No.25258972

Suisei carried it all along with her voice, please understand.

>> No.25258973

Super Mario 64

>> No.25258975
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1572743224218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258974

>Imagine accidentally seeing Kanata in the stream
>Also Suisei and Anemachi
Can't wait

>> No.25258976

jesus christ so this is the chinese market huh?

>> No.25258977
File: 136 KB, 367x361, 1568665912312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

national idols first before j*panese whores

>> No.25258978
File: 1.48 MB, 1266x666, A1AF390D-0756-492D-A6AC-E020252F44FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25258979

don't they mean by one room apartment that there's only 1 main room, they both have their own bedrooms still which they'll be using

>> No.25258980

Oh fuck
Yagoo better have got her permissions for that joke

>> No.25258981
Quoted by: >>25259008

look for the rectangle at the bottom right that pop ups a window with few scrollable menu and tune all of it to 0

>> No.25258982

Same anon, despite how stupid it was.

>> No.25258984
Quoted by: >>25259011

Coco hopefully realized how dumb her original idea was.

>> No.25258985


>> No.25258986
Quoted by: >>25259002

Kanata did as well, for Super Bunny Man. Actually Pekora was Tenshi's first collab, right?

>> No.25258989

>not just greenscreening her old room as a background

>> No.25258990

They're still going to have rooms of their own.

>> No.25258991
Quoted by: >>25259022

why the fuck did pekora stream so early today. just woke up and missed the whole stream

>> No.25258993

I think she would rather die than to suddenly appear on the webcam so the only motivation she needs is to know it's on and she will work like fucking kryptonite.

>> No.25258995

for those who just missed suisei's performance

>> No.25258997
Quoted by: >>25259074

>it's an okayupeko collab
Hol up, when/how did this happen?

>> No.25258998

I want to punch this rabbit's dumb fucking face

>> No.25258999

Finding an actual house in Tokyo that can fit 4 adult women is not easy and cheap

>> No.25259000

Someone post THAT Flare webm

>> No.25259001

And there's a 50% chance they're less attractive than Coco

>> No.25259002

yes actually, I also believe pekora was the one who told ppt to do souran bushi for her debut

>> No.25259003
Quoted by: >>25259055

she mentioned on the 3rd gen anniversary drawing stream that she wanted to do more collabs, it's nice to see she's actually making an effort towards that

>> No.25259004

Perfect thumbnail

>> No.25259005


>> No.25259006 [DELETED] 

Cloth masks are obviously nowhere near as good as an n95, but they're still way better than nothing.
They really fucked up the mask directions at the beginning but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that covering your mouth keeps the germs from spreading as far. There's a reason we're taught from a young age to cover our mouth when sneezing or coughing.

>> No.25259007 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 2468x1564, US Population density.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259058

How are you even alive? You're clearly too stupid to breathe.

>> No.25259008
Quoted by: >>25259052

Thanks anon.

>> No.25259009

I completely forgot about Towa's bday stream. Hope she got our gifts.

>> No.25259010

This except punching the inside of her mouth with my tongue.

>> No.25259011
Quoted by: >>25259283

Probably better this way. You don't actually know someone until you're really living with them...usually turns out bad...especially among friends.

>> No.25259012

I legit like his covers. Dude's a great singer.

>> No.25259013

She can't be pretending at this point.
nobody is willingly this autistic to the point where they fucking throw up playing a indie flash sidescroller

>> No.25259014

Do you have enough dedication to your chuuba to animate her with 213,984,000 dots?

>> No.25259015

She planned this as a boost for her personal channel all along

>> No.25259017


>> No.25259018

I feel like webcam streams will likely become a rarity and it'll mostly be with the avatar

>> No.25259019

It took her hamming down the whole package before noticing they had jokes so now she's picking them up from the bin

>> No.25259020

this is advanced autism

>> No.25259022

Fellow eurobro it was at 5am, I'm going to be dead for tonight's stream. At least you can be awake for that.

>> No.25259024


>> No.25259026

Do you think they'll still follow those house rules they made??

>> No.25259027

China is right now the safest country to be when it comes to corona. They constantly put on lockdown entire municipalities the moment they detect a new infection case and they can get away with it because they are a Dictatorship and the bugmen npc mentality

>> No.25259029
File: 236 KB, 828x1792, anal_amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259056

>her face when you put it in her pooper

>> No.25259031
Quoted by: >>25259050

It's a temporary solution because they were in a hurry to get out as soon as possible. The plans are still bigger than that.

>> No.25259034

pls dont punch my daughter-wife pepsicola anon.

>> No.25259035

>2 hours in
>still at 5 kills
astel... just go back to unranked...

>> No.25259037

holy fuck, men speaking that language is really annoying

>> No.25259036

PPT on the big stage one day...

>> No.25259038 [DELETED] 

While you're too busy being retarded, NY fixed itself.

>> No.25259039
File: 99 KB, 827x1488, Ec0z7kIXkAARJQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only performance in this bilibili world thing that I'm curious about is Civia's, how will they do it if she doesn't have a 3D model yet? For Haato, they'll probably just give her a bunch of generic motions or some crazy motions some dude made, but what will they do for the unicorn, just stream her live2d on the stage?

>> No.25259041

Uhhhhh Temma bros?????

>> No.25259042

chad in the thumbnail

>> No.25259043

Do you think Coco derives pleasure from fans discovering her personal channel and they go "wtf she's cute!" ?

>> No.25259044 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25259070

Califags are so self centered like if new York doesn't mog them without effort

>> No.25259045
File: 44 KB, 599x599, 1593034323137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259089

>Peko and Okayu collab.
I feel like I've never seen this.

>> No.25259046

>not believing in Astel like Aqua
Aqua choked for 10 hours, then made it all up in 3 hours.

>> No.25259047
File: 273 KB, 2100x1500, 81sNyMmwDQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259048
File: 14 KB, 400x297, Hayai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded and a massive newfag, did suisei flew to Beijing for this live? Will Haato also do the same?

>> No.25259049


>> No.25259050
Quoted by: >>25259078

Actual holohouse is not happening, don't kid yourself. It was a meme right from the start.

>> No.25259051
File: 310 KB, 324x452, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if this is her 3D debut

>> No.25259052

why are you still watching anyway?
suisei is done

>> No.25259053
File: 1.28 MB, 3500x5218, cdb3b915ca0deb5f96d5a28cb731a4d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Shuba fans

>> No.25259055
Quoted by: >>25259081

I think her motivation to do that sparked from the Tamaki collab because after that one she tweeted that she is going to work hard at being the one to invite others for collabs.
But the marine one and now this Okayu one are the first results we see.

>> No.25259056

She doesn't wake up since her asshole is so used to it and stretched out so she doesn't even feel it

>> No.25259057
Quoted by: >>25259077

Temma...that was a soulful scream

>> No.25259058 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25259076

>flyover states
Irrelevant shitholes

>> No.25259059

>implying the HoloCN don't have 3D
But really they just talk with their live2D, I've seen the Holos do the same.

>> No.25259060

he can do it! we need to believe in him!

>> No.25259063

Is Coco going to claim both bedrooms and make Kanata live in her sweatbox?

>> No.25259064
File: 2.11 MB, 2800x2100, 1575434437032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25259065

a year from now people will still be posting about how epic coco’s holohouse will be

>> No.25259066

woah.. duckfags...

>> No.25259068

No, they just go to a studio and mirror their performances to the concert server. There's absolutely no way they have to fly over to China just for that, they wouldn't take the risk.

>> No.25259069

She has 1,5-2k viewers with her avatar, and 8-12k with camera, so it’s pretty obvious what she’s going to do.

>> No.25259070 [DELETED] 

NY is all "WOW LOOK AT OUR CITY" but their state is 70% cows and farms and frozen toll roads and 30% unaffordable living.

>> No.25259071
File: 315 KB, 421x462, 1586432860299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can only reply to this post if your oshi hasn't been chinked

>> No.25259072

>A recessive gene gives white lions their unusual colors. A similar gene also produces white tigers. White lions can therefore be selectively bred for zoos, animal shows and wildlife parks. Such breeding involves inbreeding and can result in inbreeding depression (genetic defects, reduced fertility, and physical defects), although this has not yet been found to cause hind-limb paralysis or serious heart defects, which would indicate a severe level of inbreeding. Some are concerned about white lions mating with lions of other alleles, due to possible extinction of the white lion allele. However, this is not valid as the offspring will inherit the recessive white gene and therefore make it possible to produce white offspring in a later generation, thus making the allele more widespread. Some critics maintain that white lions should not be introduced into the wild because of the inbreeding that has taken place in zoos and breeding camps. However, ethical reintroduction programs such as The Global White Lion Protection Trust have ensured through the use of scientific methodologies that the lions in their program are not inbred.

>> No.25259073

>Add to that, that they done stuff like the touhou album together.
Korone wasn't involved in that. meanwhile Marine and Pekora being comfortably friendly is already well established, so brinking the Touhou album up is kinda a moot point.

Marine looked out for Pekora a lot in the early days. There's a stream where she talks about having a growing sort of sense of sadness as Pekora gets more confident and has to rely on her less.

>> No.25259074

I think the cat asked for it.

>> No.25259075
Quoted by: >>25259120

They are streaming from their studios.

>> No.25259076 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25259095

Ah yes flyover states like... New York.

>> No.25259077

his screams have been great this stream

>> No.25259078
Quoted by: >>25259101

It's not as outlandish as you think. Even if no one else joins in it's still above all else just a place for Coco to live.

>> No.25259080

What if they make her 3D just for this show

>> No.25259081
Quoted by: >>25259110

IIRC PekoMari ARK last month (please tell me it was last month) was also Pekora's idea, Marine even accepted it despite being busy because it was the first time Pekora approached her for a collab and not the other way around.

>> No.25259083
File: 21 KB, 234x288, 1592616159768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh american chinks esl seanigs yuros.
Fuck sake this really is unrecoverable.

>> No.25259085
Quoted by: >>25259125

Haha, I feel bad for anyone not watching Astel's stream right now, they're really missing out.

>> No.25259087
File: 51 KB, 1024x666, 874579664742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a stream where she talks about having a growing sort of sense of sadness as Pekora gets more confident and has to rely on her less.

>> No.25259089

She has done a PekoMiko+Okakoro collab before but that had Miko in it so it doesn't count.

>> No.25259090

Suisei's Tenkyuu from the 1st Holofes and this Tenkyuu is almost worlds apart in difference. She still has a long way to go, but she has really improved little by little.

>> No.25259091
Quoted by: >>25259103

don't forget poggers

>> No.25259093
File: 387 KB, 1542x2048, EeqOUQpU0AAAOKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene looking good

>> No.25259094

Shit...she found it.

>> No.25259095 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25259117

>NY population 8 million
>CA population 38 million

>> No.25259097

Imagine how high the viewercount of her first stream at the new place is gonna be

>> No.25259100

uhh hello based department ?

>> No.25259101

That would be just Coco's house and even then why the hell would you get a huge house if others are not joining you?

>> No.25259103

I'll take poggers than offtopic /pol/shit. At least that would still be hololive related

>> No.25259104


>> No.25259106
Quoted by: >>25259621

The guy just used a program to do this right? There's no way...

>> No.25259107
Quoted by: >>25259124

Following Lamys debut next week is the ark raid collab fuck it's gonna be hyphy.

>> No.25259108

Most likely desk placement so the camera is pointed away from door, Coco isn't stupid. She will never expose Kanata if it isn't intentional from Kanata's side. (i.e. both of them having alt channels to help add security to their futures).

>> No.25259110
Quoted by: >>25259131

God damn that's cute. Marine is a really good friend.
Well anon I wrote PekoMikoMari not Korone but I think a PekoMariKoro collab would be pretty good as well because she has interacted with Korone before.

>> No.25259111

definitely true right now

>> No.25259113
File: 51 KB, 649x671, 1571244985470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259149

both are offtopic you shitposting nigger

>> No.25259116

Aki and Luna are collabing on the 13th. Have they collabed before?

>> No.25259117 [DELETED] 

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.25259118

Ahahahaha. That "NO".

>> No.25259120

since when is there a studio in australia

>> No.25259121

Yeah, they played Ark together

>> No.25259123 [DELETED] 

Says the place that's 90% mountains, desert, crops, and forests

>> No.25259124
Quoted by: >>25259135

Lamy is the strategy gamer right?

>> No.25259125

Yeah, this is... riveting... really some epic plays... don't mind me if it sounds like I'm snoring I'm still watching this hype action right now, Astel's doing great

>> No.25259127
Quoted by: >>25259148

what pol shit?

>> No.25259128

Why would anyone waste their time reading this shitty thread when they could be watching Astel kick ass in APEX?

>> No.25259129

It's probably going to be pre recorded.

>> No.25259131

>Well anon I wrote PekoMikoMari not Korone
Y-you're right

Oh fuck I think I'm having a stroke

>> No.25259132

It's still surreal to me how hololive is slowly influenced by western memes

>> No.25259133

At this point YAGOO is hiring non-singers on purpose


>> No.25259134

2D haachama

>> No.25259135

There's no strategy gamer. This board lied to you.

>> No.25259136
File: 293 KB, 1462x1918, 1595751632707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion, yo.

>> No.25259137

Imagine Pekora collabing with Korone
Korone makes fun of her, Pekora gets mad and ends her stream early and never collabs with anyone ever again

>> No.25259139

>Cavaliers can notably be prone to mitral valve disease, which leads to heart failure. This appears in many Cavaliers at some point in their lives and is the most common cause of death. Some serious genetic health problems, including early-onset mitral valve disease (MVD), the potentially severely painful syringomyelia (SM), hip dysplasia, luxating patellas, and certain vision and hearing disorders are health problems for this breed. As today's Cavaliers all descend from only six dogs, any inheritable disease present in at least one of the original founding dogs can be passed on to a significant proportion of future generations. This is known as the founder effect and is the likely cause of the prevalence of MVD in the breed. The health problems shared with this breed include mitral valve disease, luxating patella, and hereditary eye issues such as cataracts and retinal dysplasia. Cavaliers are also affected by ear problems, a common health problem among spaniels of various types, and they can have such other general conditions as hip dysplasia, which are common across many types of dog breeds.

>> No.25259140


>> No.25259141
Quoted by: >>25259156

>kick ass
that hasnt happened since he went into ranked, diamond looks like his peak

>> No.25259145
Quoted by: >>25259172

is temma......cheating? temmabros...

>> No.25259147

Yes, they played Ace Combat: Survival Evolved.

>> No.25259148
Quoted by: >>25259166

Don't you see the west burgers fighting East burgers right now?

>> No.25259149

Stop pretending "poggers" is some revolting shit, it's fundamentally just english 草. Also, JOP chat is even worse than twitch chat in spam, you can't deny that.

>> No.25259151

Guys is the Minecraft server dead, did I miss something?

>> No.25259153

He probably was searching for another Coco.

>> No.25259154


>> No.25259155
Quoted by: >>25259264

Being a good singer is never the requirement. Just look at Choco and Noel

>> No.25259156

he's shitposting, ignore him

>> No.25259158

Thanks for the info astel-falseflagger kun!

>> No.25259159

They can always learn, like most holos did.
If you got a good voice, some reps is all you need.

>> No.25259160

big kusa

>> No.25259161

It's as dead as the server icon

>> No.25259162

Isn't that literally what happened with her and Aqua

>> No.25259163
Quoted by: >>25259190

>Stop pretending "poggers" is some revolting shit, it's fundamentally just english 草
that's "lol" not "poggers"

>> No.25259164

its gone...he shut it down

>> No.25259165
File: 614 KB, 2478x2995, 20200807_151608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must breed. Must kiss forehead

>> No.25259166

That's not politics you absolute imbecile, if anything it's /int/ at best.

>> No.25259170

Literally only an EOP would say something as retarded as this. Kill yourself twitch-cancer

>> No.25259171

The Ark takeover arc

>> No.25259172

The Dark Knight does what needs to be done.

>> No.25259174
File: 129 KB, 262x285, 1570759021824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah go back to twitch, fag

>> No.25259175

sheep posters and falseflaggers have managed to become the most insufferable posters in these threads

>> No.25259176

surely it hasnt been another month yet right? not like ive logged in for the past 3 weeks anyway

>> No.25259177

So who are our confirmed nonsingers? Botan and Lamy?

>> No.25259179
File: 178 KB, 349x362, watameofficer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259221

Oh it makes sense, you're an artiafag.
Go back from where you came faggot (you) don't belong here.

>> No.25259182

Elaborate this narrative anon I'm curious

>> No.25259183

Just ignore them and watch Astel and Temma.

>> No.25259184
File: 67 KB, 703x471, 1580757925533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua please...

>> No.25259186
File: 491 KB, 955x385, Codec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake, are you familiar with what a rabbit hole is? I don't mean literal rabbit holes, I mean a metaphorical one. One that might seem shallow at first, but ends up being very deep and complex. You may never find your way out if you go too deep.
Hololive was created by a man named Yagoo with the ambitions of creating an idol group similar in spirit to AKB48. But his true intentions lie very deep beneath the surface.
You might think those translated clips of Hololive are funny, you right now might think those streams are "just good background noise" because you don't understand Japanese, but these girls will drag you down the "rabbit hole" quicker than you can say "ohayou gozaimasu."
I am warning you, Snake. When I say it goes deep, I mean it. Next you'll be "doing your reps" to learn Japanese. You will eventually find what they call an "oshi" and become a member through a paid subscription service, you will be making $100 red superchat donations to not only support her, but also bring up things about your life as if it matters to her. Then you'll go to 4chan to post Ryan Gosling reaction images in frustration because you'll never have her and you'll be reading fabricated rumors and gossip.
Asacoco was just a publicity stunt for EOPs. You fell for it hook line and sinker just like everyone else. I thought you were better than this. But it's not too late to turn back. Come back to us, Snake. Come back to the light before your oshi consumes you!

>> No.25259187
Quoted by: >>25259613

But sheep poster is right. Twitch is cancer

>> No.25259188


>> No.25259189

all of them until proven the opposite

>> No.25259190

Who cares, I don't use twitch lingo enough know the difference but I'm not autistic or EOP enough to pretend that JOP chat is some glorified crap

>> No.25259191

Source on Lamy? I missed that tweet

>> No.25259192

is complaining about the people here who can barely speak english considered pol shit?

>> No.25259195

There are separate rooms for streaming

>> No.25259196
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1596134565461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are idolfags who print Polaroids of their favorites and take them everywhere they go and even take photos of themselves with said Polaroid
please tell me you aren't like this /hlg/

>> No.25259197

which 5th gen has EOP pandered, Nene?

>> No.25259198
Quoted by: >>25259225

kept you waiting?

>> No.25259199
Quoted by: >>25259234

we have regular sheep, police sheep, smug sheep, gun sheep, feast sheep, but I have yet to see fast food sheep

>> No.25259201
Quoted by: >>25259212

Who even knows how you're supposed to take their words? It might very well be like how Artia said she's on Choco's level.

>> No.25259202

You better believe I'd do this without hesitation if I had a working printer and/or wanted to go out of my house to a print shop to get it done.

>> No.25259203
File: 366 KB, 1536x2048, EK6o7hiWsAIw7MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259213

You got an app to do that for you, in 3D.

>> No.25259205

Bros, you're watching Astel right? He's working hard right now, all our bros are working hard.

>> No.25259207
Quoted by: >>25259222

I'm stilla virgin for 26 years now

>> No.25259209

Of course I'm not like that
I don't go out, so why would I?

>> No.25259211
Quoted by: >>25259215

polaroids still exist?

>> No.25259212

she is on Choco's level, dumb bitch was out of time and out of tune when she tried doing shiny smiley story.

>> No.25259213
Quoted by: >>25259220

W-what app?

>> No.25259214

If I had one I would

>> No.25259215

they do at maid cafes

>> No.25259217

I wonder if they'll be doing the meet and greets where its just a screen you say hi to and move along at bili world

>> No.25259218
Quoted by: >>25259235

I think your astelposting is very cute anon, okay?

>> No.25259219

Lamy is so cute i am falling in love bros

>> No.25259220


>> No.25259221

>Sheep follow a similar reproductive strategy to other herd animals. A group of ewes is generally mated by a single ram, who has either been chosen by a breeder or (in feral populations) has established dominance through physical contest with other rams. Most sheep are seasonal breeders, although some are able to breed year-round. Ewes generally reach sexual maturity at six to eight months old, and rams generally at four to six months. However, there are exceptions. For example, Finnsheep ewe lambs may reach puberty as early as 3 to 4 months, and Merino ewes sometimes reach puberty at 18 to 20 months. Ewes have estrus cycles about every 17 days, during which they emit a scent and indicate readiness through physical displays towards rams. A minority of rams (8% on average) display a preference for homosexuality and a small number of the females that were accompanied by a male fetus in utero are freemartins (female animals that are behaviorally masculine and lack functioning ovaries).

>> No.25259222


>> No.25259225


>> No.25259227

probably not at bilibili world since there is no way they could stream the girls in that scenario. but they have done that before.

>> No.25259230

I like to pretend that my oshi is giving me lap pillow.

>> No.25259231

She's going to remember these tweets and cringe in a couple of days.

>> No.25259232


>> No.25259233

Those shields in APEX seem pretty retarded honestly.

>> No.25259234

Wataburger is closed.

>> No.25259235

I give up

>> No.25259237

Pretty sure they've done that before and it wasn't like BLBL world.

>> No.25259238

Clown is unironically trying to get people to crowdfund a circus show.

>> No.25259239

I am. He's lagging my Apex matches but I like him too much to turn it off while I play.

>> No.25259240

they need to bring back polaroid cameras

>> No.25259241

She only replied to Nene seriously
Looks like she hates all of them lol

>> No.25259242

That's pretty cool of her

>> No.25259245
File: 77 KB, 641x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tech company

>> No.25259246
File: 53 KB, 179x250, kusachama3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasnt even debut'd
>already shilling stuff

>> No.25259247

does she actually enjoy the circus? The fuck.

>> No.25259248

what the actual fuck

>> No.25259251

that's really nice of her, especially since circuses are so rare these days

also its keeping to her character

>> No.25259252
File: 1.77 MB, 302x324, 20200531_212248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your device isn't compatible with this version
It's not fair

>> No.25259254

I didn't even know there still were circuses but I appreciate that there are and that she actually cares about this stuff. And if not, I'm kind of impressed how into her character she is.

>> No.25259255
Quoted by: >>25259290

Yagoo did this shit for Gen 4 too, don't worry. Hired a fucking muppet and a baby.

>> No.25259256
File: 1006 KB, 604x1280, KLJBtM0eTQUXD2TS (00_00_09.045) 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Clown is pretty based ngl

>> No.25259257

>just joined hololive
>haven't even debuted
>uses the brand's publicity to shill some circus

>> No.25259258

wtf based clown playing her character seriously

>> No.25259259
Quoted by: >>25259387

>was an actual clown all along
what the fuck the bios are real?

>> No.25259260

>Suisei does her introduction
>the camera focuses at the bugmen
I hate whoever did the camera work for this

>> No.25259261

Maybe she was part of the circus before she joined hololive? Would be a pretty interesting backstory.

>> No.25259262

Who's Snake's oshi?

>> No.25259263

Botan is kind of intense... like she wants to bully Aqua. Botan is even a lot taller than Aqua.

>> No.25259264

But Noel can work with songs that need soft voices. At this point, the management should seriously think about having more MVs to capitalize on their viral popularity. Like, look at Pekora's cover alone which fit her voice perfectly and was also a massive success

>> No.25259268
Quoted by: >>25259280

<span class="sjis">Kill yourself, tourist.[/spoiler]

>> No.25259269

>https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/129165013will 100% member if she's legitimately a circusfag, that's just so fucking bizarre and unique

>> No.25259271

Usada "Snake" Pekora

>> No.25259274

Why did the cameraman keep focusing on the crowd instead of the idol herself?

>> No.25259275

Unfortunately not, would be cool though. They might be too big to do that now though.

>> No.25259278
File: 34 KB, 240x468, 1593952560154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to assume the designs are tailor made to how the VA see's fit, See Korone and Coco.
So maybe she really does have a circus background.

>> No.25259280

<span class="sjis">stfu retard[/spoiler]

>> No.25259282
Quoted by: >>25259293


>> No.25259283

Turns out bad majority of the time, but that doesn't stop retards from moving in with their girlfriends at all.

>> No.25259284


so clown has a real circus background?

>> No.25259285

holy based comet I thought it was prerecorded for a second there

>> No.25259288

If she cares about that she would just stream with full makeup not fresh face.

>> No.25259290

Coco can work with her voice in a comedy rap song

Luna can still sing with that intentionally baby voice

>> No.25259289

Where does Yagoo find these fucking freak shows? Get a normal girl next time.

>> No.25259291

design-wise, who is the least human holo?

>> No.25259293
File: 65 KB, 310x271, 1595400345673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259376


>> No.25259295

A real circus band also congratulated her on her debut. If you look at her followers, she also follows a lot of circus people and even Polkadot Stingray perhaps because her name is Polka. She's really dedicated to her character. I wonder how long she will last though.

>> No.25259297

You need to use every Holo you can on the battlefield. Limiting yourself to just one will only put you at a tactical disadvantage. Snake is a DD.

>> No.25259296

That'd actually be insanely cool, especially since circuses are a dying breed nowadays.

>> No.25259298


>> No.25259300
Quoted by: >>25259318

Pretty based desu. Would be really cool if she's actually serious about liking circuses, I'm a sucker for anyone who is passionate about things.

>> No.25259301

Normal people are way less interesting.

>> No.25259303
Quoted by: >>25259311

whenever i hear someone say poggers i physically feel pain. it sounds so fucking stupid

>> No.25259305

man, i want more of temma

>> No.25259306
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, defaultbackground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. God I made the grossest sound while taking pictures.

>> No.25259308

Korone is actually a baker? Coco is actually yakuza?

>> No.25259309

temma already ending the stream when this is the first stream of his ive enjoyed in a long time
i hate this, actually

>> No.25259310


>> No.25259311
Quoted by: >>25259390

Grass is not stupid?

>> No.25259312

>device OS is out of date
>its the latest version

>> No.25259313

I mean, K**n already has a tattoo on her body.

>> No.25259314

What a cynical way of looking at someone who's either; really excited about her character and having fun playing it, or actually passionate about dork ass circus shit.

That said, it'd be pretty shitty if she got in trouble for something like this. Think she had to ask for permission when endorsing things like this?

>> No.25259315
Quoted by: >>25259397

Most holos are freak anon, unless you want another ayame

>> No.25259317

Hmm. Maybe she is actually a circus performer?

>> No.25259318

>Inb4 Circus tricks and acrobatics in her 3D
I'll invest in her

>> No.25259319

Now I want to eat some Korone-made bread

>> No.25259320

I said the design not the lore aho.

>> No.25259321

Thanks. I got a huge boner from Sora staring down at me, I'm fucked.

>> No.25259324

Polkadot Stingray is a good band... but this is interesting too. A Vtuber being involved with actual performers. Hololive is evolving. 6 more months and we'll get Gen 5 3D already. That's only February.

>> No.25259326

>yfw Polka actually does circus tricks in her 3D debut
Fuck, she hasn't even debut yet and I'm already hyped.

>> No.25259327
File: 1.00 MB, 2900x4095, 85f772bf38b23486738632a710093c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sora loads
>can see spats while looking from below since the censor sucks at censoring

>> No.25259328

It's easy in the early days when they're just tweeting. But props to her for doing it in a way that not only benefits her but a struggling circus troupe as well.

>> No.25259329

imagine liking things

>> No.25259330
File: 1.87 MB, 2648x2394, 2020-08-04_EemvmNGUEAA50Tp_@kintamaGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259346

People have sent Marine congratulatory art for hitting 500k subs featuring her original characters.

Gen 6 by Marine fucking when?

>> No.25259332

its like the majority of you are unaware these girls are playing a character on the internet

>> No.25259333

Polka is an actual clown holy shit

>> No.25259335

They probably held an audition at the hearing clinic at one point.

>> No.25259336

i want polka to spin on my cock like in the circus

>> No.25259337

it's just to build up some hype and her character, give it 2-4weeks and she will be just another "try playing" girl streamer like any holo.

>> No.25259339

>Get a normal girl next time.
You're better off watching Nijisanji if you want normalfags.

>> No.25259340

I fucking hate clowns.

>> No.25259344

>Polka sets up a few swing bars in the studio
>3D model goes fucking nuts as she flips around

>> No.25259345

Is Polka our girl?

>> No.25259346
File: 247 KB, 800x1119, 2020-08-04_EemNxOLU0AANZZg_@mizuryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this is by Mizuryu Kei.

>> No.25259347

>wiped a squad

>> No.25259348

They already have a normal girl in Sora, which is literally a meme at this point

>> No.25259349
Quoted by: >>25259362

I thought the streamers have input to the design?

>> No.25259350


>> No.25259351

Dancing was supposed to be the best thing though... Towa was supposed to be #1...

>> No.25259353

My front camera won't work with it...

>> No.25259352

>clown filtered all the burgers

>> No.25259355
File: 305 KB, 800x1119, 2020-07-29_EeHyaIRUMAAvFSI_@mizuryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and so is this. He's obsessed with Marine. It's only a matter of time, isn't it?

>> No.25259358

if polka's actually from the circus she can do pole dancing for the 3d stream!

>> No.25259359

Being Polka's manager must be fun
>"Hey Shinji? I need permission for something"
>"What do you need?"
>"Can I make a post on twitter asking for fans to crowdfund a circus?"
Good on her though. She seems to be having fun with the character.

>> No.25259360

my first erection was at a circus after a clown spit some water on me, so to me polka is based.

>> No.25259361

It is pretty terrible. Not many expressions or poses. But I guess it's better than nothing to mess around with.

They took down some of the models like FBK after the whole 'illegal use' fiasco. So it's highly unlikely we'll get any more updates to it.

>> No.25259362

They do if they get scouted iirc, Some are open auditions so the character design is already made.

>> No.25259363

To quote a wise anon from several threads ago:
>It's literally WWE for otaku

>> No.25259365
File: 615 KB, 961x757, 1596698771894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259366

YAGOO: "Okay marine, you're playing a pirate captain"
Senchou: "Lolololololol"

>> No.25259367

Gigachad in disguise

>> No.25259370
Quoted by: >>25259385

Clowncoins inclining !!!

>> No.25259371

what tags will it be?

>> No.25259373

he literally dropped a 50k akasupa on her birthday
Don't know if he'll do a h doujin for her like siokonbu is though, maybe he won't lewd his oshi

>> No.25259374
Quoted by: >>25259420

Reminder https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1opHUrw8rvnsadT-iGp7Cg/channels

>> No.25259376

deepl because im tired
first tweet, a day ago: It's been a long time since I've had a chance to hang out with you guys, and that just makes me love you even more.
second tweet, after 100 kill endurance stream won the poll: Asteller (fan name) doesn't have a human heart...

>> No.25259377

Drawing is twice as hard as learning japanese. I don't know how holos do it other than starting when they're 10 and gradually becoming less shit over 15 years.

>> No.25259381

did they spit it on your dick?

>> No.25259384
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1590886481201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259394

I was gone for 12 hours, fill me in on the narratives. What is this about Aqua and a Sex tape?

>> No.25259385

sheepcoin in the gutter. Nothing can stop clowncoins rise!

>> No.25259387

>Coco is an actual American
>Noel is actually big breasted
>Polka is an actual clown
Which one is next, Ayame being an actual oni?

>> No.25259388

I'd like to believe this case is real, since liking circuses isn't that much of stretch

>> No.25259389

Think she was a part of that circus? Think she's somewhere in that picture? Think she's been railed by a dozen gross borderline homeless circus performers a night? I hear some pretty freaky shit goes on between those circus guys.

>> No.25259390

hell yeah it is. lol, grass, lmao, w are meant to be read. not said out loud. poggers is especially bad. it sounds as bad as the chinese language

>> No.25259391

Just draw every day my dude.

>> No.25259392

Mizuryu Kei Land: High Seas Water Park

>> No.25259394
File: 326 KB, 1290x1297, 1595743591900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the archives

>> No.25259395

Do it for your oishi anon!

>> No.25259396
File: 712 KB, 594x628, 1593617563811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a crowfund before you debuted is a bit...ya know....

>> No.25259397
Quoted by: >>25259433

Having an idol who having a boyfiend as common knowledge isn't normal

>> No.25259398

No, Ayame actually fucking her boyfriend whenever she tweets she's "sick"

>> No.25259400
Quoted by: >>25259436

>Polka is an actual clown
I hope so

Though part of me kind of hopes that despite being listed as "acrobatic" she ends up like Senchou who gets tired after like 6 seconds.

>> No.25259401

funny. i think its the other way around

>> No.25259404
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1595484358358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259424

>Pekora/Okayu collab
What in the world

>> No.25259406
Quoted by: >>25259428


>> No.25259408
Quoted by: >>25259438

Drawing is like 80% muscle memory. You literally can't help but get better at it every time you do it. Learning a language takes actual work and dedication.

>> No.25259412

That's not even the worst part. Imagine this clown collabing with your holo.

>> No.25259414
File: 345 KB, 531x486, 1582516598959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polka is a literal clown
woop woop

>> No.25259417

She's not asking her fans to pay her
Its like people asking for donation for the homeless

>> No.25259418


>> No.25259419

Haato is actual retard

>> No.25259420

Nothing wrong with this, i hope she adds Gen 5 just to spit on them

>> No.25259421

Well duh, but I enjoy wrestling so I don't mind. the real life drama also makes it also depressingly fun

>> No.25259422
Quoted by: >>25259461


>> No.25259423


>> No.25259424
File: 984 KB, 1766x1112, 1580496985958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better. It was the shitty Rabbit's idea even.

>> No.25259425
Quoted by: >>25259447

>spent over two hours completing a single Crash Bandicoot level earlier today

Holy fucking shit

>> No.25259426

I think Nene

>> No.25259428

Le Pitre

>> No.25259429
File: 88 KB, 267x210, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn your penis into a balloon animal

>> No.25259430

>YAGOO is the Nurarihyon and is just trying to create jobs for his fellow yokai
now that's a narrative I can get behind

>> No.25259431

holy fucking amerimutt

>> No.25259433

He said normal girl not normal idol

>> No.25259434

What happened to Rushia's stream?

>> No.25259436

I really hope there's a lot of clown and pirate collabs

>> No.25259437

>Astel quoting the E card part of Kaiji

>> No.25259438

Learning a language is like 80% memorization of common vocab. Just do your reps for a year consistently.

>> No.25259439

why are americans like this?

>> No.25259441
Quoted by: >>25259466

Some keywords?

>> No.25259442

Is it just this place or is clown world really running away with 5th gen? I hope the other girls don't wind up too overshadowed.

>> No.25259443

Both Okayu and her roommate are fat!

>> No.25259444

Sex with Rushia!

>> No.25259447

That level was fucking stupid, it literally never ended
The stream pretty much became jump king zatsudan at one point

>> No.25259448
File: 205 KB, 594x628, Aki sees a beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ya know...
Pretty fucking nice. She wants to bring visibility to what has become a waning, niche attraction full of people dedicated to it even as it is threatened to fade away in the near future.

>> No.25259450

It's called building character.

>> No.25259451

Thanks, now I have Okayu staring at me while I take a shit

>> No.25259454


>> No.25259455
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1591343892047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the let's make some weird collab arc

>> No.25259456
Quoted by: >>25259476

Here anon, I found this the other day while I was looking at art tutorials. I've been following the method recently and its been helping. Subs in the captions.


>> No.25259457

accidentally started early

>> No.25259458
File: 469 KB, 1000x1202, IMG_20200804_155000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti... https://files.catbox.moe/9w8i4g.webm

>> No.25259460
File: 283 KB, 534x574, 1591186734044.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistically reading 3 threads for the narratives
I watched the thing now. What else is new?

>> No.25259461
Quoted by: >>25259470

>both of them having fun in hiatus

>> No.25259462
File: 38 KB, 451x407, 1592931116559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go catch this "flu" anon, I'm sure you will be completely fine with some good old medicine

>> No.25259463
File: 843 KB, 1200x675, 1585615980245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady wins the race

>> No.25259464
Quoted by: >>25259475

JOPs love Lamy
EOPs love Botan
Fags love polka

>> No.25259465


>> No.25259466

HIV apocalypse

>> No.25259468

Check their sub counts bro
Clown is not the most popular

>> No.25259469

Actually pretty good for live. Has she really improved a lot lately or was there some autotone?

>> No.25259470

Diary buddies!

>> No.25259471


>> No.25259472
File: 402 KB, 1440x2789, 1041425016666834[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259760

please watch banpire's streams

>> No.25259473

good shit anon

>> No.25259474

So was 5th gen entirely scouted?

>> No.25259475

Misspelt the word kings

>> No.25259476
Quoted by: >>25259544

>3 months
Sayonara losers. I'm going to be Hololive's next Papa.

>> No.25259477

Was Suisei's BW Live pre-recorded? or is it actually live?

>> No.25259478
Quoted by: >>25259492

She seems to have the same sort of energy. I'm excited for her debut

>> No.25259480
File: 14 KB, 965x95, kanatame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.25259481

>Subaru talks about being born with a hole in her heart, getting hit by a car and her house burning down
>anons: "lmao I can't believe you fall for this sob-story fiction, they're playing characters, idiots!"
>clown themed Holo enthusiastically associates herself with circusy things on Twitter
>anons: "huh, I guess she really is a clown!? I can't wait to see her trapeze act in her 3D debut!"
You should no by now that it's foolish to expect any consistency here.

>> No.25259484

Based duck btfoing Aqua

>> No.25259486
File: 525 KB, 943x1080, 1593058372017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 5 kills

>> No.25259488
Quoted by: >>25259596

I left early yesterday, what is the consensus on Aqua's sex tape?

>> No.25259490

I'm actually interested in what the clown will do on her 3D debut seeing as she's staying dedicated to her character.

>> No.25259491
File: 31 KB, 590x326, onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Autism?

>> No.25259492
Quoted by: >>25259525

>Horny clown
Oh god help me control myself

>> No.25259493

this is so cute
baka necromance

>> No.25259494

uh oh astel gonna pee in pants!

>> No.25259495
Quoted by: >>25259530

The recent gaps have been really weird. How is Watame surpassing Kanata? How did Korone surpass Aqua? Pekora is even about to surpass Aqua. How is Towa about to pass Luna too? What is going on in this time line?

>> No.25259496

It's my first time here. Is it true that Hololive will close because of Capcom's legal actions towards them?

>> No.25259497

I can imagine her saying that in her super raspy voice so easily. I love this duck

>> No.25259499
File: 24 KB, 389x339, {669E33E0-B08B-4374-9693-144A323C055B}.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the grind pays off

>> No.25259500

Their Aberration collab was an overlooked 神回.

>> No.25259502


>> No.25259505
Quoted by: >>25259534

Mikoti stamps + Mio!

>> No.25259506

Didn't see Subaru shilling e-sports or MMA, is she a bad actor?

>> No.25259507
File: 743 KB, 640x268, gosling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Everytime I'm in Watame's stream i want to superchat. I try to control myself but end up failing. She's the only girl I've given money to. How do you guys stop this urge when you're in your favorite holos stream?

>> No.25259510

More like Subaru putting some reality back into Aqua as her felt nikisei. Subaru always there for Aqua unlike the rest of Gen 2...

>> No.25259512
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1596601671355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EOP fujoshi in Astel's chat actually seem kind of cute, you know?

>> No.25259513
Quoted by: >>25259573

A max energy literal fucking clown running circles around Marine while she's dying on the floor would be fucking hilarious

>> No.25259514

release the medical records anon
release the arson investigation files anon
I want proof that these things actually happened to Subaru

>> No.25259516
Quoted by: >>25259551


>> No.25259518



>> No.25259519

Respawn need to fix their game, that kraber shot should have downed

>> No.25259520

>>thinking regular cloth mask works
fucking burgers man, I swear the world would be better without them

>> No.25259523

she's unironically at least on the spectrum

>> No.25259524
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1580826715372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259525

clowns are always horny

>> No.25259526

wow artists have already started drawing her new more retarded face

>> No.25259527
File: 108 KB, 800x450, edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259557

Please don't shut down hololive, Edgey!

>> No.25259528
File: 305 KB, 512x512, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegeta won

>> No.25259529


>> No.25259530
Quoted by: >>25259549

Watame, Korone and Pekora are growing rapidly thanks to western audiences. the sheep surpassed PPT after she started doing long Minecraft streams during burger hours

>> No.25259531
Quoted by: >>25259540

Yagoo finds some interesting people to be idols....

>> No.25259532

Sub bots obiously. Idolpigs don't like Aqua because she interacted with males in the past.

>> No.25259534

The MIA unit

>> No.25259535
Quoted by: >>25259553

Unborn baby here, I'm trying to get (You)s but no one's biting, should I keep trying?

>> No.25259536

My not having a credit card, plain and simple.

>> No.25259537

Just do what makes you happy, anon.

>> No.25259539

What a dorkus...

>> No.25259540

Well obviously just look at HoloID. Handpicked y Yagoo.

>> No.25259541

Huh? I unironically like the idea anon, everyone distributed in apartments rather than in one house

>> No.25259542
File: 527 KB, 800x606, 1593828440287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.25259543
File: 494 KB, 1920x1080, 1577150096128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now give you membership

>> No.25259544

This method can be pretty intense but rewarding if you really work for it. It's essentially master studies with an artist you really admire and want to emulate.

Good luck anon!

>> No.25259545

Yes, Yagoo has survived 4 assassination attempts by now. It's a matter of time until Capcom stop trying to be covert.

>> No.25259546

This sounds like the sort of revelation that'd come out in a therapy session

>> No.25259547

>The way she keeps readjusting coco's image because it doesn't seem right

>> No.25259548

Yes, of course. Every poster here is American, except for you.
Fucking schizoids

>> No.25259551

Really? But I've read somewhere that Capcom already filed a lawsuit towards them and it might lead to closure or at least make members who got striked pay up.

>> No.25259549
Quoted by: >>25259622

Can't be just that, she used to do them all the time ages ago

>> No.25259552

Hopefully the other 5th gens tries to blur the line between playing a character and their real self as well.

>> No.25259553


>> No.25259555

every time you get the urge do physical exercise until youre tired

>> No.25259556

i’ve been laying here for 4 hours trying to sleep
wish there was an ambien in chuuba form

>> No.25259557

If you're going to say that you would "choose death", that is of no concern to me.

>> No.25259558

>flat chest
kanata ain't my cup of tea, but flat chest really is the real man's choice

>> No.25259559
File: 43 KB, 653x213, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta wait one hour for two dorks
guess i'll do my reps...

>> No.25259560
File: 1.05 MB, 871x490, aquapos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone order one? I wonder if it'll ship to another country with any speed. I kind of want this poster.

>> No.25259562

they're going to release Mio if anything since she's the one that started this and emulating is jail time in Japan

>> No.25259563
File: 649 KB, 1280x720, never change, suisei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's live, you can hear her breathing in-between lines when she sung. Also you can't pre-record these Suisei-original dork movements.

>> No.25259565
Quoted by: >>25259584

I just realized her name mentioned about 24 hours stream tomorrow

>> No.25259566

Mio is going to be a scapegoat anyway

>> No.25259567

Which of the chuubas fake their voice the most and which do it the least?

>> No.25259569

I don't have this problem cause I have a real problem, like barely making enough to pay bills

>> No.25259570


>> No.25259572
File: 271 KB, 539x538, 1590036682178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try listening to sheep supacha sessions

>> No.25259573

would love to see that as well

>> No.25259574
File: 49 KB, 600x336, pride in speed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259576

Subaru, Fubuki

>> No.25259577

>coco and rushia
the clash of paypigs is going to be too big

>> No.25259578
File: 387 KB, 1080x608, EeyZjNFUMAEvmva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio diary, will post translated version in a few minutes
>生態形... (probably meant 生態系)

>> No.25259579

most gotta be Subaru

>> No.25259580

>Japanese arkfags will watch holos play ark
>They'll watch IDs play ark
>They'll watch artia play artia

Are they gonna watch hololive_en play ark too? Good god

>> No.25259581
Quoted by: >>25259626

Could be just like the coco sss. One take right before the show. For authenticity and fuckup prevention

>> No.25259584

She just changed it during her reply barrage. Streams not up yet or the schedule, but I'm excited.

>> No.25259585

Botan has the most subs and followers out of all the 5th geners

>> No.25259586

Suisei, Matsuri

>> No.25259587

It was live but she was singing with her own backing vocals behind just incase she starts going out of tune, the backing vocals saves her ass.

>> No.25259590


>> No.25259591
File: 104 KB, 216x283, 1570253963184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate cover

>> No.25259592

she got some new dance moves

>> No.25259594
Quoted by: >>25259632

was ark a thing in japan before coco introduced it to hololive?

>> No.25259595
Quoted by: >>25259624


Fake voice doesn't mean they're not nice to watch though.

>> No.25259596

5ch ignored it, 4chan debunked it

>> No.25259597


>> No.25259598
File: 33 KB, 220x220, haacha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259599
Quoted by: >>25259689

Most is Subaru and maybe Kanata
Quite a few of them are on the low end for fake voice. Mio and Korone are quite close to their original voice, but many others are too.

>> No.25259600

Goddamit.. long haired pink rushia...

>> No.25259601

So what are the chances of gen5 collabing with Roberu?

>> No.25259602

Hope Miko gets well soon so we can seem them do dorky moves again.

>> No.25259604

You know he just used a program right?

>> No.25259605

As long as you aren't breaking your budget for this anon then just let it happen, the urge cannot be fought.
If my work didn't clash with my favorite's streaming time then I'd probably Supa every stream like a good paypig.

>> No.25259608
Quoted by: >>25259650


>> No.25259609

Towa will only stream her birthday countdown and on the day after her birthday so people can watch Aqua's 24 hour stream. Yasashii kouhai da ne.

>> No.25259610

Shitpost aside, I still don't understand why sheep is inclining over Kanata. Kanata has more subbed clips and she has more exposure because of Suisei and Coco. Is it because of the minecraft streams or am I missing something here?

>> No.25259611

Have you heard Subaru sing?

>> No.25259612

You should watch Astel's Apex stream
it's putting me to sleep and I need to stay up and do get some stuff done

>> No.25259613

doesn't stop them from making these threads progressively worse though

>> No.25259615

At least she's having fun with her "paid leave".
She really gives off mother-vibes.

>> No.25259616
Quoted by: >>25259728

isnt haachama the fakest voice and coco uses her normal voice?

>> No.25259617

fuck off newfag

>> No.25259619
Quoted by: >>25259650


>> No.25259620

Suisei for most. Subaru's voice is just a really, really energetic version of her normal one. I'd link you Suisei's old stream but it got privated.
Least is probably Matsuri.

>> No.25259621


>> No.25259622

Not sure if it helps a lot but Watame has been doing weekly compilation videos with English subs. Probably helped those that came in after her 3d and are already interested in her. Also Watame has been interacting a lot with her Kaigainikki special in her super chat readings.

>> No.25259623
Quoted by: >>25259732

Watame is using sub bots

>> No.25259624

yeah but i kinda wish Subaru would just drop the duck voice, her normal voice is real nice, she could just keep the shubas

>> No.25259626

I think it's live because Suisei has mentioned before that she always see people asking if her performances are pre-recorded when she ego searches and angrily said she always does them live, so I'd like to believe her on this one.

>> No.25259627

does suisei really?

>> No.25259628
Quoted by: >>25259647

Towa and her stupid fucking high pitch voice

>> No.25259629

Is she a shotacon?

>> No.25259630

How is she so fucking cute bros?

>> No.25259631
Quoted by: >>25259755

maybe her stream times are so fucking long?

>> No.25259632


>> No.25259633
Quoted by: >>25259652

This isn't good...is it?

>> No.25259634
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1596162334583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch artia play with herself too...

>> No.25259635

Newer gens seem to be less inclined to collab with holostars, not more

Probably because they're mostly professionals that got scouted these days, and they know where the money is

>> No.25259636

>okayu and mio on top of others
they are the fattest holos, this shouldn't be allowed

>> No.25259638

t. only deserts

>> No.25259641

Since people kept saying that 5th gen is unoriginal and boring, what designs would YOU like to see? What themes or specific type of girls would you want?

Rough examples from me :
Military or Special OPS girl
Shark girl

>> No.25259643

You indeed do have to breathe while singing in a recording anon.

>> No.25259644

>They'll watch artia play artia

>> No.25259646
File: 545 KB, 545x653, 1590898805274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just enjoy your Holidays Mio mama..

>> No.25259645
Quoted by: >>25259755

her 3d debut has a stronger impression than Kanata's, also her streams tend to be on the comfy side rather than subjecting herself to suffering, and she's covering hours that other holos don't

>> No.25259647

At least Towa is still the menhera of Hololive. 5th gen can't change that.

>> No.25259649

>Mizuryu Kei
Is it just me or his art has regressed?

>> No.25259650
Quoted by: >>25259661

That's the probability, I'm asking about the chance.

>> No.25259652

She's obvously bored she can't stream
>Friday, August 7
>I'm starting to feel like a writing a summer vacation picture diary.
>Today I went for a walk to get some air. It's so hot. It really is summer.... As expected of August.... I found some cool-looking jellies at a sweets store and bought some.
>Let's chill it out and eat it after the bath! I'm looking forward to it!!!!
>When I saw that everyone was playing "Asobi Taizen (That switch party game)", I wanted to do it too, so I bought it!
>I'm playing a lot of hanafuda and blackjack right now - gambler!
>I was worried about ARK and the otters, so I feed them once every 2 days and spend my days fighting megalotons...
>The megalotons are gradually disappearing.
>The ecosystem...

>> No.25259653

>They'll watch artia play artia
wrong nobody watches artia

>> No.25259655

>"So what are the chances that gen 5 will destroy their potential gachikoi fan-base?"
0%. You have your FBK and Matsuri, be happy with it.

>> No.25259657

Choco is an actual wife material

>> No.25259658

nobody cares

>> No.25259659

Monkey girl

>> No.25259660

give me the tanuki chuuni

>> No.25259661
Quoted by: >>25259716

That's... literally the same thing

>> No.25259662

those are just idolmaster designs

>> No.25259663

matsuri said shes sucked a dick

>> No.25259664
Quoted by: >>25259702

Mio and Miko should do non-vtuber stuff instead of writing diaries
Don't they have anything else to do besides streaming

>> No.25259665

Real loli

>> No.25259666

What the fuck is wrong with you people, Subaru at most adds a twinge of cutsieness to her voice, the only fake thing about her is that stupid shuba shuba thing
Fakest is Miko or Luna, least fake is Okayu

>> No.25259669


>> No.25259670

>fake their voice the most
Suisei. The reason why she never does long streams is because her voice won't last that long, and you can also hear her real voice in her older videos.
>the least

>> No.25259672
File: 48 KB, 753x849, 1589351544809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I saw that everyone was playing "Asobi Taizen (That switch party game)", I wanted to do it too, so I bought it!
>I'm playing a lot of hanafuda and blackjack right now - gambler!
It is not fucking fair, someone please save her...

>> No.25259673

I cant remember which stream it was, but she basically had a sore throat, was sick and was mostly using her normal voice for the whole stream. It was amazing.

>> No.25259674

>no rushia replies yet
at least Suisei was consistent when it comes to playing her character voice

>> No.25259675

A girl who's actually a boy

>> No.25259676
Quoted by: >>25259755

Besides the Pop Team Epic segments, Kanata's 3D debut was a bit of a mess. The next week it was followed up by Watame's flawless masterpiece of a debut. What you're seeing now is just the continuing after effects of that.

>> No.25259677

Oga is a real african american ogre

>> No.25259678


>> No.25259679

Fuck Capcom

>> No.25259683
Quoted by: >>25259885

Just a copystrike bro. First copystrike you can just wait for it to expire and do some questionnaire.

If you're contesting the claim on court, then there will be some legal action. If it's on western court, it'll most likely be Cover's win because it's a fucking fair use. However, if it's in Japan, tough luck. Japan's copyright law is stupid and two bombs weren't enough.

>> No.25259684

Here's some soothing sheep counting for you

>> No.25259685
Quoted by: >>25259783

You can compare suisei's voice when she was on the doukyuzu asmr stream to her streaming voice
it might just be the mic but it's a bit less high pitched than usual

>> No.25259686

I bet Kanata has cute feet.

>> No.25259687

I can SMELL your im@sfaggotry anon. good taste though

>> No.25259689

Kanata's is basically just her normal voice raised a couple octaves, because her voice goes funny when she rises past a certain point. You can hear the exact Kanata voice in some of her old videos.

>> No.25259690

Clubhouse 51 mega collab...Mio...

>> No.25259692
Quoted by: >>25259722

A samurai girl who time traveled from the sengoku period

>> No.25259696

you mean older than this?

>> No.25259697

She seems so lonely somehow

>> No.25259699

This makes me very happy and also sad at the same time. Why is she so precious. She didn't deserve this treatment...

>> No.25259700


>> No.25259702
Quoted by: >>25259750

Anon, when people say these girls are a bunch of stinky menhera Hikkis then they weren't lying. I can see Mio having something else to do but there is no way Miko is doing anything differently aside from not streaming.

>> No.25259703

Fuck, this started out happily then you can feel the cracks near the end. Mio...

>> No.25259705

Any sort of actual S

>> No.25259706

loli slime girl
>loli slime girl
loli slime girl
>loli slime girl

>> No.25259707
Quoted by: >>25259717

there's nothing "cute" about subaru's voice
also there's a video where she's talking completely normally
i hate subaru so much

>> No.25259709

>Subaru at most adds a twinge of cutsieness to her voice
That's a weird way to say she shouts at max volume at all times, Satan

>> No.25259710
Quoted by: >>25259735

siamese twins connected through their brain

>> No.25259711
File: 644 KB, 1103x1080, super_sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the protector of the midnight streams, I am the light in the darkness, I am sheep.

>> No.25259715

It is more or less this place.
At the very start of the Live2D reveals, just like everywhere else, most posts here were focused on Botan just from her design. She's already pulling ahead of the others in youtube subs.
But as they all started tweeting, Polka became more endearing while the rest of the world is still focused on Botan.
Lamy, Nene and Aloe are slightly behind Polka.

>> No.25259716

They're technically not.

>> No.25259717
Quoted by: >>25259751

Just wanted to let you know I'm gonna skin you alive and wear you like a coat for this, okay?

>> No.25259718

Kanata, Suisei, Coco are busy IRL right now so they didn't stream much and she's picked the prime time when no one stream.

>> No.25259719

Nice try Satan.

>> No.25259720


The 2 richest holos are collabing.

>> No.25259721
Quoted by: >>25259763

She did a baseball collab with nijisanji and got so into it she forgot to screech. Unironically sounded like one of those professional tomboy seiyuu.

>> No.25259722

Paired with an evil shape-shifting demon girl.

>> No.25259725
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, watapunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She found her niche

>> No.25259726


>> No.25259727

a proper ayy lmao style alien

>> No.25259728
Quoted by: >>25259754

How is Haachama the fakest? She said she's straining herself for doing Red-kun so she can't do it for too long.

>> No.25259729

Only a couple more weeks to go...

>> No.25259730
File: 9 KB, 144x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259734

Astelchama... it's been 3 hours already...

>> No.25259731
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1596186853211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuuni raccoon, muscle gril, shark girl gud, some girl like Kum Haehyun from guilty gear, OGRE GIRL

>> No.25259732
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1581846173064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259762

her last streams got a ton of membersheeps

>> No.25259733

A kouhai type character with white cat motif clothing (maybe a hoodie would suit her?) who drinks lots of water.
God, Cover please adopt Azulim

>> No.25259734

Hopefully he picks up the pace. Taking longer than Aruran's last endurance challenge would be embarassing

>> No.25259735

I always felt actual twins swapping out to do insane "endurance" streams would be hilarious. Like doing a 48-hour endurance stream and seeming like a legend but every 8 hours or so you were switching off without telling the viewers.

>> No.25259736

are you delusional?
why am I asking, of course you are
subaru really fakes her voice, just check her nijisanji baseball stream
I still like her, but you are delusional if you don't think her current voice is REALLY forced

>> No.25259737

It was more evident in her first livestream video, but you can hear it a bit in her debut video.

>> No.25259738
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1575163033626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259771

Looks like watame will be building a mio effigy next

>> No.25259739
File: 195 KB, 518x807, mio (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259774

Can someone post the clip of Korone hitting Mio

>> No.25259740

After the Kaoru debacle, never.

>> No.25259741

Important question, what would Towa wear in bed
It's for a drawing

>> No.25259743
File: 447 KB, 625x813, 1575530868611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this even stranger then Pekayu? Granted I don't watch Rushia or Coco so I might just be talking out of my ass.

>> No.25259744
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1543227834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259777

There's only room enough for one shark vtuber

>> No.25259746
Quoted by: >>25259766

It's the same you dumb chocoball! Stop begging for collabs, I don't want the girls fans to attack Roberu. And I don't want the girls to get attacked by the antis and hardcore unicorns.

>> No.25259747

I like Luna's voice though I know it's all fake but she sells her character extremely well. Okayu I will agree with though and she sounds cute as fuck. But something about Subaru's voice specifically rubs me the wrong way.
I'll still watch her though if she's in collabs.

>> No.25259748
Quoted by: >>25259770

Gen 6: Superhero theme
Western types and eastern types - Superman, Vigilante, Rider, Sentai, Senshi, Devil Hunter Suzaku...

>> No.25259749


>> No.25259750
File: 636 KB, 4096x4096, EaO8sEbXYAAGoLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259782

Mikoti is still recovering, and most likely thinking on what she will do for her return stream

>> No.25259751

Just wanted to let you know that you have my sword and support in this endeavor anon

>> No.25259752

but thats not coco and noel

>> No.25259753
File: 472 KB, 410x652, EcZG8XTUMAEfWg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who looks like Suisei but has pink hair and her ponytail on the opposite side. Also she has way bigger tits.
Something like this

>> No.25259754

am retarded sorry

>> No.25259755
Quoted by: >>25259788

Miko has the longest stream times and yet she isn't even close to be the most subbed holo. I don't think stream times affect subs that much. let's not even talk about ayame
This makes a lot more sense since I agree that Kanata's 3D is really boring compared to Sheep's 3D. I guess 3D stream is the best way to show the holos' niche and charm

>> No.25259757

What's with that weird hiss Coco does so much, anyway?

>> No.25259758

Rushia please. ARK and Coco AND pink long hair. Can you fall anymore..

>> No.25259759

Rushia just wants to steal her boobs.

>> No.25259760

>competing in the same time slot as Marine

>> No.25259761

sci-fi themed designed by redjuice

>> No.25259762

she's using membersheep bots too

>> No.25259763

It happens whenever she's concentrating, she slipped into her normal voice quite a lot when she was playing Nier Automata, I noticed.

>> No.25259765

What's stopping Mio from appearing in collabs? Surely her copyright business doesn't restrict her from still having fun on the other girls' channels

>> No.25259766
Quoted by: >>25259786

>believing narratives
Stop being stupid

>> No.25259767
Quoted by: >>25259794

No, considering they've interacted in the past and had a collab already.

>> No.25259769

Those sport shorts. With a loose t probably or whatever those tight ones are called.

>> No.25259770

based bugman

>> No.25259771
Quoted by: >>25259789

Did she start or complete the Miko one? I tune out after a bit....

>> No.25259772

Zombie girl that looks lazy and tired but has a booming, extroverted personality
Adventurer/Hero girl, like Noel but without the focus on the religious get up and wears more armour. Bilingual and collabs with CH or ID
Slime girl that changes her colour every stream. Bubbly but dumb.
Spider monster lady. Does lots of ASMR streams.

>> No.25259773
Quoted by: >>25259794

>Isn't this even stranger then Pekayu?
No. Rushia and Coco have done a few ARK collabs already.

>> No.25259774
File: 400 KB, 382x503, 1593250272666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259776

>Surely her copyright business doesn't restrict her from still having fun on the other girls' channels
It probably does.

>> No.25259777

I hate when she starts speaking english, it's horrible and reminds me of american girls.

>> No.25259778

That would be ban evasion

>> No.25259779

no, youtube restricts exactly that

>> No.25259780

her hat

>> No.25259781
File: 182 KB, 396x408, 1576590379986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame streams usually on late JP hours but lately she's been competing even against active streams like Marine's 600k sub stream having 15k viewers compared to Watame's 15k viewers MC, and even the collab yesterday between dog and kanata 19k vs 12k sheep MC.

>> No.25259782

I forgot that she is still at her parents house, so she probably don't even have access to her usual setup. That's probably for the best, a complete rest from her usual activities is probably what she needs.

>> No.25259783

Oh, true. I can also point to Anemachi because they really do sound alike when Suisei's not doing her usual voice.

Not as old as her debut but she did do one where she spoke normally at one point. Again I have the timestamp from when an anon shared it a while back but they'll have to unprivate it.

>> No.25259784

Suisei performance at BiliBili world


>> No.25259785

More like house bitch amirite???????

>> No.25259786
Quoted by: >>25259805

You dumb faggot, you forgot Roberu almost get lynched by Matsurifags and antis or what?

>> No.25259787

She can get punished for ban evading and the channel she'd appear in would also get caught in the fire if she does. Coco explained this before when she came back after her ban.

>> No.25259788
File: 207 KB, 420x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Suisei and Miko have the same sub counts

>> No.25259789

She's about to complete it soon, already working on the head

>> No.25259790

I use to like tenshi at first until i saw Watame's big scary eye face. It turned me on.

>> No.25259791

if you're restricted from streaming, it's against Youtube's terms of service to stream on another channel. that includes collabs

>> No.25259792

>but this is killing my abs!
lmao, wasn't expecting that.

>> No.25259793
Quoted by: >>25259804

Mio should use coco's sisters with a voice changer in the meantime

>> No.25259794

Then I'm just dumb, sorry.

>> No.25259796
Quoted by: >>25259806

Why was Alex Jones allowed to go on Joe Rogan after he got banned from youtube then

>> No.25259797

based stargazers bros

>> No.25259799

>If your account has been restricted from YouTube or from using any YouTube features, you're prohibited from using another channel to get around these restrictions on YouTube.This applies for as long as the restriction remains active on your account. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under our Terms of Service, and may result in termination of your account.


>> No.25259800

This was an amazing stream. I absolutely loved her voice. I really thirst for more deep sounding tomboyish girls. The cutesy voice is nice, but can get tiring when most female vtubers have the same extremely girly voices. I know it sells, but cmon.

>> No.25259801
File: 2.20 MB, 1600x950, EdniF2sVoAAMHc_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259810

SM OK...

>> No.25259803


>> No.25259804
Quoted by: >>25259815

Antis won't let her do that.

>> No.25259805
Quoted by: >>25259825

More narratives, it was literally nothing. I'll say it again, stopbeing stupid.

>> No.25259806
Quoted by: >>25259814

he's still banned from youtube

>> No.25259808

Really makes you think on who's the harder worker.

>> No.25259809

That's kinda dumb. If I'm Will Smith and got copystriked, then would every channel which have my clips get banned of Youtube then?

>> No.25259810
Quoted by: >>25259851


>> No.25259811
Quoted by: >>25259886


>> No.25259812


>> No.25259814
Quoted by: >>25259830

yea but he went on another channel and that channel didn't get penalized

>> No.25259815

let me guess they would report her

>> No.25259816
Quoted by: >>25259834

Sheep is more reliably good, comfy and generates in-jokes at a crazy rate. Kanata's gotten kinda stale and her singing keeps getting worse

>> No.25259817

holy shit my ETL is showing

>> No.25259818

Rushia my ears...

>> No.25259821
Quoted by: >>25259886

no you just can't appear on other channels

>> No.25259822
Quoted by: >>25259838

i remember when gen 4 dropped i thought "wow all these girls are really talentless and shit, what is hololive thinking"
and i still feel that way

especially about towa :)

>> No.25259823
Quoted by: >>25259886

Don't pretend like you don't understand the difference

>> No.25259824

>Rushia loser shit again because Coco taught her something new.

>> No.25259825
Quoted by: >>25259848

Take off that tinfoil hat and stop being a collabs beggar.

>> No.25259827

I tried playing ark again when Hololive started getting into it. I died for five hours straight, built a house in a log, tamed a giant badger, and spent two days farming spiders to build a treehouse. Then I got bored of collecting shit to build with and stopped.

What about this game is apparently so fun to watch that they can keep using it like this?

>> No.25259829

Streams might be different from normal videos. Keemstar for example is banned but he can have videos with him as the main content be released on someone elses channel.

>> No.25259830
Quoted by: >>25259859

the channel doesn't get penalized, the banned person does
did you even read the text

>> No.25259831
File: 456 KB, 588x1164, the_pride_of_amd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259840

These baseless accusations of me using Chinese viewbots are completely untrue!

>> No.25259833
Quoted by: >>25259886

you're not will smith idiot

>> No.25259834

Pathetic Parasite Tenshi! The only thing she was good at is slowly getting worse as her ear disease chips away at her hearing!

>> No.25259836

Zatsudan material.

>> No.25259837

Miko deserves her break

>> No.25259838

This thread isn't your blog, ESL-kun.

>> No.25259839

Did this bitch seriously just learn to take a screenshot?

>> No.25259840

>the shopped MMD face

>> No.25259842
Quoted by: >>25259887

>It is, simply, the possibility of something happening. When the chance is defined in mathematics, it is called probability. Probability is the extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favourable cases to the whole number of cases possible.

>> No.25259844

open world survival shit is new to japs

>> No.25259845
File: 13 KB, 221x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this image makes her look like she's lazy as hell, but Suisei actually has a lot of videos although its not that much compared to everyone else in Hololive, its just she doesn't stream for long hours because her suiseivoice won't last. Most of her videos when she was still new were 5-10 minutes long edited videos and she didn't do live streams that much because she was working on video editing and illustration commissions to fund her streaming tools, song covers and original songs.
Also she said she worked in a fast food and izakaya before.

>> No.25259848
Quoted by: >>25259865

I'm not begging, I'm dispelling rumors

>> No.25259850

Have the threads slowed down from the Gen 5 debut announcement speeds?

>> No.25259851
File: 366 KB, 1333x1000, EczSFU-VcAIPPHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259852

Rushia is legit as good at technology as my grandma, how did she even become a vtuber

>> No.25259853
Quoted by: >>25259880

This is comfy hours.

>> No.25259854
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1591366296461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okapeko stream

>> No.25259855

For the fourth time, maybe more.

>> No.25259858


>> No.25259859

How do you know this? Mio's channel is simply suspended from being able to stream. There's nothing about her not being able to appear on other streams.

>> No.25259861

Damn, she was actually 3D for this stream?

>> No.25259863

Borger sleep time

>> No.25259865
Quoted by: >>25259923

Yeah, Roberu need to cut off the stream because of the prompt or Matsuri need to apologized because of some dumb jokes is a rumor, not a real threat, sure...

>> No.25259866

m8 okakoro is happening right after okapeko
my cat wife is a slut and i love her for it

>> No.25259867
Quoted by: >>25259894

Cute style. Who's the artist? Looks very familiar.

>> No.25259868

She's like those poeple who take picture of their screen using their phone instead of just taking screenshot.

>> No.25259869
Quoted by: >>25259892

>If your account has been restricted from YouTube or from using any YouTube features, you're prohibited from using another channel to get around these restrictions on YouTube.This applies for as long as the restriction remains active on your account. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under our Terms of Service, and may result in termination of your account.

>> No.25259870

They're scared of that being interpreted as ban evasion and dragging another streamer down with her

>> No.25259871

This lion is so cute

>> No.25259872

Don't jinx it anon

>> No.25259873


>> No.25259874

her harem is expanding

>> No.25259875


>> No.25259876

What's the narrative between Rushia and Coco they seem very close but they don't flaunt their closeness.

>> No.25259877

We'll probably see a lot of threads again once the debut streams happen. Calm before the storm.

>> No.25259878
Quoted by: >>25259896

>What's stopping Mio from appearing in collabs?
Nevermind that, what's stopping her from just prerecording streams and uploading them as videos?

>> No.25259881

Did they announce gen 5 just to distract from Kaoru being mysteriously fired

>> No.25259880

The only times those hours exist are when streams that draw in most posters are on. Which seem to be rarer as the number of anons in these threads go up.

>> No.25259882
File: 206 KB, 1086x1608, 1576458415506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259898

Miko is going to have to rape this bunny into obedience when she gets back or she'll run away with some other hussy.

>> No.25259883

She's not, fuck off.

>> No.25259885

Capcom just wants to drag Cover to the negotiation table. You can't just get away with it scot-free after violating copyrighted material.

>> No.25259886

I don't understand the difference obviously. Not pretending.

If I'm a celebrity (or some small time artist) with my own Youtube channel, which got copystriked by my mistake, which I acknowledge and accept the 90-day livestream ban.

Why would the ban interfere my business with another Youtube channel (say, a Radio show showcasing buskers and shit)?

>> No.25259887

I guess it's different in English

>> No.25259888

She is, stay here.

>> No.25259889
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1352, Eezoq8TU8AA6aKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259890

She also has more covers and original songs than most of the other holos. A 5 minute song probably takes several hours worth work.

>> No.25259891
Quoted by: >>25259933

I keep unmuting these hoping to hear a voice even though I know it won't happen

>> No.25259892
Quoted by: >>25259907

Yes but that implies you're using another channel of your own to ban evade. Appearing on someone else's stream is not you streaming and taking revenue.

>> No.25259894
File: 975 KB, 1000x1361, 82881348_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boko boko nanoraaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25259895
Quoted by: >>25259918

We got new letters P&N, what will they come up with?

>> No.25259896

Unironically, this ban was probably used as a bargaining chip with capcom, you need to remember that mio is literally 1 strike away from getting her entire channel (and her career) killed

>> No.25259898
File: 392 KB, 352x438, Clussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still plan B if that happens

>> No.25259899

because you as a legal entity have broken YouTube's copyright guidelines
What you produce doesn't matter

>> No.25259902

wtf i thought it was a bear

>> No.25259903


>> No.25259904

One of the members of the fifth gen refused to join unless Kaoru was removed from Holopro

>> No.25259905

Will the fake yuri "relationships" meme end any time soon? Can these girls just stop pretending to be lesbian

>> No.25259907

It's up in the air what "ban evasion" is, she might be able to get away with doing collabs, but she also might get banned for it, so it's better not to risk it

>> No.25259908


>> No.25259910
Quoted by: >>25259939

Which holo dislikes the character they play?

>> No.25259911

were you here for the coco ban it's the same thing

>> No.25259912

If you get banned from a restaurant for taking a shit in the sink, is it ok if next weekend you go there with your friends and shit on the floor?

>> No.25259913

I'm still baffled on how they didn't come up with a ninja or samurai, kinda wanted one, ngl

>> No.25259914

I'm a little surprised Capcom is being such a bitch

>> No.25259915

this, she's more of the type who's busy off-stream rather than on-stream.

>> No.25259916
File: 222 KB, 404x476, sheepmania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brudah! We gonna smash those Kanatafags tonight!

>> No.25259918


>> No.25259919
Quoted by: >>25259928

Oh damn, who's the artist?

>> No.25259921
File: 101 KB, 1246x1600, 1596131233380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259938

cute bunny feet

>> No.25259922

How is this surprising to you

>> No.25259923
Quoted by: >>25259970

That's not why Roberu cut the stream, and Matsuri's apology had nothing to do with Roberu

>> No.25259924
Quoted by: >>25260203

Reminder that Sora has more sub counts than both of them, and doesn't even in the list. Do you realize that the list is clipped, and they have total of 46 channels anon?

>> No.25259925

Nothing, see Rurudo art

>> No.25259926
Quoted by: >>25259984

Matsuri really tried to court another Vtuber? Who was it?

>> No.25259927

It's ok if you wear a fake moustache & nobody recognizes you.

>> No.25259928
File: 97 KB, 580x783, EeuHzqbU8AA0pTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25259964


>> No.25259930

Ok. Thanks for dumbing it down for me. Thanks.

>> No.25259931

>Capcom being a bitch

>> No.25259932

>the biggest boing and the cutting board

>> No.25259933

And you know you will be disappointed the first time you hear it, and eventually get used to it.

>> No.25259935

>corporations acting like corporations
>I never this coming, I thought this company was my friend!

>> No.25259938
File: 1.36 MB, 850x1195, 1591381993353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get to play with those legs as much as you want after a long day at work

>> No.25259939

Towa, except she doesn't play a character

>> No.25259940

YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzOZWaoejno
file uploaded here

>> No.25259942
File: 328 KB, 567x421, 1595101721983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the Aqua narratives what did my cute retard even do?

>> No.25259943
File: 84 KB, 293x317, 1565964112106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259944
File: 466 KB, 640x640, okayu gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259945
Quoted by: >>25259985

She's still lazy as hell because she keeps delaying her totsumachi.
Stop making your fans wait and just do your totsumachi already you lazy space rock

>> No.25259947

She's a confirmed slut...

>> No.25259949
File: 3 KB, 1092x60, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another day and percentage hasn't moved.

>> No.25259951

Fuck off, I see what you're trying to do

>> No.25259954
File: 20 KB, 465x393, loopseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5ch timeloop posting

It's amazing how two different ecosystems develop so similarly. I wonder if you could call it convergent evolution?

>> No.25259957
Quoted by: >>25259979

>Miko could have been there too

>> No.25259959

I hate Subaru for this. She'd be my oshi if it weren't for the duck voice.

>> No.25259960
Quoted by: >>25259995

Yeah they successfully make nintendo looks like a merciful bodhisattva.

>> No.25259961

I think it's just the power of Ark gang. Same with Flare and Watame, bonding over playing the same game excessively.

>> No.25259962
File: 875 KB, 256x256, 1595650870378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was always the kind of person to stream for an hour and then end it right then and there. I'm pretty sure her voice will last since she sings at karaokes on end, and when you give her an opportunity to talk about something she really likes she'll be able to talk forever. It's just not her style, for some reason. I don't think it's a bad thing, she can do whatever she wants, and she does a lot of things behind the scenes anyways, with 10 covers up in the works. I don't need to explain why she streams in her manner, I just wanted to post the disparity between streaming times for the two holos who are two sides of the same coin

>> No.25259963
Quoted by: >>25259968

I think I'll just invest it all in Clowncoins and Aloecoins!

>> No.25259964

Thank you fren

>> No.25259965

>Retards all do the same shit
Wow science

>> No.25259966
Quoted by: >>25259999

How am I supposed to immerse myself when half the comment are pictures and EOPs

>> No.25259967
Quoted by: >>25260009

I really hope Cover manage to get Capcom permission at the end of this since they must be discussing things with Capcom now.

>> No.25259968

Prepare to go broke.

>> No.25259969
Quoted by: >>25259982

What's the mobile app that does all those cardboard cutouts of drawings and makes them animate with AR?

>> No.25259970
Quoted by: >>25259996

Yeah, you're too stupid to piece it together.

>> No.25259971

It was distraction from their recent fuck ups, not only Kaoru.

>> No.25259972
File: 246 KB, 1024x1024, 83334053_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259973
Quoted by: >>25259999

>The sheer amount of EOPs already flooding the replies
What a sad sight

>> No.25259974

Should Botan have a:
>Cool voice
>Cute voice
>Aloof voice

>> No.25259976

iirc someone posted a translated page of 5ch and their posts were almost exactly like ours.
No matter where are you from austism behaves the same way.

>> No.25259977

Silly non believer, you'll see faggot

>> No.25259978
File: 248 KB, 407x478, sheep_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260055

>Why yes! I am a lawyer, how could you tell?

>> No.25259979
Quoted by: >>25260031

Is she even popular with the chinks? FBK and Haachama are huge with them, and I don't think I've seen much recognition for miko from the bugmen

>> No.25259981

I hope Lamy has a motherly voice

>> No.25259982
Quoted by: >>25260014

Rakugaki AR. IIRC currently not available for Android.

>> No.25259983
File: 288 KB, 1000x1000, 3hjfx4cr2gc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25259984


>> No.25259985

Please forgive her. She's too busy winning to celebrate.

>> No.25259989

She just needs to act and sound like female Shien

>> No.25259988

Cool kuudere voice, or at least a very monotone voice like Okayu

>> No.25259990

Has any of the autists here attacked an idol?

>> No.25259991

I warned ALL of you that she will be the reddit, discordian and EOP queen. Stop talking about her. Stop using her in OPs. Let her stew in that cesspool of a fanbase.

>> No.25259994
Quoted by: >>25260030

no voice
avant garde minimalist idol

>> No.25259995

They already have, when nintendo released their new guidelines they immediately told cover that it would be fine to keep the vods up, just with monetization disabled while negotiations were happening instead of instantly striking everything like capcom

>> No.25259996

Keep your shitty narratives to yourself, please.

>> No.25259997


>> No.25259998

Don't come crying that you didn't buy Aloecoins when she starts doing utawakus.

>> No.25259999
File: 188 KB, 938x2048, 1596734693664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hire new talent
>make sure theyre all multilingual
>make that part of the advertisement / draw of the characters
fucking idiots

>> No.25260000

It's better to discuss what kind of disabilities these girls will have, will we get blind girl?

>> No.25260001

Thanks. Missed it due to work.

>> No.25260003

Yes, you could call it a 'Falseflag' attack...

>> No.25260005
Quoted by: >>25260063


>> No.25260006

I guess she doesn't like to push herself to the point of stress since she said this in her old stream https://youtu.be/wmn8S7qWPME
yes, I know it's l*ger's translation but the actual stream is still privated

>> No.25260009

cover has shown us that theyre very incompetent for a long time, why would they change now?

>> No.25260010

cute menhera...

>> No.25260012

>>make sure theyre all multilingual
More like make sure they know how to use deepL/Gtranslate

>> No.25260013
Quoted by: >>25260041

What makes you think they're all multilingual? Botan might know english if 5ch's guess is right, and maybe Nene knows chinese, but I'm pretty sure the rest are japanese only

>> No.25260014

>not available on android
A shame, but thanks for the name. Will just follow the development and see if it ever becomes available. Liked all the cute holos that were done with it.

>> No.25260015

She should sound either relaxed and refined or like Rei if her voice isn't deep
except a little cute when embarrassed

>> No.25260016
File: 182 KB, 1236x1336, 1590163617276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes perfect bros...

>> No.25260017

Fucking Smark

>> No.25260018

They made some cumtributions.

>> No.25260019


>> No.25260020
File: 961 KB, 1502x1500, 1588406844445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260044

>After a long day at work
She'd be waking up by then and start her 6 hour stream, so you'd have to wait until she joins you in bed to feel her legs up.

>> No.25260023

this one guy keeps sending akasupa in ARS so the chuubas go into debt

>> No.25260024
Quoted by: >>25260049

I'm hearing basically no difference

>> No.25260027

Rushia probably sees Coco as a reliable person since she often asks her for advice offstream. She's even the first person Rushia calls during her anniversary reverse totsu instead of one of the sankisei.

>> No.25260028

They got the Nintendo permissions though, anything can happen

>> No.25260029

Ohnonono shes going to kill her kouhais..

>> No.25260030

the mime girl is in Gen 6

>> No.25260031
Quoted by: >>25260042

Did anyone upload FBK, Sora and Haato's performances?

>> No.25260033
Quoted by: >>25260055

Keep trying, buddy

>> No.25260034

Wait, shouldn't we be able to find her from here?

>> No.25260035

Lamy definitely doesn't know English

>> No.25260036
File: 410 KB, 320x527, IMG_20200724_155139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ cup team survey, if you like the team please spare a couple minutes


>> No.25260037

>"kyou mo kawaii"
bless this cute comet

>> No.25260038

Sophisticated mature voice that loses it's cool and goes higher pitched and frantic when shy or embarrassed.

>> No.25260039
Quoted by: >>25260078

They got nintendo's permission which is pretty much the hardest to get since theyre japanese disney.
Capcom on the other hand are retards but less stingy

>> No.25260040

rushia's retarded laugh is so cute

>> No.25260041

Polka was tweeting a fair bit of acceptable English
which was super cute

>> No.25260042
Quoted by: >>25260064

No, because they haven't happened yet

>> No.25260043

She's so cute

>> No.25260044
File: 678 KB, 850x1200, xhvu5fd9sp451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260057

>so you'd have to wait until she joins you in bed to feel her legs up.
>not hiding under her desk and bullying her while she streams to all of her fans
>not going on the attack when she starts to thank donations, her voice getting more and more breathy until she has to mute to let it all out
the rabbit doesnt like cowards anon

>> No.25260045

>drinking beer in bed with the lights off watching stream
Ah yes, This is how I wish to die. A great sense of peace washes over me.

>> No.25260048
Quoted by: >>25260117

wrong thread

>> No.25260049
Quoted by: >>25260058

You're basically deaf.

>> No.25260050
File: 46 KB, 293x317, 15859324728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260093

>It's pretty crowded here, Kanatan...
>You really lived in a broom closet...
>Hopefully the tape isn't too tight on your mouth.

>> No.25260052

if its the same translated post im thinking of, it was fake

>> No.25260055

Meant for >>25259978

>> No.25260057
File: 1.05 MB, 2229x4096, 1583968032574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260126

Surely you wouldn't risk her career for your own personal satisfaction anon? That wouldn't be very nice.

>> No.25260058
Quoted by: >>25260107

What a predictable meritless response

>> No.25260060

Would you drink the piss if your oshi?

>> No.25260061

>wake up
>stream for x hours
>eat with mom
>play grubble, DQ rivals and priconne
That's not even including if she has to go out for recordings, you have no time for that anon

>> No.25260063

Even if you're willing to not call the towa thing an attack, this place made the Iofi doxx infographic which was pretty damn malicious

>> No.25260064

Are they performing on the 8th or 9th?

>> No.25260065
Quoted by: >>25260285

if he whats?

>> No.25260067

If my oshi what?

>> No.25260069

Only if I can drink it right from the source.

>> No.25260070

>Streams will be in Japanese
>They are most probably below primary school level English
I don't care if the EOPs silently watch them, but them flooding their twitter with some shitty anime gifs is cringe

>> No.25260071

If my oshi what?

>> No.25260072

Cum tributes and uploading towa's discord video are the worst things that this place has done

>> No.25260073

if she what

>> No.25260074

Thanks for the hard work anon

>> No.25260076
Quoted by: >>25260114

Rushia never bought the expansion for the collab lol

>> No.25260077
File: 130 KB, 736x552, 1596534786260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread does it all the time

>> No.25260078

yeah but they still wait till something bad happens to get their shit together, same with the demonetization problem back then, coco offered a solution but they discarded because theyre retards

>> No.25260079

based on what?

>> No.25260080
Quoted by: >>25260135

>yeah its much better when the japs say cringy things because i cant understand them!
t. you

>> No.25260082

Rushia yo...

>> No.25260084

I just watched Mikos jav and I don't understand how you can possibly deny that it isn't Miko. She even speaks the same and have that wierd speech impediment.

>> No.25260085

Haato: What a cute!
Lamy: Is the cute!

I love retard english

>> No.25260087

FBK 08/08 13:30-14:00 jst
Haachama 08/08 15:30-16:00 jst
Civia 08/09 13:30-14:00 jst

>> No.25260088

>Would you piss on your oshi's drink?
what the fuck is wrong with youyes

>> No.25260089

So, does anyone here play that nepnep vtubers game already?

>> No.25260091
File: 3.50 MB, 1662x2351, EevZc29UMAwFBSs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rude to impose your language on others, especially when you don't understand theirs one bit in the first place.
Be like Yagoo, a simple おめでとう is enough if you can't manage more than that and that goes for any language.

>> No.25260090
File: 216 KB, 369x351, 1596177338232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my oshi what?

>> No.25260093
Quoted by: >>25260118

I guess the 4th gen are meeting their kohais?

>> No.25260094

>uploading towa's discord video
what's wrong with that?

>> No.25260095

There was Ausstalker anon who tried to find Haachama

>> No.25260096

ESL gets dogpiled

>> No.25260097

pretty sure haato and fubuki is at 8th

>> No.25260098
Quoted by: >>25260125

I don't even know where these Twitter EOPs came from. I used to never see them in the twitter comment section until all of a sudden I'd start seeing multiple of them with their retarded oversized unrelated gifs.
At least they are a lot fewer than the chatters so it is easy to mute them on Twitter.

>> No.25260101


>> No.25260102
File: 385 KB, 496x694, 1596706659005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the fanarts

>> No.25260103

cool mature voice but can imitate Kawasumi Ayako just like how Shien imitates Sakurai
even better if her normal voice is basically Siege from Arknights

>> No.25260104

Yeah nice try.

>> No.25260105

Watame's recent success is an amalgama of different qualities and events
Let's first talk about her qualities
1. Best live2D. Smug, sad, crazy, surprised face... her face is just really memeable as it's been proven by these threads. The rigging plays a big part on it, but seeing how some updated live2Ds look really good on paper but when the holo streams with it live it looks weird as fuck, I bet Watame practiced with her live2D and found the best positions, movements and camera angles to make the most out of it.
2. She has one of the sweetest voices among hololive talents
3. Really good at singing. She can hit really high notes
4. Perverted tastes. Armpits, smell, navel, skindentation, you name it.
5. She streams long hours. She has streamed the most among gen 4. And most of them are done between 24JST to 6JST. Those are dead hours nobody else streams, so it attracts a lot of overseas viewers
6. Sheep puns
7. She interacts a lot with the viewers and she probably has one of the highest viewer retention during her supacha readings

And about the events
1. Her 3D live was the best among the gen 4 3D lives. It rode the hype created by Coco and it being streamed after Kanata meant that people would compare it with Kanata's, so it would look even better
2. The privating apocalypse meant that viewers now have less VODs to watch, and the algorithm favours the holos that stream longer
3. Watamelon got her viral on the western social media.
4. The above caused translators to start clipping and translating more about Watame for views, so it led to even more viewers flocking to her streams to see what she does. 5. She has dedicated members why would live translate what she says
Thanks to that, unlike the EOPs and SOPs that invaded Korone, Rushia and Pekora for funny sounds or engrish words and would leave if they didn't get the attention they wanted, the ones that flocked to Watame stayed for longer and got brainwashed by her being vulnerable and emotional, her OST and her cult-like membersheeps

>> No.25260107

The quality of the response reflects the quality of your statement.

>> No.25260108

oshi piss if she real...

>> No.25260109

That was just some random moron from her supachat.

>> No.25260111

share it with us or you haven't seen it

>> No.25260112

Isn't she supposed to be in the hospital right now for a check-up? Hopefully sheep doesn't get corona..

>> No.25260113

only 30 mins?

>> No.25260114


>> No.25260116
File: 839 KB, 1399x1000, 1596721431289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here

>> No.25260117
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>> No.25260118
Quoted by: >>25260131

No, she was supposed to go to the doctor.

>> No.25260119

Yes, only 30 minute stages for each

>> No.25260120

comet only got 15 minutes...

>> No.25260121
Quoted by: >>25260151

was she found?

>> No.25260122
File: 481 KB, 1053x863, EeyZ13jU0AAA08a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25260123
Quoted by: >>25260321


>> No.25260125

EOPs are the ching chong nip nong to you too young lady but in reverse

>> No.25260126
File: 493 KB, 596x527, 1575012372418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame's boyfriend does it all the time

>> No.25260127

I for one welcome my new sheep overlord

>> No.25260128
File: 30 KB, 461x461, 1586618632295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the suffering, continues...

>> No.25260130
File: 998 KB, 591x778, 1596734780561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260208

>peek of areola
>puffy vulva
mama mia

>> No.25260132
File: 47 KB, 1080x386, 988019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrative bros?

>> No.25260131
Quoted by: >>25260138

she sure does that a lot...

>> No.25260133

OH no no no it wasn't just superchat at all

>> No.25260134
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1596235542118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she wanted me to, I would drink a gallon of it.

>> No.25260135
File: 5 KB, 725x123, コメント 2020-07-31 221618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're going to act cringe towards someone at least have the decency of doing it in a language they understand
>Implying I can't understand Japanese

>> No.25260136

POWERFUL sheepfucker post

>> No.25260137

sheep piss...

>> No.25260138

Must be pregnancy.

>> No.25260139

fuck does this mean the chinks get red heart full first?

>> No.25260141

Fuck you faggots. Rushia is too dumb to be the fake bitch you fags paint her to be.

>> No.25260140


>> No.25260143

Aloe backwards-- ero A

>> No.25260144

If this is true, I'll membership her.

>> No.25260145
Quoted by: >>25260159

the devil's getting excited on twitter again

>> No.25260148
Quoted by: >>25260172

>is there a script that auto bans me for report abuse?

>> No.25260146

More like how hasn't Type-Moon sued them for the blatant Liz copy not only in design but also in character description.

>> No.25260147
Quoted by: >>25260206

But wouldn't it be better if they couldn't understand?

>> No.25260149

Don't give me hope.

>> No.25260150

man her tits are great. looking forward to seeing them bounce around

>> No.25260151
Quoted by: >>25260198

I'm talking about the anon back in March who was legitimately trying to doxx her you fucking newfag
No he started posting about the wrong school

>> No.25260152

The is the first post in this thread which sounds like it was actually written by a sheepbro and not a falseflagger

>> No.25260153

left the stream for a few hours and astel has 17 kills...made some progress at least...

>> No.25260155
Quoted by: >>25260200

also, watame is a truly sweet girl. It broke my heart watching her muse dash right after the archive apocalypse happened. The stream is now privated due to a frame bug but those 10-15 minutes sealed in my mind that watame really tries her hardest to be an entertainer

>> No.25260157

It's Matsuri so we'd drink each other's piss in a 69.

>> No.25260158
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1500, 80585238_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260178

powerful duck...

>> No.25260159
Quoted by: >>25260168

Which one?

>> No.25260162

Yeah she fell off a cliff in the exact same spot in Firelink Shrine twice in a row.

>> No.25260161


>> No.25260164

You must accept reality. You know it to be true

>> No.25260165
Quoted by: >>25260242


>> No.25260166
Quoted by: >>25260206

How long did it take you anon?

>> No.25260168

the menhera one

>> No.25260170

Not the kelvin lai dude, that stalker shit was in the older threads with some AUS anon supposedly hearing a girl with her voice.

>> No.25260171

Tashi kani...

>> No.25260172

i'm willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good

>> No.25260174
File: 497 KB, 750x1200, 1579351006645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheep is kind

>> No.25260176

Rushia is literally the fakest holo if you account for personality and voice, not even a competition.

>> No.25260177
Quoted by: >>25260206

anon...if youre really the same one that posted this before...dont start this shit again

>> No.25260178

Ui mama's sleeves holding it up, 10/10

>> No.25260179

Probably the fact that he titled it in japanese and tossed it to NND so they could use it on their eternal antihololive crusade

>> No.25260181
File: 427 KB, 586x629, subakana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leech fears the duck

>> No.25260182

Please this needs an update

>> No.25260183

How many kills is astel at? 30? 40? just about to pop in

>> No.25260184

IIRC she said it herself not to upload the video since it could get her into trouble

>> No.25260185
File: 580 KB, 2048x1536, ArtMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260348

Any best quality Art?

>> No.25260187
File: 6 KB, 400x400, lam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260189
File: 3.45 MB, 2864x4000, 80124193_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua's NieR playthrough, all videos

>> No.25260188

could've just been a loon and was hearing haato in his head
of all the disembodied schizo voices to hear...

>> No.25260190

Amazing post. Is it okay if I post the screenshot on the Watame fan Discord?

>> No.25260192

>act all cute and innocent
>shows her thighs to random strangers for money

>> No.25260193


>> No.25260194

There's a fucking counter on the stream

>> No.25260198

Oh yeah, that guy. Wait, that was in March? Jesus.

>> No.25260199

bros this rushia and coco pairing is pretty fun

>> No.25260200

Yeah i was there too. She is pretty sensitive. We all tried to cheer her up

>> No.25260203

>46 channels
No they don't

>> No.25260204

>19 kills
Astel is going to be here all day.

>> No.25260206
Quoted by: >>25260243

I feel like they are quite conscious about what their foreign fanbase says about them. Specially someone like Korone who has experienced what antis can do to streams, keeping potential foreign antis under control would be a good thing.
About 4 years and getting japanese friends to talk with
Don't worry, last (You) I give that nigger

>> No.25260205

Cute feet

>> No.25260207

Watame isn't one of favourite holos but I like her singing. Still occasionally listen to her cover of Balalaika from the karaoke stream.

>> No.25260208
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1466860218281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or is her face is kind of unsettling?

>> No.25260209
File: 511 KB, 1920x1080, 1583635101789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only this were true.

>> No.25260210


>> No.25260214
Quoted by: >>25260235

>Lamy is the first debut
Can't wait for next week. What do you expect her voice and personality will be?

>> No.25260215


>> No.25260217

Shes the menhera of gen 5

>> No.25260220
Quoted by: >>25260240

That's Automata, bro

>> No.25260221

inb4 menhera

>> No.25260222

she has low self esteem, that's it.

>> No.25260223

>Wait, that was in March
I had to double check the archives because I thought I was mixing up May and March.

>> No.25260224

Not sure exactly when but it was during "old" threads that were slower than now. Post-boom but pre-more booms or bigger booms.

>> No.25260225
File: 498 KB, 1636x2048, 1596734472282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cute it's unsettling!

>> No.25260227

It's their YT, except all your info goes straight to the government instead of using google as the middle-man

>> No.25260229
File: 581 KB, 496x694, flamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260239

>> No.25260230

I thought Nene is Nobuhime

>> No.25260233

nope, just cute.

>> No.25260234



>> No.25260235
Quoted by: >>25260253

If she's not a mommy type I'm going to rope.

>> No.25260238
File: 3.22 MB, 1497x1500, EezurdRUwAAjxBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From lack papa

>> No.25260239

When did flare get so cute?

>> No.25260240

Yeah, NieR: Automata, she hasn't played any other game with "nier" in the title.

>> No.25260241

She's moving today

>> No.25260242

To be honest that's mostly Moona's fault and Iofi's own fault for using her name as her steam name

>> No.25260243

>About 4 years and getting japanese friends to talk with
Learning a language is no joke, glad I'm not understating my expected time investment, thank you and nice work.

>> No.25260245

>sexualizing your daughter
this is why she will never love you lack

>> No.25260246

She's fired.....

>> No.25260248

can someone make haachama haato again ty

>> No.25260249


>> No.25260250
File: 169 KB, 1080x1174, ark time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260276

Ask these people from Coco's server. A month has 720 hours and they practically spend half of that playing Ark

>> No.25260252

Pure as snow...

>> No.25260253

cum or kill yourself?

>> No.25260254
Quoted by: >>25260264

How much did Okayu pay Pekora to get that collaboration?

>> No.25260256

Coco and Kson are different people

>> No.25260257

Flare... Please respond...

>> No.25260258

Fuutan's HUGE knockers!

>> No.25260259
File: 1.13 MB, 2891x4096, 1589286666392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's happy to perform!

>> No.25260261

Obon vacation?

>> No.25260262

kakage laughs in the distance

>> No.25260264
Quoted by: >>25260324

It was the Rabbit who initiated it, believe it or not.

>> No.25260265

Ah, cocos roommate. I was surprised by how attractive she looks

>> No.25260266


>> No.25260268

Yeah, they're sisters

>> No.25260269

>open profile
>suggested profiles are all holos
fucking twitter

>> No.25260270
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1524646173625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe draws a lot better than Nobuhime did half a year ago. Granted, she must have had a lot of time to practice lately.

>> No.25260271

Have you ever seen them in the same room at once?

>> No.25260273
File: 6 KB, 154x154, hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this for?

>> No.25260275
Quoted by: >>25260397


>> No.25260276

sasuga dragon gachikois.

>> No.25260277
Quoted by: >>25260300

>FBK, Haato, and Civia got 30 minutes while Suisei only got 15 minutes on a different live venue
what do they mean by this?

>> No.25260278
Quoted by: >>25260291

Bro... Iack's drawings look so good and yet Flare herself looks fucking alien eye'd in her streams. How'd that happen...

>> No.25260280

which kson videos are cam?

>> No.25260281
Quoted by: >>25260399

I always forget how big Flare's boobs are because of her kimono.hiding them.

>> No.25260282

This isnt sexial at all

>> No.25260285

>if he whats?

>> No.25260286

to collect CUM

>> No.25260287

some dude's fetish

>> No.25260288

A coin slot

>> No.25260289

For this

>> No.25260290
Quoted by: >>25260303

Flare loves her dad!

>> No.25260291

>yet Flare herself looks fucking alien eye'd in her streams
Bro she hasn't been that way since the L2D update.

>> No.25260292

Sharkboy's going to help Astel!

>> No.25260293


>> No.25260295

I don't think that Suisei is that good at singing. There, I said it.

>> No.25260297

She's already said she's turning her old room at her parent's place into a "streaming booth"

>> No.25260298

>astel calling for help from meika again
they are gonna form a new collab team soon aren't they

>> No.25260299
Quoted by: >>25260338

Shit, I gotta go see! It's been a while since I've watched her

>> No.25260300
Quoted by: >>25260419

Are they singing for a full 30 minutes?

>> No.25260302
Quoted by: >>25260310

Is gen 5 going to be the EOP gen? Gen 5 is their first gen debut. It's like when they open a new MMO server, new people start flocking to that server

>> No.25260303

But people told me that Flare never responds to her Papa...

>> No.25260304

navelpussy entrance

>> No.25260305

It was her fuckup, but /hlg/ was the one that made the doxx compilation

>> No.25260307 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 1363x1400, 1592397525762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the best BGM?

Pekora, in my opinion. I could summarily execute Turks to Pekora's BGM anytime.

>> No.25260308

astel might finish the stream before 24 hours now!

>> No.25260310

>Is gen 5 going to be the EOP gen? Gen 5 is their first gen debut
No it's fucking not

>> No.25260312
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1596626328284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260358

It's ok anon everyone has different taste

>> No.25260314
File: 289 KB, 601x486, 1590808720965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas seriously need to learn checking twitter before posting.

>> No.25260315

idk but kanata's is the worst.

>> No.25260316

Kson accidentally streamed with asacoco layout

>> No.25260317


>> No.25260321


>> No.25260323
Quoted by: >>25260413

Suisei fans are a special type of autistic
Actually they're less like fans and more like apologists

>> No.25260324
Quoted by: >>25260354

Really huh? Maybe she's feeling lonely without Miko (Miko went to her parents house)

>> No.25260326

>Has any of the autists here attacked an idol?
They would if they could move to Japan, but most of them are too poor to do that

>> No.25260327

makea getting excited over astels english viewers is kind of cute

>> No.25260328

I love that it is possible to hear this image.

>> No.25260330
Quoted by: >>25260341


>> No.25260331

the cum slot.

>> No.25260334


>> No.25260335
Quoted by: >>25260358

It's okay. I like her singing, but I understand some people might not find it good. I hope you enjoy the songs of some other holo and they bring you happiness.

>> No.25260337

if you put a coin in she starts vibrating

>> No.25260338

Bro... she's still forever using her yukata in all the vids I've checked

>> No.25260339
File: 1.31 MB, 1037x988, heavy_breathing_intensifies_even_more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260351

>Nah bae, I'm a little busy with school at the moment.
>Catch ya later, lova ya!

>> No.25260340
Quoted by: >>25260381

Just tell me how, it's a fucking awful site.

>> No.25260341
Quoted by: >>25260525

did kson stream while coco was banned from YT?

>> No.25260342

>got btfo
god damnit flare, I thought it was a sure bet since she barely replies.

>> No.25260344

Not another Senchou rhythm game stream...

>> No.25260345

i'm not feeling it, i bet it's just a formal response to her papa.

>> No.25260346

Interesting. EOPs no need to read.

>> No.25260348
File: 943 KB, 2591x4096, EeKo8VvUwAAVe1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260386


>> No.25260349
Quoted by: >>25260368

Rushia and Coco have better chemistry than Kanata and Coco. There I said it.

>> No.25260351

Get those harlots away from my son

>> No.25260352

Based. Looking forward to it.

>> No.25260353
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, EWrocI4UMAQpB1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon. Different people have different taste. Personally I really like her singing voice but you are free to have your opinion

>> No.25260354
Quoted by: >>25260393

She has talked before about wanting to be able to initiate collabs with others rather than always been the one to be asked, she started off asking Marine two times and now she is taking the bigger step and asking someone outside of her comfort zone.
She had a really cute bit during supa reading today where she said that she was very nervous about sending the message to Okayu and expecting all kinds of dumb scenarios only for Okayu to respond with "Oh no problem, I'd love to"

Now we wait and see if she spergs out completely but I doubt it, Okayu is a very chill person so I don't think there will be any issues.

>> No.25260355

Given the chance, which holo would you like to share bodies with? You cannot control anything, they don't know you're there, you experience everything that they feel and can hear and easily comprehend their thoughts but you can't influence anything in any way, and it only lasts for a single day.
Hard mode: You can't be your favorite holo

>> No.25260356
File: 139 KB, 1200x675, Eezv6TqWAAAtrB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25260358

I like her songs, but some people treat her voice like the second coming of Jesus

>> No.25260360
Quoted by: >>25260388

Fubuki and Matsuri are the shill/it/mascot girls are hololive right?

>> No.25260362

I just voted to kick all touhus from the team, will they deliver?

>> No.25260363

What's the tl;dr?

>> No.25260364

I'm going to read it just because you told me not to

>> No.25260368
Quoted by: >>25260402

Kanata is a worthless whore who should graduate
There I said it

>> No.25260370


>> No.25260371
Quoted by: >>25260423


>> No.25260373


>> No.25260375

I never watch their last collab stream so this is really wholesome...Astel translating for Makea...

>> No.25260374

Haato so that I know where she lives

>> No.25260379
File: 2.96 MB, 1024x576, Akai Haato&#039;s Secret Room BGM Extended-3d3ElV4Sl_Q (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only used it 4 times in her morning streams before switching back
I like her new one but I miss it so much

>> No.25260381

Raise that room temp IQ you have.

>> No.25260383


>> No.25260384

management at least checks their DMs, right? my oshi hasn't been looking at random penises, right?

>> No.25260385
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1595283723024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260416

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTEiRl2cSPE Mel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUsnPqkuctg Marine

>> No.25260386


>> No.25260388

you forgot marine

>> No.25260389

There are multiple people who think that of their own holos

>> No.25260392

Aruran. I bet he fucks.

>> No.25260393


>> No.25260395

Ayame on christmas

>> No.25260396

You're taking things said by fans way too seriously. When Pekofags say Pekora's a comedic genius, its like yea she's funny and I can see that but obviously she's not a one of a kind genius talent at comedy. Fans gotta hyperbole because they're fans.

>> No.25260397

He really loves aqua

>> No.25260399

This seems a little exaggerated tho. Like, we're exceeding noel fanart levels.

>> No.25260400
Quoted by: >>25260423

Matsuri since she probably masturbates the most out of all holos

>> No.25260401

Most DMs are closed

>> No.25260402
File: 318 KB, 395x511, 1594554934514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't speak like that about Kanatan, she is my dear friend that I cherish despite what the narratives say!

>> No.25260404
Quoted by: >>25260415

when will we get an english stream with that intro again?

>> No.25260405
Quoted by: >>25260411

I never thought to ask until now, but why is her mascot a little pig with a horrible neck wound?

>> No.25260406

Every fanbase have that kind of people. It might be annoying but it's just their way to express their love for their oshi

>> No.25260409

Rushia's real voice came out a little there

>> No.25260410

Rushia in holohouse soon

>> No.25260411
Quoted by: >>25260441

Fubuki designed it

>> No.25260413

committing war crimes with suisui!

>> No.25260414

Thanks, I have no fucking clue how twitter works.

>> No.25260415

When was the last english stream from Haachama anyway?

>> No.25260416

Peach don't look!

>> No.25260417

>JPs using american SM site
>to promote streams on an american video hosting site
>"nooooo I don't want to see english!!!"
They will never accept you N1 kun

>> No.25260418

>Rushia trying to spoil the Holohouse

>> No.25260419

we don't know yet, but most likely not. Or at least, they will have longer MC sessions than Suisei's.

>> No.25260420

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUsnPqkuctg Marine Groove Coaster

>> No.25260422

Sheepposting make me laugh

>> No.25260423
Quoted by: >>25260431

>Think it's going to be hot and that you'll experience Matsuri slicking herself off or kissing other holos
>You're just held hostage in her brain as you watch her sobbing over a Hoshikawa stream, screaming internally as you watch her donate $120 to her and overwhelmed by her thoughts of how lonely she is

>> No.25260424

Bro...you HAVEN'T sent her a dick pic yet???

>> No.25260425


>> No.25260426

Did Korone really?


>> No.25260427

Robel x DWU collab when?

>> No.25260429
File: 409 KB, 1440x2048, EesTocIVAAEVnRW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with doxxfags? We have a new gen and theyve spent all their time on a shitty Aqua narrative for the last two days granted Aqua having to pay to lose her virginity was a nice touch but the girl in the video wasnt believable at all instead of doxxing the new girls

>> No.25260430
Quoted by: >>25260469

What would your oshi think if she knew you were so mean to her friends?

>> No.25260431

That's even hotter

>> No.25260433

do we consider the english karaoke if not april i think

>> No.25260434

>management at least checks their DMs, right?

>> No.25260435
File: 307 KB, 578x878, xvb786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260503


This is good, do this every day to ensure people doesn't forget about her but damn does it harder to wait.

>> No.25260436

I certainly would be interested in what exactly is going through haato's mind. Probably zoomer shit.

>> No.25260437

FBK on a gacha day

>> No.25260439
Quoted by: >>25260443

No, I don't want to have sex with my oshi, that defeats the purpose of liking her in the first place you fucking retard.

>> No.25260440

But I thought it was an official/approved visit? Are you just parroting some shitpost?

>> No.25260441
Quoted by: >>25260452

If true that just further increases my love of FBK. Its the best designed mascot/viewer representative.

>> No.25260443

>I don't want to have sex with my oshi, that defeats the purpose of liking her in the first place

>> No.25260444
File: 68 KB, 481x719, 12FD493D-33A1-4686-8406-CE20679EBCEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go watch Mel's stream right now !

>> No.25260445

No Korone did not, that's her roommate.

>> No.25260446
File: 124 KB, 960x540, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is a South Park Stacy

>> No.25260447

Rushia wants to join the holohouse I repeat Rushia wants to join the holohouse

>> No.25260448

>chicken korma
>naan bread
>pekora archives
name a better morning

>> No.25260449
Quoted by: >>25260460

I'm pretty sure it was Totally Accurate Battle Simulator back in May

>> No.25260450
File: 20 KB, 399x399, 1588822578842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she doesn't give a shit

>> No.25260452

The stream in which she recieved it is deleted (not because of the permissions bullshit) but some Japanese person uploaded the clip on twitter.
Haato archiver, "I love Haachama" anon probably knows what tweet I'm talking about. If he's kind he might link it

>> No.25260455
Quoted by: >>25260473

Aren't her english streams usually "practice" for when an exam or school shit is coming up? There's alot less school due to COVID.

>> No.25260456

I've been using superchats for the past three weeks to send a code that when input into a grid forms a picture of my dick

>> No.25260459
Quoted by: >>25260509


>> No.25260460
Quoted by: >>25260531

wasnt it an mario getting over it?

>> No.25260462

Man I miss when south park was good

>> No.25260463

I remember how watame wasnt sure how to do user submissions for AC and thought about opening her twitter DMs before chat told her it's super yabai.
So innocent

>> No.25260464

Wait is rushia actually joining holohouse now? Do they have spare rooms? nani big if true

>> No.25260465
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help her...

>> No.25260466

have they not announced the next radio guest for the Marine/FBK weeb show?

>> No.25260468

>believing anything that fake bitch says

>> No.25260469
Quoted by: >>25260496

What the fuck is oishi? I just watch game streams with cute voices

>> No.25260470
Quoted by: >>25260561

She isn't even pettanko

>> No.25260471

I want to know what it feels like to have a boyfriend

>> No.25260473
Quoted by: >>25260485

I don't think schools ever actually closed in Australia.

>> No.25260474

She playfully joked that it was a secret between her and discordfags. But people took it waaaay too seriously.

>> No.25260476

Once she fills the hole

>> No.25260477

Mel already shadowbanned...

>> No.25260478

delusional subafag

>> No.25260479
Quoted by: >>25260492


>> No.25260481

For some reason I admire seeing this crazed gacha addict. I've only ever heard of these addicts but this is the first time I can see one in action.

>> No.25260483

I still can't believe a holo is playing a mario game with permissions from nintendo

>> No.25260484

Why did you even reuploaded it you mongrel: https://streamable.com/dfcctt

>> No.25260485

I think haachama lives in melbourne where the schools are closed

>> No.25260486
Quoted by: >>25260507

I might be wrong then, since I'm not a towafag and isn't in their discord server. I just saw some posts here saying that it wasn't official

>> No.25260487

bait just like her every streams

>> No.25260488


I need more Ayame table slamming moments.

>> No.25260493

Send a bunch of bags to FBK, she can keep opening the same ones!

>> No.25260492


>> No.25260494
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260495
File: 740 KB, 2894x2542, 04526346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260517


>> No.25260496


>> No.25260497
Quoted by: >>25260512

I can't believe she sexualizes Mario

>> No.25260498
Quoted by: >>25260539

I need more ayame streaming moments

>> No.25260499

She did it again yesterday.

>> No.25260500
Quoted by: >>25260736

>shadowbanned for mario odyssey
I'm a fucking member and this didn't show up

>> No.25260503

I was planning on doiong so. Miko said she might also write a diary so I'll see if I post that one too

>> No.25260505
File: 19 KB, 459x599, 1596076168137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the abyss can save her.

>> No.25260507
Quoted by: >>25260543

So you're literally parroting shitposts then. Bravo.

>> No.25260509

I love her

>> No.25260510


>> No.25260511
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, COOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260512

Mel likes fat old men

>> No.25260517

FBKing pls protec mama...

>> No.25260518

>all of those replying to her ttweet with a dragon flair
Make it less obvious please

>> No.25260519
Quoted by: >>25260540

I also have the same opinion about her singing, and I'm really glad that she's really working on improving it now that she got a voice coach. Seeing her improve little by little is what makes me like her so much. Sometimes I think those who say she's the best singer is just a falseflagger but I really can't tell which ones are the falseflags these days because of the influx of new people and retards.

>> No.25260520
Quoted by: >>25260527

>Officially approved
By who? Do you really believe the retards saying Eugene was there?

>> No.25260521


>> No.25260523

>Mel is shadowbanned again

>> No.25260525
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, 1593235111748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260601


>> No.25260526

>No youtube kun bar
Since when?

>> No.25260527

Obviously her manager.

>> No.25260528

done. thanks anon! its hard to pick the new narrative since the models are limited.

>> No.25260531
Quoted by: >>25260547

No, Mario getting over it was near the end of April.

>> No.25260533
File: 2.68 MB, 594x704, 1596613569400.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's looking at it the wrong way, I'm sure most of the girls would love a week break but scared of losing fans to others specially when Gen 5 is around the corner, FBK has already announced she's taking a 1 week break on Monday.

Just go enjoy yourself.

>> No.25260536

Why must youtube hate my Mel !!!

>> No.25260537
File: 255 KB, 600x409, 1596638634076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost legitimately killed hololive
nah fuck her she can suffer for a while i have no sympathy

>> No.25260539
File: 689 KB, 2508x3541, EKIvnNtUwAAKrZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260540
Quoted by: >>25260584

What if I say I like her the best

>> No.25260541
File: 908 KB, 937x450, astel and makea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these two idiots so much

>> No.25260542

Aqua's tweets to the the 5th gen is hilariously autistic

>> No.25260543
Quoted by: >>25260567

Well, her discordfans were sperging in the comment section so it sounds believable to me

>> No.25260546

Please...Watch Mel...

>> No.25260547

i really miss her english voice in a stream

>> No.25260548
Quoted by: >>25260566

>5th gen L2D got more views than Red Heart

>> No.25260549

she's just pretending to be retarded

>> No.25260550

I feel most alive when rapidly approaching my bags

>> No.25260551

How was she to know that Capcom would be the one that would strike her for it? This kind of thing is on her manager and Cover, not her

>> No.25260552
File: 119 KB, 800x742, ELgeuqFUcAUwhIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.25260553
File: 145 KB, 720x1587, EE47fVWUYAEzqhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Mel just use her holiday costume?

>> No.25260554
Quoted by: >>25260569

>Marine,Flare,Noel and Rushia all have official swimsuit
Hagure-mama onegai....

>> No.25260555

Poor Watame had to go outside.

>> No.25260556
Quoted by: >>25260572

What is Senchou playing?

>> No.25260557


>> No.25260559

I legit feel bad for Mel

>> No.25260560

i am on 3 different consoles

>> No.25260561

She always says that she is boing boing so not fake.

>> No.25260562
Quoted by: >>25260582

god damn it... where are all the whiteknights? its heartbreaking to see Mel with homotier views

>> No.25260564
File: 193 KB, 850x1007, 1588080355910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.25260565

I need visual proof of this.

>> No.25260566
Quoted by: >>25260592

didnt she get 350k on twitter though?

>> No.25260567

That's because they're retarded EOPs who parrot the same shitposts you fell for.

>> No.25260569

No lewding the usagi

>> No.25260570

stfu faggot

>> No.25260572

Groove coaster on switch

>> No.25260573
Quoted by: >>25260638

i remembered watching it live, wasnt iofi's steam name just some Voice Actor name?

>> No.25260575

I am

>> No.25260577
File: 120 KB, 768x768, 1577619769876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel, just go play AEK like Aki.

>> No.25260578

Marine the 2nd face of Tohou.

>> No.25260580

I can't stop staring at Mels fat tits

>> No.25260582

mel is the new roboco

>> No.25260584


>> No.25260585

is she shadowbanned?

>> No.25260586

>capcom, aided by cover's management almost killed hololive

>> No.25260587
Quoted by: >>25260613

To be honest it's fucking hot outside right now.

>> No.25260588

She is

>> No.25260590
File: 201 KB, 333x671, totally botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife sie-i mean botan

>> No.25260591
Quoted by: >>25260602

Is virtual cleavage really enough to shadowban a channel

>> No.25260592
Quoted by: >>25260617

Yeah, about that...

>> No.25260593

Tbh the strike hitting Mio feels like a calculated move, the last permission arc Mio was there to save Hololive with her collab skills, and the latest permission arc she was disabled manually by capcom.
Capcom must have some investment in Niji.

>> No.25260595
File: 388 KB, 518x725, Eezmy64UEAQvh66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260597
File: 254 KB, 1447x2047, EY7hZpTUYAAm313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping by to say that after catching up on the last three threads before this, I realized I am absolutely an idolfag. The brief twisting of my stomach that I felt before that anon debunked the SEAniggers' new bullshit has motivated me to leave this place, do my reps, and go back to the gym, fuck the pandemic. I hate all of you niggers more than you could ever know.

>> No.25260598

Ayame or Towa
I want to feel what it's like to be fucked on a daily basis as a female.

>> No.25260599

LOL the frogs are getting chroma keyed out

>> No.25260600

What the heck is going on on Mel's stream

>> No.25260601

Well then they obviously can't be the same person.

>> No.25260602


>> No.25260603

holy fucking shit marine

>> No.25260604

She also likes to play around with her live2D like using hats, which let's viewers send in hats to her.

>> No.25260606

Marine those noises...

>> No.25260607
Quoted by: >>25260677

cope lol. mio was at fault and you can't deny it

>> No.25260609
File: 98 KB, 943x644, dsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260618

Mel.. your chat...

>> No.25260610


>> No.25260612
Quoted by: >>25260629

I get normal recommendations, so nope.

>> No.25260613
File: 21 KB, 645x472, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, I would be streaming during the night too with these temps.

>> No.25260614

>Poor Watame had to go outside.
I love my hikkisheep

>> No.25260615

I just don't understand. Do they really have 0 communication with YouTube? I'm really not a numbersfag but damn, I love Mel

>> No.25260617

well shit guess this is why haato will never return huh?

>> No.25260618


>> No.25260623

>teleported in the same place
fucking astel lmao

>> No.25260625


>> No.25260624
Quoted by: >>25260671

YouTube doesn't talk to anyone
It's run by an AI

>> No.25260627

Having communication with youtube requires Cover to be competent.

>> No.25260628
File: 2.21 MB, 2000x1275, 1596301746531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used a fucking modified DS to capture gameplay
no it was entirely her fault you retards. its illegal to do that.

>> No.25260629

She is shadowbanned. She's not in my sub box.

>> No.25260630

>36C in the afternoon with high humidity
it must feel horrible without air conditioning

>> No.25260631

Imagine you're home when watame comes back all sweaty and exhausted

>> No.25260634

I'd forgotten Marine's not that great at rhythm games. But Groove Coaster's really fun.

>> No.25260635
File: 1.96 MB, 1361x1892, Eeu7m_2UcAMP-UY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260665

Imagine the odour

>> No.25260637

They had people demonetized for months, Cover is too incompetent do anything right

>> No.25260638

Yes, but if you search her name on google, you'll get her facebook page along with her IRL pic

>> No.25260639

>humidity 67%
Imagine the smell after that walk outside

>> No.25260640

It's retarded for it to be illegal tho

>> No.25260641

>used a fucking modified DS to capture gameplay
That had nothing to do with it you retard.

>> No.25260643

marine jesus christ

>> No.25260644
Quoted by: >>25260658

if i wake up and astel is still streaming ill be very disappointed. hes supposed to be the apex legend

>> No.25260645



>> No.25260646
Quoted by: >>25260697

>its illegal to do that.
The fact some japs unironically think like this makes me so fucking mad

>> No.25260650
File: 2.98 MB, 2150x3036, EbnJOW1U0AA54De.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260662


>> No.25260651

The modified DS has nothing to do with the copystrike. It's just Capcom being assholes.

>> No.25260653

Mel is cute!

>> No.25260655

ok thats it, joining the moonafic next stream

>> No.25260656

Youtube is not run by people, for google it's just a place to train their AI.

>> No.25260658


>> No.25260657
Quoted by: >>25260671

Shadowbanned by the AI

>> No.25260659
File: 1.31 MB, 1754x1240, EW20msBUwAA-HnE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260668

It happens to the best of us.

>> No.25260660

Big Moona needs her fat

>> No.25260661

Since everyone has 3D now, I think its time the holos try to make a viral dance like Soulja Boi did ages ago.

>> No.25260662
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1591976252719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

envision the aroma

>> No.25260663

Rubbing Moona's fat belly

>> No.25260665

Absolutely fucking rancid
Fuck you for ruining my lunch

>> No.25260666

i wonder how long that supply will last..

>> No.25260667


>> No.25260668
File: 1.21 MB, 1446x2046, 79357312_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell what you mean by that.

>> No.25260669

>fried chicken intestines

>> No.25260670

>rushia coco collab lasted more than an hour

>> No.25260671

So it's literally run by skynet? No one is in control of this AI ?

>> No.25260672
File: 1.01 MB, 577x858, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does she weight?

>> No.25260673
File: 145 KB, 828x1708, EdfR-eaU0AEV8mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260728

>cow skin cracker

>> No.25260674

beta blockers anon

>> No.25260675

Notice regarding termination of Ookami Mio contract: https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1290846306173255680

>> No.25260677

Yes I can deny it because we all know it's not the whole story

>> No.25260679
Quoted by: >>25260756

You may as well post an edited image at least then the date can be right

>> No.25260680
File: 180 KB, 530x775, 1595405987795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something wrong?

>> No.25260681
File: 28 KB, 598x259, homolive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moona thats haram

>> No.25260682

>Yes we'll let you stream our content
>wtf why did you modify your hardware to allow you to stream our content, you're mean
I don't think so

>> No.25260684


>> No.25260686

Suspension, not termination

>> No.25260687
Quoted by: >>25260702

I really liked the first 3-4 worlds of odyssey. This is making me want to play along.

>> No.25260688
Quoted by: >>25260727

There's nothing wrong with being an idolfag

>> No.25260690

Please support Mel during these hard shadowbanned times.

>> No.25260691

You're trying too hard

>> No.25260693

They can probably make exceptions, but it's clear that google is not trying to make money from youtube.

>> No.25260694
Quoted by: >>25260711

Youtube are lazy. They are firing their human mods when covid starts and relies more on the AI. They even say there will be more false positives and told youtubers to just deal with it

>> No.25260696

Why the fuck can't she talk to me like that, Moonafics?

>> No.25260697

even better is that the antis that were pushing it (the ones I saw were on Twitter) shut up pretty quickly when it was pointed out that there are Nijis that did the same thing

>> No.25260698
Quoted by: >>25260733

Marine, please pronounce the ahn ahn ahn ahn...

>> No.25260699

about 1 risu and 2 Lofis

>> No.25260700
File: 509 KB, 439x841, 116799610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute suisui cosplay in BW

>> No.25260701

Fuck you

>> No.25260702

its a good game playing normally and getting all the moons at the start, but once all the post-game moons unlock its just a fucking chore

>> No.25260704

Supplies for one night?

>> No.25260705
File: 89 KB, 1000x866, 1592708260155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25260707

Holy based

>> No.25260708
File: 184 KB, 1352x901, 1585533476186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they thought it was a meme.

>> No.25260709

Someone please contact that hololive admin in reddit and tell them to sort it out with YT. I don't have account there

>> No.25260711

It doesn't even make sense, you can easily moderate YouTube from a home office.

>> No.25260712

Moona more like Moon.

>> No.25260713

Google risks nothing by having AI run amok. There's no real competition. Firing people saves money even if the AI is wrong.

>> No.25260714

>Say "Hey guy!" so the overseas fans will be happy

Damn we're easy to please

>> No.25260715


>> No.25260716

That's a guy ain't it?

>> No.25260717

Youtube is huge, you need to hire an army of moderators
Or you just write a stupid AI that does it for you

>> No.25260718

Any dick pics?

>> No.25260719

Because it's an excuse to cut cost.

>> No.25260722
Quoted by: >>25260737

Where do these independents that haven't even debuted get these followers

>> No.25260723

>they thought the axe was just for cosplay

>> No.25260724
File: 22 KB, 600x567, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine you're home when watame comes back all sweaty and exhausted
Don't remind me FUCK

>> No.25260725

She's training the gaijin like dogs.

>> No.25260726
File: 1.43 MB, 3508x2480, 1565809789682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260772

She should do 1 game clear a month with 1 member from Hololive.
Would be cool.

>> No.25260727
File: 3.84 MB, 2150x3000, 80750321_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I wasn't very clear in my post. I am returning to self-improvement after a long stagnation, motivated by the feelings I felt after seeing the last few threads. I know there's nothing wrong with being an idolfag. I just never truly realized that I am one until now.

>> No.25260728
Quoted by: >>25260742

>cow skin cracker
You mean pork rinds?

>> No.25260729

>That wrist
And I thought I was skinny

>> No.25260730

I wish mel wasn't eternally shadowbanned.

>> No.25260732

For fucks sake YouTube, at least show it to me if I'm subscribed to her

>> No.25260733

ASMR sex with marine on touhoubeat

>> No.25260734

Looks like a guy, unless it's an extremely flat woman like the real Suisei

>> No.25260736
File: 75 KB, 338x322, 1595166211407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowbanned? She should restart her stream!

>> No.25260737

they leeched off on HoloID

>> No.25260738
Quoted by: >>25260740

>last three threads before this
What are you guys talking about? This is my first thread and I'm too lazy to check 6k posts

>> No.25260739
Quoted by: >>25260755

this is 100% male for sure

>> No.25260740

Nice try.

>> No.25260741
Quoted by: >>25260754

You can just use the AI to flag content and have human review them under a certain confidence threshold

>> No.25260742

>pork rinds
Yeah it's similar enough.

>> No.25260744

That's good. It's also good that if you're going to be an idolfag, it's for the perfect angel Aqua.

>> No.25260745
File: 16 KB, 228x172, 1592539448731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30+ degrees in Europe today.

>> No.25260746

Imagine you're home and this is the first thing you see

>> No.25260747

What did the monkeys do this time?

>> No.25260748

can't argue with that I love Holo english, it's so cute

>> No.25260749

>plot twist, it's actually her roommate cosplaying

>> No.25260750
File: 150 KB, 385x406, 1578914397887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Fubuki's husband, she'll milk your marriage funds you worked hard for wageslaving 90 hours a week

>> No.25260751

Oh ok, I thought you started to hate yourself after realising you're an idolfag. Good luck then.

>> No.25260753
File: 10 KB, 160x160, SuiseiStare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260796

like the real what anon?

>> No.25260754

or you can NOT have a human review them, and save money

>> No.25260755
File: 561 KB, 856x479, 117253752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260817

>Those arms

>> No.25260756
File: 45 KB, 626x360, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260757
Quoted by: >>25260770

cringe, you'll give up after a day

>> No.25260758
File: 727 KB, 1704x1584, sankisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never get to see this in 3D because of the retarded Youtube policy
I hate it

>> No.25260759
File: 134 KB, 504x651, 1572138468659-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260780


>> No.25260760

can the guy stalking haachama make her do an english stream

>> No.25260761
File: 64 KB, 500x641, 1578624552152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260762


>> No.25260765
File: 379 KB, 1448x2048, Eev-tcDUEAE-omN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a cool and fresh holo

>> No.25260766
File: 721 KB, 700x1252, 1583943450227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't donate more or people will make more lewd art of me!

>> No.25260767

>hire an army of mods
Or, you know, not be woke pearl-clutching puritans trying to be the world's thought police

>> No.25260768
File: 120 KB, 241x224, 1572273872055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the heat too. she should hydrate with watermelons

>> No.25260769

It happened like 5am here in flipland and I had to check the archives just to understand what's going on so don't blame SEAnigs. Also it came from 5ch.

>> No.25260770
Quoted by: >>25260785

Speak for yourself, fag. I only stopped going to the gym because of the pandemic, been lifting for three years now.

>> No.25260771
File: 20 KB, 643x416, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow here it's decent, but it's still hot without air conditioning.

>> No.25260772

That would be pretty cool. A monthly "stream until clear" with a partner sounds like a great show.
I don't think Korone would be up for it though or it would eventually just turn into OkaKoro and MariKoro.

>> No.25260773

I can't believe the nenefags are behind this

>> No.25260774

>your favourite holo
>how long you've been a NEET
3 years

>> No.25260775
File: 287 KB, 1701x2511, 1594520019943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the party aqua-bro.

>> No.25260777

What did Noels roommate mean by this?


>> No.25260778
Quoted by: >>25260791

Can they release it on other platform? Storyfire?

>> No.25260779

there's streams on you retard, fuck off with these garbage posts.

>> No.25260780
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1590967847625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260807


>> No.25260784

You're better off not knowing, it's fake anyway.

>> No.25260785

post body

>> No.25260789

>it will go up to 37 where I live
Not gonna make it bros...

>> No.25260790

Where is Bad Apple Senchou????

>> No.25260791


>> No.25260792
Quoted by: >>25260797

Mel is like a combination of Rushia and Haato that actually plays games

>> No.25260793
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1594277380759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I had heard that baka song somewhere

>> No.25260795
Quoted by: >>25260823

I want to see Senchou's swimsuit!

>> No.25260796

I-it was a joke Suisei
P-put the axe down, w-we can talk this over

>> No.25260797

why doesnt haato play games as much anymore?

>> No.25260801

Have you manage to fap to gen 5 yet Anon?
I still got Lamy and Nene on my list

>> No.25260802

She isn't a gamer

>> No.25260804
File: 62 KB, 208x246, 1577167779089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is bait

>> No.25260805

>Sheepfags don't know Cirno

>> No.25260806
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1590125514769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260880

there's no way you haven't heard cirnos ultimate math class before, stop larping nerd

>> No.25260807
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1590716451349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260809
Quoted by: >>25260857

Fuck it. Just make it a paid stream in NND or bilibli just like Aqua's concert. Make them do gravure shots, concert or anything. Make it big

>> No.25260810

Unbased, a true holo fan should be a productive member of society.

>> No.25260812


>> No.25260813

She wants total control over her content and game reaction can be unpredictable

>> No.25260814

Good luck, anon.

>> No.25260815

>these are the type of people in the thread.
I want out.

>> No.25260816

If it's the same than it was at night, then 5ch found a jav where the girl's voice similar to Aqua's, literally that's all. That faggot is the dumb retard because he believed it even just for a moment, it was literally just a meme. It was in burgerhours, I don't know what the seaniggers did after, I was asleep.

>> No.25260817

>wig is blueberry colored, not light blue
>hair strands are symmetrical
>huge as fuck crown
>ribbons near the belt part missing
>hilariously huge ribbon
>no inner white blouse
2/10 cosplay sasuga china

>> No.25260818
File: 595 KB, 512x512, 1590885955281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are the tourists we get now

>> No.25260819
File: 981 KB, 3508x2480, 1596747783991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right

>> No.25260821


>> No.25260823

I want to see Senchou's lack of swimsuit!

>> No.25260824
Quoted by: >>25260842

Did you see her attempt on GOI few days ago?

>> No.25260828
File: 86 KB, 960x540, 5th_gen_rejects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't frequent these threads for the past month so I was excited to learn that 5th gen is coming soon, but what the fuck happened to these two? I got excited for nothing.

>> No.25260829
File: 232 KB, 404x479, shep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am employed and have an education

>> No.25260830

I sincerely hope this is bait

>> No.25260831
Quoted by: >>25260864

What the fuck did she mean by this?

>> No.25260833

me on the left

>> No.25260834

This is a bait

>> No.25260836

>snack under bed
do fatties really?

>> No.25260838 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 350x365, 1593374509589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't embarass us

>> No.25260839
Quoted by: >>25260849


>> No.25260840
Quoted by: >>25260861

their designs are being saved for Gamers 2

>> No.25260841
File: 393 KB, 398x607, 1595903841306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has become of /jp/?

>> No.25260842

wasnt even a stream at all became a talk

>> No.25260844

Kakage was the one Kaoru was fucking, his contract with Cover was terminated

>> No.25260846
File: 61 KB, 220x220, 1576645767276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recycled for holo EN

>> No.25260847
File: 1.24 MB, 840x1500, clownpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260877

I lost to this clownpussy

>> No.25260848

imagine being this much of a

>> No.25260849

OK Lack needs to draw more Flare it seems

>> No.25260851

>astel so desperate for kills he's foregoing safety and just punching the nigs
this is hilarious

>> No.25260852

Me with the camera.

>> No.25260853

Mio/Miko replacements

>> No.25260854

6th gen or Gamers v2

>> No.25260855

That's the point

>> No.25260856

hope you're ready for holoID

>> No.25260857
Quoted by: >>25260878

noels boobs are stupid huge though imagine marines boob physics on her, would put DOA to shame

>> No.25260858
Quoted by: >>25260870

Stop giving me (You)'s
I knew it was from 2hu haha

>> No.25260859

i fucking want that chuuni tanuki

>> No.25260861

But will Hinata keep her design?

>> No.25260862
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1592049504727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260872

Guaranteed replies: the post

>> No.25260863
Quoted by: >>25260889

That's the point anon. Her laptop shits the bed streaming at 1080p imagine it playing something

>> No.25260864
Quoted by: >>25260911

She's a fennec fox (animal)

>> No.25260865
File: 197 KB, 955x995, 1583379345335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25260914

fat bitch in the making

>> No.25260866

Not a bad cover from Marine. Might have to buy the song pack now.

The Gen 5 we have now were ready since April (when their YT channels were made). So these two are probably part of a different branch or something that will be announced later.

>> No.25260867

>people forgot about Okayu and Korone introduction.

>> No.25260869
Quoted by: >>25260894

>mel only has 1.3k viewers

>> No.25260870

Prove it.

>> No.25260872
Quoted by: >>25260902

the tourists only get worse anon

>> No.25260876
Quoted by: >>25260898

For holoEN or holoID gen 2, kek

>> No.25260875

Noooooo.... Nobuhime was supposed to be one of them.

>> No.25260877
File: 855 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25260878
Quoted by: >>25260929

It would be amazing, the holos will get more popular. If only Cover is competent.

>> No.25260879
Quoted by: >>25260970

Coco and Rushia keep talking about Miko-sempai but it passes over me, please someone help.

>> No.25260880
Quoted by: >>25260885

isint it perfect math class? or have i been calling it the wrong fucking thing all these years

>> No.25260882

Haachama wants shitposts?

>> No.25260884

holy fuck I hope she actually can speak english

>> No.25260885

It's perfect, I'm the retard.

>> No.25260886
Quoted by: >>25260895

These are the new Mio and Miko respectively. I hope you get used to it

>> No.25260887
File: 288 KB, 531x486, 1582745532940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha gottem

>> No.25260889

can someone just sponsorher and give her a fucking good laptop already

>> No.25260893

Lamy is hot

>> No.25260894

today in general seems like a pretty slow day

>> No.25260895

I'm ready to become a Tanukiboat poster.

>> No.25260897

We're all a little bit retarded here.

>> No.25260898

please dont make it holoid thanks

>> No.25260900

They are not new gens. They are for replacing 2 holos that are not renewing their contract.

>> No.25260902
Quoted by: >>25260906

wake me up aniki...

>> No.25260903


>> No.25260905

Calm before the storm, we have the weekend coming up, and then 5 debuts next week. This will probably be the last slow day until the 17th or so.

>> No.25260906
Quoted by: >>25260923

He's dead, its time to let go and move on grandpa..

>> No.25260907

I cannot believe what I'm missing, marine actually has 0 rhythm

>> No.25260908

which 5th gen is the EOP panderer, is it clown botan or Nene.

>> No.25260910


>> No.25260911

>Answers with "Don't be cruel to animals"
I don't get it. Am I retarded?

>> No.25260912

Anal amy is always hot

>> No.25260913


>> No.25260914

watame is the one getting fat

>> No.25260916
Quoted by: >>25260920

all of them

>> No.25260918

>0 years

I have to work to support my supacha addiction

>> No.25260919

Itchy knee some!

>> No.25260920
Quoted by: >>25260927

I haven't seen Lamy or Aloe speak english.

>> No.25260922
Quoted by: >>25260971

10 years.

>> No.25260923

Not like this....

>> No.25260924
Quoted by: >>25260935

which holo has the best knees

>> No.25260925

stop treating like everyone knows the baka song

>> No.25260928
Quoted by: >>25260938

What cup size is that?

>> No.25260929
Quoted by: >>25261004

we have to trade the nintendo permissions for noels boobs anon, are you willing to make that sacrifice after we lost mio and miko?

>> No.25260927

i mean all that he mentioned

>> No.25260931

Yeah, this thread is pretty alright compared to the previous threads

>> No.25260932

6 years next month

>> No.25260933

Remember that Mel is an unironic menhera with daddy issues

>> No.25260934

Sheepfags, look who's trying to ride on her calculations

>> No.25260935

your favorite

>> No.25260936

Why dont they just play osu

>> No.25260937


>> No.25260938

Mommy sized.

>> No.25260940

Shadowbannig is the slimiest shit I swear
>your not doing anything warranting a ban but we don't like it so we'll just fuck your views

>> No.25260942

burger here, is that supposed to be hot or something? that's barely warm enough to warrant turning on a fan

>> No.25260943

Nene's said she can't speak english, so probably not her

>> No.25260944

Are all ASMR girls like this?

>> No.25260945

Copyrighted music.

>> No.25260946


>> No.25260947

prove it

>> No.25260948


>> No.25260950
Quoted by: >>25260969

It's a クソリプ

>> No.25260951

I will be her daddy if she lets me.

>> No.25260952

Is there any way to reverse a shadowban or is it permanent?

>> No.25260956

>Polka, we wouldn't want another one of you 5th gen get banned on Twitter before you debut.

>> No.25260957
Quoted by: >>25260969

>Haachama: random shitpost contest, post only stupid shit in the replies pls
>Clown pussy: "Don't be cruel to animals"

>> No.25260958

Rushia joining holohouse might actually not a bad of an idea
She gets along with both Coco and Kanata, and while she doesn't interact with Suisei much nowadays her past collabs with her are interesting. Rushia would also definitely live alone on a different apartment

>> No.25260959
Quoted by: >>25260968

we use normal metric instead of farenheit anon...

>> No.25260960

any aki members in this thread?

>> No.25260961

Watame just recreates the stream over and over.

>> No.25260962

Make a new stream frame like Watame does

>> No.25260963

As if I haven't put my dick in crazy. Mel is at least an anime girl.

>> No.25260964

Rushia only cares about money. Sasuga WoH

>> No.25260965

This fucking clown is having so much fun fucking around on twitter, how am I supposed to not love her immediately?

>> No.25260966

>0 years
my oshi works hard, why don't i?

>> No.25260967

I don't know but I'm mesmerized, I literally can't fap without listening Mel's ASMR-s

>> No.25260968

as I said, is 30 supposed to be hot or something? I can see complaining once it gets 42 or 43...

>> No.25260969

>She records herself ligthing dogs on fire
Oh no...

>> No.25260970
Quoted by: >>25260979

They talked about that ARK festival they'll do after Miko comes back.

>> No.25260971

oh grand wizard i bow in your presence

>> No.25260972
Quoted by: >>25261009

Yeah, I'm an Akichad.

>> No.25260973

But that's exactly what Marine wants.

>> No.25260976

26 is already fucking hot for me. Fucking hate it

>> No.25260977

Rushia could move in with her brother

>> No.25260979

Are they gonna do it in Miko's ARK shrine?

>> No.25260980

>a wild animal on twitter
>barely talks on stream because too shy

>> No.25260981

Twitter antics make her the one whose debut I'm looking forward to. If she can keep this energy and has a good voice, I'll watch her.

>> No.25260982
Quoted by: >>25260995

>Mel is a girl
Thanks, didn't notice

>> No.25260983

Because you're used to it.

>> No.25260984

wait for the depressed clown arc once she burns out

>> No.25260986
Quoted by: >>25261009

Yes what you need my man.

>> No.25260987

She would have to grab another holo to make a pair though. Who would go with her, Watame?

>> No.25260988

Lamy's lamy

>> No.25260989


>> No.25260990

0 years

>> No.25260991
Quoted by: >>25261009


>> No.25260993

Might as well stream themselves browsing nyaa and downloading stuff from there.

>> No.25260994

My oshi is a keyboard warrior too, sounds lovely.

>> No.25260995

wait Mel is a girl?

>> No.25260996
Quoted by: >>25261003

I'm from /a/ and everyone knows it over there.

>> No.25260997

Nene's nenes

>> No.25260999

just like usada...

>> No.25261000

>People find out Polka may actually of been a real clown
>Most forget about Botan and start riding the clown train
Well then..

>> No.25261002

even /v/ knows "the baka song"

>> No.25261003

I'm from /v/ and at least 80% of them know it

>> No.25261004

Of course

>> No.25261005

Bros I just woke up... is Watame okay.......?

>> No.25261007

All these gen 5 replying to every Holo tweet is a bit jarring.

>> No.25261008

Botancoin was always a bull trap.

>> No.25261009

just want to know if her membership is worth it or not if you dont mind, i really want to support her since shes been growing on me

>> No.25261011
Quoted by: >>25261020

Invest in Aloecoin! She isn't replying to every holo tweet...

>> No.25261013

I'm from fucking /g/ and I know the song. Fuck off newfag

>> No.25261015

Just sweaty.

>> No.25261018
Quoted by: >>25261033

This is their best time to get their foot out the door and ensure as many people turn up to their first stream as possible. I respect the hustle

>> No.25261019

yeah, she had to go out to see her boyfriend today https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1291684037614948357

>> No.25261020
Quoted by: >>25261035


>> No.25261021

Who else is excited for Okayu and Pekora tee tee moments?

>> No.25261022

I've been in the Clown game since she was revealed, feels good

>> No.25261024

What does she even do in her member streams? I like her but fucking hell a man can only take so much ark

>> No.25261027

if she is your oshi you should support her anon...

>> No.25261029

its all part of the hustle bro

>> No.25261033

This, I'm sure the senpais don't mind, most of them have been there themselves. Also remember that for this week Twitter is their entire job.

>> No.25261034

It might rub off badly to another people but personally I really like how talkative this stupid clown is, her personality is really coming off strong. It'll also be quite interesting to see her in collabs based on how she talked to the older gens.

>> No.25261035
Quoted by: >>25261060

She has the least twitter activity out of Gen 5 even after she got out of Twitter jail.

>> No.25261036

In Bongland we're not used to hot weather, Anything over 30 and everyones melting.

>> No.25261037

she met with me earlier

>> No.25261038

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.25261039

They'll probably tone it down after they debut.

>> No.25261042

They are networking

>> No.25261043

Polka = Aria

>> No.25261044

At least our video is the 2nd most viewed right Nenebros... haha...

>> No.25261045

imagine giving money to a streamer that makes more than you do in a month in a matter of days

>> No.25261046


>> No.25261048

Aloecoin is gonna skyrocket, trust me

>> No.25261049

Aaaahhhh......knight cups....

>> No.25261051

I want to ram my rammy between Lamy's lamys

>> No.25261052

I only buy merch.

>> No.25261054

Invest in Nenecoin

>> No.25261056

Senchou is a shill!

>> No.25261058

check her twitter, she's schlicking to lack's 1st anniv flare art right now

>> No.25261059


>> No.25261060

>the least twitter activity
Not a very good prospect for the value of aloecoin in the future

>> No.25261061
Quoted by: >>25261130

>he didnt go all in on lamycoin
rookie mistake. botanfags are going to crash hard.

>> No.25261063
Quoted by: >>25261128

see you in bilibili hahahahaha 草

>> No.25261066
Quoted by: >>25261085

Imagine dumping your money on superchats, instead of directly buying the merch multiple times.

>> No.25261068

Lamy is the cute!!!

>> No.25261069

Because the only songs they can play are Camellia song since those are the only songs that have direct permissions from the artist.

>> No.25261071

I don't care what anyone else thinks about her I love chinese anime girls and will support her even if she's the least popular.

>> No.25261072

I don't have to imagine

>> No.25261073


>> No.25261074
Quoted by: >>25261244

Support her if you like her. She makes wallpaper/calendars for members. We had a membership only singing stream and a slither in the last 2 months.

>> No.25261075

They are even shadowbanned to people who subscribed to her. What's the point? YT needs a viable competitor

>> No.25261076

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TCXJxabHqY Flare

>> No.25261077

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TCXJxabHqY Flare totsumachi!

>> No.25261079

I sincerely doubt they do

>> No.25261080

I'm rich as fuck, I can do whatever I want with my disposable money

>> No.25261083

why isnt haato collabing with watame anymore?

>> No.25261084

I hate how these rhythm games are released on 4 different platforms and all of the versions have different DLC

>> No.25261085

Imagine that a small fraction of that goes actually to the holo.

>> No.25261086
Quoted by: >>25261102

It was a fake relationship

>> No.25261089

Miko...pls call...

>> No.25261091

>Polka may actually of been a real clown
What kind of retarded narrative have you people been making up while I was asleep?

>> No.25261092

I hope to god Polka doesn't sound like Towa. I'd be utterly disappointed because I don't want another vtuber with good design that has a shit voice.

>> No.25261093

Is it narrative time

>> No.25261095

There is literally nothing wrong with "chinese" anime girls and only newfags think there is

>> No.25261096

FBK's shill stream yesterday probably earned her more money in one stream than many people do in a year anon. they dont need people to drop supacha left and right.

>> No.25261097


>> No.25261098
Quoted by: >>25261122

Age and temperament difference

>> No.25261100

She is in Australia.

>> No.25261101
Quoted by: >>25261151

feels like it's been a while, when was the last time we got totsumachi again?

>> No.25261102
Quoted by: >>25261138

aw man they were kinda cute together

>> No.25261103
Quoted by: >>25261136

She might be shadowbanned and thus not grow, but Mel is keeping her normal 1,2k viewers. I'm proud of you Melbros

>> No.25261104

Singing, drawing and multiplayer games with the members that isn't ARK. She also make wallpapers/calendar sometimes.

>> No.25261106

/hlg/ can't handle holo staying in her character

>> No.25261107

How do you think a Suisei Shion collab would work out?

>> No.25261108

>Miko said the n-word
>She retired
Karma is a bitch heh

>> No.25261109

based, fuck towafags

>> No.25261110

Lamycoin is going strong
Also first to debut

>> No.25261112
Quoted by: >>25261198

>imagine giving money to a streamer that makes more than you do in a month in a matter of days
You can say the same about people who watch movies or sport matches

>> No.25261113

if lamy isnt mommy voiced im going to neck myself

>> No.25261116

Anyone got Okayus ASMR archived? I was in the middle of watching one before it got axed

>> No.25261117


>> No.25261119
Quoted by: >>25261141

As opposed to superchats?

>> No.25261122
Quoted by: >>25261149

is watame that old?

>> No.25261123
Quoted by: >>25261154


>> No.25261125
Quoted by: >>25261137

>shit voice

Do you enjoy holos whose voice resemble a fingernail scratching across a blackboard?

>> No.25261127

Collab when

>> No.25261128

Lamy's actually the most popular in bilibili right now though

>> No.25261129

With their new apartment setup it could easily be possible to get her there. She at least sounded really excited about it.

>> No.25261130
Quoted by: >>25261153

The Botan fans have now invested in Polkacoin. I threw everything into lamycoin and won't give up.

>> No.25261132

Haato doesn't provide significant boost for Watame anymore.

>> No.25261133

Good day faggots
Has Risu a PC yet?

>> No.25261134

Insider here, Flare week break announcement today.

>> No.25261136

I am not a Melfag but I am starting to find her cute.

>> No.25261137

Towa's voice sounds like shes holding her shit in while streaming.

>> No.25261138

>aw man they were kinda cute together
They weren't. It was really forced and they lacked chemistry

>> No.25261139

Polka used to work as a trapeze artist but she got an injury in an accident which stopped her ccareer. Now she is trying v-tubers as an alternative.

>> No.25261141

20-30% actually goes to holo. Merch is lower %.

>> No.25261142

if you want to know why people find twitch lingo so revolting, try watching an hour of any big twitch streamer's stream and read the chat, xqc is a perfect example

>> No.25261144


>> No.25261145

Not a narrative faggot. This isn't burger hours. Nice try though.

>> No.25261146

Are you retarded? The most successful holos right now earn at least $1k per stream, and this is just in superchats. In reality they also earn an above average salary in pure memberships.

>> No.25261147

How much do the holos actually get for every supacha?

>> No.25261148
Quoted by: >>25261188

>this is what EOPs actually believe

>> No.25261149
Quoted by: >>25261179

Their ages' first digits are off by 2

>> No.25261150


>> No.25261151
Quoted by: >>25261209

does roboco's counts? it's only a week ago iirc

>> No.25261152

well shit guess no more collabs

>> No.25261153
Quoted by: >>25261180

can you go elsewhere with these dogshit memes.

>> No.25261154

damn...either she's really dedicated to selling her character or is just an unironic circus lover

>> No.25261155

Botan is Dragon slave, her career already promising.

>> No.25261157

I unironically think Nene has the best design. It's just her outfit colours that look off

>> No.25261156

Is flare doing pre celebration stream or what

>> No.25261158

Marine finishing just in time for Flare

>> No.25261159
Quoted by: >>25261194

Amazing ending to the RushiCoco stream.

>> No.25261160


>> No.25261162
Quoted by: >>25261212


>> No.25261168

I'm warning you anons.
Sell sheepcoin.
Invest in onicoin.

>> No.25261170

Clownfags autism is strong.
Botan is also a lion escaped from the new york zoo before meeting a wizard that gave her human body, she's still looking for her penguin friends to this day.
If you see them please notify botan.

>> No.25261171
Quoted by: >>25261212


>> No.25261173


>> No.25261174


>> No.25261175

I love this new narrative.

>> No.25261176

Your totsumachi...

>> No.25261177

haato realized watame's building up a cult and ran before it was too late

>> No.25261179

is watame fucking 30?

>> No.25261180

Fuck off if you don't even know what a meme is reddit bitch

>> No.25261181

Flare totsu lets go

>> No.25261182

It was all Haato from the get-go when she was "stalking" her in Minecraft. Watame couldn't play off her beyond building a haachama house.

>> No.25261185
Quoted by: >>25261226

Doesn't noel's roommate accept donations?

>> No.25261187
Quoted by: >>25261212

30% for youtube
30% for apple
50% for cover
so they're left with negative money after that

>> No.25261188

>this is what a poor EOP from SEA believes.

>> No.25261189


are you fucking 12? Piss off.

>> No.25261191

Polka is a performer at a small circus using vtuber work as a means to advertise

>> No.25261192


>> No.25261194

Hope they will calling Flare together.

>> No.25261195

Then try to retire me nigger.

>> No.25261196
Quoted by: >>25261235

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.25261198

Wrong. Sports fans don't tip their favorite soccer player. And by the way, yes superchats are tips.

>> No.25261199

That's not how it works anon

>> No.25261201
Quoted by: >>25261220

Incest in clowncoins

>> No.25261204

>60 minute stream

>> No.25261205

Flare sake as merch,onegai

>> No.25261206
Quoted by: >>25261214

15%. Coco said it in her stream.

>> No.25261207

Why would a holo only get a small fraction of something from a voice pack? It's not like there's much cost to Cover for producing those

>> No.25261208

Mel forgetting the time and wanting to watch Flare, so cute

>> No.25261209
Quoted by: >>25261222

oh, that one slipped my mind. the last totsu i remember is when newfags complaining about narrative during totsu. can't remember whose stream though

>> No.25261210


>> No.25261211

>Mario freezing
>In the middle of the fucking desert

>> No.25261212
Quoted by: >>25261224

Huh, more than I expected

>> No.25261214


>> No.25261215


>> No.25261217
Quoted by: >>25261229

"Waaaah this guy is making jokes I don't like! STOP IT." Cry more faggot. Nice spacing reddit fag.

>> No.25261218

Who are the bitches that won't call

>> No.25261219


>> No.25261220
Quoted by: >>25261238


>> No.25261221
Quoted by: >>25261237

>there are no EOP SEA


>> No.25261222


>> No.25261223

Quoting with speechmarks rather than greentext? Are you seriously from Reddit?

>> No.25261224

That's without taxes, in the end it's even less.

>> No.25261226

Yes she uses streamlabs so if you want go nuts donating like that

>> No.25261229

Jokes have to be funny first.

>> No.25261230

Cant wait to see hlg get BTFO'd again

>> No.25261231

@everyone ze,,,zehi,,

>> No.25261234

That is, because the only relevant languages are English and Japanese, if you know English and some other irrelevant language you're still an EOP.

>> No.25261235

Ask yourself that.

>> No.25261238

Now you know the secret

>> No.25261237

Is there a SEA country that speaks ONLY english?????

>> No.25261240


>> No.25261241

Nobody gives a shit about Flare

>> No.25261242


>> No.25261244

she seems really cute and her butt bongos clip really did it for me

>> No.25261245

