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File: 108 KB, 580x405, 1516874984616847848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25084240 No.25084240 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25084241
File: 746 KB, 2578x3739, 82188482_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084255

I love Haachama!
by the time I fucking get this seedbox shit sorted everything will be back

>> No.25084243
File: 450 KB, 1505x2125, EapCAHfXkAgPvzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084355

Mio's summer vacations!

>> No.25084245 [DELETED] 


>> No.25084247
File: 536 KB, 632x679, 1595482490863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25084248
File: 197 KB, 1244x700, 1593843663530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084295

i love choco sensei!

>> No.25084249
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 27DEABF9-419E-40AE-B20B-C268B55AA324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25084250
File: 1.36 MB, 516x322, 1595482838778.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all the anti-Towa posting died almost immediately after her 3D debut
I only counted 7 anti-towa posts in the last thread. KENZOKU INCLINING

>> No.25084255
Quoted by: >>25084268

I fucking hate Haachama

>> No.25084257
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25084258
File: 493 KB, 220x220, kissu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084273

I love Aqua!

>> No.25084256
File: 40 KB, 328x541, 1588792438095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084319


>> No.25084259

>multiple body count and old hags that look like arby's
Watame, Korone, Mio, Luna, Aki, Sora, Fubuki
>Multiple body count but still young
Azki, Aqua, Matsuri, Suisei, Ayame, Subaru, Rushia, Noel, Towa, Coco, Marine, Mel, Miko
>Normal amount of body count
Flare, Shion, Kanata, Choco, Haato, Pelora
>Probably virgin because autism and being fat

>> No.25084260

rent free

>> No.25084261
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084262
File: 295 KB, 379x428, 1593323675109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25084263
File: 589 KB, 578x620, 1596117544228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy freaking crap

>> No.25084264
Quoted by: >>25084282

This post will be awful

>> No.25084265

literally nobody can hate this dork

>> No.25084266
Quoted by: >>25084298

Youtube is a piece of shit, just move to twitch dudes

>> No.25084268


>> No.25084269
File: 2.67 MB, 2000x2000, EeLhoJBU4AMjiiq.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa more than anything in the world

>> No.25084271 [DELETED] 

what if yagoo wasn't a pussa bitch who just kneels to niji niggers and their copyright reports

>> No.25084272

I don't understand. Where is 4channel?

>> No.25084273

>Aqua will never do this in a 3D stream

>> No.25084274
File: 112 KB, 1012x580, 1596138617498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084319

I want to bury my face between Luna's fat thighs

>> No.25084276
File: 900 KB, 1054x1054, FBK..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of Fubuki's channel just got brought back, which could imply a lot more games are on the table than initially thought.

>> No.25084277

Miko is a whore

>> No.25084278
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1594561518190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore~~ and probably Miko

>> No.25084280
File: 1.32 MB, 1378x2039, ad8d89cb687ea65a953563ba79425df6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084281
File: 456 KB, 1536x2304, 1593446113743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama I want to sniff your butthole onegai

>> No.25084282
Quoted by: >>25084264

All the anti-Towa posting died when she stopped streaming and the threads weren't flooded by talking about her anymore
When she starts again it will return to normal.

>> No.25084283

I hate this retarded whore with shit voice tho

>> No.25084284
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1591922338350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084300

>Towa deleted videos to unite the fanbases against a common enemy
How devilish

>> No.25084285
File: 60 KB, 555x1200, 2HQivCRZUGNH_4qX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084339


>> No.25084289
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, 35p35chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084307

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

>> No.25084291

And now everyone will do it again, good job faggot

>> No.25084293
Quoted by: >>25084319

rushia is a slut

>> No.25084294
Quoted by: >>25084310

Could also just mean they demonetized all of them

>> No.25084295
File: 317 KB, 708x403, 1575887388226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084296







>> No.25084298

I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.25084297
File: 89 KB, 1185x667, znt4BJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084299

All the day out just to see this bullshit....WHY

>> No.25084300
File: 84 KB, 589x568, 1595585004969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084370

>while putting the blame on Mio

>> No.25084301

Did their descriptions change though? Do they have permissions in them?

>> No.25084302

>will never have towa gf
it hurts...

>> No.25084303
Quoted by: >>25084341

hope she dies

>> No.25084304 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.85 MB, 1670x5283, 1596146461081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers really want to see the holos so you can jack off hard to them and explode all over your monitor?

Here you go.

>> No.25084307

i miss her

>> No.25084308
File: 35 KB, 138x151, 1594539360226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the obvious jap ones, what reps do you do for your holo?

>> No.25084309

I love the soft nasal quality to Sora's voice so fucking much

>> No.25084310

They explicitly stated they will only be reuploading the stuff they have permission for.

>> No.25084312

Explain the pic

>> No.25084313

Lads, FBK fought with Kuku and lost the Roberu bowl...

>> No.25084314

>Normal amount of body count

>> No.25084315
File: 806 KB, 1521x2048, 1595185441901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25084316
File: 1.01 MB, 1750x1444, watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084317
Quoted by: >>25084375

>the only cover that pulled it big number since the start was alice in NY
Anon you're forgetting about Saga Jihen.

>> No.25084318

short hair towa or hair down towa? which is better?

>> No.25084319 [DELETED] 

To the newfags if you want to fit in you should find an image you want to post and text along with it
Like those "bottom text" memes. That's how it works in 4channel. They are called ritualposts. You post them every new thread as part of the "ritual", part of the fun
You're welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here. Just ignore the toxic flamers, that's what I did when I came here from a month. If you still aren't sure just study and observer others before posting but after a day you're good to go

These are examples. And many others before it of course. Have fun!

>> No.25084320
Quoted by: >>25084369

It's pretty fucked up how FBK assassinated her best friend just so she can play L4D2.

>> No.25084321
File: 188 KB, 664x955, laughthencry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084324

But why would Abe do this? It would be counter-productive to his plan of increasing the birth rates.

>> No.25084325

her 3d was cute so hate her less

>> No.25084327

too skinny to be Okayu

>> No.25084328
File: 388 KB, 750x750, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084358

You fuvcking faggot, you did this on purpose, right? Neck yourself

>> No.25084329
Quoted by: >>25084411

is that eu idubbz

>> No.25084330
File: 94 KB, 1125x1107, EcmyPIDXYAEZ35r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084426

I want Coco to hold me tight!
I want her to pat my head!
I want her to penetrate me tenderly with her huge cock!
I want her to cum inside me!
I want her to kiss me deeply at the same time!
I love Coco!

>> No.25084333

How do they check it I wonder. It sounded like someone would manually watch all of them, but instead they look like they just ran an AI through the videos.

>> No.25084334

I fucking hate that bitch

>> No.25084335

Nintendo stuff was allowed to stay up under the condition that it was demonetized.

>> No.25084337


>> No.25084338
File: 34 KB, 768x768, Ea5K3yfUMAAsKoD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084363

Shion yo

>> No.25084339

She's so fucking cute when she closes her mouth.

>> No.25084340

ホロライブ? More like ボロライブ!

>> No.25084341

we all will

>> No.25084342
File: 538 KB, 600x450, 1596051221273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.25084343

Kind of wished it was the full version she sang on her stream.

>> No.25084344

music reps so that I can make her an original song for her to sing
actual exercise reps so that I can be attractive enough for her
Will do more when I have the money and time

>> No.25084347

WTF maids!!!

>> No.25084348

he will do a 3dpd reveal and have akasupa take their turn until they impregnate them. sasuga abe sama

>> No.25084349
Quoted by: >>25084368

my house

>> No.25084350

Overseas people coming to japan to find their vtubers, settle with a japanese wife

>> No.25084351

every day I pray for mikos return

>> No.25084352
File: 237 KB, 2249x1266, 1590672388584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Miso, Miko and Towa are back soon.

They're both pretty cute.

>> No.25084353
File: 1.13 MB, 750x942, ShionNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084524

>> No.25084355
File: 443 KB, 680x962, 75567204_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not crying you're crying

>> No.25084357
Quoted by: >>25084391

I posted this >>25084269
Its just a random post, not ritual, I won't do it again. I just wanted to share the god-tier art.
For me, it's short hair

>> No.25084359

Sora is literally the youngest.

>> No.25084358

back the heck off, towaffle

>> No.25084360

Post here to cull the sheep.

>> No.25084361

I only do drawing reps

>> No.25084363

If I get a girlfriend and ask her to cosplay as Shion do you think she would dump me?

>> No.25084365

I love how you can instantly hear Pekora's voice in the crowd. Even better was that she brought this up during her Utawaku since she was also watching the premiere, about how many comments were saying "I can hear Pekora so clearly ww"

>> No.25084366

Suisei? Is she Chinese?

>> No.25084367

Why would you encourage ritual posters

>> No.25084368

We don't have the permissions for that one.

>> No.25084369

SOK l4d2 3 player run coming up

>> No.25084370

Towa would sooner hurt herself than her friends.


>> No.25084372

she's the pride of china at least

>> No.25084373


>> No.25084374
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1583082757816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei you're the best..

>> No.25084375

My bad, still the same point stands, she had all of gen 3 with her, even if their parts where rather sparse

>> No.25084377
File: 51 KB, 440x535, 1575345290898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta buy it if you want the full version. Oh wait you're not in Japan?

>> No.25084379

Then they can't sell CDs. Not that they can anyway

>> No.25084380
File: 240 KB, 674x489, 1595686154887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the pride of the CCP!

>> No.25084381
Quoted by: >>25084390

I can guarantee you that she will.

>> No.25084383

Yagoo is too busy fucking the girls daily to take care of trifle things like running the company, please understand.

>> No.25084387

>nearly 200k already

>> No.25084389

It's been seven months, Watame hasn't rapped nearly enough considering how early on she demonstrated that she's really adept at it.

>> No.25084390

not worth getting a girlfriend then

>> No.25084391
Quoted by: >>25084410

If you aren't going to post it then I will because it really is amazing art.

>> No.25084393

>tfw can’t get the song anyways
Fuck me

>> No.25084394
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1500, EWOLQ2ZU0AEoq9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fun!

>> No.25084397

I thought he was playing table tenis

>> No.25084398

Yagoo 100% fucked Sora.

>> No.25084402

Matsuri's lewd lingerie.

>> No.25084403
File: 14 KB, 487x407, 1595831456111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Festival almost-porn video going around
Not like anyone needed any evidence for the obvious, but still.

>> No.25084404

Pekora is far too autistic for human interaction. And that’s why she’s the best

>> No.25084406

It'll show up on nyaa anyway, right? P-piratechads win again!!

>> No.25084407

What a crying donkey

>> No.25084408
File: 941 KB, 900x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084409


>> No.25084410
File: 117 KB, 768x768, EeI5JkPXgAAkB8m.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I's yours.

>> No.25084411

Actually looks like him. What the hell

>> No.25084415
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1590407772091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084416
Quoted by: >>25084439

Did you guys save okayu's Nintendo streams?

>> No.25084419

literally that girl is too skinny to be her

>> No.25084422

If Miko is not the whore then why is she not back yet?

>> No.25084423

Being FBK is suffering...

>> No.25084424

That guy's really asspained that I called him a fucking retard huh

>> No.25084425

If you put in the work she won't

>> No.25084426

I want you to hang yourself.

>> No.25084427
Quoted by: >>25085103



>> No.25084428

god fucking damnit Haachama memed me into a foot fetish

>> No.25084429
Quoted by: >>25084449

this but with Towa

>> No.25084432

I am starting to hate mikoti :)

>> No.25084439

Some catfag did it iirc but I didn't see it uploaded, you should check the thread on /t/ sometimes, maybe he will do it

>> No.25084444

The voice is the same, especially if you saw her APEX streams.

>> No.25084445

Marine's birthday 3D stream was good shit, temporary made me forget how shitty this week was.

>> No.25084446

what a fucking retard

>> No.25084449
Quoted by: >>25084495

Hanging out with Towa...

>> No.25084450

Don't worry I won't make it a ritualpost, I just didn't have a good post to respond to to talk about Coco's cock

>> No.25084451

I feel you bro, ever since flare pointed out how hot hands were, i'm starting to get turn on by them

>> No.25084452
Quoted by: >>25084475

What difference does ripping the metadata do? What am i supposed to do with this description file even

>> No.25084456


>> No.25084457


>> No.25084459


>> No.25084460
Quoted by: >>25084610

why does Mikochi not tell us what is going on...why does she always say what's happening isn't 'bad' but never says it's good?

is she going to announce that she's becoming an independent vtuber again after being abandoned a second time...

>> No.25084462
Quoted by: >>25084477

Even if it's not her the voice is similar enough for me to enhance my masturbation session.

>> No.25084463
File: 321 KB, 420x420, 1596059182814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody archived rushia
Why did you guys not tell me before it was too late? I could have saved a few of them.

>> No.25084464
Quoted by: >>25084501

But it's not a cover, it's an original song.

>> No.25084465


>> No.25084467
File: 20 KB, 400x535, SaulGood_'D'_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now look, esteemed ladies and gentlemen of this jury. I want you to ask yourselves, REALLY ask yourselves. What did my client Towa Tokoyami do wrong when she committed these 'Devilish Acts'? Hmm? Oh, she replaced PPT's shuriken halo with a doughtnut? Know what I think? *I* think that she was giving a poor girl who ate grass as a child actual food while removing a dangerous weapon from her premise? She put a sticker on A-Chan's ass? Or did she help lead people away from her rather...well let's just say raisin like chest to her clearly better assets. Stealing Potato chips from Watame? I'm sorry but does Watame own the potato chip factory that produces those chips? Plus let's not ignore the fact Watame has been getting, shall we say 'fluffier' lately.
>So I ask you, to really dig deep and ask yourselves this. Should we punish this young girl with a future ahead of her that spent her pittance she makes on cakes for people that barely even help her? No further comment your honor.

>> No.25084469

it was over when roberu and kuku's collab name got a logo and fubuki's didn't

>> No.25084470

If you check the other video on the channel, it's hard to believe it's not her. I'm doubting she used to be fat, but obviously the timeframe was different to what she let on.

>> No.25084474
Quoted by: >>25084494

So watamefags were the biggest shitposters all along, who could have predicted that?

>> No.25084476

Sorry but you may be going deaf anon. Lucky for there's a different holo out there just like you.

>> No.25084475
Quoted by: >>25084491


>> No.25084477

Where is this video?

>> No.25084481
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1573936561514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this one work?

>> No.25084482
File: 310 KB, 1462x1135, marine_exhibitionist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084483
Quoted by: >>25084533

It's confirmed by Narukami on yesterday's video that the whore of hololive is a certain necromancer of hololive

>> No.25084485
Quoted by: >>25084582

Can't you buy the song itself separate or is it only part of the 10k yen pack? I assume she'll release it separate later?

>> No.25084484

>I'm doubting she used to be fat,
Where do you retards come from?

>> No.25084486
Quoted by: >>25084509

But we talked about who gonna archive who for a whole day. Nobody cares about Rushia it seems...

>> No.25084488

Nobody cares about that slut

>> No.25084491

Fair enough. Is there a setting to rip just the metadata without the video since i already ripped some stuff before finding out about this.

>> No.25084493
File: 76 KB, 846x652, 1596140526890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just found out Rushia is 31 years old
she still looks young tho but damn

>> No.25084494
Quoted by: >>25084521

It's mostly falseflaggers, I tried to get people to archive Watame's FF9 playthrough and no one cared.

>> No.25084495
File: 2.27 MB, 2894x3739, EeNCcnlXoAQqtRE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing devilish things with your childhood friend Towa!

>> No.25084496

stop roleplaying as my hero faggot

>> No.25084497
File: 1.19 MB, 1420x1574, 1583937628997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yare, Yare, Tenshi...
>You underestimated me and my stand: Honest Content
>Leeching others like a lamprey biting onto its prey... it sickens me to my very core
>The dragon mafia nor the CCP won't protect you now, clench your teeth!

>> No.25084499


>> No.25084500

Your new is showing

>> No.25084501

Shut up anon, they're not fucking incompetent, okay?!

>> No.25084504
File: 606 KB, 1400x2000, 1593209906347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this naughty goofball

>> No.25084505
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1595990403812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084693

Based seething

>> No.25084507

It's confirmed by me that Narukami is a hack

>> No.25084508
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, 1595387546258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084509
File: 34 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even asked what should I save and no one mentioned her... Rushiabros?
I'm not alone r-right?

>> No.25084511

Black Watame is really hot

>> No.25084515
Quoted by: >>25084562

Rushia occasionally privates her videos so people who cares to archive her already have done it long before.

>> No.25084516
Quoted by: >>25084535

>Rushia is 31 years old
looks young tho but damn

>> No.25084520

When I was younger and in the depths of porn addiction I took women's erotic dance classes just so that I could feel any kind of emotion at all. This is nothing.

>> No.25084521

I would have but I joined the party right as people were posting about the playlist being made private. Those streams were really nice.

>> No.25084522
File: 42 KB, 480x360, suba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the inspirsation

>> No.25084524
Quoted by: >>25084564

Management is non-existent.

>> No.25084525
Quoted by: >>25084576

Sorry Rushiafag, but it seems you are alone in this. But you shouldn't feel too bad, Gen 2 barely had anyone saving them either, so it isn't like Rushia was alone.

>> No.25084526

That’s pretty hot ngl. Senchou even strikes my voyeur side

>> No.25084527

What video would you seethe over getting deleted by Cover?

>> No.25084528
Quoted by: >>25084609

Huh where?

>> No.25084532
Quoted by: >>25084587

what did /tv/ mean by this?

>> No.25084533

Did she change her avatar to match his?

>> No.25084534

It doesn't even make sense that it's a licensing issue, since people from outside of Japan can buy it on Booth anyways.

>> No.25084535
Quoted by: >>25084609

>>just found out Rushia is 31 years old
>>Rushia is 31 years old

Source: your asses

>> No.25084537
Quoted by: >>25084609

I know 3rd gen are older, by their own admission, but do we know she's 31?

>> No.25084538
File: 96 KB, 649x719, 6543579900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084589

>Dead hours

>> No.25084539

she is the accused whore who caused all of this so no one wants to even say her name

>> No.25084540

What happened to Watame's dancer boyfriend?

>> No.25084541
File: 228 KB, 1343x1488, EeMtWcVU4AAInpZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamb burger

>> No.25084545

Any of them

>> No.25084546
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25084548

When I see her drawn in a different artstyle I wonder how I even ended up liking her design so much when it's a mashup of things I usually wouldn't like. Rurudo is a genius.

>> No.25084549

God I wish I was the neighborhood kids

>> No.25084550

If you just run it again it won't redownload the video as long as the video is in the directory. After downloading the thumbnail and description files, it'll say this:
[download] x.mp4 has already been downloaded and merged
I've never tried downloading just the metadata so I'm not sure if there's a --no-video option, let me check

>> No.25084551
Quoted by: >>25084609

She's 27

>> No.25084552

I feel like I've seen the same conversations from months ago

>> No.25084553
File: 3.12 MB, 498x455, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kani kani~~
kani kani~~

>> No.25084554

Yes, you are. And you deserve it for having shit taste kek

>> No.25084557
File: 62 KB, 900x900, 1596126569984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084616

I will cry...

>> No.25084559
File: 242 KB, 700x700, 1590562172962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084560

it's pretty clear that they broke up

>> No.25084561

none because I don't rewatch anything

>> No.25084562
Quoted by: >>25084573

Well where are the torrents/ megalinks?
On discord they only saved like 4 streams from her
Rushiabros save me onegai

>> No.25084565

They broke up like 2 months ago and it spiraled into the lonely and depressed Watame we have now.

>> No.25084564


>> No.25084566

I want to cull the holosults from my subs. I want a list of the ones with boyfriends or husbands.

>> No.25084568

Why are there a lot of deleted videos now??

>> No.25084571

his meat couldn't dance to watame's beat anymore...

>> No.25084572

I don't like the art.

>> No.25084573
Quoted by: >>25084618


>> No.25084574

>not ドドドドドドドドドド

>> No.25084576

We wanted to save Subaru, but she was already dead.

>> No.25084577

All of the 3D debuts and the first videos of the channels
I love her lewds...

>> No.25084579

None because I have a copy already

>> No.25084581
Quoted by: >>25084630

All of them besides the autists like Pekopeko

>> No.25084582
Quoted by: >>25084661

You'll be able to buy it later separately, but that means you have to wait months, and pay extra if you bought the pack on geekjack.

>> No.25084583
Quoted by: >>25084597

A male dancer? lol she was dating a homosexual.

>> No.25084584
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1568882316151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone and Watame should do a nighttime collab sometime..

>> No.25084586
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1590871369615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rurudo's stuff is really nice, but the best thing is the girl behind the design.
I think it grows on you.

>> No.25084587

The worst thing you can imagine.

>> No.25084589
Quoted by: >>25084600

Oi weebs, what's the reading for the kanji on the left?

>> No.25084590
File: 410 KB, 724x1024, 1596147324203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to devilish things with Towa like laying in bed together and holding hands.

>> No.25084593


>> No.25084594

Absolutely same, I can't believe I started to like piercings and painted nails, I was disgusted by them before...

>> No.25084595


>> No.25084596
File: 74 KB, 245x317, ringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am going to leave this here while i go to the shop, please keep an eye on it.

>> No.25084597

shut the fuck up his moves were fucking sick

>> No.25084598
Quoted by: >>25084638

All of them. Stop watching chuubas altogether and fuck off.

>> No.25084600


>> No.25084602


>> No.25084603
Quoted by: >>25084636

After you marry your oshi irl are you going to ask her to cosplay as her holo, /jp/?

>> No.25084604
Quoted by: >>25084633

COVER doesn't exist to make money. Here's a quote from Yagoo himself on the matter:
>"ホロライブプロダクション [has had the goal of popularizing cute anime girls for our staff to masturbate to fanmade porn of from the very beginning]"
Another employee confirmed that for Shion's audition, they simply put her behind a pane of one way glass and masturbated to her feet from another room.
>"[We specifically requested via email for her to wear sandals for an unspecified reason. We were nervous if she was actually going to do it, so we emphasized it at least three times in the thread. Lo and behold, she actually did it.] ナイス ."
On the recent permissions arc, he had this to say (roughly translated):
>"あの, [when we got a copystrike on one of Mio's videos, we said fuck it and had Kenji just start fucking deleting stuff. Making money now is cool because we can afford actual prostitutes, but it isn't worth having to go to court or any of that shit. We just want to masturbate.]"

>> No.25084607
File: 424 KB, 1173x1080, 2020-07-07 00_11_08-Korone NEVER Misses a Shot When She Aims to Kill (Hololive) [ENG SUB] - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084632

did miko graduate yet

>> No.25084610
Quoted by: >>25084631

She wouldn't do anything to hurt 35p, so it's likely a change to routine because of her current illness. I imagine it's difficult to announce because she doesn't want to give the wrong impression and make the situation sound worse than it is.

>> No.25084609

i can't post source cause i'll get banned
but the site seems legit and has all the information on the Vtubers including a Rushia video from all the way back to 2012

>> No.25084613

Something about this understated "lol." being the response to such a crazy statement cracks me up. Obviously she was actually laughing, but still

>> No.25084614

Cover legal team and Yagoo should be fucked over during live stream using baseball bat by Coco for their fuck up.

>> No.25084616
Quoted by: >>25084660

I cry because I have no childhood Towa to be irresponsible with!

>> No.25084617

Pekora has 2 "brothers"

>> No.25084615

Yeah sick from the aids he got fucking dudes in public toilets

>> No.25084618

>Asmr and ringfit only

>> No.25084619

saulsama i kneel...

>> No.25084621

Anon how will you feel about all that money you spent, when it turns out you were giving money to a woman, who was fucking a lot of coworkers? Can you even bring yourself to acknowledge she did that or will you keep lying to yourself to avoid feeling pain?

>> No.25084622
Quoted by: >>25084659

Would watame even be able to keep up?, she's manages to always confuse mio, and while watame is somehow less of a normalfag, she's still a stacy

>> No.25084623
File: 161 KB, 1200x1156, EeLeEy3UwAIJWP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084680

Kanata and Towa having a child!

>> No.25084624
Quoted by: >>25085540


>> No.25084626

Fucking retards

>> No.25084627
Quoted by: >>25084683

i love you towa

>> No.25084630


>> No.25084631

>She doesn't want to deny her fanbase of videogames
>Goes indie just to please the 35p

>> No.25084632

Sadly, no.

>> No.25084633

What compels you to write this?

>> No.25084634

Please don't post it, the site likely will have the name of her husband too (me) and I don't wanna get doxxed.

>> No.25084636

If I could marry her irl I'd be happiest just to be with her.

>> No.25084637


>> No.25084638
Quoted by: >>25084666


>> No.25084641

I wonder if they are going to get Rurudo to become a mama again since Cover seems to get her to make art for birthday/anniversary sets.

>> No.25084642

Do the chuubas really stop having sex with their coworkers once they become a holo?

>> No.25084643

>archiving the accused

>> No.25084644
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, 1595690664354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rurudo is corrupting us.

>> No.25084645
File: 347 KB, 596x496, 15959670450444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is married
Watame is living with her bf
Towa has multiple sexual partners

>> No.25084646
File: 109 KB, 660x742, suisip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085540

Don't mind if I do

>> No.25084649
Quoted by: >>25085540

sorry its all gone

>> No.25084651

imagine giving your hard earned money to men
thats pretty gay bro

>> No.25084653

Miko should be Trump, she's the one following him.

>> No.25084654

>source: literally trust me bro lmao
Rushia doxxed herself during the ring fit videos like any other chubas, she is 27

>> No.25084655

Fucking horny senchou

>> No.25084658
Quoted by: >>25085973

I really want Watame to do an actual diss track.

>> No.25084659

Watame is pretty knowledgeable about anime, not sure about her vidya knowledge. They both might be a bit too awkward around one another.

>> No.25084660

At least you have her now, it's better than being alone forever.

>> No.25084661

I'll wait. I like Marine but she isn't my oshi so I'll just buy it later.

>> No.25084662
Quoted by: >>25084679

Pretty sure Pekora is far too autistic and socially inept to engage in anything remotely intimate with anyone she doesn't know incredibly well

>> No.25084664

impregnating rurudo again!

>> No.25084665


>> No.25084666
Quoted by: >>25084704

No, I'm being honest. All of them are in a relationship. Just unsub to all of them. And now you have no more reasons to come here, so fuck off.

>> No.25084668

She does work very closely with them, I think it's mainly because she is so friendly with the team, but it would be a lot of work for her to do more girls.

>> No.25084669
Quoted by: >>25084697

How is Haachama fucking them all the way in Australia

>> No.25084671

>painted nails
were did you even manage to acquire such shit taste, i'm glad you went back on your mistakes

>> No.25084673

>said in nasally nerd voice not realizing how based those things are

>> No.25084674

All of them have shaken hands with Yagoo

>> No.25084678

I can't wait to impregnate Marine

>> No.25084679

Yeah she's pretty good at fooling people.

>> No.25084680
Quoted by: >>25084718

I would be happier if they had a duet song.

>> No.25084682
Quoted by: >>25084753

Anything I missed outside of streams over the past 6-ish hours?
I was watching Watame and Matsuri x Ayame.

>> No.25084683

best post in this thread.

>> No.25084684
File: 61 KB, 153x248, ea89e1b383c3aba11764e60ea6b6909f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085842

What the hell is that shit about yt getting rid of community captions?

>> No.25084685
Quoted by: >>25084746


>> No.25084686
Quoted by: >>25086650

And I hear he never washes his hands

>> No.25084687
File: 559 KB, 554x570, notringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085540


>> No.25084688

>boyfriend hours
I don't understand why everyone gets so hung up on this when we all have big black boyfriends. Can't we just be happy to have something to relate to?

>> No.25084689


>> No.25084690
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1577824357305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25084691

i want to give rainbow superchat to the stars one day...

>> No.25084692

Japanese Keemstar better name the girl soon i can not take this witch-hunt anymore.

>> No.25084693
Quoted by: >>25084730

pekora baby!

>> No.25084694

I can't watch Luna in 3d. Her model is so bad. I just feel embarrassed for her. Really ruined Matsuri's birthday stream.

>> No.25084696

>I'm doubting she used to be fat
He doesn't know...

>> No.25084697

I just put my dick out of the window and she puts her ass out of hers.

>> No.25084695

I just realized it, but Towa's apology video is gone now. You think they'll just skip out on reuploading that one?

>> No.25084698

>Watame is living with her bf
Not anymore.

>> No.25084701

>shut the fuck up his moves were fucking sick
The better the dancer, the bigger the homo

>> No.25084704

You’re talking out of your ass. I want serious answers names, addresses so chop fucking chop

>> No.25084705
Quoted by: >>25084962

Fubuki was spilling spaghetti left and right the whole interview

>> No.25084706

that was Noel

>> No.25084707

>shaking hands during a pandemic

>> No.25084708
Quoted by: >>25084736

Rushia kinda sucks in gen 3 collabs...

>> No.25084711
Quoted by: >>25084926

>multiple sexual partners

>> No.25084710

There is no girl, it's not real

>> No.25084715
File: 3.43 MB, 3507x2480, EcpuB7cUcAEElyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084716
File: 73 KB, 179x225, 1595938904765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25084717
Quoted by: >>25084798

Explain Mel’s manager.

>> No.25084718

They might soon, at least I think Towa talked about it.

>> No.25084720
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let me help cleanse you.

>> No.25084722

Definitely. I started liking that before I even got into the character's design.

>> No.25084725

That's what you want to believe

>> No.25084726

dog haet sheep
remember how watame obsessed over her in the beginning and they basically never interacted

>> No.25084727

Anon, you realize that he literally can't name a girl because that would make him immediately guilty of slander.

>> No.25084728
File: 149 KB, 528x579, 1595945718831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084823

>I'm doubting she used to be fat

>> No.25084730
File: 149 KB, 241x227, bebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora... baby...

>> No.25084733
File: 393 KB, 2339x2210, 1595855186008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084734
File: 412 KB, 618x447, negotiations_for_bilibili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084819

>It's over Suisei...
>Me and Xi Jinping had a long conversation about your meddling with the CCP
>If you don't want your live2D model to look like your BML avatar, I suggest you scurry away to your kid diddling

>> No.25084735
Quoted by: >>25084760

Is he trying to imply something with the skull and crossbones in the first line?

>> No.25084736
Quoted by: >>25084820

I always have the same thought. She's just not fun when full group are all there.

>> No.25084737

They should all be fired

>> No.25084738
File: 221 KB, 2000x1455, 1595459073504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon brother

>> No.25084739

i want to be marines meatkun

>> No.25084740

I didn't get that one
I thought Marine was just saying how their bird voices resembled the voices of Guido's bullets?

>> No.25084741

Towa is the whore

>> No.25084742

We all talked about who's the most likely, but which girls are certainly innocent? I think it's Flare, she's just too pure, Haato of course, I think Aki and Okayu too.

>> No.25084743
Quoted by: >>25084845

Don't worry bro he's talking more on the 1st.


>> No.25084744

>Completely flat
Anon she was at a perfect small yet big enough size

>> No.25084745

guys we need to destroy capitalism to free holos

>> No.25084746

When you change button across the keyboard it makes a sound.
Rushia has only hidden the left half of the keyboard, and you can hear two “clicks” after she inputted the second number.
That number could be either 0 or 7, but we know that Rushia is a hag so it’s 7.

>> No.25084748
Quoted by: >>25084779

It's pretty pointless to reupload it. It's not content and the incident is irrelevant at this point.

>> No.25084751
Quoted by: >>25084779

Everything's coming up Towa.

>> No.25084752
File: 211 KB, 403x313, 1590860093521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember how watame obsessed over her in the beginning and they basically never interacted
what a loser

>> No.25084753
Quoted by: >>25084793

Anon posted Festival's PornHub videos and now her shills are in full damage control.

>> No.25084755
Quoted by: >>25084813

>remember how watame obsessed over her in the beginning
wait I don't remember this

>> No.25084756
Quoted by: >>25085054

Korone only likes the girls fatter than her

>> No.25084759
Quoted by: >>25085186

If he can't name a girl, there is no reason for trying to guess.

>> No.25084760

Yeah, he's telling you to pirate IOSYS music like people have been doing since the early 00s.

>> No.25084761

anons why does rushia always skip collabs and vods with the 3rd gen, does she actually have friends there?

>> No.25084762

I just want her back

>> No.25084763
File: 108 KB, 248x255, 1587481059126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084764

I don't remember Kanata but maybe, but she's certainly talked about wanting to sing with Suisei.

>> No.25084765

This was her plan all along

>> No.25084767

I'm sorry, I can't find anything about it. I did find something irrelevant though:
I thought we were at least being kind of rigorous but I guess what we're doing is just an entry-level attempt at hoarding stuff. Fucking autists

>> No.25084768

he's deflecting because it's actually him who doubles as a holo on his spare time

>> No.25084769

I miss her...

>> No.25084770
File: 78 KB, 211x181, pekora bebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25084959

Pekora boy! Towa is a whore

>> No.25084771
File: 179 KB, 720x413, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully today, 35P!

>> No.25084774

Most of them don't reveal their actual ages only the age their character is supposed to look. Rushia "doxxed" herself to be 20 but at the same time she says she played pokemon gen 3 in middle/high school forgot which it was. She''s old as fuck

>> No.25084775

I rewatched their Mojipittan stream the other day and fuck me their dynamic is so fucking fun, please come back already...

>> No.25084778
File: 15 KB, 384x382, 7E0299C3-E736-4AD1-8E70-A7E0B0779C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hlg bands together to pool resources and preserve hololive history while every other part of HL fandom (japs, reddit, discord, etc) literally sits around with their thumbs up their asses
>not even 24 hours later were back to this state
why are you like this

>> No.25084779
Quoted by: >>25084906

Towa would probably want it reuploaded as a mark of her mistakes

>> No.25084781


>> No.25084782

>I can't watch Luna in 3d. Her model is so bad.
And I can't sit idly by any more as you idiots conflate the "model" with the various other contributing factors. Luna's model is actually pretty good. Doesn't mean it's implemented well.

>> No.25084783
Quoted by: >>25084805

I don't know about Towa, but Kanata talked about it. Going by what she said it's still in the stage of "let's start working on it" though, so it could take a while.

>> No.25084784

i'm not some "secrete identity" protecting fag so i'll make it as easy as posible
just figure out how to write" hololive previous life" in Japanese and type it in a search bar and delve into your research. shouldn't take you long
also use a google translate extinction to help you in the sites

>> No.25084785
Quoted by: >>25084837

I've never given more money that I'd give to a street performer to be honest, and just like with those, if I give them money is because I enjoy what they are doing already and maybe at most because I want to ask them to play a piece in particular, not because I want them to suck my cock.

>> No.25084786

Has the dog interacted with Gen 4?

>> No.25084787
File: 1.46 MB, 874x1039, falseflag incoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25084788
Quoted by: >>25084839

>American hours
>Constant boyfriendposting
>SEA hours
>Rushiafags everywhere

>> No.25084789

FBK having sex with Oga...

>> No.25084791

She coincidentally had dates with Kaoru on those days.

>> No.25084793

Hot. Can't wait to fap my pepis.

>> No.25084796

You do realize she called in with the rest during Marine's birthday stream.

>> No.25084797

and ayame is r9sfYGT?

>> No.25084798

you mean the only thing he has even gotten right, which mel most likely told him herself since management was so incompetent

>> No.25084802
Quoted by: >>25084810

Coco only, I think.

>> No.25084803
File: 92 KB, 500x478, 1554296713920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085169

just to be sure. You know that the narrative fags are basically just shitty fanfic writers?

shot the narrative fags and the threads would be slow as fuck.

At this point /hlg/ is just one gigantic fanfic project.

>> No.25084804

wdym, she sat in the corner motionless for the better part of it. Did you not enjoy asthma ASMR?

>> No.25084805
Quoted by: >>25084843

Well, it would be nice.
I really like the idea of Towa singing more, especially with Susei and Kanata.

>> No.25084807
File: 412 KB, 528x568, 1595804500704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the biggest self-bully in all of Hololive?

>> No.25084808
Quoted by: >>25084882

You know you can play old games anytime right? My first console was a snes and I'm a zoomzoom

>> No.25084809

Has anyone uploaded Mikos gta5 yet?

>> No.25084810

What a leech.

>> No.25084811
Quoted by: >>25084856

>tfw her whole pekomiko playlist was banished
it hurts

>> No.25084813

I remember her mentioning korone in an early stream and on twitter around the same time talking about wanting to collab some day

>> No.25084814

>actually fell for her ruse
fucking retard

>> No.25084815

whats that

>> No.25084817

She had a great Kirby stream with Kanata.

It might never come back...

>> No.25084818

Korone's the type to refuse a collab initially and see if you'll try again. Guess sheep gave up quickly

>> No.25084819

PS2 Suisei...

>> No.25084820
Quoted by: >>25084897

She really can't keep up with the group, a lot of time she just derails conversations to have a 1 on 1 with someone, and it's clear that she doesn't interact as much with them she just doesn't have the chemistry the other 4 do between themselves

>> No.25084823
File: 368 KB, 528x579, ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I admit it, her mouth being so high up does make her new model look kinda weird.

>> No.25084824
File: 690 KB, 1020x1415, 1595910063406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will never come back...

>> No.25084825

>she played pokemon gen 3 in middle/high school forgot which it was. She's old as fuck
I played pokemon gen 3 even younger, and I'm 22

>> No.25084826

A year ago I know I would have prefered this, but now I actually prefer the original. There's no turning back from Towa for me.

>> No.25084828
File: 286 KB, 478x482, 1595976802796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also the biggest whore

>> No.25084829
Quoted by: >>25084855

What are some options for uploading archived streams that aren't torrenting?

>> No.25084832
Quoted by: >>25084866

She's bullied by pretty much everyone, even A-chan

>> No.25084833

Don't search it, it's mustard botnet

>> No.25084835


>> No.25084836
Quoted by: >>25084912

she does it for the money, why should she work for free?

>> No.25084837

I’d demand my money back if the street performer has a boyfriend or had sex at any point

>> No.25084839

What is it with burgerlords and an obsession with being cucked

>> No.25084840

Only a crisis is enough to stop the shitposting. Remember, hard times create strong men.

>> No.25084841
Quoted by: >>25084874

she just skipped the post-Flare-3D debut sleepover because she was sick

>> No.25084843

I'd love either (or both) since their voices can compliment each other well. The hardest part is gonna be actually getting together to do it.

>> No.25084844

That one actually probably will come back since Nintendo stuff is fine as long as they demonetize it

>> No.25084845
Quoted by: >>25085449

he's no saying shit, he legally can't, but sure give him view so he can continue running the vtuber social space, since he's such a failure that he can't do anything else

>> No.25084846


>> No.25084848

She was too busy getting railed by Kaoru

>> No.25084849
Quoted by: >>25084879

that's ayame

>> No.25084850
File: 822 KB, 917x802, sheep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they haven't talked at all for a month...

>> No.25084851
File: 844 KB, 800x1133, 1596089840020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reverse searched pictures from here and ended up on Taiwanese 4chan
They have everything the same I thought it would be interesting

>> No.25084852

She is graduating soon so no worries.

>> No.25084853
File: 372 KB, 479x433, 1596117083129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just triggered the fucking schizos dumb nigger

>> No.25084855

Mega, unlisted Youtube library, all those totally-not-piracy-bro filehosts used for illegal TV streaming. I don't even know what is still alive these days, large numbers of them got nuked over the past year.

>> No.25084856
Quoted by: >>25084877

That is archived anyways so, no worries there.

>> No.25084857

I'm leaving this shitty hobby and cancelling my subscriptions. Fuck this ephemeral bullshit,you basically have to watch all of it live (which is pretty much impossible due to time zone differences and the copious amount of content) or get fucked because you can wake up any day and see everything gone due to a production fuck up, copyright bullshit, internal quarrel, etc. Don't have the stamina to keep up and can't live with the anxiety of volatile content.


>> No.25084860
Quoted by: >>25084878

...which would mean she's older than 22

>> No.25084861

no really, the only shady one was when she wasn't in the sleepover

>> No.25084862
File: 15 KB, 461x461, FB_IMG_1596147269310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think HACHAMA got kicked from Uni and couldn't stay in Australia anymore so right now she's staying in a hotel in Thailand or something. That would explain her bad connection and her clips from there And why she's so desperate.

>> No.25084864

watame will never pass korone's first "no"

>> No.25084866
File: 280 KB, 501x584, 1595785769895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084867
Quoted by: >>25084891

The holohouse is definitely going to have a soundproof room fit for recording. Towa could just come over and they get the voice tracks done in one day. The rest can be done through the internet.

>> No.25084868

the current shitposters aren't the ones who put in work 24 hours ago. the shitposters right now were the ones mocking people for panicking or some stupid shit like that. they were the ones hindering other anons from trying to save shit by being condescending and whatever other retarded behavior. if they werent those assholes, they're probably the ones who were spamming "thread themes" and other stupid bullshit because they were too useless to contribute. iq too low to do something about it

>> No.25084869

the whore list of /hlg/ should be updated

>> No.25084871

She also sang the Pokemon OS opening which leads me to believe she started with genwun.

>> No.25084872
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, 7pw6n0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to sleep did cover make any more fucking retarded blunders in the past 5 hours or so

>> No.25084873

This pic is just Matsuri's pornhub video!

>> No.25084875

>missing the funniest stuff

>> No.25084874

No doubt she is the reason everyone ended up ill with corona.
Can't believe her sleeping-around got everyone sick. Why wouldn't she sleep with me?!

>> No.25084876
Quoted by: >>25085105

I don't care what the tubers do with whoever in their personal IRL time, or who they did or didn't fuck, fact is most of them are probably extremely boring in real life so sexual escapades is the most interesting thing they'll ever do before they die, like most humans.

I only know that the one exception for me and the one that turns me on the most regardless is Marine because I get the impression she only half-jokes about the shit she says, and is probably a super freak in bed that would indulge in pretty much anything you'd like, smiling the whole time like a true pervert freak. She's very much the crazy horny girl you'd wanna marry and have happy dirty sex with forever. And while I am projecting my own preferences, I'd like to at least believe that I'm not entirely wrong on the matter.

That's all I wanted to say, carry on.

>> No.25084877
Quoted by: >>25084904

i know but it's been a while since they've done anything together either

>> No.25084878

Oh you're right, I'm retarded

>> No.25084879
File: 325 KB, 394x419, 1595938855252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird way to spell Towa

>> No.25084880
Quoted by: >>25085071

Dog did a Kirby Superstar collab with Kanata early in Kanata's career.

>> No.25084881

So did marine and flare

>> No.25084882
Quoted by: >>25084905

She specifically says she got the as a gift so its probably when the gen released

>> No.25084886

ayame is a whore

>> No.25084887

>They never privated Fukkireta
Are you absolutely sure you have the permissions for it? fucking retards

>> No.25084888
File: 371 KB, 800x856, 1565105245727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa does it for free so she cant be a whore, dumb shionposter

>> No.25084889

Towa seemed pretty invigorated and like she wanted to iron things out quickly just after her 3D, shame about the problems afterwards.

>> No.25084891
Quoted by: >>25084946

Weird way of saying that suisei will be getting loudly fucked everyday

>> No.25084892
Quoted by: >>25084927

whats up with some of korone's singing videos going missing


>> No.25084893

Videos are slowly starting to come back, jetri has a tracker

>> No.25084894
File: 470 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200731-003138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gave me a scare

>> No.25084895
Quoted by: >>25085014

Did they also archive streams or that technology is too high-tech for them?

>> No.25084896

>this can be last hololive thread before hololive fucking dies
oh no

>> No.25084897
Quoted by: >>25085076

I think she just can't into huge group collabs in general, she's also pretty bad in Mio's game nights.

>> No.25084898
Quoted by: >>25085617

This one is gonna be back but I have it archived if not. Shame they won't do more of those, but the way Korone commented on Kanata's skills she probably wouldn't continue either way.

>> No.25084901
File: 138 KB, 1381x1257, 1596051332814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the Paint it black video https://files.catbox.moe/v3gzav.mp4

>> No.25084903
Quoted by: >>25084942

I wish they had completely deleted it so we could get a version with all 3D models and everyone singing

>> No.25084904
File: 137 KB, 1000x708, 1579241034233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora has said that they've talked a lot off-view and that they want to collab once she comes back, so just hold out, we'll soon be rewarded.

>> No.25084905

Yeah, I realized I was retarded. I got it for christmas the year it release, so there's a good chance she's 25+

>> No.25084906

If they restore that part of her feed as an uninterrupted timeline, maybe. But people are saying that restored videos appear in their subscription box as new ones. Surely you understand how problematic it would be if her newer viewers suddeny saw an apology video.

>> No.25084910
File: 16 KB, 77x78, doya_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

falseflagging with shion again are we?

>> No.25084912
Quoted by: >>25085058

Rushia and Watame should collab together.

>> No.25084915

Should've been deleted so they'd redo it.

>> No.25084916

I cant read this shit

>> No.25084917
File: 44 KB, 648x650, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084918
File: 110 KB, 323x244, 1595306432093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a slut then

>> No.25084922

>Can't live with the anxiety
Pathetic. How the fuck you people manage to wipe your own ass without a panic attack is a mystery.

>> No.25084925
File: 207 KB, 427x295, Screen Shot 2020-07-30 at 3.24.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually the opposite. Japan has a lot of media about young men who travel to primitive foreign lands (isekais mostly) and under the pretense of having some fantasy adventure they spend the whole series flirting with women and show off their culture.

They want the halfbreeds born and raised outside of the country, with their moms telling them all sorts of cool stories about their dad, so when they grow up they can move there and become the 2nd class workforce.

>> No.25084926


>> No.25084927


>> No.25084928

God even middle aged woman are better at critical thinking regarding gossip than you guys are, a shame since not even them are as obsessed as you

>> No.25084931

Then you realize she will never come back...

>> No.25084932


>> No.25084934

She had an Asacoco commercial if that counts

>> No.25084935

>currently watching Watame dance in her pajamas
>ching chang wala wala bing bang
finally i got the holy grail of "secrete identity"

>> No.25084937

Videos returning, still nothing on Mio.

>> No.25084938
File: 158 KB, 800x800, 1594984112092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Towa and Roboco are having sex.

>> No.25084942
File: 130 KB, 348x348, BF67009F-CFF9-4457-96D4-8EBCB414830B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You now remember some girls not singing was another management fuckup

>> No.25084946

Those are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.25084947

someone needs to stop towa

>> No.25084949
Quoted by: >>25084998

to be fair, we are amateurs. Gossiping women are pros with decades of experience

>> No.25084950

It's really cute

>> No.25084951

Not really
Coco didn't want to sing, Korone was dumb. Who else?

>> No.25084955
File: 238 KB, 329x407, 1591366210565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe Miko is fucking dead

>> No.25084957
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1595283723024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085154

mikoti's elite cough...

>> No.25084959
File: 60 KB, 768x768, 1595169253068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084960


>> No.25084961

>Discord "friends"

Someone stop this slut

>> No.25084962

And she's a fujo, imagine if Nakamura also went there with Sugita

>> No.25084963 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.93 MB, 2128x1500, 1596148600445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085205

Fuck, what was that shaking? An earthquake?

>> No.25084966
File: 1011 KB, 1000x1778, 1595938654198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which artist draws better Hololive blowjobs? Suujiniku or Fumihiko?

>> No.25084967


>> No.25084969

What was the story behind this?

>> No.25084970
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 15959670445405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakiri Ayame in a nutshell:
lied about not streaming was because of health problem but was found staying up playing lol with boyfriend all night, fucked by sugar daddy for two whole days on both Christmas eve and Christmas, raped by another sugar daddy on birthday while simultaneously seducing more sugar daddies, ofc neglects all fan arts but still remembers to retweet and pin merch links, returned for 150k celebration stream on time in order not to miss LOVE from fans.

an innocent slut who sacrifices her own time to be a virtual whore to satisfy otakus, doff your dicks to her gentlemen, please support her with red superchats so that your idol can play lol with her boyfriend on a big fat 4K, at least you could be her virtual sugar daddy and jerk off to her pre-recorded booth Valentine msgs just for you!
ayame and towa whitoid cuck simps will defend this

>> No.25084972

The one who got fucked over was Fubuki.

>> No.25084973

Shinzo Abe is cute

>> No.25084974
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x768, 81593513_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko looking at her channel after negotiations ended...

>> No.25084975

Even more amazing

>> No.25084976
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085004

>and guess what? These gaijins started downloading whole channels just because we privated few steams www

>> No.25084977

did i miss something?

>> No.25084978
File: 102 KB, 437x437, 1595379863542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting haunted by mikoghost!

>> No.25084979

Somehow I dont think Haachama would be that crazy enough to leave austrailia and end up in some place like Thailand/Philippines over Japan.

>> No.25084982

Watch the other one where she wears Sim clothing.

>> No.25084983

Shit bro that's crazy but literally point to me a single dude who asked

>> No.25084987
Quoted by: >>25085005

Any examples of what you mean in particular?

>> No.25084988

and people thought she would exhaust herself in her 3D stream

>> No.25084989

Translate it weeb

>> No.25084990


>> No.25084991

FBK never got the message and they never bothered to follow up and she's pretty much the face of hololive.

>> No.25084992

sujiniku is next level blowjobs

>> No.25084994
Quoted by: >>25085009

Nice headcanons, we know exactly what happened.

>> No.25084996
File: 581 KB, 471x549, firefox_hRaUnItB96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25084998

do your gossip reps

>> No.25084999

Coco didn't realize it was fukkireta

>> No.25085000
File: 267 KB, 302x394, 1582666342707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both towa and ayame are whores

>> No.25085001


>> No.25085003
File: 1.25 MB, 1709x1188, Ecf5DGxVAAAZudm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's so autistic she almost stops herself.

>> No.25085004
File: 562 KB, 593x671, 1589591862472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't into memes when you are just plain dumb

>> No.25085005
Quoted by: >>25085085

Fumihiko was already posted in this thread somewhere.

>> No.25085006
File: 34 KB, 1018x75, manji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085007

Based. Fuck the whores.

>> No.25085008
File: 147 KB, 850x983, 1592500178492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont use my oshi to tribal war faggot. you probably got that gif from me anyways.

>> No.25085009
Quoted by: >>25085064

What happened?

>> No.25085010
Quoted by: >>25085066

He would get sued if he did and he knows that

>> No.25085012

>more than 3 minutes

>> No.25085013

Why is the 2nd gen full of sluts?

>> No.25085014

They were talking about the holocaust night as well but their holo thread seems way less populated.

>> No.25085016
File: 1.08 MB, 878x1116, 1596068257428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like drawasaurus:


pass: holo

>> No.25085017
File: 72 KB, 315x352, 1595515591774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085018

Aruran looks like a part 1 Jojo and fucked all the NND streamers.

>> No.25085020

My girls...

>> No.25085023
File: 109 KB, 1279x618, come back miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said hololive would always be waiting, but you never said you would be too...i miss you...

>> No.25085024
File: 199 KB, 923x1118, 1584943357919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff anon

>> No.25085025

>because of health problem
Being a whore is a chronic health problem.

>> No.25085026

Wrong. You have 4 pure girls and Subaru

>> No.25085027


>> No.25085028

You can't even speak English.

>> No.25085030
File: 583 KB, 1074x1991, 1594500996680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085035

You mean the 3rd gen right?

>> No.25085036

He doxxed everyone and sent them pizzas.

>> No.25085038

man i would fuck aruran and im not even gay

>> No.25085039
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 7B80A357-5BD9-4F29-AECF-5F0FFCF75A55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting whore

>> No.25085040

You don't, towa never takes the initiative, if nothing Sio will win the towabowl because she's the more proactive one

>> No.25085041
Quoted by: >>25085059

Why the fuck does the post count keep going up but I don't see anything?

>> No.25085042
File: 337 KB, 1939x829, towafans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towafans are okay with this. keks

>> No.25085043


>> No.25085044
File: 923 KB, 2591x3610, 1592382947182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel loves and supports you! Love and support Mel!

>> No.25085045

I had no idea there was a limit to google drive and you'd have to buy space to upload more which is just bullshit...so my Mel collection (just Nintendo stuff) will be put on Mega

hopefully when and if it uploads a kind anon can take it and make a torrent

>> No.25085047

the narratives write themselves

>> No.25085048

Another masterpiece for my collection...

>> No.25085049
File: 543 KB, 850x879, 1588472368367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyonyuu loli holo when
it hurts

>> No.25085051

>obssesed with dicks and cucks
>talks about "whitoid cucks simp"
ur a tranny

>> No.25085054

Same desu, easy pickings

>> No.25085058

Watame would gladly do collabs in other holo's channels. She went to Coco's for the bell pepper stream and today to Mel's

>> No.25085059

Probably because you've filtered something, which means it was probably a useless post anyways.

>> No.25085060
Quoted by: >>25085099

Good catch on Towa's apology video, it probably won't be reuploaded if they plan on manually checking each stream

She sounds so sad.

>> No.25085063

Ah it's been a while since i saw this one

>> No.25085064
Quoted by: >>25085078

This stuff got subbed, you have no excuse.

>> No.25085066

It's not slander or defamation if it's true. He isn't saying anything because it's made up narrative fag shit.

>> No.25085070

Kek I thought the cuck posters were joking these niggas really are cucks.

>> No.25085071

The Kirby collab was not that long ago. They did have one collab pretty early in Kanata's career, but that was a drawing game. There was also that time when Korone randomly called in the middle of Kanata's stream and stayed with her until she cleared the horror game she was playing. Add the baseball thing to that, and all indicates Korone and Kanata actually get along pretty well.

>> No.25085072
File: 876 KB, 1627x2048, 1595106838996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085102

Waiting for Mikoti and friends is the least we can do.

>> No.25085074

Okay rushiabros that was a nice joke now you can come out and post too
Haha you're here r-right?

>> No.25085076

Yet she's the Haiku Champion

>> No.25085078

Do you have a link?

>> No.25085079
File: 79 KB, 185x180, 1593013902478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085902

OH GOD MY DICK. My Mel brother from another mother, I love you. I can't wait for the Mega, thank you!

>> No.25085080

perfectly sums up the shitshow, good job anon

>> No.25085081

Did you mean 3rd gen?

>> No.25085083


>> No.25085084
Quoted by: >>25085101

>It's not slander or defamation if it's true.
He literally have no evidence which would automatically make it defamation. If he can't put anything concrete to his words then Rushia would only need to deny the allegations and then sue him to oblivion for defamation.
And considering her job, she could easily push on the fact that whatever he is spreading is liable to get her fired as well as threatened.

>> No.25085085
Quoted by: >>25085103

If this https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2658856 is the Fumihiko then yeah, suujiniko is better.

>> No.25085086
Quoted by: >>25085101

>if it's true
slander no
defamation yes

>> No.25085087


>> No.25085088
Quoted by: >>25085113


>> No.25085090
File: 70 KB, 245x317, orenji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085091

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa no no no no

>> No.25085092

>video of Fubuki on a date with some dude
oh no no no

>> No.25085093
File: 704 KB, 1280x720, 1596092652356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work, anon

>> No.25085094

This is way too high quality

>> No.25085096

and where is the source of this?

>> No.25085098

花道、オンステージ !

>> No.25085099
Quoted by: >>25085165

It probably will be reuploaded.

>> No.25085101
Quoted by: >>25085136

literally nothing happened to him after he tried fucking with Nijisanji

>> No.25085102
File: 45 KB, 360x360, 2015287C-5B21-42BE-99A7-067C539A6BB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085179


>> No.25085103

That's Suujiniku, >>25084427 is Fumihiko.

>> No.25085105

I agree completely with the first part, but I think Marine is too sexually frustrated to be getting her walls caved in regularly

>> No.25085106
Quoted by: >>25085134

The best ones have pubes.

>> No.25085107

it was a twitter conversation between Towa and Aruran's roommates.

>> No.25085109

you monster...

>> No.25085111

Seeing nijiniggers stick the knife into pekora and subaru and then bootlick shitty video game company practices has finally opened my eyes to nijiniggers. There needs to be a nijinigger holocaust as soon as possible.

>> No.25085113

Is that the link you have? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PiOrNsxPCQ

>> No.25085115
File: 223 KB, 2048x1460, EaebLiCVcAAtIPd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm waiting for you mikoti

>> No.25085116
File: 121 KB, 1200x678, yogirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R-ritual posting?

>> No.25085117
File: 11 KB, 194x259, 3455354658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085131

HOLY BASED. It's as if her lack of streaming was a red flag or something!

>> No.25085118


"How come we're not streaming games yet?"
"Maybe because a certain severely retarded Company CEO by the name of YAGOO who, in his infinite retardation, suspended all Nintendo games. Thought he was being all cautious and shit, until Mio got a copyright strike, cause retard didn't check the archived videos."
"There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about. You should quote me on that."
"Look at this shit, how come we can't ever play a fun game, like AAA you know? How come games like that don't ever need Chuubas? I'll tell you why. It's lack of permissions that fucks companies up. Lack of permissons is the root fucking cause of all Hololive instability. If more Managers were getting quality permissions, there'd be no reason for us to come over here and play shit games like ARK. Cause a permission granted Manager is a happy Manager. "
"Coco. How much Asacoco have you ingested?"
"I'm on it like a Motherfucker Suisei! I'm YABAI YO dude!"
"Well no more of that shit. When you do Asacoco you can't shut up."
"Interesting theory though"
"Yeah, you should quote me on it. You know what you should definitely quote me on it. This whole fucking thing, it comes down to permissions. If you took the Cover legal team and made them work their asses for a weekend, no fucking Holocaust."
"So the Holocaust's not about Antis or Roommates?"
"No. In the opinon of this Chuuba, it's about permissions."
"And it's not about YAGOO?"
"No YAGOO's just part of the problem. Look, if YAGOO invested more in the permissions and infrastructure of Hololive, then he did on his fucking gayass idol concerts, than this company would be no more fucked up than say, Nijisanji."
"Coco! Please shut up. Thank you. Wake up Haachama. You're missing the Holocaust.

>> No.25085120
File: 546 KB, 900x1000, Ed_Df9TVAAEcJxW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085144

Even if it's all fake, I really want to know who he tries to drag down.

>> No.25085121

I warned you abou the brainwashing

>> No.25085127
Quoted by: >>25085140

The fucking state of the newfags, all looking for doxposting

>> No.25085129

discord shills fuck off

>> No.25085128


>> No.25085131
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1583585451687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085132
Quoted by: >>25085147

Will Rushia even need archives when it turns out she was a slut? Will there even be people who will want to watch her archives?

>> No.25085133

Pzzadad is known to post shirtless photos of himself flexing.

>> No.25085134
Quoted by: >>25085178

now I have to "admire" our resident drawfriend's Coco again... >>>/i/619971

>> No.25085135
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1591318361593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i made it in twice

>> No.25085136

just because no one put an effort to sue him yet doesn't mean he won't get eventually

>> No.25085137
File: 28 KB, 450x658, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste your bandwidth and just make a torrent yourself.

Use Deluge and set your outgoing ports too 6881-6889 in the settings. Create Torrent > Add Trackers > Add Torrent To Session.


If people want a proper write up I can, but it's a lot easier than people think.

>> No.25085138
File: 888 KB, 1070x607, 1589316652190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085162

>nothing lasts forever
Don't forget about them HoloBros

>> No.25085140
Quoted by: >>25085160

I couldn't less of a shit if they were, but what amazes me is that they have to come here and post about it like a child who found his Dad's porn magazine.
Everyone already know these fucking things stop shitting the thread up with them.

>> No.25085141

Can someone make a cock juice?

>> No.25085142

i shed a tear im glad i was at least with you bros for it all

>> No.25085144

He's not going to say a name, he would be sued into oblivion and he likely knows fuck all anyway.

>> No.25085146
Quoted by: >>25085157

i hope russia sues japaense kimstar until he's bankrupt and never make narratives every again

>> No.25085147

Ayamechads will flock to Rushia once it gets confirmed. Second-rate version of their oshi

>> No.25085148
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x3236, C7CD4E5F-C2F8-463D-B869-5EFDF181F56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25085149
File: 95 KB, 508x718, 1596116366388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could do with some more players for this.

>> No.25085153


>> No.25085154

I would hate this if I wasn't feeling so empty...

>> No.25085156

I feel bad for Roboco and Fubuki. They were nearly 1k videos. There's NO chance they'll get back a significant percentage of those any time soon, if ever.

>> No.25085157

I want to dox him so fucking bad

>> No.25085158
File: 280 KB, 406x768, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086409

i cant believe my homo is trying to be a baki character

>> No.25085159
File: 82 KB, 440x697, 51ed638564db8b84efca200e325f43c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086409

>Aiming for the Oliva look
Pretty based.

>> No.25085160
Quoted by: >>25085172

Yeah, who would have thought they would come to the holo thread to post about holos.

>> No.25085162
File: 409 KB, 438x512, firefox_W7vlA1TQK1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purge this from your drive
cat is eternal

>> No.25085163

i cant believe how much i missed this for that short time

>> No.25085164

I feel like specific girls made certain ones worse. I was already a footfag, but Haato pushed me into stinky feet. Marine changed my love of older women to involve copious amounts of sweat. Coco pushed my voyeur love to toilet voyeur.

>> No.25085165

Five months later with no context? Gonna look super awkward.

>> No.25085166

>are you okay? want my tits
Fucking hell ayame

>> No.25085167

>Hololive? who is that?

>> No.25085168
File: 76 KB, 215x279, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085788

what did she mean by this?

>> No.25085169

Google-sama is my favorite fanfic author.

>> No.25085170

Translate weebs

>> No.25085171

>Subaru getting trolled by the menu screen in Detroit Become Human
fucking genius move

>> No.25085172
Quoted by: >>25085227

>Post about Holos
Except they aren't, they are posting their roommates which is explicitly not Hololive related. It shouldn't take many braincells to figure this out.

>> No.25085173

You'd think with recent events surrounding Cover people would realize that but I guess not

>> No.25085174

What if ring fit was company policy and they were all ordered to incompetently input 27 just to avoid people looking into them and finding out they are all around 47.

>> No.25085178

Hot but coco is the one holo who shaves unfortunately

>> No.25085179
Quoted by: >>25085193


>> No.25085181

I'll be so upset if all this shit stops her next cover from coming out. I don't think it will, but I can't trust Cover to be even slightly competent.

>> No.25085182
File: 499 KB, 854x480, shuba.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are we all going to go after hololive collapses? whether that's in a few weeks or a few years
what's going to happen to us?

>> No.25085183
Quoted by: >>25085218

So are people just archiving by themselves or is this being uploaded somewhere?

>> No.25085184

You’re on an image board nigger it’s degenerate central

>> No.25085186

Oh you poor naive idolfag...

>> No.25085190

In fact Rushia was advocating for exactly that in her post, that people should take initiative.

>> No.25085193


>> No.25085196

I will join Marine in Gensokyo

>> No.25085198

I think pretty much all of them are aged 23 to 30

>> No.25085200

>Ayame's willing to give any Anon a chance if their wallet is big enough
And how is that a bad thing?

>> No.25085202
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1_violent_fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is with all the doxx fags in the past few threads? Stop being creepy ass retards and go back to your discord jerk off server. No one wants you here, you're not an epic hacker for posting doxxed information of the holos. Crawl back into your corner of the basement and go the fuck away.

>> No.25085204
Quoted by: >>25085450

You think Cover is capable of coming up with something like that?

>> No.25085205
Quoted by: >>25085219

It was Okayu getting out of bed

>> No.25085206

I just go back to reading manga and light novels

>> No.25085207
Quoted by: >>25085216

Try and figure out where my favorites went

>> No.25085209

I wonder how common it is in Japan to have seen your friends from the other gender naked.

At least here (Germoney) it is pretty normal. I don't think I haven't seen any of my friends (both genders) naked.

Sauna is great.

>> No.25085214

discord bans them, that's why they post it here

>> No.25085215
Quoted by: >>25085294

>no! omg! I don't wanna take my bath water that's dirty!

what happened, bros?


>> No.25085216

Well if we’ve learned anything autistic japs will dox them within a week

>> No.25085217

Translate the rest of it.

>> No.25085218

There really isn't a point in uploading shit right now save for whatever select streams people would like to save.
We are talking about TBs of data here that is most likely going to be unorganized. Archivists probably won't do anything rash until shit is confirmed to be never coming back.

>> No.25085219

My bed...
they came from youtube after what that faggot posted

>> No.25085221

I hadn't looked up what Sora thought about it, I guess it's true she actually was pissed

>> No.25085224
Quoted by: >>25085240

Stop avatarfagging. It's against the rules.

>> No.25085225
Quoted by: >>25085407

>Cover *will* sue your ass
>YAGOO doesn't even have the balls to sue Japanese Keemstar
care to explain lyg*r???

>> No.25085226

Fuck you man, when Hololive fucking crumbles we want to know how to follow our favorite entertainer. Fight me you faggot.

>> No.25085227

You're right man, that's totally unrelated

>> No.25085228

So you’re saying I have a chance

>> No.25085229
Quoted by: >>25085295

I'm gonna make one in BT instead...hopefully I can figure this out and I'll post the link in the /t/ thread

>> No.25085230

She'll be eternal in my heart bro.

>> No.25085231
File: 1.10 MB, 952x1500, 1596121955020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is best in life?

>To crush Cover, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their holos!

>> No.25085232

Great job
>Roberu appears

>> No.25085233
File: 222 KB, 404x476, sheepmania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone join

>> No.25085234

Some faggot posted a YouTube video with 4chan screencaps. He has highly viewed Holo videos and frequents twitter/reddit.

>> No.25085237
Quoted by: >>25085259

you can't just post random numbers sm35943337 and talk shit about people

>> No.25085240
Quoted by: >>25085254

>telling someone else to stop avatarfagging

>> No.25085241
File: 72 KB, 1011x701, 1591590926639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing short of a masterpiece. Let us never forget that shitty day and appreciate what we still have left.

>> No.25085242

so whats the next big thing gonna be

>> No.25085250

Lunabros, my shitty internet is so slow I've lost some of her piano streams during the day, they've privated at least her first three streams, the two where she's playing piano with her mouse and the one where she finally got her keyboard
I'd love to hear that someone saved those, they're actually the ones I wanted the most but youtube-dl to downloaded newest first and they got privated before I got to them
I'll be seeding them as soon as I'm done downloading them all, if anyone can share me those first three I'll add them to the collection

>> No.25085251

was haato always like this or is this more recent

>> No.25085252

Yes? Do you want to show me where on the official Hololive page I can find the name and picture of Rushia's voice actor?

>> No.25085253


>> No.25085254
Quoted by: >>25085438

towafags spam are cancer

>> No.25085255
File: 101 KB, 1500x1059, 2020-07-30 18_55_31-Haato Channel 赤井はあと - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot I had 2 external HDDs with Mel(last updated June 27th) and ringfit on them.
I am growing stronger

>> No.25085258

Permissions 3
Or P3rmissions

>> No.25085259

It was figured out through her past steam IDs.

>> No.25085264

Good job, this is a high quality shitpost.

>> No.25085265

If you're not gonna share anything please stop posting this shit

>> No.25085267

Probably go back to playing old vidya and reading manga.
Hopefully creating my own.

>> No.25085268
Quoted by: >>25085381

I ask a friend to download them, but he told me that some didn't got downloaded. I'll try to check with him what I have. If there's any update it will be in >>>/t/954312

>> No.25085269

Post a roommate pic here and let the meidos decide

>> No.25085271
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1595914333869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085270

Pornhub scandal.

>> No.25085272

gib ringfit I'll have Moona suck your dick

>> No.25085273

my guess: one of the Holos slips up and mentions the privated videos on stream and subtly expresses their frustration.

From there it blows up, millions of translated videos, and people make a mountain out of a anthill

>> No.25085276

No, only faggots think this, they're perfectly real to me

>> No.25085279

Why don't you try asking him for something?

>> No.25085282
File: 287 KB, 1185x413, 20200730_185943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any news on Gen 5?

>> No.25085283

You really don't want to fuck a virgin. It's legitimately a bad experience.

>> No.25085285

I'm stuck uploading Haachamas stuff

>> No.25085287

What do you guys do with your free time now that Hololive is officially dead?

>> No.25085288

Great Job anon.

>> No.25085290
Quoted by: >>25085377

Miko dies or Haachama gets COVID

>> No.25085291



>> No.25085292
File: 161 KB, 1980x1080, EdbfMKZU4AAPvmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama was always loud silly and desperate for attention and she admits that herself and has told a bunch of stories of her childhood that prove it.
As time goes on what she considers embarrassing or not has changed and she's also gotten a lot more confident so the stuff she wants to and is able to do has changed but she's still the same person she always was.

>> No.25085294

Her English speaking warms my heart

>> No.25085295
Quoted by: >>25085335

Personally I wouldn't recommend using any of the "mainstream" bittorrent clients, but it should work exactly the same way as long as your ISP doesn't block the outgoing ports.

I'm not trying to shill, but Deluge is probably the best lightweight client you can use though.

>> No.25085298
File: 26 KB, 368x368, 1595925641117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been sad every day since miko disappeared.

>> No.25085300
Quoted by: >>25085396

We have time anon, the most important thing is that those memories are exist and won't be deleted. Thank you for your work.

>> No.25085303

Is everything she tweets about food related? I'm starting to believe the feeder narrative, nobody is this fucking fat and obsessed with food.

>> No.25085304

Retard here who's never done this. Do I just want to put one of those trackers in? Anything else to consider?

>> No.25085305
Quoted by: >>25085381

Lunabro... I feel you, I only could get the mosquito streams in time....

>> No.25085306

It's just a well deserved break. Right anon? A-non?

>> No.25085307
File: 234 KB, 1479x980, E0DCF53B-6B68-4B81-AF58-E7F6435DD01A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will cover handle the upcoming Rushia scandal?

>> No.25085308

Oy vey, women with experience in bed are good for you, goy!

>> No.25085314

if i was in gen 5 i wouldnt be very excited for hololive after all thats happened recently

>> No.25085313
Quoted by: >>25085380

Put all the trackers in there.

>> No.25085315

>thinking Gen 5/ HoloEN are coming out in summer
They're probs delayed until winter.

>> No.25085316

Doubt they are busy with that when they are trying to unfuck themselves atm.

>> No.25085318

rushia kaoru sex tape

>> No.25085319

If you are a virgin yourself then what's the issue?

>> No.25085320

That fucking gave me goosebumps.

>> No.25085321

>Mio sitting home depressed because she's banned for 90 days
>Mio blaming herself for her friends and coworkers content getting taken down
>Mio apologizing on dicord to the other holos between the sobs even though they tell her it's not her fault

>> No.25085322

This one's kinda hard to buy anon

>> No.25085323

fatcat will die of heart attack at any moment anon

>> No.25085324

She's always flashed her more shitposty and degen side even when she was calm and cute. She's basically full throttle all the time now and she has fun and it obviously helped her growth but I could see how it would offput some of her older fans.

>> No.25085327
File: 1.34 MB, 992x1403, 1591272439246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085398

yeah but did mcdonalds anon ever get his food?

>> No.25085330

I want to say the meme shit and cooking started two months ago or so

>> No.25085331
File: 782 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-07-28 23_59_54-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their streams are literally scripted.

>> No.25085332

prepare for the roommates riot

>> No.25085333
Quoted by: >>25085373

Why the fuck couldn't they sell IOSYS music if they own the rights to it? He should learn to make better excuses if he wants that steak.

>> No.25085334 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 275x480, innocent inmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085335

they may since I have Comcast and several strikes already, plus I'm living at home due to covid but hopefully I can seed just long enough to get some traction and let anons take it from there

also you should know I am tech challenged and have no idea how any of this works. Deluge was asking me to down stuff and I have no idea what it meant so I just went with what I already had installed which was BT

>> No.25085337
File: 414 KB, 1460x2048, 1594060919721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be back.

>> No.25085338
Quoted by: >>25085359

I’ll probably just keep abusing pharmaceuticals desu

>> No.25085340

Shut the fuck up or I will hunt you down.

>> No.25085341
Quoted by: >>25085362

Blood and not being able to move at your own pace because the girl's experiencing pain.

>> No.25085342


>> No.25085343

It was Watame, that's why she's sad

>> No.25085344
File: 32 KB, 270x261, 1595856161864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minna my visions kinda funny

>> No.25085345

It definitely isn't going to be a thing. This board has just convinced itself of its dumb headcanon narrative bullshit. If there was any evidence of anything actually scandalous it'd be out there by now

>> No.25085346
File: 549 KB, 991x534, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085347

I wish we could sort the messages in a thread by the amount of (You)s they get. It would make this website way easier to browse and save us from reading irrelevant posts.

>> No.25085348
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, yamete kudastop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato hijacking the L2Ds earlier was too good. The absolute assmad from some people was glorious.

>> No.25085349

They need permissions for that

>> No.25085350
Quoted by: >>25085453

But Ichikara said they were going to take legal action against him after he made that video saying a bunch of Niji chuubas were unhappy.

>> No.25085351
Quoted by: >>25085372

Of course the 3d streams are scripted retard.

>> No.25085352

>Watame, FBK, Coco, Ayame and Aqua having BF's
>Rushia, Noel, Pekora, Matsuri, Mel being webcam whores
>Korone worse offender of them all
>Marine slept with her boss
Come on >>25085042, don't stop there.

>> No.25085354
File: 30 KB, 650x672, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085380

Copy the entire list, then when you click add, paste the entire list.

The only thing you might have trouble with is the ports, as some ISP's or campuses can be very strict about torrenting. It's a good idea to enable encryption, whether or not it's any more secure.

>> No.25085355

Neither of you will really enjoy it thanks to her pain and the blood which will make you flaccid, no matter how hard you insist doujins say otherwise

>> No.25085357

Mio being forgotten 60 days in!
Mio sharing the last place with Aki!
Subaro starting to take antidepressants!
Mio graduating before the ban is lifted without a goodbye video!

>> No.25085359

How do I do that without prescriptions?

>> No.25085358
Quoted by: >>25086196

Mio would deserve to be killed

>> No.25085360
Quoted by: >>25085370

okay... but who are you talking to?

>> No.25085361

That's called reddit, here's your karma bud

>> No.25085362

So? It sounds embarrassing for a male virgin to have sex with an experienced girl too, just no blood.

>> No.25085365

please don't lewd my wife

>> No.25085366 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 375x382, 1596150372737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085367

You think anyone here has had sex? The best possible situation for them is having a woman lay there like a board while you cum in 5 seconds

>> No.25085368

>I don’t know if it’s because of the cake

>> No.25085369
Quoted by: >>25085423

We're waiting for the slut to be exposed on the 1st now.

>> No.25085370

purity fags

>> No.25085371

Let’s hope she doesn’t comfort eat lmao

>> No.25085372
Quoted by: >>25085418

Their collabs are scripted too.

>> No.25085373

They don't, though. That's why they can't sell it.
They licenced it for a specific purpose. Anything outside of that is no-go.
Licencing things is hilariously fucking retarded and backwards.

>> No.25085374
File: 38 KB, 451x407, 1592931116559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085375
Quoted by: >>25085390

>implying it wasn't her fans shitposting too
The majority of the dislikes vanished like nothing. Of course, the ones left were actual Lunafags.

>> No.25085376

No, Subaru is there to comfort her, maybe in person. They'll get through it together.

>> No.25085377

>Haachama gets COVID
isn't Australia barely affected by it?

>> No.25085378


She can make a goodbye video, she just can't make a goodbye stream.

>> No.25085380


Much appreciated

>> No.25085379
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1593017732632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her friends are there for her and she has a lot of friends.

>> No.25085381

I'll make sure to keep tabs on the /t/ thread, thanks anon
hopefully they just restore them but I fear the worst
those are great too, I'll make sure to seed them if you share them

>> No.25085382

The end was prophecised so soon but no one noticed.

>> No.25085383

Oh yeah, and that one guy definitely knows what happened to DrDisrespectMyWife too.

>> No.25085384

what did mio do

>> No.25085385


>> No.25085386

i want to protect this big mommy

>> No.25085387

Mio being stuck collabing with Artia!

>> No.25085388
Quoted by: >>25085401

Whats up with Korone. I heard she was married, is there something more?

>> No.25085389

Basically started the whole purge.

>> No.25085390

Hardly a majority. They went down like 30-40% most. Unless it has changed since the stream ended that is, haven't checked since.

>> No.25085391

she is a fat fuck

>> No.25085392
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, 1593562876171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are videos gonna all get recovered or will all videos be lost media?

>> No.25085393
Quoted by: >>25085403

played the forbidden game
Ghost Slide

>> No.25085396

Yeah it's not like you'll get privated any time soon

>> No.25085398

This is the real question. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that someone posted a moona-tier McDonald’s spread in the thread after McAnon asked. The bastard didn’t even get our orders.

>> No.25085399

No they're likely gone forever outside of song covers.

>> No.25085400 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 1214x654, 1596150559340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're having less problems than most places, but shits still bad to the point where they're considering even more restrictions

>> No.25085401
Quoted by: >>25085424

Think of something idolfags hate. Korone probably has done that.

>> No.25085402

never forget Mio

>> No.25085403
Quoted by: >>25085431

They made a game out of the anime?

>> No.25085404

I know this is the internet, but if previous threads are to go by, there's a surprising number of Anons in STEM fields, and a surprising number of Anons that aren't virgins.

>> No.25085405

Waiting for permission slips in the mail. Anything copyrighted will be either long time wait or never.

>> No.25085406
Quoted by: >>25085497

Subaru's library is gone. She admitted to not knowing how to private.

>> No.25085407

>>YAGOO doesn't even have the balls to sue Japanese Keemstar
he is such a joke that not even 5ch takes him seriously, it's really just us and antis

>> No.25085408

The most boring and therefore likely answer is even more permissions and copyright nonsense. Is anyone else optimistic enough to believe that Cover can un-clusterfuck itself?

>> No.25085409

She failed her co-workers and caused trouble for everyone.

>> No.25085411

tried to bring happiness to everyone

>> No.25085412

She didn't do anything herself. Capcom decided it was time to ruin everyone's fun and copystruck two of her previous livestreams.
A third strike means you get deleted so Cover panicked and had everything before June privated to avoid any of the girls being hit by the triple meme threat.

>> No.25085413

5 of our states are basically covid free but the 2 most highly populated ones still have it and Haachama's city has been having a second wave that is actually bigger than the first wave.

>> No.25085415
Quoted by: >>25085433

I had sex, some years ago with men

>> No.25085416

With money and black people

>> No.25085418

For collabs I think it depends on what they do whether or not they script them.

>> No.25085419
Quoted by: >>25085470

5ch worship Japanese Keemstar, are you joking.

>> No.25085420
File: 246 KB, 1049x587, nanora noraaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085436

Some very likely will never come back because they'll simply not get permissions.
They'll be lucky if they don't even get sued, if any companies feel dickish enough. I don't think any are that scummy, though, not even Crapcom.

>> No.25085422

>Marine slept with her boss
but her boss was a woman... her dad hit on her

>> No.25085423

except that he literally can't

>> No.25085424

What kinda shit? A public relationship? Mentioning men a little too much?

>> No.25085425
Quoted by: >>25085449

There's a reason I have Tor on my computer

>> No.25085428
Quoted by: >>25085499

Yes, and?

>> No.25085431

No, this one is from the original manga. Capcom are big fish.

>> No.25085432

Having a BF or a husband is fine. I don't want a person to throwaway their life for the sake of being an e-idol, it's incredibly sad to see someone talented hitting their 30s and complaining about feeling a void which only a family can fill.
But being a total slut / prostitute kills my interest.

>> No.25085433
File: 1.83 MB, 2424x2436, 1592612526023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats pretty gay bro
i only do frotting with other guys and i am straight

>> No.25085434

Wow 70% of Australia has been infected.......

>> No.25085435
Quoted by: >>25085452

Who the fuck even watches Moi? Some poor schmuck had to wade through hours of boring miso soup tier "content" to find a video to copystrike? That's a fate worse than death.

>> No.25085436


>> No.25085437

17 million is over half the australian population anon pick a more believable image

>> No.25085438

nice try, towafag
your falseflag won't fool me tho

>> No.25085439

By the way, the Hololive official fb post edited out the f*n r*tards part. Seems like someone got yelled at

>> No.25085440

>It made people mad so it's good!
/v/ mind

>> No.25085441

What do they make at the Watame factory?

>> No.25085442

If the girls don't quit then nothing is going to fucking sink Cover, they are money printers with a loyal fanbase despite all of Cover's fuck ups.
It is also a very defensive position for Cover because fans don't want their girl to do worse so they will Supa and support her even if it gives Cover money because not doing so would mean they lose money.

>> No.25085443

there won't be an scandal, no one can say name without a defamation lawsuit in their hands, and even less that no body who for sure doesn't have the legal funds

even then, no one buys his narrative, so cover won't even need to adress it

>> No.25085445

Is FlarexNoel the only accepted shipping?

>> No.25085446

I was young, lonely and thirsty. I'm not that young anymore but I can't really get close to people now

>> No.25085448
Quoted by: >>25085463

too late lol

>> No.25085449
Quoted by: >>25085500

>he legally can't
It can't be slander/libel if he can prove that what he said is true.
Yeah, downloading corn pops.

>> No.25085450

Holos are fake virgin idols. Cover are fake retarded businessmen.

>> No.25085452

>who watches Moi

>> No.25085453

In order to make a case for defaming you need proof that he's out for, or that he is doing it often /long enough to cause actual damage. Your employees are getting harrassed/end up needing theraphy or that he is harming your reputation to make you lose money or something like that. Without a strong case, you're just gonna end up making yourself look bad. Often times companies will try to scare someone with lawsuits because they can afford it and you can't. They probably decided it wasn't worth the fuss/potential backlash and stopped at that.

>> No.25085454

Smiles and happiness

>> No.25085456

Delete that image

>> No.25085458
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moshi Moshi, Mister Yagoo? Shut it down

>> No.25085461
File: 553 KB, 767x942, 1581384105334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I waste my time watching fake anime girls play shitty video games and posting in thus dog shit board.

>> No.25085463
Quoted by: >>25085475

haha fat fucking fatass

>> No.25085464
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x1339, 1596122064561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It made people mad so it's good!
if lunafags cant take a joke that she was clearly in on then they need to fuck off

>> No.25085466

What scandal?

>> No.25085465
Quoted by: >>25085487

Can't they just supa a roommate stream or something? Cut out Cover.

>> No.25085467

No shippings are accepted, but that doesn't stop anybody.

>> No.25085468
Quoted by: >>25085503

That is the global cases, retard.

>> No.25085470

i don't know what 5ch you are talking about because no one in there gives a single shit about him

>> No.25085471
File: 94 KB, 1222x648, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am anonchama and didn't realize it was set to "world" instead of "Aus"...sorry about that

>> No.25085472

Feels good to be an Okayufag. She's fat, yes, but there's a huge chance she's a pure virgin since fatties are generally look down upon in Nihon society even much more compared to the US.

>> No.25085473

you obviously have not visited 5ch

>> No.25085476

because you are dog shit

>> No.25085475
Quoted by: >>25085493

haha a fat ugly hag haha

>> No.25085477

I hate /v/. I was last on /v/ in 2009 before it went to complete shit thanks to /b/.
Stay mad, faggot.

>> No.25085478
Quoted by: >>25085533

really good job, my only complaint is the very end kinda drags on.

>> No.25085479
Quoted by: >>25085485

Image name should be america, then it would be believable

>> No.25085480

she deleted her windows by accident

>> No.25085481

potato chips

>> No.25085482

The permissions arc can't get worse unless some company wants to sue Cover for the supa profits. The Holocaust was the worst it will be. But Cover will find a new arc and new ways to fuck everything.

>> No.25085483

Please lewd my wife

>> No.25085484
File: 37 KB, 245x317, mysteryjuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't help myself.

>> No.25085485

I hate you for being right

>> No.25085486

Imagine being so brain dead you believe what that retard says, He came up with 3 theories where even said himself that all of them aren't true just floating rumors.

He knows fuck all and he gets popular from brain dead morons who believe everything he says since, His record of being correct is terrible.

>> No.25085487

I'm not sure what this thread has led you to believe but they don't all run a different business on the side like Coco or Matsuri. Most of them were as thorough as they could be when nuking their old shit and even more of them don't use their old shit at all, they are exclusively Holo.

>> No.25085488

The funny thing is that this is incredibly accurate.

>> No.25085489

you shut your fucking mouth

>> No.25085491
Quoted by: >>25085531

Aquas bf story just makes me like her though, he was an autist just like her

>> No.25085492

Because you don’t value yourself

>> No.25085493

kek she's fucking bloated lmao

>> No.25085494
Quoted by: >>25085509

Okayufags are architects, not purity fags. Nice try though.

>> No.25085495

Hololive can only get stronger after this.
Continue your support, they are trying their hardest.

>> No.25085497

>She admitted to not knowing how to private
I need a source on this

>> No.25085498

wtf mio bros????

>> No.25085499

Okay you got me there...

>> No.25085500

>It can't be slander/libel if he can prove that what he said is true.
that would require more evidence than hearsay, and i doubt fucker has access to a sex tape

>> No.25085501

Boing boing peko

>> No.25085502

Shes exactly the type to have a lot of casual partners

>> No.25085503

Read the filename dumb seanigger

>> No.25085506

Nothing. Management didn't check their permissions and one of Mio's playthroughs got striked so she got banned from streaming. Cover went into panic mode and purged everything, some retarded managers deleted the videos instead of privating.

>> No.25085508

Can people not take a joke? Haachama hijacking other models was hilarious.

>> No.25085509
Quoted by: >>25085539

What do you mean?

>> No.25085510

>fans don't want their girl to do worse so they will Supa and support her
That's the stupid part in all of this.
You can just support the room mates who are still active (Coco... Noel...).
Then those who aren't active will see how much money can be made even without hololive

>> No.25085511
Quoted by: >>25085595

you know marine is a lesbian, right anon?

>> No.25085512
File: 485 KB, 970x1011, 1595539615921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only because they're our moms

>> No.25085513


>> No.25085514

Fuck off cover. I hate every single one of those whores who suck your ass.

>> No.25085517

>Tfw no chubby catgirl gf to crush you in cowgirl position
Why live?

>> No.25085519
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1594983229550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost my fucking mind when she took over PPT.

im also super disappointed she didnt sing souran bushi.

>> No.25085520


>> No.25085521
File: 48 KB, 245x317, 1582568257312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085522
Quoted by: >>25085546

Is Cover even going to contest the Mio stream ban or will they just throw her under the bus? Maybe they'll just send her to bilibili or Twitch and upload the VODs on YT.

>> No.25085523

So, what about that Mio hoodie?

>> No.25085524
File: 252 KB, 554x570, 1590462607172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085525
Quoted by: >>25085541

Lunafag here, pretty sure we didn't dislike the vod, it was funny, but I will from now on thanks anon for opening my eyes, I will be a good lunafag just as you think we are.

>> No.25085526
Quoted by: >>25085574

Fans don't want hololive to disband, retard.

>> No.25085528

The second my oshi creates a roommate channel or monetizes her historic channel I'll be doing everything on that one so Cover doesn't get a penny.

>> No.25085527
Quoted by: >>25085563

you forgot that this is anti central, they will jump on the dick of the first person with even the slightest bit of a audience that says something bad about the girls

>> No.25085529

Watame if she keeps eating all these chips.

>> No.25085531

what story. please share if it's that cute

>> No.25085533

This >>25085478
Feels like there should be more going on here. I thought maybe there'd be a lot of ryan gosling there.

>> No.25085532
Quoted by: >>25085793

It's the Internet age anon. Even if she was a virgin, she would have met tons of guys online and exchanged nude photos

>> No.25085534

This fucking fat bitch

>> No.25085535
Quoted by: >>25085566

Anyone has the full version of Kanata's intro?

>> No.25085536

still fat haha
cant take that away, chubby chaser
like you cant take away the food in her hands haha

>> No.25085537

>hololive will sue the random retard who says that their girl is a whore.
They didn't even sue the guy who made Chris retire and harassed the rest of the first gen, kek.

>> No.25085538

Who is the Kagura Mea of Hololive?

>> No.25085539

It's a /tv/ meme, nickname for Pierce Brosnan who's a fat fetishist and turned his beautiful wife into a planetoid like an actual fucking madman

>> No.25085540
File: 23 KB, 192x278, suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085567

goddammit what did you fucking niggers do to my ringo juice

>> No.25085541
Quoted by: >>25085568

>pretty sure we didn't dislike the vod
that explains why it got hundreds of dislikes per second when luna was on screen but only like 100 total when ppt was

>> No.25085546

They contested coco's right?, best case scenario mio is back by next week

>> No.25085547

>chubby chaser
obese chaser*, more like
obby chaser

>> No.25085548

If they are not pretending to be anime girls I'm not interested anon

>> No.25085549
Quoted by: >>25085579

I will put more food in her hands. And it will be wonderful.

>> No.25085551

And what would the fans of the other Holos do? Just leave them in the dirt and hope they catch onto the idea of starting another fucking channel to maintain only so they get Supas from their now decimated fan-base.
And besides a lot of the girls like working at Hololive, so why would they want to risk their position?

>> No.25085552
Quoted by: >>25085580

Some people are super mad because "muh kayfabe" delusions.
Some people are that serious that they get pissed off to no end if anything breaks the illusion of character. See the tree rat hate.
Hilariously, they think they are majority when they are a mocked minority.
They've done this stuff before as well, which is funnier. I mean, Korone and Marine literally just did a bodyswap 3D not that long ago.

>> No.25085553
File: 51 KB, 649x671, 1D25D6F7-2110-46CE-B2F8-8D21A9B4AB0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085554

Kagura Mea.

>> No.25085555
File: 360 KB, 1190x2000, 666157FF-CA32-4AD8-AA0B-B4303922F43E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085884

I was gone for 6 hours why are there so many newfags still here? The purging is over to back to your reddit discord shithole

>> No.25085556

Chris made herself retire you moron.

>> No.25085558
Quoted by: >>25085578

I'm the only one who loves fat japanese girls? I'd kill if I could bang her.

>> No.25085559
File: 99 KB, 658x674, 1576441471341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu? more like Oinkayu

>> No.25085560
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085633

>think of financially supporting
>probably just going to use the money to buy condoms and ciggs for their fuck buddies
I can't do it anymore...

>> No.25085561
Quoted by: >>25085586

Feeling nervous rushiacuck?

>> No.25085562

what the fuck, how much does she eat?

>> No.25085564 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 270x270, 1596151216717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25087119

they didn't sue him because he's dead

>> No.25085563

We used to like Hololive here, right? I'm sure we did at some point.

>> No.25085567
Quoted by: >>25085661

indirect kiss with THE PRIDE OF HOLOLIVE!

>> No.25085566
Quoted by: >>25085581


>> No.25085568

Don't blame others for the autism of your oshi anon

>> No.25085570


>> No.25085569
Quoted by: >>25085599

No idea why it triggered people, shit was hilarions. Only disappointment was lack of Soran Bushi. Kanata commented on how cute it was but was worried about Haachama when she started crying ыштсу she was still watching her when she started her own stream, kinda てぇてぇ

>> No.25085573

Feels good to not be a gossipy old woman and give a shit how much someone I will never meet weighs.

>> No.25085574

I'm not a fan of hololive per se, I'm a fan of the hololive members

>> No.25085575
File: 155 KB, 501x631, 1595872805086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085590

>about to install skyrim because of akua
someone stop me

>> No.25085578
Quoted by: >>25085603

>I'm the only one
go back

>> No.25085579


>> No.25085580

Watching the dislikes shoot up to 3.4K then go back down to 2.4K was pretty funny.

>> No.25085581
Quoted by: >>25085708

Thanks a lot anon. Kanzaki Hiro is Luna's papa right? He's really the best

>> No.25085584
File: 12 KB, 180x280, 1595945718680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085585

cover won't sue anyone, the girls will

>> No.25085586

>nervous about a bunch of made up narratives with no evidence.
quaking in my boots Harry.

>> No.25085587
Quoted by: >>25085598

oinkayu.. mioink
how the fuck would you even pronounce that

>> No.25085588
File: 162 KB, 319x324, 1595942587909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085658

>your oshi
what does FBK have to do with haachamas stream?

>> No.25085590

It's a legitimately terrible game, don't. Mods don't fix how shit and boring the gameplay is.

>> No.25085591

how can you guys be shitposting when its over 30 degrees

>> No.25085592


>> No.25085593

This might be a stupid question but how did Haachama get access to the other models in the first place, they sound like something you shouldn't share with people.

>> No.25085594
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1592201049054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085608


>> No.25085595
Quoted by: >>25085648

Yes, a fake lesbian

>> No.25085597

Matsuri's legs are pretty.

>> No.25085598
Quoted by: >>25085623


>> No.25085599
Quoted by: >>25085628

>she started crying ыштсу
Yeah that was funny

>> No.25085600

The Chris meme is so perfect, it’s those things like anonchama that you just know are always going be relevant.

>> No.25085601
File: 233 KB, 435x375, 1568029270514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really that difficult to find virgin girls in japan? all these whore narratives are depressing me

>> No.25085603


>> No.25085604

Anon....they're coworkers....

>> No.25085605

Does hololive have any fans yabee enough to do a Kyoani on them?

>> No.25085607

The models are company assets anon.

>> No.25085608

Fattening up this goat for harvest!

>> No.25085610

I have no words...

>> No.25085611
Quoted by: >>25085686

The answer is Kanata and Luna obviously knew about it before hand, as did management, so they gave her the resources needed which is why it's stupid for people to be mad at a preplanned joke that everyone was okay with.

>> No.25085613

What a sad character.

>> No.25085612
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1591330948666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085614
Quoted by: >>25085686

>"Hey Luna and Kanatan, can I borrow your model for a skit I'm planning?"

>> No.25085615

Air server

>> No.25085616

Holy shit, this retarded girl is going to kill herself

>> No.25085617
Quoted by: >>25085660

Was it that bad? Never seen it.

>> No.25085618
Quoted by: >>25085730

>eats burgers and cake for every meal

>> No.25085620
File: 57 KB, 828x462, 20200730_192243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release the other Gen models for MMDs cover. You fucking retards.

>> No.25085619
Quoted by: >>25085695

Imagine being a Koronefag and burning the Hololive HQ and not realizing that she was still inside

>> No.25085621

They can share between coworkers.

>> No.25085622

rip moona

>> No.25085623
Quoted by: >>25085649

m'yoink the sound mio oinky makes when she snatches your snacks

>> No.25085624

Luna is a saint!

>> No.25085626
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1589978874153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085627

There's someone crazy enough out there. This is the main reason I'm apprehensive about a Holo house. Someone is 100% going to find where they live and doxx them.

>> No.25085628
File: 25 KB, 1080x586, 1588910371894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085629
File: 637 KB, 2675x2685, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085638

moona what the actual fuck
i didn't think moona would be next to retire but fuck maybe she will be

>> No.25085630


>> No.25085631

Many who get into an industry like this end up hooked on attention. And those type of girls are always the biggest whores

>> No.25085632

best guess if that they ca just ask for it, maybe they even have access to all the others assets

not long ago flare was playing around with, hers noel's and marine's 3D models, despite them not being publicly available

>> No.25085633

>buying food from a farmer's market is just buying condoms for him so he can go home and fuck wife without having a 6th kid
anyone paying the girl because you love her rather than paying because you love her content is an absolute fucking retard

>> No.25085634

The two massive cake slices always get me.

>> No.25085635
Quoted by: >>25085665

i want to fuck subaru

>> No.25085637

It's hard all around the globe anon. and it'll only get worse over time

>> No.25085638

Anon, do you know what diabetes is?

>> No.25085639
Quoted by: >>25085653

Mio have to die

>> No.25085640

Flare please...

>> No.25085643
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, B1A54C60-8A1E-45CF-A80B-F219C8A7DBFB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25085644
File: 3.92 MB, 2504x1520, neet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085689

We must defend the Holohouse at all costs.

>> No.25085645
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1595776391137.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inclining to the moon!

>> No.25085647

I was just mad that she so obviously stalled for time to milk those views. Doing the joke twice in a row is proof of that

>> No.25085649

This one got me thanks for the giggle anon

>> No.25085648

>he fell for it

>> No.25085651

Are those double cheeseburgers from McDonalds? Pretty based, although the fries are probably cold and thus not great

>> No.25085652

people act like this is insane but assuming its her only meal of the day its not bad at all. that cant be over 1600 calories.

>> No.25085653
Quoted by: >>25085662

this but with towa

>> No.25085654

in florida we have air conditioning

>> No.25085655

It's hard to find a virgin anywhere. Japan age of consent is 14.

>> No.25085658
File: 14 KB, 646x264, EaGu1vVXQAAtdzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085683

Thanks anons now I know who to dislike

>> No.25085660
Quoted by: >>25085778

It wasn't in bad faith but Kanata definitely isn't the best player out there. It had fun moments though https://files.catbox.moe/bh0tex.webm

>> No.25085661
File: 368 KB, 1366x1822, fried of hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pride sucking on your famichiki!

>> No.25085662

Why not both?

>> No.25085663
Quoted by: >>25085682

What are you guys talking about? What did stream did Haachama take over, which video is it?

>> No.25085664

lol it’s all made up none of this shit is true I sit making shit up in these threads every day

>> No.25085665

Life beat you to it

>> No.25085666

If you're having trouble finding them where you live you'll have trouble finding some in Japan.

>> No.25085668
Quoted by: >>25085712

Not if we dox them first and become their secret defense force

>> No.25085669 [DELETED] 

she eats this before sleeping...

>> No.25085670
File: 54 KB, 463x386, watame mel singing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085671

Everyone has access to everyone's models, the app they use provides it all. The only models they probably don't have access to are Sora, Roboco, Miko and AZKi since they're all 3D.

>> No.25085673
Quoted by: >>25085710



>> No.25085674

i can go be security for free at holohouse as long as Watame marries me

>> No.25085675

At least separate the greasy food away from the cake. For fuck sake Moona.

>> No.25085677


>> No.25085676
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1594248217715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, how much time does she have left?

>> No.25085678

Not hololive but Kagura Mea said she received a lot of death threats from her fans (including burning her house)

>> No.25085680

Honestly I would have preferred it if she did it one more time. Rule of Threes in comedy and all that.

>> No.25085682

it's deleted, newshitchama

>> No.25085683

>tribal war fag
go back

>> No.25085684 [DELETED] 

Hey 4 Chan. I came here because of this https://youtu.be/lhg0ioaJeLM video. Is this really a hololive discussion? All I’ve seen in something about roommates? Why do you care who they live with? Also this place is really negative maybe take a chill pill?

>> No.25085685
Quoted by: >>25085702

God tucking damn it I’m tired of this picture making me so hungry

>> No.25085686
Quoted by: >>25085724

Normally I'm not this dumb, I'm blaming all the shit that is going on.

>> No.25085689

>tfw Coco will never pay you in nudes of her model to guard Holohouse

>> No.25085690

yes she's gonna cake herself to death if she doesn't stop eating

>> No.25085691
File: 1.86 MB, 4096x2304, EeKzigoU4AICsi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do our girls (or boys) stand a chance

>> No.25085693
Quoted by: >>25085777

Luna is the oldest.. but also one of best looking...
Stupid sexy baby grandma

>> No.25085695


>> No.25085696

She eats her burgers at like 3am

>> No.25085698
Quoted by: >>25086541

Nijifags really want to kill Aqua.

>> No.25085699
Quoted by: >>25085707

I just found her bf
fuck this bubble internet shit

>> No.25085701

Nice bait anon.

>> No.25085702

just get off of your ass and go get some mcdonalds then

>> No.25085703

nice bait bro! very epic

>> No.25085704

Entertainment industry mate, they might be recluses now but they would have had to hustle prior to hololive. Probably deal with plenty of sekuhara.

>> No.25085705

there's also a huge chance she dies of heart failure any day

>> No.25085706

+++ breaking news +++
Some of Haato's old streams are back

>> No.25085707
Quoted by: >>25085758

Where did you find me!?!

>> No.25085708

He did Hacchama's ED too:
and I'm especially partial to this chill thing with Fubuki:

>> No.25085709
File: 24 KB, 228x260, 1590461649734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is this.

>> No.25085710

I hope we aren't entering the chick streams arc any time soon.

>> No.25085711

>not even a new IP
trying too hard

>> No.25085712
Quoted by: >>25085771

We will start an /hlg/ house next door and beat up anyone taking pictures.

>> No.25085714

I do, it kills faster than aids

>> No.25085716

>tfw Coco will never give you a good dicking at the end of the day because you protected the Holohouse

>> No.25085717

What about rape threats

>> No.25085718

Mea deserved it

>> No.25085720

This place is more shit flinging and less discussion. Go on reddit or something.

>> No.25085719

gonna get the (you)s
everyone reply to this guy FAST
i'll samefag 5 times, let's give this guy more attention

>> No.25085721
Quoted by: >>25085799

Just because you didn't like the content doesn't mean it was a stall for time.
Haachama planned that stream out the same way she plans all her streams lately.
I was hoping for part 3 to be Coco honestly.

>> No.25085722
Quoted by: >>25085761

A fellow alligator anon?

>> No.25085723

there's some of them right in THIS very thread anon
watch out for these CRAZY people and don't encourage them

>> No.25085724

It's okay, Anonchaama, it was indeed a very stupid question but to be fair, things have been hectic. You might need to lie down for a bit.

>> No.25085725

>but assuming its her only meal of the day
That's extremely uncommon, anon.
Most people would rather die than adopt a one-meal-a-day diet.
>Hololive caust

>> No.25085726
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ulxfDFtJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only meal of the day

>> No.25085727
Quoted by: >>25085812

The reason why we've had an extra influx of newfags. Hopefully they'll fuck off in a few days once the "epic drama" has subsided.

>> No.25085728

Pretty sure they just have free access to all models on their app, Choco accidentally pulled Rushia’s model in her horror game collab with Mel

>> No.25085730

How fat is Moona? Is it a case of that’s no moon?

>> No.25085732

Anons if I'm a bisexual faggot pretty sure some of the holo girls can be too, you try to hard to believe they all are hollywood actresses who keep the fake character perfectly everyday of their life.

>> No.25085733

>one of my post is in this shit
Please ask permission to use my content in your cringe faggot.

>> No.25085734

Fuck off

>> No.25085736

florida represent

>> No.25085737

How is this bait? This guy is obviously new
No one spoonfeed him

>> No.25085738

Oh shit, I never knew he uploaded this. This shit's jammin'

>> No.25085739

>that cant be over 1600 calories
are you aware how much that is in a single meal for an asian woman

>> No.25085740

It's not her only meal of the day and she eats shit like that at fucking 3AM.

>> No.25085742

He never posts on his Twitter anymore.

>> No.25085744

I agree, I eat one huge meal and crash every day, and I'm underweight

>> No.25085746

after seeing how much of a skeleton he is just makes it funnier

>> No.25085745

>Doesn't even have the balls to label it the Holocaust
Paint it Black is better. This just sucks.

>> No.25085747

honestly it's crazy that the boys are finally doing a collab with Suzaku again!

>> No.25085749

I'm sad, just found out that Ayame is a whore. What do i do?

>> No.25085751
File: 684 KB, 1056x598, matsuri_l2d_blushing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, I hope we get some more Ayame/Matsuri collabs, with Ayame teaching Matsuri how to stop being such a virgin and becoming a gigastacy like her.

>> No.25085750

It's bait, don't bite it.

>> No.25085755

I’ll work for free for kson nudes

>> No.25085756

>muh bait
How hard is it to accept that this shit video actually led newfags here

>> No.25085757

Nigger Faggot Retard

>> No.25085758

Make her stop following your shit ass pls

>> No.25085759


>> No.25085760
Quoted by: >>25085783

How does this change anything?

>> No.25085761
Quoted by: >>25085860

Florida hololivebros meetup when?

>> No.25085762
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei leaves her half-finished carton of shota cum on the desk
Do you go for the indirect kiss?

>> No.25085763
File: 87 KB, 596x520, B4ABF01E-8182-476F-8A1D-995470593509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085764
File: 180 KB, 853x1200, CBFDBE5AD07B463FBAEBB7FC65E4C4F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085781

These two are so cute....

>> No.25085766

She is gonna graduate from this plane of existence

>> No.25085769
File: 985 KB, 2048x2048, 1583860362063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be happy like the family! we are ok with Towa and her boyfriend!

>> No.25085770
Quoted by: >>25085797

I bought an air conditioner recently, I'm going to get raped on the electricity bill but I'd rather have this than dying

>> No.25085771

Then we can install voyeur cameras and monopolize

>> No.25085772


>> No.25085773

This is bait but there are others who obviously came here with this exact mindset

>> No.25085774


>> No.25085775
Quoted by: >>25085785

I'd rather wait for her to go to the bathroom, then go in myself to lick the seat.

>> No.25085777

Luna is 25

>> No.25085778
Quoted by: >>25085862

Seem like they were having fun.I though korone shit talked kanata.

>> No.25085779

It's 32-36c every day where I live, we have air conditioning.

>> No.25085780

Maybe ifntkjey stick togwbt er as a team andnhafw.good.aim. ayame has had bad aim lately maybe shexisnkjstn nervous or something. Thenwraith player needs to be good and I have been Nissan pointed with ayames games lately

>> No.25085781

Minecraft...not again...

>> No.25085782

I knock the carton on the floor and initiate a duel

>> No.25085784
File: 339 KB, 2864x1908, 1591427056022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085801

if you posted this on catbox instead the thread would be calling you based instead guaranteed

>> No.25085783

There is a difference between supporting a girl with a boyfriend and supporting a whore.

>> No.25085785


>> No.25085786

Hello, im new to the whole vtuber and hololive thing, but what made me interested in it, is the fact they use fake personalities and supplant their real identities, and for long hours everyday, while this fake persona gain popularity, friends, wealth and recognition, their real identity remain a secret or at least the try to it.

I'm wondering about the psycological aspect of using a fake avatar on the internet and having a double live that is more inmportant than your real one, they should tend to show sign of psycological issues, like being unable to control their rage, random sleep shedules, disosiation with reality, random tantrums, signs of bipolarity, depression and paranoid.

Have any Hololive had a panic attack?

>> No.25085787

Thanks, he's really really good

>> No.25085788

Our son just can't stop winning.

>> No.25085789

Happy Set will erase these niggas by outrunning them.

>> No.25085792
File: 131 KB, 276x196, 1594096426448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you okay?

>> No.25085793

Who hasn't?

>> No.25085794

>You now remember the glass filled with Coco’s pee

>> No.25085795

Hello stranger, maybe you'd prefer Reddit or Discord instead.

>> No.25085796
File: 363 KB, 629x350, haachama_fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085852

Bitch that's baby heat. If you're not shitposting from a caldera then you're not on my level.

>> No.25085797

Imagine getting an air conditioner. Just take your skin off bro. You don't need it any more, we don't live in the wild.

>> No.25085798

i unironically wish I was a shota
I suppose that’s just called being a manchild

>> No.25085799
Quoted by: >>25086161

Every other Holo had their reveal within 20 minutes
She took twice that amount so she could epicly troll her viewers twice.

>> No.25085800
Quoted by: >>25085814

30 degrees is not even air conditioner territory, a decent fan is more than enough

>> No.25085801

Yes, because catbox has no discovery feature, which means it's a private joke and not attention whoring

>> No.25085802

they are adult women. they have been trained to do those very things since a child

>> No.25085803
File: 45 KB, 550x67, 1570346786239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085804

>30 degrees
i live on top of a mountain

>> No.25085805


>> No.25085806
Quoted by: >>25085874

in what way does it make their content any different?

>> No.25085807
Quoted by: >>25085830

Just watched Haato's new L2D reveal and it looks like shit. It's like Cover saw the Nijis getting new avatars and decided Holos needed them too. There is something horribly wrong with the avatars mouths, it's never quite in the right place. Haato's side view is also awful.

>> No.25085808

Again, what does that change? Will you ever do more than just watch her streams? I don't think so. Keep watching what you want to watch.

>> No.25085811
File: 210 KB, 406x525, 1595168410442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Matsuri will ever become a Stacy
She could get laid by all the women in the world and still would be an autistic mess when it came to love.

>> No.25085812

Hololive is literally in flames and you're playing it off as "epic drama", just fuck off dude you're not even a hololive fan.

>> No.25085813
File: 112 KB, 348x298, shion yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085823

who's gonna be the last to graduate?

>> No.25085814

Anything above 25 is air conditioning territory for me, but I never heat so it depends on people sensibilities

>> No.25085817

>all these triggered retards baited

>> No.25085818

30 degrees? That's fucking freezing. It's over 96 degrees here.

Celsius Tucker. Oh come on dude celsius sucks

>> No.25085821
Quoted by: >>25085953

Look into the movie Perfect Blue if you like that kinda shit

>> No.25085820
Quoted by: >>25085848

>Voyeur cameras
Those are undercover security cameras. We also need to steal their clothes to make sure they haven't been tampered with by antis.

>> No.25085822
Quoted by: >>25085839

What a fucking little bitch harrasing a depressed girl

>> No.25085823
Quoted by: >>25085845


>> No.25085825

>unable to control their rage
>random sleep shedules
>Disosiation with reality
>random tantrums
>signs of bipolarity

>> No.25085826

Consider suicide

>> No.25085827

That's her snack bro

>> No.25085828

world wide fatame, the better WWF.

>> No.25085830

Agreed with Haato. Matsuri's was the only upgrade.

>> No.25085831
Quoted by: >>25085853

>celsius sucks
What do you mean "celsius suck"? What does that even mean?

>> No.25085833

Well for once, if you actually clicked the video you'd see it has 8000 views.

>> No.25085834

What a fucking masterpiece

>> No.25085836

More like MOO-na

>> No.25085837
Quoted by: >>25085858

It's funny how a few discord servers now bragging about how fast they were with the archieving while we alerted them and they didn't even know what's happening

>> No.25085839
Quoted by: >>25085855

sheep bullied aqua when she was depressed
i still cant forgive that vile sheep

>> No.25085842

Hey, if people want to fuck YouTube's servers over by uploading hardsubbed 2 hour birthday streams instead of just adding subtitles to the original video, I'm all for it.
Only thing I'll really miss is Holograffiti, and some of their videos got taken down so that ship's sailed for me.

>> No.25085844

>no mention of haachama

>> No.25085845


>> No.25085847

>Suisei leaves her half-finished carton
not interested
>of shota cum
nevermind, down the hatch

>> No.25085848
Quoted by: >>25085905

We need to install cameras on each step of the stairs so we can immediately protect them if they trip

>> No.25085850

Lmao, if anything their real personas supplant the expected virtual one. The second wave of Vtubers is in particular well liked because there are less protocols and the characters are more authentic. It's not uncommon for characters meant to be cute to turn out to be comedians and vice versa.

>> No.25085851
Quoted by: >>25085908

>celsius sucks
“In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.”

>> No.25085852
File: 22 KB, 400x400, caldera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shitposting with Caldera, does that count?

>> No.25085853
Quoted by: >>25085861

It's a quote from an old RvB video.

>> No.25085854
Quoted by: >>25085867

Matsuri looks fine from the side and her mouth is marginally better, but she lost that constant stupid smile that I loved. Her mouth still has that up too high problem.

>> No.25085855

That was the biggest fucking reach ever and you know it

>> No.25085856

living by the strayan social norms is not a disease

>> No.25085857
File: 64 KB, 451x553, D1078A50-F8E1-4503-A99F-04B73D71C897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No collabs
Now everyone will see how much of a leech she is.

>> No.25085858
Quoted by: >>25085876

funny how much you care
talk trash if they don't share, which should be the point of all this archiving autism

>> No.25085859

Quite a few of them have fucked up sleep schedules that's for sure

>> No.25085860

Fuck yes. We can go catch some yellowtail and cook it on the beach while discussing best girl

>> No.25085861
Quoted by: >>25085882

I don't know what RvB is, sorry anon

>> No.25085862
Quoted by: >>25085941

On stream Kanata admitted it took her hours to complete a level and they laughed at that, then Korone was impressed with just how badly Kanata did on the gourmet race. Also gave her a nudge because of her ending screen: https://files.catbox.moe/9ae3j6.webm
It was just friendly banter all around. Kanata recently remembered how Korone said that she never seen anyone play it that badly and laughed at that.

>> No.25085863
Quoted by: >>25085890

who is this 4chan?

>> No.25085866

>imagine you go to the luxury restaurant and they play this music after you order food.
I don't often commend youtube comments but this made me lol

>> No.25085867

Your right about the smile for sure. Although it is also nice to see her have some form of animations

>> No.25085868
File: 79 KB, 712x900, unvalyms26u41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085893

I love puppies :3

>> No.25085871

there isn't any
not until one of them describes in detail her hot smelly shits

>> No.25085872

Negative nancies replied to this post negatively

>> No.25085874

>Compares a normal girl in a healthy relationship with whores
Good joke anon

>> No.25085875
File: 103 KB, 299x216, 1595942751872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085887

>Matsuri's was the only upgrade

>> No.25085876
Quoted by: >>25085897

I'm there to steal everything, I don't give a fuck if they don't want to share

>> No.25085877

no one, thank god

>> No.25085879
Quoted by: >>25085901

It's not a new IP you fucking baffoon.

>> No.25085880
File: 428 KB, 640x488, 1595945836176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085882

A very old internet series.

>> No.25085883

Don't EVER post something like this here AGAIN. This is not who we are as community. This is such a toxic mindset that puts down one thing to put another on a pedestal, can't you just enjoy Hololive without comparing it to anything else? I can see that you just started posting a bunch of memes here that come from Twitter for Coco's visit but please don't spread toxicity like this. (That's not even touching on the sexism and the fact that Hololive consists of women.) I'm not joking when I say this, delete this.

>> No.25085884

jokes on you i came from twitter

>> No.25085885
File: 420 KB, 674x675, 1592545476139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085904


>> No.25085886

Haachamas real problems stem from her retarded teen angst. Everything she shows on stream is her exaggurating for comedy

>> No.25085887
Quoted by: >>25085963

shit forgot about FBK, I never tune into any of her streams so it sortof passed me by

>> No.25085888
Quoted by: >>25085922

>All this talk about air conditioning
RIP Krautchan

>> No.25085890
Quoted by: >>25085903

I think some hacker dude, I read about him on facebook

>> No.25085891

I have been watching chibistars and they may have a chance. Hololive will get to top 3 if luck is on their side.

>> No.25085892
File: 3.19 MB, 632x380, 1594510162016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085893


>> No.25085894
File: 198 KB, 534x663, 1584119627575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085895
Quoted by: >>25085977

Matsuri talks about her peeing herself on the regular.

>> No.25085896

It can't have been that long...oh no

>> No.25085897

>steal everything
Based discordspy
Hope you don't get caught, see you on /t/

>> No.25085898
Quoted by: >>25085923

Sending Suisei bottles of the little boy asshole perfume!

>> No.25085900
Quoted by: >>25085916

are there nutritionists in Indonesia?
can we get one for Moona, please?

>> No.25085899
Quoted by: >>25085912

so is kaoru actually laundering money or is that bullshit

>> No.25085901

New IPs aren't shown when updates have multiple posts.

>> No.25085902
Quoted by: >>25085958

>>>/t/954472 hopefully it works and everyone gets some cute banpire playing nintendo games

>> No.25085903

some sort of network administrator or something right?

>> No.25085904

You reminded me her 'debut' is today, almost completely forgot about it

>> No.25085905


>> No.25085906
File: 57 KB, 112x112, PETTHEARTIA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086240

i am literally shaking

>> No.25085907

Almost got me

>> No.25085908

Autism. Nobody cares about science shit like that

>> No.25085910

>Sleep schedule
>doesn't mention Coco

>> No.25085912
Quoted by: >>25085936

I doubt he was making enough money to pull off a laundering scheme. Unless he was laundering the lunch money of the children he bullies.

>> No.25085915

FBK is doing fine, the one with the depression narrative is shion

>> No.25085916
Quoted by: >>25085971

You can't hire self control

>> No.25085917

Hey /hlg/ https://files.catbox.moe/ci6ii7.webm

>> No.25085919

Dude, Aki's is perfect, she's been having so much fun with it too

>> No.25085921

Did you not see the pornhub video posted in the last thread with Matsuri?

>> No.25085922

Why did that shithole die anyway?
Was it CP? It was CP wasn't it?

>> No.25085923

Imagine Suisei rimming your unwashed asshole... You think she'd appreciate the fact that I deliberately didn't wash my ass when I took a shit just so she can savor the stench and taste even more?

>> No.25085924
Quoted by: >>25085934

I was about to shit on Anon for being underageb&, but it never occurred to me just how old RvB actually is now.

>> No.25085925

>almost done having seedbox deluge recheck the torrent
>this happens
It's all so tiresome

>> No.25085927

based retard

>> No.25085929

is that a 5th gen?

>> No.25085930
File: 4 KB, 1714x30, 2020-07-30 19_41_14-D_ 0.0 K U_ 0.0 K - Deluge_ Web UI 1.3.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck and i anonchamaed it

>> No.25085931
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1593651712085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25085934

Time makes fools of us all.

>> No.25085935

haha she's dead

>> No.25085936
Quoted by: >>25085957

What the hell happened with Kaoru anyways? Laundering money, bullying kids and cheating his wife hit a hololiver.

>> No.25085937
File: 175 KB, 386x363, 1596127890891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25085948

you cant kiss a ghost's ass


>> No.25085938


>> No.25085940


>> No.25085941

That's actually quite cute. Now I wish they have more collabs in the future.

>> No.25085943

This is why NASA hasn't replaced the space shuttle yet.

>> No.25085945

My grandpa (may his soul rest) had to get one of his legs amputated due to diabetes, Hope she takes better care of herself

>> No.25085946
Quoted by: >>25085997

This is why the stuff about them being fuck machines makes me lol these women spend hours upon hours in front of a computer and some of them even have other private channels they stream from they might as well be channers

>> No.25085947
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x900, womb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuubas putting on an act for so long that the fake persona takes over, and they are left as a mind broken corporate cumdump used only for breeding the next generation of chuubas!

>> No.25085948


>> No.25085950
File: 870 KB, 735x789, 1596079894238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only upgrade.

>> No.25085951

because it's only 12°C here

>> No.25085953
Quoted by: >>25086053

Sincerely, people like to hype up how fake and depressing things are. There is a certain romanticism with that idea I guess. People look at stories like >>25085821 and boast about how realistic it is and assume everything is like that.
In truth things are far more complicated. I worked in marketing for 15 years and what impressed me was not how fake things were, but how many people actually felt very personal and spirited about their work, despite being such a cursed business. Same goes for the few celebrities I got to work with. I imagine vtubers aren't that different

>> No.25085955


>> No.25085956


>> No.25085957

Caught having 3p with Miko and Rushia

>> No.25085958

Confirmed downloading. Thankyou friend.

>> No.25085962


>> No.25085963

Fubuki has the mouth problem too. I hate these L2D reveals, I feel like I'm watching a face reveal of a burn victim.

>> No.25085964
File: 173 KB, 331x279, 1595938815741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really anon

>> No.25085965

Was Sensei always this qt?

>> No.25085966
Quoted by: >>25085981

I'm sad

>> No.25085967

sounds like a genuine marine fantasy

>> No.25085971
Quoted by: >>25085984

Risu and Iofi are living with her right?
have them put some restrictions on what Moona can eat ffs. Obesity is no joke.

>> No.25085972

Ditch Deluge, use qBittorrent. It shouldn't have this problem.

>> No.25085973
Quoted by: >>25086000

>I really want Watame to do an actual diss track.
You joke but I would pay for this

>> No.25085974

the Live2D update made her 10x as cute as before

>> No.25085975

Please come back mikochi...

>> No.25085976

>3 of my shitty OCs made it in
pshh nothin personnel

>> No.25085977

I’d drink a glass of her piss

>> No.25085978

i wish choco would look at me like she looks at the mic guy

>> No.25085979

>doesn't know about season 18
Oldfag, I feel you.

>> No.25085980

transmissionchad here

>> No.25085981
Quoted by: >>25086009

It'll get better just hang on anon

>> No.25085982

I miss Mio so fucking much

>> No.25085984
Quoted by: >>25086007

They aren't Moona family. They can't just say what she can and can't eat.

>> No.25085985

She's always been the cutest

>> No.25085986

i love the wiggling from those things on her head

>> No.25085987

I've never had any issues with Tixati despite using it for almost a decade.

>> No.25085988 [DELETED] 

Yo wtf kson's stream last night got so many superchats it's actually insane

>> No.25085989

89 more days...

>> No.25085991
File: 259 KB, 946x2048, 1564633450672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco's new L2D is so fucking good

>> No.25085992
Quoted by: >>25085998

its cuz they nuked all of asacoco

>> No.25085993

>season 18
It went to shit as soon as the chink got involved. I can't even imagine how simpsonlike it is now

>> No.25085994

I mean it started in 2003 so the fact that it's still going on doesn't mean it isn't old. Personally I stopped watching after the season on Chorus with Felix and Locus.

>> No.25085995
File: 466 KB, 1050x1200, 1585916516608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086465

Here, have my favorite Mio pic.

>> No.25085996
File: 11 KB, 180x180, 1596096432094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you miofags.

>> No.25085997

They are girls. They can have sex anytime they want ( except the landwhales ).

>> No.25085998

unironically too far

>> No.25085999

You better drop a big fat akasupa for her when she comes back bro

>> No.25086000

>You joke but
I do not, I assure you. Watame rapping is glorious and there needs to be more of it.

>> No.25086001

Was it good? , I kinda want to watch it

>> No.25086002

Graduation soon. Ksonlive soon.

>> No.25086003
File: 300 KB, 1919x1079, 5436543678899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is this degenerate dyke coming back

>> No.25086005

She's an expert at milking simps

>> No.25086006

>Closed source

>> No.25086007

I guess nurses and doctors should do that either then since they're not related to you

>> No.25086009

I will, thanks anon

>> No.25086010

>Haachama memed me into a foot fetish
Hopefully we get a doujin be Fishine

>> No.25086011

Knowing that the money it's actually going to her is a big insentive

>> No.25086012

Have you tried that specific torrent? It's the first time I see a filename that long in a torrent, long filenames also tend to cause issues on Windows too.

>> No.25086014
Quoted by: >>25086054

god its been so long...reminded me of an old friend who got me into Halo and convinced me to buy an Xbox for it I remember he signed my yearbook with his live handle MasterChiefChris

>> No.25086015

Her gachikois finally found a way toward donate to her even when coco isn't streaming

>> No.25086017

I hope that bitch will die, she killed the hololive. Now every other girl blame and hate her.

>> No.25086018

i keep hearing that mio got banned
wtf does that even mean? how did she get banned?

>> No.25086020
Quoted by: >>25086043

I wonder if cover demand a cut of that

>> No.25086021
Quoted by: >>25086040


>> No.25086023

She's a cabaret whore, knows how to work those wallets

>> No.25086024

Based Cocofags. Fuck cover

>> No.25086025

Better than giving Coco money. I wish every holo had a way to bypass Cover like that. Especially Mio right now.

>> No.25086026
Quoted by: >>25086057

Are you retarded? They can say that she needs to eat healthy and show good foods, but if Moona goes and buys 4 hamburguers they can't make her not eat it.

>> No.25086027

I'm glad famili now has a dad...

>> No.25086031

Good bye mikochi...

>> No.25086033

Why would you give money to Cover?
Especially after what happened.

>> No.25086035

Expect more streams from her after the permissions debacle

>> No.25086038
File: 158 KB, 292x395, 1593711415523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right so basically Cover, a big boy company, didn't get the proper permissions in place and for some reason Capcom decided to copyright strike their shit on Mio's channel of all channels 7 months later for some fucking Monster Hunter videos, thus resulting in her getting a 90 day ban and then the great purge happening on everyone else's channel too.

That's fucking autistic.

>> No.25086040 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1596153202186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...today for sure...

>> No.25086041

Wait, when did Roboco act paranoid?

>> No.25086042
Quoted by: >>25086052

Mio's hair clip was a limited time sale?
FUUUUCKK, do this things show up on yahoo auctions or something?

>> No.25086043


>> No.25086044

she gets alot of viewers when streaming my favorite is still that RE2 run where she did the Ada cosplaygod she would look so hot with short hair

>> No.25086046
File: 247 KB, 1000x1333, 219FA3C6-CF69-4B39-9737-B5E07582687C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn’t deserve this...

>> No.25086050
Quoted by: >>25086101

Anon, unless under governmental rule, your doctor can't control your diet. Only advise.

>> No.25086051
Quoted by: >>25086073

call it the holocaust bro

>> No.25086052

Why would you want a hairclip?

>> No.25086053
Quoted by: >>25086106

>despite being such a cursed business
Isn't every business cursed in some way? Can't brew a good beer without the chance that someone is gonna drink too much of it and proceed to annihilate a five-year-old with their car.

>> No.25086054

Why are these threads so fucking rife with doxfags? Control yourselves.

>> No.25086056

Hairclips are cute

>> No.25086057

>they can't make her not eat it
implying, if it's gonna kill her they have to do that

>> No.25086059

Even if they cover takes a cut, it's way better than what they would do by themselves. Noel is a big camwhore and her hololive channel does better.

>> No.25086060

for my hair obviously

>> No.25086061

Japanese businesses are backwards when it comes to handling streaming man.

>> No.25086063

look how happy she is

>> No.25086065
Quoted by: >>25086134

I can change to that on the seedbox, hopefully it can handle the filename

>> No.25086067
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1595288711349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this baldie

>> No.25086070

waiting for K*nata to get an alternate 2d or 3d character so she can make a 2nd 3rd channel to stream with ks*n on

>> No.25086071
Quoted by: >>25086076

Why is Subaru such a fuckin whore holy shit

>> No.25086073

I wish HOLOcaust was trending on Twitter. It would be fun for both fans and antis.

>> No.25086076

everyone wants to hug the sun

>> No.25086080
Quoted by: >>25086099

The pride of Hololive...

>> No.25086081

Duh, to put on his Mio sex doll.

>> No.25086082
Quoted by: >>25086148

I doubt. If they move to holohouse Kson will most likely stop uploading, since its risking not only her, but kanata and suisei as well.

>> No.25086083
File: 9 KB, 904x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bye CMT

>> No.25086085
File: 178 KB, 393x336, kiryu-chan....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086112

Coco made 8 times the amount during the purge hours doing that superchat stream than k*on's most recent stream.

>> No.25086088 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 2120x1192, 1595952558153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was the best stream today.

Get your vaseline, tissues and sandpaper!

>> No.25086090

I'm not saying that it's better, I'm saying that it's better to have both. Imagine if Mio had one right now and wasn't stuck without a job for three fucking months. And it is absolutely better to give your money directly to your holo than for Cover to take a cut.

>> No.25086092


>> No.25086093
Quoted by: >>25086222

Imagine being an unpaid narc for a 2D idol corporation.

>> No.25086095


>> No.25086097
Quoted by: >>25086115

How the fuck you have a business that’s popular because of cute girls playing games on YouTube; and don’t know how retarded claims shit can be really demonstrates their ineptness. Yagoo is a newfag

>> No.25086099
File: 482 KB, 768x449, EdxmimTU0AAnWJb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of the CCP!

>> No.25086100


>> No.25086101

I guess your health care is different from mine. If you pose danger to yourself or others there a range of methods to make you comply and unless you sign that you're a stupid idiot who wants to die (take full responsibility for your actions) you will abide while under supervision

>> No.25086106

I used to work in the IT department for an engineering consultancy, and had to dig up 10 year old emails for a legal incident in Dubai where a construction worker was killed. Even though it had nothing to do with us, just being part of the project was enough to implicate the company.

>> No.25086107

I wish I was Kanata.

>> No.25086108

That's not the pride of Hololive tho?

>> No.25086109
Quoted by: >>25086222

snitch, fuck you

>> No.25086110
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086112

She only gets around 30% of the superchat money when streaming for Hololive though.

>> No.25086113

Jump Force Suisei...

>> No.25086114

god i want to fuck coco

>> No.25086115

The worst part is they did know, that's the whole point of the permissions arc. Yet they still managed to be "surprised" by copystrikes on videos that were already months old when the permissions arc started.

>> No.25086116
Quoted by: >>25086222

>Bootlicking Cover of all companies

>> No.25086117
Quoted by: >>25086135

Why doesn't Cover set up monetization so they can forcibly monetize clips and translated videos (all money goes to them)?

>> No.25086118

Those bilibilifags took the 3D too literally.

>> No.25086119
Quoted by: >>25086222

What a little cocksucker

>> No.25086120

Your favorite holo

Would you pee in her butt against her will

>> No.25086121

Who is having sex with this man?

>> No.25086124

For my hair??

>> No.25086125
Quoted by: >>25086222

You're not helping the girls by doing this, only Cover.

>> No.25086128
File: 121 KB, 1285x1097, 1595285327862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my wife that I loved Shion more than her and she made me sleep in the car outside.

>> No.25086129
Quoted by: >>25086152

I missed Luna's roommate morning stream
I blame Aqua

>> No.25086132
File: 128 KB, 791x817, 1593064380238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086192

That's what she gets for wheezing at a devil

>> No.25086133

no but i'd kiss her tummy

>> No.25086134
File: 6 KB, 1045x72, 2020-07-30 20_01_48-Transmission Web Interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086166

Nope same issue. Am I really going to have to recreate the torrent file just to remove this

>> No.25086135

It would kill their translation fanbase.

>> No.25086136

In the best scenario Cover could offer their big name idols stock shares such that the girls will become millionaires once Cover does an IPO in the future

>> No.25086137

>his wife is not Shion
look at this nerd and laugh

>> No.25086138
Quoted by: >>25086162

They have a no barging in without permission policy, that should do

>> No.25086141

I've never understood this fetish. Peeing with a boner does not feel good.

>> No.25086142

Imagine being kicked out of your own house

>> No.25086145

I would let her pee in my butt

>> No.25086146
File: 55 KB, 720x784, puffectsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos... onegai...

>> No.25086147
File: 197 KB, 1326x2048, 1593580008166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with loving your daughter more than anything?

>> No.25086148
Quoted by: >>25086194

This one simple trick can change you're laifu.


>> No.25086150
Quoted by: >>25086207

You need to get yours checked anon

>> No.25086152

Does she delete the streams? When I click on the links from her twitter it always links to dead videos.

>> No.25086153

>obeying your wife to the cuckcar

>> No.25086154
File: 11 KB, 221x228, 1568489575135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086444

At least her videos are safe. Why is she the only one though?

>> No.25086155
Quoted by: >>25086677

>big boy company
you have to remember, and many forget, they themselves weren't expecting this kind of growth. not agood defense though because they had a lot of time to better themselves when girls started hitting the bigger numbers. management is mostly nerdy tech dudes

>> No.25086156

Who WOULDN'T though?

Coco is literally begging for dick.

She gets the job done every month.

>> No.25086158

your wife sounds like a bitch

>> No.25086159

Nice tummy

>> No.25086160
File: 73 KB, 847x839, jewassnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086222

You can tell this guy never had friends.

>> No.25086161
Quoted by: >>25086227

Shion and Fubuki admitted on their streams they didn't really have anything to do and were literally stalling for time simply due to the tradition of not showing it off right away.
Haachama planning out an hour of content is literally the opposite of that.
Why are /v/tards incapable of enjoying anything?

>> No.25086162
Quoted by: >>25086182

>following permissions

>> No.25086166



>> No.25086167

I’d prefer to pick the dragons pubes with my teeth

>> No.25086171
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1564533798987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cocofags pushing their 3dpd garbage again

>> No.25086174

Bros... I heard it on good authority that Yagoo is BEATING the holos because of what happened with Kaoru and this copyright holocaust...

>> No.25086175

They're member only.

>> No.25086177

Watching Aki's most recent drinking zatsudan, her live2d update really compliments her. Cute as hell.

>> No.25086179
Quoted by: >>25086201

Aki's was made by the same guy who made Watame so it's no surprise it turned out so fun

>> No.25086180


>not being a lawfag

>> No.25086182


>> No.25086183

I love this image

>> No.25086184

she’s got that corn fed southern thickness I’ll kill for

>> No.25086185

Hey Anon, is your Holo worth watching? Has she contributed anything to your life? Has your Holo made you a better person in any way, or do you not actually care about her?. As her subs grow and she becomes better, are you even worth anything to her? If your first time watching she saw you, and then she saw you again today, would she be happy with how you've grown or would she be sad to see she had no impact in your life?
It's time to do your reps Anon. Don't let her down.

>> No.25086186
Quoted by: >>25086207

your dick is broken mate

>> No.25086187

please stop using the white korone to ledditpost.

>> No.25086188

No, only consensual pee goes in her ass.

>> No.25086189

Literally who?

>> No.25086190

Well that'd be great but Cover are Japanese so this would never happen.

>> No.25086191

Matsuri is the 2nd most awful, and it's because hers is made by the same person
Fucking hack modeller
And the worst thing is that the person might be in charge for 1 more model

>> No.25086192
File: 82 KB, 768x768, 1592649979262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa wants to hear her wheeze again.

>> No.25086193

they aren't even competent as a private company

>> No.25086194
Quoted by: >>25086238

Looks likes a job for this guy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm9K6rby98W8JigLoZOh6FQ

>> No.25086196
Quoted by: >>25086221

These kind of sub humans deserve the rope. Seriosuly

>> No.25086198

Imagine not doing your reps when you first wake up

>> No.25086199

youd fly into a rage too if someone was using your company to launder money and fuck your employees

>> No.25086201
Quoted by: >>25086247

Can she make a creepy wide-eyed Watame stare too?

>> No.25086203
Quoted by: >>25086242

Nobody doxxes their own girl, this is just discordfags doing the same thing they did yesterday because you retards can't stop giving (you)'s

>> No.25086205
File: 278 KB, 1191x1684, 1580805674268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25086206
Quoted by: >>25086217

>cocochads get to support her directly without some shitty company that removes all her content and doesn't protect her from copyright strikes taking a cut
Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.25086207

you guys have it literally backwards and seriously need to see a doctor if you can pee with a boner, its not supposed to work like that

>> No.25086209
Quoted by: >>25086236

People who donate to k*on know YAGOO isn't taking a huge cut out of it.

Plus she hadn't been streaming on that channel in quite a while because she couldn't keep schedule.

>> No.25086210

Why does she use the mickey mouse voice when she's not playing Coco?

>> No.25086211

Now Kaoru laundered money instead of fucking Rushia and ruining his marriage?

>> No.25086212

I wanna caress her hips!

>> No.25086214
Quoted by: >>25086257

t. Broken dick

>> No.25086215

Matsuri's is just as shit.
Aki looks great, FBK is somewhere in the middle.

>> No.25086216
File: 1.21 MB, 2893x4092, EeBLBBZUwAM0Ojg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR of the loud orgy they will have tomorrow!

>> No.25086217

same with noel

>> No.25086218
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1143, 33B65361-5366-4941-A671-E36E734939FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086231

Konpeko konpeko konpeko! Hololive’s 3rd gen, Usada Pekora here! Have you purchased a copy of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim recently?

>> No.25086221

Only 25085358 deserves the rope.

>> No.25086222


>> No.25086220

Are you talking about pissing into the toilet? Thats the only way I can imagine that it would be uncomfortable..

>> No.25086223
Quoted by: >>25086286

how much of a cocksucker do you have to be?

>> No.25086225
Quoted by: >>25086278

He just said both, retardo.

>> No.25086227

>Crying about /v/ because someone dared to not like your daughter's epic prank
The "content" was literally just her singing with a different avatar. I'll take the intimate chats over that memeshit

>> No.25086228

She's too used to doing the mickey mouse voice now. Plus she doesn't give a fuck about people finding the channel.

>> No.25086229

>Sora allowing Yagoo to beat up the holos for his mistake
Anon, it is the other way around. Sora slapped Yagoo in front of Fubuki.

>> No.25086230
Quoted by: >>25086293

It's her voice. Do you really think someone can keep faking a voice for that long?

>> No.25086231


>> No.25086233

I'm gonna keep doing my reps and still never use it for communication because I have a cripplingly small social comfort zone!

>> No.25086236

>she couldn't keep schedule
Why are you pretending like its hard to keep a schedule?
She could've streamed if she cared enough. She just doesn't give a single fuck about her fans.

>> No.25086238
Quoted by: >>25086249

That obviously isn't that kind of lock. It's got a slot on the anterior handle so you can easily get in from either side with a screwdriver or coin. It's to keep honest people out.

>> No.25086240

>tfw Moona and Risu are likely going to be there as well
may just sit this one out, especially if it devolves into emote spam and a million raids from literal who's...

>> No.25086241
Quoted by: >>25086278

according to keemstar and 5ch, it mmight be both

>> No.25086242

Nobody cares, least of all when she puts zero effort in hiding anything, has no yabees and to top it off is hot as fuark

>> No.25086247

Yeah hers is one of the wider stares of the new set.
Nobody was crying except you anon.
I hope you manage to find some enjoyment somewhere eventually.

>> No.25086246 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 301x221, 1596154329664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25086249
Quoted by: >>25086266

Doesn't matter, he'll find a way to pick it.

>> No.25086251

>faggots depending eop clips

>> No.25086253
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

あぁ、どうしよう!? 高く振りあげたこの腕 (えーりん!えーりん!)
私のお月様 逆さまのお月様         (助けてえーりん!)
もう、早くして!強く振りおろした腕は    (えーりん!えーりん!)
あなたを呼ぶサイン えーりん!あなたへのサイン

>> No.25086256

So did we ever find out who the whore is? (Don't say Towa)

>> No.25086257
Quoted by: >>25086298

> During erection, these centers block the relaxation of the sphincter muscles, so as to act as a physiological separation of the excretory and reproductive function of the penis, and preventing urine from entering the upper portion of the urethra

>> No.25086258

All of Subaru's black flag is now downloaded

>> No.25086259

So when are they going to fix the mouths on the 2D models so they aren't way high up?

>> No.25086260


>> No.25086261
Quoted by: >>25086288

she has the highest streamed hours out of any gen 4, add to that the fat that she does asacoco, which only took a hiatus as of recent because of the move

>> No.25086262

>launder money through superchats
>lose 75% of your money

>> No.25086265
Quoted by: >>25086308

COVER fucked up with Mio so it's on them to get it sorted.

Either put her on a platform for a while where she can stream freely like Twitch or let her do manager shit or something.

>> No.25086266

I don't know what you're even trying to say here. A child could "pick" that lock without equipment or training, which is obviously a deliberate design feature.

>> No.25086267


>> No.25086270
Quoted by: >>25086306

Stop avatarfagging everytime you complain about the thread. You're posing all the same shit for months now.

>> No.25086271

i piss with morning wood every morning and it feels awesome

>> No.25086273

Gonna be the highlight of the current post-apocalypse Hololive.

>> No.25086274

She does livestreams, and Asacoco. If she only did one she could easily stream on both channels.

>> No.25086276

Shuba shuba shuba

>> No.25086277

As soon as they sort out permissions.

>> No.25086278

Yes, my statement merely added onto his statement you goddamn retard you have no right to insult me
Oh, someone with no proof. Pure speculations.

>> No.25086281 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25086302

Imagine having a waifu stupid enough to put all of her eggs in one Hololive basket

>> No.25086282
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 1593474705664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086283

Haatofags can't understand not everyone likes that level of autism and L2D updates are watched by literally everyone like a 3D debut.

>> No.25086285

Not Towa

>> No.25086286

keep sucking the cock of these leechers. he can apply for the translator job if he wants to steal money off the girls

>> No.25086288
Quoted by: >>25086337

Honestly I don't see asacoco coming back.

It's had its run. Maybe once a week is okay.

>> No.25086290
Quoted by: >>25086344

probably Rushia, all we know is that it isnt Miko

>> No.25086291
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x723, EeGV5ofUcAMQmaF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086335

the person that made Matsuri and Haato's is the same person who made cute new Choco, your opinion is now irrelevant

>> No.25086293
Quoted by: >>25086316

Listen to her speaking English in that voice and come back to us again with that opinion.

>> No.25086294
Quoted by: >>25086309

So why haven't they unprivated the shit that doesn't even have copyrighted material?

>> No.25086295
Quoted by: >>25086312

wasn't it today

>> No.25086296
Quoted by: >>25086324

sexy camwhore*

>> No.25086297

Damn sio gets to eat THAT

>> No.25086298

My cock is double-jointed so this doesn't apply.

>> No.25086300
Quoted by: >>25086439


>> No.25086301
Quoted by: >>25086327

Did anyone grab Hitman, watching her fumble through it was a joy

>> No.25086302

I don't give a fuck, not hololive related you stupid fucking retard

>> No.25086303
File: 383 KB, 551x578, 1584463710272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086304

Do you think Katana wakes up everyday thinking who should she leech?

>> No.25086306
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that that attention whore, please pay attention to the filenames.

>> No.25086308

Mio is already fairly active on blbl so I wouldn't be surprised if she'd stream there (and then maybe upload it on youtube).

>> No.25086309

Please understand we need permission from Cover.

>> No.25086311

Rushia is the whore confirmed.

>> No.25086312

Nope, it's tomorrow. They're probably also going to announce the official holohouse move in day as well.

>> No.25086313

Bushy and puffy.

>> No.25086316
Quoted by: >>25086382

It's the exact same thing but in English.

>> No.25086317
Quoted by: >>25086331

Anyone got fubuki’s pubes

>> No.25086318

Do you think

>> No.25086323

ohh i see thank you, hopefully everything goes well for them, i wonder what happened with anemachi

>> No.25086324

*butterface camwhore

>> No.25086326
Quoted by: >>25086360

Room mates are related.

If people know who they are, it's fine.

Coco does not give a fuck if her fans find her other channel. As long as you don't be a retard in the chat or comments outing her.

>> No.25086327

Hitman was one of the first to go, while AC is still up, so I don't know but it's going to be hard

>> No.25086328

They're member only and she privated it after she's done with it.

>> No.25086329


>> No.25086330

Getting caught in the belt!
Cute Towa noises!

>> No.25086331
File: 385 KB, 504x749, 1593055251966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want that dumb cat's pubes

>> No.25086332
File: 29 KB, 474x501, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25086335

The model is fine Haachama's setup is just terrible.
Now we get to see her staring downward at her laptop all the time thanks to the new range of motion.

>> No.25086336 [DELETED] 

Yeah because this shit stays on topic ever nigger

>> No.25086337

Maybe once a week is a good idea. Ever since Cover put a filter to her content, Asacoco's quality has been going downhill.

>> No.25086338
File: 683 KB, 585x614, t41343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's your next stream Korone?

>> No.25086339
Quoted by: >>25086370


>> No.25086340

Anemachi isn't moving in with them. There may be room for one more person in the Holohouse they picked out, which may go to Watame or Miko.

>> No.25086341

She probably wakes up happy that she could hear her alarm

>> No.25086342
File: 509 KB, 864x446, holohouse3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anemachi didn't want to move in with them....


>> No.25086343

2 hours until Artia's stream is bombed

>> No.25086344
Quoted by: >>25086380

Why Rushia? She didn't have any connection with holostars that i know of.

>> No.25086345

nevermind that, when are they going to delay their audio so that the video is no longer so consistently and significantly out of sync

>> No.25086346


>> No.25086347

They just settled on a place, and even that was not 100% sure a couple of days ago. I doubt they've settled on a date to move in yet.

>> No.25086348
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1592248381493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086365


>> No.25086349
File: 215 KB, 858x1200, dumbslut73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does r*ddit and d*scord leave?
It wasnt this bad before the 3d events

>> No.25086351 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 640x360, 【バイオRE_2】どこでもタイラントおじさん:Resident Evil RE_2【kson】 0-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better than giving Coco money. I wish every holo had a way to bypass Cover like that. Especially Mio right now.

Nothing stopping them from making a separate and independent vtuber channel.

>> No.25086355

What happens if Mio gets striked a third time?

>> No.25086356

That Watame gets me everytime

>> No.25086359

bush is olev, bush is life

>> No.25086361

she wakes up to me poking her growing belly

>> No.25086360

>Room mates are related.
Feel free to inform the mods of that when they ban you for off topic, then.

>> No.25086362

she is taken out back and put down with a shotgun

>> No.25086363
Quoted by: >>25086374

I feel like that's very unlikely.

>> No.25086364

Her channel get's deleted

>> No.25086365

isnt there a matsuri one?

>> No.25086366

>boot-licking Cover especially after everything that happened

>> No.25086367

Isn't looking down like that bad for your neck?

>> No.25086370
Quoted by: >>25086408


>> No.25086371

Wait what? I thought Anemachi couldn't bear to be separated from Suisei.

>> No.25086372

I want to fluff Miso.

>> No.25086374

It's unlikely, but I'm pretty sure that Coco said that she offered her a spot at one point.

>> No.25086375

Got nothing in my brain

>> No.25086376

Yagoo taxidermises her and keeps it for a bbw fleshlight

>> No.25086377


>> No.25086378

That's not Korone...

>> No.25086379

What happened to Anemachi being attached at the hip to Suisei?

>> No.25086380
Quoted by: >>25086400

Do you think they would collab on screen if they were having an actual affair? Don't mix business and pleasure.

>> No.25086382

And does it sound natural at all?

>> No.25086383
File: 407 KB, 505x683, 1594117955632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the JAV racecar
>the silent mouse
>the heavy breather
>the western porn star
what kind of moaner is senchou in bed?

>> No.25086385

Haato doesn't care about anything anymore.

>> No.25086386

Yeah she's gonna be feeling it after another 5 or 10 years when her youthful invincibility wears off.

>> No.25086387

The real strategy is to subtlety advertise your main channel with your Holo channel so you can eventually ditch Cover and take your paypigs with you.

>> No.25086389

>holohouse has an extra spot, they invite another holo to spend the night at their house and torture them all night
would make for quality streams

>> No.25086390


>> No.25086391

>Watame falseflaggers are newfags
Checks out.

>> No.25086392
File: 702 KB, 1200x938, 0A5714B3-36C5-4699-A7DD-DB93427AB402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086430

>Anemachi isn’t moving into the Holohouse

F for the sister wife.

>> No.25086393
Quoted by: >>25086436

Ok man, let's be honest with each other the least of our problems are dicsord or reddit, all the slutposting, the people who actually believe narukami, the boyfriend posters, the antis

those are all our won people

>> No.25086394

>Nothing stopping them from making a separate and independent vtuber channel
unless you know what's written in their cintract we don't know that. I'm not sure if youtube would give a shit what incarnation of Mio is streaming if she already has two strikes on her
third impact

>> No.25086397

The channel gets deleted.

>> No.25086398
Quoted by: >>25086411

I hope Mio thoroughly enjoys that cheese

>> No.25086399
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 1584380688824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone point and laugh at the newfags that just blew in last week

>> No.25086400
Quoted by: >>25086419

I don't mean collab, i mean twitter talk and shit like that.

>> No.25086401
Quoted by: >>25086439


>> No.25086402
Quoted by: >>25086807

>Nothing stopping them
Is that actually the case? Because if Cover were smart they'd forbid creation of such channels. K**n has been around for a while as a vtuber and she is an exception in this case. I don't think any of holos actually created an independant vtuber channel while being under Cover's contract.

>> No.25086403


>> No.25086405

Thank Coco for that.

>> No.25086406

"We're very sorry to say that we will have to cease translating hololive VOD's due to Cover's new policy. All of you EOP's have no choice but to do your reps." - Every translator channel probably

>> No.25086407

I really think the holohouse is a bad idea, they'll get sick of each other.

>> No.25086408

Kurokami Miyuki! The first member of Gen 5 and newest addition to SMOK!

>> No.25086409
File: 378 KB, 1904x1071, 1594461945044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the coolest dude in Baki, dammit I hate to say it but Aruran picked the fuck up, that a sub he as good taste in manga,characters and holo girls

>> No.25086410

>The model is fine Haachama's setup is just terrible.
I agree. You could tell that when she started using Luna's and Kanata's models, she was constantly looking down. Also when she calmed down after the reveal ended, the model started looking a bit better.

>> No.25086411
File: 1.35 MB, 4592x2927, Mio_Prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it's delicious. As long as bubba doesn't take it from her.

>> No.25086412

how do bunny outfits keep the flaps over their tits?

>> No.25086413

for the first 30 seconds, very loud, then she runs out of breath and just makes little whimpers

>> No.25086415

It’s impossible for her not to have a beautiful ass being where she’s from

>> No.25086416

the tarzan

>> No.25086417
Quoted by: >>25086428

Skin-safe adhesives.

>> No.25086418

Depends on what type of people they are. If they all already had roommate they can make an educated guess, if not then let's pray for them

>> No.25086419

Kaoru was flirting with every VTuber on Twitter EXCEPT Rushia, coincidence?

>> No.25086420

Should I fap to Marine's fat smelly ass today, too?

>> No.25086421

Kek these niggas really trying to fit in

>> No.25086422

She has long nipples.

>> No.25086423

No one on reddit or discord even mentions japanese keemstar, or all the boyfriend shit

>> No.25086424

pro gamers often live together and it usually works out, but sometimes it goes really really badly, like the smash pro house where everyone was raping kids

>> No.25086426

Wire inside.

>> No.25086427

With purified essence of testosterone

>> No.25086428

that sounds very uncomfortable, I wouldnt want glue on my tits

>> No.25086429
File: 922 KB, 280x256, 1590683181177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone gets striked
>youtbe assume it's the third one and deletes her

>> No.25086430
Quoted by: >>25086453

Is she actually not?

>> No.25086432

That isn't black cloth. It's electrical tape.

>> No.25086431

>smash pro
Here's the problem

>> No.25086433

You ever seen those amateur videos of old women making loud man-ish grunts and shouts?

>> No.25086435
File: 272 KB, 608x608, 1598798455654854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip Moona "Diabetus" Hoshinova

>> No.25086436
Quoted by: >>25086477

Fuck you

>> No.25086437
Quoted by: >>25086462

Depends on the people anyway and this is the first time we are seeing this

So far only Noel and Flare talked it out and decided not to

>> No.25086438

Only if you’ve done your reps already you coomer

>> No.25086439

fuck off

>> No.25086440

I'm actually in love with mio bros. this wasn't supposed to happen, but i can't stop thinking about her, i'll use this feeling to better myself and hope she comes back soon

>> No.25086442


>> No.25086443

Only pedophiles and outcasts become “pro”

>> No.25086444

she's perfect.

>> No.25086445
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 861135DF-01C0-4DA0-A928-A96303C2AB25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheepfags are getting better and better everyday
I’m proud

>> No.25086446


>> No.25086447

Festival will be the Hololive savior. Mark my words.

>> No.25086448


>> No.25086449
Quoted by: >>25086461

cover are f'n r*tards

>> No.25086450

>thinking of moans when you can think of the sound of her thick ass clapping from behind

>> No.25086453

They're probably going to go with the idea of living in neighboring apartments instead of an actual house, and Anemachi rejected that immediately when they suggested that she live in an apartment next to Suisei's.

>> No.25086454
Quoted by: >>25086489

Will you still love her when you find out she is a slut?

>> No.25086455
File: 25 KB, 363x331, matsuli2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086456

Seethe more kenzocuck

>> No.25086457

I heard the SEAnigs at facebook know who it is.

>> No.25086458

That’s what she would want

>> No.25086459
File: 42 KB, 642x378, 1594233256589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086461

No we are not incompetent, we are not f*n r*tards...

>> No.25086462

>So far only Noel and Flare talked it out and decided not to
if it wasn't because of noel's other job, those are probably the ones that could have made it work

>> No.25086463
Quoted by: >>25086480

Is every Watamefag a Pekorafag or is it the other way around?

>> No.25086464

how? Is she gonna show her panties on youtube?

>> No.25086465
File: 34 KB, 434x419, 1590055276162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ookami MILFo is more like it

>> No.25086466


>> No.25086467

I dunno. Is it?

>> No.25086468
File: 56 KB, 704x596, 1594543476910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Peko, her fans saying "FUCK HOLOSTARS" and she took it literally

>> No.25086469

based but cringe

>> No.25086472

Fuck Towa peko

>> No.25086473

t. ex-fatfuck

>> No.25086476


>> No.25086477

Tell me then, what other place has this kind of discussion? there isn't, it's a problem of our own making

>> No.25086478
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1595832370491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086480
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1592751185696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086487

we can co-exist as long as we arent fighting about numbers

>> No.25086485


>> No.25086486
File: 31 KB, 258x376, 1590515283180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon

>> No.25086487

Watame > Pekshit

>> No.25086489

i would be deeply hurt by it, but i don't believe that shit so it doesn't affect me

>> No.25086490

Why did they cut out the throat pistoning?

>> No.25086491
File: 59 KB, 540x304, 7468428567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, just say you were pretending to be retarded, newfags.

>> No.25086493
Quoted by: >>25086524


>> No.25086494
File: 683 KB, 623x643, 1595765024228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25086623

come back Towa!

>> No.25086496

How was Aquas skyrim stream?

>> No.25086497

Can anyone make out what the dude is actually saying, I can't hear him over the music.

>> No.25086498
Quoted by: >>25086509

Who does Aqua need to slap to fix this whole mess?

>> No.25086500

It was us. We were the whore all along.

>> No.25086503

You’re setting yourself up for disappointment anon

>> No.25086504

Something about 4 condoms being enough

>> No.25086505

i always thought she was cringe with all those dirty jokes but now knowing how hot she is, i get super fucking hard from them.

>> No.25086507

I was shocked when I first heard this. Takes me back to her early Asacoco days.

>> No.25086509

Me please

>> No.25086511

Put this into filename tab
to filter images from some phoneposters

>> No.25086512

don't know didn't see it

>> No.25086513

Yo this whore's pussy is loose as fuck, I want a refund.

>> No.25086514

Reminder that ONLY sheepfags allowed to numberpost, ONLY fubukifriends allowed to narrativepost and ONLY haatons allowed to shitpost.
Otherwise you're tainting your holo.

>> No.25086516


>> No.25086518
File: 69 KB, 228x221, 324214312432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has she written her own song yet, sheepfag? Pekora did that during her fucking debut! And Watame is supposed to be a singer? Pathetic peko

>> No.25086519
File: 131 KB, 1000x1333, 1594121607615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a time to discover these feelings, I hope you stay strong for the time being.

>> No.25086522

Just ate a mini-pizza then half a burrito.

Weight inclining!

>> No.25086524
File: 291 KB, 625x549, 1596003576757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Aruran and Towa sextape?

>> No.25086525

lets creampie her together

>> No.25086526

she made a khajit and named herself AquaNinja

>> No.25086527

Who's the driver?

>> No.25086528 [DELETED] 

Your clip left out something very important


>> No.25086529 [DELETED] 

She's >30 years old. Are you sure you wanna test her waters?

>> No.25086530
File: 52 KB, 939x939, 7o23ryjlirw41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25086531
File: 36 KB, 297x376, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25086532

did she go for the 3rd slice?

>> No.25086533

It was fun, I'm sure she didn't find the combat great but she seem to be impressed by everything else. Like the crime system, diverse dialogue choices etc which barely exists in JRPG.

>> No.25086534
Quoted by: >>25086961


>> No.25086535

>has she written her own song yet?
Only 3 times.

>> No.25086536

imagine being Kanata and trying to go to sleep, hearing Coco schlicking furiously to videos of girls getting creampied next door

>> No.25086539

She ran into some annoying glitches and is mainly playing the main story. She said she likes it tho.

>> No.25086541

I will not allow it

>> No.25086543

Why are Sheepfags and Pekofags like this?

>> No.25086544

Luna has a members only singing stream today at 7PM JST

>> No.25086545

Well she got banned from Riverwood as soon as she set foot so

>> No.25086546


>> No.25086548


>> No.25086549

Towa 200k stream when

>> No.25086551

reminds me of the "Vtuber is too early for you go back to pornhub"

pre 2.0 was probably her strongest

>> No.25086552

Watermelon > carrots

>> No.25086554
Quoted by: >>25086577

no one uses it anyways, have you ever seen a holo stream that had subtitle submissions enabled on the archive?

>> No.25086555

Suisei sounds while getting creampied herself are louder.

>> No.25086557

Mikochi will come back with a new 2d model and will save hololive

>> No.25086558


>> No.25086560

If anything, Coco would probably invite her to watch them with her.

>> No.25086561
Quoted by: >>25086616

>Has she written her own song yet

>> No.25086563

Stop replying newfag.

>> No.25086565
Quoted by: >>25086961

now that is an armpit pussy

>> No.25086567

New 3D model refinements coming, here's a sample

>> No.25086568

miko will become all of hololive

>> No.25086569

What is this unnamed phenomenon that allows Coco to somehow be massively successful despite literally everything about her?

>> No.25086572
Quoted by: >>25086961

holy FUCK

>> No.25086575

Cover might as well start playing dirty and launch a secret 'Independent' Gen; a group of independents working under table-for-table for cover so they can launder while at the same time bypassing the copyright nonsense.

>> No.25086577

Miko's 3D stream and Matsuri's birthday stream

>> No.25086580

Gaijin in japan

>> No.25086581

You now remember that Shion x Coco and Watame x Haato were a thing.

>> No.25086583

Yes, in fact she has a lot of them. https://streamable.com/g7a72c

>> No.25086584

Disgusting, at least use Koikatsu. Share the cards and mods.

>> No.25086588

I'm gonna watch one Conan episode and come back you fags better slow down or i'l miss my ritualpost.

>> No.25086590

Sexy, funny, degenerate and isn’t Rushia. My favorite 4 things about Coco

>> No.25086591

>tfw Marine is younger than Rushia

>> No.25086593

Post videos where your favorite Holos interacted

>> No.25086594
Quoted by: >>25086603

>Kanata's room in the middle
>noises from Coco watching creampie comps on one side
>noises from Suisei being spitroasted on the other side
>Kanata can't hear any of it anyways

>> No.25086595

the stealth archer will always prevail

>> No.25086596

Miko will NEVER be 2D!

And that's the best thing about her.

>> No.25086598
Quoted by: >>25086609

Astel is going to be doing an APEX stream later with an actual professional APEX team

>> No.25086600

inb4 this actually is how 5th gen is being planned

>> No.25086601

I was gone for like two days what's this purge I keep seeing mentioned? Did more people get fired?

>> No.25086602

You’re making us look bad you fucking nignog she has multiple originals

>> No.25086603


>> No.25086604


>> No.25086606

This is Pekora's best 3D performance.

>> No.25086607
Quoted by: >>25086614

>Post videos where your favorite Holos interacted
It was purged...

>> No.25086609


>> No.25086611
Quoted by: >>25086636


>> No.25086612

>Can't sing
>Terrible design
>Terrible model
She's really good at interacting with her audience.

>> No.25086614


>> No.25086615
Quoted by: >>25086961

I’m salivating

>> No.25086616

What did she write then? Was it Ai Mai Chocolate? Please try to tell me it was that one.

>> No.25086617

she overcame what many Asians are afraid of, shame

>> No.25086620

Doesn't look cursed enough, here

>> No.25086621

>ctrl f holos name in archive
>went from 50% anti posts to 100% basically overnight
I guess it's time to stop doing that.

>> No.25086622

this motherfucker needs to release his fucking models
stingy fucking cunt

>> No.25086623


>> No.25086625

Check Cover's official statement.

>> No.25086626

What a fuckin slut, I'm surprised that Kaoru didn't fucked her.

>> No.25086627


>> No.25086628

What's the problem here?
Americans love cream pies

>> No.25086629


>> No.25086630
Quoted by: >>25086749

>having cover take a cut of your revenue without having any of the free publicity from being part of hololive
yeah sounds great

>> No.25086633


>> No.25086634
Quoted by: >>25086648

Coco has a great design, but yeah, the model sucks.

>> No.25086636
Quoted by: >>25086647

Someone archived this right? Or are you retards still missing the clue?

>> No.25086639

Watame rap, Watame lullaby and the Tete song maybe? She didn't compose Ai Mai chocolate or write the lyricsz which is pretty weird because I like her compositions to be honest.

>> No.25086640

>Did more people get fired?
No but I'm fucking hoping they do.

>> No.25086641

why no one told me to invest in the azkicoin?

>> No.25086644

When did this thread get so sexy

>> No.25086643
Quoted by: >>25086664

More ToSui soon.

>> No.25086645

it's the same modeller

>> No.25086646

No dumbass she just wrote a few jingles like her Watame rap, the one about her shitty internet and the one about Haachama stalking her off the top of my head.

>> No.25086647

Read video description please

>> No.25086648
Quoted by: >>25086770

You mean the 2D model right?

>> No.25086650

Yagoo is Artia?

>> No.25086651
Quoted by: >>25086662

the sheep is always right on que with faces

>> No.25086652

Because you're a newfag.

>> No.25086657

>fatcat eating

>> No.25086656
Quoted by: >>25086766

Lmao are all the managers just going through Fubuki content right now?

>> No.25086659
Quoted by: >>25086761

The main point of hololive is that their members get crazy PR

>> No.25086660
Quoted by: >>25086675


>> No.25086662


>> No.25086663

If everything is entirely scripted, including collabs, then why is Mio so fucking boring? Why don't the writers give her any good lines or personality?

>> No.25086665

Please go slower I'll be back in a couple hours

>> No.25086664

Tower to the stars!

>> No.25086666

Aqua is so cute bros... It's good to know she's probably only dated casually once or twice and is probably stop a virgin...

>> No.25086667
Quoted by: >>25086746

>Can't sing
Coco has the voice of a fucking angel if she sings the right songs. It's when she tries to sign high and fast that she falls apart. There are some streams of her doing lower, lower pitched songs and she's genuinely incredible. Then she starts shouting some meme song at the top of her lungs and ruins everything.

>> No.25086668

>is probably stop a virgin...

>> No.25086671

She moves to a nice farm upstate

>> No.25086673

They aren't scripted, retard. Do you think they can control what is gonna happen in a game to make they say good jokes?

>> No.25086674

goodnight you faggots
it's been a fun day on /hlg/

>> No.25086675
Quoted by: >>25086705

He’s winning son peko

>> No.25086676
Quoted by: >>25086778

they can't promote it though, might as well make a different company

>> No.25086677

Yeah that really isn't a good excuse though because this sort of legal shit should have been worked out even if they only had 2 or 3 Holos.

>> No.25086678

>none of her old let's plays have been recovered
Sora and Achan...

>> No.25086679
Quoted by: >>25086694

>he doesnt know

>> No.25086681


I should have clipped that ark stream where some wolves appears and she says "awooo okami mio desu"

>> No.25086682

Where can I see membership numbers?

>> No.25086683

They're only roughly scripted in collabs like the fairies in a pot. Haachama straight up started from page 2 on her script and confused everyone.

>> No.25086685
Quoted by: >>25086698

I can't believe Roberu was one of the 7 vtubers Peko was messing around with?

>> No.25086687

Mio is the safe "comfy mommy" character; they only try to put meme magnets like Korone over

>> No.25086692
Quoted by: >>25086723

>Do you think they can control what is gonna happen in a game
That is LITERALLY the point of games so yes.

>> No.25086693

Azki concert had 4500 viewers so far. Looks like she's doing well.

>> No.25086694


>> No.25086697

So what's the evidence behind Festival's porn video?

>> No.25086698

Everyone wants to have a go with the Kansai dick especially whores like Pekora.

>> No.25086700

>35p are brainless zombies
i knew it

>> No.25086705

Falseflagger stop corrupting our son peko

>> No.25086707
Quoted by: >>25086718

Japanese Keemstar said so.

>> No.25086710
Quoted by: >>25086722

Like many other holos, Aqua is from Niconico Namahousou which is known for their degeneracy between live streamers

>> No.25086711
Quoted by: >>25086731

the only thing you can check is likes on member-only content, views are only visible to the channel owner

>> No.25086718
Quoted by: >>25086734

>trusting Jap Keemstar

>> No.25086719

anonchama please share the cards I beg you

>> No.25086722

Aqua is pure, please stop trash talking her.

>> No.25086723

>tool-assisted playthroughs except they're optimized for jokes instead of speed

>> No.25086724
Quoted by: >>25086780

This is why I love these girls

>> No.25086725

a-anonchama... do you have the cards?

>> No.25086726
Quoted by: >>25086743

I guess you think Fubuki is pure too

>> No.25086727

Exact same voice.

>> No.25086730
Quoted by: >>25086763

To me it sounds like
don't know what that might mean
> そうか
Last phrase is too distorted

>> No.25086731
Quoted by: >>25086754

There's a site that tracks how many unique accounts with a membership icon appeared in chat each month.
It's not perfect because there are members that never use chat or maybe just don't make it to streams live but it at least tells you a minimum.

>> No.25086734

Japanese Keemstar always tells the truth.

>> No.25086737

Why are seaniggers like this?

>> No.25086738

People hear what they want to hear.

>> No.25086743

Fubuki is pure, but in a different way.

>> No.25086744


>> No.25086745
Quoted by: >>25086774

Even fucking totsu had script retard.
>Umm actually I have a present for you
>Ehh really? (pretend to be shocked)
>Alright here it is, *image pops out in OBS*
>Wahhh thank you!
etc etc

>> No.25086746
Quoted by: >>25086827

>Then she starts shouting some meme song at the top of her lungs and ruins everything.
All the while talking about how important it is to have fun like she's trying to make excuses to herself. Keep an eye out for that, it happens almost every stream.

>> No.25086747


>> No.25086749

>having cover take a cut of your revenue without having any of the free publicity from being part of hololive
there are ways around that, especially through collabs and shilling.

>> No.25086750

>Yo spawn a creeper here and act scared.

>> No.25086751

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dROmQNvPxRI Roberu

>> No.25086752


LITERALLY every minecraft stream
>Hey come stand over here
>What does this do?
>It will be fine I promise
>*Explosion or Fall or Lava kills the Holo*
>Everyone giggles while the Holo killed wails in an amusing fashion.
So organic

>> No.25086754
Quoted by: >>25086791

Nice, do you have the link?

>> No.25086759

>Seanigs pretending to bait each other while everybody else is gone.

>> No.25086761
Quoted by: >>25086764

Is concept of 'unofficial holos' just a /hlg/ thing? How did that even come about?

>> No.25086763
Quoted by: >>25086806

Inverting the Towa BGM over that will make it sound a lot clearer (leaves only the voices). You can do it with Audacity.

>> No.25086764 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.25086765

Well look at it this way: what are they doing all day if they don't take time to script at least some things?

>> No.25086766

It's been at that number for a few hours

>> No.25086767 [DELETED] 
File: 659 KB, 2894x4093, 1595379532172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miko will never play dying light

>> No.25086768

The one bf she had she rarely even met with irl so don't trust the people trying to paint her as a whore

>> No.25086770

The L2D needs a 2.0 just like the 1st and 2nd gen needed it

>> No.25086773
File: 671 KB, 1200x1141, 1591198970358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25086774

No I agree everything is scripted, I'm asking why the writing staff makes Mio such a bland character.

>> No.25086776

>enjoy a vtuber hologirl
>think she’s really cute and stuff
>see constant shit posting here how she’s a slut
>mostly ignore it
>more and more evidence showing up here to prove she is one
it’s not like she gives a fuck about me nor will I ever interact with her, but it just kind of feels bad...

>> No.25086777

>he hasn't seen the Kumiko Channel videos

>> No.25086778
Quoted by: >>25086969

>might as well make a different company
Thats not a bad idea

>> No.25086779
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 15959670448306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell if your favorite holo is a virgin?

>> No.25086780

Most of them have legitimately great senses of humor, and many of them do it without resorting to the Amy Schumer "look what a disgusting thot I am lmao" style too.

>> No.25086781

now imagine if you were a true idolfag

>> No.25086784

This is what the early let's plays used to be.

>> No.25086785

Newfagchama every holo outside of Gen 4 knows how to play minecrft and has sunk a lot of time in it, the only ones who don't know are coco and kanata

>> No.25086786
Quoted by: >>25086809

And where is festival video, pornhub?

>> No.25086787

You sound like someone who has never played any multiplayer games with friends.

>> No.25086788


>> No.25086789
Quoted by: >>25086804

For the same reason that Japanese eat white rice with every meal, or French with bread. Sometimes you need something "bland" to make the tasty things shine.

>> No.25086790

Just live with the fact they're not.

>> No.25086791

I mean if you're literally streaming for peoples entertainment and one of your colleagues asks you to step on an obvious trap they've set up you'd have to be beyond autistic to not read the mood and play along.

>> No.25086792
File: 36 KB, 297x378, 1591793270946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25086794
Quoted by: >>25086830

If she's autistic

>> No.25086795
Quoted by: >>25086819

Why did you pick a shit chuuba anon?
Why not pick a good oshi instead?

>> No.25086796

They have their idol virgin certificate.

>> No.25086798

scream at them and if you can hear the reverberations of the soundwaves hitting her wombs then you just know

>> No.25086799
Quoted by: >>25086820

The scripts aren't written by Cover
Subaru already said in the past that during the collabs with her and Mio they wrote the scripts themselves

>> No.25086800

I feel you l*ger...

>> No.25086802

If she pretends to care about her gullible fans then she's not. Miko for example.

>> No.25086804


>> No.25086805
Quoted by: >>25086840

Noel is too gay to take dick, only money for nudes.

>> No.25086806

Japs probably did it months ago, it's bound to be somewhere.
Anyway seems like just smalltalk to me if the correct kanji goes like this

>> No.25086807

isn't festival channel quite new? i mean it's not vtuber but still

>> No.25086808

If she's not a vtuber

>> No.25086809
Quoted by: >>25086908

Just search pornhub on the archive. It was in the last thread.

>> No.25086811


>> No.25086814

Because she got stuck with a bad writer (Ookami Mio)

>> No.25086816

not even a holofag but I want to mating press matuli

>> No.25086819

they’re all shit at the end of the day. all humans are...

>> No.25086820
Quoted by: >>25086826

So why does Mio write herself to be so boring?

>> No.25086821

baka baka


>> No.25086822

anon most of them are like 25-30
they would have to seriously literally autistic to be virgins at that age

>> No.25086823


No seriously I would also feel bad if my holo was a whore like Miko, Towa or Rushia

>> No.25086826

she's a hack

>> No.25086827

Having fun and being entertaining is more important than being a pretty perfect waifu for the weebs

>> No.25086828

I fucking hate that slut Tower!

Of course I'm just pretending. I like her so much I akasupa'd on her 3D debut.

>> No.25086829

Narratives here aren't proof.

>> No.25086830
Quoted by: >>25086846

Didn't stop Towa from fucking Aruran and her discord "friends".

>> No.25086831

Since you're not mentioning Ayame I guess you're a Ayamecuck in denial

>> No.25086833

Because she’s a true idol and true idols are virgins or they get scalped.

>> No.25086836

>they would have to seriously literally autistic to be virgins at that age
Why do you think they stream?

>> No.25086838

I'll kill you
and don't use that ero video fake news, it's been debunked ages ago

>> No.25086839

What would be the biggest plotwist for the "Kaoru fucked X" narrative? The girl was Sora? Pekora?

>> No.25086840

tfw noel does the most degenerate streams but probably is the most pure since she was molested and won’t even look at men now

>> No.25086842

I like old games and kusoge the most because they tend to have more seams and quaint design decisions, things like Korone's Siren playthrough where sometimes the camera would clip through the skulls of companion characters and scare the shit out of her, or enemy movement bugging out in Onryo and triggering a huge bout of laughter from Shion and Okayu
those are the funniest moments because nobody could see them coming

>> No.25086845

rushia is so ugly...

>> No.25086846

I was referring to Aqua, but yes.

>> No.25086848
Quoted by: >>25086959

>it's another "all women magically lose their virginity when they turn 18"
burger hours everyone

>> No.25086849


>> No.25086850

Cute autist

>> No.25086851

Scripted means scripted anon. It means they are following a text line by line.
To think the entire thing is scripted is retarded, and that is exactly what th first anon implied, that all of it , the entire hour long streams, are scripted.
Some stuff is obviously set up, other bits are not, just compare Miko saying nigger in GTA and Rushia saying it.

>> No.25086852
Quoted by: >>25086868


>> No.25086855

It'd be nice, but no. That's why they're narratives.

>> No.25086856

>true idols are virgins or they get scalped
How does this fit with "idols need to sleep around to have a place in the industry"?

>> No.25086857

Of course. I just mean there's a clear sign when she gets extra self-conscious about her singing and starts fucking around to cover for it.

>> No.25086858

if he fucked a holostar

>> No.25086859

>literally streaming for peoples entertainment and one of your colleagues asks you to step on an obvious trap they've set up you'd have to be beyond autistic to not read the mood and play along.
fucking this

>> No.25086860

Do you people actually legitimately care about this "purity" nonsense?

The only reason I can think of to actually care at all is that it would be damaging to their careers but beyond that who gives a fuck.

>> No.25086862

>listening to narrativefags
every post is true peko

>> No.25086863

>see constant shit posting here how she’s a slut
>more and more evidence showing up here to prove she is one

Ignore them mate. The only holo you have is the holo exists in your mind. I don't fucking care if everyone says she's a fucking slut. I'd still be simping all the way.

>> No.25086864
Quoted by: >>25086905

Damn, Pizzachad fucked Coco and Towa?

>> No.25086866

I sincerely hope so

>> No.25086868

>Haachama screams so loud Kanata can hear her.

>> No.25086869
Quoted by: >>25086915

It's an independent streamer

You seem to be getting it wrong, there was 2 news, the first one is that Kaoru fucked an independent streamer and that his wife caught him, the other is that one of the hololive is known to have fucked 7 male vtubers

>> No.25086873


>> No.25086874


>> No.25086875

Haha, no because that'll make me a "hypercrit" since I'm a slut too.

>> No.25086878

>less than an hour left for Artia kino

>> No.25086879

>>more and more evidence showing up here to prove she is one
there's literally no evidence

>> No.25086880

What evidence? Can I see some?

>> No.25086882


>> No.25086883

Easy, all of them are.

Huh? Roommates? Never heard of them.

>> No.25086885
Quoted by: >>25086904

just based purely on their life choices, I find it hard to believe a mental case lolicon who plays apex at 4am every night would be anything but a turbo virgin

>> No.25086886

True /jp/ FlareBro

>> No.25086890

YAGOO himself

>> No.25086892

there is none, you can literally go on the channel that uploaded it and see her other videos and it's very clearly not her. And it is the same person in all those videos, I made sure.

>> No.25086893

because theyve figured out how to manipulate men for money


>> No.25086897

I don't think anyone cares, but without it the thread would move half as fast.

>> No.25086898

most narratives are literaly taken out of their own asses anon, dont take anything seriously unless you see the actual proof yourself. The narrative faggots would rather believe that it is easier to get a whore who can fake a nice personality and play a fake persona without failing over years than actually being a normal goog girl that is not a whore and maybe just has a healthy relationship. Faggos live too much on their narratives and never have meet people outside their room.

>> No.25086900

I'm not an idolfag, but, what confuses me is why almost all the holos call themselves idols in the first place. The ones that do really stick to it, too, and say it pretty much every stream.

>> No.25086902

I wonder if she'll play more nekopara

>> No.25086904

I did the same but with Minecraft instead of Apex and managed to have sex. With high school and internet it's not really that hard. It was gay sex though

>> No.25086905


>> No.25086907

If there was video or audio evidence of a Holo taking dick you would have seen it by now. This whole "There's totally proof, bro, I just can't show you" is playground tier rumor spreading.

>> No.25086908

You sure it was the last thread? I can't find anything

>> No.25086909

more like garbo

>> No.25086910

I don't watch her that often but I miss her so much.

>> No.25086912


>> No.25086914

I don't believe you.

>> No.25086915
Quoted by: >>25087008

Which one? If she is "known" there must be a name, right?

>> No.25086919

Almost every girl wants to be a cute idol.

>> No.25086920

>purity autist hours
(you)r favorite holo has probably had sex before and you will never see her in real life let alone meet her.

>> No.25086922

>Do you people actually legitimately care about this "purity" nonsense?
I don't know, I sometimes talk about it to pass time but I never really think about what is said here when watching the holos

>> No.25086923 [DELETED] 

This kind of ruins the illusion and amuses me. >Oh PEKO made some dumb shit, guess I'll step into it for the lols

>> No.25086925

I wonder how annoyed Roberu gets seeing the same winning son xD spam everyday and having to say the line every fucking time

>> No.25086927

>Having fun and being entertaining is more important than being a pretty perfect waifu for the weebs
this is why fubuki and korone are on top right now, only newfags think they're pure

>> No.25086928

One form of virginity testing involves testing for laxity of vaginal muscles with fingers (the "two-finger test"). A doctor performs the test by inserting a finger into the female's vagina to check the level of vaginal laxity, which is used to determine if she is "habituated to sexual intercourse". However, the usefulness of these criteria has been questioned by medical authorities and opponents of virginity testing because vaginal laxity and the absence of a hymen can both be caused by other factors, and the "two-finger test" is based on subjective observation.

>> No.25086930

It's gonna be Overwatch for sure.

>> No.25086932
Quoted by: >>25087066

Lmao, I just checked. It legit sounds nothing like her, especially when it goes lower. Plus, she has the same voice as the girl in the other videos, which don't look like Matsuri at all. At least put some more effort into it lol.

>> No.25086933
Quoted by: >>25086994

The post was deleted. Just look up niconico on pornhub and click on the video with the black lingerie.

>> No.25086934

>I wonder how annoyed Roberu gets when he sees an opportunity to make easy money
probably not at all

>> No.25086935
Quoted by: >>25086951

unironically jump off a bridge FBKfag
actually you're most likely a chocoball so you're gonna get shot next week anyway

>> No.25086936
Quoted by: >>25086956

Anon, how do you think AIDS spread as fast as it did? Fags are promiscuous as fuck.

>> No.25086938

Wasn't it cruel of Okayu to call Mio miso soup?

>> No.25086939

I'm glad Marine has a loose fitting jacket just like Towa

>> No.25086941
Quoted by: >>25086994

Just search for pornhub in the archive, I found it right away. Also I was expecting porn, it's just legs and some panty flashes.

>> No.25086942
Quoted by: >>25086972

I'm a virgin at that age thanks to spurning the advances of all who would approach me and not being especially interested, it's not unthinkable.

>> No.25086944

These are the worst hours possible. It's when both seaniggers and burgers are awake.

>> No.25086945

Why are Americans so obsessed with sex?

>> No.25086946

sit ups and push-ups

>> No.25086947

Being a purity fag means you get made at your idol getting in any relationship no matter how healthy it is. Most people in the thread seem more worried about outright sluttyness

>> No.25086949

Childhood dreams for some of them

>> No.25086950

No, Okayu made a food analogy and it was the most fitting thing for both people involved.

>> No.25086951

the truth can be a hard pill to swallow anon but the sooner you do it the happier you will be

>> No.25086952

It's cute and sexy.

>> No.25086953
Quoted by: >>25086963

>Moona's family has a history of diabetes

I'm worried bros...

>> No.25086955

Loose pussy too

>> No.25086956

I agree, but we were both monogamous and tested. I think it was more of a phase than anything for him, I still don't really know where I stand

>> No.25086958


>> No.25086960

I'd image he'd be slightly annoyed by it but is happy that he has grown an audience because of the meme.

>> No.25086959

>its another "i could never get laid, and that means these women all somehow were able to completely suppress their sex drives during the prime of their lives" episode

>> No.25086961 [DELETED] 


>> No.25086962
Quoted by: >>25086970

>burger hours with their fixation to irl faces and virginity is back
Time to do some reps.

>> No.25086963

If Moona dies can Iofi use her pc?

>> No.25086964

I have boyfriendposting filtered like anyone with a brain but this is a retarded question. What is this sexless human society you hail from?

>> No.25086965
Quoted by: >>25086999

Dude screamed like a cicada for 30 minutes after Kaoru died. I'm sure a fanbase meme does nothing but please him. Do any other homos have a meme for themselves?

>> No.25086966

Food is the best way to explain why bland doesn't always mean bad and inferior to other

>> No.25086967

she was looking super cute that stream
also her abs are 10/10

>> No.25086968
Quoted by: >>25087002

What is even about?
Matsuri only got fit last year, she was disgustingly fat before that, you can easily find pictures
Do you really think she would do a porn video while working for hololive? Even though her identity as Saki is basically public knowledge?
Can you people find better conspiracies already

>> No.25086969

nah, miracle won't happen twice. sora need more than a month to gain her first 100 subscribers and with the market already saturated i doubt they can reach anywhere near current hololive even if they force many collab
better fix the current management rather than half-assing 2 of them

>> No.25086970

>time to blog

>> No.25086971

get him tiger

>> No.25086972


>> No.25086974
Quoted by: >>25086990

What does bilibili have that it always makes flare go full autism?

>> No.25086975
Quoted by: >>25087058


>> No.25086978

If it annoyed him he wouldnt do it retard

>> No.25086979

no good sfm of holos yet
there not famous enough

>> No.25086981

Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!

>> No.25086980

>literal incels here think that just because they couldnt get laid that everybody else has to follow that standard
big kusa

>> No.25086982

i actually want to buy the birthday shit fuck

>> No.25086986

There are definitely worse ways to make a living. I’m sure he understands that

>> No.25086988

Because marketing has been selling sex for 50+ years, and marketing is the corner of burger culture

>> No.25086990


>> No.25086992

>giving Cover money

>> No.25086993

she's pregnant. look at her tiktok

>> No.25086994

Oh right, should have figured
That's it?

>> No.25086997

Honestly a good 1/3 of them are pretty safe bets, especially Matsuri, Marine, Okayu, etc.

>> No.25086998

Same but it's unreasonably expensive in my 3rd world currency.

>> No.25086999
Quoted by: >>25087047

Got a link handy? Everything I've heard about roberu and all the clips I've seen of him here make him seem like a king

>> No.25087000

Based kenzocuck

>> No.25087002

It's some shitty bait. The channel has other videos of the girl with the """same voice as Matsuri""" and she looks nothing like her. And as you said, she was a fatty like til a year or two ago.

>> No.25087005
Quoted by: >>25087019


>> No.25087006

Talking about whether or not these people have sex daily is possibly the most cucked shit possible. Yet they continue to do it

>> No.25087007

>Honestly a good 1/3 of them are pretty safe bets
There's no safe bets, proving that someone has sex can be done, proving they never had any is really really hard

>> No.25087008


>> No.25087010
Quoted by: >>25087065

Lyger damage controlling hard in this thread.

>> No.25087011

This nigga delusional

>> No.25087012
Quoted by: >>25087017

Based, the only holo that matters is my tulpa

>> No.25087017
Quoted by: >>25087037

Please don't talk about that cursed topic

>> No.25087018

it's all bullshit made by narukami would be the biggest plot twist

>> No.25087019
Quoted by: >>25087074

>sexually repressed former OL who went to a christian girls school
Yes what about her

>> No.25087022
Quoted by: >>25087055

Marine got a whole ass arm shoved into her pussy back in catholic school, lesbians in catholic schools fuck in excessive amounts

>> No.25087024

I wonder if cover is more profitable in a 12 week span than your average low effort anime. talking net profit here. I was thinking if ike musume was being adapted today instead of 2010 they would have probably turned her into a chuuba

>> No.25087025

marine IS sex

>> No.25087026

Sometimes I wish had a simple fetish like armpits. You fags are lucky.

>> No.25087028

reminder that you purityfags favorite holo could literally gargle cum on stream and you would still follow her like the brainwashed retards you are

let them live their life and stop sperging out

>> No.25087029

>I know she is a total slut there's a video!
>Dunno where's the video just believe me!

>> No.25087030

About hololive en, do you guys think they will be big?

>> No.25087031

Unironically this, my holo tulpa is pure as fuck

>> No.25087032

It's not a plot twist since everything he says is bullshit until proven otherwise

>> No.25087035

I just assume from the start that she is until someone can prove me wrong

>> No.25087037
Quoted by: >>25087046

My tulpa says fuck you-peko

>> No.25087039

That would be the opposite of a plot twist.

>> No.25087041

youre all retarded lol

>> No.25087043

>I wish had a simple fetish
tell me about your fetish anon

>> No.25087044


>> No.25087045


>> No.25087046

I don't have anything against tulpa, but it's still cursed/forbidden knowledge

>> No.25087047

An actual cicada flew into his room during the madness

>> No.25087048
Quoted by: >>25087095

I fapped to Watame...

>> No.25087052

Not as big as Moona, but bigger than most

>> No.25087053


>> No.25087055
Quoted by: >>25087102

Lesbians are still virgins because lesbian sex isn't real.

>> No.25087056
Quoted by: >>25087080

They'll have meme followers, people who don't donate, people who don't watch their streams, people who just retweet the short meme clips they post on twitter and reddit.

>> No.25087057

Don't hide the fun Anon, what is it? Floor tiles?

>> No.25087058


>> No.25087059

this but plus you and minus me

>> No.25087060

Stop projecting, it's already been said better than you

>> No.25087061

are you fucking kidding me I'd love that shit

>> No.25087062

Assuming they'll be american, yeah, they'll probably be pretty big if you catch my drift.

>> No.25087064

>Believing dumb narratives from antis
You don't deserve an oshi

>> No.25087065
Quoted by: >>25087075

Even he's on the edge.


>> No.25087066
Quoted by: >>25087118

>Plus, she has the same voice as the girl in the other videos, which don't look like Matsuri at all.
I don't think she's the girl in the other videos, they don't sound alike.

>> No.25087067

oh no... he's right there...

>> No.25087068

Lay off the porn for a bit, faggot.

>> No.25087069

I'm just glad it didn't sell out instantly.

>> No.25087070

Reminder that Coco had a black boyfriend

>> No.25087071
Quoted by: >>25087108

>you would still follow her
You really underestimate me. I've already unsubbed from every girl that collabed with males

>> No.25087074

>he thinks that mikarin, known to sleep around, is a virgin

>> No.25087075
Quoted by: >>25087081

What is the "@tos"? What does it mean?

>> No.25087076
Quoted by: >>25087086

Prove it.

>> No.25087077

I'm going to punch you.

>> No.25087078
Quoted by: >>25087099


To me armpits are secondary. I prefer hands and that roommate's hands are pretty.

>> No.25087079


>> No.25087080

I actually think they could be better as uploaders instead of streamers. People are most likely to watch and follow 10-15 minute videos than streams.

>> No.25087081
Quoted by: >>25087097

it's a method used to hide the tweet from your followers

>> No.25087085

joke's on you, we're just pretending!

>> No.25087086
Quoted by: >>25087100

Anon she's from fucking Atlanta

>> No.25087087

What are you fags doing, get in here Roberu is streaming:

>> No.25087088

Marine is definitely sexually frustrated but she’s experienced bro

>> No.25087090

What's your fetish anon?

>> No.25087089

found the korone silicone feet fag

>> No.25087091

>Reminder that Coco <headcanon>

>> No.25087092

Reminder she got spit roasted

>> No.25087094

This guy is a fucking loon. Subbed.

>> No.25087095

I fapped to Aqua

>> No.25087096


>> No.25087097
Quoted by: >>25087112

At that point why even say anything? To jerk yourself off?

>> No.25087098

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.25087099

I thought anon's screenshot was shooped...it really is an armpit pussy holy shit my dick...

>> No.25087100

Why isn't she black then?

>> No.25087101
Quoted by: >>25087115

I don't find her roommate attractive so that'd be cool

>> No.25087102

but the dildos sure are real

>> No.25087104
Quoted by: >>25087116

do blacks like sega?

>> No.25087105

I've fallen into the hololive rabbit hole. I must have spent the majority of the last 24 hours watching videos.

>> No.25087106

Finally, our son Redditru is saving me from this shit thread

>> No.25087108

Imagine letting the entire male gender live rent free in your head

>> No.25087109

Americans and their nigger cuck fetish

>> No.25087111

>Lyger getting nervous about Matsuri being a slut

>> No.25087113

I wonder if the chuubas care if their fans are getting laid.

>> No.25087112

others can see it if they're looking up something in the post. So if some was looking up Matsuri, they'd see that post, but it wouldn't show up on his followers' timelines

>> No.25087115

Are you gay?

>> No.25087116

nigs fuckin love sonic, dude

>> No.25087118

The two earliest videos are of the same girl.

>> No.25087119

jfc anon
