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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 445 KB, 505x632, 1579988597153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24443189 No.24443189 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24443190
File: 252 KB, 1536x2048, 1577389129716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24443193


>> No.24443194
File: 292 KB, 504x279, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.24443195

Last thread ended in a fire. Good thing /hlg/ hasn't changed.

>> No.24443196
File: 231 KB, 512x512, 1591859874674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443221

>> No.24443201
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 41be2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443203
File: 194 KB, 456x617, 1593227328708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Risu

>> No.24443204

Is that you risu?

>> No.24443206 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1592569178255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443205


>> No.24443207

This, I only donate or member when I want to contribute to the rainbow after something particularly neat happens.

>> No.24443208
File: 469 KB, 602x790, HA11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please support my retarded daughter!

>> No.24443209
File: 80 KB, 148x268, 1584546132433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.24443210

If I get $500, am I obligated to suck his dick?

>> No.24443211


>> No.24443212
File: 2 KB, 116x41, VE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I just want to give Risu my support and they won't let me...

>> No.24443214
File: 627 KB, 2560x1440, EaN9hmnVcAI0E9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443215
File: 192 KB, 899x1269, if i had to pick a dude 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24443216

So, about that brown tree rat...

>> No.24443217
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, my love for you is like a truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based but you need to stop bro or at least slow down

>> No.24443218

I expected her to be holding a pregnancy test

>> No.24443220
File: 146 KB, 850x1132, Towa19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443260

>> No.24443219
File: 126 KB, 900x1200, 1593063815524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's friends are super interesting.

>> No.24443221
File: 65 KB, 402x583, risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have room for one more down there?

>> No.24443225
File: 596 KB, 1722x1722, fb4eef656619fdec7f8957ee16a2054c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame... anything please...

>> No.24443227
File: 73 KB, 788x913, 1590429148942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a nice stream where she gets to be herself, talk about her hobbies, and shoot the shit with her fans
>/hlg/ STILL finds a reason to complain

>> No.24443228

Stop right there Risu, get off 4chan, cool your head, relax, then plan out the cover video.

>> No.24443229

I give my boss a blowjob everytime I get my paycheck, don't you?

>> No.24443230

Shion's bangs

>> No.24443231
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200627_112516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Mikochi FARCRY 5 https://youtu.be/-uY4BQcfAJA

>> No.24443232

I think he said "Oh, a talking squirrel" or something, nothing big.

>> No.24443233
File: 671 KB, 603x705, cola dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443234

Please go back

>> No.24443235
File: 175 KB, 1200x1600, Eaz62SVUcAAz2lE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443551

Post em

>> No.24443236

Stop posting so quickly you jackasses, this isn't your fucking twitch chat.

>> No.24443238

hlg please stop trying to cancel the squirrel.

>> No.24443241

astel looks so good, i think im more in love

>> No.24443243 [DELETED] 

I like Suisei because she's not a SEAnigger, an insectoid, or a faggot.

>> No.24443244
File: 52 KB, 723x602, 1585545210663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443329

3d coco reveal should start with her on the shitter

>> No.24443245
File: 469 KB, 1883x1915, 81929680_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443528

Sui-chan is sleeping!

>> No.24443246

Just sign up for her service dude

>> No.24443248

Gen 2 collab?! Amazing.

>> No.24443250


>> No.24443251
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1591304892506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I need to go to bed

>> No.24443252
Quoted by: >>24443273

I make sure every street performer sucks my dick when I give them money.

>> No.24443253

Depends if he give you $500 to make you suck his dick, yes.
If he give you $500 just to make you happy and does not ask anything in return, no.

>> No.24443254

I'm going to softly kiss her giant fucking forehead okay!?

>> No.24443255

I can't stop listening to that one Peko asmr voice thing that got posted here yesterday...

>> No.24443257
Quoted by: >>24443269

I donate to Wikipedia. What should they give me in return?

>> No.24443258
File: 108 KB, 704x536, ゴズリング14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Ayame
>Now Risu
Anons please... what happened to the /hlg/ I knew and loved? The /hlg/ that didn't hate and discriminate on your choice of holo?

>> No.24443259


>> No.24443261

shut the fuck up about Risu, jesus christ even Towa has more subs than her

>> No.24443260


>> No.24443262

All this squirrel drama. And not enough AZKiSora posting. You guys are missing out on cute hag groans.

>> No.24443263
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1591343188582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i dont have room for "Bajing loncat"

>> No.24443265

She's a slav though...

>> No.24443266
File: 2.83 MB, 582x614, 1566225039233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hires super compressed jpg

>> No.24443267
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, moona1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslimbros just cant stop winning

>> No.24443271
File: 3.92 MB, 2761x4096, 59d2f8d88d8237fa6ade5fab28015a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443321

I want to lick Marine's armpits so I can tell her it tastes like the sea!
I want to spank Marine until her pale butt is bright red!
I want to have drunk sex with Marine on her futon after a shower!
I want Marine to use my face as a seat during an intense touhou grind session!
I want to cum inside Marine to the point where it oozes out of her in the morning!

>> No.24443269

A miserable pile of [citation needed]

>> No.24443270
Quoted by: >>24443283

>/hlg/ STILL finds a reason to complain
Just some harmless discussion that these threads are known for.

>> No.24443272

That'll probably be fun.

>> No.24443273
Quoted by: >>24443314

You give street performers $500 USD?

>> No.24443274


>> No.24443275
Quoted by: >>24443295

She literally admits she's chinese a few streams back.

>> No.24443276
File: 9 KB, 129x129, ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, I know it's stupid but I have romantic feelings towards my oshi. How do I fix this shit?

>> No.24443277

>studied the coco way to milk money
>will kill HoloID by turning it into a cabaret club but without good girls

>> No.24443278

No HoloIndogs, HoloChinks, HomoStars, and Non-Holo Vtubers postings are allowed beyond this line, if you do anyway, your mom will die in her sleep.


>> No.24443280

Gosling poster just stay out of these threads until it all blows over. It all started because of that poster. Must have been a really dumb idiot to post that if he can't see the effect it would have.

>> No.24443281

How NOT to thank your donations

How to properly thank donations

>> No.24443283

>Just some harmless discussion that these threads are known for.
>Some cunt using the streamable from here to harass her on twitter

>> No.24443284
Quoted by: >>24443323

I'd rather donate 5000 american dollars to Ayame who never streams than a single cent to Risu

At least one is a proper JAPANESE person

>> No.24443285
Quoted by: >>24443303

Imagine the uproar if Coco oversleeps

>> No.24443286
Quoted by: >>24443316

Towahating doesn't work, need a new target.

>> No.24443287

What's wrong with her neck?

>> No.24443288

Reddit and discord invaded.

>> No.24443289

>Taking shitposts seriously
It's just the newest/funniest narrative to push
But seriously, fuck Ayame

>> No.24443292
File: 114 KB, 371x788, tb0fyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24443291

Get the fuck out of here suiseifag

>> No.24443294

It's weekend, weekend always means that threads goes into toilet.

>> No.24443295

what the fuck? which one?

>> No.24443297
File: 69 KB, 378x304, 8c08ea122af13d83654a2689a9803426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me audibly lol.

>> No.24443298
Quoted by: >>24443360

Did Miko switch her camera's placement around with new PC as well?
Seems to be a bit different angle now. She's really doing this 'chin on shoulder' pose now more than ever before when she looks to the right.

>> No.24443299
File: 249 KB, 576x894, if i had to pick a dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it happen then

>> No.24443301
File: 237 KB, 2249x1266, 1590672388584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry her.

>> No.24443302
File: 10 KB, 178x19, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to masterbate BEFORE you watch the stream

>> No.24443303

The stream is at like 9pm

>> No.24443304


>> No.24443306
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x685, 1593136077678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Risu doesn't care about the money she should share some of it with FBK-senpai

>> No.24443307

We like female Japanese Holos. Anything else is cancer.

>> No.24443309
Quoted by: >>24443332

Yeah business as usual

>> No.24443310

Shion's ass

>> No.24443311
File: 3.06 MB, 3000x3000, EajzPPMUYAAIElS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443312
File: 595 KB, 749x845, 1586043333546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, Sio's now retweeting TOWART's. Please famili stay away from my wife.

>> No.24443314

Don't you?

>> No.24443316

Anons love Towa too much...

>> No.24443318

hope her roommate is ugly, otherwise you're fucked

>> No.24443320
Quoted by: >>24443335

If we're shitposting, shouldn't AZKi technically not belong in these threads?

>> No.24443321
File: 1.20 MB, 2542x3673, HM23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sketch with marine while talking about Touhou!

>> No.24443322
File: 1.12 MB, 336x306, 1565614981936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443342

Just realized that I can send a supacha for 1,22 dollars.

>> No.24443323

Her escort isn't cheap after all

>> No.24443325
Quoted by: >>24443344

Is that supposed to be a mole rat

>> No.24443326

>instantly starts talking about food
I dont want to believe the memes but yeah moona is definitely a fat fuck irl

>> No.24443327

Someone tell Spade Echo to stop. She's going to have a fucking stroke.

>> No.24443328

I want to draw Sio and Towa now.

>> No.24443329
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, EbejlFwU0AAdKvX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAN RTA in 7 hours.

>> No.24443330

what the fuck is this?

>> No.24443331

Bless this new setup, the sounds doesn't lag anymore.

>> No.24443332

There's always that one autist.

>> No.24443333
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official coco beanie's when

>> No.24443335

>Holofest member
>not hololive

>> No.24443336

There's shitposting, but when you actually harm the girls you're on the same level as the pieces of shits from NND

>> No.24443337

People seem to confuse this situation to JP holo streams

Risu was simply doing a free chat stream, she wasn't doin gaming or a performance. Plus even when that happens, the JP holos always give a proper thank you at the end.

Risu barely even said this guy's name right. Also 500 dollars to someone in Indonesia? Jesus Risu come on

>> No.24443338

I don't judge anyone for their favorite but I genuinely think the squirrel fucked up by having zero reaction and all the people saying otherwise are acting contrarian

>> No.24443340

Reminder. OkaKoro in BitSummit is coming in 40 minutes

>> No.24443341

Choco set a pretty good time last night.

>> No.24443342

no.. please... Fubuki can't handle having to pay those transaction fees anymore...

>> No.24443343
Quoted by: >>24443355

Ignore >>24443318, never look at her roommate at all.

>> No.24443344
File: 127 KB, 751x862, 1571495547138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443373

supposed to be a birb

>> No.24443345
File: 86 KB, 1668x1668, EbfV9PtUMAEhQRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443373


>> No.24443347

Does 5ch care about the non-JP? It feels like /hlg/ is the only place that's seething over this

>> No.24443348
Quoted by: >>24443361

If you treat a $500 superchat like it's no big deal, then it tells the person they have to donate MORE, easily the smartest thing anyone could do.

>> No.24443351
File: 538 KB, 2048x1536, 1591250453963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we need a version of this with deep-voice RIsu and laughing at akasupas

>> No.24443352

I am quite curious what KS... Coco will do.

>> No.24443354

who is the most likely to drop spaghetti

>> No.24443355

She isn't. I was better off not knowing.

Too late.

>> No.24443356
File: 188 KB, 696x1113, KC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stream starts with her huge ribbed dick on display

>> No.24443357
Quoted by: >>24443362

Embarrassed Towa whispering "One more..." softly after Sio makes her cum for the third time!

>> No.24443360

She has a new model rig, with functioning spine so she changed her model position.

>> No.24443361

No that makes the person think the streamer is ungrateful and not donate

>> No.24443362


>> No.24443364

If 5ch seethed over every ignored akasupa, it would be literally all they ever talked about.

>> No.24443365

Korone for sure

>> No.24443366

Sorry I'm watching an honourary Holo play Hitman, I like hitman a lot.

>> No.24443367

Korone would probably drop spaghetti, but Okayu is there with her so she'd be fine.

>> No.24443368

>The body Artia wishes she had

>> No.24443369

Based & futapilled

>> No.24443371
Quoted by: >>24443383

because the faggot who got ignored is crying about it here

>> No.24443372
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1590538766900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin fox vs The chad squirrel

>> No.24443373
File: 93 KB, 122x122, 1591563374100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone wants to battle

>> No.24443374
Quoted by: >>24443389

Why is Miko replaying this mission?

>> No.24443375
Quoted by: >>24443381

5ch is surprisingly less autistic about this stuff despite having idolfags. I blame twitch and EN youtube culture for our autists.

>> No.24443376

One of them didn't sleep because of being nervious. Guess who.

>> No.24443378

imagine if she acidentally turned on the stream while having a quick wank before the debut haha that would be awful!

>> No.24443379

Risu... Please share your akasupa...

>> No.24443380
File: 828 KB, 800x854, e-ecchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24443381
Quoted by: >>24443399

>5ch is surprisingly less autistic about
No. Whatever you're about to say, it's wrong

>> No.24443382
Quoted by: >>24443386

Japanese don't bother to check the stream when they label it English Only, but they appear when there's no language restriction. So they probably don't know anything about this. Despite Risu saying her 3rd biggest audience is from Japan (2nd being USA).

>> No.24443383

What? He isn't Joe Barry.

>> No.24443384
Quoted by: >>24443391

No FBK don't do it. I'll send ARS akasupa. Do not forget to react hard for my akasupa okay.

>> No.24443386

W-What happens if they catch a whiff of this?

>> No.24443388
File: 96 KB, 844x1000, 1593235442594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that's the first full playthrough I watched by Subaru.

I like it a lot too.

>> No.24443389

Never mind i'm retarded

>> No.24443391
Quoted by: >>24443415

arigato supacha

>> No.24443390

>EOPs talk more about streamers they can actually understand
How is this even a question?

>> No.24443392
File: 88 KB, 256x536, hetero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if

>> No.24443393

So ungrateful, just as I was starting to like her

>> No.24443395 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 610x342, 1593235509465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443396

interact with m*les and you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.24443398


>> No.24443399

Face it anon, 4chan is more autistic about a few things than 5ch.

>> No.24443400

post it on there and lets see

>> No.24443403

They will probably laugh at gaijin for thinking it's a big deal.

>> No.24443404
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boko boko nanoraaa

>> No.24443405
Quoted by: >>24443452

That top character is not a holo

>> No.24443406
File: 86 KB, 770x615, sugoi ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-Wow, sugoi nee...

>> No.24443410

Fuck off really.

>> No.24443411

Bet she's regretting throwing it all away for a whiff of dick

>> No.24443412

why is the arsonist so cute

>> No.24443413

That's a very big yabee moment.

>> No.24443414
Quoted by: >>24443605

But Risu lusts after every Trinero and she gets akasupa...

>> No.24443415

React harder you slut. I just send you akasupa.

>> No.24443416

Go to sleep pajuo

>> No.24443417

subaru is a mess right now so no asscreed today

>> No.24443421

The fact that we are denied ASMR streams is cruel beyond words

>> No.24443422
Quoted by: >>24443434


>> No.24443423

she was supachatless before collabing with homos newfag

>> No.24443424

Korone bros?
The comments

>> No.24443425
Quoted by: >>24443444

Pikamee? She's honorary obese.

>> No.24443426

W-why Noel's right arm so jacked... is it too much shlicking to Flare?

>> No.24443427

post it

>> No.24443429
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, #3【Far Cry 5】とち狂った世界を救ってやる!!!【ホロライブ_さくらみこ】 24-25 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443598


>> No.24443432
Quoted by: >>24444360


>> No.24443434

I love her

>> No.24443435
File: 38 KB, 621x511, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443436 [DELETED] 

Use the archive. Only those who search for it can have their ears blessed.

>> No.24443437


>> No.24443440

All of this shitposting could have been avoided if Risu had said 5-6 more words...

>> No.24443443
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, E01941C0-FAFA-4533-AABE-FFC99538FAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443450

Late 3D Kaichou

>> No.24443444

I don't get this.

>> No.24443445

Rushia Rosado, would more befitting with the heterochromia

>> No.24443446
File: 27 KB, 347x183, HA↑.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443477


>> No.24443447

if cover was smart, they'd use these outfits as a new model for gen 2. gen 1 already has their white day outfits, so gen 2 needs an alt model too. the outfits are great, especially temma's glasses and astel's...whole makeover

>> No.24443448

I’m glad her oshi are supportive of her and understand.

>> No.24443450

I bet her butt smells like shit and piss haha

>> No.24443452
File: 83 KB, 256x536, hetero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't know how that got in there.

>> No.24443453

Please just get rid of the carrot slices in astels hair

>> No.24443454

Fully agree. They're way better designs than the more generic and simple ones they have now. They look like Niji rather than Holo.

>> No.24443455

This image really is amazing.

>> No.24443457
Quoted by: >>24443466




>> No.24443458


>> No.24443461
Quoted by: >>24443478

It's not fucking fair, I need to go to bed, why'd she have to stream now?

>> No.24443464

This is my absolute most hated thing about most of chuuba's designs. Thanks god the only holos to be plagued with it are Luna and Roberu. Roberu is cool so I'll let him off the hook. Fuck Luna though, dumb retarded baby.

>> No.24443465
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, Ebfit5HUMAExJPj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444801

This is a 0 year old

>> No.24443466

>shit options

>> No.24443468
File: 159 KB, 282x298, 3io12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443484

What happened to Mikochi? she looks different

>> No.24443469
File: 383 KB, 1390x1220, 38465714386163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443479


>> No.24443470

the outfits are lifted from the original song's PV, I don't think they'd be allowed to directly copy like that for Gen 2 new outfits.

>> No.24443471
File: 814 KB, 1108x508, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443474
File: 4 KB, 349x41, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people do this?

>> No.24443475
Quoted by: >>24443503


>> No.24443476 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 1080x1920, 1593236131451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life size-standee that I ordered of my holo for research purposes has arrived.

>> No.24443477

I don't want to feel lewd emotions for Miko

>> No.24443478


>> No.24443479
Quoted by: >>24443515

Pure slut for her boyfriend.

>> No.24443480
Quoted by: >>24443503

Marine has it too

>> No.24443482

Pfff, who did this?

>> No.24443483
Quoted by: >>24443507

RIP okayucoomer

>> No.24443484

She’s under a lot of stress recently

>> No.24443486
File: 551 KB, 849x1200, 82591874_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443538

I want to lift Festival and put her on my lap and headpat her as I explain how she's a great person and should work on developing herself rather than focusing on other people

>> No.24443487

Miko... Is an AMERICAN HERO!

>> No.24443488
File: 210 KB, 800x900, ETERmH2UcAABpIP@RedCompanyGUMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these?

>> No.24443489

Shion is not for lewd

>> No.24443491

Did i heard miko saying that?

>> No.24443492

Entirely untrue.

>> No.24443493

Shion yo...no...

>> No.24443494
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, 1590796919474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443495

She is if you're old enough

>> No.24443496
File: 90 KB, 1280x1000, EY2ZfmsVAAE_Oyp.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe okayu posts in /hlg/

>> No.24443497

First one. Thanks

>> No.24443499

Does Luna have a voice beyond being a member of Alvin and the Chipmunks or is she doomed

>> No.24443500
Quoted by: >>24443539

>that first one

>> No.24443501
Quoted by: >>24443511

Madman did it. And was it worthy?

>> No.24443503
File: 51 KB, 255x208, 1593171081150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me...

>> No.24443504
File: 394 KB, 650x548, EbHlH6pU8AAgPMs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's voice pack is everything I would've wanted from it, my fucking heart is tearing apart right now in happiness

>> No.24443505

Towachad... I kneel.

>> No.24443506
File: 969 KB, 4096x1956, 20200626_223758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holostars boys are off limits for horny posting! Do not lewd the boys!

>> No.24443507
File: 278 KB, 1448x2048, 1592664881108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443536

I guess I was too lewd for the meidos

>> No.24443508

>I haven't gotten home yet
She probably tweeted this from the bed at the love hotel

>> No.24443509

who's this gigachad with the triangle pattern beard

>> No.24443511

It is higher quality than I thought, so I'd say yes.

>> No.24443512


>> No.24443513
Quoted by: >>24443557

>all that white space they didn't cut off
Feels bad, but it looks really good aside from that.

>> No.24443515
Quoted by: >>24443523


>> No.24443516
Quoted by: >>24443529

Were Izuru and Astel always that short?

>> No.24443517

That's too bad. She was really enjoying the game.

>> No.24443518


>> No.24443519


>> No.24443522

wtf family is based?

>> No.24443523
Quoted by: >>24443603

Are you ok anon?

>> No.24443524


>> No.24443525

Sounds like you had a great time. I'm glad everyone enjoyed their holo's voice pack.

>> No.24443526


>> No.24443528

She’s dreaming of a handsome shounen to seduce!

>> No.24443529
Quoted by: >>24443537

yes, they're two of the shortest in holostars, which is why they're part of the chibistars

>> No.24443530
Quoted by: >>24443541

Watane warukunaiyone

>> No.24443532


>> No.24443536
Quoted by: >>24443570

They're trying to save you.

>> No.24443537
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, Eaifr8TVcAE9b6o.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I never had the impression of them being short, but I guess I was also surprised when I first realized how short Marine was as well.

>> No.24443538
Quoted by: >>24443579

She wouldn't give a fuck about hearing that a hundred times from people she doesn't look up to

>> No.24443539

Too much effort from faking that voice

>> No.24443540
File: 233 KB, 850x1285, a5d44c998b9bfd51304ab05f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Kaichou

>> No.24443541


>> No.24443542
Quoted by: >>24443557

>yfw you realize the camera height is anon's height
Perfect height over Towa.

>> No.24443545 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, A486AE1B-0D8E-4204-A2E6-8EE560EA15E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Hololive but wtf is this? This bitch Miya said “ダート. Kinda downgrades her if you can just go on a “date” with her for $80

>> No.24443546

Why does Miko want MG42 so bad? Is she a nazi?

>> No.24443547

I can and will fuck all the shorties in that pic and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.24443550
Quoted by: >>24443578

That's actually really cute, almost makes me want one.

>> No.24443551
File: 343 KB, 595x842, 82504838_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did gen 3 go so right?

>> No.24443552
Quoted by: >>24443563

Coco's pre-stream chat is pure cancer.

>> No.24443553
File: 876 KB, 456x490, 1587563638803.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy familyCHAD

>> No.24443554

If it's not Hololive don't post it here

>> No.24443555

Did Miko build her second PC herself? Buy a prebuilt? Pay for a building service?

>> No.24443557
Quoted by: >>24443590

Wrong I'm a foot taller
It's actually important for it's structural integrity.

>> No.24443558
File: 973 KB, 1181x1748, 1585723309951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443559

I think the chat were goading her to get it for some reason.

>> No.24443560

izuru is 163 cm
astel is 158 cm
not super short but shorter compared to the others

>> No.24443562
File: 90 KB, 254x275, 1591629094540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she got some nerd to do it

>> No.24443563

Coco's voice is pure cancer

>> No.24443564

That's a good thing though!

>> No.24443565

Overpriced prebuilt like what 90% of what Japanese get.

>> No.24443566

I can almost assure you she didn't do it herself.

>> No.24443567 [DELETED] 

>not デート
Begone EOP

>> No.24443569

Goddamn I want to take Miko shooting. I bet she would have a blast.

>> No.24443570
File: 227 KB, 1062x1500, 1592978439259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443585

I don't think I can be saved.

>> No.24443572
File: 30 KB, 600x600, IMG_20200627_114646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443781

I love spending my time together with Mikochi on a rainy day!

>> No.24443573
File: 576 KB, 582x771, BC9B90B6-6AA3-4E0F-AE0B-73F4C29ED88E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More coco? Okay.

>> No.24443574

which holos can i go on a date for $80 then

>> No.24443576
File: 15 KB, 452x167, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k waiting 6 hours out

80k minimum.

>> No.24443579


>> No.24443578

If you've got the cash to spare, you might as well do it.

>> No.24443580
File: 130 KB, 601x651, EbP994IXsAA5Sd-@peppersteaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some blessed worker got to stare at this as they made and packaged it

>> No.24443581
File: 917 KB, 1208x492, Screenshot_2020-06-27 【#桐生ココ3D】桐生ココ3Dお披露目!#ホロふぉーす始動! 【#JointhefutureJP】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you guys there!

>> No.24443583

Not Risu

>> No.24443584


>> No.24443585
File: 399 KB, 1447x2046, EaUjWA9VcAEv7xB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443602

i mean, i cant blame you but still do you even care for her aside from cooming?

>> No.24443586


>> No.24443587


>> No.24443588

How much did it cost?

>> No.24443589

does anybody have that spanish towa comic?

>> No.24443590
Quoted by: >>24443601

How tall did the cutout end up being?

>> No.24443591
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1592571469464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my gah

>> No.24443596


>> No.24443597

Sio lurk in 4chan??

>> No.24443598

Just because Miko is japanese you don't have to have engrish subtitles game, that's racist

>> No.24443599

Why are Cocofags like this?

>> No.24443600
File: 11 KB, 194x194, 89ae4f279c994e455bbd2eb08da1e12e9899372e.jpg@852w_836h.thumb.jpg.5fa7726618bb0df9b9b5e72c7515ee62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBKing... onegai

>> No.24443601
Quoted by: >>24443649

I went with the most expensive material since I don't trust UPS, without shipping it came to about 150 usd
4 feet 9 inches

>> No.24443602
File: 92 KB, 778x1024, 1592664988926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443634

Of course I do.

>> No.24443603

He's an ayamefag, have some compassion

>> No.24443604
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, Towa4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Towachad. I want one too but I'm poor.

>> No.24443605

HoloID aren't considered idols, very few actually care about them

>> No.24443606

>$15 akasupa

>> No.24443612
File: 1.06 MB, 6808x913, 1592230260101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443613
File: 533 KB, 638x902, EbfmNUOU0AAMoqF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua came back 3 days ago
>total of 1.5 hours of streaming on youtube
Is it over bros...? Is she the next Ayame?

>> No.24443616

>hue xiao piao piao

>> No.24443618

I just tuned into Mikoti's stream, what the fuck is happening in that game?

>> No.24443619

Haato and Luna are the best Holos.

>> No.24443620

10 minutes
on one hand, they've both streamed to a larger amount of viewers than Bitsummit has received in any one year. on the other... it's an event with sponsors including Sony and Nintendo. if anyone does, it'll be Korone
she's had a bilibili stream too

>> No.24443622
Quoted by: >>24443642

Why does Okayu get so much lewd art?

>> No.24443623

coco has a big head. also she has a big head.

>> No.24443624

Then where shitposter? Miya is still a Vtuber

>> No.24443625

Ten minutes for OkaKoro.

>> No.24443626
File: 940 KB, 1336x858, akirine and makira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collabo when?

>> No.24443627

>not believing in Aqua
Don't speculate and start rumors.

>> No.24443628

I seriously hope nobody here is shorter than Coco

>> No.24443629


>> No.24443631

Gen 5 when? I need new blood.

>> No.24443632

i'm barely taller than astel...kira is the perfect height for me to cuddle

>> No.24443633

There's a separate thread for vtuber generals.

>> No.24443634

well then you may continue, slow the fuck down though cunt before you die and she wont want that because she is M

>> No.24443635
File: 87 KB, 787x1100, Ebev7U4VcAEhxbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep calling Kanata Amane a dork
watch where it gets you

>> No.24443636

any JOPs available to translate this 8 hour stream real quick?

>> No.24443637

The pien stream was cute at least, I just wish she could play the pokemon dlc...

>> No.24443638

Is this bait? >>>/jp/virtual

>> No.24443639

It's midnight here. Anyone else here pulling an all-nighter?

>> No.24443640

Fubuki will become your wife if you give her 100 of any real currency

>> No.24443641


>> No.24443642
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, 32543625472547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443669

If anything there's not enough.

>> No.24443644

The current track in FC5 just sounds like a shitty Doom rip with surfer themes

>> No.24443645

Big face?

>> No.24443646

Did I miss Korone and Okayu in bit summit yet? I just tuned in.

>> No.24443647
File: 391 KB, 820x351, Not OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443649
File: 1.41 MB, 6808x913, height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget that Towa is canonically a midget. I keep thinking she's 5'6" or something

>> No.24443648

I have no face for this.

>> No.24443650

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZNmpL7t8dA Rikka [Jump King]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdJYkVaEldE Roboco [APEX]

>> No.24443652

Shut up, you will never know how does it feel to being womanhandle by a 6' amazon when she's taller than you wth a whole head.

>> No.24443655

>sounds like a western thot
>acts like a western thot

>> No.24443656

Pedal to the metal Mikochi!

>> No.24443657

onegai... yamete kure....

>> No.24443658
Quoted by: >>24443702

Is coming in 6 minutes.

>> No.24443659

should've been aqua, more reflecting to what happened to her stream.

>> No.24443660

i want to make miko a mother!

>> No.24443662

Unfollowing Ayame!
Unfollowing Watame!
Unfollowing Luna!
Unfollowing Azki!
Unfollowing Fubuki!

>> No.24443664

Has any of them played a tales of game?

>> No.24443665


>> No.24443666

165cm is a perfectly average height

>> No.24443667
Quoted by: >>24443740

just enjoy pixelstach

>> No.24443668
Quoted by: >>24443679

Has Anemachi come up in any streams recently?

>> No.24443669

God damn

>> No.24443670

150cm is best though.

>> No.24443672
File: 103 KB, 1050x1000, 1590704843966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just right, don't you think?

>> No.24443675

I expected Watame to be pretty tall

>> No.24443676
File: 151 KB, 554x1177, 1592118924532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443694

>"Do you want to be teased?... Are you... naughty?"

>> No.24443677

it's like the doujins bro. ayame introduced her to her ojisan friends and now she's addicted.

>> No.24443678

Why do we hate ayame again? It's fine if shes taking a break.....

>> No.24443679

She's getting married next month

>> No.24443680

It's pretty tall for a japanese woman.

>> No.24443681


>> No.24443682
Quoted by: >>24443687

All of them, the only problem would be ayame and noel.

>> No.24443684
File: 283 KB, 1369x649, love coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donated to Risu's stream today (Both SC and Streamlabs) and I thought Risu did completely fine with that 500 donation. I'm not seeing the issue with this at all. She said the donation and she was sleepy after all. I was actually going to also donate 300 but decided to wait for the next stream.

Now for the Coco stream, I AM READY! I'm feeling super sick but Coco's 3D stream will help me feel better.

>> No.24443685

Almost all the guys are taller than me...

>> No.24443687

150 is peak female height

>> No.24443688


>> No.24443689
Quoted by: >>24443701

Are you the guy from the thread a few days ago? Do you still have a link to this company's site?

>> No.24443691

Jealous of this artist. He drew Aqua so adorably...

>> No.24443692

Somehow I had the expectation of Noel and Flare to be amazons

>> No.24443694
File: 224 KB, 777x1600, risu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443698

She can be as dorky as she wants if it means she never has to eat grass again.

>> No.24443699
Quoted by: >>24443711

>rika's jump king
so only homos playing this game atm?

>> No.24443701
File: 125 KB, 564x690, 1590943407575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you https://www.cardboardcutoutstandees.com/standee-product.html

>> No.24443702

Do you happen to have a link?

>> No.24443703

So, Kaguya Luna does UFO PVs now?

>> No.24443704

>translator leaves right before okakoro
the filtering continues...

>> No.24443706
File: 85 KB, 865x453, 151561651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443707
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1574142548715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it if it's so great

>> No.24443708

why are towafags like this?

>> No.24443709

Okay Joe

>> No.24443710
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, EbfnbdxU8AAcIBB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443722

I can't believe Korone is fucking dead.

>> No.24443711

Yeah, I ended up buying it due to them.
I should start it now actually

>> No.24443712
File: 1.23 MB, 1350x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DAW voice changer plugin VST plugin
what the fuck is he talking about bros?
is this what Kira uses?

>> No.24443716


>> No.24443718

Oh thanks

>> No.24443719

It's in the thread, man.

>> No.24443720
Quoted by: >>24443734


>> No.24443721
Quoted by: >>24444063

Does Spade Echo have a camel toe?

>> No.24443722

Why is a big sperm coming out of Korone's mouth?

>> No.24443726

Sorry that was me

>> No.24443727

great audio

>> No.24443729

It's mine dont mind it

>> No.24443730

Must've been from all the anal I gave her last night.

>> No.24443732

Truly robolive

>> No.24443733

When isn’t there a big sperm coming out of her mouth?

>> No.24443734
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 38118751a6ca3bb7657a64499b3fb9ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only reason ive had this shit open for the past 2 hours

>> No.24443735
Quoted by: >>24443758

>for fuck sakes audio crew

>> No.24443737
File: 243 KB, 560x420, Towa i'm not fucking around.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443738
Quoted by: >>24443753

I have a very important query. Is it waterproof?

>> No.24443740

I'm just preparing my food right now. And waiting for the water to hear up.

>> No.24443741
Quoted by: >>24443758

What the fuck is up with the audio, is that just me?

>> No.24443742

Took me a a while, but now I get it.
The Ryona girl has a screw loose in her head.

>> No.24443744
Quoted by: >>24443753

I just realized that her head looks bigger than her body

>> No.24443745

Based, thanks anon

>> No.24443748
Quoted by: >>24443756


>> No.24443751

Any girl who sang Secret of my Heart?

>> No.24443752

Sasuga audio engineers.

>> No.24443753
Quoted by: >>24443789

It's made out of durable plastic meant for outdoor use, so yes.
It's just the angle and lighting of the picture.

>> No.24443754

Why was my first Holo dream about PPT? Is it a signal that I should start watching her?

>> No.24443756

what the fuck

>> No.24443757
Quoted by: >>24443830

DAW means Digital Audio Workstation, used to edit audio or create music
VST are the plugins/synths for these respective programs
So if you ran your voice a vocoder vst in something like FL Studio you can change your voice. I'm going to assume it can work realtime but I never used them much myself.

>> No.24443758

Maybe they got the Cover crew in charge of the audio...

>> No.24443760

Watch it on the superior platform

>> No.24443762
Quoted by: >>24443787

Coco, and she sung it pretty well on one of the latest karaoke streams

>> No.24443763
File: 2.14 MB, 2039x2893, 6929A4FF-E0CB-415C-BE65-C0E0F38FFDC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443764


>> No.24443765

but we're already watching it on youtube, anon.

>> No.24443766


>> No.24443768


>> No.24443769
File: 580 KB, 789x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443802

I hope these don't get ripped lol goodluck anon

>> No.24443771


>> No.24443772
Quoted by: >>24443783

Is the audio working over there?

>> No.24443773
File: 5 KB, 156x156, 1591790209890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. quality fucking internet right there.
all forms of fucked up audio

>> No.24443774


>> No.24443775

I can't believe they are fucking up the audio

>> No.24443777


>> No.24443778

>this lag
big 草

>> No.24443779

Why have you brought this evil here? you are excommunicated don't ever post this cursed shit here, delete this file immediately

>> No.24443781

Adorable after listening to her voice pack

>> No.24443782

Sasuga, sound crew.

>> No.24443783

No, the issue is on their end.

>> No.24443784

what the fuck was that sound quality?

>> No.24443786

Which holo will most likely dance for you if you donate $500?

>> No.24443787
File: 185 KB, 850x1206, 9FD3F0A8-A97A-422D-AADD-C9E3444F2038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443788
File: 366 KB, 1300x1700, 20200626_230259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443801

ah, rikka stopped his stream. is youtube ok?

>> No.24443789
File: 2.09 MB, 1284x718, 1589458626123.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's made out of durable plastic meant for outdoor use, so yes.

>> No.24443790

This is why you don't trust indies.

>> No.24443791

Holy based, where are the pubes though

>> No.24443792
Quoted by: >>24443805

Ayame will straight up suck dick for that number.

>> No.24443793

Peko and PPT also sang it before, look at jetri

>> No.24443795


>> No.24443796


>> No.24443798

How incompetent do you have to be to make Hololive sound crew seem good by comparison

>> No.24443799

I think Kira is pulling off a girly voice
Voice changer would be that rabbit oji-san who called tamaki last night. Forgot his name but his channel introduces that he's using a voice changer and which plugins

>> No.24443800

Will do

>> No.24443801

fuck, wrong pic

>> No.24443802

They were bending like crazy when I was removing it from it's excess plastic shell.

>> No.24443803

fucking nice

>> No.24443804
File: 142 KB, 600x684, 1585842196697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443820

Imagine her top falling down while swinging her big mace!

>> No.24443805
File: 293 KB, 913x1352, 3523523523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not slander my cute oni wife.

>> No.24443806
Quoted by: >>24443960

Between Miko and Marine who does the better HAACHAMA?!

>> No.24443807

Anyone have Matsuri's rainy day pack? I want to listen to it first before buying it.

>> No.24443808
File: 40 KB, 720x806, EZPWkcmUwAEXUoD.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24443809


>> No.24443811
File: 671 KB, 2100x1400, EbWxWZcUcAMAme1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get for steaming on an Ouya!

>> No.24443812
Quoted by: >>24444020

Why the fuck is there so much Flare art popping up on Twitter right now?

>> No.24443815

twitch seems to be 5-10 seconds ahead. YT really needs to step up their latency

>> No.24443817

You should tweet it to Towa, I'm curious how would she react

>> No.24443818
Quoted by: >>24443844

No permission for their audio equipment.

>> No.24443819


>> No.24443820
Quoted by: >>24443869

Who is that?

>> No.24443822

>still broken

>> No.24443823

Lmao, no

>> No.24443824

Oh no no no no no

>> No.24443825
File: 387 KB, 991x543, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there they are

>> No.24443826

Why must we suffer...

>> No.24443827

Audio is STILL fucked...

>> No.24443828


>> No.24443829

I will destroy Bit Summit for this affront!

>> No.24443830

I imagine you could rig it so that your microphone goes through your DAW before outputting to the stream. Various audio hardware would make it easier to do.

>> No.24443831


>> No.24443833


>> No.24443834

I like how even they know it's fucked up

>> No.24443835

rikka english...cute...

>> No.24443837

Best stream ever

>> No.24443838

Well, we spent five minutes fixing nothing so we're just gonna go ahead with [INAUDIBLE]

>> No.24443839

twitch has as little as 2 seconds of lag, only 6 seconds right now for me and they arent even back up on the youtube one

>> No.24443840

even the bgm fucks up when they're speaking, but it works fine otherwise
wtf are they doing?

>> No.24443841
File: 2.55 MB, 390x444, When the demons take over.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizo demons are back!

>> No.24443842


>> No.24443844

the audio is better but... still pretty terrible
the audio engineer is an anti who is trying to sink their shot at making a big impression with N*ntendo and S*ny

>> No.24443845
Quoted by: >>24444242

She might even retweet it lol

>> No.24443846

>That audio

Are you fucking serious

>> No.24443848

I hope this give them some permitions, like for Tetris for example.

>> No.24443849
Quoted by: >>24443856

Look, there they are next to a Nintendo logo!

>> No.24443850

we were way too cocky okakorobros...

>> No.24443852

The audio guy is an NND plant...

>> No.24443856

Better report this to the antis!

>> No.24443859

These computers were meant for indie games! They can't handle things like Live2D AND audio!

>> No.24443862

Truth is, this is all staged to get more viewers on before their time is up.

>> No.24443863
Quoted by: >>24443872

please... i just want to hear okayus voice...

>> No.24443864
File: 421 KB, 1613x2276, EbfzGSMU8AAh8ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey anon... are you up for a collab?~"

>> No.24443866
Quoted by: >>24443879


This stream right now

>> No.24443868

Staff-san onegai...

>> No.24443869

Mi equipaje pechos grandes (sin silla)

>> No.24443870

wait, rikka is really good? is this the power of holoroid?
his laugh when he falls though is really cute

>> No.24443871

My virginity... no...

>> No.24443872


>> No.24443873

your permissions....onegai....

>> No.24443874

based Joe Barry

>> No.24443875 [SPOILER] 
File: 898 KB, 2000x2000, 1593238394101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mega.nzGo fuck yourself pay up

>> No.24443876

ESL here, did the stream end or are they fixing the audio issue?

>> No.24443879


>> No.24443880

I wonder if the anons that got my link from iwara some days ago enjoyed it.

>> No.24443881

>Fuck FBK while keeping Matsuri in a cage watching

>> No.24443882
File: 312 KB, 642x591, angry okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443890


>> No.24443884

>his laugh when he falls though is really cute

I was going to say the same

>> No.24443886
File: 111 KB, 232x249, YEAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443904


>> No.24443887
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1591843190550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443892

Holy shit Kanatan has an entire Conan singing stream, how did i not know this

fuck yes

>> No.24443888

They had days to test this shit

>> No.24443889

I can't believe Swery and Inafune would do this to our chuubas!

>> No.24443890
File: 176 KB, 500x500, 1592259638307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443905


>> No.24443891

At least there's still management that's more incompetent than Cover.

>> No.24443892
File: 167 KB, 1087x1754, EYoatBEU4AcZDN_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443893
Quoted by: >>24443910

So why is OkaKoro still a ship? You do know that Okayu literally reads Aqua's diary, right?

>> No.24443894
Quoted by: >>24443919

whats bitsummit

>> No.24443898

Testing your audio before the show is the most basic shit. This is embarrassing.

>> No.24443900

I want her to pee on me

>> No.24443899
File: 1.54 MB, 320x240, 1343172999153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's almost not a single boring day with Cover I admit.

>> No.24443901

imagine getting sabotaged by your own guys

>> No.24443902

This is unacceptable, they had plenty of time with testing this shit.

>> No.24443903

Oh shit it’s the boys

>> No.24443904

That's a lot of winning

>> No.24443905
File: 245 KB, 500x498, Amane_Kanata_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443927


>> No.24443906
Quoted by: >>24443913

Even the music died

>> No.24443907

Was so busy watching Miko shoot up Montana that I forgot Okakoro was supposed to do some event

>> No.24443908

>Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

>> No.24443909


>> No.24443910

Cause they're really into each other?

>> No.24443911

Watch our cute holoroid...onegai...

>> No.24443913

Music used too much RAM

>> No.24443914

Song was getting on my nerves anyway

>> No.24443915

>Aqua comaback
>do a Pien stream
>Mel comeback
>do a Pien stream

>> No.24443917


>> No.24443918
Quoted by: >>24443935


>> No.24443919

Indie games convention

>> No.24443920
Quoted by: >>24443930

>viewers plummeting

>> No.24443921
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, 1589630756177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443928

I want to bury my face in Korone's fat, flabby, sweaty gamer butt and huff her butthole like I've been without air for a week.

>> No.24443922

They're crying for help.

>> No.24443923

And now there's gururguru on top of it.

>> No.24443924

Maybe this is a foreshadowing for Coco's 3D debut.

>> No.24443925

hope they play missing children

>> No.24443926

I wonder how it is Japanese are great at inventing technology and terrible at using it

>> No.24443927
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, 78856013_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24443928


>> No.24443929

They know it runs like shit so they'll cancel the stream after struggling a bit for 20 minutes for easy pity points

>> No.24443930

Damn, that was like 2k down.

>> No.24443931

Punished Gamers incoming.

>> No.24443934

Something about moona's tiny mouth and eye placement looks off. Like she has downs or something.

>> No.24443935


>> No.24443936

I can't believe they changed her debut costume at the last minute!

>> No.24443938

She's indonesian but youre not far off

>> No.24443939
Quoted by: >>24443943

>no Cocock

>> No.24443940

This is a pretty big deal for both the chuubas and the indies who wanted their games showcased. Why do 90% of events always go like this?

>> No.24443941

SEAniggers are naturally retarded

>> No.24443943

It's retractable

>> No.24443944
File: 430 KB, 523x996, 1586380295115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Toaw do in her Twai radio stream?

>> No.24443945

Holy mama just fuck me up

>> No.24443947


>> No.24443948

Just like Miko then.

>> No.24443949

Remember when PC Games Show forgot to show the Gloomwood trailer despite the whole event's being prerecorded?

>> No.24443950

Well at least they had two hours scheduled and not just one.

>> No.24443951
Quoted by: >>24443971

The best part is that they could have streamed from their homes over Discord as usual and it would have worked out better than this """professional""" company-sponsored setup.

>> No.24443952

>Miko shaking her piss bottles

>> No.24443953

it's a small family business please understand

>> No.24443954

This proves that god doesn't want okakoro.

>> No.24443955

holoapp broke stream
they were fine with triangle beard gaijin and small lady

>> No.24443957

looks like they gave up

>> No.24443958
File: 132 KB, 828x1792, EbP60JhXQAAFY9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow she got a big forehead

>> No.24443960


>> No.24443961

It's my first twap radio too.

>> No.24443965

It's a pretty typical seiyuu-esque radio show, she takes questions from the viewers and has little talking segments about specific topics.

>> No.24443967

Chat gave up, they're chanting punai punai now

>> No.24443968


>> No.24443971

wait okakoro is at the venue?

>> No.24443973

>she takes questions from the viewers
Or rather, she asks for input from the viewers on certain topics.

>> No.24443975

Just shut the stream down and have them do it on one of their channels. You'll get more viewers anyway.

>> No.24443977

Coco will hit 100k viewers

>> No.24443979

She opened up a google form where you can answer your responses to several topics that will be discussed over the talk radio.

>> No.24443980

Kinda like what her roommate did when she received the infamous skype call

>> No.24443982

i didn't know coco was that tall, god she is hot as fuck

>> No.24443983

Why is pollfag like this?

>> No.24443985

The DORK of Hololive

>> No.24443987

>5 more hours
im not gonna make it bros

>> No.24443989
File: 453 KB, 665x858, 1593237039050~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24443996


>> No.24443990

I knee

>> No.24443992
Quoted by: >>24444025

what a CHAD, also at what resolution does the image need to be?

>> No.24443995

I'm still until now amazed how Sui-chan A cuppo jiggles like that.

>> No.24443996


>> No.24443997
Quoted by: >>24444000

tell me when the stream starts working

>> No.24443999
File: 62 KB, 702x323, 1591136648675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on heaven right now friend

>> No.24444000

it's working

>> No.24444002

cursed post

>> No.24444004

Look at her go!

>> No.24444005

Well I think she's gonna like it, you should definitely tweet it. its k though

>> No.24444009

is the OkaKoro stream broken for anyone else or is it just me?

>> No.24444010

I can't believe NND antis have this much reach...

>> No.24444012

Working fine for me, they're being really cute right now!

>> No.24444014

Perhaps the real OkaKoro was the audio we fixed along the way.

>> No.24444016

it's fucked

>> No.24444017
Quoted by: >>24444034

Koro-san probably crying

>> No.24444018
Quoted by: >>24444115

I'm also thinking of buying it soon. Matsuri is quite proud of this one and the regulars are happy with it so I'm expecting good things.

>> No.24444019

Why Towa sounds like a granny? Isn't she still in college or something?

>> No.24444020

flare is retweeting it

>> No.24444022

>Supported by:AMD 様
>stream crashes
That's what you get for not buying Intel.

>> No.24444023

Give me three reasons why I should watch Coco's 3D debut

>> No.24444024

Grannies can go to college

>> No.24444025

I don't remember exactly, but when you submit the image to the site it will immediately tell you if you need to up it.

>> No.24444027

Why don't these two collab more? Holy shit haachama is so funny here and subaru plays off her so well.

>> No.24444028
File: 35 KB, 344x418, 1576933432238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444029

First 3D Debut Ban.

>> No.24444030
File: 661 KB, 1085x956, 1589353933907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okakoro... onegai

>> No.24444031

fastest youtube ban of all times

>> No.24444033

>Overslept for over an hour of my intended time
>Wake up asap
>Stream's fucked
Well then
Whose fault do you think the fuckup is?

>> No.24444032

why the fuck do her notits jiggle so much

>> No.24444034
Quoted by: >>24444070

She's probably throwing her hot coffee in the staffs' faces.

>> No.24444041

Someone you like might show up.

>> No.24444042


>> No.24444044

1 dimension, 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions

>> No.24444046

They're supposed to do this today and tomorrow. Might as well forget the live stream and just pre-record something, it would probably be a lot easier.

>> No.24444048

Towa will be there

>> No.24444049
File: 330 KB, 1261x656, 1569473220515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24444050

3D ban.
The fallout of the ban
Dragon tits.

>> No.24444051

Youtube stream is just loading but the twitch stream has a message asking you to please wait

>> No.24444053

Okayu sat on the router

>> No.24444055

They will have Kanata as a guest acting as Coco's clone

>> No.24444057
File: 150 KB, 950x1080, 1592514071259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444708

>I fucking hate this bitch is winning
I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.24444058

why are you fags excited for the 3d stream?
didn't you said that 2d > 3d?

>> No.24444059

I have the message on youtube too. Music is back as well.

>> No.24444060
Quoted by: >>24444104

>hi guys, nobody asked but I'm not wearing anything right now

>> No.24444062
File: 68 KB, 1080x682, 355136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet /hlg/ can't top this one since /hlg/ only make stupid narrative

>> No.24444063
File: 275 KB, 982x1177, 105401145cc35336f72a2317a9816ed3facd354c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444064


>> No.24444066


>> No.24444067

Yes but the 3D is still 2D so it's not PD

>> No.24444068

Did Noel do the other dlc?

>> No.24444069

>The viewers between youtube and twitch don't even add up to 1k
Hololive is finished

>> No.24444070

fuck I wish I was the staff

>> No.24444071


>> No.24444073

3d is peak Hololive.
Prove me wrong

>> No.24444074

the main bitsummit stream has a new song, the Game*Spark one still has that same fucking song during the brief period before it starts buffering
- titty dragon (ban incoming)
- fuck you
- bantz with genmates

>> No.24444075

rikka is really good at this game, ah "beginners luck"
i want to hear more of his frustrated voice though

>> No.24444076

Fat dragon milkers

>> No.24444077
Quoted by: >>24444085

>no "not even going to watch" option

>> No.24444079

yes /hlg/ cant beat a rehashed meme from 10+ years ago with the OC that gets made here

>> No.24444081

Fake as fuck

>> No.24444083

if you reload the stream and scroll back to where Okayu and Korone were on screen, you'll realize why the stream is broken right now... their setup is ultra cursed

>> No.24444084
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 402bc5de73f49544cc168680c7f542440f0af1bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just the playing pretend comic rewritten with peko cosplay

>> No.24444085
Quoted by: >>24444092

Just choose the 0 option, anon!

>> No.24444086

They better push the whole schedule back for this shit. Games are supposed to be demoed here, the whole point of the event.

>> No.24444087

they did it!

>> No.24444088


>> No.24444089


>> No.24444090


>> No.24444091

The lesbians are back!

>> No.24444092


>> No.24444093


>> No.24444094

But anon, Then I'd have to make a twitter.

>> No.24444095


>> No.24444096
File: 153 KB, 411x440, 1592316577118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time!

>> No.24444097


>> No.24444099


>> No.24444098

>sorry for the trouble
>YAAAAY, oh sorry

>> No.24444100
File: 227 KB, 851x1200, 1585022963325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew they could do it!

>> No.24444102


>> No.24444104

>tfw you'll never have a hot sweaty naked squirrel fall asleep next to you

>> No.24444105

futaba lost
nnd lost

>> No.24444106
File: 312 KB, 470x315, chrome_2020-05-12_16-42-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444107

the dick is going to be just superb

>> No.24444108

that only took 40 minutes

>> No.24444111


>> No.24444112

Oh shit, how do we even compete. On the other I'm actually surprised that noone from here did ero fanfic.

>> No.24444114

and korone i guess

>> No.24444115

I have pretty high expectations. She's really good at doing this sort of stuff.

>> No.24444116
File: 547 KB, 1000x1000, 1591754028508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco will be there.
She will be adorable
It will be fun

>> No.24444117

You must love your oshi's friends. Unless it's someone like Mea

>> No.24444118

we nintendo now!!!1

>> No.24444119


>> No.24444120

Hololive is playing games again!

>> No.24444121
Quoted by: >>24444127

It sounds like they're in the same room

>> No.24444122
File: 403 KB, 531x665, 1586961380325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24444123

草 pog huehue

>> No.24444124

Do they have permission to say these companies names...? These names are copyrighted...

>> No.24444125

Guys... they're gonna play games. I'm so happy.

>> No.24444126
Quoted by: >>24444130


>> No.24444127

imagine the smell

>> No.24444128


>> No.24444130

I made it and told them yes

>> No.24444131

local 75 year old granny cries and farts and makes a tantrum

>> No.24444133

>less than 1k viewers
the antis won...

>> No.24444132

i fucking live for the てぇてぇ

>> No.24444134
File: 852 KB, 1500x2160, 80311286_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444708

Now that she has her 3D I wonder if she is going to always use it like her roomate always uses her 3D when she's not filming herself. She has the equipment for it but YAGOO wants 3D stream for special events which is lame especially with the shit we're going through.

Ai-chan and the kings always used 3D so it was thought as a standard back then

>> No.24444135

>korone recognizes a floppy drive instantly
I can't believe she's a boomer...

>> No.24444136

cat rice porridge

>> No.24444137

Good think Korone's been taking all those English lessons.

>> No.24444140

>Okayu doesn't recognize an old Mac

She didn't know about the Virtual Boy either, huh?

>> No.24444141

Aki a cute

>> No.24444142
Quoted by: >>24444151

>It's in english

>> No.24444144
Quoted by: >>24444169

Which stream?

>> No.24444143

Korone sounds nervous, will she be okay?

>> No.24444145

It's a puzzle game that's not even in Japanese, this should be good.

>> No.24444147
Quoted by: >>24444156

>okayu explains the sentence faster than korone can process it
y-yeah haha

>> No.24444149

She paid for a building service

>> No.24444151

EOP chads win again

>> No.24444154

Are they at the venue or are they streaming from home?

>> No.24444155


>> No.24444156

>WIS vs. INT

>> No.24444157


>> No.24444158

Most likely Holostudio

>> No.24444159
Quoted by: >>24444179

>3k+ views now
>it was ~600 an hour ago
so this is the power of cute anime gi-
>streams down again

>> No.24444160
Quoted by: >>24444179


>> No.24444162


>> No.24444164

wtf just happened?

>> No.24444165


>> No.24444166
File: 93 KB, 768x1024, 20200626_231030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444239

goodnight /hlg/! hope things are going well right now, and i hope the streams youre watching are fun for you all. a lot of streams are live or about to go live right now, so remember to like the stream youre watching! the voice packs are also out right now, the girls are $10 and the boys are $5 with a full set set st $50. they're all really good, especially astel's which was the longest, and really good...support the holos however you can though! money isn't the only way to support them, just watching is ok too.

astel is at 9.56k subs right now! hopefully by tonight he can get to 9.6k so we can continue with 100 a day! 10k subs is right around the corner, so close...we can definitely make it to our goal before july. i believe in everyone, and astel. there is a gen 2 cover coming out in a few days! set your alarms, because im sure we will be blown away...these three work really hard, so lets give them our support!
please subscribe!

>> No.24444167

what are you doing on twitch, there's like a 5 second delay on there

>> No.24444168
File: 3 KB, 159x36, i love you, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444176

why would you lie

>> No.24444169
Quoted by: >>24444189


>> No.24444170

>Down again.

>> No.24444171

But anon, i can see that you're skipping your english vocabulary reps. Dont lose to korone

>> No.24444172

As long as she has her 10 years younger lesbian friend she will be fine.

>> No.24444176
File: 544 KB, 1307x844, 1586755082910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444186


>> No.24444177

Game audio is missing I think

>> No.24444179

they said why, there's no bgm so they wanted to fix it

>> No.24444180
Quoted by: >>24444204

>These two fatties in the same room
Imagine the smell...

>> No.24444183

On the other hand. Okayu is just "I leave all the talking to Korone" as expected.

>> No.24444185

There is no venue, the whole event is online because of covid

>> No.24444184

Is there really this many people here who don't even understand basic Japanese? They explained they were going to fix it so you could hear the game sound before it went to the waiting screen.

>> No.24444186

Game*Spark has their own channel. It's the one Okayu linked too also.

>> No.24444189


>> No.24444191

>no viewers
dead game

>> No.24444192

>Understanding Japanese

>> No.24444193

Based off of yesterday's poll a lot of people here don't even know kana

>> No.24444195
Quoted by: >>24444202

>just realized this entire stream has been going through my speakers instead of my headphones
oh no

>> No.24444196


>> No.24444197

Okayu would work better with Aqua

>> No.24444198

this game is fucking boring
i waited 4 hours to hear them for nothing

>> No.24444199
Quoted by: >>24444207

Man, Mea narrative is so accurate now. This is only a soulless business

>> No.24444202

wtf are you me
I just got promoted

>> No.24444204

On my face...

>> No.24444205
File: 590 KB, 1800x2541, EbcZur0UMAAvSaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444207

h-hahaha she wouldn't be talking about the dog right???

>> No.24444209

I've said some really mean things about you and your holos before, I just wanted you guys to know I didn't mean it. I hope you can all be happy with your favorites, and maybe me too.

>> No.24444211

so this is the kind of game where if you die in the game you die in real life, huh?

>> No.24444212


>> No.24444214
Quoted by: >>24444235

rikka getting frustrated with the big words, he's really cute.

>> No.24444215

Asacoco time Mikochi!

>> No.24444218
File: 39 KB, 185x284, 1591227118128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already tired
I shuld have went to sleep hours ago.
Why am i like this

>> No.24444219

cute scared cat

>> No.24444220

She's talking about every vtuber that isn't a sub 10 viewer streamer with no monetization.
Everyone else is soulless and in it for a quick buck.

>> No.24444223

Why only 700 views? I thought Korone can pull 20k consistently?

>> No.24444224

are you kidding, koro has to be one of the most passionate people at hololive, i doubt that if she was in for the money she would do so many endurance stream, if any at all, on the other side ayame

>> No.24444228


>> No.24444229

I can't believe Korone uses viewbots...

>> No.24444230

Didn't Korone stream thousands of hours of dragon quest for like zero views?

>> No.24444231

back at you :'・ω・':

>> No.24444232

>video froze
quality stream

>> No.24444233

It's split over a few different streams, with all the views added it's at around ~5k viewers.

>> No.24444234
Quoted by: >>24444249

Why the fuck is the game in full english

>> No.24444235

Cant blame him there. The vocabs used in that sentence are big and rarely heard by the japanese

>> No.24444236

what a shit show

>> No.24444237
Quoted by: >>24444251

They sound so forced and fake.

>> No.24444238

>now the screen's frozen
this is the worse setup I've ever seen

>> No.24444239

Thanks for your service Astelbro.

>> No.24444240


>> No.24444242

I did it

>> No.24444243
Quoted by: >>24444252

May hololive never work with these fucks again.

>> No.24444244
File: 1.13 MB, 2891x4096, EXa_eslX0AABmVX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444245

Why are they advertising English only games on a Japanese stream.

>> No.24444247

Also did a year at A**M*** for like 2k views on average.

>> No.24444249


dev is from the UK

>> No.24444250

stream so broken they're playing shiritori now lmao

>> No.24444251
Quoted by: >>24444265

I'm starting to believe Okayu is not even a real cat...

>> No.24444252

This is NND initiative to push another stupid narratives after this stream.

>> No.24444253

Oh no Mikochi's going butterfly from the top of the statue!

>> No.24444256

Not sure exactly how many views but she did do video game commentary for 10 years before this

>> No.24444260

>falling for narratives
You're probably thinking of the reuploads. She was pretty popular back in the NND glory days.

>> No.24444261

That's not how you spell pekora

>> No.24444262

It would if she link it to her channel.

>> No.24444263

Do it!

>> No.24444264

This is gonna embarrass the dev of this game. Who the fuck came up with this shit idea?

>> No.24444265
Quoted by: >>24444366

You take that shit back right now. How else would she have given birth to Temari?

>> No.24444267

Mikochi finally butterflied.

>> No.24444268

What's with the nintendo logo on the right? Did the finally have a contract?

>> No.24444269
File: 32 KB, 980x641, Height-and-Weight-for-Japanese-Men-and-Women-from-1975-to-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the girls are midgets

>> No.24444270

All they had to do was keep the translator from earlier on hand. Hopefully they don't want them to stick with this game for too long.

>> No.24444271
Quoted by: >>24444277

They couldn't get permission for anything better...

>> No.24444272
Quoted by: >>24444282


>> No.24444274
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, #3【Far Cry 5】とち狂った世界を救ってやる!!!【ホロライブ_さくらみこ】 1-53-31 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444277

nintendo-san is right there in the corner... pls... give okayu back permissions...

>> No.24444279
Quoted by: >>24444375

Korone will be a new character in smash bros thanks to her EOP popularity.

>> No.24444280

Every stream there's at least some mikococo moments.

>> No.24444278

>Taller than our son
Feels good mane.

>> No.24444281

by the way I think Korone must have seen my post about preferring her dress because the last 2 streams she has worn it

>> No.24444282
Quoted by: >>24444293


>> No.24444285
Quoted by: >>24444290

I wonder if any of the nips got that reference

>> No.24444286

Korone will get sponsored by Cygames

>> No.24444287
Quoted by: >>24444297

Indie showcases are like 99.9% trash

>> No.24444288

feeling nervous apexbros???

>> No.24444289

Can I get sponsor from holos If I contact them?
Not for business, particularly.

>> No.24444290

I'm sure there's a massive iasip fanbase in japan

>> No.24444291

Roberu...I hope you're watching your senpai

>> No.24444293
Quoted by: >>24444307

Inti would definitely give permission if Yagoo asked. Blaster Master Zero would be right up Korone's alley.

>> No.24444294

would be neat to have her as a collab unit in princess connect

>> No.24444295

when will korone play dragalia lost

>> No.24444296

>Dog DLC for GBFV
I'd be down for that

>> No.24444297

I was thinking, this looks kind of like the flash adventure games I used to play, except a bit less fun

>> No.24444298

Holy shit Coco's husbando voicing this guy lmao Mikochi...

>> No.24444299

FBK...do NOT for one second look at PPTenshi's chat...

>> No.24444301
Quoted by: >>24444311

Fuck Risu. I'm gonna unironically start watching Moona instead.

>> No.24444303
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x832, 1592808874611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444304

neat game, but didn't seem right for a stream like this

>> No.24444305

if korone get's hooked on GBF, she is fucking done for, i hope you're ready for the 2 day long endurance streams during guild wars

>> No.24444306


>> No.24444307

I really enjoyed the second one. I'd be happy if either tried it.

>> No.24444308

no ones going to look because no one is watching her here

>> No.24444309

Are you going to buy an AMD Ryzen now?

>> No.24444311

You should watch Iofi instead.

>> No.24444312

>add moar cores
those faggots never learn don't they?

>> No.24444314
Quoted by: >>24444327

I'm not buying this cpu unless they put the girls faces on it

>> No.24444315
Quoted by: >>24444326

what the fuck? it said off-site playback was disabled for bitsummit

>> No.24444316


>> No.24444317

>stream not even started yet
>already more akasupas than FBK had all year

>> No.24444319

what site?

>> No.24444320

t. intelkek

>> No.24444322
Quoted by: >>24444330

"We gave permissions to monetize our video games to Cover Corp. but only selected agents/channels mainly "Korone Ch. 戌神ころね" and "Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ". Suck it nerds!"

>> No.24444323


>> No.24444325

I already have a Ryzen 5, anon

>> No.24444326

Works for me.

>> No.24444327
Quoted by: >>24444352

Intel has a collab with Hatsune Miku, if you like her.

>> No.24444328

>celebrating half year anniversary
Mea was right

>> No.24444329
Quoted by: >>24444436

Rikka's 40 year old moans

>> No.24444330

Fucking based.

>> No.24444331
File: 961 KB, 1280x720, loving_idols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24444332
Quoted by: >>24444368

As much as a meme Mixer was, they were the king of low latency streams. It was like less than a second. It's surprising how much it helped with the interaction between the streamer and audience.

>> No.24444334
Quoted by: >>24444377

NONE of the holo girls use AMD cpu but they're shilling it? Mea was right, bunch of fake bitches.

>> No.24444336

I can't believe PPT is the Rushia of gen 4

>> No.24444337

What are the best ASMR vids done by Hololive? That Peko ASMR anon posted earlier made me feel things.

>> No.24444339

Membership when?

>> No.24444340

I already did

>> No.24444341

holy shit relax tenshibros

>> No.24444342
Quoted by: >>24444384

AMD is gonna surpass Intel with Ryzen 4000 series most likely though

>> No.24444343
Quoted by: >>24444360

>Peko ASMR
Wait what

>> No.24444346
File: 383 KB, 1280x1150, noppeekshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half a year of the Tenshi!!
god her laugh is so cute

>> No.24444348

>they purposely give Korone the english one
EOP queen...

>> No.24444349
Quoted by: >>24444356

kanata is shilling coco's stream, she is one thoughtful little sister

>> No.24444352
File: 294 KB, 430x574, 1586933482407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could settle for Miku with Okayu's hair

>> No.24444353

cutest coco laugh

>> No.24444354

Intel is still king for gaming

>> No.24444355

I hate this tree rat

>> No.24444356

Coco split her earning to her
of course shes going to help her shill

>> No.24444357

Thanks for reminding me I almost akasupad this fake tenshi.

>> No.24444360


>> No.24444361


>> No.24444362

pretty much everything by noel and her roommate

>> No.24444365
Quoted by: >>24444370

she owes half the cast Disneyworld tickets

>> No.24444366

Okayu is a mother!?

>> No.24444368

Mixer also had 1/10 the traffic of Twitch. Latency would likely have gotten worse had they have the chance to scale up.

>> No.24444369

What's wrong with that?
Our son celebrated his half-year anniversary just recently too.

>> No.24444370

don't forget the jumbojet

>> No.24444371

japs love their noodles don't they

>> No.24444372


>> No.24444374

Is it over or just commercial break?

>> No.24444375

I'd mod her in smash ultimate since I know how to rig. But I don't have the modding tools for that.

>> No.24444376
File: 162 KB, 1280x718, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, Cup Noodles looks like that in Japan? over here it's just filled with a bunch of microscopic cubes of unidentifiable ingredients

>> No.24444377
Quoted by: >>24444387

They'd better get new PCs and game permissions as compensation for this mess.

>> No.24444380

Kanacoco teetee.

>> No.24444381

Did gen 3 celebrate half year? I know Gamers didn't.

>> No.24444382
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1591342632125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>celebrating sub milestone
>birthday celebration
>half year anniversary
>one year anniversary
>3D debut
What else

>> No.24444384

I wish, but they will probably just double the cores while increasing a bit the prices for the top end

>> No.24444386

I fucking hate this squirrel.

>> No.24444387

they're probably not even getting paid

>> No.24444388
Quoted by: >>24444428

no of course not, does a real big mac look like the one in the picture?

>> No.24444390

intelkeks blown the fuck out

>> No.24444391


>> No.24444392
File: 392 KB, 2200x1545, 1593223911146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24444393
File: 16 KB, 100x100, なんてこった.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444406

How many times can I creampie FBK and Festival. Batsu game if I give less than 10 creampies each!? [24 hour stream]

>> No.24444394
File: 143 KB, 242x311, chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444405

4 birthday streams

>> No.24444396

AMD is better for budget builds for poorfags like me.

>> No.24444397

>shilling AMD
what happened to that laptop from a few weeks back?

>> No.24444398

This is bullshit. It doesn't come with the fork.

>> No.24444399

Have you never seen an instant noodles ad before

>> No.24444402

I love you two, but you can't shill me shit. Hope you get paid well for putting up with this crap.

>> No.24444403

>give $50000
>doesn't give me a private blowjob ASMR

>> No.24444405

My sheepwife deserves at least 7 more birthday streams!

>> No.24444406
Quoted by: >>24444472

That many creampies.. Are you an ojisan

>> No.24444407


>> No.24444408

permissions too important

>> No.24444409

Don't have a choice it's either that or get fucked over by SONY / Microsoft like last gen with their fucking refreshes, The problem is 9gen is $300-400 for them while $2000+ for comparative PC specs

>> No.24444410
File: 1.41 MB, 3189x1220, amd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that AMD is one of us

>> No.24444413

tenshibros.. we are inclining!!

>> No.24444414
Quoted by: >>24444425

It's the same ad! The people running this show have a good sense of humor.

>> No.24444415

Those laptop using AMD, anonchama.

>> No.24444416
File: 20 KB, 255x314, 1592670117851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that shilling? Pathetic.

>> No.24444419
Quoted by: >>24444425

it's just the exact same adverts

>> No.24444421

It's going to be the hypest 3D debut ever.

>> No.24444422

I member...

>> No.24444423


>> No.24444425

well duh, no shit.
Never watch sponsor riddled events before? they don't make 10 different adds

>> No.24444426
Quoted by: >>24444499

Imagine not going for AMD Ryzen build. Even Apple abandoned Intel for AMD, kek.

>> No.24444428
File: 182 KB, 1500x1125, 20200211-cup-noodles-vicky-wasik-6-1500x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true though. Left is american, right is japanese.

>> No.24444429

Jackie Chan

>> No.24444430
File: 79 KB, 496x276, inlovewiththecocov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444453

I will marry Coco! Today!

>> No.24444433
File: 86 KB, 637x900, Ea9gfBxUcAorl4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm breaking up with you anon... you should have bought an AMD Ryzen CPU

>> No.24444432

I wonder if PC gaming in Japan is actually rising thanks to chubas.

>> No.24444434


>> No.24444435

They played that ad before the gaijin left

>> No.24444436
File: 1.12 MB, 1177x1396, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The oldest member of Holostars pretends to be a young, teen to young adult looking robo boy
>The oldest member of Hololive pretends to be a fucking baby

>> No.24444437
File: 603 KB, 1920x1080, 78856013_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no power here shill you lies can't be backed

>> No.24444440

will jaypee shit itself during Coco's 3D
we're achieving insane posting speed

>> No.24444441

high fructose corn syrup

>> No.24444444
File: 99 KB, 680x660, 1592696267140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti is love, Mikoti is life!

>> No.24444445
File: 24 KB, 233x205, I like you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444446
Quoted by: >>24444524

Sure do

>> No.24444450
File: 283 KB, 480x480, 1592831260945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444546

none of the holos even use AMD

>> No.24444451

Oh good, they're back.

>> No.24444453
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, 1DDA3CD6-6415-4609-81DF-F65D97FEB3AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444537

Good luck ritualbro

>> No.24444454
File: 142 KB, 326x324, 1590423431177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444455

>the virgin Risu vs the chad Ayunda
too bad they share the same body Id take Ayunda anytime

>> No.24444456


>> No.24444457

Kinda makes me think unironically Towa is the only one that cares for her fans. I even remember her turning the supacha off because she got a lot the previous day

>> No.24444458

holy fuck, anonchama redeemed

>> No.24444459

based 35p

>> No.24444460

That was for Asus wasn't it?

>> No.24444462
Quoted by: >>24444526

Miko was shilling her new i9 10900K. So should I go with Dog or Miko?

>> No.24444463
File: 333 KB, 1600x900, check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right

>> No.24444464

Oh thank goodness the game is japanese this time.

>> No.24444465


>> No.24444466
File: 31 KB, 344x358, 1591241875325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444468

Korosan, I love you, but I am not getting an AMD!

>> No.24444469


>> No.24444470
File: 28 KB, 563x539, 1592674374492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, based GET.

>> No.24444471


>> No.24444472

I masturbated and came 24 times when MGQ2 came out. 9 of those were to Crabgirl alone.

>> No.24444473

what is this bitsummit thing even
the channel has like 300 subs

>> No.24444475

No wonder they can survive off that shit. That looks delish

>> No.24444477

I can't read this go back

>> No.24444478

koro i'm not virgin, why would i even want and expensive pc

>> No.24444479
File: 239 KB, 52x52, 1590971935411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444480
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1593042847789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, 35p.

>> No.24444481
Quoted by: >>24444500

this is why i only buy the blocks of ramen
fuck the cup shit, i dont want to eat cardboard disguised as corn

>> No.24444482


>> No.24444484
File: 429 KB, 464x493, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444486

>I even remember her turning the supacha off because she got a lot the previous day
didn't coco do the same thing like yesterday?

>> No.24444487

But I did though...

>> No.24444490
File: 72 KB, 863x559, 1592607819343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444491
File: 125 KB, 1000x1200, EZF1IHVVAAA2BPu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444492

Yeah after squeezing them for a week.

>> No.24444493
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1581596084144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444494


>> No.24444497
Quoted by: >>24444514

>creaming at numbers
35p confirmed for /v/

>> No.24444498
Quoted by: >>24444519

Hey guys, wanna see something truly horrible?
Still think /hlg/ is shit?

>> No.24444499

Apple abandoned AMD too

>> No.24444500
Quoted by: >>24444518

the blocks aren't much better to be honest, the meat and vegies are still garbo

>> No.24444502
File: 179 KB, 128x128, 1593075205647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.24444503


>> No.24444505

>korone fills dirt blocks in minecraft.webm

>> No.24444511

Miko mentioned Asacoco again haha

>> No.24444514
Quoted by: >>24444544

/v/ doesn't have dubs

>> No.24444516
File: 2.61 MB, 1290x1821, 1000000 hours of under 60 fps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD-san, PC onegai...

>> No.24444517


>> No.24444518
File: 2.22 MB, 2560x2560, Mama_instant_noodle_block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444530

Nah I mean this shit, where you just get noodles + broth

>> No.24444519

based as fuck tbdesu

>> No.24444521
File: 135 KB, 350x350, badge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444554

>Mikoti got 4 get
Confirmed for graduating next due to getting cursed numbers.

You brought this upon yourself 35Ps!

>> No.24444522


>> No.24444523
Quoted by: >>24444539

She has done it a few times. The Superchat train isn't something she created intentionally, in fact her superchat readings are full of her telling people they're nuts and should value their money more.

>> No.24444524
File: 35 KB, 558x558, 1491163931760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you post this...

>> No.24444526

You only care about gaming? 10900k
You do professional tasks? Ryzen 39xx

>> No.24444527

absolutely disgusting

>> No.24444530

Anon...quality ramen blocks come with veggies and special sauces to make a tasty broth...

>> No.24444531
Quoted by: >>24444534

I'm going to sponsor risu with a gaming PC if she lets me marry moona

>> No.24444532
File: 211 KB, 889x700, 20200627_001846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still want to fuck this dumb android, even if he is literally twice my age

>> No.24444533
File: 2.38 MB, 468x778, 1568939483089.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444566


>> No.24444534

she'll probably ignore your "sponsorship" just like that other guy

>> No.24444535

yeah but I buy the shitty stuff

>> No.24444536

Kanatan deserves every single one of those akasupas and you know it.

>> No.24444537
File: 3.49 MB, 498x371, bre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444538
File: 353 KB, 555x532, 12_012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image
I'm not clicking any of that shit

>> No.24444539
File: 33 KB, 250x500, 1562023349351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444557

>The Superchat train isn't something she created intentionally
I find that hard to believe.

>> No.24444541
File: 86 KB, 128x128, 1592682496184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444543
File: 47 KB, 341x384, AMDGODS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharing this hobby with intelkeks
Korone will never like you

>> No.24444544

its safe, just luna saying guguru like a fucking retard

>> No.24444546

Because they're dumb that's why they can't run shit like ARK and PIEN

>> No.24444547

she had it but messed up and is now doubting herself

>> No.24444548

i love this little angle as if she was my own daughter, she deserves the world, also where is the arc collab with mel

>> No.24444549
File: 53 KB, 457x497, 1593235061592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Afraid of Akira
Why are /hgl/posters like this?

>> No.24444550


>> No.24444552

okayu and korone aren't very smart..

>> No.24444553

Why is Towa like this?

>> No.24444554

It gets canceled because the post is saying Mikochi is life! So no graduation necessary! Also that means she'll be in hololive forever! Go Mikochi!

>> No.24444556

>Not making your own Ramen broth and tossing away that powder shit and just using the noodles

>> No.24444557
Quoted by: >>24444565

Is there an updated version?

>> No.24444559

They had it, now they're just jobbing.

>> No.24444558

>no one has posted mikoboat yet
im disappointed

>> No.24444560


>> No.24444561
File: 189 KB, 936x1592, EbdZ9-3UEAEoptF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute outfit

>> No.24444562
File: 155 KB, 804x996, 1588012260266_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family delivers, as usual.

>> No.24444564
Quoted by: >>24444583

Just post the youtube link don't divide it into 3 webms

>> No.24444565

You should wait for the end of month report or after Coco's 3D debut

>> No.24444566

I miss her old model, she always looked like she was about to pass out from oxygen deprivation

>> No.24444567

All the numbers look the same to me, nerd.

>> No.24444569


>> No.24444570

i mean at the point, just make regular soup with good noodles

>> No.24444571
Quoted by: >>24444596

I'm not afraid of Akira, I fear for Akira.

>> No.24444572
File: 32 KB, 128x128, sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444593

>Willingly throwing away delicious MSG packed instant broth
But why? You can make a delicious veggie stock and use the powder to maximize umami. God damn you are a tryhard but also a dumbass.

>> No.24444574

WE /g/ NOW

>> No.24444575
Quoted by: >>24444582


>> No.24444576

I like to watch the dumb cat and dog, but this could be resolved in 10 seconds.

>> No.24444577

guys I already figured out how to beat this level, how do I convey the information to Catdog?

>> No.24444578

when will i get my leaked holo voice packs!!!

>> No.24444581

You do your reps

>> No.24444582
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, D7yx_5qUIAEU-ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444591

Cute potty mouth

>> No.24444583
Quoted by: >>24444594

I made them for my personal collection, got rid of unnecessary or uninteresting bits as well.
Why does it bother you?

>> No.24444584


>> No.24444585

let's do our best!

>> No.24444586

Bros, stop talking about Ramen. You're making me hungry and there's nothing to eat here

>> No.24444588


>> No.24444589

you don't own it, it's not yours unless you buy it

>> No.24444590

Try sending an aka supacha to both their channels with the information!

>> No.24444591

>You'll never make Roboco as happy as when she finds a Charge Rifle or Prowler w/ Select Fire

just kill me

>> No.24444592

I dunno about your place but they sell dried noddles without all the seasoning stuff here, I always buy those kind.

>> No.24444593

MSG causes headaches. It's also bad for the body.

>> No.24444594
Quoted by: >>24444621

Because you fucked up the second one's resolution

>> No.24444595
Quoted by: >>24444605

Backseat puzzle gamers are the worst. Chill your autism and let them solve it at their own pace.

>> No.24444597

Here's one: https://files.catbox.moe/o7317f.wav

>> No.24444596

Yeah me too. Dragon dildo cum RTS clips were very nice but such a small girl shouldn't be playing with such big toys.

>> No.24444598

Did you supacha $500 to Risu? you deserved it.

>> No.24444599

ideally never, realistically in about a month

>> No.24444600

Unironically Haato might actually beat it.

>> No.24444601


>> No.24444602

Sorry to hear that. Here, have some pasta:

>> No.24444603

Nah, I'm just hella broke

>> No.24444604
File: 712 KB, 1500x1500, 虚無な感じ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSG [Headcanon]

>> No.24444605
Quoted by: >>24444619

They're on a time limit. And they're asking for help.

>> No.24444607


>> No.24444608
Quoted by: >>24444644

I've already got an R5 3500

>> No.24444609
Quoted by: >>24444647

brb gonna make some Cup Noodles, unnironically

>> No.24444610


>> No.24444611
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 1592866074914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444612
File: 565 KB, 367x265, 1572484019681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444613

I hope it evolves into her bullying donators for giving so much money

>> No.24444614


>> No.24444618
Quoted by: >>24444628


>> No.24444619

That's the difference between giving advice in the youtube chat and screaming how bad they are here, isn't it?

>> No.24444621

I didn't. I went too hard by making it 480p due to size limitations but by the third one I realized 800p works fine.
It's a mistake I won't make again but not one I care enough about to fix.

>> No.24444622

Stop it. Roboco's voice keep triggering my protect instincts. I can't give my libido an inch or it'll take the mile

>> No.24444623

Warning: This video has been declared illegal in several countries because it's disgustingly cute.


>> No.24444624
File: 28 KB, 510x512, 1587748104402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444625
File: 27 KB, 381x513, O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444627
File: 100 KB, 700x905, 1592253242988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God thats hot

>> No.24444628
Quoted by: >>24444642

he got sent all the way back?

>> No.24444629
File: 60 KB, 901x581, EbCqlA2VAAEAy1J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hit Haachama

>> No.24444633


>> No.24444634

Okakoro is definitely playing this game later on right? They seem to enjoy it

>> No.24444635
File: 625 KB, 1920x1080, matulidiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do festivalfags defend this??????????

>> No.24444637

It will be really funny when people realize that Coco 3D stream is just your average 3D debut stream and nothing new or different

>> No.24444636

Oh yeah, Towa's voicepack that got leaked yesterday.

>> No.24444638
Quoted by: >>24444654

So what are the dog and the cat even promoting?

>> No.24444639

I sleep

>> No.24444640

They seem to enjoy this more than the first one

>> No.24444641 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, Kagura-Mea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Destroys your general with the truth*

>> No.24444642

yup, all the way to the forest

>> No.24444643

This. I wonder what kind of show Coco is gonna put on though

>> No.24444644


>> No.24444646


>> No.24444647

Show me a picture of your fridge and I assure you I can find stuff to make a gourmet meal.
Mad jelly of this anon.

>> No.24444648 [DELETED] 

I do not like this girl.

>> No.24444649
File: 1000 KB, 1812x1432, 1592494672371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444671

I think the real advantage of it is getting to see Coco in her full personality, her current avatar holds her back pretty hard it doesn't express any emotion

>> No.24444650

She's at 700Kcal now

>> No.24444651 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24444682

Does this slut have supacha enabled? I hope not.

>> No.24444652

Good, I fucking like them.

>> No.24444653
Quoted by: >>24444668

What if no 3D jiggle was just a lie and we get full dragon package.

>> No.24444654

Indie games and computer hardware. Which is funny because the games they're playing look like they could be run on toasters.

>> No.24444655

It literally doesn't you fucking idiot. And it's not bad for the body you dumb fat fuck

>> No.24444656

she has a fast metabolism

>> No.24444657
Quoted by: >>24444663

I wish she'd eat ___me

>> No.24444658

it has coco

>> No.24444659 [DELETED] 

What did I miss?

>> No.24444661 [DELETED] 

Disgusting little whore literally fingers her asshole and sniffs her finger during stream.

>> No.24444662

Brb bros, gotta rub one out to Roboco.

>> No.24444663

We know Fubuki

>> No.24444665
Quoted by: >>24444679

did you make this?

>> No.24444666

by imagining the smell

>> No.24444667

When someone finally puts a baby in her she's going to go back to that diet

>> No.24444668

will her cock have jiggle tho?, that's the importan part

>> No.24444669

>FIVE whole burgers
high metabolism

>> No.24444670

You've done me a great service

>> No.24444671
File: 2.76 MB, 180x200, gebokawa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit off in a couple of respects but it's definitely got expressions.

>> No.24444672

Towa's rainyday voice. Grab it while it's hot

>> No.24444673 [DELETED] 

Just this place realizing their beloved hololive is just another e-thot, and the language barrier was the only thing keeping a sense of mystique

>> No.24444675
Quoted by: >>24444755

Fuck off Chang, you cant poison people with your MSG bullshit now.

>> No.24444679
Quoted by: >>24444733

Yeah, I'm gonna upload the video eventually.

>> No.24444680 [DELETED] 

What did she do now?

>> No.24444681 [DELETED] 

Mea stated some common knowledge in a very Mea-like manner, and either newfags lost their shit, or oldfags pretended to lose their shit. I'm not sure which.

>> No.24444682 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, 1585733125570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444697


>> No.24444684
Quoted by: >>24444755

A lot of brands offer msg free alternatives. Even kikkoman have msg free onions sauce. Do your body a favor and eat healthy.

>> No.24444685

i wonder what it's like to be a roboco gachikoi. does that even exist?

>> No.24444686


>> No.24444688 [DELETED] 

I love her too

>> No.24444690

holy fuck its actually real! Thank you anonchama

>> No.24444691
File: 359 KB, 2559x1439, gs2JmIY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco's clean desktop!

>> No.24444692
File: 90 KB, 320x320, かおでか.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444774

>Ft. Natsuiro Matsuri
More like
>Fatsuiro Fatsuri
Am I right fellers?

>> No.24444693 [DELETED] 

Newfags getting their delusions shattered, thinking chuubas aren't just another business. Of course it started from a narrative post

>> No.24444694


>> No.24444697

Soulless and only in it for the money.

>> No.24444698


>> No.24444700
Quoted by: >>24444714

She bows before the sheep

>> No.24444701
File: 38 KB, 2000x500, Cover_Corp_horizontal_logo_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete you post or I take action

>> No.24444703

I know iofi irl and she actually posts here. The one who keeps spamming holostars is actually iofi

>> No.24444704

I have her membership, but I've never supa'd so I guess I don't count.

>> No.24444706

i didint know towa was a fan of south park, subbed

>> No.24444705

>Stream starts
Screen cap this.

>> No.24444707

>Epic Game

That's it, i'm done with roboco, i'll stop watching her

>> No.24444708
File: 364 KB, 506x414, 1589773766220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it be the highest viewcount stream in hololive history?

>> No.24444710


>> No.24444711

Based Miko get

>> No.24444712
File: 86 KB, 990x1280, shoinblat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444732

I swear i've unfollowed festival 3 times now
what is going on twitter stop letting this maniac spam my feed

>> No.24444713

This is a form of psychological warfare

>> No.24444714

Sheep's model is on a level of its own, really.

>> No.24444715

for the salt and disappointment

>> No.24444716

Epic Games seems perfect for the fotm-playing holos

>> No.24444718
File: 54 KB, 421x445, Mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mel can't catch a break...


>> No.24444721
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1590989392234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass [Deleted]
Did the meido went too hard or is Mea banned on sight now?

>> No.24444722

Highest views and pays and this is coming from a coco anti

>> No.24444724

What Holo should I pleasure myself to tonight

>> No.24444726

None, holos are NOT for lewding

>> No.24444727


>> No.24444729

She's never been on topic unless she's collabing with a holo.

>> No.24444730


>> No.24444731

I'd watch a Hololive Helltaker stream

>> No.24444732
File: 39 KB, 628x574, 1593133403627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feeling as a former Festivalfag

>> No.24444733
Quoted by: >>24444747

because you misspelt dessert

>> No.24444734


>> No.24444736

Ayame. You're never gonna be able to watch her anyways.

>> No.24444737

Meido did us a favor.

>> No.24444738 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1581118183904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I can't breathe, she's the fucking best w w
OMG I can't breathe, she's the fucking best my sides w w

>> No.24444739
Quoted by: >>24444748

become one with okayucoomer

>> No.24444740

it has to be, not only is she currently the most popular holo, she has been promoting the shit out of it, the real questions is whereter she will break 100k viewers and 30 million yen

>> No.24444741

>those akasupas at PPT
Nani the fuck.

>> No.24444743

At least she has cute hips!

>> No.24444742

Roboco failing to escape Plat IV!
Roboco getting tilted!
Roboco crawling back to casual trios!

>> No.24444744

they're probably keeping a tighter eye on things after "that" incident...i reported the first mea as off topic but not the others so who knows if that got their attention

>> No.24444745


>> No.24444746

>Autist writes an essay about Mea saying how the industry works with like 10 bullet points, how they all use the illness excuse to go out with their boyfriends, separate discord voice chats to shit on all their fans, etc
>get asked for the source link
>only provide a stream that proves one bullet point (some girls act cute to get supachas from EOPs), while for the others he timestamps a random part of the video
>EOP newfags lose their shit
>JSL oldfags act like they are losing it

>> No.24444747

I'm sorry

>> No.24444748
Quoted by: >>24444761

You realize you're sending him to his death, right?

>> No.24444750

mega based, most universally likable chuuba. literally nothing bad to say about her even if she's not my favorite

>> No.24444751


>> No.24444752

I want to see Marine do this dance but for real with her 3D model.

>> No.24444753
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, #3【Far Cry 5】とち狂った世界を救ってやる!!!【ホロライブ_さくらみこ】 2-40-57 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444755

How about you idiots educate yourself before spouting dumb bullshit? Fucking research is available for free motherfuckers.
MSG free alternative literally has nothing to do with health. It's there exactly because of dumb idiots who can't google for 5 minutes to find out research and history of anti-msg hysteria

>> No.24444758

i wanna pee in roboco's metallic ass.

>> No.24444759

The "Gamers" aren't very good at gaming.

>> No.24444760
File: 1.23 MB, 518x1036, c9ef750725c520db8fd3fbb95278ea72d8286422.png@518w_1e_1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444902

reminder: she's done a 15 hour stream marathoning her goal of 18 completions of getting over it man to celebrate 180,000 subs or 18万

she 16/18 with only 2 more to complete her goal


>> No.24444761

hes sending himself to his death, if anything he will send me to death as well because im going to break soon and have to start fapping to okayu instead of everyone else okayu is the only one who gives me post fap depression

>> No.24444762


>> No.24444763

>Meaposting getting banned
Shockingly based Meidos

>> No.24444764

Likely but I don't think the ceiling is as high as some here say. She's popular and all but her fans watched Flare's 3D too.

>> No.24444766
Quoted by: >>24444838

This, anti-MSG was another media campaign. What fucks you up is all the goddamn sodium in cup noodles

>> No.24444767

Maybe its time to go back to Towa...she can hook Roboco with Ichinose to be carried...

>> No.24444768

do you have a link to that essay?

>> No.24444769

That's usually the case lmao

>> No.24444770

I'm pretty good at a lot of games but I'm straight up mentally retarded at puzzle games

>> No.24444773
File: 248 KB, 621x1800, EbaxctRU0AU-_m0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Youtube-san.... YURUSANAI...

>> No.24444774
Quoted by: >>24444852

Fatsuri was the best, prove me wrong

>> No.24444776
Quoted by: >>24444868

didn't kanata already get a hefty amount of supachat yesterday, when her mom told her to get a pen tablet?, i mean got for her she deserves it all

>> No.24444777

The only Real Gamer™ is Aqua.

>> No.24444778


>> No.24444779
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1590989120948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444780

Stuff like Koromari Cho Aniki probably has an unfair advantage.

>> No.24444781
File: 50 KB, 767x720, 1593157041443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is the only Hololive with some small semblance of gaming skill

>> No.24444782
Quoted by: >>24444853

We hl/g/ now

>> No.24444783
File: 81 KB, 1833x428, 5f95f12807dac70940ef6c0ee79915a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444882

Not him but I saved a cap, that anon is 100% right though, I bandwagon'd on the shitposts

>> No.24444784

Most people sucks at gaming. Even self-proclaimed hardcore gaymers.

>> No.24444787


I really want them to play this again

>> No.24444788

She gets akas from a couple of her gachikois although they're not as tenacious as Coco and Rushia's.

>> No.24444789

Mel's 3D model is truly a work of art

>> No.24444790

They're rpg boomers and Korone is also a kusoge connoisseur. Puzzle games are a different beast.

>> No.24444791
File: 104 KB, 1024x557, B87FB926-E3AC-445F-A9B5-372A72FDDADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24444792

Is there a translate clip of this "delusion breaking" for us EOP fags?

>> No.24444793

I think they might, seemed to enjoy it

>> No.24444794

LVG is the place if you want "gamers"

>> No.24444796
File: 342 KB, 457x497, Luko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444798

Do puzzles count as gaming now? The term doesn't really mean anything at this point.

>> No.24444799

Kanata makes me feel some serious Gosling vibes.

>> No.24444801

God I wish >>24443465

>> No.24444803
File: 294 KB, 971x800, 1592180101857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this

>> No.24444804

Nnnnaaaaa don't bully an 80 year old whippersnapper, I'll fart on you.

>> No.24444805
Quoted by: >>24444826


>> No.24444806

>everyone forgetting the C@ speedruns mario 64

Speedrunning is pure autism but it's still something

>> No.24444807

> just your average 3D debut stream
It has Towa

>> No.24444808

I want to see Aqua and Pekora trying to tackle it

>> No.24444810
File: 546 KB, 2224x1668, cd0821211d0b3aeb1c51bfe283703ac31254f1e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we use to have artia too but now she's in an urn somewhere

>> No.24444811

>Still have to end at scheduled time after waiting 40 minutes

I'm mad I don't have a way to spite these Bit*Spark fuckers.

>> No.24444812
Quoted by: >>24444823

Stop posting narratives. thanks

>> No.24444814
Quoted by: >>24444887

I'm not telling you how to live your life but don't complain when your bones become brittle from ingesting all those MSGs.

>> No.24444815
File: 1.41 MB, 850x1206, 1591681900371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't...i'll get sad again

>> No.24444818
File: 1.62 MB, 2894x4093, EW2MjXKVAAI5uwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444830

Chinese Towa...

>> No.24444817

>watching old holo videos
Miko changed a lot
She is more confident and enjoying her streaming now

>> No.24444819

Mel's entire existence is pain

>> No.24444820
Quoted by: >>24444883

>Miko: would you like to become a parent?
>chat: with you? sure
>chat: are you proposing to us?
>chat: if only I had someone...

>> No.24444821
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1578345046351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin I sleep all day but still have time to arrange my desktop Roboco vs chad I got shit to do because I'm a part time game dev Aki

>> No.24444822
Quoted by: >>24444842

>no gaming chair
Fake and gay

>> No.24444823


>> No.24444824
Quoted by: >>24444832

They could have played more if it weren't for those technical difficulties. Hopefully they have it all set up for tomorrow.

>> No.24444825

Oh god, will Coco be singing? The Flarechads are going to exact their revenge!

>> No.24444826
File: 91 KB, 514x593, 1583772816449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you post!?

>> No.24444827

did they get some permissions at least

>> No.24444830

I'll be honest, I clicked for the wrong reasons.

>> No.24444831
File: 137 KB, 996x1912, EQzuNTvUYAEl4Kp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444855

the feels train has no breaks

>> No.24444832

How do you not test this stuff first

>> No.24444834


>> No.24444837

I thought the first game looked interesting. The second one is just your run of the mill smartphone puzzle game.

>> No.24444838

Nice educated Anons.
MSG is literally the best shit ever to make stuff taste delicious and that's the reason why it is so vastly used all over Asia.
You'd expect the otaku board to know this but alas.

>> No.24444839

Miko made me buy Far Cry 5. It's fun

>> No.24444840

Wait, new Curse of the moon? Cool.

>> No.24444841

xmas and newyears

>> No.24444842
File: 49 KB, 541x879, 61uyVXlE6HL._AC_SY879_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those, I just had to take pic related apart because it was the most painfully awful chair I ever bought, first time I ever returned an online purchase Sorry had to get that off my chest

>> No.24444844
Quoted by: >>24444862


>dat thumbnail

>> No.24444845

That's the problem with an indie game showcase. You're going to get a lot of that bullshit.

>> No.24444846
Quoted by: >>24444860

Wait, Aki makes games?

>> No.24444847

What is BANhoy doing there?
She got cucked yesterday with the boatslut thumbnail.

>> No.24444848

Did it make you faster at least?

>> No.24444850

jesus christ my OCD

>> No.24444852

No you are right.
A small and cute Japanese girl with meat on her bones makes my peepee very happy.

>> No.24444853

>there are anons here who are suffering from having intel integrated graphics
i feel sorry for you

>> No.24444854

Kanata... not the SEAmonkeys...

>> No.24444855
Quoted by: >>24444939


>> No.24444858

That's it?

>> No.24444860

They use it to pose their models to make thumbnails.

>> No.24444862

Inb4 technical difficulties

>> No.24444863

they certainly look uncomfortable

>> No.24444864

I bought a office manager chair for $70 and it's way comfier for me than the meme chairs

>> No.24444867
File: 472 KB, 800x800, パパちゅー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24444868

what's the timestamp for that?

>> No.24444870

Damn bitch, you live like this?

>> No.24444873

It looked interesting but
>full english solving game
They can't promote shit if they can't understand any of it

>> No.24444875
File: 265 KB, 1525x2048, EW7gBq5U8AIvYbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to listen to Kanata's silly stories forever.

>> No.24444876
Quoted by: >>24444905

Wait for real? Maolame is banned on youtube?

>> No.24444878


>> No.24444879

Why none of them use macs? Girls love mac os.

>> No.24444882

# 2 is interesting, wonder who it applies to
# 6 haachama...

>> No.24444883
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 泣ける.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444915

>You will never have an otaku or fujoshi bride and go to Akiba together

>> No.24444884
File: 865 KB, 2892x4096, 1592753484976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444905

this one?

>> No.24444885

Just get a Markus, or at least something with a mesh back that doesn't look as ugly as that.

>> No.24444886

>clip studio

mine looks exactly like this, maybe artfags are destined to have messy desktops

>> No.24444887

Yeah the known asian decease - brittle bones. You do realize, fucker, that most asian countries are chugging MSG like crazy with onions souse and other shit full of MSG? And were doing it for hundreds of years?

>> No.24444888
Quoted by: >>24444917

I can't believe Mel is back bros.. this feels like a dream... i never expected her to actually return...

>> No.24444889

She was reeling from being a failed Clonezuna, and ended up finding success by being herself. If only Matsuri could appreciate her own success in the same way.

>> No.24444891

The nijikiller...

>> No.24444893
Quoted by: >>24444941

Really? What do you like about it so far Anon?

>> No.24444896
Quoted by: >>24444984

I slept during Towa's stream did Sio rape her

>> No.24444899

Same desu

I'm about to wreck the Yes guy

>> No.24444900
Quoted by: >>24444906

Kek I remember the timestamps. She was talking about fucking toilet paper running out or some shit. EOPs are so easy to bait

>> No.24444902
Quoted by: >>24444940

Why is she the most popular holoch?

>> No.24444905
Quoted by: >>24444916

Captain Senchou got spooked by chat and caved in. Switched the thumbnail from >>24444884 to something else.

>> No.24444906

Meant for >>24444746

>> No.24444907
Quoted by: >>24444924

I find it funny that her background isn't some generic cutesy photo of her but it's the view from her lap.

>> No.24444908

i kind of miss miko's old voice. it was really cute
same with shion

>> No.24444911

Don't you know she was addicted to Fortnite for a long time?

>> No.24444913

A lot of people don't realize as well that part of why people suffer such bad health with cup noodles is they're really bad nutrition wise. The college cup noodle diet fucks you over because it lacks protein, fiber, calcium, etc. It's basically eating simple carbs and salt, which is devastating to the body when it's all you're consuming, in large quantities

>> No.24444915
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1000, 1591511619716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444978

Marine would EASILY make the best wife in hololive

>> No.24444916

i think it was just a generic thumbnail of her and the boats she wanted

>> No.24444917

She's going to have OBS problems and quit Pien after 20 minutes

>> No.24444918
Quoted by: >>24444933

>Okakoro segment was supposed to be a 2 hour timeslot
>they played each game for~30 minutes
My condolences to the one dev who likely got cut because of the audio issues.

>> No.24444919
Quoted by: >>24444947

That's why they have brittle bones. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.24444923
Quoted by: >>24444936

Jesus fucking christ how can anyone live with that

>> No.24444925

sleepbros we're not gonna make it...
i'm sorry Coco...

>> No.24444924
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 1574064865326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't want a pov from Aki's glorious lap

>> No.24444928

Sleep for an hour and a half to go through 1 rem cycle, then consume coffee, then sleep again after stream, bro

>> No.24444929
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1590173324986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post those chammer eyebrows

>> No.24444930

i want pov from her cooking pot

>> No.24444931

I want that pov but her nekoze punching me

>> No.24444933

The second one seemed a little longer, didn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if they were supposed to play each for around an hour. I sure hope they didn't cut a game with actual gameplay.

>> No.24444936

it wouldnt be that bad if she had smaller icons

>> No.24444937
File: 73 KB, 768x768, 1592604913333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki giving Towa a lap pillow

>> No.24444939

Delete this

>> No.24444940
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she streams without her shirt when it's hot and she's really interesting

>> No.24444941

The gun play feels nice and it's just kind of fun roaming around fucking stuff up. It has co op too which enhances the fun if you have someone to play with. Best way I can think to describe is like a popcorn action movie. I don't give two shits about the story though and pretty much skip whenever I can

>> No.24444943

Anyone noticed her hairbun is wireless?

>> No.24444946
Quoted by: >>24444963


>> No.24444947

Not him but the brittle bone problem comes from lactose-intolerance being more common genetically in Asians than Westerners, and a lack of dairy product availability in Asia historically. Only in recent decades has that changed with practices like pasteurization and milk powdering, as well as global supply chains

>> No.24444949

Gonna be honest with you lads, I haven't watched a single Towa stream

>> No.24444950

Coco hates burgers, sorry.

>> No.24444952

>Ywn lick Mikoti like the Wan-chan does

>> No.24444953

Racing chairs are supposed to imitate a racing car seats. Those are designed to keep your body locked during high speed turns. Sitting still for long hours without being able to change positions is terrible for your back
And these racing chairs tend to be really cheap chink chairs made with cheap materials that won't last long. And since they are all leather seats, it's fucking hot during summer

>> No.24444957

earphone romance is very aptly named. thank you, captain

>> No.24444958
Quoted by: >>24445031

>highest viewcount
>above 100k
>above 90k
>above 85k

More like somewhere between 72k-81k

>> No.24444959
Quoted by: >>24444985

Why is Artia the only holo without an official height?

>> No.24444961

Live a long healthy life, Mikochi.

>> No.24444962
File: 1.15 MB, 1274x718, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have some good coco clips to get me excited for tonight?

>> No.24444963

Finally, based.

>> No.24444964
File: 710 KB, 1032x808, 1591386597577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445164

Nice supachas tenshi!

>> No.24444965

It's okay, bro. Towachads will forgive you.

But, I don't know if you should forgive yourself for missing the Towaki takoyaki stream.

>> No.24444967


>> No.24444968

>Tfw just been using my dining table chair with a cushion

>> No.24444969
File: 34 KB, 500x301, kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444980


>> No.24444972

That's okay, I haven't watched some holos too.

>> No.24444977

>uses Kovaak
>still shit

>> No.24444978

Doubt it but she's pretty high up there.

>Hololive "good wife" power ranking
9.-Luna (not baby mode)

The rest wouldn't make good wives.

>> No.24444980

She lives on an island. Everything is overseas to her.

>> No.24444981
Quoted by: >>24445000

She hates herself? Damn...

>> No.24444983
Quoted by: >>24445014

what the fuck just "bought" Towa's rainy day voice pack and I can only hear very loud farts...
this is really disgusting

>> No.24444984


>> No.24444985

because when she got cremated they couldn't decide how to measure the ashes

>> No.24444986
Quoted by: >>24444996

>People Goslingposting about Tenshi
Reminder that PP has said she's the happiest she's been in her life and is really excited to move in with Coco

>> No.24444988
Quoted by: >>24445058

What game is Mio even good at?

>> No.24444989
Quoted by: >>24445016

How much did you pay including shipping?

>> No.24444991

Barely 40K and 5 millions Yen.

>> No.24444992
Quoted by: >>24445028


>> No.24444993
File: 23 KB, 642x285, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure panders to them, though.

>> No.24444994

Pretty good list. But, it's unusual to put the best one in the middle.

>> No.24444995
Quoted by: >>24445011


>> No.24444996
Quoted by: >>24445013

I don't think you realized the point of Goslingposting.

>> No.24445000

She's a pure-blooded weeb, you can tell she doesn't enjoy when all of her collabs melt down to SAY THE ENGLISH THING COCO

>> No.24445002

Kanata sounds like a little boy

>> No.24445005

see you for coco's shitposting bonanza

>> No.24445008

Based Soratomo

>> No.24445009


>> No.24445010
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, EajiXMmVcAA3Bgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cooks for Anemachi everyday
>Cleans the house and does other chores because Anemachi is out working most of the time
>Prime breeding age
>Not a picky eater
Why is she so perfect

>> No.24445011

i cant ever not hear fubuki

>> No.24445012

Sky is too career driven to be a top tier wife but she'd be one nonetheless.

>> No.24445013

It's for lonliness, I know, but sometimes knowing the person you're lonely about is really happy makes you feel better too.

>> No.24445014

That's the DRM.

>> No.24445015

Hololive thread ARK server when

>> No.24445016

Around 175-180 USD

>> No.24445017
Quoted by: >>24445049


>> No.24445018
File: 29 KB, 860x906, 1593194463487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24445019
File: 971 KB, 1000x1414, 1589016832399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24445023

>Wants to molest teenage boys

>> No.24445024

>Good wife
while literally sucked off every producers' dicks to get into hololive, that's not a good wife material.

>> No.24445025

>Kizuna Ai only getting 2k viewers live
Has she fallen that much? Is this the fate awaiting FBK....?

>> No.24445027

Mate you just want a maid

>> No.24445028
Quoted by: >>24445113

>Tomboy menhera
>Good wife

>> No.24445029
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, 1592838764368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like sui would be a bit high maintenance but she's top tier for sure.
bretty good list though

>> No.24445030

why do i keep having dreams about ayame? i hate ayame

>> No.24445031

I think she will manage to break 100k. I now understand why Cover decided to push for her 3D first and not saving her for last. Right now there's a maximum of 65k concurrent viewers at prime time for vtuber stuff. By giving the dragon the first 3D reveal from the 4th gen and have her promote it in English everywhere, she can get new viewers from overseas, who might stay for the next 3D reveals

>> No.24445034
Quoted by: >>24445051

>FBK 1.6k viewers yesterday
You tell me

>> No.24445035
Quoted by: >>24445059

Would Suisei really make that good of a wife? She's very very cute but what wife-like qualities does she display?

>> No.24445036

When will the Holos play Runescape...

>> No.24445037
Quoted by: >>24445086

Imagine if Coco 3D gets less than Flare

>> No.24445038
Quoted by: >>24445061

never if they want to do quests

>> No.24445041


>> No.24445040
Quoted by: >>24445061

is that shit even in nihongo

>> No.24445042
Quoted by: >>24445053

don't forget the collab

>> No.24445043

Yes and? She has all the qualities of a good wife.
Love her or hate her Suisei is very girly, likes to do housework and is motherly as well.
Choco is a borderline camwhore and she's still prime wife material.

>> No.24445045

Does Mikoti know how to cook? She comes off as a full time neet that has her grandma cook for her

>> No.24445046

Okayu said she'd hook up Mario Party and properly switch the cords for the consoles before I'd come hom. That puts her at #1 for me. I can cook no problem in exchange for that.

>> No.24445049
Quoted by: >>24445053

Don't forget to watch Miko in her collab with Subaru and Mio later! Otsu35P!

>> No.24445050
File: 924 KB, 2480x2680, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any oldfags can sell me on Mel? her Live 2D and 3D models look 10/10 and her voice is incredibly cute.

>> No.24445051
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1592346776585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445068


>> No.24445052
File: 5 KB, 416x142, 1572480139543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24445053

ah i forgot, 3939

>> No.24445054

She got raped

>> No.24445056
File: 47 KB, 588x343, permissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No permissions? OKAYU??

>> No.24445057

imagine antis getting BTFO like a faggots

>> No.24445058

She hard carried her team in the splatoon tournament.

>> No.24445059
Quoted by: >>24445104

>Likes to take care of people
>Likes to be loved and enjoys to love back.
>Strong family values

>> No.24445060

she always talks about cooking some food, like that one time her bathroom started flooding

>> No.24445061

Why don't they just learn English?

>> No.24445063

Probably one of the best lists this thread has produced. I even agree with the placement of my holo.

>> No.24445065
File: 230 KB, 828x1792, EaUJV1wUEAAhLiX.jpeg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all over...

>> No.24445066
File: 154 KB, 269x309, oozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like having Mio would be so nice as a wife just because she's literally the easiest person in the world to make laugh

You could crack 1/10 pure shit dad jokes daily and she'd think you're a comedic genius

>> No.24445067

Fuck me, I missed the OkaKoro stream, how was it?

>> No.24445068

she's a cute raccoon

>> No.24445072

Ai is like Bitcoin, it might crash but it will still recover

>> No.24445074

Technical issues and being bad at puzzle games

>> No.24445076

Coco will not break 70k viewers, You're delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445077

A technical disaster for awhile.

>> No.24445078

40 minutes of audio issues to start otherwise it was fine.

>> No.24445079

Forgettable, sadly. Hopefully tomorrow's will be better.

>> No.24445080

Hololive is finished.
More Ark and Pien streaming till next year.

>> No.24445081
Quoted by: >>24445096

technical difficulties
please understand
they were two pixels away from nintendo logo

>> No.24445082

Is Roboco so desperate to attract EOPs to her stream she’s playing Apex with English VA? She’s missing tons of contextual info this way. Sorry sweety, but if you want better than Towa-tier numbers, you have to develop a better than Towa-tier personality. Speaking of which, Towa won’t even stream with her anymore lol

>> No.24445083
Quoted by: >>24445147

She used to be in a confectionary club or something like that. Her hamburger steak looked good.

>> No.24445084

I'll give you a (you) when it breaks it, don't worry.

>> No.24445086
Quoted by: >>24445098

She might, flare had gen 3 backing her that's the most popular gen

>> No.24445087

didn't she focus on tiktok now?

>> No.24445088
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1590989129795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are the holos going to play Tibia and PK Brazilians in Thais and Venore?

>> No.24445089
File: 592 KB, 3029x4096, 5345353566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445100

Tomboys always turn in to good wives anon.

>> No.24445090

Almost nobody here watched her stream before.

>> No.24445091

I want to watch Haachama slowly go insane doing runecrafting!

>> No.24445092

Sluts make the best wifes.

>> No.24445094
Quoted by: >>24445108

>40 minutes of the sound crew not doing their damn job.
>20 minutes of OkaKoro getting lost in an english only game
>20 mimuts of ads
>40 minutes stucksso hard in 5 puzzle, they asked multiple times for help.
10/10 moment.

>> No.24445093

Coco will not break 60k viewers, You're delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445095
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 1592668844278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder festival's cover of this song comes out in 3 hours
Give the original a listen! It's a Camellia x t+pazolite collab

>> No.24445096
File: 244 KB, 1448x2048, 1572656066025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445107

What the fuck, did they have permission????

>> No.24445097
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, EbSz-YmUMAAjZUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445142


makes you think she is ponkotsu at first but she is actually very energetic while still keeping the cute voice, breaks out into song every now and then and has ok knowledge on anime/games, also shines the most on collabs because she sinergizes well with pretty much any holo.

>> No.24445098

Yeah Flare's tight knit association to the most popular gen gave her a lot of advantage

>> No.24445099

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24445100

I agree but Subaru?
Not so sure pal.

>> No.24445101

If Flare managed to get 65k, what makes you think Coco won't be able to break 70k?

>> No.24445103

Choco's 3D barely got 1k viewers, I don't think Coco will get 2k desu

>> No.24445104


>> No.24445105
Quoted by: >>24445116

>yfw Okayu and Korone grab the Nintendo logo and run tomorrow

>> No.24445106
Quoted by: >>24445122

>see there are 3k people waiting for coco's 3d stream
>decide to check the chat
>it's full of EOPs
what went wrong?

>> No.24445107

Clearly not, and they even brag about it

>> No.24445108
File: 257 KB, 1141x956, 1571719439328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445165

>20 minutes of OkaKoro getting lost in an english only game
>40 minutes stucksso hard in 5 puzzle, they asked multiple times for help.

That sounds amazing, has anyone timestamps?

>> No.24445109

luna's screeches are poweful

>> No.24445110


>> No.24445111
File: 408 KB, 1080x3210, 20200627_041737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her chat is also FULL of spics. Worse than Korone

>> No.24445113

Towa has probably the healthiest lifestyle of all the holos. Come home from a hard day's work being a wage slave to a delicious, nutritious dinner.

>> No.24445114

>my twitter feed which has 0 hololive things followed has had coco on it twice for tonight

Ya'll don't realize how POWERFUL this stream is going to be, her jew tactics are reaching audiences far and wide

>> No.24445116


>> No.24445117
File: 383 KB, 1799x792, 1593196149231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder the autism

>> No.24445118

i wish archives had the ability to search things by (You)s

>> No.24445121

is this hell?

>> No.24445122

she literally linked the stream in reddit?

>> No.24445123
Quoted by: >>24445139

Coco will not break 50k viewers, You're delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445124

madre mia...

>> No.24445125

She got 2k in her early stream. I know because I was there

>> No.24445126

everyone except the bassist

>> No.24445127

it show you're a newfags

>> No.24445128

The future of Hololive...

>> No.24445129

The only way she doesn't break 70k is if YouTube immediately bans the stream multiple times over.

>> No.24445130
File: 383 KB, 4096x388, Ebex3Y3UwAAxyi3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24445133

Cicatriz Amor (Reina de los mexicos)

>> No.24445134

When ppl think fat they think of Amerifat which is disgusting white ladies

Asian fat girls are different, almost no cellulite and very soft skin famalam


>> No.24445135

there's been 2k people waiting for hours now

>> No.24445137
File: 650 KB, 849x1111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445213

where's my duck...

>> No.24445136

Coco will not break 10k viewers. You are delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445139

Put me on the screenshot

>> No.24445140

Coco will have between 10k ~ 100k viewers

>> No.24445141
Quoted by: >>24445286

You just know Coco is gonna do all kinds of disgusting slutty poses. The only thing that will be hard to sit through is her singing.

>> No.24445142

I'll always argue she's one of the best Holo MCs. My first exposure was that waifu contest with collab with the indies and nijis

>> No.24445143

Coco 3D will barely 50K.
I will be there watching her failure.

>> No.24445144
Quoted by: >>24445155

Coco will have viewers

>> No.24445146
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1590904920067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445154


>> No.24445147
File: 407 KB, 580x548, 1583587257649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445186

>ywn taste her hamburger steak

>> No.24445148
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1589038759087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445167


>> No.24445150

Coco will have one viewer and it will be me.

>> No.24445151

Coco will get banned at least once.

>> No.24445152
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1592348093364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like always, not a single one is a member
Got a feel for the members sandwiched in this shit

>> No.24445154

I swear every time I see her avatar I think she's drooling a bit

>> No.24445155

Good luck getting more than 5 of them though.

>> No.24445156

Inteligencia Artificial [Modo Solo Español Pordiosero]

>> No.24445159

Cover intern here.
Coco 3D will have viewers, that's all.

>> No.24445160

Coco will have 70-80k. Don't screencap this because it's fucking obvious and what most of us are already thinking.

>> No.24445162

Reminder until 3D Coco debut: http://poal.me/n3k9gk

>> No.24445161


>> No.24445164
File: 1.31 MB, 3641x4096, 1591282573789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for her. So many memories in just half a year, I feel like I've known her since forever.

>> No.24445165

Stream is still live and it's the kind where you can just rewind it, just go to the parts where a game is up

>> No.24445166

Haachama making sushi on livestream in the next hour. No prerecorded bullshit this time.

>> No.24445167
Quoted by: >>24445194

After hearing that husky Indonesian voice would you really want to be intimate

>> No.24445170 [DELETED] 

Bellow Hachama in the wouldn't make a good wife list.

>> No.24445172

Coco will not break 3 minutes, her dick will poke through the skirt

>> No.24445173

The ceiling is far higher than you guys believe, you've been warned.

>> No.24445175

Coco will not break 40k viewers, You're delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445178

im horny for coco

>> No.24445180

Coco will have at least 50k mexican viewers.

>> No.24445181
Quoted by: >>24445192

I'd like to think it's just shitposting but there are genuine /v/tards that can't accept or understand that people could like something they don't

>> No.24445182

I hope Coco has a button to make her top burst open...

>> No.24445184

Coco's tail will be a limp dick

>> No.24445183

My mouth will then poke through the screen

>> No.24445186

>You will never eat her hambuger pussy.

>> No.24445187
File: 17 KB, 361x169, 1567499512380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445220

This Sutehan-san is just flexing his money, he split an akasupa in 5 orenjisupas

>> No.24445190


>> No.24445192
Quoted by: >>24445214

Coco is queen of /v/ so you're off the mark there

>> No.24445193
Quoted by: >>24445215

Coco will not break 30k viewers, You're delusional if you think that.

>> No.24445194
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1592538301428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445256

>kisses with mature risu
>sex with squirrel risu
you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.24445200


>> No.24445201

Hey, I'm in this!

>> No.24445203

newfag, she and a few other vtubers switch to english after playing the game enough times they memorize majority of characters lines already

>> No.24445205

How is PPT so cute?

>> No.24445206


>> No.24445207
File: 970 KB, 813x721, sdr1v0zwm9551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445224

>live in 3 hours

>> No.24445212
Quoted by: >>24445228

tenshi is rich now!!

>> No.24445213
Quoted by: >>24445219

Bellow Hachama in the wouldn't make a good wife list.

>> No.24445214

>queen of /v/
Even her toilet humor is too sophisticated for /v/.

>> No.24445215
Quoted by: >>24445230

Not even 20k, she's reclining.

>> No.24445217
File: 89 KB, 578x1200, EBVdY7UVAAAtGVm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone already donated 10k in Coco's chat


>> No.24445219
Quoted by: >>24445229

how on earth could you be below haachama

>> No.24445220

absolutely based

>> No.24445221

the same group of sop who tried to raid the holo chat

>> No.24445224
Quoted by: >>24445231


>> No.24445225
Quoted by: >>24445242

I know people are meming coco's viewcount ITT but this stream is going to be quite insane in viewers/money

>> No.24445227


>> No.24445228
File: 235 KB, 1000x750, VWr3zIZa4W4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be eating a proper meal today!

>> No.24445229
Quoted by: >>24445487

I could think of a few ways.

>> No.24445230

15K views? There's no way Coco will break 10K views, it's pure delusion to think she'll break 5k views. Clearly she will have 0 views!

>> No.24445231
Quoted by: >>24445240

I don't have a favorite... I like a lot of them, is that bad?

>> No.24445232

Coco will break my dick

>> No.24445234
Quoted by: >>24445243

>3 hours away from the stream
>thread already taking bets on the number of viewers, recliningposting, etc.
The rest of this thread and the entire next thread (at least) are gonna be some serious cancer
Gonna be fun

>> No.24445237
Quoted by: >>24445248

There's no way Coco is going to have more than 1 viewer.

>> No.24445238
File: 54 KB, 360x302, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigachad energy.

>> No.24445239

Why don't you faggots make a bingo sheet if you are so sure what is going to happen

>> No.24445240

Make a collage and post your monster.

>> No.24445242

It'll probably break superchat records in YT.

>> No.24445243

i wonder if we can hit 15 posts per minute

>> No.24445244

FBK please don't look...

>> No.24445245
File: 55 KB, 400x400, lyger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honest question. Why do EOPs hate lyger?

>> No.24445248

that one viewer will be me!

>> No.24445249
Quoted by: >>24445308

Ok, what shall I put in?

>> No.24445251
Quoted by: >>24445342

stop advertising yourself

>> No.24445252
File: 1.27 MB, 990x1023, 1590302736093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco will break the viewership record like Blackpink

>> No.24445256

you have good taste

>> No.24445258
File: 282 KB, 1353x2000, 1592335846308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incline safely /hlg/, you don't want to break 4chan, do you?

>> No.24445257

What are you talking about? He has a discord of dicksucking EOPs

>> No.24445259

all i see are the EOPs calling him a madlad

>> No.24445260


>> No.24445261

I think it's out of fear that one day he'll snap and go hunt down matsuri and eat her skin or something

>> No.24445262

my prediction for coco is
90K live viewers
10M yen

>> No.24445263
File: 114 KB, 1921x1074, 1588839932935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also kind of a long post but I don't hare, here is some insight:

like more than half of kizuna's subscribers are not real fans, but normalfags who just subbed because she was a novelty, at the moment she started.

second, she never built a streaming fanbase, she did nico-nico videos then cropped the good parts and put them on youtube, never did talk streams to connect with an audience.

third, the whole "kizuna's VA is being replaced" yabai moment where pretty much the entire core fanbase declared her dead, not to mention this happened at the same time the holos and nijis (and even the indies) where gaining momentum, so the fans realized there where much better vtubers to support at the moment.

fourth, kizuna is no longer unique, there are now vtubers for all kind of audiences, so the core has pretty much moved to different vtubers.

fifth, kizuna feels corporate, the vtuber audience now seeks authenticity in all kind of different forms, kizuna literally never talks about her personal life because she is literally a corporate character that can be replaced anytime her overlods desire it.

tl:dr, kizuna is the Pacman of vtubers, everyone knows her but she is no one's favorite vtuber save for the normalfags that are still stuck in 2017.

>> No.24445264

Nice post l*ger. Sod off.

>> No.24445265

2 viewers because i will be watching your wedding with coco!

>> No.24445266

fuck off l*ger

>> No.24445267
Quoted by: >>24445282


>> No.24445268
File: 134 KB, 553x185, 1591183138538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be PPT

>> No.24445270
Quoted by: >>24445315

nice reddit spacing

>> No.24445271
Quoted by: >>24445315

what's up with your formatting?

>> No.24445272
File: 697 KB, 557x978, 1593094023340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24445273




>> No.24445274

1) Cartel
2) Anti-4chan elitist
3) Literally an insane beta orbiter stalker why the fuck do you need any reason other than this
4) Probably eats pineapple on pizza

>> No.24445275

big futa

>> No.24445276

the creepiest and most digusting of simps

>> No.24445278

That sounds YABEE

>> No.24445279
Quoted by: >>24445305


>> No.24445281
File: 428 KB, 1720x1912, 1592552894354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your favorite holo makes money, right? Or is she a loser?

>> No.24445282
File: 178 KB, 220x192, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says posting in an e-celeb general

>> No.24445283
Quoted by: >>24445300

I hated him before but pineapple pizza puts him on my hitlist

>> No.24445284

>her face reflecting in some kitchen equipment or a window


>> No.24445285
Quoted by: >>24445348

100k+ viewers
30 million yen

>> No.24445286
Quoted by: >>24445301

>Coco doing stripper poses, belly daces and twerking

sounds fun

>> No.24445287

Creepy stalker simp

>> No.24445288

But pineapple and mayo on pizza is good though anon

>> No.24445289

Coco and Marine will fuck eachother live on stream

>> No.24445291

for me it has to be luna

>> No.24445290

makes more that yours

>> No.24445292
File: 343 KB, 1099x513, 1569706549173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she's going to overtake Aqua today...

>> No.24445294

Coco will murder someone live

>> No.24445295

So who's gonna phone into coco's stream?

>> No.24445298
File: 81 KB, 1087x503, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445337

Towa's GF is rich!

>> No.24445300

There is nothing fucking wrong with pineapple pizza, stop it

>> No.24445301

You know what English song+ dance she should do? These Boots are Made for Walking

>> No.24445302

If she wants viewers Marine

>> No.24445303

Gen 4 and maybe there is a special segment dedicated to the holohouse

>> No.24445304

But pineapple is good on anything

>> No.24445305


>> No.24445306
Quoted by: >>24445310



>> No.24445307
File: 1017 KB, 1414x1523, 1592956200129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24445308

what ever 8 things you believe will happen and one shit post item

>> No.24445309
Quoted by: >>24445339

Kanata/Watame will obviously, Suisei/Shionyo have a good chance, Marine might she seems to be getting more friendly with coco lately, Matsuri because she just creepily hangs out at the hololive building regardless

>> No.24445310


>> No.24445312
File: 15 KB, 128x128, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can almost smell the 30 million ¥

>> No.24445313
File: 123 KB, 1281x721, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco just died on stream!

>> No.24445314
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1589368901015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24445315

Me made a bullet point list so it makes sense.
Don't talk shit about my sorabros.

>> No.24445316

>kizuna literally never talks about her personal life because she is literally a corporate character that can be replaced anytime her overlods desire it
She split with her company anon
The original AI-chan still has the character, and she's still making content

>> No.24445318

this. normie twitter-tier forced meme. it almost makes me miss the anchovy hating that was in literally every sitcom

>> No.24445321
Quoted by: >>24445347

Yes there is. But worse exists. Banana Pizza and Durian Pizza

>> No.24445322

6700 viewers

our girl made it bros

>> No.24445324
Quoted by: >>24445343

That video is so sad in the strangest way. She's full idol mode, giving her best. It's so sad to think she's probably in a dumb looking tracking suit in an empty greenscreen room.

>> No.24445326
Quoted by: >>24445363

This might actually be kinda fun, everyone make their own bingo sheet, whoever can guess the most shit that actually happens or gets a bingo first 'wins'
Some of my own predictions
>at least one song in full English
>all of Gen 4 will visit the stream
>Miko will visit the stream
>crotch shots
>jiggling boobs around
>at least one accident where she falls over while attempting to dance like an idol

>> No.24445327


>> No.24445328
File: 303 KB, 1152x2048, EbgNkWPUMAIEiKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24445357

>> No.24445329

that's what happens when you split her into 3 different people

>> No.24445330

hey anons how do you download vids from streamable? asking because I want to download the vids of aki that were posted yesterday

>> No.24445331

is this you anon?

>> No.24445332

One of them is Miko for sure.

>> No.24445334

Together= Chamagether
Elevator= Elevachamar

>> No.24445333

Pekobros...not like this....

>> No.24445336
Quoted by: >>24445358

pretty much entirely jealousy and sour grapes they can't compete with him. i wouldn't even know this guy exists if they didn't stalk him and post about him.

>> No.24445337
Quoted by: >>24445403

Im waiting for the ARS pic.

>> No.24445338
File: 173 KB, 1024x784, Untitled-2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this so far, anything else you guys think I should add?

>> No.24445339

>Marine might she seems to be getting more friendly with coco lately
They were super tight for a good while and did several offcollabs together. >>24445309

>> No.24445342

I don't give a shit about him and don't understand why he gets posted in this thread
I unironically think he sometimes comes here just to advertise himself like >>24445251 said

>> No.24445343
Quoted by: >>24445351

Anon that's not a good mindset, most of the hololives say the 3d streams are quite fun, this might not be a hobby for you

>> No.24445344


>> No.24445345

youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio $link

>> No.24445347

just because you're fine with it, it doesn't mean that you would actually buy it if you had to choose from a pizza catalog

>> No.24445348

Hey man, I'm a bit of a newfag so could you explain the "I kneel" meme to me?

>> No.24445350

do that k*on dance

>> No.24445351
Quoted by: >>24445388

Yeah but it's Matsuri. You know deep down she wants to be a real idol, not on a mocap suit singing to a camera.

>> No.24445353

Chamakoyami Chamawa

>> No.24445354

>talks about her ass and tits for more than 5 min

>> No.24445355
Quoted by: >>24445369

Live Asacoco
Toilet/Pee RTA reference/skit
Only sings one song at the very end
Coco Kaine
4th Gen 3D teased at the end
Miko call in

>> No.24445356


>> No.24445357

oh cool dragon quest 6

>> No.24445358

Shut up, l*ger

>> No.24445359

>that supa in PPT's stream from a guy saying he watches her with his wife and she's like a daughter to them
What a chad.

>> No.24445360

press f12 , go in to the source and find the .mp4 link

>> No.24445361


>> No.24445362

Holohouse reference, At least 1/4 of the whole show is in english.

>> No.24445363

>automatic bingo just based on viewers
Should move those around so it's not an immediate bingo just off of 70K also >>24445326

>> No.24445364

does saying "grass" count towards the kusa count or should that be seperate?

>> No.24445366

right click+save as

>> No.24445365


>> No.24445368

There's no way she gets less viewers than FLARE, whole top row is fucking useless.

>> No.24445369
Quoted by: >>24445379

>Live AsaCoco
Didn't think of that that's actually really likely I bet she'll at least do a few minutes

>> No.24445370

doesn't work on streamable

>> No.24445373
File: 55 KB, 160x169, 1590989979636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Coco fans like this?

>> No.24445374

It starts soft and gets harder based on supachat

>> No.24445375

thats going to be a top row bingo in 10 minutes

>> No.24445376

completely chokes and starts babbling nonsense for 5 minutes straight, stream is shut down

>> No.24445379

They might use it as the opening

>> No.24445382

heh wait till he finds out I'm dating his daughter

>> No.24445384

I hope sora appears there later

>> No.24445385 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 591x471, 1593247478478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of ID!

But seriously where's the collab?

>> No.24445388
Quoted by: >>24445410

Anon matsuri was a fatass I think she's glad she gets a chance to be an idol somewhere since she obviously couldn't be one irl

>> No.24445391

Aaahhhh... Cocock.....

>> No.24445393

The person uploading to streamable has to enable downloads for that

>> No.24445394

shes so boring no one wants to collab with her

>> No.24445396
Quoted by: >>24445427

THAT would actually be Kino

>Coco wanted to sing with her so bad but hates her own voice
>been practacing a ton
>Sora and her finally sing together

Would be 10/10

>> No.24445399
File: 451 KB, 3659x2894, 827B05C8-C516-4B21-A007-945BA9CB495B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more TOWARROT.

>> No.24445403
File: 88 KB, 1106x683, 1592113971182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acá lo tenés, boludo

>> No.24445404
File: 168 KB, 1320x1140, EZMl9sYUMAAOAoY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a Kanatan daughter
This one hurts a bit too much to some reason

>> No.24445405

Risu blown the fuck out.

>> No.24445407
Quoted by: >>24445419

Anyone have the source of this video? please

>> No.24445409

It's going to feel weird seeing her move around in 3D
Expect to have an uncanny vibe from it

>> No.24445410

She's pushing her roommate's account complete with tiktok, hahaha

>> No.24445411

most of her base doesn't know she do livestreams and come for the meme videos they can watch at any time, it similar to pewdiepie livestream numbers compared to his subs count.

>> No.24445414
Quoted by: >>24445436

I hate to bring this but, you know you have your own thread right? Be a good boy and obey the rules okay anon.

>> No.24445415

holy shit, sasuga dragon dick.

>> No.24445417
Quoted by: >>24445432

Daughteru-related stuff makes me Gosling way, way harder than waifu-related stuff.

>> No.24445418

Nice, anon. Make sure to support FBK.

>> No.24445419
Quoted by: >>24445489

It's the big Werewolf collab on her channel, near the very final part where Rushia and Towa are trying to outplay each other.

>> No.24445420

7k luna

>> No.24445422

Sings a western song

>> No.24445424

How has Flare earned more than Korone?

>> No.24445425

Towadio will break 70k viewers, You're delusional if you don't think that.

>> No.24445426

back flip

>> No.24445427

Could it be possible she shows up as a surprise even to Coco?

she's wearing VR equipment doing this right? So realistically Sora could sneak in?

>> No.24445428

Remove top row, add Break 100k viewers

>> No.24445429

Genuinely happy for the girls who've been doing this for a long time or had a less than ideal start.

>> No.24445430

Make it 80k.

>> No.24445432

the older you get, the more that parental instinct starts to kick in
you will never have both your chuuba waifu and daughteru be real

>> No.24445433
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1591679708999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here pulled an all-nighter?

>> No.24445435

having a daughter that grows up to be poor and deaf would be concerning way more then anything else

>> No.24445436

They'd get mad if I brought up HoloID

>> No.24445442

I don't want legions of spics to discover Towa...

>> No.24445443

getting more views than the top n*jisanji stream at that time

>> No.24445445

My waifu and daughteru are both anime/LN characters but it hurts nonetheless.

>> No.24445446
Quoted by: >>24445510

All Holo ID and Niji ID just did a collab yesterday for an event. They also interacted on Twitter after it.

>> No.24445447

>you will never have both your chuuba waifu and daughteru be real
good. reality ruins everything it touches.

>> No.24445448
Quoted by: >>24445469

Haato in 10 mins

>> No.24445449
Quoted by: >>24445501

Easy, Flare has a dedicated group of JP whales while Korone is watched by a ton of EOPs and SOPs that would never superchat.

>> No.24445450

I don't have enough Goslings for this

>> No.24445454

I am right now

>> No.24445456

Here, senpai. I'm just waiting for Coco's 3D showing to end and sleep.

>> No.24445459

holy inflations batman

>> No.24445461

flare is better

>> No.24445462


is grandma a code for her husband?

>> No.24445463
Quoted by: >>24445485

The fuck? it's 4 pm here.

>> No.24445464

Bet on which Holo members will make the mistake and stream at the same time.

>> No.24445465

Fuck that, I can't do reps while tired.

>> No.24445466

Korone gets all the monopoly money thanks to "hey guys"

>> No.24445467

Now why would you do that, anon

>> No.24445469
Quoted by: >>24445505


we're watching luna

>> No.24445470

No her parents died and she lives with her grandma.

>> No.24445471

Get 10 million yen supacha
Youtube BAN
Sings Rockabye

>> No.24445472

Probably will tonight after watching Coco's stream

>> No.24445474

She's divorced. Could very well be her grandma

>> No.24445476

You guys aren't thinking right.
-breathes fire
-mosaic under skirt

>> No.24445478

It's not even noon here, feels good.

>> No.24445479

gonna sleep after Coco 3D

>> No.24445483

stay strong americans, you can do this!

>> No.24445484

Views ≠ supachat.

>> No.24445485

2am west coast burgerland.

>> No.24445486

i kneel...

>> No.24445487
Quoted by: >>24445494

Then explain.

>> No.24445489

Thank you anon-chama

>> No.24445490


You will be watching the most ambitious Holo stream ever conceived, won't you?

>> No.24445492

>Obviously will be there

>Revenge for the spanking

>Probably will be there and be kind of cringe

>May be there and just giggle in the background

>Unironic 10/10 appearance if there

>May be there out of obligation to gen4

>> No.24445493

It's 6 am here i'm going to sleep. I don't really care enough about coco to stay awake for her

>> No.24445494
Quoted by: >>24445552

This is a blue board, anon.

>> No.24445495

80k is impossible, maybe rushia can be overtaken

>> No.24445497

im not gay...

>> No.24445499

Luna's going to die poor...

>> No.24445501

Even /biz/ is watching hololive now? I'm convinced there's no board that hasn't been infected and now has people that come to this thread

>> No.24445503
Quoted by: >>24445574

this will be Korone, Fubuki and Miko's chat in 2021

>> No.24445504

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALNSQbb-yss Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXW8IZWrR3o Miyabi, Aruran and Shien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMl_OLYOyF8 Aruran POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPte6WEKFWE Shien POV

>> No.24445505
Quoted by: >>24445560

I'd rather eat a dick than watch Luna

>> No.24445507

Pretending I'm with Towa while watching the same APEX League as her!

>> No.24445510
Quoted by: >>24445594

Still offtopic unless it's about the collab.

>> No.24445508
Quoted by: >>24445529

Anon you're literally posting in the fastest general in 4chan

>> No.24445513

im not gonna make it...

>> No.24445515

Coco tails actually can move.

>> No.24445516
Quoted by: >>24445567

Miyabi + Shien + Aruran Apex collab
what the fuck is pizza dad's thumbnail

>> No.24445517

I want to know which girls will cancel her deliveries tomorrow because they party all night with Coco.

>> No.24445519

I'll leave it on in the background while doing other stuff

>> No.24445520
Quoted by: >>24445567

>starting at midnight for me
guess im pulling a double all nighter

>> No.24445521

here, Coco's rainy day boys.


>> No.24445524
Quoted by: >>24445535

Whales has been a term for heavy investors in games with microtransactions for a while now.

>> No.24445527
Quoted by: >>24445537

Who's ready chama watch Haachama burn sushi? I'm looking chamawards it personally, she's just chamao good at cooking

>> No.24445528
Quoted by: >>24445535

everyone knows the term whale dude

>> No.24445529
Quoted by: >>24445536

I've seen people say that a lot but was pretty sure it's just a meme
How do I compare by thread and not by board on 4stats

>> No.24445530

I legit feel bad for HAACHAMA?!

>> No.24445534

Yeah, I'll have him on another screen while playing videogames or something.

>> No.24445535

Oh. Thought it was primarily something used by people into investing and cryptoshit.

>> No.24445536
Quoted by: >>24445554

The fastest general on 4chan ever is kpop but this is definitely not far behind

>> No.24445537

Got my chamapo in my handchama waiting for the reflectchamas.

>> No.24445538


>> No.24445540
Quoted by: >>24445553

Matsuri has dibs on a 3d collab with coco so she may call in to redeem it for another day.

>> No.24445541

interested to see how it turns out, it could never be worse than my attempts

>> No.24445542

Games, especially gacha games also use the term whale anon

>> No.24445543

How can Sio compete...

>> No.24445544


>> No.24445545

>forget Luna's on in the background

>> No.24445546

That fucking Aruran thumbnail kek

>> No.24445547

Damn Luna is producing some nice sounds.

>> No.24445548
Quoted by: >>24445556

Please watch Luna’s stream
She needs more viewers

>> No.24445552
Quoted by: >>24445581

This being a blue board is an argument how exactly?

>> No.24445553
Quoted by: >>24445575

Holy SHIT Coco's voice has changed so much.

>> No.24445554

That's kind of disgusting. Also I just looked and we're about the same speed now and we usually get a lot faster than this when there's a big stream happening.

>> No.24445555


>> No.24445556

>need more viewers

>> No.24445557


>> No.24445559
Quoted by: >>24445614

Is there a list if all the Holos' art tags on Twitter?

>> No.24445560

hope in bro

>> No.24445562
Quoted by: >>24445569

Where do you check posts per minute?

>> No.24445563

Como arreglar una crisis? Tener vtubers

>> No.24445565


>> No.24445566
Quoted by: >>24445606

The fastest was definitely the Fatherr's Doxx thread

>> No.24445567
Quoted by: >>24445579

Gigachad chin.

>> No.24445568

>I make sushi am I japanese now lol
Why is haachama so racist to japs

>> No.24445569


>> No.24445571

this cant be happening I thought we were getting professional production quality???

>> No.24445574
Quoted by: >>24445591

But Miko's chat is tame in comparison to FBK or Korone. She's smart with her viewers, if she doesn't want EOPs in her chat she's just going to play ARK or something instead of your dudebro shooters to filter them.

>> No.24445575

It surprised me too when I went back to find it
It's the "first-stream-cringe" that everyone has

>> No.24445578


>> No.24445579


>> No.24445580

Finally I can join live after wageslaving all week.

>> No.24445581

Anon, I am just saying I want her to ride my cock.

>> No.24445583

Luna having over 7k in 2 days is actually really nice.

>> No.24445585

Yeah, I don't usually watch the homos, but I'm interest in seeing how this will turn out.

>> No.24445586

we're reaching accelspam speed tonight

>> No.24445587

Risu is so fucking stupid she probably doesn't know how much $500 is compared to her indog monopoly money.

>> No.24445588
Quoted by: >>24445624

Haachama please make sure things work more than 5 minutes before the stream

>> No.24445589

being west coast is suffering...

>> No.24445590

I'm tired enough as it is staying up for Haachama. There's no way I'll be up for Coco

>> No.24445591
Quoted by: >>24445602

I am N5 35P but hate cancer so I don't chat and support from the shadows

>> No.24445593
Quoted by: >>24445609

>not investing in Cococoins right NOW

Don't come crying after the debut

>> No.24445594

Not the first poster, but he asked when will Hana collab with Holo ID so I said that they did a collab yesterday. Though I don't know how much they interacted since I didn't watch it.

>> No.24445598
Quoted by: >>24445666

friends.. I`m going to take a quick nap... wake me up when coco start streaming ok...

>> No.24445599

Just checked, hlg is slightly faster than the kpop generals

>> No.24445601

Honestly I do feel for you, genuinely the worst timezone in the world to catch Japanese streams.

>> No.24445602

same, if i cant control my autism though i at least just post 草 and かわいい

>> No.24445603

80k max

>> No.24445605
Quoted by: >>24445620

That's precisely why she's investing on her EOP audience before transferring to HoloEN

>> No.24445606

I think the fastest I've seen us go when I've bothered to check was 13 or 14 ppm.

>> No.24445607

Just wake up at 1 am like me bro

>> No.24445608

Aki is KINO

>> No.24445609

>YAGOOnoff, he bought ze dip
>He bought?
>He vent all een on Cococoins.

>Release the YouTube Bans.

>> No.24445613
Quoted by: >>24445640

During Mel's stream we were over 20.

>> No.24445614


>> No.24445615


Thinking about removing all sub 70k milestones and just adding 50k and 100k. Should I?
Anything else?


>> No.24445616

I saw 15ppm once

>> No.24445620
Quoted by: >>24445633

how is she going to interact with the rest of the HoloEN when they'll all have gaming pcs while she has a toaster?

>> No.24445623
Quoted by: >>24445639

Luna super scream in 3... 2.... 1...

>> No.24445624

What a stoopid

>> No.24445625

Was Moruru as interesting as Luna?

>> No.24445628

haachama onegai

>> No.24445631
Quoted by: >>24445645

>makes sushi by using her feet

>> No.24445632


>> No.24445633

She said she's going to get a new PC in 4 or 5 months, so it checks out with the timing for the ending of the permissions arc and maybe the start of HoloEN

>> No.24445634

i would say do 50, 70,90, 100k, 50k wont take long anyway

>> No.24445635

Over 500 dislikes, the chat got spammed with twitch's slangs, Coco saying to look forward to more of her 3D streams, maybe?

>> No.24445636

He'll run out of things to talk about eventually, right?

>> No.24445637

No idea, her gimmick was eating ramen on stream?

>> No.24445638

I can't wait to see Luna playing horror game in 3D

>> No.24445640

The 5ch threads regularly move at 50ppm during primetime, you can tell just by calculating the gap from first post to last post (1000), it's often less than 10 minutes. Someone remember to do it during the 3D debut today

>> No.24445641

I could beat Luna in a fight

>> No.24445639

And this where Luna's soul escapes her body and finds a new host.

>> No.24445643


>> No.24445645


>> No.24445646

Remove 30k and 40k and add 80k and 100+k, as is almost garanteee to have 40+k at least.
Add Sora duet and off model height.

>> No.24445647

>Stigmatized Property
>Missing Children
>Shadow Corridor

W-Wow, sugoi nee...

>> No.24445649

Do people here actually like Sora? I thought it was just a running joke.

>> No.24445650

Streams not yet started. I hope there's nothing wrong.

>> No.24445651


>> No.24445652

This is our life now

>> No.24445653

You can't because I will beat you first nerd

>> No.24445654

That's not true, almost everyone knows the value of the US dollar, especially in Asia

>> No.24445655

Fuck you Luna you can't just scream out of nowhere

>> No.24445656

You fucking retarded newfag, this copy pasta originated from 4chan.

>> No.24445657

>spade still 16/18

>> No.24445658

Haachama now!

>> No.24445659

I hope he's mastered the art of filibustering

>> No.24445661

I thought the same for Towa but there are genuine fans

>> No.24445663

>Luna almost 8k viewers
What happened

>> No.24445664

Sora is a respected senpai

>> No.24445665

it's the same game!!!!

>> No.24445666

>wakes up 8 hours later

>> No.24445667
Quoted by: >>24445692


>> No.24445670

Add spanking by Marine and duet with Sora

>> No.24445671
Quoted by: >>24445676


>> No.24445673

I'll watch her every now and then.
The biggest problem with Sora is she's more of a traditional idol, which is something I've never cared for and never will.

>> No.24445676


>> No.24445677

Chuubas game choices were always shit. They just play what others play.

>> No.24445679

Haachama is actually a pinoy from cebu, her being quarter brit is just an ERP

>> No.24445680

You wanna get boko boko'd nerd? Get in line

>> No.24445681

Haachama is finally here!

>> No.24445682

She won me over by playing classic Square RPGs. Good singing voice, too.

>> No.24445684

She's an amazing singer, is very sweet, sometimes ditzy, knows everyone in the chuuba industry, collabing with them regularly and has no fear in horror games. People genuinely like her, but she can be a bit vanilla at times

>> No.24445685
Quoted by: >>24445751

>300k yen supacha
That's half what she makes on a regular day anon

>> No.24445687

Guys hit your haachama!?

>> No.24445688

Bro best part of hololive is when pekora is getting fucked in some game and she starts doing the begging for her life voice

>> No.24445691

Now that we are most likely trapped in the horror kusoge hell for the entire summer, do you have any game of that genre in mind that you would like to see streamed?
Visage is pretty cool and legit unnerving, I'd love to watch Pekora playing it

>> No.24445692

If she's not wearing padding of any sort, her tits are going to clip worse than Meijis

>> No.24445694

I love when that happens

>> No.24445695

>Bro best part of hololive is when pekora is getting fucked
Yes, by me

>> No.24445697

Neee yametee

>> No.24445699


>> No.24445701

watch haachama dox herself

>> No.24445700


>> No.24445703

Haachama, please stop. This can't possibly go well.

>> No.24445702

She's like watching a Kizuna Ai with better singing but less personality

>> No.24445704
Quoted by: >>24445804

I wonder if HoloEN will have to go through this permission arc too considering western streamers usually just stream whatever they want

Does HoloID/CN play the same games the JP group does or are they allowed to play other games?

>> No.24445705

This is one reason I appreciate Mikoti, she branches out and tries other games. I have the same respect for Korone, Pekora and Subaru

>> No.24445706

Any Holo streaming Amnesia would be fucking legendary. Or Soma. Imagine, streaming a game that's actually spooky? How wild would that be?

>> No.24445707

Add in Korone, Haachama or Rushia not calling in to congratulate

>> No.24445708

I know the term "boring" gets thrown around a lot but the only Holo I feel this genuinely applies to is her

>> No.24445709

I feel so tense every time Haachama streams with a live camera

>> No.24445710


>> No.24445711
Quoted by: >>24445757

imagine is she changed to the frontal camera...

>> No.24445712


>> No.24445713

Just only watch your favorite's playthrough of the ones that they all play, duh

>> No.24445714

I miss her Let's Play.

>> No.24445715

The only one interesting to watch Nanora~


>> No.24445716


>> No.24445717

Will will be able to see haachamas hands today?

>> No.24445718

Wait a minute...

>> No.24445719
Quoted by: >>24445742

>She's wearing gloves

>> No.24445721

That looks like Park Seo Jun...

>> No.24445722

does sora ever stream with gen 3/4

>> No.24445724
Quoted by: >>24445738

Haachama with the ass clenching stream

Literally any SH or RE, even the shitty ones

>> No.24445725

I get a little heart attack every time the camera shakes.

>> No.24445727

it's ok she's wearing gloves

>> No.24445730

Haachama is such a meme

>> No.24445731

She's going to burn her house down, isn't she?

>> No.24445732

>>latex gloves

>> No.24445733

Is showing your hands wearing gloves allowed?!

>> No.24445734

She's cute so I watch her occasionally

>> No.24445736

I don't know much about making sushi, but you aren't really going to be able to make it properly when wearing dishwashing gloves, right?

>> No.24445738
Quoted by: >>24445761

>Literally any SH or RE, even the shitty ones
We need indie games, anon

>> No.24445739

I can't believe Risu didn't wet herself when she receive $500. Ungrateful Bastard

>> No.24445740
Quoted by: >>24445773

>Haachama cooking stream
what will happen?

>> No.24445742

They make gloves for feet?

>> No.24445745

why the fuck is she wearing gloves? You can't fucking know who she is based solely on her fucking hands lol

>> No.24445746
Quoted by: >>24445776

Shes going to drop her phone and expose something

>> No.24445748


>> No.24445749

Tune in Haachama's stream. She's probably gonna doxx herself

>> No.24445750

What the fuck is this bgm Haato

>> No.24445751

Meant to be 3 million.

>> No.24445752

>Microwave Rice

>> No.24445753

Haachama please don't be as dumb as normal...

>> No.24445754

I'd support your narrative but the term is just RP, ERP is erotic roleplay

>> No.24445755

So Haato is stuck in Australia cause of corona, right?
Girl really should stop drinking so much. Or at least drink a better beer.

>> No.24445757
Quoted by: >>24445763

>switch to front camera
>haachama nude with only latex gloves on

>> No.24445758

she will be handling hazardous substances later on

>> No.24445759

>that akasupa

>> No.24445761

Indie wasn't specified so I tried to be optimistic
Remember when korone played Siren? Good times

>> No.24445763


>> No.24445765
Quoted by: >>24445788


>> No.24445766

>Google tax
>Country tax
>HoloID tax
>Yagoo tax
She lost money anon

>> No.24445768
Quoted by: >>24445797

Alright who’s the fucker who sent an akasupa to tell hachama to make it with her feet

>> No.24445769

Nobody gives a shit about your garbage dump of a country.

>> No.24445770


>> No.24445771

BGM for the enlightened

>> No.24445773

Australian Bushfire 2.0, Haachama will finish what nature started

>> No.24445772


>> No.24445774

I can't watch this!!!! I'm too weak!!

>> No.24445775

>US 200 dollars
>make the sushi with your feet please

This is your audience Haato

>> No.24445776
Quoted by: >>24445794

>drops phone and it points up at her
>she's actually wearing a hazmat suit

>> No.24445777

She shouldn't even own a knife...

>> No.24445779
Quoted by: >>24445819

>the way she cut that zucchini
thank goodness she's wearing gloves

>> No.24445778

haachama stop put down the knife

>> No.24445780

>you're going to watch a vtuber cut off her fingertips live on youtube
what a time to be alive.

>> No.24445781


>> No.24445782

I expect one of them, probably Korone, will probably end up playing Alien Isolation at some point.

>> No.24445784
Quoted by: >>24445801

>retard with a knife
I'm sweating

>> No.24445785

excellent handling of the knife

>> No.24445787

Sorry to ask for be spoonfed, but can anyone tell me how to download ongoing streams? I wanna prepare in case Haachama fucks up and nukes her current stream.

>> No.24445788

Haachama's new bgm sounds cute fuck.

Thank you

>> No.24445789

If one group of fags here made it to a secret taliban base with a shitty photo, I bet your ass one will get her with only her hands.

>> No.24445790

I can't even look at the stream while the knife is out

>> No.24445791

the gloves don't even fit properly on her hands lol

>> No.24445792

>that fucking BGM
why is she so good bros?

>> No.24445793
Quoted by: >>24445812


>> No.24445794


>> No.24445797

>donating fucking 200 dollars

>> No.24445798
Quoted by: >>24445817

I wonder if SOMA could break Stonewall Sora-sama due to it's horror nature being existential instead of jumpscare

>> No.24445799

This is not her first cooking stream

>> No.24445801

fucking same, jesus christ

>> No.24445802
Quoted by: >>24445854

Why rubber gloves?

>> No.24445803

Haachama that was a haaton!?

>> No.24445804

holocn play whatever the fuck they want and then they stream anime and other stuff directly on the stream as a watch along. echo spade streamed clannad, civia streamed cowboy bebop, and doris streamed gorden ramsay

ignore the conspiracytards

>> No.24445806

She's cute an sing alright.
Also doesn't seem to be a fake bitch when streaming horror games like literally all the Holos.

>> No.24445807

>actual knifu discipline
stream saved

>> No.24445808
Quoted by: >>24445830

I thought she was making sushi, why does she have deli meat out.

>> No.24445809
Quoted by: >>24445835

I use streamlink and record from VLC

>> No.24445811

She's so close from cutting the rubber gloves...

>> No.24445812

shes going to make a fucking ham cheese tomato sushi toasty isint she

>> No.24445813

This is dangerous, how can haachama manager give permission to this???

>> No.24445815

chamas knife is so reflective, face reveal soon

>> No.24445816


>> No.24445817

>You'll never see a holo have an existential crisis over THAT part in Soma
This sucks.

>> No.24445818

Why the fuck is she wearing latex gloves

>> No.24445819

Anyon else worried Haachama would have her gloves cut.

Why is she using Zucchini instead of cucombers.

>> No.24445821

>ham, tomato, zucchini sushi
what the fuck is this a sandwich

>> No.24445823

So she doesn't cut her fingers and bleed everywhere

>> No.24445824

Who are all these newfags acting like she hasn't done live cooking before?

>> No.24445825

I want Haachama to jerk me off in these gloves

>> No.24445826

Haachama wtf is this

>> No.24445827
Quoted by: >>24445835


>> No.24445828

Watch the camera stumble into Haachama's face.

>> No.24445829

>lol I posted it again XD

>> No.24445830
Quoted by: >>24445855

she's in australia and is probably too poor in English to be able to comfortably explore and buy stuff in a fish market

>> No.24445832
Quoted by: >>24445850

>ham tomato cucumber(?) sushi
is that sensical? I don't know much about sushi

>> No.24445833


>> No.24445834
Quoted by: >>24445841

Is she making a sandwich or sushi what the fuck

>> No.24445835

Thanks anons, I'm gonna go google these real quick.

>> No.24445836

Imagine how stressed Haato's manager is

>> No.24445838

I'm from /ck/ and this offends me.

>> No.24445839


>> No.24445840


>> No.24445841


>> No.24445842

How small is Haachama's hand? It can't even fit the gloves.

>> No.24445843

she is a retard

>> No.24445844

haachama is such an idiot lmaoooo

>> No.24445845
Quoted by: >>24445862

Those are not latex gloves, those are kitchen/toilet rubber gloves you use to clean stuff

>> No.24445846
Quoted by: >>24445923


God, Hachama BGM is the best shit ever.

>> No.24445848

Please dont judge all Australians for her antics
She's in Melbourne, theyre a special case

>> No.24445849


>> No.24445850

it's heretical as fuck, I don't understand this combination of flavours

>> No.24445851

Haachama... what are the australians teaching you........

>> No.24445852


>> No.24445853


She was supposed to make sushi...

>> No.24445854

hands are yabai

also doubles as safety

>> No.24445855
Quoted by: >>24445883

she shops at woolies, she could just get the prepackaged fridge shit salmon from the cold isle

>> No.24445856

I don't even know what she's trying to accomplish.

>> No.24445857

Is sushi really this easy to make?

>> No.24445858
Quoted by: >>24445887

AFAIK Soma doesn't have a Nip TL so the only ones who could actually play it are Coco and maybe Subaru

>> No.24445859

Dumb newfag. She's done live cooking streams multiple times in the past.

>> No.24445860

What the fuck Haachama

>> No.24445861


>> No.24445862
Quoted by: >>24445880

They are brand new right

>> No.24445863

I clipped her raised eyebrow face. Posting it next thread

>> No.24445864
Quoted by: >>24445892

this is not sushi I think

>> No.24445865

yes it is, but it's not the usual 1 slice sushi you see at sushi bar

>> No.24445867


>> No.24445869

I absolutely love haachama

>> No.24445871

if you use fucking ham and tomato, yeah

>> No.24445873

just follow haachamas instructions and you too can make delicious sushi!

>> No.24445872

I swear to god at this point it's not just an act anymore and she's actually losing her marbles being stuck in australia.

>> No.24445877

Is this the "fusion" cuisine I keep hearing about?

>> No.24445878
Quoted by: >>24445898


>> No.24445879

What's wrong with her

>> No.24445880

It's Haachama we are talking about

>> No.24445881

it's just riced rolled with seaweed and some ingredients in the middle, what did you expect?
I mean, she's not cutting fish or anything it seems

>> No.24445882


>> No.24445883
Quoted by: >>24445908

that's the thing though
she's probably so poor in English she couldn't even ask whether the fridged salmon in supermarkets are safe for sushi

>> No.24445884

This is technically not sushi, she used microwaved rice and I didn't see her add vinegar at all.

>> No.24445885


>> No.24445887


Soma has a localization mod.

>> No.24445888

I'm sorry about Haachama, we raised her wrong on purpose as a joke

>> No.24445889

strayans what the fuck am i witnessing here???

>> No.24445891


I'm the scatman

>> No.24445892
Quoted by: >>24445917

it's in the title

>> No.24445893

Haachama's soulless body looks retarded.

>> No.24445894
Quoted by: >>24445901

>that camera shake
oh no be careful

>> No.24445895

Punai punai okay guguru

>> No.24445898

Berry berry tenkyu happy!

>> No.24445899
Quoted by: >>24445922

There are rice in australia? I thought only asians eat rice?

>> No.24445900

This fucking wobbly phone. oh jesus

>> No.24445901

Haachama feet will be leaked...

>> No.24445903

How do I write to the lead cunt of Australia for Haato's immediate return to Japan?

>> No.24445904
Quoted by: >>24445924

>kim chi

>> No.24445905

Local Australian cuisine, what else?

>> No.24445907

Her camera in unstable as fuck lol

>> No.24445908
Quoted by: >>24445933

safe in what way? she can just slice it since they're just small fillets, i used to just do sashimi that way when i did keto did get bones a lot though

>> No.24445909
Quoted by: >>24445928

>wake up
>haachama live cooking
>after that shien's feet incident

>> No.24445910

just like her soulful body

>> No.24445911

That's not sushi

>> No.24445912

Haato please be careful

>> No.24445914
Quoted by: >>24445932

So what's worse? british food or haachama's sushi?

>> No.24445915

OH BOY it's Kimbap now, not sushi Haachama, stop offending your countrymen

>> No.24445916

Australia seems like a horrible place. Everything is out to kill you, fucking bears fall out of trees and the food sucks.
Is there ANYTHING good in Australia???

>> No.24445917

Yeah but look at it
Its.... something else

>> No.24445918
Quoted by: >>24445934

This is just what happens in Melbourne

>> No.24445920

Yeah,and girls are the cutest when they are retarded

>> No.24445921

now she'll never be allowed back in Japan for sure, this stream is criminal evidence

>> No.24445922

Australia is full of Asians

>> No.24445923
Quoted by: >>24445943

No 3D Asacoco?

>> No.24445924

>sandwich sushi
>kimchi suchi
>dessert sushi
What's next?

>> No.24445926

kawaii sugoiii yabaiii

>> No.24445925
Quoted by: >>24445942

weed is legal in Canberra I think

>> No.24445927

>using inferior korean nori
Fucking sacrilege. Shame on her ancestors!

>> No.24445928

Haachama is a live cooking professional, unlike Shien.

>> No.24445929

I wish Aki was there to make her eat wasabi ehomaki

>> No.24445930

Does sushi have that much rice?

>> No.24445931

Where's she staying anyway? Random apartment?

>> No.24445933

"safe" as in safe for raw consumption


>> No.24445932

american food

>> No.24445934

this but sushi and cucumber instead of cheese i guess
fuck off not of all us are fucked

>> No.24445935

>Is there ANYTHING good in Australia???

>> No.24445936

Haachama is in Australia, that's one good thing.

>> No.24445937

>konnyaku in sushi

>> No.24445938

>>Korean Seaweed
I can feel the Japanese viewer anger.

>> No.24445939

Haachama you heretic, this ain't no sushi

>> No.24445940


>> No.24445941

>Is there ANYTHING good in Australia???

>> No.24445942

He asked for good things

>> No.24445943

I don't think it will happen but I will add it.

>> No.24445946


>> No.24445948

One of the girls requests a laying down pose like with Flare. Or just "lewd pose requests"

>> No.24445949

I'm fucking dying

>> No.24445950


>> No.24445952

Umm what's a "Konnyaku"?
