>> | No.23558649 File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, AI-chan's pet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>23558294 The opposite, they expanding AI's possibilities. That's why some people are thinking they might ditch upd8 altogether.
To explain the reason, they've basically had terrible PR for the longest time and they can't hope to turn it around. That's why they're giving up on that and making a new company disconnected from the fuckups that manage Activ8. The new one doesn't have the negativity that surrounds the old one and the director is one of AI-chan's friends, and knowing the latter's personality it means she's the real director in all but name.
This company is also 100% focused in producing Kizuna AI, unlike upd8 who were part of the team that managed the network and Project A.I. who were also working under Activ8 assisting with tech development.