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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 159 KB, 1179x1074, EPETXb_W4AAcpB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23503070 No.23503070 [Reply] [Original]

The things Mio has to deal with.

>> No.23503090
File: 3.02 MB, 1500x2125, 1587306404984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we could still made to 100000 posts before falling off page 10....

>> No.23503097

Mio is a fat obaa-san.

>> No.23503119

Has Korone cleared her game?
I was taking my monthly bath and couldn't watch it till the end.

>> No.23503126

Yes. And then some EOP kept spamming about Godhand so she ended the Zatsudon early.

>> No.23503134
File: 271 KB, 704x1068, 1587132500797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503148

Ayame is over. No one is going to pay for her.

>> No.23503149
File: 95 KB, 800x688, pekora carnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't encourage autism.

>> No.23503175
File: 92 KB, 1754x1240, 1587311066498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am EOP and i feel disgust, can't people just shut up instead of "pleasepleaseplease play X pleaeplease"
It only will cause discomfort in the chat

>> No.23503210

I will marry Ayame and have two children with her!

>> No.23503217

yes, perfect for breeding

>> No.23503230

Capturing Kanatan for breeding purposes!

>> No.23503233
File: 917 KB, 1200x1600, EV9wqXZUYAE_n1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503255

Now I'm mad because I love God Hand and Korone will probably never play it now.

>> No.23503260

Both character and actor are optimized for mating press

>> No.23503263
File: 161 KB, 732x767, korone nice desu ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503311


>> No.23503289 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23504138

Hey Shoemaker you fucking faggot stop shitting up the threads with the exact same bullshit you pulled in the past. Why can you not resist the urge to slurp massive cocks and ruin every general you're a part of?

>> No.23503302


but why doesn't this thread have any kind of FAQ, info or even jetri linked
I never understood

>> No.23503311
File: 241 KB, 425x421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503333

dog is for hugs not fugs

>> No.23503313

Because m-m-muh handholding

>> No.23503317

Jetri use your computer to mine bitcoins

>> No.23503318

hunting koronefags should be an international sport

>> No.23503321

because that shit is cringe

>> No.23503330
Quoted by: >>23503335

Because we aren't a general.

>> No.23503332
File: 375 KB, 800x1200, EL5WImPUEAEdMkP.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laugh at haato

>> No.23503333

Why not both.

Probably because nobody has bothered to make one.

Anyone could make a FAQ pastebin and post it and it will probably end up being in the OP if people aren't being autistic again.

>> No.23503335

Haha yeah...

>> No.23503344

Based Shion with absolutely overkill specs for a Mongolian block placing simulator

>> No.23503347

I like how choco has a tiny duck on her lap

>> No.23503351

It would end up in the OP and people would be extremely autistic about it for weeks until they give up.

>> No.23503353

I have the same specs as rushia

>> No.23503360

what happened in the last thread?

>> No.23503362
Quoted by: >>23503560

think any of them built their own rig?

>> No.23503364

What the FUCK Zion?

>> No.23503368

A cute fat obaa-san.

>> No.23503374
File: 27 KB, 252x331, 1585700552459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503389

Anyone know Luna's spec?

>> No.23503394

I expected lapchama to be worse

>> No.23503396
Quoted by: >>23503456

Yeah she showed them a few weeks back. She's uses a 2070 S.

>> No.23503397
Quoted by: >>23504388

Towa has an i9-9900KF and RTX 2080 btw
you can see it in her last minecraft stream

>> No.23503410
File: 1.02 MB, 960x1280, EV-65hLU8AA8Moo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503436

>> No.23503412

>if people aren't being autistic again.
yea, haha...

>> No.23503417

>only intel
Japan still didn't discovered AMD

>> No.23503421

intel chips are king for streaming though, aren't they?

>> No.23503422

This is outdated don't believe lies!!!!

>> No.23503427

Yubi Yubi

>> No.23503428

they probably mostly bought prebuilts and companies hardly use AMD for those, same with laptops.
The Winds are slighly turning though.

>> No.23503436

I miss Coco

>> No.23503440

Thank dog, my phone was on the verge of exploding.

>> No.23503446

I love Miko so much, I'm happy that I dreamed of her last night.
Wish it would've lasted more and had more interaction with her though, but now I realize since I'm really shit at Japanese, my brain probably can't process language for her to speak, unless she starts uttering english/native language of mine, which I don't think brain can process that well on its own.
Although Miko going full engrish is a possibility in itself. Bunch of cute gibberish no one will ever understand.

>> No.23503450

AMD sucks and is only good for Linux

>> No.23503454

Not by much. I would even say it's negligible considering the games they play.

>> No.23503456
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1557076565643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from late January, has she upgraded since then?

>> No.23503467
Quoted by: >>23503512

Yeah check her DS1 streams a few weeks ago she showed it

>> No.23503473

I love Miko too.
Apparently many Japs have trouble understanding her as well so it's not too bad.

>> No.23503500

I can't laugh because all of them are better than mine

>> No.23503505

Why are you guys posting here and not in the comfy thread?

>> No.23503507
Quoted by: >>23504481

I miss Coco too. Fuck youtube.

>> No.23503512

>30 hours of archives
I guess I'll just believe you.

>> No.23503517

I miss hating on Coco

>> No.23503520

I have 64 gb of ram and an i7 and reading the thread is find unless I highlight something then the tab suddenly freezes for like 10 seconds.

>> No.23503531
File: 1.88 MB, 2530x1179, pddepkp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I watch my favorite chuuba sing ?

>> No.23503534


>> No.23503542

>Display: 1165x652

>> No.23503543
Quoted by: >>23503565

Is she really your favorite if you're not even a member?

>> No.23503545


>> No.23503553
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1583422027186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay up paypiggy

>> No.23503556
File: 543 KB, 790x860, 1587303147712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a squirrel/10

>> No.23503560
Quoted by: >>23503591

Fubuki most definitely. Its either you bought the 8700k first or the 1080ti. Never at the same time since the age gap is kinda big

>> No.23503565
Quoted by: >>23503597

Rushia has taken all my money

>> No.23503570
Quoted by: >>23503595

She puts me to sleep with her voice, color scheme, BGM and general low energy

>> No.23503572
Quoted by: >>23503584

Cute design but not cute chuuba

>> No.23503573
Quoted by: >>23503590

>Donate and i will call your name!
What a fucking cringe overlay

>> No.23503577
File: 405 KB, 1500x2000, EV-tMsqUcAAd079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503664

I have 12GB and I'm not even at 40% RAM usage

>> No.23503580

It was fun. Haven't encountered LD2 much so I was still seeing new stuff.

>> No.23503584
Quoted by: >>23503631

You only need one Muhammed to donate

>> No.23503590

I mean it's basically true for all Hololives but it's kinda cringe to say out loud

>> No.23503591

matsuri has the same specs so prob her as well

>> No.23503595

Make sense considering she is supposed to be some kind of moon and stars girl.
You can only see moon and stars when is night and sleepy so of course watching her puts you to sleep

>> No.23503597
File: 193 KB, 164x157, 1586743661049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my favorite chuuba
>rushia has taken all my money
Lunafag is also a Rushia Paypig
checks out

>> No.23503601

Shion yo...

>> No.23503605
File: 65 KB, 800x1200, 1587060583814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we make her collab with Towa in APEX or R6S?

>> No.23503611
Quoted by: >>23503664

i'm at 16gb and barely using 25% on firefox
upgrade your cpu

>> No.23503619

Ahaha Squirrel goes Brrrrrrr

>> No.23503621

>Luna playing Horror games
I love it.

>> No.23503624

I'm posting in both

>> No.23503626
File: 177 KB, 1141x710, fubuKINGshittingonbilibilifags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503696

>> No.23503628

Lots of purple

>> No.23503629
Quoted by: >>23503639

no one wants to play with towa since she's toxic

>> No.23503631

Still prefer Hana or squirell

>> No.23503632

Can Muslim girls collab with a literal Satan?

>> No.23503639
Quoted by: >>23503644


>> No.23503644

watch her recent stream with roboco and see how many times she "faintly" got upset at her

>> No.23503646

I want to see a holo playing aoe2

>> No.23503660

Man I really want Towa to have friends but she really doesn't help herself

>> No.23503664

I think it's just that Chrome is a piece of shit.

>> No.23503667
Quoted by: >>23506887

Post time stamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.23503673

What? I watched that whole stream and don't know what you mean

>> No.23503684

Did anything follow out of Fubuki posting Winnie the Pooh earlier today?

>> No.23503689

no but I like her even more now

>> No.23503691

Banned in China

>> No.23503696

She absolutely hates her bilibili fans >>23503626

>> No.23503698

Today Asacoco is gonna be epic

>> No.23503706

Chinese amphibious landing craft are gathering across the sea.

>> No.23503707
File: 31 KB, 570x154, 1582679749196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your account has been restricted from live streaming, you're prohibited from using another channel to live stream on YouTube. This applies for as long as the restriction remains active on your account. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under our Terms of Service and may result in termination of your account.

Reminder that Coco broke the rules set in place by the YouTube guidelines.

>> No.23503710
Quoted by: >>23503831

anyone know for how long coco will stay banned?

>> No.23503718
File: 115 KB, 1076x1049, 1587236648334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you eat korone's shit sandwich if it meant you got to pet her?

>> No.23503721
File: 598 KB, 974x1024, 1586573669012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503744

Bullying haachama until she has sex with me!

>> No.23503722

I hate those who break the ruurus

>> No.23503723

but kson and coco are different entities

>> No.23503724

Actually it's final proof that Kson isn't Coco. BTFO doxxtards.

>> No.23503727

Hololive did by streaming on other accounts it owns
All of hololive should be removed from the platform

>> No.23503729
Quoted by: >>23503751

No because I wouldn't want to sully Korone with my kimoota touch.

>> No.23503744
File: 272 KB, 1753x1731, 1587240014556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but the other way around

>> No.23503749

Petting her is just a bonus anon

>> No.23503751

true fan

>> No.23503753

amazing taste

>> No.23503754

When is Fubuki sleeping ?

>> No.23503756
Quoted by: >>23503781

Did Pekora know the twist about Master Miller and Snake being a clone?

>> No.23503759
File: 977 KB, 882x1254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting Haachama bully you until she flubs up and then you turn it around and start bullying her as she spills her spaghetti

>> No.23503763

Rewatching 1st Fes and AZKi in her idol costume looks so good. I really hope they update her other ones

>> No.23503781

I don't think

>> No.23503801 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 1920x1239, n2CIxba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23503805
File: 2.35 MB, 1706x2356, 1587192012765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Matsuri my personal cum slave

>> No.23503813

I saw what you did

>> No.23503815
Quoted by: >>23503844

I want a threesome with Haato and Hoshikawa!

>> No.23503816

>reported Kson for streaming
Based or BASED?

>> No.23503822

The arrogant bitch needs to be taken down a notch.

>> No.23503823

based taste

>> No.23503824
Quoted by: >>23503856

more like don't really care so try to cope

>> No.23503831

Hopefully it gets upped to a permanent.

>> No.23503832

It gets better every time I listen to it.

>> No.23503835

>no asacoco today
At least she finally gets her break

>> No.23503843

Never really watched Fubuki before but I'm sorely tempted to with her shitting on China.

>> No.23503844

I want her to burn all my food
This but with matsuri watching

>> No.23503847

What is Miko on about?

>> No.23503854


>> No.23503856

Cared enough to reply. :^)

>> No.23503859

She's making sounds so people can clip them and make soundboards or something.

>> No.23503865

she's giving free sound clips for remixers because she really liked redalice's haachama remix

>> No.23503867 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 3000x3000, 1587323661708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iofi dox
>towa's suffering
>like 3-4 holos having PC issues
>coco ban

what's the next step in her master plan?

>> No.23503868

Whatever she wants.

>> No.23503869
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1565583851373.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's A-chan's rig?

>> No.23503871


>> No.23503874
Quoted by: >>23504035

because she posts an image instead of doing a celebratory stream?

>> No.23503875

she evolved into a soundboard

>> No.23503878


>> No.23503880

ELITE SOUNDBOARD that's what, bitch!

>> No.23503883

how can you say you love her when you won't even eat her poop anon

>> No.23503887 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 850x850, __minato_aqua_and_shiina_yuika_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_mm_mm_chair__sample-62fee1d0099e04f2b590a60c3e1c59b4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503892

The things Mio has to deal with

>> No.23503889

Getting deez nuts.

>> No.23503891
Quoted by: >>23503902


>> No.23503892
Quoted by: >>23503907

spoiler this shit so it doesnt get deleted and add to the img limit you retard

>> No.23503896

so this is what happens when you don't get your daily dose of asacoco...

>> No.23503897
File: 973 KB, 1181x1748, 80173563_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miko singing about ruling the world
it's time 35p

>> No.23503899
Quoted by: >>23503912

Is that pusy canon?

>> No.23503902
Quoted by: >>23503922

https://files.catbox.moe/or1545.webm I hope

>> No.23503905
Quoted by: >>23503936

I dreamt once that I went on a road trip with Miko with her driving. Where to or why I will never know.

>> No.23503907 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 850x1204, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sekino_takehiro__sample-a0d16f96e10a8061d65b576cdbc01637 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503912

yes. This is actually what the artists use as reference.

But the bitch Suisei had to lash out and everyone and asked them to get out of her website safespace

>> No.23503914
Quoted by: >>23503950

I'd let Miko dominate me

>> No.23503916
Quoted by: >>23503934

...bro? my sweet and INNOCENT SUISEI???

>> No.23503919
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1564379276946.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503958


>> No.23503922

>out ara aras Noel and Choco
Someone has to stop her before it's too late.

>> No.23503926

but Haachama spills her spaghetti all the time...

>> No.23503934

Her nephew is her biggest fan.

>> No.23503936

sounds fantastic
i usually fall asleep at 4am with her on but she's usually screaming so i never get anything cozy

>> No.23503938

The truth is both Noel and Choco are extremely submissive and it's just a front to hide their weakness

>> No.23503950
Quoted by: >>23503956

she'd probably be so bad at it but in a cute way so you'd pat her head and she'd get angry at you

>> No.23503952


>> No.23503954

I always figured Flare wore the pants in that relationship anyways. And I have a theory that Choco is actually a huge prude in person.

>> No.23503956

I can see this

>> No.23503957
File: 81 KB, 960x960, 1587236482772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503991

There is only ome Holo strong enough to stop her

>> No.23503958

this made me think Matsuris 3D model can't be as bad as anons make it out to be

>> No.23503964

Anons think it's bad?

>> No.23503967
File: 513 KB, 900x900, 1587264240548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503986

is she the only acceptable ID?

>> No.23503968


>> No.23503972

(almost) Dead hours, post your favorite hololive related music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0scxODT68X4

>> No.23503976

The model that Matsuri and Roboco use for their 3D display is different than the ones used in the shorts and the livefes. You can tell since the ones they use for streaming don't have the cel-shaded look with the outline.

>> No.23503979
Quoted by: >>23504029


>> No.23503986
File: 471 KB, 800x1200, moona89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504011

>only acceptable ID
No. That's Moona. Io15 is ok, too.

>> No.23503987
Quoted by: >>23504026

>shilling to some mid tier virtual YouTuber

>> No.23503988
Quoted by: >>23504049


>> No.23503991
Quoted by: >>23504004

>all but demands lewds
She's going all out. Also I didn't know she spoke English.

>> No.23503994
File: 164 KB, 1396x1172, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503997
Quoted by: >>23504031

That'd make sense. She seems to have the least screws missing of all the holos.
But I've been wondering if Choco doesn't think really highly of herself because both her and her roommate ぐーたらcharge comically high prices for their ASMR recordings (10k yen monthly when both noel and her roommate do it for 500 and most dlsite audios go for 1100 and are regularly on sale for half that). So I dunno,

>> No.23504004
Quoted by: >>23504009

They actually backpedaled on this hard, they're all saying not to make NSFW fan art of them now, probably due to ID laws.

>> No.23504006
Quoted by: >>23504034

I just woke up.

Did Shion and Coco really get married?
Any link to their couple's channel?

>> No.23504009
Quoted by: >>23504022

Understanable, they are muslim over there, they would get stoned

>> No.23504011 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 650x975, 1587324845550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80s Byakuren

>> No.23504012


>> No.23504014

Anons on these threads didn't want general threads on /jp/, and mass reported any hololive threads that had links, or numbered titles, or links to previous threads.

Hence the reason I thought it was so funny that they wanted to keep those two threads alive

>> No.23504015


>> No.23504020


>> No.23504022

Indonesia is full of "Muslims" the same way most European countries are "Christian" so long as they stay away from the few crazies they'd be fine

>> No.23504026
Quoted by: >>23504045

>shilling to some mid tier virtual YouTuber

>> No.23504027
Quoted by: >>23504591

Lmao there's a better hololive tool now

>> No.23504029

patrician taste, mikarin bro

>> No.23504031

I want to turn Choco into a cumslut whore that sells audio clips for just 500 yen

>> No.23504034

There's a members only vod on Shion's channel where she impregnates Coco.

>> No.23504035
Quoted by: >>23504647

What about her 500,000 subs celebratory stream?

>> No.23504036

Welcome to many hours ago my friend, and yes, it IS happening.

>> No.23504040

Why is Flare's mouth so pointy

>> No.23504041
Quoted by: >>23504114

I wish I could find 1st fes vids, really enjoy Subaru's singing. Too bad it's really rare. The few times she does singing streams it doesn't sound as great because she didn't practice. Her only MV is pretty nice though

>> No.23504043

Wow all the hololives are loaded. Although what the hell is a i7-9750H and GTX 1660 Ti?
>tfw rig is similar to Noel's
Although, does this mean only Towa uses mac?

>> No.23504045

Y-You okay anon?

>> No.23504048
Quoted by: >>23504086

>she followed him
What a slut...

>> No.23504049

can't believe I missed out on this until I found it in that EOP clip
no wonder Aqua got popular

>> No.23504054 [DELETED] 
File: 826 KB, 1389x1047, a-cuck-suki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more... hatred.

>> No.23504055

Subaru x Uiママ

>> No.23504056


>> No.23504057
Quoted by: >>23504133

>what the hell is a i7-9750H and GTX 1660 Ti

mid tier gaming laptop

>> No.23504059

Macs don't use nvidia gpus.

>> No.23504070

I wonder if Matsuri is jealous of Noel and Flare?

>> No.23504073

apparently the matsuri t shirt comes with a lewd voice recording of matsuri eating dango
can anyone post the sound clip?
my wife matsuri is so feminine and cute

>> No.23504074
Quoted by: >>23504711

I'm not much a Koronefag, but I really can listen this on repeat without getting tired. This cover is so good and I love this song too.

>> No.23504076


>> No.23504079

uhh guys? is coco in trouble?

>> No.23504082

Considering she knows what Noel's face looks like in person I doubt it

>> No.23504084
Quoted by: >>23504121

Reminder that Azki is a creep lusting after a girl at least two times younger than her.

>> No.23504085

I wonder if you should see a psychiatrist

>> No.23504086

waah, time to unsubs her. thanks bro

>> No.23504094 [DELETED] 

Add Coco the exiliated and Watame the backstabber

>> No.23504097 [DELETED] 

Normally you do this at the middle of the thread

>> No.23504100
Quoted by: >>23504162

Is this how you know who's a real gamer and who isn't? Like why doesn't Roboco upgrade to the Aqua/Ayame tier?

>> No.23504113
File: 182 KB, 1024x576, _85414543_indonesia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504166

Why Indonesia?

>> No.23504114
Quoted by: >>23504135

>he doesn't know

>> No.23504116


>> No.23504121
Quoted by: >>23504137

What you on about?

>> No.23504125
Quoted by: >>23504151


Dont forget your daily view.

>> No.23504131

Matsuri is so graceful and sexy and haachama is so dorky and cute. I love them both

>> No.23504132


>> No.23504133

>all that akasupachat goes somewhere else

>> No.23504135
Quoted by: >>23504145

What do I need to know? TELL ME. The fact that I can find the videos or the fact that Subaru has more MVs with her godtier voice? Her singing streams are meh

>> No.23504136
Quoted by: >>23504152


>> No.23504137
Quoted by: >>23504209

She has the hots for Kaf

>> No.23504138 [DELETED] 

>ruin every general you're a part of
This is the only fun part about generals. Plus Hololive sucks and I just like to watch them suffer and shoot themselves in the foot with their own stupid drama.

>> No.23504141
Quoted by: >>23504266


>> No.23504145
Quoted by: >>23504157


>> No.23504147 [DELETED] 

What is /hlg/ listening to? I'm listen to Autechre's Exai right now.

Here's a link to one of their tracks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKFSBN2mRhw

>> No.23504150

>namedropping yourself

>> No.23504151
Quoted by: >>23504205

Disliked. :^)

>> No.23504152

I wonder what the meaning of this song is and why it's popular. The MV didn't seem anything special, but two of the hololives have covered it.

>> No.23504154 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23504167

How is this post related to Hololive at all?

>> No.23504157
Quoted by: >>23504172

I'd assume the first part, there's clips of specific songs on yt? Don't need the whole concert, already got it

>> No.23504159

Cute Pekora

>> No.23504162

Korone and Haachama are the only homos who like video games

>> No.23504166

One of the biggest consumers of Japanese content in SEA, language more or less also can be understood by Malaysians, and the most ridiculous wage gap in the region. Also their accent is fairly westernised compared to the other countries in SEA.

>> No.23504167 [DELETED] 

Ignore and use that special function that lets jammies know to remove posts.

>> No.23504172
Quoted by: >>23504176


>> No.23504176

Thanks brother

>> No.23504177

I tried posting a vtuber thread in /int/ last night but nobody responded . Looks like for now I talk about iofi artia and risu in here

>> No.23504179

You already posted mine so:


>> No.23504189
Quoted by: >>23504194

I imagine Marine is probably taking the BBC of her african american boyfriend at this very moment

>> No.23504190

Baqua and subaru also

>> No.23504194

You'd imagine Japan is full of black men judging by how many of the Holos have them as boyfriends

>> No.23504195

Liking kusoge doesn't mean you like games more.

>> No.23504197
File: 90 KB, 637x900, tk_yuusaku-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23504199

Ok just don't be obnoxious about it.

>> No.23504203 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23504227

Imagine being so gay you admonish chitchat during dead hours.
I'm listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksNGQdjSCM8

>> No.23504204

Should have used someone more famous like Ai, Fubuki or the american camwhore instead of a literal who.

>> No.23504205
Quoted by: >>23504231

I pray you get the therapy you need.

>> No.23504209

Literally who?

>> No.23504213

You're only allowed to talk about Risu here

>> No.23504215 [DELETED] 

I'm listening to Miko playing Ark while myself playing Yakuza 0

>> No.23504218
Quoted by: >>23504228

I feel bad for those of you who are awake between the hours of 2 A.M - 12 P.M JST.

>> No.23504224
File: 235 KB, 686x526, 1585762084031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504227 [DELETED] 

This isn't your personal chatroom. Stick to the topic or fuck off

>> No.23504228

Thank you, but I'm awake after 12 P.M. JST too.

>> No.23504231

Every time something bad happens to Towa I do.

>> No.23504237

ayame is a whore with a boyfriend, into the fucking trash

>> No.23504239 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23504253

>these are the same people that get mad about Korone banning people

>> No.23504243

One of my favorites, really underrated

>> No.23504250

why is miko still awake

>> No.23504253 [DELETED] 

probably not though. korone probably gets mad at people like >>23504147 who start random conversations not about her stream content

>> No.23504256

Miko is top 2 in every single goddamn poll here but none of you are talking about her stream?

>> No.23504258

why are you

>> No.23504259
Quoted by: >>23504376

staying up for watauta

>> No.23504261

She slept a lot so she has more energy to burn

>> No.23504262

Youtube isn't kindergarten, she isn't going to get in further trouble, in the case it does happen it's going to quickly going to be reverted

>> No.23504264

Only JOPs are still entertained by ARK.

>> No.23504266
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1600, 1575252956897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504293


>> No.23504268
Quoted by: >>23504275

She's just fucking about with crafting random shit right now.

>> No.23504272
Quoted by: >>23504276

I talk about it in her chat.

>> No.23504275
Quoted by: >>23504292

ARK crafting looks so cool, but I don't play. I'll just have to keep watching.

>> No.23504276
Quoted by: >>23504291

No you don't EOP

>> No.23504281
File: 24 KB, 720x361, 0ygnRf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikofags are pic related.

>> No.23504283

there's not so much to talk about AEK and I don't listen to her songs daily because it'll make them lose all the feels

>> No.23504285 [DELETED] 

You could have done what you prescribed to the other poster, but you're enough of a sperg that you can't stop yourself from replying when you see something you don't like.
Keep coping
ARK is boring. Also how come they're only playing with mods now?

>> No.23504290
Quoted by: >>23504469


>> No.23504291

I am studying and I say very basic things, but I get what you mean.

>> No.23504292

I honestly haven't been following her ARK videos, but I'm pretty sure all these furniture recipes were modded in.

>> No.23504293
Quoted by: >>23504364

Nekoze Punch is my favorite track of hers. I like Aki. She's nice.

>> No.23504296


>> No.23504322
File: 2.44 MB, 1468x2039, EV5fM9sUcAANBb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23504327
File: 101 KB, 1081x831, 4f11a67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504333

>> No.23504331

who are these chuuba's anyway? I cant recognize them just from what I see of their face

>> No.23504333

I wonder what YAGOO's plan is.

>> No.23504334
Quoted by: >>23504347

her making soundboard clips earlier was talked about a bit but she's just decorating her ARK factory right now
this thread isn't a chatroom

>> No.23504345

I thought she was barely top 5?
Top 3 is Korone, Pekora and someone else I forget.

>> No.23504347

people are still also using the other thread

>> No.23504350
Quoted by: >>23504366


>> No.23504364
File: 120 KB, 779x1264, 1577784189580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco and Aki are nice girls. I like them both.

>> No.23504365

It's funny that you think he has one

>> No.23504366
Quoted by: >>23504378

He said top, not bottom

>> No.23504368

korone first then peko and miko fight for the second place but lately peko has been winning because of metal gear

>> No.23504374
File: 63 KB, 670x380, 1563527493988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does the jetri dude visit this place? let me collapse your sidebar like youtube does

>> No.23504376

>implying she still watch watauta

>> No.23504378
Quoted by: >>23504399

Towa is talked about the most here

>> No.23504377

mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu mogu

>> No.23504380

Miko is top 3 in essentially every single poll this general ever has a long with Pekora and Korone. Sometimes Coco, Towa, and Haato creep in as joke options.

>> No.23504382
Quoted by: >>23504440

Lots of 35P in the threads. Popularity in the threads doesn't necessarily equate to their actual popularity, just take a look at the amount of Towa and Luna posters.

>> No.23504388
File: 1.64 MB, 1277x672, Specs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504392
File: 282 KB, 2570x1920, 1585493263708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23504397
Quoted by: >>23509338

Please let this kill that weird Towa is a macfag running dualboot Windows meme.

>> No.23504399

Whiteknights are usually the loudest and most pathetic people.

>> No.23504401

Is Matsuri the best dancer in Homolive?

>> No.23504402
Quoted by: >>23504435

is there any reason why they play games at those abysmal resolutions?

>> No.23504409

I saw Korone doing a cute dance in a webm

>> No.23504410
Quoted by: >>23504431

Towa has top specs? Nani. What is KF? What's different from K?

>> No.23504416

Are there any other game devs who have interacted with the holos?

>> No.23504420

antis are, yes

>> No.23504430

That would be anti-fanbase fags and shitposters who just want to see the thread burn.

>> No.23504431

KF doesn't have integrated graphics.

>> No.23504432

Towa didn't even OC her 9900???? lol why?

>> No.23504435

They probably scale them according to their stream setups, rather than rescale the element in OBS itself. Might be something to do with readability, I don't know. Or they're running single monitor setups with chat on the side.

>> No.23504440

That anon was talking about popularity in these threads, and that poal had Haato above Miko I think, which kind of makes sense based on how much conversation about Haato there is.

>> No.23504441

the blasphemous devs, the bobobosomething guy, that one indie game dude
all Korone by the way

>> No.23504443
Quoted by: >>23504456

HololiveID's very existence is haram. How are these girls even allowed to do this?

>> No.23504444

She isn't very technologically literate.

>> No.23504445

how she handled her dying hdd i doubt she'd know how let alone even understand why

>> No.23504446

She would definitely brick it for sure.

>> No.23504448

Someone post the miko clip I want to see my daughter

>> No.23504452

YandereDev and Haato

>> No.23504453
Quoted by: >>23504480

Sega sent a copy of Yakuza 7 to Coco.

>> No.23504454

When towa comes back she should stream minecraft RTX

>> No.23504455
Quoted by: >>23504473

Yandev came onto Haato's stream when she was streaming Yandere Sim.

>> No.23504456

Indonesia isn't London

>> No.23504457
Quoted by: >>23504470


>> No.23504463

thanks for letting me marry and take care of your neet daughter

>> No.23504468

That was a surreal stream.
Any other chuuba would have been pissed as hell. I think her next kusoge stream had the game dev show up as well.

>> No.23504469

all timestamps
how are marinebros so based

>> No.23504470

Towa looks very angery in this clip. Is she ok?

>> No.23504471

Sakurai retweeted Aqua smash before. Shame she won't ever play it again.

>> No.23504473
Quoted by: >>23504499

Oh no were there a bunch of memes in her chat?

>> No.23504476

Yeah they were helping her at least and not being a faggot like YandereDev.

>> No.23504479

damn I only listened to the original just now, hope they cover more Deco27

>> No.23504480

aw thats nice

>> No.23504481

What happened?

>> No.23504488
File: 2.31 MB, 1238x774, mikotamed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504489
Quoted by: >>23504513

Her ability to self deprecate and pretend-enjoy the most garbage things is what makes her so fun

>> No.23504494

I don't think Okayu's singing voice is bad at all, but I don't think this is a good one for her

>> No.23504496

I wonder when Matsuri's roommate Sato Nozomi is going to stream

>> No.23504498

I'm more surprised Tamaki took the side of the anti's.

>> No.23504499

Watch for yourself

>> No.23504500

miko found sensei's spino class

>> No.23504503
Quoted by: >>23504510

Based Sakurai. Did he retweet Pekora too?

>> No.23504510

I don't think so. Aqua is far more popular.

>> No.23504511
Quoted by: >>23504774

Aqua should really get some mental help

>> No.23504513

At this point I don't think she's pretending

>> No.23504517
Quoted by: >>23504564

You all think she's a cute retarded squirrel until she's sitting as empress on the throne of a New Majaphit Empire.

>> No.23504519
Quoted by: >>23504575

Well Tamaki is a degenerate bitch so I am not surprised at all.

>> No.23504527
Quoted by: >>23504552

Banned. Then tried to evade the ban and got caught.

>> No.23504528
Quoted by: >>23504552

Banned from streaming and no one knows why. Hololive management useless.

>> No.23504529


Why is Miko saying bad words?

>> No.23504534
Quoted by: >>23504543

>all that english in chat
>no members
>yandere sim even crashes and lags
What a stream

>> No.23504537

Am I posting in the /jp/ or /v/ thread right now?

>> No.23504539

Because she can.

>> No.23504543

She didn't have membership then.

>> No.23504544

Actraiser composer replied to Korone yesterday

>> No.23504545

no one ever posts Ayame for these, why is that? Is there truly not a single Ayamefag left or do they only post when she streams so never?

>> No.23504550


>> No.23504552

What did she do to get banned in the first place?

>> No.23504553
Quoted by: >>23504592

>first comment
Shion is such a fucking slut.

>> No.23504559

One of the posts you quoted says no one knows why. Read.

>> No.23504560

Lots of posters here came in just a couple of weeks ago, they've probably never even seen her stream before.

>> No.23504564

I don't think much of her since I have yet to watch her

>> No.23504567

I want to start watching Shion videos but I've never watched any of her stuff

Reccomend me anything Shion

>> No.23504568
Quoted by: >>23504582

Why did the guy sing it like that anyways

>> No.23504569

>being a fan of a woman who rarely streams and has an actual boyfriend

>> No.23504571

Either copyright strikes or leaving something that could be misconstrued in the title of a stream. Nobody's really sure and Youtube is as helpful as always.

>> No.23504574

haato is so funny and nice

>> No.23504575

who's ass is the source located in?

>> No.23504582

Because it sounds less offensive if you sing it instead of saying it angrily

>> No.23504586

No one knows and Holomanagers are fucking useless like always.

>> No.23504589

I keep waiting to see if Ayame or Mel retires first.

>> No.23504591

which one?

>> No.23504592

Aqua's in there too.

>> No.23504598


>> No.23504601
Quoted by: >>23504614


>> No.23504607


>> No.23504608

Her most popular (translated) stuff is probably the Aqua Minecraft neighbour series, but if you want peak Shion watch her reroll villagers in AC.

>> No.23504614
File: 13 KB, 218x232, 1394517507592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subbed videos instead of actual streams with timestamps

>> No.23504616

/jp/ hololive general

>> No.23504617

This is the future you chose

>> No.23504619

I posted this last time.

>> No.23504625

Haato attracts some of the worst Eops on the internet, some of them don't even get her schtick and just always want to shelter her when she's actually really funny when she's being made fun of.

>> No.23504630

What is Subaru's appeal aside from Ui?

>> No.23504636

Which Holo is most likely to a spiral into depressions and tantrums if they are ever forced to leave their avatar behind?

>> No.23504638

4 seconds in and I had to close it because Subaru was too loud

>> No.23504640

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CX436elnYA Watame no uta

>> No.23504642

Fucking wasted design

>> No.23504645


>> No.23504647

on bilibili i mean

>> No.23504649


>> No.23504651
File: 79 KB, 225x774, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genki, pure, nice singing voice, nice game choice.

>> No.23504652

>expecting me to do a collaboration of all these clips

>> No.23504655

She's really candid and excitable. Likes to crack jokes. Honestly, she made me finally understand the appeal of tomboys.

>> No.23504660
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, EVkCB-GUEAANx-g[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wake up and see this. What do you do?

>> No.23504662

I just realized that besides maybe Bunny Man with Coco there's nothing that stands out for me.
I just really love Shion's comfy and fun way of being.

>> No.23504666

Rape Noel

>> No.23504667


>> No.23504671

Very cute dancer and voice and I love tomboys.

>> No.23504673

[X] Genuflect

>> No.23504674

technically, probably, judging from her collab with Marine

>> No.23504675
Quoted by: >>23504681

Probably Suisei, the fact that she couldn't become an idol even with her talents is a proof that she must be really ugly / fat IRL. Not even joking, even Matsuri made it as an underground idol before becoming a vtuber

>> No.23504677

earthquake in japan
watame has been confirmed killed

>> No.23504681
Quoted by: >>23504701

Not underground. Local idol.

>> No.23504682

Pekora whole gimmick is build around her character, so probably her

>> No.23504689
Quoted by: >>23504705

first asacoco... now watame no uta... miko is our only hope...

>> No.23504695

So you're saying ムクロ is now single and ready to mingle?

>> No.23504698

Wasn't Watame supposed to substitute for Coco and the morning news? She promised during ark stream

>> No.23504701
Quoted by: >>23506572

Speaking of local idols, whatever happened to that ZLS song with Suisei and the 3rd gen?

>> No.23504702

How am I going to be able to start the week without my dose of AsaCoco, guys?

>> No.23504703


It's this time again Rockbros!

>> No.23504705

She just posted in the chat, silly.

>> No.23504709

Nobody would watch boring ass Watame saying "grass" for 25 minutes and then crying every two streams

>> No.23504711

this one is great too

>> No.23504717

No, that's only in case she suddenly dies.

>> No.23504719

That was great.

>> No.23504720 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 577x474, 1587329253137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504723

>> No.23504721

>miko has done 3 streams and is awake for watauta
everything is back to normal

>> No.23504722
File: 407 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20200420-033956_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man fuck those chink for ruining up this kind of event

>> No.23504723


>> No.23504724
Quoted by: >>23504744

You guys can joke about Matsuri and Haato having no substance but Watame is the real no substance Hololive. She has zero fucking personality.

>> No.23504727

I didn't know Ayame and Subaru can dance. Does this mean Aqua can dance too? Or did they only practice this routine?

>> No.23504731

Poor Watame, those high notes are too much.

>> No.23504733

why is 4th gen such a trainwreck......

>> No.23504734

miko doesn't know the lyrics

>> No.23504737

Twitch might have its issues but it's still a million times better than YouTube when it comes to livestreaming. There is a reason why almost every top YouTuber has been putting more content on Twitch. Japanese need to get with the program.

>> No.23504738

>Unison Square Garden

>> No.23504744

She's a stinky maymay spouting crybaby

>> No.23504745

kaede's cover was better than this to be honest

>> No.23504746
Quoted by: >>23504784

I can't believe Rushia is 80cm

>> No.23504750
File: 1.01 MB, 1412x2067, subachon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watch her JRPG runs, she gets super engaged in them, talks about what she thinks of every npc, item, spell and plot development in detail, she speculates a lot about what is going to happen next, and also gets super engaged whenever a hard boss fight happens and plans super hard to pick the right decisions.

I think she is one of the most true gamers in all the holos, games are supposed to be exciting and interesting and subaru gets the most interested and excited than most of them.

>> No.23504756
File: 745 KB, 1223x585, キュート.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504759
Quoted by: >>23504803

Enjoy your loss, it'll be another paper victory today.

>> No.23504762

I agree but you're going to be crucified for that opinion in here.

>> No.23504763

I don't get how Watame moves so much but her mic doesn't seem to catch her voice from different directions.

>> No.23504774

Someone just needs to eat her pussy out so she calms down. Oral sex can relieve a lot of stress.

>> No.23504779
Quoted by: >>23504858

Delete this post for putting such thoughts in mind.

>> No.23504784

The perfect onahole

>> No.23504797
Quoted by: >>23504857

This. I didn't care for Subaru until I watched her Chrono Trigger playthrough. Now I have mad respect for her.

>> No.23504799
Quoted by: >>23504857

This. Subaru's FF6 streams are some of the few Hololive streams I archive on my computer so I can always have to watch. Peak entertainment.

>> No.23504801
File: 287 KB, 1447x2047, IMG_20200416_015434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504811

>> No.23504803

Really anon, I can't believe I trusted you

>> No.23504808
Quoted by: >>23504836

do you agree with her?

>> No.23504809

Miko got a tie

>> No.23504811

That fucking slut shared this

>> No.23504813

Lifting up Aqua's tiny body so she can't defend herself from having her Pussy licked!

>> No.23504814
File: 4 KB, 438x41, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504824

Show yourself coward

>> No.23504815

https://youtu.be/GtXFy1RyZiM?t=4709 this until you love it
this stream had some great songs

>> No.23504818
File: 2.58 MB, 600x600, 1586319338399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504824

I agree with that chaika face.

>> No.23504828
Quoted by: >>23504886

It's funny that we have Undertale to thank for this.

>> No.23504829
File: 1.58 MB, 498x280, aho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504835


>> No.23504836

It's hard not to

>> No.23504837
Quoted by: >>23504855

Which holo would do ass to mouth?

>> No.23504843
Quoted by: >>23504859


>> No.23504846
Quoted by: >>23504880

Not sure if Pekora is just that short or Miko is that tall.

>> No.23504847

>asacoco ni itterasshai

>> No.23504849

love this retard

>> No.23504852

>Watame transitions you into AsaCoco
>"Oh, so there's AsaCoco today!"
>check Coco Ch.
I got bamboozled by the sheep!

>> No.23504855

Watame will do anything you ask

>> No.23504857
Quoted by: >>23504898


>> No.23504858

Would you rather eat out Mea's smegma blood encrusted pussy? All you get with Aqua is maybe a quick bitter taste from urine then its natural pussy taste.

>> No.23504859

Surely she's had some bullshit drama like everyone else.

>> No.23504862

man ayame is so cute it's a real shame
also Subaru's singing voice is pretty cool, wish she wasn't a duck with short hair

>> No.23504870
File: 52 KB, 522x967, mikoahoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop watching holos! you see the complexity of interactions on nijisanji is entertaining to watch since everyone is cool and has a good mindset, it contribute to the views numbers and money(...)

>Haha bunny goes peko peko

>> No.23504874
Quoted by: >>23504945

Choco-Sensei has unironically improved my life. I wake up early, by 8:30 am, just to watch her GTA streams.

>> No.23504879

AsaCoco is on, you just gotta tune in to Miko's stream.

>> No.23504880
Quoted by: >>23504903

peko is pretty short and is listed at 153cm but miko has been listed at 152cm in fukkireta video and also 156cm on other official listings
but i doubt they use real heights

>> No.23504881

But I like both holos and nijis
I wouldn't mind collabs together but I do wish nijis got more subs

>> No.23504882
File: 85 KB, 985x553, IMG_20200413_000533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504883

So much for watame taking over asacoco lmao

>> No.23504884
Quoted by: >>23504921

I thought she was saying pickle.

>> No.23504886
Quoted by: >>23505005


I've already said it many times in these threads but her LiveALive videos are absolutely top tier content, LiveALive is one of square's finest masterpieces for the snes that is unknown in the west due to no localization, and it experimented and created tons of storytelling ideas for plot development that undertale later picked up, including the ability to do an (almost) pacifist run on the ninja episode or how the robot episode consists of only 1 boss fight but has one of the most engaging stories in JRPG history.

>> No.23504887

Poor Miko, she's having Asacoco withdrawal

>> No.23504889

Is Kero Kero Bonito too unknown in Japan to have any hololives sing?

>> No.23504891


Tell them how they make even more money because of Twitch allowing the gifting of subs.

>> No.23504894


asacoco is up

>> No.23504897

>when you rip a huge fart and smell it

>> No.23504898

That's a very high threshold for elitism, I respect that.

>> No.23504899

Use this to cope

>> No.23504900

Should have been a premiere..

>> No.23504901

>Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's schtick get old faster than hers?

>> No.23504902

This image makes me laugh every time, but more for the concerned Suisei look.

>> No.23504903
Quoted by: >>23504924

>peko is pretty short and is listed at 153cm
she's 153cm with ears

>> No.23504913



more like ESACACA

>> No.23504914

Anon, I...
tried to ref a silly meme...

>> No.23504919


>> No.23504921


>> No.23504923

I have to admire her dedication.

>> No.23504925

>Korone begins with laughter

>> No.23504924

my dick

>> No.23504926
Quoted by: >>23504938

he said it! I clapped!

>> No.23504930

Based doragon, fuck youtube

>> No.23504934


>> No.23504935
Quoted by: >>23505260

im gonna make this my phone notification sound

>> No.23504938

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

>> No.23504945

Keep it up, anon. Do it for her.

>> No.23504946


>> No.23504950

watching the morning news with my wifu miko!

>> No.23504962

Tell her about the Green Flash

>> No.23504968

You might legitimately have autism, anon.

>> No.23504969

That was kinda cool seeing someone speak perfect english then transitioning back to japanese.

>> No.23504976

wakeup SPD

>> No.23504983

>not watching Hana jump between three languages regularly

>> No.23504984
Quoted by: >>23505006

Please don't spoil it. Not all of us are synced up with you anon.

>> No.23504987

Wait its real
Thats pretty cool coco

>> No.23504990
Quoted by: >>23505003

Surely she can still use premiere, right? She just missed out a shitload of superchats for not doing it.

>> No.23504991

Why is Rushia a hobbit?

>> No.23504992

Ask for a private asmr and give her a red supacha

>> No.23504997

The third gen bows to Suisei

>> No.23504999

>That leftover chromakey green at the hair

>> No.23505003

Is the premiere function also locked together with live streaming ?

>> No.23505005

Yeah, she got me around to finally beating it myself. Her and Okayu during the penultimate episode were great.

>> No.23505006
Quoted by: >>23505014

Wait that was spoiling my bad I'm new to this. I though she always does that transitioning between english and japanese.

>> No.23505014
Quoted by: >>23505052

She hardly ever speaks English in her streams.

>> No.23505015

Just doesn't feel the same without the chat bros...

>> No.23505016

jokes on you anon, I already loved it all along

>> No.23505017

her 300,000 congratulation part without BGM and without comments is sad as fuck

>> No.23505021


>> No.23505024
Quoted by: >>23505030

They hired a lot of actors for this Asacoco

>> No.23505027


>> No.23505028

Towa couldnt sleep because of FNAF

>> No.23505030

It feels like she just got it done not too long ago really.

>> No.23505032

Putting that ARK backdrop to Miko ehhh kusa

>> No.23505033


>> No.23505035

I find this a little hard to believe

>> No.23505038


>> No.23505040

How to protect and comfort Towa?

>> No.23505041

what source is this? Suisei Radio?

>> No.23505043
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1587048864789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could she get any more adorable?

>> No.23505044

Oh no the poor homeless dog

>> No.23505045

>be google
>have the best ai tools availabe
>yet youtube ai somehow exists
Calling it an ai in the first place is a fucking disgrace, I wonder how one can deploy that shit on a production environment affecting real people

>> No.23505047

I bet her fit bf hugged her and told her she had nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.23505048

>Watame's interview background is a pasture
>Miko's background is fucking Ark

>> No.23505052

Fug. At least it's in the early part of the show.

>> No.23505053
File: 1.15 MB, 684x969, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute coward towa!

>> No.23505054

Why use fake data when you can use real data, Google just gets it.

>> No.23505064

Who are you quoting

>> No.23505065

Considering she almost barfed twice on stream, Towa seems to be extremely weak to horror.

>> No.23505075


>> No.23505078
Quoted by: >>23505107


>> No.23505083

that's a cute towa

>> No.23505088
Quoted by: >>23507135

So that's what Towa looks like without her hat.

>> No.23505089

I tried to point her to some easy stuff to get her mind off of it but I doubt she saw the tweet. Tubers get A LOT of tweets.

>> No.23505093

Towa doesn't seem like the kind of person to fake her reactions.

>> No.23505097

In the end it was just the AI all along

>> No.23505098

#あさココ is trending

>> No.23505099

>Korone in some shady Underground

>> No.23505101

In their defense, analyzing audio-video content and attempting to interpret such things as accents, context, sarcasm and nuance is a pretty monumental task, especially considering that a lot of people can't interpret these things correctly.

Letting a flawed AI run rampant and affect people's income is still kinda fucked up though.

>> No.23505105
Quoted by: >>23505148

She seems to be particularly weak to jumpscares as she managed to get through that konbini game and that game wasn't a jumpscare festival

>> No.23505107


>> No.23505108

wtf Korone

>> No.23505109

Pisses me off that I've almost hurled due to gore before. Just the fact that I could barely contain it despite knowing it was all fake. Real nuisance.

>> No.23505116

Shion yo...

>> No.23505118

Isn't it kinda crazy how she bothers all these people to make content for her video?

>> No.23505120

/r/ rushia dropping cola

>> No.23505122

Would you have sex and raise a child with Haato knowing there's a 100% your children will unironically be mentally retarded? Is it worth it?

>> No.23505125

She was working.

>> No.23505127


Luna also seems to be terrible with horror, to the point where she will just stand there shaking and moving at a 1 centimeter phase, she conditions herself so much that the worst is going to happen to the point where literally ANYTHYING is enough to make her go HIIIIIII! and get her paralyzed for minutes.


>> No.23505128

If I was a big fan I'd be happy to make something for Coco's show

>> No.23505129

god no

>> No.23505131

Pretty based to be honest.

>> No.23505132

can't believe she missed the opportunity to put Fubuki in a cat cafe

>> No.23505134
Quoted by: >>23505162

that idea didn't stop whoever had sex with your mom.

>> No.23505139


>> No.23505140

As long as its just Haachama tier retarded sure why not

>> No.23505144
Quoted by: >>23505180

>miko getting more views just from reacting to prerecorded asacoco on stream
Do this forever coco

>> No.23505145

what a cute harvard graduate

>> No.23505147

what a stupid.

>> No.23505148

She closed her eyes for a good 30 seconds only to open them again just as the jumpscare was happening, she has terrible luck.

>> No.23505149


>> No.23505151
File: 104 KB, 829x1024, EV12m9aUMAEJYzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506534

stop being lazy

>> No.23505152

I understand that feel Luna.

>> No.23505154


>> No.23505156


>> No.23505162
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, 1569057277553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically have an IQ of 138

>> No.23505163

Is this morally righteous?

>> No.23505168

If that's acting then goddamn.

>> No.23505172
File: 771 KB, 827x1389, 1576892321191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505177


Holy based

>> No.23505178

Or maybe she dropped her cola and it hit her chair. I still don't know.

>> No.23505180

Kind of heartwarming to see Miko so happy to be able to see it.

>> No.23505182

nice try anon but I won't fall for it

>> No.23505183
Quoted by: >>23505231

Rushia shouldn't drink so much cola, being fat at her height would make her easier to jump over than walk around

>> No.23505185

>fell for the iq meme
Why don't you share your skull size measurements with us next?

>> No.23505190
File: 428 KB, 1720x3035, 1587018434942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon finally updated it!

>> No.23505191
File: 8 KB, 1920x1080, 1586249489003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505195
File: 601 KB, 1200x1200, 1582768236025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least she managed to play it for like 40 minutes. I couldn't take for even like 15 minutes until I had to stop, i'm horrible with horror games and movies

>> No.23505196

This picture.......does things to me

>> No.23505203
Quoted by: >>23505212

How can I live without Coco's morning KISS

>> No.23505205
Quoted by: >>23505251

i wonder if someone has a catbox link to it, can't save streamable links

>> No.23505212
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1576773688607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505303

There you go.

>> No.23505216 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 226x214, 1587332391987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. Undertale will take her mind off all those killer robots trying to chase her down.

>> No.23505219
File: 241 KB, 1448x2048, EV_oSzRU0AA0mGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sodas are disgusting

>> No.23505227
File: 155 KB, 519x496, cocoyoutube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Coco for the daily dose

>> No.23505228

didn't something spill or shatter? how is her first priority pouring Cola

>> No.23505229


>> No.23505231

What if it helps plumb up her thighs though

>> No.23505232

Who's Hololive best singer and why is it

>> No.23505238

Yes, then rape some beautiful whore like Watame throw her in the dungeon and fed her until Haato child is born then switch babies and kill the abomination.

>> No.23505239
Quoted by: >>23505268

Watame and her dad sure are close

>> No.23505240
File: 198 KB, 2048x1488, EVxsgHeXYAEGxgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.23505241
File: 839 KB, 637x900, EV9FX7SUwAAf9BP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the last page will go.

>> No.23505242

I can have sex with Haachama AND forcefeed her the pill at the same time!

>> No.23505243

It looks like the AI isn't enough to stop the Coco menace. Time to bring out the big guns.

>> No.23505251
Quoted by: >>23505361

Here you go

>> No.23505252
Quoted by: >>23505337

sorry for asking this here but how I'm supposed to read う and あ with 濁点?

>> No.23505260

This is mine >>>/wsg/3400400

>> No.23505263

Is Ayame really going to retire? What reason would she have besides the whole boyfriend meme? At least I can understand why someone like Mel would retire.

>> No.23505264
File: 242 KB, 1600x2048, Nasubi_tmtm-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505351

Been trying to ween myself off of them since I'm an Amerifat. I drink more tea now.

>> No.23505267
File: 192 KB, 850x998, 1587214034007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is for the weak willed

>> No.23505268

What a slut.

>> No.23505273
Quoted by: >>23505307

What if I told you the meme wasn't a meme?

>> No.23505275

Cold water is the best beverage but soda is good once in a while.

>> No.23505281
File: 56 KB, 1080x446, 1O6CSdB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shion yo...

>> No.23505287
Quoted by: >>23505308

What did she mean by this?

>> No.23505300

She has things to do that are literally more important for her than getting showered by money just by spending time with you guys.
Wathever those may be you're not as important to her.

>> No.23505303


>> No.23505304
Quoted by: >>23505324

Maybe she dropped her snack instead. Like a can of chips.

>> No.23505306

why would she? she has literally the perfect setup going.

>> No.23505307

Well I don't know, I've been trying to lurk here and the archives to know what exactly the Ayame incident was, sort of like how I found out what the Towa incident was. These memes don't really spring out form nowhere after all.

>> No.23505308

no seriously, what did she mean by this, I don't know japanese.

>> No.23505312

Reminder that Coco asked Shion to do this to take heat off of her whole Kazama boyfriend thing.

>> No.23505321

Wow no shit Sherlock, Coco manipulating Shions feelings, what else is new.

>> No.23505324
Quoted by: >>23505350

Sounds like she knocked over a glass cup to me.

>> No.23505327
Quoted by: >>23505345

I hope Towa never plays another scary game. She clearly couldn't handle it...

>> No.23505330

>Kazama boyfriend thing

>> No.23505332

Really starting to believe Coco has an IQ of 138 like me.

>> No.23505336

Apparently Yakuza fans got pissed off at Coco calling Kiryu her boyfriend lol

>> No.23505337
Quoted by: >>23505364

It's read the same way and is just used to indicate shocked or strangled articulation.

>> No.23505338

Bros the stupid faggot mods are deleting our stealth holo threads on /v/ almost instantly now what the fuck do we do?

>> No.23505345
Quoted by: >>23505377

I would like her to play some but not any of the jumpscare heavy ones as jumpscares seem to get her the worst

>> No.23505349

yakuza is the dumbest fucking shit, they setup kiryu with the perfect girl, then randomly dumped her ass for no reason and now kiryu is a 40 year old virgin

>> No.23505350
Quoted by: >>23505418

Are there glass cups that don't shatter? That might make sense. Perhaps she knocked over an empty can of soda which then rolled off her desk hitting something else then finally her thumping.

>> No.23505351

im on the same boat, been hard to kick the habit but ive been forcing myself to drink water more

>> No.23505353

no more pupperino for you bro

>> No.23505355

What jealous bitches, Kazama has enough love for everyone (Or lack thereof).

>> No.23505357

She said on asacoco that the manager told her to stop calling him her husband and she refused to do so.

>> No.23505358
Quoted by: >>23505367

We nag the shit out of hiroshimoot for a virtual youtuber board

>> No.23505360

/int/ will be our paradaise

>> No.23505361
File: 89 KB, 1223x1093, 1585979610952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.23505364


>> No.23505365
Quoted by: >>23505374

Coco wet herself when Kazama Kiryuu, the guy she's name after, showed up in Yakuza, fangirled and kept referring to him as her husband. Some viewers told her to stop but she didn't. She discussed it a bit during the Coco/Aqua anti stream.
Wasn't it the Coco/Aqua stream? Not asacoco?

>> No.23505366

kick kson please

>> No.23505367

Imagine it... a thread for every holo....

>> No.23505368

If you faggots are trying to get me to watch Towa well done, you made me curious.

>> No.23505371
File: 2.89 MB, 640x1000, 1560118571283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal of Aqua?

>> No.23505374
Quoted by: >>23505390

iirc it showed on asacoco aswell as a dicord message.

>> No.23505375


>> No.23505377

But it wasn't even the jumpscare that got her it was the atmosphere before it. She was already done and that was just the final straw to it.

>> No.23505383


>> No.23505386


>> No.23505390

Now that's a fucking powermove if I ever seen one

>> No.23505391

Standing blowjobs

>> No.23505394

it's basically essential to all known life

>> No.23505398

eeeehhhhhhh kusa

>> No.23505403

wtf i love the dragon now

>> No.23505406

Why does the thought of physically abusing the chuubas arouse me even though hurting someone would probably make me feel like garbage?

>> No.23505408

Do you think the managers might start being stricter at all now?

If it is anything but a false copystrike it seems like if they were doing their job properly they should at least be telling her to tone it down a bit and not go so crazy. For the best interests of the company if nothing else.

>> No.23505409
File: 919 KB, 872x493, 1132396489589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should save miko and get her out from ark world this has gone too far we might lose her for good

>> No.23505413

You just posted it?

>> No.23505415

Because you are already filth, one step away from garbage.

>> No.23505417

Elite miko is already the apex predator though

>> No.23505418
File: 42 KB, 462x280, child-pouring-red-soda-water-260nw-1298876227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505455

I was imagining the glass being knocked over on the table, not onto the floor. Rushia seems like the type to pour her drinks like a child, levering the bottle on the cup.

>> No.23505419

She's isekai'd for good. Coco Kaine will take care of her.

>> No.23505421
File: 84 KB, 207x232, 1564819854946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the stream ban was actually a part of her plan? When the ban is lifted, she'll greet with the great wall of supacha

>> No.23505424

She loves being teased

>> No.23505427

If I'm Gen 4 manager then I tell YAGOO that Coco's issues is proof that the manager should have more authority.

>> No.23505431

You like the fantasy of violence for any number of reasons, not the act itself.
Most FPS players wouldn't enjoy shooting someone in the head either.

>> No.23505432
Quoted by: >>23505443


>> No.23505435
File: 78 KB, 1395x793, EU_Is8_U4AAlyEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505441

she got isekai'd after hitting her head, there's nothing us mere mortals can do to help her

>> No.23505441

can't believe Miko was streaming from a coma all this time...

>> No.23505443

What has been Aqua's most baka moment

>> No.23505446

I'd rather let them abuse me

>> No.23505449
Quoted by: >>23505481

What was Towa's excuse about the whole dude in her room thing again?

>> No.23505451

hopefully it's never lifted I want her gone.

>> No.23505455

But she hadn't opened the bottle yet at that point to pour it. You can hear her open it after she settles down and then she pours it. It could just be she knocked over something else on her desk.

>> No.23505457

Why do I feel so much hatred towards Towa? I'm starting to think it's unhealthy

>> No.23505463
File: 761 KB, 2000x2000, EVox8faU8AETLaQ@houshoumarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505466
Quoted by: >>23505709


>> No.23505469

>stream ban lifted + 300k celebration + membership all at once
Her monetization stream will look like a joke by comparison.

>> No.23505476
Quoted by: >>23505488

>Flare wore the pants in that relationship anyways
thats sort've wrong too

its a relationship thats bound to break up because both are submissive

>> No.23505477

I can't believe coco is fucking dead

>> No.23505479

>I'm starting to think it's unhealthy
Continue along that line of thinking please.

>> No.23505481
Quoted by: >>23505498

it wasn't a dude in her room it was her calling old friends over discord

>> No.23505483

I want to mating press her

>> No.23505487

Marine slapped Luna in front of Yagoo

>> No.23505488

What Hololive isn't submissive?

>> No.23505498

Is that what she said in the apology video?

>> No.23505499
Quoted by: >>23505563

I also dont know how a talk stream about "falling in love with a person crazy in the head" would warrant a violation of community guidelines and a livestream ban when dumber shit she has done gets a pass. It's just another Youtube AI fluke

>> No.23505502
Quoted by: >>23505509

You mean Mel.

>> No.23505503
Quoted by: >>23505512

welcome to reality, and why japanese girls being dominant is nothing but a fantasy

>> No.23505506
Quoted by: >>23505516

I wonder how marine feels talking to a 10 year older woman making baby noises

>> No.23505507


here's a leak of someone being slapped in front of yagoo

>> No.23505509

she has an actual desktop at least

>> No.23505510

everyone shut the fuck up and enjoy Towa singing

>> No.23505512
Quoted by: >>23505866

What did they mean by this? Every holo dominates their listeners.

>> No.23505515

Suisei, Okayu, Miko, maybe Fubuki and definitely Coco

>> No.23505516

like mochi is stuck in her throat of course.

>> No.23505524


>> No.23505525

I fucking hate mikorollfags so much

>> No.23505530

I didn't think she would make that face in reaction to being slapped...

>> No.23505534

Wow that was a lot harder than I expected

>> No.23505536

Is this real???

>> No.23505541


>> No.23505543
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, Korone wiping camera 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone has one of the best PCs out of all holos
>plays on retro consoles
What a champ that dog is

>> No.23505545

Holy fuck that was loud

>> No.23505555
Quoted by: >>23505565

she wants to be a heroine to a shonen. we know how that turns out.
Teasing is not a dominant position
big pretender, her taste in eroge is very very vanilla and her place in bed would also be the same, on the bottom.

Im not sure about coco considering how she feels about kiryu kazuma appearing, would probably be a bottom in that situation.

>> No.23505556

>Self-proclaimed Masochist

A bit of column a and b for this one.

>> No.23505559

considering how many new fags still thinks this is the current state, good lord save us all

>> No.23505561

Original song when

>> No.23505563

It doesn't necessarily need to be that video though. I've heard of a number of examples in the past where videos went for months without having any issues before they one day constituted community strikes.

>> No.23505565
Quoted by: >>23505577

Don't shounens always get dommed?

>> No.23505568

Towa's first song should abuse her vocal range or I'ma lose my shit

>> No.23505570
Quoted by: >>23505591

>the arale hat is in the background

>> No.23505575

I fucking love mikorollfags so much

>> No.23505577

Considering Naruto and Bleach...

no? Deku isnt every fucking shonen MC.

>> No.23505578

Did she say anything about the ban or how they gonna solve the situation?

>> No.23505580

I miss senchou and kaichou yuri...

>> No.23505583
File: 519 KB, 600x587, DOOG_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone threads are now deleted from /v/ even though it's about videogames. Other chuubas threads gets 0 replies.
She did it bros.

>> No.23505584
File: 264 KB, 627x800, EURR3j2UUAEde0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505592

Her whole story has been such a rollercoaster from early days to NG-gumi to monetization to becoming so dangerous there are worries she might actually kill others she comes into contact with. It's dramatic in a really bizarre way.

>> No.23505591

I wonder if she washes it. Imagine the smell

>> No.23505592


youtube is probably in on it considering their 30% cut

>> No.23505593

it's just rightful to be honest, vtubers aren't video games even if they do play video games.

>> No.23505596

i made some pekora threads that got 500 replies but they always end up becoming about trannies for some reason

>> No.23505603

because /v/ is the cancer that killed 4chan

>> No.23505605

I saw a few pekora threads with hundreds of replies.

>> No.23505608
Quoted by: >>23505691

Yeah I'm the guy who usually calls out the Americans for their cope about vtubers being men with voice changers. Still, I'd rather you just keep vtuber shit over here.

>> No.23505611
Quoted by: >>23505636

Nah that's /pol/ during elections

>> No.23505618
Quoted by: >>23505636

Nah that was The Fappening

>> No.23505619

You mean /pol/. /v/ used to give a shit about trannies only once a year.

>> No.23505625
File: 178 KB, 687x1237, coco by hews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505630

How long until an actual human being at YouTube unbans Coco?

>> No.23505628
Quoted by: >>23505838

Korone acts shy but she's definitely the top in bed.

>> No.23505630
Quoted by: >>23505638

an actual human being banned coco

>> No.23505633
Quoted by: >>23505648

>/v/ fags coming out of the woodworks
please go back there

>> No.23505634

Why doesn't Towa do more singing if she already been doing it as Narui for years? She sounds pretty good here, like Suisei level.

>> No.23505636
Quoted by: >>23505658

And gamersgate. 4chan took many heavy blows this decade.

>> No.23505638
Quoted by: >>23505651

Considering every other problem was a result of YouTube's AI being retarded, why do you think this is different?

>> No.23505645

If you exclude the usual nijifags and women haters they do keep on topic talking about the related game.

>> No.23505648

Where did /v/ touch you, baby?

>> No.23505649
File: 133 KB, 1000x1500, EV41szbUMAAMANl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed so I can wake up at 8 am when the holos are streaming, goodnight /hlg/

>> No.23505650
Quoted by: >>23507135

Why didn't YAGOO do something?

>> No.23505651

I'm not optimist but we can always hope she is finally banned forever.

>> No.23505652
Quoted by: >>23505654

Which Holo is the most effortlessly sexual one?

>> No.23505654

Haato obviously

>> No.23505657
Quoted by: >>23505893

I like how they're arguing whos the better wife being married to other men on the same day.

>> No.23505658

Yeah, now that I think about it, GG was the first major blow to /v/ in recent years, /pol/ just finished the job.

>> No.23505661
File: 1.69 MB, 1000x1533, 1587136847779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute

>> No.23505663
File: 448 KB, 2048x1448, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_mizutamako__9adc560d67816ca926f379f736b49702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamt of Korone last night, it's pretty sad it is the best memory of my year so far ;_;

>> No.23505664
Quoted by: >>23505690

This is the result of a ruined 4chan:

>> No.23505670
Quoted by: >>23505676

Catching up with Pekora MGS stream. Pretty fun, but I forgot how much of call center simulator that game was.

>> No.23505676
Quoted by: >>23505705

If you're not calling everybody on your codec until you've exhausted all new dialogues every time you walk two steps you're not playing it right.

>> No.23505678

Based and redpilled.

>> No.23505690

Yes, we. I'm clearly not the only one here.

>> No.23505691
Quoted by: >>23510955

? There's real life video for a lot of these ladies.

>> No.23505693
Quoted by: >>23505779

what games were you playing?

>> No.23505697

This song makes me want to hear Towa sing Kuusou Rumba https://youtu.be/eDlq_aP7qkA

>> No.23505705
Quoted by: >>23505741

And saving every 3 steps?

>> No.23505706

You're not an English speaker either.

>> No.23505709

what the FUCK did she mean by that?

>> No.23505710
File: 872 KB, 775x706, 1586670944221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dog breed is Korone?
My mom has shih tzus and that's kinda what I wanna lean towards.

>> No.23505713

Every fucking time.

>> No.23505715

she's a mutt

>> No.23505716

She's obviously a beagle anon

>> No.23505717


>> No.23505723
Quoted by: >>23505779

in other words your subconscious has so little to work with that it used a fucking youtube streaming avatar

>> No.23505727
Quoted by: >>23505943

Charles Spaniel

>> No.23505728

Cocker Spaniel

>> No.23505730

you know that a rat is not a dog breed, right ?

>> No.23505737

I crave for these 20 seconds, it's fulfilling and makes me happy to be alive to see it another day

>> No.23505741

If it's your first playthrough and you're not ashamed of being a savescumming faggot, I guess. The game does have a lot of spots that can fuck with you until you know what to do.

>> No.23505743

She confirmed herself that shes a charles spaniel cavalier or some shit like that.

>> No.23505746

Is Mio actually a cult member?

>> No.23505756
File: 46 KB, 691x505, CarterBIS.Tiki.13.6.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it

>> No.23505767
File: 1.07 MB, 1715x1286, 4848548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think

>> No.23505769

the ears imitate her braids I think, not sure

>> No.23505772

Snoopy doesn't look like a beagle, either.

>> No.23505773


Timestamped at Pekora meeting Ocelot for the first time in MGS3 followed by her reaction to his reappearance in MGS1

>> No.23505779
Quoted by: >>23505795

It was Rockman, not a real one but kind of a mash up that existed in my dream. I remember that stage was that spyral tower you went upwards (X8 I think?), but for some reason the boss was the turtle from a later entry that a had a jungle stage. We would pass the controller after losing a life and the one backseating would try to find the bosses weakness to help the other.

I kinda forced it before going to sleep to be honest so she didn't just pop in there out of nowhere, but yeah my mind has been going places lately.

>> No.23505784

no, she said on stream that she feels closer to a spaniel, I clipped it

>> No.23505788
Quoted by: >>23505796

Korone fucks dogs

>> No.23505795
Quoted by: >>23505804

comfy dream anon, don't worry I had an Aqua dream two days ago so you're not alone

>> No.23505796

Okayu's a cat, though

>> No.23505804

>don't worry I had an Aqua dream two days ago so you're not alone
I seethe envy.

>> No.23505809

Doberman Pinscher chuuba when?

>> No.23505811

Meeting Ocelot for the first time in MGS1 must be so cool if you play MGS3 first. Peko's a delight to watch.

>> No.23505822
Quoted by: >>23505883


>> No.23505827

I still wish she would have played in release order alot of stuff get spoiled when you don't.

>> No.23505835
Quoted by: >>23505850

Don't look at Matsuri's liked tweets...

>> No.23505837

i think she has more questions than answers.

>> No.23505838

given how she likes to spoil okayu and keep everything under her control, she's clearly gonna set the pace, unless she specifically wants you to

>> No.23505840

A lot of stuff makes more sense chronological, blame Kojima for going backwards same problem with George Lucas.

If you're going to make a series start at the beginning it doesn't matter what your limitations are make the story as good as possible and consistent.

>> No.23505846
Quoted by: >>23505862

She has kind of a Daffy Duck thing going.

Watch a daffy duck cartoon without Bugs, and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.23505850

What'd she do now?

>> No.23505856

Okayu is a M but she doesn't like to be physically abused only mentally. Therefore Korone is perfect for her.

>> No.23505857
File: 244 KB, 2048x1229, EWAInArUcAAHwxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Haachama.

>> No.23505858
Quoted by: >>23505876

Consider that, if you allow chuubas on /v/, you have to allow normie e-celebs and streamers as well, and as shit as that place already is, it's rolling down another flight of stairs

>> No.23505862
Quoted by: >>23505956

Who's Aqua's Bugs?

>> No.23505866

Towa is very submissive to her listeners, she just uses the safeword every 5 minutes.

>> No.23505869
File: 3.28 MB, 2289x1881, EV7-lVuWAAYIwTt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505877

Pekora's MSG3 streams were so good.

>> No.23505870

Why does this feel lewd for some reason
Damn do I love the twintails though

>> No.23505874

>first reply
No no no no no-
This can't be happening to me...

>> No.23505876

yeah i didn't even think about it that way, i simply never considered streamers virtual or not to be video games content in the first place.

>> No.23505877
Quoted by: >>23505890


>> No.23505879
File: 136 KB, 1307x736, EV6w2LHU4AA9zwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507135

>> No.23505881


>> No.23505882

I fell asleep watching a korone video and dreamt of lewding okayu
I'm sorry korosan, but not really

>> No.23505883

that's moe

>> No.23505888

I think the main selling point for chronological is probably the opposite of what people say with regards to gameplay. A lot of people say it's too jarring going from MGS3 to MGS1, but I think it's far more jarring to try to sell someone new to the series on MGS1. I can't imagine Pekora trying to deal with the weird engine and garbage visuals of MGS1 without the attachment to the series + characters from MGS3 (which is standalone and way more accessible gameplay wise)

>> No.23505890

What game is she going to play for her next English Only Stream?
AC to make up for her last failed one?

>> No.23505891

miko must be losing her mind right now

>> No.23505893
Quoted by: >>23505911

Pekora's Miko's Maid of Honor, but she shows up in a full wedding dress and is all "Oh, what a coincidence, we wore the same outfit," and on the vows, she says "I do" right before Miko has a chance to say it, and then she lunges forward to kiss the groom, but the groom jumps back and Miko's fending her off.

>> No.23505894
Quoted by: >>23505915

Anon, what did you see that I didn't?

>> No.23505905
File: 328 KB, 1080x1080, EV7zVwSVAAE1lPQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505908

I think her shift to MGS3 to MGS1 was a lot more effective than switching from MGS3 to PW to V to MGS1. Could you imagine someone at the age of 20 playing that way? They'd probably hate it.

>> No.23505911
Quoted by: >>23505914

I want to watch a catfight between them.

>> No.23505914
Quoted by: >>23505920

Pekora wins by suplex, it's canon

>> No.23505915
Quoted by: >>23505936

>I just realized that coco kaine looked much like you haachama.

>> No.23505917
Quoted by: >>23505949

This is irl figure haato

>> No.23505918
Quoted by: >>23505937

Who told Pekora to play MGS3 anyways?

>> No.23505920
File: 153 KB, 850x738, sakino-shingetsu_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505933


>> No.23505924

Don't forget to do your reps anon

>> No.23505927

Marine is so cute

>> No.23505930

>do reps
>listen to Miko
>don't understand anything anyways
Haha yeah

>> No.23505933

Thanks anon I forgot to upload the picture

>> No.23505936

Coco kaine is what haato looks like after I taint her with my american seed

>> No.23505937
Quoted by: >>23505961


>> No.23505943

The one from Lady and the Tramp.
This one, I think >>23505727

>> No.23505945
File: 165 KB, 306x363, unknown-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only been studying Japanese for 3 months and understand Miko just fine

>> No.23505949
Quoted by: >>23505964

If she shared similiar genes with her sister, no. But somehow I think Haato got all the bad ones.

>> No.23505956

Okayu. That whole Dynamite mindcraft thing was pure Bugs and Daffy.
Shion is Porky, since she usually acts less in control of their rivalries, but still comes out on top more often.

>> No.23505961

her husband ?

>> No.23505963
Quoted by: >>23505967

with coco being banned i think it's time to watch another chuuba.
recommend me any translated watame

>> No.23505964
Quoted by: >>23505972

Kokoro got the intelligence ones while Haato got the bombshell attractiveness ones.

>> No.23505967
Quoted by: >>23506875

Hoshikawa from nijisanji has a similar style to Coco.

>> No.23505969
File: 74 KB, 473x1024, EV7xMWdUEAAmhVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505984

I want to fuck my alien wife

>> No.23505972

>bombshell attractiveness
Kokoro got that one too, in her pic with blurred face from Haato's streams.

>> No.23505976

Even Haato's not dumb enough to dox her own sister.

>> No.23505978
Quoted by: >>23506006

Anonchama, that's a stock photo.

>> No.23505984

ayy lmao

>> No.23505990


>> No.23505996

Festival's really addicted to APEX huh?

>> No.23505997

You've been watching too much Haachama

>> No.23505999

honestly i reached a point at 3 years where daily reps became a pain
i stopped doing them and ive felt no drawback, i guess because i can naturally understand a large amount of what i read/listen to, so its easier to pick out what i need to remember

>> No.23506001

it's a festival without Towa around alright

>> No.23506006


>> No.23506008

What cards are you using?

>> No.23506009
Quoted by: >>23506034

It's the only thing Ayame does, she thought it must be fun.

>> No.23506010
Quoted by: >>23506020

Is Festival good at fps at least? I only have room in my heart for one chuuba struggling to play games

>> No.23506013

Explain the festival meme to me

>> No.23506015

Google translate her name

>> No.23506020

Better than the last time she had collabs with Roboco.

>> No.23506022

Her name translated is literally Summer Festival.

>> No.23506026
File: 315 KB, 500x500, towagun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506029

when will someone step up and be her friend?

>> No.23506034

Regardless of one's stance on Ayame's romantic life, her tastes are best described as the gamer's girlfriend core.

>> No.23506037

Coco streamed with her and aside, from almost being leaked, got banned. Towa is bad luck.

>> No.23506041
Quoted by: >>23506073

lmao coward, this cute dork can't intimidate anyone >>>/wsg/3399735

>> No.23506048

Apex is a fun game, I played it this entire weekend.

>> No.23506049

Send this to her she'll love it

>> No.23506050

Remember that time Towa went to twitter to find people to play videogames with

>> No.23506062
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, firefox_P3ui3cCVpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch these two cute blondes in a couple of hours.

>> No.23506066

At least it's help Aki.

>> No.23506068
Quoted by: >>23506090

Roboco likes her

>> No.23506073


>> No.23506074

I have mixed feelings. I'm glad Coco decided to add mods but

>> No.23506079

how are you supposed to get some friends if you don't try to find them first

>> No.23506087


>> No.23506088

It's not easy being part of an idol company. Most of her gaming friends are dudes and she isn't allowed to play with any of them as Towa.

>> No.23506090

roboco likes everyone

>> No.23506100
File: 299 KB, 1500x2048, EV-AiZjUcAAPHWc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Towa to me.

>> No.23506101


>> No.23506107

Just skip Undertale. Not worth watching anyways.

>> No.23506112
File: 2.19 MB, 3641x4096, EVlzahXVAAA6PYw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Peko Gear Solid fanart being made
Also a custom Pekora mouse cursor

>> No.23506117

I saw that coming.

>> No.23506123
Quoted by: >>23506148

Can't she download a save file online?

>> No.23506125
File: 302 KB, 700x438, EWACv0hUEAAGG28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do with my mornings now?

>> No.23506129

How do the holos fuck up so much?

>> No.23506131
Quoted by: >>23506172

Roboco and Choco seem to like her. Matsuri Likes her, but Luna needs her more. Watame seems really supportive of her on twitter, but nothings come of that yet. Haato and Towa have a lot in common, but they live really far away and Haato being Younger despite being her senpai probably makes it difficult too.

>> No.23506133

Terrible management.

>> No.23506134
Quoted by: >>23506146

They do it on purpose to generate buzz on the internet.

>> No.23506140

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTa11I1CZwM Towa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1t6uDuSXsI FBK

>> No.23506141

no collabs allowed until she can do live streams

>> No.23506145

japanese women messing with computers is like an asian woman trying to drive a manual sports car

>> No.23506146

Anon you overestimate them too much, nips are dumb with PCs.

>> No.23506147

oh no that sucks

>> No.23506148

never played undertale but some steam games don't have cloud support

>> No.23506151

Oh HELL YES! House flipper!

>> No.23506155

Is it good?

>> No.23506158

It's the comfiest Towa streams.

>> No.23506162

Wow I bought this game ages ago, I completely forgot to play it.

>> No.23506163

>custom Pekora mouse cursor
very nice

>> No.23506164


>> No.23506165

it's a pretty good game if you're into the style

>> No.23506168

I meant getting one from GAMEFAQS or some other site from roughly the same spot in the game and continuing.
It's all the site is good for

>> No.23506170

It's a shitty game but watching Towa clean up messy houses is a good time.

>> No.23506172
Quoted by: >>23506178

I think Haato just says yes to any collab.

>> No.23506176

oh yes that rules

>> No.23506178

What a good girl

>> No.23506182
File: 1.08 MB, 531x797, CHO CHABUDAI GAESHI SONO 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

table flipper would be more appropriate

>> No.23506184

I love how she doesn't even bother to boot up the game and check until 5 minutes before her stream starts. She's seriously such a retarded bitch

>> No.23506190
Quoted by: >>23506215

s-she's not going to play from the start on stream, right?

>> No.23506192
Quoted by: >>23506209

She obviously didn't even think that the save would be wiped by reinstalling Windows, why would she randomly start up a game to check the save?

>> No.23506195
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1586863122273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad?

>> No.23506197

It amazes me that she went so far as to quit her day job to be a vtuber but she doesn't take it seriously at all.

>> No.23506198

She was to scared to check.
So a cowardly, retarded bitch.

>> No.23506199

Collabs are probably safe because she'd be just a guest but eh, it is what it is. No doubt she'll work out something else she can do.

>> No.23506203
Quoted by: >>23506220

shes trying her best...okay...

>> No.23506205
Quoted by: >>23506215

I thought Towa's PC was fucked, how is she playing?

>> No.23506206

Every single day Towa manages to find new ways to fuck up. I'm honestly impressed

>> No.23506208
File: 822 KB, 1280x665, Screenshot_2020-04-20 【ハウスフリッパー】急遽清掃員の仕事を始めることにしました!【#常闇トワ ホロライブ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506222

>> No.23506209
Quoted by: >>23506218

>She obviously didn't even think that the save would be wiped by reinstalling Windows
No shit, hence the "retarded bitch" statement

>> No.23506213

Wow you guys are terrible, Towa is cute and made a cute mistake and you keep insulting her, just don't watch it you bitches.

>> No.23506215

She's playing House Flipper instead
Reinstalled Windows

>> No.23506218
Quoted by: >>23506225

Last time I reinstalled windows it kept all my user files there, it probably depends on how you do it.

>> No.23506220

But she isn't, that was my point anon.

>> No.23506222
Quoted by: >>23507135

I can't read it, what does it say?

>> No.23506223

I like watching her suffer.
I won't say it to her face though.

>> No.23506225

She probably has everything on one partition

>> No.23506234

>3-4 Holos having PC issues

This is EXACTLY why people tell Coco to get a switch.

>> No.23506235

Lately Suisei's second song has been stuck in my head, more so after I saw 8bit drummer playing it.

>> No.23506237

The game that will save Towa.
Screencap this.

>> No.23506238

Coco is western, she has her shit together.

>> No.23506242

>sound of footsteps in house flipper
I can't not associate them with Kyle Katarn from JK2.

>> No.23506245
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1578261974627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506262

Anti love Towa, they're cute they love her so much they follow her around, watch her streams, read her tweets and even post about her on /j[/ 5ch.

Towa anti are the true Gachikoi because they can never let Towa-sama leave their small minds.

>> No.23506254

>some steam games don't have cloud support
Because cloud saves are something devs have to enable manually through steamworks.

>> No.23506255

>mouse cursor
That's adorable

>> No.23506257

>banning a member

>> No.23506261

It has been confirmed that coco CAN'T do collabs

>> No.23506262
Quoted by: >>23506270

Is it possible to be an anti while also being a raging towafag? Nothing makes me happier than calling her a retarded bitch who should quit on here while dropping a superchat on her stream calling her cute.

>> No.23506266
Quoted by: >>23506272

There go Shion's dreams of a couple channel

>> No.23506270

Thank you for your support

>> No.23506272

If Coco lets Shion sit on her face no one will know she's there

>> No.23506274
File: 1.24 MB, 2892x4096, EV_tkINU8AA3Q-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause confusion by going trending using a Dragon Maid hashtag and the result is having Dragon Maid's author draw fan art of you.

>> No.23506276

This has been a good week as a coco anti. Hope she never recovers from this set back.

>> No.23506277
Quoted by: >>23506292


>> No.23506279
Quoted by: >>23507444

>letting someone shit talk you just because they gave you $5

>> No.23506281

Wow cool fanart

>> No.23506283

Coco seems to be the only one who seems to know her way around a computer. I'm at the point where I'm genuinely impressed that Noel managed to add RAM herself a few hours ago without breaking something.

>> No.23506292
Quoted by: >>23506301

I was out for 5 and now this game imploded too? What happened?

>> No.23506295

The irony is that the devil talks about god the most.

>> No.23506296


>> No.23506299
File: 10 KB, 496x61, 1572991600851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23506300 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23506365

What team do I make to auto sHBH?

>> No.23506301

The game is fine, she was just checking/adjusting her Steam settings due to getting advice from fans

>> No.23506304
Quoted by: >>23506327

Thanks Roboco senpai

>> No.23506309

What happened?

>> No.23506313


>> No.23506318

>Cause confusion by going trending using a Dragon Maid hashtag

>> No.23506326
Quoted by: >>23506358

I want Towa to do my plumbing!

>> No.23506327


>> No.23506328
Quoted by: >>23506339

Think about it for 30 seconds

>> No.23506333


>> No.23506337

Why is towa building a Nuclear shelter?

>> No.23506339

Okay I give up.

>> No.23506342
Quoted by: >>23506353

isn't Aqua a bit too big?

>> No.23506345
File: 817 KB, 677x706, 1586304321121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506359

That was Marine's catchphrase !

>> No.23506346

During Coco and Aqua's serious stream, Aqua used the same hashtag that the dragon maid anime uses for the stream, either on purpose or just didn't remember that it was already a thing.
I think the hashtag ended up trending during/after the stream and a lot of people who were fans of the show got super confused, thinking a new season had been announced or something.

>> No.23506347

to be honest it often happens when you transfer data or reformat to save stuff.
I'm more annoyed to haato for messing with the game just before her scheduled stream in this case.

>> No.23506350

Isn't there a faster way of moving all these jars? Jesus

>> No.23506353

It's always all or nothing with coolkyou.

>> No.23506358
Quoted by: >>23506370

I wish plumbing was that easy irl

>> No.23506359

that's the face she makes when she hears audible munching

>> No.23506365


>> No.23506368

Lovingly petting Okayu!

>> No.23506370
Quoted by: >>23506433

It's easy as long as you don't use copper pipes

>> No.23506374

It almost makes you feel like a wage cuck

>> No.23506375
Quoted by: >>23506385

What's the latest drama?

>> No.23506376
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, 1515485727712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506382


>> No.23506377
File: 547 KB, 1000x1000, 1586630229207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506406

I think the tediousness is supposed to be part of the fun

>> No.23506382

When will Kyoani release the sequel?

>> No.23506385

Ayame quit.

>> No.23506386
Quoted by: >>23506389


>> No.23506388 [SPOILER] 
File: 637 KB, 1193x894, 1587342704707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everyone that died in that fire comes back as a zombie.

>> No.23506389


>> No.23506391
Quoted by: >>23506403

Post the anemachi video

>> No.23506392

they need to fire themselves up first

>> No.23506394
Quoted by: >>23506418

Kyoani died...

>> No.23506397
Quoted by: >>23506418

The director is dead, Jim

>> No.23506403
Quoted by: >>23506408

This one?

>> No.23506405

It's over for Coco. It's time for her to retire.

>> No.23506406

I can honestly see the appeal of this game, just something you can zone out and relax while playing.
Have any of the holos played an immersive sim before? Or any hybrid action/puzzle game

>> No.23506408
Quoted by: >>23506435


>> No.23506410
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1583983182011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506473


>> No.23506418
Quoted by: >>23506423

Oh fuck I didnt knew about the arson holy shit.

>> No.23506420


>> No.23506423

What rock have you been under? It was one of the biggest happenings on /a/.

>> No.23506429

wait is towa doing a colab tomorrow?

>> No.23506433

my house uses 80 year old galvanized steel

>> No.23506434

Give them a break, they're a little burnt out at the moment.

>> No.23506435
Quoted by: >>23506463

Their duet?

>> No.23506442
File: 581 KB, 424x705, 1577954825778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506455

>It was one of the biggest happenings on /a/.
Tourist confirmed

>> No.23506446


>> No.23506448
File: 460 KB, 740x861, 1582678069268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506469


>> No.23506449

With Haachama, Danchou and Flare.

>> No.23506453

Why is their management so shit? Alice and Shirayuki appeared often in other's streams when they were banned from streaming.

>> No.23506454

How much would I need to spend to make Towa say "Propane and Propane Accessories"?

>> No.23506455

Post-split teen confirmed

>> No.23506458

How will Towa fuck this one up? I bet she shows up drunk or high.

>> No.23506459

Imagine having to collab with Flare and Noel because no one else will do anything with you.

>> No.23506462

Youtube literally threatened deleting her channel permanently why risk it

>> No.23506461
Quoted by: >>23506478

It's not a matter of shit management
It's to stay safe from potentially further harming her own channel and someone else's channel

>> No.23506463


>> No.23506467

misery loves company

>> No.23506468
Quoted by: >>23506476

It's really insane how bad their management is, which is what I thought Japanese companies were supposed to be good at.

>> No.23506469


>> No.23506471
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, 1578605109669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent touched an anime series since I got hooked up to vtubers, nor I went to /a/ since then.

>> No.23506472
Quoted by: >>23506486

But they are both cuties

>> No.23506473

Fuck you, I spat some coffe on to my table.

>> No.23506475

Roboco would love this game, holy shit

>> No.23506476

it's mostly specifically hololive, even the smaller independent companies like honey strap don't have this bad of management

>> No.23506478

I only hope that their business AT LEAST have an inside contact in Youtube, getting banned while having a business relying on the platform is seriously unacceptable

>> No.23506480
Quoted by: >>23506677

>Youtube literally threatened deleting her channel permanently
Wait. No. Don't.

>> No.23506486

Flare only has one friend besides Noel.

>> No.23506495

We got to cocky Cocobros...

>> No.23506501
Quoted by: >>23506561

kizuna ai videos have people translating and putting up the closed captions in the RAW, would something like this work with Hololive? Like pick up some people and get them to setup closed captions, don't even need to pay them just get them into the internal hololive discord or something, they can have access to private snapchat or something

>> No.23506502

Patra, Fubuki, Watame, Senchou, Pekora, Rushia that's 6 friends already

>> No.23506503
Quoted by: >>23506512

>Getting to collab with the most tete couple in hololive
Pretty based

>> No.23506505
Quoted by: >>23506568

a demon

>> No.23506510

I'M IN LOVE WITH THE COCO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vYnas6q3Sg

>> No.23506512
Quoted by: >>23506517


>> No.23506513

The whole benefit of sacrificing money, independence, artistic license, etc., to join a company is the company is supposed to look out for you. Hololive

- Makes the girls moderate their own and other channels, including deleting bots in other people's channels
- Encourages, or at least allows, the girls to spill their internal issues on the air rather than counsel them professionally off air
- Doesn't stand up for their employees when the platform they're on pushes them around
- Leaves the girls on their own for tech support which is why half of them are deleting their users folder at any one minute

Can go on and on.

>> No.23506514

There's also Haato and Suisei
The 3 make up a group called ASH

>> No.23506517
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, IMG_20200330_131838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506521

do japanese people really go to sleep at 5am?

>> No.23506526

Korone who she can watch movies with
Suisei and Haato who she forms a trio with
Literally the hololive with the most friends.

>> No.23506533

Hiromoot should enforces 1 day ban before you can post on another board to deter tourist. But hardreset can circumvents that.

>> No.23506534 [DELETED] 

rushia instagram

>> No.23506541

Japanese hikkiNEETs sure do

>> No.23506550
Quoted by: >>23511966

Which one of you niconico memberchads will upload the F A M S thing?

>> No.23506551
Quoted by: >>23506571

The whole management is fucking joke probably exist because how japan system is and how company deals with their creators same with manga industry but worse

>> No.23506555

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUbne1culeg Roberu in 6 minutes.

>> No.23506556
File: 1.84 MB, 400x400, shibainu_mochi-1234299610073464833-ESEcQ41UEAEFFrd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though it probably feels like work, Towa's stream is very comfy now thanks to the bgm.

>> No.23506558
Quoted by: >>23506571

Management is shit. Fuck YAGOO.

>> No.23506561

It works for her because she does short videos, English translated hololive videos are typically just short clips from a whole stream, so unless they start uploading highlight clips to their own channels, it wouldn't really work.

>> No.23506564 [DELETED] 

I thought she was using a filter to make her eyes bigger, but one of those is a video clip, so now I'm confused.

>> No.23506568
Quoted by: >>23506577

Patra is the best demon.

>> No.23506569 [DELETED] 

I can find you guys within the followers then ?

>> No.23506571

why do you keep assuming all Japanese companies are like this
is right, it's literally just YAGOO being a shitty boss and manager

>> No.23506572

I thought that was one of the songs she sang in her 2nd 3D live?

>> No.23506573
Quoted by: >>23506606

Hololive does offer a lot of support elsewhere
For example, provide funding to get a better device to help you in your work and access to contacts that can provide support for content, such as all those people they hire to help make covers and the fancy videos they have for them or streaming assets and if a liver is about to debut, there is also an audience ready to accept you due to how well known Hololive is right now.
Of course they are incompetent in matters that do matter and I wish they were better in those areas than how retarded they are with them now but it's not all downsides.

>> No.23506576
Quoted by: >>23506595

I currently do.

>> No.23506577
Quoted by: >>23506607

Patra is basically a doll. I'm not sure how she manages to express no personality however while playing games
God-tier ASMR though

>> No.23506580
File: 122 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20200419_205602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me how I can be arrested by Fubuki and be held up in a cell while she forces me to watch her ingest my pudding.

Not sure I trust her driving though.

>> No.23506583 [DELETED] 

Her pupils are really fucking dilated in that one.

>> No.23506584 [DELETED] 

Makeup, just like Festival's or Dragon's roommate.

>> No.23506587
Quoted by: >>23506643

I want to ingest FBK's pudding

>> No.23506590 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23506621

but Rushia doesn't even play pokemon

>> No.23506591

Why was Noel in the car anyway?

>> No.23506595


>> No.23506602

Turn on the CC.

>> No.23506606

Isn't that because Hololive has been recently founded and management has no experience since this is a new market.

>> No.23506607
Quoted by: >>23506619

You've clearly not watched her game streams then.

>> No.23506608 [DELETED] 

she definitely uses contacts to make her pupils bigger

>> No.23506614
Quoted by: >>23506638

Towa is fucking DESTROYING my house

>> No.23506615

Aqua sounds like she sleeps between streams anyways.

>> No.23506619

I last watched her RE1 remake ones

>> No.23506621 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23506665

There's a clip of her telling a story about how she got Green Emerald for Christmas or something. Whether or not it was OOC, I don't know.

>> No.23506627
Quoted by: >>23506636

you should watch her mgs streams, she has a ton of personality

>> No.23506634

It looks to me like they're a typical tech start up. They've got computer monkeys to put out the product (live2d app and 3d productions) and think ok job's done. Everything beyond that doesn't get attention until it blows up in everyone's face. Then it's time to learn from scratch the lessons every other company learned decades ago. Shit that could be avoided if they just commissioned an outside risk management assessment and followed the results.

>> No.23506636

Her radio streams are great too.

>> No.23506638
Quoted by: >>23506647

Why did you invite the devil in?

>> No.23506641

What's wrong with japanese? How the fuck they can survive just from taking a 2 hours nap?

>> No.23506643

Fubuki's a futa!?

Because conceal carry permits are illegal in virtual Japan so she got arrested.

>> No.23506644
Quoted by: >>23506660

Why risk losing one of their biggest money maker's account? Her return would probably make bank anyway.

>> No.23506645

Depends on if you consider being around for 3 years as recent or not

>> No.23506646

Do any of the girls hate each other

>> No.23506647

To laugh at my dick.

>> No.23506654
File: 3.56 MB, 5000x4000, pekopekopeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anybody manage to download Pekora's model when she posting the link on her Youtube page?

>> No.23506656

There's a reason Aqua's a mental mess that had a deep stream with Coco.

>> No.23506657

No they don't.

>> No.23506659
Quoted by: >>23507630

Watame hates Kanata.

>> No.23506660

Because it's the nijitard wanting to talk shit about Hololive as always, why even risk it you ask well he has no answer for that.

>> No.23506663

Sadly it wasnt an actual peko model

>> No.23506665 [DELETED] 

You mean the Santa story? What a story. If only Rushia was that pure.

>> No.23506666
Quoted by: >>23506723


>> No.23506667
Quoted by: >>23506683

aqua hates herself

>> No.23506669

I did

>> No.23506670
File: 718 KB, 735x619, twintails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say you wouldn't...you know you would.

>> No.23506677

Streamlabs time

>> No.23506679


>> No.23506683

But you can be M and not hate yourself

>> No.23506685


>> No.23506692
Quoted by: >>23506707

Is she gonna ask quarterpounder to make a new video so YouTube let her stream again?

>> No.23506694

Watame is jealous of Kanata and wants to take Aqua down and get her subs. This isn't actually a shit post.

>> No.23506695
Quoted by: >>23506760

Have you ever seen Towa interact with Aqua or Pekora? Exactly.

>> No.23506701

I can't believe Aqua sleeps for 20 hours
is it depression?

>> No.23506702 [DELETED] 

She's cuter without the filters anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njHLbEaENcc

>> No.23506707
Quoted by: >>23507446

It's her own fault this time.

>> No.23506713

What? Aqua sounds like the last person to have depression.

>> No.23506720

What I need right now is an Uiha Chihiro Towa collab.
You know what game.

>> No.23506723

Oh, that's me, sleep for 6 hours after the last stream and 3-4 hours during dead hours.

>> No.23506725

hololive management is a joke

>> No.23506741 [DELETED] 

rushia does a great chopper impression

>> No.23506745

Should have joined Nijisanji instead kson-san. And fade to irrelevancy quickly because there are more interesting people there than you...

>> No.23506749

Rich people can't have depression

>> No.23506753

Aqua - Korone
Aqua - Watame
Watame - ppt

>> No.23506755 [DELETED] 


>> No.23506759

You really going to turn tail first while Towa is still staying brave?

>> No.23506760
File: 354 KB, 4000x1200, ETtSyecU4AA7Gn_-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508119


>> No.23506761

>Bed next to the Radiator
The client must be a former Kyoani who wants a familiar setting.

>> No.23506762
Quoted by: >>23506796


>> No.23506771

Source on Aqua v. Korone? Also, I'd say Watame is the aggressor between her and Aqua.

>> No.23506773

Probably not hate but I guess matsuri is jealous of haato and hoshikawas friendship

>> No.23506775
Quoted by: >>23506795

kson is used goods and shouted yeet to appeal to the zoomer westcuck demographic
no thanks

>> No.23506777
Quoted by: >>23506788

>Watame - ppt

>> No.23506785

Aqua can't hate people she doesn't acknowledge the existence of

>> No.23506787
Quoted by: >>23506883

Jealousy is not necessarily accompanied by hate. I wish I knew why Watame hates Aqua though.

>> No.23506788

>this entire cast of characters
What a disaster waiting to happen

>> No.23506792


>> No.23506796

Aqua and Korone have never collabed
Watame literally made fun of aqua after the smash incident
Watame admited that she's jealous of ppt

>> No.23506795

Who isn't? They are all cute girls.

>> No.23506797

Towa is so comfy bros...

>> No.23506798

aqua hates korone?
>watame is jealous of kanata
that first one is big if true

>> No.23506803

this but 2D Okayu

>> No.23506804

Her voice and her "genuine" attitude. She also sets herself up for jokes at any opportunity. I've never been into tomboys but I'm starting to see the light now. Her character is just perfect, she's either really good at acting or is barely acting at all.

>> No.23506808

Jealously isn't hate retards.

>> No.23506811

Man there's something about how Okayu looks in real life and that she became a vtuber, I'd fucking romp that fat cat into oblivion.

>> No.23506812
File: 2.69 MB, 432x414, 1586812388919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506818

Being jealous doesn't mean you hate them, Watame is just competitive
Both are close to Coco, really doubt they hate each other

>> No.23506822

>tfw i cant like her because she looks like my sister

>> No.23506824 [DELETED] 

You can't really tell me that blurry ass video isn't a filter anon

>> No.23506825

post sister

>> No.23506826

Please be in Melbourne

>> No.23506827

Can I fuck your sister?

>> No.23506829

If you're not aesthetically destroying the house you're playing the game wrong.

>> No.23506831
File: 576 KB, 800x766, IMG_20200418_225856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506853

PPT doesn't hate anyone

>> No.23506832


>> No.23506833

balls deep anon, balls deep

>> No.23506835
Quoted by: >>23506844

I want to say no but every time a stream turns off I get this weird vision of the girls being stern to each other, like straight up telling someone they were being hard to collab with. Or being bitches to each other, like some kind of パワハラ situation.

>> No.23506840

Her most recent stream had her walking off camera to switch shirts and she threw the shirt she was wearing into camera view. It was pretty hot, ngl.

>> No.23506841

you cant say this shit without visual evidence

>> No.23506843

Watame cried tears of anger thinking how Suisei was a better singer than her in that one Ark stream and she has a lot of jealousy towards Kanata as well since she has a really good voice and more subs than her. But I don't think she hates her.
Regarding the Aqua incident, I really don't know what to think of it

>> No.23506844
Quoted by: >>23506904

Are you okay? Who hurt you? I don't have the same thoughts at all, but I hope you get over them.

>> No.23506848

What shook me from yesterday's stream was the existence of addidas long skirts. What a horrible taste in fashion and brands.

>> No.23506849

Are you that hafu anon from many threads ago?

>> No.23506852
Quoted by: >>23506863

>Watame cried tears of anger thinking how Suisei was a better singer than her in that one Ark stream

>> No.23506853

Did PPT get ruined during the turnip crash as well? I'll go do my reps now.

>> No.23506855

Watame wa warukunai yo

>> No.23506860
Quoted by: >>23506889

The Aqua thing is just antis seeing whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.23506861


>> No.23506863

That's true, that's in an Ark stream the day after Suisei's 3D concert

>> No.23506864

>Aqua and Korone have never collabed
They have met in minecraft once or twice
I remember that one time when Korone asked Aqua if she's not tired of pretending to be so dumb.
Aqua said she isn't pretenting and they haven't talked since.

>> No.23506866
Quoted by: >>23506874

Has mexicanon finished his Towa island?

>> No.23506871

They used to gossip behind Aqua's back long ago. This is before aqua's first break. One of the reason other than she grows so fast, is because she don't communicate with others. Out of several people who contact her during her break, okayu is the only holo who keep contact with her during that time.
Sure everything is fine now, but I still don't trust anyone from gen 1, 2, and gamers.

>> No.23506872
Quoted by: >>23506970

How poor was she

>> No.23506874

He got deported.

>> No.23506875

gonna try later, thanks anon

>> No.23506876
Quoted by: >>23507055

>asked Aqua if she's not tired of pretending to be so dumb

>> No.23506877

Do you think she owns any pairs of Yeezys?

>> No.23506879
Quoted by: >>23507055

That's hilarious.

>> No.23506880
Quoted by: >>23507055

Holy shit korone

>> No.23506882

PPT got hit the hardest. She bought hers at 100 and ended up with 20 iirc

>> No.23506883

Jealousy can only beget hate.

>> No.23506885
Quoted by: >>23507055

Hello? Based????

>> No.23506886
Quoted by: >>23507055

Oh god Korone

>> No.23506887


>> No.23506888

Only Marine in the 3rd gen care about Aqua you know
Pekora actually probably hates her for real

Also haachama likes Aqua, they do interact at times

>> No.23506889

It's pretty hard to think it wasn't deliberate.

>> No.23506890
Quoted by: >>23506905

They a hate each other because they are women.
Holohouse is for MMA events.

>> No.23506891

I have a thing for this voice that Miko does.

>> No.23506893

And roboco. I keep forgeting her despite how nice she is.

>> No.23506894
Quoted by: >>23507055

I don't believe it

>> No.23506896
Quoted by: >>23507055

Thank god korone doesn't have a filter, she asks what everyone is wondering.

>> No.23506897

Oh yeah I forgot Noel also had a diner with her.
She is a good girl

>> No.23506899

Just lemme nut in this beast of a woman

>> No.23506900
Quoted by: >>23506911

>Pekora actually probably [headcannon]

>> No.23506904
Quoted by: >>23506915

I wish I knew man. Don't think I'll ever stop imagining Matsuri telling Haato in a voice chat to stop interrupting so much during collabs. Haato being teased off stream about her English and seriously lowering her self-esteem. Marine telling the newbie Kanata to think more carefully before she pulls any moves that make her seem like the bad girl in that one ARK stream.
My imagination just runs wild with the scene of bitches.

>> No.23506905

I have a feeling a lot of them wants to get inside kson's adiddas pants for some reason

>> No.23506906


>> No.23506907
File: 1.61 MB, 1366x768, roberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu is training to become 5th gen producer.

>> No.23506909
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, EV8aj-RU0AAzqDt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506910
Quoted by: >>23507062

Trust Mio she's really nice. She just has an inferiority complex.

>> No.23506911

Well for Pekora we have an actual incident between the 2 of them in their previous life with Pekora/110 trolling Aqua/Rinko during her birthday stream
And she turned 16 during that stream too, pretty brutal

>> No.23506913
Quoted by: >>23506977

>They used to gossip behind Aqua's back long ago
How would you know this?

>> No.23506916
Quoted by: >>23507055


>> No.23506915

Marine helped Kanata make a 60k viewers collab

>> No.23506919

kson > coco

>> No.23506922

She tried to be funny and instead probably hurt that little spergs feelings, typical bitch behavior

>> No.23506923
Quoted by: >>23507055

>I remember that one time when Korone asked Aqua if she's not tired of pretending to be so dumb.
[citation needed]

>> No.23506924


>> No.23506926

It's the other way around. Ryzen can do multitasking better and it's only the highest end consumer Intel chips that gives slightly higher FPS. But for the most part it's the graphics card that does most of the work anyway so as long as you've got at least an i7/Ryzen 7 you're good to go.

>> No.23506930
Quoted by: >>23507055

Autistic dog probably thinks aqua is stealing okayu from her...

>> No.23506931
File: 81 KB, 244x234, adidas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wears nothing but adidas. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.23506932
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tuned in too, still remember his stream where he just showed off all his maxed idols, the dude is crazy.

>> No.23506936
Quoted by: >>23506944

matsuri hate towa

>> No.23506938

t. Pumafag

>> No.23506939

His voice is so ill fitting for his model.

>> No.23506940

shut the fuck up about drama and go watch aqua bet her life against toreba if you haven't, very funny stream despite the buffering from youtube being shit

>> No.23506943
Quoted by: >>23506988

She probably assumed in her unfiltered autistic mind that Aqua is smarter than she lets on

>> No.23506944

Matsuri can't hate anyone.

>> No.23506945
Quoted by: >>23507055

based if true

>> No.23506946

Aqua’s birthday stream?

>> No.23506947
Quoted by: >>23506979

but was that trolling even malicious?

>> No.23506948

Source? Cause if so, this is BIG.

>> No.23506950

>stable of maxed out idols

>> No.23506951

I rather she wear nothing

>> No.23506954

I remember talking about how no Holostar broke 500 views alone before...
Could this finally be the day?

>> No.23506960

Why this thread suddenly devolved into a shitty "everyone hate each others"? Don't anti have better things to do instead of trying to stir shit out of the ass?

>> No.23506961

That's max affection, which only affects the current run you're doing and the card that comes out of said run. Affection gets raised by allowing them to do what they want for the week or letting them rest, as well as touching them when you're close enough to them

>> No.23506963
Quoted by: >>23507055

Oh shit I remember this

>> No.23506965

I'll give him a pity view just to help him out

>> No.23506966

I highly doubt that considering how many subs Rikka has.

>> No.23506969

I'm retarded, I meant live viewers, not views

>> No.23506970

Her house didn't have a father and her mother couldn't even afford an oven to bake her cakes.

>> No.23506971

If Roberu ever manages to break 1000 viewers I think he can save Holostars

>> No.23506972
Quoted by: >>23507012

I don't really completely trust info about gen 3 or gen 4 regarding aqua because they didn't force her mental to take a break. Maybe the watame one is a bit believable.
The members before gen 3 debut though, literally force her mental to take a break. She even fight with the manager and higher up to get her first break.
It also the reason I stop watching anyone from those gen. We will never know who is actually involved, but they already break my trust as a whole.

>> No.23506973

Matsuri is too nice.

>> No.23506976

They only shut up when their favorite chuuba is streaming.

>> No.23506977

Im Aqua

>> No.23506979


Do you see them interact? Despite the fact they have known each other for 5 years?
Pekora met Miko during that period too and they are still close

>> No.23506983
Quoted by: >>23507002

He reached 2k viewers during that collab zatsudan with Fubuki

>> No.23506984

It's still better fitting than Aruran's
I love both still, they're my boys and I hope they make it

>> No.23506985
File: 5 KB, 352x41, festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri in Roberu chat.

>> No.23506988
Quoted by: >>23507076

Who’s more Baka Haato or Aqua?

>> No.23506991

I love her closed eyes, she looks so happy. I really wonder how the software even picks it up properly. Though she doesn't even look that fat in the video.

>> No.23506996

Aqua plays up her antics in a way that does look very exhausting.
Asking it like that, though. I wouldn't believe it if Korone didn't seem so Aspie.

>> No.23506997
Quoted by: >>23507135

500 viewers reached
Next goal
1000 viewers!

>> No.23506999
Quoted by: >>23507061

She even threw Rikka two songs, she's way too nice, no wonder Chris took advantage of her.

>> No.23507000
Quoted by: >>23507021

Didn't Roberu leech to a niji in the previous mahjong stream?

>> No.23507002

On his own I mean

>> No.23507009

Slut wants his dick

>> No.23507012
Quoted by: >>23507030

If your Japanese is as good as your English, I don't trust anything you say.

>> No.23507017

She grabbed Okayu's tits midstream while telling her she is horny, I think Korone has no filter.

>> No.23507021

That mahjong stream is happening tomorrow

>> No.23507028

Didn't they work together with Coco and Marine to catch that dinosaur?

>> No.23507029


>> No.23507030

English fourth language, can't be helped.

>> No.23507033

Shiny Colors idols are too lewd.

>> No.23507034
Quoted by: >>23507045

>what is CAMP

>> No.23507037

>She grabbed Okayu's tits midstream while telling her she is horny

>> No.23507040
Quoted by: >>23507346

Saddest part of this post is that this whole thread will repeat this for weeks thinking that it's true.

>> No.23507044

She was in heat
Please understand

>> No.23507045

Did you ever see them really interact 1 on 1?
They only do collab in groups

>> No.23507046

Millions are even lewder

>> No.23507047

imagine being this denial

>> No.23507049
File: 142 KB, 398x443, 1583996724927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog wants to TOUCH

>> No.23507051

I'm sorry for asking

>> No.23507052
Quoted by: >>23507152

Her words were "because they're there". Not that she was horny. Now the heavy head smelling was something else.

>> No.23507053

Okayu has no tits though.

>> No.23507054

should I give a pity view to a m*le?

>> No.23507055
File: 216 KB, 345x369, どg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507056


>> No.23507061

Yeah, she's similiar to FBK. Wants everyone to succeed.

>> No.23507062

Everyone in holo is nice, to their friend that is. How could I trust her if Aqua didn't mention her in the comeback stream. After all, Aqua didn't befriend anyone back then.

>> No.23507065

Damage control

>> No.23507068

A lot of them came together because of ARK.

>> No.23507072
Quoted by: >>23507098

What is the difference between the im@s games?

>> No.23507073
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, EVLUus_U4AE6y-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507087


>> No.23507075
Quoted by: >>23507497

>she is asking for it.
Bully mentality.

>> No.23507076

Haato's probably not stupid despite how irresponsible she is. When shit isn't spiraling out of control she can be pretty witty and her content is thoughtful, if in the wrong ways.
Aqua has great game sense but she's stupid in basically any other regard.

>> No.23507080
Quoted by: >>23507830

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO66dNMwmbU help i can't stop watching shion yo singing

>> No.23507081

We know Matsuri is hiding her depraved lust, but what is Fubuki hiding?

>> No.23507083
Quoted by: >>23507116

I think instead of everyone it's just her friends which she conveniently makes with almost everyone, most of the holostars non Rikka collabs she's together with Fubuki who probably didn't want to do this alone.

>> No.23507085

What the FUCK even Towa is in that video kek blessed as fuck

>> No.23507086

Is your standard for how good a person is just how nice they are to Aqua?

>> No.23507087
Quoted by: >>23507114

What is it with chinks and wrestling moves? This is not the first time I see art of holos suplexing one another

>> No.23507090

Aqua went out with Subaru and taught her how to play PUBG.

>> No.23507091
File: 570 KB, 1038x1334, 1586409486010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ya playin son?

>> No.23507095
Quoted by: >>23507145

Really hates being in the top.

>> No.23507096

It would actually be a good standart, you have no reason to not be nice to Aqua.

>> No.23507098

Main series is an idol raising simulator
Cinderella Girls is an outdated mobage
Million Live is dead
Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage and Million Live: Theater Days are gacha rhythm games
Shiny Colors is closer to the main series in gameplay but gacha-fied
There's also the male-focused spinoff called SideM and that has a rhythm game spinoff too

>> No.23507103

Trying to be friends with Aqua would be draining.

>> No.23507105

Roboco's hips!

>> No.23507106

Autistic vs normal fanbase ?
Normal : aki , flare
Autistic : korone aqua

>> No.23507107

I think it's a good metric

>> No.23507110

Where does Haato and Flare fall in the niceness to Aqua meter?

>> No.23507111

Why is Suisei so obsessed with meteors?

>> No.23507114

Wrestling is popular in Japan

>> No.23507116

At least she still help them. And I'm glad she did that.

>> No.23507117

Remember not to trust these bitches in all girls idol groups like this

>> No.23507118

She stays your friend even if you hide bloodied tampons behind her fridge, Aqua seems like a great friend.

>> No.23507120

Dunno about Haato, but Flare is nice to everyone.

>> No.23507121

What if she blew up your house in Minecraft?

>> No.23507124

aki only has drunktards though

>> No.23507125

Based Coco

>> No.23507127

who was your first:
for me, shion was my first for all three

>> No.23507128

Like I said, Mio has an inferiority complex and probably thinks she should not ever directly talk to the top dog.

>> No.23507129
File: 1.92 MB, 2569x3153, 76898261_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507140

It can't be, I love Flare and I'm autistic.

>> No.23507130

Call of duty, wanna play a round?

>> No.23507131

you KNOW she's getting married in an adidas wedding gown

>> No.23507132

She seems pretty low maintenance to me. Just remember to feed and water her and nod your head once in awhile when she's talking.

>> No.23507134

he just loves drawing popular dragon girls, same thing with bowsette

>> No.23507135
File: 79 KB, 778x438, Narumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507187

Collect money.

Where is Kanata?

>Calling it an ai in the first place is a fucking disgrace,
Do you not know what an AI is?
>>have the best ai tools availabe >yet youtube ai somehow exists
Do you not understand the scope of the task they're using it for?
>I wonder how one can deploy that shit on a production environment affecting real people
it's cheaper than not using it and Google has never given a fuck about real people.

Nyet. She has antenna beneath her hat.

It's not n his nature.

Very important repost folded 100 times.

She went there to be passive-aggressive.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

She passed on 24 and sold at 20.

*on camera.

Too high a bar. Lower it to f he ever manages to exceed Choco's view count.

>> No.23507137

That's pretty fucking true. Like, she's utterly harmless, very docile and nice. She's a flower. She even befriends FUCKING MEA AND FORGIVES HER.

>> No.23507140
File: 117 KB, 923x1199, EVeKOxKUYAEntWv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507141

Hololive only has 3 idols, everyone else is larping like niji.

>> No.23507142
Quoted by: >>23507170

never subbed, never donated, never joined a membership
will prob be haato for all 3

>> No.23507143




>> No.23507144

Anyone has the fanart of Aqua begging Shion for forgiveness while eating bread?

>> No.23507145

Her power level and what Anon said >>23507095

>> No.23507150

You bully her then rebuild your house and let her sleep next to you

>> No.23507152

>Not that she was horny.
Wtf was the subbed video lying then???

>> No.23507155

>Noel (I only followed Patra before)

>> No.23507156


>> No.23507159


>> No.23507165
Quoted by: >>23507183


>> No.23507167

Yeah maybe you're right. At least she is one of the very first girl who try to befriend her after her comeback.

>> No.23507168


>> No.23507169

Okayu, Okayu, Okayu~

>> No.23507170

this but coco

>> No.23507174

I'm poor ,anon i only support them with virtual likes numbers

>> No.23507176

Nice headcanon.

>> No.23507178

Miko for sub, the other two shall remain anonymous.

>> No.23507179

kson (because fuck YAGOO taking a cut)

>> No.23507180

Yeah. Also, for some reason it's hololive yuri videos that have so many translators that are really liberal with how they translate. So liberal that they just get it wrong.

>> No.23507182

All of them at once once I felt comfortable enough doing it.

>> No.23507183


>> No.23507185


>> No.23507186
File: 943 KB, 1297x785, Fubuki Why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507207

Fubuki why do you do this? I supachat you but I don't do memberships.

>> No.23507187
File: 1009 KB, 800x800, EVUpUrsUEAElqC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507188

I've never watched him before, just opened the stream and he sounded about how I expected him to.

>> No.23507191
Quoted by: >>23507201


What is the benefit to membership?

>> No.23507195
File: 337 KB, 598x1208, 75792797_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507196

Fubuki (During her boyfriend stream because that shit was funny)
I don't do memberships.

>> No.23507198

Anon, I'm sorry to inform you, but the majority of subbed chuuba clips are N5 ESL level bad.

>> No.23507200

I would imagine haato wants to collab with her but probably doesn't know what to do cause they don't play the same games. I remember her speaking fondly of her regarding the new years thing they did

>> No.23507201
Quoted by: >>23507206

You get to hear Luna's karaoke

>> No.23507202
Quoted by: >>23507215

Le survey posting.

>> No.23507205

Haven't donated or membershipped because I'm a poor college student

>> No.23507206

They do exclusive streams? How often?

>> No.23507207

Why would you do supa but not do memberships?

>> No.23507212
Quoted by: >>23507220

She uses a word that could mean excited or aroused. Don't know if I would have picked horny for it, but I guess it's not technically wrong.

>> No.23507214

sub: luna, pekora, korona
superchat and member: pekora and korone

>> No.23507215

Better than anti fake drama.

>> No.23507217 [DELETED] 

Is this really rushia?

>> No.23507218
Quoted by: >>23507231

never subbed, never donated, adblock on, stolen laptop, neighbors wifi, free entertainment

>> No.23507220
Quoted by: >>23507238

It says aroused in the video isn't it the same thing as horny?

>> No.23507222 [DELETED] 


>> No.23507225 [DELETED] 

I do hear some resemblance

>> No.23507229

yeah I was getting worried that I was membershipped to like 9 of them but then I realized. it was still only like a few supachas.

>> No.23507230

I really like all of Hololive. I don't want to have to pick one person to membership but not the others.

>> No.23507231
Quoted by: >>23507360

Does youtube even have ads on livestreams?

>> No.23507233 [DELETED] 

Watch the other video on the channel, it's her.

>> No.23507235

I'll take a wild guess and say that with the money you gave them as superchat you could probably sub to at least 5.

>> No.23507236

If Fubuki is a fox then why does she have a meme song saying she's a cat and not a fox?

>> No.23507238

Worked up doesn't always mean in a sexual sense. This was right after their big concert after all. That being said, Okayu's follow up definitely implies that she's taking it in the sexual sense.

>> No.23507239

she is a nice dog

>> No.23507241

If you drop say, 50 bucks a month on supa, that's 10 memberships which support the girls better and gets you bonuses. And chances are you aren't giving every girl supa in the first place. Count your supa spending last month and redistribute that amount among your favourite girls next month.

>> No.23507245

Weird that she would delete this after becoming rushia. She's cute

>> No.23507247

Was gonna be Fubuki last night but she ended

>> No.23507248

She has identity issues since the day she surpassed Sora in subs.

>> No.23507249

is rushia a janitor here?

>> No.23507251

I'm indonigger, can't supacha or membership, but after seeing other indonigger using VPN I'll do that later.

>> No.23507252

Which one of you did this?

>> No.23507257

I'm actually glad maid is cleaning these 3dpd posts, get fucked retard.

>> No.23507259
Quoted by: >>23507281


>> No.23507260

Maybe. The video with Okayu, Mio, Towa and others still up.

>> No.23507264
File: 677 KB, 1200x1000, ERvGMQgUUAA26YV-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad meido loves Rushia, go to the seiyuu thread retards.

>> No.23507265

she can be anything she wants

>> No.23507269

First sub was Watame but I unsubbed and subbed to Kanata instead
Haven't superchat yet
Doesn't have membership yet

>> No.23507271


>> No.23507281

I'm calling the cops

>> No.23507284
File: 2.45 MB, 1000x1390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translated by some anon from /wsr/

>> No.23507289
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, flare PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post this unless you updated flare's

>> No.23507292

That's not how you spell Miko's name

>> No.23507293


>> No.23507296

Bros I have to admit
I've gotten too addicted to the shitposting. People have been shittalking my holo for too long so I decided to retaliate by falseflagging as certain fanbases for hours on end every other day. I thought it was just comeuppance for them taking it out on my holo but now I'm believing what I'm saying and it's scaring me

I don't even talk about my original holo anymore, the only thing I can think about is what next to talk shit about on the next holo on the list. Please help me stop this

>> No.23507299

>that new haato and sara pic

>> No.23507301
Quoted by: >>23507342


>> No.23507303

Only under the condition that she doesn't speak using her retarded Coco voice

>> No.23507305
File: 118 KB, 461x424, 1587348962909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about shion, something about her forehead and her eyebrows, i want to see it everyday

>> No.23507306
Quoted by: >>23507342


>> No.23507307

Just fuck off to 5ch and stay there.

>> No.23507311

Take a shot of undiluted asacoco and chill

>> No.23507310

Who's your favorite holo so I can shittalk them more?

>> No.23507314

Kizunai AI..
Shirayuri after a 6 hours long guerilla karaoke

>> No.23507317
Quoted by: >>23507375


>> No.23507318

why does she always seem to be having a painful constipation

>> No.23507325

I know this is hilarious but that's such a bitch move by Korone.

>> No.23507334


>> No.23507337

That's called love.

>> No.23507338


>> No.23507339

Back when the guys in this thread doesn't discover /vy/ yet, I ask /vy/ why didn't they post more. Their answer is simple. Less posting more watching. Its probably also the reason they're slow despite having quite a lot of poster. 50 poster is enough to make a fast thread in other boards.

>> No.23507341

I said hello to him and he replied in english as well. Roberu is truly the best holostar.

>> No.23507342

pls dont bully the grandma tanned elf

>> No.23507345


>> No.23507346

At this point you can probably make any interesting enough lie about a girl and people will repeat it as truth if you leave for a week

>> No.23507351
Quoted by: >>23507365

Do member streams appear after you sign up? I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.23507355

That's too based, sorry, don't do it again.

>> No.23507360

I wouldnt know since 90% of the internet has been unusable without ad, track and javascript blockers for years

>> No.23507361

Why is Kanata so perfect bros?
Besides the ear AIDS of course.

>> No.23507365


>> No.23507366
Quoted by: >>23507394

Guys, Roberu has almost the same viewers as a random independent chuuba, go watch him.

>> No.23507371

Haven't done it.
Towa only because I pity her fuck ups.

>> No.23507375

Suisei shitposting only started like 2-3 weeks ago.
So it's either someone else or his definition of long is incredible distorted.

>> No.23507381

Why you guys watch Roberu and Rikka, yet refused to watch Izuru?

>> No.23507384

i don't like coco, so you can shittalk coco

>> No.23507385

I watch Izuru

>> No.23507387

Izuru actually looks gay.

>> No.23507393

I always give holostars some views but right now i have no interest in idol games so it's muted.

>> No.23507394

based holostarfag, I'll do it this time

>> No.23507395

I only watch the trap and pizza ojisan

>> No.23507401

She seems really fake to me. Very cute design though.

>> No.23507403

Maybe post some clips of him at /wsg/ or something.

>> No.23507404
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocos goal was never a big brother style holohouse but a no bars hold 24/7 royal rumble holohouse

Coco will take vtubers to a new level of entertainment

>> No.23507408
Quoted by: >>23507423

Matsuri. Her streams were some of the things I look forward to everyday but now I just scour the threads constantly for things to take out of context. I just hate it when you guys doompost about her when she's just doing the thing she always does.

>> No.23507410

No Pekora tonight?

>> No.23507411

towabros I don't usually watch towa but I'll watch today's pummel party collab, it's a great game

>> No.23507412

I have a question, are their listed heights their actual heights in real life? If they aren't and it's their pretend height. Why don't they just make the characters as tall as their voice actors?
I feel like it complicates things when they get their 3D model and they do a collab.

>> No.23507414

She will die trying

>> No.23507417

Aqua's a real cunt.

>> No.23507419

you think the holostars ever get discouraged comparing their viewcounts with the livers? though at the same time, I think that having a small, dedicated following is nice in its own way

>> No.23507421
Quoted by: >>23507433

I too wonder how Mio and Okayu dance.

>> No.23507422

I watch some nijibros so if you can convince me of their merits I'll buy memhership.

>> No.23507423

Matsuri is a good girl. I'm worried about her though. Her Apex streams have been nice.

>> No.23507428

No because Mio is a giant compared to other members

>> No.23507429
Quoted by: >>23507437

They probably went in already self aware enough to expect the view difference with girls. A better comparison would be with the popular dudes in Niji

>> No.23507430


>> No.23507433
Quoted by: >>23507591

I want to believe that Okayu has thinned out a little.

>> No.23507435
Quoted by: >>23507498

I really like her voice on this one
If only she didn't have so many eop following her

>> No.23507436
Quoted by: >>23507459

They would've retired long ago if they get discouraged like that. They get big money from YAGOO so they're fine with having three-digit viewer counts.

>> No.23507437

honestly i think its because of the lack of collabs

>> No.23507442
Quoted by: >>23507445

who banned a member?

>> No.23507444


>> No.23507445
Quoted by: >>23507543


>> No.23507446

but what did she do

>> No.23507449

Rushia is 163cm vs 143cm of her model.

>> No.23507459
Quoted by: >>23507486

Didn't one holostar retired not so long ago.

>> No.23507462

I feel like Rushia being 163cm is fine though. Sure she isn't a fucking hobbit but it's not like that detracts from who she is.

>> No.23507467

Thanks for the idea anon, I'mma blast Pekora's BGM from my subwoofer now

>> No.23507474

Imagine caressing her forehead as a good-luck ritual every day in the morning

>> No.23507475

Did Ui do a design for Holostars too or am I retarded?

>> No.23507479
Quoted by: >>23507495

>not wanting a necromancer hobbit raising the dead

>> No.23507480
File: 2.77 MB, 2143x2430, laughing Mion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to do that when you are livestream banned lmao

>> No.23507482

Woops, meant to send that to >>23507412

>> No.23507484
File: 834 KB, 1280x721, coomer gives haato the finger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you summarize a holo and their audience in a single image?

>> No.23507485

t. coco

>> No.23507486

Because he was a literal flake who never showed up to scheduled streams. Basically male Kurisu

>> No.23507487
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 1587178978849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507490
Quoted by: >>23507509

>claims to be the holo english master

>> No.23507495

Iunno man, it's just weird. Especially when they take out that ring fit shit and it's literally hovering above their models.
I feel like I'm not meant to see through the green screen, I'm not fucking Neo from the Matrix man.

>> No.23507497

Not at all what I was saying. Were you trying to replay to the posts about Korone groping Okayu?

>> No.23507498

I was expecting Towa, how did EOPs get to Suisei?

>> No.23507499

I'm not exactly sure how tall Pekora's VA is compared to her model.
She could've be using her tippy toes because her model wasn't tall enough versus herself not being tall enough.
I like to imagine that if she is taller, her boobs were in Miko's face.

>> No.23507503
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, EPDylQDUUAEbnRy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507506

3D debut

>> No.23507507

Best description, and gonna make antis seethe.

>> No.23507509
Quoted by: >>23507520

The most incredible thing is I didn't even realize this until someone pointed it out.
Degenelate !

>> No.23507510

Coco's gonna be fun when she gets hers

>> No.23507511

>Playstation 5 controller
Statistically speaking, probably Fifa.

>> No.23507512

Very good choice

>> No.23507513
File: 115 KB, 850x677, 1586589723158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507514
File: 15 KB, 514x346, 1583573164659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507517

Shotacon accusations.

>> No.23507518
File: 454 KB, 703x792, 1586323261452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507520

This is the state of Australia.

>> No.23507523

i can agree with this

>> No.23507524
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507532


>> No.23507528

Based and quack-pilled

>> No.23507529

mmm cute mikopits

>> No.23507530

Autism dog being fucking BASED.

>> No.23507531


>> No.23507532

I'll sub to him and Aruran.

>> No.23507534

this make me hate korone more than before

>> No.23507535
File: 84 KB, 335x277, EV4nYsxVcAAPHwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507546


>> No.23507538
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507540

Unironically me

>> No.23507543

Wtf I want to be friends with her now

>> No.23507546

Thanks anon, I needed that laugh to forget I won't listen to her saying "kusa" for quite some time.

>> No.23507547
File: 313 KB, 540x398, 1505882199839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drama has Subaru been involved in? I'm sure there's something.

>> No.23507549
File: 920 KB, 1175x663, shionrori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507551

Beautiful. Makes me tear up.

>> No.23507552

Being too cute for a boy

>> No.23507553
File: 525 KB, 742x733, 1585922303368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507555
File: 1.45 MB, 1278x718, 1584393191448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507559

granted it was my first superchat and aslo my last, same with the membership.

>> No.23507561

But that's not what anon was even talking about.. no one was talking about it ''detracting from who she is'', they were talking about actual potential technical issues that can arise when there's a 20cm discrepency. That's a huge difference in height...

>> No.23507568
File: 189 KB, 600x632, chuuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is saved

>> No.23507570

Shion yo

>> No.23507571

This needs a Risu edit.

>> No.23507576


Marine is great, I need to watch her more. Also, I wonder how much Jagariko Luna has hoarded.

>> No.23507578

Hold up

That girl who posted her tits and thighs was Haato

>> No.23507579

Korone x 3

>> No.23507581
Quoted by: >>23507589

between Aqua and Haato, who is the dumber?

>> No.23507582

Haatons are a special breed

>> No.23507583
Quoted by: >>23507610

https://youtu.be/DCS7xsVq9dQ Aqua FF7R

>> No.23507585
File: 78 KB, 1280x672, mio01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508323

>uwaaaa busai
Then she picks fucking psyduck in pokémon mystery dungeon.

>> No.23507587
Quoted by: >>23507622

*was tricked into posting

>> No.23507589

The one you like more

>> No.23507591

She certainly could have, but who knows? What's the point in worrying about it?

>> No.23507593
Quoted by: >>23507622


>> No.23507594

Fubuki hates all of China.

>> No.23507597
Quoted by: >>23507607

and Towa

Aqua's personal leave inFebruary followed by almost nothing but Ark Streams were the main reason I kept going over to Towa.

>> No.23507599
File: 207 KB, 358x357, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheep has the worst laugh. Why can't I stop listening to it?

>> No.23507600
File: 565 KB, 2340x1903, Okayu17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507711

I'm gonna draw Okayu every day!

The Nayami Soudan and Loli Zatsudan ruined my sleep schedule today, but they were worth it.

>> No.23507601
Quoted by: >>23507622

Posted where?

>> No.23507602

I want her and Haato to bully me.

>> No.23507607

Funny how you went from the top straight to the absolute bottom

>> No.23507608

Who's the heel of Hololive?

>> No.23507609

But the best crying.

>> No.23507610

It's the dumb one.

>> No.23507612
Quoted by: >>23507812

Nothing at all, not even when she first did a collab with Maimoto super early on both their careers from idolfags or anything. She has pretty much avoided all drama.

>> No.23507615
File: 181 KB, 370x370, 1586231127141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507616
Quoted by: >>23507628


>> No.23507617

Choco and Aki Ark collab.

>> No.23507618

Please watch Choco and Aki

>> No.23507619

Watch the blondes.

>> No.23507622
Quoted by: >>23507629

On hololive thread.

>> No.23507623
Quoted by: >>23507633

Towa I guess? She seems to be the only one that consistently has some kind of heat.

>> No.23507628

角ドリル from 6 feet high!

>> No.23507629

This thread? Was it already deleted?

>> No.23507630
Quoted by: >>23507638

Stop spreading fake bullshit

>> No.23507631

She has the best expressions

>> No.23507633

she has pre-rock rocky maivia heat

>> No.23507635

This one

>> No.23507636

Did Suisei ever mention how she got so good at Tetris? It's really intriguing

>> No.23507638

WIDF is here it seems.

>> No.23507643

She played it a lot as a kid

>> No.23507645
Quoted by: >>23507694

Suisei and Towa > Mio and Towa singing
Past threads, it had timestamp.

>> No.23507646

she did her reps. see what happens when you do your reps?

>> No.23507647

The easy answer is that she just couldn't play anything else.

>> No.23507649

Miko is a treasure

>> No.23507653

That's not even Okayu

>> No.23507654
Quoted by: >>23507658

anyone have the vid of the sheep coming out in goat simulator and watame bobbing her head along with them.

>> No.23507656


>> No.23507658
Quoted by: >>23507666


>> No.23507660

holy fucking stacked

>> No.23507661

This is great

>> No.23507665

Suisei for all 3

>> No.23507666


>> No.23507670

She's literally an angel

>> No.23507672

wtf no one told me she was cute.

>> No.23507677

tfw you will never be able to lift kanata out of poverty and pay for expensive ear treatments in exchange for her hand in marriage

>> No.23507678

When Coco gets her block lifted she should have a dirty superchat stream and have everyone send in offensive SCs.

>> No.23507679

The increase in translated clips of her after her 3D debut

>> No.23507681

Piss Poor Tenshi!

>> No.23507683

I wonder if the Holos will ever play Viscera Clean-up Detail

>> No.23507684
Quoted by: >>23507700

Have you considered to do that for Moona

>> No.23507688
File: 234 KB, 512x512, Cutest Towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507724

You sure no one told you?

>> No.23507689

Why do people keep calling Okayu fat?

>> No.23507691

it's unfair bros...

>> No.23507693

She's a fit sexy cat in the hololive world

>> No.23507694

Should've saved it bro, I don't lurk these threads all day so I'll just say thats bullshit but I believe it

>> No.23507695

Do you think lazy cats are thin?

>> No.23507696

Because she's fat?

>> No.23507697

She's fat

>> No.23507700

SEAmonkeys deserve every misfortune they get. Just like Towa.

>> No.23507701

She looks like the mother in Parasite.

>> No.23507702

How is she poor with superchat rolling in every single stream?

>> No.23507703
File: 2.95 MB, 310x338, 202004_046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507704

Choco made a lot of babies...

>> No.23507707

Kanata would never marry you, Anon

>> No.23507709

She stole fubuki's onigiris and since then everyone must call her fat

>> No.23507710

She's a big on the larger side for an asian, see this >>23506899 definitely wouldn't call her fat though.

>> No.23507711
File: 303 KB, 1000x735, aqua385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job.

>> No.23507712


>> No.23507713

wtf i love ball busting now?

>> No.23507715


>> No.23507716


>> No.23507717

Oh fuck you're right

>> No.23507718
Quoted by: >>23507732

Oh no you quoted the blessed video, now it's gonna be deleted.
Towa and Mio a cute btw

>> No.23507721

Because she is. Real question is why people keep saying she's not really

>> No.23507722

That's what Okayu sounds like when she singing? That sounds like magic.

>> No.23507723

Damn, Choco is lvl101.

>> No.23507724

I was told she was a granny who bullies her fans for having small penises.

>> No.23507727

Best ASMR clip to go with this gif?

>> No.23507729

Okayu is definitely a little chubby (back then) even for non-Asians, but I wouldn't really call her fat either.

>> No.23507732

Already saved to favorites and ready to backup on my HDD.

>> No.23507733

*for being quick shots
And both can be true bub

>> No.23507736

I wish.

>> No.23507737

That's why she doesn't use reverb on her karaoke streams, she could easily disqualify all the homoidols on a singing contest.

>> No.23507739

Man her voice is her nice

>> No.23507741

Yeah her singing voice sounds nothing like her speaking voice.

>> No.23507748

Have you ever tuned in to one of her singing streams? It's the best

>> No.23507749

Not as Towa but God I wish she did an abuse ASMR like that.

>> No.23507752

Just remember, Aqua got to snuggle up in Okayu's lap while she rubbed her tummy live during an offcollab. Imagine how comfy that would be.

>> No.23507754

No wonder Korone slapped her in front of Coco.

>> No.23507756
Quoted by: >>23507874

Okayu is the perfect size for cuddling. Warm and soft and relaxing!

>> No.23507766

god I wish I was Aqua

>> No.23507773
Quoted by: >>23507781

I'd rather Aqua snuggle up in my lap.

>> No.23507774

So, some of y'all said Aqua took a break during Feburary. This Feb or last year and what was it over? I by context clues take it was emotional.

>> No.23507778

Go back.

>> No.23507781

Who the fuck doesn't? She's small, cute and nice.

>> No.23507782
Quoted by: >>23507811

A relative died so she had to take a break and it was this year

>> No.23507784

New chapter of Sora's manga about her struggles to survive as an v-idol

>> No.23507786

>Go back.
Go back.

>> No.23507787
Quoted by: >>23508136

>Round 1
Astel (Performing Arts)
Choco (Kiss Mark)
Doris (Fish)
Luna (Candy)
Mio (Wolf)
Moona (Crytsal Ball)
Sora (Bear)
Yogiri (Baby Bottle)
>Round 2
Aki (Red Apple)
Civia (Crescent Moon)
Mio (Evergreen Tree)
Shion (Crescent Moon)
Subaru (Ambulance)
>Round 3
Aqua (Anchor)
Izuru (Guitar)
Rushia (Butterfly)
Watame (Ram)
Yogiri (Guitar)
>Round 4
Civia (Unicorn)
Coco (Dragon)
Io15 (Artist Palette)
Korone (Croissant)
Towa (Alien Monster)
>Round 5
Aruran (Pizza)
>Round 6
Ayame (Smiling Face with Horns)
>Round 7
>Semi-Finals (Round 8)
Flare (Fire)
>Finals (Round 9)
Temma (Hedgehog)

>> No.23507789

God I wish that was me.

>> No.23507790

Come back.

>> No.23507792

The posting stopped for a moment I thought everybody was watching the video.

>> No.23507793

You first friendo. :^)

>> No.23507797
Quoted by: >>23507804

Okay, I left. Your turn.

>> No.23507798

She's a real cutie

>> No.23507801

Go kys so you'll wake up in Gensokyou. Y'all're is valid and I will hurt you by saying it.

>> No.23507804

Y'all not even providing good shitposting.

>> No.23507806
File: 416 KB, 2000x1125, EWATa5eUYAA39In@tsunomakiwatame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508150

>> No.23507811

I see, thank you for the info.

>> No.23507812

Idolfags are new or got a recent surge in numbers since viewer numbers surged as well.

>> No.23507813

Because she eats everyone's food

>> No.23507815
Quoted by: >>23507828

Is she going to get her new design in this thing?

>> No.23507817

Don't remind me anon. Aqua even got to punch her water server.

>> No.23507818


>> No.23507821

>no one told me she was cute.
We mention that often.

>> No.23507825
Quoted by: >>23507844


>> No.23507828

Yes, but it's gonna take some time for the manga to catch up.

>> No.23507829

Haato is going to bait the foot fags again.

>> No.23507830
Quoted by: >>23507850

Okay, I'll check it out

>> No.23507831
Quoted by: >>23507855

Mio is top comfy how come she doesn't get more views
Her voice sounds like a warm sweater on a cold night

>> No.23507833

You got that right.

>> No.23507836

Well, Haato does have a foot fetish..

>> No.23507839

wasnt that rushia

>> No.23507843
File: 134 KB, 1000x499, soyukoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507849

>> No.23507844

Asacoco was fake news and Youtube did its work in shutting her down

>> No.23507846
Quoted by: >>23507982

What if that was the actual reason of her streaming ban?

>> No.23507849

b-but pekora says こういう事

>> No.23507850

i hope you like it

>> No.23507854
File: 339 KB, 851x1200, 805244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I got a job in a village in the middle of mountain for a month. See you next month holofags.

>> No.23507855

>Mio is top comfy how come she doesn't get more views
People are prefer blood and tears.

>> No.23507859
Quoted by: >>23507867

But asacoco are real news, asamiko is the one with fake news.

>> No.23507866


Haachama chama~

>> No.23507867

I'll fookin bop ya in tha mouth if ya say that again mate

>> No.23507874
File: 1.06 MB, 1383x649, orcsoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507911

agree entirely

>> No.23507876
File: 108 KB, 540x640, IMG_20200402_114513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being essential, nerd.

>> No.23507881

Haachama no!

>> No.23507884

Are we having a problem Pal, or you want me to patch your mouth.

>> No.23507890

Bros... why aren't you liking and retweeting her tweets....

>> No.23507892

They just announce that this week will be the last week for me being a government mandated neet. Best of luck anon.

>> No.23507893

But asacoco are real news, asamiko is the one with fake news.

>> No.23507897
Quoted by: >>23507909

please explain this shit about towa and dicks

>> No.23507900

What is wrong with Australia that makes people turn out like this. There has to be something in the water

>> No.23507901

Looks like Towa hacked Haachama's account.

>> No.23507908
Quoted by: >>23508004

Imagine Haachama touching all those long and slimy kimoota worms with her feet.

>> No.23507909
Quoted by: >>23508349


>> No.23507911

poor guy just wants to play some games and this slut is trying to seduce him

>> No.23507912
Quoted by: >>23507923

I want to go to wherever she is in my country and comfort her because she's clearly unwell. Hope she gets better soon.

>> No.23507916

I saw Towa at a conbini in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cans of asacoco in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.23507920

We have literally nothing to do, it's not just Haachama, this country literally drives people crazy with boredom unless you are "Aussie" Aussie.

>> No.23507921

I don't remember. I think it was Matsuri.
None. Considering Marine.

>> No.23507922

What a fucking bitch. I hope her computer dies again.

>> No.23507923
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x698, chama straya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507934


>> No.23507925

Please watch this cutie having a drink.

>> No.23507934


>> No.23507938

I want to mating press her and have children but even I know this is a lie.

>> No.23507943

Cute bartender

>> No.23507944
File: 741 KB, 1080x1395, Screenshot_20200419-212334~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big and thick is haachama gonna get

>> No.23507945

How has her popularity not exploded from footfags by now? Or are footfags just a loud minority?

>> No.23507950

I'm gonna feed Hachamaa again.

>> No.23507957

What do her parents think of this?

>> No.23507960


>> No.23507963
Quoted by: >>23507980

They already exiled her to Australia, do they even care at this point?

>> No.23507965
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 80899452_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508173

>> No.23507967

"At least Kokoro turned out normal."

>> No.23507968


>> No.23507973

>270 viewers
bros how do we save him...?

>> No.23507976

That's actually pretty good for HS standards.

>> No.23507978

Unironically post somewhere else

>> No.23507980

Why is she in aus? Is she doing that extra year of highschool abroad thing I can't remember the name of or is she doing uni?

>> No.23507982

>implying google s transparent enough to tell people why they were banned

>> No.23507986

She got in trouble and got held back

>> No.23507988

Marine/towa did both on the same day

>> No.23507996
Quoted by: >>23508002

is there any holo stream right now?

>> No.23508002
Quoted by: >>23508011

Multiple https://schedule.hololive.tv/

>> No.23508004

Fuck now I'll have to snipe her for sure.

>> No.23508006
Quoted by: >>23508023

>stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to
Cashiers are told to do this to prevent certain types of shoplifting.

>> No.23508011

ok i'll watch akiroze

>> No.23508013

dead hour

>> No.23508015

I subbed to Pekora and I don't spend because my skull isn't filled with cum

>> No.23508020

What mod are they using?

>> No.23508022
Quoted by: >>23508039

haachama what the fuck

>> No.23508023

You're misunderstanding the story.

>> No.23508030


>> No.23508033

Aki: 100k subs, 3k viewers
Choco: 200k subs, 2k viewers

>> No.23508035 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 850x1204, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sekino_takehiro__sample-a0d16f96e10a8061d65b576cdbc01637 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei has had more sex than you

>> No.23508037

hopefully @oz or some other circle animates and releases some hololive porn parodies
fapping to shoujo kyouiku re cuz the loli vaguely resembles loli matsuri

>> No.23508039

What are you, my mom or something?

>> No.23508040
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1585885064156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508049

Is it possible to have negative sex?

>> No.23508041

Luna has had more sex than you

>> No.23508047


>> No.23508048

0 x 0 is still 0 anon

>> No.23508049

that's incest

>> No.23508050
File: 43 KB, 500x356, D8hL20xUIAAguHy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508108

Men crave 2D because it's beauty is unmatched and they don't have to deal with reality of 3D

Women crave 3D because men because they need support and 2D cannot create or raise children or give shelter.

The struggle is real

>> No.23508051

2x0 is still 0 dichead

>> No.23508052

If you promised someone sex in exchange for something else and haven't given the sex yet.

>> No.23508053
File: 548 KB, 600x1067, pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty lewd, anon.

>> No.23508055

Same here bro. I've started shitposting about Suisei because Suiseifags are easily triggered and automatically assume anyone shittalking her is a Watamefag. It's extremely easy to cause the two fanbases to fight against each other and it makes me happy that my favorite Holo gets targeted less.

>> No.23508062

Who's your favorite Holo?

>> No.23508063

This is disrespectful. Please do not post lewd pictures of Suisei.

>> No.23508064

Im hoping peko's artist does some pekorine doujin

>> No.23508065

>the only thing I can think about is what next to talk shit about on the next holo on the list.
Keep going until your original holo is the next holo on the list. Then keep going.

>> No.23508071
Quoted by: >>23508082

no matter the artist the shoe soles are always clean and unworn... How can people get every other little detail right and always miss this

>> No.23508072


>> No.23508073

How to I type "Footfags should be gassed" in Japanese?
Not going to actually use it for anything, just curious.

>> No.23508074


>> No.23508077
File: 471 KB, 1013x277, hologirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some real tier lists

>> No.23508078


Please God, please for the love of God watch Choco. She's doing a collab, in Ark, and she's struggling to keep above 2k. Aki, who Choco is collabing with, hits 4K on her freaking own for God's sake. Have some fucking mercy. Please. Please!

>> No.23508082

Fuck off Jane

>> No.23508083

Make her play a game that isn't shit and also make her keep that stupid BGM off

>> No.23508085

Aki x Choco are making me fall asleep, if aki was alone she'd have killed herself 6 times trying to tame a rock drake just discover that they can't be tamed.

>> No.23508087
File: 121 KB, 850x1000, IMG_20200420_004511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.23508088
File: 226 KB, 700x838, 1584770860372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's what this fanart was referring to with the white radish
Also rare Towa in Peko chat

>> No.23508089

Alright, sounds like I should start shitposting about Matsuri and Marine more.

>> No.23508093

if Choco were playing GTA I'd be watching but Choco ARK isn't for me...

but I am watching Aki ARK...

>> No.23508100
File: 132 KB, 828x1792, IMG_20200419_111113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have rough sex with my daughterwife so bad
watching her streams is pure suffering because I know I'll never be able to pound her small cunny while beating the fuck out of her
>I'll never hear my daughterwife's cute screams while I punch her In the gut
>Imy daughterwife will never say 愛してるよ as I roundhouse kick her
it's not fucking fair, a girl this perfect doesn't deserve to exist

>> No.23508101

Did she pitch the failed drive or is there still opportunity for data recovery?

>> No.23508106
Quoted by: >>23508160

With the amount of shitposting going on I'm not sure if people are genuinely mad at shitposting or if they are also shitposters spurring it on or thinking they're the ones getting the other guy mad.

>> No.23508107

Don't worry, someone is doing all of that for you

>> No.23508108
Quoted by: >>23508113

I love 2D but my real world experience with 3D makes me unable to not want them either. 2D has a lot more purity and a lot less cost and is safer, but 3D has the warmth of waking up next to someone that wants you, but also has a lot of potential to go wrong, especially if you're depressed.

>> No.23508109


>> No.23508110

would you buy a kiss pillow of peko?

>> No.23508111

I want Coco to sing Milkshake and Fubuki to sing Dream On

>> No.23508113

Nice blog retard

>> No.23508114

Yeah, by me.

>> No.23508116

I don't condone bestiality.

>> No.23508118

wait a few more years until anime is real anon.

>> No.23508119
Quoted by: >>23508143

why was this post deleted

>> No.23508125

>roundhouse kick her

>> No.23508130

Peko's not even one of my top chubas and yes

>> No.23508136


>> No.23508143

Some posts are too heavy.

>> No.23508147

Something about the background keeps throwng me off.

>> No.23508150


>> No.23508152


>> No.23508157

Explain this meme.

>> No.23508159

Which Hololives cum from penetration?

>> No.23508160

Little does he know, people are just pretending to be Suiseifags and Watamefags to spur on shitposting so no one shitposts their favorite Holo. The great circle of shitposting.

>> No.23508164

>bare pussy and ass stil up
damn jannies are sleeping on the job

>> No.23508165

Nice try, Suiseifags.

>> No.23508166
File: 870 KB, 1171x1920, 1587210889174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23508170

It's covered in cum.
My two favorites holos get shitposted here on the regular.

>> No.23508173


>> No.23508174
File: 699 KB, 1306x736, Peko_advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23508176
Quoted by: >>23508187

Choco and Noel but only if they consider you worthy enough to marry.

>> No.23508180
File: 141 KB, 600x800, Meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508192

Meido is not an essential employee she got fired

>> No.23508181
Quoted by: >>23508188

That's MY idol!

>> No.23508183

Where's the "Don't post things like that people image when you need it?

>> No.23508185

no one cares

>> No.23508187

Noel is more likely to have a panic attack than an orgasm

>> No.23508188
Quoted by: >>23508194

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.23508192

/jp/ hasn't had meidos in like a decade. They're all jannies now.

>> No.23508193

Speaking about Watame, did she stop doing her janken thing? I remember anons loving that shit, posting how many times they've won and etc.

>> No.23508194

Damn, I've been breaking the rules for over a decade...

>> No.23508195

Do you love Roboco-san too anon?

>> No.23508196

>Tfw can't buy out Noel and tell her everything's gonna be alright and she doesn't need to do ASMR anymore and she can just do what she wants to do
>No noel wife to clean your ears and give you gyudon for dinner

>> No.23508197

Signs point to no

>> No.23508200

猶子 !

>> No.23508201

No but I will add this to my list

>> No.23508202

There's still a few anons that jankenpost

>> No.23508205
Quoted by: >>23508435

This but Mel

>> No.23508206

I love this robot!

>> No.23508210

She's a good friend to Towa I like her

>> No.23508211

She's establishing a base for Hololive AUS with her as the leader ala FBK in Gamers.

>> No.23508212
Quoted by: >>23508230

i refuse to believe someone as sheltered as Noel or Kanata have fucked.

>> No.23508213
File: 745 KB, 606x541, 1587358264000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't go to the park and feed Subaru bread

>> No.23508217
Quoted by: >>23508268

This but with Towa.
Slave simulator where you can buy the Holos and treat them like queens or like trash when?

>> No.23508221
Quoted by: >>23508236

>YAGOO will never sell you his sluts
Why live?

>> No.23508222

Which Holo is the most menhara and broken?

>> No.23508224
File: 189 KB, 528x414, 1584807054523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508251

Watch Haachama or else!

>> No.23508225


>> No.23508226
File: 295 KB, 1528x1825, 1587198186894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really have to ask?

>> No.23508227
Quoted by: >>23508248

She really messed up her branding when she went to that weird quick jankenpon. People loved the original and I know she wants to keep improving but she shouldn't have touched that part of the show. It was literally perfect.

>> No.23508228

Haato eating charcoal everyday must be terrible on the body

>> No.23508229

of what though?

>> No.23508230
Quoted by: >>23508257

Doesn't matter really just support their content if you like it.

>> No.23508231
Quoted by: >>23508245


>> No.23508232

Real tempted to say Aqua, but I feel like she's mending.

>> No.23508234
Quoted by: >>23508246

>ARK gives both Choco and Aki a viewer boost always
I have conflicting feelings for this game...

>> No.23508236

You just have to take them for yourself. You can pay Yagoo in merchandise and supachas.

>> No.23508237
Quoted by: >>23508243

Towa. Haato just plays it up, only newfags who don't watch old streams don't think so.

>> No.23508239

Noel overall but I truly think haato must hate living where she does considering all the inconveniences she deals with

>> No.23508240

Haachama now that she's begging for likes on twitter and back to foot fetish pandering

>> No.23508241

none and none because I won't give jewgle 30%
Booth though? multiple voicepacks

>> No.23508243

I felt pretty terrible after that FNAF stream when she couldn't take it. I'm glad she hit 100K and got a shitload of supachas but she seemed like ill from it.

>> No.23508244 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 850x850, __minato_aqua_and_shiina_yuika_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_mm_mm_chair__sample-62fee1d0099e04f2b590a60c3e1c59b4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508255

Make love with Nijisanji, not war.

>> No.23508245
Quoted by: >>23508253

Haato isn't menhara
Towa is the definition of menhara

>> No.23508246

Choco usually only pulls 1.5k on Ark. She's getting a boost from being with Aki.

>> No.23508248
Quoted by: >>23508256

>weird quick jankenpon

>> No.23508249
File: 109 KB, 886x1700, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_ebi_frion_hololive_drawn_by_haruyuki_yukichasoba__438f1c10f498aa60e0241b8e131372c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Matsuri my queen and giving her the loving housewife life she desires

>> No.23508251
File: 157 KB, 337x379, 1529717803437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508259

This makes me think of Parasyte
I haven't thought of that in years
Australia would have them huh
Haachama has been replaced

>> No.23508252

Why is this song everywhere?

>> No.23508253

>Haato isn't menhara
The person inside is not. The character s meant to be.

>> No.23508254

Good taste

>> No.23508255

It should be Mea.

>> No.23508256
Quoted by: >>23508274


I also really don't like the boss battle jankenpon either but it's better than this one still.

>> No.23508257
Quoted by: >>23508266

Explain why it doesn't matter

>> No.23508258

What a fucking pussy, is she now officially the biggest coward in Hololive?

>> No.23508259
Quoted by: >>23508303

did you get him bros?

>> No.23508260
File: 311 KB, 1378x709, 1587360215335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508289


>> No.23508261

Fellow gen 4 Luna chickened out hard yesterday after walking through some dirty hallways

>> No.23508262
Quoted by: >>23508276

What a fuckable pussy, is she now officially the biggest coward in Hololive?

>> No.23508263

I miss Coco...

>> No.23508264 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 750x741, 1587360293119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real image of Okayu. You won't believe how fat she is!

>> No.23508265
Quoted by: >>23508283

I didn't manage to see it live but even in the archive she really sounded pretty bad. It made me feel super bad, specially with that tweet that she was sorry and then another that she couldn't sleep because of the game.
Fortunately some comfy (Virtual) house restoration and decoration seemed like a good way to put her in a good mood.

>> No.23508266
Quoted by: >>23508270

Because you won't ever get to talk to them about that stuff anyway, right?

>> No.23508268

Princess Maker but with Hololives. YAGOO pls

>> No.23508269
File: 1.10 MB, 2638x1488, 79527544_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508270
Quoted by: >>23508287

People don't watch these girls to talk to them

>> No.23508274

Very quick and the new design is cuter but yea, it doesn't seem as good as the previous version.

>> No.23508275
File: 89 KB, 197x226, 1527483344960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508276
File: 1.37 MB, 1270x1920, 1586964851088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fuckable yes

>> No.23508278
Quoted by: >>23508290

I didn't even notice she finally played it. I honestly hope she doesn't play horror again, it is clear that it effects her heavily. Not everyone needs to play horror... hopefully people are understanding that she isn't the horror girl. Ironic being the demon though.

>> No.23508280
Quoted by: >>23509171

I'm starting to think Korone is a feeder.

>> No.23508281

Damn. Coco needs to babysit these two in a horror game sometime.

>> No.23508282
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, Natsuiro Matsuri - Love Trial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair.

>> No.23508283

I watched it live and we were all mostly trying to alternate between explaining generally what was going on because she seemed to know nothing about the game or what she was supposed to do and just trying to get her to calm down. Since she didn't understand what to do she was just throwing herself at some raw heart palpitations.

>> No.23508287

Exactly, so if they have been fucked or in naive curiosity on account of their sheltering, done the fucking, it's really irrelevant.

>> No.23508288
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 1515723734771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete that disgusting shit right now

>> No.23508289

Which site is this?

>> No.23508290

Yeah it wasn't fun. It was just rough to watch her go through it. Reminded me a bit of listening to that streamable of Miko getting hit with a screamer.

>> No.23508295
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1587230235948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that she puked after a jumpscare makes it even better

>> No.23508296
Quoted by: >>23508313

Doesn't mean we can't shitpost about it anon.

>> No.23508301

Psycho Clips

>> No.23508302

Aqua is just a dumb introvert nerd, she's not broken

>> No.23508303

I don't even play, just saw the image somewhere and like the IP in general

>> No.23508306

Towa looks like a delinquent but the fact that she's such a baby is real gap moe.

>> No.23508308
File: 102 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo would most likely be into metro or stalker

>> No.23508310


>> No.23508312
Quoted by: >>23508327

*felt like puking
But yes, she really is bad at it. Hopefully if she ever comes back to horror itcs mixed with another genre, like action.

>> No.23508313

Didn't say that, just that it don't matter in the end.

>> No.23508314
Quoted by: >>23508358

Sorry, I forgot that the only reason the miles of dick a girl has had inside her might have mattered is because of the conversation I wanted to have with her. Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.23508315
Quoted by: >>23508356

Korone has Koronevirus.

>> No.23508316

Yeah, that was uncomfortable.

>> No.23508318


>> No.23508319

Rushia, if that bit about her liking gas masks is true.

>> No.23508320

Viewers keep recommending various eroge's to barman, haha.

>> No.23508323

why is Mio so photogenic

>> No.23508324

Pekora or Korone or Luna

>> No.23508325

Pekora or Kson

>> No.23508326

Coco, since she already has the adidas tracksuit for it.

>> No.23508327
Quoted by: >>23508332

Silent Hill could work. If she can work the tank controls it's scary in the complete opposite way and does not jump you but also has action elements to break up the oppressive environment.

>> No.23508328

I wonder if she could do better if she had company and her company was the one in control

>> No.23508329

is it wrong if seeing Towa suffering makes me extremely happy?

>> No.23508330

Painful peko

>> No.23508332
Quoted by: >>23508369

I think even that is a bit hardcore. Maybe RE4 would be better for a but less horror.

>> No.23508335
Quoted by: >>23509704

Telling Matsuri that it's okay that she can't have Hoshikawa
Instilling into her the idea of being happy as long as hoshikawa is happy
Sending her anonymous videos of a girl who suspiciously looks and sounds like Hoshikawa having sex with someone who looks and sounds like me
Watching her get visibly frustrated until she accepts it and learns to love the videos
Sending her one last video to confirm that it was me and hoshikawa all along
Inviting her to watch while we do it

>> No.23508338

Only if it gives you a boner.

>> No.23508341
Quoted by: >>23508354

new holohost when?

>> No.23508343

I'd buy a donperi tower for Bekora

>> No.23508344
Quoted by: >>23508347

Oh is he taking game recommendations right now?

>> No.23508345
Quoted by: >>23508367

Barman is at 350 viewers. That's the most I've ever seen homostars get. Damn impressive.

>> No.23508347
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508349
File: 70 KB, 674x449, 1585274504442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's real

>> No.23508354

When Flare got her 3D so they can do 3D host club with A-chan as customer

>> No.23508355

Could you recommend QuakeLive for me?

>> No.23508356
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Korone’s mogumogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's underrated how funny Korone is. She's like a walking comedy skit.

>> No.23508358
Quoted by: >>23508368

Context. You will never interact with her in real life, will you? Hell, it's the ones who are in a relationship and maybe faithful to one person that matters more for a viewer since the potential for the supposed reason Ayame streams so little then exists.

>> No.23508359
Quoted by: >>23508373

Why are these yaoibait designs so fond of heterochromia, i don't get it

>> No.23508361

I like listening to Haato and Suisei squeal and scream, so it can't be wrong.

>> No.23508367
Quoted by: >>23508376


He had almost 600 at one point playing idolmaster earlier. Is this what will trigger the homostar renaissance? Idol games and eroge?

>> No.23508368
Quoted by: >>23508387

Sending money to someone is definitely interacting with them in real life

>> No.23508369
Quoted by: >>23508374

It'd help if we knew if she had any specific hang ups or fears. Like if someone is terrified of mannequins they should not play SH3. I'll tell you that for free.

>> No.23508370
Quoted by: >>23508383

>She's like a walking comedy skit.
Thats Pekora

>> No.23508372
Quoted by: >>23508380

Pekora for sure.

>> No.23508373

Because heterochromia is cool. And I think Japan has an extra boner for it, for some reason.

>> No.23508374

Shouldn't you play horror games to BE scared?

>> No.23508376

Well, men of culture should be playing games of culture I guess. Whatever works. Can't really go much lower, so what do they have to lose?

>> No.23508380

Peko blyat

>> No.23508381


>Aren't 8th grader summer vacations erotic?
This actually got me so hard. It's such a fucking stupid thing to say out loud let alone so nonchalantly. And the worst part is that i totally get what she means

>> No.23508382
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, peko miko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508385

It's time to watch THAT video again, anons.

>> No.23508383

I watch them both. Those 2 have great comedic timing.

>> No.23508385
Quoted by: >>23508388

3mn before the month ends plz

>> No.23508386

Fake Gachikoi gets outed damn she's creepy, I want to try this to see if she watches me in chat i'm not one of her regulars so she'd know right away

>> No.23508387
Quoted by: >>23508404

Fair. But we're viewers of content, not acquaintances who can really be part of their personal affairs.

>> No.23508388
Quoted by: >>23508410

It's already passed that

>> No.23508393

Pekora really sucks at this.

>> No.23508402
File: 601 KB, 1740x1236, f008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a bit I'm gonna watch a bunch of horror game streams from Holos that I didn't see live including that one

>> No.23508404

The content is the person. Their personal lives matter if the investor decides it matters

>> No.23508409

The dog is actually a big fan of comedians. She doesn't get enough credit for her jokes.

>> No.23508410

sasuga hororaibu

>> No.23508412
File: 309 KB, 679x425, banned 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508424

>> No.23508414

Aki did the thing

>> No.23508416

Why are the Hololive skits on the main channel so weird? They're seriously odd

>> No.23508417

That was really great chemistry.

>> No.23508422


>> No.23508424


>> No.23508426

EOP here, are there "regulars" in hololive chats? There are some pretty big twitch streamers who still have people in chat they recognize and have been around a while and etc. Is it just the paypigs for vtubers?

>> No.23508427
Quoted by: >>23508440

What a comfy pair of houses.

>> No.23508428

I don't like them cause they're so scripted its like the exact opposite thing I like about these people

>> No.23508431

Who the fuck cares. You're there for the holos. Not for the """"community""""

>> No.23508432

Yes, it's just famous people, their illustrators or huge paypigs.

>> No.23508433

Yes, there are regulars. You can usually see the same people translating/commenting on the videos in their chats but there's other regulars in general.

>> No.23508435
Quoted by: >>23508464

I think Mel genuinely enjoys that work.

>> No.23508440

They should sleep together

>> No.23508443
Quoted by: >>23508457

You're gonna watch festival right?

>> No.23508445
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, 1565544149757.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is a good girl.

>> No.23508450
Quoted by: >>23508461

https://youtu.be/qWc-81Av_pU boring content

>> No.23508451

Not to the point it transforms your trauma into deeper fear since some people do get into panic attacks over it and worse off ending up dead or hospitalized.

>> No.23508452

There are different types of fear. Raw jumpscares are very different from the kind of fear you get from something like SH or Soma or the Chozo Mythos games.

>> No.23508457

No! I'm going to watch Haato's foot stream! Screw Apex!

>> No.23508460

Horror games can permanently scar children. I can say that from experience.

>> No.23508461

Doesn't matter, the sheer amount on Indonesians will propel them to have larger figures. Actually wait, their currency is dogshit and people are usually piss poor so they will only be milking the ad revenues. They can't put ads mid-stream can they?

>> No.23508464

That's the best part

>> No.23508466
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, Smellfags.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508471

Haato's foot stream is finally starting.

>> No.23508470

now, this is quality content. why nobody do this anymore? anything close to this is haato's english telephone game as i can remember

>> No.23508471
Quoted by: >>23508491

She doesn't show her feet live, it's clearly a lie.

>> No.23508472

>Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's schtick get old faster than hers?

>> No.23508479

Aqua pretending to be retarded.

>> No.23508480
Quoted by: >>23508504


>> No.23508481

everyone hates each other now

>> No.23508485

I don't know if you've heard but there's a cold that's been going around and a few people have been feeling under the weather so they're waiting until say... September to do another collab.

>> No.23508488


>> No.23508489
Quoted by: >>23508548

September is optimistic

>> No.23508490


>> No.23508491

Yet, she is pressuring YAGOO to add toes to the 3D motion capture software. Japan's best footfags are on the job.

>> No.23508492

I feel like the more popular ones aren't allowed to stream with each other very often. Wonder if hololive loses revenue over it.

>> No.23508494

I think Sensei is addicted to ARK.

>> No.23508497


Nice scene transition

>> No.23508498


Let's see if it gets on trending again

>> No.23508499

>Haachama's BGM is back to the old one
finally I can watch her streams not really

>> No.23508500

24:15 碧依/アルス・アルマル(にじさんじ)
47:42 豆腐の絹/ニュイ・ソシエール(にじさんじ)
16:11 豆腐の木綿/フレン・E・ルスタリオ(にじさんじ
28:01 イカスミ系女子/猫又おかゆ(ホロライブ)
36:17 鳴海/常闇トワ(ホロライブ)
59:24 メイアン/大神ミオ(ホロライブ)

>> No.23508504
File: 282 KB, 850x850, 1577886384459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wutuh me wutuh me

>> No.23508509

Aki still playing ark as her FF7 stream starts up. is this what addiction looks like?

>> No.23508510

I can literally smell Haachama's feet right now

>> No.23508511
Quoted by: >>23510658

Where are you Haachama's_Foot_Cells_1 and Haachama's_Foot_Cells_2?

>> No.23508512

applying haachama's screams directly to my ear drums at 1 in the morning

>> No.23508513


>> No.23508518

she doesn't want to lose her #1 playtime ranking

>> No.23508521

There he is. There he goes again
Look everyone he posted it once again. Isn't he just the funniest guy around. Oh my god.

>> No.23508522
Quoted by: >>23508581

w-which one is watame's?

>> No.23508523

she was having a lot of fun showing sensei her 100+ hours of work

>> No.23508525
Quoted by: >>23508581


>> No.23508530

Hell yeah

>> No.23508532

haato footjob
haato footjob
it's alllllright

>> No.23508533


we're losing to some homos...

>> No.23508536

nice. i want to see more of watame's hatred

>> No.23508537


>> No.23508538
Quoted by: >>23508547

You pretending your posts have substance.

>> No.23508541
Quoted by: >>23508545

They can still do discord collabs.. like many of them are doing, and like how Haato's English Telephone game worked...

>> No.23508542


>> No.23508543
Quoted by: >>23508575

Is that your tweet?

>> No.23508544

Towa is so genki in this video, what happened?

>> No.23508545

Except Coco and Haato were together for that stream. The guests were all on Discord.

>> No.23508547

A no substance reply for a no substance chuuba.

>> No.23508548


>> No.23508550

Noel's on another league from any of the other girls as far as publicized information goes and it's no contest.

>> No.23508551

Well deserved, to be honest.

>> No.23508553

hololive make you menhera

>> No.23508555

Aww Shirayuri

>> No.23508556

DANG, I'll have to catch the archive...

>> No.23508558

>fps drop in slither.io
is that normal?

>> No.23508559

I had a fortune cookie today with a fortune that made me think immediately about Towa. Something about happiness and coping and pain. I lost it though.

>> No.23508560

That's nice from her, she suffered and now she shares her knowledge, truly an angel.

>> No.23508562

aki do drunk stream on 15:00 jst?

>> No.23508563
Quoted by: >>23508769

Wait, one copystrike is enough to disable your account from live streaming for 3 months?

>> No.23508565

Shirayuri is such a dear.

>> No.23508566
Quoted by: >>23508578

Are you retarded? Haato has been in Australia for months.

>> No.23508567

All aki streams are drunk.

>> No.23508568

No reason not to, quarantine

>> No.23508569

not really drunk but she does drink often during her streams
shes done quite a few FF7 streams where she drinks and talks about the original

>> No.23508570

Coco and Haato can still interact on discord.. they don't have to be next to each other... technology is pretty cool.

>> No.23508571

Aki can only stream when she's tipsy.

>> No.23508573

in australia maybe. her smash bros play recently is total lag

>> No.23508575

Sasuga, /jp/!

>> No.23508576

Surprised the 3D model's rigging didn't give away that Okayu's tall as fuck.

>> No.23508578
File: 16 KB, 474x266, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stream was a long time ago anon.

>> No.23508581

She's a jealous bitch, she doesn't deserve it.

>> No.23508582

Fill me in on noel.

>> No.23508586

Mio looks pretty old.

>> No.23508587
Quoted by: >>23508609

It was a little over a month ago, 4th gen has only been debuted for 3 months.

>> No.23508588
Quoted by: >>23508614

Life happened.

>> No.23508589

Gen four is only a few months old anon... Coco debuted 12/28/19...

>> No.23508591
File: 38 KB, 629x629, 1585515547630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That stream was a long time ago anon.

>> No.23508594

I want to fill in Noel if you know what I mean.

>> No.23508595

Noel likes to be filled in

>> No.23508596
Quoted by: >>23508609

You can hear audio distortion, which implies that haato was alone in her room and all guests and coco were on discord far away from her.

>> No.23508599


>> No.23508600


>> No.23508608

>couldn't feed myself to haachama before she went offline

>> No.23508609 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23508618


>> No.23508612
Quoted by: >>23508625

Now she is potentially banned from live streaming for practically as long as she has existed?

>> No.23508614

Towa has had a hard life.

>> No.23508615


>> No.23508617


>> No.23508618
File: 173 KB, 268x432, 1586011414633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508619
Quoted by: >>23508639

2020 was 40 years ago

>> No.23508621


>> No.23508625

thanks for reiterating that Coco is dead

>> No.23508626

How many kids does Mio have?

>> No.23508627

please keep giving her lewd until she give up making that watermelon joke

>> No.23508630

>Wherever you are,i hope you can read it.
>If you can’t, please learn how to read.
Moony's growing on me.

>> No.23508631
Quoted by: >>23508637

now I want to know how to draw just to post NSFW at her I guess it's because she's ID and doesn't want to get into trouble

>> No.23508632

What was the context behind this, just some random event for online female personalities?

>> No.23508633

So she's a believer of quran

>> No.23508634


>> No.23508635
Quoted by: >>23508638

>moona: please do not lewd me i am suffering please stop...

>> No.23508637

It's haram as fuck.

>> No.23508638

squirrel and alien were already objectively superior anyway.

>> No.23508639

that cant be as 2000 was only 30 years ago!

>> No.23508640

Apparently its pretty badly optimised, it runs entirely on CPU and doesn't use the GPU.

>> No.23508641
Quoted by: >>23508647

ViViD isn't the biggest group, but it sure is nice.

>> No.23508644

aki tried to break my eardrum. and i love it

>> No.23508645
Quoted by: >>23508651

if she didn't wanna be lewded she shouldn't have went with such a sexy design

>> No.23508647

shirayuri is pretty underrated

>> No.23508649

Well, looks like Haato can't really make content out of Slither. That's done.

>> No.23508651

The dichotomy of woman.

>> No.23508652

Please watch Noel's roommate.

>> No.23508653

idk if i can speak about her here but i really like her. i hope she continue her self subs video

>> No.23508655
Quoted by: >>23508676

3 months of no Coco holy shit
I cant stop winning

>> No.23508657
File: 101 KB, 477x350, nZmGg5d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508664


>> No.23508658

noel sure have many roommate

>> No.23508659


>> No.23508660

Isn't Shirayuri that one haughty English-speaking girl?

>> No.23508662
Quoted by: >>23508670

She always has a really slow chat so it would be good to simp in and pretend she's your girlfriend. 60% of it is EOP and she replies to Japanese posts like 90% of the time only.

>> No.23508663

I legitimately hate Indonesians.

>> No.23508664

god someone tweet that at her

>> No.23508668
Quoted by: >>23508734


>> No.23508670

when I watched her she responded to pretty much everything, and would repeat it in the other language.

>> No.23508672

God damn those are HUGE

>> No.23508675

If I told you i listened to over 500 hours of ochame kinou, would you believe me? 1 hour of that being the hololive version

>> No.23508677
File: 826 KB, 1389x1047, a-cuck-suki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more... hatred.

>> No.23508676

Coco is never gonna recover from this. Three months is a long time in the vtuber world for some reason.

>> No.23508679
Quoted by: >>23508686

She is also not hololive so kindly go back

>> No.23508683

The EOPs in Matsuri's chat are so dumb.

>> No.23508686

fuck off

>> No.23508689

Yeah if she's not careful Aki Roze might reach 150K by the time she can stream again...

>> No.23508691

>browsing youtube
>see Haato's stream
>feet in the thumbnail

>> No.23508692
Quoted by: >>23508742

You all have been saying that Matsuri, Luna or Towa were going to retire first but it actually is going to be Coco holy shit

>> No.23508693

EOPs are so dumb.

>> No.23508700

pretty good design, cute voice, i'll sub her now

>> No.23508701
File: 95 KB, 620x575, 1565718856813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 months of no livestream, no collabs. RIP.

>> No.23508703

I like ritual posters. I think they add a lot of flavor to generals. However this ritual post is stupid and lacking in creativity.

>> No.23508707

Indogs how haram is cartoon porn in your country anyway?

>> No.23508710
Quoted by: >>23508728

I don't even understand it

>> No.23508714

I guess Holoark will definitely die now. Can't really see them doing boss raids without Coco either.

>> No.23508718

A lot of good came from this. Bless YouTube.

>> No.23508719

I guess she could move to more niconico/bilibili streams, maybe twitch if management lets her.

>> No.23508720

Coco still managing the server and giving instruction through chats.And she doesn't need to stream to play.

>> No.23508721

I can see Coco doing a Poochie returned to his home planet episode on Hololive's main channel to announce her retirement.

>> No.23508723

Time for more makeup streams from her roommate.

>> No.23508724

Youtube AI did something good for once. Fuck Coco fuck ARK.

>> No.23508725

coco perma ban when

>> No.23508726
File: 67 KB, 610x636, hoshoulookrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which where's the post about Marine's womb? Image limit is coming up fast.

>> No.23508728

It means that anon wants to see more shitposting and falseflagging.

>> No.23508729
Quoted by: >>23508757

Who even are these

>> No.23508730
Quoted by: >>23508771

They only really need Aqua but she's still not streaming it so I think it's safe to say that ARK is officially canceled

>> No.23508734

She's a nice girl

>> No.23508737

I don't know why management is so adamant in sticking with YouTube streaming when they're constantly getting fucked over.

>> No.23508739
File: 35 KB, 551x639, 1583920240171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Coco can only do pre recorded let's plays

>> No.23508741

Anon rotted to death like marine's womb.

>> No.23508742

Everyone with three digits IQ has stopped believing Luna will retire first long ago.

>> No.23508748

Isn't it one week?

>> No.23508749
Quoted by: >>23508797

>Coco died before Kanata
we did it PPTbros!

>> No.23508750
Quoted by: >>23508763

Nice try Twitchfag but you need to fuck off.

>> No.23508751

Will coco start to do meme review now?

>> No.23508754
Quoted by: >>23508780

I hope youtube slowly destroys 4th gen one by one to make YAGOO realize his biggest mistake.

>> No.23508755

can't wait for kson to stream more often all of a sudden

>> No.23508757

Thank god, I'm not the only one.

>> No.23508758
Quoted by: >>23508776

Those anons died a few days ago or something. Haven't seen their interaction in a while and I basically live in these threads.

>> No.23508759

Honestly a competitive streaming site that isn't shit would work well for chuubas since most of the revenue comes from donations instead of ads. Usually that's what stops new sites, being able to pay users to make shit. Maybe I'll put something to together and @ coco.

>> No.23508760
File: 1.29 MB, 1300x1282, 1587273414410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally realize why im so goddamn addicted to the holos.

>Perfect combination of 2D and 3D, I am supporting a cute anime girl who also happens to have real feelings and interactions with fans
>they play a gigantic variety of games, from retro classics, to modern ones
>more than 20 of them, who upload videos daily, content pretty much never ends
>since they are real people who interact between each other in collab, discussion is always fresh and changes over the months.

I barely even watch anime anymore, the holos are now my never-ending anime.

>> No.23508763
Quoted by: >>23508770

you made me realize Mixer actually exists. Now i want hololive to try mixer.

>> No.23508764
Quoted by: >>23508793

A bunch of Holos were demonetized for way longer than that. Don't be a doomfag.

>> No.23508767


>> No.23508768

Bet. Coco moves to bilibili for three months

>> No.23508769

>one copystrike is enough to disable your account from live streaming for 3 months
Not necessarily. It says there s an umbrella 3 month ban with so chance for appeal if, after being banned, you delete the content you were banned for.
I would have assumed google held on to "deleted" content for a while, but I guess the justification here is they really *do* delete it and with no evidence you can't put forward a meaningful appeal.

>> No.23508770

Oh hey Mixer

>> No.23508771
Quoted by: >>23508782

>They only really need Aqua but she's still not streaming it
She's not even playing it.

>> No.23508773
Quoted by: >>23508840

Imagine Coco actually retiring just because of the ban. That'd be great.

>> No.23508774

it's true and like anime most of them are shit!

>> No.23508775

Perhaps if it is does turn out to be months and youtube won't budge on it coco might start streaming somewhere else for the time being. There are plenty of competitor sites. She might not get as big of an audience as she would on youtube but its better than putting out very limited content for that period of time and losing even more interest.

>> No.23508776

Well I'm the nonplussed Marine poster and I'm still here. Rumors of my death were made up by antis on 5ch.

>> No.23508779

The japanese are moving to youtube from nico nico. What Hololive lacks is connections with YT like other vtuber companies have.

>> No.23508780

At the end only Towa will be left as a broken woman doing collabs in her head with the long gone girls from the 4th gen. No one in hololive has the heart to tell her since she finally found friends.

>> No.23508782

she was playing it the other day, she just didn't stream it

>> No.23508783

While Coco is banned from streaming, she should sub other hololiver's videos for us, EOP chads.

>> No.23508788

Do we have any clear indication on what content she was banned for?

>> No.23508790

YAGOO here, we are moving to FACEBOOK GAMING

>> No.23508791
Quoted by: >>23508809

Where are you getting 3 months from? Isn't it one week?

>> No.23508792

Jesus it could be anything. All the hololives are so far over the line it's nuts that they haven't been permabanned.

>> No.23508793

Banned from live streaming is a lot worse than demonetization. You cant put out a constant stream of content and you'll slowly be forgotten and ignored, especially since this is a very volatile niche industry.

>> No.23508795

No but let's be real, it was the shaving stream.

>> No.23508797

PPT is eternal!!

>> No.23508798
Quoted by: >>23508859

If they go to Twitch they will be immediately banned for sexual content or whatever bullshit excuse those ewhores can make up and then they can't even upload normal videos. Not to mention all the cancerous twitch culture that will follow them. In short, why are twitchfags so stupid?

>> No.23508799

not really, no

>> No.23508801

No, she should take over managment and use Cover corp to destroy the market

>> No.23508803
Quoted by: >>23508824

She can just do let's play on the channel if she not lazy.

>> No.23508804

Same here. I'm even starting to ignore my waifu. The daki has been put away for months and my wallpapers replaced with various chuubas. Took down my scrolls of her last week, figures might be next.

>> No.23508806
Quoted by: >>23508810


>> No.23508809

It depends on what exactly the strike is for, Coco hasn't clarified as far as I know. SRYR was banned for a full 3 months, but other people have been banned for just the week.

>> No.23508810

Where does she mention 3 months?

>> No.23508811
Quoted by: >>23508817

Yeah no, it could be anything but the shaving stream.

>> No.23508812


>> No.23508815

Woke up to Haato foot stream notification
Blessed day

>> No.23508816

The fuck was she banned for anyway

>> No.23508817
Quoted by: >>23508825

what makes you say that

>> No.23508818


>> No.23508820

For the last time, it was the upcoming free talk that got the community guidelines strike. Coco said it on asacoco earlier and all of her videos are still up.

>> No.23508821

I don't see why, nothing should be enough on there for the AI to pick up. It's not like she showed her ass live on stream as she waxed it.

>> No.23508822
File: 18 KB, 631x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is 1 week, don't listen to these retards trying to doompost

>> No.23508824
Quoted by: >>23508867

She could also prerecord some asacoco to air in the same timeslot, although you miss out on the commercials and viewer interaction.

>> No.23508825

Because a lot of youtubers have done much more retarded shit and they didn't get any live streaming restriction even after uploading those videos.

>> No.23508827
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1586466051459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the holos too anon but that is seriously a new low...

>> No.23508830

there was going to be a mikococoakiflare ARK collab this week, maybe coco will be there but not in VC

>> No.23508831
Quoted by: >>23508860

Yeah, just ignore past youtube policy inconsistencies and conflicting statements from other VTubers with experience.

>> No.23508834

I wish I would get banned so Shirayuri would pamper me too...

>> No.23508836
File: 335 KB, 1240x1754, 1578432062040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508847

Stop taking bait and saying kusa

>> No.23508840
File: 1.04 MB, 877x1239, 79241331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shitpost but you know she's going to overcome all of this and her return will be a big event. Part of her surely enjoys that she can create a dramatic narrative out of all of this.

>> No.23508841

Yeah so if what I mean is if its a copyright strike and youtube holds that its legit she could be banned for 3 months? I thought people were saying it was 1 week.

>> No.23508842

This is Coco's 4th strike, retard. It's 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years, perma.

>> No.23508843
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x1500, EV3yur3XkAAdvLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508845

What were the other 3 strikes?

>> No.23508846
File: 395 KB, 1000x921, Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508863

I want to suck Luna's cock!

>> No.23508847

why does coco have so much good fan art holy shit I'm jealous

>> No.23508849
Quoted by: >>23508861

Fact: only crossboarders like coco
/jp/ should be happy

>> No.23508850
Quoted by: >>23508869

This bait doesn't even make sense, you're saying she's been banned from streaming for almost 2 months in the 3 months she's been streaming?

>> No.23508851

>I'm even starting to ignore my waifu
Anon I'm disappointed in you.

>> No.23508853
Quoted by: >>23508872

But I have been googling it since I read that and I can find plenty of people saying a single copystrike got them banned from streaming for 3 months on top of the tweets saying a similar thing.

>> No.23508854
Quoted by: >>23508869

shit bait and you're retarded.

>> No.23508859

its funny how they leave the koreans alone then

>> No.23508860

regardless it's not going to be 3 months before she's streaming. the fact that she can still upload videos means there's something else going on here since a real strike would block you from doing both.

>> No.23508861
Quoted by: >>23508870


>> No.23508863

But Luna is a girl...

>> No.23508864
Quoted by: >>23508924

I copyright striked Coco for including a screenshot of one of my comments in asacoco.

>> No.23508865

Oh yeah, I remember watching that one korean stream on Twitch with a bunch of girls playing in swimsuits and doing lewd stuff.

>> No.23508866
Quoted by: >>23508931


based squirrel BTFOing coco

>> No.23508867

>you miss out on the commercials and viewer interaction.
Not necessary, just go back to being a youtuber and focus on content and gameplay that enough tho.

>> No.23508868

easier to get clicks if you shill for the ones with the biggest followings

>> No.23508869
Quoted by: >>23508876

If you know it's bait then why even fucking reply? I swear you fucking retards complain about shitposting but then give these retards (You)'s instead of just ignoring them.

>> No.23508870
Quoted by: >>23508879

Go back with your grass

>> No.23508872

this isn't a copyright strike

>> No.23508873
File: 308 KB, 975x549, rI9bWaX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508876
Quoted by: >>23508884

a (you) isn't a currency.

>> No.23508877

Coco paid the price for quick fame. She got all those fans by relying on shock value and outrageous content. There's nothing wrong with it but she need to accept the consequences.

>> No.23508879

>Implying I am not grassed right now

>> No.23508882

That is working out great for all those other virtual youtubers.

>> No.23508883


>> No.23508884

It's encouragement.

>> No.23508885
Quoted by: >>23508921

You don't know that, she hasn't clarified anything.

>> No.23508886

>The notice informed me that I had received a copyright strike for my scheduled stream. That one copyright strike was enough to disable livestreaming on my channel for the strike’s three-month duration. If I were to accumulate three strikes, YouTube would just shut down my channel completely, removing all of my content.

>> No.23508888

Honestly I rarely even watch vods anymore since I always put them in my backlog and I never have them to clear them.

>> No.23508889

Nice Copypasta bro

>> No.23508891

She's like a bucket of thermite, burns hard and fast.

>> No.23508893

This. She got it coming.

>> No.23508895

Koreans aren't the big bad anime girls who will destroy western values.

>> No.23508896
File: 61 KB, 741x720, Gun Pikmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508906

And yet you can find gore and fucking pedophilia easily on Youtube. The whole site is a fucking joke run by elitist hypocritical retards.

>> No.23508902

Its not even about being an idol group, Coco is just shit.

>> No.23508903

Choco is addicted to playing ARK

>> No.23508906

No Coco means Matsuri has more time to discuss how much kids make her horny. Pretty based desu.

>> No.23508912

I won't even give her credits for ruining their idol image

>> No.23508914

I don't see the beauty in that game.

>> No.23508915

remember to report kson

>> No.23508917
Quoted by: >>23508934

why? what did yanderedev do this time?

>> No.23508918

how the fuck do I buy haachama a new gaming PC so she never lags ever again

>> No.23508919

She really gets invested in her kusoge

>> No.23508921

she hasn't done anything that can result in getting a copyright strike, and it's extremely clear what video the strike is on when you do get one since it gets taken down.

>> No.23508922
File: 138 KB, 636x900, EQeeiTIU4AAprq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509056

Best artist for the best girls Asanagi Marine when?

>> No.23508924


>> No.23508927

15 akasupas with the message "buy a new pc"

>> No.23508929


>> No.23508931
File: 325 KB, 493x505, 1587265631059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508939

>Squirrel starts a Yakuza stream and Coco shows up in the chat going STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN, BITCH!

>> No.23508932
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, OkaKoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23508934

The moment he showed up all the EOPs in chat started spamming cum chalice memes and asked him if he was coding, and he also tried defending himself resulting in the chat being completely unusable for quite a while.

>> No.23508938

Which chuuba has the worst fans, the most obnoxious EOPs and why is it Korone?

>> No.23508939
Quoted by: >>23508950

>inb4 the squirrel is a majima/akiyamachad anyways

>> No.23508943
Quoted by: >>23508961

this. and also coco

>> No.23508944


>> No.23508945

If she was banned for good then letting her stream on another site full time is the best option but YAGOO is such a goddamn pussy I bet he would just retire her.

>> No.23508947

Invite her to you AC island

>> No.23508949

koroneboomers and cocozoomers are equally shit

>> No.23508950

Judging from her debut stream, she seems to have a problem with mad dogs.

>> No.23508953


>> No.23508954

All are absolute cesspools of cringe posting. I'd say Korone and Coco are tied when it comes to the most destructive fans that ruin everything. Followed by Haato, which is funny, because she was the #1 for a long time.

>> No.23508955
Quoted by: >>23509182

This, I havent watched a single anime or have had any interest in new anime since I started watching chuubas, what is wrong with me?

>> No.23508956
Quoted by: >>23508972


>> No.23508957

Haato EOPs are worse.

>> No.23508961

coco has fans? Where

>> No.23508963

Coco thankfully she's banned all those fucking EOPs sent straight to hell by YT AI

>> No.23508964

Most of Hololive.

>> No.23508966

It'll probably be something stupid like the wu-flu video.

>> No.23508968
File: 4 KB, 222x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508983

no idea.

>> No.23508971
Quoted by: >>23508979

What? If she got banned then she could just create a new channel, there's no need to become a new character just for that.

>> No.23508972

English isn't bad. But it's bad when most of the English posters think they're on twitch, fucking whine for 60min for the holo to play a game, spam as if it's twitch and later keep asking "what did she say???", because they can't understand a single thing.

>> No.23508975

Which Holo fans have the lowest IQ and take the most basic baits?

>> No.23508976

hold on your autism and watch this masterpiece

>> No.23508977
Quoted by: >>23509025

Matsuri, Korone, Coco, Haato, Marine, Pekora, and Suisei.

>> No.23508978

Haachama dethroned 'Nthal for the most annoying BGM for me.

>> No.23508979

That's circumventing YouTube's ToS retard.

>> No.23508980

I love Korone

>> No.23508981

In this thread, all of them.

>> No.23508982
Quoted by: >>23509013

OkaKoro fags without a single shred of irony.

>> No.23508983

I like how a lot of people here ignore the fact that majority of Coco's fans are Japanese.

>> No.23508984


>> No.23508987

>tfw realizing there's no live asacoco on 4/20
fuck youtube

>> No.23508988
Quoted by: >>23509006

Miko obviously

>> No.23508990

I miss her already. Time to go back to the archives again.

>> No.23508991

>fucking whine for 60min for the holo to play a game
For me this is the worse offense an EOP can make. If you sent a red supacha maybe but fucking stop recommending games unless she asks for it

>> No.23508993


>> No.23508997


>> No.23508998

The real question is this, which holos have the most annoying voices and why does Miko and Luna share the top 10 spots?

>> No.23508999
Quoted by: >>23509034

Doesn't get much better than Aqua's bye bye

>> No.23509000

I wouldn't be surprised if they made a Coco Kaine model for this exact eventuality.

>> No.23509005

watame and kanata

>> No.23509006
File: 173 KB, 1336x894, EOCYtzJVAAETiq0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lowest iq part is real but mikoboat is the only good bait in these threads

>> No.23509008

Can't you let Towa have ANYTHING?!?!

>> No.23509010

Something something fill up Marine's middle aged womb

>> No.23509011

Now imagine if they're actually on twitch.

>> No.23509012
Quoted by: >>23509018


>> No.23509013

Every single time someone says they're broken up...

>> No.23509014

Haato attracts some weird fucking people, korone attracts obnoxious underage's, and coco attracts normalfags/twitch memelords. Take your pick which is worse

>> No.23509016
Quoted by: >>23509023

Surprised Towa hasn't been mentioned

>> No.23509017
File: 568 KB, 600x1067, EU6K9TMVAAEKPG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509018


>> No.23509019

The most obnoxious ones are suiseifags.

>> No.23509020

The worst is when Korone is playing a game and crying and EOPs ask frantically why she's crying

>> No.23509021
Quoted by: >>23509029

I fucking despise Mikos voice. Feels like she had all of her teeth removed. Luna can be endearing. Korones laugh is annoying and I have no idea why people find it cute.

>> No.23509022
Quoted by: >>23509028

Not elite enough, sorry you've been filtered anon

>> No.23509023

They have their own corner

>> No.23509025

Why Pekora specifically?

>> No.23509027
File: 2.79 MB, 1066x868, 1584468317518.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the person who started Marine womb posting, I'd just like to say that I stopped because people started calling her fat and old unironically.

>> No.23509028

Elite meme is akin to the epic doggo meme or "HAACHAMA?? XD". All are garbage and are spewed by the most entry level EOPs imaginable these days.

>> No.23509029

Get out of /jp/. You clearly don't belong.

>> No.23509031


>> No.23509032
Quoted by: >>23509042

are you implying she isn't?

>> No.23509033


>> No.23509034
Quoted by: >>23509047


>> No.23509035

This isn't the video I was expecting.

>> No.23509036


>> No.23509040

Luna's voice is very cute though?

>> No.23509041
Quoted by: >>23509046


>> No.23509042

It stopped being less in the endearing manner that I meant it as and more a direct attack.

>> No.23509044
Quoted by: >>23509052

Where’s my fucking boat?

>> No.23509046

But Coco is purple dragon...

>> No.23509047

Her jumping from her own shadow always gets me.

>> No.23509049
File: 81 KB, 810x896, ETed5PbXkAUtoif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's baiting hour
time for bed 35p, hopefully some good streams later

>> No.23509050

https://youtu.be/X42-Oo3n_gg ぺこ

>> No.23509052


>> No.23509055
File: 353 KB, 483x900, 767676na-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest up!

>> No.23509056

better question ZUN Marine when?

>> No.23509057

If nayuta can become a vtuber, can senya become one too?

>> No.23509058

Why is this granny so damn cute?????

>> No.23509059
Quoted by: >>23509074

There's a part in the VR horror stream where Coco lifts her up and moves her around. She's not in great shape but I doubt she's fat.

>> No.23509061

>anyone posts anything
Cringe as hell

>> No.23509064
Quoted by: >>23509126

Go to bed underage

>> No.23509067

Mikoboat posters are best posters

>> No.23509068

Why are hololive threads so low quality compared to the /jp/ average?

>> No.23509069

People who say Koronefags are obnoxious haven't seen Mikotards posting and coping.

>> No.23509071
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, EV4XJqKUMAIDewc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's still sleeping so I'm hoping for some FF7R tonight, have a good rest

>> No.23509072


>> No.23509074

maybe coco is just ripped

>> No.23509076

Because you keep metaposting instead of trying to spark actual Hololive discussion.

>> No.23509077

Most posters here aren't native to /jp/

>> No.23509079

Haachama showed her personal calendar for a second and freaked the fuck out kek

>> No.23509081

Fuck I hate metaposters

>> No.23509082

anytime anyone tries to talk about holos here, we go through another episode of "X holos posters are so cringe/obnoxious/annoying/etc"

>> No.23509083

Did it have her period days listed?

>> No.23509085

>so low quality compared to the /jp/ average
Because you mistakenly believe a 2hu shitposting containment board is high quality.

>> No.23509086

pic or didn't happen

>> No.23509087

God, the discord leaking here was a mistake.

>> No.23509088

Mikoshits better never come back
Good riddance

>> No.23509089
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, watch?v=RHJrbsH6k6Y.0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509090
File: 2.96 MB, 256x199, washing machine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit why do I find this so endearing? I constantly post in FPH threads on /fit/ and yet I can't myself to hate this fatty.

>> No.23509091

just got matsuri hacchama and korone shirts with my Trump bux, thanks trump

>> No.23509092

Fuck off.

>> No.23509093
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1584799093301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give Flare her 3d so she can join the Hololive shorts...

>> No.23509095
Quoted by: >>23509109

/jp/'s exceptional quality wasn't forged overnight. It's a process of refinement that takes years upon years of expert shitposting. Most people here have only been here for a couple months max.

>> No.23509098

I would also freak out if everyone knew that I have no plans for the future.

>> No.23509097

This! So much this!

>> No.23509100
File: 631 KB, 799x873, Foot Souls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a stinky stream!

>> No.23509104
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, [Kyanpu] HoloLive - 1st Fes [720p NICO].ts_snapshot_01.56.00_[2020.03.30_14.13.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509105
Quoted by: >>23509110

>Miko in the schedule

>> No.23509107 [DELETED] 


>> No.23509108
Quoted by: >>23509132

Why does flare character design looks potato and good at the same time

>> No.23509109

I missed the flanfly thread...

>> No.23509110

that's just how she names her class schedule

>> No.23509111


>> No.23509112

because this board was made to be a dumpster for things that don't belong to /a/ or /int/

>> No.23509113

Haato/AZKi collab when?

>> No.23509115

Suisei and Watamefags respectively

>> No.23509117

Just give her a praying mantis 3d model and be done with it. I love my praying mantis girl!

>> No.23509119

Too late faggot they're doing in her chat you fucking idiot you can't apologize for this shit now.

>> No.23509122

Double Peko stream

>> No.23509123
File: 758 KB, 300x167, BRONER ENGAGED!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509130

>Haato just revealed her menstrual cycle live on stream.

>> No.23509124
Quoted by: >>23509137

Can confirm I've used the phrase Aging Womb at least 5 times in Marine chats.

>> No.23509125

nice haachama and mikochi english only stream soon

>> No.23509126
Quoted by: >>23509138

Depend on which thread you take standard from. If you mean idol thread then maybe, /hlg/ autism is unmatch that. If you mean other vtuber thread then you are either coping or newfag to /vy/.

>> No.23509127
Quoted by: >>23509148

Im enjoying content!

>> No.23509129

kurumi or?

>> No.23509130

Now stalker anon will know when to strike fuck

>> No.23509131


>> No.23509132

It’s the nose

>> No.23509133

what a nice day today is

>> No.23509136

You know what grind my gears about Miko? Her avatar quality being fucked. Look at the quality here for example
and then compare it to this static shit
Always stuck in the same emotions, mouth barely moves, eyes are fucked, looks frozen and stiff as shit. Her first streams had so much fucking SOUL. I'll never forgive Hololive for this.

>> No.23509137
File: 2.54 MB, 858x856, 1584775702673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't meant to go this far bros.

>> No.23509138

I'm misclick

>> No.23509140

wasn't flare supposed to get her 3d before january

>> No.23509141

Hachaama is actually organized? Ha?

>> No.23509142


>> No.23509143
Quoted by: >>23509240

I ran out of videos, good night friends good luck trying to kill each other

>> No.23509144
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, twoatonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509158

Shion yo...

>> No.23509145

April then 29 March then postponed

>> No.23509146

not elite...

>> No.23509147
Quoted by: >>23509164

that's miko's fault for not cycling to the correct emotion setting

>> No.23509148

You stop that right this instant.

>> No.23509149

>nothing at all before this time
What does she do in her free time?

>> No.23509151
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, [Kyanpu] HoloLive - 1st Fes [720p NICO].ts_snapshot_01.56.07_[2020.03.30_14.12.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509152
File: 247 KB, 800x764, 1587368498659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad Coco is banned. Now she can feel what it's like to live poor like Kanata. Hopefully this serves as a valuable lesson. I hope Coco experiences all the hardships Kanata had to go through as a child. A shitty home, bullying, eating grass, malnourishment, rape—you name it.

>> No.23509153
Quoted by: >>23509220

>Image limit is coming up fast
Just like Marine's menopause?

>> No.23509154

Marine,Suisei and Flare got their 3D delayed.Though only Flare got delayed twice.

>> No.23509155
Quoted by: >>23509247

she just changed costumes, she didn't get a new model or anything. it's on miko for not using it like she used to.

>> No.23509158

cute, saved, thank

>> No.23509159

shitpost and egosearch

>> No.23509161


>> No.23509164

Miko really stopped caring after she made it big huh

>> No.23509166

Coco #1 baby

>> No.23509167
Quoted by: >>23509238

More like a company wide schedule
didnt she also leak her IP? I want to go to her house and do things to her already

>> No.23509171

Korone does say she likes em big.

>> No.23509170

I'm glad you are still here forever anon

>> No.23509172

Oh wow, these threads has gone to shit since the last time I was following them 3 months ago...
Now that I think about it, they were even better in late 2018, huh.
The longer they go on, the shittier they become.

Oh well, I was here just to post >>23509089, I will see myself out of this, uh, "thread"?

>> No.23509174

What do people mean when they do a "..." post. What emotion are they trying to convey? Is it brain damage to post shit like that?

>> No.23509176

anon yo..

>> No.23509178


>> No.23509179

>I will see myself out of this, uh, "thread"?
Go back to discord.

>> No.23509180
Quoted by: >>23509192

What's actual Hololive discussion that's not metaposting? Chatposting?

>> No.23509181

I started doing it when an anon had an autistic meltdown about it when the threads were still one. Now I do it out of habit. Don't worry, I'm trying to stop.

>> No.23509182
Quoted by: >>23509274

Huh, so I'm not the only one who doesn't even watch anime these days because of vtubers. I guess they really make both 3D and 2D obsolete. What a time to be alive.

>> No.23509184

no one cares how you feel

>> No.23509187


>> No.23509189
Quoted by: >>23509199

>soul vs soulless posting
korone threads on /v/ being instantly deleted was a mistake after all

>> No.23509191

Miko didn't sound so ELITE then, I can actually understand her.

>> No.23509192
Quoted by: >>23509210

Pat Korone everday!

>> No.23509193

Korone killed fucking everyone...

>> No.23509195

>tfw couldn't feed myself to haachama because she'd die before I could reach her every time
it's not fair bros

>> No.23509197


all me btw

>> No.23509199

I see so they all migrated back to here

>> No.23509200
Quoted by: >>23509212

doing it unironically here signifies that the poster is a newfag or a a tourist

>> No.23509201

>entitled $5 simp

>> No.23509202

Maybe try playing with your feet

>> No.23509207

Same, I just wanted her to snuff out my pathetic life with her stinky feet. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.23509208


>> No.23509209

TWO kusagi streams today

>> No.23509210


>> No.23509212

Oh no...there's another one...

>> No.23509215
Quoted by: >>23509223

Has Coco commented on how her pussy is doing? I thought she burned it with her lazer removal tool.

>> No.23509218

No, she just used more advanced technology and had staff beside her for those pre-recorded videos. These days she's using a home setup.

>> No.23509219


>> No.23509220
File: 290 KB, 720x480, Marine-Deal-With-It.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one

>> No.23509221


>> No.23509223

Her hymen is still not intact is what she said on her Twitcast

>> No.23509226

can you send me the discord invite

>> No.23509228

Is it true Kanata is sick?

>> No.23509229

If only she had leaked something more important, it would've been just like haato to leak something big because she decided to play slither.io with her feet

>> No.23509233

No, I watched her yesterday and she was perfectly fine.

>> No.23509234

Kanata died two months ago anon, you have to let go

>> No.23509236
File: 24 KB, 112x108, pepeJAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509249

>mfw listening to Haato's new opening song

>> No.23509238
Quoted by: >>23509340

We need to Ted Bundy Haato.

>> No.23509240
Quoted by: >>23509250


>> No.23509241

Why would they hand the kid in Australia anything important?

>> No.23509244
Quoted by: >>23509277

Wonder who gave Haato the idea to play with her feet, was it YAGOO approved? Did she just decide to do it on the fly?

>> No.23509247
Quoted by: >>23509253

She got a new model together a new costume though. Not sure how you've missed it.

>> No.23509249
File: 150 KB, 1600x1068, ringing in ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have tinnitus, i hope i can enjoy it

>> No.23509250

Added to the mikoposting queue.

>> No.23509253

he doesn't watch her anon he's here just to shitpost

>> No.23509257

It's fun, I used to get upset at people doing it until I had a go with a simple Towa... post. I can't go back now...

>> No.23509258

So besides Flare, are there any other black chuubas?

>> No.23509261

I'm sorry for praising you 35p for being the friendliest people in this cord...
Seems like the spergs take notes right away...

>> No.23509262

Yes, morning sickness.

>> No.23509264
Quoted by: >>23509283


>> No.23509268
Quoted by: >>23509283

She has a brotha in holostas

>> No.23509270

She's gonna hit 270k today

>> No.23509274

I'm waiting for the day when chatbots get real enough we can hook them up to live2D and a voice synthesizer for a more personal experience. Replika is getting there but we have a long way to go.

>> No.23509276
File: 41 KB, 657x459, 1587370270965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy needs to back off. He's responding faster than Lyger and its starting to piss him off.

>> No.23509277

I feel like she really appeases her fans, and sadly most of them are pretty degen so she just said fuck it and started rolling with it. I like her connection she has with the fans but I feel like it invites some really strange people to watch her

>> No.23509282
File: 526 KB, 800x1040, 1586946152852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirate's booty

>> No.23509283

Thank you, Kings. Hopefully there will be more chuubas who are black and maybe a new hololive male group of black chuubas. God it would be amazing.

>> No.23509286

> He's responding faster than Lyger and its starting to piss him off.
Wait really? Post proof of lyger being pissed off. I need a laugh.

>> No.23509287
Quoted by: >>23509359

I'm 100% sure if she lived in Japan she would have gotten Gibara'd by now.

>> No.23509290

Don’t forget to tune it at 24:00 JST for Sensei’s ear fucking check up fellas

>> No.23509293
Quoted by: >>23509649

I can't believe korone is a fat fetishist

>> No.23509294
Quoted by: >>23509594

I dont know how these people do it. I spend 5 minutes trying to decide between 草 or かわいい.

>> No.23509295
File: 500 KB, 1066x599, 1587370471764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23509296
Quoted by: >>23509308


>> No.23509298

I want to sleep, but Pekora is always gold.

>> No.23509300

Hello, Lyger.

>> No.23509303

Post seething lyger

>> No.23509305

This guy needs to back off for his own safety
The things Lyger can do...

>> No.23509308

I want to chuu Miko

>> No.23509309

I swear she's actively trying to piss me off by using her 3D model for her thumbnails instead of the 10 trillion good fanarts she gets.

>> No.23509310

I don't really understand why anons here put Lyger on a high pedestal. His channel is mediocre at best and the only thing making known is his Matsuri stalking. Is it because he's active in discord? then rumors about discord leaking here must be true...

>> No.23509311
File: 1.54 MB, 1100x1400, 1570046247827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We seldom talk about Kanatan aside from LOL PEPE TENSHI. Why is that?

>> No.23509316

she used fanart like 3 days ago

>> No.23509317

She uses fanart for placeholder thumbnails

>> No.23509318

We do it out of consideration because we don't want to disrespect the dead.

>> No.23509320

I don't want to get attached since she'll be gone soon.

>> No.23509321
Quoted by: >>23509341

We fucking dump on Lyger, the hell you mean?

>> No.23509323
Quoted by: >>23509341

Nobody puts him on a pedestal. Most are laughing at him, not with him. He's also the main reason why EOPs infested hololive, so even more reason to hate him, ignoring his retarded opinions

>> No.23509324
File: 73 KB, 717x1021, EV8eDsCUEAEQwj8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509329

*Buster Scruggs Meme*
Towa fans: First time?

>> No.23509330
Quoted by: >>23509341

The closest thing we do to complimenting Lyger here is shitting on Lyger stalker anon.

>> No.23509331

Lost her momentum

>> No.23509333

who's she going to play with

>> No.23509335


>> No.23509337
File: 323 KB, 455x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's an anime thing, you might see
>(character name)...
after receiving a heartfelt speech or something. Although now it's probably used in a pitiful tone, like any collabs excluding Towa followed by replies of only
or all the replies to your post for lacking the critical information. Casually speaking, it could be... a pause or someone's "voice" trailing off...
Which is variable depending on the context?

>> No.23509338
Quoted by: >>23509378

She runs dualboot gentoo.

>> No.23509340
Quoted by: >>23509368

has loserbait infiltrated the homos since NSS? he meant face to face with most of the homolosers so we should get some leaked sex tapes soon right

>> No.23509341


>> No.23509343

Even though Haato isn't technically an underdog, she feels like one. Her and haatons feel especially loser-ish compared to other Holos and thats a good thing.

>> No.23509345


>> No.23509347

Haha, yeah...

>> No.23509350

Kanata gets really high quality fan art huh.

>> No.23509351

Yes, I am a regular in Kanata's streams and I see the same people superchatting and sending messages. I'm pretty sure Kanata remembers these people cause she reads their names everyday

>> No.23509352


>> No.23509353

Rean-sama, stop. Go back to /v/.

>> No.23509355
Quoted by: >>23509360

At least her model isn't as bad as Matsuri's abomination.

>> No.23509359
Quoted by: >>23509386

What happened to Gibara?

>> No.23509360
Quoted by: >>23509384

Shut the fuck up fag. Matsuri is cute.

>> No.23509365

Cute design, fake voice, fake personality

>> No.23509368

Wait, LB staffs for holo? I'm out of here, what a shit company, they're all ruined now

>> No.23509371

Top 3 fake holos
1. Kanata
2. Korone
3. Matsuri

Top 3 most genuine holos
1. Okayu
2. Haato
3. Coco

>> No.23509374


>> No.23509375
File: 85 KB, 919x648, 1587371344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The growth for 4th gen has being so stable its boring now. The 2 closet sub gaps barely change anymore.

>> No.23509376

Her name isn't PPT anymore it's 20 bells.

>> No.23509377

Yeah but Korone wants to genuinely play shitty kusoge so this is fine in my books.

>> No.23509378
Quoted by: >>23509390

Nvidia and Apple don't work together anon.

>> No.23509379

Shit-flinging warfare won't get us anywhere anon.

>> No.23509382

Replace Korone with Rushia.

>> No.23509384

I like her too but you have to admit her 3D model could be much much better

>> No.23509385
Quoted by: >>23509401

Watame has nothing that she can use to beat Kanata

>> No.23509386

Gachikoi fan found her irl address and proceeded to stalk her.

>> No.23509387

Is it really gachikoi if you stalk

>> No.23509388


Best singer coming through.

>> No.23509389

No drama and nothing to be negative about. I personally really like her.

>> No.23509390
Quoted by: >>23509393

Just make a hackintosh.

>> No.23509391
Quoted by: >>23509406

Who cares? What about Matsuri vs Haato?

>> No.23509392
Quoted by: >>23509422

Poor girl, Haato will be harder to find in Japan anon trust me

>> No.23509393
Quoted by: >>23509404

I'm sure Towa of all people would be capable of that

>> No.23509395

The fuck is that disgusting language

>> No.23509398
Quoted by: >>23509405

Are we just posting old vids now? I can understand subbed ones but

>> No.23509399
Quoted by: >>23509432



>> No.23509401

She already took out Coco, PPT is next.

>> No.23509402
Quoted by: >>23509420

You need to mention how suisei is better than her if you want to spark azki discussion anon

>> No.23509404

Towa has a 9900kf that's not OC'd. That's some high tier tech retardation.

>> No.23509405
Quoted by: >>23509417

anon it came out 5 days ago. please learn to read.

>> No.23509406

Me, I could plot out those 2 I guess. Need to add Aki as well since she will get swallowed up soon.

>> No.23509408
Quoted by: >>23509421

Korone and Rushia have the worst EOPs
I'm not going to say Haato cause that's already a given

>> No.23509411
Quoted by: >>23509437

OCing is a meme, go back /g/.

>> No.23509413

Does your name appear in here Towabros? What about twice?

>> No.23509414
Quoted by: >>23509437

she doesn't have a reason to overclock it, and it's probably safer not to. she probably just bought a prebuilt and left it at that. it's not that complicated.

>> No.23509417
Quoted by: >>23509430

Yea? That is old? Are we going to post stream archives from 5 days ago as well?

>> No.23509418

Let be honest here, she probably got a prebuilt system that doesnt have the power to OC that properly. They are thirsty fuckers that need a good mobo to take advantage of it. I've seen mine draw 220W stress testing.

>> No.23509420
Quoted by: >>23509429

Suisei's my favorite holo, but saying she's a better singer than Azki is just kinda delusional. her live yesterday was just kinda outstanding.

>> No.23509421

What about Choco though

>> No.23509422

I wonder if stalkeranon would eat her? Or perhaps pull a Ed Gein and make skin clothes from Haato's corpse?

>> No.23509423

I highly doubt any of the girls' rigs are their own, probably prebuilt and/or provided by the company. Aside from Haato's crappy laptop.

>> No.23509426

Mines on both! I feel bad since only 1 was an akasuper and the other was a measly $10

>> No.23509427

Those are all me on alt accounts.

>> No.23509428

People need to appreciate Kanata more

>> No.23509429

You'd be surprised at what people think suiseifags think
Keep on keeping on fellow suiseifag

>> No.23509430

okay, retard. take your meds.

>> No.23509431
Quoted by: >>23509455

I never really supacha, my only supacha ever was when Towa came back saying welcome back and then a membership, thats all ive wasted on the holos and its all on Towa.

>> No.23509432

Is that dog pooping on livestream?

>> No.23509435
Quoted by: >>23509453

My appreciation for her is as genuine as her personality and voice.

>> No.23509437

Not OCing a 9900k is beyond retarded. You pay a premium price because every 9900k OC's to 5ghz. Not OCing it is literally wasting money.

>> No.23509439

List of cucks.

>> No.23509440

He probably doesn't watch her. The sheer amount of spics and pinoys she attracts. Have you seen her community wall on twitcast? Imagine knowing you have that one fucker lusting over you. It must be disgusting.

>> No.23509443

So many EOP names

>> No.23509444

Choco's stream is full of EOPs but it ain't as bad as the people spamming stupid twitch memes like monkeys in Rushia's or Korone's chat

>> No.23509447

No EOP appeal

>> No.23509446
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, EV_fycSVAAAqmdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509461

>> No.23509448

Absolutely based Towabros. I'm jealous of you guys. Keep up the support, we can't let her down.

>> No.23509449

She and Watame need new gimmicks or something

>> No.23509450

What did Pekora think of Solid Snake? I know she ended up loving Big Boss.

>> No.23509452
File: 1.18 MB, 1152x2048, ERyGTzcUEAA2FVY.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy Lyger doesn't have to afraid of anyone, he's just waiting for Matsuri to accept hsi offer to build her a PC for free at her house

>> No.23509453
Quoted by: >>23509484

How is she fake? Please explain yourself immediately.

>> No.23509454

I miss coco

>> No.23509455

Nice waste of money

>> No.23509456

She used to have it. PPTrio... Now anons love Towa and Luna.

>> No.23509457
Quoted by: >>23509486

I think she's the most overdesigned holo

>> No.23509458
File: 334 KB, 392x656, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can somebody hate on Senchou when she is as based one can be?

>> No.23509459
Quoted by: >>23509462

She actually reads EOP superchats and tries her best to respond to it even if she can't understand some

>> No.23509460
Quoted by: >>23509473

Wait, you guys dont send a $5 superchat every stream saying hello? I thought that was the norm.

>> No.23509461
File: 395 KB, 2129x1500, EWB6dARUcAA1RGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chestlets fear the mountains

>> No.23509462

You need EOP appeal before you get EOP spatula

>> No.23509464

it doesn't. fucking. matter.

>> No.23509466
Quoted by: >>23509483

this image just reeks of dangerously obsessive stalker vibes

>> No.23509467

I like to badmouth her because I know she would get off to it. Even without reading this thread I hope my feelings reach her and fuel that arousal she feels

>> No.23509468

Gays who don't want to cum in her

>> No.23509471

Yes it does, retard.

>> No.23509472
Quoted by: >>23509512

They're both fine the way they are. I don't watch much Watame but her Tetris streams are fun. Kanata's streams are always fun no matter what she plays because she can make it entertaining by talking a lot

>> No.23509473

Disgusting, spend $20 every time and come back to talk to me.

>> No.23509474
Quoted by: >>23509487

in what way would it make a difference in anything she's doing. explain or shut the fuck up.

>> No.23509475
Quoted by: >>23509482

What's stopping Lyger from just kidnapping Matsuri?

>> No.23509477

How come I rarely see him superchat large amounts but he has all these merch?

>> No.23509479
Quoted by: >>23509506

I'd assume her motherboard does auto-OC'ing, that or turbo boost is enabled. Minecraft just displays the base clock speed of the CPU and not the current one

>> No.23509480

Its pretty much pointless right now. Nothing hits 8 cores hard enough to justify it and you still get 5ghz on 1, you'd be surprised how much stuff still doesnt use multithreading properly. I have mine running stock just to keep the temps down in my room, its a waste of power until software catches up and can fully use it.

>> No.23509481


>> No.23509482

borders and I assume money

>> No.23509483

And you didn't see his cards collection yet

>> No.23509485

Never touch a PC anon, you're retarded.

>> No.23509484
Quoted by: >>23509496

A lot of her behaviors are very obviously scripted and her singing voice is deep in stark contrast to her high pitched cute speaking voice. The stiff fakeness stands out a lot compared to the other holos who have either let themselves go at least a bit or are extremely good at acting.

>> No.23509486

Her model's colors are so weird imo
she looks very plastic-y in texture

>> No.23509487
Quoted by: >>23509498

Go outside and burn $100. Come back and tell me it didn't matter

>> No.23509490

Because it's pointless to send in a large amount of superchat and it's a huge waste of money

>> No.23509495

Me on the 2nd one.

>> No.23509496
Quoted by: >>23509551

She's just really good at changing her voice, how is that fake? By this logic, are you saying all voice actors are fake?

>> No.23509497

lyger is living in Japan right now tho.

>> No.23509498

I've been building my own pc for the past decade, fuck right off.

she's buying a prebuilt pc, she's already paying way more for parts by default.

>> No.23509499
Quoted by: >>23509508

>OCing is dangerous and will break your PC
this isn't the early 90s anymore, grampa

>> No.23509504
Quoted by: >>23509509

>borders and I assume money
Dude lives in Japan. I can only assume he’s just waiting for her to retire before he kidnaps her.

>> No.23509505
Quoted by: >>23509513

Matsuri is sexually frustrated. Lyger wants Matsuri to bear his children. Sounds like s good match.

>> No.23509506

It would be the turbo boost, all the OCing is done through that, out of the box they are set to do 4.7 across 8.

>> No.23509507
Quoted by: >>23509525

Okay, it's your turn to explain how overspending justifies more overspending

>> No.23509508

Zoomer? Are you a Towa fan?

>> No.23509509

Really? I didn't know that. Well then I guess it is just a matter of time

>> No.23509510
Quoted by: >>23509515

It's real?

>> No.23509512
Quoted by: >>23509529

B-but, growth anon! Growth! Faster better! Mix it up! Find it!

>> No.23509513

Best match! Like Kamen Rider Dildo

>> No.23509515
Quoted by: >>23509570

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.23509518

>I've been building my own pc for the past decade
Well that's terrifying.

Paying $400+ for a processor and running it like a $300 processor is just wrong. How you can't understand this makes you stupid.

>> No.23509520

OCing above the use-case hurts longevity and is pretty retarded when you can just OC when the use-case deems it necessary desu

>> No.23509525
Quoted by: >>23509569

I don't have to justify anything, Towa buying a prebuilt that's not default overclocked is dumb, but it's better than her trying to overclock it and constantly bluescreening because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing, and the benefits of it are not going to help her in pretty much any way.

>> No.23509526

I'm really coming around to Kanata lately. I wasn't too interested in her early on but she's easily my favourite 4th right now and I think she'll start overtaking some older girls soon.

>> No.23509529

They've literally been doing this Vtuber thing for a few months and are doing so much better than most of the other livers...

>> No.23509530

Do you even need to overclock nowadays?

>> No.23509531

because superchat is burning money by giving it to google which you shouldn't do unless you are an actual oil prince like あんず

>> No.23509532

dat picture frame... that's some dedication alright.

>> No.23509534

What is the peko intro song saying? Ninja?

>> No.23509537
Quoted by: >>23509561

No English replies to the tweet tho

>> No.23509538
Quoted by: >>23509548

I feel Watame lost something once she actually fixed her internet.

>> No.23509540

Towa probably doesn't even know what overclocking is and bought that CPU because it was the best available. Knowing her if she ever even learns how to overclock she's going to set it at some ridiculous clock speed and melt her PC anyway.

>> No.23509542

Yes, Pekora's full name is Hattori Uso da Pekora.

>> No.23509543

Anon, a 9900k is literally built to be able to handle 5ghz. OCing the cpu does nothing to the longevity when it comes to the 9900k.

>> No.23509545
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 1576038844412.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509697

Watch this adorable ponkotsu play slither.io pls

>> No.23509546
Quoted by: >>23509557

it's funny how you think it matters at all. she bought a prebuilt, and she doesn't have the know how to overclock it, and she fucking shouldn't because getting bad silicon can cause random bluescreens if you don't know how to set it up properly. I'm not even sure why we're even discussing this because 9900KF comes with turbo boost anyway, meaning it'll overclock itself if it needs to, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

>> No.23509548

But thats not a sustainable gimmick. Her singing is good and the janken stuff too. Don't know about her Ark shit. She's doing fine.

>> No.23509549

its carrot

>> No.23509550

Not unless you're an autist who doesn't know how modern computers work. Just enable XMP and let the CPU do its thing.

>> No.23509551

Because they're playing a character, and singing voice tends to be closer in pitch to natural voice due to the strain making it harder to fake. I'm supposed to believe that a cute little tenshi is actually naturally deep voiced? She should either be singing closer to her speaking voice or they should've given her a more mature avatar to match her singing voice, or an avatar that works well with her wide range.

>> No.23509553

Why does Choco always stream in her sub account?

>> No.23509554

I overcock to Marine everyday

>> No.23509556

Really, I find this obsession with hating lyger adorable. It seems most people here are extremely jealous of him and honestly why wouldn't they be.

He is able to directly talk with his chuuba... And you? You can't. He lives in Japan, and you will most likely never go there. He has amazing understanding of the Japanese language and is even able to teach people, while you're probably still stuck on Genki 1. He was the first to popularize vtubers to a broad audience. He was partially responsible for some issues, but also the spearhead in fixing the issues and even getting a lot of unrelated chuubas better conditions with Youtube. And all you did was shitpost in these threads. He has lots of amazing merchandise and supports his favorite girl, while you're just a leech that does more harm than good. He worked on multiple games, VNs and even anime for translations and adaptations, while you...Well, you get the picture.

So I get it. I get your impotent rage and being angry at someone who has everything you wish you could. It's cute, really. So keep posting your "lyger LOOOL" or "grrr I hate lyger" and i'm sure he will continue to be awesome and will most likely eventually get to meet the VA of Matsuri for some coffee. He probably already did, but respects her privacy and doesn't flaunt it.

>> No.23509557

meant for>>23509518

>> No.23509558
Quoted by: >>23509614


>> No.23509559

I kinda worry for Haato sometimes
Like the other anons here I think she's trying too hard to appease her degenerate fanbase
She should relax a bit, her tweets also feel like she's asking for attention

>> No.23509560

again, this isn't the 90s
the CPUs are built to be OC'd
you're more likely to be due for an upgrade on your pc again before an overclocked CPU dies

>> No.23509561
Quoted by: >>23509572

They're probably asleep. I know I'm not commenting because I don't want to out myself.

>> No.23509564

I'm sure she'll sort herself out when quarantine ends and she gets to meet her family and co-workers again.

>> No.23509565

kys lyger

>> No.23509569
Quoted by: >>23509592

You didn't have to make an assertion either, but you did and now you should explain it or just stop posting. The original post only said she was retarded, why argue if you agree? Grow a brain

>> No.23509570

them actually using it and not the superchats
I thought it was an engrish meme

>> No.23509571
Quoted by: >>23509576

I wish I'd Supacha'd then. I normally supacha on every stream of hers but for some raisin I just didn't that night.

>> No.23509572

Just comment in Japanese like all the other normal non-Japanese fans. I mean...you DO know how to communicate in Japanese, right?

>> No.23509573
File: 161 KB, 274x280, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509576

Don't sweat it, that hoe ain't loyal

>> No.23509577

I have an english following on Twitter, anon.

>> No.23509578
Quoted by: >>23509619

Then you've obviously never heard her sing in her karaoke streams, or her 2 covers. Her Uma to Shika is higher than 4/20.

>> No.23509580


>> No.23509583

It's not flagged as an ASMR channel so it shows up in recommended better

>> No.23509582
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1587188384841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509584
Quoted by: >>23509615

Intel blows so its pointless to even argue about overclocking.

Shelly Burgundy from niji is the only chuuba that knows PCs and that's why he uses a Ryzen 3900x, which shits all over Intel.

>> No.23509586
Quoted by: >>23509591

She's a nice dumb girl but I think she's been making a couple more mistakes than usual lately
Hopefully she gets to clean herself up

>> No.23509587


>> No.23509589
Quoted by: >>23509616

Is Haato really that lonely

>> No.23509591

She did it again, didn't get the game installed in time now playing a shitty phone app


>> No.23509592


>> No.23509593

saved to repost at an opportune moment

>> No.23509594

I don't normally respond but I have notifications on for all tweets for a few vtubers I like the most. So usually I see their tweets within a minute.

>> No.23509595
Quoted by: >>23509606

Superchat and ask her

>> No.23509596

Not gonna lie, former Coco supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Coco crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this gal get the Holohouse keys.

>> No.23509597
Quoted by: >>23509612

Do not NTR the rabbit.

>> No.23509599

Why did you stop?

>> No.23509602

I only got into chuubas because of him anyway. I used to respect him back in 2011-2014 when he used to fansub anime. He was one of the best translators at that time. Ever since I found out his obsessive tendencies toward Matsuri I lost all respect I had for him.

>> No.23509603
Quoted by: >>23509609

I feel like she's getting more into streaming and boosting her channel compared to before

>> No.23509604

I worry because she's such a clutz she might leak some very private information about herself or possibly other members.

>> No.23509605
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, 1587082348121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean but did you have to compose several paragraphs defending by sounding like a cockholster for Lyger?

>> No.23509606

I live in a third world country anon, you think I have money for that?

>> No.23509607

I can't help but imagining you rage because someone didn't squeezethe last drop of a lemon, it would almost be funny if it wasn't pathetic.

>> No.23509609

I get that, I'm probably just overthinking it. Just hope the chaama does well

>> No.23509611

I don't talk about holos I like. Why would you throw somebody you like in a lion's den?

>> No.23509612

Pekora is literally the perfect villain. Wildly swinging from begging them to let her have the carrot to mocking them for failing to steal it from her.

Heh idiot!

>> No.23509613


>> No.23509614
File: 99 KB, 1000x562, 500297-zama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509615

Look at this PCchad.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 3900x
GPU: GeForce RTX2080Ti
Memory: 32GB(8GBx4)
Storage: M.2 SSD 1TB

>> No.23509616
Quoted by: >>23509628

I'd be too in her shoes. Stuck in motherfucking Australia almost alone and no nice laptop or network to join in with your peers even though you have rich parents and certainly earn more than 90% of girls your age.
But when it comes down to it I don't think Haato gets enough credit. I think she's smarter than people think and she's pretty high spec. She's just young and irresponsible.

>> No.23509617
Quoted by: >>23509637

Only in this case the lemon is a futuristic super lemon that's smart enough to auto squeeze the last drops out of itself anyhow without any input from you.

That is a pretty funny analogy though.

>> No.23509618
Quoted by: >>23509738

Holy fuck im so hard right now

>> No.23509619

I only listened to her cover that got 1m views. But my point still stands. It's true that she has a wide range, but her avatar is only fitting for high pitched voices, so it looks weird when she's singing seriously in a deep voice.

>> No.23509621


>> No.23509623

I don't get the hate for this dude? He's like every other fan, except he actually contributes something to the community and he can actually talk with his favorite Vtuber.

>> No.23509627

Dude who cares about fucking japan shit he's a loser anyway lmao

>> No.23509628

mmmm to be in haato's shoes

>> No.23509632
Quoted by: >>23509661

If that's your reasoning you're speaking out of ignorance. She has a very wide range, but if you watch her singing streams, she usually sings in the upper ranges, and she's said that those are more comfortable for her.

>> No.23509633

You forgot to say that his favorite chuuba is following him on twitter

>> No.23509634

Is youtube shitting itself again?

>> No.23509635

What's your opinion of Towa and her singing voice? I've learnt that the design doesn't matter at all when it comes to voices, and eventually you just grow accustomed to the gap.

>> No.23509637 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23509668

Fuck off, you stupid niggers. Go to /g/.

>> No.23509642
Quoted by: >>23509653

Towa's voice completely doesn't match her avatar and it prevents me from being completely immersed in her.

>> No.23509643

Yeah can't even start loading Pekora so I'm stuck with haachama

>> No.23509645

Yes, I can't watch Pekora's stream because it keeps buffering. I'm going to kill myself if this happens during her MGS 2 playthrough.

>> No.23509648

based pekora btfoing EOPs with japanese language based games

>> No.23509649

I wonder if they're really not that close anymore. They had a great dynamic even if they were obviously playing it up for the audience.

>> No.23509650


>> No.23509653
Quoted by: >>23509662

How about singing?

>> No.23509656

korone got way too touchy

>> No.23509657

Absolutely based. Will be saving this. Great copypasta.

>> No.23509659

I'm doing it tonight if Miko doesn't stream FF7R

>> No.23509660
Quoted by: >>23509677

So what you're saying is because she can do a deeper voice, she's fake? I'm pretty sure her real voice is actually closer to her high pitch cutesy voice. She really only does the deep voice when she's doing her ikemen voice. Even in singing, she mostly sings in high pitch.

>> No.23509661

Pls andastd, her ears can't cope all her voice ranges...

>> No.23509662

It's good, but still.

>> No.23509663

>Haachama's stream is already over
wtf happened

>> No.23509664

Okayu likes to tease and loves it when girls are cold and distant to her. Korone acts the opposite.

>> No.23509665

Honestly Towa being doxxed made me appreciate her more.

>> No.23509668

so mad you can't even defend yourself anymore. grow up.

>> No.23509669

Haachama tier preparation

>> No.23509670

she realized the app was stupid

>> No.23509671

it can only be fun for long to play with your feet.

>> No.23509672


Please come back

>> No.23509674
Quoted by: >>23509683

They literally just released a cover together

>> No.23509676

Did she actually end it or was it Australian internet'd

>> No.23509677
Quoted by: >>23509751

I said a few posts ago that it's also her obvious fake scripted behaviors/gags sometimes. Mismatched voice itself isn't enough for me to call a holo fake, in fact personality is the biggest driver. I just get the impression that she's bad at ad libbing or she's just nervous and therefore comes across as fake.

>> No.23509680

cuz Ao Oni isn't actually scary, also the app was shit. And also she has another stream coming up in 30 minutes.

>> No.23509681

I checked out some stuff for a few minutes but when I tuned back in it was just Haachama saying Otsurouge

>> No.23509683
Quoted by: >>23509694

Anybody can get into a booth, sing a duet and go home. Where are my comfy collabs?

>> No.23509682

she ended it

>> No.23509684
File: 863 KB, 1283x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509686


>> No.23509685
File: 56 KB, 1920x1080, EWCWSdBUMAcWxgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509686
Quoted by: >>23509691

The stream lags for me too. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.23509687


>> No.23509688

Quick, someone send this to lyger on his twitter or post it on the discord!

>> No.23509689


>> No.23509690

Peko yo...

>> No.23509691

It's lagging for everyone. Youtube is gay

>> No.23509693

Roboco imitating pekora is cute!

>> No.23509694

They collabed like 2 weeks ago for their anniversary. Okayu and Korone don't collab that much with anyone anyway so this is already good.

>> No.23509695

Eagerly awaiting pummel party for Haato

>> No.23509696

I love her voice, deep japanese singers makes my ears so happy. Put some more power behind it and we have another Stack.

>> No.23509697

sorry my viewership is exclusively for 2d women

>> No.23509698

>MC: Fubuki
She really works hard for Hololive

>> No.23509704

Wheres the green text bro

>> No.23509706

People aren't happy unless they collab once a week. It's an autism thing.

They talked about doing a collab once or twice a month during their last session.

>> No.23509713
Quoted by: >>23509722

Okakoro zombies...

>> No.23509722
Quoted by: >>23509739

If anything stands a chance at ruining their friendship, it's the zombies. Imagine if people bothered you every time they thought you weren't talking to your friend enough.

>> No.23509727

he's working on it

>> No.23509728

Izuru is not my favorite Holostar but he has my favorite voice out of every Holostars

>> No.23509730

Jeez, it's already pretty rare for them to collab with others (especially Korone) and people still want them to collab with each other every week. People gotta stop this shit.

>> No.23509736

My FBK x Matsuri tho...

>> No.23509737
Quoted by: >>23509786

When is he going to drag the rest of tano*c into this. I need some speedcore with Miko samples.

>> No.23509738

Faking it

>> No.23509739

I love the content they do during Okakoro, but thats my worry as well. People are fanatics and will end up destroying what they supposedly love. Id be okay if they didnt do okakoro stuff for a few months on purpose and just stuck with personal irl time.

>> No.23509741
Quoted by: >>23509754

Anons who mostly watch clips and think they're almost always together.

>> No.23509742
Quoted by: >>23509791

I wish this was about twice as long. I love the duck so much.

>> No.23509743

No, we don't

>> No.23509746

Does nobody care about a big hololive online event being announced or is it just that they can't read it?

>> No.23509747

Saving this to repost after Matsuri's graduation.

>> No.23509748

Both are correct.

>> No.23509750

I'm thinking it's the latter

>> No.23509751

>she's bad at ad libbing
She literally did a chat stream for 1 hour where she talked non-stop about different topics while also responding to chat. She's also done a 3 hour superchat reading before, you can't prepare for that shit so how is she bad at ad libbing.

>fake scripted behaviors/gags
Can you give me examples here? I watch her all the time and I can't really tell what you mean here.

>> No.23509753

Nobody cares.

>> No.23509754

EOPs runing everything once again

>> No.23509755

Eh, its just gonna be a day of streams. Not much to say until more details pop up.

>> No.23509757


>> No.23509758

Because the full detail will only be revealed tomorrow you goon

>> No.23509760

I can't fucking read it, translate please.

>> No.23509763

yet another day of not rewatching

>> No.23509764

Has Rushia done an APEX collab with Roboco or Towa?

>> No.23509765

Thanks for the daily reminder to watch this, I cant believe how quickly it hit 3 million views

>> No.23509768

Rushia and Haato should do an APEX collab

>> No.23509769

Is there atleast a single chuuba thats a virgin and not used goods?

>> No.23509770

Rushia doesnt associate with the lower bitches

>> No.23509772
File: 95 KB, 793x1024, 1575906371931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is [つけてね ] ?

>> No.23509774

Roboco is pretty cute.

>> No.23509775

All of them except for your favourite

>> No.23509779
Quoted by: >>23509783


>> No.23509783


>> No.23509785
Quoted by: >>23509790

There are 3 million EOPs. Let that sink in.

>> No.23509786

Only he and Morimori seems to be into Vtubers.

But getting Tano*C involved would be his best move. Maybe get otoge DJs, VocaloidPs, and Touhou music circles to be involved.

>> No.23509787
Quoted by: >>23509794

Aqua. She's just too pure for this world

>> No.23509789
Quoted by: >>23509797

Shion is doing a loli stream?
How is that going to work

>> No.23509790

you're obsessed

>> No.23509791
File: 429 KB, 512x727, subaruear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ears get so long when she turns to her side. Why rig them like that? I don't think it happens with any of her other rigs.

>> No.23509793

What do you want us to say? What we hope they will do? The Holos we're anticipating to do shit? The hashtag shit?

>> No.23509794
File: 210 KB, 387x362, 1586843852110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got smashed so no

>> No.23509795

>suisei puts a ton of effort into creating an original song and mv, gets 1m views after a year
>fubuki puts up a 1 minute clip of singing gibberish, gets 1m views after a few months
I wonder how Suisei feels about this.

>> No.23509797

She's not a loli normally.

>> No.23509803

Literally nothing. Stop trying to start drama lmao

>> No.23509804

Hopefully she now knows her place.

>> No.23509806

She's a smart girl who realizes views aren't a just a function of quality

>> No.23509809
Quoted by: >>23509824

She's probably proud of her senpais and will try to work hard to be like them instead of being spiteful and talking shit behind their backs like a certain sh**p

>> No.23509810

Life isn't fair so shut the fuck up already.

>> No.23509812
Quoted by: >>23509835

Because FBK is the iscatoman

>> No.23509816
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, cute robo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23509817
File: 536 KB, 1125x1167, 0588EE4F-69D7-41A3-8C1D-C2DADF0592F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she’s gone bros, she’s gone...

>> No.23509818

Happy for herself for getting 1m views on one of her songs and happy for her senpai for getting 1m views too?

>> No.23509822
Quoted by: >>23509827

Roboco is kinda cute bros..

>> No.23509824


>> No.23509825

Why does Veradis-kun get to be so lucky

>> No.23509827

She needs to wear pants tho

>> No.23509830
File: 258 KB, 613x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't she start her stream on time

>> No.23509832


>> No.23509833

Roboco has to be the most underrated holo

>> No.23509835

I still sometimes see a random scatman comment in the chat of other chuubas

>> No.23509836

Roboco is cute english

>> No.23509838

What about PPT who got 1m on her cover after 3 months?

>> No.23509839
File: 79 KB, 335x989, 1582148921549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're queer aren't you?

>> No.23509841
Quoted by: >>23509846

Lurk more

>> No.23509842
Quoted by: >>23509846


>> No.23509844

delet this

>> No.23509845

Shut up anon.

>> No.23509846

Noooooo how can this be?!

>> No.23509847
Quoted by: >>23509953

That was so cute.

>> No.23509848

Luna playing Haato's game.

>> No.23509849

pants are always optional

>> No.23509850
Quoted by: >>23509961

>mozambique here

>> No.23509854
File: 200 KB, 1000x1000, Kanata dab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509855

Who wears pants at home?

>> No.23509857
File: 1.35 MB, 990x1400, EWCTVQ6WsAEi6BM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23509859

Suisei and Kanata are nice to each other. I don't think there's any reason why Suisei would feel anything but pride and happiness for her senpais and peers

>> No.23509862

>retards think everything is a competion
literally all represent Hololive.

>> No.23509863
File: 228 KB, 990x1400, EWCTXJGXgAEXvmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509880

>> No.23509864


>> No.23509865

didn't even last 5 minutes, you can't emulate the haato

>> No.23509867

Sorry guys maybe my taste in music is bad or I can't appreciate AZKi voice enough but I can't see how https://youtu.be/GisIR4IfPHg?t=1955 is superior to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KJwEA-O-fI

>> No.23509868

Noel has THE best design out of any other chuuba imo.

>> No.23509869
Quoted by: >>23509878


>> No.23509873

I just realised how retarded Haato's hair is from the back.

>> No.23509875
Quoted by: >>23509953

Towa is so good at aiming

>> No.23509877
Quoted by: >>23509947

stop trying to start arguments

>> No.23509878
Quoted by: >>23509906

she can't be mommy if she's a complete and utter DT anon

>> No.23509880


>> No.23509882
Quoted by: >>23509908


>> No.23509883

Not with that disgusting mole.

>> No.23509885

I disagree but I don't want to provide evidence to support my argument because it'll only start shitposting

>> No.23509886

Can't really watch him since he hasn't streamed in a while but he's by far my favourite holostar along with Roberu and Aruran.

>> No.23509888
Quoted by: >>23509927

Mommy Mio has the cleanest and best design.

>> No.23509890

Does Watame a version of her model without the harp?

>> No.23509894

New Luna link

>> No.23509898

>"gomi aimu"
towa bully

>> No.23509899
File: 45 KB, 357x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Luna is done for..

>> No.23509900

What does the PP in PPT mean?

>> No.23509901

Korone has the best design. Fukahire is god.

>> No.23509902

hopefully this will teach her to reflect on her bitchy attitude

>> No.23509905
Quoted by: >>23509929

She training under Towa's wing

>> No.23509906


>> No.23509907
Quoted by: >>23509911

It's a new stream that she just started because the previous one had some problem.

>> No.23509908
Quoted by: >>23509925

Okay I’ll admit, Marine’s my second favourite. Imagine slightly chewing on her belly...

>> No.23509909
Quoted by: >>23509937

Why is Haato's retardation only increases her sex appeal?

>> No.23509911

Yeah, the problem seems to be the one streaming

>> No.23509912


>> No.23509913


>> No.23509915
Quoted by: >>23509953

You're right I like Roboco's english voice. I can only tell from their english voice. Some holos sound strange in english.

>> No.23509916

gd b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.23509917

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J56b2-PQ4xo Whats with the bit with Sora in it?

>> No.23509918

I was gonna ask what was up with all the blatant shitposting and baiting at what should be prime hours but then I saw the schedule.
Still come on guys you are better than this.

>> No.23509920

Why do people say Suisei is bitchy?

>> No.23509921
Quoted by: >>23509928

>comparing a short clip you can loop 10 times in 10 minutes
>to a full song you can only repeat twice on the same time frame
This is normal for shorter videos.

>> No.23509925

Imagine grabbing onto those love handles as you take her from behind.

>> No.23509927
File: 694 KB, 661x1006, miocasual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The default outfit isn't all that good, but i'm glad she mainly uses her casual ones. They have absolute supreme designs, when it comes to her whole character. I want a hoodie like the one she has.

>> No.23509928

Replaying adds a view count now?

>> No.23509929
Quoted by: >>23509951

Rushia and Towa would be a good pairing

>> No.23509932

Because she is? Apply yourself

>> No.23509934
Quoted by: >>23510180

It's easy bait, stop replying to it like I'll stop replying to your similarly easy bait

>> No.23509936
Quoted by: >>23509969

I'd legit wear this in public.

>> No.23509937

who could be behind this post

>> No.23509939
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 78856013_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bait

>> No.23509941
File: 1.02 MB, 1684x1191, 80934108_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23509944

It's cute when Noel tries to be sexy and then admits she doesn't know if it's sexy or not because she's a complete virgin

>> No.23509945

FBK's design is good but her model suuucks

>> No.23509947

Just wanted to see the opinions of experts since they've put so many detail about how Azki's godlike singing skill is superior to Suisei's in the previous thread.

>> No.23509951

The amount of menhera emitted will be too much to handle

>> No.23509952

Its okay anon

people like what the like and taste is subjective

also shut the fuck up you have shit taste

>> No.23509953

She's effortlessly cute. I wish the world would know.

Her roommate plays a lot of FPS games so it's no surprise she is good too compared to others.

It's hard to "fake" a voice while your head is translating one language to another.

>> No.23509954
Quoted by: >>23509972

I have a feeling veradis was stalker anon and they actually meant up which is why she almost exclusively retweets him

>> No.23509956
File: 138 KB, 1400x876, EWCR1lTUEAA7Zmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509966

>> No.23509961
Quoted by: >>23509995

where was that said, I must have missed it

>> No.23509964
File: 774 KB, 1466x2050, EWCia90UYAEE4VS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakurs Coco

>> No.23509965
File: 202 KB, 503x512, 1587076310929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23509984

Pawa Pointo

>> No.23509966

Christ, the thumbnail makes it look like she's wearing yellow bikini bottom piece.
I was disappointed opening that.

>> No.23509969

Same. A lot of the clothing merch being sold is nice, but none of it is something i'd want to wear. That hoodie i'd put on often. The jacket that they do sell isn't too bad either, but it's nowhere near as good looking.

>> No.23509972
Quoted by: >>23509986

Nah, stalker anon was an EOP Bogan

>> No.23509973

Luna has 3.3k viewers, more than usual. Why do people like watching this game?

>> No.23509974


>> No.23509976


>> No.23509977
Quoted by: >>23509984

Pgo Pback

>> No.23509979
Quoted by: >>23509988

Go back to r e d d i t

>> No.23509980

The reactions

>> No.23509982
File: 1.12 MB, 1792x624, gen3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed Peko and Noel used Twitter banners that featured all members of their generation and checked the rest. Only Marine doesn't do the same thing

>> No.23509983

If hololive puts this hoodie on sale, it would be the first merch I ever buy from them and I would buy 3 of them.

>> No.23509984

Wrong, it means perfect pitch!

>> No.23509985

luna can't even pass tree

>> No.23509986
Quoted by: >>23510008

Veradas isnt a nip anon

>> No.23509988


>> No.23509989

There's a reason a bunch of youtubers/streamers have played it.

>> No.23509990
Quoted by: >>23510019

Has anyone seen this yet?

>> No.23509991

Senchou knows that she is too much of a slut to be with the others

>> No.23509993

Self centered granny

>> No.23509994

There can only be one captain on the ship.

>> No.23509995
Quoted by: >>23510078


>> No.23509996

i think people bored of the usual game they play (arc, ff7r, etc). so this kind of game kinda refreshing

>> No.23509997

What a bitch. Marine hates other members of her gen

>> No.23509999

Playful Pet

>> No.23509998

Marine's the star of 3rd gen after all

>> No.23510005
File: 2.66 MB, 640x358, All is fair in love and war.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23510015

>> No.23510007

Coco-as-Miko being written "みコ" is cute.

>> No.23510008
Quoted by: >>23510120

Yeah but he's also not an EOP clearly you stupid fuck learn to read ffs

>> No.23510015
File: 64 KB, 167x201, mount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23510016

does it matter?

secondly, is it even valid to infer that because of this she hates the other 3rd gens

i fucking hate this board stop stirring shit up based off of absolutely nothing

>> No.23510019

I have. The channel has archives of Suisei's radio thing as well as Nijistuff (Lize AND Lulu together).

>> No.23510020
File: 150 KB, 755x434, chrome_2020-04-20_17-29-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats for being known on facebook.

>> No.23510023

This is how you know whoever wrote this did it with the intent of spreading it on the fucking discord

>> No.23510024
Quoted by: >>23510046

Nice. I'm glad people liked my words and agree with it.

>> No.23510026

>using fb

>> No.23510027


>> No.23510030

nobody cares. fuck off

>> No.23510031

We did it Reddit!

>> No.23510034

i bet the one who wrote that lyger himself pretending to be not lyger

>> No.23510035

Can't believe they're still using clown emojis

>> No.23510036
Quoted by: >>23510043

Solo L4D...

>> No.23510042

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Ak7EUjMQ8 11 days guys 11 days

>> No.23510043

Like really, who the fuck plays L4D2 solo? Couldn't she have just invited some viewers?

>> No.23510044

Oh she actually played L4D? A reason to watch her??

>> No.23510045

Watching one of haachama's early videos, it's like a completely different person

>> No.23510046

theyre laughing at you

theyre laughing and you're taking it as praise

>> No.23510049
Quoted by: >>23510064

i don't have a friend, so i solo it...

>> No.23510050

This but Mio.

>> No.23510052

Did this meme FB group post the Coco pepe edit as well?

>> No.23510056
Quoted by: >>23510064

literally everyone and their mom played l4d in SEA

>> No.23510057

Translate if weeb.

>> No.23510059

>risking a ban on randoms
some servers/hosts spray some loli shit bro really caught me by surprise i'm not even being toxic.

>> No.23510061

I played it solo because my friends are too retarded to not rush ahead alone and get us all killed

>> No.23510064

I meant on stream but OK
all my friends dont play it anymore so me too

>> No.23510065
File: 62 KB, 433x253, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon Luna will be more popular than Haachama.

>> No.23510066

Shouldn't be doing viewer streams that early in your career

>> No.23510069
Quoted by: >>23510086

It was pretty boring as expected of Moona.
But I hope it leads to her collabing with the other two and maybe spreading to main branch

>> No.23510070
File: 1.25 MB, 1806x1867, hololivebanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like they're forced to, only a couple others do.

>> No.23510071

Luna can play around with Towa. Haachama's got a festival to crash.

>> No.23510072

Wow they're all so cute. Follow all five of them.

>> No.23510076

On SEA server/region? A death sentence.

>> No.23510077

Im just saving that Haato stream for after I've done enough reps

>> No.23510078

Oh that's why I didn't catch it. I saw Towa die and was wondering why she died with how great her aim is.

>> No.23510081

Why did she do it? Why did she doxx the ayylien? Did the Squirrel tell her to do it? I bet it was the squirrel who told her to do it.

>> No.23510080

aki's is cute

>> No.23510083

senchou is funny, so it's alright, 3rd gen best gen

>> No.23510085


>> No.23510086
Quoted by: >>23510101

>spreading to main branch
Doubt it. How often does JP collab with China?

>> No.23510087
Quoted by: >>23510533

Korone's fat fucking tits!

>> No.23510088

how the fuck luna has 4k viewers? isnt she usually averaging 1-2k?

>> No.23510089
File: 427 KB, 577x667, 1564826426703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luna has almost 5k viewers
is it finally her time to shine?

>> No.23510090
Quoted by: >>23510103

Choco is the only one to show eveyone possible. How based is she?

>> No.23510095

Subaru banner best banner.

>> No.23510097

What is that Kanata header lmao

>> No.23510098

Matsuri's orange sea feels good to look at

>> No.23510101
Quoted by: >>23510121

Haato and Civia collabed like a week ago. the main issue is them not being able to speak a common language. SEA can speak japanese, so a collab between them is more likely than with CN

>> No.23510102
Quoted by: >>23510533

Always knew Korone was a slut!

>> No.23510103
Quoted by: >>23510123

As based as Roboco's.

>> No.23510106

finally luna's reign is at hand lunabros, let's push our favorite princess so she can reach new heights and beat the footfag degenerate.

>> No.23510107

Is Luna sandbagging again?

>> No.23510113

Why is Gen 2 so disbanded

>> No.23510114

kino is what it is

>> No.23510116

How new?

>> No.23510118

because Aqua is gen 2 queen.

>> No.23510120
Quoted by: >>23510123

You are still an EOP if you are using google translate

>> No.23510121

How do I watch the archive of their english AC collab?

>> No.23510122

It's cute that Luna is shouting Haachama while playing this game.

>> No.23510123

based, shame she's so underrated
but he's using a language that isn't English?

>> No.23510124
Quoted by: >>23510134

you have to navigate the nightmare that is bilibili. it should be on civia's channel

>> No.23510126
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584470038030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23510127
Quoted by: >>23510162

Why does Akirose have the mail icon

>> No.23510128
File: 16 KB, 780x89, jealous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fucks ever think on how you make other people feel with your "shitposting"?
Newsflash, there's a real person behind the screen and when you talks nonsense constantly it does hurt them. Imagine attacking the person who does so much for the community.

>> No.23510129

Ayame's a failure who couldn't bring her fellow F A M S member and manji-gumi members together. Choco also doesn't really match up with any of them.

>> No.23510132

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kQ2GtvDV3s daily dose

>> No.23510133

Oh no poor stalker feels bad, why should I care?

>> No.23510134
Quoted by: >>23510151

I tried looking for Aqua's past shit on there and couldn't find it. Do you have a link to Civia's guide on how to use bilibili?

>> No.23510136
Quoted by: >>23510145

until now nobody knows what fbk want to deliver in that banner

>> No.23510137

where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.23510138

maybe pick someone else to defend, dude is creepy as fuck and deserves every bit of criticism he receives. fuck off.

>> No.23510141

I miss Coco

>> No.23510143

nice try lyger

>> No.23510144



>> No.23510145

FBK is just minimalistic aesthetic.

>> No.23510146

Gotta have your critics

>> No.23510147

Woa 4chan stop calling Lyger names.

>> No.23510149

The gen 2 banners tell a story.

>> No.23510150
Quoted by: >>23510156


>> No.23510151

it's here

>> No.23510153

Towa used to have one with her other 4th gens aswell although she changed it recently.

>> No.23510156


>> No.23510157

I really like Subaru's and Okayu's banners. And Kanata is actually using that one, amazing.

>> No.23510158
Quoted by: >>23510168

why did no one tell me hachaama was in her greatest outfit

>> No.23510160
File: 6 KB, 128x162, 1572452164080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a problem with the Matsuri stalker, I'm not gonna suck your dick though because you translate her stuff.

>> No.23510161

4mn before the end of April doesn't seem possible

>> No.23510162

Think that means her Direct Messages are open.

>> No.23510163

stop bully lyger...he did nothing wrong...he just want to show his love to matsuri...

>> No.23510164

fuck off lyger.

>> No.23510165

He isn't the creepiest out there and it's spergkuns crossboarder army constantly bringing it up every thread to shitpost, the split was the worse possible decision made here

>> No.23510168

Did she put on the pig face again?

>> No.23510169
Quoted by: >>23510184

Towa and Luna, huh.

>> No.23510174

This is why we need to gas all EOPs

>> No.23510175

He doesn't seem to have a problem when it comes to other people feelings or perception when he start to lay down his majestic opinion on poor peasants translators. I understand being a hardcore fan but there a thin line before you start being annoying about it too.

>> No.23510179

i just realize luna use marine's drawing. kinda cute

>> No.23510180

>its bait if it doesn't fit my narrative

>> No.23510184

Towa was using a 4th gen pic until her cover came out.

>> No.23510189

cry more Iyger

>> No.23510192

People always say Luna loves Minions, but what are those two black and white pigs that are always there on her stream? Even in her past life she had a lot of plushies of those pigs.

>> No.23510194

Somebody post THAT Lyger webm

>> No.23510196

They look like what Noel's room mate draws

>> No.23510197

Are Hololive fans just bots? It's not that different from viewbotting at this point.

>> No.23510198
Quoted by: >>23510236

This has to be one of the most obvious baits I've ever seen since the split along with the copypasta from earlier and it still got a bunch of replies.
Guys what the fuck, come on.

>> No.23510200
Quoted by: >>23510214

>Aqua and Shion are autist
>Ayame and Subaru fits better with talkative group,hence their association with OKFAMS
>Choco is Choco

>> No.23510203

You mean fans are actually watching the things they are fans? what a strange concept.

>> No.23510204

Everything is bait

>> No.23510207
File: 62 KB, 434x258, haachama noo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still rising.

>> No.23510208

Maybe lyger could tell us why Matsuri has no substance

>> No.23510213

Kuudere holo when?

>> No.23510214
Quoted by: >>23510227

Aqua, Shion and Ayame are manji-gumi newfag

>> No.23510215

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjhN7KVbDCs marine

>> No.23510217
Quoted by: >>23510223

people don't watch haato because her overreacting screaming is annoying

>> No.23510219
File: 194 KB, 1000x1419, IMG_20200409_003447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like /jp/ lacks the required moderation for us to not have shit threads, if you aren't gonna make a separate anti one for the sole purpose of being annoying and hating on chuubas I wouldn't feel bad if they got deleted on sight.

>> No.23510220


>> No.23510221

PPtenshi's latest song has been stuck in my head what do

>> No.23510223

>implying I didn't like it when she said kimochiwarui multiple times loudly

>> No.23510225

Impressed by Luna getting 5k those collabs helped. Getting over it is a good streaming game as well tho so it helps.

>> No.23510227
Quoted by: >>23510242

That group last as long as PPTrio.

>> No.23510228

High quality threads as usual. If it isn't doxxing hololive members, starting fanbase wars, arguing about EOPs, or shitting on the members for no reason we always have obsessive translator harrasment to fall back on.

>> No.23510230

Listen to it again

>> No.23510231

why does youtube hate my daughterwife streaming with marine, its like the 4th time now

>> No.23510233

Nobody wanted to use the /trash/ thread even when anons were shilling it

>> No.23510236

according to /v/ermin crossboarders their vtubers threads started getting deleted on sight, so now we gotta suffer the fallout.

>> No.23510238

Listen to Ghost Rule

>> No.23510240

wow Youtube has been complete garbage these past 3 days.

>> No.23510241

just learn to ignore shit you don't care for. It will be ok it's just text on the internet, the anons can't hurt you or your favorite chuuba.

>> No.23510242

They had a recent Apex stream.

>> No.23510247

Listen to it a hundred more times and also sub to her

>> No.23510249
Quoted by: >>23510265

Unironically yes
FBK suddenly got 4k subs in a day when her 500k milestone was coming up

>> No.23510250

The trap is streaming smash, by the way.

>> No.23510253

Pekora MGS streams will save us

>> No.23510254

rushia did a pretty kami play earlier with the dash revive

>> No.23510256
Quoted by: >>23510270

what she's gonna do? 2 hours of silent?

>> No.23510255

Yeah that's why I think these people are doing it for attention or to just annoy the non haters.

>> No.23510257

I have something better he can smash

>> No.23510262
Quoted by: >>23510332

But PPTenshi is kuudere

>> No.23510264
File: 1.28 MB, 1191x1769, 1585222775711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'm always hoping senchou gets all hot and ぬるぬる when she reads me posting about her womb.

>> No.23510265

I just gave her a subs to push her even if i don't really watch her content, i presume some people are just like me.

>> No.23510268
Quoted by: >>23510290

Maybe we non-haters can move there so samefagging trolls gets scared to join.

>> No.23510270

That would be actually nice.

>> No.23510272
Quoted by: >>23510296


>> No.23510276

Huh, he's actually pretty good.

>> No.23510282

Collab with Aqua when

>> No.23510283

I'm sick of this loli shit. What about us obacons?

>> No.23510287

Why do people hate how hardworking Suisei is? She's literally been trying to make it for 2 years. 2 YEARS ANON. And she made it into Hololive by sheer luck and forcing herself in despite getting rejected once. It's literally so amazing to see her growth, it brings tears to my eyes. From a small-time independent Vtuber to one of Hololive's best. Think about that. The hate she gets here is so unjustified, it makes no sense. The fuck is wrong with you people.

>> No.23510289

he's not abadango so never

>> No.23510290
Quoted by: >>23510311

Nice try but I'm not falling for that.

>> No.23510291

Towa's on in an hour.

>> No.23510292
Quoted by: >>23510322

how does Towa sound like she does but then also sing like she does? It's probably my favourite holocover

>> No.23510293

discord got sick of their own chatroom again huh.

>> No.23510295

have marine and luna

>> No.23510296

Four dots means you gotta follow it up.

>> No.23510297


>> No.23510298

Anon stop falling for shitty bait

also haters gonna exist, just move on, life sucks and the world is cruel, don't need to deal with anons like them

>> No.23510300

Aqua will never again be involved with any males.

>> No.23510301
Quoted by: >>23510318

the hate is for the antis who falseflag as suiseifags using her recent popularity while exaggerating peoples opinions on her so they can shitpost about suiseifags on end
it was never about suisei except for the two guys who think she's trying too hard or something

>> No.23510303
Quoted by: >>23510315

nobody can't stop sensei at this point

>> No.23510304

Luna is the oldest of the group just watch her

>> No.23510309
Quoted by: >>23510409

Nobody actually hates Suisei. People just hate Suiseifags.

>> No.23510311

Falling for what? I think non-haters moving to /bant/ kills of most of the trolls with about 1-2 remaining. Having their own ID really helps. If you want genuine discussions you can go to a cleaner thread. not this troll infested pit.

>> No.23510315
Quoted by: >>23510326

Why what's going on?

>> No.23510317


>> No.23510318

play the better man, its okay, let them fuck around as they like on 4chan, don't give them the shit they want

also ill immediately proceed have double standards because i hate white people

>> No.23510321
Quoted by: >>23510369

The fame has gone to her head.
You can be hard working AND not be an insufferable bitch and the same time, you know?

>> No.23510322

Towa has a strong diaphragm and thicc vocal cords for a woman. It's called contralto.

>> No.23510326
Quoted by: >>23510334

She's streamed at least 8 hours of ARK straight at this point.

>> No.23510327
Quoted by: >>23510376

Because all the hololives work hard.

>> No.23510329
Quoted by: >>23510422

Because it isn't all that unique and the way it is brought up implies it is maybe? I don't hate her or anything but there are plenty of people who spent time as nobody independent vtubers before getting picked up by a company and becoming successful.

>> No.23510331

Let them scream into the abyss about their hate for suisei

they can circle-jerk each other, maybe go back to discord too

>> No.23510332

Her design is. Her personality is ponkotsudere.

>> No.23510334

Oh wow I've not been paying attention I'm abstaining until her stream later on in like 4 hours. Hopefully she doesn't forget

>> No.23510335

Marine is a self-centered whore!

>> No.23510338

>Rushia dead
>immediately cleared it

>> No.23510344

Imagine being a trip fag and not getting a single (you) lmao

>> No.23510346

this collab is such a riot

>> No.23510347
Quoted by: >>23510356

I like him, he says what I want to say so I don't have to

>> No.23510349

Easy (you)s from falseflagging.

>> No.23510352

shion doesn't sound as cool as her onee-chan

>> No.23510351
Quoted by: >>23510409

Do we really need to go through this everyday?

>> No.23510353

Kira's slapping and sleeping with YAGOO RIGHT NOW

>> No.23510356

Not that guy, but he should know that /jp/ is the least tolerable of all boards when it comes to attention whoring tripfags like him.

>> No.23510357

Based, suicucks are the worst.

>> No.23510359

Why does Choco have a dino army?

>> No.23510361
File: 144 KB, 346x339, 1583667809943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasshoi! Can you guess my next face?

>> No.23510362
Quoted by: >>23510366

just reading his name alone make me lose interest to reply

>> No.23510363

The hate she gets here is so stupid that it pisses me off. These people probably don't even watch Suisei

>> No.23510366

I don't even understand what it means lmao.

>> No.23510367
Quoted by: >>23510385


>> No.23510368

I don't have to give him a (You) to let him know that he's right

>> No.23510369

It literally hasn't. Do you even watch her streams? She's always been her usual self since 2 years ago.

>> No.23510371
Quoted by: >>23510382

Rushia has to be pretending.

>> No.23510372

Rushia and Marine really wanted to do that cuphead collab

>> No.23510375

Some people simply don't like her content and seeing all the attention she is getting sometimes can be annoying, it has nothing to do with being a hardworker or not and when it comes of trying there are people who tries everyday and all their life and still don't get shit so don't get me started on that.

>> No.23510376

Exactly, but I don't see them hating on others as much. Stop hating the Hololivers!

>> No.23510379
Quoted by: >>23510384

Like landlords and stockbrokers I don't consider idol stuff real work, which means that Suesei is a criminal that should be shot, and who's wealth should be distributed to more deserving people, like myself for instance.

>> No.23510382

>he doesn't know how bad rushia is at games

>> No.23510384

Stay poor anon.

>> No.23510385

t. Sheep

>> No.23510388

I barely even see anything of her posted in these threads.

>> No.23510393

I don't like this stream. Not enough that Shion has the bitch attitude, she needs that bitch voice as well.

>> No.23510399

Literally the only posts of Suisei that I see here are people shitting on her or bait posts.

>> No.23510403

The praises certainly quieted down.

>> No.23510407

That's every post

>> No.23510409

Reminder that suisei basically told her fanart drawers to fuck off and never @ her. These are the same people who probably do fanart for a living

>> No.23510411

Those bait posts aren't actually bait.

>> No.23510414


>> No.23510417
Quoted by: >>23510431

rushia fucking SUCKS at cuphead

>> No.23510418

Haachama is watching Luna!

>> No.23510422

In Hololive's case it kinda is? I especially like Miko's and Suisei's stories. I think the non-gens are all admirable because they were all nobodies before Hololive. It's kinda amazing to see them go from nobody to where they are now. Not too undermine the other gens of course, I think they're all amazing and hardworkers too.

>> No.23510423

Based, I guess I have to watch Luna now since Haachama does too.

>> No.23510425

So is Roboco.

>> No.23510428

She said to not put it in her tags because there are many people looking at it. Learn to read anon.

>> No.23510429

It's pretty obvious suisei is a trash person irl from her streams.

>> No.23510430

The shitposters have succeeded then

>> No.23510431
Quoted by: >>23510437

She's busy fondling Marine to play the game.

>> No.23510434

They were all nobodies before hololive, you are just making biased distinctions in your head.

>> No.23510435

Please Rank gen 3's 3D release streams from best to ehh.

>> No.23510436

My little sister Shion is too noisy

>> No.23510437

ok now thats hot

>> No.23510439
File: 288 KB, 689x689, 1546531785905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were all nobodies before hololive

>> No.23510440

will they ever beat this boss? place your bets now

>> No.23510442


>> No.23510445

your least favorite > your 2nd least favorite > your 2nd favorite > your favorite > flare

>> No.23510446
Quoted by: >>23510493

Obviously. What I meant is that the non-gens have been in the Vtuber thing far longer and kept their Vtuber identities to bring it to Hololive.

>> No.23510447

speak for yourself holoID

>> No.23510449

No no no he can't possibly be subtly putting down the others while praising Suisei. Suiseifags are nice people who would never do that.

>> No.23510450

So their purpose is to make seem Suisei fans obnoxious by constantly overplaying the praises to be able to freely shit on her since anyone who will try to say otherwise will be called an obnoxious Suiseifag. Did I get it right?

>> No.23510452

dumb old hag

>> No.23510457
Quoted by: >>23510474

At least post the whole fact instead of what you chose to read faggot. She literally told the NSFW or overly lewd artists to not tag her since her family and friends look at those.

>> No.23510460
Quoted by: >>23510470

When is Coco's roommate streaming? I want more make up streams

>> No.23510461

I'm so glad my favorite is no longer popular with the english audience

>> No.23510462
Quoted by: >>23510464

Marine and Rushia PLEASE be pretending.

>> No.23510464

>tfw would be Rushia in this game
Haha yeah pretending

>> No.23510465

They both suck

>> No.23510466
Quoted by: >>23510471

they cannot 2v1 a fucking SIMPLE DIFFICULTY BLUEBERRY
this hurts my gamer eyes

>> No.23510470

Assuming she saw that reddit post that kept getting shilled not until Coco is unbanned

>> No.23510471
Quoted by: >>23510479

that's not simple because there's 3 phases
but yeah they suck

>> No.23510472

This is almost as bad as Choco GTA

>> No.23510473

Flares has the be-

>> No.23510474
Quoted by: >>23510502

it's fucking twitter. More so than that, you're a fucking 2d anime girl from Japan. What does she expect?

>> No.23510479

either way its one of the easiest stages on either difficulty

>> No.23510480
Quoted by: >>23510492

What happened to Korone's epic gamer chair

>> No.23510482
File: 52 KB, 256x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23510730

Some light in the darkness

>> No.23510483

Flare's is playing pummel party

>> No.23510485

What is Miko's story?

>> No.23510486
File: 16 KB, 189x266, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still losing with smoke bomb

>> No.23510487


>> No.23510488

Jesus that was nerve-wracking

>> No.23510489


>> No.23510492

got stolen by that spic that got banned from the pre stream chat

>> No.23510493

Ok, but that doesn't mean they were working harder than the others. Plenty of them were trying to make it big, streaming on niconico/twitcast/youtube etc before entering hololive. They also worked hard.

>> No.23510497

Luna rage quit

>> No.23510499

She was setup to be someone like Kizuna Ai with an entire team and project behind her but she never took off
It was bad enough that she had 4 digit sub count while most everyone had 60k+
She talks about that one time where nobody booked her slot in a vtuber meet and greet
Now she managed to get a nice crowd cheering and watching her after working hard for it

>> No.23510500

Okay but it's not as impressive as what people like Miko and Suisei did.

>> No.23510501

>Marine can do Touhou but not this.

>> No.23510502
Quoted by: >>23510508

She expects you to be able to read Japanese so you would understand what youre talking about maybe?

>> No.23510503


>> No.23510504


>> No.23510505

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TotzF3KT3w4 i guess i'll watch archive later...

>> No.23510508

kek based retard

>> No.23510509
Quoted by: >>23510521

I think these two might actually have some kind of disability. this is below journalist level of retardation.

>> No.23510512

Awesome, I'm glad for her making a name for herself.

>> No.23510514
File: 290 KB, 680x706, 1587148612645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Mieko has been through a lot. Does she talk about it in any of her stream?

>> No.23510515

Not enough bombs

>> No.23510521
Quoted by: >>23510548

At least they are having fun

>> No.23510522

Check her birthday countdown stream this year, she goes over her older videos and how she has changed over the years.

>> No.23510524

>She talks about that one time where nobody booked her slot in a vtuber meet and greet
she was paired with Ayame and said she just joined Hololive that time while they were doing an even so she didn't get much fans because she was a nobody at the time.

>> No.23510525

It takes a lot of reading between the lines but there are some translated moments regarding it

>> No.23510526
Quoted by: >>23510538

Pekora learned from the best

>> No.23510527

she was made to be a kizuna AI clone but the market was full of them at that time so the 3.5 channel project failed, she got dumped by her manager and team, she was all alone
during that time she learned how to edit, make her own thumbnails and record her own videos but even that wasn't enough to make it in the vtuber world, after that sora picked her up and made her join hololive boosting her popularity but she was still kinda hated because she was in a lot of collabs and she "skipped" some steps because she was fully 3D since the beginning
she struggled to find an identity and in a live event nobody went to see her, she thought about quitting but our miko can't give up that easily, after a few weeks she started her GTAV playthrough and the rest is well known
watch her reaction to her first video if you want to know more

>> No.23510530

I thought Japanese were supposed to be good at STGs?

>> No.23510531

i think marine just hide her power level so rushia doesn't look so bad

>> No.23510533
Quoted by: >>23513862

Is there a full size picture of Korone's header? Can't find it.

>> No.23510534

Can anyone explain why people say 助かる after vtubers doing things like sneezing or singing songs randomly?

>> No.23510538

This literally less than 10 minutes ago bro you're like an art Lyger. Tell me your secrets so we know how Lyger does it.

>> No.23510541


>> No.23510542
Quoted by: >>23510545

Its almost time lads

>> No.23510544

Because kimoota.

>> No.23510545

wtf /hlg/ said everyone hate towa

>> No.23510547

They will after this collab. Trust me.

>> No.23510548

Lurk more. Seriously. Or just google it in japanese.
I'm not.

>> No.23510549
Quoted by: >>23510559

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL23F_SNan4 Towa, Haato, Flare and Noel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_XIyJYJ7p0 Kanata

>> No.23510550

not him but its called checking the art tags on twitter

>> No.23510551

It's a crazy underground program called "TweetDuck"

>> No.23510552

yagoo said that they someone needs to collab with her

>> No.23510553

You know in Lyger's case it isn't actually all that special? You can toggle an alert to notify you whenever a particular account posts something.

>> No.23510557

Congrats on missing my entire point.

>> No.23510558

>say the N word
>working hard

>> No.23510559

Gonna watch based Kanatan instead

>> No.23510560

Wtf I love Sora now?
But all jokes, mad respect for Miko. Lots of people would have given up in her position.

>> No.23510562

He does way creepier stuff anob

>> No.23510564

Fuckin hell imagine these two against Beppi.

>> No.23510568
Quoted by: >>23510576

I legit wanna know. does he have a huge air raid alarm whenever he gets the notification? Because whatever time it is, he replies fast.

>> No.23510570

>1500+ people waiting for Towa's collab stream
We are all gonna make it.

>> No.23510574
Quoted by: >>23510578

Bought both of Towa's t-shirts. ¥6,390 became $100 Aussie dollars because of the exchange rate, I got properly shafted on that and I havent even paid for international shipping. Thanks corona.

>> No.23510575

It takes a lot of courage to be able to drop the N word so casually anon
You should be proud of her

>> No.23510576
Quoted by: >>23510608

It's literally called turning on notifications for a certain Twitter account.

>> No.23510577

Let's make Haato say it so she can be the most subbed holo

>> No.23510578


>> No.23510580

the "translation" is fucking horrible and the timing is all over the place but enjoy

>> No.23510581

>There exists a timeline where Miko just give up and we never have this https://streamable.com/52beux and/or Pekora

>> No.23510585
Quoted by: >>23510664

Looks like Matsuri got Suisei into Apex just as planned. Suisei x Towa collab eventually. Will Suichan even get 1 kill in this stream cometbros?

Sora's great. Needs to do a horror game collab with the scaredy cats in Hololive.

>> No.23510587

You know they're being forced to do this right

>> No.23510588

I want to force Haato and Noel to do things

>> No.23510589

This is the least green I've seen in a while.

>> No.23510591

I don't really watch Towa but I guess she rarely collabs so I'm interested in seeing how she interacts with these senpais, specifically Haato. Pummel Party's kinda lame but its fine since the girls are cute.

>> No.23510593

You guys are so contrarian and hungry for drama it's actually kind of embarrassing to read these threads.

>> No.23510594

Feel free to fuck off back to where you came from.

>> No.23510595
Quoted by: >>23510605

I know this is bait but 2 years till making it is nothing. YUA has been here since the beginning and will continue to have shit tier numbers until the end of this fad.

>> No.23510596

based birdkun

>> No.23510597
Quoted by: >>23510603

I like how all four are using their corresponding colours.

>> No.23510599

It looks like it's beginning to rain.

>> No.23510600

Poor Miko.

>> No.23510603
Quoted by: >>23510617

I like how Flare is using the paperbag to hide her bug face

>> No.23510604

I have nothing against this dude but god his videos are horrible. One of the few times I agree with lyger, don't translate if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.23510605

You have to compare her to the other oldies instead of newer ones. We're lucky Sora did well enough to get what we have now. I was more of an Akarifag back then tho.

>> No.23510606

Pummel Party is a kamige for collabs. Shame that Haato is gonna ruin it.

>> No.23510608
Quoted by: >>23510628

But he never missed a tweet at any time of the day. I know i get notifications but sometimes i miss them when i'm busy. I takes effort to make replies with a gap of a few minutes.

>> No.23510610

Whatever happened to akaihaato(1) and (2)?

>> No.23510611

see, marine can do it solo

>> No.23510612

Hope you guys did your part.

>> No.23510614


>> No.23510615

All the local 2hu had to do was to stop talking so much

>> No.23510617

Damn hommie comin in swinging

>> No.23510619

hacked by stalker anon

>> No.23510620
Quoted by: >>23511080

I hope PPT got some practice since her last Mario stream. Watching her try to do Shion's stage was just painful.

>> No.23510621
Quoted by: >>23510624

Almost as if these threads are full of women or gay men.

>> No.23510623
Quoted by: >>23510640

Just like management forcing Noel and Flare to "get together" so a high sub member can pull up a low sub.

>> No.23510624

Can't be because nobody's watching the Holostars.

>> No.23510625

Robel is cool and has great tastes in games.

>> No.23510628
Quoted by: >>23510655

Not when you know Japanese. It takes a minute to read and reply to tweets, not that hard.

>> No.23510629

I'm watching the trap.

>> No.23510631

i hope they get the bomb minigame at least once, that thing becomes such a riot when everyone works against one another

>> No.23510632


>> No.23510635
Quoted by: >>23510643

>pekora doing minecraft hardcore mode again

>> No.23510637

Finally someone collab with Towa. Hope she doesn't accidentally expose anyone this time.

>> No.23510640
Quoted by: >>23510651

As dumb as it is it's the most direct way for them to help Towa. What else can they do, just post 'Guys, please watch Towa more, it's embarassing how low her numbers are compared to our other 4th gens' on twitter?

>> No.23510642

towa will dox flare, noel, haato!

>> No.23510643

damn I hope this collab doesnt make me miss too much of it, i need to see her die live

>> No.23510644


>> No.23510649

wtf this is just a 100% orange juice rip off

>> No.23510650
Quoted by: >>23510678

>One of hololive's best
Holy shit the delusion of Suiseifags.

>> No.23510651

If they really want to pump Towa's numbers, have them do a karaoke collab with her.
Though that might not happen until they're all able to do it at the office.

>> No.23510652
Quoted by: >>23510662

I'm sorry Towafags but those viewers are not there to watch Towa.

>> No.23510653

Reminder that Kanatan's ribbon tie is NOT equal and it looks sloppy

>> No.23510655

what? this isn't a matter of knowing japanese or not. I just checked matsuri's twitter and she tweets at irregular intervals. this isn't something you just reply to within a minute without fail for an entire year.

>> No.23510654

the thing I hate about Hololive is that they all stream at the same time and I can only watch one.

>> No.23510658

There were 2 of them?

>> No.23510659

More like mario party

>> No.23510660

Sloppily dressed tenshi is okay because she's cute.

>> No.23510662

Wow it's like collabs tend to pull in bigger numbers than usual for any stream or something

>> No.23510664
Quoted by: >>23510685

>Sora's great. Needs to do a horror game collab with the scaredy cats in Hololive.
That'd be god tier content. Her encouraging and roasting people like Aqua and Towa and Haato.

>> No.23510666
Quoted by: >>23510670

Looks more like Mario Party
Speaking of, I'd have thought OJ would be a game they'd play quite a bit, but I guess Miko ain't comfortable with it or something

>> No.23510670

Why wouldn't she be?

>> No.23510671

thanks you just triggering my ocd

>> No.23510673
Quoted by: >>23510697

What is this poor man's mario party?

>> No.23510674

Voiced a character there

>> No.23510676

How many are watching Towa right now? I still cant see youtube viewers

>> No.23510677
Quoted by: >>23510694

She just hit 20k and still climbing

>> No.23510678
Quoted by: >>23510696

But it's actually true? Have you seen her growth this year? She was at 100k subs in February and now she's doubled it. Can you name any other Hololiver who managed to do that? Few months ago she was struggling to even get 4k viewers, but now she's averaging 7k-8k. Heck, her Tetris and singing streams peaks at 20k.

>> No.23510679
Quoted by: >>23510694


>> No.23510682


>> No.23510684

under 9000, Flare isn't bad for once

>> No.23510685

I want her to interact more with the other girls in streams in general

>> No.23510687

The fact that it balances out with her shuriken makes it okay.

>> No.23510688
Quoted by: >>23513539

A lot of people didn't like the voice she did for one of the characters because they think it doesn't fit the character.


>> No.23510689

>haachama killed herself

>> No.23510690

oh they're doing it on Towa's channel.

>> No.23510691

>this time

>> No.23510693

>8,094 watching now •Started streaming 16 minutes ago

>> No.23510694

i wonder who is right, i watch ppt so don't know

>> No.23510696
Quoted by: >>23510748

>Can you name any other Hololiver who managed to do that?
Guess who got 300k subs after her debut in 3 and half months.

>> No.23510697
Quoted by: >>23510719

An anon told me yesterday that Mario Party is local only or something? So they can't play that?

>> No.23510699

My money is on Noel. I bet she's the best at these kinds of party games from a life of loneliness

>> No.23510703


>> No.23510705
Quoted by: >>23510725

Haato will win because these types of games favour losers

>> No.23510707
Quoted by: >>23510781

It is absolutely possible. I've done it with voice actors. It's not as hard as you think.

>> No.23510709
Quoted by: >>23510716

I like Flare and I don't care what you say.

>> No.23510710

I want to see Haachama win so she can be proud of it since most of what she's done today has been failure so far

>> No.23510716

do you like her voice ?

>> No.23510717

>Towa wearing Arale's hat
wtf I'm in love now

>> No.23510718

This is some oldman shit anon

>> No.23510719

The minigames can be played online, but the base boardgame can't.

>> No.23510721

I still remember how there was a vtuber charity singing event on REALITY and she sent an cheerful music video full of her pantyshots.

>> No.23510722

Towa is such a tryhard, no wonder she doesn't have any friends

>> No.23510723

Clip that "HAACHAMA?!" by Towa

>> No.23510724

Please let this be the revival of Minecraft.
Please let this be the revival of Minecraft.
Please let this be the revival of Minecraft.

>> No.23510725

Noel is literally the biggest loser

>> No.23510726


>> No.23510727

this collab is boring

>> No.23510728

i don't think haachama has gotten a non-4th place once

>> No.23510730

Who? post steam id.pls

>> No.23510733


>> No.23510736
Quoted by: >>23510757

Towa is so dirty, choosing a game that the others have no idea about.

>> No.23510738


>> No.23510739
Quoted by: >>23510746

This collab is awesome

>> No.23510740

Dude it's literally flare. Please tell me you CAN read it right anon?

>> No.23510741
Quoted by: >>23510763

this is way too snowbally to be a proper party game

>> No.23510742

Is it true that Matsuri's otouto browse /jp/ ?

>> No.23510744

>collab on towa's stream
Feels so dirty watching that turbo whore's stream.

>> No.23510746

also based

>> No.23510747

Her voice is her best feature

>> No.23510748
Quoted by: >>23510761

Alright, I forgot about the dragon. But my point still stands that she's one of the best for Hololive this year.

>> No.23510749

this needs a bully personality like pekora to really spice things up

>> No.23510750

tbqh i did rathe watch towa playing fps...i guess i'll watch kanata instead

>> No.23510752

ohnononono towa tried to fuck up noel but failed

>> No.23510753

minecraft revival will only happen after the nether update because they don't have anything to do now and ARK will collapse without coco

>> No.23510754

We had a lot of good clips coming out of the Minecraft era, but other than the clip with Watame grappling Miko nothing happened since the fucking Ark era. I hate Coco

>> No.23510755

MariRushi newfag

>> No.23510757

It's a party game, anon.

>> No.23510761
Quoted by: >>23510772

Best on riding on everyone's else success, yes.

>> No.23510763

i've actually watched someone win like 5 minigames and still win so its entirely possible

>> No.23510765

This one is about to get messy

>> No.23510766

Found it.

>> No.23510768
Quoted by: >>23510774

Yes, I am Matsuri's brother and I do indeed browse /jp/

>> No.23510769

Yes I am he

>> No.23510770

She can't even hit 10k viewers despite having Haato and Noel in the thumbnail.

>> No.23510771
Quoted by: >>23510777

Not even Haato can carry these three

>> No.23510772

The fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.23510774
Quoted by: >>23510785

Do you really like Rick and Morty?

>> No.23510777
Quoted by: >>23510804

yeah i feel nobody is really having fun...

>> No.23510781

if this is possible can you give another user who does this? doesn't have to be Matsuri's tweets. someone who replies on every single tweet made by some person in minutes for at least 3 months? Or is Lyger just an exception?

>> No.23510785

I found it funny at first but then I realised other western cartoons like Final Space are funnier. I have not watched Rick and Morty since.

>> No.23510790
Quoted by: >>23510892

she also had a monthly show with other 2 mikos and a nun, was it canceled or REALITY died?

>> No.23510792
Quoted by: >>23510806

Haachama keep getting cucked from her 1st place

>> No.23510793
Quoted by: >>23510802

Practically all the Holos have them. Click on any of their tweets and the first few will always be the same people.

>> No.23510799

Transfer Towa to hologamers, she's wrecking these girls

>> No.23510800
Quoted by: >>23510826


>> No.23510802
Quoted by: >>23510813

can you give one?

>> No.23510804

How can they possibly have fun? It's Towa, she sucks the fun out of everything.

>> No.23510805

Literally just check every Vtubers tweets and you'll see that it's the same people replying. It's not just lyger.

>> No.23510806

Its strats haaton bro

>> No.23510812

I can't stop thinking about those bald ojisans that fondled Noel breasts and traumatized her. Imagine the soft feeling of those huge tiddies.

>> No.23510813
Quoted by: >>23510866

Not that anon but this guy on Suisei: https://twitter.com/Degrem8

>> No.23510818

She wasn't abused sexually get your brain out of the gutter

>> No.23510821

i think "only eop post in here" is just a meme. please learn at least hiragana/katakana

>> No.23510822

this collab is really weird, towa is the only one laughing most of the time and the others stay quiet until the round ends

>> No.23510824

Not even the Doggod can save her
Fuck this collab let's watch Eiko guys

>> No.23510826

kek I follow that twitter account. Unironically, that's how I discovered Miko last year when they posted that clip of her saying "nigga" on stream.

>> No.23510827

Yeah it's really easy to see how forced it is.

>> No.23510828
Quoted by: >>23510840

these holo threads are oddlyactive compared to the other two. Is it because of coomposting?

>> No.23510830

You can't prove that.

>> No.23510831

She's a beast, she's already a demon

>> No.23510833
Quoted by: >>23510849

With those tits? What a naive virgin.

>> No.23510835

towa is faking the laugh too. she know this is not work

>> No.23510836


>> No.23510840

These threads act as a chatroom for popular streams.

>> No.23510843

that is just too sad, hololive should not be like this, please stop Towa

>> No.23510846

will peko die today?

>> No.23510849
Quoted by: >>23510858

She never leaves the house anon and I'm sure when she did to go to her all girls school she wasnt stupid

>> No.23510850

Towa stop being such a tryhard, it hurts to watch

>> No.23510857

They're only doing one game right?

>> No.23510858

She moved to an all girls school because she was molested.

>> No.23510859
Quoted by: >>23510873

So now that AsaCoco will have English subtitles, will the number of EOPs skyrocket or am I just being paranoid

>> No.23510863

They're on her channel, the home team always fights hardest on their turf, why would she lose?

>> No.23510866

I checked that and this is very different from lyger. https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1251767524741361670
he didn't reply here. can you give another? should I just check every other replies? that defeats the reasoning that everyone can do it.

>> No.23510867

she's one of those obnoxious people that can't read the atmosphere and tryhards too hard in a game they're trying to introduce people to which just makes them quit the game entirely

>> No.23510869
Quoted by: >>23510904

No she moved because she was bullied, this was when she was young and hadnt gotten her tits yet you absolute baboon

>> No.23510871

The main Ark slut died, so it might be.

>> No.23510872

It's always been like that just see all of her collabs where there is a competition.

>> No.23510873
Quoted by: >>23510881

t. EOP who acts like he's above the 'actual EOPs'

>> No.23510876

Yeah that's the only issue. She's too good at games compared to the others. It was the same during the 4th gen Mario Party collab as well.

>> No.23510878

Did she actually say nigga or was she saying にがっ as in 苦い and everyone heard it as nigga?

>> No.23510879
Quoted by: >>23510906

"I'm so hot that I need to go to an all-girls school otherwise all men will want to grope me", fucking slut

>> No.23510881

Shit, you've got me Anon

>> No.23510883

the word that changed hololive forever

>> No.23510884
Quoted by: >>23510894

She said it.

>> No.23510885
Quoted by: >>23510894

gtav nigga

>> No.23510887
Quoted by: >>23510897

He is on mine...

>> No.23510889

She moved to an all girls school because she was [headcanon]

>I can't stop thinking about those [headcanon] that [headcanon] Noel [headcanon] and [headcanon] her.

>> No.23510891

It's a scene in GTAV where a guy says 'nigga~' in a funny way so every vtuber who comes across it ends up repeating it.

>> No.23510892

神々サミット one, right. Except that it had miko, nun and two goddesses. And I don't think that it was a regular thing in a first place.

>> No.23510893
Quoted by: >>23510908


>> No.23510894

Nice. Started liking Miko more recently, her horror contest AC stream was fun.

>> No.23510895

This collab feels like the other girls are forced to be there. I can't feel any good vibe going. Not even NoelxFlare てぇてぇ feels natural anymore.

>> No.23510897
Quoted by: >>23510910

Oh really can you link the tweet. i think mine bugged out.

>> No.23510900

Stop samefagging

>> No.23510904
Quoted by: >>23510918

The bulling started because the huge boobs retard.

>> No.23510906
Quoted by: >>23510956

She got bullied, if you've seen her face she's not really "hot" just homely

>> No.23510908
Quoted by: >>23510915

Saying racists slurs isn't funny , grow up

>> No.23510909

imagine actually being able to say a word without being scrutinized as if you was Hitler, feels good living in a proper country like Japan instead of the social degradation that is America

>> No.23510910
Quoted by: >>23510921

Twitter can't bug out, he's lying or I got baited by you.

>> No.23510915

This bait is too low quality.

>> No.23510918
Quoted by: >>23510940

No she got bullied for being an autistic retard with confidence issues, retard

>> No.23510919
Quoted by: >>23510923

Anons in this thread are relating too much to Towa and projecting.

>> No.23510920

If even Haachama can't make a Towa stream fun, who fucking can?

>> No.23510921
Quoted by: >>23510927

Why would anon lie when you can literally post evidence on the spot. that's too stupid to lie from.

>> No.23510922


>> No.23510923

the black sheep of hololive

>> No.23510924

I hope one day I know that feel. Probably won't, but I hope I will.

>> No.23510926

Her Apex collab with Roboco was really fun. Turns out being forced to play with people you aren't comfortable with makes for poor entertainment.

>> No.23510927
Quoted by: >>23510941

It's called shitposting.

>> No.23510928

Feel like there is actually something bad about Towa if even Noel and Flare seem to not get along with her
They both get along with everyone

>> No.23510930
Quoted by: >>23510941

Just literally check each Vtubers tweet. Everyone has at least 1 person replying to their every tweet, and there are some that are even replying to every Hololiver every single day. Lyger ain't a special case.

>> No.23510933
Quoted by: >>23510948

waa why can't I use racial slurs waaa

>> No.23510936

YAGOO should hire this cute girl and make her 6th gen.

>> No.23510937

Haachama is acting like Haachama normally does.
Flare is also being typical Flare.
Don't watch Noel enough to know how she usually acts.

>> No.23510938

Noel seemed to like Towa. I don't remember if she ever interacted with Flare though.

>> No.23510939

this hurts to watch
I dont think I want towa to collab with anyone anymore, I'll gladly still support a solo career

>> No.23510940
Quoted by: >>23510958

No retard she go sexually harassed, stop downplaying her hardships you insecure virign.

>> No.23510941

But I literally just did that... read the previous replies.
So the anon really thinks Lyger is a special case and is just shitposting that he isn't? fuck i got baited.

>> No.23510942

>Suisei trashes everyone in Tetris
>Towa trashes everyone in Pummel Party
>"What a try hard."
It's really easy to spot a Suiseifag

>> No.23510943
Quoted by: >>23511007

Noel just doesn't like sluts. Don't know about Flare.

>> No.23510944

Her collab with Choco and whatshername the other day was fine. This particular combination just doesn't work.

>> No.23510945
Quoted by: >>23510970

What is PPT taking to be so energetic ?
I would like to try it.

>> No.23510946

she could be a 3d talent can called shibuna ai or something

>> No.23510948
Quoted by: >>23510965

Go bait people on /pol/ no one here cares niggerfaggot

>> No.23510949

Has Suisei lost a game of tetris before other than that 2nd in the world guy?

>> No.23510952
Quoted by: >>23510966

she isn't even that great at tetris, just above your average gamer.

>> No.23510955
Quoted by: >>23510980

is there any korone content?
I really wonder how she looks irl

>> No.23510954

With Hachaama but I think it's pity win

>> No.23510956
Quoted by: >>23510976

I've only seen like half of it and she seemed fairly cute. Couple that with the tits and maybe the voice and it's not hard to see why she would be considered hot.

>> No.23510958
Quoted by: >>23510996

You're right she did get sexually harrassed which is why she has never mentioned it in her almost 13 years of streaming online and you just randomly pulled it out of your ass. I am sorry

>> No.23510959

I checked the stream and they seem to be having fun, you guys doompost too much.

>> No.23510960

She loses about as much as someone normally does, but she ends up on the higher end in the tetris 99 bracket
You just dont see it because you only look at highlights

>> No.23510961

This would have the potential to start the first vtuber war.
I can't even imagine the chaos that we would see.

>> No.23510963
Quoted by: >>23510981

Tetris is a game that everyone knows
Pummel Party is a game that only Towa knows about and which she invited her colleagues over in in order to publicly execute them

>> No.23510965

NO don't make fun of me I just want to say nigger I'm based!

>> No.23510966

Towa isn't that great neither . She's just someone who played enough

>> No.23510967

I doubt you can even understnad Japanese.

>> No.23510969

I really want Matsuri and Towa to collab.

>> No.23510970

She's secretly super excited that Coco is banned

>> No.23510972

It's fun to shit on Towa though, no one here actually means it. right?

>> No.23510975

Yeah I don't bother to watch many hour+ streams of games I don't really care about. That's why I'm asking here.

>> No.23510976
Quoted by: >>23511081

her face is painfully average looking anon, if you didn't know about her tits you wouldn't think about her past that

>> No.23510978
Quoted by: >>23510989

Yes? If you actually watch her streams.

There's even highlights of her losing to Yagoo who is the best in Hololive.

>> No.23510979

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py3n7WAF2Xk Subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7emaSX2MQ Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrTVR7kbUcQ Watame

>> No.23510980
Quoted by: >>23511019

Search for 宮助 on twitter and google, dont want to post the images because it triggers some people in these threads and theyve been posted a lot before anyway

>> No.23510981

Reminds me of the second KoroShion collab, where they played Tetris Online against each other and Korone just won every single time.

>> No.23510989
Quoted by: >>23510998


>> No.23510991

What do you expect from shitposters.

>> No.23510992

Towafag here. I shit on her too to garner attention for her, otherwise there would be none. I'd like to think I'm helping her... well maybe not. Nonetheless it's fun

>> No.23510993

Why does Noel always sound like she's on the verge of crying it unironically pisses me off

>> No.23510994

I unironically think she's boring but hope she does well as a homolive

>> No.23510995

I can't wait for Suisei to play Puyo.

I wonder if there's a sleeping Puyo God in Hololive. Any guesses?

>> No.23510996
Quoted by: >>23511009

I was the one who bullied her and I grabbed her boobs every day.

>> No.23510998

b-b-baited bros

>> No.23510999

I don't take pleasure to "shit" on her, if anything haato is the one i can't stand on this collab, that fake laugh make me want to commit crimes.

>> No.23511003

anon...she have hearing problem, don't bully her...

>> No.23511004
Quoted by: >>23511028

The fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.23511005

Its not going to be any of the hardcore gamers since tetris and tetris-like games aren't "GAMER" games if you sadly know what I mean.

>> No.23511006

Puyo is way too big brain for me, I have my doubts that Suisei will be good at it but I think she can get better since it's some mix of pattern recognition and reacting to garbage

>> No.23511007

Noel hates her roommate?

>> No.23511009

You better start cunting your days then motherfucker

>> No.23511011

>Luna has an 'upcoming stream in ~160 days' video titled "Chatroom" so people can write in the stream chat if they feel like it.

Hmm is Luna a hontoni genius?

>> No.23511015

Unironically turns you on, you mean. If that's the case, you must have a field day whenever you hear Roboco.

>> No.23511016

Whom quoteth?

>> No.23511017

Towa's first mistake was not putting Noel and Flare's images next to each other.

>> No.23511019
Quoted by: >>23511053

how about Miko

>> No.23511020

When is Coco coming back

>> No.23511022

quote who

>> No.23511024

That account is how I got into V-Tubers as well, Someone retweeted the Miko we will rock you and some Korone clips and I was hooked since.

>> No.23511026

Lots of chuubas do it

>> No.23511027

Which chuuba is the most likely to pick up Metal Gear following the success of Pekora? Though most of it was due to Pekora being Pekora.

>> No.23511028

I assume you've not heard her cry before if you don't hear it

>> No.23511029

Others like FBK and Suisei have those free chat things as well.

>> No.23511030

this was your round...

>> No.23511031
Quoted by: >>23511043


>> No.23511035

Choco Yudzuki

>> No.23511036

I'm guessing Miko.

>> No.23511037
Quoted by: >>23511051

which holo make mario stage?

>> No.23511039

This Kanata stream was great

>> No.23511042

Unironically, Towa.

>> No.23511043
Quoted by: >>23511079

She already played the entire series
And 5 on stream

>> No.23511046
Quoted by: >>23511058

please wake up...

>> No.23511048


>> No.23511051
Quoted by: >>23511070


>> No.23511053

Actually didnt know myself either so I did a quick search and apparently she's someone called 小雛ましろ cant confirm for sure as obviously I also just found that name

>> No.23511055

Nice to know Towa cant drive, I want to see her play GTA V now

>> No.23511056
Quoted by: >>23511076

Yeah I literally can't hear ninjin. It's clearly ninja.

>> No.23511058

pekora will never oversleep again...

>> No.23511061

couldn't fly a plane either

>> No.23511063

Peko has the best opening sound.
Aqua has the best BGM.
Miko has the best song.

>> No.23511070

do you have her course ID?

>> No.23511072

I'd like to see some holos playing puyo. It's much more interesting to watch than tetris since it's not just a pure battle of reflexes.

>> No.23511076

Is this your first week listening to japanese?

>> No.23511077

I love Pekora's OP

>> No.23511079
Quoted by: >>23511117

Was she the one who recommended Pekora to play it?

>> No.23511080
Quoted by: >>23511097

I think she did pretty well, I really enjoyed this stream to my own surprise.

People are only now noticing it? I always imagined that it's part of the appeal just like those huge sleeves.

>> No.23511081
Quoted by: >>23511095

Obviously the tits are her main weapon but the point is that her face isn't going to weigh her down. I can totally see why boys would be all over her and why other girls would be envious of that.

>> No.23511083

She learns fast.

>> No.23511084

I could see seiyuu doing one of those play-together thing of MGS3 and Sugita just can't stop talking about Pekora

>> No.23511094

>Though most of it was due to Pekora being Pekora.
Lol no

>> No.23511095

Yeah maybe Japanese dudes just have lower standards or I just think Japanese people are ugly

>> No.23511097
Quoted by: >>23511116

I don't look at her too much since I think her model looks like she's smothered in vaseline

>> No.23511105

Why Pekora doesn't get the carrots out of her hairs ?

>> No.23511106

Well most of em have switches, so a Puyo Tetris stream works.

Or if the Puyo God of Hololive awakens, battle Suisei seriously in Puyo vs. Tetris.

>> No.23511110

are pekora's poems peak kino?

>> No.23511111

Because she's retarded

>> No.23511113
Quoted by: >>23511136

Did you not watch the Holo Graffiti episode

>> No.23511116

That's kinda hot. I wanna hold oiled up slippery Tenshi.

>> No.23511117

both recommend games to each other all the time, miko also tried with korone but their collabs kept getting rejected for some reason

>> No.23511119


>> No.23511120

Bad things happen. Korone is still too traumatised to speak about it

>> No.23511123

This guro Mario Party looks fun

>> No.23511133

Choco Yudzuki
Choco Yudzuki

>> No.23511136

Which one ?

>> No.23511137

Well it worked for Ghont n Goblins so why not? Can't blame Sugita Pekora is infectious it's mainly her laugh and her cocky attitude

>> No.23511138
Quoted by: >>23511149

You mean better Mario Party

>> No.23511139

I told you fuckers Noel would win this

>> No.23511142

PPtenshit is towa tier, only 2k viewers

>> No.23511144

I wonder why they didn't just play Mario Party. Haato has it.

>> No.23511149

How so compared to kiddy Mario Party?

>> No.23511151

Because she's shit at mario maker and nobody wants to see it.

>> No.23511152

Is she reading supacha?

>> No.23511153

If anything, he's gonna pick up Pekora and slay some peko pussy.

>> No.23511154

Someone else said you can't play it online

>> No.23511155

Probably Patra from Honey Trap since she's a known copy cat.

>> No.23511156

PP is depressingly bad at Mario Maker. At least Haato puts in alot of effort into improving.

>> No.23511158

12k smart people watching pekora right now

>> No.23511159

She's reading supacha now. She was averaging at 5k-6k during the actual stream.

>> No.23511162

The online doesnt actually let you play the board game part and I think emulation is frowned upon.

>> No.23511167

Why is Subaru playing MR1? Why can't everyone just play the superior version which is MR2.

>> No.23511168

Why is Kanata getting so much money ? Is it pity ?

>> No.23511172

medical bill

>> No.23511173

Medical bill

>> No.23511174
Quoted by: >>23511183


>> No.23511181

Isn't Mario Party on Switch a piece of shit?

>> No.23511183


>> No.23511185

i don't understand why people like okayu, her voice doesn't suit with her character just like coco

>> No.23511186

Every morning I wake up to check if "Draw Okayu every day" guy posted a drawing the previous day.

>> No.23511188
Quoted by: >>23511211

Why can't I post images?

>> No.23511191
Quoted by: >>23511197

Is it shitposting hours already?

>> No.23511194

Her voice perfectly fits her character unlike Towa

>> No.23511195

I'd slap you but her voice has calmed me to the point where I can no longer practice violence.

>> No.23511197

20 minutes in.

>> No.23511203

She's nice when you want to listen to someone that doesn't scream or have other loud reactions too often. Nice and calm

>> No.23511207
Quoted by: >>23511213

I held hands with rushia earlier

>> No.23511208


My wallet is ready.

>> No.23511210
Quoted by: >>23511251


Coco will start subbing Asacoco out of boredom

>> No.23511211

how new?

>> No.23511213

Be careful you might get jumped when you go out

>> No.23511214
Quoted by: >>23511218

Towa's voice fits perfectly, unlike Mio

>> No.23511218

Yeah Mio's voice doesn't fit her irl look.

>> No.23511221
Quoted by: >>23511249

That's literally less than 24h levels of new

>> No.23511223

Tokino Sora

>> No.23511224

To be fair, Towa's voice doesn't even fit her character in real life.

>> No.23511225

Congrats, Towa won. Now no one will ever touch this game again.

>> No.23511228

Sounds like he just got here within the hour.

>> No.23511230

Towa wins!

>> No.23511232

Now I want a 8-player Pummel party.

>> No.23511233


RushiMari is back

>> No.23511234
Quoted by: >>23511354

I think Mio is the type of girl you take home to your parents and they're happy you're serious about having a mature relationship that means something instead of just sleeping around.

>> No.23511237
Quoted by: >>23511253

towa doesnt know how to entertain holy fuck

>> No.23511238

Rushia probably gushed out a waterfall worth after getting fingered by Marine during cupheads.

>> No.23511239
Quoted by: >>23511255

Pekora doesn't seem to know to fear chasms.

>> No.23511242
Quoted by: >>23511272


>> No.23511249

Why is everyone's name anonymous?

>> No.23511251
Quoted by: >>23511257

Do we know if Coco is the one writing them or is it Hololive's English translator that also does WataUta and HoloGra and stuff?

>> No.23511253

This. She doesn't mention or thank the supachas

>> No.23511255

There's a joke about holes somewhere here but I can't find it

>> No.23511256

I smell death by dropping creeper

>> No.23511257

I think it's kind of a big coincidence that Asacoco gets english subs as soon as Coco gets free time, but maybe it's the inhouse translator.

>> No.23511259
Quoted by: >>23511268

Rushia is such an easy girl.No wonder people took advantage of her.

>> No.23511266


>> No.23511267


You need to buy 4chan plus for social media integration.

>> No.23511268

i want to protect rushia

>> No.23511272

Where's the upvote button?
No one hates her, she's too boring to hate.

>> No.23511273

>people already calling out her lies


>> No.23511279

Peko is getting high numbers holy fuck
also left miko in the dust too in sub count

>> No.23511281

Are you OK anon? Do you need help?

>> No.23511282
Quoted by: >>23511290

There has been a noticable increase in the number of Aqua related posts today and that is something I appreciate.

>> No.23511286

pretty sure suisei has it on her schedule for this week

>> No.23511287

Based. I love Towa now.

>> No.23511290

Its strange how few Aqua fags we even have here. Guess she's just another FBK.

>> No.23511296

Am I the only one who hated Narumi AKA Towa?

>> No.23511304

I still hate her tho ?

>> No.23511305

I suppose she's not as popular as some of the other girls in the west because she gets less translation videos.

>> No.23511307

it's criminal how few people here were watching her toreba stream yesterday, one of the funniest streams I've seen. Using her money as her life was a brilliant idea

>> No.23511308

Nobody talks about people they like here, just people they hate

>> No.23511310

18k viewer, based peko know how to entertain people

>> No.23511311

>Am I the only one_______
No you special snowflake.

>> No.23511312

I liked how candid she was in her debut JAV film. Trimmed too unlike the forest most of these girls will have.

>> No.23511313

I'm glad pekora got big so she can maintain all the shitposters and EOPs away from miko

>> No.23511314

so which of the holos you think hate their job?

>> No.23511318

So that virgins can get their name read on stream

>> No.23511319

Towa 100%

>> No.23511320


>> No.23511323
Quoted by: >>23511335

>Pekora mentions that Shokotan is doing YouTube now
>I had no idea
God damnit I'm already watching way too much YouTube as it is with homolive...

>> No.23511324


>> No.23511325

Choco Yudzuki, Mel Yozora, Ayame whore fuck

>> No.23511326

Aqua, she has the most reason to.

>> No.23511328


>> No.23511330
Quoted by: >>23511351

Thank fuck, I hope she pulls in all EOPs so that I don't get to see them in Suisei or Korone.

>> No.23511331

coco, the stream ban is her play all along

>> No.23511333

Suisei hate otakus and playing video games, she just want to become an idol and sing all day

>> No.23511334
Quoted by: >>23511340

Based Pekora calling out RP retards

>> No.23511335

Not sure why I posted that in reply to the Towa baiter, my bad

>> No.23511336
Quoted by: >>23511352

Probably Luna by now, but she's stuck with a 1 year contract

>> No.23511338
Quoted by: >>23511367

Except she's an otaku herself and loves playing games?

>> No.23511340


>> No.23511341

Choco and streaming not ASMR

>> No.23511343

remember when korone ask aqua does she tired acting dumb all the time?

>> No.23511347

isnt this also true for hitsuji

>> No.23511348

Of course since I'm the one that made it up

>> No.23511349

Probably Mel

>> No.23511350

watching towa's pummel party archive. that "yay" in the first really kill me

>> No.23511351

She doesn't tryhard to respond to English comments like Korone does enough for that to happen.

>> No.23511352

No way! Luna loves being Luna!

>> No.23511354
Quoted by: >>23511361

Watch out for the wolfgirl. If you don't become the alpha, she will.

>> No.23511359

retard. don't believe everything that come up from this thread. especially if there's no source

>> No.23511361

Being knotted by Mio's smell wolfcock!

>> No.23511363
Quoted by: >>23511388

Personally,I find Aqua is pretty bad at making small talk with her viewer and tend to focus too much on the game though that might not necessarily be a bad thing for other people.
It pretty good when she do a challenge stream though.

>> No.23511364

No, no one remembers because it didn't happen

>> No.23511367

Don't come here crying the day she pull an Azki, you are lucky she's too fat and ugly to become a real idol.

>> No.23511369
Quoted by: >>23511392

Pekora whines way too fucking much.

>> No.23511371

Entertaining as a serious gamer but unbelievably boring as a person

>> No.23511377

Did you except a loner to be charismatic ?

>> No.23511383
Quoted by: >>23511424

Aqua is a cute dork

>> No.23511384

How do we put Towa out of her misery?

>> No.23511388

Aqua has autism so I can understand that. But sometimes even talkative chuubas can get really engrossed in good games and forget to talk to chat, like Pekora with MGS and Subaru with FF6. Then there's people like Haato who play pure kusoge and almost entirely relies on fan interaction. Then there's Luna who does play good games but pretends to not even understand the story or gameplay and mostly interacts with chat while sand bagging.

>> No.23511389
Quoted by: >>23511404

I imagine Aqua probably became a vtuber to play games for a living, not realizing that she also has to be surrogate girlfriend to a bunch of lonely people on the internet.

>> No.23511390

More horage

>> No.23511392

Pekora is cute way too fucking much

>> No.23511393

Fuck her till she becomes your cumdump.

>> No.23511396

You have to give up on something to be the best

>> No.23511397

Restart her business of jack off reviews

>> No.23511401

Azki had her experience as nayuta.

>> No.23511403

I'm going to support Coco just because of my hatred for YouTube.

>> No.23511404

If she wanted to do that she would've started her own channel and not join 2 idol groups

>> No.23511405

I need a loop of Subaru's throat scream

>> No.23511407
Quoted by: >>23511415

dogeza on her first 3d stream

>> No.23511414

Then there's Watame who plays bad games and still doesn't talk to chat.

>> No.23511415

Will she even make it

>> No.23511418

Minecraft is like gacha but with blocks

>> No.23511419

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvvlYzgSsvo Mio
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY7s_6207rg A-chan and Norio
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjUGt4cEdl4 Aqua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TotzF3KT3w4 Suisei
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRpWMWtdziQ Matsuri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XhYUN1p0_M Okayu

>> No.23511424

Aqua should collab more with Okayu,she is always extra dorky when paired with her

>> No.23511427

Can't wait for Pekora to be the top dog of hololive.

Seeing each gen to have their own 300k sub girl would be cool.

>> No.23511434

Tamaki is basically a hololive at this point

>> No.23511437
Quoted by: >>23511448

I'm going to singalong with Mio then make a wolfpack with her!

>> No.23511439
Quoted by: >>23511460

Imagine Subaru's uvula flopping on your dick when she gives you a screaming blowjob

>> No.23511442

we say that alot for a buncha people, but really they stay independant so they dont have to give their cuts to hololive or do fake idolshit

>> No.23511445

Korone in gamers

Who is gen 2s? Aqua?

>> No.23511446

But she isn't and you shouldn't post her non-Hololive shit here. The only honorary Hololive is Uimama.

>> No.23511448

get in line buddy

>> No.23511449

Because she's the cutest.

>> No.23511450

Marine is probably still a substantial margin more popular than Pekora.

>> No.23511451

Which hololive prefers unshaved men (beards) ?

>> No.23511452

aqua by far
3rd is split between marine/pekora, both get insane numbers. noel has pretty high subs too and rushia has great supcha numbers

>> No.23511453

Can't believe people think that Tamaki is Norio

>> No.23511455
Quoted by: >>23511467

>korone in gamers
but fubuki is gamers too

>> No.23511456

Gen 3 will have the most amount of girls that will break the 300k barrier!

>> No.23511458

AZKi has never streamed games from the start retard

>> No.23511459
Quoted by: >>23512898

she could probably save homostar

>> No.23511460

How would a uvula flop if she's giving you a blowjob and not sex?

>> No.23511461
Quoted by: >>23511468

She's collabing with A-chan, not even a regular Holo fucking A-chan.

>> No.23511463


>> No.23511465

hey it's got A-chan
that's hololive enough for me

>> No.23511467

True, but Korone is the most popular out of the 3 that aren't also considered to be part of one of the gens

>> No.23511468
Quoted by: >>23511480

Imagine actually believing this.
Yeah, thats cool. She could collab with YAGOO himself for all I care. Not honorary Hololive.

>> No.23511473

Can't wait for Haato ASMR to get banned again.

>> No.23511477

Just woke up, did Towa fuck up again?

>> No.23511480

Damn, I didn't know 270 > 284.

>> No.23511482

This isn't 2010 NND anymore, old man.

>> No.23511483

towa fuck me again

>> No.23511486
Quoted by: >>23511506

I like Aqua. She's a good person who is legitimately good at games. But like FBK, she's mostly a comfy gamer who occasionally does or says something interesting. Nothing crazy to really talk about. Just consistent quality.

>> No.23511490

Pekora is gaining subscribers at like 5 times the rate Marine is though.

>> No.23511491

Like you wouldn't believe. She spent the entire collab being a tryhard to beat everyone else. No one enjoyed the game and I wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt do another group collab for 3 months.

>> No.23511496

She fucked up by not fucking up anything which resulted in boring collab

>> No.23511497
Quoted by: >>23511518

>finally get a big collab
>fucked up again
what the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.23511499


>> No.23511504

don't listen to him they had fun, towa won and they ended the stream. Haato fucked up loads of times and it was funny and the match was close between Noel and Towa

>> No.23511506

Feel like Okayu, Mio, and Subaru also fall into this category. Maybe Subaru a bit less

>> No.23511509

It was fun stuff.

>> No.23511514

8k a day? /doubt

>> No.23511518

She also accidently doxxed Haato's schedule and made passes at Noel in front of Flare.

>> No.23511520


Nice, I love english sub. EOPs win again.

>> No.23511524

Can you all stop waking up, and assuming Towa fucked up somehow?

>> No.23511527

Why did Okayu just reeee??

>> No.23511528

Different strokes for different folks, and I love it.

>> No.23511529

That's it guy, FF7R is definitely canceled. Why can't she finish a fucking game in her life ? https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1252237004554637313

>> No.23511533

Feels good to be an EOP-chad.

>> No.23511535
Quoted by: >>23511563

It will be an EOP win when it's a project coco isn't involved in. If they weren't live as they were she would've subbed them already anyway like she does WataUta

>> No.23511538

>made passes at Noel in front of Flare.

I love you Towa but there are some things you just shouldn't do

>> No.23511539

Please forgive the retarded ARK addict.

>> No.23511542


>> No.23511544
Quoted by: >>23511591

Pekora's growth is unpredictable because she gets a lot of mentions due to her wider appeal.
She has the potential to make it to 300k first.

>> No.23511545


>> No.23511546

Pekora just died to a creeper

>> No.23511547

Towa should just play horror games, watching her lose her sanity is top tier entertainment

>> No.23511548


>> No.23511549

Pekora fucking died

>> No.23511551

Of course Pekora is going to die because of a creeper

>> No.23511555


>> No.23511556


>> No.23511557

Dead rabbit got DPed by two creepers.

>> No.23511559


>> No.23511560
Quoted by: >>23511586

good, the ending is shit

>> No.23511563

>like she does WataUta
She doesnt sub watauta, retard.

>> No.23511565

she was just about to got a village...

>> No.23511567

OK buddy

>> No.23511569
Quoted by: >>23511613

She subtly asked Haato if she was just pretending to be dumb as haachama's persona, and Haachama just flat out said that she was never pretending with her character and they haven't talked since

>> No.23511570

R.I.P in pieces Perito Snake

>> No.23511571

Apex is for girls, Warzone is for men. Just my speculation from their stream.

>> No.23511572

don't mind. eop always retard and think coco is the best holo ever

>> No.23511573
Quoted by: >>23511612

>the moment the sky is clear, Pekora finds a village, and brags about being a lucky rabbit she got rekt by two creepers.
How does she keep doing it?

>> No.23511574

7R is so bad that I'm not surprised

>> No.23511575

Not surprising.Miko doesn't seem like someone who enjoy playing RPG in a long run.

>> No.23511576

You think tourists will know that stuff.

>> No.23511578
Quoted by: >>23511610

Bros...Mio has a angel voice..

>> No.23511579

I have to view this thread in incognito. Maybe it's a browser add-on? Really slow otherwise.

>> No.23511580

>Towa has scheduled a minecraft stream

>> No.23511583

Now you guys can come an watch obaa-chan sing

>> No.23511586
Quoted by: >>23511607

It's only part 1

>> No.23511590

playing character > "real-personality" tryhards

>> No.23511591

It's still a 14k gap. And Marine isn't at a standstill either. She literally got a ZUN collab and interacts with way more people than Pekora.

>> No.23511592

you retards should go do your reps with matsuri right fucking now

>> No.23511593

Playing character IS tryharding retard

>> No.23511597

I don't watch obnoxious cunts.

>> No.23511598

Suichan got her first kill!

>> No.23511604

Sui I'm so proud...

>> No.23511605

Haachama said she enjoyed the pummel party
Will she tryhard too?
to be honest I'd like to see some kusoge rivarly between those two walking disasters

>> No.23511606

Did her boyfriend Lyger give her the idea of doing more streams like that to attracts the huge EOPs audience ?

>> No.23511607

yes and it's still bad, don't be surprised if aerith doesn't die in the second disc

>> No.23511608

I know, her growth is very stable and she will make to 300k in about 2 weeks or less.

>> No.23511610

Her moans on the bed is even sweeter bro

>> No.23511611

When did the word retard become a popular insult again
I feel like I'm in the 90s again

>> No.23511612

It's prerecorded, she reacts to the game footage

>> No.23511613

Did she slap Haato too?

>> No.23511618

ohnonono matsuribros they dont realize our girl so genuine and real

>> No.23511621

Finally a lunchtime stream, I can catch that during my break.

>> No.23511623
Quoted by: >>23511635

of course she is going to say that, she isn't going to say she hated every minute of it.

>> No.23511625

Thank God i only follow Hololives who finish main "lets play" series.

>> No.23511627

Seeing some have mentioned this before seldom, I can't help unseeing it now.
Miko really is Pewdiepie of Hololive and Korone is Vinesauce.
Who's Forsen though?

>> No.23511629
Quoted by: >>23511644

Retard isn't an insult though. I'm pretty sure every use of the word retarded in Haato or Miko or Pekora's case is meant as an term of endearment.

>> No.23511630
Quoted by: >>23511736

RIP Perito Snake

>> No.23511634

Haachama had the most tension in that collab but she got consistently fucked by the treasure constantly spawning right behind her and being too greedy in minigame.

>> No.23511635

towa paid her well enough after collab

>> No.23511636

>Yagoo was a bot this entire time
I should be shocked, but all the clues were there.

>> No.23511638

I'm not sure where you came from but please go back

>> No.23511639


>> No.23511641

Pekora is losing only to Fubuki in sub growth. She has Aqua and Marine beat now.

>> No.23511643

Cross-boarders probably don't get how big ZUN is either.

>> No.23511644

Yes they are all my retarded daughters that are all my age or older

>> No.23511645

Luna is DSP

>> No.23511647
Quoted by: >>23511655

uhh guys? image limit? new thread? I want to post my maymays

>> No.23511648

It never went out of style, retard

>> No.23511652

Mio's voice is so fucking good what the fuck

>> No.23511653

Why does my retarded daughter have to stream at the same time as my prude therapist? Life isn't fair bros

>> No.23511655
Quoted by: >>23511721

Too bad faggot, we textboard nao

>> No.23511656

based mio sing eternal blaze

>> No.23511658

So 4K is the norm now? This place is getting way too big.

>> No.23511660
Quoted by: >>23511685

Is matsuri doing HS kanji?

>> No.23511664

I think Aqua is still the most popular, she just isn't playing anything her audience is interested in.

>> No.23511667

>06:00 in the morning
Bros, I don't think I am going to make it...

>> No.23511669

Not really, it's just that the mods can't make up their fucking minds that they start deleting threads even when the existing one is on image limit already.

>> No.23511670

Can we try making an autosage thread this time?

>> No.23511671

We need a youtube board, or a streaming site board

>> No.23511677

Hello GMT+2 anon

>> No.23511678
Quoted by: >>23511689

pekora is tyler1, funny out of context but not very entertaining in the long run

>> No.23511679

Miko is the Jerma985 of hololive

>> No.23511681

>"mozambique here"
Suichan has good comedic timing.

>> No.23511682


>> No.23511685
Quoted by: >>23511699

I think 一級 is university level but I may be wrong

>> No.23511686
Quoted by: >>23511715

I think it should be contained. I like this huge fuck thread, I think a board would spread it too thin and there's no name calling.

>> No.23511688

>legit talking about twitch streamers
please go back

>> No.23511689
Quoted by: >>23511726

Does that make Aqua Moe then

>> No.23511690

sounds horrible

>> No.23511691

whats with the minecraft resurgence

>> No.23511693

ark's getting stale

>> No.23511694

I'm getting tired of jobbing to leddit every weeks, you guys have to prove that we are better fans https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/g4qrok/i_made_myself_hololive_themed_pc/

>> No.23511696

Coco is dead therefore ARK is dead

>> No.23511697
Quoted by: >>23511729

Does anyone know the link to the site Matsuri use?

>> No.23511699
Quoted by: >>23511722

Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3

>> No.23511700
Quoted by: >>23512127

coco is dead. everyone back to minecraft

>> No.23511701

We don't have to prove shit, go back to fucking Reddit you dumb cunt.

>> No.23511702
Quoted by: >>23511719

Aqua must be the most underrated singer in hololive.

>> No.23511704

you literally just came from there

>> No.23511705

good fucking riddance

>> No.23511706

Why do you idiots always reply to obvious bait?

>> No.23511709

The superior species doesn't have to prove its' superior.

>> No.23511710

I dont have to, guy is below the baseline

>> No.23511711
Quoted by: >>23511764

>ARK is dead
thank fucking lord, it was about time to end spam of that horrendous fucking game

>> No.23511713
Quoted by: >>23511727

It is a shame we will never get hololive modded minecraft

>> No.23511715

Most of the rest of /jp/ hates us and the other two vchuuba threads anyway right? And Im sure there are people on /v/ that hate twitch streamer threads getting posted over there ... actually wait, having to share a board with them would probably be awful considering what it's like having /v/ tourists in here, changed my mind you're right.

>> No.23511716

Huh. So this must be that "no substance" Matsuri content that one autust was talking about.

>> No.23511719

*in this thread

>> No.23511721

waiting for the thread to hit page 10 then i'll make one :)

>> No.23511722
Quoted by: >>23511732

Friend, Im saying Ikkyu level, not the kyuu kanji itself...草

>> No.23511726

pretty much yeah, also both of them play yasuo

>> No.23511727

what mods would they even use
i cant imagine holos using fucking tekkits and other similar shit

>> No.23511728

Why doesn't Sora play games?

>> No.23511729


>> No.23511731
Quoted by: >>23511763

>2k viewers
please... watch... Matsuri...I beg you...

>> No.23511732

He's just trying to be a smart ass right?

>> No.23511734

is that gen 5

>> No.23511735

Why are the views so low tonight ? Literally nobody is above 10k viewers

>> No.23511736

That's why you shouldn't unequip your shield.

>> No.23511741

imagine learning a language so retarded that a functional native adult has trouble reading and writing it

>> No.23511742

nijisanji chads

>> No.23511743

Nothing can stop the rabbit ascension now, only a matter of time she takes over hololive.

>> No.23511745

because you're a virgin who cares about viewer numbers

>> No.23511746

she play ffx yesterday

>> No.23511750

It's Monday

>> No.23511753
Quoted by: >>23511797

>Aqua going back to ARK
someone stop her

>> No.23511756

>native Japanese woman struggling with kanji
uh broz?

>> No.23511758

There are a ton of holos streaming right now specifically

>> No.23511759

I don’t think I’d call her functioning

>> No.23511760

senchou is going to get demonetized again...

>> No.23511761

Why does Moona have more viewers than Matsuri? Is this the end?

>> No.23511763
Quoted by: >>23511783

This is like a YouTuber going over their middle school vocabulary book. What the fuck kind of content is this

>> No.23511764

Aqua just announced on her stream that she's bringing back Ark

>> No.23511767

Lots of ID fans I guess?

>> No.23511769


>> No.23511776

who? i remember haato can't read kanji in her english test lol

>> No.23511779

and this is how aqua dies, not with a bang but a whimper

>> No.23511783

This the fabled "substance" that Matsuri has. A true entertainer. Bravo.

>> No.23511784

Isn't that completely normal? They have like a billion of those damn things, and even a native speaker of English will probably never learn every word of the English language.

>> No.23511787
Quoted by: >>23511826

Thanks to the digital revolution, Japanese can't write kanji anymore, they can only read them.

>> No.23511788
Quoted by: >>23511808

My retarded daughter breathing her stinky breath right into my ear!

>> No.23511789

No she didn't...?

>> No.23511790

A-chan still has no plans for creating her own channel.

>> No.23511791

her playlist is good. eternal blaze and now usg

>> No.23511794

I tune in and she's butchering Sugar Song & Bitter Step. I proceed to do a complete 360 and fuck outta there.

>> No.23511795

everyone is just waiting her next fuck up

>> No.23511796

Because there are more Indonesians than Japanese and the Japanese are split up between a lot of hololiveJP right now. Indonesians are poor, by the way, so their number are meaningless.

>> No.23511797


>> No.23511799

Tomorrow wil be a tough day for Haachama, she'll be streaming more than usual.

>> No.23511800
Quoted by: >>23511815

A Chan at 13k

>> No.23511801

I guess going back to ARK isnt Aqua's announcement, probably at the end of this 400k celebration

>> No.23511802

No thanks. I'm potentially adding Mio to my Suisei/Matsuri/Rushia hate list. She is in GAMERS but her content pales in comparison to Korone and Okayu.

>> No.23511803

cringe, but i dont watch aqua so i dont care
question is whether the rest will revert back to ark or no, personally i just dont want everyone to play the same game ad infinitum

>> No.23511804

Please get Mio to 200k, Thanks!

>> No.23511808

It's the best

>> No.23511811


death peko island incoming

>> No.23511813

A-Chan please be a dom.

>> No.23511814

What is your mental issue

>> No.23511815

Collabs never ever count, retardbro.

>> No.23511817

>Coco gets stream banned
>Aqua goes back to ARK and might attract the others to come back

>> No.23511819

You hate her because you think her content is uninteresting?

>> No.23511822

i dont think you can get 4k just in 1 stream but lets try

>> No.23511823

I hope I get in this time for Slither with Miko

>> No.23511825

why do people hate coco again?

>> No.23511826

makes me feel better since I'm literally the same

>> No.23511827

Japanese is a fucking disaster, learning it feels like drowning in quicksand

>> No.23511833

do you hate fbk too?

>> No.23511834

What's even the point of kanji when you can express pretty much everything in hiragana/katakana? I don't get why you would need 3 different alphabets in the first place, why can't the japs just stick to one like normal human beings?

>> No.23511835

>You hate her because you think her content is uninteresting?
No because she doesn't play real games. FBK gets a pass because she's an OG. Mio bastardizes what GAMERS is supposed to be about.

>> No.23511836

You're not allowed to like someone's who's popular anon.

>> No.23511838

Aqua isn't popular enough to start a fotm

>> No.23511840

What is a real game?

>> No.23511841
Quoted by: >>23511895

What the fuck were they thinking

>> No.23511843
Quoted by: >>23511874

She played EDF5

>> No.23511844

Someone tried to replace the Japanes writing system with Romani like 70 years ago. I wonder how it would be if he succeeded?

>> No.23511845

Kanji makes things easier to read when the writer doesn't use it everywhere like an autist.

>> No.23511847
Quoted by: >>23511874

this is just mental illness

>> No.23511848

Are you really saying the masterpiece that is Untitled Goose Game isn't a masterpiece?

>> No.23511849

>a functional native adult

>> No.23511850

Kanji makes it easier to tell where one word ends and the next begins.

>> No.23511854

Serious answer. Coco came at a very bad time for vtuber threads and vtuber culture as a whole. It's probably the worst month and her pandering to the lowest denominator trash had terrible effects to the whole scene. Not to mention starting the ARK blight.

>> No.23511855

You can't
Only toddlers are the ones that can express everything in hiragana because that's the depth of what hiragana only has

>> No.23511856

A-chan's collab is at 13k while Aqua still haven't broke 10k. Is this it for Aqua?

>> No.23511859

Uhh I just realized I have just missed Luna's member-only stream.

>> No.23511861

Because she's trying too hard like Suisei

>> No.23511862


>> No.23511864


>> No.23511870
Quoted by: >>23511887

She's doing a singing stream not everyone wants to watch that shit

>> No.23511871

Don't give up anon! 努力すれば絶対に出来る!

>> No.23511874

>having standards is mental illness
Sorry I'm not a shit eater like you.
Something that meets my standard of quality. The last good game she played was Ghost Trick.

>> No.23511876
Quoted by: >>23512134

>Coco came at a very bad time for vtuber threads and vtuber culture as a whole
why? EOPs?

>> No.23511877
Quoted by: >>23511924

wdym "bad" also whats the "lowest denominator" in this case
I agree ARK being dogshit trend though

>> No.23511879
Quoted by: >>23511920

Damn if there only was a way to tell where one wordendsandthenextonebegins...

>> No.23511880

I wouldn't say I hate her but her voice deters me from watching her

>> No.23511881
Quoted by: >>23511898

FFX is too big for her to download and she retreated to Nico with her core fans, as she is still trying to process all the comments and suggestions she got in her last youtube stream.

>> No.23511884
Quoted by: >>23512096

hating someone on the basis of a vapid statement like "doesn't play real games" is retarded.

>> No.23511887
Quoted by: >>23511897

A-chan's collab is a random variety talk stream, I don't think it's much better off in popularity standards.

>> No.23511888
Quoted by: >>23511904

You act as if English native adults can read and write fluently, consistently.

>> No.23511891
Quoted by: >>23512096

>having standards means you must hate
Nah, you definitely have mental illness.

>> No.23511894

I'm sure EOPs "functional adults" also never struggle to remember how a word is spelt.

>> No.23511895
Quoted by: >>23511920

Just fucking use spaces.

It probably started as a joke. making the new guy memorize thousands of barely different squiggly lines that can be read in many different ways.

>> No.23511896

Reminder, there are dumber fucks here than you that learned Japanese with sheer willpower alone.

>> No.23511897
Quoted by: >>23511915

Of course it is, People get insight into Hololive stuff.

>> No.23511898
Quoted by: >>23511954

That's kinda sad for some reason. While the other girls thrive on this quarantine, she's put on a serious disadvantage.

>> No.23511903

classical Arabic is the same way anon, I'm sure old hebrew might be the same but I don't know much about that.

>> No.23511904

They can understand what the fuck all their words say at least

>> No.23511907

People prefer watching karaoke stream archives

>> No.23511910

When you learn enough of them to read smoothly youll realize the benefit of it, youll understand the general meaning of a word even if you dont know the reading because you know each individual symbol, easier to see where words start and end, express complex ideas in very small concise phrases (yojijukugo)

>> No.23511915
Quoted by: >>23511922

I guess you aren't watching it then

>> No.23511916

this is honestly the most annoying thing for me, if I could look at a kanji and at least know how to say it, I'd be much more comfortable learning it. furigana is a blessing, but seems pretty rare.

>> No.23511920

the lack of spaces isn't really the main issue here, in Japanese sounds are really limited so there would be way too many homographs around for it to be readable

>> No.23511921

She was having a hard time with the combat in all honesty. I'm not watching Miko for her gaming aptitude, so I'm not as bothered by the possibility of her dropping it. FF7R is also dogshit.

>> No.23511922
Quoted by: >>23511936

I am and you're a virgin.

>> No.23511924
Quoted by: >>23511938

>bad time
because of the quarantine a lot of people have a lot of free time and they do nothing other than shitpost all day
>lowest denominator
the people who only got into vtubers because of some badly subbed video like pogkora or some shitty meme like pervert matsuri of psycho suisei

>> No.23511926

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dodckmDiW8 Miko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5nH8GOQdlc Marine

>> No.23511928
Quoted by: >>23511949

[X] Doubt
Have you not seen how most normalfags react to books? Or a newspaper article? Or anything that isn't the length of a twitter post or shorter?

>> No.23511930

how does that translate to verbal speech? isn't it a problem there too?

>> No.23511936

Anon, we are all virgins here.

>> No.23511938

so basically just reddit tier EOPs
got it

>> No.23511940


>> No.23511941

There's homographs in most languages, but most people can make out that the other person means depending on the context

>> No.23511944

You clearly don't spend time around normalfags then. They have trouble writing above a ten year old's level or reading anything more complex than what they'd find on CNN.

>> No.23511946
Quoted by: >>23511969

There is slight intonation in Japanese, no where near as much as Chinese but it's there. This is one of the reasons that Shion made fun of Korone's accent

>> No.23511947
Quoted by: >>23511969

not really, because most of the words have different pitch accent

>> No.23511949
Quoted by: >>23511964

I think you are missing the point

>> No.23511951

Marine keeps scheduling streams at 24 and falling asleep before they happen.

>> No.23511952
Quoted by: >>23511969

Japanese verbal is incredibly simple and easy. It's the writing that is dogshit... at first.

>> No.23511954

She is more active too but mainly on Nico.
She had some technical problems with youtube.
One of her latest stream can also be viewed without a membership:

She is still a bit overwhelmed with higher viewer counts but her streams are comfy.

>> No.23511957

So, how dumb is Matsuri, what's the verdict, guys?

>> No.23511958

Grannies need their sleep. no bulli.

>> No.23511959

>Marine fell asleep in her chair.
dumb baba.

>> No.23511960


Only if you want it to be, there are a lot different ways of saying something but considering the "systems" are pretty different in most asian languages it'll be hard to get you head around it if you are already accustomed to a different "system".

>> No.23511962


>> No.23511964

Bro, go ask English natives what basic words like ''bigot'', ''ultimate'', or ''bemused'' means. Most of the time, they will get it wrong.

>> No.23511966

Give me a link, I'll do it.

>> No.23511968

Choco does that shit all the time, with member streams

>> No.23511969

Ah, I understand, thanks anons

>> No.23511971
Quoted by: >>23512023

At least they can fucking read it how do you read a kanji you don't know

>> No.23511972

Do you live in America or something?

>> No.23511978


>> No.23511983

Learning japanese shouldn't be that hard if even haato speaks it

>> No.23511984

Can anyone who is watching Haato's ASMR stream tell me if she is just doing some nice whispering and blowing into ears or if she is doing stuff from previous ASMR streams like pretending to clean out my ears. I fucking hate the latter crap, feels way too invasive to my ears.

>> No.23511985

Haato stopped her stream just in time for me to get ear fucked by a succubus thanks Haato

>> No.23511994

she was just talking a bit after some ear blowing, it was very short

>> No.23511995

technically the only hard part is kanji and memorizing the vocab, informal speech is piss easy grammar wise and even formal one just is about getting used to it

>> No.23511996

I wish they would play One Way Heroics. I wonder how that game would handle potentially hundreds of players in the same seed.

>> No.23511998
Quoted by: >>23512019

You can learn to speak japanese in under a year, reading and writing is the hard part.

>> No.23511999

Our boy あんず is going strong from the start

>> No.23512001

Haato ASMR is her just saying stupid things, only in a whisper voice instead.

>> No.23512005

I wonder what's Anzu's job

>> No.23512008


>> No.23512009
Quoted by: >>23512014

Giving money to Miko

>> No.23512014


>> No.23512019
Quoted by: >>23512168

maybe in a very basic way
speaking the language requires a lot of vocab and I can't really see how you can acquire it without reading anything at all

>> No.23512020

Wow Rikka got some nice fatty red supachas

>> No.23512021

Elite worm!

>> No.23512023

Anon that's like saying they know their abc's, kanji is for shortening and differentiate written words.

>> No.23512024

You can send him a DM on twitter and ask, he's a pretty chill dude, I doubt he won't answer

>> No.23512025

fucking why
will somebody tell me why in the fucking shit do they spend time on that dogshit when none of them are even decent at it to begin with
do japs play apex? do they like the game? is that why they play it?

>> No.23512034

miko button

>> No.23512039
Quoted by: >>23512096

>Mio bastardizes what GAMERS is supposed to be about
Fubuki's animal club?

>> No.23512046

That's cool

>> No.23512047

Is there one for Ayame

>> No.23512048

Surely a lesser job than that one anon who claimed he can surpass him if he just make supporting vtuber his sole hobby.

>> No.23512054

Listening to marine talk makes me really horny for some reason

>> No.23512057

Marine sleeps in her chair right up to the stream starting time with zero preparation and starts talking about burgers.
Instantly gets 10k+ viewers.

>> No.23512058

I love Miko so much.

>> No.23512061

Can't wait for the Sui/Roboco/Towa Apex collab

>> No.23512064

How many times have we gone through this, it's been discussed to hell and the conclusion is that she's what we call a casual gamer. I wouldn't be surprised if she'll just play dlsite games if given a choice.

>> No.23512067

something something aging womb

>> No.23512072

Likes talking about anime shit.

>> No.23512082

A panicked round 30 woman driveling on can do wonders

>> No.23512083

Sexy voice + sexy avatar

>> No.23512085

I've been away from /jp/ for a while. Why do the hololive threads get thousands of posts daily now?

>> No.23512088

How dare that casual call herself a gamer, I'm personally insulted!

>> No.23512093

Breeding b*tch pheromones

>> No.23512096

Tell me Mio's content compares to Korone and Okayu at all, unironically, with a straight face.
and that's why she's shit. There's nothing wrong with being a shit eater as long as you admit it.

>> No.23512098
Quoted by: >>23512225

coronavirus lockdown

>> No.23512100


>> No.23512101

Have any of them played Pogostuck? That would be a fun group game now and then. More of a variety thing.

>> No.23512104
Quoted by: >>23512225

Fubuki woke up one day feeling like singing scatman

>> No.23512110

What game is Marine playing today and why does she have 15,000 viewers?
What's her gimmick? Kinda new to this whole thing.

>> No.23512111

Marine's stomach...now I have a boner.

>> No.23512113

Reminder that Gamers have the highest sex drive due to being part animal.

>> No.23512118
Quoted by: >>23512225

Because hololive is the most popular idols right now.

>> No.23512120

Autism central, we get raided by all sides and there's someone who has actual brain problems that decided to live here.

Also we got a cluster of drama right now, kinda like a perfect storm.

>> No.23512121
Quoted by: >>23512231

Because the game has ridiculously high TTK so even if you are trash at aiming you can still luck out somehow,making it easy to pick up.
Rarely they play any game that can end you in 1-clean shot because that actually require fast reaction time and good aim.

>> No.23512125

Marine is oen of the most popular members you goons.
Why are you surprised she gets a lot of viewers.

>> No.23512126

She's playing the show her belly button and talk about her older sister game.

>> No.23512127
Quoted by: >>23512135

Today's Asacoco at 200k views already, but you told me she was dead!

>> No.23512129

she's like matsuri but without being a complete weirdo

>> No.23512134

That and her abuse of low brow sense of humor to increase her meme value.

>> No.23512135
Quoted by: >>23512221

I can only hope, edgy humor is only funny when you're between 13 to 16 years old.

>> No.23512137
Quoted by: >>23512146

What's suisei's killcount after the stream?

>> No.23512138
Quoted by: >>23512147

So is Okayu a shiteater's taste too because they both played pokemon mystery dungeon? You're gonna say it's just one game out of so many hundreds so it's not a fair comparison aren't you? Well, they've all played a fair ton of the same games with Mio not playing what we coin as FOTMs.

>> No.23512139
Quoted by: >>23512225

Check /v/ right this instant

>> No.23512141

why is watame eating ramen again

>> No.23512146

I personally saw 2 kills, so maybe like 3 or 4

>> No.23512147

>You're gonna say it's just one game out of so many hundreds so it's not a fair comparison aren't you?
Yes because then you're ignoring the other 25 or so videos.
>Well, they've all played a fair ton of the same games with Mio not playing what we coin as FOTMs.

>> No.23512148

How much do Pekora Just Chatting streams get?

>> No.23512150

Ramen is good

>> No.23512151
Quoted by: >>23512180

I'll have you know the cat brushing stream is more hardcore than any of those gaming streams.

>> No.23512152

She gets emotional with the support she gets and starts eating ramen

>> No.23512156
Quoted by: >>23512199

sounds like she's going through depression

>> No.23512160
Quoted by: >>23512180

I see your point but you still have autism and should see a shrink.

>> No.23512161

Chuubas constantly read game content casually without ever running into trouble, even text heavy games. Try having your average native English streamer take an actual English text and the results will be just as embarrassing.

>> No.23512163

The fug? A reverse comfort eater?

>> No.23512166

You didn't realize that Matsuri is messing up on purpose for attention? It's the same shit Luna and other game sandbaggers do.

>> No.23512168

You only need about 1.5k-2k vocab words to speak it sufficiently. One nice thing about Japanese is that there's less excess words because they conjugate a lot of words to deliver similar meanings. Conjugations are pretty simple too, although a bit annoying to pick up since there's a lot to learn. Makes it really easy to transform one word into a dozen words though.

>> No.23512169

I wonder if watame has a belly for all the trash she eats haha

>> No.23512176
Quoted by: >>23512180

idk anon, you just seem autistic, and know who else you hate and the reason you hate them, I KNOW you're autistic and you should seek help.

>> No.23512177
Quoted by: >>23512226

Of all the popular BRs this one is the least horrible.

>> No.23512180
Quoted by: >>23512205

As long as you agree with me, that's ok.

>> No.23512181

FPS is a Western thing. It's not as popular in Japan, so of course Japs are going to play lower skill FPS games. I'm more surprised they played PUBG quite a bit some time back.

>> No.23512183
Quoted by: >>23512194

Cute loli Miko

>> No.23512185

The real answer is because most anons are autistic weeaboo and she not japanese enough for them because she was born in America.

>> No.23512187
Quoted by: >>23512252

no korone stream? not even any announcement on her twitter? what happen?

>> No.23512188

>watame was thinking of discontinuing watame no uta but miko told her not to stop until they reach budokan
how can one miko be so ELITE

>> No.23512194

that's a little boy

>> No.23512196

That's a serious underestimation.

>> No.23512197

I'm sorry guys, I need to make a new thread. I just want to post images of my favorite hololive.

>> No.23512199

She's just bipolar like Noel

>> No.23512200

Marine has such a unique voice.

>> No.23512201

Miko is a good girl

>> No.23512202

Luna is very good at it. She won the 1st game in her collab with Matsuri.

>> No.23512204
Quoted by: >>23512222

Just make one a week if it's such a hassle.

>> No.23512205
Quoted by: >>23512220

sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I don't agree with you and I think you have an objectively harmful opinion.

>> No.23512208

Miko is overworking the animal to death
How do I file a complaint to Japan's wildlife preservation people?

>> No.23512209

Miko is ambitious, so much so, that I'm worried she's too ambitious at times. It's good that people like her exist.

>> No.23512213
Quoted by: >>23512361

More like she is doing her a service, the songs are the only thing that set her apart from the rest right now and the minute she stops is the minute she will fall into indifference.

>> No.23512216
Quoted by: >>23512225

Recruiting from /v/ and a general ever increasing interest in Hololive among foreigners despite the fact that the majority don't know any Japanese due to the amount of translated clips available.

>> No.23512220

If you don't explain why you disagree with me then I will assume you do agree with me but your vain personality and emotional immaturity won't allow you to admit it.

>> No.23512221

I think her humor is funny, and I'm over 30.

>> No.23512222

I don't understand why they don't do this, watame no uta and asacoco could go to 3 days a week and not only end up with higher quality but also not stress them the fuck out.

>> No.23512225
Quoted by: >>23512268

Thanks for the responses. It's like a monkey's paw. Virtual YouTubers are gaining popularity but are attracting all the ill-mannered fans.

>> No.23512226


>> No.23512228

Young-at-heart anons are the best anons

>> No.23512231

High TTK means that if you are trash at aiming you will eat shit 99.9% of the time against somewhat experienced player simply because they hit you more than you hit them, strategy and random factor matters much less in a high TTK game.
I have no idea where the fuck does the "luck out" idea came from, the only time any Holo has won a game it's all because all they did in that match was hiding and running and somehow got lucky fighting the last squad, and the chance of that happening is extremely low.
And there's also the fact that the game being a BR which means the amount of time the player spend shooting at someone is very low compared to running and looting, which means they will have a much longer time getting better at aiming simply because they don't do it much.
God I fucking hate BR

>> No.23512232

I can't do it bros I'm gonna die Choco is such a slut

>> No.23512234

>Chuubas constantly read game content casually without ever running into trouble
The amount of times I've seen them all fail at simple tasks because they're blind to obvious UI indicators says otherwise.

>> No.23512235
Quoted by: >>23512256

yea don't do that, we have fundamental disagreements in the nature of what a "real game" is.

>> No.23512236

my condolences.

>> No.23512237

Don't know they like to complain about it so much but you can just reduce it, No one will mind.

>> No.23512239

While that is true, it has nothing to do with their ability to read the Japanese language, so it's completely unrelated to my point.

>> No.23512240

Is it true Suisei used to be Nayuta? They don't sound that similar so I am not really sure I believe it. They're both really talented though.

>> No.23512249

I Thought japs didn't like older girls so why is it that baba Marine's aging womb and Pekoneet are getting that many views?

>> No.23512251
Quoted by: >>23512269

That's not a healthy way to cope with rejection anon. It's going to catch up to you sooner or later.

>> No.23512252
Quoted by: >>23512314

Free day

>> No.23512256
Quoted by: >>23512330

What is a "real game" then?

>> No.23512259

That's the thing isn't it? If it's on screen text based instructions then it's all fine and dandy but any kind subtle visual indicator it might as well be invisible.

>> No.23512260

No that's AZKi

>> No.23512265

It's different when it has become part of people's daily routine. If you can't watch it every day before going to work you're likely to stop waking early just for its sake. It's also a matter of pride at this point, really.

>> No.23512268

As far as behaviour on youtube goes a lot seem to think its just like twitch but with anime avatars. And as for these threads, they are full of people regularly trying to start console wars with vtuber companies, harassing/stalking the people that translate the clips they watch and actively doxxing the people from the company they are supposed to be fans of.

>> No.23512269

Rejection? I am not asking anything of anyone. It's all just lively debate. Some people are ridiculously immature and stupid in this general so sometimes it's hard to differentiate between adults and underages here.

>> No.23512271

Because that's just a dumb meme baka

>> No.23512272

No, she used to be miketama

>> No.23512277

I know over 5k and I don't think I'm any good at japanese yet

>> No.23512284

Marine is actually one of the youngest holo, that's why they can joke about her age

>> No.23512283

Anon, most of the core voice actress are over the 40s now. The nips aren't picky at this point and even unicorns are fine with hags.

>> No.23512286

Gibberish singing is easily digestible by anyone, EOPs included.

>> No.23512294

Is doing an endurance stream on shitter.io the worst idea Miko had this year ?

>> No.23512297

There are over 2k 常用漢字 and probably every single one of these kanji has multiple words to them

>> No.23512298

Considering she's a semi-pro singer this is for the better, she'll always be comfortable with singing and it'll keep her confident enough.

>> No.23512300
Quoted by: >>23512309

You just seem awfully bothered. Forgive me for making assumptions.

>> No.23512306

She's somehow pulling more views than she usually gets though

>> No.23512307

why is Marine on about woody woodpecker

>> No.23512309

That's just my personality. You are forgiven.

>> No.23512312

We want the Pekora audience

>> No.23512314

weird, i think she dont have that

>> No.23512316
Quoted by: >>23512349

Are we counting conjugations as different words?

>> No.23512318

most of the people using the internet are between 25-30 years old who grew with the internet so marine is more relatable to them
pekora is for the other kind, the people who are still growing up and discovering new things so watching pekora is like throwing peanuts to a monkey

>> No.23512319

even Miko can't beat Haachama playing it with her stinky feet

>> No.23512324

All I got from anons in this thread is Japanese is a smart and easy to understand and English is a hard and dumb language that even people who know english don't understand it.

>> No.23512329

>Some people are ridiculously immature and stupid in this general
You mean like that guy who hates some people because those people are not adhering to his standards of being "real gamers"?

>> No.23512330
Quoted by: >>23512365

What a real game is depends on the person making the statement. I'm not going to shame someone for finding something enjoyable that I don't. I wouldn't consider shit like farmville a game, but other people would. others might not consider VNs like AI: The Somnium Files or Steins;Gate a game, but those are 2 of my favorites.
TLDR: it depends on the person. don't shame people for having a different viewpoint from you.

>> No.23512331

She kinda drifted from voices actresses to tom and jerry then remembers woody for some reason.

>> No.23512332
Quoted by: >>23512354

Given Marine's Age she probably grew up watching Lunatics Unleashed and thinking it was a super Cool American show.

>> No.23512335

The latter is true for every language actually.

>> No.23512345

Hating something for a valid reason isn't immaturity or stupidity. Hating something for no reason is. Like when anons hate on Suisei because she's a hardworker and it makes them feel like losers or when people hate Coco because she's exceptionally popular.

>> No.23512346
Quoted by: >>23512394

reminder that JST 22:00 onwards is american shitposting time and the thread quality substantially drops because of /v/ tourists

>> No.23512347

I mean, look at your own grammar. You're a shining example of what we're talking about.

>> No.23512349
Quoted by: >>23512386

even just "一" has multiple readings and multiple words associated to it

>> No.23512352
Quoted by: >>23512379

> probably every single one of these kanji has multiple words to them
Knowing all 2k stnadard use kanji allows you to read ~95% of Japanese. But you can get ~70% of Japanese off of the top 1.5k-2k most common words, hence ''sufficiently''.

A lot of people count loan words, conjugations, and slightly different words (middle school vs middle school student) as wholly separate words to learn.

>> No.23512354

>Lunatics Unleashed
Oh my god, that show was real and not just some fever dream I had.

>> No.23512357
Quoted by: >>23512382

That's not a valid reason though. If you don't like what they play, you can just ignore them without hating them. You are simply retarded.

>> No.23512361

Her singing streams are also nice

>> No.23512364

What can I supacha to make the dumb sheep stop fucking crying.

>> No.23512365
Quoted by: >>23512411

>What a real game is depends on the person making the statement.
That logic works both ways then. If you accept a person's standard for a what game then you have to accept my standard for what a game isn't.

>> No.23512368
Quoted by: >>23512376

If ARK is such a shitty game, why can't they stop playing?

>> No.23512369

Of course the mentally ill faggot is a Suiseifag. I should've known better.

>> No.23512371

call her a dumb bitch, like be really abusive, and remind her that there are people that would literally kill to be in her place

>> No.23512376

They're not in Hololive Gamers, so it's acceptable

>> No.23512379

what are you getting your scale for "sufficient" japanese from because we already have an actual metric for sufficient basic japanese and it's not "learning 1.5k to 2k words"

>> No.23512382

I am allowed to disparage the content an entertainer puts out when they're specifically in a professional gaming group and don't put out content that reflects their position.

>> No.23512383

japanese is just as hard as any language to pick up, but easy once you have the fundamentals down. English is a shitshow all the way through, fundamentals or no.

>> No.23512384

she's not even crying, nani.

>> No.23512386
Quoted by: >>23512403

And? It's pointless to learn every reading to just 一, it's better to just learn the actual vocab. It's not like if you look at 一, 日, and 一日, you'll get five different words. Those three are still only three words. Kanji having different readings and multiple words associated to it isn't an exponential effect.

>> No.23512387

The one who has a video up of her dancing to the sound of Witch Doctor? Wasn't that Watame?

>> No.23512394

>6am on west coast, 9am on east
Don't disagree that theres clearly waves of quality moving up and down in here but are you sure about the Murrican theory?

>> No.23512403

well you're already wrong because 一日 is already like 3 different words

>> No.23512406

People's job is shitposting now

>> No.23512407
Quoted by: >>23512483

Okay now I know you are clearly autistic.

>> No.23512411
Quoted by: >>23512483

It doesn't actually, my logic also applies to me thinking you're a retard for hating someone because they play something you consider not a real game. once you cross that line I don't agree with you anymore, I'm not going to hate someone for liking farmville like you hate mio for her game choice.

>> No.23512417
Quoted by: >>23512434

Who other than Murrican can be retarded enough to hate people based on what games they play?

>> No.23512421

What are the 3 words? The only one I know of is ichinichi.

>> No.23512423
Quoted by: >>23512428

Anon bros, I just killed Suisei in APEX

>> No.23512428
Quoted by: >>23512485

good, now do it irl

>> No.23512429

it's a disputable theory for sure but I based it off the last few threads with lower post quality and /v/ buzzwords all being concentrated around this timing
although this is also the timing where Korone usually starts her stream, so it might be a general /v/ tourist thing

>> No.23512431


>> No.23512432

>一日 is already like 3 different words
it's 7 different words

>> No.23512434

Brazilians will publicly stone you if you chose the wrong games

>> No.23512440
Quoted by: >>23512450


>> No.23512443
Quoted by: >>23512453


Kanata, Coco, Watame 5th Gen represent!

>> No.23512448
Quoted by: >>23512483

You're not autistic, you're just dumb.

>> No.23512450

Oh fuck

>> No.23512453


>> No.23512457
Quoted by: >>23512523

write down every combination of the readings for the kanji and there's probably a word for it

>> No.23512458

Reminder that this is a Suiseifag.

>> No.23512463

is Towa a bitch?

>> No.23512465

i can't believe i can't hear korone sound tonight. if you miss her like me come watch this

>> No.23512471

So what if I am?

>> No.23512473


>remastered his track to congratulate Korone on beating Actraiser
Dog is getting too big

>> No.23512475
Quoted by: >>23512510

pretty sure he's the one saying he's adding mio to his suisei/matsuri/rushia hate list, so he's actually not.

>> No.23512478

Is he not this guy?

>> No.23512483

Not an argument.
That's not how logic works.

>> No.23512485


>> No.23512486
Quoted by: >>23512499

Nobody is trying to argue with you anymore. You gave up the prerogative of being taken seriously a few posts ago.

>> No.23512494

You have to realize when people say it's america time it's not only about the US but also includes Canadians, Brazilians and everything else it's a concentrated source of shitposting.

>> No.23512495

Anons, who will reach 200k first? Watame or Kanata?

>> No.23512498

Regretted making that shitpost suspecting him of just wanting attention when I saw that. Clearly a bretty kewl guy, and the remix is really nice.

>> No.23512499

That's a shame. I was looking for someone to prove me wrong or change my mind.

>> No.23512501

I don't think it's wrong to hate or dislike any of the holos.

>> No.23512504
Quoted by: >>23512540

you've already shown you have a tenous grasp on logic, so I'm not surprised you have trouble understanding what I'm saying.

>> No.23512510

Pretty sure that's just a cover to make his hate look more legit. In case you missed it, he also defended Suisei here >>23512345

>> No.23512514

Hate? why would you hate a vtuber? did they stole your lunch?
It's fine to find some not to your liking tho.

>> No.23512515

Marine paizuri

>> No.23512516
Quoted by: >>23512534

Either some nigga leaked or twitcast bugged because it says that there were 100 so people watching Choco ear fuck listeners

>> No.23512521

probably kanata, she has a bigger dynamic right now.

>> No.23512522
Quoted by: >>23512557

He just has different reasons for hating her than that. this isn't the first time someone's brought up that exact list of people.

>> No.23512523

Not my point. Yes, ''One day'', ''First day'', but that doesn't mean that kanji are this complex ''there's literally five words to one kanji'' thing. It's not like 一日 has three words that are complete opposites, they're similar in meaning and most juguko are not that complex. Grammar does a lot to change meaning.

it's ついたち anon.


>> No.23512524
Quoted by: >>23512936

Based on past trends, I'm putting all of my money on PPT.

>> No.23512525

He's desperate to ride the coattails of a Dog God.

>> No.23512528

This miketama?


What the hell, I love Suisei now

>> No.23512534
Quoted by: >>23512546

What are you talking about ?

>> No.23512535

Yes but don't try to pretend the reason is something profound when in reality it's just some petty shit like their games of choice.

>> No.23512537

Sure, but don't be surprised when people shit on your opinion. Although it's unreasonable to hate someone with whom you haven't personally interacted with or has had any serious negative effect on you.

>> No.23512539
Quoted by: >>23512580

That sounds nothing like Suisei and she's already a Vtuber during that time

>> No.23512540

I don't think it makes sense for you to accept what someone considers something a "real game" but not accept when someone considers something not a "real game." Why is it okay to let people enjoy what they want to enjoy but not let people dislike what they want to dislike?
This just shows how braindead most of you are and the level of tribalism in this general. I can dislike something but still acknowledge a particular quality that said thing possesses.

>> No.23512543

Teletubbies, huh.

>> No.23512544

Yes, that sounds exaclty like suisei

>> No.23512546

Choco just finished her first ear licking stream for her most gachikoi fans and twitcast reckons that there are 140 viewers in total when there's no where near that many people subbed to her ci en plan

>> No.23512548
Quoted by: >>23512580

How can you not tell that's the sheep?

>> No.23512550

It's a valid reason and not petty at all.

>> No.23512555

suisei doesn't have a past life

>> No.23512557

I think he is also that autist who hates Matsuri because she lacks "substance."

>> No.23512562
Quoted by: >>23512596

She probably has more than 140 members anon...

>> No.23512564

>hates Matsuri because she lacks "substance."
Well if her recent livestream was any indication...

>> No.23512565
Quoted by: >>23512591

She was a kettle in her past life

>> No.23512566

It's very clearly someone baiting the fuck out of 2 or 3 people, just stop responding to him.

>> No.23512569
Quoted by: >>23512592

because you're HATING a person based solely on their taste in games. that makes you autistic. this is the root of my argument, it cannot get any simpler than this.

>> No.23512571
Quoted by: >>23512596

Couldnt it be people randomly finding the twitcast stream? Or was it private for only people giving her money on cien?

>> No.23512572

Hahaha...Y-Yeah...Imagine paying for the cien plan...Hahaha

>> No.23512576

Most people here may be braindead but still not as braindead as you.

>> No.23512580

fuck off suisei fags, I only watch Miko, Pekora and Marine, I did not memorize the vocal chords of your neet japanese sub-idol, better for me that miketama has nothing to do with this piece of shit

>> No.23512585

Profound isn't a good word to use here. Like that other guy replied with, "validity" is more accurate. You're taking the reason as something profound, but I see it as someone explaining their tastes and opinions and no one has really challenged that anon yet on Mio being a gamer. Mio deserves to be defended better.

>> No.23512584

The first rule of /v/ is that every post must be responded to.

>> No.23512588

This isn't bait, he genuinely believes this. don't mistake stupidity for malice. although in this case I guess it's both.

>> No.23512590
Quoted by: >>23512609

Anon, just in case you're not shitposting I wasn't joking. She's Watame.

>> No.23512591

okay I laughed.

>> No.23512592

Anon, why the fuck are you just blatantly ignoring that she's in a group called "Gamers"? I don't give two fucks if Haato wants to rub her clit a million times to the tune of slither.io or getting over it. You wanna know why? Because she's not in GAMERS.

>> No.23512596
Quoted by: >>23512638

No no, this is a super secret fan club that costs $100 a month you can see how many people are in it and it's definitely not 100 or even close to it
you need a password to join the stream

>> No.23512598

>suichan antis are mixing up who is on whose side

>> No.23512599

why are you so aggro, no one was being a dick except>>23512544

>> No.23512604

Except that autist is clearly taking himself very seriously.

>> No.23512608
Quoted by: >>23512616

It looks like Okayu just plays Nintendo games and animal raising sims.

>> No.23512609
Quoted by: >>23512802

What the hell, I love Watame now

>> No.23512611
Quoted by: >>23512624

>failed everything in her life and had to harass Yagoo to get in hololive after she failed the audition
If she wasn't ugly and fat she would probably had sleep with a lot of dudes to get to the top

>> No.23512613
Quoted by: >>23512633

she's playing games, just because YOU don't agree that she is doesn't mean she isn't. you're just autistic.

>> No.23512615

At this point we should call these threads 'fish in a barrel general' because everything they throw in the water here gets bit, no exceptions.

>> No.23512616
Quoted by: >>23512640

>It looks like Okayu just plays games by the greatest video game development company of all time and animal raising sims.

>> No.23512620

I'll be more nuanced. I think there's nothing wrong with disliking or hating someone's content.

>> No.23512624
Quoted by: >>23512661

now this is bait.

>> No.23512628

I think Kanata but I subbed to both because I want both of them to succeed.

>> No.23512629

I see. Continue then.
Being serious is a big no-no on /jp/.

>> No.23512633

Not real games.

>> No.23512634
Quoted by: >>23512651

Whether Mio is a gamer or not is not even important, it's very autistic to hate her for not being a "gamer." By the way, gamer means a person who plays video games so he is wrong anyway.

>> No.23512637

Brain damage

>> No.23512638
Quoted by: >>23512653

What the fuck ? That's sound like some weird shady porn shit

>> No.23512640

>greatest video game development company
he didn't say platinum

>> No.23512641
Quoted by: >>23512664

miko's moan was too moe

>> No.23512642

Maybe he's just that good at trolling and doesn't really believe the shit he's saying.

>> No.23512643
Quoted by: >>23512665

It's precisely because the target is Mio that's why he's successfully baiting replies, if it were a more common target he'd be less successful. Mio is utterly inoffensive anyway, the whole argument is stupid.

>> No.23512644
Quoted by: >>23512663

Literally mentally handicapped.

>> No.23512646


>> No.23512649

Lewd https://twitter.com/usadapekora/status/1252267960204288000

>> No.23512651
Quoted by: >>23512668

Discussing the semantics is the wrong angle to argue it by.

>> No.23512653
Quoted by: >>23512683

It was pretty tame actually probably because she was nervous. Way more tame than her voice packs (I only bought the Christmas one but if that's a good indicator then yeah)

>> No.23512656
Quoted by: >>23512689

nothing wrong with sending death threats to a chuuba

>> No.23512657

If your favorite chuuba has never played Bloodborne which is the greatest game of all time, she is not a real gamer no matter how many games she has played in her lie.

>> No.23512658

Imagine hating someone for the games they play instead of just watching what you like and moving on with your life.

Imagine maintaining an actual list of people you dislike instead of just subscribing to what you like.

>> No.23512661

90% of Suisei posts are bait.

>> No.23512662

gas EOPs

>> No.23512663

None of these are arguments. Why can't you guys be more open minded and mature like this anon?

>> No.23512664
Quoted by: >>23512704

I will probably clip it for myself later.

>> No.23512665

We had 1000 posts about Luna's joke age last thread so idk bro.

>> No.23512668

You are literally retarded.

>> No.23512674

At first it sounds like some cheesy generic advice, but then you realize it's what she's trying herself, and touches a bit deep inside

>> No.23512676

this but Metal gear Solid 3

>> No.23512677
Quoted by: >>23512698

because you disregard every argument with your flawed circular logic. no one's bothering anymore.

>> No.23512680

actual lure for us to imagine Peko bathing

>> No.23512683
Quoted by: >>23512762

Why are you paying 100$ for some ASMR when the internet is full of it ? It's like paying for porn. But I can get why she was nervous, It's becoming a lot more private and you can't fuck up because this is only the paypigs watching

>> No.23512687
Quoted by: >>23512711

I like these tweets that go out before they go to bed or right when they get up.

>> No.23512688
Quoted by: >>23512701

why Fromsoftware doesn't puts it on PC so I can play it

>> No.23512689
Quoted by: >>23512722

kys if you think like this

>> No.23512691

this but unironically

>> No.23512698

Okay let me shift the conversation a bit since this is clearly going no where. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Mio does play "real games." Do you believe that they rise to the quality of a brand such as Hololive GAMERS?

>> No.23512701
Quoted by: >>23512718

because sony funded it.

>> No.23512702
Quoted by: >>23512720

Shitposting, autism and people biting baits is just par for the course in these threads, nothing special. I'm just happy for Mio that she at least has some people to white knight her.

>> No.23512704
Quoted by: >>23512723

I quoted it for you: "Waaaaan~"

>> No.23512709

This but Qbert.

>> No.23512711

She skipped the part where Tyron rammed her pussy before the bath

>> No.23512712
Quoted by: >>23512752

imagine sleeping on the floor

>> No.23512717

>You will never make a mancave for korone with your own hands, dug right below okayu's mansion you also paid on it entirety so she will never be sad or lonely ever again

>> No.23512718

Seems fair. But no way I will buy a console just for one game, at least Death Stranding is coming to pc eventually

>> No.23512720
Quoted by: >>23512731

>argument I don't like is bait

>> No.23512722

ok simp

>> No.23512723

Thanks, anon.

>> No.23512725

Guys, my favorite professional gamer(a CSGO pro) doesn't play other than games than CSGO. What do? I think he is not a real gamer.

>> No.23512730

everyone knows that in Japan, Brazilians are the ones fucking idols and married women, so it should be Carlos or João

>> No.23512731


>> No.23512733

Korone fell asleep again...

>> No.23512738

Anyone who plays a competitive game is a real gamer and would qualify for high quality content under the brand of Hololive GAMERS, in my opinion.

>> No.23512742

Dont know about chinks, but I'm spaniard and my grandma made some seasonal snack with sweetened charcoal, and I'm fine besides being dumb

>> No.23512747


>> No.23512746

He could bet 322 against his own team

>> No.23512748
Quoted by: >>23512767

I want to ram Peko pussy

>> No.23512751

>a brand such as Hololive GAMERS

>> No.23512752
Quoted by: >>23512775

Honestly I liked sleeping on the floor a lot when I broke my bed with my fat ass, but the mattress started to develop some mold after 3 months so I had to buy a bed and new mattress

>> No.23512760
Quoted by: >>23512788

I think you should go back to /v/ and never come back but at this point you're all here to stay. We can't all always get what we want I guess.

>> No.23512762

because it's her, same reason people like that Anzu donate shit loads to Miko. It honestly would be better if she made it cheaper (for her profits) but IDC. I can stop if I can't afford it anymore

>> No.23512763

Reminder that 7 Days to Die is not a video game. It must be a picture book or something.

>> No.23512764

>Peko gets baby sat to top 10.
>Miko has to do it by herself.

>> No.23512767

"HA HA HA that's your dick? Shouganai peko"
"Pekooo, Pekooyooo, I'm turning into a baka usagi peko peko pekoo"
"HA HA HA HA I'm coming"

>> No.23512768

where the is the bar of quality set? korone literally spends most of her time playing kusoge. It doesn't even matter GAMERS is just gen 2.5 anyway. they don't operate any differently from any other group, unlike something like INNK.

>> No.23512775
Quoted by: >>23512796

I hope you dusted your room everyday, sleeping in the floor is a privilege but needs maintenance

>> No.23512779


>> No.23512782
Quoted by: >>23512866

Miko always had to work extra hard since the beginning and Pekora was carried by others from the start, It's almost poetic

>> No.23512783

The privilege to be treated like an idol

>> No.23512788

Why should I go back to /v/ even though I have never been to /v/ my whole life? Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say I have been to /v/ 1 or 2 times, that's still not enough to qualify me as a real /v/ poster and therefore I think I should not go there because I don't adhere to the standards of being a real /v/ poster.

>> No.23512789
Quoted by: >>23512811

Well according to the other anon, a "real game" is depends on what a person decides so by that logic I can craft my own bar of quality and I say Mio doesn't pass it.

>> No.23512792

Why does this dialogue sound vaguely familiar to me, especially the 'turning into a baka' part

>> No.23512796

That's the problem, my mattress stayed on the floor all day and with the humidity the mold appeared, I didn't take care of it

>> No.23512797

Got babysit-ted and still managed to fuck up when finally in the top 10, the holos either don't have reflexes or do it on purpose, no way you can't see that you aren't going to make the turn, it's a children's game

>> No.23512802

Its definitively her

>> No.23512803
Quoted by: >>23512816

The only real game is Pong. All other games are normie, poser trash.

>> No.23512805

>Earthworm Hell Endurance Aiming to Be No. 3 by Morning
oh god

>> No.23512809
Quoted by: >>23512855

I want Miko to make it big. The train anime opening cover is hopefully just the start.

>> No.23512811
Quoted by: >>23512824

then this discussion is pointless, because you're so stuck in your own mindset, you won't change it regardless of what anyone tells you.

>> No.23512812

Do I really have to articulate why pic related doesn't pass a quality test? >>23512096

>> No.23512813

what the fuck happened?

>> No.23512816


>> No.23512821

one man singlehandedly make this thread burn

>> No.23512824

It's not pointless because I am waiting for someone to give me another angle or argument defending her quality of content besides "well it's up to you to decide if its good or not and I say its good"

>> No.23512831
Quoted by: >>23512896

/v/koronefag happened

>> No.23512836

A very professional gamer came here.

>> No.23512838

masayoshi minoshima reminds of Revo: is a god composer and work is basically to be surrounded by cuties

>> No.23512840

If being in this thread hasn't taught you already, autism can't be cured so stop trying.

>> No.23512843

Honestly what game they are playing is so far down on the list of importance when I decide who to watch that its almost entirely immaterial.

>> No.23512850

The "Matsuri has no substance" fag found a new target.

>> No.23512851
Quoted by: >>23512858

your mental gymnastics makes that impossible.

>> No.23512855

Miko is missing something that's preventing her from reaching mainstream success like Pekora and Marine have, though I can't really say what it is.

>> No.23512858

Not really, you guys are just lazy or don't care.

>> No.23512861

NOOO you can't be like that. You must hate them if they don't play real games.

>> No.23512862

But muh retro game

>> No.23512866

I am absolutely intrigued by both of their careers considering how inseparable(?) the narrative of each are linked to each other. They themselves even see it as a rivalry.

>> No.23512870


>> No.23512873

The feeling I get is that she is quick to assume the "follower" mode when playing with others, so she gives this "side character" vibe

>> No.23512874

She doesn't play real games.

>> No.23512884

are FPS real games? Is Towa a real gamer?

>> No.23512887

Well good for her then since she isn't in Hololive GAMERs.

>> No.23512889
Quoted by: >>23512927

As a 35P, I'd say it's the marketability of her personality and how she plays games. Miko has a creative muscle that has to be stretched. I think that streaming games limit that potential but she has to and has been starting here.

>> No.23512891

she seems fairly introverted during collabs so im not surprised

>> No.23512893

I don't like BR games, so no, Towa's a fake gamer and I hate her

>> No.23512896
Quoted by: >>23512958

i blame korone for not streaming today. her fan is sure toxic here

>> No.23512898

Didn't Norio/Tamaki say that she didn't like it when male and female vtubers interact?

>> No.23512900

I agree with this. She doesn't stand out when she plays games. When she does the variety show-esque activies (e.g. Haachama English), that's when Mikochi shines.

>> No.23512901

Any game that is competitive is a real game and therefore Towa is a gamer and is more qualified to be in Hololive GAMERS than Mio. It has nothing to do with "liking" or "disliking" a game. It's about principles.

>> No.23512907
Quoted by: >>23512943

GTAV is a real game though, but you said it. She doesn't have whole lot single player playthroughs other than that from last year.

>> No.23512908

She's a walking meme but that's not enough to cut it if we're being honest

>> No.23512910

but tamaki is male vtuber

>> No.23512911

I hate all holos because they don't play google's dinosaur game which I consider to be the pinnacle of video games.

>> No.23512918

the real condition to be a Hololive GAMER is being virgin

>> No.23512921
Quoted by: >>23512960

The fuck are you saying? Aqua finished that ages ago

>> No.23512923

There's nothing wrong with being a shit eater anon! You just gotta be honest with yourself! Repeat after me: I am a shit eater.

>> No.23512927
Quoted by: >>23513000

That might be it, I get what you're saying. She's perfectly fine and entertaining on her own and is fantastic with ad-libbing content, but she doesn't immediately stand out in a crowd with other strong personalities.
This too. I think her best strength is her on the fly delivery, so reacting to just games limits her somewhat. It's kind of hard to branch from there, but Asamiko is a good start.
Hasn't stopped other content creators from being popular.

>> No.23512931

Shut up Joe

>> No.23512936

If Kanatan hits 200k before Watame, Watame will cut Kanatan's ear off and feed it to her.

>> No.23512939

Where do I sign up?

>> No.23512943

>GTAV is a real game though
No it's not. My father work at Rockstar, Epic, EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda so I am an authority on what makes a video game real.

>> No.23512946
Quoted by: >>23513702

this but with team fortress 2

>> No.23512947

but the requirement to be hololive gamers is they must been playing with my penis

>> No.23512949

Watame sounds really good in this. She works well with synthesizer effects.

>> No.23512957
Quoted by: >>23512973

But she ain't got no kemonomimi. Can't be a Hololive GAMER without kemonomimi. Even Squirrel has a better claim. (being a Yakuza fan don't hurt none neither)

>> No.23512958

For real. It's just as bad when Pekora streams MGS, although last time was not too bad. /v/ storms this thread and talks about games all damn thread and shits all over anyone who isn't a ''real gamer''. Fucking crossboarders.

>> No.23512959

But Korone isn't a virgin.

>> No.23512960


>> No.23512965
Quoted by: >>23513120

As someone who only recently started to really enjoy Miko streams, I think it's the voice. I like her voice now but I think it's an acquired taste.

>> No.23512968

It's good to know I'm not completely surrounded by brainlets and teenagers.

>> No.23512969
Quoted by: >>23512991

Miko doesn't know how to make her stream short yet entertaining.Also she doesn't really pay much attention about her viewer availability,like Pekora who often stream on prime break time at 8.00pm-11.00pm on normal day and mostly reserved her long stream on weekend.

>> No.23512972
Quoted by: >>23513005

Lets end this shit

>> No.23512973

but she is, the horns on her hat are actually a cover for her ears. trust me bro.

>> No.23512976
Quoted by: >>23513248

FBK isn't either.

>> No.23512986

I like Mio, I don't care what you fags think of her.

>> No.23512990

I pick my favorite holos first, the game/material they're doing (karaoke/zetsudan/silly streams first), then decide on games. Subaru and FF6 is an exception.

>> No.23512991

Miko just brute forces viewership through sheer streaming duration, it's kind of respectable.

>> No.23512997

Haven't you heard? You're not allowed to like the designated shitposted holo for the hour

>> No.23513000

completely agree about her solo performance, I personally love her silly humming and noises during the stream

>> No.23513005

Good to know most of this general isn't retarded.

>> No.23513011

Crossboarders are still a minority, for now.

>> No.23513019

NOOOOOOOOO she's not a real gamer! She's a shamefur dispray for hololive GAMERS!

>> No.23513021

>Towa has reached 103k subscribers
Our girl is growing bros ;_;

>> No.23513033
Quoted by: >>23513045

It's just one anon. Give him enough time, and literally every holo will be on his hate list.

>> No.23513036

Back to comfy soon.

>> No.23513037

300k when

>> No.23513039
Quoted by: >>23513097

It's just a difference in target audience size.
Each vtuber has a different personality and attract viewers who match this personality type.
If you want to have a bigger audience you have to target the normie demographic more aggressively at the cost of the quality of your content.
The Azur lane collab or Fubuki's short english song videos attract this type of people more, but you then have to cater to them more..

>> No.23513040
Quoted by: >>23513080

Imagine giving a fuck about the word 'gamer' anyway
Zoomers are fucking weird

>> No.23513045

Idk. Suisei/Matsuri/Mio is a pretty typical for hated Hololives here.

>> No.23513046

Yet she is still shit. She even single-handedly made the collab earlier an unfun mess.

>> No.23513047

it's very likely a few crossboarders mixed with a couple shitposters to spin up a shit storm because everyone is too retarded to just not reply to them even while they samefag

>> No.23513050

You guys know what would be really interesting to end some discussions? To get a statistic of how many subscribers are subbing to ALL holos and compare with the ones that subscribe to specific holos only

>> No.23513054

Towa is a real gamer because she played House Flipper.

>> No.23513059

but it was fun

>> No.23513068

I am the latter. Subscribing to everyone just because they're in the same group is stupid. Some of them like Suisei, Matsuri, Mio, and Rushia don't deserve my subscription and I do not watch their defective content.

>> No.23513070

Today is the first time I encountered a Mio anti,how is this typical?

>> No.23513076

Mio is generally ignored or mildly praised though.

>> No.23513080

Gamers rise up!
After I put a tide pod in my mouth.

>> No.23513082
Quoted by: >>23513095

Haha retard. Now you have to argue with him.

>> No.23513083

You guys should browse more often then. She's often shitposted about.

>> No.23513088

Matsuri and Suisei hatred are just shitposts and falseflags. Both of them were fairly high on the popularity polls, however little that is real.

>> No.23513090
Quoted by: >>23513183


>> No.23513095

I do this great thing where I don't reply to retards. You guys should learn about it. It's great.

>> No.23513096

Haato said it was fun and that she wants to play with Towa again

>> No.23513097

Ironically enough Fubuki probably doesn't care too much about her numbers and just wants to do her own things and support her colleagues, but she attracts a lot of people who don't end up sticking around (or donating) because she loves shitting out meme videos.

>> No.23513099

Except everyone I spoke to before has said that they hate Mio because she doesn't play real games. It's not a small sample size either. I have talked to like 200 anons on this matter.

>> No.23513106

I'm subbed to everyone and I try to watch everyone if my favorites aren't live.

>> No.23513107
Quoted by: >>23513116

I think actual antis are even rarer than Mio fans
Most of the time shes mentioned here its in relation to 'who is the most boring/least popular' kinds of conversations

>> No.23513110

It really looked like her kind of game.

>> No.23513116
Quoted by: >>23513149

You know, I actually appreciate this Mio hater. It's nice to see someone hated for their boring content rather than being hated just for being a hard worker like Suisei or making rash content like Coco does.

>> No.23513119

No one gives a shit about yours or 200 anons' opinion

>> No.23513120

When I started getting into this chuuba stuff, Miko at first glance seemed like the most generic, superficial personality there. Then after all the FAQs, the BGM and perfect songs she'd randomly pull out of her ass to make big moments feel even grander, her earnest hardworking nature, and how she considers the kayfabe; understanding how some fans see her as a daughter or girlfriend or how she used AsaMiko Newsman to literally and metaphorically show the effect that her fans cheering her on had pressuring her to continue AsaMiko. Shit guys, I really love her. I remember when I thought how grating her voice was at first.

>> No.23513121
Quoted by: >>23513160

Haato doesn't count because she thinks everything is fun.

>> No.23513141
Quoted by: >>23513168

Well I asked all 10k anons that browse this general. And only about 201 of them said something to that effect.

>> No.23513149
Quoted by: >>23513162

Why did you refer to yourself in 3rd person?

>> No.23513152

This will be her last collab for some time.

>> No.23513156

I can expect her to play it alone against the CPU and still fail

>> No.23513158

haachama is too retard to think something is not fun

>> No.23513160

That's a good outlook to have, really.

>> No.23513162

I've never seen a Mio video in my life so I don't really know if he's right or not. I am just saying I enjoy the reasoning.

>> No.23513168
Quoted by: >>23513196

Those 10k anons are braindead. Only me and my approved anons can be right.

>> No.23513171
Quoted by: >>23513181

Only if they're a certain type.

>> No.23513176
Quoted by: >>23513394

miko really is a mother-fucker, at least when playing slitherio

>> No.23513177
Quoted by: >>23513201

>miko want her mama killing herself
worse than peko

>> No.23513178

So did Towa doxx anyone is today's collab?

>> No.23513181

Oh my god could it be that type is "real gamer"?

>> No.23513183

Good to know most of you aren't shit eaters and have some sort of standard.

>> No.23513186
Quoted by: >>23513227

Are these threads the longest in 4chinz history not including stickies? Or at least /jp/ history?

>> No.23513193

she literally did, listed all her past boyfriends live on stream

>> No.23513194
Quoted by: >>23513262

all hololive (except suisei) already doxxed so it doesn't matter

>> No.23513196
Quoted by: >>23513208

I had them all IQ tested, and they were all around 138.

>> No.23513198

My DD days are long gone.

>> No.23513201


>> No.23513202

she posted feet pics of all of them

>> No.23513207

Yeah, now we know all hololives have been blacked by at least 4 black boyfriends.

>> No.23513208

Huh. That's exactly my IQ.

>> No.23513212
Quoted by: >>23513222

Very important poll

>> No.23513213

She accidentally revealed that Noel, Flare and Haato enjoyed her company

>> No.23513222

Specifically a red onion

>> No.23513225
Quoted by: >>23513446

when will toko join hololive

>> No.23513227

I don't lurk /vg/ that often, but aren't massive generals like this pretty common there?

>> No.23513228


>> No.23513235
Quoted by: >>23513252

Greetings anons! just a reminder
take your meds

>> No.23513238

>but aren't massive generals like this pretty common there?
/vg/ is so fast that the highest thread I have ever seen there went to like 1K before being archived.

>> No.23513241

Up to 4k posts regularly like this though? How cancerous

>> No.23513242

Based anon

>> No.23513243

no, those generals get pushed off the board pretty quickly after they hit bump limit

>> No.23513244
Quoted by: >>23513298

they usually reach 1k posts and reset at least in the non-gacha generals since i never visited those

>> No.23513247

Power Penis

>> No.23513248
Quoted by: >>23513289

Even if they aren't, it's fine. I will make them the happiest pack of animal girls in the world.

>> No.23513249

Rance general...

>> No.23513252

Everyone keeps tell me I have autism. I might actually go to a shrink and prove them wrong so they will shut up.

>> No.23513260

Also anons are pretty autistic about making the new OP so they make new threads right when bump limit is hit (500).

>> No.23513262
Quoted by: >>23513304

Knowing their past internet alias doesn't really count as doxxing.

>> No.23513267

Lies. Shitposters told me they hate Towa.

>> No.23513269
Quoted by: >>23513282

Can't some anons here make some new flanflys or 2hu fug threads? I want my new thread with images.

>> No.23513275

Yes. Genetic disorder.

>> No.23513278

Piss Poor

>> No.23513279

/vg/ threads usually refresh at 750-850. Thought on some fresh releases they can get to a bit over a thousand, but then again, that's usually when threads hit page 10

>> No.23513282
Quoted by: >>23513305


>> No.23513289
Quoted by: >>23513341

Same. We need more FBK babies.

>> No.23513294

Mario game, Pokémon game, Animal Crossing, Pokémon but with CDs: Real Gamer Games

Japanese The Sims, Simple Series game, TV show licensed game, Sound Novel: Real Gamer Games

EDF, Ghost Trick, Dragon Quest, Katamari: NOT Real Gamer Games

>> No.23513298

depends on the general usually, /gfg/ resets on page 8. shit like /alg/ resets whenever they hit bump limit, like animals.

>> No.23513304

Yea I dont know why but theres a few anons in here that get really butthurt if you mention anything about vchuubas having past lives at all

>> No.23513305

mah man thanks

>> No.23513306

That's so arbitrary I can't even begin to understand your criteria for what constitutes a real game.

>> No.23513318
Quoted by: >>23513369

Ok now tally up every hour of EDF, Ghost Trick, DQ, and Katamari and then add up every hour of every non-game or "low quality" game (I will let you decide what is considered earnestly low quality) and make a fraction. Then do the same for Korone and Okayu and then come back to me.

>> No.23513322

>Perception : 0
>Speech : 0
>Charisma : 0

>> No.23513328

Breaks the illusion/suspension of disbelief. I for one accept my chuuba in all forms.

>> No.23513341

Not just Fubuki, but Mio, Korone, and Okayu, too! This is the best harem.

>> No.23513345

I could watch Miko just filling up the silence with random noises and words for 10 hours

>> No.23513352
Quoted by: >>23513361

based room temperature IQ anon

>> No.23513353

It's not that their butthurt, it's just common fucking etiquette to not talk about their past lives. Because people keep talking about this there are EOPs going into a Vtuber's stream and asking if (vtuber) is (name from past life). It's pretty easy to research about it but don't keep fucking spreading it.

>> No.23513361


>> No.23513362

Me too

>> No.23513364

At this rate it might actually take that long for her to get 3rd

>> No.23513367

Mama is here to save her lads..

>> No.23513369
Quoted by: >>23513422

That is something someone with literal autism would do. It's also a bad metric, because Korone has played good games for a long time due to her being absolute dogshit at them.

People who enjoy video games will sometimes play highly regarded games, and will sometimes play casual games. It shouldn't be that hard to grasp this concept. It's not like you eat filet mignon and sole meuniere every meal. Sometimes you eat a turkey sandwich or a Taco Bell burrito.

>> No.23513370

I've been listening to Kanata's cover since it was released on loop!
Would she be happy or just find me creepy?

>> No.23513371
Quoted by: >>23513375

mama is here to feed her child!

>> No.23513374
Quoted by: >>23513387

miko in 10th

>> No.23513375
Quoted by: >>23513414

could it be the same mama from pekora stream ?

>> No.23513379
Quoted by: >>23513405

I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that

>> No.23513381

Yes she would be happy, now keep listening to it

>> No.23513387

7th and one more she surpasses pekora's run, high tension !

>> No.23513388

>shitheads that will post about it in stream exist, therefore you shouldnt mention it at all
That's like saying we're better off with less EOPs at all in the cha--fuck, maybe you're right.

>> No.23513394

Wish Miko would fuck my mom

>> No.23513402
Quoted by: >>23513466

How the fuck does someone who counts sound novels but not Ghost Trick even exist?
Oh right this is bait you got me now fucking kill yourself
The real tragedy here is Mio actually does play great stuff occasionally and the main thing most people have against her is simply finding her personality boring so those games won't be seen.

>> No.23513403


>> No.23513405


>> No.23513408


>> No.23513409


>> No.23513412
Quoted by: >>23513444

Weren't they originally planned to have a collab consisted only the two of them last week according to Haato's schedule before adding Noel/Flare?

>> No.23513414

it could be but seems like theres more 35p in on it before miko killed herself

>> No.23513415


>> No.23513422

>It's not like you eat filet mignon and sole meuniere every meal. Sometimes you eat a turkey sandwich or a Taco Bell burrito.
Yes and I already stated a few times that there's nothing wrong with being a shit eater as long as you admit it.

>> No.23513426

>we're better off with less EOPs
Sounds right to me.

>> No.23513429
Quoted by: >>23513448

Fuck stupid EOPs in chat. If you can't understand shit, don't chat useless crap. Go cry about it on 4chan or the Hololive EN Discord or something.

>> No.23513444
Quoted by: >>23513480

Yeah, but I think Towa fucked that up with computer problems. Expected from the two most unreliable chuubas.

>> No.23513446

Why is Moona such a greedy bitch? What's wrong with Hololive Indo?

When the sanbaka join hororaibu.

>> No.23513447

So it's EOP scapegoating hour huh?

>> No.23513448

not the anon you are quoting but you got me wondering if 2ch has general threads like this too, perhaps you guys are just tsundere for us EOP ? We are more fun than those 2ch weirdos

>> No.23513451

Rariemonn-papa wants to do more lolis

>> No.23513464

>wants to do more lolis

don't we all ?

>> No.23513466
Quoted by: >>23513475

I can always tell when the ESLs are here.

>> No.23513467

1. 2ch doesnt exist anymore, its 5ch now
2. They have a thread just like this one but with less bait swallowing and they go through 1000 posts in about an hour, currently on thread #6823

>> No.23513468
Quoted by: >>23513493

It is general threads but much bigger and much faster. Like 1000 posts in 20 minutes in the late evening japan time.

>> No.23513474
Quoted by: >>23513611

I'm here obv cause it's more fun, but when EOPs start to get stupid in chat I just fucking lose it. Like is it so hard to have common sense?

>> No.23513475

We're always here, anon.

>> No.23513478

please be loli korone

>> No.23513480

Her computer issue actually occurred after. I noticed that nothing was happening but nobody actually mentioned anything about it in the thread.

>> No.23513481

why are most EOPs like 12

>> No.23513483

Have any chuubas played Mass Effect or is it too kuso even for them?

>> No.23513487

where the fuck is his avatar from, I want to jack it for my own use.

>> No.23513488

I want loli Miko.

>> No.23513489

It's just too western for their tastes.

>> No.23513493

that's too fast to even comprehend. even the fastest threads I see on /vg/ take an hour to hit bump limit during events.

>> No.23513497
Quoted by: >>23513517

Haato looks like THAT?

>> No.23513498


>> No.23513510
Quoted by: >>23513531

Only one I see playing it would be Subaru.

>> No.23513517

No that's way too busty

>> No.23513518

"we want to be like AKB48"

>> No.23513526
Quoted by: >>23513536

>that's too fast to even comprehend
Maybe you're just dumb

>> No.23513531

That'd be really cool actually.

>> No.23513536

you obviously haven't been in very fast threads before

>> No.23513539

It's fucking stupid because those people don't even know shit about the character and just think it's a mismatch because she looks like an anime stereotype. The character is a lazy shit disturbing brat in a lab coat. The voice is perfect.

>> No.23513549

Reminder Haachama is a good girl who works hard.

>> No.23513556
Quoted by: >>23513578

>loli Sora Live2D
Does Sora even have a normal live2d?

>> No.23513557

How about instead we get a Fubumama and Miomama doting over a shota they share?

>> No.23513558

The Japanese language can convey more information in a single sentence than English can in an entire paragraph.

>> No.23513571

I don't understand what they said but I agree

>> No.23513576

Tell me about Coco. Why doesn't she ever shut her fucking mouth?

>> No.23513578

God I wish

>> No.23513582

She's learned from Twitch thots. Gotta keep talking to keep viewer retention.

>> No.23513584
Quoted by: >>23513681

or there are a lot of japanese losers on the internet

>> No.23513585

she has a chronic illness that would eventually render her mute, so she's making up for it as much as possible

>> No.23513589

She has a lot of charisma also
they literally never shut the fuck up if you get em going

>> No.23513593
Quoted by: >>23513601

She knows that appealing to mouth-pussy market will bring her more money.

>> No.23513596

Don't forget to listen to this today

>> No.23513597

No thanks I value my ears

>> No.23513598

no thanks, I don't like the song and her other cover is better.

>> No.23513601

>long dragon-tongue
>piercing for maximum cockteasing
>lips that won't quit
Well, now to have another wet dream about Coco-kaichou.

>> No.23513611

I blame it on twitch chat culture

>> No.23513612

Would it be possible to get a quick rundown of what was said? Need step up on doing my reps

>> No.23513617

naturally since each japanese kanji is folded over a thousand times

>> No.23513621
Quoted by: >>23513631

Haachama is a good girl and serious about her work, but she's not very smart.

>> No.23513622

>#1 is @ miko live
ntr'd this hard

>> No.23513624

Yea I didnt like this cover much
Feels like shes shrieking through the whole thing
Ill listen to her other one though

>> No.23513631

I wish she was less serious about her work and more serious about at least passing school so she doesn't have to worry when it's done

>> No.23513634

Already have, I listen to it almost every day. Can't get enough of it.

>> No.23513641
Quoted by: >>23513644

ok, miko can never in top 3. she will give up first

>> No.23513644

she needs mama and a papa to be able to get there

>> No.23513654
Quoted by: >>23513677

Well first of all a gamer by definition is someone who plays video games, it doesn't matter for how long they have played. A video game is a broad term which has a lot of different genres but all of them are still video games. In Mio's case she plays video games pretty much daily, so I'd say that by definition she's a gamer and even if you limit it down the definition to someone who regularly then she's still a gamer.
Your problem seems to stem from what you believe to be a "game", but as said "video games" is a pretty broad definition.

>> No.23513656

so cute how pekora and miko have the same speaking quirks, they do spend a lot of time together

>> No.23513659
Quoted by: >>23513707

They also curse similarly too.

>> No.23513661

I've yet to see any word in english with a strong impact in conveying myriad of emotion akin to 草

>> No.23513669

By leaning on context.

>> No.23513675
Quoted by: >>23514098

Alright I'm gonna lazily summarize
They were talking about both being background supports (tamaki is in the middle of starting a company) and what makes them feel proud of the staff they support and A chan randomly busted out Haachama's name
She said Haachama is really determined to create her own stream ideas but also has a tendency to come up with ideas on the spot and then execute them immediately with shaky results
She also said she feels happy when Haachama comes to her for advice and that she especially asks for advice when shes hosting large collabs
They both laughed talking about the fact that despite appearances Haachama is a pretty serious person who wants to do things properly and said her serious effort shines through and it makes people want to support her

>> No.23513677

>Well first of all a gamer by definition is someone who plays video games, it doesn't matter for how long they have played.
Great then literally every Hololive is a "gamer." What the fuck was the point of making a distinct "GAMERS" subdivision if their isn't a distinction in the word "gamer"?

>> No.23513681
Quoted by: >>23513703

I don't think it is so much that. More that there are a lot of Japanese people packed into one image board and the fact that Japaneses virtual youtubers that live stream isn't nearly as obscure an interest when your primary language is Japanese.

>> No.23513694

It used to be that some were gamers and some were asmrers.

>> No.23513702

Lucky you Moona just played L4D2, so you can try your luck with her.

>> No.23513703

Oh right its text. Too used to referring to them that way.

>> No.23513707

Calling it now. Miko and Pekora are the same person.

>> No.23513715
Quoted by: >>23513730

>Need step up on doing my reps

Hope you are also doing your weight reps, a strong mind calls for a strong body

>> No.23513725

holy shit

>> No.23513730

One kanji per 10 weight reps.

>> No.23513738

The Gamers tag is just as pointless as the Fantasy in 3rd gen name

>> No.23513741

That would make that spanking punishment game near the end of that Ring Fit collab very awkward for me

>> No.23513755

To cater to the gamer demographic? Don't know I'm not Yagoo. All there was asked was what's a gamer and what's a game.
Not why they are called gamers, because really that's any ones guess.

>> No.23513764

This thread doesn't have enough Okayu.


>> No.23513766

a very talented person being able to pull this off

>> No.23513771


>> No.23513783
Quoted by: >>23513806

Remember Haato praises those who do weight training! She did in her last member stream!

>> No.23513787

now I understand the selfcest tag

>> No.23513806
Quoted by: >>23513822

How many Haato's do you have to able to lift before she praises you?

>> No.23513810

Watching this just makes me imagine two women walking around in black suits with little things stuck all over them

>> No.23513819

Yet you shitters can't even respect trans people's right to not be dead named.

>> No.23513822
Quoted by: >>23513870

2, one in each arm

>> No.23513833
Quoted by: >>23513900

I can only see this when watching their 3d streams, even more when you can notice the weight and avatar difference, also IIRC Hinata spanked Marine's butt and it was like one entire hand of distance from the actual avatar's butt, Marine must have a fat ass

>> No.23513839

two cute irl friends being cute together in a virtual world...

>> No.23513840

now it's all make a sense

>> No.23513854

someday the technology will get better

>> No.23513862
Quoted by: >>23514726

Image limit but the artist was @kme_6_4.

>> No.23513870

Perfect, now I have a goal.

>> No.23513874

It's funny to imagine the camera and gear strapped to their heads as they both stare into each other's eyes asking for no honorifics

>> No.23513900
Quoted by: >>23513919

It's mostly because Hinata's model is way too small for her real body and Marine is actually 150 cm IRL which is short even for a jap.

>> No.23513906

that's just how americans are

>> No.23513919


>> No.23513979
Quoted by: >>23513994

miko so sleepy that she is even talking with real voice

>> No.23513994

I thought she was easier to understand tonight for some reason. That must be why

>> No.23514002


>> No.23514014
Quoted by: >>23514032

why are you up at 4am stu

>> No.23514032

still 03:44 at miko's clock

>> No.23514035
Quoted by: >>23514047

Is this the game's bgm or is Miko listening to metal?

>> No.23514047

she is putting up the background music, trying to pump herself up

>> No.23514081


>> No.23514098

Thanks anon. I had a rough idea of what A-chan said but I appreciate you for doing this. And she's absolutely spot on about Haachama. This is one of the reasons I find myself rooting for her despite her content and constant pandering to degenerate fans. I think she genuinely just wants to make her fans happy. So despite her stream failures and "HAACHAMA!?" moments, I really like that she's still persistent.

>> No.23514110

wanting to smell and lick the feet of the woman you love is not being degenerate desu

>> No.23514112

The fuck does that have to do here? Fuck off.

>> No.23514233

miko start a war

>> No.23514555
Quoted by: >>23514740

The HAACHAMA is such an endearing thing, because she's clearly not as inept as we joke that she is. She's just an 18 year airhead.

>> No.23514563

The fuck kind of weak ass bait is this shit?

>> No.23514657

It's because they're not trainies that people respect them.

>> No.23514726

Wow, thanks.

>> No.23514740
Quoted by: >>23514787

Agree, most people will meme her cause of her "Haachama!?" moments. But she's truly one of my favorites in Hololive for many reasons that I can't really explain.

>> No.23514787

you like her because she is young, fertile and naive. no other reason

>> No.23514815


>> No.23514833
Quoted by: >>23514842

Not everyone is a horny virgin who only thinks about fucking 2D girls like you anon.

>> No.23514842

Haato isn't a 2d girl, she's a barely legal retard that would follow a stranger down a dark street out of pure curiosity

>> No.23514899


>> No.23514926


>> No.23514936


>> No.23515046

congratulation 35p

>> No.23515055

Happy miko!

>> No.23515063

She made it top 3.

>> No.23515079


>> No.23515084


>> No.23515097

miko missing watauta, is she do this too yesterday?

>> No.23515128

lol idk we have new thread. that's explain why sudden silent

>> No.23515397

Faggots didn't post it

>> No.23515418

Lots of kisses from Miko today. Time for bed.

>> No.23515818

I just wake up, why is everybody saying that Coco is banned for 3 months, wasn't just only a week ban?

>> No.23515841

No one truly knows but there have been cases like Shirayuri and Utako who had to wait out three months.

>> No.23515848
Quoted by: >>23515859

Literally everything other than the fact that she is currently banned is 100% speculation, she hasn't clarified anything further. There have been other VTubers in similar situations that were banned for 3 months, and others that were only banned for 1 week.

>> No.23515859


>> No.23515915

Both got a warning before being banned for 3 months
First strike is one week for everyone
It's Coco's first strike

>> No.23517540
Quoted by: >>23517573


>> No.23517573


>> No.23518902

Here is an interesting sociological study on virtual Youtubers:


>> No.23518936
Quoted by: >>23519309

>twitch better than YT

>> No.23519099


>> No.23519309

where's the lie :pog

>> No.23519520

dilate and migrate.
