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File: 2.77 MB, 800x600, NF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21140358 No.21140358 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>21067020

>> No.21140365

Gamers assemble.

>> No.21140406

Reminder that "Flandre" is NOT a correct romanization of フランドール and "Maribel" is NOT a correct romanization of マエリベリー
Get your shit sorted out.

>> No.21140456
File: 571 KB, 930x1000, 1261041734776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21140562

>History 01/01

>> No.21140562

A-Are you implying bad things? Please don't imply bad things.

>> No.21141654

SA hard is fucking bananas how do you even deal with Orin and Komeiji

>> No.21141704

Yeah, I'm getting my ass kicked as well. Practice, I guess.

>> No.21141980
Quoted by: >>21142281

Reminder that it's the official romanization of them, and as such is correct.

>> No.21142281

There's no official romanization. It's just 2hu fans being retards.
Drag the zombie fairies at the top, and then go back down the screen, keep firing at Orin. Heavy micrododging is required for the non-spells. For the spell with the "clouds", they are aimed and regularly spaced: try to figure out the hitbox and find a way to the left or right and keep your ears open for the spawning sound. The last spell is bullshit, bomb it.
Heavily depends on your shot.

>> No.21142308
Quoted by: >>21142398

>there's no official romanization
Are you actually fucking retarded? Their names are shown romanized in the Japanese versions of the games.

>> No.21142398
Quoted by: >>21207219

Maribel has never been in any game (Yukari aside) and has never had her name romanized by ZUN anywhere
EoSD doesn't show romanized names of the bosses when fighting them and the same is true of all the other games Flandre appears as a boss in. In addition "Flandre" is only one of the ways ZUN has romanized her names over the years

Fucking secondaries

>> No.21142419

What would be a correct romanization?

>> No.21144137


>> No.21144168


>> No.21144205


>> No.21144593
Quoted by: >>21144638

>Heavily depends on your shot
ReimuA, by the way what's the pattern for her first spell? I've seen replays where the player somehow manages to pass the lasers after they stop moving, but how much time do I got before they "activate"?

>> No.21144638

The lasers activate roughly two seconds after they stop. Don't move against them (I mean, in the opposite direction of their rotation before they fire) or else they will "shuffle". Just wait until right before they fire (there is an audio cue) and micrododge in the same direction they rotated. This keeps the pattern unmoved and it gives you extra space to manoeuver against the yellow bullets (which are actually the most annoying part). Avoid large movements, this is ALL about taps.

>> No.21145426

*** STYLISH! ***

>> No.21146395

Why do these webms always look better than youtube videos or when I play the games myself?

>> No.21147268
File: 77 KB, 800x378, 1527252142753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21153346

>Don't move against them (I mean, in the opposite direction of their rotation before they fire) or else they will "shuffle".
Not him, but I never knew about this. Thanks, I'll give this a try.

>> No.21148148

Can anyone spoonfeed me how to play POFV online ? Specifically have someone connect to me ? I tried everything I could think of but nothing seems to work.

>> No.21148180
Quoted by: >>21153346

Thanks anon, helped a lot. Now I just gotta figure a way to deal with the spam in stage 4 until Satori.

>> No.21149956
Quoted by: >>21150128

Does keeping your pubic hair shaved improve performance in Touhou and Touhou related activities?

>> No.21150128
Quoted by: >>21150145

>touhou related activities
Does that include jerking off to illustrated stories about your favorite characters growing cocks and fucking each other?

>> No.21150145
Quoted by: >>21150219

Sure, does it improve your performance in those matters?

>> No.21150219

A little bit, yeah. But I haven't shaved it in months.

>> No.21150733
Quoted by: >>21152344

Is vpatch important for MoF and later?

>> No.21152344

It helps me a lot for MoF but not for anything after it.

>> No.21153346

TO be honest, it's almost impossible not to make them shuffle since you have to dodge the bullets as well.

>> No.21156150
File: 491 KB, 640x480, clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make a post about how I thought PCB was harder than EoSD but then I switched to Sakuya. 4 bombs is almost too much.

>> No.21156157

It's not even the bombs that make Sakuya easy. Her shot is fucking incredible in that game.

>> No.21157160
File: 76 KB, 482x700, D34YwKrVUAEPXnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have people figured out anything on VD' score system?

>> No.21157276
Quoted by: >>21159537

Why is UFO Marisa B's shot type so contemptibly horrible? Why do backward shot types exist at all?

>> No.21159537

>Why do backward shot types exist at all?
well some games don't have drunk people as the bullet pattern designer

>> No.21160065
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21160240

I passed the big 2K today
kill me bros

>> No.21160240
Quoted by: >>21160971

Do you have a route or are you just winging it every time?

>> No.21160388

unironically by getting gud
also satorin is not hard for a stage 4 boss, though some shots have it easier (desu yukarin is the easiest, I love doing her last spell)

also Lumia is the correct name for eosd stage 1 boss

>> No.21160971
Quoted by: >>21162071

there really doesn't seem to be a route for this
the blue figures all take random paths, and mamizou randomly moves left or right. The only aimed thing is the yellow bullets, and no matter what I do, eventually I slip up and take a hit
I've had slightly better luck attempting to manoeuvre in a square shape, but it falls apart nine out of ten attempts.

>> No.21162071
Quoted by: >>21162088

You are not staying under mamizou the whole time right? Its easier if you get out of the human circle every time they appear by going around the screen

>> No.21162088

I try to get out of the circle and much as I can, but from the recordings of myself that I made, it seems to just result in me not hitting at all until I eventually go down, even with that doll that widens shots

>> No.21162373
File: 28 KB, 300x289, 1554680851226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21162446

So I've always been curious about these games. Is it possible to easily play the whole series without having to go to dingy 2006 forums with links to rapidshare?

>> No.21162446
Quoted by: >>21162460


>> No.21162460
Quoted by: >>21163584

Thx bby. I will think about you next time I fap to reimu.

>> No.21163584
Quoted by: >>21165288

Isn't it a bit gay to think about a man while you're getting off?

>> No.21165288

Yeah? Get over it.

>> No.21165458

I just died in the last quarter of Yuyuko's final attack
That's the furthest I've ever hotter with no continues
I'm fucking irate

>> No.21167469
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 1543841544689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright that was quick.

>> No.21167823
File: 307 KB, 800x473, happy day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are actually people that think IN is easier than EoSD?

>> No.21167840

EoSD without vpatch was slightly harder than IN for me, but patched it's way easier

>> No.21168458
Quoted by: >>21169866

You made progress and you are angry?

>> No.21168495
File: 238 KB, 600x600, 1549059480021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you stream their touhou stuff on twitch or yt?
I'm bored, entertain me.

>> No.21168518

I would but my upload's too slow to stream so I only ever upload videos of runs.

>> No.21168537

Serious question. How do I saciate my daily touhou new content dose without learning japanese?

>> No.21168554
Quoted by: >>21168608

Porn, search for new stuff being upload on twitter and pixiv

>> No.21168579

I also wanted to and literally just downloaded OBS because I'm extremely bored, and do have a twitch account, but running OBS and the game makes my CPU and motherboard 75C because my shitty 5 year old laptop is dying, and I'd be hesitant to run it at those temperatures for long as I haven't built a new PC yet and I don't want to fry my motherboard. I'm dogshit at Touhou anyway.

>> No.21168608
File: 917 KB, 1280x800, yahoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21182533

Aside from porn, obviously.

I've found content I can quite understand intuitively thanks to the numerous manga, games, etc...like:
Am I missing something important?

>> No.21168624

way way easier
>7 lives
>always able to deathbomb
>deathbomb usually instantly kills that stage of the boss

>> No.21168635

>7 lives
bad bait

>> No.21168640

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21168914
Quoted by: >>21171545

Why don't you want to learn Japanese?

>> No.21168958
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x739, Itemless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21168970

I'm not going to make it, am I bros? I have the final day unlocked but it still feels bad I haven't fully cleared Day 4.

>> No.21168970
Quoted by: >>21178892

Not gonna lie, 10-4 and 10-7 are probably impossible at your current level if you can't handle those. No iteming everything is pretty hard though so don't feel too bad.

>> No.21169375
Quoted by: >>21169886

How do I get good at the fighting games? I'm able to easily beat up the CPU right up until they pull out a spell card, any tips?

>> No.21169866

It never really feels like progress to me
It's always pure luck whether I die in on Stage 2 of make it to stage 6. Odds are I won't manage this again for a while

>> No.21169886

Which one and which difficulty? Spellcards work a bit differently through IaMP to Soku.

>> No.21171527
Quoted by: >>21172588

Finally done with this abomination.
It's strange that the last word that you need 30 Last Spells cleared to unlocked isn't unlocked yet for me, despite having apparently cleared 30 of them. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.21171545


>> No.21172588

The wiki cites 30 different Last Spells in Spell practice mode. Dunno if it helps.
Good job on the cap, I'd say the second hardest or so, next to Fantasy Nature.

>> No.21173050

I unironically think Double Spoiler is the best touhou game.

>> No.21173197

that's a funny way to spell IN

>> No.21173203
Quoted by: >>21173267

that's a funny way to spell SA

>> No.21173267

Second best

if only LoLK didn't have such a fucking shitty final stage

>> No.21173324

Why is IN stage 4 such bullshit?

>> No.21173325
Quoted by: >>21173550

I managed to see Imperishable Shooting. Now, I "simply" need to clear Hourai Elixir in Hard. Oof.

>> No.21173550

Hourai Elixir Hard done and it just unlocked me both spell 212 and 220 at the same time. Was worth almost having a cardiac arrest.

>> No.21173576

Does anyone else plays IN with the 9 stages patch?

>> No.21173909
File: 2.17 MB, 640x480, fuckedup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get good at Patchy?

>> No.21173913
File: 2.02 MB, 640x480, fuckedup2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I attract her bullets.

>> No.21173916
File: 1.87 MB, 640x480, fuckedup3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to avoid using bombs.

>> No.21173929

Why would someone use unregistered fraps to record game footage in 2019?

>> No.21173956
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1602, thumb-1920-770497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm almost at the end of touhou 06 , i'm becoming stronger and in each run i arrive at remilia's boss fight but i lose against her because of my lack of life ( that i lose in previous stages ) the worst part in her fight is when she uses Scarlet gensokyo were bombs are useless ( i always lose at that part ) Guys don't give up ! The end is near

>> No.21173977
Quoted by: >>21178840

you should stop play at the bottom/corners of your screen , you should be more aggresive and play in the middle . Im' not peronnaly a good touhou player but this is an advice every good touhou players will give you

>> No.21174070
File: 2.82 MB, 640x480, High Spirited Sword.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21178840

was this the intended method or did ZUN just leave in a somewhat obvious safespot? either way Aya could make a fortune with all these tenshi pantyshots.
like the other dude said, try to play slightly forward. If you're hugging the bottom of the screen you can only dodge in 3 directions while if you're up more you can dodge in 4. In cases where the bullets form a wall you can pull back and wait for them to form an opening rather than trying to thread the needle

>> No.21175025

Oh, I'm still taking requests for what to put in the next thread's OP, if I get to make it. Doesn't have to be no focus or whatever; come up with some interesting challenge that would be fun to try.

>> No.21175109

I think Double Spoiler has the best aesthetic and flair of all the games and the pattern design is top notch. I can relate to this opinion.

>> No.21175146
File: 406 KB, 640x480, INclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for shitty normal clears!

>> No.21175169

Basically stop being scared of being unfocused in fights, especially when you have so much space. Been there.

>> No.21175209
Quoted by: >>21176323

not a request, but if you're looking for new challenges and enjoy timeout phases (and if you haven't already tried this) then you can freeze boss timers and see which attacks become interesting after their normal timeout period.

sinkable vortex is the only one i remember offhand that produced interesting results, but i'd guess that any attacks that progressively change over time will continue to change after their ordinarily allotted time.

>> No.21175250
File: 1.05 MB, 626x695, Screenshot_282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21177941


How the heck do i beat this?

>> No.21175344
Quoted by: >>21175443

Any advice to clear IN in Hard with Reimu? Kaguya eats all my resources and I die at Rainbow Danmaku because this spell is a shitfest.

>> No.21175443

spell practice

>> No.21175461
File: 3.00 MB, 306x360, (th15) Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy Of Lunatic Kingdom 2019.01.06 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21175873

I found a normal hell eclipse no focus I did, but I'm not sure how great of an accomplishment that is
the webm isn't amazing quality either

>> No.21175873

you have to mostly nofocus hell eclipse normally anyway, that's what makes it so hard

>> No.21176323

Didn't know this was a thing. Pretty interesting. Gets a little too hard for me past ~50 seconds at which point I can only pray that Murasa moves in a cooperative manner so this is the best I could do. No clue how to fit this into a 3MB webm though.

>> No.21176545
File: 56 KB, 312x266, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing EoSD (also my first time playing touhou). Should I just start from hard or begin with normal (right now I'm playing on hard and see a bit of progression but not tons). I like to play games on hard difficulties from the start but not sure if touhou is a good game for that.

>> No.21176565

Have you ever even played a bullet hell before? Much less a SHMUP for that matter? If not then always start with easy. If you can complete easy mode without using continues, then you move on to normal.

>> No.21176589
Quoted by: >>21176782

The day has come, souldfags are gonna invade and try hard their way to touhou lunatic

>> No.21176782

hi :)

>> No.21176965

How do I delete stage 2 from HSiFS?

>> No.21176982

I had another 200 attempts on Mamizou's card in ISC today
I feel like I'm actively getting worse, the more I try, the less damage I seem to do

>> No.21177013
Quoted by: >>21177097

Post some replays.

>> No.21177016

If it just stop being fun, don't hesitate to take a break from ISC and practice your skills on another game for a while.

>> No.21177040

—Please tell us about your training and anything else you did for the clear.

MON: If you lose your concentration its all over, so I did things like take naps, keep my blood sugar up with snacks, and cool my brow with cold compresses if it was hot. I also made sure my position relative to the screen, like where I held my joystick and the position of my head, was always the same. (laughs)

>> No.21177097
Quoted by: >>21177556

here's one
most attempts either fail by the fourth or so wave, and the ones that make it past that will usually get to nearly a quarter left before my concentration blows

>> No.21177556
Quoted by: >>21177564

You are not even unfocusing to get out of the circle, step it up anon

>> No.21177564

every time I try I slam into a red bullet or one of the blue fucks will coincidentally be moving directly into my path

>> No.21177941
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, th16.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21177991

This is what I do. Maybe there is a easier way

>> No.21177991
File: 1.75 MB, 960x720, sp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21182069

You have the right idea but you'll need to move around more to kill more yinyangs in a real run. Spell practice for this one has a lot less health for some reason, enough that you can just do webm related, which doesn't actually work in a run.

>> No.21178338

lmao ur gonna get wrecked on easy mode for like 2 weeks nigger

>> No.21178677
Quoted by: >>21178691

Fuck Eiki and fuck PoFV

>> No.21178691
Quoted by: >>21178874

eiki and POFV are not just super easy but also super forgiving

the game only gets hard when you play the pseudo extra stage as eiki where losing once is a continue

>> No.21178698
File: 96 KB, 150x150, 1471412709122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beated remilia for the first time twice today but i can't get her without using continues . I realy want to unlock her little sister's stage ( and beat her ) so i can finaly move to Touhou 7 , guess it's not for today ... reassure me that the next touhou games are more easy

>> No.21178712
Quoted by: >>21178726

you'll literally be able to 1cc hard and maybe even lunatic before you can beat most extra stages

also yes, IN and PCB are slightly easier, every game after that is usually either slightly harder or insanely hard by comparison

>> No.21178726

Flandre is that hard ?

>> No.21178796
Quoted by: >>21207834

all extra stages are

you get 2 lives to get through 9 of the hardest spell cards in the game

>> No.21178824
Quoted by: >>21178843

Guy's talking out of his ass. Extra's about as tough as Hard for all games. That said they're usually more gimmicky but you can easily counter that by studying replays.

>> No.21178840
Quoted by: >>21178850

Thank you for the advice anon.
Yes. I've tried that before. I just didn't quite notice the difference back then.

Gosh, Remi's sprite is so cute...

>> No.21178843


t. can 1cc hard and almost lunatic and dies to ran in 3 spells

>> No.21178850

this video is very helpfull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31GRjxuLraM

>> No.21178872

Ran's first spell is literally just streaming, second is "stay in the relatively safe area", and third is a simple misdirect. You being too stupid to figure out gimmick spells and/or too stubborn to study a replay doesn't mean it's difficult.

>> No.21178874
Quoted by: >>21178936

I really thought that would be the case after 1ccing touhous 2-8 on normal but I find it incredibly easy to get walled in in this game. I think the consistency of the other games spoiled me a bit.

>> No.21178892
Quoted by: >>21178949

That one is just plain ISC. Just like Kanako's one.

>> No.21178936

pofv sometimes just walls you
that's probably why you need to get hit literally 40 times to have to continue

>> No.21178949
Quoted by: >>21178989

>plain ISC
What does this even mean?

>> No.21178955

If it's too frustrating it is a good idea maybe to just go on to touhou 7. FLandre has no part of it just Sakuya. You never know you could 1cc PCB perhaps before eosd, and then try ran's extra stage.

I played a bit of all the third classic games first before I ever got to beating flandre (eventually did).
I think it was more fun than to just repeat on one game over and over.

>> No.21178989
Quoted by: >>21179025

Impossible. I can't git gud enough for both of them. Those are the only two I'm missing for a no-items run.

>> No.21179025
Quoted by: >>21179035

By Kanako's one do you mean 9-1? There's a trick for that one that makes it very doable.

>> No.21179035
Quoted by: >>21179049

I just bruteforce it. Start just from outside the ring, start going up until pointblank when onbashiras come and when rice bullets comes just move down through the path that was opened by the up movement earlier.
That's what I'm doing. Is there any trick in the stage?

>> No.21179049
Quoted by: >>21179052

That up movement is what I meant by the trick, though I guess it could be the intended method.

>> No.21179052

Guess I just have to git gud. The sudden burst of yellow rice after the onbashiras always walls me in crucial moments.

>> No.21179071
File: 289 KB, 960x720, th143_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now all that's left is the impossible vampire.

>> No.21179140
File: 278 KB, 960x720, th143_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179167

Well, no luck here. I'll just consider it done with the fact I've beaten it with two items and call it a day.

>> No.21179167
Quoted by: >>21179186

Have you cleared the spin even once yet?
Also it's pretty normal to need a 4 digit number of attempts to get it so don't feel bad about it.

>> No.21179186

Nope. Those fifteen clears were from the lamp and the doll. The farthest I've made it on the spin is the top, and those were only ten lucky times. Most of them I can't even last 2 seconds.

>> No.21179296

then you're just dumb

>> No.21179311

>dies to ran in 3 spells
For me, the only truly difficult Ran spell is Charming Siege, since it can wall you hard. All the others are just direction and git gud.

>> No.21179322
Quoted by: >>21179392

it's worth a laugh to let that one go a while longer (with invincibility and not erasing bullets). it gets to a point where the only way to read anything is to move your eyes with the bullets, which is wild. and when you've had enough, you can kill the spell for a bit more silliness.

if you really wanted a webm, you could record a few seconds of pure-skill dodging once things have gone to plaid. but i only brought it up for the challenge and because it's something that folks might not know about.

haven't had any luck finding others. checked mof s4/s6 and ufo s4-s6. i think i checked eosd s3-s6 a few months ago and the only thing that was affected was meiling's midboss spell, which completely broke (although circling a few times would indeed be a challenge, to say the least).

>> No.21179392
File: 1.22 MB, 960x720, rain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179505

You're not wrong. It's like I'm getting rained on at this point. Doubt I could last 5 seconds in this, really.
First thing I thought to try was that one Yuyuko spell in TD but it turns out it doesn't get any faster than it does in a normal timeout.

>> No.21179417

Can someone give tips on MoF stage 4? It's long as fuck and I can't seem to survive the initial waterfall section with enough lives. What should I be bombing?

>> No.21179426
Quoted by: >>21179433

That whole stage is fucking cancer. It's so fucking fast and chaotic, I hate it.

>> No.21179433
Quoted by: >>21179451

I think my problem is not being able to discern from streamable patterns and random ones.

>> No.21179451
Quoted by: >>21179454

Protip. Except Momiji and the last with the crows, all of them are (fast) streamable. But it's still cnacer since they can wall you if you don't start and move in certain ways.

>> No.21179454
Quoted by: >>21179478

Thanks anon, which part of the screen should I start? I think I can figure out the rest.

>> No.21179464
Quoted by: >>21179476

MoF, whats the practical difference between Reimu B and C? C seems better overall since you can shotgun and still have decent spread.

>> No.21179476

I don't know how often you get to shotgun on normal but there's very few places where you can shotgun on lunatic.

>> No.21179478

I forgot the ocassional fat fairy inverse Matarah Dukkha-like spam. Besides that, everything is streamable.
As for where to start, look up any perfect lunatic run. Most of them start right and work their way from there. This of course assumes you already have the stage progression layout in your mind. Though you should see if it's doable for you.

>> No.21179505

that not moving at all is killing me
perfectly conveys the "..."

>> No.21179516
Quoted by: >>21179535

that doesn't sound like touhou music

>> No.21179535
Quoted by: >>21179543

It's music from a visual novel. I don't think I've listened to touhou while playing touhou for a very long time.

>> No.21179543

heretic, I wouldn't even play touhou if the music was that garbage

>> No.21179556
Quoted by: >>21179560

Would you play len'en with len'en music?

>> No.21179560
Quoted by: >>21179589

I don't play len'en

>> No.21179589

And you shouldn't. Shit's too random and quick, yo.

>> No.21179595
File: 163 KB, 300x361, okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempts to replicate touhou
>fails on music
>fails on gameplay
>fails utterly on replicating ZUN aesthetic

>> No.21179603

it's impossible to imitate genius

>> No.21179605
File: 116 KB, 240x524, Le01Kuroji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179607

Worst thing is that some stages are too easy and some are lunatic of lunatic levels of hard. I'm looking at you, motherfucker.
The extra is MoF-tier, tho, until you get to the fucking survival.

>> No.21179607
File: 91 KB, 258x343, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179628

doomed from the start

>> No.21179628
File: 102 KB, 300x519, Le01Tsubakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179637

Now that I think about it, everyone except the MC's companion uses pants.

>> No.21179637
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, 1554732844021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21179647

>pants and short skirt
another lost soul who cannot understand why touhou is good in the first place yet attempts to copy it

>> No.21179645

>random and quick
now i'm interested.

>> No.21179646
Quoted by: >>21179660

just play lunatic TD

>> No.21179647
Quoted by: >>21179657

i'll play devil's advocate
it only attempts to copy it for the first game
it seems to be going its own route after that
the author seems to be a huge touhoufag, tho

>> No.21179657
Quoted by: >>21179677

Attempting to go anywhere near touhou's style will inevitably become contaminated by touhou. You're probably better off going for a sci-fi shmup with flat colors and reflective surfaces instead of touhou's signature watercolor look.

>> No.21179660
Quoted by: >>21179664

i quoted "random and quick", not "shit".

>> No.21179664
Quoted by: >>21179679

same thing :^)

>> No.21179670

But it's good! Please don't bully.
Imagine this playing during the lull between bouts of exploration within a somber forest on a rainy, endless night with a small penlight and the moon as your only sources of illumination. Oh, and humanoids that only have a mouth for a face with tentacle penises are lurking around every corner waiting to violate our two heroines.
Isn't it great?

>> No.21179676
Quoted by: >>21179708

it might work in a VN but that stuff is really just garbage played over touhou when the original music fits it literally perfectly

>> No.21179677
Quoted by: >>21179682

story is shit, tho

from what i've seen, a sci-fi atmosphere wouldn't fit the story, as shit as it is

>> No.21179679
Quoted by: >>21179685

yes officer kotohime, >>21179664 is the one.

>> No.21179682
Quoted by: >>21179695

naturally when you switch the style so completely you change the story

not that we are pretending that touhou's story is anything other than adequate when the main attraction is the labyrinthine characters created by a combination of the fandom and later works both game and print by ZUN

>> No.21179685


>> No.21179690
Quoted by: >>21179708

which VN is that?

>> No.21179695

and the music, don't forget the music
god, now that i think about it, what the fuck is with len'en and trumpets?

>> No.21179708

You'll get over it a couple hundred hours in, I promise. Nobody I know who's played for a while listens to the original music while playing.
It ended up being something that's halfway between a horror game and and a philosophical commentary but the atmosphere and the production values were great.

>> No.21179748

>Nobody I know who's played for a while listens to the original music while playing
please kill yourself and die

>> No.21180052

I hate dumb niggers that do this only to get more views from equally dumb niggers

>> No.21180055

You clearly havent played more than 200 hours in any of the games

>> No.21180173

In the thousands of hours spent across all the games, I've never used anything other than the original music. It often serves as an excellent cue or reminder for things during stages while score playing.

>> No.21180230

The music is incredibly helpful for timing and memorization. I'll often lower the volume and listen to podcasts or some such, but i never turn the music off.

>> No.21180257

>You'll get over it a couple hundred hours in, I promise. Nobody I know who's played for a while listens to the original music while playing.
remove yourself

>> No.21180430

I've always listened to the original music while playing and it's not gonna change anytime soon. Been playing for years now. The only time you MIGHT want to turn it off is when you attempt the same Last Word over and over again without stopping.

>> No.21180603

It's definitely the hump of that game. Just remember to bomb. If your first death of the run is to Aya then you're fine, and Aya and the rest of the game aren't even really that hard compared to most 2hu late stages.

>> No.21180673

Just play Raiden, Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION Boost, Dangun Feveron or even Seihou, better stages and scoring systems, the only thing Len'en has going for it is some of the bosses. I still don't understand how after so many updates the games are still unpolished as shit.

>> No.21180730

Lots of streaming and redirection. Try to find the gaps where you can safely redirect. Just bomb the section right after the mid-boss if you feel unsafe, but Momiji herself is actually easier than she looks. Don't panic.
You might want to bomb when the big fairies spam a lot of stuff on your screen after that.

>> No.21181118
Quoted by: >>21181387

Does anyone have any tips for Lunatic Impact? After some practice I can do reasonably well up to that point but that spell is a run ender. It's pretty much the only thing between me and the clear.

>> No.21181125

Stop shilling

>> No.21181387
Quoted by: >>21181557

First of all, practice until you can perfect the stage portion. It's not that hard, either. You'll need those lives and bombs.
As for Lunatic Impact, just try to time the moons' impact so they move at the same time. You won't want the three of them walling you at different times.
Other than that, Hecatia portions are only a bit harder than Suwako.

>> No.21181557

I don't think that's true since I can clear every other Extra easily and Suwako only gave me trouble with her first survival since I couldn't be arsed to learn a route for it, but Hecatia's nonspells become really hard when she moves too low. The blue kunai one feels like something I'd see on a Hard/Lunatic boss. Oh well, after watching a video I saw that I'm not supposed to try to damage her until the three moons are out so I'll try to focus on syncing them before that happens.

>> No.21182033
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x2400, rin nododge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21194986

you lead around the fairies chasing you, particularly easy when you have a shot than can attack the back or sides

>> No.21182069

kek, i'll try it.

>> No.21182130
Quoted by: >>21182533

if you're fine with actual gameplay you could check youtube,there's a guy who's currently reuploading his videos for every single game, once a day, along with a 2x weekly new video.

>> No.21182426

odds on ZUN releasing a demo for the new 2hu game that will probably be coming out at reitaisai

>> No.21182507
Quoted by: >>21187820


>> No.21182532

decimal games don't get demo cds

>> No.21182534

If it's being released there, probably no demo, if it's not being released there, probably a demo there,

>> No.21182533
Quoted by: >>21182548

Name of the guy? I probably checked his stuff already, maybe it's the one who inserts "commentary dialogues" into the gameplays?

Also you know more content like this?>>21168608

>> No.21182548
Quoted by: >>21183018

his most recent video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOFsoH7UB8c

and the the only other touhou content I know about aside from official games are videos like these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R72VIKi-nJc

>> No.21182845
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy who can't beat mamizou in ISC here

>> No.21182938
Quoted by: >>21183082

Anon, if you are having a hard time on Normal it'll be impossible for you to clear ISC with no items. You should give DS a shot instead.

>> No.21182969
File: 346 KB, 600x800, Yuyuko (1473).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21183082

Congrats anon! but I agree with the other anon, you should wait until you level up a bit before taking on ISC no item stuff, day 10 is in a complete different level of pain compared to mami you know

>> No.21182975
Quoted by: >>21183082

Nice job bruh, but christ, itemless ISC probably qualifies as an health hazard at this level. It's up to you, but taking your time and progressing on 1CCs, keeping ISC for later, might be more enjoyable. Mad props to your patience on Mamizou in any case.

>> No.21183012

pay no mind to the listed difficulty, for he is most certainly a lunatic

>> No.21183018

I already checked up his stuff. Don't you know something about the doujin circles?

A prank today by Soundholic is so fucking cute I keep looking for similar videos on NND everyday.

>> No.21183082
Quoted by: >>21183562

trust me, I've got no plans to go anywhere near the final day, or hell even day 9 for a long time
it's just this mamizou card that I want, and hell, that's mainly because I've been trying it for so damn long

>> No.21183562

There are levels you need to do before you can challenge bigger ones, and I don't mean stages of the game, but rather your own skills. Take a little break to practice other things, FW, DS, StB are good ways to practice your overall skills like micrododging, streaming, stream change, macrododging, mob control, etc., otherwise you'll never make it for the lack of skills.

Think of it as if you are trying to kill a boss in a game where you damage is not enough to pass over the boss healing skill, you won't make it unless you train before and level up some more.

>> No.21183867

fuck pofv

>> No.21184211
File: 27 KB, 465x246, 1526068936035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21184319

Why are stage 4 survivals a thing?

>> No.21184319 [DELETED] 

pleb filter anon

>> No.21184924


>> No.21185256

we are now confirmed for a demo for 17 May 5th.

>> No.21185572

I have repeated seen people (well, /jp/sies) say that playing the photo games made them worse at the main series. How can that be? The photo games train you dodge with no bombs to resort to.

>> No.21185783

>The photo games train you dodge

>> No.21185984

>The photo games train you dodge with no bombs to resort to.
Yes and no, a big mechanic of the photo games is using the camera to nullify bullets, so you are incentivized to do dash in>take picture as they fire>dash out which destroys most of the bullets meaning you have to dodge less.

>> No.21186011

New to the games, how do I get better? Ive been trying to beat TD for a while now, and have stopped making progress past stage 4.

>> No.21186015

The photo games are puzzle games, ZUN uses them to create special patterns which wouldn't work in a regular game.

>> No.21186536

>playing the photo games made them worse at the main series
That sounds dumb, I can understand people claiming that photo games won't give you a skill boost for the main games but you just can't get worse like that, either.

>> No.21186556
File: 727 KB, 700x1030, 1523265135763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the UFO mechanic in UFO so this looks great
they're probably just shitters, but the photogames do play somewhat differently than the main games. Since you're not shooting you have much more freedom to move around rather than just staying below the boss to shoot them and the games encourage riskier play for bigger photos which give more points and charge back.

>> No.21186678
Quoted by: >>21218693

Today, I managed to make it to Byakuren on all of my hard runs but I keep dying to her. Last time I tried this, I gave up and took a long break from the games but now I feel like I might be able to do it one of those days, if I keep at it.

>> No.21187041

Man I just switched PCs and had to find the fucking mature dot doding pack again. Whatever happened to Hutina?

>> No.21187101

will 144hz improve my touhou experience?

>> No.21187362

So at least 9 more chart boxes to tick off, huh? Looking forward to it.

>> No.21187820
Quoted by: >>21190163

I knew it. Can't wait to put my Willy Beast inside the Weakest Creature (who'll probably be Youmu)

>> No.21190163
File: 689 KB, 566x800, 1534428471207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weakest Creature

>> No.21192694


>> No.21192739
Quoted by: >>21192799

It is. The only meaningful criteria for comparing game difficulty is perfect survival play and EoSD is significantly harder because of the luck involved on Patchouli and Remilia.

>> No.21192799
Quoted by: >>21193517

>The only meaningful criteria for comparing game difficulty is perfect survival play
Nah mate, there's 3 ways to judge difficulty scoring, basic clear and NMNB. A basic clear of IN is easier than EoSD for sure, in a NMNB run shit like books and Remilia will fuck up a lot of runs while IN biggest obstacle is Keine and Erin/Kaguya, IN scoring is probably harder though.

>> No.21193517
Quoted by: >>21193622

>while IN biggest obstacle is Keine and [...]
How much does it change from person to person? Myself I'd say the real killers before stage 6 are Mystia's Moth Dance and the following non, Marisa's random ass third non and Tewi first pattern. Keine's only tough pattern is Ephemerality 137, but now I can capture it very reliably.
I don't know much about survival EoSD though.

>IN scoring is probably harder
This involve doing Kags' last spells unfocused right? Because then I have no trouble believing this.

>> No.21193622

>How much does it change from person to person?
A lot, some people are better at reading others at following routes there's a japanese wiki that lists the games difficulty but there's a ton left out due to community disagreements.
And now for my retarded opinions on IN, Keine's nons are piss easy but I have trouble being consistent on some of her spells, Ephemerality 137 is just memo the laser's and make a route, Mystia's Moth Dance but I consider Marisa to not be that hard since the hitboxes are just so small unless you get shit RNG which forces you to actually dodge something and not just follow a route but Tewi first non is scary stuff.

>This involve doing Kags' last spells unfocused right? Because then I have no trouble believing this.
Can't remember from memory so when I have the time I'll look it up.

>> No.21193632
Quoted by: >>21193712

*Mystia's Moth Dance is not that bad but I have trouble reading some diagonal bullets which result in stupid clip deaths

>> No.21193712
File: 353 KB, 640x480, th014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ephemerality 137 is just memo the laser's and make a route
Ephemerality is random and there is no lasers, you are thinking of her last spell.
>Moth Dance
How about this beauty here?

>> No.21193868

I felt fucking fancy figuring out that leading Mystia to end Moth Dance in a precise spot makes this nonspell a lot easier. I still hope it's not just me imagining things.

>> No.21193892

If you play a team shot you can kill a lot of the ghost things unfocused.

>> No.21193996
Quoted by: >>21194337

I just died after finishing Utsuho's final spell
I think I'm actually gonna cry

>> No.21194007

What's with the huge influx of new players I see?

>> No.21194337
File: 547 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21195169

okay never mind I did it
I was so jumpy by the last spell that I ended up bombing a little more than I would have liked

>> No.21194460
Quoted by: >>21194475

>about to get my first 1cc
>windows 10 fucks me in the ass

>> No.21194475

What a post.

>> No.21194969
File: 34 KB, 800x450, D3EvxVQUwAAv4Hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like some of the music

>> No.21194986

Holy shit anon, that's going to help a lot, thanks

>> No.21195098

i need a new keyboard after my stock HP keyboard of 10 years shit the bed
do you guys have any recommendations or anything special that can give me that TOUHOU EDGE?

>> No.21195104

keyboard quality doesn't really have a bearing on touhou desu

>> No.21195105
Quoted by: >>21195195

regardless of memes, mechanical is actually pretty good since it means you can micrododge a little better. I find myself unable to make the smallest movement on my laptop's membrane keyboard compared to my PC's mechanical keyboard

>> No.21195161
Quoted by: >>21195195

If possible try the switches before buying a keyboard. My first mechanical keyboard had red switches and I absolutely hated it. The force required to press the keys was so low I accidentally ran into bullets all the time. My gameplay improved so much after I bought one with brown switches.

>> No.21195169

Congrats anon.

>> No.21195195
Quoted by: >>21195692

I actually know fucking nothing about mechanical keyboards, switches and all that hooplah
is there some thread on /g/ or a good wiki I can read more about them?

>> No.21195196


>> No.21195215
File: 1.91 MB, 1154x1632, E2A61A01-C744-45BD-BBD9-7166F4CE69AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently starting PCB.
I should give this a shot.

>> No.21195258

I would be really proud of this, so don't get mad at yourself.

>> No.21195314
File: 569 KB, 640x480, th7_ud0028 (PCB) Lunatic 1cc - ReimuB (No Bomb) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 more shot and I'll have PCB's chart complete!

>> No.21195435


>> No.21195692

google about "corsair cherry mx" keyboards

>> No.21196153
Quoted by: >>21196244

Jesus fuck, the amount of miraculous shit I had to pull just to survive for three minutes against Eiki and then lose makes the final bosses of the previous games feel piss easy.

>> No.21196165

I would compare normal mode Eiki to hard mode Yumemi. I can get both down to half an orb of health, survive for another tense minute, and then lose.

>> No.21196244
Quoted by: >>21196389

in case you didn't know, the AI straight up cheats and is near impossible to beat on your first life. the general strategy is to lose your first life on purpose which lowers her difficulties and makes it much more manageable.

>> No.21196255
Quoted by: >>21196389

Or you could do the smart thing and not play shit games like Phantasmakuso of Garbage View

>> No.21196269
Quoted by: >>21198900

imagine playing anything other than pcb and mof

>> No.21196389

Yeah if I could get to her with more than two lives I could probably pull it off, but for now I'm gonna say fuck it and move onto MoF before I burn myself out.

>> No.21198895
Quoted by: >>21200122

Which shot?

>> No.21198900


>> No.21199339

imagine actually playing the games instead of just watching 1cc NBNM Lunatic playthroughs on youtube and shitposting about them

>> No.21200122

ReimuB, she is really nice

>> No.21200148
Quoted by: >>21200157

How can I get the games to run on Linux?

>> No.21200157

Install Wine

>> No.21200454
Quoted by: >>21201143

I know I'm literally decades late to the party, but I just found out that Mystic Square is a really good game.
Are all the PC-98 games this good?

>> No.21200776
File: 2 KB, 157x158, vpatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21200867

which of these am I supposed to use for PBC?
I'm guessing 4 or 7

>> No.21200837
File: 294 KB, 1282x987, 1MFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh fuck rings.

>> No.21200867
Quoted by: >>21200905

you see that file labeled "instructions"

>> No.21200905

yeah nevermind Im retarded its been a long day, sorry

>> No.21201143
File: 368 KB, 800x600, __yumeko_touhou_and_touhou_pc_98_drawn_by_hemogurobin_a1c__122347333a76b44b7fbece1645283383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21201225

ehhh. the first 2 aren't that good really and the 3rd is a phantasmagoria. 4 is okay but really 5 is the best of the pc-98 games.

>> No.21201225

I'll have to check out 4 then.
Also, I just managed to 1cc it with reimu. The extra is fun too.

>> No.21203111
Quoted by: >>21203636

How do I fix the problem with the character in the replays of SA dying whenever they reach stage 6?

>> No.21203636
Quoted by: >>21204188

It's a known bug. There's not really a fix but starting the replay from stage 5 and letting it play without fastforward should stop the game from getting confused.

>> No.21204188

can ff until start of s6 and then again during okuu fight without desync

>> No.21206450
File: 97 KB, 640x478, 1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21207187


>> No.21206994
File: 164 KB, 716x600, 1555491403097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sorta feel bad when I shoot down Alice's dolls. She must have worked for hours making them.

>> No.21207187

Good work anon

>> No.21207219 [DELETED] 

have sex you incel

>> No.21207462
Quoted by: >>21207484

especially considering that she also uses her dolls for chores around her house, you're not only destroying her hard work, but also inconveniencing her daily life.

>> No.21207484

maybe she should think twice before having her little dipshits appear at the top of my screen

>> No.21207553

don't know shit about 2hu aside from lewd or cute youmu art
i'm not into shumps though, any 2hu games in other genres I can play to learn about the characters

>> No.21207560

No. Play the games.

>> No.21207561

there are fighting games too

>> No.21207588

you are a secondary if you don't play any of the Danmaku games or HRtP. It really is just as simple as that. There's nothing wrong with it but this probably ain't the thread for you

>> No.21207592

the fighters exist, you can even play as youmu in the first few.

>> No.21207595

the fighting games aside there isn't anything else thats canon, you might as well go play luna nights and/or other fangames instead

>> No.21207787

read the manga, ZUN isn't the best writer in the world but you can get to know the cast
but you need to 1cc a game to really "get" touhou if you ask me, they're pretty different from normal shmups.

>> No.21207834

Maybe except HSiFS? I beat the extra stage when I still haven't beat any normals with 2 lives left

>> No.21207924

I'm going to finally get a cc tonight, I just feel it.

>> No.21207975

better order some pizza

>> No.21208253
Quoted by: >>21208519

I'm going to finally get a cc tomorrow, I just feel it.

>> No.21208519

The evolution of man.

>> No.21208528
Quoted by: >>21209356


>> No.21208567
Quoted by: >>21210449

i've done nothing but play touhou all day most time i'm at home for weeks and i feel like a little old slot machine lady

>> No.21209356

eosd :(

>> No.21210369
Quoted by: >>21210387

1CCed Ten Desires today and I'm proud. I'll continue with SA or MoF.

>> No.21210387

Well SA and MoF are arguably the hardest and easiest games respectively.
If you can 1cc TD then you can probably beat MoF just fine, especially if you bomb spam.

>> No.21210449

Literally me years ago when people actually cared about scoring and the danmaku games.

>> No.21210635
File: 49 KB, 500x450, f3a90ae45426c9340942e50b24b1dc43cbd5e59b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call it spam, it's strategic use of weaponry!
I can beat stage 1-3 fine but the waterfall fucks me up good.

>> No.21211600

>take a break to watch some youtube before yuyuko
>sudden 2000 fps after unpausing
Lost all my lives within a second. Tnx w10.

>> No.21213174

How does TD almost make me fall asleep?

>> No.21213923

Why are Danmakufu fangames slow as balls?

Abyss Soul Lotus makes a compelling case for Unity being the future of maintaining 60fps.

>> No.21213941

Hell, even something like the engine for Shining Shooting Star would be good enough.

>> No.21213953
Quoted by: >>21213965

I find both danmakufu and luaSTG to be awful and only the chinese can make competent fangames.

>> No.21213965

I find it ridiculous that a game can drop to 40fps when my hardware isn't even being stressed or throttling.

Fruits, MPP, HSoB, etc.

They all have the same problem. I'm not even sure how people stream them.

>> No.21213998

Legendary Japanese code unoptimized over a thousand times

>> No.21214062

>40 fps
You are like a little baby.

>> No.21214088

I know its not why you posted that video, but I love how the spell right after involved the 5 major fairies.

>> No.21214189
File: 43 KB, 640x656, 1546265174651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game looks awful. Not even because of the lag (though it doesn't help). Do these fags just like NOT understand how ZUN designs his characters or bullet patterns? These fan games need to step it up with their bullet pattern game and stop focusing on making shitty OCs.

>> No.21214212

But seriously, people mostly make fangames to show off their OCs. Though I liked the TLB in BoSM.

>> No.21214260

it's like i'm watching a cave game

>> No.21214285

I feel the same way but I can't really put my finger on why they're so boring.

>> No.21214296
File: 269 KB, 1024x1024, MPP_Mitama_Magahara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21216582

MPP had good OCs.
I also quite enjoyed the not-Sanae from RSS.

>> No.21214323

I prefer Touhou fangames that aren't Touhou. Like Len'en. It even got a music CD. The guy really loves his trumpets, tho. But there are also some nice slow songs.

>> No.21214453
Quoted by: >>21214474

I wouldn't have figured out at least half of Kanako's spells without Youtube.

>> No.21214474
Quoted by: >>21214612

What? Kanako spells were very obvious in my first time. Still, I died to them because my reflexes were shit.
Maybe it's because I played the games in order, not starting with any until I got at least a Hard 1cc on all the previous ones.

>> No.21214612
Quoted by: >>21214733

I shouldn't say half. I first played MoF months ago before getting any 1cc's in any games, and back then I couldn't figure out any of them. But then I went back and 1cc'd 2-8 and most of her spells seemed obvious. This time around it was just Miyasama Hunting Shrine Ritual and Miracle of Otensui.

>> No.21214733

>Miyasama Hunting Shrine Ritual
But that one is pretty obvious. Even the first time I attempted normal, through dumb instinctive luck, I cleared it.

>> No.21214958

UFO or GFW are the hardest normals. SA isn't much worse than MoF if you play ReimuC and abuse her bomb on all of the difficult patterns.

>> No.21215115
File: 467 KB, 640x480, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i cap this shit

>> No.21215151
File: 2.38 MB, 2000x1400, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_chada_atariatama__7181f50760d362fbf728f9705de86067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Tenko is a pretty easy spellcard, senpai. When she shoots out her bullets, you just move in a circle to any area between the butterfly bullets. Repeat until she's dead. You DO know that you can sit on her and move through her when she spawns, right? She's got no hittbox for this spellcard iirc.

>> No.21215183

>She's got no hittbox for this spellcard iirc.

>> No.21215191

See >>21215151. If you want a dummies explanation, first you have to grasp the moment to move just before she shotguns you. When you get it, start the card.
>1: sit on the center
>2: before the shot, move N,S,W,E or a mix (in a position so that the ring doesn't hit you)
>3: wait until she comes
>4: go to 2
And that's about it.

>> No.21216155
File: 334 KB, 1017x765, 1496089859415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've normal 1cc'd nearly every other game and I can still only get past parsee without bombing roughly 10% of the time. Fuck this godawful garbage heap of a game, fuck having to deal with UFO level patterns with the literal worst bombs and shot types in the entire series, and fuck this stupid ass stage 2 boss that is harder than most stage 3s. I honestly forget that I'm only on the 5th stage whenever I actually get to it because my brain thinks I've just dealt with a whole game's worth of bullshit. I've literally never even gotten to Utsuho without continues, and I must have made nearly 100 attempts by now. FUCK SA.

>> No.21216582
File: 49 KB, 512x512, izfPd_5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21217416

SSS has the best girls

>> No.21216694
Quoted by: >>21216793

Parsee is piss easy, she's a gimmick boss and probably the easiest Stage 2 boss. You aren't shooting the clone like a retard, right?

>> No.21216793
Quoted by: >>21216872

>the easiest Stage 2 boss
Hina would like a word with you.

>> No.21216872
File: 65 KB, 850x735, hina18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i'd like a word with her!

>> No.21217038

What exactly are you struggling with?
The only Parsee spell I've ever really struggled with is her first one, and that can be beaten through really careful streaming to stop it hitting you before you can sneak through the gaps
Yuugi is the real casual filter for SA

>> No.21217379

Post a replay. Easier to help you if we see how you're approaching the patterns.

>> No.21217416
Quoted by: >>21217498

Is this game worth playing for anything other than getting disappointed that there isn't ample fanart of the girls?

>> No.21217498
File: 261 KB, 1713x2048, Yuyuko (3465).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally its by far my favorite fangame and I like it more than some of the mainline games too, so recommend it. Make sure to get Polished Shooting Star if you do.

>> No.21218056
Quoted by: >>21218061

It seems there are a lot of new players lately. This warms my soul.

>> No.21218061
Quoted by: >>21218211

Possibly from the new game and/or older games releasing on steam.

>> No.21218211
Quoted by: >>21218327

In that case there would be a lot of posts about Clownpiece or dancers.

>> No.21218327

It could simply be that new game/steam releases pique people's interest in the series and they don't actually start with those games.

>> No.21218693
File: 573 KB, 640x480, th015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it.

>> No.21218707

With one life to spare too, nice one!

>> No.21219662
File: 8 KB, 640x400, bits and pieces and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so rikako destroys the ai almost as badly as reimu and yumemi do.
pity, since managing her charge is an interesting challenge.

>> No.21219778

congrats anon
