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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 241 KB, 630x365, kasen_ibarakasen_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20824950 No.20824950 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20824966

Kasen is not an oni.

>> No.20824967

Gib raws

>> No.20824991
Quoted by: >>20847793

Kasen is a dom now. She will milk your penis if you’re lucky.

>> No.20825006

Can't wait for doujins.

>> No.20825040
File: 337 KB, 600x600, hyaaaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! What happened to my wife?

>> No.20825063


>> No.20825108
File: 138 KB, 339x444, mokou sweats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ever-massive Kasen lewds will soon take a new turn.
How excited are you?

>> No.20825115

Okina and Yukari will swoop in and save the day

>> No.20825118

I'm already rock hard baby.

>> No.20825176

Woah, big sis Kasen is scary!! But my peepee still feels uncomfortable when I think of her, anyway.

>> No.20825189
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x1600, 2hu kasen 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit my dick

>> No.20825204

No way! I’m shocked!

>> No.20825205


>3. to be on the receiving end (of something undesirable); to undergo (trouble)​


>> No.20825268

I can't believe a hell oni stole Kasen's clothes!
Reimu, get them back before Kasen gets cold!

>> No.20825281
Quoted by: >>20825860

Real Kasen vs Fake Kasen

>> No.20825294
File: 314 KB, 299x425, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20825302

Reimu vs. Kasen's Arm in the depths of hell.
Now this is a fitting end to Ibarakasen.

>> No.20825305

Reimu's gonna fuck her up!

>> No.20825359
File: 971 KB, 1254x1500, 61945189_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen got her arm back. After all those years of left-handed use, she can finally use her main hand again.

>> No.20825361

Reimu's gonna fuck her!

>> No.20825484
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine Cheer Fruits - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.43_[2017.10.03_01.07.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAHH will end soon

What next?

>> No.20825555
Quoted by: >>20828701

2hu will end

>> No.20825559
Quoted by: >>20827434

Fairies is still happening, but only 4 times a year is too infrequent

>> No.20825625
File: 46 KB, 720x511, kasen_cooler_kasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20825628

Okina focused manga

>> No.20825658
File: 2.12 MB, 1076x1022, reimu waargh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people say WaHH is boring but honestly I'm gonna miss it.
Dumb Reimu and mommy Kasen are my anti-depressant and I'm sad that it will end.

>> No.20825660

PC-98 manga

>> No.20825673

Given how quickly ZUN restarted the fairies manga, he probably has another prepared.

>> No.20825704
Quoted by: >>20826025

Quick rundown?
Was Kasen evil all along?

>> No.20825746
Quoted by: >>20827434

I can finally read it, yay!

>> No.20825759
Quoted by: >>20825778

how did she hide her horns under small buns

>> No.20825778

They're retractable

>> No.20825841
Quoted by: >>20827434

ZUN can finnaly end all mangas he didnt want to continue and focus on FAIRES DO SILLY STUFF THAT LAST 1 EPISODE #431

>> No.20825860 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20847793

Kasen is an oni
No, that's Kasen's arm taking a new form.
Kasen vs Her Arm

>> No.20825952
File: 80 KB, 277x245, 5A9146EB-AE7B-4D59-8CE3-74C29C306BC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20825989

This Kasen is going to get slasher’d!

>> No.20825989

I can't wait for Kasen to get knocked down a notch.

>> No.20825993


Makes you wonder how many chapters till ending, enough to fill one more volume if the next one is coming out soon?

>> No.20826025

Yeah, right. There will be a good end and they will all be friends again.

>> No.20826055
File: 8 KB, 249x250, 1462080652671s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think if we chopped Kasen into 100 pieces, 100 fully grown Kasen's would be formed?

>> No.20826140

I think it’s only her oni arm that can acquire life.

>> No.20826176
File: 203 KB, 900x1273, d9c5260fd644661aa8b01d6d062834e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi is turning into WAHH secret MVP. She was wonderful those last few chapters.

>> No.20826390

Works for Suika

>> No.20826424

Why did Kasen throw her arm into the outside world and then realize she needed to find it again

>> No.20826453 [DELETED] 

She's the dumbest sage, that's why

>> No.20826475
Quoted by: >>20826511

How its looking is Kasen dismembered her own arm as a sort of way to put the evils of her past behind her. Basically, all of her negative energy was sealed in her arm and she went on to make an honest attempt at living as a hermit. Somehow she must have lost the arm or somebody found where she hid it or some shit like that and needed to track it down before whats inside it managed to break free. Whats inside obviously being the manifestation of her past evil. Its seems really unlikely that she just ditched the arm and realized "oh fuck" some time later.

>> No.20826511
Quoted by: >>20826960

In the legends/mythology, Ibaraki-douji's arm was cut off. So it's perfectly possible this nice human man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watanabe_no_Tsuna ) with a sword cut it off.
This being lewd pink, maybe she had dirty thoughts about him later.

>> No.20826540

Sealed it away with her memories, then her partially amnesiac self wondered why she didn't have an arm and attempts to recover it. Similar to Yuyuko.

>> No.20826867


>> No.20826960

Its always possible, but this is Touhou were talking about so that nice gentleman will end up being a nice lady instead.

>> No.20827168

who are you quoting?

>> No.20827306
Quoted by: >>20827332

I dunno, but I definitely want another running Touhou manga

>> No.20827332

Its a very strong possibility that ZUN might be wrapping up the manga to lessen the amount of work he needs to do so he can spend more time with his family. If this is actually the case then its unlikely we will see a continuation or replacement sadly.

>> No.20827342


>> No.20827350

It's 50 chapters. I think that's par for the course when it comes to Touhou manga, although I don't discount your possibility. It doesn't seem like Touhou takes much time away from him.

>> No.20827368

Damn it. I want the chapter now but none of Japan's digital retailers accept my credit card.

Hurry, Alpha Beta Kappa...!

>> No.20827380

goddamn I want to mating press her tits!

>> No.20827388

It's not like ZUN draw the manga himself.
Since he only come up with the story and let other artists do the drawing, he'd have plenty of time to start another manga.

>> No.20827434

I hope he's freeing up time to make the fairies manga monthly. Or at least every other month.
Maybe even a second fairies manga starring Cirno as a protagonist since there's so many important fairies now. Eternity and Clownpiece can come up with sinister plans while Cirno is the only one who can stop them, since even Reimu wouldn't believe a couple of fairies could cause an incident.

>> No.20827440
Quoted by: >>20827484

>starring Cirno as a protagonist
Never gonna happen at this point. Cirno has already had her day like four times over.

>> No.20827484

She's more than had her day. She's as much a sub protag as Sakuya, Youmu, or Sanae. She has connections with powerful people like Aya and Okina, and really the only thing lacking is some manga only character for the plot to revolve around, which I couldn't see being related to Cirno, since the three fairies are basically already that.

Speaking of that, any new manga is undoubtedly going to have a new touhou. I wonder what they'll be like.

>> No.20827488

>Yahari... Oni rashiku, nikutai goto, kuratte yarou!

My dictionary is giving me
>(Even so...) (it seems oni) (each flesh) (let's fucking eat!)

How do you parse this sentence? "All oni consume bodies"? "Helping oneself [to the Ibaraki Medicine Box] until all one's flesh is like an oni"?

>> No.20827500
File: 35 KB, 500x375, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My cute, wholesome oni looks so confident and menacing now

I have been bamboozled

>> No.20827527

Basically Kasen wants to eat cock like an oni does instead of ther hermit way.

>> No.20827541
Quoted by: >>20853019

Oni don't eat cock, at least not the 2hu ones. They're all dykes.

>> No.20827555 [DELETED] 

Kasen want to eat cock the oni way because she is an oni.

>> No.20827650

If I throw beans at her, will she turn back into nice kasen?

>> No.20827653
Quoted by: >>20828784

Depending on context, maybe
>"As I thought... like an oni, it seems she devours flesh!"

>> No.20827661
File: 649 KB, 800x1113, 1534778321809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to eat out Reimu's fleshy lower mouth as she's been wanting to since the beginning. She's done holding back.

>> No.20827686
Quoted by: >>20827778

Imagine Kansen grabbing your penis and crushes your testicles as she gives you that look haha

>> No.20827778

jokes on her then she will never have offspring

>> No.20828040


>> No.20828354

haha no

>> No.20828701
File: 61 KB, 674x646, 1549143911099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20829150

>>>>>> 5555

>> No.20828784
Quoted by: >>20828829


This is Kasen (ULTIMATE DEVA FORM) saying it, not someone else.

It's more like "I suppose I'll take this fully head on, like an oni would!"

The book is available now on Kindle.

>> No.20828829
Quoted by: >>20828857

>The book is available now on Kindle.
Link? I don't believe you.

>> No.20828857
File: 191 KB, 548x572, kosuzu_quizzical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does nobody in this thread follow the illustrator's twitter?

>> No.20828874
Quoted by: >>20828900

Does anyone her even use twitter beyond clicking on links other anons post?

>> No.20828900

If you want to stay on top of this stuff you have to use twitter.
also, ask yourself: How do those anons even get the twitter links in the first place?

>> No.20829150

It isn't a 9 get so it doesn't matter or count.
Hell, you can add the numbers or even mess around with them and nothing is factor-able by 9.
That post holds no meaning. Just like your shitty post.

>> No.20829153
Quoted by: >>20829186

There's your first problem.

>> No.20829186
File: 51 KB, 481x268, sanae_i_wont_forgive_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't think you're too cool to follow touhou artists on twitter.

>> No.20829191 [DELETED] 

Chapter is out

>> No.20829193
File: 149 KB, 579x1200, DzTY5T8UwAAcSIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20829206

>> No.20829206
Quoted by: >>20829230

Phoneposting? Chink scum?

>> No.20829230
Quoted by: >>20829235

Chinks can't even see this site unless they use HTTPS so enjoy your ban.

>> No.20829235
Quoted by: >>20829274

Enjoy your Orwellian slavery, yellow insect. And fuck off from /jp/ phoneposting scumbag.

>> No.20829274
Quoted by: >>20829281

But I'm posting from a residential IP address in the US you schizophrenic.

>> No.20829281

Not him but that doesn't excuse you for defending phoneposting faggotry. Go back to your home board.

>> No.20829293

You don't even deserve a (you). Only an insect would get triggered by insect repellent.

>> No.20829301
Quoted by: >>20829305

Neither do you, because you clearly have no idea how the internet works.

>> No.20829305 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20829310

Sorry to bother you all but if you're into giant discord servers with a decent amount of hentai, go to this link and join

>> No.20829310 [DELETED] 

Get out of /jp/
You too.

>> No.20829368
File: 720 KB, 1020x1443, lewd pink wickedness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20831358
File: 61 KB, 800x500, 1550148651032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /jp/

>> No.20831369

But where are the lewds?

>> No.20831380
Quoted by: >>20831418


I hope some artist very quickly draws Reimu being hugged very tightly from both sides by oni and regular Kasens

>> No.20831418
Quoted by: >>20831434

So tight that her entrails spill out?

>> No.20831434


Tight enough to be squeezed by Kasen's breasts from both sides and not able to move an inch

If they'd be physically restraining Reimu's arms in place too it'd be really hot

>> No.20831448
Quoted by: >>20831976


>> No.20831647 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 306x372, 1550161079225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20831681


>> No.20831770

The semen oni

>> No.20831806

What do /jp/ think of this arm??

>> No.20831816

I want her to step on me

>> No.20831821
File: 414 KB, 529x724, ibaraki douji arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly me, I shouldnt have forget the image!!

>> No.20831826
File: 474 KB, 954x443, confident and smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20831852
Quoted by: >>20831874

tfw I still read those as 大人 instead of 大入

>> No.20831874
Quoted by: >>20831892

big guy

>> No.20831892

For her

>> No.20831953

Can't wait until there's porn of femdom Kasen.

>> No.20831976

That's not lewd art of oni Kasen, you dork.

>> No.20832022

Will she be domming hermit Kasen?

>> No.20832023

Pretty sure that already exist.

>> No.20832051


Usually you see doujins of Seiga domming Kasen, can't wait for a violent swap

>> No.20832250
File: 827 KB, 1200x880, conga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where does Kasen (el diablo) place among the rest of the sages?

>> No.20832278
Quoted by: >>20832312

So this will be the new Ex-Keine?

>> No.20832312

I want to get caved by Ex-Kasen.

>> No.20832393
File: 841 KB, 1020x1443, 1550124404353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reimu beating okina and yukari
reimu getting DEMOLISHED by a HAND

>> No.20832413

Reimu never won against Okina properly, she could've won the extra at any time if you listen to what she says in Aya's extra.

>> No.20832433

her diversity hire/cum slut position hasn't changed

>> No.20832534 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20832698

Anyone can beat anyone in danmaku. Reimu and this arm, however, are not having a danmaku battle.

>> No.20832698

o rly

>> No.20832701
File: 892 KB, 1019x1443, x21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20832710

You were told /jp/!
That is merely the power of Kasen's arm!

>> No.20832710
File: 877 KB, 1020x1443, x22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20848195


>> No.20832974
File: 1004 KB, 1077x1304, kasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an anthology comic of sorts that focuses on side-characters. Like, one or two chapter long stories about stuff like Kogasa's smiting business, Seija being an absolute jackass, whatever the heck Junko's doing now, or stuff like that.

I know it'll never happen but I want to believe.

>> No.20833994

>too cool
Listen to this, 0K.
Bitch I am COLD.
Too cold for you to suede with your sluttish ways. I can turn you into a walking block of Ice.

>> No.20834039

I need confirmation. Did Kasen get her arm back and return to her original evil form, or did the arm grow a new body?

Yes, I did read the chapter.

>> No.20834053
Quoted by: >>20834074

No, you didn't.

>> No.20834074

Okay, didn't read every single one of them.

>> No.20834082
File: 261 KB, 800x650, 1547977714633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then a betrothel is in order loony toon.

>> No.20834086
Quoted by: >>20834171

Armless Kasen observes from a distance while Kasen's Arm- Ibaraki-douji goes on the offensive while explaining to Reimu that the hell they reside in disallows death and starvation which means Kasen's arm can torture Reimu for all eternity since Reimu seems to be inept at fighting her properly as far as we have seen.

If anything, the translation stating in a questioning way that Reimu is starving could mean that Reimu is some sort of special case if she still functions as though she is still in the normal world.
As amazing as Kasseny's arm might seem, I think Reimu is the one you should be focusing on here. Kasen's arm is strong but that seems to be her only observable feat right now. If Reimu is starving in a hell where it should not be possible then it is probably best to figure out why that is instead of talking more about how she's about to get ringed out like a wet mop and dragged across the ground like a dirty rag instead of just saying "It's just Reimu. Deus." or even "translations and shit/translation errors" if you really want to cop out.

>> No.20834171

Somebody fused her body and her soul again, which is why her body disappeared from her bed.
Tenshi found the gate to hell in Kasens house, so my guess is that she found out something that caused this.
I have no evidence, but from a storytelling perspective my guess is that the original Kasen also has a hand in all of this (pun intended).

>> No.20834181

I want this too

>> No.20834386
File: 982 KB, 1156x780, clappylarva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eternity and Clownpiece
I'd honestly these two rather be the main characters. Cirno doesn't have the intrigue to be a main character and giving it to her after so many years of being "on stage" so to speak would seem like an asspull to end all asspulls. Larva and CP are connected to newer, mostly unexplored and powerful entities and I think they would serve as better gateways to get those plots going.

>> No.20834433

Not him but it's not a matter of following someone, it's a matter of having a twitter account to begin with. How normal can you be if you can't even conceive that.

>> No.20834481
Quoted by: >>20834513

My only regret is no swirly horns

>> No.20834513

straight ones are better, you can grab onto them

>> No.20834520
File: 369 KB, 600x869, 1545855978803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20834522

Do you think Kasen is embarrassed that Suika's horns are so much bigger than hers?

>> No.20834522
Quoted by: >>20834550

No. The shorter they are, the more feminine the oni.
Unless you're Yuugi and bench planets.

>> No.20834550
File: 1.14 MB, 846x1280, irl kasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen's mommy power is through the roof.

>> No.20834605

And my power to shit on your post is maximum.

>> No.20834664
File: 716 KB, 834x1060, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_shirosato__17168639e90d543ae4e0c51e82dd9f9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20834707


>> No.20834707

I can see Douji bandaging her arm and going around killing people while posing as Kasen and confusing her animal friends.

>> No.20835866
File: 248 KB, 600x600, hatate_un_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20837472

Is it below your otaku status to make a twitter account for following japanese artists exclusively? Some people here are trying too hard.

>> No.20835878


I don't know how you're planning to follow what your favorite circles are doing and releasing without a twitter account

Twitter account is a minimum requirement to know what you should want and expect from each doujin event

>> No.20836014
File: 190 KB, 573x709, very evil oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20836090


>> No.20836096
File: 309 KB, 640x400, malevolent oni group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20836103

Back to fanfiction.net. These are the only oni in 2hu.

>> No.20836098 [DELETED] 

Upvoted, fellow Rebbitor!

>> No.20836103

It's not funny. Your Reddit joke is dead. Kasen is an oni.

>> No.20836139


>> No.20836164
File: 1012 KB, 822x1200, 73201024_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20836322

Big fat oni tats.

>> No.20836465

so is Reimu an oni?

>> No.20836560

Finally Kasen become a japanese goburin

>> No.20837472

Cute Taters, dude!

>> No.20837561
Quoted by: >>20846208

Retard, get out of /jp/.

>> No.20838288

Kasen's arm is an oni.
I think douji-san needs a proper name.
How about Karen?
Kasen the hermit and her equally as beautiful but really fucking scary twin sister, Karen the oni.
Which one of them is the Sage though? Kasen is a Sage but is Karen? So many questions!

>> No.20838295
Quoted by: >>20838316

No. It’s Ibaraki-douji.

>> No.20838316


>> No.20838396
Quoted by: >>20839569

Her arm is just an arm. You have been deceived this entire time.

>> No.20839569 [DELETED] 


>> No.20840655
Quoted by: >>20840780


>> No.20840780

futaba uses 腕ちゃん、so since the japs say it I think this is what wins.

>> No.20843080

I still bet ZUN is going to pull a red herring and it'll be something silly like Kasen put all her existence as an oni in her arm, removed it and changed herself to a hermit.

>> No.20843084
Quoted by: >>20843189

That's not a red herring. This is exactly what ZUN is making us believe. You saw the first few panels, right?

>> No.20843189
Quoted by: >>20845062

Well at face value that clearly looks exactly like Kasen, but it probably isn't. Kasen herself will probably be the one who appears and saves Reimu.

>> No.20845062 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20845298


>> No.20845298 [DELETED] 


>> No.20845321
Quoted by: >>20857134

>when some weak human shit throws paper at you

>> No.20845326

This is just another proof that evil girls are always better. Spoiled brats like Tenshi are great too.

>> No.20845342

wheres my grin?

>> No.20845719 [DELETED] 


>> No.20845930 [DELETED] 


>> No.20846208

t. butthurt grug

>> No.20847270

Okina gets higher in popularity polls than Kasen so Okina deserves her own manga.

>> No.20847282 [DELETED] 

Regardless of what you believe, that's actually pretty likely. ZUN is planning something big with Okina. He wouldn't introduce a sage just to have her do nothing.

>> No.20847560

>Regardless of what you believe, that's actually pretty likely. ZUN is planning something big with Raiko. He wouldn't introduce someone with outside world access just to have her do nothing.

>> No.20847597

Outside world access is a meme, tons of people can do it now, and Raikos is extremely limited anyway.

Okina is an important sage.

>> No.20847600 [DELETED] 

Raiko isn't a sage you autist. She's just a random tsukumogami nobody. Hecatia outclassed her in every way when LoLK came out. Raiko is the least popular Windows extra stage boss for a reason. And furthermore, who the fuck are you quoting? Please remove your quoteabusing self from the premises of /jp/.

>> No.20847605

imagine being this mad

>> No.20847649
Quoted by: >>20847793





>> No.20847793
Quoted by: >>20850207

Also incorrect.

>> No.20848195


>> No.20848213
Quoted by: >>20848722


I want oni Kasen with shark teeth

>> No.20848722
File: 391 KB, 978x594, shark teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undeniable improvement.

>> No.20849418

>Implying ZUN plans things

>> No.20849645
File: 254 KB, 869x1252, kasen doesn't want to be an oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kasen rejects her oninity.

>> No.20850207 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20850453

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20850453 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20850787


>> No.20850787 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20852043


>> No.20851494

>suddenly touhou anime announced
>script by UROBUCHI
how does /jp/ react?

>> No.20851510

Well, as long as the actual story is by ZUN...

>> No.20851600
File: 980 KB, 835x650, Urobutcher Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20856617

By waging money that it's a story about the Lunar Capital.

>> No.20851652
File: 88 KB, 433x551, [heavy breathing].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see a 2hu Taiwanese puppet anime, complete with sweaty puppets and men in full-body dragon costumes getting mutilated by aforementioned puppets.

>> No.20851660

Please no, Touhou has some dark things but they're out of the way. No need for grimderp suffering.

>> No.20851779


>> No.20852030

Touhou doesn’t need an anime. Don’t waste a reply. Who are you quoting?

>> No.20852043 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20852089


>> No.20852089 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20852676

Upboated :D

>> No.20852454
Quoted by: >>20853065

Does anyone have the graph that shows Kasen is the most lewd 2hu?

>> No.20852541

I can't believe Kasen fucking killed Reimu.

>> No.20852676
Quoted by: >>20852741

Downboated. D:

>> No.20852735
File: 49 KB, 600x450, fortune teller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.20852741 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20852829

*gives u reddit gold*

>> No.20852829 [DELETED] 

*gives you reddit wooden spoon*

>> No.20853019
Quoted by: >>20856142

But Junko has a biological son!

>> No.20853065
File: 342 KB, 3263x2542, 1545721899583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20856263


>> No.20856142

He's dead Jim.

>> No.20856263

>top 5 sluttiest 2hus are Kasen, Luna, Byakuren, Hatate, and Sanae
Huh. Didn't even realize Raiko was giving Sanae a run for her money either.

>> No.20856347

I want Kasen to crush my balls

>> No.20856359
File: 92 KB, 750x600, __ibuki_suika_and_shuten_douji_fate_grand_order_fate_series_and_touhou_drawn_by_berusuke_beru_no_su__c4f1f39bc987d87998cf6ecfe93544dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20856378

Back to the drawing board with this oni. Now what do doujin artists do with her since she has the horns?

>> No.20856378
Quoted by: >>20856441

Horns make great handlebars

>> No.20856441
Quoted by: >>20857134

>Horns make great wishbones

>> No.20856498
Quoted by: >>20856617

Can't wait for the fandom tears when their favorite character gets killed.

Seriously though, we all know Marisa would never get through a Urobutcher anime alive.

>> No.20856617
Quoted by: >>20856811

See, Marisa was my first thought for characters that Urobuchi would like to make suffer...

but see >>20851600 - Reisen is a traumatised war veteran fleeing from a dystopia, who wears a suit and wields guns and has powers related to madness.

Maribel and Renko might also be up his alley, particularly since their setting has room for him to introduce futuristic weapons.

>> No.20856811

Nah if urobutcher made a touhou anime he's definitely gonna bully the hell out of fairies since they respawn.

>> No.20857134

Who quote?

>> No.20859179
Quoted by: >>20859515

Sanae is still a slut in my heart

>> No.20859222

not sluttiest, lewdest, sluttiness is a different measure and sanae is at the top

>> No.20859515
Quoted by: >>20862102

Anon it's ok she's still queen slut, it's lewdness factor that's measured there, not slutiness.

>> No.20862102

queen slut would be yukari

>> No.20863413
Quoted by: >>20863881


>> No.20863881 [SPOILER] 
File: 165 KB, 913x655, 1550627584778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20865309
Quoted by: >>20865911

dumb hippy human hermit

>> No.20865383


>> No.20865911

It's not funny, Reddit.

>> No.20868821

Sanae is Slut Queen.

>> No.20869367
File: 17 KB, 374x395, 1530340785285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20869421 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20869483

Remove yourself from /jp/

>> No.20869483
File: 35 KB, 197x188, 1531675886873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20869895

Make me.

>> No.20869895

Don't worry, I got ya.
i'll make it quick 'n painless

>> No.20872199


>> No.20876157


>> No.20879396
Quoted by: >>20880081

This. I can't mating press a brute oni.

>> No.20880081

Not with this attitude.

>> No.20880325

Let's see.
>yukari can mess with anything that can be defined as a boundary
>okina can mess with latent power
>kasen is just retard strength
Yeah, still the same.

>> No.20881014

Who the fuck are you quoting.

>> No.20881801

who quote

>> No.20884084

