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File: 161 KB, 919x1199, 1545092229100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20533067 No.20533067 [Reply] [Original]

First thread to touch 2019 anon, what are you most hopeful for?

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.20533070

Bully the shorties!

>> No.20533074

Yeti with big butts in short shorts

>> No.20533078
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x2595, 1490318860664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533098

Tomboy childhood friend Hellhounds!

>> No.20533098

pit slut

>> No.20533113

MGE style sluts are good.

>> No.20533115

I'm slut for all her pits

>> No.20533123
File: 522 KB, 650x919, HighOrc23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be their year for once.

>> No.20533134
File: 177 KB, 980x1200, High Orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big sniff.

>> No.20533154
Quoted by: >>20533825

I want to mutually sniff H'Orc. I would ask her to bath less often to enjoy more of her musk.

>> No.20533180 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 920x1330, 420c21784d1560c2f29dc34920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so look, I'm not a smellfag, armpitfag or anything but I would desperately inhale her butthole and armpit fumes.I would tell her to exercise, train and do tons of physical activity in warm clothes in the blazing sun, and then smell her ripe crotch mist.She isn't allowed to take showers, AT ALL too

>> No.20533181
File: 154 KB, 1000x1415, DvNffIEU0AA3NtW-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's time to train Master"

>> No.20533197
File: 1.04 MB, 920x1330, 420c21784d1560c2f29dc34920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533825

Ok, so look, I'm not a smellfag, armpitfag or anything but I would desperately inhale her butthole and armpit fumes. I would tell her to exercise, train and do tons of physical activity in warm clothes in the blazing sun, and then smell her ripe crotch mist. She isn't allowed to take showers, AT ALL too

>> No.20533198

So where's that piece of lore saying Mamono will like and love no matter what and wouldn't care if you're "strong." ???

>> No.20533214

>it is not viewed as an absolute necessity that he be “a superior male in his present condition”. They mostly decide the male who will be their spouse based on other values and criteria. Also, since monsters are beings for whom emotions such as love and fondness are directly tied to sexual desire, ultimately, the man they feel love or fondness towards will seem the most delicious to them.

>For that reason, even if a choice is to be made between “an average male” and “the best male”, most monsters would choose the average male who they are “somehow fond of”. If there is an average male with whom a monster has deepened exchanges and “the best male” suddenly shows up, then a monster would probably be certain to choose the average male. This tendency is even true of the highest rank monsters who seek superior males. Since we baphomets also seek a powerful, superior male to become our “big brother”, heroes go right at the top of the list, but even if we perceive that a man is unseasoned and has yet to bloom, he may still have a chance. Also, it's not uncommon for us to fall for men determined to have a baphomet wife who challenge us over and over without giving up, even if they are completely unremarkable.

>> No.20533216
Quoted by: >>20533383

I adore Wendigos!

>> No.20533232
Quoted by: >>20533581


>> No.20533264
File: 449 KB, 1122x1600, 1545853487468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiw do you feel about faries?

>> No.20533269
File: 552 KB, 937x1500, 1524143258015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the final posts of the last thread involved elf ass, so

>> No.20533291
Quoted by: >>20533366

Onaholes and stretching

But Pixies know size magiks

>> No.20533317
Quoted by: >>20534124

The only thing a High Orc's tribe needs to take over a country is a place to get back to after every battle to enjoy dick, food and alcohol.
Sadly for them, no man is lowly enough to become a bunch of fat pigs' sex slave.

>> No.20533327
File: 294 KB, 600x800, 1452673891280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20533330

I must protect them and keep them happy, for my wife.

>> No.20533337
Quoted by: >>20533374

Here's a protein shake and a track suit, get running fatty

>> No.20533339


>> No.20533360
Quoted by: >>20533459

Turn off your caps you stupid nigger.

>> No.20533366

>Big-breasted pixie shrinking you down to her size
>Shrinks you down further so she can trap you in her cleavage

>> No.20533374
Quoted by: >>20533521

Fairies are for being used as onaholes and loved as wives.

The only way you'll get a fat hopeless anubis to run is by telling her the store is about to sell out of the collector's edition she looked forward to for months.

>> No.20533375

>Ruining it with /d/ giantess faggotry.

>> No.20533383

Please be careful celebrating New Years with Wendigos! They are easily scared by the fireworks and gunshots. Even worse, young Wendi-chan loves staring into her sparkler and may accidentally set something on fire.

>> No.20533390

Someone had a powertrip while the pharoah was away.

>> No.20533407
Quoted by: >>20533424

Why aren't you bitching about the fatfaggotry as well

>> No.20533424


Fatties are fine, giantess is dumb.

>> No.20533436

Opinion discarded.

>> No.20533441
Quoted by: >>20533448

Kill yourself fatfucker.
That shit is /d/ as well. It's not a fucking normal thing to be attracted to.

>> No.20533442

Fat shit is gross and doesn't belong here either but that post already had multiple replies. I Didn't feel I needed to post the same thing others were already saying.

>> No.20533448

>Implying it isn't the same guy shitposting on both

>> No.20533449

>It’s a Mexican Standoff of Fetishes episode

>> No.20533454

>Pixie shrinking you down so she has a head on you or more.
>Teases you and gives you a boobhat

>> No.20533459
File: 1.05 MB, 1194x1579, the anubis president wants suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much more can be done with a request and a polite suggestion box, madam Anubis.

>> No.20533460

This fatfag isn't me >>20533375

>> No.20533465
Quoted by: >>20533558

I’ve got an idea! A haunted maid cafe!

>> No.20533474
Quoted by: >>20533558

Maybe Troll-wife is putting some Shepard's Pie in the oven, but her big butt rips her dress? Cute and lewd!

>> No.20533477
Quoted by: >>20533527

Woah woah, who is shooting guns off? Do we even have guns in the setting? Also yes my daughters climb the walls and cling to the ceiling when the fireworks start going off. The wife seems relatively unphased. She has come a long way.

>> No.20533480

This isn't Wendi dad's first rodeo, he has thundershirts for the kids when the fireworks start going off and even though she's too stubborn to admit it the Wendi mom needs hugs during fireworks too

>> No.20533521

What if you just fluster her and run? It'd be like wearing in front of a minotaur, only with more autism.

>> No.20533527

They've got powder and ball guns, yeah. Not sure how prevalent those are, though.

>> No.20533547

>tfw my wife is responsible for some of those firework explosions
A less obvious use of fire based magic.

>> No.20533554
File: 224 KB, 900x1267, money_money_everywhere_by_tanebra-d5dbzrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you agree that if ever Danukis become military officers and commanders, their gimmicks would be power of dosh???


>> No.20533558
File: 217 KB, 1374x1365, 1544130940612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533603

Ok then! A haunted maid cafe with sound effects from a flustered Troll-wife being molested in the kitchen!

>> No.20533576

>Wendidad isn't allowed to buy fireworks in Winterstown any more after he accidentally shot a snow owl flying by with a roman candle one year
>shops in town have a flyer with his photo saying DO NOT sell this man fireworks
>Wendidad still chuckles retelling the story, no owls were hurt except for a few singed wings

>> No.20533581

Does the same apply to dragons too? Despite them being proud and prideful if a guy tries very hard to win her emotions. She'll be like, "Mkay why not since you do try hard enough and are cute too for a young man your age!"

>> No.20533586
File: 379 KB, 1882x1882, 1490132239831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20533596
File: 116 KB, 636x900, 1545936772827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would even the most evil, sinister and edgy female monsters be reduced to loving waifus through MGE Mamono Mana???

>> No.20533603

Holy moly, that's amazing!

>> No.20533605

I mean, making it to their lair at all is a feat in dedication.

>> No.20533612

It's all hand waving to allow anyone to get the waifu they want. Wish fulfillment is the whole point of the setting.

>> No.20533618
Quoted by: >>20533645

What the fuck do you think already happened in the setting?
Read, nigga.

>> No.20533624
Quoted by: >>20533906

A brawl is surely brewing

>> No.20533632
Quoted by: >>20533802

Your edgy shit doesn't belong in the first place but all monsters, even the chaos monsters, have already become part succubi cum loving MGE sluts for 1000 years already.

>> No.20533634


>> No.20533645
Quoted by: >>20533676

Okay I guess I should reiterate...

Look at the pic in >>20533596 again folks. Now tell me, as a MGE Incubus or a pro-Lilith advocate. Would you try to make love to such an evil and edgy girl like that to be more gentle and vanilla through Mamono Mana???

>> No.20533653

Yes but she'd retain most of her personality.
Corrupting humans without their consent, demanding tribute, sending her minions to kidnap single men, taking over countries, etc... Plenty of evil stuff she can still do.

>> No.20533670
Quoted by: >>20533714

>Vladonia the Devourer
>An unholy cross between a Dark Mage, Vampire, and Lich
>Disturb her lair while casually roaming around a long dormant massive evil fortress
>She rises from her fragile sealed tomb with evil laughter and maniacal malice
>"Oh! Aren't you a cutie!"
>Approach and size her up, whistling at her exoticly dark and beautiful appearance
>"Dang! Didn't think I'd find such a hottie exploring a place like this! Cmon, I'll help you get acclimated. Looks like you're pre-DL."
>"What are- FOOLISH HUMAN! I exist above and separate from whatever pathetic Demon Lord is currently in power! I..."
>She pauses as she looks down at her hottie body, incredulous but also with dark heart a flutter
>"D...Did you say... cute?"

>> No.20533676

Anon I'd accept nothing LESS edgy or evil than that
Hell she almost looks a little too plain for my tastes, she could do with some more dark motifs

>> No.20533714

>Waltz to the main throne room as she trails behind you, somewhat clumsily, getting used to her looooong sexy legs, sashaying hips, bubble butt and natural retractable bone-heels
>"Phew! I can see why you chose this spot. Great view out that window. Why'd you face the throne away from it though? OOooh I get it! The moon frames you from behind! Very imposing, I dig it!"
>She tries to cast 'Instant Torment' on you, only for it to come out as 'Instant Arousal'
>"Unnf! Whoa, easy there hot stuff, I get you're probably rarin to go, but at least finish the date first!"
>"Why aren't you petrified in agony?!"
>"Believe me hot stuff, something is definitely petrified right now, but I wouldn't call it agony."
>Despite herself, she notices her eyes dart to the front of your pants and her tongue salivating over her luscious lips, before she shakes her head and tries to resist the lewd thoughts flooding her brain

>> No.20533729
Quoted by: >>20533756

A reluctant evil sorceress of phenomenal cosmic power is cute too! Reminds me of my waifu.

>> No.20533746
File: 72 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-045211[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pre-ordered her, right?

>> No.20533750
File: 102 KB, 1000x791, 71402422_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not big on figs but lord knows what I'd do to that cat ass.

>> No.20533752
File: 306 KB, 1536x2048, DvfrhvKU8AAhxEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533775

Reporting for duty!

>> No.20533756

Girls like this are extra weak to even the most basic shows of affection. Even a 'you look nice today' would get such a dark temptress swooning.

>> No.20533775

Officer Rata a cute

>> No.20533792
File: 1.84 MB, 1360x2000, 20160109-172645_b9343d30-51c4-4ce8-ccf1-e23647519f7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's really cool, I didn't know there was a bastet figure. I've always really liked houtengeki's art of this character

>> No.20533797
Quoted by: >>20533806

What is your waifu's new years resolution?

>> No.20533798
File: 403 KB, 1001x1400, more never ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533831

Imagine her meeting her old dragon tyrant rival who has now become a dragon zombie who can't think of anything but her husband's dick.
That should be the shock she needs to realize the situation she's in.

I'd spend hundreds on MGE figures of this quality. Too bad there is only pic related who wasn't even sold in a regular manner.

>> No.20533802

Would she at least keep her evil laugh?

>> No.20533803
Quoted by: >>20535126

The age of wan is over; the time of the Porc has come.

>> No.20533806

What is YOUR new year's resolution?

>> No.20533813
File: 1.97 MB, 2802x2376, 1499241525132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new years resolution is to commission more lewd Yeti art, first I have to find people that can do it and tumblr is toast for lewd content

>> No.20533814

Glad that has a tail

>> No.20533822

To stop fapping to traps

>> No.20533825
Quoted by: >>20533834

I can't help it that every time I see a H'Orc I just want to bury my face into her lady parts and take huge gaping whiffs of her smell. I just want to nibble at her pubes, lick her crease, and rub my face all in that musky goodness until my face reeks like cunt.

>> No.20533826

>Be me
>When I first got into MGE Devil Bug had a shitty drawing and wasn't appealing
>Didn't read
>Lamia, Wererabbit and Harpy are redrawn
>check on Devil Bug
>She's adorable
>They're Lolis
>Driven by lust
>30 at a time
>I can finally hatefuck a cockroach
>And her friends
>And their friends
>And our Daughterus
>And their Daughterus
New Bug Waifu

>> No.20533831
Quoted by: >>20533977

>"Quelthesaas, my arch nemesis! I see my cruel fate is not resistant to your damnable stench either!"
>Dragon Tyrant Zombie looks puzzled before hopping over to her husband and nuzzling him with a worried moan
>"Hubby, why lady say big mean things to your lovey wife?"
>Her husband calmly strokes her head even as she starts kissing and sucking on his neck erotically
>Ancient Evil looks on in horror at how far her rival has fallen
>...and slight envy

>> No.20533834

Patrician and musky taste

>> No.20533837
Quoted by: >>20533845

Bug waifus.

>> No.20533845
File: 306 KB, 1024x1280, devil bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to take good care of your Devil Bug waifu(s), their health is not the best.

>> No.20533857
File: 43 KB, 672x479, smugbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khepri though.

>> No.20533862

Is there a MG who would not, under any circumstances, give her husband a nursing handjob?

Aside from the ones it would be anatomically impossible for, I mean.

>> No.20533867

Khepris are also good, being a king with a qt4.14 horde at my beck and call sounds noice. Can i fug my daughteru tho?

>> No.20533876

That seems to be a standard option for large group species, so I don't see why not.

>> No.20533891
Quoted by: >>20533958

Again this is wish fulfillment there are very few hard rules. While there are incest fetish breeds any breed could be in a incest relationship.

>> No.20533906
File: 425 KB, 1500x2100, 1501298424935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20533935

Who would brawl with a monster girl so cute?

>> No.20533935
File: 577 KB, 2048x1556, OTHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20534037

I need this position with that yeti.

>> No.20533952
File: 513 KB, 600x720, 1464246808280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MG Oktoberfest would be wild

>> No.20533958
Quoted by: >>20533981

I'm not used to this kind of freedom
*lust towards unicorn daughter intensifies*

>> No.20533973

Daughteru dicking is good stuff.

>> No.20533976

I did tell myself that I'd try to do a short story a month but I already know I'll fail at that.

>> No.20533977
Quoted by: >>20534013

She got a rude awakening, may her evil deeds lead to her a husband who will be the target of all her sexual desires and may this poor man not break from it.

A regular king has a lot of stressful stuff to go through and always fears for usurpation and betrayers.
A Khepri king has a lot of dickings to go through and always fears for diplomatic meetings between the local Apophis and Pharaoh.

>> No.20533979

Anon, any holiday would be wild, especially when they can be as busty as I like them.

>> No.20533981

That is the one case where i'm not sure and would be a question for Patreon. You could have a mother daughter Unicorn threesome but who knows if that you be enough to trigger an evolution to a Bicorn depending on if the daughter's mana is different enough from her mother's.

>> No.20533993
Quoted by: >>20534016

Not him but I think that unis can't turn from unis....which almost makes me think that one could build a uni harem.

>> No.20533998

Do you like bunny girls, anon?

>> No.20534006

>It's not cheating if it's the same Family Tree

>> No.20534012

I want to watch my wife squeeze herself into a tavern wench outfit, and then I'll pour booze on her secretly all night until she is drunk and airheaded.

>> No.20534013
File: 240 KB, 700x757, 5725818_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and always fears for diplomatic meetings between the local Apophis and Pharaoh.
See, you're looking at it the wrong way.
You're a powerful third party royalty. Those two will be doing everything they can to garner your favor.

>> No.20534016

>However, if her husband cheats on her and demonic energy from other monsters accumulates in his body; or if she has sex with a man who has had sex with monsters many times instead of a virgin, then she'll be helpless to prevent it and demonic energy will be poured inside of her.
It's unclear if other monsters means different breeds or literally any monster other than her.

>> No.20534031

I wish they had more art and writing. Maybe I'll try a one shot, but I need ideas for Wererabbit. Unless you want March Hare...

>> No.20534037
File: 141 KB, 779x1334, 1508158629625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea for a comm.

>> No.20534054

Bunny cunny!

>> No.20534124

>no man is lowly enough
You underestimate my power

>> No.20534162

A March Hare is fine too despite the every word is sexual thing

>> No.20534178
Quoted by: >>20534193

Reminder that Bunbuns make good wives and mothers!

>> No.20534182

The only Bunny I would like is a bunny Ropurotto Sabbath Witch

>> No.20534190

Patrician taste anon.

>> No.20534193
File: 57 KB, 527x1000, 134587954644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20534203

Just want to lie back, rest my head in between those big fluffy thighs, and wait for Rabbit season.

>> No.20534203

Fluffy thigh pillows!

>> No.20534207

I want to pin down and rape predatory bullies with a ropurotto bunny huntress!!!

>> No.20534239
File: 1.61 MB, 2835x3030, 1496004922320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monstergirl fun fact 244:

Yetis are easily offended to the point of tears by hoverhanding.
Go ahead, try it out - it's hilarious!

>> No.20534243

But if you hug a Yeti, even slightly, you have to take responsibility and marry her!

>> No.20534263

It snowed outside. Where the fuck are the White Horns? I'm cold! I need fluffy horse snuggles!

>> No.20534317
File: 988 KB, 1697x1099, It's Whitehorn-san!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20534326
Quoted by: >>20534401

They are deer.

>> No.20534401

I'm not racist, but all quadrupeds look the same to me.

>> No.20534434

Rabbit girls are a boring subject to write.

>> No.20534467
Quoted by: >>20534473

I just bought the two new book, they'll be up on the next archive upload shortly.
Happy New Years /mgt/.

>> No.20534473
Quoted by: >>20534485

What are the new books? Is it the Succubus one? What is the other one?

>> No.20534485

The mediocre Ushi-Oni doujin.
And yes, the Succubus one.

>> No.20534490
Quoted by: >>20534546

Happy new year to you guys

>> No.20534546

You as well anon. Here's hoping we are blessed with portals this year.

>> No.20534582

2019 for sure! I've got a good feeling about it!
I don't know about you, but I KNOW i'm going to be up to my balls in affectionate Cupid pussy this next year.

>> No.20534603
File: 3.43 MB, 3125x3907, 1514077317261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday over 3000 yetis are hoverhanded and denied hugs - for just 25 cents a day you can support one of these cuddlebugs like Maja here, she hugged a man in a heavy blizzard and got a hoverhand

>> No.20534608

I wish I could celebrate the New Year with my waifu.

>> No.20534626
Quoted by: >>20534667

Hoverhanding is like friend-zoneing.

>> No.20534627

Behead those who hoverhand yetis.

>> No.20534632
File: 152 KB, 1016x1313, 1524338713385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year! Here, have a demon onee-san.

>> No.20534635
Quoted by: >>20534667

>hoverhanding any mg.
Holy shit this would be hilarous.

>> No.20534651
Quoted by: >>20534659

Jokes on my oneesan!
I like hatterfag tier breasts!
Also whatever the rear equivalent would be, and a few other things.
...I may be a degenerate.

>> No.20534659
Quoted by: >>20534673

He’s also into those sizes in the rear, from what I gather, so you’re in good company

>> No.20534663

Happy New Year, work hard this year for (Her).

>> No.20534667

Look sometimes you just don't want to have to spend 10 minutes getting clean again after accompanying a slime.

>> No.20534673

Well that's nice.

>> No.20534682

Demons are always relevant. Every year and not only because they are my favorite.

>> No.20534727

Which MG is best for a snowy and chilly day like today?

>> No.20534736
Quoted by: >>20534795

Lava Golem

>> No.20534737
Quoted by: >>20534795

Loli ignis or lava golem

>> No.20534744
Quoted by: >>20534795

The correct answer is your waifu and a big, comfy bed

>> No.20534745

Would lick her stomach armpits qnd feet/10

>> No.20534759 [DELETED] 


>> No.20534773
File: 612 KB, 866x1200, 1545793957508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big amount of clingy zombies.

>> No.20534787
File: 1.46 MB, 1020x2208, banshee-profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20534792

Holsts minos and takus, since if their stomachs work anything like a regular cows they produce a lot of heat, also built in pillows

>> No.20534795

I'm talking MGs that are from/used to the snow. Yetis, White Horns, etc. Who da bes?

>> No.20534799

>Not going BEEG amounts

>> No.20534803
File: 1.51 MB, 1020x2208, banshee-cinnamon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20534815
File: 708 KB, 500x718, 1493757724834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Queen-chan

>> No.20534825

RE: Perkele

>> No.20534826
File: 508 KB, 1700x2048, CujhfBEUkAAxgGX.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava Golems are in fact mentioned to show up in snowy regions on occasion.
But otherwise probably White Horns, half of their rescue ability is due to them being able to warm up to a supernatural degree.

>> No.20534827
File: 2.04 MB, 1711x1747, 1497100316881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Yetis I guess? Dark skin, genki tomboy childhood friend appearance, big tits, a fur bikini and a love of hugging to the point of fetishizing it are all great qualities.

>> No.20534834

A loli wight to hold close to your warmth and to fill with warmth

>> No.20534857

You dont want MG that is too used to the snow. They might enjoy the cold and drag you to ice swimming.

>> No.20534869
File: 450 KB, 1006x1447, salamanderflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year from london

>> No.20534883
Quoted by: >>20535132

>Black lipstick
Fuck yeah.

>> No.20534937

Bit nippy out, eh Banshee-san?

>> No.20534952
Quoted by: >>20535006

This was bothering me too.

>> No.20534985

Since the Undead Kingdom is perpetually night, it probably gets very cold.

It doesn't affect the Undead much, but any living tourists should bring a few coats.

>> No.20535006
Quoted by: >>20535219

You misread my intent

>> No.20535104

How would you personally level grind in the mgeverse?

>> No.20535126

Next is glorious rat year.

>> No.20535130

I only care about being with my waifu.

>> No.20535132

Black lipstick is the best. I want to be kissed by a Dark Mage wearing eromancy enchanted black lipstick, I bet that would be fun.

>> No.20535137

Sex. So much sex. All the sex.
Grind until you have your waifu squealing into her pillow.

>> No.20535163

Gotta be a Fighter, so I need to find a good place to train, like a Lizard Dojo, or a young Salamander to have as a rival, any Monster Warrior that's willing to train me.

>> No.20535170


>> No.20535182
Quoted by: >>20535217

I'm not sure how my body would fare as far as magic goes, since its a complete unknown in this reality, but the best way to grind in KC land is sex.

>> No.20535217
Quoted by: >>20535253

That still only gets you better at sex. You would still be level one in all other abilities. Becoming an incubi beaks the cap imposed by the chief god. You still need to train in something to master it.

>> No.20535219

Im too virgin for this

>> No.20535228

Grinding Alchemy levels with my waifu all day long, and selling the results as our business.

>> No.20535234

Remember that its considered good behavior to add particularly notable enemies to your harem once you've defeated them.

>> No.20535239

Farming. Plowing the land is what I certainly know how to do and is needed in any setting, and I want a body shaped by years of hard work.

>> No.20535241

Fuck my hot Kobold wife.

>> No.20535243
File: 331 KB, 1000x752, awoof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But also grinding on the waifu.

>> No.20535246


>> No.20535253
Quoted by: >>20535264

True, but I doubt someone from our world could use magic easily. Not that I'd need to, the waifu is the magic caster out of us both - I'd just be the familiar.

>> No.20535264
Quoted by: >>20535280

Great minds think alike, I see.

>> No.20535265
Quoted by: >>20535301

You need 65 magic for that though anon.

>> No.20535268

>"What is best in life?"
>"To lay your enemies, see them piledriven by you, and to hear the awawas of your children!"

>> No.20535269
File: 583 KB, 2149x3035, 8841360D-6B24-4F42-B59F-EBD6F1C6C524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse year best year.

>> No.20535279

>I-It's my year! So you have to be nice to me and bring me lots of cheese!

>> No.20535280
File: 657 KB, 875x1000, __original_drawn_by_lolicept__06b889ba90b5e7501c6d523a34ebe475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mage waifus are the best.

>> No.20535288
File: 272 KB, 700x980, __high_orc_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kanachirou__b997fc5952014a2ca8b994149c192c8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20535293
File: 136 KB, 990x1400, 234E87F7-EB33-491D-AE45-B0277CBAB410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a pack of milfy mice all begging for your ‘white cheese’ as they pepper you with kisses and licks.

>> No.20535301

My waifu has at least 65 points in magic so she can help me learn. If that's not enough we will grind sexual intercourse until I have enough spare points to boost magic. I'm more of a dashing rogue though.

>> No.20535309

passively while my waifu mating presses me

>> No.20535312

I wouldn’t mind hand feeding a couple Loli mice little cheese squares of different types and flavors.

>> No.20535330

*Mousefag intensifies*
If you listen closely, you can already hear the sqeaks of family members being mating pressed

>> No.20535355

Every year is mouse year

>> No.20535363
File: 697 KB, 1025x1050, 1545417291232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys doing tonight? I have a bottle of Glenlivet 18 yr and I plan on crying myself to sleep.

>> No.20535385
File: 160 KB, 800x800, 61590143_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games

>> No.20535386
Quoted by: >>20535460

I love the idea that family is the most important part of the mouse family lifestyle, both in and out of the bedroom. It’s fun to imagine a mouse getting mating pressed into an ahegao-ing mess while her mother and sisters encourage her from the sidelines while waiting for their turn.

>> No.20535388
File: 1.96 MB, 1470x908, 1425770813637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20535399


>> No.20535394

Smoke a cigar and watch fireworks. If I had my waifu, we'd probably put on our own fireworks show from our tower, for the whole countryside to enjoy.

>> No.20535399
File: 1.15 MB, 1800x1520, 1545417291233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a very comfy setup anon

>> No.20535401
Quoted by: >>20535460

Probably even more shoveling, making dinner, and then practicing drawn art.
No, I'm not any good yet.
Yes, I will contribute when I am.

>> No.20535434

Hide with a gun because of fireworks like last year waiting to be able to sleep

>> No.20535437

I played vidya and just watch some fireworks that are so close to my balcony I can almost touch it. Drove my 2 cats mad though.

Now it's 8.30 AM in my area and I'm here.

>> No.20535438

Playin' host. Though the party will probably wind up small due to everyone at the hospital for an approaching death in the family.

>> No.20535460

>family is the most important part of the mouse family lifestyle, both in and out of the bedroom
This is concrete, undeniable truth. Imagine the tight bond and cunnies between all of them. It would put Latin families to shame.
>I'm supposed to be drawing to get better too
>Make excuses that I forget
>Always thinking about it
>Make excuses that I don't have the time
>I have plenty of time
What am I gonna show my therapist Anon? I need to stop slacking.

>> No.20535462

I got invited to go out but im tired from work. Got me some booze im going swig on until I pass out.

>> No.20535467

I popped two klonopin pills and hoping that's enough to put me out till the morning.

>> No.20535470

sketching p'orcs and pigs, idk if i'll be posting them though

>> No.20535522

What if the mice are Latin too

>> No.20535532
File: 422 KB, 479x650, Blue_Ryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20535633

>Meanwhile at a Ryu's shrine

"Miss Hanita, the holidays are over. Yet it still is snowing!"

"That's because it's still the holidays oh dear worshipper."

"But miss Hanita Christmas is over, the holidays are over. It's past January, it shouldn't be snowing anymore!"

"Teehee, silly! It is said Christmas is technically over until February."

>> No.20535568
Quoted by: >>20535705

Anon no!
>The bond is too tight!
>The daughters are too pregnant!
>The family dinners are too boisterous and wholesome!
>The siblings care for each other too much!
>There are too many generations in one household! I wonder why
It's too CUTE!!

>> No.20535593
Quoted by: >>20536071

>tfw no Italian Mousewife who bops the kids, and you, on the head with a comically over-sized wooden spoon when you misbehave.
>tfw you'll never have Italian Mouse daughterus named after different cheeses.
>Mozarella who acts tough and is a bit of a delinquent.
>Parmesan who's a bit of a himedere.
>Blue Vein who's shy but very smart.
>Genki Cheddar who's always in a good mood.

>> No.20535624
Quoted by: >>20535674

Show your therapist your current progress, use it as a Rorschach test.

>> No.20535633

I like gold ryu the most

>> No.20535674

I have, our last session I brought my sketch book and she said how good I was and she liked them. I just have a serious motivation problem. Im supposed to do a full, 1 page drawing a day... and... I was supposed to start back on the 21st. Haven't touched a pencil in months. I'm probably gonna scramble to get all of them by the 2nd (next session) but still admit to slacking.
>Rorschach test
Wus dat?

>> No.20535705

>You will never wake up to two of your daughters spooning you from both sides, their pregnant bellies pressed against you
I want some mice, I want some mice real bad.

>> No.20535739
File: 1.01 MB, 1970x1130, __yeti_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_ittla__fe568bf263e4e9a7ccd59baad63f6c4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20535905

>Be introverted, socially inept meet in highschool
>Your only friend is a Yeti
>She gives you a big hug at your graduation ceremony
>You hover hand her without really thinking
>She's devastated but hides it as best she can
>You get a job and over time you get over your social ineptitude
>Don't see Yeti that often
>You realize later what you did hurt her
>Call her up for drinks one day
>Make small talk
>She drops hints that she's still single
>Before you part ways you throw her arms around her in a big bear hug
>You've been married ever since

>> No.20535771


Wind and fire come from the sky, from the Gods of the sky. But Crom is your God, Crom, and he lives in the Earth. Once there were giants who lived in the earth, Anon, and in the darkness of chaos they took from Crom the enigma of steel. Crom was angered! and the Earth shook! And fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters, but in their rage, the Gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield. We who found it were Men. Not Gods, not Giants. Just Men. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery, Anon. You must learn its discipline. For no one- No one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts... But this. This you can trust.

>> No.20535774
Quoted by: >>20535917

Where is a good depository to find mg art after the one wiki shut down for reasons pertaining to shekels?

>> No.20535780

play hitman,
try to kill every single person silently.

>> No.20535785
File: 81 KB, 417x310, ZZZZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd look for employment in either Marune's village, an Undead Kingdom, or a desert region city.

>> No.20535804
File: 111 KB, 878x709, tail fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You no hungry for pig.
You hungry for fox pocket.

>> No.20535812

Actually i am hungry for norwegian style blood sausage

>> No.20535822
Quoted by: >>20535829

Me hungry for monster butts

>> No.20535829


Story of my life.

>> No.20535837
Quoted by: >>20535850

Gimme that goddamn sauce! Monster booty sauce!

>> No.20535850
Quoted by: >>20535876

For some reason some retard erased the artist's signature from that pic.

>> No.20535876

Oh shit! Ryo Agawa, I couldn't tell, but i love his art!

>> No.20535905
Quoted by: >>20535969

That story felt a little pointless, anon.

>> No.20535917
Quoted by: >>20535939

The Pastebin hub.
Use Warosu.

>> No.20535936

Drink Gentlemen Jack. Kill people and eat their raw meat while I worship Yog.

>> No.20535939

Thank you good sir, may your pilot light stay forever a light

>> No.20535954

Drank a lot of ale, had some rum, ate some of the huge amount of snacks left over from christmas, played some Red Dead 2 and had the first fap of the year to my waifu.

>> No.20535961

Working, probavly going to see a lot of stupid people tonight.

>> No.20535965

Comfy video games.

>> No.20535969

Sorrymasen. Just bored and cute stories are what drive me.

>> No.20535976

Good night
Possibly forever

>> No.20535982
File: 347 KB, 1200x1200, 1544301011414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun playing russian roulette anon.

>> No.20535986

Please don't bathe the world in eternal night.
It's too cold already.

>> No.20536018

Anon no
unless you're kdf, then go ahead

>> No.20536022

Don't do it, anon. This year just began.

>> No.20536033
Quoted by: >>20536055

That's fucked up anon.

>> No.20536043
Quoted by: >>20536096

Lecherous Old Fox!

>> No.20536055

It is a little. He's a faggot but he's still not the worst we've had.

>> No.20536071
Quoted by: >>20536081

>One day Mozzarella was particularly delinquent
>Gets expelled from school
>Mom goes berserk
>You were never really very disciplinary, more the teaching type
>You're upset too
>"I'll rake care of it honey"
>oh no
>Drag her by the ear to the master bedroom
>Lock Door
>Que 4 and a half hours of hardcore mating press and intense scolding
>Triplets on the way always puts a delinquent in line!
>Her grades improved too!

>> No.20536076
Quoted by: >>20536090

Why are you so obsessed with KDF dying?

>> No.20536081
Quoted by: >>20536087

>fucking your kids
This thread has some weird fetishes sometimes, but this is the one that grosses me out. How do you end up liking that kind of thing?

>> No.20536087

Don't particularly care. I'm not here to be the fantasy police.

>> No.20536090

Because he's an edgy faggot. KDF is a shitlord and a creep but he doesn't deserve to die for it.

>> No.20536096
File: 121 KB, 815x753, 1489262759619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one tail, she's positively juvenile.

>> No.20536105

What year is it?

>> No.20536108

>What year is it?

>> No.20536109
Quoted by: >>20536137

Whatever you smug hag!

>> No.20536121

Depends on what timezone you're in.

>> No.20536135


The two new books are up.

>> No.20536137
File: 615 KB, 1909x1301, 1503972038375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has many reasons to be smug.

>> No.20536155

Friendly reminder that all little Kiki maids from the ages of 4 to 10 must be taught to do sexy little dances for master to entertain him when he feels down.

>> No.20536182

Femdom maids are best maids

>> No.20536191

A mix of them is best.
Especially when body-types are concerned.

>> No.20536199
Quoted by: >>20536241

I would be okay with my maids doing femdom evéry now and then, but only if they teamed up. I'm usually more maledom, but something about a Kiki and Shoggoth joined in the act of staring at me like garbage while stepping on me, seems nice.

>> No.20536204

>10 gigs

>> No.20536206
Quoted by: >>20536223

I can think of several namefags who should die over KDF.

>> No.20536223

Such as?

>> No.20536241 [DELETED] 

> I'm usually more maledom

>> No.20536245

Shoggocks, Shigy, Aftyn

>> No.20536250
Quoted by: >>20536255


>> No.20536253
Quoted by: >>20536316

Young foxes have to try extra hard.

>> No.20536255

Agreed on that, he needs to fuck off and take his meme spam with him.

>> No.20536303

Hourglass shape, thick thighs, giant ears, dick sucking lipstick, tail done up like a horse.
I'm not sure this fox could get any hotter.

>> No.20536308
File: 81 KB, 848x1199, DvzEx7RUcAEt7Nj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year dudes o7

>> No.20536315
File: 519 KB, 1510x2048, DvwOtaMU8AUZacu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20536403

>> No.20536316

There's a mofuslut born every minute.

>> No.20536323

Thanks snibba

>> No.20536349

Big pig!

>> No.20536355
Quoted by: >>20536370

Friendly reminder to french kiss your daughterus before bed anon. It's wholesome and intimate and really lets you get closer to each other!

>> No.20536357

Yandere maids are the apex maids. Shame there aren't more of them.

>> No.20536360


>> No.20536370


>> No.20536388

Gonna motorboat her tummy

>> No.20536403

She's been rolling in mud!

>> No.20536423

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, welcome the new year with some midnight babymaking!
Do it with the waifu or go grab one now!

>> No.20536441

I'm just gonna wish death on bollocks and ace to cleanse the soul of the thread for the new year

>> No.20536484

I'm going to start a necromatic cult made out of my daughters!

>> No.20536494
File: 49 KB, 696x470, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the new year.
Same as the old year.

>> No.20536502

Ganbatte lich-sensei.

>> No.20536509
File: 98 KB, 543x341, 1518664876665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drink and drive, have hot cocoa or take a White Horn taxi home

>> No.20536516
Quoted by: >>20536526

I wonder if Wendy will stay up for midnight. Yeti will try and Yuki will probably go to bed early.

>> No.20536519
Quoted by: >>20536535

>drunk man getting a ride from a White Horn
102% odds of gropes, deerfucking.

>> No.20536526

>"Wendy-chan! It's the new year!"
>"That means its a brand new year all over again!"
>"Its a big celebration, a big party! There'll be friends and grownup drinks and food and-"
>"Meat! Party! Party has meat! Wawa"
>"Hehe, yes Wendi-chan, there'll be meat"

>> No.20536530
Quoted by: >>20536537

Surely those portals will open up soon.
When were they predicted when we started? 2016? 2017?

>> No.20536535
File: 325 KB, 915x1062, N8QaE22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20536631

Lots of handholding and deer fugging

>> No.20536537

2017. Maybe 2019 is our year.

>> No.20536631

>Kyaaa!~ Anon looks so cute in that Christmas sweater Nana Yeti made for him!~

>> No.20536669

>Shonen anon wants to become the greatest swordsman ever
>His first arc revolves around winning his small village's wooden sword championship
>His mouse childhood friend falls in love with him after he defeats her in the finals
>The second arc is about saving children who got kidnapped by loli werewolves
>The oldest werewolf, barely a teen, joins him after he defeats her pack
>Years later he is seen with nearly two dozen monster girls by his side
>Including an ancient evil oni, a golden dragon, a nine tailed kumiho, one of the great generals of the demon's army and the legendary corrupted heroine from decades past

>> No.20536701
Quoted by: >>20536819

Happy new year you rat bastards.

>> No.20536772

What if I want to be defeated by an """evil""" MG

>> No.20536794
Quoted by: >>20536868

What if I want to be defeated by an evil* MG


>> No.20536819

Rat bastards are next year.
This one is uncultured swine.

>> No.20536844
Quoted by: >>20536863

Feuds with Monstergirls???

>cold water mermaids versus mermaids from warmer waters
>tengu often side with danuki against kitsunes because they all have an ancestor or relative who was on the losing end of the fable with the crow and cheese
>kitsune and danuki have hated each other for generations through years clan warfare
>kitsune, youko, and kumiho have been at each other's throat for for even longer as their common ancestors hated each other and no one even remember why
>ghouls are hated by everyone because who wants to be bit by a maniac and made into one too?

>> No.20536863

Festive conflict:
>p'orcs vs greenskins

>> No.20536868

What did he mean by this

>> No.20536881
File: 344 KB, 1600x1131, re 2 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20536979

happy new years guys, give Bovana a pat for good luck!

>> No.20536886
Quoted by: >>20536971

She's going to have a long-winded speech for you when you're defeated though.

>> No.20536918
File: 789 KB, 2000x2000, newyear2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20537295

harpy new years

>> No.20536925
Quoted by: >>20536927

A Demon wearing nothing but a red fishnet bodystocking.

>> No.20536927

Fishnets are super tacky anon.

>> No.20536960
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1369, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year my dudes. Here's to you and your waifu(s). All the best in the new year.

>> No.20536962

Happy new year everyone!
In an effort to actually get off my ass and write more, I'll be taking some story ideas.

>> No.20536967

You do what you gotta to get dat soul.

>> No.20536971

It could probably be cut short if you distract her with your erection.

>> No.20536977
Quoted by: >>20537035

Consensual transform with the intent of winning her crush over

>> No.20536979
File: 817 KB, 1688x2048, 1435438754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20537295

Year of the Pig!


>> No.20536995

This, transparent pantyhose or latex are much better choices.

>> No.20537035

If you do >>20536977, it'd be great. "Accidental" or accidental transformation she's not angsty over could also work.

>> No.20537083
Quoted by: >>20537242

what's the password

>> No.20537099

Has KC ever discussed how things were in the age of the former Demon Lords?

Were corruption and monsterization possible then?

>> No.20537115

Probably not outside of shit like zombies and werewolves that wouldn't have anything to do with mamumbojumbo mana

>> No.20537158

I want to intimidate a group of innocent little mice with my giant ween!

>> No.20537167
Quoted by: >>20537337

To lose all reason and become one with monsterkind...a being of pure, violent tendencies that surpasses humanity...and feasts upon them like livestock...

How terrifying...

>> No.20537194

Tail wags dog! Pull the strink! PULL THE STRINK!

>> No.20537208
File: 238 KB, 900x1300, w5locLp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Lilim oc

>> No.20537218
Quoted by: >>20537242

>Didn't include password

>> No.20537241

What a strange hat!

>> No.20537242



>> No.20537246
File: 190 KB, 800x1000, 1464338184667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20537258

I think Oni and Ogres are kinda cool.

>> No.20537258

I bet she could crush a man's skull with those things.

>> No.20537295
File: 681 KB, 1084x977, pet praise and feed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20537299

Cute Khepri.

The year of the dog is not over yet! Please give attentions to wans.

>> No.20537299
Quoted by: >>20537312

Assholes were shooting rockets at 4:44 AM, how do wans handle that shit?

>> No.20537312

Unrelenting barking or snuggling up to her master depending on the wan's personality.

>> No.20537337
File: 196 KB, 1024x1446, 1504126281116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuuni hellhound needs to stop muttering to herself, she's louder than she realizes. Poor girl's gonna be really embarrassed later in life.

But you wouldn't tease her about it once she's settled down and mellowed out, right?

>> No.20537365
Quoted by: >>20537374


Your desired, monster girl waifu will come to sometime this year. However, something's gone wrong with the magic that brought her to you. Upon her arrival, she will be in feral state of mind. She will try to kill you. You will not be able to hide from her since she can sense your mana, and thus track you down with relative ease. After this one hour period, she will return to her normal state, completely unaware of the events that just place in this time-frame. If you survive, you and your waifu will be joined together and live happily ever after.

What species is your waifu?
How do you plan to survive the first hour?

>> No.20537374
Quoted by: >>20537382

Dragon, I burn to death within a few seconds of her arrival.
Well done anon. This is so fucking cool and edgy!

>> No.20537379
Quoted by: >>20537427

Witches wearing colorful sneakers with Velcro straps.

>> No.20537382

Maybe pick a better waifu that isn't shit next time

>> No.20537402
Quoted by: >>20537885

>mge fighting game
>jinko is a shoto with a balanced all rounder moveset
>hellhound is a strong rushdown character with spammy corner bullying and fireballs
>shog is a full-screen zoner that sets traps, has an aegis reflector
>kakuen is the noob killer because she does most of her damage from the air, ridiculous crossups
>a lot of players just quit outright when they see they're up against a grappler yeti main
>each girl has a hubby they can call in as an assist or striker

>> No.20537406
File: 334 KB, 850x994, __large_mouse_jabberwock_baphomet_dormouse_gazer_and_etc_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_and_etc_drawn_by_nanostar__sample-a84da14cbda7073ac701a0f41e86c7ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year Everyone

>> No.20537410

Silly people living in the past.

>> No.20537427

From Momonika's Sabbath? I want one.
I'll give her an oversized colorful lollipop to match her shoes.

>> No.20537543

>All the waifufags and their waifus celebrating Christmas and New Year's together
>OC Lilims are there too
It'd be quite the scene.

>> No.20537653
File: 393 KB, 1200x1700, 1546290305699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Honestly, what young man your age wants to see his mother in her old traditional elven clothes? What an odd boy you are."

>> No.20537678

Curvy girls with glasses are made to be sexually dominated. Elves are made to be sexually dominated. She's doomed.

>> No.20537752

i'm gonna level up my cooking and open an inn!

>> No.20537762

But mothers are made to dominate sons. Does that lessen her doom a bit?

>> No.20537769

Studying magic in the local wizard's tower and disappointing all the nerdy girls by telling them I'm interested in big, buff warrior women.

>> No.20537772
Quoted by: >>20537778

How would a voluptuous elf momster dom her son? Asking for a friend...

>> No.20537778

Depends on the breed. High Elves would demand good etiquette and they'd slap your ass if you had bad posture.
Wood Elves I can't imagine as dominant.
Dark Elves would lead you around on a leash, obviously.

>> No.20537818

Being adopted by a meaty elf is a guarantee of a very happy and fertile life.

The solution is to have her always want to be on top or in dominant sexual position but have you in full control because she just can't beat her son's dick.

>> No.20537878

>red hair
>looks like a regular succubus

>> No.20537885
File: 95 KB, 1200x1002, Doyh2XLVsAAmzNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about The Chinese Kung Fu fire mice?

What're Hinezumi supposed to be?

>> No.20537894

>dissing my karate skills I learned from reading manga and playing Tekken 3
That rat is about to leave the sinking ship that sails away into the setting sun.

>> No.20537939
File: 450 KB, 2286x2286, 1480350989460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year I will write more. Any ideas?

>> No.20538011
Quoted by: >>20538017

I think I'll try to write more too, last year I wrote one story although I was happy with it.
As for ideas, How about a Salamander playfully bullying a nerdy guy she likes?

>> No.20538017

Bullies are jerks though. Who could love a bully?

>> No.20538022
Quoted by: >>20538034

>tries martial arts
>you just pull out a gun and win Indy-style.
Relax kids, they're demon silver bullets

>> No.20538028

Maybe she could realize she's actually scaring him off and have a heartfelt confession at the end instead? Perhaps to make things interesting her sisters don't approve of her going for a non-fighter and she ends up protecting him from them?

>> No.20538030

>Who could love a bully?
Most 3D girls.

>> No.20538034

Snek. Why did it have to be snek?
Away with you, reality!

>> No.20538054

Monsters bullying Humans is the hottest thing ever!

>> No.20538057

t. incel
>He doesn't want to be bullied by a salamander
Weak and Cringe

>> No.20538059
Quoted by: >>20538070

A Holstaur cowgirl vs a posse of lamia bandits trying to steal the towns supply of men.
I've been playing too much Red Dead.

>> No.20538066

That word has lost all meaning since the media starting spamming it. You might as well call me a misogynistic racist cis scum for all the value it holds anymore.

>> No.20538070
Quoted by: >>20538087

>too much Red Dead
Just one more train, Anon, and then it'll be mangoes on Tahiti!

>> No.20538071
Quoted by: >>20538083


>> No.20538083
Quoted by: >>20538144

You know I'm right, anon. Use a word too often and it loses its kick.

>> No.20538087


>> No.20538088

A proactive dating service

Aka the slave market.

>> No.20538099
Quoted by: >>20538104

Why are you using normie insults? Are you lost?
Eh, I still find it slightly annoying. It doesn't help that most people seem to think it auto wins any argument with zero effort.

>> No.20538104

I just hate it because you should just say virgin.

>> No.20538109
File: 3.60 MB, 2000x3088, 1539392151261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20538125

danger slug operator

>> No.20538127

Yeah but which one of us in the one in danger?

>> No.20538130

Hasn't her mother taught her not to present her privates in a public like that?

>> No.20538141

Shortstack Gremlin working as an engineer in a space station. Naked zero gravity things happen at some point.

>> No.20538144


>> No.20538150

It is said that if a single man moves to a fox neighborhood he will most likely find himself repeatedly visited by a young fox who, if he accepts her, will spend nearly all her time with him and only go back to her family on occasion.
This is why one should always make it clear to loli foxes that he is not interested by pulling out fried tofu and eating it in front of them without even offering them a bite.

>> No.20538161

Why does she look so enthusiastic?

>> No.20538162

What MG would be best with choking you with their thighs

>> No.20538168
File: 292 KB, 750x1000, 2b84abf3d154bfad41218cdd57c81439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20538237

She'll realise that she got turned on from you denying her that fried tofu. You've just awakened her maso-bitch instinct

>> No.20538209

My wife.

>> No.20538237

All foxes go through a maso-bitch phase. Most move one after they try letting their crush molest their ear fluff

A slightly muscled ojou Succubus, I'd say a big beefy wrath Oni if I had some courage in me.

>> No.20538240
File: 549 KB, 1949x1884, 1497975403208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20538316

Or he could just bang the oldest fox in the neighborhood to really drive home the point that he doesn't care for lolis.

>> No.20538255

The follow up to that picture is amazing.

>> No.20538316

The great thing about older foxes is that although they are wise and reserved, they still possess a youthful lust deep down. It's the best of both worlds.
It's much less of a hassle to seduce a mature fox who is happy just playing mahjong with her friends all day long rather than chase around a reckless young fox who is still discovering the world and herself.

>> No.20538449

Been snowing heavily today. If I build a snowman and dick it hard, does it transform into a winter MG during the night?

>> No.20538484
Quoted by: >>20538558

Are we talking Goldeneye style strangulation, or playful domination?
Tomboy succubus either way.

>> No.20538502

I told myself to write more but I'm not sure this thread would appreciate a Dragon introducing herself in her fully draconic form to intimidate the MC, even though it's like flexing a giant muscle and hard to maintain.

>> No.20538522

Okay this one I like.

>> No.20538558

playful domination

>> No.20538688

Remember to take it easy on the meidos today, it was a long evening!

>> No.20538702
File: 862 KB, 1500x1243, 1483202739856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20538717

No, she's getting bent over and having her big rear mated until she gives me quintuplets, damn it.

>> No.20538717
Quoted by: >>20538747

>Eager kiki giggling

I may wonder if she'd check to see if her rear really is that big though.

>> No.20538735

>Implying Kiki didn't go to bed early so she could wake up perfectly on time to help her master
>Implying Shoggy understands why the passage of our wet marble around a burning mass is of any interest
>Implying the buff Jinko staff was fazed at all by the amount of alcohol they drank
>Implying Automation-sama didn't calculate when Master would be up based on his weight, food consumption and alcohol intake.

>> No.20538747
File: 217 KB, 1435x1592, 1496342635709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20538752

It is. I only employ Kikis with plenty of cushion for the pushin'

>> No.20538748

JInko-san better be careful with how much she drinks, that's how girls get beer bellies.

>> No.20538752

Soft kiki staff are cutest kiki staff.

>> No.20538756

>letting your kiki go to bed early
>not plowing her naughty meido pussy all night long
Step up, mastah.

>> No.20538776
File: 873 KB, 1200x829, 69864751_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the darkside, they have pie!

>> No.20538834

blueberry creampie?

>> No.20538836
File: 235 KB, 554x1200, combine_images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which flavor is your favorite?

>> No.20538858

I'll take top right.

>> No.20538861
File: 818 KB, 990x1400, 1546046124258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20538908

>be walking across the stage at your elementary school graduation
>your banshee momster is bawling in the back
>"My cute Anon is growing up so fast! I wish he would just stay my little boy forever!"
>you don't know enough about mamono mana to understand why some people are shooting you nervous glances

>> No.20538864


>> No.20538871
File: 275 KB, 2000x2000, DvzlqMyUwAAXrzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20538872

bottom right on a better girl

>> No.20538904
File: 256 KB, 1200x1075, Dv0Nft0VsAAVw0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20538908

I want to play against a Banshee in Monopoly!

>> No.20538932


>> No.20538956

Bottom left.

>> No.20538968
Quoted by: >>20538976

Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack!

>> No.20538969

Why are demons and dark Valkyries so damn sexy?

>> No.20538976
Quoted by: >>20538987

If by "the pack" you mean your puppies, sure.

>> No.20538987
Quoted by: >>20539009

you never know, might end up with a harem of wolf women
or Orcs
Or oni if you're over in the east

>> No.20539009

Orcs riding on the backs of wolves!

>> No.20539020

Have you ever wondered what happens when two harems meet?

>> No.20539029

Black scleras are pure

>> No.20539033

>TFW will never get that story delivered of a Devil and a Demon double teaming some dude in Oyakodon

>> No.20539039
File: 104 KB, 1043x1200, Em4vpDr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20539060
Quoted by: >>20539070

How did Tsuraras get internet access all the way up in the mountains? How do you fuck ice?

>> No.20539062


>> No.20539063


>> No.20539065

It’s like those crossover episodes where characters of the same trope meet up
>The harem leader
>The thicc ones
>The buff ones
>The cutesy twins

>> No.20539070

>How did Tsuraras get internet access all the way up in the mountains?
They invoked the Elder Warren of Ice, also known as Omtose Phallic. Magic, in other words.

>> No.20539096

Can Banshees also be dominant but caring care giving mommies to their good boy husbandos?

>> No.20539116
Quoted by: >>20539129

Out of all the technological developments human space exploration promises us, the one I hope to see in my lifetime is footage of bare G-cup breasts reacting to zero-g conditions.
Make it happen, science. Make it fucking happen.

>> No.20539125
File: 336 KB, 1107x733, CUTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gap moe of Tsurara and Jiangshi is amazing.

>> No.20539129
Quoted by: >>20539141

We just need the money to send some ho's into orbit, the tech is all there already.

>> No.20539141

I'm thinking more of when humanity has some form of infrastructure in orbit. Zero-g porn WILL happen someday, its just a matter of when it will happen.

>> No.20539159

I'm young, fit and live a healthy life. Let it come when it will!

>> No.20539161

Someone get Musky on this

>> No.20539200

Realistically, did anyone here have a kiss at midnight?

>> No.20539207
Quoted by: >>20539229

I had creampie

>> No.20539208

No. Screens and pillows don't count.

>> No.20539229
Quoted by: >>20539238

Coconut or Banana?

>> No.20539238
Quoted by: >>20539245

The flower of a woman

>> No.20539245
Quoted by: >>20539336

What a faggot

>> No.20539269

Of course not. I got a random peck on the lips one new years but that was a long while back.

>> No.20539298

>further blighting the world with your shit ''''wrt*ting''''
Why tho?

>> No.20539304

Because all have fallen short of the Glory of God.

>> No.20539314

We aren't all shit writers like Ace and Iron Beast

>> No.20539315
File: 120 KB, 1307x1773, ttgr6srgra721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20539320

>> No.20539320

Someone milk that poor cow.

>> No.20539336

I can't help it if we were drunk, and stupider.

>> No.20539358

>Putting Beast on the same level as Ace.
No one's saying Beast is one of the greatest but this feels like an unnecessary low blow.

>> No.20539364
File: 1.87 MB, 1740x2359, 72443404_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20539394

Except Beast is actually one of the more humble writers we have, next to Frosticle and Magus_Anon.

>> No.20539422
Quoted by: >>20539439

I wish Frosticle wrote more, his stuff is so cute.

>> No.20539439

Frost's shorts are like the writing equivalent of a comfy slice of life 4koma. Brief but effective and more than enough to give a warm fuzzy feeling.

>> No.20539448

I hope Orcs get more content this year

>> No.20539453

Does anyone have this guy's previous New Year pics? Preferably ful-rez

>> No.20539460
File: 146 KB, 885x1100, De7eomlU8AAwICS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20539577

I like girls with big eyebrows.

>> No.20539480
File: 2.98 MB, 1024x1448, Rose_(by_Butter-T).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Musouing with Salamanders!

>> No.20539481
File: 845 KB, 732x1000, 33 - Green Cheshire Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, hear me out. After spending months on this I'm finally posting a Writer Shit List to help this community that I've grown to like and associate with avoid these individuals. If you are in this list, reconsider your ways:

>> No.20539499

There I am, Gary

>> No.20539504
Quoted by: >>20539520

Opinion discarded

>> No.20539520
Quoted by: >>20539529

He just posted the writers list from the OP link.

>> No.20539527

>Just reposted the link to the writer's pastebin from the OP
Very funny

>> No.20539529

Well I feel dumb now

>> No.20539571

What did Beast do?

>> No.20539577
File: 133 KB, 1200x979, DvzeMwDU0AE_Y6S.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like fluffy girls.

>> No.20539601
File: 396 KB, 689x1220, Concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should post this here.
Fun little sketch I did not long ago.

>> No.20539634

Fuck off you absolute tool.

>> No.20539640
File: 523 KB, 892x1200, 334_lamia_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've discussed avian assholes and birb boobs before but now...
Who is the best Snek species?

>> No.20539659
Quoted by: >>20540519


>> No.20539660

I need a Glacies on my face.

>> No.20539663
File: 1021 KB, 1152x4671, 68KTQWk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20539721

>> No.20539665
Quoted by: >>20540519

Medusa's pretty top tier.

>> No.20539668
Quoted by: >>20540519

Medusa and Vanilla are top tier, and Bunyip is great because of fluff.

Echidna is a powerfag pipe-dream with a gatcha-vagina

Apophis is a meme

>> No.20539670
File: 1.84 MB, 1337x2000, lisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20540519

After double checking the lamia family, still Basilisk.

>> No.20539677
Quoted by: >>20540519

All snakes are awesome. They’re like sidegrades instead of one being a straight up or downgrade.

>> No.20539703

Bad day today?

>> No.20539704
Quoted by: >>20540519

Vanilla is definitely at the top of the list. Apophis is a very close second though.

>> No.20539709
File: 2.62 MB, 1061x1500, 70380951_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contest.

>> No.20539721


>> No.20539726
Quoted by: >>20539754

Literally the only writers to be avoided are:

>Bromont ('Treason')
>Neibelfader (Post-the Black Harpy cuck story)

>> No.20539733

The only thing that's concerning is the lack of pornographic content of Mari as of late.

>> No.20539737
Quoted by: >>20539758

Good Lilim, thanks for sharing Mari.

>> No.20539750

That will change soon.

>> No.20539754

Forgot a few others, 286 others to be exact.

>> No.20539758
File: 170 KB, 1307x1016, DsZjncZVYAElLcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good Lilim
Bad Lilim!

>> No.20539759
File: 643 KB, 600x800, 7735ca74ffd84ebf68ec0f6452f4eca9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20539781

HAPPY MONOEYE DAY! The most important Monoeye Day of the year! Can we all resolve to be nicer and more appreciative to monoeyes this year?

>> No.20539763

They're not going to /monster/ after this either, it's time to go back.

>> No.20539780
File: 20 KB, 430x525, Dvywiv5XcAABePh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20539781
Quoted by: >>20539870

Only the Gazers.

>> No.20539793
File: 426 KB, 597x617, 55909754_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw that Mari pic by Sub-res, I thought it was a Shikibus for a second.

>> No.20539830

Eros Marshmallowcat.

>> No.20539837

These have to at least be tangentially monster girl related you know

>> No.20539843
File: 372 KB, 540x800, 68124396_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20541172

Snek or horse?

>> No.20539870
File: 140 KB, 600x848, 0761dd100c65e49412d3fd69338e3fbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20539930

Please don't be racist.

>> No.20539922
File: 64 KB, 1242x825, headphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20539928

Nigga I based my list on being here for years and seeing some of this shit first hand.

Ace - Headpat meme spamming catfucker from /monster/
Aftyn - Wrote NTR and bestiality
BobAnon - Futanari being the biggest crime but he also wrote some kind of Jeff Goldblum spin-off with an orphaned cat based on Frankie the Manticore
Bromont - Left 4Chan in the GamerGate debacle to go ride on Hotwheels' Hydroencephalopathic Highway
NegaWalker - This nigga literally wrote fanfiction and doubled down on being stupid
Neibelfader - Was okay until he wrote two Black Harpies cucking a Dragon
ThatBollocksWriter - Furfag, NTRfag, Monsterboyfag, passive-aggressive shitheel

>> No.20539930

>flat chest
Wow, if our standards are this low why not just post 3D women next time.

>> No.20539935

>Ace - Headpat meme spamming catfucker from /monster/
You forgot the massive ego, general spitefulness and link spamming to the shit stories he's unreasonably proud of.

>> No.20539937
File: 100 KB, 1118x1314, Snake flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever had trouble choosing a snake, I have the perfect flowchart for you.

No snake is best. All are love.

>> No.20539946
File: 148 KB, 348x537, 1528425671067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will you speak to another female ever again?

>> No.20539949
Quoted by: >>20540492

>Ace - Headpat meme spamming catfucker from /monster/
Justified, he's a piece of shit.
>Aftyn - Wrote NTR and bestiality
Literal who.
>BobAnon - Futanari being the biggest crime but he also wrote some kind of Jeff Goldblum spin-off with an orphaned cat based on Frankie the Manticore
He's a joke these days, no one cares about him anymore
>Bromont - Left 4Chan in the GamerGate debacle to go ride on Hotwheels' Hydroencephalopathic Highway
Old and busted. No one cares about him anymore, he belongs in some sad thread museum.
>NegaWalker - This nigga literally wrote fanfiction and doubled down on being stupid
He also stole ideas and claimed them as his own, but he's also old news.
>Neibelfader - Was okay until he wrote two Black Harpies cucking a Dragon
Literal who
>ThatBollocksWriter - Furfag, NTRfag, Monsterboyfag, passive-aggressive shitheel
This one is blown out of proportion. He's a faggot but not one worth caring about.

>> No.20539954
Quoted by: >>20539974

I still want the most yandere Shirohebi in all of Zipangu.

>> No.20539955
Quoted by: >>20539965

Niebelfader's cuckquean Dragon was fucking delish, opinion discarded.

>> No.20539961

>KDF isn't on any of these shit lists
something's not right.

>> No.20539965
File: 51 KB, 294x316, Suu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking delish

>> No.20539968
Quoted by: >>20539979

I can't hate KDF because he had Hellhounds hard boiling eggs in their snatches. That's a level of decadent gourmand deviancy I cannot hate.

>> No.20539972

KDF is the modern Nyanon. Both are low tier writers propped up by outspoken fanboys.

>> No.20539974
Quoted by: >>20539981

Of course any lamia would be upset if her husband started to chat with a girl, but only a Shirohebi will be outraged at him merely practicing common courtesy to any female other than her.

She's going to have you move to an abandoned shrine in the middle of nowhere so that no whore dares to look at her husband.

>> No.20539975

In what fucking world is that flat

>> No.20539976
Quoted by: >>20540046

Even without the NTR, he was still a faggot for pushing the "grimdark MGE" idea just like the rest of MGU.

>> No.20539979

>I can't hate KDF because he had Hellhounds hard boiling eggs in their snatches

>> No.20539981
Quoted by: >>20540034

I honestly wouldn't mind moving into a personal spirit realm if she was powerful enough to create one.

>> No.20539984
Quoted by: >>20539993

One of his stories had Heckpups who are implied to have used their creases to hard boil eggs given how high a Hellhound's body temperature would be. The salty tang of cunt and the protein of eggs cannot be denied.

>> No.20539993

I'm starting to understand why some anons hate him now. Thats fucking stupid and retarded.

>> No.20539998
Quoted by: >>20540013

You take that back at once anon.

>> No.20539999
File: 251 KB, 700x696, 1488179912931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the man brave enough to make the things that people want but are too afraid to ask for.

>> No.20540012
File: 1.67 MB, 1500x1000, 70081848_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20540021

You're fucking stupid and retarded.

>> No.20540013
Quoted by: >>20540020

No, any 'story' to contain something as stupid as that is clearly word garbage.

>> No.20540017

Nigga if you can't appreciate the mundane utility of using your waifu's body temperature to cook food what kind of waifufag are you.

>> No.20540020
File: 243 KB, 600x416, llhnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss.

>> No.20540021

>he says that posting a shit /monster/ artists work

>> No.20540023
Quoted by: >>20540119


It's funny how things turn out when you leave your fate in the hands of others. Still, your message of tolerance in a time of intolerance is indeed a nice touch.

>> No.20540034
Quoted by: >>20540039

Are you implying you want to have so much yandere sex with a Shirohebi that she gains enough power to create a personal spirit realm?
I'm picturing a single room that has all the necessary comforts but nothing to distract you from each other.

>> No.20540039
Quoted by: >>20540119

Yes, that sounds fun. Although I also do like pandemonium a lot.

>> No.20540046

He kinda made it work tho. His true sin was having a secondary role in the whole head-on-pike fuckfest which nuked the forum.

Well, that and being a br*tbong and not killing himself as soon after birth as he physiologically could.

>> No.20540054

Very nice. Mari is, by far, the best lilim.

>> No.20540056

>His true sin was having a secondary role in the whole head-on-pike fuckfest which nuked the forum.
What did he do?

>> No.20540068

>Well, that and being a br*tbong and not killing himself as soon after birth as he physiologically could.
Take your own advice.

>> No.20540079

>arguing and shittalking about people that haven’t been here or posted anything in 4 or more years
You guys are so fucking hopeless holy shit
I came here after all of those people and even when I started you guys were still bitching about them

>> No.20540096
Quoted by: >>20540150

I begrudgingly like your Lilim.
Corruption a shit, but your art is so nice.

>> No.20540100
File: 234 KB, 717x1200, tumblr_pgq5r6w8jG1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's not right here.

>> No.20540108

I never want Nav to stop.

>> No.20540119
Quoted by: >>20540144

New Year's Eve with a Bunyip must be a disaster. She'd have you exhausted from rape before the count even starts.

Shirohebis are already plenty religious as is, I'm sure they can join the Fallen God's religion without issue though the typical black clothing worn by her adherents would be way too lewd on a Shirohebi's pristine white skin.

>> No.20540137
File: 884 KB, 989x1433, __original_drawn_by_hayabusa__98b79e58bcd7864a9d27c0076b0da1ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic is stored in the boobs.

>> No.20540144

>Black banshee-styled clothing on a Shirohebi.
I never knew I had this fetish Anon, thanks.

>> No.20540150
Quoted by: >>20540156

>Corruption a shit, but your art is so nice.
I bet you're a human-supremacist pretentious bitch that just can't pass an opportunity to state that. Fag.

>> No.20540151
File: 92 KB, 866x876, 1516599331528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20540157

Lose the last 10 lbs, keep killing at the boxing gym, get merchant marine license so I can be a sailor again and find a waifu

>> No.20540154

Then how do you explain the Sabbath?

>> No.20540156

Someones extra salty today.

>> No.20540157
Quoted by: >>20540180

anon killing is no.

>> No.20540162

>What distinguishes this Sabbath is that it is inclined solely towards sorcerous research, and the other doctrine of Sabbath, spreading the wonderfulness of juveniles, is completely ignored. These masterful witches have no childish bearing whatsoever, and behave in an age appropriate manner. Instead of treating men like onii-chan, unfortunately, they treat them like children. The only reason they assume a childish form is because it is more convenient for using magic.
The setting itself disagrees.

>> No.20540165

Who care about the Sabbath? Little girls are boring, I want a real woman.

>> No.20540170

What if my waifu has no boobs?

>> No.20540171
Quoted by: >>20540227

Magic can also be stored in the cunny.

>> No.20540174

>Setting has adult monsters being powerful at magic all the time
>KC forgets this and decides to make it that little girls are better mages
So Druella can't do shit against a Baphomet?

>> No.20540179
Quoted by: >>20540189

>The only reason they assume a childish form is because it is more convenient for using magic.
>Implying the reason they take a childish form is because like enjoy the upsies and piggy-back rides from onii-chan!

>> No.20540180
Quoted by: >>20540195

Can't help it if my hands are lethal weapons
but in all seriousness, I don't kill people at the gym, I was just on a hot streak until asthma symptoms returned.

Also I need to write some more, I think people have forgotten about my shit, but finding the motivation to write for free with almost no feedback is hard to do.

>> No.20540189

the real reason isn't*

>> No.20540192

This is an adequate amount of meat. I'd love to have a genki shortstack succubus coworker who'd always joke about having me for lunch.

Dark Mages whose breasts get bigger and softer the larger their mana pool is are the best. Imagine how scarousing it'd be to have an unannounced visit from a K-cup evil Dark Mage who is looking for a personal-use familiar?

>> No.20540195

Ganbatte anon.

>> No.20540225

can she cast a spell to lactate coffee?

>> No.20540227

I'd store my magic in a loli monster's cunny if you know what I mean

>> No.20540233

Happy New Year all! Time to get back to work on World Guide 3! This time I say we finish up the untranslated Nymphomancy articles, and in turn I will pay for the rest of the Elemental Magic articles. As such, we'll cover the following:

59 Lolification Magic
60 Bountification Magic
61 Spell Succubanize

85 Element Shot
86 Red Hot Fire
87 Clean Water
89 Untainted Wind
90 Fertile Soil
91 Four Great Spirit's Light

I'm also willing to throw in Monster Runes, since its the one spell intro article that hasn't been done yet and I made a decent amount of money over the holidays:

128 Monster Runes

As always, we will move forward once we get at least a $100 in donations. Donations can be sent to ryodraco@yahoo.com via Paypal

Another translation drive is up. Donate if you want to.

>> No.20540253

>59 Lolification Magic
>60 Bountification Magic
oh baby

>> No.20540254

Sure, just like a sprinter world champion wouldn't do shit against you if you wore an extra streamline tracksuit. It's a slight edge, not a game changer you brainlet.

>> No.20540268 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1500x1500, __original_drawn_by_usuki_graygreed__8671cce0a8e5a9aa64943517ee9985e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an okay succubus?

>> No.20540269

Happy vacations

>> No.20540272
Quoted by: >>20540310

Fuck, didn't notice the no-no bits

>> No.20540274

Yeah she's nice, but did you notice the lower part of this image?

>> No.20540289
Quoted by: >>20540342

>Dark Mages whose breasts get bigger and softer the larger their mana pool is are the best. Imagine how scarousing it'd be to have an unannounced visit from a K-cup evil Dark Mage who is looking for a personal-use familiar?
I would happily go with this, but I'm insisting on sex in the lotus position with my face deep in those things.

>> No.20540304

She's gonna get bred.

>> No.20540310
Quoted by: >>20540315

It's okay sweetie, perhaps the size of your own no-no bits warrants subconsciously overlooking that body part elsewhere.

>> No.20540313
File: 881 KB, 1800x2823, 53131750_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC may be a filthy pedo, but I'm glad he remembers those of us who aren't. Did he release anything new for Comiket, or was he concentrating on Banshee?

>> No.20540315

Someones really salty today.

>> No.20540316

KC just can't write enough about elementals it seems. I hope there is a hint or two about more species like Dorome in there.

Most useful spell by a wide margin. Who cares about teleportation and all that other stuff when you can turn your big busty ojou wife into a pear shaped loli for a night or two?

>> No.20540321

>Bountification magic
Magic that makes boobs even bigger? YES.

>> No.20540322

I thought the loli spell was semi-permanent while the potions were for temporary loli.

>> No.20540331
Quoted by: >>20540348

>59 Lolification Magic
Desire to know more intensifying.

>> No.20540340

I think he mean using both spells to go back and forth.

>> No.20540342

Risk of suffocation: extremely high.

Seems like he was present but only sold previous books. WG3 was a huge release, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a smaller release next comiket like a doujin or a follow up to Succubus notes.

That's the spell of pedomorphosis as described in MGE1, this should be a temporary version of that.

>> No.20540344
Quoted by: >>20540380

>only boobs.
Remember the mature and busty Baphomet image?
That's the spell associated with it.

>> No.20540348

Lolifying someone requires the same amount of mana and has the same casting difficulty as turning someone into a busty ara ara.

>> No.20540355

>Dark Mage waifu uses lolification magic to cast a powerful spell
>Is annoyed to find her familiar's love of giant tits has interferred with the spell and now she's an oppai loli, halving the spell's effectiveness
>Familiar tries to look sheepish, but can't stop looking at the ridiculous proportions his wife now has
>The situation devolves into angry oppai lolidom
>As always, nothing got done that day.

>> No.20540358

The doppelganger and tentacle medicine are also in the guide even through they were already covered. I assume it's the same spell but probably more info.

>> No.20540366

flat/small breasted monoeyes are the best kind of monoeyes. I'll take all you're not having.

>> No.20540367
Quoted by: >>20540380

>Risk of suffocation: extremely high.
I'm not joking when I say that this would be the only way I accept an untimely death.
Oh yeah, its a shame because adult Bapho looks hot.

>> No.20540371
File: 492 KB, 944x1092, Fluffy_boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow rude.

>> No.20540380

Meant to quote

>> No.20540400
Quoted by: >>20541078

>you can turn your big busty ojou wife into a pear shaped loli for a night or two
It's particularly good if that pear shaped loli is what the busty ojou wife looked like back when you first gave her the dick.

>> No.20540422
Quoted by: >>20540434

I sure hope MGs don't find out that my ears are my weak spot.

>> No.20540434
File: 94 KB, 571x615, EvnjZOWp_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20540437


>> No.20540437

Wh-what's an Ushi-Oni gonna do to my ears?

>> No.20540445
Quoted by: >>20540468


>> No.20540462
Quoted by: >>20540490


>> No.20540468
Quoted by: >>20540516

>Bound in thick, rope-like threads
>Held in her strong claws
>Pressed up against her chest
>Hot breath against your neck
>She starts licking your ears

>> No.20540490

But I need them to hear!

>> No.20540492

>This one is blown out of proportion
But it's not.

>> No.20540493

>chubby female art
>loli guilt spreading
Alert: high chubby chaser probability. Proposal: refer to Slaton sisters' chubby bunny challenge video to raise obesity awareness.

>> No.20540509

>Big tits is overweight now
You what

>> No.20540516

I should really start reconsidering Spidergirls, since I have a thing for gentle femdom, extensive physical contact, fearboners, and good ol' fashioned rope bondage.

And Ushis meet my fluff quota, too.

>> No.20540519
Quoted by: >>20540583

I made another list:
3rd: Echidna
>Pregnant fetish
>3rd place in Momster Olympics
>*Mousefaggery Intensifies*
2nd: Vanilla
>Cute and Classic
>Envy Cuddles, but not too much
>TF2 Stock weapon
1st: Medusa
>Canon Tsundere
>Hair kissies
>Petrification Power
Honorable Mention: Basilisk

>> No.20540525

More that he's one of those normalfags that show up to shitpost about all of us evil pedos raping all the poor 2D drawings without even realizing what board he's on.

>> No.20540540

I kinda want to see this with other types

>> No.20540544

I said nothing about that. Jesus fucking christ, get a grip.

>> No.20540551

I meant my first post in a joking way, in case you bring that up.

>> No.20540558


>> No.20540568

Bunyip or Apophis

>> No.20540577
Quoted by: >>20540596

I doubt they'd be that easy. They like strong adventurers.

>> No.20540583

I should have waited to make that list. I'm starting to think Shirohebi might be btter than vanilla, but idk.

>> No.20540596
Quoted by: >>20540608

>Even if the male she'd chosen were just an ordinary male, he would eventually develop into an “incubus”, which is a human who transcends human limitations just like a “hero”. It is precisely the partner that a monster has chosen for herself that will become the most superior of all males and the most delicious treat to her. For monsters, basically, a spouse is a being used to empower each other through sex. Ergo, it is not viewed as an absolute necessity that he be “a superior male in his present condition”. They mostly decide the male who will be their spouse based on other values and criteria. Also, since monsters are beings for whom emotions such as love and fondness are directly tied to sexual desire, ultimately, the man they feel love or fondness towards will seem the most delicious to them.

>> No.20540608

Oh ok. I should have known KC would nerf that trait at some point, not that its a problem.

>> No.20540624
Quoted by: >>20540633

Monsters like "custom" mates, go figure.
Not unlike us when you think about it.

>> No.20540633

I'm wondering how much our wafius would change us with the demonic energy fuckery.
Quite a bit in my case, I'm sure.

>> No.20540634
Quoted by: >>20540659

Reminder you can win against a Salamander if you play your theme song at the right time and remember your loved ones.

>> No.20540654
Quoted by: >>20540699

>First, it is purported that the looks almost don't change at all compared to when one was human. Monsters don't care very much about the attractiveness of a man's face, so in most cases there are no changes whatsoever. The body changes to become more healthy and durable so that it's convenient for sex, but it's rare for the appearance to change greatly other than that.

>A rare exception occurs and the appearance greatly changes in the case of those who are too feeble or fat, and their form will be vastly improved so that it's convenient to have sex with monsters. Also, in the case of those who are so old that it's a hindrance to sex, they will also be rejuvenated.

>> No.20540659
Quoted by: >>20540675

Are there salamanders who have Raiden as their husbando?

>> No.20540675


>> No.20540678
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, DRW4ystVQAA97AS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Nekomatas would make for perfect stalkers since they can transform into simple house cats.

>> No.20540694
File: 153 KB, 1200x1600, holstaur57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20540709

Imagine having a job milking holsts all day long.
>Own a farm hours on a large plot of land just out of town
>Live there with 5 holsts
>Make thousands every month off their milk
>Your job merely consists of massaging their tits and dealing with any pent of lust they may have

>> No.20540699

Like >>20540654 mentioned looks aren't much to them. Changes they would make are probably a lot more practical, such as teaching you skills, magic, etc.

>> No.20540704

As much as you want.
It's a wish fulfillment setting.
A lot of guys want to be as they are or some generic protagonist.
Some guys want to be squid panties or a winter cloak.
I'd probably go freaky /d/ levels for short periods of time and otherwise utilize the magic to become the foppish bishie I want to be.

>> No.20540709
Quoted by: >>20540744

How would living quarters look on an MGE farm? Would there be room for species like Werecats and Kobolds?

>> No.20540715

He didn't say they were better, he said they were more convenient. Until we have more elaboration that is all we know.

>> No.20540719
Quoted by: >>20540766

I want to zap a loli Holst's clit with a cattleprod.

>> No.20540722
Quoted by: >>20540730

>yfw after being married to your waifu for years, hardly anything about you has changed
>yfw you rember when you and your waifu first met
>after the whole 'holy shit you're real' moment the first thing she said to you was
>"You're even cuter than I ever could've imagined"

>> No.20540725

I'd probably change my face slightly, dick size, learn magic, improve my basic physical and mental health
This just makes me want the portals even more.

>> No.20540730

I normally roll my eyes at the cutesy stuff in this thread, but god I want this to happen to me.

>> No.20540736
Quoted by: >>20540756

If you are unhappy with your looks there are ways to become more attractive like prisoner fruits and magic.

>> No.20540738

MGE volume 1 mentions both permanent and temporary spells (a temporary version used as a way to entice monsters to join the Sabbath). Perhaps this will apply to bountification as well.

>> No.20540744

Different houses for different species probably. Each girl has their own room, albeit small. One house for the weresheep, one for the holsts, one of the domesticated p'orcs, and so on. Maybe there'd be a few extra rooms in the farmer's main house for the misc girls like the token kobold, werecat, etc. But all of this would probably only for the large farms.

For the 5 holst farm, I think they'd each have their own room, with each one spending one night a week in the farmer's bedroom.

>> No.20540756

You're encouraged to get creative with it and make new stuff, KC might even illustrate for you.

>> No.20540766

This, but an adult with M cup tits. She'd probably make a cute expression on her face as she convulses and whimpers, her giant breasts bouncing and slapping together and dousing her top with involuntary blasts of milk.
I'd do it again until she falls on her back with a big thump and the loud wet slap of her tits knocking together from the momentum. I bet the floor would be slippery from all the milk and piss everywhere. They'd have to put a wet floor sign up so people don't slip.

>> No.20540780
Quoted by: >>20540801

I wouldn't say nerf so much as expanded on. Monsters with high standards like baphomets are noted to fall for "lesser" men pretty much only if the man proves himself through sheer persistence over a substantial time period. An echidna likewise would likely usually only make an exception for a man who was very persistent and sincere.

And of course, women monsterized into high tier races have no such restrictions (as seen with the echidna Merse) if they had a man they wanted when they were human.

>> No.20540787


>> No.20540801

Heroism via sheer determination is the most shonen of tropes.
A bapho would be unbelievably wet after the fiftieth time you clawed through the dirt towards her.

>> No.20540821
Quoted by: >>20540868

Try clawing your way out of a snuggle pile of her top familiars and witches.

>> No.20540833
Quoted by: >>20541113

>"Fufufu, I like that look in your eye, maybe I'll give you a chance after all. Since you obviously can't handle me in a fight, how about you try to last more than ten seconds inside me? Don't worry, you can try as many times as you are able."

>> No.20540868
Quoted by: >>20541039

>MEMEME! but with lolis

>> No.20540876

Now that's what I'm talking about. Mating with her, right there where she made such a mess, in her diminished state would be amazing.

>> No.20540887
Quoted by: >>20540907

If you give up on your dream waifu because there are easier options out there you don't deserve a waifu.

>> No.20540907

What if your dream waifu is the one who dreams of you?

>> No.20541039


>> No.20541043
Quoted by: >>20541071

Most other families aren't large enough. You could probably only do it with harpies. I suppose you could use other categories, though; one for the Eros faction might be fun.

>> No.20541071

Succubi, harpies, centaurs, dogs, cats, and slimes. There are others.

>> No.20541072
Quoted by: >>20541129

>Portals open and anons finally get to meet their monster waifus
>but you have a higher purpose
>you go through the portal and build a network of connections to gain Druella's personal email and phone number, monsters embracing human technology for the quality of life improvements and sexual applications
>you then set your plan in motion
>every day, at exactly 12:00pm, you send her an anonymous Banepost.
>every single day
>at first, she's confused
>but by the end of the month, she's desperately trying to find the culprit behind this bizarre campaign
>she tries to change her phone, her email address, but none of it works. The odd videos and images featuring the masked man and the "seeyeayy" continue to appear each day.
>she becomes a nervous wreck, furiously accusing anyone who says anything that sounds remotely like a line in the scene to be in cahoots with the trickster
>then the day comes, the anniversary of the great merge, where earth and their world were finally united as one
>Druella is to stand at a podium and address her subjects on the joyous occasion, but she can't get her mind off the mysterious tormentor
>finally tired of her growing madness, her aides confiscate her phone and computer, which relaxes the lilim slightly
>she remembers she's the fourth daughter of the demon lord, that she is above this petty individual, and that untold sexual mindbreak will be unleashed upon them once they're found.
>Confident again, she steps up to the podium to address the adoring crowd
>but notices something that stops her dead
>high on a rooftop, opposite the crowd. is a man in blue.
>He's standing in an odd pose that Druella immediately recognises, his thumbs tucked into his belt
>not caring that the mic is on and that thousands of her subjects are present the fourth daughter of the mighty demon lord launches into an obsenity filled hate rant directed at the mystery man, still posed on the roof like CIA.
>and that was it, the story of how one simple anon destroyed the reputation of a fearsome lilim with the power of meme magic.

>> No.20541078

Marrying a monster girl while young and seeing her grow up is a severely underestimated.

There is something to be said about monster girls who fell in love with you at first sight and won't change you to fit their taste since you're already perfect to them.
There is also something to be said about monster girls who change you so that you attain the body and looks you've always sought after.

>> No.20541113

>Getting dogpiled by an entire Sabbath chapter's worth of Witches and Lolis at the Baphomet's command
"See, boy? Steel has no power. Flesh. Flesh is where true power lies."
"Bury him."
>Something changes within you as you struggle against the tide of flesh snuggling against you, suffocating you, trying to smother you in giggling warmth
>Visions of a dour, stern man with a furrowed brow on a throne fill your head. Fire fills your blood as wind comes into your lungs.
>Slowly, you begin to crawl forward, the pit of lolis unyielding but forcibly being moved. This is not how your story will end.
>If you made it to Valhalla and did not know the answer to the enigma, He would laugh at you, and cast you out.
"Ara... What's this?"
>When you emerge, you're no longer the string bean of a young Templar that had been buried beneath the Sabbath chapter
>Your muscles are hardened like armor, your jaw square and firm. There's a fire behind your eyes that seems to frighten the Baphomet as you take uneasy steps forward.
>She backs up, her face a strange mixture between a grimace and the widest smile you've ever seen
"S-stay back! Stay back I say!"
>Her face going beet red as the last scraps of your once loose fitting pants fall away, revealing your rock-hard manhood
>It's a brutish cock, standing erect like a miniature arm at nearly a foot long, with pronounced veins and enough girth that one of the Witches hanging off you can barely grip it in both hands
>The last thing the loli pile sees before terror makes them lose their senses is you freeing yourself from the hangers-on and rushing at their master with immense speed
>When they come to, they're beholden to something that isn't sex. It's pure, lustful, almost beast-like. They see you slamming into their master from behind with that thick, cruel THING between your legs. Her ass rosy red from spankings as she screams into her paws.
>She's waxing poetic about how she'd always dreamed about being taken by a strong brother like this.
>Meanwhile, your eyes are bloodshot and you're so out of it that it takes another loli pile to calm you down. But not before you fuck every last one of them into submission.

>> No.20541122


>> No.20541123
File: 472 KB, 618x595, narumeia_draph_headpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20541129

>Shakily slide a ring onto her finger after she snaps and publically rapes you, both of your bodies collapsed in an exhausted heap
>She stares at it at first, uncomprehending until you whisper into her ear:
>"For you."
And that is how the worst man alive became the second most powerful man alive. /tv/ can't keep getting away with this.

>> No.20541172

Snek. Always and forever.

>> No.20541187
File: 734 KB, 2463x2444, 1516989656209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Selkie blocks your path!
