I am the beta of my patch.Incomplete is my status, and engrishy is my text.I have created over a thousand threads.Unaware of trolling.Nor aware of the installer.Withstood faggotry to fap to Rin.Waiting for patch's arrival.I have no regrets, this is the only path.My whole life was "Unlimited Leak Works."Well, I finished Sunohara's route and it might be the rum speaking but I finally decided to leak my beta patch. Make sure to read the readme and I assume no responsibility if this pushes back HF or anything like that.http://rapidshare.com/files/98606244/UBW.rar.htmlhttp://www.megaupload.com/?d=ER6A786KPassword is "MESSAGE IS A FAGGOT" (sans quotation marks obviously). Enjoy and I officially wash my hands and assume no responsibility for the consequences.
All is going just according to keikaku
In after Mou Ikkai.
Those are definately some kinda links there
you best not be fucking with me Ascalonif you are I'll kill you
3.1MB?Sounds a little light.
so, is there a virus? does the text cut half way through and say "HAHAHA FAGGOTS FELL FOR IT?"
>>OPOh hey. I get it. You pulled the prank "mou ikkai" XD. How clever!
>>187017Come and get me. I've crossed the line. I'm more scared of the mirrormoon staff than anonymous.Also slight derailment, I *really* need doujins of Mei now since the whole "Onii-chan" thing.
it's a patch.xp3 file so it shouldn't be able to be a virus. Probably just MOU IKKAI over and over or something.
I couldn't help it.From the google translator:I have my patch beta.My status is incomplete, and I was engrishy text.I have over a thousand conversations.Trolling unaware.Installer also recognized.Homo SONRIN of FAP to be withstood.Waiting for the arrival of a patch.I have no regrets, this is the only path.My whole life, "Endless work leakage."
This almost looks real.
anyone mind telling me what the first MOU IKKAI was like?
Ok it looked real enough, but I haven't played yet (at work right now, in b4 it's midnight and different time zone). Thank you Ascalon, YOU ARE A HERO!!111!!
>>187043I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Holy shit this might be real. I think I might take a taxi home just to bask in it's glory.
No virus guys,At least I don't think so, scanned it twice with avg, here's what you get.
gonna try it now. Backup up Fate's patch2 file, which is 14 meg and replacing it with a 3meg one... Gee, I wonder why I don't have much faith. Screenshots of whatever it is coming up. Unless my computer explodes or something.
>>187052Install it yourself and see:http://www.mediafire.com/?m1hzyhrngo0(No viruses, its clean--its highly amusing though.)
>>187062Oh c'mon if I wanted to infect people with virii I'd just set up a site like http://xpantivirus.com/ why would I bite the hand that has fed me for all these years?
Ascalon, you put a knife into my heart. I want UBW works so badly....
>>187059>>187039>>OPYou, sir, are a god ;_;Also: while you're at it, could you tell us what the mystical delay is that took the installer so long? Was it really just Message being a faggot?
As far as I can tell, this is real.Holy fucking shit.
>>187087Can you screenshot please?
holy shit
Hay guise, let's post this on the Mirror Moon forum.
>>187084I don't know about any installer. This is the beta patch I got way back in early october. My work hasn't been implemented since I dunno how to extract text in .xp3 files. Hopefully MM will release the patch soon and you'll play with all the faults I and others listed and corrected.Message was being a faggot, but I truly don't believe it's just his fault for having the patch *this* delayed.
For instance UBW installers
>>187094I'm pretty sure this scene was untranslated before. Its a few screens after you choose to not cooperate with Rin.
If this is real then all my predictions have come to pass before my eyes and a staff member has actually leaked it because message is a faggot. More likely a troll, but I will reserve judgment until I see it for myself. If you are an editor like you said, then according to the patch page you are either: ArchDemon, Romosome, TakaJun, or tjm.
>> 186762So disappointed...
>>187114It is real
>>187110I will blame message regardless of the reasons this was delayed
it's real... waa
>>6443463I still own the live action PS1 game just for her.
God damn you Ascalon. Why couldn't you have done this a week ago? The new term JUST STARTED. Well I'm gonna be off to a bad start.
>>187098>>187121>>187118OH LAWD. Seriously though, it's the beta patch. Whaddya expect? If I knew how to decompile and add my changes I'd re-up an edited version.
I need to ask: How much alcohol did you ingest to grow the balls to leak this? Bravo good sir, bravo.
>>OPI want to suck your dick
For Ascalon!
Oh wow, I eagerly await Anon's proofread.
We should all thank Ascalon for this. And Clannad, for give him the inspiration to do it.
Can someone point me to a "getting UBW path for dummies" guide? I'm a massive faggot and have no idea how to do it.
>>187107no you dumbass, even though they'll find out eventually,
>>187158Stop Saber
Ascalon.......I FUCKING LOVE YOU.
>>187142It wasn't really the alcohol. I had planned to leak it on christmas but my conscious got the better of me. Then I thought the patch would be released mid-jan, that never materialized so this is a culmination of everyone's frustrations. I'm tired of every thread being thread bitching about UBW. Just the same like a third/quarter of a rum bottle. Goes down smooth in the various cocktails I've been making. Also what can I say, I have friends far away that have been waiting for this and Sunohara's route reminded me of those people that can make me smile.
>>187171Arigato, Anon-kun ^_^
hey ascalon do you have an avatar? so we can spam ityou know, like the message one... but this time full of joy!
>>187158Just say no when Rin asks you to cooperate with her in day 4.
So how much you want to bet, mirror-moon releases the real one within a couple of days because there's no way they'd leave us with a shitty 4 month old beta after all the waiting. Man message is going to explode if they upload an updated rar file. I will eagerly await the coming drama.
whoops was gonna upload a pic.
>>187164We've been here since the last thread, already had a conference about it, already chose a course of action. Everyone here wasted about 3 megs of bandwidth for a poor version of the script when they could just wait for the real one.
i'm ok with proofreading it, but we should be more people.
You know what would be great? If halfway through the story, at some really intense critical moment, the screen suddenly goes to Mou Ikkai with the accompanying music.
Just another guys coming along to say shit is real.
Hide it from faggotmoon!
Ascalon, post an avatar, so we can spam it.
>>187185You better not be lying. If this doesn't provoke you guys to start something, you're all just as shitty as Message.
>>187199Trying to hide the leak would be even stupider and less effective than trying to prevent a leak. It happened, it's out there, let them do what they will.
>>187180how high is Message in the hierarchy of MM?
>>187185heh, at this time of night only TakaJun would probably be up since he lives in the westcoast.>>187177Also no, because this is 4chan. And it's a secret as to who I am on MM (not that people won't find out and turn their hatred towards me).>>187187I have all the changes ready, it's all about inserting and recompiling but I dunno how.>>187189I'm afraid my skills are a little lacking orz.
>>187073it's most likely missing translated images, if you really need them, just get the tools for xp3's, extract the patch, verify that all scripts are present ( 3mb shouds about right ) and include images from the first patch.
>>187185the fuck, 3Mbs is peanuts nowadays
I'm so fucking happy...
>>187222On a completely unrelated note I love you Sylph. You, ddrddr, and PEM are what makes image dumps fun.
Nice to see someone standing up for their principles!/salute good sir, and thank you.
You guys could have waited for a final version, it's not like it would have taken message more than a month.
>>187185>when they could just wait for the real one.that's the thing, we were practically left in the dark about the progress other than "installer" for near 4 months now. If there was any sort of problem, no matter how bad it was, at least mention something about it. Even if we would RAGE, we at least knew where MM was in terms of progress other than "Testing Installer" for the past few months.
>>187216We don't have a hierarchy. We're just disappointed is it.And I'm personally really sad I didn't post that second rick roll I had ready under ascalon's tripcode, but cooler heads prevailed.
Don't bother proofing it; you don't seriously think MM is going to sit there and let anon take all the glory by speed editing and shitting out a final version and slapping a different name on it? They will probably release immediately and tar and feather the traitor when they smoke him out...Unless it's TakaJun in disguise!
>>OPAscalon, how old are these scripts?
>>187217>I have all the changes ready, it's all about inserting and recompiling but I dunno how.Surely there must be an anon around here who knows how to do this stuff.And if there isn't I can almost guarantee one would be more than willing to learn real quick.
Sticky this shit.
>>187246didn't some faggot also say that a month ago?
>>187185Honest appraisal:3MB bandwidth for beta >>>>> More months of waiting for final
Someone who knows programming should make an installer for this, just to piss off Message even more.
>>187246>>it's not like it would have taken message more than a month.HAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHA!!!
>>187255its not hard to decompile.http://insani.org/tools/just runjake@localhost ~/xp3tools-20060708 $ python xp3-extract.py patch2.xp3 asdf fate_fulland you get all the scripts.
That's cool but I wanted to play it in moon anyway.
>>187248Hey cool someone has taken the time to break my tripcode.
>>187275LOL, we thought 1 month last year...
>>187273I'd fucking die; this would be the most hilarious thing ever. Should show the ever common pictures of Rin with *testing in progress* and play erotic sound effects while the installer bar goes to 100%. And then an orgasm just as the installer finishes. Get on this shit anon.
>>187284tripper+ works wonders sometimes, don't it? :l
What's the chance MM will throw a fit and do something, like stop translating. Just a thought, since shit like that does happen to other groups.
>>187284Use tripmona, get yourself a non-shitty tripcode.
http://forums.mirrormoon.org/viewtopic.php?t=1380guess they already know about it
>>187294yeah but why even bother, it's not like I'm a regular tripfag and it's obvious that the whole tripcode is an afterthought. I guess I just have to be a faggot and use non-unicode characters and such in the future. But ah well it's not like I'll likely ever use the tripcode except for things like this.
>>187284Genious! If anon has broken his tripcode then it could have been anyone that leaked the text! What a brilliant move to deflect the shitstorm heading your way. I approve.
>>187185Oh come on! we have been waiting for too long already.
The cat is out now: http://forums.mirrormoon.org/viewtopic.php?t=1380Permission to spam their forum granted?
Shittly translated walkthrough<1 to save> Day 2 We send cherry (※ in Dojo) If you already capture ※ Day 3 Stop <Saves T15> After 15 Bring back Day 4 Schools Day 5 Sabor stands <Saves T16> Shy hallway 16 呪to the decree差し出し
>>187310No one gives a shit. If I can handle the Clannad BETA with all its engrish, I can handle UBW.
>>187313Not really since it's not like anyone hacked into my pc, just stole my alias on 4chan. Since it's a small list of suspects I'm already screwed. And I know a bunch of mm groupies and some staff lurk 4chan.
>>OPYou, sir, are a hero.Someone get this man a fucking medal
Ascalon, do you have the scoop on why the installer took so long in the first place? It's a shame that it came to this, because it never should have.
Ascalon.Good show.
>>187322You don't need a fucking walkthrough for F/SN. You can see the tiger stamps to see if you've missed any BAD ENDs.
>>187185>had a conference about itHAHA OH WOW
>>187324Hey that hurts I *can* use IRC, I just avoid it like the plague and only use it for manga releases.
Upload the scripts so I can work on proofing.
>>187310Offhand? Likely
>>187331yea, even anon would support the group, but so many months of just install'in works is a bit much.
heh they're finally talking about it in the mirrormoon irc
>>187330OH YES
>>187334I just posted it for Anons like >>187172
>>187348also Acoustic_Visions is a fag
>>187326No I mean, any other staffer could have posed as you and leaked it with your tripcode. With that line of thinking, all you have to do is line up with the other editors and deny everything, and maybe giggle at message for massive lulz.
[ !chendo[work] ] Also, if Taka quits[ !chendo[work] ] Thank 4chan[ !chendo[work] ] Hell, if any of us quit, thank 4chanShaking. In my boots.
You know, you could have made it a self-extracting archive. So it would be an "installer".
>>187313Genius! Genius! Japnonymous is a genius!
>>187358Nah, if you're doing something like this just man up and admit it proudly to the world. Fuck yeah!
>>187326maybe this will make MM staff be honest for once:message was being incredibly lazy and attempting to milk 4chan's rage.
>>187358I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility like a man. If they want to contact me they know how to. Otherwise meh, nothing of value was lost.
i am seriously crying right now
I feel bad for TakaJun. He's the real boss of the project, but he has no comprehension of how to crack the whip.I get the feeling that fucking faggot Message has strung him on the same way he has everyone else.
So wait, this shit is real?I've always called those people who said tripfriends faggots, but you are truly a tripfriend.Have no regrets sir, you have filled so many with hope. Crashing through the bleakness of mirrormoon and shining a guiding light
post more irc
>>187362Internet Love Machine strikes again.
I like how everyone on the irc is calling for blood.
>>187323I don't mind a mistake here and there anyway.Translation groups are always saying things like using an english major and making it up to snuff with official company releases, making sure there's not even one typo, but most VN's with an official release do in fact have mistakes in them.Even Ever17 had an occasional typo, and it's still considered pretty fucking good.I can handle some engrish.
Truly, what was the deal?
put this on TT nao
>>187362he's just being a faggot. all of this is message's fault in the first place. he and his stupid rick roll made people lose support on MM
>>187377They made the channel invite only and kicked someone who joined to make fun of them.
>>187362haha oh wow
>>187389 I got thirty bucks that says it wasn't message.
all hail the tripfriends
>>187374Maybe he shouldnt be such a pussy then, he should just fire that worthless faggot Message and get somebody else to do it.PROBLEM SOLVED
Personally, I would take QUALITY of any degree over NOTHING.NOTHING, besides bullshit and "ore-sama!"'s, is what Message has been feeding us since December.QUALITY script or no, I plan to spend most of Easter weekend playing UBW. The way I should've during Christmas holidays.On that note, Happy spring break, collegefags.
>>187371so who are you oh mysterious hero?(who may have caused MM to die)
I just hope message is the only one that is affected by this...We love TakaJun and the editors, we love the image editors, etc. Anon has directed all his rage at message and his installer so MM should take it as such.
And this just goes to show:We understand MM put alot of work into this. We understand we are reaping the benefits for free. Many of us willing volunteer to help. Many of us are willing to donate money to help. But if we are taunted and restricted, we become mournful and angry. Anon does not want something absolutely perfect as long as we can enjoy a functional version first to prevent a long wait.Look at us! We are overjoyed! We don't care about typos and flaws! Ascalon has proved this and MM should learn from it.
Now that the primary translation is out, HAIL CEASAR. If mirror quits some other group or person can finish it if they feel like it.Much Heart to mirror, of course. But damn and hell if I ain't stoked. Yay Engrish!
The way i see it, two things can happen.1. Mirror Moon gets off their fucking asses and gets back to work, meaning more Fate for us.2. Mirror Moon gets butthurt and decides to quit. Meaning NO CHANGE for us.either way, its a WIN/MEH situation.
>>187362All I hear is bawwwww.
>>187362I <3 TakaJun. He understands better than the rest of the staff that this faggotry has gone for way too long.Y'know I always saw fansub groups like shinsen go into drama mode but I never thought I'd be the instigator.
>>187371>>OPI am going to make you music about this incident, containing three movements:1) The Announcement2) The Wait3) The LeakIt will be made in bleeper music maker.I will post it somewhere this Thursday/Friday! An alt. email would be helpful, but hopefully it will appear somewhere on your internet some day!
poetic justice at its best!Nice work.
>>187371Alright what do we know you by?
>>187362lol, they're the ones to talk? It might just be message screwing around by himself, but the point the entire fucking crew let him.
It just occured to me that they did say to wait for a red moon, and now look at their site...
>>187362Thanks 4chan!
ha, if MM dropped someone who was actually Compitent might actually take over the work, as most people who would be willing would shrug it off because "MM is doing it."
>>187421Our drama was 'man, should we rickroll him or not?'
Im so happy
Don't worry Ascalon, they seem to be lost on who the leaker was.Thanks 4chan
I will not sleep tonight, I've anticipated this for FAR TOO LONG!
Hey, staffers, just so you know; We don't hate you, we just hate that one bastard.
>>187437That would be the most retarded setup ever.
>>187404I've been corresponding with him.He pretty much blames himself for leaving just Message to do the installer, after Message had done a shitload of proofreading.>It's partly my fault that I didn't get him started on the installer while the translation was going on, or just told him flat out not to work on a new installer. And yes, he shouldn't have been proofing if he was making the installer. It's all too late now. Installer is supposedly almost complete.>As for booting him from the team, there's no point after he completes this installer. There's nothing much to change to the installer for Heaven's Feel patch, or any other game, for that matter. So installer building will never take this much time again. This was on January 21.He knows Message has no idea how to keep the public informed. He knows nothing about coding, so he could never take Message to task about whatever he was (NOT) doing. Hell, he told me the installer for UBW and Ray Romano are pretty much the same thing (short the readme). So what the fuck has been going on the past monthIt's only Takajun's morale I worry about this hurting. He's still working on HF, after all.
I was hoping for Mou Ikkai again, to be honest
I'm not even gonna be playing this shit anytime soonWhy am I so happy...? ;_;
They removed invite-only from IRC feel free to join, be retards, and get banned.
>>187445MM IS competent, for the most part. They do pretty quality work, but the whole installer shenanigans is bullshit.
>>187273I could do it, since I know a bit of Wix (I also have InstallShield 2008), but I'd rather leave it to another anon who can do it better.
http://thehaxor.net/ubw/UBW.rarHave a direct download mirror. Password is the same. Ill host anything else usefull that comes along.
>>187421Shinsen is always in drama mode.
Thanks a lot, 4chan.Now I'm gonna fail both my midterms this week
worse is better; best is the enemy of good also, ``sepples''
>>187457>So installer building will never take this much time againIt will
>>187465True as a group they really have brought us great stuff and they have learned from their experiences. But for christ's sake the editting was done at most in early november.
>>187473>>187383This. I wonder if some anon wants to race mm for a release
can I get a torrent link to actual game dl
Dude it's been over half a year since I beat the Fate route, where is the major fork that leads into UBW, I forget.
If this is an elaborate troll I will burst into flames from my laughter.
>>187465MM is greedy they go off on random tangents translating shit no one but the main translator or even the leader cares about for months on end (like Underwater Ray Romano) and then pull shit like they did with the UBW installer because they were to lazy to make any significant proccess on it do to personal hobby translation.
>>187490HahahaNoYou should have it already, learn to google
>>187459because message doesn't have complete RAGE power over us anymore, he only has half the RAGE power now.
I am not going to play this patch tonight.I'm going to get a great night sleep, wake up refreshed tomorrow morning, and then play through fate, and then UBW.
>>187491NICE REPLY.
Holy shit, it's nearly 5am but I must stay away FUCK YEAH UBW!
>>187495Use a command seal to call Seiba back from attacking Garcher
>>187500I like utawarerumono.I do not like type moon games.
>>187490isohunt - yes I deleted my install too.
>>187500Heaven forbid a translator work on what they want to.
>>187500most of it was on Message though, seeing as he was the sole person in charge of the release engineering.
>>187503I'd like to replay Fate too, but I don't know if I'll be able to put off UBW after waiting so fucking long.
[12:49] * Now talking in #mirrormoon[12:49] * Topic is 'http://mirrormoon.org/ No warez talk! No Fserve! [Released: F/sn v1.0a, MB v1.8, MB/R v1.1, Tsukihime v1.1, P+D v1.0, Uta v1.1] [WIP: Arcturus, Farland Symphony, MBAC] [Utawarerumono English v1.1 released, please update!] [Older downloads: http://tinyurl.com/2e84kj]'[12:49] * Set by ArchDemon on Sat Mar 01 11:40:42[12:49] * Joins: tskiller (~none@17833c43.3231975e.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net)[12:50] <Acoustic_Visions> Yep[12:50] <Acoustic_Visions> Just a time out for my own stupidity there =p[12:50] * Joins: pantsu (~usoda@f4f1334.141bd0a1.wp.shawcable.net)[12:50] <anon__> chendo[work] smells[12:50] <anon__> 8)[12:50] <tskiller> o hay anon__[12:50] <anon__> get out[12:50] <tskiller> no u[12:51] <anon__> y u gotta be in here[12:51] <anon__> honestly[12:51] <chendo[work]> If you guys are in here just to troll, just leave now, seriously.
>>187505>awakefuck, so sleepy
>>187500I hear Utawarerumonu was good, and why do you care, fansubbers always worked on what interested them, not what other people wanted
Ascalon and Mirror Moon are my GODS, and Message shall be cast down and burned in the fires of hell 10x over for every second he spent wasting time instead of making a simple fucking patch
>>187486You did say something about owning it, so a name is?
>>187525It's the principle ofthe thing. Don't promise what you aren't going to deliver.
This is generally awesome, and I do love me a good shitstorm. But I also have a hard time getting annoyed at mm or even message. lol and let lol, though it could be the booze talking
>>187487http://thehaxor.net/ubw/ubwscript.tar.gztook me awhile, my tubes are slow.
>>187500Utawarerumono is awesome, and the only person who worked on it was Ryuusoul who is not on the Fate team at all, and another group called Soylations. Oh and message I guess. It may have played a role in the installer drama but I'd rather have Utawarerumono and wait an extra couple months than get UBW right away and not get Utawarerumono.
potential drama has the potential to be so Bargeld!!!
>>187517You're telling me, it's now 5 to 6 AM here and the strange mixture of alcohol and 'Oblivious' from Kara no Kyoukai has left me exhausted.
I am fully pro MM and if asked I would donate moneys to them for doing such a good job.But seriously, fuck Message. Fuck that little cuntbag who has been leading us on for months while he makes something nobody even fucking cares about. Fuck him in his little bitch ass. Hopefully now that somebody has stolen his thuner he'll realize that nobody cares about him.
>I'm not that bored these days, and I have an irl girlfriend now too.SURE YOU DO A.R.C.C.
Moar like GARscalon
>>187538See, I can be understanding about pushing deadlines back. They have real life commitments and the whole translating thing is just a side project.What I can't forgive is when they purposely withhold things like this..
[ !TakaJun ] who cares?[ !TakaJun ] I was angry at message[ !TakaJun ] but I'm not saying anythingk!
I can't fucking belive they are still praising message at these forums
Message is so fired.
[ !md ] We almost rickroll'd 4chan for lulz.FOR THE LULZ
>>187566HAHA OH WOW
I tip my hat to you, Ascalon. If I knew you IRL, I'd buy you a drink.
This is not the greatest song in the world. No, this is just a tribute.
>>187566That's taka's only fucking problem. He's the head of the project, but he is unwilling to lead. When someone slacks off and pisses all over him, he does nothing.
>>187571Tell me about it, plus why do they need 'a nice shiny' version with the installer when you don't need an installer (unless you have a toaster) when you can just patch the fucker
>>187581fucking seconded
>>187590>unless you have a toasterok I loled
>>187566Ascalon = TakaJunNow let us never speak of it again.
>>187566I hope that really did come straight from TakaJun.Not that it isn't known that everyone hates that cunt message anyway, but hearing the head guy himself say it is just so satisfying.
>>187549>'Oblivious' from Kara no KyoukaiYou have good taste, tripfriend.
>>187581>>187593I might take you up on that if you're eurofags or are going to be in south east asia from may onwards... hell if you're amerifags I might go again someday soon to visit pals in CT.
>>187599It did, it's from #mirrormoon @ irchighway.Taka said he doesn't know what he's going to do now, he's considering quitting over this I guess.
-_- Poor Message -_-
>>187608Sleepybritfag here, I would gladly buy you many drinks. Best bloody tripfriend ever
I still don't get it.Sure, MM, it sucks your patch was released before you wanted it to be out, but your leader's admitted that things were being kind of shitty.Look how happy we are to have your work anyway. BAWWWW IT DIDN'T COME OUT WITH THIS INSTALLER. Who gives a shit.
>>187613why pity him?
Message is a 4chan troll
>>187608I'll buy you a beer if you drop by in Sinkapore.
You know what would be truly funny?If it was Message who leaked this.
If TakaJun was Ascalon we would have the full version and not a beta
>>187637you just blew my mind
>>187637message is asleep
Thank you mirror moon, for all your hard work.Thank you disgruntled staff member, for letting us see it.
Can someone post saves up to that point (preferably w/ all the Tiger dojos), or are they already up on /rs/?
Here's something to keep in mind, Noble tripfriend.This thread has hit the pruning limit in less than a half hour.This thread is the fastest moving thread in /jp/ history. If I remember my total times right, this moved faster then moot's announcement at the beginning of the board.If you have any regrets, remember this fact. You've inspired more anons than anyone else.
>>187608next time you're in baltimore just drop a line. anons will be watching, and you, my friend, have fucking earned some booze.
ascalon, if i were a woman i would have your spawn
>>187659And such is the power of a leak.
>>187655Just search /rs/ for "fate save" and then skip the scenes until you get the choice.
>>187611<TakaJun> I'm angry at the leaker for, well, lying to keep the patch private:(
I'm amusing myself by getting Shirou killed like a bitch.
takajun feels like shit about this, I hope this shit doesn't blow the fuck up.
Thread needs to be archived.
>>187679I already ChanThreadWatch'd it even if 4chanarchive doesn't take it.
Oh it probably killed the entire project, I have little doubt that we'll never see Heaven's Feel translated. That said, this is still awesome.
>>187662>>187663WHY CAN'T WOMEN SAY THIS TO ME!? ;_;>>187635Probably I'll stop by during a connecting flight so I'll take a raincheck.>>187620I keep that in mind.>>187659No regrets, I just hope TakaJun understands why.hehe, well I have to go meet buddies in southampton and uhhh somewhere else so it might be possible.
Hehehe, you know what would be funny, If Ascalon actually WAS Message
>>187679Or stickied
FUCK YES, THIS IS THE BEST THREAD EVER.Ascalon, once again, good show.
>>6448402>>10/10 gf>Is that in meters or feet?OOOOHHHHHH
>>187679QFT I've requested it once
>>187687I still have faith that MM will do the right thing and just move on with their projects.And if not, someone else will pick it up
We can always make a new thread and continue discussion in that one.
>>187667I still <3 him though.
Ascalon, I will suck your cock.I will let you violate my ass and call you "Onii-chan", if you want.ANYTHING you want me with me, you got it. You are my god.
>>187710Oh dear, it appears I'm a slowpoke.png
this thread has brought me tears of joy
This should really be stickied
>>187637 If it was Message who leaked this.Yes...that would be a lawl. It would make no sense at all, which would make it hilarious.
Ascalon, good show.I'd also like to thank TakaJun for translating UBW, since not many people are doing so. Keep up the good work with HF.
There are no torrents of UBW.
Someone get the word out to takajun that he should not feel bad about this; we love him and his work is superb, even for a beta version
>>OPI cried manly tears of joy.
<chendo[work]> I'm especially not happy about how much epeen Ascalon is getting from this.WATCH YOUR EPEEN
The bullet is always in my fist...Why is it that I chose you?You've been raped by the high Lady Fate, butI believe that defenestration is boringYou'll be all right!I'll only hate the things that I'm hatingIt's a table, right, right!? In a world where bats change into drillsI'm going to get smarter, because I have a couch, not for anyone elsePlease dance with me!Look at me--I'm hard everywhere I go!The mallet today that became the needle tomorrow is a cockroach.I lost you...
>>187490There are no torrents for UBW.
>>187696Well anytime you're in Manchester drinks are on this Sleepyanon
>>187738Chendo wanted to leak it himself. He's jealous that he got beaten to the punch.
W00t! *brings out the champagne*
>>187724No, it would be Just as Planned
>>6448290Now now, Verne... he DOES have a cheap as fuck Rhodesian plate carrier. I'm sure he paid out the ass to ship that from some Chinese sweatshop.And I guess you missed his other thread, telling me that I should be careful or he'll come for me and shoot me with civvie P90 using only his testicles. Because, you know... $40 for 20 rounds is a smart investment and all.
>>187763You...you want to be my...my friend? ;_;
>>187712But I'm female. >>187696
>>187773But you poop from there!
I so desperately am waiting for message's shitfit. If it's 6:30 in holland right now, he should be waking up in 3-4 hours, right?
>>187773hawt. Just this once I'll believe that I'm really talking to a girl. ;_;
This is delicious drama and lulz. Why can't it be sticky time?
>>187755if that was the case, Ascalon/message would become the worst troll ever by releasing a patch half a year ago.That would be....a weird turn of events.
>>187784It's so sad he's missing out on all this. Ascalon should've waited for him to wake up.
>>187786Ah Jesus. Modesty in the form of admitting you're a ronery bastard just like us even in the face of flattery....Now even I wanna suck your cock.
Hey guys here's a save file for whoever was asking. I embedded it in an image for the lulz. It's got all the tiger stamps and exactly 24 hours on the clock if you are timing yourself through UBW.http://rapidshare.com/files/98618479/OHTHEIRONY.jpg.html
>>187786A 4channer's man.
>>187608Sadly, I am stuck in Indiana in the US. However I will be graduating in the spring and moving to wherever a job takes me. I'd love to visit Europe some time though.Regardless, if you ever need anything, just email me. biomedanon@gmail.com
Gentlemen. The world has just ended.
>>187801Enjoy your viagra spam.
>>187801I'm making friends. oh wow even though they might be internet friends it's alright. Better than nothing. Thanks.
goddamnit mods sticky this
>>187803No, Someone meerly fired up the hardon collider early. In doing so they're created a mini-reality.We are that reality, a world where the impossible can happen. UBW is out
>>187801It's a trap to reveal his real identity to MM isn't it?
Ascalon is now a meme.
Hoo...now I'd consider myself a translation group sympathizer, but seeing things like this somehow warms my heart. Ascalon, you truly have balls.
Strategy Guide link now
>>187817anytime you are in central arkansas, i will buy you dinner sir
>>187808yeah, its a risk I'm willing to take. Thats what the email is for anyways.
>>187817Just remember Ascalon, no matter what happens we'll back you up, and although we might not be able to do much, I'll promise you this much..You have my sword.
>>187848AND MY AXE
>>187848AND MY BOW
>>187855And my bow!
>>187848And my axe!
>>187855AND MY COCK
MM just feels really angry that:-There credit was taken from them (although not the case, but anon still needs to show some love for MM, except message)-Loss of trust in their own ranks (this comes at no surprise)-And TakaJun's year long effort spilled through a leak.So, sounding like a morale faggot, I still have to say; show some love for MM, but not message.
Hey, why'd they permasage us?
and my half full buckie bottle!
>>187862Excitement of the moment. Kill the messenger for bad news, suck his cock for good news.See what people think in a week. Even anonymous understands who has done the majority of the work here.
>>187826I think I hardly qualify. And please don't make me a forced meme those make me wanna cry.>>187848Hey it's not like they can come and beat me up nor do they know my ip. Like I've said before this hoping that they realize that they've been strung along. MM is a great group.
>>187867Autosage happens at 250 replies.
>>187862This Anon is right.I love you Mirromoon. I really do. Fuck you, though, Message.
Ascalon must appear in the VN that colombia is making
>>187817Hahahaha, yeah. Thanks again for lightening my really shitty past few weeks. I'm pretty busy this term, but feel free to send me an email.
>>187862COUNTER-POINT1. No credit was taken from them. We still know this is a MM translation. Sack up, MM, you fucked up; but look how happy we are about a BETA LEAK.2. Fair enough.3. See, I don't get this. It's not like his work isn't his anymore, it's just not being installed through some shit installer that was obviously just a lie to try to buy time for something else.
sticky before death please
then we must start a new thread
>>187876Demand Ascalon route in Anon's nice day!
Mirror Moon! you are awesome!but take this with good grace - Project Management! LEARN IT!
>>187848And my flail
>>187876Yes.Next nice day thread, I will call for this.
I think TakaJun deserves to have his cleanest, revised, polished work released, not some crappy Beta. I'd be pissed for that reason alone if I was him. I hope he'll go ahead and release the files quick so we can patch them. Anybody who can figure out how to work a FSN torrent knows how to patch a fucking slideshow.
>>187886about that, anon said his vn would be out before the UBW patch, does this count?
This whole situation is fucking stupid, sorry.Leaker posts with a name and tripcode? Mirror moon upset because of a leak they cant do anything about? Anon going to forums and kissing ass?pic related, for all you. There are certain times where I considered reading a visual novel, but judging from the 100% pure faggotry of the people who associate themselves with them, I wont be touching one any time soon.
>>187897Oh shit, time paradox?
>>187897Anon's Nice Day has already been out; the first version came out like a week ago, only BAD ENDs. It's a work in progress I hear.
>>187906You do not belong here
>>187823Nah. Other Touhou-fags know I'm a legit, non-troll, sauce providing nice guy with an obviously easy to copy tripname. That would be interesting though.>>187817A friend is a friend. They will always come in handy.
>>187913Think he means the other one. VIP quality.>>187906Congratulations! In a sea of over 300 replies, you're the one negative!How does it feel to be the oddman out on an entire board?
>>187906-Auto-sage has already kicked in.-There's some justifiable DORAMA going on.-And I'm only using this tripcode (which has been broken already btw) so people know they aren't getting a rickroll.
>>187913>>187907I'm talking about the one with the cirno picture that anon leaked
>>187906Aahahahhaa. Faggot.
>>187817Give us an e-mail whenever Ascalon
>>187848And my a-ARGHGHKGK
new thread?
>>188011Sure I'll make one once this one dies. It's not like mods will sticky anything since they're asleep. So we can take our time.
swear to god this thread took like half the "f" off my f5 key
How do I find this game?I've tried isohunt/mininova, a couple chinese trackers using"UBW","Unlimited blade works" and フェイト/ステイナイト" but I still can't find any torrents.Share doesn't come up with anything either.
>>188051Holy fuck you're stupid.
>>188034I have no F5 key anymore
>>188051Latin, have you heard of it?
>>188051Fate stay night on mininova has one with the three cds, but three is corrupt.Then download cd3 off rapidshit.Also, I am crying Manly tears for when Ascalon is caught and they all ban him from HF, assuming they don't drop it.Keep us updated, tripfriend.
>>187881>3. See, I don't get this. It's not like his work isn't his anymore, it's just not being installed through some shit installer that was obviously just a lie to try to buy time for something else.think of it this way; you've been putting effort into something for a year and have this beating enthusiasm for that "rush" you get when you finally finish it and release it to your fans. Now imagine that shit ruined, since someone leaked it and the initial "rush" and enthusiasm is slapped back into your face along with all your effort. Yes, this thing took way longer than necessary, but you really can't blame them for feeling down and out for now. (other than message, that fucker can lick turd)
Taka is back in the IRC.Warm words are encouraged, since he is in a funk.
>>188074TakaJun being sad makes me sad.
fuck MM!! pieces of shit!
>>188084be nice, anonymous. forgive this once.
EPIC WIN. I was just thinking "wouldnt it be nice if I could play UBW right now?" and then this happens. XLNT.
>>188060AFAIK the third CD image isn't corrupt, it's just that the filename doesn't match the name used inside the cue file. You can edit the cue file using Notepad, or rename the third CD image to match the cue file contents.
You disgust me, Anonymous.Be grateful for the leak, but do not diss the team, they tried their best.
>>188274If Anon wants to insult the team, it's his right.Even TakaJun has some of this fail on his hands. Remember when they invited people to help edit, because they didn't have the time and then TakaJun decided that "wate, disregard that, I suck cocks"?I don't see the point of shitting on mirror moon any further. This leak is more than enough in my eyes. Still however, this could have been done with alot less faggotry.
>>188060Or you can just download the DVD edition...
FSN's status page has been updated.
>>188370DVD version is XBOX HUGE though, apparently due to lots of padding to discourage pirates. (And not because it has any extra content, as far as people can tell.)
is there any difference between calling saber back and bringing her back?
>>188461Not sure, but I believe the goal is to use up a command seal stopping her.
>>188521you don't use one either way calling her back you just yell for her to get back bringing her back you run over and grab her.
>>188521>>188540also talking about two completely different things hes referring to the choice you make while fighting berserker in ubw not the choice you make to get into ubw.
Always known 4chan was a bad place. 4chan, or better, Avalon, if Mirror Moon quits his work now, you know what's gonna happen.
>>189188Funny, since Takajun said that he wasn't giving up.