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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 105 KB, 801x484, Better equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17214766 No.17214766 [Reply] [Original]

[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit guns for BBs:
Others: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me

Drop/construction statistics:

Voices/sprites/furniture preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver
kcanotify (KR, EN, CN): https://github.com/antest1/kcanotify

-New and returning Rainy Season lines and sprites (and Shiratsuyu's handphone sprite) have been implemented, including new sprites for Fusou, Kamoi and Sazanami.
-Kumano's Kai 2 and CVL Kai 2 have been implemented. Like Suzuya, her Kai 2 at level 84 comes with a CVL Kai 2 form at level 88, with which it is reversible. Remodelling from CAV to CVL requires another blueprint, but remodelling from CVL to CAV doesn't. She is also able to improve and upgrade the same equipment that Suzuya can.
-The 41cm Twin Gun can now be upgraded to the Prototype 41cm Triple Gun, which can in turn be upgraded to the 41cm Triple Gun Kai, which can be further improved. The upgrades each require two New Model Gun Improvement Materials, which can be obtained from quests.
-Seven new quests have been added, with three of them each unlocking one more, plus a standalone quest. The first requires Kumano Kai 2 and the quest it unlocks rewards either a medal, a New Model Gun Improvement Material or a Zero M63 fighter-bomber. The other two quests are a scrapping quest rewarding a New Model Gun Improvement Material and an expedition quest, and unlock quests which, along with the standalone quest, each reward either a medal or a New Model Gun Improvement Material.
-The 41cm Twin Gun can now be upgraded to the Prototype 41cm Triple Gun, which can in turn be upgraded to the 41cm Triple Gun Kai, which can be further improved. The upgrades each require two New Model Gun Improvement Materials.
-The Fleet Organisation page's ship list now shows each ship's damage status, morale and speed, as well as colour-coded numbers for the ship's level (black for 1-49, blue for 50-79, green for 80-99 and gold for 100+). The fleet number a ship is in (if any) has been made slightly smaller.
-The equipment list can now be sorted been sorted into four new equipment categories: Radar, Transport (including daihatsu), Resupply, and Large Aircraft (inluding flying boats and land-based aircraft). Equipment equipped on another ship now lists the fleet said ship is in, if any. Equipment providing range now has the range colour-coded in the equipment list (blue for Short, Green for Medium, orange for Long and red for Very Long). The sprite for yellow Secondary Armament guns has also been resized.
-The Modernisation and Remodel buttons for ships, the button to initiate a practice match against other fleets, and the buttons for toggling between the Items in Possession and Purchased Items inventory categories, have all been redesigned. The Items in Possession inventory category has also been expanded by 12 slots.
-Quests with multiple choice rewards now open confirmation windows when selecting the choice of rewards.
-A Kai 2 is planned for Yura for the next maintenance on June 23 and Saratoga this midsummer. At least one BB and one more CL will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki- and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
-Current Collaboration between KanColle and Fuji-Q theme park, 1:1 scale Zuiun on display.

>> No.17214792

Nice fucking job OP. You get my thread pruned for a shitty image with

>> No.17214798

Not to mention you don't know how to link the previous thread.

>> No.17214806
Quoted by: >>17214819


>> No.17214812

This is the worst OP image ever.

>> No.17214813
File: 1.17 MB, 1854x2100, DCxgaOyVYAARJU3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17214827

when do we get a thicc boat?

>> No.17214814

Is there still any doubt that KC3fags are the lowest of scum and KC3 should be banned from these threads?

>> No.17214819
Quoted by: >>17214822

I mean it's not entirely your fault because last thread's OP didn't do it; but next time leave the thread making to someone who will take the time to make sure everything is in place.

Anyways, delete this thread; shit image.

>> No.17214822
Quoted by: >>17214829

People haven't been able to delete their own threads for years. Only jannies and mods can do it.

>> No.17214827


>> No.17214829

I know.

>> No.17214947
File: 735 KB, 1576x2000, DB3kmHFUAAETtXr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17214962
File: 107 KB, 550x800, 52b15b5fc26a20ad0dd414c34b7b4aad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us please reserve a moment of silence for the passing of my dear wife, Nagato, who was ruined by the anime some time ago

>> No.17214963

2 years ago isn't "some time ago".

>> No.17214971
Quoted by: >>17214973

>It's been two years since the animateining and the scars are still fresh
Auuuuu the horror

>> No.17214973
Quoted by: >>17214980

Stop typing like a retard or fuck off.

>> No.17214980 [DELETED] 

Make me and make me
Now if you don't mind I must return to mourning

>> No.17214984

It kinda is though.

>> No.17215005
File: 28 KB, 360x360, F2lWtLS2_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more day for opening torp.

>> No.17215018

If she "does" have opening torpedo then it'll give me all the more reason to ditch Kitakami and Ooi.

But I know she won't. But I'll use her regardless because I'm not a shitty bandwagoner.

>> No.17215030

There will never be any reason to ditch KTKM/Ooi

The reason ABKM is good is because she isn't a CL, and the more opening torps the better.

But yura wont have opening torp

>> No.17215034

>The reason ABKM is good is because she isn't a CL
You mean CLT.

>> No.17215040
Quoted by: >>17215048

You can only use 1 CL in the escort fleet so no, you won't be replacing anyone.

>> No.17215048
Quoted by: >>17215056

>But yura wont have opening torp

I know she won't. But that won't mean I'll scrap her just because she turns out to be another Kinu.

Oh, really? That's a shame then.

>> No.17215056
Quoted by: >>17215070

Why did you think people don't use ABKM and Ooyodo as a yasen mule in the escort fleet ever instead of just taking ABKM?

>> No.17215070
Quoted by: >>17215076

I don't know? I never got far in maps that required combined fleet.

>> No.17215076

You should read the Combined Fleet page to see what ships are allowed on the main and escort fleet.

>> No.17215095
File: 513 KB, 1131x1600, i-035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impressive that they can hold the Daihatsu launcher on their elbow. It looks pretty heavy.

>> No.17215105
File: 92 KB, 750x1077, DC19MgUVYAIq60D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216179

This should've been the thread's image.

>> No.17215132
File: 145 KB, 587x544, 1495844290094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17215143

Fuck Whora. Where's Natori and Nagara Kai2?

>> No.17215143
Quoted by: >>17215148

>talking shit about Yura while posting Gabriel
Shit taste.

>> No.17215148
Quoted by: >>17215160

Found Sataniafag.

>> No.17215160

Jokes on you, I'm a Tapfag. It's a shame she's learning PHP next, that shit's garbage.

>> No.17215175
Quoted by: >>17215179

That's just a daihatsu launcher.

>> No.17215179

I never said it was a midget sub launcher.

>> No.17215226
File: 390 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170621-18531670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are as ready for Yura as I am

>> No.17215245

I have 2 medals. Suzuya fucked my reserves since I only kept 4 and made the extras into screws. Still need to get Kumano to CVL and the dupe to kai 2 together with Taiyou. Too fucking many blueprints in such a short time.

>> No.17215254
File: 49 KB, 224x128, bp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.17215272

Should've done your EOs instead of idling.

>> No.17215286
File: 59 KB, 227x139, 20170622_04070978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for Yura and Sara.

>> No.17215311

Thread theme:

>> No.17215325
Quoted by: >>17215347

I have 1 bp and 1 medal.
But 2 are reserved for my 2 Littorios.
Must likely, unless Yura gets minisub.

>> No.17215347

>2 Littorios
You'll get some medals by new quest anyways.

>> No.17215401
File: 23 KB, 401x110, ss+(2017-06-22+at+05.40.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pleases my OCD.

>> No.17215470
File: 743 KB, 801x479, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next month.

>> No.17215522

I have 14 medals, I'm ready for her and Sarah.

>> No.17215582
Quoted by: >>17215587

>no rail
ABUKAMA reign supreme again

>> No.17215587

That's the bottom side of the mount you fucking retard. And the rail that ABKM has is the same as the one Kinu has. It's for Daihatsu, not midget subs.

>> No.17215703

Yura's idle line is nice. Only took an eternity for me to notice.

>> No.17215767
File: 1.94 MB, 133x170, 1498104072078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17215774

What is wrong with this panpakapan?

>> No.17215774

What is this, a gif for ants?

>> No.17215785
File: 305 KB, 787x462, fb67cad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17215813

>> No.17215813

Looks like a cute pose.

>> No.17215870
File: 51 KB, 573x592, Kaga Zuikaku busty food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga vs Zuikaku

>> No.17215895
File: 231 KB, 995x599, 1498066279690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17215936


>> No.17215933

Are they fighting over who is more lesbian?

>> No.17215936
File: 1.65 MB, 1006x832, 1497721306966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216170

Are amazing.

>> No.17215946
Quoted by: >>17216147

They're fighting over which one has been fucked by more men.

>> No.17215957
File: 396 KB, 700x977, 4255638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17215963
Quoted by: >>17217345

Go away

>> No.17215982

I'll be frank, What the fuck even is that face

>> No.17215989

Bara artist, probably.

>> No.17215994

It's a Baki reference.

>> No.17216006
File: 38 KB, 464x233, 1498008373539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216056

>> No.17216056
Quoted by: >>17216107

What the hell is she even doing?

>> No.17216107
File: 272 KB, 1000x944, c033be56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows, but the chapter seems to have started with Yura wanting the admiral to buy her a swimsuit.

>> No.17216127
File: 19 KB, 1366x727, EO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216128

Is anyone else having problems starting the latest version of EO? I redownloaded it and it still gives me this screen, but the previous version still works for some reason.

>> No.17216128
Quoted by: >>17216180


>> No.17216132
Quoted by: >>17216144


Should have been faster making a new one slowpoke.

>> No.17216144

I was a minute off. Guess my thread autism has to suffer until next time.

>> No.17216147

That's Zuikaku
Strength =/= powerful

>> No.17216162
File: 633 KB, 797x479, woo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216176

I did it!

>> No.17216170


Hmm. First time I noticed Zuikaku's side tie panties visible here. I must be blind.

>> No.17216176

Cute beaver.

>> No.17216179

I like this artist.

>> No.17216180

Well that sucks, it just happened for no reason, oh well.

>> No.17216209
File: 277 KB, 1920x1280, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216216

>> No.17216216

Where's the tail?

>> No.17216263
File: 417 KB, 801x480, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216376


>> No.17216285
File: 24 KB, 314x347, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17216286
File: 15 KB, 216x163, current quests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17216291

Whip that slut.

>> No.17216305
File: 661 KB, 706x1000, d173f65c76b43228b51ba2117158c11e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216313

>Katori will never be your mom

>> No.17216313

Quote whom?

>> No.17216315

Fuck no please let this retarded thread die. Only retarded people would let it live. The fucker didn't even write the thread full name.

>> No.17216325
Quoted by: >>17216333

Can't delete it, and janny will cull any new ones.

>> No.17216333
Quoted by: >>17216349

Make OP delete the pic then. Last thread with the "you may choose only one" faggot was too much already. If not then just sage and let the thread die.

>> No.17216349
Quoted by: >>17216360

You can only delete an image 3-5 mins after posting. And someone will just come by and bump the thread even if it got to pg10 before the bump limit. The only way to get rid of it is for a janny or mod to delete the thread.

>> No.17216360

Fuck. Then please janitor or mod delete this shitty ass pic. I ain't living with retarded KC3 faggot pic ruining the thread.

>> No.17216366

>implying they'll read your post
The only way you'll get a response is to o to the 4chan irc and pm a mod. Even then they might not delete it.

>> No.17216368

Well, you can try to make a new thread and hope janny kills this one.

>> No.17216376

Hey! I got this faggot twice in a row today, well yesterday.

>> No.17216386

Just get out already.

>> No.17216395

How is it possible to be this mad?

>> No.17216430 [DELETED] 

Fuck anti KC3 faggots

>> No.17216431

any good ship Composition, I've tired everything on the wiki seems like I can't finish the last dance on 4-5

>> No.17216446

> last dance
2BB 4CV works even for a newfag with no good ships like me.
>ib4 ">he need BB/CV" ">having trouble clearing 4-5"

>> No.17216451

4BB 2CV (with fighters)

>> No.17216498
Quoted by: >>17216565

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17216504
File: 84 KB, 711x540, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate are these times?

>> No.17216519
Quoted by: >>17216532

/jp/ is not a thread for wikiafag sympathizers. Don't feel like you are welcome here for a single moment

>> No.17216528
Quoted by: >>17216532

The are 100% accurate newfag. What else would they mean? If you get a certain time in construction it will mean it is whatever time it correlates with on the wiki.

>> No.17216532

I don't like wikiafags at all.
It's just you angry faggots like >>17216528
need to calm down over a fucking mobile game.

>> No.17216537
Quoted by: >>17216548

>mobile game
If you use kc3 you are a wikiafag by default. If you sympathize with the OP you are a massive fag.

>> No.17216548

What if someone just doesn't like reading moonrunes all of the fucking time? What if I want to know what quest I'm taking apart of outside of my dailies? What if I want to know which ship is being built instead of playing the waiting game or using an instant construction to find out?

>> No.17216551
Quoted by: >>17216553

There are other viewers.

>> No.17216553
Quoted by: >>17216556

So you just don't like one viewer?
What makes KC3 so bad?

>> No.17216554

No. You are just a lazy fuck that can't learn ship names. Sasuga newfag player.

>> No.17216556

It has the lowest barrier to entry, thus has a higher than normal amount of derpshits using it.

>> No.17216560

It's also got a fucking ugly UI. Among other things.

>> No.17216564

Have you learned enough Japanese to understand everyone's dialogue yet?

>> No.17216565
File: 248 KB, 1346x1984, DC2hB3cUMAA8ewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216934


>> No.17216574

Literally not an argument.
Can you faggots seriously debate anything without a fucking meme?
>Hurr durr newfag!
>Hurr durr ur a casul
Here's why I use KC3 you fucking retards.
I don't feel like learning a new language to play some fucking mobile game, yes mobile game.
Now in an argument faggots, you're supposed to reply with something that has substance. I.E something that disproves my point.
Try it.

>> No.17216575
Quoted by: >>17216581

So it's bad because of some subjetive shit?

>> No.17216577
Quoted by: >>17216601

How do you use KC3 on mobile?

>> No.17216581
Quoted by: >>17216598

Everything is subjective.

>> No.17216585
Quoted by: >>17216593

Are you really saying that KC3 is bad because it makes the game easier?
That's exactly why KC3 was created, so it isn't bad.

>> No.17216586
Quoted by: >>17216601

>people are better than me for not being an idiot and using a better viewer
>hurr durr not an argument
If you just think of this game as "some mobile game" that you want to put no effort or passion into, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.17216590
Quoted by: >>17216601

idk using EO or KCV or even fucking poi does all the above better and don't get you ragged into the ground

but yea everything is a meme

>> No.17216593

KC3 does nothing better than the other viewers.

>> No.17216598

So, I can easily discard your opinion. Thanks.

>> No.17216599

I know, but it's easier to use and more accessible.

>> No.17216601

How do you avoid objectifying your autism?
Oh, that's right, miss the point of the original argument and argue semantics.
Again, what makes KC3 so bad, focus on this you fucking brainlets. I know you ESLfaggots can't think outside of memes but if you really try I believe you can come up with something.
At least you can admit this is just bullshit.
So how does it do anything worse?

>> No.17216612
Quoted by: >>17216635

KC3 misses the point of being a viewer by limiting how much data you can have on screen at a time in favour of being filled with icons. Every other one is much cleaner.

>> No.17216613

You are the one blinded by your own opinion when plenty has been given to argue against kc3.
How am I memeing? If you getting your feelings hurt is a meme, then everything is at this point.

I'm going to make this clear once. Using a viewer that overlays ANYTHING inside the ACTUAL GAME is trash, period. Meaning subtitles, in game quest translations. kc3 is by wikiashitters, for wikiashitters. If you want to be one, stay there and leave here.

>> No.17216623

>Using a viewer that overlays ANYTHING inside the ACTUAL GAME is trash, period. Meaning subtitles, in game quest translations
Why? Not everyone knows moonrunes.
Also, you can disable translations.

>> No.17216631

> brainfuckinglets
Topkek. If we're soooooo brainlet then you wouldn't be here "smart one." Same kind of people attracts each other. So you're bascially just as "brainlet" as us.

But let's be real guys, even though I hate KC3 as much as you guys, having something to hate is not bad honestly. Imagine they all start jumping ships, ruining your favorite viewer. That would be hell on earth.

>> No.17216633

You can play without translations after less than a month. Shit is training wheels.

>> No.17216634
Quoted by: >>17216645

>That would be hell on earth.
Maybe for thin-skin shits it would.

>> No.17216635
Quoted by: >>17216645

From the posts you've quoted literally one (1) could be counted as an argument.
You can turn off translations as well. So there goes your one argument.
Ok, this makes sense.
>A messy UI hinders the information that could be displayed to me.
>Since you're here, you must be dumb. A small group of idiots can't be browse a image board, everyone here is a idiot am I right xD?
Wew, you really shot yourself in the foot with that one.

>> No.17216636

Literally every viewer that has an English version has quest translations and even ship names on the outside UI. Not knowing moonrunes is moot. You should learn how to read everything important eventually as everyone else in this thread has said. You acting like it's so hard to do that just further puts down any opinion you have into the dirt as it shows you put no effort into this game; just as the stereotype for kc3 users goes.

Now what viewer do you want, one that requires chrome, garbage looking cramped UI? Or a customizable one that looks good, runs in a seperate process? The answer is pretty obvious

>> No.17216642
Quoted by: >>17216646

I only translate the quest page. There is nothing extra in this game that needs translation.

>> No.17216645

I said on earh, not in /jp/ didn't I? Kek.
>A small group of idiots
Pretty sure there're a lot of other "idiot groups" out there too. Why are you here newfag? Why are you not there with them if we're the idiots? Nice "cognitive dissonance" you have right there kek.

>> No.17216646

And any other viewer with an English ver. has that. For the 3rd time.

>> No.17216648
Quoted by: >>17216649

Requiring Chrome instead of Intermet Explorer is at most a comment. It's definitely not a criticism.

>> No.17216649
Quoted by: >>17216657

Right, because I love leaving a memory eating botnet up 24/7.

>> No.17216652

> "idiot groups"
I meant "smart groups," oops.

>> No.17216657
Quoted by: >>17216673

I didn't know that people on 4chan with IE as their primary browser even existed.

>> No.17216658

Just ignore them. If you've been here long enough, you should know haters refuse to listen to any viewpoint that isn't their own.

>> No.17216662

>Literally every viewer that has an English version has quest translations and even ship names on the outside UI
So, it doesn't matter if I use KC3 or not then.
>one that requires chrome, garbage looking cramped UI?
UI being ugly is a fair subjective point.
I don't find it ugly at all.
>Or a customizable one that looks good, runs in a seperate process? The answer is pretty obvious
I use Chrome to run KC and browse 4chan at the same time, your idea would be for me to run Chrome and another viewer at the same time which would be two count it (2) processes. If it's apparently that big of an issue to run a program wouldn't it be easier to use just one (1).
Dumb fuck, you're one of the 3 idiots in that small group, keyword small. Google small and learn it's definition. Everyone else is not a idiot, it's just you fuckers. Also,
>hurr durr lemme use a big word to prove my intelligence that will show him xD
It's pointless. Logic and reasoning just seems to escape these people.

>> No.17216673

mhm, because everything he listed there any other viewer does plus better. Poor guy, let him victimize himself for his stupidity.
Firefox, how old are you? Plus chrome has the tendency to refresh your game if you leave it unattended
It matters because every viewer does what kc3 does better, and you're too ignorant to even realize this. Yeah, you're the one with logic and reasoning when you're so stuck up on only using the shittiest viewer and casually playing the game. Ignorance is bliss, my dude.

>> No.17216674
Quoted by: >>17216679

Who else isn't bothering with Yura until we know what she's capable of?

>> No.17216677

> you're one of the 3 idiots in that small group
Ah you mean the silent majority in /jp/ didn't really say anything about your retarded shit? Oh yea right not everyone can ignore your retarded shit you know.
>hurr durr being ignorant is smart guys xD

>> No.17216679
Quoted by: >>17216695

>Doesn't have all the k2s
>Doesn't level ships with planned k2s beforehand.
It's called KanColle for a reason

>> No.17216680

Acutally I want the Chrome one, because I can't use the other one at work.
Also, nearly everyone use Chrome by now.
About the interface, it's just a biased opinion.
It's undoubtable that KC3 makes the game easier for newfags. Translating things in the most obvious way, easier interface, easier customization options... it just makes the game easier, you don't need to learn anything. Other viewers requires some skill where KC3 requires none.
Most of you probably don't like it because of that, because things need to be complex, so you can say "fuck off" to new people playing "your" special weeb game.

>> No.17216682

You've said everything and nothing at the same time.
Fuck off.
Just say it's ugly faggot, that's your only subjective argument.
hurr durr ur ignorant
>I'm such a fucking crybaby because he called a spade a spade
You're an idiot.

>> No.17216686
Quoted by: >>17216697

>Firefox, how old are you?
Twenty-six. Switched off Firefox because Firefox 2.0 was a leaky piece of shit. What viewer is driven by Firefox?

>> No.17216694

>the silent majority in /jp/ didn't really say anything about your retarded shit?

Both sides are being retarded so I'm just waiting for janny to clean this mess up.

>> No.17216695
Quoted by: >>17216702

CL Kai Nis are always disappointing, because no matter what it will never be as good as Abukuma.

>> No.17216697

How is that my only argument? I'm not going to spell it out for you again. Quit trying to act like you have a high ground on me, dumbass.
You should learn things; thats part of playing the game. Where's the fun if everything is just made easy for you? Where is the learning? But you're right; we do want things to be complex. And we do want casuals like you to fuck off, this is a board for serious players.
Nice strawman dude. Are you really that stupid that you can't connect the dots? You don't need your viewer to use the same browser as your main browser. And not everyone constantly has their main browser up. And like I said;

chrome has the tendency to refresh the game if you leave it be for too long/ go do other things that require memory.

which is a big deal when it comes to getting expeditions, clearing quests right when they reset, amongst other things.
This whole thread needs to be deleted, OP made it shit to begin with.

>> No.17216701
Quoted by: >>17216709

>You're an idiot.
Topkek. I can show how "big" my brain was through my ingame achievements and be totally ignorant about your shit. The fact you don't understand why newfags can't be put together with oldfags has already proven how dumb you are. Fortunately KC3 is the scapegoat for that problem. I don't really care about bad shit in KC3 like "using chrome" or "retarded layout", but "play stupid game wins stupid prize", and you're the stupid one for being stuck with it.
Well I'm adding fuel into fire so they can delete everything, even this whole thread lol.

>> No.17216702

Unless you have other ships in need of K2s then I don't see the reason not to grab every new K2; bad or not.

>> No.17216703
Quoted by: >>17216717

Ok, spell it out for me bro, what makes KC3 such a bad viewer outside of all the "arguments" I have already debunked, you fucking jack ass.
>This whole thread needs to be deleted, OP made it shit to begin with.
Seems perfectly fine to me, stay mad faggot.

>> No.17216705

>You don't need your viewer to use the same browser as your main browser. And not everyone constantly has their main browser up.
I have had my browser open this entire year. I still don't see how IE is an advantage. I would have to run it in a virtual machine on my computer.

I also have never had a refresh issue except on my Chromebook.

>> No.17216709

Literally everything you faggots have said this whole time has meant nothing.
You just want to feel superior for using something that is objectively (yes objectively, google it) the same fucking thing as the others.

>> No.17216717

You haven't debunked anything. All you have said is "my opinion is subjective so that means you are all wrong techincally haha xd"
1. Uses chrome instead of a native application, I have already explained why this is bad.
2. Made by wikia
3. Used by and associated with idiots like you
4. Crammed/ ugly UI
5. Encourages use of things like overlayed subs/ quest TLs
6. does NOTHING better than any of the other viewers
7. other viewers have more/ better features over KC3
>objectively the same

>> No.17216720

And you're called out for being the dumb one, like scapegoats. Grats, you played your stupid game and our posts are your stupid prizes.

>> No.17216722

Best part is I can GUARANTEE both of you KC3 shills haven't touched another viewer, let alone see what they do. You have no grounds to base your opinions on because you haven't tried any alternatives.

>> No.17216723

>I have already explained why this is bad.
No, you haven't. All you did is whine about botnets when your entire operating system is a botnet.

>> No.17216728

TL; proud Google+ user under constant data mining.

>> No.17216730
File: 59 KB, 405x412, rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17217014

>Also, nearly everyone use Chrome by now.

>not using palemoon

>> No.17216731
Quoted by: >>17216742

I used Grabacr07's viewer when I had a Windows machine. You are being a projecting faggot.

>> No.17216734
File: 478 KB, 1200x1200, cute potato.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216741

>> No.17216741

I have already explained why this doesn't matter.
But here we go.
>1. Uses chrome instead of a native application, I have already explained why this is bad.
I use 4chan and KC at the same time. What fucking difference does it make? You're being spied on right now, you idiot. Once you connected to the internet, you're always at risk.
>2. Made by wikia
Ok. Who cares?
>3. Used by and associated with idiots like you
Not an argument.
>4. Crammed/ ugly UI
Subjective. No matter how much you scream and cry, it works.
>5. Encourages use of things like overlayed subs/ quest TLs
You can turn this off
>6. does NOTHING better than any of the other viewers
Not an argument. If it does nothing better, what's the problem with using it?
>7. other viewers have more/ better features over KC3
What features?
I have used Poi.
I didn't care for it.
I don't feel the need to have an autism spasm over something so small and insignificant.

>> No.17216742

>Ignores the 7 points I put in numerical order that any autistic person could follow

instead tries to call me out for whining when that's all you've been doing this whole time.
I'm not being a projecting faggot. >>17216430
Is the post that started this recent shitshow. Letting garbage like this be accepted in addition to the shoddy job OP did on making this thread, really shows how poor board health is right now.

>> No.17216747
Quoted by: >>17216755

There are people who think that board health is incompatible with any form of general thread. If you don't want to "accept" the thread, don't use it.

>> No.17216753
Quoted by: >>17216755

Make the OP next time then. Want something done right,do it yourself.

>> No.17216755

Right, because when a community is good but then gets flooded with people that negatively affect it, you should just leave the board.

If people are posting stupid things it's the duty of the community to remind them that their retardation is not welcome.
I did make the OP, but it was 1 minute later than this one and pruned as a result. The one that was posted first stayed despite being poorly made and rushed, whereas I took time into making it decent; but I guess that is my downfall.

>> No.17216756

>You should learn things; thats part of playing the game. Where's the fun if everything is just made easy for you? Where is the learning?
I already need to learn the game, viewers are not the game.
We're not serious. You think you are, but you're not. Games aren't serious, they're just games. KC it's even less serious than the majority of games.

>> No.17216759
Quoted by: >>17216773

Prep it in a notepad file or something.

>> No.17216762

So you're just butthurt.

>> No.17216764

All of you, go back. Anon, remember to insert the "fuck off" part next to the "new to the game" part in the OP next time.

>> No.17216767
Quoted by: >>17216772


>> No.17216772
Quoted by: >>17216788

>You think you are, but you're not.

>> No.17216773

Ah yes, the classic "its just a video game, so you can't take it seriously."

Why are you even on this board if you don't care about the game?
It honestly doesn't take long to do, but as I was posting my thread the other just came up. They really should have checked to see which one was clearly more quality but I doubt the /jp/ jannies care about this general all that much. But yeah, I am butthurt about that, so what? This thread means stuff to me and it annoys me if it gets shitty.
I will gladly add this and I will try to make sure I make the next OP.

>> No.17216777
Quoted by: >>17216795

>Why are you even on this board if you don't care about the game?
This game has many casual fans, or fans who are in it for the characters, or fans who are in it for the secondary material. Not everybody ranks.

>Right, because when a community is good but then gets flooded with people that negatively affect it, you should just leave the board.
You are one of those people. The old guard are all gone for a reason.

>> No.17216778
Quoted by: >>17216795

I obviously care about the game.
I take it seriously, playing it every damn day since about 2 years, paying and everything else.
But being serious about this game just make me pathetic like everyone else here.

You're not less pathetic if you make your life more complex using a uselessly difficult interface.

>> No.17216788
Quoted by: >>17216860

And because you said that it's true?

>> No.17216792
Quoted by: >>17216828

Newfags are fine but there's been some really obnoxious ones lately.

>> No.17216795

>[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]
Well, on second thought adding insulting things to the OP wouldn't be helpful. But I really think people should think about this before posting. This doesn't just apply to game questions, but also what you might post. If you are new to the board you should take the time to get a feel for what kind of stuff causes shitshows; stuff that you post that you will get heavy negative backlash for.
The old guard are gone because too many newfriends/wikia has flooded the board and the majority that would normally call these people out for poor posting are now a minority. This is ever clear right now when not many people are on; especially because of the poor OP. 43 unique posters? Pretty bad.

This board was good in between events; but I've noticed a quality decrease since coming into spring event this year. Obviously the board is worse during events, but seeing this kind of behavior during idle times is discouraging.
I just don't see the other viewers as being "harder to use" or "more complex" than KC3, and they have more features/customization to boot. I'd think someone with 2 years of experience would understand this.

>> No.17216800
Quoted by: >>17216806

>The old guard are gone because too many newfriends/wikia has flooded the board
The old guard MADE the Wikia. Nobody called these people out on their posting. People were free to play as optimally or suboptimally as their heart desired.

>> No.17216806
Quoted by: >>17216810

The old guard that MADE the wiki are no longer a part of the wiki. It has been that way much longer than the old guard of this board has been a minority here.

>> No.17216810

The old guard also played suboptimally, blogged about completing their Sendai and Kongou sets, posted copious amounts of fanart, organized translations, collected and posted scale models, and spent their time welcoming new players instead of trying to identify them so they could be shamed out of existence.

>> No.17216811

>wouldn't be helpful
How about this:
"New to the game? Fuck off! Just kidding but you need to read first before asking questions. DO NOT ASK SOMETHING THAT WIKIS CAN ANSWER."

>> No.17216815
File: 824 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17216817

I'm convinced the game is trolling me now. I switched my flaghip to harukaze thinking I needed to use a ship with the same voice to make her appear, so of course this ends up happening. I've gotten every possible ship now at least twice except for taiho, shoho, and zuiho. is there some kind of phoenix summoning dance I need to be doing?

>> No.17216817
Quoted by: >>17217643

Yeah you need to remodel all your Shibafu ships and then use Kaga as secretary.

>> No.17216823
Quoted by: >>17216836

And that was when the game was much more niche in the English community. As a result, people coming into the game already had an underlying passion and drive for this kind of stuff.

Nowadays with the anime adapt and fanart being collected by copious amounts of secondaries, many new players to the game; new players who are associated under "wikia" are not compatible with vets due to obvious reasons.

>> No.17216828

And it'll probably get a bit worse when the dub for the anime gets released.

>> No.17216836

Not even to mention wikia "historians", those people are the worst.

>> No.17216860
Quoted by: >>17216880

Not because I said it, but becase it is.
You think you're a serious person playing a serious game.
But, as the matter of fact, you're a just a pathetic person playing a bad japanese game based on RNG.
Just as me.
But I'm less pathetic than you because I don't make false images of myself being all serious about a falsely serious game.

>> No.17216880

Sounds like you are projecting your issues and frustrations with the game onto other people and blaming them for liking, enjoying, and taking something seriously a game you can no longer.

>> No.17216891

Different times. I don't even see anything wrong with doing those things today either except fanart when it's the same images that were posted the last 20 threads or blogging about everything.
>instead of trying to identify them so they could be shamed out of existence.
I only see that happening when they're being really annoying.

>> No.17216901
File: 110 KB, 518x800, DC5MmKvVoAERtPo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Hamakaze is so cute.

>> No.17216906

I'm not projecting anything, I don't blame anyone for liking and enjoing KC. There's nothing bad in enjoying something bad, I like a bad game too, and I take this bad game seriously just as you.
I'm just realistic unlike most of you.
Your useless seriouness and closeness will hurt newfags. Why would you hurt a newfag? Can't you just be nice to someone pathetic as you?

>> No.17216912

Wtf I feel bad for him now. I mean I would most likely type the same shit if I got bfto'd by RNG-sama. But then again I wouldn't be here at that point though.
It's okay anon I understand your pain now.

>> No.17216917
Quoted by: >>17216929

>I take this bad game seriously just as you
Do you rank and have 10 medals?

>> No.17216920
Quoted by: >>17216929

Nobody is hurting newfags for no good reasons. And it's not even limited to newfags. When people post things that are obnoxious/annoying then they are going to get called out for it. Whether it be asking for spoonfeeding when the answers are clearly on the wiki, bitching about rng, or posting stupid images.

>> No.17216929
Quoted by: >>17217104

The discussion was born from the viewers argument. When someone is clearly an idiot there's nothing bad in insulting him.
When someone just have a different opinion or asks something, it's not.

5 medals, I don't rank because I've a job.

>> No.17216934
Quoted by: >>17216939

I would bend her over the table and fuck her brain out.

>> No.17216939
Quoted by: >>17216950

What makes you feel that way? She's bland as fuck.

>> No.17216950

Fubuki is bland but sexual.

>> No.17216972

If this were a mobile game it would never have gotten big.

>> No.17216986
Quoted by: >>17217071

>The old guard also played suboptimally
So do the new guys. In fact the old guard stopped doing things suboptimally when the mechanics became more known.

>> No.17217014

muh nigga

>> No.17217033
Quoted by: >>17217043

Shitty KC3 newfags got really bold lately. Play at least 2.5 years before even thinking about arguing with people here. Learn your place.

>> No.17217043
Quoted by: >>17217097

This is not your special club you shithead.

>> No.17217071
Quoted by: >>17217107

Only the ones who took the game very seriously. A lot of old players were there for lazy countdown simulator.

>> No.17217097

Yeah, it kind of is.

>> No.17217104

Most /jp/ers don't know the difference between a mobile game and a browser game (other than the platform, but that alone results in fundamental differences). I don't expect casuals to, either. This is why comparing KanColle to shit like F/GO and Granblue is like comparing apples to oranges. You might as well be comparing games/fruits as a whole.

Mobile games are designed to be time wasters, since they are designed to be played on the go, in short, frequent sessions. This same design also means that to retain the playerbase, to keep them hooked, the game needs to be fast-paced, and be conducive to short term investment. Browser games don't get this. In particular, KanColle is a long term investment game (especially due to being so slow paced), which runs completely counter to the point of a mobile game.

The reason you don't take KanColle seriously is because you treat it like one. Were it really one, you would be right, because simply put, it's terrible game design for a mobile game. But then had it been one, it would have died out early. The reason why it didn't is because it was instead a browser game. Other people here treat it like the browser game it really is, which is why they take it more seriously than you do.

And even cross-platforming cannot iron out the differences. The Android app is terrible to use for anything other than expeditions. And that's not taking into account that unlike playing on a browser, on Android the slightest dip in connection results in an instant errorcat, which means you have to refresh. If you were in mid-sortie, you have to start all over again. An actual mobile game doesn't suffer from these problems. Were it a mobile game, you would be able to continue your sortie from where you left off, or better still, never get a cat to begin with, but simply have to click the continue button again. But this clearly isn't the case.

So there, I've explained the reason for the difference in opinions between you and the rest of the people here. It's not merely KC3; for the record, I don't care about KC3 or its users, since #notallKC3fags and stuff.

>> No.17217107

That stopped being the case post-IBS.

>> No.17217157

Fuck off I bet you're into viewermixing too you degenerate kek.

>> No.17217168
Quoted by: >>17217195

You're the first person actually contributing in a serious way to this discussion.
There's no need to explain what is a browser game and what's a mobile game. I already know that.
I don't use KC on Android beside when I can't use a PC because I'm off my city/country.
I already said I take it seriously but I don't think it's a serious game, for many reasons.
I think also that KC3 is a better interface for newfags, that lowers drastically the learning curve for the game and doesn't require any skill or learning to be used.
Other inferfaces, even giving more infos on screen (I'm not denying that) are more complex and less comprehensible (no icons, no colors, no clear panels, no accessible and updated translations) and, therefore, better, especially for newfags.

>> No.17217195

>There's no need to explain what is a browser game and what's a mobile game. I already know that.
Ï didn't think so considering you kept calling it a "mobile game".

>serious game
Then what's a serious game to you? One with muh complex gameplay and story? Would you call, say, chess, a "serious game"?

To me, any game is as serious as one makes it to be. That's all.

Finally, about the newfags bit. /jp/ likes newfags who can think for themselves. To read the wiki thoroughly, to come up with optimal fleets on their own, to know how to prepare for events and which ships to level, etc. And before the advent of KC3, many did.

You said it yourself, KC3 lowers the learning curve. But then that means it has led many newfags who can't think for themselves to play this game, and come here to discuss it. Because of this, /jp/ associates KC3 users with people who can't think for themselves. And /jp/ doesn't like people who can't think for themselves.

>> No.17217198


Oops. Stupid keyboard.

>> No.17217219 [DELETED] 

>What's a serious game?
A game that is difficult, competitive, complex in gameplay, or else is "serious" as a piece of storytelling media.

>optimal fleets on their own
Nobody new does this unless they are a masochist. They watch the trailblazers and copy them.

>> No.17217229

Do any of you even have fun playing this or is it just done out of some sense of obligation to nonexistent women?

>> No.17217234


A little bit of both. But I mostly do it just to get a good feel of the girls before I fap to doujins of them.

>> No.17217236

I have fun with spreadsheets. I like using Excel.

>> No.17217286

I do it for my fleet, it's my work.

>> No.17217293

Am I the only one here who unironically enjoys playing this? It's like I enjoy looking at other people's ships and equipment and thinking of how to bring the best out of those, no matter how good or shitty they may be.

>> No.17217294

I can't play games I don't have fun with

>> No.17217301

Mostly the second one but I can get some joy out of it every now and then.

>> No.17217309
Quoted by: >>17217317

>Am I the only one here
>Asking this shit in this thread of all places
What do you think faggot?

>> No.17217317

If no one else here enjoys it like I do, I can't imagine any other English community doing likewise.

>> No.17217319 [DELETED] 

Everyone left in this thread only gains pleasure from shitting on less accomplished players. Medals, for example, are primarily good for giving you to shit on people without medals and not much more.

>> No.17217323 [DELETED] 

Everyone left in this thread only gains pleasure from shitting on less accomplished players. Medals, for example, are primarily good for giving you the right shit on people without medals and not much more.

>> No.17217325

For me it's pretty much a bad addiction I can't quit.

>> No.17217329

Everyone left in this thread only gains pleasure from shitting on less accomplished players. Medals, for example, are primarily good for giving you the right to shit on people without medals and not much more.

I should sleep.

>> No.17217345

Make me
Also you're late

>> No.17217549
Quoted by: >>17217628

Why were they arguing?

>> No.17217628

We've recently got an obnoxious newbie who likes chinkcolle, thinks that he is entitled to get every ranking rewards without ranking (and also blueprints).

>> No.17217643

Kaga sure is talented, is there anything she can't do?

>> No.17217671
Quoted by: >>17217683

Be a good girl

>> No.17217680

Waifu comes first even if I'm not having too much fun.

>> No.17217682

Stop being gay and a bully.

>> No.17217683
File: 253 KB, 600x940, Kaga Souryuu ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17217749

Being not shit.

>> No.17217771
Quoted by: >>17217838

Please stop bullying Kaga-san already

>> No.17217838
File: 29 KB, 493x39, kagam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17217886

I agree.

>> No.17217851
Quoted by: >>17217865

Surely I'm not the only one who's passively Kai'd destroyers just by doing Expeditions, right?

>> No.17217865

Nah, I also do it.

>> No.17217866

To be frank most /jp/ actually uses insults and ego rather than actual opinion. Case in point would probably by the Chinese games, where only rarely do they respond with arguments rather than using the term "chinkshit" then calling it a day. Most would laugh at you for playing a chinese game rather than figuring out "Why people play it" and just flag people as :"Chinks" or "KanColle dropouts" without wondering "why did they drop out? After spending loads of time and money in this game?" Just replying with a big fat "They couldn't handle it" using blanket statements is Kinda this thread's thing. Oh, and replying to this post with "Autism" or "Fuck off" would probably only prove my point even further.

>> No.17217886

Congrats anon, I'm sure you'll be happy with Kagawife

>> No.17217937

Kill yourself.

>> No.17217962

For once it's more original than what most /jp/ cycles through. But just telling someone to kill themselves is not disproving my point. Granted there are some times when /jp/ cares to explain rather than just eject an insult out their assholes. mostly it's just nothing but the same old shit. but "Old is gold" as they say.

>> No.17217974

Just ignore him would be the better way.

>> No.17217994
File: 93 KB, 782x350, 2486977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can Yura's special gimmick be?
It should be something new right?

>> No.17217997
Quoted by: >>17218168

She's carrying a catapult in her hand so probably seaplane fighters and bombers. So literally fucking nothing.

>> No.17218021

Maybe because people are sick of seeing that off-topic shit mentioned here all the time? You're posting about a literal chinese copy of the game the thread is actually about, no shit people will just tell you to fuck off instead of arguing seriously.

>> No.17218055

I do it for both This is the only way I can have a harem

>> No.17218095

I like the game, but I also really like keeping track of all of my stuff. Spreadsheet-friendly games are a lot of fun.

>> No.17218168
Quoted by: >>17218172

Would that make her able to equip Zuin's?

>> No.17218172
Quoted by: >>17218180

Do you not know what Zuiun is?

>> No.17218180

Its a seaplane bomber, right?

>> No.17218194

Come on, I wanted an answer. Not drama for being a wikiashitter or not.

>> No.17218206

>The are 100% accurate newfag

How is this not an answer?

>> No.17218217

You did get an answer you fucking retard.

>> No.17218290

And this is why we make fun of retarded newfags.

>> No.17218293

If I equip a DD with only torpedos and go into night battle vs a fleet with both surface ships and submarines, will the Destroyer focus the SS or the surface ships?

>> No.17218306

They will always focus subs.

>> No.17218313

If a ship can attack a sub, they will, the only exception being the two offensive light carriers (kumano and Suzuya).

>> No.17218392
Quoted by: >>17218396

I hope level 64 is enough for Yura.

>> No.17218396

Are you stupid?

>> No.17218400
Quoted by: >>17218403

Are you foolish enough to think the new Mutsuki Kai Ni doesn't need a blueprint?

>> No.17218403
Quoted by: >>17218410

None of the Mutsukis require blueprints, and neither will the next one. At worst she'll need level 75 like Shitsuki.

>> No.17218410
Quoted by: >>17218414

Nor does Asashio and Kasumi yet Ooshio got one as so did Arashio who was the last DD to require a blueprint.

>> No.17218414
Quoted by: >>17218421

They got away with BP because of lower level requirement and Daihatsu. They don't have to do that for a Mutsuki because both Mutsuki and Kisaragi already get their Kai 2 at a lower level (65) than Shitsuki (75) without a BP. All they have to do is not give her Daihatsu.

>> No.17218419

No, I still enjoy the game for what it is.
I wish there was more to do though, but it seems to be moving that way so I'm not worried.

>> No.17218421

>All they have to do is not give her Daihatsu.

She'll get one because that's what Tanaka likes.

>> No.17218477
File: 701 KB, 1364x500, __battleship_hime_battleship_summer_hime_heavy_cruiser_hime_heavy_cruiser_summer_hime_seaport_summer_hime_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hi_ye__1786c0a8c2d68e46e1024d017c2744de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17218549

I wish the Abyssals also has a other seasonal art.
Only Hoppo has seasonal art.

>> No.17218549

Frankly, few people in the playerbase at large give a fuck about abyssals that aren't Hoppou and Kouwan. Disgusting, I know.

>> No.17218560
File: 348 KB, 677x1128, yurayura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 and a half hours left.

>> No.17218571

I don't like her. I hope her K2 is boring and her perk is useless

>> No.17218609
File: 486 KB, 800x480, Screenshot0307.36.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still how you do 5-5 or has something changed?

>> No.17218615
Quoted by: >>17218620

I want world 7 and a bunch of new, low-rarity girls to fill it out.

>> No.17218616
Quoted by: >>17218628

Yes, you use Sara.

>> No.17218620

I hope they add 7-1 tonight and make the quests that have medals as an option be there.

>> No.17218623
Quoted by: >>17218627

Man, I don't get what people have been yelling about the patrol boats for. I think they look great.

>> No.17218627

It happens every event. The new girls are revealed, people complain, the event ends, everybody likes them.

>> No.17218628


I forget about her way too often, thanks.

>> No.17218629

Well I personally ended up swapping Kaga for Saratoga, but otherwise that's my setup exactly.

>> No.17218638

Etorofu is still ugly

>> No.17218646
Quoted by: >>17220295

>the quests that have medals as an option be there.
Yes, everything I could dream of. They already added quarterly quest with medal reward, 7-1 seems possible now. And that'll be a very good incentive to actually clear 6-4.

>> No.17218654
File: 486 KB, 800x480, 2017-01-28-072858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one

>> No.17218659
File: 54 KB, 630x728, __etorofu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_enu_roco_roco44__f158893de31e058c508457aa4485a4e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Etorofu is cute.

>> No.17218679

She's a derpy midget just like Arare and Ooshio

>> No.17218688
File: 77 KB, 523x900, __etorofu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sugue_304__4338abe1f58354fb336281a4a49f0537[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotofu was, and still is, the cutest DE from the start, from the moment she was revealed. Check you taste in cute little girls, friend.

>> No.17218697
File: 100 KB, 1000x797, kunashiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17220042

I like sex kaiboukan.

>> No.17218699

AoE opening torpedo.

>> No.17218708

Kunashiri is the cutest.

>> No.17218716
File: 230 KB, 939x1280, __akatsuki_and_etorofu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_usui_harusame__a556f4dd6895705e3320842d759c38be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life must be difficult for you being wrong literally 100% of the time.

>> No.17218719
Quoted by: >>17218725

Shimushu is the cutest, Kunashiri and Erotofu are the best for lewd.

>> No.17218725
Quoted by: >>17218735

I find her verbal tick really annoying.

>> No.17218735
Quoted by: >>17218742

But that's the best, she's like a prinny turned shipgirl.

>> No.17218742

I never thought of it that way before.
How terrifying.

>> No.17218744
File: 176 KB, 1191x1305, DCAQuACUIAAw8dc.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>derpy midget
Just imagine these things peeking over your desk every day. Tell me that's not adorable.

>> No.17218756

I like this, she would need a little stepladder to hand me papers properly.

>> No.17218783

Please, stop sexuallizing Etorofu.

>> No.17218797
File: 789 KB, 1200x1600, 1498132627614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then who should we sexualize?

>> No.17218805

There's nothing sexual about this hobbit

>> No.17218807
File: 32 KB, 480x904, Etorufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, go back to plebbit you prude normalfag.

>> No.17218864


>> No.17218881

Ugly midget is more like it.

>> No.17218913
File: 12 KB, 300x250, 9g4Tx9qDc6-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17218921


>> No.17218920

Hey-ho, maintenance coming up in 5h10m!

>> No.17218921

Jonny 2x4 is missing you, plank.

>> No.17218929
File: 2 KB, 127x88, arsenal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if I want to know which ship is being built instead of playing the waiting game or using an instant construction to find out?
KC3 is so shit, it doesn't have something as basic as this?

>> No.17218934

He was talking about not using any viewer, mastermind.

>> No.17218935

> it doesn't have something as basic as this?
Of course it does.

>> No.17218942
Quoted by: >>17218954

So Yurafags will get disappointed with her remodel right? I expect OASW and daihatsu/tank carrier.

>> No.17218954
Quoted by: >>17218980

Is anybody expecting the opening torpedo at this point? I don't think people have high expectations after Kinu when it comes to CLs, so anything decent will please.

>> No.17218973

I can't wait to see everyone marry Yura and claim they always liked her if she turns out good.

>> No.17218977

You don't like Yura?

>> No.17218980

>Is anybody expecting the opening torpedo at this point?
Yurafags. Hopefully she will at least bring some daihatsu or the new tank from spring.

>> No.17218984
Quoted by: >>17218996

Not even Yurafags are expecting it to happen. Hoping != expecting.

>> No.17218987
Quoted by: >>17218996

They want it, but they don't expect it.

>> No.17218989
Quoted by: >>17219041

This is what every statfag is like, dipshit.

>> No.17218996

I stand corrected.

>> No.17219006

I like her but I wont marry her.

>> No.17219008

Pretty sure most think she will be another Kinu.

>> No.17219011
File: 2 KB, 254x44, yurayura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked Yura for building me Abucute at least and will marry her when her time comes, but her remodel with definitely be good. It just won't be great like Abubear's.

>> No.17219021
File: 120 KB, 1080x1616, Kashima_figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. Kashima a best.

>> No.17219026
Quoted by: >>17219082

I don't think that many people like Gangut and I think many have forgotten the DEs.

>> No.17219029

Kashitma a shit.

>> No.17219031
Quoted by: >>17219251

My only reason on why I might not choose to marry her is because I feel nothing for my ship-girls.

>> No.17219041
Quoted by: >>17219061

Only the ones in denial who want to pretend they're not just doing it for stats. A real statfag wouldn't care.

>> No.17219061
Quoted by: >>17220310

They would if it meant Yura could equip a mini sub.

>> No.17219064

Those juicy thighs, holy fuck.

>> No.17219082
Quoted by: >>17219090

I think spring event brought a bunch new popular girls in comparison to winter. 2 nearly identical looking subs, a boku DD, and a gumo. In comparison to Russian BB, 3 escorts which will probably get more love in future events, taiyou which is shibafu's saving grace and a unique CVL. Feels a lot more impactful to me.

>> No.17219090
File: 1.23 MB, 1143x1000, 1495452862665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course everyone's favorite Hokkaido seal clubbing fleet oiler.

>> No.17219099
File: 127 KB, 600x870, __i_class_destroyer_kamoi_mutsu_and_nagato_golden_kamuy_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nyoriko__25b5fe8cdb2e3e1773c617725422c17d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best new meme.

>> No.17219100
File: 1.61 MB, 253x289, 1498136487428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17219112
Quoted by: >>17219134

Where the fuck does she pull it out from?

>> No.17219122
Quoted by: >>17219230

Ah seal clubbing, Japan's pastime.

>> No.17219134
Quoted by: >>17219242

Her ass.

>> No.17219149

Shouldn't that thing be bigger? It carried 2 45cm torps but the whole hull looks as big as a normal 61cm torp that KTKM carriers.

>> No.17219223
File: 149 KB, 437x235, Kaga cat bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17219227

Kaga is just too cute!

>> No.17219227
File: 85 KB, 500x706, __saratoga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kekocha__adfda30be598106b83359439559b3f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone use Kaga when we have Sara now? It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.17219230
Quoted by: >>17220882

Canadians and Alaskans do it to as shooting seals decreases the value of their pelt.

>> No.17219242

But that's exactly where Tanaka pulls his remodels out from

>> No.17219251
Quoted by: >>17219268

Then why are you here?

>> No.17219255
File: 136 KB, 510x600, __saratoga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mitsuyo_mituyo324__5cfc30f70fcac07b2e5e8c61a90e39fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is a mystery.

>> No.17219257
Quoted by: >>17219262

Because you're a retard

>> No.17219262

That's funny coming from the Kagashitter who doesn't understand how slots work.

>> No.17219268

Because I enjoy playing the game?

I'm not going to waste a ring on a girl who I might not even like.

>> No.17219270

Some nips think Saratoga K2 will come on the same day as Test Baker. What do you think?

>> No.17219275 [DELETED] 

Considering Ashigara got it on her launch date it's possible.

>> No.17219280

That would be cool as fuck.

>> No.17219297
Quoted by: >>17219335

July 24 is a whole month away so it'd be a good time to do it. I'm with them.

>> No.17219335

>not giving it on 4th of July
Not American enough.
But whatever.

>> No.17219362

That's reserved for the surprise Iowa Mk2

>> No.17219363

Both work honestly

>> No.17219373

I think a ship's history matters more in this case anon.

>> No.17219407

It would be Mod 2.

>> No.17219430

Actually july 4th this years falls on a not so unusual maintenance day, you might be onto something.

>> No.17219556
File: 713 KB, 802x485, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need rank 6 if I'm to get type 4 passive sonar?

>> No.17219562
Quoted by: >>17219570

>rank 6

>> No.17219570

I'm looking at the wikia page for type 4 passive sonar and all I'm seeing is rank 6.

>> No.17219572
Quoted by: >>17219576

Akashi doesn't sell stuff, she sells services.

>> No.17219576

I know this, anon.

I just want to know why its not letting me craft for Type 4 passive sonar despite believing I have the resources.

>> No.17219581

You either don't have a type 4 sonar or it's equipped to someone.

>> No.17219582
Quoted by: >>17219592

No, you upgrade 93 to MAX first, then another upgrade to make T4.
Or just do quest for them.

>> No.17219583

You're fucking blind then.

>> No.17219584

You don't craft shit, you upgrade them.

>> No.17219585

I don't know what you're talking about. To get a Type 4 from Akashi you have to upgrade a Type 93 to +max and then upgrade it.

>> No.17219587


>> No.17219592
Quoted by: >>17219606

Ah, so that's what I do.

Thanks for the answer.

>> No.17219606
File: 257 KB, 872x787, t4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17219614

Next time actually read the wiki.

>> No.17219614

I had the actual page opened up before I made my reply, anon. I forgot that you needed to upgrade 2 type 93 passive sonar's to max which is why I didn't understand it.

>> No.17219618

>upgrade 2 type 93 passive sonar's
No you don't, you only need to upgrade 1.

>> No.17219620
Quoted by: >>17219623

What's your weird obsession?

For me it's transport fleets, landing craft and seaplane fighters. I couldn't give a shit about strong ships or strong equipment.

AVs > CVs

>> No.17219623

AVs are shit except Akitsushima.

>> No.17219624
Quoted by: >>17220325

>2 type 93 passive sonar's to max
You need only one and have two in stock to transform.

>> No.17219628
Quoted by: >>17219632

Apparently you still don't understand it.

>> No.17219632

I guess you're right because I apparently thought I needed 2 ranked to max if I wanted a type 4 passive sonar.

>> No.17219672
File: 336 KB, 488x386, 20170622_16390123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours ~15 mins until maintenance. I hope you faggots got her to 75.

>> No.17219703

I got her at 1.
And she's about to get scrapped for the millionth time.

>> No.17219713

I got her to 97.

>> No.17219739

Got her to 98 just from ranking last month, fuck this month though.

>> No.17219773

Is Taihou a good investment?
Everyone keeps saying I should only try to get Akitsus and Maruyus from LSC and everything else is useless.

>> No.17219777


>> No.17219808
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1c6262b5-0a8b-4f08-bd66-65fac993a403..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17219832

Anyone having problems with the android app when sortieing? Since yesterday evening I'm always stuck on this screen.

>> No.17219832

It also happens on the browser if your connection is so bad it can't even download the enemy images in a timely fashion.

>> No.17220042


calling the military police.jpg

>> No.17220071

Taiyou will be a great addition during SS Hime maps.

>> No.17220090
File: 307 KB, 458x367, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17220101

If this wide eyed bitch turns out to be not useful, she's going straight to the scrapyard.

>> No.17220101

>not remodeling everyone

>> No.17220118


>> No.17220137

Iowa Mk2 is already out.

>> No.17220139
File: 770 KB, 1080x1537, 194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wait begins.

>> No.17220149

I love this meme

>> No.17220155

It's not a meme. Kai = Mk2 we're been over this shit countless times.

>> No.17220158

It would be mod 2.
Yura is actually going to the scrap yard.

>> No.17220167
Quoted by: >>17220168

Kai = Mod 1. K2 = Mod 2.

>> No.17220168
Quoted by: >>17220177

Mod != Mk.

>> No.17220170

Maintenance when?

>> No.17220173
File: 78 KB, 799x460, end of orel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17220191

It begins.

>> No.17220174
Quoted by: >>17220185

It's just going to be "two".

>> No.17220175

>the scrap yard.
That's not what the sign says.

>> No.17220177

Mark implies it's a new production model. Mod is for modification. Last time I checked Saratoga isn't a completely new ship.

>> No.17220180

Kai is fucking Kai, not Mk.2.

>> No.17220185
Quoted by: >>17220187

Well I have a feeling that will be the case too. Seems like nips and overseas who care think Mk, Mod, Rev or whatever would be cool.

>> No.17220187
Quoted by: >>17220194

I like the idea someone had of iowa double bacon

>> No.17220191

Fug I forgot.

>> No.17220194

I remember some nips said Sara K2 should be called Super Saratoga.

>> No.17220195
File: 402 KB, 896x923, 1495368921829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting for a long time, a few more hours won't hurt.

>> No.17220218
File: 89 KB, 1200x1200, DC79H4aXoAAVv7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her big day has finally come.

>> No.17220228

I fucking hate Yura. She should die and sink in the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.17220235
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're one of those Yahagifags who thought it'd be her because Tengou was coming up.

>> No.17220242
Quoted by: >>17220250

But, Yura is already dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.17220250

You guys see that yuropoor on Twitch who compared Yura's hair to Zero's (the witch's) hair?

>> No.17220257

Where do you think you are?

>> No.17220261


>> No.17220270

Iowa is a meme

>> No.17220276


>> No.17220282
File: 119 KB, 633x758, god dammit rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, am late.
The update, of course.
Oh well, at least we'll have Yura kai ni soon.

>> No.17220285

>forgot it was Yuraupdate soon
>didn't do PvP, didn't send long expeditions

Oh well, now I can sleep earlier today.

>> No.17220295 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.73 MB, 1012x568, 1498185607068.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7-1 will be added the maintenance after this one.

>> No.17220299

Ah good old times, I still remember that day fondly. It could've only been better had that been the finals match.

>> No.17220310

Not really. I don't think any of them cared about Poi before she got her kai ni, for instance. Or Abukuma before she got hers.

>> No.17220314

I still couldn't believe that score when I first heard about it.

>> No.17220316

This absolutely never fails to make my day a lot better. Gracias.

>> No.17220322
Quoted by: >>17220332

Yuudachi was an instant hit and got remodeled really fast.

>> No.17220325

I'm sure you need two T3s and not two T93s to upgrade a max T93 to a T4.

Not anymore. Zara is more worth getting as a failure so get your army dog from that pool instead.

Of course if you get Zara before Akitsu Maru feel free to switch to Taihou recipe after that.

>> No.17220332

Yeah, after she got her kai ni. Before that the only DDs people cared about were DesDiv6, Yukikaze and Shimakaze.

>> No.17220369
Quoted by: >>17220374

I think a lot of people liked their starter.

>> No.17220374
Quoted by: >>17220382

Guess which was the starter the vast majority of players picked, and still pick.

>> No.17220379

Kai ni updates were so exciting back then. Yuudachi was so radically different than anything we'd had before, and then we got Shigure so soon after. What a ride.

>> No.17220382
Quoted by: >>17220388

Fuckbucket since they don't know how to change it.

>> No.17220388

Only filthy gaijin didn't know, and even then hardly all didn't.

>> No.17220406
File: 349 KB, 1440x960, 96ffab7926d7c269daf7f2cac4476b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs German routing.

>> No.17220421
File: 508 KB, 965x1300, 63039713_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220425
Quoted by: >>17220454

Hence why they made a big deal out of it in the anime, which completely went over secondaries' heads.

>> No.17220454
File: 297 KB, 728x448, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17220462


>> No.17220462

He has autism. Please understand.

>> No.17220637
File: 41 KB, 360x360, 4dPc9p9g_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17220659
Quoted by: >>17220735


>> No.17220667

wtf we midgetsub now

>> No.17220735


>> No.17220739
Quoted by: >>17220755

Yura was flagship of DesRon 4 in place of Naka for a while. Learn your history.

>> No.17220755


>> No.17220820


>> No.17220834

That was said about Kinu too. Don't hold your breath.

>> No.17220864

What are you talking about? Is there an attachment for a midget submarine?

>> No.17220871
Quoted by: >>17220881

>Kinu this, Kinu that
How boring, let's talk about more interesting ship, guys

>> No.17220881

The interesting cruisers like the Sendai class have already been talked about.
Kuma class and most of the Nagara class had rather boring careers.

>> No.17220882

Not to mention its actually more humane to kill them with a sharp blow to the head.

Maybe they like both and don't feel like joining the inane pissing contest?

>> No.17220883


>wtf we midgetsub now

Stay delusional Tanaka already reallize minisub on CL was a mistake

>> No.17220887
File: 325 KB, 699x423, yurara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17220897

>> No.17220897
Quoted by: >>17220900

Is that suppose to be a seaplane gun or what? What if she's LoS focused?

>> No.17220899
Quoted by: >>17220903

Yura's probably going to need decent luck in addition to getting the opening torp to knock Abukuma out of a lot of TTKs top spot.

>> No.17220900

4 slots confirmed.

>> No.17220903

Most people's Abukuma's are already luck boosted to 60 so spending Maruyus on Yura wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.17220904

No matter the outcome, somebody will complain.

>> No.17220986
File: 366 KB, 1200x600, 61032635_p14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 hours.

>> No.17220991
Quoted by: >>17221049

Do your pvps

>> No.17221015

Even if it's only as a boss I think Independence might be cool.

>> No.17221017
File: 1.03 MB, 1548x720, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Konishi is losing it or convertible.

>> No.17221033

It's the former.

>> No.17221036
Quoted by: >>17221046

could be rough draft vs final draft

>> No.17221039
File: 165 KB, 675x980, DC5_JuLU0AARb6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221055

Loli Sara a cute! Good night.

>> No.17221046

It should be the other way around then, since both Abukuma and Kinu have the same collar design as Yura's Comptiq promo art. I hope it gets fixed like Zuikaku's aspect ratio.

>> No.17221049
File: 153 KB, 650x919, Kaga Sara mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221055

Cute Kaga famiri

>> No.17221055

Meant for >>17221039

>> No.17221083
File: 52 KB, 960x611, 1cf5704e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221102

>> No.17221100 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 549x679, 1498199700121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221105

I guess now would be a good time to fap to some Yura.

>> No.17221101

Don't forget Teruzuki's equipment "maintenance" in promoart.

>> No.17221102

If only.

>> No.17221105
Quoted by: >>17221122

But anon, this is christian board!

>> No.17221122

Being Christian doesn't prohibit consensual sex for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.17221147
File: 39 KB, 360x360, JdqY1Hqa_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17221149
Quoted by: >>17221161

Fuck, I forgot the tweet.


Hourly lines confirmed.

>> No.17221157

Yura pleases old men for remodel.

>> No.17221161
Quoted by: >>17221185

>Whora gets hourlies.
>My wife poi who has the same VA does not.
He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.17221175
File: 1.18 MB, 1286x1714, Yura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who lifelong here?

>> No.17221185
Quoted by: >>17221230

It's the price she paid for being the strongest DD.

>> No.17221187
File: 22 KB, 87x120, Kinu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have the daihatsu rails.

>> No.17221190

Convertible remodel confirmed.

>> No.17221192

Does this confirmed the minisub capability since she is not an expedition slut.

>> No.17221197

I sure hope so. I'd gladly trade being able to use Daihatsu for an opening torp.

>> No.17221198
Quoted by: >>17221201

Abukuma is both though.

>> No.17221201

That's because Abukuma is Ultra Special.

>> No.17221210

I'm starting to fer that Konishi didn't even finish drawing her remodel.

>> No.17221230
Quoted by: >>17221240

More like Tanaka is a faggot, I can't even understand how a popular girl who even got in the anime as part of main cast does not have hourlies.

>> No.17221240
Quoted by: >>17221277

It's just RNG. Tanaka's dart just never got to hit her when determining who should get hourlies next.

>> No.17221277
Quoted by: >>17221282

Are their names even on his dartboard?

>> No.17221282

Not always. The dartboard has limited space so the names to be put on the dartboard are drawn by lottery first.

>> No.17221334
File: 26 KB, 360x360, tUg_gMSS_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17221339

Delicious thighs.

>> No.17221340


>> No.17221342

Those legs look weak af

>> No.17221346

No torpedo :^).

>> No.17221349

The things I would do to those legs

>> No.17221350

Their torps are in their boots, dumbass.

>> No.17221353
Quoted by: >>17221360

So this Yura doesn't have spats while the Comptiq one did.

>> No.17221354

You act like the lack of an opening torp is going to be a surprise to anyone.

>> No.17221357
File: 305 KB, 401x729, CL_Abukuma_Kai_Ni_200_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see her shoes there.

>> No.17221359

I believe in Yura.

>> No.17221360

Convertible confirmed.

>> No.17221392
File: 392 KB, 566x570, 1498207419305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221411

>> No.17221411

Looking good, I hope the face doesn't ruin it.

>> No.17221416
Quoted by: >>17221417

I prefer black thigh high like Kaga-san

>> No.17221417

Fuck off.

>> No.17221423
Quoted by: >>17221436

You first

>> No.17221428

You fuck off

>> No.17221433
Quoted by: >>17221436

This, a retard shouldn't be allowed to post here

>> No.17221435

I dont remember we are having obnoxious Kaga fag.

Why Kaga fag is here ? are /a/ thread dead or deleted ?

i'm getting sick

>> No.17221436

Sasuga Kagashitter. Kill yourself.

>> No.17221439
Quoted by: >>17221447

>are /a/ thread dead or deleted ?
Where the fuck have you been? /a/ threads got banned months ago.

>> No.17221443
File: 8 KB, 392x145, bfa691ca1aa207d3fac65d5af9a53462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a Kaga fag. I prefer legging

>> No.17221446

Newfag, please

>> No.17221447
Quoted by: >>17221450

Because i never check /a/ thread obviously

>> No.17221449

Why is Kaga so garbage?

>> No.17221450

It's been mentioned numerous times. You have to be living under a rock to not know.

>> No.17221460

You're garbage.

>> No.17221465
Quoted by: >>17221467

You're waifu a shit,

>> No.17221467
Quoted by: >>17221476

My waifu is Kaga. I guess that means she's garbage.

>> No.17221476

>My waifu is Kaga
Prove it

>> No.17221488

Patch notes please save us from this incoming shit show.

>> No.17221489
File: 37 KB, 360x360, m55TeKvK_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17221490
File: 47 KB, 260x260, DC_taoHVYAAGD-p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221502

>> No.17221492
Quoted by: >>17221498


>> No.17221493
File: 38 KB, 260x260, DC_tbaiUIAEthgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221621

>> No.17221495


>> No.17221498

Plane and LoS focus ?

>> No.17221499
File: 38 KB, 260x260, DC_tZ4OUQAAFFZf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17221500

Looks like the nips were right, it's seaplane focused.


>> No.17221501
Quoted by: >>17221504

For what purpose?

>> No.17221502
Quoted by: >>17221506


>> No.17221503

is this the gun oyodo was supposed to come with?

>> No.17221504

>For what purpose?

shoot shoot and kill your enemy

>> No.17221505


>> No.17221506

Ranking rewards aren't today, that's from a quest.

>> No.17221507
File: 38 KB, 260x260, DC_tZAsVYAA_6Rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221514

>> No.17221510
Quoted by: >>17221517


>> No.17221514
Quoted by: >>17221515

Otto BTFO?

>> No.17221515

No, it's going to cost you an arm and a leg to get it.

>> No.17221517

For what purpose?

>> No.17221520


>> No.17221522
Quoted by: >>17222361


>> No.17221531


>> No.17221535
Quoted by: >>17221543

Opening torpedo confirmed?
Minisub store at the stern?
Abukuma is going to be dethroned?

>> No.17221537

Akizucki gun fags btfo

>> No.17221539


>> No.17221541

It's going to be 15.2cm guns all over again. You'll still be better off using the best gun in the type, meaning Ducky guns.

>> No.17221543
Quoted by: >>17221547

Could it be that finally we are free from bear's autistic screechings?

>> No.17221547


No, it would mean we will now have multiple maps per events where an opening torp will be desired.

>> No.17221551


>> No.17221557


>> No.17221561

So are CL guns good now?

>> No.17221562
File: 287 KB, 464x698, pXD9M2q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17221563

12▼【改修工廠(明石の工廠)】新改修メニューの追加実装/更新 1/2

>> No.17221564


>> No.17221565
Quoted by: >>17221573

>double torp mount
The dream is dead, no opening torp.

>> No.17221567


>> No.17221569

13▼【改修工廠(明石の工廠)】新改修メニューの追加実装/更新 2/2

>> No.17221570
File: 205 KB, 262x537, zSRLad0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17221571

This should have been Shoukaku K2's face, he did a good job here.

>> No.17221572

14▼【新任務】の実装 1/2

>> No.17221573
Quoted by: >>17221575

What the hell do torp launcher have to do with minisubs?

>> No.17221575

Her torp stat is going to be shit like Kinu's. Abukuma had a really good torp stat because she had quads.

>> No.17221577

>loose ponytail
Miles better.

>> No.17221579

15▼【新任務】の実装 2/2

>> No.17221585
File: 629 KB, 796x479, yura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks great.

>> No.17221587
File: 704 KB, 800x480, 20170623_02543792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221589

Lovely thighs.

>> No.17221591
Quoted by: >>17221600



>> No.17221592


>> No.17221594


>> No.17221597


>> No.17221599

Feels good to be lifelong fan

>> No.17221600

>Sendai K2 got hourlies.
Now this is just salt in the wounds.

>> No.17221601

nice now I just need to get a blueprint

>> No.17221603

I want to comb her hair.

>> No.17221604

Yura is such a lovely CL.

>> No.17221606
File: 735 KB, 1023x575, ef8efbdd865946a0edbeaa5820f01d4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can use seaplane bombers and fighters!

>> No.17221608
File: 41 KB, 543x376, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening torp but even lower torp and firepower stats than Kinu.

>> No.17221613
File: 38 KB, 536x430, yurak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17221630

Yura stats.

【「瑞雲魂」掛け軸】 new!

>> No.17221615


>> No.17221616
File: 88 KB, 474x361, ss+(2017-06-23+at+12.58.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221618


>> No.17221619


>> No.17221620


>> No.17221621
Quoted by: >>17221628

plane stats?

>> No.17221624

So she will be used as SPF mule with midget?

>> No.17221626

Read the wiki.

>> No.17221627

Kinugasa, she's a CA though
CA is stronger than CL

>> No.17221628
File: 41 KB, 199x140, yura plane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221630
Quoted by: >>17221635

Hahahaha, now, what do you do Abucutehaters?

>> No.17221631

What the fuck is kinu

>> No.17221632
File: 1.32 MB, 796x450, yurayura.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221635

Not using her as usual. What's your point?

>> No.17221637
Quoted by: >>17221640

We all are lifelong fans now.

>> No.17221639
Quoted by: >>17221641

I knew why they were delaying the release of her Kai Ni
Good bye to the screeching voice of Abukuma.

>> No.17221640
Quoted by: >>17222818

What is this meme?

>> No.17221641

Did you even look at her stats? They're worse than Kinu's. Her opening torp is going to be weak as fuck.

>> No.17221648
Quoted by: >>17221663

damn I got a yura drop a few days ago but it looks like I scrapped her. where is the best place to get her?

>> No.17221649
Quoted by: >>17221658

That's propably not modernized.

>> No.17221650


>> No.17221655

Ise and Hyuuga are wearing the Zuiun fest coats. It's just a lazy paint-over, but it sure feels nice to see their updated sprites, at least like that.

>> No.17221658
File: 366 KB, 679x361, yura stat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EO shows the minimum she can come with at remodel and the max after full modernization. It's not wrong.

>> No.17221663

Fuck off, bandwagoner. You don't deserve her, leave her alone for her lifelong fan

>> No.17221664

Anything that's not abukuso is welcome.

>> No.17221665

But is, at least, a new CL with an opening torp.
Abucute's still best, but that's better than nothing (and better than Kinu).

>> No.17221666
File: 409 KB, 557x748, __ise_drawn_by_shibafu_glock23__4c4f20ac804fb997dd15ebb739c8dcd8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223121


>> No.17221670

>can equip seaplane bombers
>slot size = 2

>> No.17221672

Still more than enough to sink annoying DDs and CLs.

>> No.17221673
File: 390 KB, 674x745, laughing torpedo cruisers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17221675
Quoted by: >>17221715

I think its cute as F

>> No.17221680

What's seaplane fighter idiot

>> No.17221684

Something different from seaplane bombers.

>> No.17221686

Something that doesn't artillery spot.

>> No.17221687

ABKM = 150
Yura = 133

Eh I guess it's fair since Yura comes with other gimmicks but they really should've given her at least 85 torp.

>> No.17221689

Wait for Ooyodo Kai Ni.

>> No.17221699
Quoted by: >>17221717

Yura is multipurpose.

>> No.17221702

What's the verdict on the artillery material, how many do you need?

>> No.17221704

can yura equip daihatsu?

>> No.17221705


>> No.17221706

Useless so far.

>> No.17221708

Useless until you can make Proto 51cm.

>> No.17221715
File: 377 KB, 468x761, __hyuuga_drawn_by_shibafu_glock23__8cb981f821121a196754dcc17b28af8d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223121

It is indeed.

>> No.17221717

WTF I like Yura now

>> No.17221718

Anyone know stats for 15.5 triple kai? I have two maxed and I wonder if it's worth to upgrade them further for Ooyodo?

>> No.17221719

Next Kai Ni
>Mutsuki type

>> No.17221726
Quoted by: >>17221748

Yura can equip tanks, daihatsu, and my dick.

>> No.17221727
Quoted by: >>17221739

You can also add Pola because she is a sister of Zara.

>> No.17221735
Quoted by: >>17221766

7FP on both guns and a bunch of plecabo.

>> No.17221739
Quoted by: >>17221763

There are no CA Kai 2 planned.

>> No.17221742

I'm not the only one who maxed 15.5cms?

Has she been confirmed?

>> No.17221745
Quoted by: >>17221763


>> No.17221748
Quoted by: >>17221756

She can wear your dick like a strapon? That's some new level kink there.

>> No.17221751

Didn't they say there's gonna be one other CL too? Hopefully it'll be Nagara.

>> No.17221752

>can't even reach damage cap with 3 max sext torps


>> No.17221755

Did Kinu get a stat buff or I just forgot to max her torp and AA?

>> No.17221756

Of course she can, she's multipurpose.

>> No.17221757


>> No.17221759

Turn the left hand up and place a dick on it.

>> No.17221763

And there is no BB's K2 confirmation too. The chances of Mutsu K2 is equal to Pola due because their SISTERS got K2.
Source: my imagination.

>> No.17221766
File: 254 KB, 600x600, 51136788_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I will hold on waiting for better data then.

I just did for Ooyodo hoping for placebo meme. And man, she really delivered a lot of time with double maxed 15.5cms.

>> No.17221767

Ise-class also got buffed to 86 firepower.

>> No.17221780

Who farming Yura here?

>> No.17221781

>And there is no BB's K2 confirmation too
There is you fucking retard, check their twitter.

>> No.17221790
Quoted by: >>17221822

There is another BB kai 2 confirmed. I'm just not sure it's Mutsu.

>> No.17221793

I need to find her first. My motivation to play outside of events is nonexistent lately.

>> No.17221803
File: 51 KB, 688x515, 58784374_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming samiwho and murasame right now

>> No.17221817

what is Type 0 Fighter Model 63 for? should I choose it over material?

>> No.17221822

I hope it's Tosa-class

>> No.17221839

Why are there no early summer sprites? I hope that means another update soon.

>> No.17221876
Quoted by: >>17221884

>The 15.5cm Triple Gun Mount (Secondary) can now be used in conjunction with a Main Gun to enable more accurate attacks when both are equipped on a Yamato-class BB.
What use will this have? Sacrifice DA or AP for some shit +1 acc?

>> No.17221883
Quoted by: >>17221897

Waiting 3 hours for the pink drum to come back, I knew I should check the quest list before sending expeditions.

>> No.17221884

maybe this setup will allow her to hit mini imp

>> No.17221897
Quoted by: >>17221903

You know you can cancel expeditions right?

>> No.17221903

I'm not in a rush and prefer to let it be complete, I only do that when I fuck up and send something that's going to fail.

>> No.17221918

Is there anyone who recorded Sendai's 20 00 timeline?

>> No.17221953

Farming Akashi here at 2-5.

>> No.17222049
File: 280 KB, 664x376, 20170623_13211729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd Yura quest gives you a daihatsu or Akashi fairy.

>> No.17222077

So Yura is the childhood friend archetype? Plain but still kind of pretty in a way.

>> No.17222081

tough choice but akashi hole seems better

>> No.17222083

Why the fuck does Kumano have only one equipment quest, and give only the fucking 63F/B, gun dildo or the medal, when Suzuya had two and gave a total of fucking 3 equips?

>> No.17222088

I have 13 daihatsus, is it enough?

>> No.17222096
Quoted by: >>17222108

If you have 12 you're good for life.
If you want 9 Kaihatsus you'll need upwards to 30 something daihatsus.

>> No.17222099
Quoted by: >>17222107

Man, seriously fuck 5-1 sortie quests. That place is such a shitshow to try to get Boss S-ranks on the double Ta pattern.

>> No.17222102
Quoted by: >>17222111

>another BP ship

Why does Tanaka hate new players?

>> No.17222107

You get guaranteed routing this time so it's easy.

>> No.17222108
Quoted by: >>17222118

Obviously pick the daihatsu over shit you can buy in the item shop.

If you don't have 11 toku daihatsu you don't have enough.

>> No.17222111

He's an egoistic fat fuck.

Anyway, can somebody help me with the new composition quest? Ise and Hyuuga, but who else? Google says 2DD 1CL but that doesn't seem to work.

>> No.17222116

True but you can still have a double attack setup with the 8cm

>> No.17222118
Quoted by: >>17222127

I thought the optimal amount of toku daihatsus per expedition was 3, after which using a toku or regular daihatsu made no difference?

>> No.17222119
Quoted by: >>17222124

Ise + Hyuuga + Noshiro + Poi + Bucky + ZUNship worked for me.

Easy easy right.

>> No.17222122
Quoted by: >>17222124

Add one wildcard. Ise Hyuuga need to be lv.50+. Flagship + second ship.

>> No.17222124

I see, thanks.

>> No.17222126

Ise as flagship, Hyuuga as second ship, you need to add a 6th ship.

>> No.17222127
Quoted by: >>17222147

The optimal amount is 4 toku + 4 normal, but some expeditions can make do with fewer, which is why it's 11 and not 12.

I don't have the list with me right now though.

>> No.17222140

So the consensus is Yura is unuseable trash?

>> No.17222143

Yes. Useless before, useless after.

>> No.17222147
File: 39 KB, 441x228, 1445135527749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222681

>4 toku + 4 daihatsu per expedition

I hope to christ I'm misinterpreting.

>> No.17222152

If routing or meme damage needs her then I'll use her, otherwise she's more or less useless.

>> No.17222153

So isn't Yura a way to get AS on torpedo squadron maps basically? That's pretty niche but still a proper role.

>> No.17222156

If Abukuma is a bootleg CLT, then Yura is a bottleg Abukuma. Useable, but don't expect too much.

>> No.17222157

What would DDs want with AS?

>> No.17222161
Quoted by: >>17222168

Not getting double attacked by Ri.

>> No.17222162
File: 597 KB, 1100x1100, __abukuma_kinu_and_yura_kantai_collection_drawn_by_annin_musou__2a3cb4fffecf61e4f2cf50a84ce48f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abukuma is still better

>> No.17222163
Quoted by: >>17222168

They would not want their asses DA'd to hell by CAs or BBs.

>> No.17222168
Quoted by: >>17222182

And what kind of enemy carrier could be dominated by Yura?

>> No.17222182
Quoted by: >>17222203

You only need parity and she can even do that against CV Hime.

>> No.17222192

I wonder what their spats smells like.

>> No.17222202

The good thing about Yura is the plane.
Very good for ASW and still let you double attack.

>> No.17222203

>you can get parrity with 1 two slot shitty seaplanefighter
>it takes dosens of figthers to get AS
This number game is so super well though through.

>> No.17222205

What kind of fleet do I use for the Ise-class 3-5 quest?

>> No.17222224
Quoted by: >>17222260

Yeah, but I wouldn't count on her to do that in combined fleet.

>> No.17222231

I don't get the 2-5 routing since I have never sortie BB there. With 2Ise, do I get randomly sent to F?

>> No.17222236
Quoted by: >>17222941

1CL 3DD guarantees north.

>> No.17222246

You're forced to go north, since you can´t get to node E with any Battleships.

>> No.17222260

Even transport combined fleet has it's AS provided by other ships who do it better already, so single fleet is her only use.

>> No.17222271

That face turns me on.

>> No.17222285
File: 294 KB, 482x319, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bauxfag here. Yura kai2 can equip main gun + 8cm kai + 2 tanks for maximum installation carnage. It seems people like to underestimate shipgirls a lot. Last time Suzuya CVL and now Yura kai2. Or only the ignorant part of /jp/ likes to post?

>> No.17222290
File: 161 KB, 600x900, useless daihatsu mule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kinu is cuter and more sexual. I want to put my dick inside that ogre.

>> No.17222314
Quoted by: >>17222322

Poeple will still use Ooyodo over holepunching stat ineffective shit to make them up to par.
AN i bet Abubear and Kinu could already do that too.

>> No.17222322
Quoted by: >>17222345

Abu can't use 8cm kai. Not hole'd Kinu so no idea though.
> over holepunching stat ineffective shit
>implying WG42 is better than maxed tanks
Yeah right you belong right into "that" part.

>> No.17222327
Quoted by: >>17222355

Anti-installation is worthless because installations are uncommon, surface ships are very common.

>> No.17222337

Isn't 5inch better?
What's the gimmick?

>> No.17222345
Quoted by: >>17222355

I still believe that someone else will be doing installation hunting better than some ship that needs a holepunch to be effective agains one of the most uncommon enemy type in the game.

Only 8cm(+shit) are allowed in the backdoor slot.

>> No.17222354

So this quest is "kill the boss at 2-5 and 3-5"(with the fleet you assembled earlier), correct?

>> No.17222355

>t. Play after spring 2016
8cm kai is light enough to put into some ships that have been hole'd.
Well you have to upgrade 8cm kai to +max too and that's a pain in the ass. But surely it is worth.
>inb4 yahagi kai2 could do even better

>> No.17222361
File: 49 KB, 800x238, oyodo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Ooyodo finally has fit 15.5cm?

>> No.17222365

I'm sure people here just like to meme that X ship is useless. That said, wouldn't 2 gun + T2 + WG deal more damage?

>> No.17222368

Teste is better, also
>2 tanks

>> No.17222370

What for?

>> No.17222373
Quoted by: >>17222388

Yeah, I was wondering too because using 2+ tanks has garbage multiplier. It says a lot when using 2 T98 + 1 T2 is better than using 1 T98 + 2 T2.

>> No.17222374

She can provide air power.

>> No.17222375

Samidare and Murasame are next k2 DD
Mark my words

>> No.17222379

I've gotten like seven fucking whales from 2-5 at this point.

Jesus Christ I feel bad scrapping them though.

>> No.17222382

Lord hear you, my good man.

>> No.17222383

A year of 2-5 and no whale.

>> No.17222385

New quest brah

>> No.17222388

>just like to meme
And I hate that. No one points all of her points. Calling girls "useless" without addressing everything just makes you look ignorant you know.
And this is /jp/. That is unacceptable.
I'm garbage at math so you guys should do it and post into the pastebin. Sorry about that.
>2 T98 + 1 T2 is better than using 1 T98 + 2 T2.
Really? I upgraded all of them to tanks so I couldn't test that. I think it's like sonar + depth charge. Sonar is obviously better. "How the hell in the world 2 depth charges + 1 sonar > 1 depth charge + 2 sonars" or something like that.

>> No.17222389

A mutsuki is next m8

>> No.17222397

Is /jp/ suddenly a respectable scientific institution with reputation to live up to? People are shitting all over anything, put them in their place if you can prove them wrong, that's all about it.

>> No.17222399

So is this the best regular setup for Yura ???

Red gun
Seaplane recon/bomber
Mini sub
8 Cm green gun (expansion slot)

-Opening torp
-Artilery spotting for day battle
-Double attack for yasen

>> No.17222402

>respectable scientific institution with reputation to live up to
Well yes /jp/ likes to fool around but doing it too much would make you look foolish. And you couldn't shit on wikiafags or plebbit for being dumb no more.

>> No.17222405

Why are you having trouble? Took me one try.

>> No.17222410

No one has fully tested what other shit Yura can do at kai 2. Just one little ability can make a shit ship become OP. That said, such cases are extremely rare, and 99% of the time numbers are all you need to look at.

I wouldn't be surprised if she can act as an AO too.

>I think it's like sonar + depth charge.
It isn't. Sonar + depth charge activates as long as you have at least one of each equipment, and it'll stay the same no matter how many of each you equip. Tank/T98 modifiers are independent of each other, and they change depending on how many of each you equip.

>Is /jp/ suddenly a respectable scientific institution with reputation to live up to?
It used to be, but times have changed.

>> No.17222411
Quoted by: >>17222425

It's cool that she has so much adaptability compared to Abukuma or Kinu, but i'd rather give Tanaka a wedgie that punchhole Yura.

>> No.17222418

>it's another "can do everything but is medicore because of it" episode

>> No.17222421

>It used to be
How many years ago? I tracked /jp/ for more than 2 years. It was always filled with not the same kind of autism as redit.

>> No.17222425

One of the new quest reward you with an akashit. Seems like even the devs are encouraging you to punch Yura.

>> No.17222426
File: 17 KB, 287x430, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222432

Potatoman drew the new Zuiun, those brushstrokes are unmistakable.

>> No.17222432

I can tell by the garbage point of view and no spinning propeller.

>> No.17222434
Quoted by: >>17222447

>are independent of each other, and they change depending
Alright thanks for enlightening this fool. Same with WG42 + tanks?
>It used to be
You have no place to shit on people if you aren't better than them. And it seems like /jp/ has forgotten that.

>> No.17222447

If it's just this thread, it was at its peak from late 2013 to some time during 2015 but declined from then on. Mid-2015?

>Same with WG42 + tanks?
Yup. There's a reason WG42 + T98 + T2 was the go-to setup against installations at one point.

>And it seems like /jp/ has forgotten that.
It has. In fact, I daresay so has the rest of 4chan.

>> No.17222450
File: 411 KB, 800x480, 1498220787263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17222455


So its either

red gun
mini sub

for general use


red gun

for anti installation

>> No.17222458
File: 16 KB, 287x430, 1498221297042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222514

Hyuuga Fairy

>> No.17222459
Quoted by: >>17222465

But does upgrading it give dive bomb or AA or both?

>> No.17222461

Alright thanks again.

>> No.17222462
Quoted by: >>17222471

its from the new quest upgrade and convert zuiun 634 ?

>> No.17222465


>> No.17222468

And how many screws for this?
I am running out, only have 26medals left.

>> No.17222470
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1498186108025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17222471

Is it repeatable? If not then it's not much worth noting.

>> No.17222472
Quoted by: >>17222489

zuiun is god

>> No.17222477
Quoted by: >>17222481

>>17222365 here, forgot that T98 + T2 is even better.

>> No.17222479

Seiran is still better.

>> No.17222481
Quoted by: >>17222497

It really depends on the installation because some are immune to things that others take extra damage from.

>> No.17222489
File: 95 KB, 600x391, zuiun zealot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17222493
File: 54 KB, 600x633, CgbdfcfUIAAFETr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17222497
Quoted by: >>17222508

Against soft installations, Ooyodo with 2 WG42 is still better. Against everything else, Yura with T2/T98 reigns supreme.

That said, against a fleet with both, I'd take Ooyodo for consistency.

>> No.17222498
File: 351 KB, 550x796, 7be6a7280c1168de618fcff5067e7957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DD fit guns
>Ooyodo is quite literally a CA now with 15.5cm Kai + fit bonus
>can upgrade Zuiun
>Sendai hourlies
This is the best update in a while.

>> No.17222506

15.5cm are still CL guns.

>> No.17222508

Addendum: unless you can reliably sink all the softs in the day with Yura, in which case she beats Ooyodo.

>> No.17222509
Quoted by: >>17222549

>Ooyodo is quite literally a CA now with 15.5cm Kai + fit bonus
Standard works or I need to use 15.5cm Kai?
Not like it's a problem to me - everything for Ooyodo - just need to know for sure.

>> No.17222511
Quoted by: >>17222517

Any reason to keep a second Libeccio?

>> No.17222513
Quoted by: >>17222803

Anime fucker, it's always anime fault

>> No.17222514

CUTE! Serafuku K2 confirmed.

>> No.17222517

sleeping pillow

>> No.17222518
Quoted by: >>17222538

Wait so every single installation equipment has its own bonus? Even 11th Tank Regiment? Holy flying fuck my zuiuns.

>> No.17222524
File: 10 KB, 277x310, japan pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura is trending

>> No.17222538
Quoted by: >>17222558

Nope. For normal daihatsu + T98 daihatsu for example, only the higher of the two modifiers is taken.

>> No.17222549
Quoted by: >>17222562

The basic 15.5cm works but they didn't mention it for the Kai version at all, just fit for Yamato class. I still wonder if it works since it's the same gun, just upgraded like the supposed super fit 35.6cm on Bongos but for some reason included 38cm and 38.1cm.

>> No.17222558
Quoted by: >>17222577

So let me get this straight for everyone:
Ka-Mi has its own bonus
Dahatsu + tank has its own bonus but
11th Tank Regiment > Daihatsu + type 89 tank > normal daihatsu
WG42 has its own bonus
So there're 3 different types?

>> No.17222562
Quoted by: >>17222598

Aren't they mention Yamato-class fit for secondary 15.5cm kai and no main one which is for Ooyodo and CA?

>> No.17222564
Quoted by: >>17222625

If she can't equip Zuin then what's the purpose of seaplane bombers?

>> No.17222577
Quoted by: >>17222588

As far as I know, yes. I'm not sure if toku is part of the daihatsu line though.

>> No.17222583

So now Yura can do everything, what's left for the next CL K2?

>> No.17222588

I see. There're not enough tests afterall.

>> No.17222595

Being able to do some things better.

>> No.17222597

Who is the fattest Akagi or Atago?

>> No.17222598

You're right, it is the secondary bonus, it's just that it only mentions fit bonus for 15.5cm on Ooyodo and the devs like to be crypti yet she can still upgrade 15.5cm Kai, so I guess it counts too.

>> No.17222625

Seaplane fighter

>> No.17222635

your mom

>> No.17222672

5 slots.

>> No.17222678
File: 459 KB, 500x1300, KagaAkagi Fubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow Fubuki, what a bitch

>> No.17222681


>> No.17222682

I put nagato as wildcard, and it worked swell but then hoppo tore my dds and cl to shit.

>> No.17222692
Quoted by: >>17222703

>Who is the fattest
It's Iowa, also the shittiest

>> No.17222694
File: 569 KB, 800x480, 20170623_15492526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cleared with this. 1 fighter 1 seiran on the BBs and 1 fighter on Yura.

>> No.17222702 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17222759

Wait, you only need Ises to clear it? You sure it worked?

>> No.17222703
Quoted by: >>17222717

Yamato is the fattest though.

>> No.17222717

Are you new? You need to see more than once Iowa fanart

>> No.17222727


>> No.17222735
File: 24 KB, 320x320, CuFezMxUMAAMYx7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222739

>built-in FCF and can be used anywhere in the fleet
>seaplane bomber and fighter with non-garbage slots
>10cm+AAFD carriage in expansion slot
>maybe Akizuki tier AACI
>other shit they might add
You think it's over, but it's not.

>> No.17222739 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 621x890, 1498227117238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222764

>non-garbage slots
Is what? 20? And that is just to withstand Tsu.
No way.

>> No.17222741
Quoted by: >>17222770

What if I don't have any seaplane fighters?

>> No.17222743

Never seen fat Iowa fanart.

>> No.17222746

Fucking Tanaka, why would he force me to level shitse and hyushit to lvl 50 just to complete the quest? Stop shilling potatoman goddamn it.

>> No.17222747
Quoted by: >>17222754

> though through
Fucking english I swear to god. How do you guys live with shitty language like this.

>> No.17222750
Quoted by: >>17222767

I wish someone would fatten up DesDiv6. Fat lolis are hot.

>> No.17222754

I think he meant "thought through".

Anyway, English isn't anywhere as bad as Chinese or Japanese.

>> No.17222756
Quoted by: >>17222761

Because some people complete the quest with level 1 ships and immediately scrap them later like me.

>> No.17222759

It's Ises and any CL and 2 DDs.

>> No.17222761

And that was my fucking plan.

>> No.17222762
Quoted by: >>17222767

>not fat

>> No.17222764
Quoted by: >>17222902

It's okay we don't need to censor it, african dinks don't count.
t. Japan Ministry of Public Morals

>> No.17222765

What are you smoking? AP requirements are slightly more than 4/9 that of AS requirements.

>> No.17222766
File: 152 KB, 693x117, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222778

Git gud.

>> No.17222767

That seems to specific to get without a commission. But there are huge tits DesDiv6, Inazuma and Ikazuchi in particular, people like huge RaiDen tits for some reason.
Not visibly fat though, she can weigh a thousand pounds for all I care, she just need to show it with being incredibly large. at the least have a huge gut from all that fat.

>> No.17222770
Quoted by: >>17222783

Then you should probably make some because they're very useful.

>> No.17222778

Sure mate.

>> No.17222783
Quoted by: >>17222870

I will, but that's a long-term project. I need to get one of chichis, get her to 12, craft a whole bunch of recons and only then I'll be able to craft at least one.

How can I clear 3-5 with that fleet NOW?

>> No.17222787
File: 486 KB, 1000x1312, 56968264_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222794

The best.

>> No.17222791
Quoted by: >>17222926

Ehh why not bring 1 CV(L) i rarely use north route and if i use it i bring 3 CA 3 CV iirc you can bring up to 3 BB / CV(L) combined

>> No.17222794
Quoted by: >>17222817

Thank you based cut-inside-ship.

>> No.17222798

The meme is that they aren't cute, not that they aren't good.

>> No.17222803

I didn't watch the anime nor was it the reason i started playing the game.

>> No.17222816

Nah, potatoes are cute and unique

>> No.17222817
File: 545 KB, 1500x1150, faia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222834

But cut-insude specialist is Ooi, not KTKM.

>> No.17222818

Another divegrass meme stolen from /sp/. Appropriate considering this game is divegrass manager incarnate.

>> No.17222819
File: 23 KB, 211x365, you should have told me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17222832

It's not like she'll change the game for you or anything.

>> No.17222833

Chin up, homo. Mine is 90 but I'm fucked for medals until july.

>> No.17222834

It's always been KTKM.

>> No.17222852
Quoted by: >>17223176

The only good thing about her remodel is the new seaplane.

>> No.17222870
File: 71 KB, 803x478, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17222884

Holy shit, it actually worked, even without fighters. Who knew that non-k2 fuso will me more effective than k2 nagato.

>> No.17222884

Denial on Hoppo ?

>> No.17222894
Quoted by: >>17222898


>> No.17222898

I still hate whoever it was that caused this confusion.

>> No.17222902

Thank you nihon will consider domo sumimasen.

>> No.17222926

That would go ADBEFK.

>> No.17222927

So if i go with Ise Hyuuga and Zui to 2-5 it will send me to F node 5/5 times? Do I need to take a CVL instead of Zui or something.
What a shitty map. I hope Tanaker will get cancer.

>> No.17222932
Quoted by: >>17222986


>> No.17222941
Quoted by: >>17222986


>> No.17222978
File: 66 KB, 622x372, oh. ooooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this plane? Quest?

>> No.17222986

> clearing hardest 2-5 route with 1CL3DD
sasuga tanak

>> No.17222989
Quoted by: >>17223416

So you never do the monthly? That one needs a CA and DD instead of Ises.

>> No.17222994

Has anyone cheated the new zuiun quest yet? Is it possible?

>> No.17222996
Quoted by: >>17223416

Monthly is harder you dumbfuck

>> No.17223004

The plane art is 2013 tier shit

>> No.17223009

Being so shit you find 1CL 3DD hard

>> No.17223013

It's not all too comfy with the yasen node, but not really hard. Just need to sortie till yasen misses you or your ships get their priorities straight.
Sparkles may help just a bit.

>> No.17223106
Quoted by: >>17223123

I just woke up and
TOLD YOU GUYS, opening torpedo!
I believe in Yura!

>> No.17223121


>> No.17223123

I remember how many people told us about Kinu opentorp. Now their sitting on the bench with Aobafags.

>> No.17223132
Quoted by: >>17223143

Potatoes are ugly, yes.

>> No.17223135

Ur ugly!

>> No.17223143
Quoted by: >>17223149

Not all are ugly, some of them are super cute

>> No.17223149
Quoted by: >>17223154

Not all are ugly, some of them are plain average.

>> No.17223154
Quoted by: >>17223162

and the rest are beautiful

>> No.17223162
Quoted by: >>17223170


>> No.17223170
Quoted by: >>17223173

get over it already, potatohater

>> No.17223171
File: 64 KB, 800x480, 20170624_00120865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223230

Hard one is 3-5, not 2-5.
Needed 3sorties to beat 3-5 while I finished 2-5 in single try.

>> No.17223173
Quoted by: >>17223179

I'm not potatohater.
Potatos are just not beautiful. Above average at best.

>> No.17223174
Quoted by: >>17223213

What is the best recipe and flagship to craft zuiun ?

Need to craft at least one per day for the new zuiun 634 improvement quest .

>> No.17223176

What's good about this shitplane?

>> No.17223179
Quoted by: >>17223185

some of them are very beautiful, especially my waifu

>> No.17223185

Go away, Kagafag.

>> No.17223191
Quoted by: >>17223211

No one says anything about Kaga though

>> No.17223192

high asw and los

>> No.17223204

Type 0 observation has the same LoS plus it can be upgraded. And who uses planes for ASW?

>> No.17223207

Same LoS with yamato plane with +1FP

>> No.17223208
File: 96 KB, 677x158, ZUIUN IS GOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come join the Zuiun Cult

>> No.17223211

So far, only one person is obnoxiously posting about his Kaga love. Kaga being a potato, whom not many people post about here, narrows it down from other potatofans, so Kagafag is most probable.
I could be wrong.

>> No.17223213

I got plenty with 20/30/10/50 I recall.

>> No.17223219
Quoted by: >>17223239

And lazy, expected of Shitbafu.

She's ugly and shit.

>> No.17223230
File: 106 KB, 580x798, DC_qwsyUMAAN_1D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17223237


I thought Recon Seaplanes ASW stat didn't actually exist?

>> No.17223238

The guys know whos figures should get effort and dick put into.

>> No.17223239
Quoted by: >>17223243

Who, your waifu?

>> No.17223243
Quoted by: >>17223250

Kaga of course, yes.

>> No.17223245
Quoted by: >>17223341

What a nice scale, a shame its shit like Kashima.

>> No.17223250

>Calling his wife shit and ugly
You're not a true Kagahusbando

>> No.17223251

I can't. Backspace doesn't work.

>> No.17223263
File: 95 KB, 712x460, choi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, medal or skilled?
>inb4 obatain

>> No.17223264

Only after i see them actually being useful. So far, even M12 feels underwhelming.

>> No.17223271

Skilled for me.

>> No.17223273

I chose skilled, just in case. One medal won't make any difference whatsoever.

>> No.17223275

that's a lot of thigh. not that i'm complaining

>> No.17223276
Quoted by: >>17223289

Medal for screws.
The fuck do you need the pilot for? They should let us trade it in for screws.

>> No.17223279
Quoted by: >>17223291

Medal and use it for Skilled Crew Member Training.

>> No.17223282

>CL quest giving plane food
What the fuck is this?

>> No.17223285

The screw token.

>> No.17223286

Skilled and holepuncher to become a member of the occult.

>> No.17223289

I'd rather earn money for screws.

>> No.17223290

Medal for me. I've 14 skilled pilots.

>> No.17223291
Quoted by: >>17223301

The most retarded choice to make.
Someone should do it.

>> No.17223300
File: 119 KB, 782x483, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrap 10 radars
It is okay if I finally scrap these?

>> No.17223301

Why? Anyone who's going to make the skilled crew from the quarterly would have chosen the skilled crew from this quest as well.

>> No.17223303
File: 36 KB, 260x260, weapon235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how this shit is worth it for the useless hotel when it has fucking 7FP and requires a truckload of screws and 2gun food.
New ZUIUN > shitty gun

>> No.17223309
Quoted by: >>17223615

Just farm Kitakami/Ooi.

Or do Isuzu farm again.

>> No.17223312

Why would you make more than 10 skilled zero?
Only kusofags would have a shortage of pilots.

>> No.17223314
Quoted by: >>17223329

The point is taking the medal and using it for the quarterly, rather than just taking the crew.

>> No.17223316

It's the yellow one that has fit bonus for hotels.

>> No.17223321
Quoted by: >>17223325

It's for Ooyodo, yellow is for hotel.

>> No.17223325

Tanaka being retarded, main or secondary 155 doesn't matter. Nothing new.

Unless it has twice the modifiers CLs get from <15.2, it doesn't look usefull at all. On top of being another screw, and now special gear, sink shithole.

>> No.17223329

I'm saving the skilled crew for some future stuff. The zeroes I can easily get from farming dragons.

I don't think anyone would think of doing it.

>> No.17223330
Quoted by: >>17223348

Oh wait, the yellow one can be upgraded to 7* red so the bonus doesn't carry over?

>> No.17223341

Like, who is not shit?

>> No.17223348

It was said you can convert red to yellow and back at the cost of some +ses.

>> No.17223351
Quoted by: >>17223359

Just wait until the hime with meme weakness to these getting hit by 4-digits damage while she's almost unkillable otherwise.

>> No.17223359

More like, you can't hit her with anything but "kai" gear.

>> No.17223416
Quoted by: >>17223425

Wait a fuckin second, you can do 2-5 Isequest with north? Then I'm wrong, this quest is easy as fuck.
I thought it was south+ only.

>> No.17223420

which one to upgrade first ?
-The new zuiun 634 skilled
-Or 8cm kai green gun for Yura expansion slot

>> No.17223425

use 1 more DD and its your regular north route with yasen.

>> No.17223473
Quoted by: >>17223502

Zuiun of course
With the way the devs are pushing Zuiun right now, you can be sure it is going to be a key eq in the upcoming event.

>> No.17223502

If it will, the "gimmicks" should work for the base, 634 and M12, so sticking with them should suffice.

>> No.17223534

>Why would you make more than 10 skilled zero?
You mean 28 right?

>> No.17223552
Quoted by: >>17223565

>-Or 8cm kai green gun for Yura expansion slot
Wait, which girls can put that gun in the punch hole again?

>> No.17223565

Yura, Agano class and Mogami class

>> No.17223589
Quoted by: >>17223602

So loose sluts

>> No.17223602


>> No.17223605

brb testing Kumano's new hole

>> No.17223615
File: 105 KB, 781x468, resou 110675 baux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.
I just constructed some and used other radars that I had.
If I need more radars I just put my resources to work.
>250 baux per attempt
Damn, but oh well so be it.

>> No.17223621
Quoted by: >>17223641

Why did Ise get +3 Fp but Hyuuga didn't?

>> No.17223641
Quoted by: >>17223652

Did they both not get increased firepower?

>> No.17223647

Just experienced worst route ever in 3-5. Wow. 20% ammo/fuel at boss rocks.

>> No.17223652

Scratch that. I somehow misse her twice while looking for missing Fp ships. She's there, sorry.

>> No.17223670

>"Zuiun Spirit" Wall Scroll (New!)
>Requires furniture fairy
Tanaka doesn't want people to get it, doesn't he.
Cause it looks like it.

>> No.17223691
File: 168 KB, 738x738, 1498209417890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yura can do everything now
>She's shit at all of it
What's the fucking point?

>> No.17223694
File: 13 KB, 202x234, byotiul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223713

Totally worth it.

>> No.17223695
File: 43 KB, 233x233, fufufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint getting that shit anytime soon.

>> No.17223697
File: 73 KB, 800x480, 2017-6-23T20.42.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223714

Feels good to end everything fast.

>> No.17223703

At least she can do everything now.

>> No.17223705

>Requires furniture fairy
Is this a problem or something?

>> No.17223706

She's cute

>> No.17223713
Quoted by: >>17223720

Does it launch the Zuiun?

>> No.17223714
File: 161 KB, 500x281, 1423524758565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223763

Good job, I still need to craft or farm at least 6 zuiuns to max my 632(and 2 for quest). Soon though, soon.

>> No.17223720
File: 101 KB, 200x200, cool af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, it actually does.

>> No.17223729

Ok, that's cool.
I take that >>17223670 back.
Not gonna buy it either way.

>> No.17223731
Quoted by: >>17223745

Yura is lame and boring so its okay.

They have given out so many of them I don't see a problem here. And it actually does something >>17223720

>> No.17223745
Quoted by: >>17223851

>given out
Sorry, i'm not eager to do supply intensive or just pain in the ass maps with shitty comps to get shit that gives me nothing in return.
Not stopping anyone else.

>> No.17223763

Hey, I needed exactly the same number of Zuiuns too. I had 10 Zuiuns by default, and then I just rushed 20/30/10/50 to get the remaining ones. Thanks god I didn't have to open any medals because I had enough screws to improve this.

>> No.17223782
File: 114 KB, 927x572, epin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17223786

>> No.17223786
Quoted by: >>17223796


>> No.17223788
File: 141 KB, 713x502, hungry tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Isuzu wants to marry me, what should I do?

>> No.17223792
Quoted by: >>17223854

Ignore her, obviously.

>> No.17223793
Quoted by: >>17223854

Don't marry her.

>> No.17223796

Is not Kai.

>> No.17223811
Quoted by: >>17223834

Marry the CL with angelic voice.

>> No.17223834

But I dont have Sakawa at lvl 99!

>> No.17223844

Buy her a ring and a punchhole.

>> No.17223845

It's because of the modifiers that makes it worth it on Ooyodo, it's shit on Mogami

>> No.17223851
File: 56 KB, 298x400, laughing usagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supply intensive or just pain in the ass maps with shitty comps

>> No.17223852

You don't do it? Are you gonna let a whore push you around?

>> No.17223854
Quoted by: >>17223871

W-why not? she'll get better right?
captcha: for sale

>> No.17223864

It bugs the hell out of the that she's only gold.

>> No.17223871

Why are you asking for help if you want to marry her yourself. Just do it then.

>> No.17223888
Quoted by: >>17223895

K2 will fix that.

>> No.17223890

>Why are you asking for help if you want to marry her yourself.

>> No.17223895
Quoted by: >>17223911

Anon, tell me about you brain damages.

>> No.17223907

Because I want to know if her stats will improve consideraly if I marry her.
Must likely I'll marry her but I wanted to know if it was a bad idea or not.

>> No.17223911

I have temporal lobe epilepsy, but that's probably unrelated. Probably.

>> No.17223913
Quoted by: >>17223921

Well, she was very common from the begining.

>> No.17223920

Somehow I've read "temporal love epilepsy". That was a good reason to marry Isuzu tho.

>> No.17223921

So is Naka, who remodels at an even lower level.

>> No.17223927

The wikis should have you covered about stats. Don't know what else other than "preference opinions" about her did you think to find here?

But hse already has a K2. That's related.

>> No.17223934
File: 565 KB, 800x480, Screenshot-2017-06-24_03.38.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17224011

a ZUIUN room

>> No.17223951

I think gold actually looks better than the rainbow puke almost everyone else has.

>> No.17223961

No, marrying her isn't going to give her 4 slots or a midget sub or buff her firepower.

>> No.17224011

I don't like those walls, but outer than that, it's perfect.

>> No.17224068

oh great, another update where none of the new quests even appear on my list because I've been too lazy to do any of the previous ones.

>> No.17224076

Git gud.

>> No.17224094

So do your quests, friendo.

>> No.17224098

Do your reps!

>> No.17224109

I expected Taihou to be a super serious deadpan girl, but her voice is so full of vitality.
Deceiving CG strikes again.

>> No.17224119

Not a decieving CG, shit casting. They used Mamiko Noto for Taihou because of her famous name, and nobody cared if she fits the character.

>> No.17224120

Is it okay if a barely hear any viatlity in most of her quotes?

>> No.17224139

Boring ko, bad voice.

>> No.17224142
File: 721 KB, 1600x1066, 1485429514448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doing the jet questchain
>mfw all the ships i don't have

>> No.17224148

It's okay. You can do it. In time...

>> No.17224160
File: 39 KB, 480x738, whatapleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no milf Mikasa voice by Noto

>> No.17224191

>Yura can do opening torpedo
I don't care that it's shit, you owe me an apology /jp/ for thinking I was delusional. This is why you don't doubt my gut.

>> No.17224200

Only after Kinu gets her minisubs after some patch.

>> No.17224221

I didn't expect it but I'm glad that bullshit like "she didn't collide with KTKM" was proven wrong.

>> No.17224225

I apologize for thinking you needed to hit Kitakami in order to get opening Torpedo because that actually made sense in Abukuma's case.

>> No.17224231

>every single hourly she mentions her Admiral

What is this disgustingly adorable creature, straight to the top of the marriage list.

>> No.17224237

Nah, since I never said she couldn't because I was too busy saying she'd still be boring shit and she still is.

>> No.17224241
File: 78 KB, 646x347, f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17224253

I'm stuck at this quest. Because I don't want to turn 3 usable planes into something useless

>> No.17224246

When it comes to instillation equipment is it just best to stack different types of anti-installaion together? So giving WG24, landing force, and tank to a DD will give the highest damage output?

>> No.17224253
File: 66 KB, 499x560, CFnTy5kVAAA_GOa.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17224256

No it didn't. A dozen of ships in the game hit shit or each other, but they didn't get weird super powers because of it.

>> No.17224257
Quoted by: >>17224277

You could say you need to hit KTKM to get good torp stat instead. 80 torp is just sad.

>> No.17224267

What's the point
People will just shit on her 24/7 because she's neither American nor fast.

>> No.17224277

Jintsuu has higher torp.

>> No.17224291
File: 38 KB, 200x200, disdainforplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american or americaboo on /jp/

>> No.17224297

Good, she was junk and deserves to be ridiculed.

>> No.17224302

She would be a much more interesting trophy BB than some obscure russkie crap.

>> No.17224307
File: 445 KB, 685x453, Screenshot-2017-06-24_05.27.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post PVP fleets.

>> No.17224325
File: 292 KB, 650x330, duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becase glorious Japanese milf with Mamiko Noto's voice is a godsend you filthy amerifat pleb

>> No.17224334

>neither American nor fast
Yeah, that sounds like shit.

>> No.17224340

>more trophy bb at all
No thanks, we got enough of that shit.

>> No.17224344

I bet Mikasa will be Houshou or Mogami like at best.

>> No.17224347
Quoted by: >>17224357

I want more trophy subs so I don't have to keep 2-3 dupes of each. Is that too much?

>> No.17224354
File: 114 KB, 848x842, let them fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> some obscure russkie crap
Rude. Lots of riskis are playing KanColle, I'm sure they were very interested in her.

>> No.17224355

Would you rather have even more useless trophy DDs?
I mean, if we get a 5th or 6th fleet then maybe, but you can only shove so many ships onto expeditions.

>> No.17224357

Trophy subs will be more fun to have than trophy DDs. Unless they're Maruyu tier.

>> No.17224363
Quoted by: >>17224381

Not just obscure, but useless.

>> No.17224373

They're newfags so they don't know about trophy shits from 2014-15 events

>> No.17224381

Implying Mikasa would be more useful.

You mean all the trophy DDs we have in the game don't exist for them or something?

>> No.17224387

>implying Mikasa
But I'm not, she'd be useless too.

>> No.17224393
Quoted by: >>17224445

Isokaze redeemed herself purely by virtue as a status symbol. Trophies are fine.

>> No.17224394
File: 106 KB, 771x1086, __gangut_and_hatsushimo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_juurouta__e788e1ea9288ef63616c3950c31223e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17224419

Gangut seems different today!

>> No.17224419

That is a face of some old hag and not Hatsushimo.

>> No.17224445
Quoted by: >>17224465

They didn't get DD, CL trash for reward.
Isokaze a shit.
Good art was ruined by shitty voice

>> No.17224458
Quoted by: >>17224510

>lvl 99 Pola

>> No.17224465
Quoted by: >>17225385

Oh, i see.

What's wrong with her voice? She looked like something similar to an oujou sama and the va seems to have given her a fine collected and serious demeanor (even if her face seem missleading).

>> No.17224467
Quoted by: >>17224510

What's the point of using level 99 ships? They're only wasting potential exp. Just use what you want to level

>> No.17224510
Quoted by: >>17225385

>what are training cruisers

free® air power + double attack at night and (sometimes) at day helps a lot when you're raising sitting ducks.
Yura K2 will take her place, though.

>> No.17224535

I actually agree, if one were to collect Every DD in game it'd consume 86 slots not counting escorts. That is a large portion of the 100 slots you are given, and just creates a huge amount to pay for collectors and all for some useless garbage DDs that do nothing but collect dust except for quest DDs and expedition mules. But on the other hand would add for some more gameplay at the wall of end-game gameplay because at least you can level them to level 99 to squeeze out whatever gameplay you have left.

>> No.17224555

I don't think i'll ever understand people who pay/buy games that are oriented solely on grinding.

>> No.17224561

People collecting the kantai? Outrageous!

>> No.17224573

Collecting kantai in a f2p game by buying slots.

>> No.17224591
Quoted by: >>17224642

No F2P game is truly free, you play with 100 slots, decide if you like the game, and then buy slots if you really want it. Even if you don't want to collect all the kantai, playing with just 100 slots (de facto 95), must be a huge pain. Even if you could deal with the low number of ships, the equipment limit should be killing you.

>> No.17224616

>Would you rather have even more useless trophy DDs?
Yes, give me the last two Kagerous already.

>> No.17224628


I am sorry.

>> No.17224640

> more useless trophy DDs
God, please no more!

>> No.17224642
Quoted by: >>17224851

Maybe i'm seeing it wrong, but Kancolle is one of the few games that straight up wall you away from content unless you pay, whereas other similar games give at least some room to improve (over moderate to extremely long periods of time depending on your activity level) even if you never payed a cent.

It's unfortunate that i got suckered into KC, just like into Touhou, due to their over active fandoms. But unlike Funny Hat simulator, where i could find something i can easily enjoy, i already gave KC some money and my jewish side will prevent me from leaving this game.
It's a good thing the girls are really worth the stay though. Well, most of them.

>> No.17224649

So what are you using Yura for now?

>> No.17224657

I don't. She's still irrelevant.

>> No.17224663


>> No.17224670

Nothing for now. I have other ship-girls who require my utmost attention.

I'll use Yura for my main fleet.

>> No.17224672

I knew Yura was in love with the admiral but damn, her hourlies really hammer it in.

>> No.17224760

Alright, tell me about the upcoming Mutsuki remodel. Who's the lucky girl?

>> No.17224776
Quoted by: >>17224803

New model gun or free medal? Which one is better to get?

>> No.17224796
File: 323 KB, 501x820, __uzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kusada_souta__0dab3504a3efddf762810dc84623ca3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we still going by fourth ship-girl?

>> No.17224797

Uzuki K2 would be a blessing.

>> No.17224802

Her or Yayoi, Souta is just a better artist than Yadokari.

>> No.17224803

15.x Kai are shit and you can get 41 protos by actually K2ing ships

>> No.17224804
Quoted by: >>17225565

If they continue the trend for 4th ship in the class then Uzuki. If they go for month theme then Fumizuki or Nagatsuki, depending on whether it's next month or in September.

>> No.17224811
File: 136 KB, 575x800, DDCbayxVoAAEJpr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiei lewd body!

>> No.17224814


>> No.17224816

I want to sexually scrap this girl.

>> No.17224823
Quoted by: >>17224846

Russians don't care about their navy.

>> No.17224841

I want to have sex with Hiei while Kongou watches.

>> No.17224846
File: 514 KB, 719x900, __hiei_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sasachin_k_w__6c13fefe1e3be26019906b04ac1eac08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short-haired girls are the best.
Only because WW2 wasn't the best time for VMF. Cold war was the golden age.

>> No.17224851
Quoted by: >>17224883

Storing extra ships and equipment instead of having to delete the ones you're not currently using isn't content. Other similar games would put all capital ships and kai nis in a gacha with very low droprates, 100 yen per roll, and a free roll every week if you log in every day. Do you really think that weekly free roll with maybe two or three holo ships a year would be better than KanColle's limited inventory?

>> No.17224855
Quoted by: >>17224868

I'd marry her but she's fucking dumb. I don't want mentally challenged wife who can't even cook

>> No.17224868

>I don't want mentally challenged wife
Sorry, Kantai Collection is not for you.

>> No.17224883

Considering i'm palying some other gacha games without spending money at all and don't have problems colle-ing or improving, maybe.
It's just one of the lows of KC.

>> No.17224887
Quoted by: >>17224890

>It's just one of the lows of KC.
Only for you.

>> No.17224888

Ten billion magnas a day is not fun.

>> No.17224890

Tell that to me when you spend 0 cash on a f2p game.

>> No.17224908

Is Taiyou Kai Ni worth the catapult and blueprint, or are her gimmicks just a meme?

Sitting on the two extra catapults right now and four BPs.

>> No.17224911


>> No.17224917

If you want a strong oASW ship that can do CVL duty, or have nothing else in your priority list, then yes.

>> No.17224919

Not really. Her stats only improve a little. But since you have many, might as well spend them

>> No.17224922

There's no reason not to Kai 2 her.

>> No.17224933

Fleets that require CL.
We shall see if she can take over Abukuso in the next event. Lord knows I'd pay good money to never hear that screeching banshee ever again, even if performance was slightly lower.

>> No.17224936
Quoted by: >>17224939


Her gimmick could be useful in event maps, so it's probably worth it.

>> No.17224938

>We shall see if she can take over Abukuso in the next event.
She can't reach cap even with max sex, she's not going to replace Abucute.

>> No.17224939

Why are you questioning Yuras' usefulness when you already hate Abubear so much you'd never use her if she didn't have opentorp?
There should be nothing to see by then; Abu out, Yura in.

All gimmicks are useful in a select few maps, no exceptions. But you don't really need half or so of them.
And you don't need to give her a catapult+blueprint to get hers.

>> No.17224954

She already has all her gimmicks at Kai so the Kai Ni doesn't really add much. Medium range, slightly better slots and stats and a rare bomber.

>> No.17224960

And a smile.

>> No.17224962
Quoted by: >>17225037

Smile and cute scarf and headphones. Those are worth a BP and Catapult. I'm not joking.

>> No.17224966

Man fuck Shitgure. I bet if she hadn't show up Murasame would have been built instead.

>> No.17224970 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 604x604, 1498259161847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17224983

>potato smiles

>> No.17224972
File: 97 KB, 671x826, IMG_20170623_175903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Kaga-chan is so slutty.

>> No.17224983
File: 52 KB, 398x446, 62961482_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a sweet potato.

>> No.17225000

>sweet potato
You fucking dork.

>> No.17225037
File: 701 KB, 720x890, 1492650018536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd do and pay anything for a potato smile.

>> No.17225066
File: 39 KB, 399x300, anime girl looks at you with resent, disgust and puzzlement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flaunting your wife's indecency

>> No.17225082 [DELETED] 
File: 547 KB, 1119x1400, 63464378_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225086

>> No.17225086

Fuck off.

>> No.17225090
File: 51 KB, 495x845, __kasuga_maru_and_taiyou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_goekawa__1ef8a031ecfc05d7e8697a506fd1e058[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17225112
File: 578 KB, 800x480, 20170623_16420000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back the Zuiun Nukes.

>> No.17225137


I love 2-4.

>> No.17225153

At least it happens on the first node, and not pre-boss.
But yeah, the chance is definitely below 33%.

>> No.17225156

I had 10 in a row to not F last time i tried. Quality map.

>> No.17225165
File: 70 KB, 800x480, 2017-6-23T20.3.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17225166
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Don&#039;t worry about Yayoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225171

Forgot to reply to >>17225112

>> No.17225172
Quoted by: >>17225214

>marrying Shitbuki

>> No.17225174

Because they came too late for Fall 2016.

>> No.17225194
File: 63 KB, 800x480, 20170624_00095751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225196

Should have used superior Abukuma

>> No.17225196

She was busy in exp5.

>> No.17225214
Quoted by: >>17225219

Ohh don't be so envy you small fry, maybe next time you will actually clear this easy quests on 1st try. Also she is not even my main wife, that's the funny part. She just has good AA and ASW stats. I even SS'ed E node. I don't think you are able to do this though.

>> No.17225215

Cute wife dude.

>> No.17225219
Quoted by: >>17225247

Nice projecting Shitbukifag but I'm not the one who made the Hoppou post.

>> No.17225243
File: 302 KB, 431x694, DD_Murasame_Kai_Rainy_919_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't this slut drop?

>> No.17225247
Quoted by: >>17225252

I know, it's just obvious that the one who says bad things about girls is bad at the game by default. I don't need any proofs, it's just the single truth.

>> No.17225249

She's busy fucking some other admiral.

>> No.17225251

Because you scrapped her.

>> No.17225252
Quoted by: >>17225391

I think you're genuinely retarded.

>> No.17225254
File: 1.52 MB, 2480x3508, 1445725423258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225295

2 Hai Hai 4 you

>> No.17225263
Quoted by: >>17225272

>He doesn't have Murasame in his fleet.
But you probably have shitty potatoes or dupes wasting slots.

>> No.17225265

Houshou next k2?

>> No.17225272
Quoted by: >>17225322

>waste of slots
Fuck off potatohater, the best farmable planes come from potatoes.

There's nothing wrong with dupes so long as those dupes are useful. And you can't waste slots if you're at max cap.

>> No.17225279
Quoted by: >>17225309

Wait what the fuck why does Yura have short range now?

>> No.17225295

Is that a purple thing a big condom?

>> No.17225297
Quoted by: >>17225300

It's her panties.

>> No.17225300
File: 1.04 MB, 955x1451, 73785f8ac16a46080ccbc03ceda9f035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225302

It's something that goes on her TTK's mouth.

>> No.17225302

Meant to reply to >>17225295

>> No.17225305

How are Yura's hourlies not translated? She's an ancient ship.

>> No.17225309
Quoted by: >>17225316

All Nagara-class Kai Nis do.

>> No.17225312

Because they were added today.

>> No.17225314
Quoted by: >>17225316

Because they were added this patch you fucking retard.

>> No.17225316

So was Sendai's are they're translated.

>> No.17225317
Quoted by: >>17225324

More people care about Sendai.

>> No.17225319
Quoted by: >>17225324

Are you really comparing Sendai's popularity with Yura's?

>> No.17225322
Quoted by: >>17225415

Dupes are a shame no matter what.
Except when they can switch classes, like CAV and CVL, or offer a gimmick

>> No.17225324

Only because she's a night battle meme.

No, I'm saying that both of them had their hourlies added the same day.

>> No.17225359

I don't care. If she can't, she can't. If she can, she can. In fact, I was more of expecting Kinu to get the ability as well, than Yura to not get it.

And besides, if I keep more than one of her, it won't be because of her opening torp. I have Abukuma for that.

>> No.17225385

He's one of those who didn't like the dissonance between her sprite and her voice, I presume.

Giving them a ring makes them more effective.

To have an easier time during events?

>> No.17225391

No need to project yourself onto other people, anon.

>> No.17225403

13 normal are needed to upgrade 13 kai, you'll have trouble getting normals while making a max radar for your duck.

>> No.17225415

Look, just because BTKfag is around doesn't mean you have to go all hipster and counter him.

There's nothing wrong with having as many dupes as possible to get around all the locking. For example in spring 2017 you had use for up to 5 Ooshios.

>> No.17225416
Quoted by: >>17225420

I'm not BTK you fucking retard.

>> No.17225420
Quoted by: >>17225422

I know you're not. Just saying he's around.

>> No.17225422
Quoted by: >>17225423

He is? I haven't seen him. Let me test. I want to show BB Hime the wonders of anal sex.

>> No.17225423
Quoted by: >>17225428


>> No.17225428
Quoted by: >>17225500

It's a sin to fuck before marriage. Anal however doesn't count as sex and neither does it count as cheating.

>> No.17225429
Quoted by: >>17225481

She's ok I guess, those stats are way too good, our navy was nonexistent back then. At least they didn't dig up some paper ship like one crappy game everyone here knows does.

>> No.17225454

Do not trust in rain sluts.

>> No.17225463

Sorry, meant spring 2016.

>> No.17225481
Quoted by: >>17225482

That one crappy game actually added Gangut as well not long ago.

>> No.17225482

It also has really old cruisers so that's not a surprise.

>> No.17225500

Best logic. Her butt needs to taste the D.

>> No.17225565
File: 83 KB, 1200x900, C2JpMcxUoAAk02e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226992

What if the remodel day is during a full moon?

>> No.17225573
Quoted by: >>17225576

Still weaker than Abubear's torp.

>> No.17225576

Read the post, it wasn't about how strong it is or not it was about not believing me when I said she would come with it.

>> No.17225600 [DELETED] 

Also because I get accused of hating Abubear, I married her and love her voice and fuck you if you don't.

>> No.17225601
File: 309 KB, 800x480, 20170623_21124764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225620

Jesus, it has begun

>> No.17225602

What's the shittiest radar, useless even for support expeditions, that you can scrap?

>> No.17225607


>> No.17225609

Also before I get accused of hating Abubear, I married her and love her voice and fuck you if you don't. And just like I was right about the CA Kai 2 being Zara and Yura getting opening torp, I'll be right about Sara becoming an armored CV like the cranes.

>> No.17225613


>> No.17225615

Type 14 Air Radar is pretty shit right now but I still keep 18 just in case you can upgrade it someday.

>> No.17225616
Quoted by: >>17226328

21. 22 has more accuracy and 13 is needed to upgrade 13 Kai. On the other hand, T21 Kai is garbage if you already have FuMO even if it's maxed.

>> No.17225619
File: 119 KB, 458x441, laughing kuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually thought Tanaka would allow his waifu Abukuma to be dethroned as the torpedo queen

>> No.17225620

Get over it already.

>> No.17225627

>more New Type Artillery Armaments

Why is Tanaka throwing these at us when the Nagato gun is not only ludicrously expensive but also shit?

>> No.17225641

I see it as a limiter but right now you can only make 3 guns and only 15.5cm is worth it and only for Ooyodo and is also cheap to upgrade. Everything else already has handy replacements mainly because it took so long to get added.

>> No.17225655
Quoted by: >>17225675

How many of these should I stock up? I already have 4 so I wonder if I should pick the medal over this.

>> No.17225656


>I'll be right about Sara becoming an armored CV like the cranes.
I don't think anyone disputes that.

>> No.17225667
File: 565 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170623-20273600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura ftw.

>> No.17225675
Quoted by: >>17225680

As many as possible seeing that proto 35.6cm and proto 51cm are potential upgrading targets.

>> No.17225680
Quoted by: >>17225685

You can already craft Proto 35.6cm without it.

>> No.17225685
Quoted by: >>17225697

I mean as in upgrading proto 35.6cm to 35.6cm kai or something.

>> No.17225696
File: 924 KB, 1360x705, 63527688_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225697

>Proto triple 38cm never.
>Triple 38cm never.
Bismark favoritism from Tanaka when?

>> No.17225717

What about you predict that Sara K2 will be able to launch planes at night and have a new damage formula for it?

>> No.17225719
File: 23 KB, 457x321, 1483756484557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German engineering

>> No.17225720
File: 196 KB, 670x973, ya3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225724

>> No.17225724

My cute wife.

>> No.17225725
Quoted by: >>17225736

He's not going to predict shit he knows isn't going to be true, anon.

>> No.17225736

B-but Abyssals can, it's time for our side to have that gimmick.

>> No.17225740
Quoted by: >>17225757

No they can't. They use the same yasen formula as everyone else.

>> No.17225742
Quoted by: >>17225757

They don't have a damage formula that's any different.

>> No.17225744

Maybe because there weren't any prototypes for that?

>> No.17225757
Quoted by: >>17225782

I meant the plane launching at night, the damage formula is just wishful thinking from me.

>> No.17225761
File: 168 KB, 965x1200, DC2p248UIAAbTDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225779

Superior Bucky

>> No.17225782
File: 519 KB, 800x480, 20170624_05031570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225789


>> No.17225789

Potatoes don't count my friend.

>> No.17225803

Why would I predict something that I know would only happen with Big E? That's a pretty big MAYBE because it's likely that the best she would have is the same as Taiyou, which is honestly fucking nothing due to the damage formula staying the same.

>> No.17225809

38cm Kai stayed the go-to gun for FBBs for a very long time so Bismarck favoritism already happened. It's not going to happen again.

>> No.17225816
File: 166 KB, 1200x875, C4Eia4CVMAAZTtR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225817

Even on Bongous it's still more accurate than proto 35.6.

>> No.17225819

Fuck off.

>> No.17225826
Quoted by: >>17225832

I literally never used 38cm

>> No.17225832
Quoted by: >>17225898

I said 38cm Kai, not 38cm.

>> No.17225837

plebbit, facebook, 9fag tier meme

>> No.17225877

Is Shigure that edgy?

>> No.17225898
File: 3 KB, 208x96, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never even seen it, it was always overrated shit. I waited 2 years for the actual good gun and I'll wait another 2 to farm it again.

>> No.17225908
File: 2.41 MB, 2878x4090, 1496274591311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest CL.

>> No.17225910

So just because you didn't need it and never even had it that means it wasn't good, great logic retard.

>> No.17225911

How do you not have Bisko drei yet after so long?

>> No.17225919

I noticed that Shinden Kai isn't in the list of unseen equipment.

Probably African luck like me.

>> No.17225947
File: 286 KB, 1353x1800, __noshiro_kantai_collection_drawn_by_urigarasu__6b9598a1a8dfc93d599e36d4a0bd8786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225950

>Sexiest CL.
not even close.

>> No.17225950
Quoted by: >>17225961

>the fatgano class

>> No.17225961
File: 294 KB, 1800x1114, 1498259641149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17225963

The healthy class.

>> No.17225963

Sleeping on your hair can't be comfortable.

>> No.17225991


>> No.17225993

Fuck off.

>> No.17226013

wtf fuck off to reddit

>> No.17226015

She is the only shipgirl I actually hate to the core, what an insufferable bitch.

>> No.17226020
File: 4 KB, 300x57, roma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meganeshitter who hates Bisko.

>> No.17226021

>hating one of the best shipgirls
True shit taste right here.

>> No.17226022


Not clicking this trash.

>> No.17226025
File: 293 KB, 600x800, 5fb7f9740b50ced2f81ec96786abde9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226029

She keeps getting stronger and stronger!

>> No.17226029
File: 889 KB, 1441x2048, Yodobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17226031

is yura better than jintsu for 3-5 south now?

>> No.17226040
File: 129 KB, 314x278, confused yasen baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226090

None of them are better than Abukuma

>> No.17226042

That robot had more personality than the real Ooyodo.

>> No.17226047
Quoted by: >>17226090

Why would you use Jintsuu when Abucute already exists?

>> No.17226065
File: 528 KB, 999x744, 60155792_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how much of a letdown do you think Saratoga K2 will be?

>> No.17226069

She can only get better dumbass.

>> No.17226073

Why would it be a letdown when the Sara we have now isn't even the strongest configuration she was during the war? Plus armored remodel with catapults is extremely likely.

>> No.17226074

She's going from great to best no matter how much in denial you are.

>> No.17226077

Not as much as when you were born.

>> No.17226090

you need two for that route

>> No.17226094
Quoted by: >>17226098

1 CL 5 DD

>> No.17226097

>what an insufferable bitch
I'm glad I'm not alone.

>> No.17226098
Quoted by: >>17226110


>> No.17226099

1CL 5DD my friend

>> No.17226103

>meme fleets

>> No.17226104
Quoted by: >>17226110

Are you retarded?

>> No.17226110

He is.

>> No.17226132
Quoted by: >>17226278

BGK is only 100% guaranteed with 1CL5DD, dipshit.

>> No.17226136

Depends, but I don't see a drop in quality happening. Worst case scenario is just a samey look or something like that.

>> No.17226143

I wanna fuck that robot.

>> No.17226150

Since I'm done with the Suzuya CVL quest and I won't get a dupe, I should get her back to CAV right?

>> No.17226152
Quoted by: >>17226174


>> No.17226157
Quoted by: >>17226174


>> No.17226160
Quoted by: >>17226174


>> No.17226162
Quoted by: >>17226174

No, only keep Kumano as CAV

>> No.17226163

>Zuiun 634 skilled is delayed because I don't have enough Zuiun in stock
>Suzuya 6-5 quests gets delayed because I'm still leveling a dup
>Kumano 4-5 quest will do later next month

I hate Tanaka so much.

>> No.17226168

Tanaka did nothing wrong.

>> No.17226174
Quoted by: >>17226178

As expected of /jp/.

>> No.17226178
Quoted by: >>17226192

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.17226179

Did you even do both T2 Seaplane Fighter Skilled quests? That's way more important than Zuiun.

>> No.17226184
File: 640 KB, 1200x1710, Kaga sexy wife pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226194

Nah, Kaga is the purest shipfu

>> No.17226188

I just ignore them because I have 4 Ro.44 and Kyofuu already. Unless Tanaka becomes a dick and forces them to become a prerequisite of another quest, I'm going to be mad.

>> No.17226192

Yes, no, maybe.

>> No.17226194
Quoted by: >>17226204


>> No.17226204
Quoted by: >>17226207

Who cares as long as you get what I mean

>> No.17226207
Quoted by: >>17226227

All I see is a narcissistic slut.

>> No.17226227

Are you new or just retarded?
Have you ever read Kagawife before?

>> No.17226229

You mean the trash that takes Caga completely out of character? Yes I have, it's shit.

>> No.17226232
Quoted by: >>17226243

We all have read it. We're just not translating it for you.

>> No.17226243

Kill yourself

>> No.17226245
File: 276 KB, 565x1029, 1459239924418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226250

>> No.17226247
Quoted by: >>17226254

I wonder who's behind all these shitposting.

>> No.17226250


>> No.17226254
Quoted by: >>17226270

the thread is slowly turning into reddit

>> No.17226270

You're two years late.

>> No.17226278
Quoted by: >>17226283

you still have 100% routing to the boss with hayasui fleet

>> No.17226283

No you don't.

>> No.17226287

You can't take out of character someone with no character.

>> No.17226289
Quoted by: >>17226292

yes you do retard. you have a chance to go north but then you always go back south. any retreat from A is made up by vastly higher survival at B.

>> No.17226290

Yes you do, but it's a stupid route.

>> No.17226292
Quoted by: >>17226301

Do you don't go BGK so as I said, only 1CL5DD has 100% guaranteed BGK route.

>> No.17226301

it's still 100% to the boss idiot

it's not stupid it's the cheapest route especially for last kill

>> No.17226307

It's a retarded route and no one uses it.

>> No.17226308

>fuel guzzling Hayasui

Yeah no.

>> No.17226309

I don't know.

>> No.17226314
File: 111 KB, 1040x800, e348c535438ef33ba5c4434e0e2bafc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which CL had the best division?

>> No.17226316
Quoted by: >>17226327

First Torpedo Squadron had the best DDs.

>> No.17226320
Quoted by: >>17226323

Sendai team

>> No.17226323

DesRon 3 was garbage.

>> No.17226324
File: 777 KB, 850x1200, img000004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17226327

Only DesDiv17 is good.

>> No.17226328

>On the other hand, T21 Kai is garbage if you already have FuMO even if it's maxed
But the pastebin says it's the other way around? I'm confused.

>> No.17226330

The pastebin was written before T21 Kai upgrades were fully investigated. Even after maxing T21 Kai it falls behind FuMO.

>> No.17226334 [DELETED] 


>> No.17226342

FuMO25: +3FP, +7AA, +10Acc, +9LoS
+10 T21 Kai: +5AA, +6.1Acc, +10.4LoS

That 1.4LoS isn't going to make a difference.

>> No.17226349
Quoted by: >>17226354

Holy shit sucks to be someone who made a max T21.

>> No.17226351
Quoted by: >>17226365

Wait a minute, when did Akashi List change the radar upgrade formula? I just noticed AA no longer increases.

>> No.17226354

Well if all you cared about was min maxing fleet AA then max T21 Kai would be better since it gives +6.7 while FuMO is +4.6 but like I said, it won't make a difference in the long run.

>> No.17226365
Quoted by: >>17226378

Months ago.

>> No.17226374

Why is this new Zuiun so expensive?

>> No.17226378
Quoted by: >>17226381

But I just saw it last week when I checked it to look for who upgrades T32 radar.

>> No.17226381

I'm pretty sure I had this T21 Kai vs FuMO conversation months ago and I don't remember AA going up on Akashi-list back then.

>> No.17226386

Those quests were too easy, we need harder quests that take place in 6-4 or 5-5.

>> No.17226391

No, we need 7-1 quests.

>> No.17226397
Quoted by: >>17226398

What 6th boat do I need for 2-5 and 3-5?

>> No.17226398
Quoted by: >>17226446

DD for 2-5 north, super easy.
Teste for 3-5.

>> No.17226404
Quoted by: >>17226407

Do your Suzuya and Nagato quests

>> No.17226407

I finished those when they were added.

>> No.17226415
Quoted by: >>17226422

You'll complain regardless whether the quest is easy or hard.

>> No.17226422

No I won't. If there were more world 6 quests every time a new ship gets a Kai 2 I'd be on cloud 9. At least until they add World 7.

>> No.17226446
File: 1.96 MB, 1306x2000, 1493425396811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17226483
Quoted by: >>17226561

>they buffed Kinu's torp stat
Now that's a dick move after gutting Yura's stats so much.

>> No.17226500

How boring, next event when?

>> No.17226508

Prepare your anus for hard diff.

>> No.17226511
Quoted by: >>17226523


>> No.17226523
Quoted by: >>17226592

I've never failed any event before

>> No.17226561
Quoted by: >>17226574

yura gets minisub and improved art. kinu gets a fucking raft and even more ruined art than kawakaze.

>> No.17226565
Quoted by: >>17226575

>hard diff
Hah. It won't even match spring 2016, let alone be hard.

>> No.17226574
Quoted by: >>17226587

>improved art
>still has the fish eyes, now with a worse face

>> No.17226575
Quoted by: >>17226586

only the second map was really hard. i had a lot of trouble finally killing the boss for some reason.

>> No.17226586

the event's boss as well

>> No.17226587

but the oni pose

>> No.17226592
Quoted by: >>17226596

>t. easy modo

>> No.17226596

Not always

>> No.17226648
File: 904 KB, 1134x1500, __kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_jema__f230c6a382ddea679ec87b3fdfa4d2e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226653

Who knew Kaga-san was so thick.

>> No.17226651
File: 129 KB, 1200x1231, fucking high heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout this Takao?

>> No.17226652

Thanks for confirming that they the equipment quality is worse than I thought.

>> No.17226653
File: 1.80 MB, 1415x2000, Kaga Sessyoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knew Kaga-san was a servant, an OP one too

>> No.17226673 [DELETED] 


>> No.17226683

why are there triggers in her arches

>> No.17226685

>gets rekt by Gil
Shit servant.

>> No.17226702
Quoted by: >>17226725

>Final boss tier
Still better than a jobber like Gil

>> No.17226725


>> No.17226736
File: 745 KB, 1000x686, __warspite_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akatsuki_hijiri__07334c8f02e1e4c0af2309b462cf8c69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17226741


>> No.17226751
File: 332 KB, 1200x1553, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17226757

A shit.

>> No.17226888
File: 164 KB, 1024x568, 1498278351573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17226905

>> No.17226905
File: 764 KB, 800x1131, __nagato_kantai_collection_and_kantai_collection_anime_drawn_by_sakiyamama__a451ddad8e2935cac347d5263747d963[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie will be out in august, right? Or september?

>> No.17226908


>> No.17226914

Why almost every japanese ship in this scam WIP forever kickstarter game wear a kimono/yukata and katana

>> No.17226929

Because those ships are JAPANESE. And japanese wear only japanese clothes, obviously.

>> No.17226992

What if the remodel didn't focus on 4th ship in ship-class or months?

>> No.17227013

Because they swap styles per nation, not just because or individual artists doing their thing like in some cases of KC ships.
WB art is still blueh though.

>> No.17227025
Quoted by: >>17227036

Nagato is so cute. I want to breed and train with her.

>> No.17227033

>16 extra FP
>slightly better stats

The strength of Taiyou is bringing Murata and Iwamoto to transport maps. Might as well bring a Saiun as well.

>> No.17227036
File: 317 KB, 719x1200, __nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuuji_and__52932eb5a4a4ca3df9329eb223817ce3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and train
Sure you'll be able to keep up with her, boi?

>> No.17227088

>100+ screws
No thanks

>> No.17227174
Quoted by: >>17227196


Is the 15.2 that useful or is it just that you have no other choice in combined fleet?

>> No.17227196

I mean compared to the 20.3 meta that's going on for the CLs.

>> No.17227392
Quoted by: >>17227425

I realized the level 50 requirement of the new quests is likely the reason behind different color for the ships' names, can't wait until every new quest and routing requires that.

>> No.17227424

Meh, it's a bit more "We have more Useless trophy DDs than we'll ever need/use. Tell me if you don't like Nenohi and continue to use her after you finished that one quest with the Hatsuharu class? with the amount of DDs there are. They can be grouped into 3 groups:
-The DDs you will use wither for clearing events or padding event locks + Expedition farming (Around 20 in total)
-The hundreds of more impractical DDs with no more than a one time use in a Quest before they take a seat in your base to rust (Almost the rest of the DDs)
-The useless shits that just sit in your base and do nothing but rust and collect dust
It just seems like a huge waste of money for those who buy slots since you have to buy almost half the cast of the game in slots or prepare to have no space for anything other than DDs if your 100 slotting. And then people wanting more seems outrageous. Since at the end you'll almost never use them since their assess will always be handed to them most where they go, except when their at level 99/155 and can sustain at least a hit or are Yuudachi or the other useful DDs that can do shit

>> No.17227425
Quoted by: >>17227539

>the fat fuck didn't want to give Ises K2 so he added level colours instead
Fat fuck.

>> No.17227539

Be patient brother, soon.

>> No.17227544
Quoted by: >>17227552

Is Tanaka rich?

>> No.17227552

If /jp/ and statfag's money wouldn't make him rich, that Zuiun would get him a lotta money.

>> No.17227703

Damn Yura is really cute. She's like that osananajimi you never notice is a beautiful girl until she wears a yukata with you to the festival.

>> No.17227722

Just a disposable money. I can't imagine where the shithole country you have to live to make you unable to pay for these cheap slots.

>> No.17227747

They may be cheap in a pack of ten but the cost piles up when you are buying lets say another hundred slots to keep all the girls in game, then extra tens to keep all the extra event girls.

>> No.17227748

So let's say I don't care about 41kai and only want a 46 to 51 upgrade when it comes around, when can I stop choosing artillery upgrade kits? I'm at 6 and it feel like it's a waste.

>> No.17227752

You need to go back to your rl wife, kids and job.

>> No.17227780

There are many shithole countries out there like that, anon. Indonesia is one such country, where people are willing to sink ships for a few thousand DMM points.

>forgetting 35.6 kai
I'd save enough for at least 8 of those if I were you.

>> No.17227806

It's less than 100 dollars to have enough slots for every ship in the game, seems worth it to me even if I don't use them.

>> No.17227811

I'm having a hard time getting past Hoppou with Ise and Hyuuga's fleet. What did everyone else bring as their wildcard for the new quest? A CV sends you into extra battle, right?

>> No.17227813

Triples are fine already.

>> No.17227815

First, there will be a 46 to P46 conversion that needs jew materials, then you will need to use P46 to max your P46 and after that use more jew materials to up it to theoretic P51 that will be just a better P46. Only after getting a few of the "theoretic" P51 to max it will you be able to get the regular P51, with even more jew materials.

>> No.17227816

Oh?, that's why people oppose me from using a fleet oiler.

>> No.17227826

And i'm getting my ass handed to me on 2 or hoppo node even with regular fleet.

>> No.17227837


>> No.17227845

P46 already upgrades into regular 46cm.

>> No.17227856

Remeber the part where you can convert 155 or that winter node that sent you back and forth. Expect to need it here.

>> No.17227865
Quoted by: >>17227877

You mean P46 kai, then 46 kai.

>> No.17227877
Quoted by: >>17227924

P46 to 46 to P46K to 46K to PP51 to P51.

>> No.17227924

I don't think Tanaka will let us increase the diameter of the guns, anon. Besides more likely than not we'll be able to farm P51s from hotels.

>> No.17227956
File: 485 KB, 1250x1500, 6792191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lewding Bep

>> No.17227968

100 Dollars is huge, for comparative reasons, Next gen consoles cost 399 (PS4) and or 499 (Xbone), keep in mind your are buying 100 of the 399 of a PS4 or 100 of a 499 of an Xbox one and spending it on an Free to play game. if you added 99 to that 100 dollar price you can buy an entire PSVita off gamestop with that price you can buy a PS TV which is 99.99 Dollars and have one cent to spare, I'm not sure how much KanColle Kai is but you can buy a PS TV to play the damn thing or add 99 Dollars and buy a PSVita to play it. It might seem worth it to you but not all players think the same because 100 dollars is a huge sum of money to pay to a Free To Play game you're not sure if you will quit or not since you don't know the future. Quitting may seem far for the /jp/ crowd but it may happen, you guys don't know what the future holds, you may pay this sum of money then quit some time later that'd be a hundred dollars down the sink. Not even mentioning the fact that this won't hold as Tanaka pushes out more shit on the quarterly basis we call events, you'd have to add the cost of ten slots onto those hundred dollars you paid for this game and after living the collector dream for a couple of years (Since you guys never quit), you would have spent enough to buy a PSVita and KanColle Kai, not mentioning if the game shut down and Tanaka Ran off with your hundred dollars.

>> No.17227978

I recommend Gangut Buttons up that shirt before having lewds drawn of her too

>> No.17227983
Quoted by: >>17228017

What is satisfaction cost? You don't buy what you don't play. Comparing those price is quite pointless.

>> No.17228017 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17228027

Just trying to show how big a price your paying on this game, because 100 Dollars is not a cheap thing to cough out left and right like the anon stated, and while satisfaction may be something again you do not know what the future holds, since KanColle can satisfy you when you're paying, but you might not be as satisfied after sometime of playing. You might think you'll play for a long time, but get sick of the game after some time, not to mention it's not too cheap to sustain this either.

>> No.17228018

I can't get Hai Hai now that I actually need her for a quest. Fuck you you fat fuck.

>> No.17228027
Quoted by: >>17228258

I've played this game for two years and only spent $100. That's $4 a month. You can afford that.

>> No.17228045

Stop posting this shitty meme already faggot.

>> No.17228056

It's a fun meme, keep posting it.

>> No.17228119

Is the dreadful slippery slope. I've spent around 140€ after the years and regret nothing. Usually I won't expend that amount in a video game, but since you just buy some slots or rings over the time it keeps adding. Way better investment than a MMO or two/three of the so called "AAA" games.

>> No.17228125
File: 543 KB, 543x768, 0cga74mg9bhmqN5F4E75_Vpc1KGWJkH1qhE4NBEu4u8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17228151
Quoted by: >>17228258

Too long don't care. It's a few hundred dollars on a game I enjoy over multiple years, who gives a fuck how much some shitty consoles cost. If you think that's too much it's not my problem.

>> No.17228168


>> No.17228176

Some questions about Nagato K2 5-5 quest.
Do I need support? 10 tries here and still got cockblocked by Re-roulette. And double line for boss node, right?

>> No.17228202
Quoted by: >>17228225

Would punch belly.

>> No.17228225

You'd hurt your hand.

>> No.17228258

It might be enjoyed but again, a few hundred bucks is a bit of a large price to pay where those consoles you crap on are physical bricks instead of virtual slots for more ships, it the argument of spending on Virtual stuff versus real shit >>17228027 This guy's system works. but not every player can use it only old ones who paid constantly

>> No.17228290
Quoted by: >>17228482


>> No.17228311

I agree. Bep is shit, there's much more attractive DDs.

>> No.17228317
Quoted by: >>17228339

Who cares if it's not real, do you know where you are?

>> No.17228337
File: 190 KB, 1050x1492, 0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228492

>TFW no Sara waifu

>> No.17228339

Again it's a very slippery slope and would take pages to fully understand both sides of 100 slotters versus collectors everyone will post an argue

>> No.17228345
Quoted by: >>17228355

Don't you have some expensive purses or rocks to buy?

>> No.17228355

I'm not a woman, just a person with a hundred slotter brother, and I'm not killing him.

>> No.17228406
File: 320 KB, 2353x1202, 6161669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228423

>> No.17228423

When the dragonslut becomes an actual dragon

>> No.17228468
File: 860 KB, 941x1200, 58462254_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17228478

Snakegure, can't tell if she's still a shit or not

>> No.17228481
Quoted by: >>17228496

>posting this trash

>> No.17228482

I like how Yuras ponytail kind of corkscrews in the wind.

>> No.17228492
Quoted by: >>17228572

Sara is not a slut!

>> No.17228496

The full-size image is over 4chan's file-size limit.

>> No.17228549
File: 810 KB, 1241x1755, 6461639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Arashio's tights smell like?

>> No.17228572

All the kanmusu are sluts.

>> No.17228583
File: 164 KB, 2176x1628, f1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17228635
File: 381 KB, 1920x1137, 1496011019530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of you girls are alright, don't go to Midway tomorrow

>> No.17228644
File: 36 KB, 250x212, 1421636432518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228659


>> No.17228659
Quoted by: >>17228718


>> No.17228682

I recommend you get on your feet before this thread throws a fit on you.

>> No.17228688

Except my waifu and her kouhais

>> No.17228711

I need to know, has Kinu's ASW stat really been buffed? I know her torp and AA have.

>> No.17228716
File: 553 KB, 1024x1521, 63433403_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with expedition cruising there is still no solution to the problem of lusty submarines.

>> No.17228718
Quoted by: >>17228738

I don't speak subhuman language

>> No.17228732
Quoted by: >>17228828

Hitomi is a special case.

>> No.17228738 [DELETED] 

Not him but english is subhuman language.

>> No.17228752
File: 260 KB, 855x1200, wfb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, Hitomi is a good girl.
Then why are you using it right now?

>> No.17228760
File: 264 KB, 1460x2048, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228828

Hitomi's lust is unquenchable.

>> No.17228762

Fuck off to you ching chong site, chink

>> No.17228764
Quoted by: >>17228782

We are all subhumans.

>> No.17228777
Quoted by: >>17228819

Refueling your ships is a task that becomes so perfunctory that you don't remember doing it - it's all in your hands. Go away & come back to find you already refueled them.

>> No.17228781
File: 63 KB, 764x1200, qj82vquje33z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verniy stronk!

>> No.17228782

This >>17228764.

>> No.17228810
Quoted by: >>17229475

Is that the lady?

>> No.17228819
Quoted by: >>17228873

It's true. Many times have I wanted to refuel them individually to get the daily quest done quick, only to realize I'm already at the expedition menu again sending out mass refueled fleets.

>> No.17228827

All the materials do is change the fire mechanism, you don't actually change the gun caliber. It is unlikely you will be able to change 46cm into 51cm, maybe you'll get 46cm + whatever fire control system it had.

>> No.17228828

Look she just needs to be told to keep her professional life separate from her personal life. It would set a bad example for the other girls if she keeps going on like this. Just look at how she abuses her the secretary position like she's going on a date with her admiral.

>> No.17228833
File: 231 KB, 512x512, tau pok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228879

Did I miss anything?

-New and returning Rainy Season lines and sprites (and Shiratsuyu's handphone sprite) have been implemented, including new seasonal sprites for Fusou, Kamoi and Sazanami. Ise and Hyuuga also have happi seasonal sprites.
-Yura can now be remodelled to Kai 2 at level 77 with a blueprint. Along with daihatsu and tanks, she is able to equip seaplane bombers/fighters, SCAMPs and midget submarines. She is also able to equip a gun from the 8cm High Angle Gun series in the Reinforcement Expansion slot. She also receives new hourly lines, Kai 2 lines and marriage(temp) related lines. The recon plane she comes with at Kai 2, the Type 0 Reconnaissance Plane M11B, will be obtainable from other means in the future, such as through upgrading equipment.
-Fit mechanics for small guns have been implemented for Mutsuki- and Kamikaze-class DDs, as well as Yura. Fit mechanics for the 15.5cm Triple Gun series have also been implemented for some CAs, as well as Ooyodo. The fit mechanics will vary depending on the ship. In addition, fit mechanics for the 15.2cm Twin Gun series have been buffed (at least for the Agano-class CLs), and Yamato-class BBs equipped with both a primary armament gun and the 15.5cm Triple Secondary Armament Gun Kai will receive an accuracy bonus which varies depending on the primary armament gun equipped.
-The 15.5cm Triple Gun can now be upgraded to the 15.5cm Triple Gun Kai using a New Model Gun Improvement Material, which along with its secondary armament gun variant can be further improved. At the max improvement level, it can be converted to its secondary armament gun variant and back, at the cost of a few improvement levels.
-The Zuiun can now be improved and upgraded to Zuiun (634 Air Group), which can be further improved. Its Skilled variant, obtainable from a quest, can also be improved.
-Seven new quests have been added, with three of them each unlocking one more, plus a standalone quest. The first quest requires Ise-class Kai at level 50+, and the quest it unlocks rewards either a Medal or a Skilled Crew. The second quest requires Yura Kai 2, and the quest it unlocks rewards either a daihatsu or a Reinforcement Expansion. Both the third quest, and the quest it unlocks, reward either a Medal or a New Model Gun Improvement Material. The standalone quest converts a Zuiun (634 Air Group) at the max improvement level, to its Skilled variant.
-Sendai now has hourly lines, as well as new lines at Kai 2.
-Kinu's max torpedo and AA stats at Kai 2 have been buffed by +2 and +3 respectively. Ise and Hyuuga also have their firepower at Kai buffed by +3.
-A Kai 2 is planned for Saratoga this midsummer. At least one BB, one CL and a Mutsuki-class DD will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki- and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.

>> No.17228871
File: 112 KB, 718x1000, dbb5r7zqdl5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17228953

>> No.17228873
Quoted by: >>17228883

>is subhuman language
I would think that way too if I couldn't handle using definite articles.

Mmm, those strong Soviet arms and collarbones. I want Verniy to carry me to bed and have her way w/ me - she can pin me down and straddle me while she forces her tongue in my mouth.

Holy shit, I'm such an idiot. The quest would get done much quicker if I did all 6 of them individually.

>> No.17228879

Who are these CAs with 15.5cm fit bonus anyway? Mogami class?

>> No.17228883
File: 54 KB, 800x529, Ooyodo_Calls_the_MP&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lusting after a DD

>> No.17228884

Devs didn't say. Leave it as such until confirmed.

>> No.17228909
Quoted by: >>17228913

Smells like jail

>> No.17228913

I wish I could go to jail just for her

>> No.17228917

I like what I like. DDs have those sexy, petite bodies. Mmm.

>> No.17228946


Fujinami is love.

>> No.17228953


>> No.17228954
File: 234 KB, 850x1189, __teruzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mujakuma__sample-9b307992e0b9cf9ff5e2d1f332cf916f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17228955

Mogami would be my uneducated guess, since they were fit with 15.5cm turrets at first.

>> No.17228958
Quoted by: >>17228974


>> No.17228963
Quoted by: >>17228977

When are we getting the next good skilled torpedo bomber?

>> No.17228970
File: 608 KB, 939x806, __fujinami_and_okinami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ninimo_nimo__c941a2d5eac1da9ba409384e7eaafe82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute friends.

>> No.17228974
Quoted by: >>17228989

Pay attention

>> No.17228976

Nobody likes Fujinami, so this is unlikely

>> No.17228977
Quoted by: >>17228988

Sara K2, hopefully.

>> No.17228988
File: 35 KB, 520x385, Battleship_Yamato_under_air_attack_April_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17229002

American planes are not allowed to be better than Japanese planes.

>> No.17228989
Quoted by: >>17229016

I'm just trying to post different hentai to have a go at pissing off the guy posting Gangut, to apologise for the similar hentai have a completely different one https://exhentai.org/g/1048982/430c460460/

>> No.17228995

I like Fujinami.

>> No.17229000
Quoted by: >>17229025

>no thigh highs
Bad move artist.

>> No.17229002
Quoted by: >>17229129

Torpedo bombers maybe

>> No.17229016
File: 159 KB, 413x413, Haruna puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17229032


>> No.17229025

It probably got ripped off or whatever, if her ducky clothes have been torn there's no reason for her thigh highs to survive

>> No.17229026


>> No.17229029

But DDs are the only ones worth lusting after.

>> No.17229032

Whoops, didn't pay attention to languages

>> No.17229036
Quoted by: >>17229064

I married Fujinami.

>> No.17229064

To be fair, taste is subjective. I like Nenohi myself but I'm rather in a minority rather than a majority and so are you.

>> No.17229095
File: 111 KB, 960x720, KRAPlGX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17229127
Quoted by: >>17229237

>reddit AND /jp/ tabs
>being incredibly unsafe on the road
>Bongo AND KC3 shitter
>also a facebook tab
>you also saved and posted it here
This is why everyone hates these fags.

>> No.17229129

The USN wasn't really known for their torpedo bomber squads though.
Even after fixing their torpedoes, and replacing the Devastators with Avengers.
The USN mostly employed dive bombing as their main carrier offensive weapon, especially when they use bombs that exceeded 1000 IB.

>> No.17229198
File: 461 KB, 645x900, 57959127_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it!

>> No.17229205

You give KC3 users a bad name. He're a (you), scum.

>> No.17229207


>> No.17229213

I would make the mistake.

>> No.17229215


>> No.17229217
Quoted by: >>17229273

Is he the most autistic KCfag ever?

>> No.17229236
File: 20 KB, 833x73, yuckkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curious and check reddit
>its really there

jesus fucking christ

>> No.17229237
Quoted by: >>17229250

Just so you know I'm the driver on that pic and I'm not >>17229095 who posted it here.

>> No.17229242
Quoted by: >>17229273

>t. me will whine a lot if RNG givez me a few slaps cuz me haz a really gud life and muh "itz only a game"
The picture. I hate KC3fags but it can't be helped, my condolences to you fuckers.

>> No.17229244

>She did it
Don't steal Kaga-san's lines!

>> No.17229246
Quoted by: >>17229252

If this is in SEA as well then it's perfect.

>> No.17229250

I hope you crash.

>> No.17229252

yes he is a flip

>> No.17229257
File: 136 KB, 287x250, 1382568228159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEUS VULT player comment

>> No.17229258


>> No.17229259

My cute wife.

>> No.17229263

You forgot the "and die" part, but if that's because you want to also see them having to spend months in excruciating pain through rehabilitation and then paying off their medical bills for the rest of their life as well as any court fines for reckless driving and endangerment that's also perfectly understandable.

>> No.17229273


You guys do realise that I'm using KC3 because I'm on a macbook right? The other viewers aren't compatible with a macbook.

>> No.17229282
File: 214 KB, 1200x819, 31494_1496020788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17229383


>> No.17229285
Quoted by: >>17229323

Electronic Observer is Java-based, no?

>> No.17229323

No version of EO for the Mac OS X.

>> No.17229340
Quoted by: >>17229458

Poi is Macbook compatible.

>> No.17229341
File: 394 KB, 640x1000, vn2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family is so cute.

>> No.17229351
Quoted by: >>17229367

Haha, fucking EPIC reference! Post it again next thread. (笑)

>> No.17229355

Should have used protection, don't forget your trojans next time granny

>> No.17229367
Quoted by: >>17229372

You forgot your ebin NTR joke.

>> No.17229372

It's obviously baiting for them if you post the same shitty images of Shoukaku as wife every thread.

>> No.17229378

I miss Raian

>> No.17229380
Quoted by: >>17229422

>KC3 is what enabled me to play KanColle, thank you for creating this amazing viewer!


>> No.17229383

I want to FUCK that potato!

>> No.17229385

She's the one poking holes in them.

>> No.17229398

Really explains a lot about the state of these threads.

>> No.17229407

I miss the 80s.

>> No.17229422
Quoted by: >>17229429

It does, it's the reason why I was able to play KanColle for the first time last year thanks to my friend who introduced me to it. Of course it's perfect for me since I always use my macbook anywhere and anytime that I got used to it.

>> No.17229429
Quoted by: >>17229458

What was wrong with Poi that your macbook couldn't run it?

>> No.17229458
File: 134 KB, 768x1024, __yuudachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_chagen_kokimu__e77e92e44f66686fcbaa3a9d0781d761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17229470

Didn't even know that Poi was compatible with mac until now when you guys said it. Thanks for the info though, I'll check and try it out first thing in the morning and see if it's great.

>> No.17229459

Teen Spirit

>> No.17229461
File: 694 KB, 707x1000, y4xt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musashi K2?

>> No.17229465

You mean like all the guns we can upgrade using only higher caliber ones?

>> No.17229466

Never ever.

>> No.17229470
Quoted by: >>17229593

>if it's great.
It's shit, don't bother

>> No.17229473

Stop posting this in every thread.

>> No.17229475

Close, it's Gangut

>> No.17229504

>LSC hell+lvl90 bp remodel
>for a gun really useful only on Nagatos

>> No.17229532
Quoted by: >>17229549

How about Large Scale Development?

>> No.17229549

Where you use flamethrowers instead of kits to build stuff, would be good.

>> No.17229593

Everything else is shit compared to EO.

>> No.17229670

After her Kai Ni I'd rather use higher accuracy guns on Nagato as well.

>> No.17229695
File: 265 KB, 456x367, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17229707

I only have about 4 more tries until I have to start saving for summer event. why can't I just get her already?

>> No.17229707


>needing more than one month to farm resources for event

Not even 50k meme, getting from zero to 6 digits is not hard.

>> No.17229725
Quoted by: >>17229761

>100 Dollars is huge
It really isn't. I have 220 slots and was a 100 slotter for more than a year so I only started spending money in mid 2015. I spent 60 dollars a year in this game while in comparison I'd spend that amount in 2 weeks on breakfast burritos on my final uni year. That's $5 a month. And don't give me the bullshit about oldfags having it easier because they got to spend the money over time because it's bullshit. A newfag isn't going to need all those $100 worth of slots within a few months, let alone a whole years. The price is very fair. Too fair actually considering the prices some F2P games have on their cash ships.

>> No.17229745

>spending 10k yen to buy figurines and other merch is fine
>spending the same amount on the game is not

>> No.17229761
Quoted by: >>17229768

From my experience, new players only need 2 repair slot and 1-2 dock expansion for starter.

After that they only need 1-2 dock expansion per event or every 3 month

>> No.17229768

I have literally never bought repair docks, it becomes useless when you can constantly farm buckets and get Akashi.

>> No.17229770

>KC3shitters are a danger on the road
So not only are they retarded, they're endangering the lives of other people. The stereotypes just keep growing.

>> No.17229774

Then don't pay.
