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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 245x248, nico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12056768 No.12056768 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>12057335

niconico thread

japanese culture through the wonders of streaming.

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/tYsPEWRM

Let gabriel show you the light until proper links: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv176892003

>> No.12056768,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12056768_2

This is a joke, right?

>> No.12056768,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I can't believe someone would make an on-topic thread that isn't an imagedump.

>> No.12056841 [DELETED] 


Go back to /v/ you newfag trash. The big dogs on the jay don't need an FAQ to use fucking niconico

>> No.12056841,1 [INTERNAL] 

So is japanese stuff allowed or not?
I don't understand
Why does the janitor have to make the rules so goddamn confusing?

>> No.12057214


>> No.12057331

why did we move back to /jp/?

>> No.12057335

pls no ban

>> No.12057340
Quoted by: >>12057388


Talk about taking it easy.

>> No.12057376
Quoted by: >>12058415

What happened to the thread in /int/ ?

>> No.12057388

Sudo your house looks a little dirty

>> No.12057681
Quoted by: >>12057739


very cute vioce

>> No.12057739

Poko-chan is back?! God damn I thought she was gone for good.

>> No.12057851 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 128x128, co334482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can you tell me about poko-chan? I just found out about her.

Also, do you know this girl by any chance (rita-chan, pic related) i love her so much, she just dissapeared one day for good... i miss her alot....

>> No.12057861
File: 17 KB, 128x128, co334482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12058884

what can you tell me about poko-chan? I just found out about her.

Also, do you know this girl by any chance (rita-chan, pic related) i love her so much, she just dissapeared one day for good... i miss her alot....

my dear rita-chan.... please come back <3

>> No.12058415
Quoted by: >>12062297

/int/ is cancer

>> No.12058884

She is just like Ukyochi if you know who that is except with a cuter voice. Typically she starts streaming from 9AM to 3PM Japan time.

>> No.12060319

you can guarantee there will be that one dirty gaijin in the chat trying to make contact

>> No.12060402


>> No.12060657

all I know about niconico is that it's on signs in Yakuza a lot

>> No.12061077
Quoted by: >>12061458

How popular is Youtube in Japan? I can't find much, but this might be due to some geological bubble. Any suggestions on Youtubers?

>> No.12061458
Quoted by: >>12062289

Well considering 2ch's new board dedicated to streaming and online video content is called youtube I suppose they've heard of it.
You can try lurking it to find popular channels.
A quick glance shows that video game related channels are popular, like in many other places.
Like this one.

>> No.12062219

I hope they integrate the channel subsection with the rest of the site soon.
You can't even use paypal on that part of the site.

>> No.12062289
Quoted by: >>12069547

Seeing all those visable sages made me feel nostalgic.

>> No.12062297

Wonderful of you all to take up residence here, then.

>> No.12064305

Uni angle playing kancolle.

>> No.12064329

and me

>> No.12064708
Quoted by: >>12064732


>> No.12064732
Quoted by: >>12064762

saying 顔出し and then wearing a face mask is false advertising!

>> No.12064762

Ask her to take it off

>> No.12067432


>> No.12067525
Quoted by: >>12067649

There is supposed to be Cho Party III starting on saturday.
But you need to buy a ticket to watch.
Anyone watched the previous editions? Is it any fun?

>> No.12067647
File: 24 KB, 390x384, 1395226238521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the video of Coke-chan? I need it for reasons

>> No.12067649

I've been watching every year and love them, even though my niconico powerlevels are actually low. If you search hard enough, you may find someone streaming them, and I'm uploading as well. Only purchase the ticket if you want to watch it live and add comments.

Don't forget that chokaigi is more than just the choparty. Look out for vocaloid, idolmaster, idol, game, and anisong broadcasts in the official broadcast list.

>> No.12067698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12067704


>> No.12067704
File: 101 KB, 753x768, jennalouisecoleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes thank you!!

>> No.12067705


>> No.12067706


>> No.12067708
Quoted by: >>12067725

hey do Japanese posters ever come on this board? I know there's plenty of them on /int/

>> No.12067725

Everyone knows /jp/ is made up only of white americans.

>> No.12067781
Quoted by: >>12067788

They're not just going to kick you out for silently lurking, right?

>> No.12067788

Can they kick you out?
I've never been, I think they can only block you from commenting.

>> No.12067852


>> No.12068778

Lewd voice

>> No.12068786


>> No.12068798


The niconico convention.

>> No.12068919

NEET-san is back

>> No.12069012

NEET cont:

>> No.12069016

This tread is slow

>> No.12069022
Quoted by: >>12069084

/int/ is more lively but more memespammers there.

>> No.12069084
Quoted by: >>12069100

Arguably, that's also what makes it fun though. I can have serious conversation alone, I don't need a thread for that. I must also admit that I'm more confident having conversations in Japanese with an army of gaijin around spamming memes in English because the streamers seem happy about every Japanese comment they get. With everyone speaking Japanese I'm more likely to stick out as a foreign idiot who can't speak Japanese properly.

>> No.12069100

if you want /int/

>> No.12069547
Quoted by: >>12069796

Did moot ever say why he destroyed sage?

>> No.12069796

because he is a faggot

>> No.12069797

damn that swede !! my sides are now four dimensional

>> No.12069799
Quoted by: >>12069800

Why are we /jp/ now? Where are my flags? How do I know who to insult?

>> No.12069800
Quoted by: >>12069810

Because janitor weaboo feeling got hurt.

>> No.12069806
Quoted by: >>12069810

This is rather sad, she is drunk in the morning and has a child, i can see the sadness in her eyes.

>> No.12069810
Quoted by: >>12069821

Damn that faggot. One day Straya will find out who he is and I swear I'll find his house and I'll beat the shit out of that daki hugging kissless virgin.

>not watching qt girl singing qtly(especially because she talks in a way that's quite easy to understand)

>> No.12069821
Quoted by: >>12069826

who cares. /jp/ is the best place for this
nico threads can exist here without disrupting all the streams

apparently people on /int/ are incapable of visiting nico without thinking it's some kind of raid

>> No.12069826

I'm fine with it I just hate to be told that something that should obviously be acceptable isn't. But you're right, if we make this our foretress of solitude it's ok. Here are no annoying Russians anyway, and I'm really glad that I'm able to share a link without having to hear a computer voice that says ははははははははははははははははははははははーーーーーーーfor 30secs

>> No.12069828
Quoted by: >>12069837

neet-san is still broadcasting btw

>> No.12069837
Quoted by: >>12069844

qt ねえちゃん or neet kun damn this is hard...

>> No.12069844
File: 117 KB, 371x338, pureBliss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When nee chan smiles I'm happy as well

>> No.12069874
Quoted by: >>12069879


>> No.12069879
File: 718 KB, 1291x845, 1398394590148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi blyaaaat kun

>> No.12069889
Quoted by: >>12069893

Here is right place for this, so I'm gonna stop shitposting/spamming.

>> No.12069893

>>implying we won't be kicked out by this board's meido-san

Soon we will be like the jews in /int/ again.

>> No.12069897


>> No.12069901

Dear niconist.
We shall return to our homeland soon

>> No.12069903
Quoted by: >>12069916

oy vey oy vey luckily most of us have dynamic IPs anyway.

>> No.12069907
File: 2.22 MB, 704x396, 2014-04-25_06-20-04_ida_lguk0085@s17279.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chokaigi is about to begin

I am excite

>> No.12069916
Quoted by: >>12069929

>>tfw road runner took over my area's internet
>>tfw no dynamic IP
>>tfw 1 mb/s internet due to college

It sucks living in freedom land.

; __ ;

>> No.12069929
Quoted by: >>12069947

It's ok m8 you don't have to create the threads in the case we're send to the oven then ;_; it's fine we are enough people and we love this for some strange reason. Everything will be fine.

Btw if this is our Israel are the other people here Palestinian?

>> No.12069945
Quoted by: >>12069950

Neet-kun is a real bro.

>> No.12069947

Oy vey, this is like the 5th shoah, Internet muslim edition!

>> No.12069950
Quoted by: >>12069954

Neet-kun is our shabbos goy

>> No.12069954
File: 186 KB, 599x846, neetLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And every day is sabbath

>> No.12069974
File: 1.51 MB, 704x396, ida_lguk0085@s17279.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12069980


Hipster piece of shit with poor voice trying to karaoke.

>> No.12069987
Quoted by: >>12070009


>> No.12070001

Oh god the ear rape, the ear rape.

>> No.12070002
Quoted by: >>12070007

i tried to out-hipster her

>> No.12070007
Quoted by: >>12070010

Thanks for the NMH man, thank you very much.

>> No.12070009


>> No.12070010

I can't stand that ear rape, it's too much, I'm out.

>> No.12070019

We just got shoad in /int/ again.

>> No.12070020

Homeland is burning, this is all we have left guys

>> No.12070022

/Int/ tread got deleted, is it that janitor is slow or we did something wrong ?

>> No.12070023

Janitor is a faggot

>> No.12070024

The Janitor is a colossal fucking faggot.

>> No.12070026

He's a faggot

>> No.12070033

Sweden do your thing

>> No.12070037

IS she japanese?

>> No.12070041

i really like calling japanese people

>> No.12070048

this is

>> No.12070059
Quoted by: >>12070064

im the guy calling these dudes, why you guys calling me sweden

>> No.12070064
Quoted by: >>12070066

Because only swedes were this ballsy in /int/.

Are you blyaat kun?

>> No.12070066
Quoted by: >>12070071

i'm an american lol
can't you tell by my accent

>> No.12070071
Quoted by: >>12070078

Now I know who you are, god dammit man, well at least you aren't as spaghetti as last time.

>> No.12070073
Quoted by: >>12070083


>> No.12070078

this is the first time i've done this in /jp/ thread, though i do it on my own sometimes

>> No.12070083

i think she blocked me as soon as i called her

>> No.12070099
Quoted by: >>12070105


>> No.12070105

Too many people and she won't bother with those of us with shit Jap skills.

>> No.12070108
Quoted by: >>12070123

skype= xxxrixxx1 zan9

>> No.12070123

my internet is shit atm
will have to continue the ruse cruise: japan edition later

>> No.12070223

anyone excited for the annual Niconico Cho Party III

>> No.12070241


>> No.12070389

What is that?

>> No.12070402
Quoted by: >>12070441

Niconico convention where people celebrate Niconico culture, Jap internet culture as well as sperg out.

Think of it as a much more massive version of 4chan's Otakon panels, and those were fucking massive enough as it is already.

>> No.12070409


>> No.12070426

So what stream are you guys watching right now?

>> No.12070441

It's started already right?

I think the stream comments are separated by language because there's 18,000 ppl and I see nothing but english, but unlike the vids there is no option to change

I think that's a good thing (to contain all the english shitposters who can't control themselves)

>> No.12070450

Actually I think there's 4 streams related to it going on right now

which to watch?

>> No.12070455
Quoted by: >>12070544

Meh I'm watching the one >>12070441 linked to since the DJ isn't that bad actually.

And this is coming from someone who hates vocaloid.

>> No.12070457


i only bother watching the night concerts

day 2 is prob somewhere in the description

>> No.12070544

I can't take that stream anymore

100% english commenters, 50% decided to start using tags for all of their comments so they can be identified

between this, and all the crap /int/ was pulling earlier it just confirms my belief that something like nico could never survive in america
even though it would hurt me too, I really think the best thing for nico would be to just block all non-jap IPs

>> No.12070547
Quoted by: >>12070552

I keep joining communities and forgetting who they are
This sucks

>> No.12070552
Quoted by: >>12070558

I keep forgetting where they live, but not who they are oddly enough.

Are you sure us gaijin are not being segregated?

>> No.12070558
Quoted by: >>12070586

I'm sure we are, I hope it stays that way too

blocked all the 'tag' users and now the chat is dead

>> No.12070566

The streams have different servers.
Change your language to japanese.

>> No.12070568

change your language setting to Japanese

>> No.12070586
Quoted by: >>12070591

I'm still in the chat but without a name, but they're just circle jerking amongst so fucking hard it's hard to have a convo.

I might try the Jap channel tomorrow.

>> No.12070591

Most of them don't even know how to use the kotehan feature, nor would they have access to the comment viewer. Which is useless in an official broadcast anyways.

>> No.12070679

Gosh I usually hate miku garbage but this is actually pretty good.

It's a shame I haven't been able to get into denpa, I bet there's some gold there waiting to be discovered.

>> No.12070700

If you are having issues finding streams, here is a blog post where you can find them. It's not all of them, but it's a good amount of them.


>> No.12070766
File: 228 KB, 500x500, 1393794482773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12070771

To those of you butthurt about people speaking multiple languages on the chat.

Stop being butthurt.

>> No.12070771
Quoted by: >>12070781

which stream?

>> No.12070781


Some faggot was crying about people not speaking English and people started to talk more tongues to piss him off.

>> No.12070811
Quoted by: >>12070818


>> No.12070818

They're too untalanted for my tastes. Nice to see the Japs in the comments section behaving relatively nicely though.

>> No.12072236

Any good shows up?

It IS the weekend. Maybe some early morning Sunday streamers?

>> No.12072998

Shieet so fucking tired right now.

>> No.12073185

Good thing those threads are deleted on :int
There are always been a bit of shitposting depending on the days and timezones and it was alright the first day but it turned to complete shit fast.
The swedish attempt to be funny when he called the mother 2 days ago was one of the unfunniest and worse thing I ever saw on niconico.

>> No.12073264
Quoted by: >>12073495

Hey /jp/, I've recently been into these kinds of videos


but I'm not sure what they're called or how to search for specific types. I know some are categorized as ASMR videos but I actually prefer the ones where it's mostly talking/breathing instead of scratching noises and paper shuffling etc.

What are these?

>> No.12073334
Quoted by: >>12073549

What bothered me even more than that guy, was the fact that 90% of the people in the channel actually thought he did good and were cheering him on
>"OMG a very loose reference to some secret meme that I actually understood for once, I'll laugh to show everyone how much I fit in"

>> No.12073495

ASMR is your best bet right now buddy, try to get a Jap to help you look for the Jap equivalent if you want to jerk it to Japs as well.

>> No.12073515

Birdchan is talking with an indie artist of sorts.


>> No.12073549
Quoted by: >>12073557

Is there some sort of recording of this? I'd like to see it.

>> No.12073557
Quoted by: >>12073564

It was funny only in the sense that he was making a complete ass of himself. If you don't like watching people do that you will rage.

And no there is no recording.

There is a 40 min recording of Coke/Cola chan though.


>> No.12073564
Quoted by: >>12073581

was he the one singing NMH

>> No.12073565

Considering this just some random namefag and one another anonymous dude, can't you take this to a different board or perhaps off site? This thread is taking up space that could be used by people that actually browse /jp/

Thanks in advance

>> No.12073580

I do browse /jp/
why would nico discussion not belong here?

These threads have been on /jp/ for a while and AFAIK the janitor has never deleted one

>> No.12073581
File: 59 KB, 420x247, 1386568056450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that was an American from here.

Actually it's many of us from /int/ and /v/, just people got wiped out from yesterday's Nico concerts.

And the reason we're here is because we've been exiled from /int/ like a bunch of jews by the faggot mod who does it for free on an anime image board.

Check the /int/ threads


It's filled with multiple people from multiple nationalities all making fun of Japs, having fun with them, and practicing their broke Jap.

>> No.12073588
Quoted by: >>12073601

>These threads have been on /jp/ for a while

No they haven't. You're not on your home board where people don't bother to check the archives for your lies.

I asked nicely, don't make me call in the janitor to move this thread to where it belongs (the trash).

>> No.12073589

They browse /jp/ now.

From time immemorial (six years ago) /jp/'s population has been continually replenished by crossboarders.

They mostly seem like fags, though.

>> No.12073601
Quoted by: >>12073610

>No they haven't

>> No.12073610


No thanks crossie, I don't want a virus on my computer. We only use the patrician archive on this board.

>> No.12073613
Quoted by: >>12073618

pretty sure patricians don't spend all their time throwing shit at each other and pissing themselves

>> No.12073615
Quoted by: >>12073618

oh wow, good excuse to completely ignore direct evidence against exactly what you said

gee, I guess you win

>> No.12073616


Or is that not your archive of preference hipster neet kun?

>> No.12073618
Quoted by: >>12073625


Exactly. That's why we don't use foolz.


No problem, crossie. Hopefully you've learned that your place isn't /jp/

>> No.12073622
Quoted by: >>12073631


Hmm, yeah, the last Nico Nico stream thread not made by someone from /v/ was in 2013. Looks like I was correct, thanks for confirming that.

>> No.12073623
Quoted by: >>12073631

>AFAIK the janitor has never deleted one
That means absolutely nothing.

Anyways, >>12073565 is stupid and should rather go tell that the idol threads.

>> No.12073625
Quoted by: >>12073631

Your not fooling anyone

Do you think not clicking my link makes any difference? Use whichever archive you want, you should see the same result, as should anyone else reading this

and after you made a comment like
>You're not on your home board where people don't bother to check the archives for your lies.
it's pretty funny. You've gotten 2 links now >>12073616

just stop

>> No.12073631


One thing at a time. We can't get rid of every non-/jp/ subject at the same time. Let's start with the obvious cancer - the recent "/v/ raids nico streams" threads.

Please see >>12073622 . Maybe you shouldn't take so long to write such a short post, then you wouldn't embarrass yourself.

>> No.12073654

it shouldn't even matter if there was 0 threads about nico ever on /jp/ that still wouldn't imply that it doesn't belong

If you can explain why it doesn't belong here I'll listen, and maybe I'll agree with you

>> No.12073661
Quoted by: >>12098714

>/v/ raids

It's not our fault Russian morons spam the chat. Plus the hipster who posted ITT deserved the shit treatment. She was a cringe worthy slut who couldn't sing for shit.

Also in case you haven't noticed the board is named "Otaku Culture" again. Who are you to dictate what is or isn't Otaku Culture? Specially when there's several types of Otaku out there, not just anime, manga, or video games Otaku.

>> No.12073845

>taking up space

>> No.12073885


>> No.12073931


>> No.12073941

Idolm@ster thingy

>> No.12073973


>> No.12073983
File: 318 KB, 700x700, 1396816908513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12073991

Creepy girlfriend seeker san is back, come and cheer him on!

Or mock him, your choice.

>> No.12073985

How do I bypass region lock? I want to watch this.

Tried setting my region and language. Is it IP based?

>> No.12073991
Quoted by: >>12073999

For those of you who have no idea who he is, here's the link to the current stream.


>> No.12073992
Quoted by: >>12073994

If that doesn't work for you try to download TOR Onion browser.

>> No.12073994
Quoted by: >>12073996

Streaming through Tor sounds hella slow, but I guess I can give it a try.

>> No.12073996

It is hella slow, but I really don't know how else to help you.

You could set up a VPN I guess.

>> No.12073999
Quoted by: >>12074005

What the fuck happened!?

Did he get arrested?

>> No.12074005
Quoted by: >>12074425

Even the Japs have no clue, the stream just fucking died.

>> No.12074037

Is the creepy girlfriend seeker's stream online again? I can't see shit and some of the Japs are throwing banter at him.

One of them even said he had a mongol looking face full of mountain sized acne.

>> No.12074210

Strange, suddenly the top bar isn't showing my favorites anymore.

>> No.12074422
File: 2 KB, 110x125, 1387513943565s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12074441


He's back and just as creepy and clueless as ever.

>> No.12074425

Is this who you're talking about? He's back

>> No.12074429

He's seriously going full retard here, it's embarassing. Even the Japs are throwing mean banter at him at this point.

>> No.12074441
Quoted by: >>12074447

Someone get that man a dermatologist, and a dentist. Oh, and get him off of the streets.

>> No.12074442

try using ExitNodes {jp} in your tor config.
then restart tor and do
torsocks uzbl [url]
Works fine on linux.
you need js/flash for nico, don't use tor browser.

>> No.12074447
File: 18 KB, 350x279, autism gump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, and get him off of the streets.

He's desperate on wanting to be a normalfag, short out of getting him institutionalized it's not happening.

I feel sorry for him, oh so sorry.

>> No.12074464
Quoted by: >>12074469

Was someone just chewing him out?

>> No.12074469
Quoted by: >>12074473

It seems like it.

>> No.12074473
Quoted by: >>12074476

He's still doing it. This guy doesn't learn.

>> No.12074476


New stream for passerbys who are interested or curious of this retard's shenanigans.

At least he's not lying around the fucking floor like a little kid again.

>> No.12074483
Quoted by: >>12074490


>> No.12074490


Holy shit, did he just call him a radiation victim?

These Japs are getting ruthless with the banter.

>> No.12074918

condense your threads please guys there was already a nico thread before this one >>12056129

or is this thread only for /v/ raiding?

>> No.12074926
Quoted by: >>12074931

that one is for videos and this one is for streams

>> No.12074931


Space is at a premium on /jp/ these days with there being so many idol generals and video game generals (that belong on /vg/ but for some reason are never moved there). Please consider your fellow /jp/ browsers who are seeing their threads forced off page 10.
polite sage

>> No.12074937

that isn't live m8

>> No.12074947

If your thread falls of page ten because nobody posted in it for 72 hours it was probably time for it to go.

>> No.12075125
Quoted by: >>12075148

>Do you even catalog

>> No.12075148
Quoted by: >>12075244


What does the catalog have to do with too many new threads being made and pushing /jp/ content off the board?

>> No.12075244
Quoted by: >>12075695

>/jp/ content off the board
You don't need a thread for every fucking Touhou character on this board all the time

>> No.12075297

/jp/ is an extremely slow board. this thread in on the top of the page and is almost 6 days old with under 200 replies. Threads that die usually do so for a reason.

80-90% of the threads on /jp/ are waifu threads. the niconico threads might not be 100% relevant to /jp/ depending on how you look at them but atleast they are something slightly out of the ordinary.

The only reason this niconico thread is on /jp/ right now is cause the janitor/s in /int/ hate nico threads and none wants to make a thread in /b/ or /soc/ (can you blame us?).

If /jp/ doesnt want us here then feel free to tell us so and have a janimod delete the thread.

>> No.12075332 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 1280x853, mjGBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12075695
Quoted by: >>12077671

To be fair /jp/ was created because the Touhou hijacks got out of control all over the boards. It got mostly bad in /v/ and /a/. This is why back in 2011 mods were forced during the summer time to say that Touhou is acceptable in /v/ as long as it's not waifu shit.

Thanks to /a/'s bullshit though non-touhou waifu shit is now acceptable but waifu touhou shit has a 50-50 chance of being deleted, go fucking figure. While I don't like the idea of waifus, but I find it pretty hypocritical this is even a thing.

>> No.12076701

neet-san is awake

>> No.12077559


>> No.12077671

>To be fair /jp/ was created because the Touhou hijacks got out of control all over the boards. It got mostly bad in /v/ and /a/. This is why back in 2011 mods were forced during the summer time to say that Touhou is acceptable in /v/ as long as it's not waifu shit.

No seriously what the hell

>> No.12077702
Quoted by: >>12080038

It's at times like this that you realize 90% of 4chan's population gets completely replaced every two years.

>> No.12077790

Are you doubting the validity of this statement? I know it sounds hard to believe but it's true. For obvious reasons I don't have access to that mod statement on /v/ right now but I promise I'll post it here as soon as the archive is up, or if I find it on google somewhere.

>> No.12078558


>> No.12078675

Do any of you guys ever try to talk to the streamers? I've been watching a guy stream his first time with Dark Souls 2, and the occasional poorly translated tips I've given him seem to help.

>> No.12079125

I try but my jap is too broken even for that. If anything me lurking these streams and slow streams have at least helped me how to make questions.

>> No.12079171

I just do the occasional wwwww or 88888

other than that, the only time I make comments are in english+japanese streams, so they are probably already expecting some people to use poor japanese

>> No.12079500
Quoted by: >>12079553

I do, you might know me as "Blue Eyes White Boy"

>> No.12079553
Quoted by: >>12079568

Did you try talking to that trap last week, or is Blue Eyes White Boy a common term?

>> No.12079568

Yep, I talked to neko-chan last week

>> No.12079784
Quoted by: >>12079786

bumping to keep it alive

>> No.12079786
Quoted by: >>12079797

Any interesting streams out there right now?

>> No.12079797
Quoted by: >>12079829

This guy is speaking in english, i don't think /jp/ is the ones talking to him though

>> No.12079829
Quoted by: >>12079833

Agghhh, he won't talk about Aniki san due to the underagedb&.


>> No.12079833

Such a shame too, I was just about to post this and ask his opinion on it.


>> No.12079862
Quoted by: >>12079882

Erm not really related, but I remember a possible wagashi being shown somewhere. It was sort of clumpy with probably anko in it. It was hand sized, looking like a whitish blob of something like dough with the anko(?) sort of looking polka dots on it. What was this? Don't think it was mochi.

>> No.12079882
File: 1.22 MB, 1936x2592, mizuho21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's wagashi. But what did you want? Astream for it, or you just wanted confirmation?

>> No.12079884
File: 63 KB, 415x311, IMG_216620(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you were asking for right?

Are they tasty for our western sensibilities? Or is it an acquired taste?

>> No.12079887
File: 15 KB, 240x320, 126915295811816120120_100319-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12079898

Last pic.

>> No.12079898

Just needed help identifying it, thanks.
Judging from my experience with other wagashi and ingredients of what I was looking for, it's probably too sweet for some. I'm an Asian baka gaijin though, so take that as you will I guess. I'm fine with anko in general though.

>> No.12080028


>> No.12080038
File: 336 KB, 1137x633, Touhou in v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12080377

Ghost Buster Anon delivered the pic.

>> No.12080283
File: 43 KB, 1025x107, 2014-04-29 00-42-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn..do they make a pact to not stream during GW..

>> No.12080377
Quoted by: >>12080406

Let's get this straight: you base your impression of what happened in /a/ in the early 2008 on that one screenshot from late-2011 /v/ you've seen. Okay.

>> No.12080406
Quoted by: >>12080424

No I base it on this


And if archive.no-ip was still around with /v/ archived I'd show you similar shitstorms as well.

Also it's not from /v/, it's from /tg/. People were flinging so much shit at Touhou fans on /v/ they fled to /tg/ and /jp/.

Here's the post on the /tg/ archive.

>> No.12080424

A thread made by people protesting the split discussing the split, what's your point? Did you even read it? Nothing will replace actually having been there, but it should nevertheless be pretty educational.

>> No.12080430
File: 442 KB, 972x505, 1344448550385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12080432
File: 304 KB, 1462x483, 1346846118502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

The split was heavily influenced by the Touhou hijacks. Hell in /b/ there used to be a retard who tried to make Tsuru Pettan into a forced meme.

>> No.12080435

Oh and in the same damn thread anons compare touhou fans to furfags.


This was also shortly after the shitstorm Saigar sparked.

>> No.12080462

If you really have been on 4chan so long that's just sad.

>> No.12080465
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Never forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12080477
Quoted by: >>12080542


>> No.12080481

what am I reading

>> No.12080542

I tried to ask him what kind of wood he uses, but the words just came out all fucking wrong.

>> No.12080560

Did one of you guys make that cross grain question about the wood's quality?

If so, thanks!

>> No.12080590

I have Cho Party recording.
Anyone interested?

>> No.12080592

If it's from one of the bands/djs playing there please post it.

>> No.12080593
Quoted by: >>12087053

Only care about the concerts honestly. Is it from a concert on that day?

>> No.12080607

My internet was out the whole weekends so I missed it completely.
I'd at least like to see what it was like.

>> No.12080658

I'm also interested

>> No.12080667
File: 35 KB, 198x288, LPPT4CNPX72KCVBMDJJC57ZBWG45V3VQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12081511

>accidentally close tabs of girls I want to check out but never caught streaming
>only notice days later
>no way to recover
I was asking for it but it still feels bad.

>> No.12082258
Quoted by: >>12087053

Will we ever get the recording?

>> No.12082408
File: 490 KB, 200x150, 1392717412237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12082928


>> No.12082984
Quoted by: >>12083301


>> No.12083301

Japanese listen to better American music than Americans.

>> No.12083679
Quoted by: >>12083702

His/her voice is therapy to me.

>> No.12083702
Quoted by: >>12083734


> all seats taken

>> No.12083734
Quoted by: >>12083776

Yeah, if you want to watch level 100+ channels you pretty much need premium.

>> No.12083776
Quoted by: >>12083973

Speaking of the high level communities.
A lot of the ones I've been subscribing to have turned into commercial channels you can subscribe to.
Is that some new effort by niconico to make the most popular user channels commercial?

>> No.12083973

I found this http://ex.nicovideo.jp/open_user_ch/archives
Seems like they've opened a program to allow users to monetize their videos and streams.
So far 19 channels are in.

>> No.12084408
Quoted by: >>12084499

How popular are gaijin streams? Especially if they're not from america, does it affect it negatively?

>> No.12084468

; ; anyone else can't seem to be able to connect today?

>> No.12084499

The general feeling is that Japanese people are surprised when foreigners stream and actually speak Japanese because a lot of them don't. It's hard to say whether it affects popularity because most people never become popular anyway.

>> No.12084601



>> No.12085107


>> No.12085189

Ameriburger Jap in here, she's okay.

>> No.12085228
Quoted by: >>12085362

Have you been posting on the 'chon?

>> No.12085362

>trap making us check our privelege

This is why IRL traps are shit.

>> No.12085378

Agh, she's advertising other streams now.

Anything for a shekel I guess.

>> No.12085502

>Umineko is best

>> No.12085512

I will bomb you faggot.

>> No.12085540


>> No.12085568
File: 142 KB, 1000x800, fat neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12085914

I was the Finnfag Umineko guy and I had to find this thread just to say that I'm not /jp/ you faggots.

>> No.12085914

Japanese girl eating a whole salad head on camera

>> No.12086085
Quoted by: >>12086172

Masaki Ai showing how to tie bondage rope.

>> No.12086172
Quoted by: >>12086176

This is... what?

>> No.12086176
File: 142 KB, 965x490, underdesk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best stream, she has a dedicated under desk cam to show panties.
Funniest is when she takes skype calls.

>> No.12086179

She's weird as fuck. Pretty good.

>> No.12086281

This is fucking genius

>> No.12086858

Fuck I missed this wonderful feat of multi tasking.

>> No.12087053
File: 114 KB, 665x421, clp220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It will take time to record the timeshift though. I lied when i said i have it already.
I'll try to do it this weekend.
If you anyone knows how to rip the live vid directly, do hint. Otherwise i'll have to record a region of the screen 5 hours straight, twice and hope that no lag happens.

BTW Would you like the version with comments or not?
I, for one, like them.

>> No.12087063

Post the version that's easier for you to dish out.

>> No.12087334
Quoted by: >>12087340

I have no idea if this is possible with timeshift

but I've been using an addon for firefox called "nicofox" and it just directly downloads the video for you
But doing it this way is not possible to get the comments I think

>> No.12087340
Quoted by: >>12088105

He could use Jdownloader as well

>> No.12087388
Quoted by: >>12087593

It's possible to grab it with rtmpdump. I'll try doing it later.

>> No.12087593

Please update us on how it goes.

I wonder if we'll ever see any sub groups of niconico stuff. People are already translating almost every other type of japanese media, so why not.

>> No.12087632
Quoted by: >>12087678

cola-chan going to drink japanese cola

>> No.12087678
Quoted by: >>12087738

She is such a bitch

>> No.12087738
Quoted by: >>12087771

I wish I could understand her.. I guess I'll just take your word for it

also, she's about to drink an entire second bottle?! Where does she put it all?

Unless the previous vid (or this one) is a recording...

>> No.12087771

She is going to get Diabetes sooner or later

>> No.12088105

i'll be waiting.

>> No.12088135
Quoted by: >>12091046

look at what i've found:

there are two special programs that can record timeshifted and live//upcoming live broadcast!

the only problem is that i can't access the download page. Can somebody reupload it?

>> No.12089243
Quoted by: >>12089491

Who is this guy?


>> No.12089491
Quoted by: >>12089552

Clearly trap

>> No.12089552

No, not the girl. That's bird-chan. Some random guy keeps talking to her on the stream once in a while.

>> No.12089597

sorry if this is a little off topic

but does anyone know if there is an html5 player for nico? Maybe via a browser plugin or something?
Or if maybe one is being worked on?

Because adobe stopped supporting Linux for flash a long time ago and it's starting to act up on my system. and ever since I switched to the youtube html5 player everything has been so freaking smooth on youtube, so I hope they make one for nico

>> No.12089858
Quoted by: >>12089961

best trap

>> No.12089961

Hey, it's him.

>> No.12090008 [DELETED] 


>> No.12090022


>> No.12090932

spaghetti kun eats burgers

>> No.12090936

that'd be great but Japanese and technology...I don't really think that'll happen

>> No.12091046
Quoted by: >>12091075

can somebody reupload this to non-japanese hosting?

this thing is specifically designed to rip nico live streams.


>> No.12091075
Quoted by: >>12091091


>> No.12091091

Thanks, but there's a dll corrupted in the archive.
Can you re-download it?

>> No.12091108
Quoted by: >>12091240

Can't you just download from the japanese host?
It's literally two clicks.

>> No.12091223

lewd stream, needs premium.

>> No.12091240
Quoted by: >>12091246

and free proxies won't allow files bigger than a megabyte.

>> No.12091246
Quoted by: >>12091259

really? axfc isn't IP restricted.

>> No.12091259

for US they aren't.

>> No.12091281

The file from your linked download is corrupted too. Check the hash sum.

>> No.12091408

those fuckers...
they disabled my ticket.
apparently it was active only for a week, even though i've read that it will be active up until may 26th.

it's still possible to buy a timeshift, but i'm not gonna dish out another 30$...
sorry guys.

P.S. i made that kakuroku program to work by copying the libeay32.dll from openssl directory.

>> No.12092324
File: 948 KB, 288x162, sad panda link.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay man, it's the thought that counts for me.


>> No.12092748
Quoted by: >>12092954

Niconicos favorite millionaire streaming with Chumi on some beach.


>> No.12092944


>> No.12092945


>> No.12092954

Ayumi is so great.
She recently took her interest in RC car drifting to the next level and went to a real racing course and rode with some real drifters.

>> No.12093127

Best BRS cover on nico

>> No.12094749
File: 699 KB, 853x1280, niko3_046_cs1w1_853x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12094807

Damn, why didn't niconico show the cosplayers/mascots? Instead we got bad karaoke. Was that on premium?

>> No.12094807
Quoted by: >>12095089

well you probably know there was a lot of different streams.

I saw links to the cosplay streams but I didn't watch them, I don't think they were restricted to premium though

>> No.12094969


>> No.12095062
Quoted by: >>12095064


>> No.12095064
Quoted by: >>12095156

A mascot with an actual bowl as a head...

>> No.12095089
Quoted by: >>12095225

Sorry, I meant the Chokaigi.

>> No.12095156

Edgy, isn't it ?

>> No.12095225

ya... there were a lot of events happening simultaneously and a bunch of different streams not just one

>> No.12095821


>> No.12097343

You can use ViewTube + ViewTubePlus for Firefox, but it won't show scrolling comments. Another alternative is using NicoFox.

>> No.12097606

There are recordings of the choparty already, unless you want to save the comments as well.

Also, most of the niconico recording programs won't do pay-per-view streams since the API is obfuscated (rtmpdump still works since the actual stream isn't encrypted, just the API).

Most official timeshifts only last 24 hours plus the length of the broadcast once you start watching it. So since you started watching your timeshift, it'd expire after about 28 hours. My own timeshift is still available until the May 26th expiration date since I haven't used my timeshift yet.

By the way, if there's a chokaigi stream that someone wants, I saved a lot of them and plan on uploading them to NyaaTorrents.

>> No.12098714

All sorts of stupid in one post.

>> No.12099492

Someone please make a new thread

>> No.12099683

