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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 272 KB, 700x568, OC121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11552533 No.11552533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>11472514

>> No.11552543

yay new ones of those images

>> No.11552543,1 [INTERNAL] 

The last thread was pushing it with the janny image, but an /ota/ image?

Holy hell, janny must be steamin'.

>> No.11552543,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11552543_3

Janny about to delete this thread.

>> No.11552543,3 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11552543_5

I would lel if he did because I made this thread to troll him.

>> No.11552543,4 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11552619_1

anyone else think the obsession with maids is fucking stupid

>> No.11552543,5 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11552597_1

Obviously not OP and trying to get the thread deleted. Like I'd fall for that.

>> No.11552597
File: 237 KB, 890x640, jkahdjkahdsajkhdajhgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want a shitty C++ programmer for something?

>> No.11552597,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've used this trick with one extra layer before and it worked.

>> No.11552597,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11552597_4

OP makes me rage because janny thinks he is the "beloved" meido in the picture but in reality hes a fuckin douche

>> No.11552597,3 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone post some janny fanart?

>> No.11552597,4 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554967_1

>f****** d*****

Excuse me but we do not talk like that on warosu.

>> No.11552619
Quoted by: >>11552643

Make a platform game starring the meido of /jp/, the meido of http://ota-ch.com, and the meido of http://bunbunmaru.com

It would be cool if you could get that guy to do the graphics in that style (I think he or someone else was working on something, or maybe it was just a mock-up).

>> No.11552619,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like maids but I am not so sure that I like the whole janitor thing

>> No.11552632 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11552636


Isn't this the ``OC'' thread?

>> No.11552636 [DELETED] 


Isn't that Niggy General?

>> No.11552643

Eh, I don't think anyone wants to play another niche platformer.

I was thinking more along the lines of actually making the online /jp/ mansion. Something like a large 2D house where /jp/sies can make a sprite character and just hang out all day with other /jp/sies. There would be separate rooms and you can do different things like play games in each room. Basically a Habbo Hotel specialized for /jp/.

I'm not sure why this hasn't been made yet after all these /jp/ project threads. Nobody wants to host it?

>> No.11552649
Quoted by: >>11552663

Will there be PvP?

>> No.11552650
Quoted by: >>11552682


There was a project like that that I remember, jp milk tea was the name?

Maybe it died too...?

>> No.11552664
Quoted by: >>11552670


>> No.11552663

If you consider a game of pool to be PvP. It's supposed to be for taking it easy and leaving open in another tab while browsing the 'jay.

>> No.11552667
Quoted by: >>11552675

It would be boring with only talk. Maybe every so often a lunatic could drive a steam roller through one of the rooms and you would have to fight him or run away..

>> No.11552670

Yeah, I was thinking of that more than Habbo, actually.

>> No.11552675

Yeah, that's why I said there would be different things to do in different rooms.

It's a mansion, not a closet.

>> No.11552682
File: 288 KB, 730x1120, 1345783364555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11552684

That died, but I don't think it was intended to be an online chat room or anything. More like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing.

>> No.11552684
Quoted by: >>11552685


That was a real shame, they got a really good artist working for them.

Such a shame.

>> No.11552685
File: 19 KB, 519x379, 1348794635955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555763

Yeah, normally the big problem is getting the assets down, but this game had some cool stuff already. Not a lot, but it was shaping up nicely.

I think the team just ran out of steam and fell apart.

>> No.11552687
File: 39 KB, 1553x265, ss003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way, Meido will be 4 years old tomorrow.

Time sure flies when you're forcing a meme...

>> No.11552705

>Virus VN

holy shite that nostalgia

if anyone still has the concept art, please post
(the old /jp/ project site has been dead for literally centuries)

>> No.11552714

Is this a bad place for a roll chart? Those produce a lot of OC.

>> No.11552717


Why not?

>> No.11552719
Quoted by: >>11552727

Yes, it also produces a LOT of spam.
Just make another thread for it.

>> No.11552724
File: 328 KB, 820x414, cafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mint still around?

I like this image for some reason. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd draw RPG and platform game maps. I also like how he censored something, as though he was worried it wasn't very good, or maybe that square contained personal information.

Someone please do a project that isn't a miserable failure. How's that Marisa platformer coming along?

>> No.11552727
Quoted by: >>11552919

Will you? I'm too shy.

>> No.11552731
File: 438 KB, 900x506, 1364098865773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11552733
Quoted by: >>11553441

I wanna make a card game but I can't think up any good ideas. Someone make up some nice and not overly complicated rules and I'll try making it into a game maybe.

>> No.11552735
File: 550 KB, 900x506, 1364100903403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fascinating.

>> No.11552736

Pipe dream, looks too interesting.

>> No.11552738

What about a GoW style Touhou third-person shooter?

>> No.11552739
Quoted by: >>11552750

The real Andrey-sama is cuter than the kawaii bishoujo version, how odd.

>> No.11552750

Oh I guess it's that one bot.

RL AoRF should have a cameo (with a photorealistic bobble head).

>> No.11552905
File: 1.37 MB, 2805x2253, 20131020_155655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my girls really that ugly, /jp/?

>> No.11552907
File: 474 KB, 1921x2527, 20131022_193255-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll share a pencil piece, too

>> No.11552914
File: 206 KB, 1700x2338, mary ^^ sparky4 rendering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11552918

I can die happily now

I contributed to this thread!

>> No.11552918

where is my image?

>> No.11552919
Quoted by: >>11559968

The old thread is still up. >>11501781

>> No.11552938


Could be worse.

>> No.11553013
File: 691 KB, 1435x1857, rsz_1rsz_orin_no_face_shade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11553073

woah, orin has a dick!

This was a request...

Haven't posted anything here in a while, last thing I posted here was Aya.

>> No.11553051


>> No.11553070 [DELETED] 

can someone draw janny

>> No.11553073

Aren't flying-spying skulls exclusive property of the Imperium?

>> No.11553073,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11553140_1


>> No.11553120
Quoted by: >>11553140_2

Was it the grammer? Could someone draw Janny, please? New content is always good.

>> No.11553140
File: 137 KB, 438x500, crowley4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11553140,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny a shite

>> No.11553140,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11553140_3

So much wasted potential, you're killing le joke, dude.

>> No.11553140,3 [INTERNAL] 

whatch you talkn bout willous?

>> No.11553441


Not an actual suggestion, but I got into the hearthstone beta and thought that I'd have liked it more if it was based on fate stay night. ..

>> No.11553502
Quoted by: >>11555309

I can't believe that this is actually getting made.

>> No.11553587
File: 331 KB, 1056x1280, Suika party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its on spanish because I like tacos

>> No.11553587,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11553587_2

"janny was raped by mexicans as a child"

>> No.11553587,2 [INTERNAL] 

We used to have whole Walfas threads. I doubt the janitor would go that far.

>> No.11554137
File: 547 KB, 981x1024, misturi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting here since the roll thread got autosaged

>> No.11554161

What's with her nose?

>> No.11554230

I can tell by your use of the word ``autosage" that you're pretty new here, so allow me to give you a helpful tip:
If you have trouble finding a thread that isn't on the first page, just open the catalog and finding the thread will be really simple!

These days, there's even an in-built catalog, accessible just by clicking on the 'catalog' button next to the 'next' button in the page select! Wow!
In the past, we'd have to use an off-site catalog, or just go through the pages manually! How bothersome, right?
You youngsters sure have it easy!

>> No.11554239


I miss the good old days.

>> No.11554249

by mentioning autosage he meant the thread is almost on page 9, an hour or 2 away from being deleted so there's no point posting it there anymore.

i guess he wanted more people to see his masterpiece.

>> No.11554282 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554350


Don't be judgemental, all artists are attention whores, else why would they be here.

>> No.11554350 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554361

how are they attention whores if they post their art anonymously? That's like the exact opposite of attention seeking and sounds more like "contributing" to me.

>> No.11554357

>is almost on page 9, an hour or 2 away from being deleted

You mean a day or 2.

>> No.11554361 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554378

You can't really post art anonymously due to a thing called "style".

>> No.11554378 [DELETED] 

Please write a guide on how to contribute without looking like an attention whore

>> No.11554398 [DELETED] 

1. Always post without a name, tripcode, signature, or any other identifiable gimmick.
2. Mix up your artistic style every post. Try to alternate between at least four or five distinct styles.
3. If someone asks, ``Were you the guy who drew >>x?'' then never post in these threads ever again. You have failed.

>> No.11554418

you can't ...is what I want to say, since it's impossible to post something without wanting to show off what you've done to others, but I don't want another OC thread to be ruined by pointless arguments.

>> No.11554433 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554498


It's `` and '', not `` and ". Two opening quotation marks, two closing quotation marks.

>> No.11554433,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before janny trying to curb drama just creates more drama.

>> No.11554480

Does anyone think that if someone made sprite sheets people would make games with them?

In the touhou fan game thread they said the one of the only problems was a lack of art assets.

>> No.11554486
File: 3 KB, 256x128, 1382026340952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a previous thread:

>You know what would be neat? If one of our talented artists created some generic Touhou sprite sheets for /jp/ to use, then all the expert programmers went off and made a game using them. We could even make it a contest to see who makes the best one. It wouldn't be too difficult once the assets are done, since people could just use GameMaker or Unity or whatever they're comfortable with. Even the flood of "ironic" games might be worth a laugh.

>I suppose that judging by the state of the current /jp/ Project even this might be too ambitious, but it would be an interesting experiment if we have any pixel artists with some spare time on their hands.

>> No.11554491

I'm still around, though I'm not actively pursuing any projects. That concept art was done by the one in charge of sprites. I'm not sure why that white square is in the corner.

Regarding /jp/ Milk Tea, I've still all of the material and may consider starting the project again. We needed a programmer and I didn't have much experience when we started the project. I think that is why the artist and music guy both stopped responding eventually... I may pick up the project again someday, but it will turn out very different. I'm in an introductory programming class right now and it has been very helpful, so maybe I'll start something next year or at least help with another project.

>> No.11554498 [DELETED] 

He's kind of a fucking moron for doing it in the first place.

>> No.11554499

I can program in Scheme.

>> No.11554500

I've actually been slowly working on a few of these. I'm trying various perspectives to see what would look normal for the "big 3" that I can think of (sidescrolling, top-down RPG maker style, and isometric)

>> No.11554505

This post was a little redundant. I need a nap.

>> No.11554506

Sounds cool, could we see some of your work?

>> No.11554510

>That concept art was done by the one in charge of sprites.

I see. His sketches are cute.

>We needed a programmer

I think that was a pretty big mistake on your part. Just assuming you would be able to program like that was far too risky, you should have learned first or made sure someone else was lined up to do it.

You could use something like LÖVE[1] or Haxe[2]. They're a little easier than Python, with a strong focus on portability (especially in Haxe's case). It would be pretty convenient being able to play your game on any device, or even in a browser. Don't think it's shameful to use something that isn't C/Lisp/Perl/whatever.

Good luck on your future projects, and I hope /jp/ Milk Tea makes a reappearance some day!

[1] http://love2d.org/
[2] http://haxe.org/

>> No.11554514

I've been thinking of perhaps spriting one of the legend of Zelda mock ups. I don't think there are many fan games like that.

>> No.11554519

I think to some extent you might be able to get away with combining them. Most RPG-style sprites aren't truly top-down; the down sprites are almost front-on and some left/right sprites wouldn't be out of place in a platformer. Same deal with isometric, if you have eight directions.

>> No.11554610 [DELETED] 
File: 557 KB, 1920x1080, Janny Wallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallpaper for Janny lovers. Enjoy :)

>> No.11554610,1 [INTERNAL] 

Six Warosucoins says this gets deleted.

>> No.11554610,2 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't you get the memo? "Janny" is a moot-approved meme now. It also won't get deleted since it's the spawn of this shitty thread http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11549802 and the failed abortion who conceived that image has been forcing it since the last original content thread, which obviously didn't get deleted (http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11472514#p11472514))

>> No.11554610,3 [INTERNAL] 

wuld fk jannie

>> No.11554610,4 [INTERNAL] 

You forgot the link to moot's approving of "Janny"

>> No.11554610,5 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554610_6

I wish I had talent
I'd make lots for the j
or w

>> No.11554610,6 [INTERNAL] 

i have talent but no will :)

>> No.11554610,7 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554610_8

The janitor's incompetence is now a meme rather than a legitimate concern about the board. GJ guys TY moot!

>> No.11554610,8 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't the whole meido thing start as "our janitor is a maid! but she's clumsy and scatterbrained despite her best intentions :)"?

Role-playing shit doesn't belong on the J, anyway.

>> No.11554610,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11554610,10 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554610_11

It's funny because he had a brain tumor

>> No.11554610,11 [INTERNAL] 

Brain tumors are pretty funny.

>> No.11554610,12 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554610_13

ain't getting shit from me

>> No.11554610,13 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554610_14

Just now noticed it was deleted and came to the G.

You owe me six Warosucoins you cheating fucker.

>> No.11554610,14 [INTERNAL] 

5 warosucoins!? what do you need 4 warosucoins for?!

>> No.11554610,15 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554841_1

This is technically OC. I've contributed more off-topic things to these threads.

>> No.11554841

I think op drawings are very very cute

>> No.11554841,1 [INTERNAL] 

Probably because of the smiley

>> No.11554841,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554855_1

Non-posts like this should be banned.

You guys should force "no complimenting" in the same way you forced "no thanking".

>> No.11554855
Quoted by: >>11554855_1


>> No.11554855,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11554855,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11554855_3

/jp/ more like /r/otakuculture except downvoting is disabled for everyone but the janitors

>> No.11554855,3 [INTERNAL] 


Someone should make this.

Then again, we already went through our ironic Reddit phase with /r/jaepae. I'd like to see how long Tumblr lasts.

>> No.11554891

Nice and cute.

>> No.11554943 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554947

Every time.

Every fucking time people like you have to include blog-like information in their comments.

Why do you do this? Do you really think we want to know in what classes you are in or what girl you banged or to which con you went? Hell no.

>> No.11554947 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554958

It was relevant to the project timetable.

>> No.11554958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11554967

He could've just said he'll maybe start something new next year.

>> No.11554961

LÖVE looks awesome, I've heard of it around in places, not the person you're replying but thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.11554967 [DELETED] 

He could censor himself and deliberately give us less information, but why should he? The more you know about the situation the better a judgment you can make about whether or not he's full of shit. Nobody should blog when it's not relevant, but when it is, there's no need to hide the information.

>> No.11554967,1 [INTERNAL] 

suck my fucking cock you piece of shitting god damne who the fucking hell do you think I shitting am you niggering piece of kike?

>> No.11554979 [DELETED] 
File: 43 B, 1x1, pixel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw pixel art?

Pic related, it's a pixel.

>> No.11554985 [DELETED] 

I know we have Meido and NSJ, but has anyone ever made any generally agreed upon OC for the 2013 janitor?

>> No.11554986 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure the 2013 janitor is the NSJ.

>> No.11554987 [DELETED] 

Use more pixels.

>> No.11554988 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11555009_2


Please don't compare 2013 janitor to NSJ. That is very unkind to nsj!

>> No.11554989 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11555009_2

the nsj meme died a while ago.

>> No.11555009 [DELETED] 

Why are the janitors so against having new representations of janitors? There are only like 3 "official" /jp/ characters; Meido, OC-tan, and Cornelia. Some variety would be nice.

>> No.11555009,1 [INTERNAL] 

Muted for posting this. Does janny really think he's meido?

>> No.11555009,2 [INTERNAL] 

He thinks this thread is being "attacked by shitposters" and therefore he has carte blanche to go full Nazi on the thread.

See above.

It was easier than "the person referred to as NSJ."

>> No.11555009,3 [INTERNAL] 

Well at least its confirmed you're just another waroshitter. My reports have a use!

>> No.11555012 [DELETED] 


Janny just wants newfags to think that he is Meido and tries to silence anyone that mentions otherwise!

>> No.11555012,1 [INTERNAL] 

I miss the NSJ at least he didn't throw mutes left and right

>> No.11555012,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11555012,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11555012,4 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555022_1

muted again wtf janjan??? confirmed for taking this on a personal level, literally crying and spamming the mods in IRC to clear the ban request queue

>> No.11555022 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 256x256, Vector-alex-256x244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Allegro good for games development in C?

>> No.11555022,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555022_2

Why would he ask them to clear the ban request queue instead of actually just banning you?

>> No.11555022,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555027_1

I've gotten muted with no ban before

>> No.11555022,3 [INTERNAL] 

warosu's crying is the best confirmation for why a thread is shitlmaaaaoo

>> No.11555022,4 [INTERNAL] 

Actions like this make me think the janitor seriously has some mental issues.

>> No.11555027 [DELETED] 

The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will understand what is lacking in most other languages.

When you start a Lisp system, it enters a read-eval-print loop. Most other languages have nothing comparable to read, nothing comparable to eval, and nothing comparable to print. What gaping deficiencies!

Lisp is no harder to understand than other languages. So if you have never learned to program, and you want to start, start with Lisp. If you learn to edit with Emacs, you can learn Lisp by writing editing commands for Emacs. You can use the Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp to learn with: it is free as in freedom, and you can order printed copies from the FSF.

To study Scheme, and a deep understanding of program structures using Scheme as a vehicle, I recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman. This too is now free as in freedom.

>> No.11555027,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555027_2

That was most likely when /q/ was around. Ever since /q/ was removed there is a 99.99% chance that a ban request will be approved. The mods have stopped taking the time and effort to decide if something really is worthy of a ban or not and now just approve any ban request that comes their way. I wonder if it has to do with the ban list taking them on a power trip.

>> No.11555027,2 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555036_1

More like a week ago

>> No.11555037 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 256x256, Vector-alex-256x244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Allegro for games development?

>> No.11555036

Backgrounds need to come from somewhere.

>> No.11555036,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555044_1

Congrats, you're one in ten thousand.

>> No.11555038 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 730x1120, 2013janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 2013 Janny. He is a transvestite and has a red dress and red eyes because he is evil. He is also crying because he's butthurt

>> No.11555040 [DELETED] 


he also has horns, maybe he has a dark past? is he a demon? I will try to work out some back story for janny, this is just an early draft

>> No.11555040,1 [INTERNAL] 

But this pixel was original content ;_;

( check the hex color code for a gr8 laff :^) )

>> No.11555042 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11555043


Lots of people are using Love on AGDG, check it out sometime.


Did you seriously fuck up on that swastika?

>> No.11555043

Speaking of game development, how is Allegro?

C is the only programming language I really know. I'd like to make a game and contribute to these threads some day.

>> No.11555044
File: 2 KB, 101x123, sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555053

Is this a pixel art?

>> No.11555044,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't even trying to prove that is was common from the start

>> No.11555053
File: 1 KB, 256x192, oh_you_pixel_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11555053,1 [INTERNAL] 

What do you shitposting groupies refer to the janitor that deleted every page of /jp/ a few months ago as? NSJ or Jannie?

>> No.11555053,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11555053,3 [INTERNAL] 

They're all the same as far as I'm concerned. Every janitor ends up going crazy and doing stupid shit. This one was doing fine at first but went crazy a couple of weeks ago during the "raid" and has since viewed himself more as a mod than a janitor.

>> No.11555053,4 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555216_1

Hey, just because I call the janitor, Meido, don't make me a shitposter

>> No.11555053,5 [INTERNAL] 

just because I don't call*

>> No.11555053,6 [INTERNAL] 

History repeats itself if it happened in 2012 it was NSJ

>> No.11555133
File: 1.90 MB, 615x423, hurrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How shitty of a C++ programmer are you?

Will you code the things I don't want to code?

>> No.11555137

Holy hell you're alive. Stop posting in that /vg/ thread and stay here.

Also your game is starting to look more and more like that I Have Candy game by the day.

>> No.11555148
Quoted by: >>11555157


AGDG is fine dude.


Your loli is the same size as the kidnapper, it always bothered me how grownup she looks.

>> No.11555153
File: 973 KB, 578x393, HERE YOU GO FAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not. My main issues with I Have Candy Get In The Van was that it was more designed as a shock game, rather than as a game catering for pedophiles. Also, it assumed that the player was uniformly bisexual. I do not like little boys so I really disliked having to molest the boys. It's kind of gross. I would have preferred to only be able to pick up girls, but you have to pick up all the (alive) kids in the town before you can do ecchi things to them.

Also, the gameplay was rather limited. You couldn't maintain a rape dungeon (like this) or anything.

The source code was also horrifying. It was like you took a bad C programmer and had him program in C++ without telling him anything. Everything was a raw pointer. The .cpp files were also like 30kb each. Everything in the town was hardcoded into position. Everything was public. I don't think I saw a single STL container in the entire thing, just raw arrays being new'd. Hell, half (if not more) of it was malloc'd. It was the least exception-safe C++ code I've ever seen. There was very little abstraction. It was quite honestly pretty bad. You know your programming is bad when yours child rape/murder game is less disgusting than its source code.

>> No.11555156
Quoted by: >>11555234

That gif really makes me uncomfortable

>> No.11555157
File: 616 B, 276x138, lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your loli is the same size as the kidnapper, it always bothered me how grownup she looks.

This. Even if you just reduce her height a little, she looks better.

>> No.11555166 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 775x1054, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555176

Does anyone have a decent guide for coloring and shading hair in SAI?

This was my first attempt at trying to color something for real, be gentle.

>> No.11555173
Quoted by: >>11555234

> video game C++
> exception safe
It's pretty standard practice in the industry to have games compiled with -fno-except because typical C++ compilers for consoles make catching exceptions an extremely computationally expensive action (if they implement them at all).

>> No.11555175 [DELETED] 

God I fucking hate pedophiles.

>> No.11555176

Only thing that looks totally off with the hair is the pink highlights, tone that down a bit (or at least use multiply blend mode).

>> No.11555191 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 60x79, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555195

How bad did I do?

>> No.11555195

Still better than ZUN art.

>> No.11555216
Quoted by: >>11555234

>You know your programming is bad when yours child rape/murder game is less disgusting than its source code.
Did you ever improve in coding, yourself btw?

>> No.11555216,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11555216_2

Holy shit, learn how to use commas correctly.

>> No.11555216,2 [INTERNAL] 

no bully

>> No.11555216,3 [INTERNAL] 

Christ, the board is actually moving backwards. I made a post ITT and it was at the top of the front page for eons. Then the janitor deleted some posts/threads so it's like the front page is going in reverse order.

This is too heavy, I need a drink.

>> No.11555234
File: 8 KB, 290x288, pick one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which part about it makes you uncomfortable?


I made a smaller, thinner loli already anyway. Here are the 2 smaller variations I had.


Not in more recent compilers such as those that support C++11.

And it wasn't even the lack of exception safety that was horrible, it was just everything else. You can check out the code here if you want. http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=6961.0


Compare to when?

>> No.11555239
Quoted by: >>11555337

Compared to when you used to post your code in OC threads.

>> No.11555260
Quoted by: >>11555337

How did you learn to make games?

Which framework do you use?

>> No.11555268
File: 1 KB, 240x128, shorter_lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a smaller, thinner loli already anyway. Here are the 2 smaller variations I had.

"A" doesn't quite fit the style and "B" looks a little creepy (too thin maybe? Try puffing the hair or clothes out a little).

Just make "C" shorter. She should not be as tall as the main character. You don't have to shrink the head or eyes or anything, that's just an artistic abstraction or whatever.

>> No.11555275
File: 29 KB, 193x251, meido-idle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11555284

Looks kind of jerky. The frames are fine, I think you might have just messed up the GIF.

Also I love you please do more things.

>> No.11555290

C looks too fat. In that image she almost looks like she's bigger than the rapist. I think B is fine.

>> No.11555300

is she a tadpole?

>> No.11555302
Quoted by: >>11555312

Right side of apron and frilly maid headband thing (is there a word for that?) need to move with the wind.

>> No.11555309

Anon those pictures are super old, nothing is being made.

Sasuga /jp/sies

>> No.11555312
Quoted by: >>11555323


Scrap that, I'm going for a breathing cycle that looks more natural.

This shit is hard...

>> No.11555323
File: 14 KB, 193x251, 1382580126613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about like this. Maybe her body should be swaying too, not just clothes

>> No.11555337
File: 1.48 MB, 615x423, gui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555355


Definitely then. I had just started learning C++/real programming then.


SFML. I started off making games when I was 14 using GML (Game Maker Language) though if that counts.


I might just make the main character taller.

I'm glad that there are so many little girl lovers on /jp/.

>> No.11555355
Quoted by: >>11555363


"I challenge you to a duel!"

>> No.11555363


It's not final text. I just needed something to test the fighting.

>> No.11555624
File: 18 KB, 640x480, two store styles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which store style is better?

How do I into stores?

>> No.11555629
Quoted by: >>11555631


>> No.11555631
Quoted by: >>11555646


Should I make the part that sticks out wider and shorten the windows a bit more? Or have windows on the sticking out bit? Keep it the same?

>> No.11555646
Quoted by: >>11555655


If it's top down you need to give depth to the 3D objects. So yes the windows should like like they are beveled into the building some what.

>> No.11555655
Quoted by: >>11555696


I was asking if I should widen the 2 sticking out bits on each side or not. (and if I make them really wide, move the windows there instead of having them in the center part.)

>> No.11555696


Oh. You should keep them like it is.

>> No.11555714
File: 1.63 MB, 2885x2369, 20131024_031834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11556389

Sharing pencil drawing I just finished. Computer paper sucks I'm not using this anymore...

>> No.11555751
File: 1.13 MB, 989x1754, Nadeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11555763

cute and effective pixel art.

face are decent. body not so much. wings look good.

no vale la pena, para semejante texto.
post in english.

can you post a gif of that Marisa in action?

I'm already a believer of this game.
much better. also: how about pigtails?

>> No.11555789
File: 461 KB, 996x1124, 3qrw2wr234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think if i knew how to draw bodies and practiced a lot more id be able to do an eroge

>> No.11555802

Face is too long and unmoe.

>> No.11555803

Well, gradients are neat.
Would you recommend a tutorial for it?

>> No.11555839

everyone here is a better artist than me

it is disheartening

>> No.11555839,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>11556048_1



>> No.11555972


Let's make your wings

Let us be your wings

>> No.11555981

I don't think so
post something

>> No.11555984

you seem suffering from an hardcore mango syndrome. do you use the basic proportions of human head drawing like that?
anyway yep, the colors are cool

>> No.11556016
File: 163 KB, 375x750, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11556048
File: 5 KB, 64x64, 1377031873293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you post a gif of that Marisa in action?

It's from one of the "/jp/ Project" threads. I think the guy has improved it since then, but here's the GIF he posted.

Please read these:

Most of your tiles and sprites are way too square and blocky, and they lack texture. Just because a table is flat doesn't mean it has to be one solid color.
I'm not saying your graphics are bad, but awareness of these techniques and some polishing could go a long way.

>> No.11556048,1 [INTERNAL] 


Whatever happened to the medical whiskey crew?

>> No.11556048,2 [INTERNAL] 

Great job janitor (´ー`)

>> No.11556389
Quoted by: >>11556555

I like them, anon. Cool fantasy/anime look. Do you pixiv?

>> No.11556555
Quoted by: >>11556651

Thank you. Fantasy/anime is actually the road I'm looking to go down, so that means a lot to me. I don't have a pixiv yet, just a tumblr. I know it sucks but it's somewhere to post.


>> No.11556651

Why Flandre icon?

>> No.11556669 [DELETED] 


I'm aware of a lot of the stuff talked about in those links. However, most of the graphics were just made so I could have something to test the game with. Although even if I tried more I still wouldn't be able to make anything good really. I'm a programmer, not an artist.

>I'm already a believer of this game.

That is good to hear.

>much better. also: how about pigtails?

I will make the loli sprites componetized later on. So there will be, say, 5 hair sprites and 10 body sprites and 2 head sprites or something. Which is 17 sprites, but lets me have the equivalent of 100 sprites (5*2*10) and lets people choose more. However, until I get the main gameplay components functional I'll probably have the lolis stay as the same blonde loli in a pink dress.

What kind of little girls would /jp/ kidnap (in the game!or not in the game...) though? Would you rape them and chain them up in your basement, or would you treat them like princesses?

>> No.11556677


I'm aware of a lot of the stuff talked about in those links. However, most of the graphics were just made so I could have something to test the game with. Although even if I tried more I still wouldn't be able to make anything good really. I'm a programmer, not an artist.

>I'm already a believer of this game.

That is good to hear.

>much better. also: how about pigtails?

I will make the loli sprites componetized later on. So there will be, say, 5 hair sprites and 10 body sprites and 2 head sprites or something. Which is 17 sprites, but lets me have the equivalent of 100 sprites (5*2*10) and lets people choose more. However, until I get the main gameplay components functional I'll probably have the lolis stay as the same blonde loli in a pink dress.

Since it's a kidnapping game... What kind of little girls would /jp/ kidnap though? Would you rape them and chain them up in your basement, or would you treat them like princesses?

>> No.11556686
Quoted by: >>11556693

Please have options for both
Any 2D little girl is good, I think.

>> No.11556693
Quoted by: >>11556695


Both what? Pigtails and long hair? Of course that's going to happen. Did you think I'd have 5+ little girl hair styles without having pigtails?!

>> No.11556695
Quoted by: >>11556702

I mean both for raping and princessing
As for little girls, make sure there are variations on skin colour. no niggers though

>> No.11556702
Quoted by: >>11556706


That can easily be done with some palette swapping, I wouldn't even need to make new sprites really.

I agree on the no nigger thing too.

Although I might have an import-a-loli service on the internet in the game that costs a lot of money but lets you customize your own loli, which could maybe let them choose whatever skin colour they want. (The black ones would have AIDS and be malnourished though since they'd be from Africa)

>> No.11556706

import-a-loli from russia!!

>> No.11556714
File: 2.16 MB, 456x338, lined up for slaughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But little blonde girls are already everywhere in the city!

>> No.11556787
Quoted by: >>11556821

>import-a-loli from russia!!
But they would also have AIDS and be malnourished...

>> No.11556803
Quoted by: >>11556823

Have you thought about Steam Greenlight?

>> No.11556821
Quoted by: >>11556835

I want to give them food and treat them right

>> No.11556823
Quoted by: >>11556837

Yes, because that would go swimmingly.

Can't wait to play it.

>> No.11556835
Quoted by: >>11557586

Yeah, make sure we're able to raise the children and be good kidnapper parents
Give each girl princess-maker type stats that you can raise and lower

>> No.11556831


AoC will be back I can feel it in my bones

>> No.11556837

If I'm feeling you right I'd think you could use it as even stronger social commentary than what you've done on /vg/. I'm not sure the process you have to go through is all or if they automatically veto some things. Since there doesn't appear to be overt porn in your game (yet?) only allusions I'm not sure if it would be against Steam policies. You could even reverse bait /vg/v/etc into voting it to the top.

>> No.11556842

No, don't put it on Greenlight. Greenlight is really a whole wad of bullshit. Just sell it on your own or make it freeware

>> No.11556849


Don't listen to this man he's FBI scum trying to catch you ridin dirty

>> No.11556857
Quoted by: >>11557586

It depends on intent. If he wants to cause a stir then Greenlight would effectively show it off to hundreds of thousands of normals. I don't know that anyone would buy it from some random website. If this was on Steam I would buy it but because the FBI isn't going to put me on a list. If it was on some random website I'd be really hesitant.

>> No.11556862
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, PERFECT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11556870

but if it's on greenlight then it might not be as lewd as I want it to be

>> No.11556870

Step 1: Greenlight game - take it easy on the lewd.
Step 2: Relase free update - Lewdness to the maximum. It seems like those MS Paint traced loli pictures would fit in well.

>> No.11556923

You underestimate normalfags.

>> No.11556949

fix the eyes

>> No.11557056

How about violently raping her on a daily basis and compensating her for it with expensive gifts and princess treatments the rest of the time, socially presenting her as your daughter?

One could also have the option to be a dandy monster like Humbert Humbert and try to give your slave loli a higher education, complete with romantic literature and poetry, ballet, piano and tennis lessons.

You could also water a but from the story and image of Klaus Kinski and his daughter Pola...

Sorry if I got carried away, but such game could become a classic.

>> No.11557154

Maybe among edgy western indie game fans. I don't really see the point, not to discourage the maker, but if you just wanna rape 2d vidya characters, you can just play countless eroge that actually have art and nudity and stuff you can fap to.

>> No.11557161
File: 181 KB, 500x600, ranma chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11557317

I have rediscovered my love for Ranma.

>> No.11557317

may god bless you if you decide to draw lewd ranmas

>> No.11557333

From the very beginning, the game was meant to give you the ability to rape the lolis.

>> No.11557347
Quoted by: >>11557594

But there's no graphics. Just tiny pixels that don't even nudify. Is it supposed to be one of those text based games?

>> No.11557459

I think that the Windows 3.1 retro look is part of the charm of his game. It makes it look as crude as the thematic. Embelishing with state of the art pixeling would only ruin that effect.

But it's his game not mine.

>> No.11557586


That's the point. My aim is to allow you to make her your basement-princess if you want, or to just chain her up and rape her if you don't. (you heartless bastard)


That's the plan. I don't intend to charge money for it or even associate my name with it. I just want to release it anonymously for free.


It's going to be freeware. And even if it wasn't, you'd probably just pay for it with bitcoins.


The point isn't about the rape. It's the entire process. How many games out there simulate stalking the girls and then kidnapping them when a good opportunity arises? What about police investigations?

>How about violently raping her on a daily basis and compensating her for it with expensive gifts and princess treatments the rest of the time, socially presenting her as your daughter?

I don't think she would like that, but it would depend on her personality.

Also, she would probably tell someone and you would get caught.

>One could also have the option to be a dandy monster like Humbert Humbert and try to give your slave loli a higher education, complete with romantic literature and poetry, ballet, piano and tennis lessons.

I definitely plan on this, but it would be entirely in the confines of your basement/house. So obviously it would be limited by the player's own intelligence and knowledge. This is one reason not to just max charisma when you choose your rapist's stats. Since intelligence can lead to certain career paths (jobs are just a set income per 2 weeks (or day?), besides that they don't affect gameplay besides making time magically pass and giving you money) as well as teaching her. But don't skimp on strength either or the tougher, older lolis might overpower you in a fight, especially if they gang up on you on the playground!

<comment too long, continued in next post>

>> No.11557594

This is a continuation of >>11557586


That depends entirely on whether someone wants to animate/draw for me. Otherwise it's going to be heavily text based. I'll either have a limited amount of rape animations, or maybe the lights will go off during rape scenes (or she'll get in bed with you so you just see the blankets moving). It's more limited by the amount of time it would take to produce all that content and the fact that I'm bad with animating sprites (even worse than I am at drawing still ones!)


Yes. That was the plan. It was meant to have the following phases of gameplay:

-Raising your captive (anywhere from malnourished sex slave only to raising her as a princess)
-Not getting v& in the process (police will investigate/be on the lookout)

Those were the main pillars of gameplay from the start.

>> No.11557648

Do things that you like and because you want to. It's not like anyone on /jp/ is, for example, near this guy's technical level (among thousands of others like him):


In any case it's all derivative stuff. No one here is an actual artist, even if they endlessly abuse the term. It's just having fun.

>> No.11557653

Yeah no, I like lolis like everyone but that stuff you're working on right there is way too deranged
I mean, a healthy ero game with cute little girls being pleasured in a lewd and immoral context is one thing, but a game focused on kidnapping and raping them without the goal of visual satisfaction, wat kind of little girl love are you showing there, uh? maybe I'm wrong, but it seems only a maximum edgy simulator like the columbine games to me.

>> No.11557663

That's the point I think.

>> No.11557665
Quoted by: >>11557684

>I don't think she would like that
I understand it's a kidnapping game. So either her feelings don't matter or we can aim for a Stockholm syndrome ending.
>Also, she would probably tell someone and you would get caught.
That would be part of the challenge: to either coerce or convince her well enough to shut up and and stay with you, either until she grows up or you kill her and get a new one (like a Tamagotchi).

>> No.11557684
Quoted by: >>11557759


Yes, but that would pretty much make it turn into a real life simulator simulating all of your social interactions with everyone else.

The scope of the game is already getting out of hand, so I don't need to expand it. Also, a lot of that stuff would be difficult to script in in a realistic manner, if it's not in very rigidly scripted events.

This is one of the reasons why I was planning to keep your interactions with her post-kidnapping confined to your house and maybe back yard.

How exactly would "socially presenting her as your daughter?" work, exactly?

>> No.11557685
Quoted by: >>11557700

So wait a second, this guy is making ironically a game based on normalfag shit that makes lolicons look bad and jaypiers are ok with that?
I don't want to believe it...

>> No.11557687


That's not the point. I'm not trying to be edgy. If I were I would have added in the feature that got requested here of mutilating your kidnapped loli and then fucking her heart.


I'm only giving the option to rape. You can certainly coerce her into following you back without violence and then take great care of her and treat her like your daughter/girlfriend/wife.

>> No.11557700


I am definitely not making this game ironically or anything. I'm making it because there is a startling lack of games that simulate the process of kidnapping a little girl in an open world context (eg not fixed-movement VN).

I am am not trying to make lolicons look bad - in the eyes of the normals they look bad enough as is! I like little girls. Even real ones. Especially ages 5-10, but I'll go for anyone who's at least 2 or 3, with a slow drop in attraction after age 12. For 2D I'm fine with 1 or 2+ depending on depiction and the dropoff after 12 isn't as sharp as in real life. Cute, long hair is an absolute must though. I don't like fat babies with patchy hair - it's gross! However, I will probably never act on my fantasies for obvious reasons. So don't worry!

>> No.11557697

>I'm not trying to be edgy

>> No.11557712

Say hi for me to Thad and MarshallBanana when you meet them, ok?

>> No.11557720
Quoted by: >>11557730


Who's MarshallBanana? I've only heard of Mad Thad.

Either way I haven't committed any crimes. I've never touched a child inappropriately and if you were to search all my computers you wouldn't find any cheese pizza or anything like that. Thought crimes aren't a thing yet.

>> No.11557727
File: 297 KB, 1500x2500, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11557736

I'm trying to do an 80s tomboy while practicing that damn folding in clothes.

>> No.11557728

>That's not the point.

Not the posters above, but I think you'll accomplish some profound, introspective goals whether you want to or not. I've followed this game's development since you first posted about, so I think I understand what you're going for, but at the same time I'm glad you're giving players options besides just, "Kidnap, rape."
And this is what will make things interesting. Some people will want to rape the lolis as quickly and crudely as possible. Other people will want to raise their lolis in a more Princess Maker style, and I hope you accommodate for that (I'm not talking thousands of mini-games, just stuff to do besides lewdness).
It will be interesting to see how many hardcore child molester wannabes discover they're actually sweet and sensitive father figures who just want to raise a little girl, and how many "I just want to have tea parties with little girls" types discover they're actually rapists waiting to happen.

>> No.11557730
Quoted by: >>11557739


Isn't he a Goon from the Good Old Days?

How the HELL can a Goon be a pedo?

>> No.11557733

Irony isn't something you choose. When will you kids understand....

>> No.11557736
Quoted by: >>11559013

This actually looks like part of a model sheet from an 80s anime. Good job.

>> No.11557739

they are all closet pedos

>> No.11557740
Quoted by: >>11557770

Out of curiosity, what stats will the lolis have, and what stats will the rapist have?

>> No.11557743
Quoted by: >>11557762

What do you guys think about this idea?


>> No.11557751
Quoted by: >>11557770

The problem I have with the game isn't that the content is too explicit or that I think you're being edgy, it's that you seem entirely focused on rape, and that might lead to missed opportunities.

For example, you called the player character a "rapist", but I think there should be opportunities besides rape. Not all lolicons want to rape a little girl. That isn't denial, censorship, or some sort of backlash against other lolicons, it's just a preference.

It's like if Grand Theft Auto was reduced to a "murder simulator" and removed all the other stuff that makes the game interesting. There are goals besides killing people, even ones you make yourself.

Please don't limit the player's options to lewdness!

>> No.11557759
Quoted by: >>11557770

>How exactly would "socially presenting her as your daughter?" work, exactly?
You can come with anything, from just saying to neighbors that it's your daughter that lived with her mother who passed away or something much more elaborate.

If you want to make it a house-in game is also alright. I thought you don't really need to emulate an entire mini-society where you move freely, but just to give the game clear arcs and routes... but since you just made clear you don't want a VN-esque game I see that's not the point.

>> No.11557762


That thread gave me cancer.

>> No.11557761
Quoted by: >>11557764

You only know your drawings get to an acceptable level when you know someone has fapped to them

>> No.11557764

I once drew a circle with a dot in it and fapped to it ironically.
I don't think this is a good metric.

>> No.11557767


Did you imagine naughty things with the circle or just had it on the screen while fencing the meat sword?

>> No.11557770
File: 159 KB, 1920x971, Soul_hpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an old screenshot of the loli's stats.


Yeah, it's more of an open world game. Kind of like a loli kidnapping roguelike (the city is randomly generated, as are the lolis. also perma-death (getting v&)).


I'm not focusing entirely on the rape. Hell, if you asked AGDG they always complain that I'm not making rape and that I'm just doing a city/traffic simulator.

When I call the player a rapist I'm just being general. And keep in mind that according to the law any sexual activities with children is "rape", even if she wanted to do them.

>> No.11557788


*other than yourself

>> No.11557797
Quoted by: >>11557803

wow, you've put on her much more work that I thought

>> No.11557803
Quoted by: >>11557832


What exactly do you mean?

>> No.11557832
Quoted by: >>11557839

Exactly what I said: that I'm impressed. I wouldn't know how to make work many of those features as in-game functions.

>> No.11557839
Quoted by: >>11557846


A lot of her statistics aren't being used though, unfortunately. Not yet, at least. I decided to focus on getting the town up and running first. You can refer to them in the loliscript dialogue files though.

I'm sorry if I disappointed you.

>> No.11557846

nah, it's ok. I'm still thrilled by the game's concept.
btw: have you thought of a title for it?

>> No.11557855


Violent Semen Inferno - Loli Rape Assault

>> No.11557861


The game's called Sim Loli, as it has been since I first started it.

>> No.11557866


That title sounds like the game has airborne rapist roping down from helicopters to attack

>> No.11557865

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: this truly is Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode for pedophiles. (That isn't a bad thing.)

>> No.11557893
File: 19 KB, 640x480, home grown foods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to make the scope not quite as big as Dwarf Fortress though, as I do hope to finish it eventually...

How does this store look?

>> No.11557955
Quoted by: >>11558059

It's more like GTA1 using the FATAL system from the looks of it.

I hope the creator makes it so you can end up like Oolong in Dragonball (dominated by his loli captives)

>> No.11557951 [DELETED] 

fair but don't you just model it like a 7-11?

>> No.11557956
Quoted by: >>11558059

fair but why don't you just model it like a 7-11?

>> No.11557960
Quoted by: >>11558059

I am not sure if you have been asked this before, but would you consider making your code open-source?

I know some C++ and know how to use SFML. I'd love to help out.

>> No.11557984
File: 124 KB, 319x480, shamefur-dispray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 to 100
>-100 to 100
>80 to 120
>0 to 365


>> No.11557987
Quoted by: >>11558024

>implying anyone cares anymore

May as well have made them all long long int

>> No.11557992
Quoted by: >>11558059

Right? He should be storing multiple varibles in a single char and manipulating them with bitwise operators.

>> No.11558024

This is why CS students are the worst programmers

>> No.11558059
Quoted by: >>11558075


It's more of an organic food store. I'll put a 7-11 style store in there too later.

>dominated by his loli captives



I've thought about it. How good are you at C++? Do you have a portfolio?


I had them as shorts and chars before but it's better to just use ints. You can argue about the trivial amount of space wasted but I recall reading somewhere about there being potential (very minor) speed issues when using something shorter than a word. I'd rather have something run faster due to less conversions than just take up 5 kilobytes less in memory total (considering I'm losing way less then a kb per loli)

And anyway, anything shorter than a word gets padded if there's nothing else to align it with.

Hell, before I had them as shorts/uchars and you guys bitched too. I'm not developing for an embedded system and most people will just use an int.


Don't be silly. There's a time and place to worry about a couple bits, and this is not one of them. Time is more of an issue than space in most games anyway. And this is a HORRIBLE place to worry about space. You should be worried about how you're streaming your assets to/from disk and that kind of stuff long before you worry about using an unsigned char vs a int.

If I had, say, 2 billion of these structs it would be a valid concern - but I don't.

>> No.11558075
Quoted by: >>11558101

>How good are you at C++?
Decent, I suppose. I have been programming on and off for 5 - 6 years, and a good bit in C++.

>Do you have a portfolio?
Nothing that I could show immediately. Notably, I started working on an emulator for the 6809 processor a few months ago, and got a good bit done before abandoning the project.

I also built a small gui-based program that would take a "message" of text, and a random "key" that the user made. The program would then use XOR encryption to create an image representation of the encrypted message. If you had the image and the original key, you could feed them through the program to get the encrypted message.

Other than that, I've made a variety of small games in C++ and SFML, such as a shitty Pacman clone, a number-puzzle-type game, and a Conway's Game of Life implementation, so I know my way around SFML.

>> No.11558080
Quoted by: >>11558085

Efficiency is good where you need it. The only place I could think of where this type of optimizing is good is for underpowered microcontrollers or certain mobile platforms. Obsessively optimizing small things for small performance gains is not only a bad use of your time, but shows your ineptitude as a developer for being able to organize priorities for a given project to meet expected deadlines.

Have you ever worked on a real project before?

>> No.11558085 [DELETED] 

>The only place I could think of where this type of optimizing is good is for underpowered microcontrollers or certain mobile platforms.

What if I want 200,000 lolis instead of just 100,000?

>> No.11558090 [DELETED] 


Then you will use 5-10mb more RAM.

At that point you'd run into performance issues regarding other things way before you run out of space. The lolis would have to collision detect, pathfind, etc which is computationally expensive.

>> No.11558092 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11558101

In edge cases like that, obsessive optimization is not only good, but often required, because support for multiple thousands of acters would be an important aspect of the engine.

I doubt that he would include more than 1000 on the map, and if he did, he would load and simulated them only in the direct vicinity of the player, and not simulating the entire fuck-huge map at the same time.

>> No.11558095 [DELETED] 

The problem isn't only waste of space, it's also the waste of energy.
People who think like you are the reason we have energy issues nowadays.

>> No.11558098 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 636x605, shit-eating-grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you glossed over the entire second part of the point he was making

>> No.11558099 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11558101

I hope some of you are just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.11558101 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11558113


What kind of programming can you see yourself doing on the project? Is there any way I can converse with you outside of this thread? I don't want to just bump the thread 100 times in a row.


There's more than 1000. less than 100,000 though. Which means that I'm 'wasting' like 2mb by not using shorts/uchars there. And in return I get less conversions by the compiler to pad out things and other shit. Like I pointed out in >>11558090 optimization is much more relevant in your choice of algorithms and other things than using a fucking char somewhere. For example, on collision detection I've got a three-tiered system using lookup tables O(1), quadtrees O(logn), and then regular lists O(n) with entities getting inserted into the lowest cost data structure that they can be in (for example, the lookup table only works on static entities since you'd have to rebuild it constantly otherwise which would be expensive). You *really* need to worry about time optimizations a lot more than space optimizations unless you're working on a system with obscenely low memory. And a desktop PC is not that.


Using more RAM doesn't waste significant energy you fuckwitt (if even a measurable difference). Your processor is designed to use 32-bit numbers (or 64bit) so in some cases using shorts/uchars can actually use slightly more processing power which in turn used more energy from a CPU under higher load. Now that is a REAL use of power. CPUs use a lot of power on a computer.


I hope so too.

>> No.11558113
Quoted by: >>11558143

>What kind of programming can you see yourself doing on the project?
I'm really not sure at this point. I guess I'd like to work on anything that needs to be worked on. Fixing bugs, improving documentation, fixing and polishing up some engine-related features, etc.

Also, email in field

>> No.11558125
Quoted by: >>11558129

I'll do art for you.

>> No.11558129
Quoted by: >>11558170


Post some examples of art you've done please.

>> No.11558132

I just don't fucking understand.

>> No.11558143
Quoted by: >>11558155


Check your inbox.

>> No.11558155


>> No.11558157
File: 72 KB, 529x540, [3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11558170 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 376x640, womynsoldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11558188

k ` v `

>> No.11558188
Quoted by: >>11559548


Do you have any experience doing pixel art?

>> No.11558190
Quoted by: >>11558275

I tried messing around with MIDI for the first time tonight.

This is the result.


>> No.11558275
Quoted by: >>11558289

use soundcloud

>> No.11558289

I tired, but Soundcloud didn't seem to like MIDI files.

>> No.11558299
File: 5 KB, 64x128, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11558304


I'm sure a few people would be willing to give you some art for your project. I'd probably like to contribute if you needed any. I think the game is an interesting concept, even if I don't necessarily agree with the subject.

>> No.11558304
Quoted by: >>11558311


Just some art? The problem is that having a bunch of different art styles is kind of bad since they don't match at all. How much art would you be willing to do?

>> No.11558311
Quoted by: >>11558322


I'm sure if several people are capable of keeping a similar style it wouldn't be too difficult to control. Sprite art seems easier to tweak with that sort of thing.

I guess if you needed any kind of sprites I'd help out. I don't have a job so I'm never really busy.

>> No.11558322


I also wouldn't be able to continue on the style if your art is any good (since my skills are meh), for example if you stopped working on it.

>> No.11558323

I remember when you wanted to be the little girl, /jp/. Or at least wanted to be her loving, doting older brother.

How far you've fallen.

>> No.11558326


How many sprites do you estimate there being in total? I am guaranteed to have at least the next 3 months free from anything and if unlucky probably another year. If you like I could try to adapt and adopt when you have already.

>> No.11558335


I have no fucking clue. I'm sorry I can't even give you an estimate really. It really depends on a lot of things. Like how many different buildings/cars/person sprites you want to make. And especially whether the sex scenes are graphical (and more if they're animated). It really depends on how the rape/sex works out and how detailed you want the town to be.

>> No.11558343
File: 149 KB, 522x908, boys_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't have a problem with that. Buildings especially would be simple due to how similar in nature they'd be. We could talk more through email or something if you'd like. I don't think people appreciate the thread being Nothing but back and forth.

For those who do you can have some sketches for a comic idea I have in mind.


>> No.11558345 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11558349


Post your email then.

>> No.11558349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11558358

Oh okay.


>> No.11558358 [DELETED] 


Sent. You can delete that comment now if you want.

>> No.11558362
File: 2 KB, 600x132, lo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my lolis ok /jp/

>> No.11558372

Make them less blonde.

>> No.11558377



is that all you can draw?

>> No.11558408
Quoted by: >>11558491

they're ok.
a color mod wouldn't hurt

>> No.11558409

hey /jp/ writers, or anyone who ever thought about writing, how about doing a freewrite for a couple minutes and see what you come up with. After we get warmed up we can brainstorm a story idea.

everything i post or type on the internet is not me. i dont know who that guy is but he says a lot of dumb shit that i dont like. he says a lot of boring hum-drum stuff inspired by the faggots he meets in real life that he woudl suck the dicks of if he could and wouldnt even have to get drunk to do so. it would be good if when i posted it sounded like it was in someone elses voice instead of mine and then everyone appluaded that guy instead and it would have no bearing on my own voice or being or personage. i am a ventriloguqest and my dummy is a giant sack of shit that i shoved my hand in and smeared on a part of the bathroom stall no one would be able to see and was then washed off the next day by the janitor, whose job it is is to clean that shit before anyone else has to ssee it.

>> No.11558413
Quoted by: >>11558424

I hope this was an ironic attempt at being edgy and not a serious one.

>> No.11558420

In case that post was a little too 'bloggy' and might encourage a bad posting practice, I will just post an idea I've been playing with, too:

So this would be a pretty short story consisting of a few parts. A high school student keeps meeting a girl around campus where he'd never seen her before. In fact, it's strange that he's even recognized anyone, because he typically ignores his classmates and teachers and just floats on by. He often meets her in surreal situations that he doesn't seem to really be aware of. For example, once he meets her in his classroom and the class is filled with water and fish and algae (think like the surreal images you see on /c/ sometimes). She is wearing a fishbowl on her head and has an old timey divey suit. The other students only sit at their desks swaying in the movements of the water. This is one of the only scenes I've worked out, but don't really know where to take it, except that they decide to go out in the hall to walk and talk. As they talk, it will reveal things about their personalities and we see just how depressingly mellow our main character is. They eventually drain the water or something, but through all of this, our protagnist doesnt seem to care or even notice how odd the situation is. Likewise, the reader will be wondering what's going on.

At the end though, he killed himself long ago and he's a ghost but doesn't know it. the girl he meets is depressed and was contemplating suicide so frequently that she ends up being able to see him. As she talks with our protagonist, some of his good nature that no one was able to see comes out and he inadvertently guides her away from suicide. He saves her, but she disappears now that she is happier again.

thoughts on this premise??

>> No.11558424

That is the nature of a freewrite, unfortunately. Most things that come out in the first writing are just total complete bullshit. Freewrites are typically thrown in the garbage or put in a drawer where no one will see them. It's like taking a big giant dump so you can eat more good food again.

>> No.11558461
Quoted by: >>11558480

I can't help but feel like you're adding needless artsy crap to an otherwise alright idea. Pick one or the other.

If you write it like this, people will assume that he is 1) tripping his shit on some drug 2) completely mentally unstable... and when they get to the end, and realize all this crap was because "HE WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME BY M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN" it's going to feel like a cop out.

Honestly I would keep the base idea, and focus the story on him being dead, and their relationship, and how they don't relate to the normal student population--That is, tell the reader right off the bat, and then you can put in surreal stuff and it won't feel like a cheap twilight zone twist ending when they finish the story, it will feel like they read something interesting.


>> No.11558480

Hmm okay thank you Anon, I needed that perspective. I wasn't sure how to avoid the corny twist.

>> No.11558491
File: 1 KB, 88x44, loo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to make colors

also this is probably small but ok

>> No.11558527

add some slant eyes for us weebs m8

>> No.11558528

I do like it. It could make a good short story and, for once, the girl is not the one who dies (like in Key's VNs). Also I do like that you care to create clear images; it's be nice if they hold some symbolic meaning, rather than just anecdotic.

Give it a shot.

>> No.11559013


Thanka alot. If I get to finish this and am satisfied with the result I'll probably do a bigger project with that theme.

>> No.11559034
File: 211 KB, 539x1807, 3163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, sensible!

What might be a good idea is if you take another game's tileset and just say, "I want these things, but in this style. Get to it." Maybe add/remove elements as desired.

Or just have a good brainstorm of everything you'll need, and add to it as you're going along. "I'll need grass, trees, roads, sidewalks, street lights, traffic cones, houses, stores, a hospital, tables, chairs, fridges, beds..."

This is Onett from EarthBound. Say hello.

>> No.11559548

I was thinking CGs. Sorry!

>> No.11559968

Dead :(

>> No.11560113
Quoted by: >>11560429

No brown or red hair? ok.jpg

And yeah, I'm starting to think that it's probably too small. Will we be able to adjust it to the windows with some interpolation? (just asking, I don't want to look demanding; the concept alone is attractive enough).

>> No.11560265

If you aren't a copy cat and are the same artist that drew witches months ago then your skill level has drastically decreased.

>> No.11560330 [SPOILER] 
File: 227 KB, 583x837, etcetctec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while!

>> No.11560355
Quoted by: >>11560380

I mainly write non-fiction for publication in small dailies. Always wanted to write fiction but the most I can do is a few pages before I get frustrated with how shit my stories look once I step away from the keyboard and come back to what I've written in a few days/weeks/hours.

How do I git gud? Is this part of the creative process or whatever? Do I need to keep writing or is there some kind of drafting process that you guys go through when evaluating your own story ideas?

>> No.11560371


>> No.11560380
Quoted by: >>11560434


Maybe you should show your drafts to someone close to you or some stranger and see how they react. If you're your sole critic you might have something good in hands, but you won't be able to recognize it. If it gets a generally good reaction, you got something that the public will be interested in. If it's bad, then revise your work and accept the criticism.

>> No.11560429

not lolidev here, just making loli sprites.

also hair colors are hard, but i'll make some more sometime

>> No.11560434

Alright, thanks. I might try the OC threads as a proving ground if I get any ideas.

>> No.11560439

the perspective for the boot seems a bit off, probably due to the two legs melding together at the boots, and she really should have two feet, but otherwise that's very well done.

>> No.11560453
File: 1.41 MB, 1218x1142, 1378764488337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Also, the gameplay was rather limited. You couldn't maintain a rape dungeon (like this) or anything."

This made my day

Never change

>> No.11560478

wish i could help you on your game but besides ideas im totally useless coding, and cant draw for my life... either way good luck with it

>> No.11560643
File: 27 KB, 343x540, [1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560684
File: 97 KB, 512x512, 1377490622163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11560694

I want to make a yonkoma (4-panel Japanese) comic series but I am out of ideas.

Please give me your yonkoma (4-panel Japanese) comic ideas /jp/!

>> No.11560694
Quoted by: >>11560916

/jp/ getting shitposted to hell
meido alseep
/jp/ trys to awaken meido
meido wakes up then go to sleep
/jp/ goes that;s your meido!

>> No.11560716


This cocksucker pulled in $25K in less than a month with a VN that has art worse than half of what's posted in these OC threads.

Why can't we do this, /jp/?
This proves that there are hundreds of suckers out there, just waiting to be parted from their parents' money.

>> No.11560723
Quoted by: >>11560730

No self confidence. No motivation. Fear.

>> No.11560730

Fear of what? Failure?

Cause if so, I got a hat trick right there ;_;

>> No.11560734
Quoted by: >>11560744

Speaking of which, it seems people from /v/ (or /co/ I dunno) are planning a game based on 4chan meymeys.


Can't sort my feels over this

>> No.11560737
File: 14 KB, 500x171, bitch you ain&#039;t kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has art worse than half of what's posted in these OC threads
Sure buddy

>> No.11560740


I dunno man, even mugen has better art than that I think.

>> No.11560744
Quoted by: >>11560751

Admit it you want to hit it big and become internet famous for part taking in a fucking masterpiece

>> No.11560746

It's true, though.

>> No.11560751
Quoted by: >>11560752

I just want money without having to get a job. Being internet famous helps, especially in this shit we're calling an "info economy."

Otherwise It's back to helping rich Chinese students cheat on their English papers for me.

>> No.11560752
Quoted by: >>11560756

>Why can't we do this, /jp/?
Start it yourself then

>> No.11560756
Quoted by: >>11560758

I have no willingness~

>> No.11560758
Quoted by: >>11560763

shine kudasai

>> No.11560763

no buly pls.

>> No.11560892 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 850x709, butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560893


>> No.11560897


>> No.11560916

more please

>> No.11560977

Whoa lewd

>> No.11561018
File: 238 KB, 848x1200, oc_rococo_rubys_raptors_rough_2013OCT25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561615

This is lovely, I particularly like the construction of the legs on the left.

New here, I have been lurking for a bit, but couldn't quite get a handle on what sort of OC is acceptable here. Is personal project okay, or is it have to be original content that's fan art or something that you want to open up for community work to be done on?

>> No.11561056
File: 12 KB, 768x192, fucking schools how do they work_strip3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is this, and which school looks the least shitty?

>> No.11561064
Quoted by: >>11561070

Have you thought about putting stuff on the ones that have no tiled roof? Modern building like that usually have some sort of utility on it, like water tower or AC and access. It might have a little cabin like things if the access is a stair.

>> No.11561068

today i got an idea for a really good game (stylistically and gameplay wise)
and it would be a really simple zelda clone
and now i'm wondering why nobody makes zelda clones


>> No.11561070
File: 11 KB, 640x480, darker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. I've got some stuff like that on the other buildings too.

I just wanted to finish the roof to see how it looked before deciding to go with a flat plain roof first or not.

>> No.11561101 [SPOILER] 
File: 474 KB, 1080x1811, IMG_20131026_123337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561110

I hate having a job now.

Least I might be able to afford a scanner soon.
Hopefuly I'll finish this tomorrow. Don't know if I'll keep the beads and I need to fix that hand.

>> No.11561106

I like the one on the right the best.

>> No.11561110

Definitely keep the beads. <3

>> No.11561111
Quoted by: >>11561155

Your school definitely needs an accessible rooftop, anime tells me that is where all schoolchildren eat their boxed lunches.

>> No.11561155


I don't know about you but where I went to school you couldn't get on the roof from the inside. What you could do however was jump onto some ledge and then pull yourself up and gradually clime to the top if you were decently fit.

>> No.11561557


>> No.11561602
File: 87 KB, 257x311, 1382772622567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind dev on /agdg/ helped me with this.

>> No.11561611

Looks great!

>> No.11561615
Quoted by: >>11563906


Good sketch.

AFAIK personal stuff is allowed too. It's an OC thread after all

>> No.11561645
File: 605 B, 46x74, 1382795273509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561751

It's alright, but these jagged lines look really ugly, like a flash animation with the quality set to low. I'd recommend some manual cleaning up.

>> No.11561658
Quoted by: >>11561665

Let's terrible do it by hand fuck your flash cartoons it looks like that pokemon game

>> No.11561665
Quoted by: >>11561668

>Let's terrible

>> No.11561668


>> No.11561751
Quoted by: >>11561769

if he does that by code ingame, he can apply antialiasing filter to each piece which will fix the jagged edges.

this might just be a proof of concept thing.

>> No.11561769

>if he does that by code ingame, he can apply antialiasing filter to each piece which will fix the jagged edges.

How? It's not like these are vector graphics. He could do something like blurring the edges in-game, but that'll be uglier and slower than adding anti-aliasing to the sprites proper.

>>11561602-san, read the tutorials in >>11556048

>> No.11561777
Quoted by: >>11561794


I'm note a codeguy but was told by the ones who are working with me that adding filters in game is not a problem.

In any case, the sprite still needs polishing, but I'm very happy with the result for now. I'm just testing things to see if they're gonna work out, like seeing if the art style will hold well, how easy will it be to animate, if it's going to look cute and all that before I move on to more advanced stages.

>> No.11561794
File: 7 KB, 400x400, h_1315823707_4054244_c0e6ef162c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561825

Well there's no perfect filter that'll make anti-aliasing look great automatically. It's an art as well as a science.

>> No.11561811
Quoted by: >>11561836

On behalf of all the other poor souls who asked this question many times but somehow never got a clear answer I'll ask it again: How do you learn proper digital coloring? And what tools do you have to use for that? It's clear how to add base colors and simple shadows, but how do you make them "flow" into each other smoothly? /ic/'s sticky isn't really helpful in that regard.

>> No.11561815

i assumed it'd be built off separate pieces that are connected to each other to build a skeleton of sorts. kind of like how most of the ds castlevania bosses were made.

in that case a light antialias would do wonders, since each piece would be rotating independently, and getting its own filter to fix the jagged edges.

>> No.11561825
File: 21 KB, 500x312, tall_meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561861

Just out of boredom I made a quick mock-up to illustrate this better.

Left is regular ol' Meido, right is Meido with artificial anti-aliasing (black silhouette plus small Gaussian blur). The outer lines do look a little smoother, but it also looks like a very faint drop shadow. The interior lines still have jaggies. You could do something like apply this to all the black elements, but that would be slow, and there'd still be jaggies on the shading, for example.

Computers don't know what contours is.

>> No.11561835
File: 10 KB, 535x648, le thread cleaning girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561861

Just use vectors.

>> No.11561836
Quoted by: >>11561920


/ic/ isn't helpful in many regards

>> No.11561843
File: 60 KB, 1280x382, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11561847

I hear you bros. In any case adding AA manually in photoshop later shouldn't be a problem since it's all a matter or maskaing the outlines and filling them with bicubic on.

I was taking a look at the animated sprite the agdg bro made for me though and it has a crazy number of frames (24 apparently)

>> No.11561847

How are you drawing these, anyway?

If you're using a tablet and not doing it "pixel by pixel", maybe you should use Illustrator. Then you can render your meidos to any size you want!

>> No.11561861

I like >>11561825 more, it looks like Yoshi Island style.

>> No.11561920

I just thought someone would point to that board when asking this question instead of helping me directly. I've looked around a lot, really.

I think it's a bit weird that most of the time someone asks a question here, a lot of people jump out of every corner and help them, but not for this particular question. It's like some top secret techniques are required to learn coloring because no one talks about this (even though I don't think that's the case)

>> No.11561963
Quoted by: >>11561968


Lots of tutorials in this page, have fun.

>> No.11561968
Quoted by: >>11565304

Ooops forgot the link.


>> No.11561974

please post more

>> No.11562127
Quoted by: >>11562193

I found this unfinished remix when I was going through my old laptop. You guys can have it if you want.


>> No.11562193

We don't.

>> No.11562826

It looks like the small animations they make with league of legends champions in the client. Sorry I have no other example.

>> No.11562946
File: 125 KB, 686x1112, lilly_by_xlilyalice-d6qu7a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest one

>> No.11562950
File: 155 KB, 670x1191, water_nymph_wip_by_xlilyalice-d6l8y6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11565002

and one more

>> No.11563174
File: 808 KB, 900x1573, wantsome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are reposts ok? if not, i'll draw a new one later anyways.

>> No.11563177

Not sure if I like it or not.


>> No.11563192


Why is hobo witch eating candy so fucking cute?

>> No.11563413
File: 639 KB, 1332x1332, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a long time since I last posted in these threads, but I've been experimenting a bit. I've been trying for a clean style without the use of vectors for the past year, but that's proven to be a little too frustrating.

I stopped giving a fuck about precision and ended up making this thing. Any thoughts?

>> No.11563503


She's cute.

Don't see anything blatantly wrong anatomy-wise, but your coloring could use some more work.

Also work with different lines, your drawing looks boring with the same lineweight all over.

>> No.11563690


She's not wearing a bra and her sweater is slipping off her shoulder? That's pretty lewd...

What if someone saw her delicious, flat, prepubescent chest?!

>> No.11563697

Would like critique so I can rework the lines before I colour this. Am really terrible at guns, even with ref and would appreciate any and every advice given. Thanks.

>> No.11563704
File: 222 KB, 1440x1920, Servant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Thought I loaded up the picture.

>> No.11563788
File: 83 KB, 592x944, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrible at bodies and coming up with interesting poses.

>> No.11563905
File: 163 KB, 848x1200, oc_rococo_rubys_raptors_wip_2013OCT26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11567891

Interesting perspective, the way you draw legs are particularly lovely.

Although I think their arms can be tighten up a bit more. The figure on the left in particular, her arm is being covered by her sleeves, but it could nevertheless use a bit more definition from the forearm underneath. For the figure on the right, her left (our right) upper arm is foreshorten, might want to hint at that a bit right at the root of her forearm, just add a bit more bending mark will do, it'll help guide your viewer so that they don't mistake it for an anatomical mistake. Also on the right figure, might experiment a bit on her extended hand, see if the clutched fist facing forward towards the viewer might make the hand-forearm joint bends better.
Ever thought about doing some gesture drawing? Or finding some interesting poses from reference and drawing your character doing it? How about drawing that same pose from a different angle?

Pic unrelated, just some update on earlier work.

>> No.11563906

Thanks. Also, that's good to know.

>> No.11563950
File: 58 KB, 286x434, mathers2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11564913

Would you tuck her into bed, /jp/?

>> No.11564287
File: 145 KB, 737x834, momoe copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like scribblenauts characters if they were taller.

Wow that's really nice! I like the chalk feel it has.

I sketched my friend's character while considering just going back to the default round brush. I keep resorting back to it because I've never really felt comfortable with anything else.

>> No.11564318
File: 2.42 MB, 2448x3264, 20131027_071527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current WIP. I'm afraid that if I fall asleep this now I won't finish it today...

>> No.11564645


>looks like shit
>looks like shit
>looks like shit
>looks like shit
>looks like shit, read Loomis

there, average /ic/ thread for you

>> No.11564913
Quoted by: >>11565093


Why is she trying to swallow her fist?

>> No.11565002
File: 250 KB, 593x1348, breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11565054

No, in many ways.
Start with pic.

>> No.11565012

maybe the ankle is a bit too long in that scorzo, but in general looking good.

>> No.11565054

Don't bring the disgustingness of realistic saggy boobs into beautiful perfect #D.

>> No.11565062


>> No.11565093

No, she's rubbing her face.

And it's just a quick scribble, geez.

>> No.11565222


>don't criticise my drawings

>> No.11565304

This page is god. Thank you.

>> No.11565460
File: 294 KB, 1500x2500, 2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting for duty!

>> No.11566189

...friend are you from my childhood or something?
suggesting a Dirty Pair warmly

>> No.11566385
Quoted by: >>11567240

you do make nice retro.
have something in color?

>> No.11567240


Not really in this style, I'm still working on getting coloring right among other things

>> No.11567273
File: 280 KB, 848x1200, oc_rococo_rubys_raptors_wip_2013OCT28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11567327
Quoted by: >>11567349

I know this monkey right here
it was Magi right?

>> No.11567349
Quoted by: >>11567544

Yes. What's up?

>> No.11567412
Quoted by: >>11568599


very nice work

>> No.11567544
Quoted by: >>11568599

You're also responsible for that krautchan vn thing?
btw glad to see you improved a lot, gj

>> No.11567891
File: 202 KB, 1440x1920, Servant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11568599


Thanks. Glad you like the legs. I took your advice and added lines to the shirt and a hint of muscle to the right figures left arm. It really helped I think. I don't understand what you meant with the experiment part though. Thank you though, it really helped.

-Pic update, minor. After receiving a few suggestions I changed the concept of the picture from duel to tag team, so they aren't glaring at each other anymore

>> No.11567971
File: 66 KB, 534x892, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus haha. I flipped the picture and suddenly saw how super terrible the side view drawing is.
I tried a bit harder on this drawing.

>> No.11568172

looks good to me.

>> No.11568422

The hands aren't good (hands are fuck as fuck to draw) and the neck looks a bit long. Anyways is cute, I saved it.

>> No.11568599
File: 272 KB, 849x1200, oc_rococo_vs_atlas_2013OCT27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11568849

>krautchan vn
Wait, what, I don't know what that is. but thanks.
Well, by "experiment" I am just saying trying different poses on that hand to see which one fits better. You can probably cut it out and just use different layers.

>> No.11568849
Quoted by: >>11568924

go check out this crap, I'm not even sure krautshit did it

>> No.11568924
File: 48 KB, 635x910, oc_rococo_rococo_2013OCT03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...why would anybody think I was responsible for it? Heh.
The art looks quite good, even though it isn't an aesthetic that I like or operates in.

>> No.11569238

Someday I'll contribute to the OC Thread. But not today.

>> No.11569332
File: 49 KB, 607x540, [3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
