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10193081 No.10193081 [Reply] [Original]

Remaking. Any and all winter Comiket 2012 discussion goes in here.

>> No.10193086
File: 78 KB, 200x341, 200px-Th12Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Reimus

>> No.10193108
File: 550 KB, 2304x1728, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Oh yeah, what are those catalog things that was in the OP and how would i go about getting one?

The Comiket catalog is a huge listing of which circles will attend, broken down by day, genre of their books, and location in the hall, along with little preview art panels. They are grouped by section, so the circle in this section would be at table 60 in their section.

This catalog comes in a massive paper version and a searchable CD-ROM, which is honestly a much better choice. They're only sold in Japan as far as I know, and no places that I know of will let you mail-order them to the US, but don't despair; they usually show up online a bit before the event, and they're sold at Comiket itself too.

>> No.10193147

Man, Digital Lover sure loves Kuroneko.

>> No.10193150

Pero Pero x3, I'm waiting.

>> No.10193296

i wonder if zun will release another album again

>> No.10193430

Are there any new STG/Shmups coming out?

>> No.10193498

Digital Lover

nice. Though I wish he'd get back to RO Priestess rape doujins.

>> No.10193544
File: 158 KB, 574x850, 30054422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for those interested in a meetup, the day will tentatively be day 1, unless anyone has objections. Any preferences for times and meeting places? I only know ones that are outdoors, like the big saw and the garden, and it'll probably be too cold for those.

I'm excited to see Enji's new stuff; I bought the porn book by them last time and it was my favorite impulse purchase of the summer. I'll probably buy the Utahime Anthology 2 this time after passing it up at C82 just because it's such a big book and I was already overloaded that day.

>> No.10193597 [DELETED] 

Maybe one of these places?

>> No.10193602
File: 327 KB, 600x503, 0390090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one of these places?

>> No.10193608
Quoted by: >>10193646

Just do it at bigsaw like all the previous comiket.
Too bad I wont be able to make it this time, please dont pass out in the middle of the street and die again anon-kun.

>> No.10193646
Quoted by: >>10193665

When did this happen?

>> No.10193665

You don't want to happen. It's like those elusive gay meetups only sick fucks attend.

>> No.10193854


too cold? What are you, from Africa?

Its 10C there in December, you lazy assholes.

>> No.10193907
Quoted by: >>10193947

Not that guy, but I'm from cozy California. 10C is pretty cold for me.

I don't really care though, I'm fine with the big saw.

>> No.10193947
Quoted by: >>10197907

Please convert temperature measurements to Fahrenheit as this is an American website. Thank you.

>> No.10193971
File: 282 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10194005

Ah Comiket... I wish I could go for this Winter but I've got no money!

But damn, their catalog is like a size of a phone book. It was a hassle to bring this shit back.

>> No.10194005

Unrelated, but I ended up with 3 Reitaisai 9 guidebooks.

>> No.10197862
Quoted by: >>10197889

It's still not nice to be outside in if it's windy out and you're standing around waiting for people.

>> No.10197889
Quoted by: >>10198026

Japanese winter in Tokyo is nothing.
Fuyocomi is in Tokyo, not in Hokkaido.
You dont even need a down jacket if you are manly.

>> No.10197907

>using an arbitrary scale
In the future, use kelvins to not look like an ameritard.

>> No.10198026
Quoted by: >>10198033

But I'm a delicate little girl.

Nice to hear the cold doesn't bother you. Can we count on you to be the first one at the meeting spot? Stand there in your boxers so you'll be easy to recognize you.

>> No.10198033
Quoted by: >>10206736

Sure thing bro.
I will be there with my lucky milky holmes shirt, listening to my iphone with a beats headphone.
Better show your face on the first day of comiket. 4pm outside bigsaw turbonerd.

>> No.10198293
File: 140 KB, 1621x1006, omake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my catalog came today from Toranoana. They were packaging a pencil board by koary with it. I quite like koary's work so its a pretty nice omake.

If you have the printed catalog and can read Japanese, I recommend checking out the stuff after the portraits, theres lots of great small articles/data. I spotted this one. From a survey given to applying circles this time.

1) あなたのサークルに海外からの参加者が同人誌などを購入しに来たこと
がありますか? (Did any foreigners visit your circle and buy anything?)
来たことは無い/None came(55.9%), 来たことはある/Yes, some came (34.5%), やり取りを継続的にしている相手がいる/Tons came (0.7%)
The intersting bit was in the break down in the "Tons came." The category with the most was 「デジタル(その他)」 which seems to be for Vocaloid and ニコニコ動画, second was 「創作(JUNE/BL)」 (5.0%). Followed by ties on 「同人ソフト」「東方Project」「Naruto] each with 4.5%. This was followed by 「男性向(Stuff for guys)」「アニメ(サンライズ)」 with about 4%. Once again, the otaku world showing that there are more Fujoshi than guys it would seem.

2) あなたのサークルに海外からの参加者が来た時対応は主にドウしていますか
?(When a foreigner comes, how do you converse?)
2 main responses were. 日本語でとにかく対応する/We half-ass it in Japanese (48.4%), 日本語以外で何とか会話する/We get by in some other language besides Japanese (41%).
The details aren't all that interesting. It was mostly an age break down. Interesting bit was the highest number that said they operated in another language with no problem were people over 50. Younger generation people had difficulty and half-assed it in Japanese.
And break down on the people passing into the entrance for C82.
Day 1: 160,000 Day 2: 190,000 Day 3: 210,000

>> No.10198307

I find this quite interesting. If there are any more interesting tidbits to share please do.

>> No.10201658
Quoted by: >>10203813


>> No.10202395
Quoted by: >>10203813


>> No.10202868
Quoted by: >>10250524

Any word on what games will be present?

>> No.10203760

Has anyone else been having trouble posting on 2channel from foreign IPs lately? I used to have no problem accessing it from my campus internet, but now I get a message saying that my IP is non Japanese and I need to get ● to post.

>> No.10203807

So a question to the guys who attend Comiket.

You live in Japan or do you fly there specifically for Comiket?

>> No.10203813

Stop that, you moron. The thread won't disappear with just a few hours between each reply.

>> No.10203821
Quoted by: >>10204981

Typical /a/ posters, happens every comiket.

>> No.10203954
Quoted by: >>10204978

Oh man, you answered my question even though I deleted the post and the thread 404'd. Thank you!

>They're only sold in Japan as far as I know
I guess I will buy one at comiket then. Hope they are easy to find with the limited reading abilities I have...

>> No.10204978

Actually I realized since I posted this that Amazon.jp stocks the catalog, so you could order it there if you want, but with the time and cost that shipping would involve you'd likely not receive it before Comiket.

>> No.10204981


You obviously weren't on /jp/ last night when spammers wiped half the threads on the board.

>> No.10204987

Please respond. I have a couple questions if any of you are the latter.

>> No.10204996
Quoted by: >>10205034

I live there but I have friends who fly in (although none of them are coming this year, sadly). Go ahead and ask; I'll answer what I can, and what I can't some other Anons may.

>> No.10205025

It would be easier for you if you just posted your questions to begin with.

Either way. I will be flying there. I don't know if I will be of much help though, because this is my first time visiting Japan.

>> No.10205034

Well, okay then.

I've been thinking of going next winter Comiket, and there are couple things I've been wondering.

Is it worth flying to Japan just to spend around ~10 days there? Considering I've never been there before.

Could I get at least a bit of a feeling for the country in that time?

How much does the stay cost you, where do you stay(hotels, hostels, with friends), and do you know anyone there(well, your friends obviously do).

Is there any kind of stuff you'd be afraid to bring back over the border? It's comiket after all.

This kind of stuff.

>> No.10205813

Not those anons, but I did a week trip to Japan once during Comiket 73.

>Is it worth flying to Japan just to spend around ~10 days there? Considering I've never been there before.
Yes! But only if you've got money to burn. After the flight and hotel costs, you should have a good deal of money to burn.

>Could I get at least a bit of a feeling for the country in that time?
You could get a decent feel, just don't shy away from visiting whatever places you really want to visit. Of course, idéally you'd spend a few months or even years there.

>How much does the stay cost you, where do you stay
I stayed at Narita Airport Rest House. You can check costs at their own website.

>Is there any kind of stuff you'd be afraid to bring back over the border?
Most stuff should be okay, just remember you'll probably be taxed for it. If you should be afraid of bringing items with specific sexual content over depends on your local laws, which you are bound to know more about than me.

Living in Sweden, the only thing I wouldn't bring back is loli's, because it counts as CP under Swedish law. Luckily I don't like that stuff in the first place, so there's no conflict of interests.

>> No.10205931
Quoted by: >>10207248

> Is there any kind of stuff you'd be afraid to bring back over the border?

No katana. Aside from that, mostly anything goes.

I'll add that U.S. customs doesn't usually care about whatever weeb goods you have (unless it's egregiously filthy or realistic loli porn), but they'll flag you if you try to bring back certain kinds of foods. Customs at Laguardia held me up for close to 30 minutes last year while they tore apart a boxed nabe kit that set off their sensors because it had freeze-dried meat in it. If you have doujin you don't want them to see, put it in a different bag.

>> No.10205944

>Could I get at least a bit of a feeling for the country in that time?

I honestly don't understand why people ask this question. It's on par with "how do I find THE REAL JAPAN?!?"

You're in the fucking country, aren't you? I don't see how you could avoid it. Go around and do what you want to do. Get a travel book or look at Japanguide before you go if you're worried about missing anything.

>> No.10206013

Just how much money would it cost for a week-long trip to Japan in reasonably comfortable (i.e. not roughing it like a starving college student) cost in USD?

>> No.10206168
Quoted by: >>10207248

You just need to translate the question to "will I be satisfied with my stay in that time" and the question makes sense. When traveling, a one day stay in most places is likely to be unsatisfactory for example.

>> No.10206207

I live in Japan.
I can go the Bigsight in 45min.

>> No.10206250
Quoted by: >>10206299

Any good music coming out?

>> No.10206299
Quoted by: >>10206322


>> No.10206322
Quoted by: >>10207970

what are you looking forward to?

>> No.10206412
File: 25 KB, 321x292, cirno awe_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10252242

>Interesting bit was the highest number that said they operated in another language with no problem were people over 50. Younger generation people had difficulty and half-assed it in Japanese.

T-the true power of a wizard also unlocks knowledge of Japanese?!

>> No.10206509

Will Hong Meiling come back so that c83 will be good again?

>> No.10206513
Quoted by: >>10216249

did you find there to be a lack of uploaders last comiket

>> No.10206729

>How much does the stay cost you, where do you stay?
I live in Japan but I'm 3 hours from Tokyo so I get a hotel. Hostels are pretty cheap ranging from 3000-5000yen a night. I prefer a bed though since theres lots of walking and standing and want the restful sleep (and 'privacy' :D).
Personally I choose to stay around Shinagawa station. If I was high roller I would stay in one of the 3 hotels around Big Site, but I'm not. This time I'll be in "Prince Hotel" near the station. The main reason for this is that the Yamate line will start up early on the 31st, around 5:30, this will let you get to Big site really early and get in line to go in (Note: its a 4-5 hour wait and its cold). The only reason to do this though is if there is a special circle you want something from, plus it lets you hit up maybe 2 (3 if you are lucky) major circles before stuff starts selling out. If I lived closer to Tokyo and had a car, I think I would consider just sleeping in my car for the third day. I've seen people park in some of the lots on Odaiba. Just walk and get in line around 2-3, this way you can get the limited edition dakimakura covers. Having friends with you helps. They can hold your spot, watch your stuff, and let you divide and conquer.

>> No.10206731
Quoted by: >>10206927

Dissapear from this board!

>> No.10206736
File: 2.80 MB, 1206x1590, totebag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on like Donkey Kong, dude. And be informed that if they're not Touhou blowjob boxers I will be disappoint.

So I guess we have a meetup time set? 4 PM sounds good to me. I'll be carrying this bag so as to be identifiable.

All you other Anons at Comiket better come too; we don't want this guy to freeze for nothing.

>> No.10206927
Quoted by: >>10207133

In due time.

>All you other Anons at Comiket better come too
Sure, why not. What are we meeting for?

>> No.10207125
File: 86 KB, 700x525, neet-shirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry. I wont dissapoint you.
I will even try to get those type moon neko sweater by beating up one of those tm staff.
You better come in identifiable /jp/ shirt.

>> No.10207133

>Sure, why not. What are we meeting for?

To sip tea inside a warm room and discuss our interests during a romantic and wonderfully timed light snowstorm

I'm not actually going, but I wish I was so I could do that with you, /jp/ (._. )

>> No.10207248


Yeah, I should've probably clarified that - there's a (minuscule)chance I'd go to Japan in 2013 as an exchange student, and I don't want to commit to something longterm without some first-hand experience.

It probably won't even happen, but hey.

>> No.10207250
File: 231 KB, 900x610, 29756230_big_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bad enough dude to wear this in public?

>> No.10207259

I'm going to fuyucomi!

>> No.10207267

I think there's nothing wrong with wearing that nowadays.....
I own a Lily white Tshirt and I always wear it when I have the chance...

>> No.10207286

i'd wear a kaguya shirt

>> No.10207300

*in 2014

>> No.10207311

Protip, if you have the chance to go to Japan dont ever pick Tokyo. Anywhere else is better than Tokyo.

-ex tokyo resident

>> No.10207316
Quoted by: >>10207323

What's so bad about it?

>> No.10207323

People do not take it easy.
Everyone walk faster than you, everyone go into the train faster than you, everyone work harder than you and etceetc...

>> No.10207333

I walk pretty fast so maybe I would be ok in that regard.

>> No.10207517

help i can't stop browsing melonbooks

>> No.10207604
Quoted by: >>10210698

Anyone care to have a /jp/ off-kai for C83?

>> No.10207615

There's a limited amount of universities partnered with the school I'd be going from, but if I get to choose there's one in Kyoto that seems solid.

>> No.10207626

What are you excited for this time, /jp/?
I'm going through homepages right now.

IRON ATTACK! will have a new album, and the sample sounds nice.
Same goes for R-Note (Yellow Zebra 2.0), and while I can't listen to Yuuhei Satellite's sample, I know they will deliver.

Also, this: http://www.toranoana.jp/info/dojin/toho_maho/
What I wouldn't give for the West to have communities that can do things like that.

>> No.10207645

For now I'm mostly excited about the new AQUA STYLE MoF folk album. Their C81 album was one of my favorites from the entire event.

Some other things I have noted are;
As/Hi doing a PCB piano album
OrangeCoffee doing a TD album(?)
minimum electric design doing a two-disc Touhou general album
could be fun

Also saw that As/Hi and Cajiva will be doing a collab. Wonder what that will be like.

>> No.10207670
Quoted by: >>10207694

Is there any hope of anything coming from rustle, inuboshi, or quzilax?

Any other artists I guess too.

>> No.10207694
Quoted by: >>10207707

Rustle will be participating:

You can check other artists on the site too.

>> No.10207707
Quoted by: >>10207710

How exactly do you access this thing?
Do you need an account or something?

>> No.10207710

Yes, you need an account.

>> No.10207970

the usual: shibayan, eastnewsound, minimum electric design, ui70, orangecoffee, sound sepher, yuuhei satellite

>> No.10208098

did i see xfds for THREE new rolling contact albums?
i don't have time to go check right now

>> No.10208314

Guys, I have a question.
According to wikipedia, the first Comiket was held in December 1975, which was 37 years ago. Comiket is held twice a year. Then why this Comiket is numbered as 83rd?

>> No.10208324


Held twice a year, it literally says that in the first line on wikipedia.

Yes, 37 plus 37 is only 74, there was some extra ones I guess.

>> No.10208331
Quoted by: >>10208360


>> No.10208333

because it's the 83rd one dummy

also three rolling contact albums oh my god i'm not ready

>> No.10208360

Thanks, it explains everything.

>> No.10208422

I wish to be the little neet.

>> No.10208441 [DELETED] 

keep your fingers in your anals faggots -i'll be at da gym getting strong, big. all the j-girls will be mine and you dingles will just sit on the sidelines and cry and watch me fuck them, watch the j-puss juice glisten on my penal.


>> No.10208457 [DELETED] 

utada hikaru is an exhuasted, broken damaged fragile little bipoler girl who cuts in her bathroom and then calls you on the phone begging you to come fuck and choke her, the only way to turn off her mind and its torment. can't we help her in some way?

>> No.10208754

Basically, you'll find Tokyo a cool, fastpaced, exciting place provided you aren't a country bumpkin who needs to take it easy.

>> No.10209213


New shibayan album, i am hype
It's electro again
It's got Ranko as one of the vocalists this time
Can't wait

xfade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuvCdrqSoTI

>> No.10209230

Shibayan won't be there as a circle. I already looked. Its possible that I missed them though. It'll be easier to tell once the DVD catalog comes out tomorrow.

>> No.10209246
Quoted by: >>10209259

I guess I'll have to dig around more or look on the DVD after all. I definitely did not see their usual circle in the catalog.

>> No.10209259

Yep! Not there as a circle. They'll be co-signing it to another circle. From the site, just noticed it.

>> No.10209261

Why does everyone like Yuuhei Satellite so much? I always found them to be incredibly bland.

>> No.10209279
Quoted by: >>10209436

Because it is tacked on the PV of the touhou anime. So you get impressed by the PV and you like the songs as an after effect.

>> No.10209389
Quoted by: >>10209400

What? I find them everything but bland. Unoriginal? Maybe. Not bothering with rearranging much of the songs? Maybe. Bland? Hell no, they're delicious.

>> No.10209400
Quoted by: >>10209410

Unoriginality and not really rearranging anything makes them bland to me. I don't they they are bad. The music is pleasant, but nothing by them ever sticks to me or pulls me along.

>> No.10209410
Quoted by: >>10209430

I don't know, maybe it's senya's voice that makes their songs so memorable for me.
Damn, so beautiful.

>> No.10209430

I do agree that she has a great voice.

>> No.10209436

they make some good songs, decent arrangements and vocals, but i agree that they're fairly overrated
pretty much this >>10209279

>> No.10209640
Quoted by: >>10211090

Is... Is there Buta-Otome? ;_;

>> No.10210119

Why would I go to all the way to Comiket to shop for amateur comics in an extremely crowded environment when I haven't even read 1% of the commercial manga at my local Book Off?

The only justification I can see is wanting to feel part of a crowd and keep up with the current fads, being a cosplay camwhore and selling one's wares.

>> No.10210182

I go for the music.

>> No.10210203

is O-life going to be at this? Their sample album was fantastic

>> No.10210280
File: 26 KB, 419x296, おはようございます (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that was bland. Never thought I'd see Shibayan disappoint.

>> No.10210409

It's fun, you get to meet your favorite music producers/doujinshi artists, etc.

>> No.10210698

Yeah man, did you miss all the meetup posts above you? 4 PM at big saw on Saturday (day 1); be there.

After that, I don't know what we'll do; go somewhere to have warm drinks first, and then perhaps somewhere else, maybe a maid cafe/karaoke or something similarly /jp/-related.

I've never been to a meetup before and have nfc what we're "supposed" to do, so people can start throwing out ideas.

>> No.10210717

>maybe a maid cafe/karaoke or something similarly /jp/-related.
If it's between maid cafe or Karaoke, I vote for Karaoke. The last maid cafe was kinda meh.

>> No.10210719

god dammit I looked at the comments section.

wait how do these fucking secondar---
I don't care. I don't care.
never mind. I don't need or want to know how they are in the know and yet still ignorant.

>> No.10210761

Do people really want it on day 1 this time around? Days 2 and 3 are more /jp/ related.

Usually it's like this big red saw > find somewhere for dinner > whatever...

>> No.10210784
File: 513 KB, 1390x1410, 1353002652838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit they're sampling noisia. I love it!

>> No.10210792
Quoted by: >>10211109

I don't care as long as it's not day 3, since I've got other things to do on new years eve.

>> No.10211082

nice nice

>> No.10211086

senya. her voice is very nice.

>> No.10211090

>Is... Is there Buta-Otome? ;_;

>> No.10211109
Quoted by: >>10211121

I agree.

Though if all thets going to happen is karaoke, then I might just say "hi" and peace out. Never cared for karaoke.

>> No.10211121

There isn't really a plan.
You get together, see who's there ask what they wanna do. Last time we went to Akiba and walked around a bit, went to a maid cafe, and then an izakaya with a group of 2channers.

>> No.10211142

sounds good.

I'll be up for that.

>> No.10211194
Quoted by: >>10211217

Day 3 isn't good for many reasons, it being new year's eve and all, and on day 2 I and at least one other anon on here are going to angela's end-of-year concert, which starts at 6.

This sounds like the best idea to me too. Let the people that show up that day decide on the fly what to do next.

>> No.10211217

You seem experienced. I'm not a fujoshi, so what is there to do for a normal guy on day 1?

I've read that it's probably the best day if you want to go for corporate booths with limited quantity stuff, but I'm not sure how available those are. Would it entail getting there first thing in the morning? Or would it be possible to get it even if I come around noon?

>> No.10211224
Quoted by: >>10211230

Is the CD catalog out yet?

>> No.10211230

Do you need it? The catalog is online.

>> No.10211240

Oh wow, it's free? I thought they were going to charge for it like the CD and book. This is pretty cool, thanks.

>> No.10211239
File: 1.34 MB, 706x1000, 23996569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By no means is day 1 isn't all fujoshi stuff. Carnelian, Hajime Ueda and Engine Smoker are all on day 1 this year; so are all a lot of my favorite yuri circles.

In fact all the het porn I'm getting this year is from day 1 circles and all the BL from day 2. On day 3 every place I'm planning to hit is either gen or yuri. Every day really has a huge variety; if you just hunt a little there is almost guaranteed to have what you're looking for.

On corporate booths, they usually run all three days, so I'd bet they have more stuff to sell than the amateur circles and others who are there for one day only. Some of them will sell out on day one and some of them will only sell up to an allotted amount of their merchandise per day, but either way you should certainly be able to get most of the stuff you want, short of wildly, obscenely popular figures or dakimakura covers. The lines can be super long though. I'd say come early if there's something a.) you really, really want and b.) you know will be popular enough that it could sell out quickly and c.) not be easy to get on the aftermarket. Otherwise yeah, roll up in the early afternoon.

>> No.10211244
Quoted by: >>10216413

I still want the CD-ROM catalogue. The online catalog is pretty good but I want the full-page circle cut view, and I'm just more used to using the CD.

>> No.10211250
File: 102 KB, 951x259, indexheaderimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw: Catalog is located at https://webcatalog.circle.ms/ (that was written in the thread that got bumped away, but not here)

>> No.10211260

I was joking about day1 4pm bigsaw. I am not even going this time.

Anon that died last year, is that you?

Buy stuff if you are rich. Corporate booths sell out first, especially calendars and dakimura.

>> No.10211292

Just looked at all of the アニメ(その他)cricles. People weren't kidding when they said it's Fujoshi day.
>Anon that died last year, is that you?
Unfortunately not.

>> No.10211319

They still need to fill all the blank area with the void basugay left.

>> No.10211556

I feel pretty confident that BL/Fujoshi stuff out numbers all of the 'guy stuff' if you combine all the days. Day 1 IS overwhelming BL as is day 2. On day 3, West hall is like 90% BL and the East halls has BL circles spread out here and there for the ones that are major circles. Day 3 is probably the strongest day for guy stuff. Thats not to say Day 1 doesn't have guy stuff or day 2 (which is 東方 day), but there is still so much BL. (Note: The number of BL同人 events outnumbers most of the events for guy stuff as well.)

>> No.10211577

Any interesting doujin games coming that I should keep my eyes peeled for?

>> No.10214291
Quoted by: >>10214298

Wait, what happend with Basket? I've been out of the loop for some weeks.
Did it get banned due to all the threats?

>> No.10214298
Quoted by: >>10214304


>> No.10214304
Quoted by: >>10214311

Hahaha, Christ. But why exactly were the threateners angry?

>> No.10214311
Quoted by: >>10214754

I don't really know.
Maybe he is a fan and dislikes that they turn all his characters gay?
Or maybe he likes Slam Dunk and is jelly.
That is all just speculations though.

>> No.10214717
File: 211 KB, 925x520, a713e072c5cee4b2a9cd85596a23829b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your most awaited albums so far?

I'm eagerly waiting for 辿/誘 by Diao ye zong, it sounds great: http://www.rd-sounds.com/song/Tadori_Izanai-Crossfadedemo192.mp3

I think I'm going to enjoy Foxtail-Grass Studio's つきかげクオリア a lot too: https://soundcloud.com/hamu_lr/fgst0009-tsukikage-qualia

And FAR EAST OF EAST -VIII- by TatshMusicCircle seems promising:

>> No.10214754

More like a personal feud between the culprit and the author.
Probably some form of bullying or NTR.

>> No.10214801

new amane albums all sound pretty solid
new 556mm sounds awesome
new shibayan also sounds pretty good
real excited to see what comes out of LiLA'c and ENS

>> No.10214850

>What are you excited for this time, /jp/?

Scat doujinshi.

>> No.10214857
Quoted by: >>10216209

Is there a nice list of all the albums coming out, or at least the Touhou ones?

>> No.10215570

Any games of interest coming up this comiket?

>> No.10216209


>> No.10216238 [DELETED] 

I think I'm just gonna download everything from the circles I know and be done with it. I'm getting bored with touhou music anyway.

>> No.10216250 [DELETED] 

Hong posted last Comiket, too, just not very much.

>> No.10216249


>> No.10216268

I was reading through the thread and I read aomething about a meet up.

Is somebody planning this?

>> No.10216300

Due to 'mangadommen' the police are ignoring drawn CP.

>> No.10216328

What's there to do there. Going to be in Tokyo during the time so I might go.

>> No.10216413

Having said this, I went on to discover that there IS a page-view setting like that under the "view by circle" option: https://webcatalog.circle.ms/Circle

>> No.10216646

W-what. I sh-shiver at the thought.

>> No.10216661

Buy porn book and music cd

>> No.10216688

I try to remain in ignorance about which circles will publish new stuff.

That way it's always a pleasant surprise to discover a new album of my favorite circle and I don't get disappointed if said album results to be not as good as I expected.

I can't wait though, my K8 music is running out.

And I wonder if RemiJam will bless us again.

>> No.10216736

Also take photos of cosplayers if that's your thing.

>> No.10216787


>> No.10217058

I usually get stressed whenever a comiket is about to arrive, too much things to keep your eyes around.

Now I just skip all lewd doujins and head straight for the music department, Touhou arranges and all, mostly focused on Jazz and Folk though, with dnb and Orchestral stepping in from time to time.

Still very time-consuming.

>> No.10217297
File: 43 KB, 474x226, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10217319

My body was not ready

>> No.10217308
Quoted by: >>10217324

Where or what is big saw and how can I find it?

>> No.10217319 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10217337


>> No.10217324
File: 1.37 MB, 2592x1944, img_8988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty hard to miss.

>> No.10217337

Are you high bro?

>> No.10217366

I only follow like 8 or 9 circles, and none of them hav put up released any information about new releases, previews, or hints at any future projects for C83 or anything else or are releasing compilations.

Speaking of which, minimum electric design is rereleasing all of his Touhou arrangement stuff from 2009 and 2010 in a two disc set with a few bonus stuff, so if you missed out on checking out his shit before mediafire turned into real hardasses, you're in luck.

>> No.10218633
File: 98 KB, 900x600, IMG_9847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll also be floating around Tokyo during Winter Comiket and currently putting together my itinerary. Anyone else know of any other interesting related events happening around this time?

For example last year there was the Madoka exhibition out at Ikebukuro which was ok for a look.

>> No.10218677
Quoted by: >>10224984

Go Oorai to see tanks.
Go to Enoshima to check out squid and taritaris.
The Suwako shrine is somewhere in Nagano.
Hakone to see the all the evangelion stuff.
I think the rest are too far away from Tokyo.

>> No.10219624
Quoted by: >>10224635

The DVD should be out now.
Has anyone seen a torrent for it?

>> No.10224635

file [コミケ][C83]コミックマーケット83カタログDVD-ROM版.zip コミックマーケット コミケ C83 1,568,858,749

>> No.10224733
File: 506 KB, 602x850, 32154096_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10252305

Lots of good Suika dropping this Winter C.

>> No.10224735
File: 256 KB, 1075x768, 32042752_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10224769

I don't understand.

>> No.10224806
Quoted by: >>10227103


>> No.10224984
File: 803 KB, 2144x1424, angela++live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks angela's end of the year live isn't being held in Takadanobaba any more - this one's at just a hop, step and a jump from Big Sight at the Mielparque complex. It's the evening of the 30th and you can still get tickets.

>> No.10225043
Quoted by: >>10225056

There's an Anime Centre in Akihabara that usually has a display out about some anime. When I went in 2008 they had a display out of Inazuma Eleven which wasn't that interesting, but I can't find out what they've currently got.

>> No.10225056
Quoted by: >>10225080

They had Fate stay night there until yesterday.

>> No.10225062

Art book collab? Crow's looks great.

>> No.10225080
Quoted by: >>10225088

Any idea what's next? I'm in Tokyo after Christmas but only have a day free to go around Otome Road, Akihabara and Nanako Broadway hence I'm a bit short on time.

>> No.10225088
Quoted by: >>10252181

They will have kamen rider up for the rest of year. They still will display other anime shit there besides kamen rider.
Just dropped by UDX center when you are there, it is just opposite kbook.

>> No.10225131

Well, now it's really happening, so joke's on you I guess.

Guess it's time to get coordinatin'. As it stands, we are set for:

day: Day 1, Saturday December 29th
time: 4 PMish
place: Big Saw sculpture (north of the main entrance)

You can e-mail c83meetup@gmail.com if you'd like to ask questions, suggest an itinerary or place to go, or want to voice a preference for a different meeting date/place/whatever. You can also just post in this thread.

Anyone know of good cafes or family restaurants within walking distance of Big Site for our first stop? Further away is fine IMO; the closer to Comiket the harder it'll be to get a place to sit down.

>> No.10225143

Go to Akiba and see what's left of Radio Kaikan before it's torn down ;__;

>> No.10225170

Weaaabooos, pls translate:

1) うん、そうかもな。

2) 動くようにすればいいんだね。

>> No.10225174

It takes 4-6 hours to learn Hiragana, step up faggot.

>> No.10225191
File: 24 KB, 216x301, dreamworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10225204

Someone better upload this.

>> No.10225204

Warmly waiting for Eiffel Tower/Tokyo Tower yaoi uploads.

>> No.10225228


1) Senpai, it feels so good inside

2) This is the pleasure of being cummed inside

It's extremely easy to translate Japanese.

>> No.10225240

Does anyone know of any Breakcore or lolicore artists/circles to look out for?

>> No.10225249

3rd day
West hall
It is together with all the non anime/touhou place.

>> No.10225271
Quoted by: >>10225635

>1) うん、そうかもな。
Yeah, it might be.

>2) 動くようにすればいいんだね。
Don't look there, it's filthy.

>> No.10225283

all i can think of is ebi1000 and shimau, but i dont think they release anything at comiket. the breakcore i manage to find is just scattered around various groups.

on a related note, does anyone know if Take still exists? this guy
is the same as this guy, i believe
but i haven't been able to find any information about him that i can read. he was real good.

>> No.10225574
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1332785010785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New ShibayanRecords.

>> No.10225622

oh hey, meetup on day 1, that's a first. I'll be there.

If you're looking for a famiresu near big site, let's just go to saizeriya.

>> No.10225635
Quoted by: >>10225740


> Don't look there, it's filthy


> We should move/make a move

>> No.10225740

Have you never read Japanese porn before?

>> No.10227103
File: 41 KB, 533x131, catalog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10227127

Why does this happen? ;_;
Is it because I don't have the Japanese version of windows?

>> No.10227127 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10227167

Just change the system locale

>> No.10227133

How many people are confirmed for going at this point?

I'll be going, so that's +1.

>> No.10227155
File: 162 KB, 307x819, 1354904476011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10227161

>> No.10227153
File: 107 KB, 500x717, 1354902908901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10227161

All that class.

>> No.10227167
Quoted by: >>10227183

I probably should have noted that I had already done that.

Either way, I think it is that I don't have the japanese version of windows, because it says so in the index thing:
"Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (日本語版以外の動作は保証しません)"

>> No.10227183
Quoted by: >>10227270

It works fine on my American installation.

>> No.10227270
Quoted by: >>10227457

Maybe there is something weird about the Norwegian installation? I just reinstalled the catalog and it didn't help.

Well it's not like it is unusable, but do you think you can post a picture of what it says?

>> No.10227457
Quoted by: >>10227466

There's plenty of screenshots if you google for them.

>> No.10227466

I see. Thanks for the help either way.

>> No.10227519

Thats really cute.

>> No.10228965
Quoted by: >>10232522

I'll be going too but unfortunately only for day 2 and 3. If any of you feels like meeting up on those days then I'll wait at the saw at around 4pm.

>> No.10232493
Quoted by: >>10233423

How many circles have you guys decided to look at beforehand?

>> No.10232522
Quoted by: >>10234426

I'm fine with day 1 or 2.
I really want to go to day 3, but I'm probably doing stuff with family that day.

I wonder what day more convenient for people.

>> No.10232531

I'm a bit sad that I won't be going this time. C81 was pretty fun.

>> No.10233423
File: 285 KB, 647x900, 32173396_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a shortlist of favorites whose sites I check obsessively anyhow. Then I scan the whole catalog and visit the sites or Pixiv pages of circles that look promising.

>> No.10233426


Do you know the circle (or company) that made these? I'd buy one if I could find it.

>> No.10233428

I'm also going (I'm the one who made the meetup e-mail account).

>> No.10234426

I'll be going as well and maybe with a friend.

Day 2 is the best day for me and the most suitable day given that it is Touhou day and I think all past meet-ups excluding C82 have been on this day. I generally get bored of day 1 by midday.

>> No.10235373
File: 157 KB, 480x640, Sato_Rika_ さん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true the music release day isn't until the third day? And albums don't really start getting uploaded until four days after that?

>> No.10235467

What? There is music all the days.

>> No.10235532
Quoted by: >>10235543

commercial+super popular music ala exit tunes is all day
touhou music is day2
original/anime arranged doujin music is day3

>> No.10235543

isnt the first day always fujostuff?

>> No.10235561
Quoted by: >>10235570

But not limited to.

>> No.10235570


>> No.10235576
Quoted by: >>10238244

I am talking about huge commecial circle.
Do you still considered Exit Tunes as part of the doujin scene? Same with Voltage of Imagination, they are all in the commercial area. GWAVE as well and most of the denpa stuff are all in the commercial area.

>> No.10235603
Quoted by: >>10235620

Translate it, weebs. Please.

>> No.10235620
Quoted by: >>10237709

What is there to translate? It's just names.

>> No.10237709
Quoted by: >>10237895

I was hoping the text provided insight as to why they are being cute inside boxes.

>> No.10237738

Is bkub at this Comiket?

>> No.10237895
Quoted by: >>10242043

The left one is "Gosei" Pink and the right is Yellow.

no idea what that is; some idol bullshit.

>> No.10238244


EXIT TUNES haven't been doujin ever.

>> No.10238286

Just an update since some people had mentioned interest in the new ShibayanRecords album. Shibayan failed to get an app in for a table so they won't be there as a circle.

They have gotten a few other circles to carry the new album thought.
On day 2, 東コ-15b「NJK Record」、東ケ-59a「hajime-saku-」
On day 3, 西こ-09a「LC:AZE」

>> No.10238723

anyone know if harada takehito (haradaya) is going to go?

>> No.10238776

I enjoy it but it's not the only reason I live here.

>> No.10238918
Quoted by: >>10239845

Just wondering what is happening on first day?

I've heard that second day is Fujoshi Day, and third day is for Doujins, so whats on the first day?

>> No.10239845
Quoted by: >>10269539

1. Fujoshiday
2. Touhouday
3. Erodoujinday

>> No.10239955
Quoted by: >>10244953

Wait, that means these guys will be selling their album along with Shibayan's or that they'll be releasing everything as one thing?

>> No.10242043

It seems that Gosei Pink is the pink power ranger. Thank you for the information.

>> No.10242064 [DELETED] 

Actually going to C83 is a waste of time when you can save time and buy online.


>> No.10244953

there will be a pile of shibayan albums sitting on one side of the table with no in-circle representatives

>> No.10244975

I see, thanks.

>> No.10247703

I really hope someone uploads the minimum electric design and driving kitchen this time ;_;

>> No.10247835
Quoted by: >>10248228

Seems like there's no decent electronic music this time around, just a load of electro.

>> No.10248192
File: 27 KB, 200x200, artworks-000036748999-phhq1c-t200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alstroemeria's Xfade for C83.
back to the Dancehall....

>> No.10248228

well you can't blame him after how fucking terrible world destination was. it doesn't sound nearly as good as the previous two though, even nhato's track sounds like shit. have to wait and see i guess.

you win for shittiest post in thread

>> No.10248386


watch out, you might cut someone with those edges of yours

>> No.10248447



>> No.10248493

Oh good, so it'll still be on sale.

>> No.10248548

NJK Record?
Euro Flash 3?

>> No.10249600
Quoted by: >>10257307

So I just discovered MOHICAN SANDBAG and I fell in love with the circle. (Toho Cocktail was fantastic...)

Can anyone tell me if they'll be attending C83?

>> No.10249706

world destination was by no means "fucking terrible", did you even listen to it or just assumed it was shit because of no "dancehall" title?

>> No.10249716
Quoted by: >>10257307

Agree with this anon, World Destination was not that bad, even though I did like the Dancehall collections a little better.

There were some fantastic tracks in WD...

>> No.10250466
Quoted by: >>10253608

This is gonna be good.

Swing Holic is going to have a full Fairies album. Good shit. A~YA will sing an arrange of Stake your life on a prank.
C-CLAYS too. Kotone Mai will do Emotional Skyscraper.
Magnum Opus will FINALLY release something new. Last album was on March 2011 for RTS8. Too bad it's a preview only.
Same goes for Demetori since C81. Also a preview.
Unlucky Morpheus will do a collaboration with... Undead Corporation. That means shit screamo vocals. But it seems they'll also include the instrumental versions, Thanks God.

>> No.10250468
File: 56 KB, 380x380, 1348512794649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to buy aran's solo album but I don't have the dosh.

>> No.10250524


http://nyu-media.com/comiket-83-circles/ List of circles and games.

I assume it isn't complete and because it's Nyu Media the list only has SFW stuff.

>> No.10250547
Quoted by: >>10252032

The answer is probably going to be negative but still. Does any anon who's going to attend this comiket want to buy and scan Bomber Grape's new touhou doujin?


>> No.10252032

Buy it yourself via a proxy through Melonbooks or something you beggar.

>> No.10252181

I'll probably go, also with a friend.

Anyone else bringing anything identifiable?

Also, anyone know generally how fast the A row circles run out of stuff?

>> No.10252203

Wearing horsehead.

>> No.10252242

No. It probably unlocks knowledge of English.

In other words, you were born speaking a language you would learn for free anyways.

>> No.10252250

Are we going to have the manly /jp/ meetup again this year?

>> No.10252297
File: 60 KB, 680x510, wzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Wave Morrigan releasing anything this year

>> No.10252305
File: 6 KB, 256x192, YEEES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decent Kasen stuff?

>> No.10252545

Hello again.

Looks like the meetup is being coordinated on Day 1 this time, read up in the thread for details. Contact email is c83meetup@gmail.com

I'll go, and judging by the comments, a few other people will show up as well.

>> No.10252572
Quoted by: >>10252785

When is Comiket anyway? I'll be in Japan 2014, Tokyo, but during the summer time.

>> No.10252785
Quoted by: >>10252788

Summer Comike is in the middle of August.

>> No.10252788
Quoted by: >>10252793

I can be there then. See you there, if I see a thread on the usual meetup that year.

>> No.10252793

Okay, see you at C86 /jp/ meetup then.

>> No.10252942

i really want to buy two albums from there...is there anyone that can help me buy them from c83 at this point?

>> No.10253000
Quoted by: >>10253058

anything bout hopeless masquerade?

>> No.10253038
Quoted by: >>10253387

you doing proxy buying magic again this year?

>> No.10253058

It's already been confirmed the demo is on the 30th for about a month

>> No.10253286
File: 445 KB, 639x758, flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone willing to buy me the flandre feet mousepad?

>> No.10253387

Yeah, use tinyurl.com/c2ny9os

>> No.10253429

It depends. The ones along the wall usually have stock for a few hours, the ones by the shutters will run out faster and you'll probably need to get in line within an hour of opening. Of course, not all circles are equally popular and some of them will have stuff remaining at the end of the day.

>> No.10253490
Quoted by: >>10254621

Any plans on a Day 3 meet?

>> No.10253608
Quoted by: >>10257105

Demetori where

>> No.10253625
File: 235 KB, 493x700, gloriousreimarisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cinderella Cage: More Rewind Mix

>> No.10254621

Haven't heard anything yet. I figure I'll go to the Day 1 meetup and then if people are up for doing another one on Day 3 we can plan it then.

>> No.10254673
File: 823 KB, 800x1119, 32317622_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this? Upload, please.

>> No.10256830


>> No.10256850

I'm waiting for the new m-1 grand prix. I fear this one will be average.

>> No.10257105


Just wondering, did that one socks guy get what he wanted?

>> No.10257285
Quoted by: >>10257295

The second track is so god damn amazing. It's so happy funky like. Also Nagi.

>> No.10257295


>> No.10257307

okay, i didn't actually mean it was fucking terrible. i meant in relation to KILLED/ABANDONED, it was a big disappointment. i really really liked the 4th track, but the rest was either too boring or too annoying. my second favorite track was actually the intro, which lost points because of painful synths.

judging purely from the xfd, this new one sounds better but still not as perfect as the previous dancehalls. waiting to pass judgment until it's out.

doubtful, haven't seen them do anything new since c81. would be nice though.

>> No.10257480
Quoted by: >>10264917

I... I have bad news, Anon...

>> No.10257487

I have to stop listening to these crossfades. They're making me way too excited.

>> No.10257554

I will be uploading things as per usual, however you do not and I repeat: you do not have to thank me.

>> No.10257591
Quoted by: >>10257598

Thank you.

>> No.10257598

Y-you too...

>> No.10257623

Haha time for Comiket@/jp/:
>thank you
>stop thanking uploaders
>thank you
>waiting for flac
>stop uploading OGG
>is randomEroDoujinshiX out yet?
>the event started 10mins ago, albums where?
>what is Share?

Chances are you'll be waiting for a long time.

>> No.10257625

No wonder tripfag uploaders left...

>> No.10257631

Where would I go to order things from comiket? Is there a site that would help? There's a few things I was hoping to get my hands on, but I've never done this before.

>> No.10257869
File: 45 KB, 167x167, 1331734011411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10259815

That's because there's always one crossboarder who will create a comiket thread on /a/. Then /a/ swarms the comiket thread, flooding the upload thread with "WHEN WILL X ARRIVE?" instead of asking in the discussion thread.

>> No.10257872


>> No.10259717

see earlier in this thread for a link

also i am excite

>> No.10259723
Quoted by: >>10262620

Any good calendar for this comiket?
Need to stalk the after market for one.

>> No.10259815

They are more like off-siters

>> No.10259843
Quoted by: >>10259861

Oh god, this. How long does it take for something like this to show up on somewhere like Nyaa?


>> No.10259861

A few days after 魔王様 uploads it to PD.

>> No.10262576
File: 127 KB, 500x500, tohococktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you guys this song is just so amazing. please, listen to it, i hope you enjoy


>> No.10262620
Quoted by: >>10264802

Yeah, calendars, seriously, I was going for Kantoku's but I have almost all the drawings on there and I ain't paying shit just for a few extra numbers almost-subliminally put on the corner.

>> No.10262812
File: 81 KB, 500x707, 31941969_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10262818

Hopefully someone will pick this one up.

>> No.10262818
Quoted by: >>10262954

Give me the name and I'll see what I can do.

>> No.10262875


The same guy with the enormous tits Nitori?

>> No.10262900

There's something I was looking forward to coming out at Comiket 83 and I've forgotten now.

>> No.10262954


Here it is.

Also, This guy's stuff in general hasn't been scanned.



>> No.10262956

was it porn

>> No.10263019

I never look forward to any Comiket because I know nothing about the circles that attend the games, nor their reputations. And aside of lurking on the archive, I don't know any other way to learn about them. ;_;

>> No.10264802

>I have almost all the drawings on there
Drawings where? I'd much rather have a poster than a calendar if they exist.
That being said I haven't spotted his calendar while browsing Akiba and Nakano. Do you know what stores sell it?

>> No.10264882 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 500x500, jacket500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlmen.

The first C83 song, and it's mother fucking ShibayanRecords and 3L.


>> No.10264888
File: 413 KB, 500x500, jacket500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen.

The first C83 song, and it's mother fucking ShibayanRecords and 3L.


>> No.10264917
File: 93 KB, 320x320, RNDVD0001-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10266994

It says it'll be on sales for this comiket. Did something happen and they forgot to update?

>> No.10264921
File: 1012 KB, 1920x1080, 1343661627073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10266990
File: 1.60 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20121226_150059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10268333

I am maximum prepared

>> No.10266994

OH DEAR. They're going to keep at it!
Why do they even change their name if absolutely nothing changed, then?

My bet is on JealousyStar.

>> No.10267025
Quoted by: >>10267079

pretty good, but not as good as night'n'night

>> No.10267079



I prefer WARNING!, always need my daily dose of it.

>> No.10268333

You look like a fat asian.

>> No.10269449
Quoted by: >>10269539

First time comiket goer here. Does anyone know what day and sections im@s stuffs are in? I can't find it on the genre section of the catalog.

>> No.10269539

See >>10239845
Also, more than 300 posts.
