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>> No.10211239 [View]
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By no means is day 1 isn't all fujoshi stuff. Carnelian, Hajime Ueda and Engine Smoker are all on day 1 this year; so are all a lot of my favorite yuri circles.

In fact all the het porn I'm getting this year is from day 1 circles and all the BL from day 2. On day 3 every place I'm planning to hit is either gen or yuri. Every day really has a huge variety; if you just hunt a little there is almost guaranteed to have what you're looking for.

On corporate booths, they usually run all three days, so I'd bet they have more stuff to sell than the amateur circles and others who are there for one day only. Some of them will sell out on day one and some of them will only sell up to an allotted amount of their merchandise per day, but either way you should certainly be able to get most of the stuff you want, short of wildly, obscenely popular figures or dakimakura covers. The lines can be super long though. I'd say come early if there's something a.) you really, really want and b.) you know will be popular enough that it could sell out quickly and c.) not be easy to get on the aftermarket. Otherwise yeah, roll up in the early afternoon.

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