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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.48892545 [View]
File: 19 KB, 463x453, 1612742292048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to sleep
>Korone is streaming
>Wake up
>Korone is streaming

>> No.45474014 [View]
File: 19 KB, 463x453, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars is Hololive

>> No.45260967 [View]
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>> No.45048588 [View]
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>> No.45017910 [View]
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is he even alive?

>> No.44495492 [View]
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This is the inevitable conclusion though. Even if they try to avoid it, ALL OF THEM and I do mean all of them absolutely HAVE to talk to men at all times whether it be management or dudes they hire for their personal projects, and those moments always make it so those dudes get to talk to them more and more in private. And in the case of JP it's even worse because if they hire people that live in Japan, or in the same city/area as them, they can straight up meet IRL without anyone knowing under the guise of discussing the projects in person or some shit. They can get cock whenever they want, they're women. That shit is not a meme. They would rather get with the people they work with than with any of their fans. If some of them were fan-fuckers then cool I guess, at least it's a fan. But no, they get all shady with these faceless dudes you've never even heard of before.

They all lie, and even if they don't want to, they eventually will. To me this is all a timed event. "I'm gonna watch [my oshi] until she inevitably fucks up and lets the mask slip, then I'll leave". This entire vtubing thing is psychotic when you really think about it. You KNOW they're gonna date or fuck some dudes in the background, it's GOING to happen because it's not like they stop living their lives because they're vtubers. But people throw money at them anyway and believe the lies they say, even if you know they're lies. "I'm sick, [family member] died, I got a sudden meeting!" it's all fucking bullshit. Women lie naturally.

This is why male twitch streamers are on top and I say that unironically. They just do stuff and nobody cares about anything else other than them being entertaining or fun on stream. You might disagree with me now but you know this is a fucking fact. It's a healthier viewer-streamer relationship than female vtubers and their male fans. I would argue even twitch sluts have a healthier relationship with their audience because they don't pretend to be anything other than sluts from day 1 and they know the male audience is just watching them to jerk off or hope for a nipslip or onlyfans account. This whole thing is fucking insanity at max levels if you look at it rationally.

>> No.44300715 [View]
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Now that shocked me

>> No.42653021 [View]
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>> No.41925244 [View]
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.41712928 [View]
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>cooldown after making a new thread on /jp/ is one hour

>> No.40412022 [View]
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the 4th of July shooter was a deadbeat

>> No.39673595 [View]
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Kurokami Fubuki =黒髪フブキ

>> No.39654857 [View]
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ogey rrat!

>> No.39653631 [View]
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k poop more like gay poop

>> No.39446555 [View]
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>mfw want to start playing apex after watching aqua
>checks steam
>it weighs 96GB

>> No.39423420 [View]
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>> No.39240627 [View]
File: 19 KB, 463x453, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/de27847b_monkaGIGA.png">

>> No.39116063 [View]
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subaru is a fucking volleyball player

>> No.38647697 [View]
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>konpako konpako konpako!

>> No.38347181 [View]
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>> No.38270397 [View]
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>> No.38248778 [View]
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what in the actual fuck?

>> No.38020558 [View]
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>> No.37865880 [View]
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