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>> No.46942780 [View]
File: 3.19 MB, 2315x3274, Moriyan issued uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her go, effortlessly winning and showing off all the unrelenting smug of the Hakurei bloodline. Adorable and warms my heart Hana gets to be, even if fleeting, a proper teenager shrine maiden~though staring at people's panties while fighting is very inappropriate, Hana! Wait to do that after the duel, like you did to Seija
In a related note: Man, Sanae must be seething HARD inside; she could've given Hana an incredible life in her shrine, protected her from Yukari and made days like these commonplace, where Hana had people her age to test her strength against, learn and enjoy being a shrine maiden...Mega sadge
Announcement, everyone! Am pausing the Keine/festival storyline for the next four months due to personal affairs.
That should be enough time for Hana to rape the entire Moriyan Shrine~
thanks for the chapters!

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