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>> No.28636057 [View]
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Kiara would get spooked by every single enemy or ambient noise and would barely make any progress. On her second stream she would just give up and go online to summon KFP Jannies to carry her through the game. She'd still feel accomplished afterwards. The only one who bothers trying to make her character look nice in the creator. Picks Firebombs as the starting gift but wastes half of them by constantly hitting the wrong button before even seeing any enemies.

Amelia would start out decent at it but get increasingly frustrated with her chat backseating, yelling at her to read the lore she doesn't care about, spamming unfunny Giantdad memes or suggesting that she build around a lategame weapon or spell she hasn't even heard about yet. As this frustration sets in she gets worse at the game and starts gremlin screeching every time something goes wrong until she dies in the same spot 50 times and ragequits. Default character appearance. Picks the Pendant because chat memed on her.

Ina can't play realtime action games that require pressing more than 2 different buttons in addition to movement, so she'd progress about as slow as Kiara. She'd progress more consistently though, but it would be the slowest and most frustrating playthrough you've ever seen, since she'd just cower behind a shield and take one or two swipes at an enemy, then go back to blocking. Basic enemies would take as long as bossfights for normal people. Picks a nice looking preset and alters a couple of sliders before confirming it. Picks Tiny Being's Ring and never notices that it doesn't actually regenerate health.

Gura would get distracted by random background objects and spend most of the game falling off ledges. Past a point, she'd start silently looking at the camera or at chat every time she falls, until eventually asking if it frustrates the viewers. Makes her character look like a funny colored ogre. She's also the one that picks the Master Key as her starting gift and gets hopelessly lost.

Mori might actually be decent at the game, holding out for a miracle happening with permissions.

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