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>> No.11628888 [DELETED]  [View]
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really cute girl

>> No.11535634 [View]
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>> No.11269061 [View]
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Autism is a combination of personality traits, emotions, and behaviours. An autistic person could be someone that for all intents and purposes has nothing wrong with them, to a severely retarded person. They call this the "spectrum", but this was not created until after the fact to save face because psychiatrists all around the world were applying the label in a very liberal and arbitrary manner.

Today autism can mean anything, it is an arbitrary umbrella term that means nothing. There is no proof that it is a physical disease of the brain, because the process of diagnosis does not include any actual science, but rather a human arbitrarily questioning your personality traits, emotions, and behaviours, and without any physical tests applying an arbitrary label to it and deeming it to be a disease. This is pseudo-science.

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