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>> No.48649480 [View]
File: 176 KB, 1024x682, 1731839524202511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Aya so much. She ruined my life in front of everyone. I will find her, and kill her. Anger is not enough to describe what i'm feeling right now.

>> No.48574519 [View]
File: 176 KB, 1024x682, the most correct thing to do to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, honest and pure youkai in the amounts of lead that is gonna be lodged in her bird skull.

>> No.48433391 [View]
File: 176 KB, 1024x682, 1734250727596807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would keep coming back, no matter how many times i shot. All of this... Because i refused to subscribe to her newspaper.
For the two past weeks, while i was minding my own business, i would hear her voice.
The voice of someone whom i deeply hated.
Calling me a loser, telling me why i suck, telling me the benefits of subscribing to her newspaper, telling me why i suck for NOT subscribing in the first place, all that bullshit, in a mocking, condenscending tone while sitting on the fence, always looking down on me, with her goddamn smug face... As if, she was staring at literal garbage.. Loser.
That wouldn't be enough however, she would come back by the midnight to harass me, and her ways of doing so would grow exponentially. It got worse. It eventually got to the point where i would see her in my nightmares, laughing at me. Always out of reach. Laughing at me in my mind, rent-free. And yet....
I had to do something, this had to stop.
The next morning, i took up my ol' reliable TOZ 34, lied down in a bush and waited for her comfortably. Made sure to bring some Doremy Sweet's jelly beans™ as well.
1 hour passed.
2 hours passed..
3 hours passed... All out of beans.
She was not present. She's gone. It's over, it surely must be, right? Feeling unsatisfied, i left my vantage point and went back to work on my project.
The next day, i woke up to a terrible stench filling up the house, invading my nostrils. After looking around, i could see a bunch of.. White paint spilled all over the floor? So i blissfully thought, until i looked down and saw bird shit on my bed sheets. Loser.
This couldn't do. I had enough. I only take so much and no more.
Fourth attempt.
It was now somewhere around 5 AM. It's showtime. Grabbed my doublebarrel, grabbed another pack of Doremy Sweet's jelly beans™, i walked into the bushes, made myself comfortable and waited.
1 hour passed..
2 hours passed...
30 more minutes and there. There she finally was. And still, my beans.
She was flying, she was.. taking pictures of my house?... And shitting. Shitting on my house, from such heights, didn't matter. Had to wait, easy there hunter. Loser.
Finally, after like 3 minutes, she once more sat on a fence..
And there was my opportunity.
Inhale, line 'er up.. Fire.
"Ayayaya.. Seems like you missed! How unfortunate. If only you subscribed to my newspaper... Loser." She took off and flied away laughing. And i was there standing.
I failed again once more.
Tomorrow will be another day.

>> No.48246338 [View]
File: 176 KB, 1024x682, birdhunting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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