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File: 159 KB, 640x640, 06A905CF-D7D4-4835-9286-2B35A2820E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9812426 No.9812426 [Reply] [Original]

Hey wagiecuck, enjoy your next two days off but after that shecklesteins gonna need his cock waxed. Be sure to tuck your shirt in come Monday so you can get that 0.25cent raise next year you’ve been begging for. Don’t forgot to wax Weinstein’s cock so he can insert into you no problem, bitch boi. You’re a servant to the elite don’t you forget it and you better be to work on time those boomers need their pensions paid. Enjoy your next two days wagiecuck but then it’s back to work for you

>> No.9812945
Quoted by: >>9813021 >>9813985

this bitch would be the first to be raped and killed in an actual war

>> No.9812968

Cant wait to prove my worth for such a fair maiden, can the Iran war start already? My dick cant wait much longer

>> No.9812977

kek nice pasta

>> No.9813004

Thank god there are no wagecucks in biz and it's just us NEETs that don't waste our lives in normal jobs

>> No.9813021

have tons of pics of these ladies dead :3

even though me touch self to their broken corpses; it hard not to feel admiration for them.

>> No.9813525

Wage cucking is only a problem if you are grinding out minimum wage or spending every dime you make.

It’s simple. Get into sales, management, or work a highly skilled trade and you will pull down over 6 figures easy. Save $30k every year, earn just 4% a year on that money, and you will have $1mil within 20 years. That $1mil now generates $40k/ year you can live on. If you started at 25, you are retired by 45.

If you live in 3rd world country, adjust the salary/cost of living to you region but the principles are the same.

Wake cucking isn’t slavery, debt is. Get out of debt as soon as possible

>> No.9813561
File: 35 KB, 350x350, 1528546579826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9813819 >>9813933

>It's easy, just work hard 5 days a week for 20 years

>> No.9813568
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9813765
Quoted by: >>9813858

>spend 20 years working hard during your prime to then retire and live like a middle class peasant for the remaining 30 years of your life

>> No.9813772

I worked 60 hours this week

>> No.9813798

>Wake cucking isn’t slavery, debt is. Get out of debt as soon as possible


>> No.9813819

How do you plan on survivng after mommy and daddy die of cancer?

>> No.9813834

>It’s simple. Get into sales, management, or work a highly skilled trade and you will pull down over 6 figures easy.

kek, the average salary in my country is around $1300/month and over 80% of people here can't even get near that, i would fucking kill myself doing something retarded for even a $1k/month, i'm 22 and i'm basically all in in crypto since March 2017 and i earned more money (even after the crash) in a year than i would get in 10 years wagecucking for some shitty company

>> No.9813858
Quoted by: >>9815231

Show me how your autist crypto returns are going to provide a better standard of living if you started today. The only neets on this board who are going to make it invested in BTC and ETH years ago and have already made it. Everyone else is chasing at best a 10x on their few hundreds of dollars because neets have no serious amount of principal to invest.

>> No.9813861
Quoted by: >>9813963

Jokes on you, I have three days off.

>> No.9813874
Quoted by: >>9813948

I already said to adjust the scale for 3rd world economies. Your salary is lower but so is your cost of living.

>> No.9813933
Quoted by: >>9815198

If you actually believe you will make it because of crypto, why would you not be working 80+ hours a week to earn every possible dollar you can in the short term to invest into the space before it truly goes to the moon? You have a limited window here. If you are convinced you with 1000x from this point, then every extra dollar earned wage cucking now nets you a thousand dollars more.

>> No.9813948
Quoted by: >>9814017

yeah i know, what i tried to say was i wouldn't be able to retire here even after 20 years of working for average salary which is already hard to get, there is just no way... i would have to earn atleast 2x more per month

>> No.9813963

Jokes on you, I work weekends

>> No.9813985
File: 2.86 MB, 640x640, Jewish army.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the previous Jewish-Arab wars most Israeli female soldiers actually had a K/D ratio of 16 to 1.

Meaning that on average they would kill 16 arab men before dying themselves.

Israel has had an insanely effective military for ages now. They fought the wars with inferior technology. 5% of the amount of troops of their oponents. And yet they decimated the entire middle east not once, not twice. But 3 times.

I used to be against female soldiers until I looked up how well Israeli female soldiers actually fight.

>> No.9814017
Quoted by: >>9814080

Average salary is for sheep. If you are a corporate cubicle drone working HR, customer service, marketing, etc then yes you will never make it. If you stock shelves or work as a cashier, you will never make it.

However, if you develop in demand skills (sales, welding, programming, etc) then you can make a damn good living

>> No.9814080

As someone that can weld, has a programming degree and electrical engineering degree I can tell you straight up that these fields are all becoming over-saturated right now.

Sure salaries are at record height right now due to the economic boom we are in. But once the next recession starts I expect the salaries to plummet in these 3 specific sectors due to oversaturation. Everyone and their mum is getting into this and I feel like these degrees will be like "art degrees" in the near-future. I have no idea what the next frontier will be but honestly there is not a lot of unsaturated fields left.

>> No.9814119

Then move to a better country.

>> No.9814129 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9814166

kill yourself kike

>> No.9814166

Not a kike. Just a dude with an autistic amount of interest into military history. Jewish army truly stands out.

Please remember that Israel had only between 4 and 5 million citizens when they fought practically the entire middle east at the same time on their own. With weapons and vehicles 30 years older than the arab counterparts. Yet they fought so well that they even invaded the arab countries back and almost reached Cairo, occupied most of Syria,lebanon and jordan.

These are not small feats and is a testament to their insane military performance.

>> No.9814193

just post hot jew girls

>> No.9814212
Quoted by: >>9814241

I would think they'd have better weaponry due to their close relationship with the United States. They do now, right? They have undeclared nukes now.

>> No.9814241
Quoted by: >>9815224

Yeah they have superior technology to the rest of the middle east now and Israel is a world leader in R&D of weapons systems and play a pivotal role in the development of weapons and systems like the F35 which they already have in use.

There is a reason why nations such as Saudi Arabia nowaday recognize Israel and condemn Palestine. It's not because they suddenly feel like Israel are the good guys. It's because Israel has become a genuine force in the middle east.

>> No.9814270
Quoted by: >>9814309

Is it that they are so good or that the Arabs are so shit?

>> No.9814309
Quoted by: >>9816462 >>9816576

Honestly it's a bit of both.

Arabs are obsessed with hierarchy every military order has to go up into the chain of commands and individual soldiers are never trained to take independent action on the battlefield.

Meanwhile Jews are the exact opposite. In Jewish culture equality and independent critical thinking have always been cornerstones and their military is the least hierarchical military on the planet. individual soldiers have the option to refuse commands if they think they have a better tactical plan and can improvise as they want without repercussions which makes them really dynamic and they adapt well to unexpected situations.

Meanwhile you can look up videos of Arab armies just griding to a halt when something unexpected happens and them just literally standing still getting killed doing nothing until they get an order like in a RTS videogame where the player went to the toilet or something. It's really bizarre.

>> No.9814327
Quoted by: >>9814385

If 80% of the people can't get to the average, it's not the average

>> No.9814385

Google mean and median

>> No.9815198
File: 31 KB, 1052x446, 11k adsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9815232 >>9816649

because im not a good cuck like you waggies

lol at not making passive online income and buying bitcoin monthly

>> No.9815224 [DELETED] 

>There is a reason why nations such as Saudi Arabia nowaday recognize Israel and condemn Palestine. It's not because they suddenly feel like Israel are the good guys. It's because Israel has become a genuine force in the middle east.
you are a retarded kike. its because of their daddy usaa and common interests.. faggot

>> No.9815231
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone with a functional brain that has been in this board for the past 3 years has at least 100k worth of bitcoin, in other words they will be filthy rich in 10 years assuming they can avoid panic selling

the ones that don't never deserved getting rich in the first place

>> No.9815232
Quoted by: >>9815482 >>9815495

>jewtube revenue
>passive income
unless you just log in and shitpost like pewds, it's not very passive is it?

>> No.9815428
File: 3.24 MB, 320x180, One_Arm_One_Leg_Climbs_Wall_And_Impresses_Every_Female_Behind_Him.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's think about it how such numbers could come out. Can you give me any source of your 16 KD ratio? How many women / men served in that fight?

>Since 2010, the Israel Defense Forces has recorded a surge in the number of religious women who want to serve. These figures have almost tripled, from 935 in 2010 to 2,499 last year — a welcome development for a military whose recent efforts to draft ultra-Orthodox men have been largely unsuccessful.

Only 2500 after fucking pushing wrong propaganda so goddamn hard


In a recent interview, the armys Ground Forces Command chief, Maj. Gen. Kobi Barak, said that in the worst-case scenario female tank crew members will have difficulty loading shells. Why is the army pushing them into a post that isnt physically suitable for them? How is the bespectacled, motivated male soldier who wants to get into flight training different from the young woman who wants to serve in infantry, even though shell have trouble dragging an FN MAG machine gun?

>> No.9815482
Quoted by: >>9816838

>it's not very passive is it?
yes it is

once you have a couple of videos with 10+ million views each it just keeps making passive views, enough to make good revenue without barely working

i havent uploaded anything in 6 months, i just need to upload a new video once i see it going to low and it feeds the former videos

will not disclose info so dont ask

>> No.9815486

Le I'm a neet and I can play guitar learn languages and study Aristotle XDXD. How does it feel that the rest of people and even animals have at least something they can do well while you learn open chords and butcher Japanese?

>> No.9815495

also don't you realize pew die pie could abandon the channel forever and his videos would still net him millions of dollarinos per year doing nothing? lmao

just think that but at a small scale

>> No.9815513

Yeah because they have a military that's overfunded by reparations money for something that never fucking happened.

>> No.9815776

That's because Muslims are actual retards

>> No.9815812
Quoted by: >>9816563

Israel has never had inferior technology. Ever.

>> No.9816462

>equality and independent critical thinking
I just realized I'm a jew in my work-field.

>> No.9816498

How do you pick a side in the battle of goys vs camel humpers? They both piss me off

>> No.9816563
Quoted by: >>9816606

They only gained the technology edge in the 70's. up until then, they were mostly embargoed by the USA while arabs had literally mini-soviet-armies with all sorts of new Soviet hardware.

>> No.9816576

Very true on the hierarchy part. My understanding is that there's also a good bit of distrust of lower ranks, so that in part plays to the, "do not so anything unless told to" mentality.

>> No.9816606
Quoted by: >>9816617 >>9816701

Mind you, it's the export models aka "monkey models".

>> No.9816617

"monkey models"

>> No.9816649

>not showing x axis

>> No.9816650

>believing ANY news that Israel themselves report

>> No.9816676
File: 128 KB, 1521x1018, IDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty baste

>> No.9816701

Not necessarily, of course the tanks and aircraft models were of lower quality than what the red army had but things like SAM, ATGMs, anti-ship missiles and even EW were cutting edge for the time. All in all the arab armies, on paper, were 1st class at the time.

>> No.9816709
Quoted by: >>9816746

Who is this girl? Did she really die like some anon mentioned here?

>> No.9816746
File: 56 KB, 800x600, Si1fp05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is her after anon killed her

>> No.9816838

It's birb meme videos isnt it. If so, eff you, all of your sequels use the same clips