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9740699 No.9740699 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the bottom or are we leaving the top 100.


>> No.9740839


>> No.9740879
Quoted by: >>9741466

Arks been here twice before. Its not leaving the top 100. Next run for Ark is very soon and itll push into the top 30 with ease.

>> No.9740900
File: 986 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ore95pJRI21rsdpaso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9741466

This is the last chance to accumulate before it leaves the stratosphere. My only regret is that the ARK might depart before I get the chance to swing a shitcoin that I've been holding bags in. I can double my ARK stack if I time it right, but I doubt I'll get that lucky.

>> No.9741026
Quoted by: >>9741322 >>9741935

why should it pump exactly? nothing is coming up except for the devnet

>> No.9741063

What the fuck you are talking about. ARK has legendary support on 30K sats.
Just fucking look at the order book.

>> No.9741322
Quoted by: >>9741366 >>9741466

You know nothing, anon. Core 2 will change everything.

>> No.9741366
Quoted by: >>9741726

I'm a very deluded ARKie, but V2 has no reason to pump. It's only interesting for delegates and developers. I can see how they'll get hyped, but I doubt this hype will trickle down to actual normies and convince them to buy. It could happen, but I have my doubts.

>> No.9741384

thought about buying this last days because nobody ever shilled it anymore for a whole while and is very low in volume. even though quite higher than 1 year ago

>> No.9741466

You deluded faggots been saying the same shit for over 6 months now.

>> No.9741488

You need to be patient to be a real deluded arkie.
This might not be for everybody.simple as that.

>> No.9741497
Quoted by: >>9741556

3 opportunties in that time to dump in profit. Ark is my long term hold, I push profits from shitcoin pumps into Ark. You're going to wish you had too.

>> No.9741556
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Quoted by: >>9741631 >>9741660

ETH stayed between 1-10$ range for almost 2 years, fuckface. Do you know how many people lost patience and sold just in time to miss the bullrun? We ARKies understand this and most of us are diversified enough not to care if it stagnates in value. We also have the staking rewards to keep us comfy so no reason to risk losing it all by swing trading. ARK is for hodlers only. No stinky day traders or swing traders allowed.

This is ridiculous. I've been doing the same thing for almost 1 year now and I've heard countless other people doing the same. Don't know if this is a case of mass delusion or we intuitively know we are on to something and this compels us to sell our shitcoins for more ARK.

>> No.9741631
Quoted by: >>9741824

deluded retard, ARK already had a massive runup from 0.05$ to 5$ last year, so it almost made x200. it will not make it again.

>> No.9741660

>We ARKies understand this and most of us are diversified enough not to care if it stagnates in value. We also have the staking rewards to keep us comfy so no reason to risk losing it all by swing trading. ARK is for hodlers only. No stinky day traders or swing traders allowed

I sure hope i doesn't go lower tho.

>> No.9741726
Quoted by: >>9741819 >>9743220

I agree as a dev. I'm 100% doing my own blockchain when it comes out. But that hype won't translate to normies.

>> No.9741819

if ark really makes the point click easy tier blockchain I can though seeing many people use it. Including me, the lazy sysadmin that doesn't actually like coding. I'll buildwith it

>> No.9741824
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 1328594097326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9741942

yeah, total shitcoins like IOTA can do 400,000% since ICO, but ARK 24,000% is totally absurd and it will never go higher.

Are you the kind of guy that also buys 1 million marketcap shitcoins cause they can "easily" reach 100 million?

>> No.9741935
Quoted by: >>9742099


v2, vm, core, changelly direct fiat purchase in the desktop wallet, entirely new desktop wallet, partnership with skycoin, partnership with makerspace, push deployables smart bridge your mother

>> No.9741942
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>> No.9742099
Quoted by: >>9742421

makes me wanna buy more ark

>> No.9742421


Checked. After v2 is finally done good times can begin again. We have basicly been in starvation mode since december 2017. Meaning frequent updates nice features and new applications, a working product and finally the death of lisk.

>> No.9742650
File: 651 KB, 1846x784, 1513102062467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have been saying this shit will moon for a year now. truth is you're desperate fucks who've been holding onto one of the worst performing alts of the past 6 months. your in denial if you think ark v2 will give you anything other than a 10% pump followed by a subsequent harder dump, just like everything else they've released. face it arktards, even though it appears like a solid project, this one just ain't a money maker.

>> No.9742676
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, 1513588000611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to make this the next "stuttering potheads" meme. It won't happen. It lacks style and it's not very quotable.

>> No.9742849

you post the same shit in every ARK thread. KYS

>> No.9743220
Quoted by: >>9743907

it will open the door to small businesses owners and a whole new generation of crypto kitties. It will be huge. ETH 2.0.

>> No.9743907
File: 102 KB, 1200x900, 135134543525431543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9744447 >>9745355

Imagine how many boomers will buy Ark after the Consensus shilling. They're currently strill lamenting on which investments to choose. Word is that Consensus was particularly bullish for Ark. I expect big sums to come after the 4th of July.

>> No.9744447

noticing this pattern too.
>new money will come in during Christmas cause people are meeting with their families and shilling crypto
nothing happens during Christmas, but the entire market pumps 1-2 weeks later
same shit with thanksgiving
It usually takes between 2 to 4 weeks after an event for new money to pour in

>> No.9745342


>> No.9745355
Quoted by: >>9745399


it's like you stepped out of a time machine from 2017

>> No.9745399

>from 2017
dont you mean 2019?

>> No.9746519
File: 62 KB, 1000x483, 1527877895295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9746710


>> No.9746697

How much Ark to make it lads?

>> No.9746710
Quoted by: >>9746838


we warned them well in advance. ark has god tier technology.

>> No.9746838

$50-150 per ARK once it moons.

>> No.9746959


Thats the initial pump yes. Long term 1000 $ but ill probably sell thig loads long before that. Push deployables with vm really is key to attract icos and expand the ecosystem though. Thankfully v2 is nearly done.

>> No.9747154
Quoted by: >>9747319

dunno but I just keep buying more ARK.
The wallet is so fat. Runs perfect on my Ubuntu machine.
Its so easy to use and looks amazing.
After I staked my first coins and got rewards a few days later I liked it even more.
I downloaded the mobile wallet now and it's all so easy to use I just scan my public address with the mobile ark wallet and I'm done.
No syncing no stupid blockchain nothing.

Im going to sell ARK only, to my closest friends.

>> No.9747207
Quoted by: >>9747222 >>9747433

Are these troll posts or???

I have a few thousand, a few percent of my holdings and want it to work but I don't see how this is going to go parabolic any time soon. Soon being a year.

>> No.9747222

if it gets adopted you can bet this shit will moon like crazy. its only real competitor in that space is eth.

>> No.9747319
Quoted by: >>9747666 >>9747747

How much do you need to stake?

>> No.9747363
Quoted by: >>9747380

Why do you like to throw some random numbers like you knew shit about the markets? I swear this place is full of shit
ARK, OMG and LINK, the most shilled coins in this place, have performed barely good. Really makes you think...

>> No.9747380
File: 8 KB, 213x237, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9747772

>have performed barely good

admit it anon. you are a brainlet and likely underage

>> No.9747433

it needs adoption, it could take a few years. The fundamentals are there and surpass its only real competitor which is ETH.

>> No.9747471
Quoted by: >>9747924

it might reach $500+ if it hits top 3 but the initial will probably be it hitting top 10 and $50-150 yeah. Either way, it will take months if not a year until that initial pump (probably how long until they are done coding) and then another year for the second one. Still comfy.

>> No.9747666

you can stake any amount.

>> No.9747747
Quoted by: >>9747827

~750 = 1ARK per week-ish.

>> No.9747772

While you were holding any of this 3 shitcoins, I was holding xrp during December, I'm pretty sure It did much better.
>hurr long term investment
I don't give a shit about any fundamentals, I go where the money is, and certainly the money has not gone to any of the shitcoins I said before, if they start moving of course I will buy them, in the meantime they are performing as shit.

>> No.9747827
Quoted by: >>9748009

how does it feel being a boomer

>> No.9747924
Quoted by: >>9748009

Anon they're almost done coding now

>> No.9748009
Quoted by: >>9748257

the fuck you on about millennial scum.
they are close % wise on the website sure but that last few % might take months. Hopefully not but meh.

>> No.9748257
Quoted by: >>9749345

I think they're doing testing now, I might be wrong but I think the percentages are misleading and that they're pretty much done

>> No.9749345

We shall see. There is no rush.