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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 558x558, XVG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8958323 No.8958323 [Reply] [Original]

What faggots/brainlets do not realise cause of single digit IQ is:

>Verge reached 1400 sats with current circulating market cap money, not a single dime was new money. the REAL normie money is only just beginning to flow into Verge.
>This is a victory for crypto in general, not just Verge
>Verge now gets exposed to 100m+ people every day. This is SUPER BOWL AD scale

>people sold the news just cause warren said to years back. you just made 20%. wow. This will grow over the coming months.
>"muh this means more sell pressure." No it does not, FAGGOT. For every buy, there has been a sell. For every sell, there has been a buy.

>> No.8958338

>buying the dogecoin dark rebrand


>> No.8958345
Quoted by: >>8958372

i hate verge and it's shitty meme and shitty partnership, but idiots that don't see the larger picture of this partnership aren't just regular idiots, theyre gay idiots

>> No.8958370
Quoted by: >>8958450

>pay for porn
Also cryptos are too volatile to be used as a currency.
And in the long term you know you will end paying way more than their real value

>> No.8958372

The larger picture is that crowd-sourcing millions for an ad campaign that will fizzle when nobody uses Verge to buy porn from two websites is a shit idea. Verge team is a bunch of amateurs

>> No.8958413

I see /biz/ has found the new chainlink

>> No.8958427
File: 930 KB, 320x240, mjl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8958537

>privacy coin
>rich list
>51% attacks
>dogecoin dark
>1.1 billion market cap already
>1.3 billion daily volume
>not a psyop to turn normies off of crypto when it inevitably and soon is ravaged by attacks and large accounts are reorganized beyond repair

>> No.8958450


pornhub.com says otherwise.

>> No.8958468
Quoted by: >>8958476

Say what you want but i put in 200€ last year and its still worth a 1000€. Iam going to hodl.

>> No.8958476

This. '

I am willing to bet my left kidney on it that Verge is going to grow a lot this year.

>> No.8958519
Quoted by: >>8958526

The bigger point here I think, and stop me if I'm being too naive, that normies DO know about BTC and how it mooned like crazy being a measly computer funny money scam. Seeing actual companies adopt a coin like this, getting the word that it can be bought or even mined, this starts popping off the thought of digital adoption. Basically: "duh wait buttcorn went up, maybe much porn coin will 2?" It helps the companies beat inflation and the normies dump money into what they think is a piece of the porn money pie. At the very least, it's worth way more than the fucking 7¢ it's at.

>> No.8958526


MindGeek never accepted BTC/BCH/ETH/LTC whatever.

They accept Verge. Verge alone. This is an insane message.

This shows a billion dollar company cares about a coin and directly eliminates all the faggots that called FUD.

>> No.8958537

Yeah the richlist is like a joke, top 100 addresses with 97% of coins.

>> No.8958569
Quoted by: >>8958625

tfw bitmex doesn't have verge and I can't 100x short this pos

>> No.8958590
Quoted by: >>8958634

Dogecoin Dark.

Pfff hahaha.

I can't believe how many people is investing life savings on a fucking dogecoin fork.

>> No.8958601


>> No.8958625
Quoted by: >>8958699


what does "100x short" mean?

any resources I can see to teach me these things?

>> No.8958634
Quoted by: >>8958684 >>8958712

You won't be laughing when XVG is THE currency for porn/camwhores and you're FOMOing in at $1

>> No.8958684

That's a good point. MindGeek and Pornhub now, Chaturbate and ThinkGeek later.

>> No.8958699


It's a meme. No one actually shorts at 100x. Also, shorting XVG at 100x will liquidate you in no more than 15 seconds.

>> No.8958712

I'm not touching this alt m8.

>> No.8958995

>Things obvious market manipulation is real growth
Oh anon