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7911446 No.7911446 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz, I'm thinking of going balls deep in etn, 10k deep. Should I buy mining rigs or just 10k in currency? Also I have a huge penis irl.

>> No.7911512
Quoted by: >>7911643 >>7911820

>I'm thinking of going balls deep in etn, 10k deep.
Why in gods name would you do that?
>Should I buy mining rigs or just 10k in currency?
Don't buy mining rigs. Depending on how much electricity costs where you live you probably wont even make a profit, and if you do it won't be enough to make it worth it.

Put that money in NANO when there's another dip & leave it for 2 years minimum. Thank me later.

>> No.7911528

Do girls that look like this fart?

>> No.7911609

I hope so.

>> No.7911625
Quoted by: >>7915029

Name pleaseee

>> No.7911643
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Quoted by: >>7911731 >>7911792

I'll look into this nano, are you a pejeet? Because a pajeets advice is literally garbage, no offense.

>> No.7911731
Quoted by: >>7912385

I shit in the toilet so no I'm not a pajeet

Seriously. Look into Nano. I genuinely believe it's going to be top 5 EOY.

And don't under any circumstances fall for the chainlink meme

>> No.7911792

Unironically buy ADST, it’s really undervalued atm, for 10ks worth you will be able to live off the dividends when it gets up and running

>> No.7911801

in my face hopefully

>> No.7911820
Quoted by: >>7911982

WTF you talking about, baglapper?
I make about 1k a month with a 5 1080ti mining rig. It cost about 6k to build.

>> No.7911832
Quoted by: >>7911880

pay down your student loans

>> No.7911843
Quoted by: >>7915029

Who is this semon demon?

>> No.7911880
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Quoted by: >>7912711

I went to community college, got an AA and a few certs, so no student loans. Also if "real" college is as fucking retarded as community college I think I'll pass.

>> No.7911982
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Quoted by: >>7913742

Would it be better to wait for nvidias new batch of gpus in a month or two or just get 5 1080s and mine now? Im afraid the new stuff will smoke the old stuff so I'm preferential on waiting if I decide to build a rig.

>> No.7912126

Honestly the best bet would be just BTC/Eth. Inheritance money never comes back. If you want to risk money, BTC/Eth is risky enough, and good potential for gain.

>> No.7912385
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Damn nano looks fucking good. If it dips to .05 ill buy 10 thousand worth, should give me 200k coins.

>> No.7912556
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Quoted by: >>7913694 >>7913780


>> No.7912654

no way.
fat ugly ones do though

>> No.7912711
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>> No.7913410
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>> No.7913694
Quoted by: >>7914500

What anime pls

>> No.7913742
Quoted by: >>7916232

Nvidia isn't dropping new series until crypto settles

>> No.7913780

how the fuck that nigga survive 6 chops with a katana i can guarentee its sharp as shit if its cutting through ur arm like that fuck that show

>> No.7914467

Roth IRA

>> No.7914500
Quoted by: >>7914548

You've never seen Samurai Champloo? Greatest anime of all time.

>> No.7914548

jk I'm drunk this looked a lot like a Samurai Champloo scene but I'm pretty sure there were no guns in that. gonna go kms bye

>> No.7914556
Quoted by: >>7915029

My god who is this?

>> No.7914685
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>> No.7915029
Quoted by: >>7916103


Sierra Skye


>> No.7916103

thank you

>> No.7916232
File: 71 KB, 560x845, 1510547218666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their release date is late april, reveal is next month.