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59572584 No.59572584 [Reply] [Original]

Never forget that you took your hard earned money (which is valuable) and spent it on imaginary internet money. Do not attempt to rationalize, mitigate or run away from this fact.

>> No.59572623

its worth nothing if its not enough, might as well burn it for fun because its not enough fuel no matter what

>> No.59572749
Quoted by: >>59572802

Everyone thinks imaginary money is valuble, which is what gives real money its value. Therefore it is valuble. Understand this, do not try to rationalize how this fact does not exist.

>> No.59572750

Never forget that you're a retarded faggot (which is true). Do not attempt to rationalize, mitigate or run away from this fact.

>> No.59572759

it's true

>> No.59572776
File: 50 KB, 540x538, metal shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that you took your hard earned digital money (which is valuable) and sold it for imaginary paper money printed in batches of billions by the government. Do not attempt to rationalize, mitigate or run away from this fact.

>> No.59572802

This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Real dollars have real value. Internet money does not

>> No.59572810
Quoted by: >>59572845

then how come 1 fake internet money coin has the value of $90,000+ real moneys?

>> No.59572813
Quoted by: >>59572845

What makes U.S. dollars valuble to the average american then, retard?

>> No.59572819
Quoted by: >>59572845

>real dollars
no such thing in nature
where does a real dollar come from? trees, the ground? lol

>> No.59572826
Quoted by: >>59572845

>never forget that you took your hard earned money (which can be arbitrarily printed and devalued by some jewish organization) and spent it on credit in a decentralized and trustless ledger (that cannot be devalued by the jews).
The best investment of my life. Remember, bitcoin has no top because fiat has not bottom.

>> No.59572843
File: 1.07 MB, 3456x4608, 2024-12-14-00-22-28-876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself bub lmao

>> No.59572845

The fact that if you don’t use them to pay your taxes you go to prison and get raped, retard.

Federal reserve, you can Google this.


Because of hype and the belief that it has value.

>> No.59572861

>random numbers
>generated by a graphics card
you think a 256bit key needs a graphics card to be generated?

>> No.59572864

>Because of hype and the belief that it has value.
and what gives any other currency value than the belief that it has value?

>> No.59572869
File: 212 KB, 1896x623, 1735886029985524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, I bought silver instead.

>> No.59572870
Quoted by: >>59572899

You dollar shills are so funny.

US dollar is a fiat currency based on absolutely nothing. (((TPTB))) run their entire system on fake money to stay in power. If everyone saw through their bullshit this system would collapse immediately.

>> No.59572875
Quoted by: >>59572899

>The fact that if you don’t use them to pay your taxes you go to prison and get raped, retard.
>Federal reserve
You dance around the fact that this boils down to people trusting the money to be valuble. You are severely microcephalic

>> No.59572877

>the federal reserve exists in nature

>> No.59572881

It helped me become a (multi)millionaire. Is that rationale enough for you, asshole??

>> No.59572899

Taxes. Government mandated payments or prison is intrinsic value.

USD is the only dollar with value, bTC is bullshit based on hype

No it’s based on people needing it to not go to prison. You’re a retard

>> No.59572909
File: 17 KB, 270x380, marx shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59573024

>Taxes. Government mandated payments or prison is intrinsic value.
so it only has value because there is a powerful entity in existence that will exert violence upon you if you do not use its mandated currency and pay tithes with it?
got it.

>> No.59572928
Quoted by: >>59573024

lmao, that's the definition of extrinsic value retard
there's no property which is intrinsic to a piece of paper that says THAT's what saves you from prison instead of something else - in fact, the world is full of people without a single usd that don't risk prison, simply because they don't live in the usa which is the only place where this usd-specific delusion is true
try to pay taxes with usd in another country and you will see how the value is not intrisic at all

>> No.59572931
Quoted by: >>59572936

never forget you took your time and effort (which is valuable) and exchanged it for pieces of green paper that are represented by a number in a database in a bank and are tending to 0

>> No.59572936
Quoted by: >>59579103

lmfao this. i trust the blockchain way more than i trust some shitty bank's internal database infrastructure

>> No.59572944
Quoted by: >>59573034

>Government mandated payments or prison is intrinsic value
And those (((elites))) who don't actually pay taxes and still use dollars to have value? What insurance do they have?
>USD is the only dollar with value, bTC is bullshit based on hype
People are willing to pay for them, therefore they have value
>No it’s based on people needing it to not go to prison
That's just a government enforcing a belief that money has value

You're a low functioning autistic retard who's only arguement is

>> No.59572969
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 1722858753285482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bought random papers generated by some printers

>> No.59573024

Correct that’s how empires work.

USD produces $20 trillion worth of goods a year, that those USD notes can purchase, retard

>> No.59573034
Quoted by: >>59573098

>those elites who don’t pay taxes
They do pay taxes

But even if they didn’t, the fact that a large portion of people do pay taxes with it gives it value as something to be traded with them.

You’re incredibly fucking stupid and don’t understand economics

>> No.59573051
Quoted by: >>59573079

usd doesn't produce shit hahahah you mean like the pieces of paper wake up and go to to work? hahahaha
>that those USD notes can purchase
ohhh so now you are EXCHANGING them? but i tought they had intrinsic value??? if we can exchange stuff then cool, you can exchange btc for every country's note you like!

>> No.59573055
Quoted by: >>59573079

>Correct that’s how empires work.
i hope you realize how flawed and primitive your understanding is. "it only has REAL value if it's backed by the violence of an empire" is retarded and self-evidently flawed

>> No.59573079

>usa doesn’t produce shit

It’s by far the most industrious country on the planet you retard.

I hope you understand how childish your worldview is. Yes that’s how society works, it’s built on order and force. Sorry the world doesn’t run on sunshine and rainbows

>> No.59573088
Quoted by: >>59573123

>usa and usd are the same thing

>> No.59573098

Why do some small businesses accept crypto as payment as well? Why does your local cartel demand dollars as payment for their criminal services when they don't pay taxes? Why does the US government demand its taxes be paid in dollars? Why don't the accept precious metals as payment? The threat of violence isn't enough for people to adopt paper money as an exchange of value. Argentinians including their government pay for things with the us dolllar despite its official currency being the peso until recently.
People use what they agree has value, not just what a government enforces.
You are too braindead to understand economics and too autistic to understand the basics of social dynamics.

Tell your tard wrangler their fired for letting you have access to a computer

>> No.59573123

They are not the same thing, please read economics before coming back

> threat of violence is not enough to make people except paper as an exchange of value

Except that’s literally how every modern country works, you freaking retard. Holy shit, I’m talking to literal braindead zombies

>> No.59573136
Quoted by: >>59573141

>please read economics before coming back
kek please read the thread before replying

>> No.59573140

The bobo psyop never rests.

>> No.59573141
Quoted by: >>59573146

I did, you have zero clue what you’re talking about

>> No.59573146
Quoted by: >>59573150

nigga you are missing the point entirely just read all the words hahahah

>> No.59573150
Quoted by: >>59573157

He’s right, usd has value because Americans have to pay taxes in it, and america is the most productive nation on earth, so people highly value the paper that can be used to buy goods from America.

>> No.59573153
Quoted by: >>59573159

>Except that’s literally how every modern country works, you freaking retard
yeah nah. if you think thats what propped the dollar in the western hemisphere after ww2 you're retarded

>> No.59573157
Quoted by: >>59573162

yes that was NOT the point just read ALL the words hahahahhaahhah how hard can it be hahahahah

>> No.59573159

What makes the Serbian Dinar valuable?

>> No.59573160
Quoted by: >>59573168

>Except that’s literally how every modern country works
No it isn't, you lip-plated negroid. Point to most every modern country and throughout their history, they will have had 2 or more currencies consecutively. A government can only do so much to make their currency as a medium of exchange

Here's something I hope your retarded gorrilla nigger brain can understand.
If I showed up to you neighborhood project with a private army, and every so often I demanded everyone there pay me taxes with a cetain number of bottlecaps, would you and your neighbors start using bottlecaps to pay eachother for goods and sevices?

>> No.59573162
Quoted by: >>59573166

lol you’re illiterate

>> No.59573166

you literally can't read bro hahahahahaha

>> No.59573168
Quoted by: >>59573187

In that hypothetical world yes, bottle caps would become a currency because they would be a liquid asset that’s needed to remain alive in this neighborhood

How fucking stupid are you???

>> No.59573187
File: 85 KB, 498x383, 1729649654468327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said your neighbours you dumb faggot. he as right you literally cant read

>> No.59573197
Quoted by: >>59573282

>Yes that’s how society works, it’s built on order and force.
Okay? That has literally nothing to do with the fact that there exists a currency that exists without the backing of monopolized state violence, and people are using it. "It doesn't count" and "It's not real" isn't an enlightening point, you're just a dull moron who thinks worshipping violence is a philosophy.
Native Americans used to use strings of clam shells as currency. British colonies at the time happily used them as currency too. But it wasn't "real money" because there wasn't a central native american tribal reserve bank that would kill you if you didnt pay a tax in wampum?
Read a book, retard. Exactly

>> No.59573235
Quoted by: >>59573325

The belief that it has value is the important part, Mr Dunning Kruger. The FED has only existed for a little over 100 years lmao

>> No.59573240
File: 5 KB, 220x220, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golly gee, why would people ever want to use a currency other than the Dollar?

>> No.59573245

You have fun with that one skippy. Me? I'll have enough for a house in California AND a yacht once BTC gets to 120k. We'll see how "not real" it is then

>> No.59573282

Yeah you’re exactly what I thought, dum, dullwitted, stupid, etc. not worth my time

>> No.59573291

Exactly how am I the one that is "dum, dullwitted, stupid, etc,"?

>> No.59573299
File: 123 KB, 508x553, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument. you lost

>> No.59573325

Yeah you’re the epitome of an economic illiterate

>> No.59573368

this is not different than people paying money for art or books.

>> No.59574106
File: 89 KB, 1082x185, religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is what I use my grown up adult hard earned cash on.

>> No.59574201

what? are you advocating for fiat? lmao are you a cuck or something

>> No.59574389

Money by definition is imaginary

>> No.59574602

i bought the representation of value on an isolated network.

> if a network designed to exchange data requires a way of valuing the scarcity of that data, and if that network looks like a promising and efficient way of exchanging data, then (if possible) I will purchase some of those tokens and withhold them from the network, until, at some point in the future the network will require those tokens, I shall then return them to the network at a discount (relative profit) to be used therein.

- unknown

>> No.59574617
File: 37 KB, 600x300, Br0iU9TCQAADsim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not attempt to rationalize, mitigate or run away from this fact.
picrelated is literally how I felt when shoving bills into a Lamassu BTM back in 2014.

Don't care, still made a million dollars out of $3000.

>> No.59574781

Nuh uh! Is total real money too! and the number is BIG so checkmate. (im rich and youre not)

>> No.59574813

Poor zoomie. Go read a history book. Currencies used to be backed by gold. Like just 50 years ago.

>> No.59574903
Quoted by: >>59574915

You're all suckers for buying gpus for mining. It allowed Nvidia to invest in AI and now the AI can replace your job.

>> No.59574905

Well, if you don’t want to spend money on crypto, then just explore DePINs and earn by utilizing their services, like Natix’s drive-to-earn model with their drive & app.

>> No.59574908

Yes I took the money on the ledger that belongs to a bank and moved it to a distributed ledger. The value of that money has since 5xed because a distributed ledger is in fact better

>> No.59574915

Job? Haha

>> No.59575406
Quoted by: >>59579959

>Currencies used to be backed by gold. Like just 50 years ago.
This. I never understood the whole "but muh world reserve currency!" meme for all the "different" currencies out there (Venetian Ducat, Dutch Guilder, Portuguese somethingorother, British Pound) because in the end they were all just specific weights of gold and/or silver. Same even with the USD under Bretton Woods -- it was fixed at $35/oz of gold.

And after the last fifty years of massive inflation (1970s, 2020s) and periodic market crashes (2001, 2009), the world is going to trust asshoe China or retarded BRICS as a "reserve currency"? LOL.

>> No.59576791
Quoted by: >>59579831

>Argentinians including their government pay for things with the us dolllar despite its official currency being the peso until recently.
Argie here, that's not true. Unless you're talking about buying things on ebay or games in Steam (which we pirate here, imagine paying for a..wait for it... game lol)

>> No.59578250

it really is an IQ test

>> No.59579103 [DELETED] 

I'm betting on RIZO on Sol, and that’s how I’m flipping it to the moon.

>> No.59579316

>hard earned money
fasa college money
>imaginary internet money
the fuck do you think money is in the first place?

>> No.59579831
Quoted by: >>59579901

But you do all put your savings into USD, which you acquire at those "cuevas".

I've been surprised you guys don't buy Bitcoin. Sure, it's volatile, but the trendline is nothing but up-up-up.

>> No.59579863


>> No.59579879
File: 36 KB, 472x461, 5kxbh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at $6 trizzanny

>> No.59579901

Yeah to battle inflation, but we buy crypto too but we don't use neither USD nor crypto as currency to pay things literally anywhere. I bought a car a few years ago with a stash of usd and I told the agency I wouldn't bother to change it to pesos in those cuevas and they didn't care and took my money but it was all because the highest legal currency bill was 1000 pesos ( that's less than $1) now imagine carrying around like 13000 of those babies to buy a car lol.

>> No.59579908
File: 123 KB, 960x720, IMG_5270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59579953

I didn't, I cheated the system for autism bucks, out it in a dog shitcoin and 100x mah money
I am not giving it back btw
I am cashing out, you niggers will never be able to get this liquidity back from me

>> No.59579959

>used to
And what, exactly, are they backed by now?