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File: 440 KB, 1000x1001, 8CkZ0-PuGFdbzsor1z-G2d_S5KEwUZuYYeqtvPQQkC25eAMpf6a_GSCh_78OOhG-aMOlR02oDxZfe4fp_aLn9UO-OhurVwO_8-nN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59164645 No.59164645 [Reply] [Original]

Your days are numbered mumu.
Enjoy the post-election pump while it lasts.
The market always ensures to shake out weak hands (You) before any significant rally.

>> No.59164736
Quoted by: >>59164814

Nigga, the bull run just started. Look up what the 4 year bitcoin cycle is before posting again, thanks.

>> No.59164814
Quoted by: >>59164816

Nigger, Trump isn't president for another 2 months
No bullrun started without a shakeout

>> No.59164816
Quoted by: >>59164991

The shake out has been the last 8 months. Thanks for playing.

>> No.59164991
Quoted by: >>59165166

long term you're correct
short term you have no idea what's coming
pepper ur anus little boy

>> No.59165166
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burn in hell pajji

>> No.59165714

>The market always ensures to shake out weak hands (You) before any significant rally.
What you bitchin bout, nigga? I've been hodling since 2014. Currently up over 25,000%.

>> No.59166001
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take a seat Bobo