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59163145 No.59163145 [Reply] [Original]

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God

What did he mean by this? Am I NGMI in the afterlife because I made it in clownworld?

>> No.59163156

>Who is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved?

>> No.59163157

you forgot to include Mat 19:26
>With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

>> No.59163165

Having or not having money/wealth is pretty irrelevant to God, only that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil

>> No.59163173

He meant to believe in Christ who died for your sins so you may enter the kingdom of heaven. No amount of earthly wealth will help with this.

>> No.59163185
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What it means that is harder for a wealthy person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven as it's easier to commit sin and ignore the graces needed to become Holy. However being rich doesn't stop you from entering Heaven, only Mortal Sin does.

>> No.59163189

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God

This really annoys me every time I see it. I have tried many times to teach people the correct quote but it's as pointless as filling up with water a bucket with holes.
Listen. Its not "camel". Doesn't it sound weird to you? Why the fuck would a camel go through a needle hole to begin with?
The original text in ancient Greek mentions the word "κάμιλος". This is a thich ROPE that is woven by hair in a camel's tail. "Καμήλα" instead is the Greek word for camel. somewhere along the road, someone mistranslated "κάμιλος" to camel, and now we are stuck with this retarded mistake.

>> No.59163192

Oh damn - that's really interesting. Any other mistranslations that can help me get closer to Christ? Where can I learn more about this?

>> No.59163216

Yes, there are plenty. Sadly the only way for you to be sure would be to learn (ancient) Greek but that would propably take you years or decades and alot of dedication. And if you google "mistranslations of the bible" its full of woke agenda like "Jesus actually loved faggots, it was a mistranslation that said the opposite" so don't really trust those.

>> No.59163229

Greed is a sin. Selfish people are not Christlike.

>> No.59163230
Quoted by: >>59163244

interesting. there is a good thread on textkit, apparently kamilos was also used to refer to camel (as in acts of peter). someone there also mentions the double meaning in aramaic.

i don't think the camel reading is that weird, it is used as hyperbole to make the point that even this seemingly absurd/impossible thing would be easier than salvation for the man who loves money since 'no one can serve two masters'

>> No.59163240
Quoted by: >>59166097

lol christcucks are hilarious

>> No.59163244

I understand your point anon, it's just that even as a hyperbole it doesn't sound right. Like you would say "he is so rich, all his clothes were made of gold". You wouldn't say "he is so rich, all his clothes are made of paintings of Picasso". It sounds absurd. I think all of these people defending the "camel" variation are just coping with the fact that they were wrong.

>> No.59163294

Cope, just like the other Bible experts who will eagerly explain that the "eye of a needle" was actually a very narrow street in Jerusalem through which a camel could actually pass, it was just a bit tight. Just like rich bastards getting in heaven.
If only there were other passages in the Bible that make it painfully obvious that the love of money is the root of all evil and that rich folks that aren't willing to give away their possessions and follow Jesus will not have a treasure in heaven.
If only.

But you keep defending your golden calf anon. It needs to stay well polished after all.

>> No.59163342 [DELETED] 
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He surely meant to get KENDU to make world peace or anything, I don't know man I'm high as fuck lurking on biz and talking about my fave memecoin

>> No.59163544
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Quoted by: >>59163558

>But you keep defending your golden calf anon. It needs to stay well polished after all.

I am not defending anything. I am teaching you the original meaning as it was written in the first edition of the new testament. Κάμιλος is the thick rope made of camel hair, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.59163558
Quoted by: >>59163616

well said anon, this is what really matters
if that's true then what you're saying is trivial and in your initial post you are getting mad over something trivial, yet anyone with sense can see why it makes you mad

>> No.59163616
Quoted by: >>59163661

It's trivial in the grand scheme of things yes, but words have power, you should know that. If Jesus said it like this why should we change it, even if it's similar or if it's trivial or if "it gets the message across" etc? He said rope and it should be quoted as such. I don't play games here.
>You are mad
I am annoyed yes. Why shouldn't I be? Is this a game where the calmest person wins? This means nothing to me.

>> No.59163622

I’m addicted to marijuana I’m already doomed. Lord have mercy on me.

>> No.59163637
Quoted by: >>59163646

24 And again I say to you: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. 25 And when they had heard this, the disciples wondered very much, saying: Who then can be saved [Matthew 19:25]

26 And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.

Read all of it. Basically nothing is impossible for God, however note that the disciples say WHO CAN BE SAVED? Now most people are not rich but poor, so you would think this is a strange thing to say.

But you see, it's not the money itself but the attachment and acquisition of it. Most of the poor who desire money set their hearts on it, but money should just be used to better serve God, this also applies to the rich.

Also many wealthy people get their wealth through dishonest means, like scamming others, usury or other immoral and unjust methods.

These things I have mentioned above should help you understand this better.

t. Traditional Catholic anon

>> No.59163639

The translation is fine.

26 And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.

It works either way. God can easily make a camel go through the eye of a needle.

>> No.59163646

God bless you my brother in Christ

>> No.59163649

You can quit anon. Keep praying and asking God to help with a humble heart.

>> No.59163661

Fair enough.

>> No.59163663

Go back to /his/ copefag.
And yes, if you get rich you are not welcome in the ancient jewish kingdom of "heaven". Only the jew can become rich there.

>> No.59164558
Quoted by: >>59165476

So according to you the correct version would be "Again I tell you, it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god". The original meaning (a rich person is unlikely to enter the kingdom of god) is still there, and your correction functionally changes nothing, great.
So basically mistranslations are to be corrected if they reflect your beliefs, if they dont then i shouldn't pay attention to those? Handling a bit of a double standard anon.
I agree with this, you need to perform some real mental gymnastics to be able to extract a different meaning to this than Jesus telling his apprentices that money will more than likely corrupt you. Jesus also went out of his way to denounce the churches that were profiting off god and offering salvation through money. Its pretty fucking clear, i wonder why anyone would misinterpret it.... hmmmm
I have acquired a lot of wealth using solbank, i am by all means rich, i dont think im a sinner for it, because my morals haven't been compromised, i think as long as you're a good person you'll be fine, druganon

>> No.59164700

strong's concordance

>> No.59165476

>The original meaning (a rich person is unlikely to enter the kingdom of god) is still there, and your correction functionally changes nothing, great.
It makes it a lot more poetic you autist and there's also symbology there in the comparison of thick rope (coarse, unrefined, fat) with thread (silken, fine, thin) as opposed to invoking a camel out of nowhere.

>> No.59166097

Yeah kind of wild sometimes and I'm maybe partially Christian too. Maybe varg is right and Christianity is just bad for us..

>> No.59166130


the camel is a translation error. "Kamelos" translates to "rope"

>> No.59166277

Its about worship. You don't need to worship god, just don't worship money.

Notice that it drives your decisions and if it drives your decisions then it drives your advice. If it does that then it likely affects your expectations and brings you frustration.

This is an illusion that you live in. Life is free and beatiful and God guides us to become aware of this fact so that we may live. Are you living or are you working?

>> No.59166355

"Dumb" people are "impossible" in the worship of money. There are dos and donts according to all "religions". God says do not worship others <before> me.

No worship is required beyond your pursuits but should not be worshiped more than life itself.

The bible for 21st century in 2 paragraphs.