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58323605 No.58323605 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58323634


>> No.58323651
Quoted by: >>58323684

He honestly believes this

>> No.58323684

Get left behind in the dust, bitch nigga
I fart on your head

>> No.58323706

mETHheads should inherit the earth
SHITlana scam pajeet jews straight to hell

>> No.58323725

Praise be to Money Skelly. May Allah smile on you.

>> No.58323755

ETH killers will never succeed.
There's only one shitcoin central.

>> No.58323768
Quoted by: >>58324540

gonna laugh my ass off when the blackrock eth etf get approved in the coming months (they have about a 600-1 etf approval) and these eth clones will die off again just like the last couple waves of them did like link cardino ethclassic, ect

>> No.58323806
Quoted by: >>58324514

why would anyone use this solona when we can just use base now? ive never had a single transaction fail and it costs pennies to swap shit, also there are more fun projects on base and more hype

>> No.58323814

It's honestly pretty fucking weird that charts have predicted all of this happening and now it does

>> No.58324000

Honestly, Solana is just a shiny rock. ICP is where the diamond mountain is at

>> No.58324058

I need hope, I've been bagholding this POS (proof of shit) for years

>> No.58324093


>> No.58324215
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 1708263600727235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder that without a dex that actually works this happens, I don't know. 1intro is proposing a better dex system, faster and with fair launches. But can it be full deployed in time? before solana dies?

>> No.58324342
Quoted by: >>58325152

You just wish you were one of the ones to get it earlier

>> No.58324514

whit 70% of solana transactions failing.... no wonder

>> No.58324518

I was taking you seriously until I read ICP

>> No.58324540

remember EOS? LOL

>> No.58324809
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Onions Lana did well in the meme area but its a SHIT FUCKING CHAIN. Degens are going to get anally proved from this point on.

>> No.58325119

trips of truth

lol fucking retard

>> No.58325152

If I'd bought ICP on launch I'd be down 97% wouldn't I?

>> No.58325174

Yippie. Back to paying $1000 tx fees during altseason

>> No.58325295
File: 816 KB, 1136x852, 87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are fed up with ETH, the Solana case left them in a bad way but it is not the end of the road, they have quite interesting projects behind them such as ORCA or 1Intro.

>> No.58325752

it doesnt matter, they did what they always wanted, be rich with shitcoins

>> No.58325759

just go back to ETH anon, you dont need to explain yourself like a faggot