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57223795 No.57223795 [Reply] [Original]

BTC is almost at 50K and there's still barely anyone here

literally only a few terminally online kissless virgins AND billion dollar institutions care about this shit kek

>> No.57223849

more btc for me, incels will rise up

>> No.57223855

They won't return til it's 100k or more. It feels like I'm in a dream I didn't imagine I could be this early.

>> No.57223858
Quoted by: >>57223864

this datapoint is making me so is bullish

>> No.57223862

its just us and gigachad scammers you see at btc miami anon. Institutes don't need btc and everyone not turbo autists or skilled scammers DCA into 401k

>> No.57223864

4chan is dead

>> No.57223868

As per usual. The hype comes when we crash through ATH and get 'price discovery' in 2025.

>> No.57223880

bear rally, good to know

>> No.57223884

It's not just 4chan you drooling subhuman mongoloid, check Google trends, it's literally normalfags not caring about crypto until it moons

>> No.57223887
Quoted by: >>57226168

If this doesn't convince you that we're hitting 300k+ this year, then idk what to say to you.

>> No.57223890

first fave will definitely come once ATH is breached, that's when mass media headlines start

past 100K is when mania mode starts

>> No.57223898

That's bullshish as fuck

>> No.57223917

This is how the original oldfags felt 7 years ago in jan 2017.

>> No.57223933
Quoted by: >>57228337

i just bought back in on btc after it pumped this morning
idk what it is i just kind of like the fun lol

>> No.57223974

>price rallies
>no one is talking about it (lol)
>this definitely means we're early and price will double when sidelined normies FOMO in
>Not that liquidity is thin and price is easier to push in either direction and once all this ETF bullshit dies price will puke

>> No.57224005
Quoted by: >>57224108

This, big boys fudded normies out of crypto. They will miss the majority of the pump and will get dumped ony by fucking Blackrock lmao

>> No.57224016
Quoted by: >>57224108

>>this definitely means we're early and price will double when sidelined normies FOMO in
>>Not that liquidity is thin and price is easier to push in either direction and once all this ETF bullshit dies price will puke
both of these things are true

>> No.57224108

Just because you're not normal doesn't mean you aren't retail.
We will see soon enough. My entire twitter feed is NFT pfps gloating about their position and the future of BTC and how the ETF trade is literally the easiest trade ever. This definitely isn't euphoria though and I'm sure it will all go according to plan just like when everyone was so confident BTC would go to $100-250k the first time.
Besides Capo the retard no one is bearish and that should be concerning.

>> No.57224232
Quoted by: >>57224295

as always leverage will get wiped out, just don't be the tard who believes BTC goes to 10K once the retrace happens

>> No.57224238
Quoted by: >>57224295

You got shaken out before institutions adopting. Idk whatever you gotta say to yourself to live with it. We're at 47k and the money hasn't even started to flow in.

>> No.57224242

normans don't start paying attention until it nears the previous ATH

>> No.57224295

>buy the news
good luck with that
$10k is delusion. If it didn't happen back when people thought the space was finished for good it won't happen now.
I think the lowest price would be like $32k.

>> No.57224568

/biz/ is dead and it's not because of any cycle. Those numbers are never coming back.
Try tracking X and Reddit for more accurate data.

>> No.57224632

They are not coming back, BTC doesnt help anyone, you're being scammed, just trade the asset, get real dollars and buy real stocks.

Normies are coming back only for stablecoins and better payment methods, not Bitcoin shitcoin.

>> No.57224636
Quoted by: >>57224708

there is really no hype in normie land for BTC. it's in the background, minor noise. when we are in a hype season it becomes a much more prominent topic of discussion.

>> No.57224648

> literally only a few terminally online kissless virgins

Leave me alone or I will beat the shit out of you

>> No.57224654
Quoted by: >>57226115

This, 4chan is just dead. Traffic on all boards in abysmal

>> No.57224708

Sure, but the chart OP posted is misleading.

>> No.57224718

can someone please explain the use of bitcoin to me one more time. I have yet to have ever needed to use it for anything, and even if it goes to 100k usd that’s still a worse return than my nividia stock this year, i don’t get it please explain.

>> No.57224747

Please tell me how the Nvidia stock price influences the performance of Nvidia, as it influences about as much as the price as gold influences how gold functions in my opinion.

>> No.57224748

If you don't believe it, or you don't get it, I don't have time to explain.

>> No.57224768

You can actually own your Bitcoin without the need of trusting a third party. You can also send and receive Bitcoin peer-to-peer for cheap.

>> No.57224774

I'll tell you why this time is different. The bond market is going to shit the bed. This is why Blackrock pushed the SEC to approve now

>> No.57224904
Quoted by: >>57224920



>> No.57224920
Quoted by: >>57234419

Fuck me, is it really going to take 4 months for a measly 2x?

>> No.57225117
File: 131 KB, 360x515, 1589198896093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were nowhere near the top, kek

>> No.57225214
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not coming back, BTC doesnt help anyone, you're being scammed, just trade the asset, get real dollars and buy real stocks.
>Normies are coming back only for stablecoins and better payment methods, not Bitcoin shitcoin.

>> No.57225267

Real dollars that evaporate value and stocks they just issue more of. The financial system needs a foundation of hard collateral. That used to be US treasuries but those are looking like a shitcoin these days.

>> No.57226017

normies don't know shit about the etf. I convinced my friend and my sister to put some money in btc, and they don't even keep up with it. I have to tell them about stuff like this.

>> No.57226035

original oldfags was in 2013, we was all on /g/ and /biz/ didnt exist

>> No.57226039

We'll easily be above ATH this year spaz anon

>> No.57226048

How do I invest in posts per day?

>> No.57226113

We topping end of this year? Early 2025? End of 2025? What do you guys think?

>> No.57226115

Except /k/ because of all the very organic and definitely not astroturfed pro-ukraine posts

>> No.57226147
File: 279 KB, 420x410, 1701817996556002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's important is that your bank lost all your money, OP
you better pray that the BTFP gets extended, else your bank just declares bankruptcy and leaves you hanging lmao

>> No.57226168

There is plenty of interest from normies, if any of you tried farming Linea or Manta you would know. The reason why there is no traffic on biz is because you rarely get some good advice here. Quality discussions were so few compared to all jeet shilling and other stupid shit. Twitter and discord channels gave me more alpha in 2 months than biz in 3 years

>> No.57226271

Btc will never be under 40k again, bet

>> No.57226307

>thinly veiled shill attempt

>> No.57226341
Quoted by: >>57226548

>Linea or Manta
ahahahahahah...the desperation...it's palpable.

>> No.57226380
File: 1.20 MB, 926x932, 1541625355854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our time is soon

>> No.57226414
Quoted by: >>57227001

Thats a bullish sign because normies don't buy in until about the last bit of growth before the big bear
I'm thinking they will have a little bit of attention at the ATH and the normie buy in starts between 80-100k and that's when NFTs become a major thing again

>> No.57226548


>> No.57227001

>when NFTs become a major thing again
Oracles are a better bet.

>> No.57227128
File: 1002 KB, 640x426, IMG_2676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it really been 7 years already holy fuck I’m trapped here

>> No.57227149

>terminally online
>kissless virgins
False, I'm married to a big tity bbw woman and we have 2 kids

>> No.57227223

Just because millions unironically died from the (((vaxx))) desu.

>> No.57227277
Quoted by: >>57228353

>I didn't imagine I could be this early.
Sell signal.

>> No.57227288

You are new fag nigger. Stop embarrassing yourself. This is not a bull market

>> No.57227332
Quoted by: >>57230548

/biz/ had GME alpha in /smg/ like 3 months before r*ddit for what it's worth.

>> No.57228337
Quoted by: >>57230166

Top signal

>> No.57228353

Cool digits.

>> No.57228442
Quoted by: >>57229957

Trustless borderless immutable deflationary 24/7 value transfer at a discount, aka it mogs the absolute living fuck out of wires and ach while being and index against the total supply that you yourself can own

>> No.57229932

Is it me or all are the bears fucking new faggots?

>> No.57229957
Quoted by: >>57231698

too bad 94% of it is owned by whales who just want to manipulate it to drain the fuck out of fomoers and leave them with bags. 99.5% of people using it don't care about value store or what bitcoin as a technology can grow into or do they just want to use it as a casino to "make it". When it collapses to a stable 10k you will have only yourselves to blame.

>> No.57230120
Quoted by: >>57230554

Normalfags wised up after getting burned too many y times.
Crypto really is a fucking scam with no reliable payouts.
Also 4chan is fucking DEAD, every board I frequent is fucking dead, it's not just /biz/

>> No.57230155

CONGRATS 30 shekels deposited to your account!

>> No.57230157


>> No.57230166

>Before halving
>Before billions of dollars from spot etf
>Before rate cuts
K. Lol

>> No.57230203
Quoted by: >>57230211

This. We're about to have the biggest bull run in history

>> No.57230211

You guys will be totally rekt by the surprise.
We're topping before the halving, then dumping for years to come.
I won't elaborate why, you would know why since 2021 if you weren't tourists

>> No.57230241

it wont ever recover
its the captchas.

>> No.57230258

Kinda makes sense if you understand WHY 2021 happened. Stimmy mania has created absurd expectations in people speculating on bitcoin and the rude awakening is coming.

>> No.57230282

When you start seeing celebrities tweeting about buying it then you know

>> No.57230286

I agree that we're topping before the halving but the top will be $150k.

>> No.57230420

so how early are we really?

>> No.57230427

ok lets put some light here, the only normies who put money on crypto shit dib it bc of bonds, rates went up and if goes it seems there will be a lot of need of currency instead of create currency they will do it in bonds like europe 10 years ago so tht looks good, theres is no reason to risk money on crypto shit doent matter goes to 50k as you see, normies are not gamblers, they invest. Always a risk but cryptoshit will always be cryptoshit.

>> No.57230455
Quoted by: >>57230583

The problem with BTC is that it's too difficult to trade for normies. The mass movement will happen once an easy and reliable way to buy and sell bitcoin emerges

>> No.57230548

GME was 3 years ago
no decent alpha for 3 years
I've seen at least 5 easy 2-5xs on twitter the past few months and it's easier to discern who's better at finding good moves early and who's a scammer since everyone isn't anonymous.
Meanwhile here there's 10 scams for every 1 coin that already pumped 5 days ago and is already on its way down, so many anons trying to mislead that it's impossible to tell what's real or fake.
I still check in once in awhile, even shared my findings with SEI which barely got any traction even though it did a 2x days after I posted. And this is supposed to be the best times, this past year or so was the dead times when all the normies left, there should only be weird autistic veterans now trying to make it because they have no other option and irl sucks, but it's all just crap that isn't even worth sifting through.
This place just sucks for making money. Fun for some mild entertainment, but useless beyond that.
cya tomorrow

>> No.57230554

Where did everyone go? But yeah tracking /biz/ isn't accurate anymore because people have left this site in general, not just /biz/.

>> No.57230568
Quoted by: >>57230707

So i should just start frequenting twitter now? Browse the twitter cryptosphere until i get a hang of it? Can you give any accounts who to follow to start with? I think it's gay because there isn't a board like in 4chan and i just see who i follow, not what people are talking about in general.

>> No.57230583
Quoted by: >>57231164

man when this ETF btc thing goes out its going to be hell
if it goes 60 70k im selling no matter what

>> No.57230619
Quoted by: >>57230707

You can thank shitcoiners for linking biz threads in telegram groups with 10's of thousands of 3rd worlders to be raided. Some of them stick around.

>> No.57230707
Quoted by: >>57231142

inversebrah is the best to get a sense of the people and culture side of crypto twitter, sometimes his tweets are too niche though. Keep in mind it's usually too late when one the big accounts like hsaka tweets about a coin but not always. I've had good luck folllowing a few sub 30k follower accounts, but that's something you'll need to figure out yourself and understand what they're good at. Try to keep track of what predictions people make, determine if they're serious and follow if they're right or wrong, start muting/blocking people that are wrong more often than not. Eventually you'll curate the people you follow into reliable indicators that only you understand how they fit into the picture. I don't even tweet, I follow people because sometimes they private their account but otherwise I lurk 100% of the time and I have a good gauge now of how things move and who to avoid. Good luck, remember it's pvp
Thank you shitcoiners for directing the flow of poo here.

>> No.57230713

Ofc it'll be bad when the etf is here. Everyone is holding because of it, no selling, no volatile no volume. When price stalls out after the news there's nobody to sell into and it'll be brutal

>> No.57230912
Quoted by: >>57230922

>/biz/ dead
>Coinbase app nowhere to be found on Apple home page
>Robinhood? Literally who?
>Normies all think crypto is a dead scam and are busy hearing about racism and aliens and sports gambling
It's too easy. What's the catch?

>> No.57230922

means the music stops soon and we get months of quiet again, fun

>> No.57230944

they are all on reddit now. biz was generally against dog coins and late to the party last cycle. there is nothing but scammers and those who missed out left on this site

>> No.57231142

Thanks anon, any tips on finding these sub 30k accounts, can I follow you or someone else you may share?

>> No.57231158

>Nobody on biz knows how to read volume

yup... top signal

>> No.57231164

>if it goes 60 70k

>> No.57231698

This is why no one here buys bitcon and only invests in new L1s

>> No.57231759
Quoted by: >>57232673

Prohibitively expensive to mine after halving?

>> No.57232341

>so many anons trying to mislead that it's impossible to tell what's real or fake
biz killed itself with this because some retards thought it was le epic trolz to start doing this so good it becomes indistinguishable from real posting

curating twatter is too tricky nowadays, you always get some good account that eventually sells out and shills you a rug for money, they are totally compromised too since that person can then delete his account and start over for the next harvesting of poor souls
at this point i am just sticking to the blue chips, thankfully i got enough last cycle that idont need the moonshot shitcoin casino rides anymore, but it has become exponentially harder for new people to not get mega scammed let alone make it nowadays

>> No.57232433
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x1650, PhotoCollage_1704803155309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies still in the red

>> No.57232648

Totally agreed. Wonderful to have this success at this point.

>> No.57232673
Quoted by: >>57232708

if you took a single hour off and learned how bitcoin works, you'd know how retarded that question is, the answer is no though

>> No.57232699

no, Exorde analytics show that there is growing interest, it's just that 4chan is dead

>> No.57232708


>> No.57233838
File: 283 KB, 2048x1366, 1609966088015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This place just sucks for making money. Fun for some mild entertainment, but useless beyond that.
Totally disagree. Most of us who were here early stayed through the entire bear. This was because 1) OG anons REPEATEDLY warned us to stick it through, and 2) the engaging nature of this place. If I couldn't call niggas stupid assholes for 18 months, it would have been harder to stay with it... and be in the position I am now.

>> No.57234419
Quoted by: >>57234614

You can go for alts like SPOOL, RIO, and others for big return

>> No.57234515
File: 49 KB, 376x750, 1475669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC is almost at 50K and there's still barely anyone here
they wont be back until btc is at 90k. just like last time. they didnt show up until months after btc broke ath. we are still in stealth phase. normies still laugh at crypto when they hear it again.

>> No.57234614
Quoted by: >>57234738

I recently aped in into those two, and they have great fundamentals.

>> No.57234738

tell me how RIO has great fundamentals. the website looks absolute trash. i can code that shit in 5minutes

>> No.57236275


that means the top is not in

>> No.57236446
File: 51 KB, 622x605, 1701643340637414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt like I saw more crypto millionaires trending from 2018-2020 than I saw post-2021. Like on TikTok and Youtube, showing off their lambos and new houses and such. This last bullrun didn't produce the same amount of zoomer millionaires, normalfags were clowning on NFTs and what a shit investment they were, and several of the most popular videos about crypto that were coming out were anti-crypto (coffeezilla, and the "number go up" NFT video). Elon Musk was the only one who made crypto kind of fun with the dogecoin shitposting, but eventually even he reversed his position on crypto and said he thought PoW was "too wasteful". And although not crypto-related, SO many people lost money with the GME thing it's not even funny.

Sentiment has changed, bros.