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56307119 No.56307119 [Reply] [Original]

Protip: you can't.

>> No.56307123

Bro i won't name a list of 15 millions jews.

>> No.56307131
Quoted by: >>56307141

They are all the same. Jordan Belfort sold everyone out. Yet people worship him. They will come to worship these fucks.

>> No.56307138
Quoted by: >>56307146

Sultry wood nymphs and their polycules upset you, son?

>> No.56307140

they're just counterratting. rat vs rat

>> No.56307141

>Belfort was born in 1962 in the Bronx borough of New York City to Jewish parents.
wow imagine my non-shock

>> No.56307146

have you not been paying attention to the trial? They turned states witness without even being charged with anything. Literally fled the Bahamas, landed in the U.S. and immediately began singing like canaries.

>> No.56307148
Quoted by: >>56307164

cope sam

>> No.56307164
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Quoted by: >>56307392

I want Sam to be buried under the jail anon. I just also want his cronies to be in little boxes right next to him as well.

>> No.56307180
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Do you really believe a young, incompetent 0/10 kike rat femoid, pure product of jewish nepotism, with the constitution of a fiddle and overdosing on anxiolytics would have even a picogram of loyalty/morals/dignity/whatever, lol?
She would snitch on her parents just for the fun of it.

>> No.56307193
Quoted by: >>56307331

What makes one loyal? I read of ancient chinese eating each other to defend the nation and emperor. What causes such insane levels of loyalty?

>> No.56307197
Quoted by: >>56307331

I suppose you're right. I figured they'd at least have the decency to wait till actual charges came in but I suppose it is too much to expect from the jew and the bug.

>> No.56307331
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Quoted by: >>56307417

>What causes such insane levels of loyalty?
Have you read Confucius? The chineses elevated the slave-master relationship to a quasi-divine state.
Western civilization have been based on the respect of individualism over collectivism ever since the Habeas Corpus.
It's the other way around in eastern asian countries. They had social shaming an integral part of their societies if anybody displayed a lack of interest for the group.
And it devolved into a fanatical devotion for hierarchical structures. With levels of nobility privileges even feudal lords couldn't begin to dream of.
Your master was everything to you in ancient China. You were buried with him/her. In some emperor mausoleums we found up to a thousand lackeys/courtisanes/soldiers who had to drink poison to be buried with him.
This is some intense brainwashing rather than loyalty as in free-willed chivalry like we can think of it.

I bet she shat herself the minute a FBI agent asked her her name. They probably didn't have to apply any pressure tactics, she isn't a hardened criminal dealing with tough guys on a daily.
She's a frail, cocooned since birth, little girl who went into something she probably didn't fully understood at first. Just asking an expresso to the local starbuck's cashier probably trigger panic attacks if she isn't on 500mg of xanax. I know this kind of girls. Then when she learned she was part of a scam organization, greed and excitment took over the fear of repercussions, as usual with jews.
I didn't follow the trial, but let me guess : she now pass herself as the innocent victim instead of the coconspirator, isn't she?

>> No.56307392
Quoted by: >>56307417

this guy going to receive less years than those two rat.

>> No.56307410

Richard heart

>> No.56307417

>I didn't follow the trial, but let me guess : she now pass herself as the innocent victim instead of the coconspirator, isn't she?

She hasn't testified yet, but the defense is trying to pin it on her, probably because she was among the first to turn rat. She has stated in the past she was only doing what Sam ordered though.

His defense has really been dropping the ball though, appearing disorganized, and providing only meager explanations for the various crimes they're charging him with.

>> No.56307431
Quoted by: >>56307556

is the FTX money all spent now? will people get money back?

>> No.56307556
Quoted by: >>56307577

There was the FTX "hack" that happened shortly after they declared bankruptcy. Rumor is it was Sam. There's also the question of the robinhood shares that Sam bought using customer money that he now is arguing are his and he should be allowed to liquidate them to fund his defense.

>> No.56307577
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>robinhood shares that Sam bought using customer money that he now is arguing are his and he should be allowed to liquidate them to fund his defense.
Topkek, (((their))) level of chutzpah never cease to amaze me.