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>> No.55368612
File: 1.02 MB, 584x530, AAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55373745

is that...



A FROG?!??!?!?

>> No.55368615

Useless. The lecturer and professor are all useless failures on a level with todays politicians. Nepotism and sycophants

>> No.55368625

>go into debt for a mediocre job that probably isn't related to your degree
No point in college unless you're absolute in becoming a doctor, a engineer, etc.

>> No.55368655

I wish we could just read books and pass proctored exams at our pace. I know these places exists but they usually aren't regionally accredited so the degrees don't mean shit basically. I don't see the need to listen a lecture when an author has a more well thought out lecture in a better medium which is tactile and not transient or fleeting (you can stop reading any time and reread, go back etc), whereas if you stare off into space for 5min during a lecture you're fucked.

>> No.55368670

Then why not do it if it's a guaranteed path to 6 figure salary?

>> No.55368677

is a masters in applied financial economics a meme??

>> No.55368688
Quoted by: >>55373141

I make more money as a trucker at this point bro

>> No.55368689
File: 1.33 MB, 480x854, 1679150863291502.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55377688

Because college is gay

>> No.55368701
File: 737 KB, 1000x497, 1491492113-screen-shot-2017-04-06-at-112125-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a mystery

>> No.55368713

lots of online schools have lectureless classes. usually there's a forum post element that's kind of shit when your peers are lazy retards

>> No.55368733

I don’t trust americans they are crooks and jew sellouts

>> No.55368761

Lmao the fuck? Everywhere records lectures nowdays.

>> No.55368841

women and gays made college really... gay
it can still be beneficial if you're a STEMchad and genuinely smart and charismatic but a lot of majors are worthless now

>> No.55368849
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People give you worthless advice like 'network in college bro' but no one there is networking so it's all bullshit, you either somehow make friends with a rich kid so his dad can get you a job at JP Morgon or you're friends with stupid fucks who get you a job at the dealership they work at selling cars. This is not a good strategy for success.

The actual problems are 1) businesses only want to hire boomers for less money for entry level jobs 2) colleges do not guarantee a job or even really get you one.

Despite this roasties are 7 times as likely to get a callback than m*les, all the roasties I hear about complain about their workload for their meme job and I just think a man could have done that job and better.

Most insultingly is that the fuckers know this and still shitpost about how "you wouldn't have it so hard if you got a degree :)" except most of the people complaining have degrees and know how useless they are. For men there is only grinding, gaining certifications, making yourself so impeccable that businesses have no choice but to hire you.

>> No.55368859

bachelor degree are becoming worthless, if you don't pursue a Master's or PhD in a valuable field you're wasting your time

>> No.55368885

it costs too much and the certainty of getting a good job after graduation isn't as high as it used to be

>> No.55368894

I fucking wish my masters (in stem in a top 10 university globally) was valuable.

>> No.55368913

Finally broke into the sick ass 6 figure tech gig phase of my career with only a high school diploma and I feel so vindicated for telling my parents that college was a scam and I wasn't going.

>> No.55368924

chatgpt taking away all professions
gaylords taking away all the fun

>> No.55368962

1. college isn’t education it’s certification
2. you don’t go to college to learn, you go to prove you can work without falling apart into a degenerate drug spiral
3. it’s full of psychopaths, just like business

>> No.55368972
Quoted by: >>55373141

4. people don’t go because they think they can get away with it
5. they can’t, trades are just as bad, only drug addicts, and flakes instead of psychos; but also psychos

>> No.55369001
Quoted by: >>55373752

None of that shit is needed either. Most of what you do as an adult you learn from on the job experience. Keep in mind almost none of these professors has ever held a real job in their life. From age 5 to 65 they are in schools.

>> No.55369007
Quoted by: >>55376329

Because not many people can do those things.

>> No.55369269

>People give you worthless advice like 'network in college bro' but no one there is networking so it's all bullshit
Nobody is doing valuable networking at $10-20k/year, 95 average IQ, commuter state schools. That's for wagie jobs.
At $60k/year top private schools? Almost everyone's dad is rich af and there's networking available, but you need to crack the application

>> No.55369280

>if you don't pursue a Master's or PhD in a valuable field you're wasting your time
I'm making $250K/year with a BS...
Aren't STEM master's degrees in USA just full of people doing it to fulfill visa requirements? lol
I don't think it makes much sense if you already have right to work in the country of your choosing, barring actually need for a license (e.g. therapist)

Along those lines, are any anons counselingmaxxing or therapymaxxing these days? My current therapist did a 2 year master's online and now charges $120/hr. He does remote with me but still has an office. I know some anon here built out a client base and now just does 10 sessions / week from south america??
It seems like it would beat codecucking, if you find sessions bearable to sit through.

>> No.55369287
Quoted by: >>55369299

bachelors in what?

>> No.55369299

Computer science
Top 10 university, as I mention in >>55369269

And yes I work from Southeast Asia, hold 200 Ethereum and 11k LINK. See you all at the muay thai gym or out on the surf

>> No.55369574
Quoted by: >>55369681

Yes thank you for restating what I said.
>private schools
>crack the application
Are not schools even a 'really smart guy' would get in because the point is keeping poors out so you're not going to be beating the system and networking with bill gates' coalburner daughter under any circumstances.

>> No.55369681

They let a few in per year. I got rejected by all the Ivies I applied to but got into UChicago $40k/year in need-based aid.
I got straight As in Ohio public high school, taking literally every AP I could and self-studying US history though. I went the tryhard route + 130IQ

Bill Gates' daughter might be out of the question, but some very above average non-famous families are.

>> No.55370065
Quoted by: >>55371159

My parents wasted $40k to get me into a private school for the last 2 years of my schooling, maybe they hoped I would be able to just network and make friends in high places. Ended up not making any friends at all, all I got out of it was how outclassed I was at everything which sent me into depression.

>> No.55370126
Quoted by: >>55371159

because of how expensive it can be and also the low probability of having a job, it's depressing sometimes, I've been studying programming for 2 years and I'm still afraid of not finding anything, I even have OBAYC as a plan B in case something happens

>> No.55371159

>Ended up not making any friends at all, all I got out of it was how outclassed I was at everything which sent me into depression.
Ya I saw this happen a few times, including with myself. I went in with an addiction to starcraft and porn lmao. It can totally backfire, as all of these kids come from families that have had it together financially and psychologically for a long time. The difficulty of the academics exposes any underlying mental issues.
Friend circles start freshman year at the dorms and in clubs btw. By third year, people are living in apartments or a frat house with their in-group circle, so I'm not surprised you didn't crack it.
The number of transfer students at elite private schools is miniscule.

The 2 years community college -> 2 years name brand school route is good for wagie tier+, but no upper middle class family does that. They all know a place like Princeton is worth every penny and they have a lot of pennies.
I'm sorry you ended up in a depressive period and the intent of this post wasn't to shit on you. very few people end up with the "ideal" path through 18-22. that was just my analysis of what happened

>how expensive it can be and also the low probability of having a job
expensive I'll give you, especially if we call it potentially expensive. As for low probability of a job? naw. Everyone I know wasn't an incel loner got a job and even some of them did if it didn't involve interaction

>> No.55371167

It's a mystery. Why don't people want to pay $800K to eat pig shit?

>> No.55371218

Maybe because most men are sub 100 iq mutts? I go to med school in Sweden, 75-80% of students are girls and I get to bang prime aryan pussy every night I want to. Not complaining

>> No.55371349

>be me
>go to college
>surrounded by prime white aryan girls all day
>be 5'6
>none of them are interested in me
>will graduate a virgin
If you could generate power with sexual frustration I could power a whole city

>> No.55371367

college today is a money grab. many interns coming into jobs only to find out 90% of what they learned doesnt actually get used. its not what you know, its who you know.

>> No.55371761
Quoted by: >>55371773

>masters in applied financial economics
are you retarded

>> No.55371773
Quoted by: >>55376848

wait i replied to myself kek
are you retarded

>> No.55371825
Quoted by: >>55372561

Are you making $250k WITH a BS, or are you making $250k oh and by the way you have a BS

>> No.55371973
Quoted by: >>55373171

5’6 and Dutch is very unlucky bro. Im 5’11 and always feel like a manlet in Amsterdam. Maybe you should move to a manlet country?

>> No.55372057
Quoted by: >>55372622

Ironically the only reason to go to college is if you want to get into finance or medicine

Finance is a great career path, the capitalist system will never go anywhere, even if we allow AI to make "decisions" there will always need to be a human to approve it before any transactions are made, no CEO or any exec would ever trust an algorithm to spend their money.

And on top of that, if you think you are an incel who is incapable of networking to get a comfy finance job, the government endlessly hires finance bros, you can manage one of the militarys 50,000 bank accounts they have for a cool $120k salary and they are always in need of these people.

CS is a fucking meme degree, most people just need a boot camp, or extended stays in mums basement. Getting a degree to code is a waste of fucking time. I know python better than some CS grads do and i barely even use it in my day to day life. If you aren't going for finance or medicine just do it yourself or be a plumber. College is useful for a subset of degrees and useless for everything else.

>> No.55372561

>Are you making $250k WITH a BS, or are you making $250k oh and by the way you have a BS
It's hard to tell where and how the degree exactly helped me along the way, but it is a degree relevant to my role.
It was also helpful for me understanding the crypto space.

The main point of my post is that you can earn fine money with "just" a bachelors and a further degree program would just be for particular niche specialization, cool point, lifestyle, immigration needs etc. It wouldn't be for financial optimization

>> No.55372572

Because college is mostly a scam

>> No.55372622

>CS is a fucking meme degree,
Despite having this degree, I do agree that CS is a meme degree.
It becomes slightly non-meme if you're going to be doing 140IQ shit like being a compiler engineer or making your own language that transpiles to javascript AND have a company pay you to maintain it, but maybe like 1 dude out of a class actually has the potential, patience, routine, etc to do that.

Most everyone else either exits engineering or gets a job you could get with python/leetcode/mom's basement. Everything that got me a job was just me studying a little python on a friday afternoon, grinding leets and spam applying my resume.

If I were to do it again, I'd just study something fun that leads to a high GPA, have more sex, and maybe posture into MBB consulting. I mentioned earlier that all the upper mid/upper class kids get ushered into finance, because all of the money is there.

A guy I played volleyball with in college literally worked at the private equity firm that flipped the company I was codecucking at for a billion in profit. No way anyone at the flipped company, except maybe the CEO (who was hand picked by the PE firm), made as much as the PE team

>> No.55372714
Quoted by: >>55372973

they fell for the college is a meme meme.

>> No.55372973
Quoted by: >>55373730

You fell for the college is a meme meme meme

>> No.55373011

its boring busy work. I regret going to college.

>> No.55373019

I went.
It was a waste of time and money.

>> No.55373071

>"I make 250k a year"
>"oh forgot to mention top10 university btw haha lol"
every time

>> No.55373141
File: 117 KB, 1024x771, 1687288247639929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's too expensive and time consuming.

I got a job out of high-school and I make $21/hr, $32/hr when I do overtime and $43/hr if I have to work Sundays. It's a factory job and all I do is push buttons. I get 1.5 hours of paid breaks during a 10 hour shift and I can listen to music/podcasts all night on my phone. I made $70k last year, where the median income in my town is $32k.

Is it a dream job? No, it's very monotonous, but it's easy as fuck. Meanwhile, I know a shit-ton of college grads that spent $80k - $120k (no joke) on a Bachelors Degree and now they have a job only making $50k a year. If it's something you enjoy, than it's not that big of an issue, but we all know most people end up hating their jobs after a few years no matter what job they pick.

Plus, the entire Major/Minor and Credit system in college needs to be ended. It only exists to justify the professor's outrageous salaries. People should be allowed to pay to take one specific course/class if they wish AND receive a degree from it, even if it's only a Minor, it should be put on your resume. For example; if you want to take a 2 year course to learn about Jewelry, Metals & Enameling, they FORCE you to take a 4 year course in Arts. It's a bunch of bullshit. Same with Business Management/Administration. If you just want a 2 year course in Business, they FORCE you to take a 4 year course in Economics, Accounting, or Finance.


Nepotism is a huge problem in America, but human nature in general as well.






At the end of the day, you need to find other things in life that make you happy. Your job most likely won't be that thing.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.55373171
Quoted by: >>55373604

I probably could after I graduate. But at that point, does it matter? I'm just incredibly salty I will never experience college the way someone like this anon >>55371218 does.

>> No.55373374
File: 800 KB, 1024x1024, 120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I make it, I'm going to attend just to pull rank on faggot pinko college professors just for the lulz and for absolutely no other reason

>> No.55373554 [DELETED] 

No I don't believe your retarded larp because every faggot on /biz/ claims to be 250k a year SSWE working at FAANG. Either you all know each other or you're all lying faggots and the latter is more likely, now stop wasting my time replying to this bullshit every fucking day.

>> No.55373562

Men can do this thing called a cost benefit analysis.

>> No.55373604

He's lying and a faggot. If you actually had money, why the fuck would you tell /biz/ in the event someone tracks you down and fucks with you? Only a retard would do that and actual mouthbreathers don't have any money.

>> No.55373616
Quoted by: >>55374862

I went and got a bachelors degree. It has not been beneficial.

>> No.55373632

I have enough money I can keep steamrolling into investments, I do not need a good goy certificate.

>> No.55373730

not really. i went to college and worked my way up to a fully remote job that pays me $100k/year. i'm current applying to fully remote jobs that pay $120-140k/year.

>> No.55373739

>pay money to be surrounded by smarmy jews, entitled women and niggers

why would I do that

>> No.55373745
File: 104 KB, 593x936, 1622152439306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they hate me nowadays?

>> No.55373752

This. Head of my university’s computer science department has NEVER worked an actual job (especially a dev job) in his life and the dude is almost 60 years old. It’s ironic that the two undergraduate courses that he teaches are “required” to graduate and what do you focus on? Oh yeah, nothing relevant and you learn Haskell and get introduced to functional programming. Am I trying to work at dfinity (kek) or cardano? (Top kek) No so why do I have to learn this bullshit for TWO SEMESTERS. I’ve unironically learned more from streetshitters on YouTube and 1 chink professor than I have with any of the other 15 professors I’ve had courses with

>> No.55374010

why the fuck would I do that lmao

>> No.55374063

Lack of support. The women I meet 90% all had large scholarships that covered tuition, housing, and more. Average students. They get private clubs, networks, and easy access to jobs thanks to dei. There was a point that only non minority men had to pay for tutoring through the school, that's no longer the case. As a man you qualify for so much less.

I paid my way through community college and transferred to a top 10 school. I'd argue my community college professors were better. They all worked in their fields. They passed on knowledge that would be applicable to you actually working. In university you have professors that teaching is all they've ever done, their personality issues. It's a grind and more of appeasing your professor than doing the work correctly. They've tacked on irrelevant shit like intercultural issues in your field. There's a lot of meaningless shit, but all of my friends who were seniors had jobs lined up.

>> No.55374066

Well done

>> No.55374073

unless you are trying to become an engineer, doctor, or lawyer really no reason to go

>> No.55374267


If you are already in tech you kind of set yourself back 4 years by going to college because tech changes every day not every year or 4 years or whatever

>> No.55374862

u absolutely need a masters these days unless its like engineering or cs

>> No.55375090

>be me
>go to college on academic scholarship
>university engaged in all manner of shenanigans to revoke my scholarship
>eventually managed to get me on a technicality by bumping me from a class worth 3 credit hours to one worth 1 credit hour, putting me below the minimum requirements for my scholarship
>drop out
>the scholarship that I went to college on doesn't even exist anymore
>most academic scholarships don't exist anymore
>the entire education system has been tilting the scales in favor of women so heavily that there's a lack of young men and college educated men across society and they've been low key complaining about it for several years

College no longer rewards smart people with a free education that takes them places. It's for rich kids to go and pretend that they're benefiting from education instead of nepotism, and for poor kids to go and get a degree so that they can slave away in an air conditioned office instead of roofing houses. The lack of men is just a symptom of a broken system. Academia thinks that you can fix a broken system like education by tipping the scales in favor of certain people, but women being disproportionately represented in higher education has left women miserable because they cannot find suitable men and left men out in the cold as the economy gets worse and worse. The thin little layer of academic meritocracy dried up, and the quick fixes that the system prefers to create the appearance of solving a problem are not only failing to solve that problem, but creating additional problems.

tl;dr: the gender thing is a shitty bandaid slapped over a system failing because of greed

>> No.55375105

I am 6'1 but ginger
Honestly! Name me one reason! Not to try to find work in asia somehow

>> No.55376116
File: 78 KB, 675x900, FzQP2d-WIBIHXRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55376464

Man here
I don't want to go college cos dam wywmn just too thirsty for me

>> No.55376173

That would destroy the scam model of modern university. When I went, I skipped full semesters and studied weeks, sometimes days before exams and never got less than a B+. If you could just self-teach and write exams, you'd be able to get a 4 year degree in like 8 months of studying. School really is just about paying for the degree these days

>> No.55376305
Quoted by: >>55378307

>Why don't men want to go to college anymore?
Because a lot of them are retarded. They listened to some podcast and how being some pumbler is better than they go for that instead of getting an actual education. While statistically people with a college or higher education are out earning these people by 2 to 3+ million dollars over their live time.

>> No.55376329
Quoted by: >>55376464

I have a masters in mechanical engineering. You'd honestly be surprised how many room temp people make it into a 6 figure engineering job. If I was you, I'd have genuine fear that many of the items you use in daily life may end up killing you.

>> No.55376464
File: 73 KB, 540x796, genetic-entropy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55377662

What is up with this guy's hand? The webbing, skin between fingers, are so far up his fingers.
I wonder how long it will be until the woke crowd go after Master's degrees as perpetuating racism and slavery. They will probably want to rename it to Expert Degree

>> No.55376848

I chose to go into healthcare because obvious 6 figures guaranteed and now I'm making close to $200k annually. Are you retarded??

>> No.55377008

>guaranteed path
no such thing

>> No.55377662
File: 106 KB, 712x224, primeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will probably want to rename it to Expert Degree
primary degree

>> No.55377688

Yup, that kid is scarred for life. Def never going to forget that.

>> No.55377717

Girl here. Yeah idk but anytime I meet a guy at the bar and he says he didn’t go to/dropped out of college or an entrepreneur (not in college) it’s a big fucking turn off. I’m finishing my 3rd year as a chem engie and I’m scared I won’t find a more successful guy than myself :/

>> No.55377735

Successful men don't need a successful woman.

>> No.55377744

Because men are lazy imbeciles, and women will inherit the earth.

>> No.55377751

Doesn't work, I got a scholarship to a really expensive university and everyone could immediately smell the poor on me and just gave me shit for being poor.

>> No.55377757

Because we actually run into the women that we think we are going to college for.....only to realize that we might be totally wrong about the entire fucking thing.

>> No.55377820

how I wish I had this amount of balls when I was 17 to freely speak my mind with my parents on this matter. now Im 23 with a meme diploma, and, guess what, unemployed, spamming my CV everyday with barely any feedback. 5 years of my life wasted, 5 years that I could have used to get the needed professional experience but I spent in the clown academia. determinism is a hell of a drug.

>> No.55377831

At this point I would only go back to slam young puss, and after I make it I’m likely to

>> No.55378017


>> No.55378073

No point in studying to get a job work all day then drive home to an empty house makes no sense

>> No.55378307
Quoted by: >>55380979

Im 28, retarded and a Plumber. I own my own business, 55 employees and gross $1mil a month. Started at 15 and have never had debt to my name. I guess you could say im king of the retards. Best of luck at school and remember to keep your boss happy after you graduate!

>> No.55378414

Because it's a waste of time. I never went to college and make a 80K annual salary while working from home and hardly doing any work most days. Smarten up or get left behind, nigger.

>> No.55378421
File: 53 KB, 828x693, 346132545_1273173413612649_6818494372327474395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to college, altough to become a doctor so it's necessary. College is completely pointless if you don't study to get a national grade certification to do a certain job. For everything else it's better to lie that you have it. At least doctors are still earning big bucks. Also if you think that medical school is not a meme, you are absolutely wrong. College is worthless, the amount of time needed to get a diploma is astounding and doctors learn more in their first month of working than for the whole curriculum in their class. The only point of higher education is to have fun and score pussy, literally I see no other benefits since you can learn everything on the internet more easily. Professors are actual retards most of the time (who else would like to work with students?). If you can - go for it, after wasting 10 years of your life you will actually live like a good goy, but a rich one. Still a lot better than breaking your back in some HVAC job.

>> No.55378682
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 4D15F561-30F7-413A-B83E-86B7D164A0C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You self teach yourself anyways making it a scam. Problem is employers force you into the scam. I got tired of it. In hindsight I do regret dropping out though because I was in my sr year and I could have had some easy teaching gig and have had 1/4th of the year off doing fuck all. What value would I provide to society? Nothing because the curriculum is retarded, but I wouldn't give a shit. I would have told the kids how to get ahead of the curve though. Whatever though. I'm too burnt out now and need the bull to start. I'm putting all my eggs into the upcoming bullrun. I either make it or rope at this point

>> No.55378717

>I’m scared I won’t find a more successful guy than myself
men don't give a fuck about women's success

>> No.55378726

That's because you're a sheep and were fed that college = makes someone attractive. You only want that in a man because "that's what society is telling me to think". Women are submissive so fall for any propaganda. Easy to trick women tbqh

>> No.55379586

because some zoomerfag tiktok influencer told the college is a scam and real alphas need to buy his $3000 course on reselling chink shit ebay or amazon on for 0.5% profit margin (that industry is oversaturated and marketplaces are killing dropshippers, that's why he is selling course now)

>> No.55379602

>altough to become a doctor so it's necessary
no it isn't, there's nothing special about it

>> No.55379615

because fuck you that's why

>> No.55379661

t. full scholarship to U of Pittsburgh after getting four AP tests and a 2200 on the SAT

>> No.55379747

College is just the symptom. You go to college because you want a better job. But men are also dropping out of the workforce, so why go to college for a job you dont want? The real question is why men are dropping out of society to begin with. And its just a matter of incentive. Perceived gains from pro-social behavior for men have been diminishing for 30 years. Coincidentally, antisocial behavior and disorders in men are also at record highs.

>> No.55380280


>> No.55380449

Because they are backwards incels and are upset that our universities teach tolerance and progress instead of hate and religious nonsence

>> No.55380946

I am full of regret for going. I tried too hard and didn't even have that much fun. The worst part of all of it is that my boomer dad paid me and my brother's tuitions in full spending over half a million on us but never once pushed us on a career path. I feel so bad. He just thought we would get any decent degree and finish college in four years and get a good paying job just like that. Of course we both struggled to fine a degree we wanted and both settled for easy shit that nobody cares about because we already committed 2-3 years there.

If my dad just invested even 10% of the costs for our tuition into safe megacaps for himself and his kids we would have been able to pursue any shit job we enjoyed without worrying about money. God why was he so dumb and refused to invest his money outside of his kids that he barely tried to raise because that's just how boomers are. The man didn't even have a mortgage he paid off our house like ten years before we went to college. What the fuck was he doing with all his doctor money all this time? Leasing cars every few years and going on vacations three times a year. Makes zero sense at all.

>> No.55380979
File: 72 KB, 1173x737, career-earnings-by-education-level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if we assume any of this is true and not an obvious larp, you're not the norm. Most people aren't working since 15 year. We're talking about averages and over the period of their lifetime. Getting an education will put you ahead of most people without it.

>> No.55381967
File: 350 KB, 659x660, CWE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what point is there to even going to college when all u need is money to buy crypto to get rich?
>just work a hard factory job making $40k/yr
>live with parents so u can spend 90% of your income on crypto (RSR)
>keep buying RSR over 3 years (from now)
>invest $108k into RSR from 2023-2026
>sell in 2027
>now i am a millionaire

tell me again why i need to go into massive debt to get a meme degree to work for a gay corporation i'll hate every day of my life again..
