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54293363 No.54293363 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else a major loser who's treated like shit at all their jobs?

>had a job on some sort of graduate talent program (which meant large amounts of contact with HR as career coaches)
>had multiple roastie managers who basically said I don't belong because I don't fit in socially
>they proceed to lie relentlessly about me
>complain about it formally and the level of bad treatment goes through the roof, at all levels

The above is especially galling because I came in to contact with the absolute epitome of stereotypical corporate trash: HR roastie (who even at one point cited her masters degree to justify illogical nonsense, and who was the most shameless liar I've ever known), generic posh roastie manager (with a fake disability) who resented anyone who didn't make work a social club.

>move to other part of company
>get treated like shit by this horrendously incompetent crusty boomer manager who loved giving vague feedback and no clear goals
>have to come in to contact with a literal retard they hired off the street as a career coach
>entire area was filled with middle aged greying fat women henpecking everyone in the form of "delivery management"

That was really fucking bad. That crusty middle aged guy was the most petty person I've ever met. And the entire section of the company was a mismanaged C team that seemed to be colonised by external consultants.

>move to new company
>it's a bright flourescent social club of hypernormies (drinks, bantz, talking about spouses) that I will clearly never be a part of
>has Amazon style performance management, (certain % of people have to be ranked badly, based on a big conversation among all managers at the end of the year)
>have zero socialising with anyone throughout my time there
>get openly belittled by a few people throughout the year
>no surprise how it ended up

I was able to get out to my current job but it was all so depressingly predictable. My career has been like that lizard in the BBC documentary clip.

>> No.54293391
Quoted by: >>54293592

>is anyone else a loser, etc
No, because I am a man and wouldn't put up with that shit. Didn't read the rest of your post, it's probably just whiny loser shit

>> No.54293442
Quoted by: >>54293592

If you look like chud you'll unironically always be treated poorly at every job. Ugly people are probably the most discriminated against in society.

>> No.54293539

it's sort of similar for me
it could come down to how you look like, but just like in life personality does matter to a degree and it sounds like you have no real interest to be 'part of the team' - same as I am at work and people don't like it at all.
it's just human nature anon, if they feel that you're different they'll treat you differently, you'll either have to play the part or your quality of work will need to be very high - even then people may resent you more for 'being smarter than them' etc.

>> No.54293575
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>Is anyone else a major loser who's treated like shit at all their jobs?
Me. I have a wild hair style and employers probably see me as a druggy that's always high when truth is I've never touched drugs or alcohol before. They always give me the stink eye. Fuck waging.
Also everyone is a tryhard, but they know I have a casual personality which makes them seethe. Every employer ever hated my ass because I showed too much individualism/human traits.

>> No.54293592
Quoted by: >>54295567

I look like a solid 9/10. You need to have the normie aesthetic to be liked i.e. combed hair, short hair, so'y friendly face, etc.

>> No.54293600

>I don't know what's wrong, every group hates me for no reason
>anyways, I'm going to go back to /pol/ to talk about 109 countries

>> No.54293614

>normie offended

>> No.54293646

It's Jews fault.

>> No.54293988
Quoted by: >>54296303

>>>it's a bright flourescent social club of hypernormies (drinks, bantz, talking about spouses) that I will clearly never be a part of
Dealing with normies is something you have to learn to do if you are going to be wagie. It doesnt matter if you see yourself as different and above mundane shit like that. You have to pretend at least a little bit.
I've never been very sociable or smiley, specially with strangers. But I realised I had to act different if i wanted to succed at work. Smile a bit, dress well, listen to some small talk even if you dont care about what they are saying and hang out with them every once in a while. I work mostly with women (most of them 10- 20 years older than me) and they all like me and treat me well, speacially my direct superior.
Put some effort and dont isolate yourself, anon.

>> No.54294361

next time clearly mention you have autism at the first sign of this
then complain to hr about hostile work environment
then go to doctor complain about depression because of said work environment
use the system against them

and if that fails troonmax at your next job, that isnt a meme

>> No.54294514
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I'm sick of senior level roasties throwing themselves at me. I would probably sue for sexually harassment if it wasn't so easy to change jobs. These dirty thots have families and shit. #sad
I made this one marketing slut look at the picture of her family while I fucker her over her desk. She got really wet I don't know if it was for me or maybe her husband's pic. Didn't care at the time but I told her after she disgusted me. She went in the bathroom after and when she came out I could tell she cried.

>> No.54294590
Quoted by: >>54294678

Probably larp, but lol. That's what the retard gets for marrying a whore.

>> No.54294621
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>Is anyone else a major loser who's treated like shit at all their jobs?
Yes, but I do it to myself

>> No.54294652
Quoted by: >>54294690


The way people treat you is nothing but a reflection of your own self worth. Don't blame external factors for your circumstance.

>> No.54294666

Why don't you use HR? You are supposed to use that weapon first against your opponents before you sense their hatred building up against you. Always works for me, getting accused of work place bullying scares the shit out of them and puts them back in their place.

>> No.54294678

Believe or not it's not hard to fuck them, the hard part is not turning your work environment/professional circle into a toxic waste dump. It's not the "I fucked my hot boss" stories that are LARPs it's the ones that end with "and then she gave me a raise and I worked there for years and years after and I got a promotion and it was awesome"
Office gossip is fucking vile and why I try to avoid hiring women (successful so far in our team of 6)

>> No.54294686

You have a lot of imagination, anon. Elaborate the larp more

>> No.54294690
Quoted by: >>54294842

That's like saying if I beat the shit out of you, you deserve it. Retard alert

>> No.54294842

If you can't defend yourself in the physical world, youre physically weak.

If you can't defend yourself in the social sphere, you're mentally and emotionally weak.

>> No.54294855
Quoted by: >>54295155

So if I hired you and fired you because I don't like you, I guess you're mentally and emotionally weak. Got it.

>> No.54294999

The boomer narcisist take.

>> No.54295007

Go on.... I'm almost there

>> No.54295013

>Come into a new company
>Easily make friends with the people I collaborate with
>Bring different groups of people together and easily get everyone excited about the same mission
> My diverse skillset ends up having different teams always requesting my help on their projects
>Dumbshit Executives either intentionally or due to being low IQ don't want to understand what the product teams are accomplishing and for the sake of appearing useful try to force objectives that make no sense.
> Can't get past the ego shield of incompetence and executives double down on dumbshit ideas.
> Despite being well-liked, my goal is to build useful stuff more than lying and playing "the game"
> Quit and find a new job for more money
> Repeat and quit when executives force dumbshit objectives. Repeat again

Being likable doesn't make corporate bullshit any less annoying.

>> No.54295155

If I had a retard boss that disliked me even though I was perfectly cordial and fulfilled my duties, I wouldnt want to work in such an environment, so being fired is of no consequence.

>> No.54295303

You're not wrong. I was a manager as t an old job and a subordinate of mine was given no raise per my boss. I asked him why and he said his reasons and then blamed me for his failings. I told the person about it, said he should go to HR since my boss never documented his reasons before the final review, and my boss had to give him a raise after a big sit down with hr lmao
I left like a month later and have a horrible exit interview about him.
Don't even ever EVER take shit from anyone at work. Don't ever ever ever make anyone at work make you feel bad about yourself or devalue you. It's a fucking job. They can get fucked and eat my dick.

>> No.54295351

>Is anyone else a major loser who's treated like shit at all their jobs?
i'm not a tranny dog walker so no

>> No.54295460
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No because I'm son of the owner lol lmao, deinking shots rn with my employees

>> No.54295567

faggot just suck your boss' cock already

>> No.54295613

I'm wfh and don't interact with any other people aside from the my team and a couple of other people more. HR always do these integration events but I always ignore them. Actively looking for a way out but might get promoted so that's cool

>> No.54295706
Quoted by: >>54295798

>Is anyone else a major loser who's treated like shit at all their jobs?
I'm filled with 1000% more hate than you could ever be and I fit in fine. Just stop being an autistic faggot and start being courteous. People tell me I have this "death stare" and it kinda pisses me off but its just bantz. They poke fun at me I do it back a bit. Stop being an incel faggot and grow a pair.

>> No.54295712

You are retarded lol.

>> No.54295798
Quoted by: >>54295847

I've dealt with the same shit OP has dealt with. People just fucking SUCK. You can be a pretty stand up guy and courteous while not being a push over and still get shit for no reason. Best thing to do is trap them in a lie, make them seem insane and not give a single fuck. If you continuously show people that all their bullshit leaves you unbothered, they back off. A lot of grown adults act like children and are looking for a reaction. Don't give them anything and they get butthurt and stop.

>> No.54295847

What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like a psycho. Yeah people make fun of eachother and push others around, that's just life dumbass. You don't take it like a bitch, but you don't have to act like a serial killer over it either. Just make fun of people occasionally so they know you aren't a beta faggot, and they won't treat you like shit if they know you aren't a beta faggot. You can be courteous without being a beta.

>> No.54296123
Quoted by: >>54296251

>You sound like a psycho
>you don't have to act like a serial killer over it either.
KEK, why are you taking what I said so personally? All I'm saying is to call out people's bullshit. Nothing wrong with poking fun at each other but you don't have to gaslight yourself into thinking it's normal to be treated like shit. When you're an adult, you can distance yourself from shitty people because you're independent, that's the point.

>> No.54296197
Quoted by: >>54296518

>The boss is always right unless they fire ME specifically!
Holy shit, this guy

>> No.54296228

I still don't get why you make those chudcel threads.

>> No.54296251

>why are you taking what I said so personally?
I'm not, you're autistic, aren't you?
>All I'm saying is to call out people's bullshit
It isn't particularly bullshit, some push and shove is natural. People will treat you liter utter shit if your a cuck though, and that's human instinct. It's the low hanging fruit.
>When you're an adult, you can distance yourself from shitty people because you're independent
The entire point is you have to deal with people at a job. Have to. You can't distance yourself from these people anymore than a child could distance himself from his peers in grade school. Sure, you can get a new job, but there's no guarantee things will be better. I always found it funny how autists always claim to have profound knowledge about how social people work, and yet always demonstrate the opposite.

>> No.54296303
Quoted by: >>54296595

Agreed, I’m in a similar situation. At the lower level of the company it’s majority women. You just can’t be scaring the hoes by revealing your power level. Even then I still sense intuitively that I’m a bit of an outsider because I’m not nearly as talkative or care for the normie analysis of everything

>> No.54296413

Autists are an oppressed minority

>> No.54296488

dude, you're a literal normie that is getting a high from feeling superior when you're just that, a normie. It's fucking weird LOL
>you're just low hanging fruit if your personality isn't normie tier like mine!

>> No.54296518
Quoted by: >>54296530

Thats not what I said at all.

If my boss is treating me like shit, either im doing something wrong, in which case I should get my act together, or he's a retard, in which case I'm happy to leave because I don't want to work for a disrespectful retard.

>> No.54296530

It is, dumbass. You said if I fired you I'm the problem but if a boss fires someone else, it's because that person was "too weak". You're a bonafide tard.

>> No.54296595
Quoted by: >>54296645

Just act like a homosexual
ie flamboyant

>> No.54296596
Quoted by: >>54296673

Holy shit, you don't even have basic reading comprehension. You're 100% on the spectrum. You made a ton of assumptions and got super fucking assblasted over nothing. You're literally seething and shaking in your broken chair. Touch grass you freak.

>You can't distance yourself from these people anymore than
Nigger this isn't high school, it's real life, you can keep contact minimal with autistic freaks like yourself. KEK

>> No.54296614

kek reminds me when I refused to say good morning to people. Sometimes they’d ask why, and I respond with, “if it was a good morning, I’d be home and not at work”..it was always profound to these retards. I hate the fake socializing, but you gotta keep the retards happy or else. Just see it as community service for the mentally challenged.

>> No.54296641

kek get a load of this faggot. You’re going to get killed in a work place mass shooting.

>> No.54296645

You’re probably gonna tell me to cut my dick off now too

>> No.54296646
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>He admitted to having an autistic/fluoride stare

KEK, he's completely out to lunch

>> No.54296673

>says the retard who feels superior for not being a "normie"
>says the retard who can't read and uses zoomer stock phrases to appear as normal

The duality of autism

>> No.54296697

Why should I feel superior for being a normie exactly? "Muh cog"

>> No.54296698

>t. self-admitted autism/fluoride stare

>> No.54296716

Why should I strive to become a normie?
The only "advantage" is getting along with retarded fucks you couldn't care less about

>> No.54296723

Thank god I don't work with you
>unironically using /pol/tard conspiracies while pretending not to have autism
We have an Olympic-level mental gymnast here, folks. Projection abilities are off the charts.

>> No.54296748

My bad. I retract my previous comment

>> No.54296754
Quoted by: >>54296780

You sound like one o them troons, anon

>> No.54296760


>> No.54296766

>Why should I feel superior for being a normie exactly?
If you were normal, or a "normie," you would understand that your ability to fit in with society makes you superior. This is why "normies" bully autistic losers who are usually mean little incels. Why do I have to explain something so simple, you're autistic, aren't you?

>> No.54296780

I'm not a "troon" but they are living in your head rent free, go back

>> No.54296802
Quoted by: >>54296837

>you would understand that your ability to fit in with society makes you superior.
LMAO let me guess. You worship celebrities because of how popular they are? You have the mindset of a child.

>> No.54296814
Quoted by: >>54296854

>This is why "normies" bully autistic losers who are usually mean little incels
Oh that was a no no. Now you have to post your body to back that up LOL. Show me the peak physique of your normie body. Kek

>> No.54296837
Quoted by: >>54296882

>unironically uses the term "normie"
>gets mad at me for putting other people down to feel superior, but does the exact same thing himself
>You have the mindset of a child.
You sound severely mentally ill.

>> No.54296854
Quoted by: >>54296882

That "LOL" and "Kek" hardly masks the fact that you are absolutely malding. Thanks for the laugh, bud.

>> No.54296882
Quoted by: >>54296919

Where's that selfie?
You say I sound mentally ill when you have the mindset of a child as a grown ass man. Literally worshipping people based on popularity. LOL

>> No.54296919
Quoted by: >>54296942

Your inferiority complex is showing

>> No.54296942
Quoted by: >>54297002

Okay, normie. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.54297002
Quoted by: >>54297161

Thank you Mr. Incel, I hope you can fix your personality in the future and maybe have sex!

>> No.54297060

> 1 post by this ID
slide thread, where the fuck are the jannies clean this shit up retards

>> No.54297161

post body

>> No.54297525

I have an ADHD 'disability' and everyone is extra fake nice to me. I exaggerate symptoms for my own amusement and am unfireable. I recommend it.

>> No.54297849
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This is the troll line. Anyone who posts below this line has been trolled by OP:

>> No.54298651

As much as I love pol I only browse it a little every few months it can be absolute brain rot at times