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53249376 No.53249376 [Reply] [Original]

How do I keep undesirables away from my Airbnb?

>> No.53249392

>chink getting slapped
thats for inflating the real estates

>> No.53249399
Quoted by: >>53251020

Only own airbnbs in areas where they don't go, like ski mountains.

>> No.53249402
Quoted by: >>53250965


>> No.53249403

Can he ruin their lives in turn?

>> No.53249419

>poor old man
>Bourgeoise parasite landowner


>> No.53249460 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 1644x2146, 1673581803337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers so much its unreal

>> No.53249502

I refuse to do any of this without gun equipped drones at my disposal

>> No.53249587
Quoted by: >>53250931

Never relax

>> No.53249601

kys commie

>> No.53249609

Thanks for posting the link fagooooot

>> No.53249620

If they don't have a profile pic and a good review don't let them rent. Simple as.

>> No.53249637
Quoted by: >>53250931

They say this because that's what people always comment on videos of blacks getting shot my the police

>> No.53249661
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Quoted by: >>53250931


>> No.53249733

Had to unfollow clown world. Half the posts are funny videos like this and the other half are boomer tier outrage photoshops or screencaps of dailymail headlines, kind of like /pol/

>> No.53250931
File: 46 KB, 645x770, polterd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A hecking isolated incident occured lets blame 50% of the population for this because of their skin

/pol/ is the other way

>> No.53250937
Quoted by: >>53250942

>50% of the population

>> No.53250942

Uh yeah? In most civilized placed it is like this honey. Or it will soon be.

>> No.53250945

>>>/r/eddit is that way

>> No.53250965


>> No.53250983

post the video

>> No.53251020

This explains real estate prices in Colorado

>> No.53251321

Hang a confederate flag out the front.

>> No.53251348

Black males are 2% of the population but account for greater than 50% of violent crime.

>> No.53251397

make your shit like $200+ a night

>> No.53251438

Discord is that-a-way

>> No.53251451

2% lmao

the world is bigger than just your country

>> No.53251459

>no link
Kys faggot

>> No.53251470

>sex connoisseur
Ok that’s funny

>> No.53251492

If every single nigger disappeared from planet earth today, the world would be a safer and better place in every way

>> No.53251563
File: 189 KB, 326x206, D5EC0385-8BFB-444D-9FBE-38E859365235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53251656

A lot of people are moving to Dubai, because it’s on of the only places in the world where they give a shit about crime.

This was interesting too:

>> No.53251587
Quoted by: >>53255136

Cant you see the people booking over airbnb? They have profile pictures

Just decline those who dont have one (can you even decline? Lol)

>> No.53251650
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 1673157568802826.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53251895

I meant here in the US, that's going by FBI stats, blacks are 13% of the pop, but the majority of the violence comes from the young males, so like 2-5% yeah. Financially speaking, a disaster for Americans.

>> No.53251656

No one is moving to Dubai
It’s like Las Vegas weather but with all sandnigs

>> No.53251696
Quoted by: >>53251934


>> No.53251895
Quoted by: >>53253307

It’s insane. Niggers are like rabid animals.

>> No.53251934


>> No.53253307

And the most frustrating thing - in some ways worse than the violence itself - is that you can't say that obvious truth without being Cancelled.

>> No.53253601

Jarvis pull up homicide rates in Africa vs Europe

>> No.53253621
File: 56 KB, 775x849, 1672092690466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fuck crying pisscel chuds.

>> No.53253650

Fuck off kike
Tel Aviv is that way

>> No.53254619
Quoted by: >>53254733

it's very easy. You require 7 day stay. Party animals will only want it for 1-3 nights.
an airbnb guy told me this.

>> No.53254656

Yeah this has gotta be the first video I've ever seen of black people becoming irrationally violent over a minor disagreement.

>> No.53254733
Quoted by: >>53255321

I've heard so many ridiculous horror stories about AirBNB I can't understand why people do this.
>Owners coming back and finding guests dead
>Owners come back after checkout and the guests are hiding in the house waiting to rape them
>Guests won't leave and leverage squatter's rights to have permanent residency protected by the state
This is the least to say guests stealing stuff (like literally emptying the entire house) or just wrecking the place.

>> No.53255136
Quoted by: >>53255161

>our algorithm has detected your denial of POC
>your account with our company has been terminated and your info sent to the local news station to spotlight your bigotry and your property will now be seized down to racism
>have a good day!

>> No.53255138
File: 39 KB, 951x713, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53256822

link because OP is faggot

>> No.53255161
Quoted by: >>53255190

this is barely a meme at this point. just a couple years ago they spammed all hosts with emails telling them to abide by code of conduct specifically saying hosts were not allowed to discriminate against niggers

>> No.53255190
Quoted by: >>53255371

GrubHub just added some kind of system that prevents you from denying too many non tippers(these are always niggers)

>> No.53255239

just increase the price and include luxury items/services.
filters them out of affordability

>> No.53255289
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>> No.53255321
Quoted by: >>53256892

Is it really that easy to start squatting? Sounds like a good way to live more frugally

>> No.53255371

>Around non-tippers...

>> No.53255376
Quoted by: >>53255530

What’s does their skin have to do with them being undesirable? Grow up. This is /biz/ NOT /pol/

>> No.53255530

You grow up and quit playing like you don't understand correlation

>> No.53256400
File: 1.48 MB, 640x800, 1623097939285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check profile picture and reviews

>> No.53256682
Quoted by: >>53256862

I don't think about you at all yuropoor

>> No.53256746

I wish Pinochet was here, faggots like you need to go for a helicopter ride

>> No.53256792
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>> No.53256808

>twitter screenshot
>too retarded to actually post the video
hello mixed race teenager

>> No.53256822

I've encountered these types of blacks way too much.
I don't even live in the south either.

>> No.53256862

You are right. You think about Youkraine all the time

>> No.53256886
File: 60 KB, 560x746, 2mdron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isolated incident
Found the underage poster

>> No.53256892

No, at least in Michigan squatters rights only kick in if you live on the property full time without being trespassed for 5 years. If you are trespassed at any point the clock resets, but a lot of the Chinese in Detroit didnt check up on their real estate and lost it that way

>> No.53256899

Buy Confederate flag curtains.