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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 1125x588, 30C56A9F-1582-4FB2-B3AE-7B9D2A76456E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53066120 No.53066120 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Hbar bring out the simps? Currently we have a namefag starting multiple threads, and he’s commenting in every thread, and is clearly the most active. What compels this level of simping?

>> No.53066328
File: 188 KB, 299x300, ABSOLUTELYSAUCERSIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR

>> No.53066351

If you mean me then fuck u

>> No.53066395

Obviously you. At .01 I’ll be able to buy over 100m Hbar and I will, so thank you for simping night/day for me. Though I do question your mental health.

Curious why you’re so drawn to Hedera, other than simping. I know you’re a Matic shill, but it still doesn’t add up.

>> No.53066418

A true stupid ass till the end. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.53066470

So much swearing too. If Hedera weren’t a threat to whatever shitcoin you hold, it wouldn’t matter to you. Yet you simp around the clock. Very curious behavior.

I’ll never be poor btw. I’m a mm, parents mm, making money is just too easy - like buying Hbar.

>> No.53066755
Quoted by: >>53066819

Small dick crybaby trying to get me banned fuck hbar

>> No.53066766

Well, considering that 4chan is a fuckfesta of ads for different projects, it makes sense. Its not just HBAR, its all the projects generally.

>> No.53066773
File: 50 KB, 534x451, 1621148709941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The amounts of shills on this board make the bull happy*

>> No.53066780
Quoted by: >>53066825

This is why i never buy anything any anon sells, everything is a shill. Even if it doesn't look like it, every single fucking post is a shill i can guarantee

>> No.53066818

Ahh a shitbag MM I wish I could only be there to see you lose it all and then kick you in the face while you're down

>> No.53066819

Lmao what? Your simping does me well.

>> No.53066825
File: 22 KB, 494x512, 1619851534660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53067266

What did you expect from a board titled "bussiness and finance"? a well organized community of self-made investors telling you what to buy and discussing alternatives trying to make more money? Ha. Fool. It was clearly always meant to be a shilling tool for crypto, always has been, always will be. Be it HBAR, VINU, dogbat, ICP, LINK, ROSE, GME, etc

>> No.53066841
Quoted by: >>53066862

You couldn’t get passed the neighborhood gate lmao. Are you just poor or something? Matic doesn’t work btw; the biggest paper tiger in all of crypto. Hedera is going to be massive, and although I’m wealthy now, I’ll be obscenely wealthy then.

>> No.53066862

You'll be homeless begging me to put a dollar in your cup and the only thing I'm going to put in there is a bottle of piss. Can't wait to see Hedera fail.

>> No.53066883
Quoted by: >>53066911

Lmao I paid for my $4.42m house in cash. And if you’re wondering why my op id and this id has changed, it’s because I’m taking my wife shopping for her New Year’s Eve outfit (she only wears it once a year). Honestly I couldn’t pay someone to work for me as hard as you do, and you do it for free. Like I said: .01 is what i need.

>> No.53066911

This will be my last reply to your dumbass. It's simple......you will lose and we will win. I'll have your home, your wife, and everything you lost making the worst investing decision of your life. Have fun being poor.

>> No.53066918
Quoted by: >>53066931

Oh man, sloppy seconds? Gross. Lmao. Matic. Doesn’t. Work. It doesn’t. That’s not even me talking shit. If it did, I’d have huge bags of it. But it literally does not work. Just curious as to what compels you.

>> No.53066931

Fine, this is really my last post. Mance, Leemon, and HBARF fucked me over. That is what compels and drives my hate for everything Hedera related.

>> No.53066961
Quoted by: >>53067176

Ohhh are you that dev who embarrassed himself on twitter? Makes sense. I thought you were liquidated. I know you’re not a genuine Matic shill because it literally doesn’t work. Just build up your hbar bag again, you’ll lose twice if you don’t.

>> No.53066966
Quoted by: >>53067176

Or Hbar price. Which would make sense since hex is shitting the bed. They didn’t fuck you over they just don’t invest in anon randos.

>> No.53067074

His bags are massive.

>> No.53067139

Polygon is superior to all of these chains in every single way possible

>> No.53067176
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 3AF06FE1-8AFE-4F94-90D7-9545A53C7BA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53067189

Hey Leemon, where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now. Where are there precisely zero?

Why does Polygon already have more than 53,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Leemon?

>> No.53067186
Quoted by: >>53067211

Literally doesn’t work. If it did, I would hold it. It’s the best network for failing transactions.

>> No.53067189
Quoted by: >>53067245

except that Polygon is centralized as a motherfucker

>> No.53067211
File: 142 KB, 1124x1232, 631D0421-07F6-4E3B-8396-4127B7C8BD61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53067253

>failing transactions
kek. we’ve reached dangerous levels of cope

>> No.53067245
File: 301 KB, 1124x1324, 3C9B9F5D-05BC-4722-8FFD-0BA9BF9E6658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53067270

Polygon literally has more DeFi TVL that all of these shit chains. just goes to show how much people care about your “decentralization” kek
>Polygon DeFi TVL: $1 billion
>Avalanche DeFi TVL: $774 million
>Fantom DeFi TVL: $417 million
>Hedera DeFi TVL: $24 million

>> No.53067253
File: 111 KB, 1125x618, 02C7EABD-0A8F-4947-9DD3-D99CED578EEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top comment on plebbit

>> No.53067266

Yeah, I learned this the hard way. I didn't know shit about finance and markets until a few years ago. I think the first /biz/ scam I fell for was silver.

>> No.53067270
File: 115 KB, 1125x416, BE07FA69-1229-4F7A-A0BC-D0D5D0FC9857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another top comment

>> No.53067839

Are you that fag that bought in the 40cent range and took a massive loss?
Move on

>> No.53067911
Quoted by: >>53067968

KEK I forget not everyone has low buys. I’m at a loss too, but my average buy was like 11 cents last bull run. Can the other hbaggies heavy underwater comment too? I want to laugh a bit.

>> No.53067968

I'd be underwater if i didn't swing my bag into FTM and sell it 6 months later
Thank you Fantom schizo

>> No.53068003

Are you the guy that kept posting his wallet last year with almost a million dollars in hbar? I always wonder if that guy killed himself yet

>> No.53068027

OMG it's fucking Joel.

What a little fucking bitch. Hahahahaha.


Get a life you little dildo. It's fucking sad how much time you spend seething.

What a fucking bitch-boy legacy--HBAR Price telegram and now wasting your time on /biz/.

You really should just kill yourself faggot. Now we know who footfag is.


>> No.53068057

Reported, quit spamming the board with useless cash grabs you fucking nigger

>> No.53068067


OP--See this: >>53068027

That's your answer, it's HBAR Price simping.

Now we know why Richard Hearts ads are on this board.

It's HBAR Price having a meltdown.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be fucking hilarious. No wonder the Foundation and Hedera passed his ass up--what a loose cannon.

Hey, Joel--how much to watch your wife do a donkey show with Rumba?

>> No.53068275

Everyday I DCA, everyday I lose money. It's unironically going to 0 isn't it hbros

>> No.53068648

Lmao pathetic

>> No.53069065
File: 183 KB, 1497x1369, hbar bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53069239

>HBAR brainlet tries to smugly shill his heavy bags
>HBAR price immediately plummets

>> No.53069239


>smugly shill bags

>HBAR Chat TG screenshot

How does one shill in a community for holders?


The funniest thing I have ever seen on this board. Someone screenshot this. The epic saga of HBARPrice hits new levels of based.

>> No.53069680
Quoted by: >>53069915

I have to admit, I was one of those idiots buying at high prices, I have 3 million Hbar at average buyin price of 27 cents.

I hate it all. I hate that in the first SAFT they sold 10 percent of the supply for one tenth of a cent to friends and family. Second SAFT was at half a cent. Those people dumped their shitcoins on me, who wouldn't, they were up 500x.

Transaction volume in December is lower than it has ever been. Nothing makes sense.

I think I we reach a dollar until 2030, after two more bull runs, that will be a best case scenario. A worst case scenario is a zero.

>> No.53069915

>best case scenario it goes up
>worst case scenario it goes down

>> No.53070592
File: 572 KB, 1160x2134, 1BFB9E4D-3904-42B7-B8C5-C87A12D5FB74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My fucking bike turned out to be a better investment than HBAR lmao.

I wish I had never even heard of this fucking piece of shit. I realise now that I simply wasn’t meant to make it. Happy new year guys, maybe I’ll get a bottle of wild turkey for old time’s sake.

>> No.53070627
Quoted by: >>53072776

HBAR is especially bad though, it's not even a real blockchain

>> No.53071558

If dubs HBAR will hit $0.01, and then see an unprecedented recovery over the next 3 years

>> No.53072327


Yeah. Let me know how that plan to have a dollar goes after investing in PulseChain.

When I saw the ads, I couldn't believe it but I thought your dumb ass had to be involved.

I was right. You're a desperate little faggot, Joel.

When HBAR moons, we'll find you hanging in the barn. When you realize how much time and energy you spend on this little vendetta of yours, you will probably kys.

Can you at least live stream it for us? What is your twitter handle these days?

>> No.53072684
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought hbar a few months ago. Then sold some to stake USDC on SpoolFi. But I plan on DCAing again soon

>> No.53072776
Quoted by: >>53073682

Its a DLT... blockchain is VHS, DLT is 4k HDR 60fps streaming 24/7

>> No.53073407
File: 28 KB, 378x450, 6FA9A5A2-CE87-493D-9414-0F38FA8C6EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hbar? More like hfart because mants and lemon farted

>> No.53073682



It is literally impossible for you to be successful, Joel.

Your arc is especially cringe but now you also sound like that asshat, Richard Heart.

Your cuckrage will eat away at you for the rest of your life. Imagine how good it would have been if you weren't such a little bitch.


>> No.53073774
Quoted by: >>53075575

guys i’m starting to think $50 EOY isn’t happening

>> No.53073814
File: 24 KB, 200x202, 369A455A-1BE0-4006-BBC7-107181CD54AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53073930


Wow, OP.

Don't know how you did it, but you baited the biggest faggot on the internet.

Joel Bruce is now essentially confirmed as FootFag, the person sucking Richard Heart's dick with these advertisements (MLM cuck), and the reason why we have to put up with HBAR threads all the time. What an absolute waste of oxygen.

You're a legend for uncovering this

>> No.53073930
Quoted by: >>53075086

How is this guy confirmed as footfag? And what is the connection to Richard Heart?

>> No.53075086

Namefag is going to namefag.

As part of the community back then, I will attest to Joel's consistently high awareness of 4chan posts.

How is this related to Richard Heart? Because as soon as HBAR Price left he started MLMarketing for Richard Heart's scams.

The utter depravity of his ass wasting so much time on this vendetta basically confirms everything. I have seen Joel write the same phrase word for word on so many platforms now.

>Fine, this is really my last post.

(lol, it really is you, Joel. You always try to wrap things up like this.)

>Mance, Leemon, and HBARF fucked me over.

How many times have I read the exact same words written by Joel Bruce, I cannot count.

>That is what compels and drives my hate for everything Hedera related.

"Compels" and "drives"
Have you really not read a single book since we last spoke? Same limited vocab. Same linguistic crutches.

Also--laughing at all the HEX ads on this board. Who the fuck falls for this?

>> No.53075575
Quoted by: >>53076003

EOD, end of decade b/w 50-500 per hbar

>> No.53076003

It doesn't matter how long it takes.

Watching Joel faggot Bruce get simpbaited so hard makes it all worthwhile. I can't believe he's wasting so much time on this vendetta.

>> No.53076142


Who is this "we," schizo?

>You and your cult leader Richard Heart


>> No.53077289

bumping to shame "Joel faggot Bruce"

this is the funniest thing i've seen all year on this godforsaken board

>> No.53077476
File: 61 KB, 606x1080, D7472380-D9FB-4BEE-BBB3-C909DA30C8D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53078382

What compels this level of simping?

Getting cucked by this man, apparently.

>> No.53078263

>be Richard Heart

>running perfectly legitimate MLM company and wearing luxury clothes

>occasionally brag about weiner size

>accidentally recruit Joel faggot Bruce as a "marketing expert"

>get plastered all over /biz/

>under investigation by the SEC

>Joel can't stop seething about HBAR on the internet

jfc this is the most based thing i've ever seen

>> No.53078382
File: 1.21 MB, 1649x1649, 1668357685618544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Steal Your Girl right there.
Fuck these bags are heavy. From 0.33 heading to 0.033

>> No.53078757
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 0D649E8E-004F-4C55-B2FA-76FFF24DD93D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mr. "steal your wife" right here. What a cringefest. This guy thinks he's almighty because he... *checks notes*... buys ads on 4chan and has nothing better to do with his time than run some telegram channel and fud hedera on this shit board?

I wonder what this guy's wife thinks of him selling HBAR (down 95% btw) to buy one of the only coins to underperform it.

Literally getting dunked on by this guy (pic rel)