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52680408 No.52680408 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about selling my GME and AMC finally. It’s over

>> No.52680448


>> No.52680459

>he still holds those scams
Kek, nice bai, no one holds those anymore

>> No.52680478


>> No.52681159

Name the whore

>> No.52681195
Quoted by: >>52683679

just another fat chick

>> No.52681220

I'm convinced the gme thread is all bots. They always say the same shit. Surely there are no humans left holding

>> No.52681273

Better late than never

>> No.52682301

The hold sign I’ve been waiting for

>> No.52682317

That's a man

>> No.52682350
Quoted by: >>52683623

what do I feed my daughter to have her look like that?

>> No.52682385
File: 19 KB, 750x436, 6346793563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please continue to hold

>> No.52682446

Why would you hold either? They are both massively overvalued by every metric.

>> No.52683484

Don't sell.
DRS your shares first.
Then kill yourself. Faggot.

>> No.52683623
File: 85 KB, 495x490, 1660747189720463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52683648

thats genetics you dumbfuck. Impregnate the girl in picrel and your daughter will look like that as long as you dont feed her goyslop.

>> No.52683648

genetics is baldy/manlet cope. diet definitely affects our build

>> No.52683679

have you seen her waist?

>> No.52683713
File: 439 KB, 633x625, Screenshot 2022-05-04 141443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you missed the part where I said don't feed her goyslop which implies a healthy diet. It was literally in the same sentence you dumbfuck.

>> No.52683758

>t. genelet

>> No.52683799

all in on BBBY


>> No.52683821
File: 22 KB, 390x390, sm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hablas mierda, amigo

>> No.52683831

it really is looking dumber and dumber, either bots or actual retards like with AMC. the vast majority of the original jan/feb 2021 posters are gone. the DD writers are gone from superstonk. there's this one guy that even uses memes from /cvg/ (coronavirus general from /pol/) with iphone filenames. sus.

>> No.52683859

/cvg/ for those who don't know, was a huge psyop to shill the covid fear narrative. they used actual bots to post the OP and the gary posts.

>> No.52683880

>Being a baggie AND a coward
At least own it.

>> No.52684832

name the whore!!!

>> No.52684974

I think Ryan Cohen figured out how to run Sybil attacks to extract capital from markets. So yes it is a bot attack. These GME accounts do not seem real

>> No.52685373
