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52423570 No.52423570 [Reply] [Original]

I sold 5k link at $6. Should I just buy back in? I can afford the tax repercussion.

>> No.52423581
Quoted by: >>52423589

if you're selling in a bear market you're never going to make it, just give up now

>> No.52423589
File: 271 KB, 759x592, aeGIuO8crpVs91mS3mNqz0syz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're selling in a bear market you're never going to make it, just give up now

>> No.52423690

Absolutely not. The market is fucked beyond recovery for YEARS after this kikeman disaster. I guarantee you 100% that you will be able to buy back in for the same price you sold at some point in the next 30 days. Cap this

>> No.52423691
Quoted by: >>52423939

patience, you'll know when to buy back in

>> No.52423706
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wyckoff spring'd

>> No.52423757
Quoted by: >>52423840

Do you think they watched a coworker die in the fire below before deciding to jump? That's what I would have done. I probably would have checked the stairs, and broken structure, and potentially would have tried to gap the wreckage onto a floor below. I don't think I would have just given up. But maybe it was full of fire, and that would have been like jumping into a hell fire, but picrel is instant painless death, so if those were the options, I guess that would be the better outcome.

Also lol linkies

>> No.52423824

>kikeman disaster
This literally has zero effect on the market retard. Nobody will even remember this in a few months fucjing dumbass newfag

>> No.52423840

Id just have a parachute in my office. I a

>> No.52423853

You were stupid to sell but it's also oretty unlikely that's the bottom. We had much more characteristic bottoms months ago and broke below still. This one hasn't even looked like a price bottom. So just wait a couple of days.

>> No.52423858

That's funny Anon. I bought at $6

>> No.52423902

>the tax reproduction
glow more

>> No.52423939

Thanks anons. Hopefully you're not just giving me copium

>> No.52425806
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This except be prepared to wait longer than "the next few days".
I don't see a version of events where we don't see sub $4 LINK selloff. The market is vulnerable. I personally would not have sold as the upside > downside, but by rights you'll get a bit lower. Not low enough for it to make commercial sense on balance after taxes however.

>> No.52426610


>> No.52426681

>don't see sub $4 LINK selloff. The market is vulnerable. I personally would not have sold as the upside > downside, but by rights you'll get a bit lower. Not low enough for it to make commercial sense on balance after taxes however.
So should I buy LINCKE now? Or wait a few days/weeks? Plz no pajeets.