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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51309665 No.51309665 [Reply] [Original]

You want more money.??
Well work harder!!..youre generation thinks.they are entitled too everything...
When I was your age I workedf 2 jobs and never complaned !!
snowflakes these days think they have things toigh but dont want too do any WORK !!!

>> No.51309672

nah i want the economy to crash

>> No.51309690

>I workedf 2 jobs and never complaned
christcuck slave mentality

>> No.51309701
Quoted by: >>51309740

Yes it's the boomers and not the kikes good goy

>> No.51309740

I cant inderstand you...can you speak ENGLISH...???

>> No.51309766

Wow what an original thread xD

>> No.51309790
File: 958 KB, 944x1126, 1648601732526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51309956

You are right old pal. Today's youth has no work ethics. They keep crying that they have no money while they waste $20 on avocado toast. They rather sit on their asses and play children games instead of getting a real job. We all had to work for the things we have right now and never cried like the kids today. I had to work 3 years to pay for my house and in the meantime me and my highschool sweetheart rented a house. Tell your children to roll up their sleeves and to pay their fair share.

>> No.51309956

too bloody right !!
they should spend less.time with gender studies rubbish and learn the value of a hard daysGRAFT !!!

>> No.51310010
File: 41 KB, 653x490, boomer sun rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep... ~sips

>> No.51310020

I am 29 and I haven't worked a single day in my entire life