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51082867 No.51082867 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw /biz/ has to pay $20k to pay off my student debt which I used to travel the world and do drugs for 4 years
>tfw I could have paid it off at any point in the past 5 years but chose to gamble on crypto currency instead
>tfw 6 figures in bank but will still let /tv/ pay for it instead

>> No.51082903
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Finally, i can own a bitcoin when it crashes.

Biden Chads I KNEEL!

>> No.51082922

Mfw the supreme court nigger shoots this down as unconstitutional

>> No.51082939
Quoted by: >>51082958

what's unconstitutional about it?

>> No.51082946
Quoted by: >>51082958

>shooting down presidential executive action
You WILL be retroactively paying for my cocaine addiction laborcuck.

>> No.51082958

Because it uses a law passed after 9/11 to fight terrorists to steal money.

There is no executive action that can appropriate money like that.

>> No.51083092
Quoted by: >>51083392

Seethe more labor cuck. Do you even have time to seethe? Shouldn’t you be breaking your back to pull shit out of someone’s clogged toilet or roofing someone’s home?
You will be paying for my college partying and I will be earning more than you. Seethe. Cope. Dilate.

>> No.51083392
Quoted by: >>51083508

neck yourself, you jidf faggot tranny agitator.

>> No.51083508

Strike a nerve?
Clean up my clogged shitpipes laborcuck. That’ll be 20k USD + tip. Chop chop.

>> No.51083587

i could go a step further and say the federal government can do this simply because student debt is involved in interstate commerce

>> No.51083895
File: 58 KB, 1234x1070, 56a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same I could pull it out of crypto and pay it off for several years now