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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.50850248

Goddamn that looks delicious

>> No.50850254


>> No.50850260


>> No.50850266

Maybe $15 if you're getting a deal on the volume of pure ass

>> No.50850269
Quoted by: >>50850317


>> No.50850274

10 bucks

>> No.50850275
Quoted by: >>50850799


>> No.50850279

Like $25, that's enough for 4 people give out more sodas too

>> No.50850282
File: 188 KB, 1200x900, 2170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a standard single serving in America

>> No.50850288

I'd go through that like a tornado through a trailer park

>> No.50850293


>> No.50850298

>for the coronary angioplasty

>> No.50850302
Quoted by: >>50866459

1 hour of labour

>> No.50850311


>> No.50850316

2 heart attacks

>> No.50850317
Quoted by: >>50850362


I fucking single burger the size of my first, baggy of fries and a medium drink is that much in every single restaurant.
Doubt op's is less than 40 bucks maybe 30 on a deal

>> No.50850318
Quoted by: >>50866249

Couldn’t pay me to eat it. But I’m down for gourmet burgers and shit, just not that slop.

>> No.50850320

That's a fairly small amount of food for an average-sized person, I'd say? I wouldn't WANT to pay anymore than $30 for that sloppa, but I easily could.

>> No.50850330

zero. disgusting

>> No.50850335


>> No.50850339

imagine le smelle

>> No.50850361

What in the fuck is an average sized person to you?

>> No.50850362

>$30-$40 bucks
This is about right for a bulk feast like that depending on quality of the food. Could be upwards of $50 at an establishment classier than a bowling alley.
Don't forget the 20% tip on top of the price.

>> No.50850365

I'd assume it's $35-$40 but idk if that's a just world price or not.

>> No.50850373



>> No.50850378

Easily $60+ in New England

>> No.50850386

I’d pay $32 tops

>> No.50850390
Quoted by: >>50862952

I find it hard to image that food example being sold in any country besides the USA.

>> No.50850418

There’re eurocucks here who think thats a lot of food lmao

>> No.50850447

Who puts a dirty can of soda in with the food? sad.

>> No.50850470

Could you eat this under 90 minutes if someone offered you 3.5k dollars?

>> No.50850483

I wouldn't WANT to, but I easily could.

>> No.50850491

Seethe europoor

>> No.50850500

I would do it for free

>> No.50850501


I could eat 10 of those in 90 minu

>> No.50850511

Your soul.

>> No.50850512

I can smell the fatties in this thread

>> No.50850522

I could it in 60 if it’s free

>> No.50850552

Easy money desu.

>> No.50850554


>> No.50850575
Quoted by: >>50850650

$50 since it's almost a whole day's worth of food

>> No.50850596
File: 26 KB, 500x375, sinatras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the cost?
about 3 heart attacks

>> No.50850597


1.5 hours at the local minimum wage.

>> No.50850644

1.50 diabeetus

>> No.50850650

To a Bangladeshi, that's a whole year's worth.

>> No.50850782

This is $20 - $25 at most

>> No.50850789

one human heart

>> No.50850799

Me too bros I can't even afford 1/4th of that meal.

>> No.50850802


>> No.50850815

It only costs you a week of your life. Go ahead. Keep eating.

>> No.50850831

1 (one) bitcoin

>> No.50850833

How do you niggas eat meals, especially this big, with so little to drink. Half that can of soda would be gone before I even started eating. The rest before half a burger is gone.

I see this shit when I go to restaurants. I will down about four glasses of water or diet coke during my meal. Nobody else around me is like this. Sometimes I see people drink only coffee. Restaurants way oversalt their food, too. Fucking how?

>> No.50850846


Fuck you bobo WAGMI

>> No.50850864
Quoted by: >>50851046

Resturants in Asia are like this.
They will serve a big ass meal and give you one gulp of water with a piece of toilet paper for a napkin.

>> No.50850871

something is wrong with you fat fucks

>> No.50850882

You’re supposed to drink before going to the restaurant — or the party.

>> No.50850891

$15 worth of food imo

>> No.50850911

1/5 oz pure silver

>> No.50850953
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, Mutt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a just world

This garbage mutt goyslop is 80% omega-6 seed oils and carcinogenic microplastics. The only moderately expensive and valuable food items in the entire box is the meat and cheese, hidden underneath all the fucking cancerous vegetable oils

>> No.50850954

Quite literally , you should get paid for eating that filth. A lot too, that is the kind of shite you would use as feed for the most modern of human slaves.

>> No.50850998

That looks like a solid $14.64 in my opinion and by 2022 standards. Why?

>> No.50851014

I don't have enough friends to eat this.

>> No.50851046
Quoted by: >>50852329

It's normal to take a water bottle into a restaurant with you in Asia.

t. guy who has dated too many Asians.

>> No.50851066

I literally weigh 115kg (down from 136) which is over 250lbs (down from 300lbs) but even I couldn't eat that, and if I did I'd need at least 600ml not one can...

Also too much carbs.

>> No.50851084
Quoted by: >>50851169

You may have an undiagnosed condition like - surprise, surprise, the beetus.

>> No.50851169


Nah I'm almost 40 I've been like this for as long as I can remember.

>> No.50851469

Goddamm Lochness Monstah tryin get my tree dollahs and fiddy cents

>> No.50851505

$40. Share between 4 people.

>> No.50851538

Maybe you're a skinny weak twink motherfucker, every thought about that possibility?

>> No.50851558

probably a lifetime subscription to diabetes

>> No.50851831

$100 bucks so you fatasses will stop eating this junk and lose weight

>> No.50852226

I really, really feel you

>> No.50852297
File: 1.74 MB, 828x1011, unknown-50-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$14 in interior, $22 on coasts (NYC must pay $45 because they're fags)

>> No.50852323

Repulsive goyslop, no one should eat that

>> No.50852327

you should be paid to eat that garbage

>> No.50852329

>It's normal to take a water bottle into a restaurant with you in Asia
That's not an asian thing. Overpaying for a branded water bottle to carry is just a thot thing you can find anywhere in the world

>> No.50852338

Ok so its obviously a heart attack waiting to happen if you eat this.

But WHERE do you buy this?

>> No.50852349

A silver at most. Maybe several coppers.

>> No.50852355

>paying for garbage
I'd throw it to the nearest pig if I could.

>> No.50852358

Looks to be about 4000 calories including the coke. So about 2 days worth of food. Maybe $20-25 in an area with low CoL and federal minimum wage.

>> No.50852514
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1073062890528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much for a bucket of shit?

>> No.50852589


Tax the fuck out of unhealthy food and use it to subsidize healthy foods

>> No.50852746

i could eat slow like that

>> No.50852768
Quoted by: >>50852782

Looks great. the tendies, the thin fries, burgers are great, pulled pork.. i could do without the liquified cheese shit on my fries... oh and coke? no thanks.
>T. 32yrs, 6', 153lb

>> No.50852782

oh, and $25-$30 seems fair. i'd crush this in about 15-20 min, no worries.

>> No.50852852

I would do it for 2 ETH

>> No.50853005

It shouldn't even be sold in a just world

>> No.50853027


>> No.50853028

easy. And I'm not a fatty either. Oh and I'll do you 30 minutes I hate cold food.

>> No.50853036
File: 27 KB, 300x300, t-mcdonalds-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the McChicken

>> No.50853056

I'd only eat junk like this when out with friends, and even then only 1/4 of it. The rest is leftovers, although in this case I'm not sure I'd finish them before they go bad.

>> No.50853061
File: 26 KB, 600x315, 254a8d0e6868161674d6713c97c4718c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>places cold drink inside the hot food container
holy cringe, do dmericans really?

>> No.50853139

who is this tool?

>> No.50853150
Quoted by: >>50853354

pun intended am I rite here have some gold kind stranger!

>> No.50853354
Quoted by: >>50858640

Some weird new fashion got it

>> No.50853397
Quoted by: >>50853593

Yeah easily. It's honestly not that much....

>> No.50853563

This kind of food should be banned as a health risk

>> No.50853574
Quoted by: >>50854124

you are retarded
that meme is 80% potato
it should cost -200$ (i.e. pay me that much)

>> No.50853593

I think it's doable if I haven't eaten anything for at least a day (ideally I'd want 48 hours though).

If I do it with a full stomach: I'd probably burst something.

Also it's super unhealthy so I might want even more money.

>> No.50853645

0.80 $ for the small coke
1.5 $ for each burger
3 $ for the fries and meat.
6.80$ total.
If I had a place near me that served this quality and quantity on the regular, I'd be happy to pay even 10 for it. Shit looks delicious.

>> No.50853652

Standart yellow American food, since it's made with the lowest quality ingredients the production cost are arround 5$

>> No.50853654

Your healthcare

>> No.50853716

>how much should this cost in a just world?
The lives of everyone involved in its creation, sale, and consumption.

>> No.50853927
File: 815 KB, 800x800, Spooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50853982

70$, food atm is too cheap due to mass production of poor quality meat and force grown vegetables, the impact of which is severe.
The fact that most people will gladly pay 45£ on 2-3 gin&tonics in a fancy bar but then complain about paying 45£ for a week's worth of groceries is ridiculous.

>> No.50854032

5 years off your life

>> No.50854042

- (minus) 40$

>> No.50854055
File: 3.79 MB, 363x360, 1645266857106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average american lunch for 1 person

>> No.50854124

really nigger? it's like 5 meals in one besides the side dishes (2 burgers, fried chicken, what looks like pulled pork and bacon idk wtf that is)

>> No.50854137
Quoted by: >>50855499

>putting the can on top of hot greasy food
fucking why?

>> No.50854139

yeah people are fucking NPCs
especially once i've made it i would gladly pay more for better quality food (if it's truly better quality)

>> No.50854150
File: 44 KB, 468x551, 1635091573008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50854783

To kill and eat other creatures against their will when you do not need to should cost you your life.

>> No.50855407
Quoted by: >>50858967

Weak bait, you're aware, that even eastern Europoors can afford it? The price is not a problem, the weight of a specimen that calls this "single serving" is.

>> No.50855484

This is so fucking disgusting anon. Do Americans really eat like this? Are y'all trying to clog an artery before Polygon's zkEVM comes out at the end of the year? Are you trying to die before the merge? I can't imagine how much of a loser you're going to feel after eating this heaping pile of garbage.

>> No.50855499

They could put the can in a bag, but then the bag would get messy.

Btw, this is $20. If it were a fast food place it would be $30, but fast food isn’t this good.
Estimated eating time 9 minutes, plus flirting with wait staff time.

>> No.50855671

Just world? Free or 100$ depending on how you value labor

In the real world, I would say that it would be worth around $20 where I live

>> No.50856013

A 1964 or before dime

>> No.50856273

i'll get it down in less than 20min. Give me 3.5k now

>> No.50856490

You couldn’t pay me to eat that goyslop

>> No.50857616

America was a mistake

>> No.50857786

>Don't forget the 20% tip on top of the price.
>America was a mistake

>> No.50857923
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x2423, B346DEA5-8CB7-451F-ABA3-58BFF64762C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50858229

Yeah look at this American can

>> No.50858017
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1633018099246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone always moping about goyslop on /biz/
>Nobody ever posts physique
I can't imagine this board is in good shape whatsoever

>> No.50858229

It’s Australian

>> No.50858303


>> No.50858513

>all the anons whining about health
Just work out every day. Not a baby treadmill run, I mean prison workout or a trip to lift weights if you can't afford a gym. It's called a dirty bulk. Do it til it burns the fat straight out of your arteries and you gained 50lbs of meat.

>> No.50858590

$5-7 at most

>> No.50858613

7 dollars

>> No.50858640

he took the covid vaccine

>> No.50858921

Why would you put a hopefully cold coke on hot food, or is the food cold anyway

>> No.50858967

take a fucking joke you idiot

>> No.50859008

Depends on how deep those fries go

>> No.50859066

Do Americans actually eat that garbage?
No wonder they're all fat, stupid and ugly.

>> No.50859258

>cola can touching the food
a round trip to the hospital

>> No.50860775
Quoted by: >>50868168

>force grown vegetables

>> No.50860810

He's righ tho

>> No.50860832

your life

>> No.50860849


>> No.50860852


>> No.50861184

Why is there only 1 coke? Even if it's 4 one person, I'd need a few to make it through all that food.

Should cost 20 Canadian dollars. $5 per sandwich, 2.50 per side. free beverage.

>> No.50861240

Your soul. And we wonder why our country has went to shit...look at what most people (((eat)))

>> No.50862381

0.1 litecoin

>> No.50862432
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>> No.50862927
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>> No.50862952

Pretty sure it's a uk aka lil Pakistan thing.

>> No.50862977
File: 83 KB, 808x1024, 1656515818491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh that's my usual 2nd breakfast.

>> No.50863003
File: 2.77 MB, 608x1080, 1659077527124483.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$.001 PAXG

>> No.50863025

that's a fairly small portion for the average person I'd say?

>> No.50863030

In my city this would be like $30-40.

>> No.50863078

It should cost the the price of ~3 meals and a canned soft drink.

>> No.50863097
File: 6 KB, 285x177, 1659647728740219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are giving you retarded answers.

In a just world, food would be free, because everything would be done by robots.

Robots drill the oil and gas, robots mine the metals, robots plant and water the fields, robots harvest and ship the foods, robots cook and serve the food, robots build and repair other robots, etc.

>> No.50863138

There isn’t much density to it.

>> No.50863165

>be me
>buy a calf for $150
>buy a chick for $0.50
>potatoes and cabbage grow themselves on my land
so..lets see. 1 calf costs $150, plus maybe 5 years time and you get 3000 of those plates...for $150. so $2 a plate, plus time.

>> No.50864739
Quoted by: >>50864766

no fucking way, that is like 5000 calories, i would be full after the first burger because i'm not an amerifat

>> No.50864766
Quoted by: >>50865621

Clearly you're a starved south American lol

>> No.50864771

Bout tree fitdy

>> No.50864898
Quoted by: >>50865543

you burgers truly disgust me

>> No.50865543

that's better than 98 percent of what we see in north america (I'm Canadian). A thick, all beef patty like that is increasingly rare here.

>> No.50865621
Quoted by: >>50865930

i'm a 75kg white european. 2000 calories a day is enough to sustain an adult human

>> No.50865823

Well for starters I don't have diabeetus.

>> No.50865846

I'm very hungry

>> No.50865881

to cheap
6-8dll is the true honest valuable where all parts involved win

>> No.50865930



manlet detected

>> No.50866249

Feel free to enjoy your preferences anon, but giving into condescension and pretention will only darken your soul. We're really not each others' enemies. Try to have it in your heart next time, eh?

>> No.50866277

15 dollars. Looks very delicious.

>> No.50866299

Checked. £4.90 of her majesty's finest legal tender sterling.

>> No.50866314

Correct answer

>> No.50866459
File: 3 KB, 250x225, 1631302253283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real answer. People posting in dollar amounts are retards.

That amount of food should be like 1 to 1.5 hours of minimum wage labor in a just world. Too bad where I live it'd probably cost you at least 4 or 5 hours

>> No.50866562

imagine if this unironically looked good to you. you burgers are sick in the head.

>> No.50867133

I remember paying 50 cents for a soda back in the day...

>> No.50867200

The price of insulin in USA without insurance.

>> No.50868131

What is everything in this picture? Especially lower left.

>> No.50868168

Don't force me to do it!

>> No.50868195


>> No.50868663

$4.99 ...that's 90's prices

>> No.50870031

That looks like pure bliss. Why do I love amerilard food so much?

>> No.50870068
File: 181 KB, 483x470, 82FE09B1-3232-4347-BB47-1507509352CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s going on in there?

>> No.50870069
File: 79 KB, 1333x900, 1660280939240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50870145

>How much should this cost in a just world?
30y of jail