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50658334 No.50658334 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>50660226

Who needs megamillions when I have 100k barrels of digital oil RLC?

>> No.50658586
Quoted by: >>50658941

100k barrels of digital oil will be worth 1 Gillion Dollars in 2030. Gillion being the new standard of wealth.

>> No.50658773
File: 266 KB, 1200x1145, 7D2ABCD2-CA48-4B2D-8D64-C63610B01C5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy real barrels of oil
>they just ship the oil, no barrels
where are my barrels

>> No.50658941

Based and Gillespilled
You should have just bought digital oil, it will appreciate at a far greater rate than regular and it is instantly delivered to your digital warehouse.

>> No.50659728
File: 1.69 MB, 1215x989, Cringe Barrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the other way around, you get barrels but no oil.

>> No.50660185
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1614457795272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promoted by EEA
>iexec invents app that all hospitals will use in the future
>price still at $1
I dont get it bros

>> No.50660226
Quoted by: >>50660391

>100k barrels
didn't you say a few days ago that you intended to sell once it hit $1 due to lackluster speech that gilles gave or something?

>> No.50660391

Just buy more if you believe in it
>He fell for random biz fud

>> No.50661971
File: 74 KB, 600x400, dog_fit_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually believe in RLC or is it just Gilles manipulating this shit to keep it at a dollar and making shill threads on /biz/? Because I don't want to believe people are this stupid.

>> No.50661985

It's a piece of garbage that has contributed nothing to this space, even as DeFi took off and revolutionary projects like Aave and Uniswap were born. RLC sat by the whole time, doing nothing, as irrelevant today as it ever was.
It has produced literally NOTHING of worth except scamming midwits with buzzwords like doracle and cloud computing. Privacy for NFTs is the new one. RLC itself is a worthless ERC20 token with a spelling mistake in the contract.

How is a pre-printed piece of shit that has no notable functionality anything like oil, a scarce commodity? iExec isn't even in the same league as the trashiest sales pitches from Shark Tank. Movie makers and big companies will never render significant amounts data on this garbage. Not even the bagholders use it, there is more volume on one minute of binance selling than all usage RLC ever had. It's fucking useless DIGITAL DOG SHIT.

>> No.50662046

Shut up Gilles is sleeping. Buy more digital oil nigger

>> No.50662678

could it be french dogshit?

>> No.50662877

star poor
stay poor

expect a massive pump soon after hospitals show an interest in iexec
when rlc is back over $10 I'm going to laugh at all you retards

>> No.50662908

Complete shitcoin

>> No.50662921

fuck off pajeet

>> No.50663283
Quoted by: >>50663307

It's a showcase demo that shows what could be done if somebody cared enough to actually build something that works. Unfortunately, as of now nobody does and this demo only works with specific preset images.
I know it sounds like fud but it really isn't.
It's just shit.

>> No.50663293

Complete pajeet

>> No.50663306

Can you guys go back to making the fuck noiler threads those used to make me laugh

>> No.50663307
Quoted by: >>50663349

It's a start anon, why build something if no one will use it right away? The idea of this isn't even in the minds of doctors, literally no one knows iExec exists you stupid nigger thats why we all bought now

>> No.50663349
Quoted by: >>50663537

He literally said it's an app that all hospitals will use, which is fucking retarded, and he only says that to trap newfags.
Also, after 5 years of existing why not build something that actually works instead of another fucking sample demo?

>> No.50663537
Quoted by: >>50667110

You really think the best reason to buy RLC is because of iExec created dapps? Outsider devs will do way more

>> No.50664965
File: 132 KB, 447x451, 1136523402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50667110

Where did I say that? Nice strawman.
The point is this specific dapp is a demo ordered and financed by iExec, developed by a hobby programmer as a side project and it will never used by a single hospital.
Meanwhile after 5 years still nobody cares about iExec.