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File: 411 KB, 1280x720, ICP 610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50212033 No.50212033 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to FOMO in When ICP hits triple digits?

>> No.50212076


>> No.50212098
Quoted by: >>50212203

the alien tech is what got me to the counter

>> No.50212109

It makes sense to let the pee coin go up a bit before buying. all it's done is shit the bed, it needs to show it can go back up before buying in. I'd say $30 is a good buy point then again at $90

>> No.50212127

Holy shits you’re a retard. You’re literally exit liquidity

>> No.50212186
File: 299 KB, 734x912, 1657203257449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go boys.

>> No.50212203
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>> No.50212221
File: 88 KB, 763x553, APE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you honestly tell me that APE coin has more utility than ICP?

>> No.50212259
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Quoted by: >>50222631


>> No.50212339
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Quoted by: >>50212397

>internet computer
what kind of retarded boomer came up with that name

>> No.50212381

Doesn’t all the coins that are listed in the top 100 does not have more utility than icp.
ICP is the only chain that offers decentralized cloud hosting, complete on chain development, integration of other chains that are bridge-less, and SNS

>> No.50212397
Quoted by: >>50212448

Internet protocol (IP)
Internet computer protocol (ICP)
If you know you know

>> No.50212448

now can you explain dfinity. is that like saying dominic forever? if so I can get down with that.

>> No.50212541
Quoted by: >>50212595

Not sure about dfinity name meaning. Could me dom forever

>> No.50212595

Could mean*

>> No.50212600
Quoted by: >>50212652

How is it wrong? I dont doubt icp can hit 4 digits, why would it matter?

>> No.50212652
Quoted by: >>50218074

I think it would be smarter to DCA than to go all in after a 6x and a 12x.

>> No.50212679
File: 72 KB, 991x656, insane clown posse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50212692

I'd rather buy ICP at 100 dollars

>> No.50212731

nope 1k+ icy piss staying cold.
>check 'em

>> No.50213093

no i'm all in already

>> No.50213118


>> No.50213873
File: 63 KB, 837x540, 1654436241264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fomoing lovelace, the true metaverse experience, not interested on seeing pee

>> No.50214111
Quoted by: >>50214554

except its a centralized corpo shitcoin

>> No.50214124

zoom out, bub.

>> No.50214209

id prefer to wait until its around $50 to minimize my stack

>> No.50214240

worlds biggest cup and handle incoming. breakout target on the handle - $3000 eoy. $100k ICP end of 2030.

>> No.50214252
Quoted by: >>50214515

zoom out

>> No.50214515

Nope. >>50214252
Zooming in actually makes it look better.

>> No.50214554
Quoted by: >>50214684

Dfinity only controls 25%
That literally more decentralized than almost every other shitcoin apart from eth and btc.
Keep coping faggot

>> No.50214620
Quoted by: >>50215045

Guys be nice to him, thanks to this kind of people we will be able to sell at $2k
Reply to this with "thank you based redditor" to get a lifetime of reddit exit liquidity.

>> No.50214684
File: 31 KB, 400x400, miguelmutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50214789

Internet Computer Association: 4.26%
Team members: 18.00%
DFINITY Foundation: 23.86%"

>> No.50214789
Quoted by: >>50214918

ICA is independent from dfinity.
dfinity has more than 200 team members.

>> No.50214827
File: 60 KB, 324x342, ICP vs AWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only two shitcoins.

>> No.50214918

centralized VAPOR WARE
No one will ever use your shitty clone site of 4chan or reddit or twitter or minecraft. No one! They are shit!

>> No.50214942
Quoted by: >>50215001

I don’t think you know what vapor ware means

>> No.50215001
Quoted by: >>50215254

>Btc integration?
2 more weeks
>Eth integration?
>HTTPS requests?
2 more weeks
who fucking knows
>Quantum Computing?
?????? Like they would ever achieve that

The list goes on and on...
I think I do.

>> No.50215013
File: 80 KB, 1080x1439, InsaneClownPussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you going to FOMO in When ICP hits triple digits?
I didn't then and I won't now

>> No.50215045

thank you based redditor

>> No.50215075
Quoted by: >>50215103

Subject exhibits behavior typical of the "denial" phase in the 8 phases of cope and seethe

>> No.50215103

cope and seethe that price chart poltard. Sorry you were exit liquidity for moon man.

>> No.50215254

Developers have been able to use the btc integration test net and it works spinner cash proves that. They are polishing off the project to be certain there are no vulnerabilities.
EVM was cancelled not eth integration. If you actually read into the subject not go off of the fud that is shilled here you’d know that EVM doesn’t mean shit
HTTPS requests is almost done retard. Go read the forums
Badlands won’t be available until the foundation is stable. They are going to let random node providers receive awards for space that won’t be used
I’m not sure when anybody ever said quantum computing
Also SNS is almost done as well go look at the dev forums looks pretty sweet
But oh well keeping coping faggot
Hey I’ve got a good idea name your stack that you hold. Let’s see the shitcoins you hold and believe in

>> No.50215279

*They aren’t going to let

>> No.50215296
Quoted by: >>50215510

stop spoonfeeding

>> No.50215314

anon, wouldn’t you love to be tipped in ICP for every shit post you make? every funny fud/roast/retarded moment you have on this board you could be getting paid for

>> No.50215400

Cubetopia looks interesting ngl. I don't have anymore funds to accumulate frozen pee and am severly underwater, but I still believe in the long term potential of this shit

>> No.50215488
Quoted by: >>50215620

I have over 310 pissers and am printing about .31 ICP every day.

>> No.50215510

Yeah I need to stop. I need to get banned from for 4chan or something. I’ll create a seachan thread then get a ban for advertising

>> No.50215542
File: 97 KB, 874x1086, FW2bGqiUIAAaAbW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50215809

>I’m not sure when anybody ever said quantum computing
He hasn't even read the DFINITY roadmap. Behold the average ICP midwit
>Badlands won’t be available until the foundation is stable.
>HTTPS requests is almost done retard.
cope, also Ethereum can do this now no different
>EVM doesn’t mean shit
then why did they originally have it in their roadmap? COPE

>> No.50215620

8 year staking?

>> No.50215772
Quoted by: >>50215806

Yeah I'd also like it if money grew on trees but I'm not a delusional bag holder.

>> No.50215806
Quoted by: >>50216216

no need to be rude

>> No.50215809
File: 24 KB, 500x270, itsafraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50216216

These kinds of posts make me more bullish. Why does the FUD get so loud and obnoxious everytime ICP pumps a little? It comes off as desperate. There isn't even any logic or reason in these arguments. It's all ad hom and and straw man and other logical fallacy tactics.
>Ethereum can do this. It's no different.
Really dude? Ethereum and ICP are very different.

>> No.50216216
File: 551 KB, 1080x912, 1653866486724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's necessary to keep out the reddit, don't get offended little snowflake.
No logic? We were supposed to have btc integration by end of 2021. It's delay after delay. All of the sites are shit and have no user base. And the marketing is non existent. Everyone currently thinks ICP is a centralized scam. They can't even get optics right.

>> No.50216275


nobody cares about utility, two dogs coins were in the top 10 for crying out loud.

>> No.50216403
Quoted by: >>50216444

>Marketing is non existent. Everyone currently THINKS ICP is a centralized scam. They can't even get optics right.
This is making me so bullish.
Opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.50216420

All the other utility tokens were shit could barely be used.
ICP literally offers full stack development in one package all in the same place. If youd ever developed on this blockchain youd understand this. It’s the only chain that can actually perform gamefi.
Development isn’t hard. The tech speaks for itself. Nobody cares about normies right now, they’ll be exit liquidity in the next bullrun.

>> No.50216439

>Nobody cares about utility
Opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.50216444

Yeah, the better tech wins always right? Wrong. ICP is nothing without devs and users. It will be an inflationary hell hole unless it can dig itself out and based on the supernova hackathon chances are looking pretty slim.

>> No.50216504
File: 79 KB, 680x722, 1627912227132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And whos to say the cryptography is even hack proof? What if people use it and someone hacks it and takes all the vaulted assets like a bridge hack? Not like any brainlet here actually knows how the fuck any of that work they just scream alien tech and 2 more weeks.

>> No.50216539
File: 2.07 MB, 1500x7000, 0516F094-8B87-4458-97EA-3B3848683521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50216544
Quoted by: >>50216690

I’m literally a Cyber security consultant/pen testers. It’s fucking secure. They have the best cryptographers in the world working on this project

>> No.50216584

No I'm gonna fomo when I get paid tomorrow right before it crashes down to a new ATL and I feel retarded for another month.

>> No.50216597

icp kiddies will call you dumb but they were calling bottom at 30, 20, 10, and now again at 5. trend is frend and trend not so much frend right now, not at all a dumb move to wait for a trend change on the higher timeframe

>> No.50216653
Quoted by: >>50217148

>better tech
I agree with this.
Everything else you said is speculation. Here is a parable. You are like a man sitting at a table with friends playing poker. You have the best hand, but you fold, because your friend is good at bluffing, and he keeps telling you that Poker is a game of chance.
>look at old Shiba Inu over there, he won the last hand with a 2 and a 6. You better just fold now, because it's all luck anyway. Why would you want to risk anything on those two Aces?

>> No.50216690

>I’m literally a Cyber security consultant/pen testers
No you don't

>> No.50216881
Quoted by: >>50217118

No one can explain why waiting to buy in is bad. I'll let this pisscoin crab and dump until its ready to take off. I'll buy in on the way up and use my money elsewhere until then.

>> No.50216912
Quoted by: >>50216953

not holding any piss but you're a retard because IC doesn't use bridges. so theres no vault. your assets are connecting instantly with the canister/smart contract

>> No.50216953

You are the retard. There will be vaults, they would be the canisters that store the wrapped bitcoin so it can operate on the Internet Computer. Otherwise you are limited by the speed of the native blockchain and who the fuck would want to wait 40 minutes for a btc transaction. Native integrations are retarded and a marketing ploy, the only real use case is to wrap them for value use in the IC network (Which no one uses)

>> No.50217090
Quoted by: >>50217148

Dude holy fucking shit you’re a retard. That is btc integration. They even state it will be limited to btc transaction speeds. They will offer a wrapped alternative for more speedy transactions but holy you don’t know shit about what they’re doing with btc integration

>> No.50217118

>I'll buy in on the way up
This makes me so bullish. The FOMO is going to be amazing.

>> No.50217138

all money is imaginary and does grow on trees, mad?

>> No.50217148
Quoted by: >>50217458

Imagine for a moment you sit at the table with aces, a curly haired man sits across from you with a 35, the flop comes 2A4, you flopped a set, but your opponent flopped a straight. Later you learn that the dealer was getting paid by the opponent. That is closer to ICP situation. NYT Almeda FTX
>it will be limited to btc transaction speeds.
Is that not what I said?

>> No.50217218

no one cares about another wrapped btc. people are waiting on the actual btc integration. small fish indeed don't have the patience to wait 40 mins for a transaction but whales do. especially if they can start to borrow and lend their btc without wrapping it.

>> No.50217287
Quoted by: >>50217442

Do you seriously think that would be a good thing? You would literally have then entire pajeetland attention whoring combined with billion bots copypasting the most upvoted memes from reddit.

>> No.50217351

I'd wait 40 mins for a btc transaction. why would i wrap my digital gold when this bear cycle has shown us that any defi app si prone to hacks & insolvency
>t. btc maxi

>> No.50217373
File: 443 KB, 1733x1784, FWefyKgagAAjpyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50220130

Just got into Changi Airport, time for hotel, a cool shower and a G&T before I hit the streets, on the trail of Moonman. I promise you this, my fellow /biz/raelis - I WILL get our money back.

>> No.50217403
Quoted by: >>50217553

There would be no difference between wrapping your btc which would be stored in a btc wallet in a canister, and using a canister smart contract on the IC network. Both would be using a btc wallet protected by the same cryptography. it's the same level of trust...

>> No.50217442

post bags and hands curryman

>> No.50217458
File: 107 KB, 951x236, Fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50222284

House rules are that Aces can't be used for a low straight. I think you overe estimate how good the dealer is at cheating. There is always a bigger fish, and if the Casino fucks around too much, big Popa SEC might just step in and audit the whole operation. In any event, I respect your caution. I myself would not recommend anyone go ALL IN on ICP. But I would advise everyone to not look away. I would also advise people to DCA if they can. This is, in fact, an opportunity of a lifetime. There is always Risk. But there is also a lot of potential reward. You could wait till the price goes back up to $50, as some suggest. But I would rather invest $100 now, rather than $1,000 later.

>> No.50217553
Quoted by: >>50217765

lmao no its not the same. wrapping means you give away your native btc and get a shitty copy 1:1 in return which makes it wrapped. since they store your native btc in a vault its prone to getting exploited even if its written by cryptographic experts. native btc integration still remains the most secure way to use defi if they ofcourse get it to work.

>> No.50217765
File: 13 KB, 236x175, 1642005360519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50218106

Tell me, where does your btc go if you interact with native btc integration defi?

>> No.50217940

That's not retarded at all, the man has a point. The chart of this coin has not been shaped by fundamentals, not by technicals, but by momentum. It makes sense to wait until momentum has changed. I am slurping what I think is the bottom, because I'm hoping for another few multiples that the guy you reply to won't get, but his risk is far smaller, probably if I had a head for the math and multiplied reward potential by realistic chance of realizing the potential it would turn out that the guy you reply to comes out on top (i.e. he's making an objectively smarter bet).

>> No.50218030

dfinity = distributed infinity. like the distributed internet computer with infinite scalability.

>> No.50218074

You are probably thinking from the perspective of a confirmed event. Yes, in the event that there is a 6x and a 12x it would have been more profitable to invest earlier via DCA, however in case the 6x never comes, the guy you reply to would be better off.

>> No.50218106
Quoted by: >>50218247

Your transactions with btc get rolled into the next block. You perform defi ops using the icp network, as a sort of fast tracked/more secure movement, and the actual transactions get condensed and processed in the btc blocks.
Instead of 1 transaction at a time on each block, waiting on confirmation; icp performs a metric fuckload of transactions/operations, condenses it, and submits to the btc block for verification.

each 10minute btc block can process 2700 individual transactions. ICP allows that number of transactions to increase by its square, by condensing them into smaller txn’s and jamming them into a block of a same size.

>> No.50218247
Quoted by: >>50218489

>ICP allows that number of transactions to increase by its square
But it's limited to 2700 trx as you said, I don't understand

>> No.50218489
Quoted by: >>50218704

BTC is limited to 2700 (Technically 2759) per block.
ICP aims to integrate natively on BTC, allowing those individual transactions to be divided up into even smaller transactions, which are bundled and sent to the block for processing.

If a btc block is a bundle of sticks (haha a faggot), then what ICP does is take a single stick and whittle it with a pocket knife into shavings. Then when each shaving has processed an operation on the ICP side, the shavings are reassembled into a stick and processed with the bundle.

I’m trying to describe it as a layman. Hopefully this makes more sense.

>> No.50218704
Quoted by: >>50219018

that sounds absolutely retarded and completely not needed

>> No.50219004

what got me in is capitulation volume on Binance. Whales were slurping at 4-5$.

Is 100 ICP enough to have a decent life after 5 years?

>> No.50219018
Quoted by: >>50219892

Right. Enabling defi and rapid secure unbridled transactions on a platform with 400billion in liquidity is retarded.
Meanwhile your gay nigger coins like shitlana, turkvax, chinknb, fagdot, and cuckdano are all just hoping that “liquidity/usage will just come to us because we deserve it”.

>> No.50219072
File: 358 KB, 750x1624, 5514CDC3-F792-4448-827A-6D0148E84564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk you tell me

>> No.50219172
Quoted by: >>50219345

ICP is the only blockchain where $0 has been lost to hacks

>> No.50219345 [DELETED] 

Yeah but even so buyers have lost plenty

>> No.50219416 [DELETED] 


>> No.50219496 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 590x1000, MataniaCrusader-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50221217

2,500 ICP stacklet reporting for duty.

>> No.50219892
Quoted by: >>50220302

you sound nervous.
be honest anon, you bought in at $53 didn’t you

>> No.50220130

Don't to forget bring lube, because manmun will go full mandingo on your bitchass

>> No.50220302
Quoted by: >>50224458

you completely rekt, crypto-newfaggot. How about you refute what he said so you can still save some face.

>> No.50220975

If by triple digits you mean $0.01, then yeah, very likely

>> No.50221217
Quoted by: >>50224377

Why do you define yourself as stacklet?

>> No.50221795

Literally everyone except the few of you who spam threads here have realized that this was an massive obvious scam that made (((them))) a ton of your money.
Just move on.

>> No.50222284

the voice of reason, you'll make it fren

>> No.50222631
Quoted by: >>50224618

whos the guitarist

>> No.50224377

because 10k sui 100k make it lol
or 5k sui 50k make it
icp will prob peak at ~100
20x from here

>> No.50224458

Your lucky do didn't have any typo's or YOU and your "argument" would have got MOGGED! No stop peddling your centralized,VC $0.03 vaperware, sham, chudcoin, you curry fingered shill. Bet you bought at $2000 with all your villages savings huh?

>> No.50224618

chuck hitlerdiner