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50144462 No.50144462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50144516

>I've had 500 Tyrones and Jamals rail me day and night for the last 15 years, and now after 4 abortions and 5 courses of broad spectrum antibiotics per quarter I am ready to settle down
>What do you mean you don't want to marry me?
>Men are such douchebags




>> No.50145036
Quoted by: >>50145050

Accurate. Marriage in 2022 is the biggest scam ever.

>> No.50145050

touch grass + have sex

>> No.50145059

I don't get it

>> No.50145073
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good ol /biz/ misogyny thread

>> No.50145078
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This! Incels BTFO!!

>> No.50145090
File: 97 KB, 591x1280, 937BC9DB-E550-46E4-821D-14ECDAC9A899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ring I going to give my girl. I inherited it from my great grandma. I was planning on giving it to her on the same place of one of our first dates, a hike on a local mountain. How big of a mistake am I making?

>> No.50145097

Simps and roasties are both equally deplorable.

>> No.50145110
File: 80 KB, 850x400, F8BB04EF-703A-4447-A29C-A5F8D6415898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50145144

Didn’t get a prenup though you knew she was a skank now you got herpes and she got half your bank

>> No.50145117

Based reality denier

>> No.50145125
Quoted by: >>50145146

>he doesn't like hoes

>> No.50145144
File: 349 KB, 667x1108, 13984B7B-24D9-4CB9-8697-85083A6C6FB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post my favorite memory with her. We went on a date picking blackberries and she made jam and pie after. She grew up in a dark and is trad as fuck. I’m gonna do it

>> No.50145146

i like hoes but why would you marry one kek

>> No.50145157
Quoted by: >>50145196

Grew up on a farm*

>> No.50145158

I have std

>> No.50145163

You cry about the price of gas and war in Iraq, but you voted Bush in twice what were you smoking crack?
Didn't get a prenup, though you knew she was a skank, now you've got herpes, and she’s got half your bank!
You were on top of the world with "Hit Me Baby One More Time", only a stupid bitch would marry Kevin Federline!
You drink and drive and you think it's okay, now you're cell mates weaving in and out the Hershey Highway!
When you put tigers on your show and they can't be free, they'll bite your neck off and then you'll say, (choking) "Dee dee dee!" (cough)

How many idiots can there be? Some say that it's 1 out of 3, if you don't know then take it from me, you're the dee dee dee!
(spoken) You! You! (choking) Dee dee dee!
And if you are a Dee, please don't marry a Dee, it's genetics, don't you see? Your kids will be dee dee dee!
That’s what they're gonna be: DEE DEE DEE!

[Verse 3]
Parents are to blame for all these dee dee dees, letting their kids drop out and not get GEDs!
You keep your kids inside cause there’s freaks on the loose, but yet you let them drink from Michael Jackson's Jesus Juice?
You don't care when your kids come home with D's from class, what you need to do is get some balls and beat that ass!
He isn't stupid, you say he's got ADD, it's that his mom and his dad are both DEE DEE DEE!

>> No.50145168

I just broke it off with a girl k was seeing for 2 months. You could tell she used to be really sexy and skinny (latina) but now she's breaking at the seams, her ass was exploding out of her pants not in a good way. Was very nice person so it was tough to break it off but she has no idea she has just hit the wall and reality won't be kind. Feels bad desu. She's 30 im 28.

>> No.50145171

Why are there only pajeets here? God I hate this place

>> No.50145196

that was a sign
its gonna be dark and your lil dream about to be shattered
we warned you, kek warned you, and I bet you as a stupid will do it anyways

print this I told you so

>> No.50145204

The "superior" Whites killed themselves months ago. They bought the top kek

>> No.50145234
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>She grew up in a dark
Oh, I'm sure she did

>> No.50145241
File: 248 KB, 760x1280, 3280C575-E8B2-4A60-82C1-52B2F1098A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a mutt, Half Mexican and half Italian

>> No.50145480
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Quoted by: >>50145504

>that webm
Do incels unironically believe this is what happens and seethe over it?

>> No.50145504
File: 474 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220704-040528_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo you did a le heckin psyop